ِــــت ِ ك ا ـُّ دع ِ اء ِ 1 2 ِ 3 المقدمةِ الحمد هلل الذي علم بالقلم علم اإلنسان ما لم يعلم ثم الصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد الفاتح وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم امين أما بعد: فقد يشك بعض الناس في صحة اإلنتقاع باألعدعية واالستشفاء بالقرآن وسنة رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه ۡ ُ ۡ ان َما ُه َو ء ر ق ٱل {ونُن َِّز ُل ِّمنَ َ ِّ وسلم .قال ࣱتعالىَ " : ࣱ ۡ ۡ ِّشفَ ۤاء َو َر ۡح َمة ِّلل ُمؤ ِّم ِّنينَ "....ولكن أية القرآن له ظاهر وباطن .فأما الظاهره وهو النصوص والشريعة اإلسالمية .وأما الباطن وهو للطب والروحاني ،وال يستحقه أحد إال أن يأخذه من أيد أو من ألسنة األبرار .كما قال تعالى في القرآن عونِّ ۤی أ َ ۡست َ ِّج ۡب لَ ُك ۡم"...... الكريم َ { " :وقَا َل َربُّ ُك ُم ۡٱعد ُ ومن أراعد من هللا أن يستجيب عدعائه ،فليجتنب اآلتية: األشياء أكل الحرام ،والشبهات ،الحسد ،النميمة ،والغيبة 4 ،وعدم أعداء حقوق هللا ،عدم شكر النعمه ،عدم العمل بما يوجب الجنة ،واالنشغال بعيوب الناس والكذب ،والزنا ،وما أشبه ذلك من الرذائل التي تدنس اإلنسان وكذلك اجتناب الظلم فال تظلم أخاك مسلم ألن هللا تعالى ال يستجيب عدعوة الظالم كما سيَعۡ لَ ُم ٱلَّذِّينَ َ ب يَنقَ ِّلبُونَ ی ُمنقَلَ ࣲ قال َ ..... " :و َ ظلَ ُم ۤو ۟ا أ َ َّ ورة ُ ال ُّ شعَ َر ِّاء .]٢٢٧ :وقال أيضا.... " : }[ ُ س َ علَى َّ ورة ُ فَأَذَّنَ ُم َؤ ِّذ ُۢ ُن بَ ۡينَ ُه ۡم أَن لَّعۡ نَةُ َّ ٱلظ ٰـ ِّل ِّمين [ ُ ٱَّللِّ َ س َ اف}٤٤ : األ َ ۡع َر ِّ ومن الناس من يقول إن هللا ال يستجيب عدعائه ولم يغيثه بالرحمة ألنه قد وقع في المعصية واألخالق الباطلة. قوله صلى هللا عليه وسلم :ثم ذكر رجال يطيل السفر أشعث أغبر يمد يديه إلى السماء يارب ومطعمه حرام وملبسه حرام وغذي بالحرام فأن يستجاب له ( .صدق رسول) 5 )ITEM ONE (1 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم صلىِهللاِعلىِالنبيِالكريمِِ ( الــــــــــــــنــيـ ــــــةِ)ِِ 6 الللهم إنى نويت أن أتقرب إليك بهذه األذكار .تعبدا لك وقصدا لوجهك الكريم فتقبلها مني TRANSLIERATION Allahuma Inni Nawaetu An Ataqoraba Ilaeka Bi Haazihil- Azkar, Ta’budan Laka Wa Qosdan Li Wajihikal- Kareem Fataqobalaha Minni TRANSLATION Oh Allah, I intend to come close to you (Allah) with these Supplications in order to worship you and to please you then, accept my worship. ۟ ٱست َ ۡغ ِّف ُر ۡ ت ُ فَقُ ۡل َ َوا َربَّ ُك ۡم ِّإنَّ ۥهُ َكان ) يُ ۡر ِّس ِّل١٠( غفَّا ًرا َ) َويُمۡ ِّد ۡعد ُكم ِّبأَمۡ َو ل َوبَ ِّنين١١( علَ ۡي ُكم ِّم ۡد َرا ًرا َّ ٱل َ س َم ۤا َء ُ ورة ُ ( )١٢( جنَّ ٰـت َويَ ۡجعَل لَّ ُك ۡم أ َ ۡن َه ٰـ ًرا َ س َ َويَ ۡجعَل لَّ ُك ۡم )١٢-١٠ :نُوح TRANSLITERATION Fakultu istagfiru robbakum innahu kana gaffara, yursilu sama’a alaykum midraran wayumu didkum biamwalin wabanina wayaj’al lakum jannatin wa yaj’al lakum aniharan TRANSLATION 7 And I have said seek pardon of you Lord, Lo! He was ever forgiving. He will let loose the sky for you in plenteous rain. And will help you with wealth and sons, and will assign unto you gardens and will assign unto you rivers. 7 أستغفر هللا إنه كان غفارا TRANSLITERATION Astagh firu- llaha innahu kaana ghaffaaraa. TRANSLATION I ask forgiveness from Allah verily he is oft forgiving اللهم اغفرلي ولولدي والمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمات والمسلمات األحياء منهم واألموات 7 TRANSLITETRATION Allahumo igfrili wal- walidayya, wal- muminina wal- muminati wal- muslimina wal- muslimati alahyahu minhu wal- amwaati. 8 رب اغفرلي قبل الموت وارحمني بعد الموت وال تعذبني يوم القيامة TRANSLITETRATION Robbi ghfirili qoblal- maoti warhamni ba’adalmaoti walaatuadhibnii yaomal- qiyamati TRANSLATION O Allah, forgive me and my parents and believing men and women, and Muslim men and women both the living one among them and deceased SECTION 2 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم َّ ِّإ َّن ين َ علَى ٱلنَّ ِّب ِّی يَ ٰۤـأَيُّ َها ٱلَّ ِّذ َ ُّصل َ ون َ ُٱَّللَ َو َملَ ٰۤـ ِٕى َكت َ ۥهُ ي ۟ س ِّل ُم ۟ ُّصل ۟ َُءا َمن ُ ورة ُ ) وا ت َ ۡس ِّلي ًما َ وا َ علَ ۡي ِّه َو َ وا َ س (٥٦ :ب ِّ األ َ ۡحزَ ا TRANSLITETRATION Inna llaha wa mala’ikatau yusolluuna ala nabiyi ya ayyuha ladhina amanu sollu alayhi wassallimu teslima 9 TRANSLATION Lo Allah and His angels shower blessings on the prophet. O ye who believe ask blessings of him ans salute him with a worthy salutation. اللهم صلى على سيدنا محمد * وعلى آل سيدنا محمد وسلـم TRANSLITETRATION Allahumo solli ala sayyidina Muhammadin, wa ala aali sayyidina mhammadin wassallim TRANSLTATION O Allah, shower your blessings on prophet Muhammad and his house hold. ثم الصالة والسالم سرمـــــــدا * على النبي 7 المصطفى محمــــــد TRANSLITERATION Thummas- solaatu was- Salaamu sarmadan ala Nabiyyil Mustopha Muhammad. TRANSLATION Once again, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon the chosen prophet Muhammad. TRANSLATION We ask for your peace and blessings on Muhammad 10 ويــــارب انصرنا ونصــرا عـــزيــــزا * بجاه رسول 7هللا وموسى كذا عيسى Wa ya robbi unsurnaa wanasran azizaa, bijahirRosuuluullah wa Musa kaza Isah TRANSLATION Oh Lord! Assist and help us in all our endeavor with the grace of Muhammad, Musa and Isah ۟ ُٱَّللُ أَنَّ ۥهُ َ ۤال ِّإلَ ٰـهَ ِّإ َّال ُه َو َو ۡٱل َملَ ٰۤـ ِٕى َكةُ َوأ ُ ۟ول َّ َش ِّهد وا ۡٱل ِّع ۡل ِّم َ ُ قَ ۤا ِٕى ُۢ َما ِّب ۡٱل ِّق ۡس ِّط َ ۤال ِّإلَ ٰـهَ ِّإ َّال ُه َو ۡٱلعَ ِّز ُ ورة ُ ( ح ِّكي ُم َ س َ يز ۡٱل )١٨ : َآ ِّل ِّع ۡم َران TRANSLITERATION Sha’ida llahu annahu laa ilaha illa huwa wal mala’ikatu wa ululi ilimi qo’iman bilqisti, la ilaha illa huwa al azizu al- hakeem TRANSLATION Almighty Allah, witness that there is no God except him and the angels and the men of Allah that withhold justice also witness same. No God except him (Allah) the almighty and the wise. فاعلم أنه ال إله إال هللا 11 TRANSLITETRATION La ilaha illah Allah TRANSLATION There is no god (worthy of worship) beside Allah. أسماء هللا الحسنـــى NAMES OF ALLAH The Most or Entirely Merciful AR-RAHMAAN The Bestower of Mercy The King and Owner of Dominion The Absolutely Pure The Perfection and Giver of Peace The One Who gives Emaan and Security AR-RAHEEM AL-MALIK AL-QUDDUS AS-SALAM AL-MU’MIN ALMUHAYMIN AL-AZEEZ The Guardian, The Witness The All Mighty The Compeller, The Restorer AL-JABBAR ALMUTAKABBIR AL-KHAALIQ The Supreme, The Majestic The Creator, The Maker The Originator AL-BAARI’ ALMUSAWWIR The Fashioner 12 ُ ْٱل َّر ْح َم ـان ْٱل َّر ِّح ْي ُم ْٱل َم ِّل ُك وس ُ ُّْٱلقُد س َال ُم َّ ْٱل ْٱل ُمؤْ ِّم ُن ْٱل ُم َهي ِّْم ُن ُ ْٱلعَ ِّز يز َّار ُ ْٱل َجب ْٱل ُمت َ َك ِّب ُر ْٱلخَا ِّل ُق ُ ار ئ ِّ َْٱلب ص ِّو ُر َ ْٱل ُم The All- and Oft-Forgiving The Subduer, The EverDominating The Giver of Gifts The Provider The Opener, The Judge The All-Knowing, The Omniscient The Withholder The Extender The Reducer, The Abaser The Exalter, The Elevator The Honourer, The Bestower The Dishonourer, The Humiliator The All-Hearing The All-Seeing The Judge, The Giver of Justice The Utterly Just The Subtle One, The Most Gentle The Acquainted, the All-Aware The Most Forbearing The Magnificent, The Supreme 13 AL-GHAFFAR AL-QAHHAR AL-WAHHAAB AR-RAZZAAQ AL-FATTAAH AL-‘ALEEM AL-QAABID AL-BAASIT AL-KHAAFIDH AR-RAAFI’ AL-MU’IZZ AL-MUZIL AS-SAMEE’ AL-BASEER AL-HAKAM AL-‘ADL AL-LATEEF AL-KHABEER AL-HALEEM AL-‘ATHEEM ار ُ َّْٱلغَف ار ُ ْٱلقَ َّه اب ُ ْٱل َو َّه ُ ْٱل َّر َّز اق ح ُ ْٱلفَتَّا ْٱلعَ ِّلي ُم ض ُ ْٱلقَا ِّب ُ ْٱلبَا ِّس ط ض ُ ِّْٱلخَاف ْٱل َّرافِّ ُع ْٱل ُم ِّع ُّز ْٱل ُم ِّذ ُّل س ِّمي ُع َّ ْٱل ير ُ ص ِّ َْٱلب ْٱل َح َك ُم ْٱلعَ ْد ُل يف ُ ْٱللَّ ِّط ير ُ ْٱل َخ ِّب ْٱل َح ِّلي ُم ْٱلعَ ِّظي ُم AL-GHAFOOR The Forgiving, The Exceedingly Forgiving ASHSHAKOOR AL-‘ALEE The Most Appreciative The Most High, The Exalted The Greatest, The Most Grand The Preserver, and AllProtecting The Sustainer The Reckoner, The Sufficient The Majestic The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed The Watchful The Responsive One The All-Encompassing, the Boundless The All-Wise The Most Loving The Glorious, The Most Honorable The Resurrector, The Raiser of the Dead The All- and Ever Witnessing The Absolute Truth The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs AL-KABEER AL-HAFEEDH AL-MUQEET AL-HASEEB AL-JALEEL AL-KAREEM AR-RAQEEB AL-MUJEEB AL-WAASI’ AL-HAKEEM AL-WADOOD AL-MAJEED AL-BA’ITH ASH-SHAHEED AL-HAQQ AL-WAKEEL 14 ور ُ ُْٱلغَف َّ ْٱل ور ُ ش ُك ي ُّ ْٱلعَ ِّل ير ُ ْٱل َك ِّب ُ ْٱل َح ِّفي ظ ُ ْٱل ُم ِّق يت ِّيب ُ ْٱل َحس ْٱل َج ِّلي ُل ْٱل َك ِّري ُم يب ُ ْٱل َّر ِّق يب ُ ْٱل ُم ِّج ْٱل َوا ِّس ُع ْٱل َح ِّكي ُم ُ ْٱل َوعدُوعد ُ ْٱل َم ِّجيد ُ ْٱلبَا ِّع ث َّ ْٱل ش ِّهيد ْٱل َح ُّق ْٱل َو ِّكي ُل The All-Strong The Firm, The Steadfast The Protecting Associate The Praiseworthy The All-Enumerating, The Counter The Originator, The Initiator The Restorer, The Reinstater The Giver of Life The Bringer of Death, the Destroyer The Ever-Living The Sustainer, The SelfSubsisting The Perceiver The Illustrious, the Magnificent The One The Unique, The Only One The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs The Capable, The Powerful The Omnipotent AL-QAWIYY AL-MATEEN AL-WALIYY AL-HAMEED AL-MUHSEE AL-MUBDI AL-MU’ID AL-MUHYEE AL-MUMEET AL-HAYY AL-QAYYOOM AL-WAAJID AL-MAAJID AL-WAAHID AL-AHAD AS-SAMAD AL-QADIR AL-MUQTADIR ALMUQADDIM ALMU’AKHKHIR AL-AWWAL The Expediter, The Promoter The Delayer, the Retarder The First 15 ي ُّ ْٱلقَ ِّو ُ ِّْٱل َمت ين ي ُّ ْٱل َو ِّل ُ ْٱل َح ِّميد ي ِّ ْٱل ُم ْح ُ ص ُ ْٱل ُم ْب ِّد ئ ُ ْٱل ُم ِّعيد ْٱل ُم ْح ِّيى ُ ْٱل ُم ِّم يت ى ُّ ْٱل َح ْٱلقَيُّو ُم ُ اجد ِّ ْٱل َو ُاجد ِّ ْٱل َم ُ احد ِّ ْٱل َو ْٱأل َ َحد ُ ص َمد َّ ْٱل ْٱلقَاعد ُِّر ْٱل ُم ْقتَد ُِّر ْٱل ُمقَ ِّد ُم ْٱل ُم َؤ ِّخ ُر ٱأل َ َّو ُل AL-AAKHIR The Last The Manifest The Hidden One, Knower of the Hidden The Governor, The Patron The Self Exalted The Source of Goodness, the Kind Benefactor The Ever-Pardoning, The Relenting AZ-DHAAHIR AL-BAATIN AL-WAALI AL-MUTA’ALI AL-BARR AT-TAWWAB ALMUNTAQIM AL-‘AFUWW The Avenger The Pardoner The Most Kind AR-RA’OOF MAALIK-ULMULK DHULJALAALI WALIKRAAM AL-MUQSIT Master of the Kingdom, Lord of Majesty and Generosity The Equitable, the Requiter The Gatherer, the Uniter The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy The Enricher The Withholder The Distresser The Propitious, the Benefactor AL-JAAMI’ AL-GHANIYY AL-MUGHNI AL-MANI’ AD-DHARR AN-NAFI’ 16 ْٱآل ِّخ ُر َّ ْٱل ظا ِّه ُر اط ُن ِّ َْٱلب ْٱل َوا ِّلي ْٱل ُمتَعَا ِّلي ْٱلبَ ُّر اب ُ ْٱلت َّ َّو ْٱل ُم ْنت َ ِّق ُم ْٱلعَفُ ُّو ف ُ ْٱل َّر ُؤ َما ِّل ُك ْٱل ُم ْل ُك ذُو ْٱل َج َال ِّل ٱإل ْك َرا ُم ِّ ْ َو ُ ْٱل ُم ْق ِّس ط ام ُع ِّ ْٱل َج ي ُّ ْٱلغَن ي ُّ ِّْٱل ُم ْغن ْٱل َما ِّن ُع ار َّ ْٱل ُ ض ْٱلنَّافِّ ُع AN-NUR The Light, The Illuminator The Guide The Incomparable Originator The Ever-Surviving, The Everlasting The Inheritor, The Heir AL-HAADI AL-BADEE’ AL-BAAQI AL-WAARITH AR-RASHEED The Guide, Infallible Teacher AS-SABOOR The Forbearing, The Patient ور ُ ُّْٱلن ْٱل َهاعدِّي ْٱلبَدِّي ُع ْٱلبَا ِّقي ُ ْٱل َو ِّار ث ُ ْٱل َّر ِّشيد ور َّ ْٱل ُ ُ صب ITEM THREE (3) بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ۟ ُاس قَ ۡد َج َمع وا لَ ُك ۡم ُ َّٱلَّذِّينَ قَا َل لَ ُه ُم ٱلن َ َّاس ࣰ ِّإ َّن ٱلن ۟ ُٱخش َۡو ُه ۡم فَزَ اعدَ ُه ۡم ِّإي َم ٰـنا َوقَال ۡ َف َّ وا َح ۡسبُنَا ٱَّللُ َو ِّنعۡ َم ُ ۡٱل َو ِّكي ( ١٧٣ : َورة ُ آ ِّل ِّعمۡ َران ُ ) ل َ س TRANSLITETRATION Alladhina qola lahumu naasu inna naasa qod jamauu lakum, fa’khashaa’hum fazada hum imana wa qola hasbuna llahu wani’imal wakiilu TRANSLATION Those unto whom men said; Lo: the people have gathered against you. There fore fear them. (the threat of danger) but 17 increased the faith of them and they cried. Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best dispose of affairs. َّ َح ۡسبُنَا ص ُر ْ َ ن.صي ُْر ِّ َّٱَّللُ َونِّعۡ َم ۡٱل َو ِّكي ُل نِّ ْع َم ٱ ۡل َمولَى َنِّعۡ َم ٱلن .ع ِّزي ًْزا ٌ ِّم َن هللاِّ َوفَاتِّ ُح قَ ِّري ْ َص َر َك هللاُ ن ُ ْب َو يَ ْن َ ص ًرا TRANSLITETRATION Hasbunallahu wani;imal wakilu ni’imal maolaa wani’iman nassir. Nasiru mina llahi wa faatihu qoreebun wa yan suraka llahu Nasiran Azeezan. TRANSLATION Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs. The best to protect and the best to help ۟س ۤو ࣱء َوٱت َّبَعُوا ۟ ُفَٱنقَلَب ۡ َٱَّللِّ َوف َّ وا ِّبنِّعۡ َمةࣲ ِّم َن ُ س ۡس ُه ۡم َ ض ࣲل لَّ ۡم يَ ۡم ۡ َٱَّللُ ذُو ف ۡ ِّر ض َو َن َّ ه َّ ٱَّللِّ َو )١٧٤ : َورة ُ آ ِّل ِّعمۡ َران ُ ( ظيم ِّ ضل َع َ س TRANLITETRATION Fanqolabuu bini’imati mina llahi wa fadlin llam yamsas’um suu’un wat-tabauu ridwana llahi- wa llahi zul fadlin azeem 18 TRANSLATION So they returned with grace and bounty from Allah. No harm touched them and they followed the good pleasure of Allah and Allah is the owner of great bounty. اللهم ارزقنا حبك وحب رسولك وحب من ينفعنا حبه عندك يا حي يا قيوم برحمتك نستغيث TRANSLITERATION Allahumma urzuqunaa hubbaka wa hubba rosulika wa hubba man yanfa'unaa hubba'u indaka yaa Hayyu ya Qoyyum. Brahmatika Nastagithu. TRANSLATION Oh Allah endow us with your love and the love of your Messenger and love of what which is beneficient for us in your eye. Oh never- living and self- Subsisting unto your mercy we appeal and ask forgiveness. اللهم إني أعوذ بك من علم ال ينفع وقلب ال يخشع وعدعاء ال يسمع ونفس ال تشبع TRANSLITERATION Allahumma inni A'uudhu bikka min ilmin laa yanfau wa qolbin laa yakhasha'u wa dua'in laa yusmau wa nafsin laa tushbau 19 TRANSLATION O Allah I seek your refuge from the knowledge that brings no good and from the heart that has not feat (of Allah) and from the prayer than cannot be satisfied. يا لطيفا فوق كل للطيف الطف بي فى أمور كلها كما أحب ورضني فى الدنيا واألخرة TRANSLITETRATION Yaa latifan fawqo kulli latiifin Ultuf bi fi Umuuri kullihaa kamma u’hibbu warodinii fi duniyaya wal A’khirah TRANSLATION O ye the most kind over all kindness make easy my affairs easy for me as I desire and be pleased with me in this world and hereafter. )١١٤( يا قهار يا جامع ࣰ ۡ ِّاس ب ام ࣲر ح ٱل َ ُ ج يَ ۡأت ِّ ض ِّ ََّوأ َ ِّذن ِّفی ٱلن َ علَ ٰى ُك ِّل َ وك ِّر َجاال َو َ ِّ ۡ ُ َ }٢٧ :ورة ُ ال َحج س } يق م ع ج ف ل ك ن م ين ت أ َ ُ ِّ ِّ ِّ َي َ ࣲ َ ِّ ِّ TRANSLITERATION Ya Qoharu Ya Jamiu Wa adhina fiin Nasi bil Hajji yaatuka rijaalan wa ala kulli domirin ya'tiina min kulli fajjin Amiiq 20 بسم هللا الذي ال يضر مع اسمه شيء فى األرض وال 7في السماء وهو السميع العليم TRANSLITETRATION Bismillahi ladhi laa ya duru ma’asmihi shay’un fil ardi walaa fis-Samaa’I waahwas- Samiul Alim TRANSLATION In the name of Allah who with His name nothing can harm in this world nor in the hereafter; he is all hearing all knowing. قصدت الكاف وجدت الكاف لكل كافي كفاني الكاف وهلل الحمد Qosoditul Kaafi wajadtul kaafi likulli kaafi kafaanil kaafi wa lillahil hamadu. ورفعناه مكانا عليا Wa rofa'naau makaanan Aliyaa يا ستر أسترنا Ya sataru Husturnaa يا سالم سلمنا Ya Salaamu sallimnaa يا رزاق أرزقنا Ya Rozaq Hurzuqnaa 21 ࣱ ۡ ۡ ُ ۟ َ َ ُ) ِّإنَّ ۥه٢٩( ی ِّكت َ ٰـب َك ِّري ٌم ل إ ی ق ل أ ی ن إ ا ؤ ل م ٱل ُ ِّ ِّ ۤ ِّ َ قَالَ ۡت يَ ٰۤـأَيُّ َها َّ ِّ َ َّ سلَ ۡي َم ٰـ َن َو ِّإنَّ ۥهُ ِّب ۡس ِّم ) أ َ َّال٣٠( ٱلر ِّح ِّيم ُ ِّمن َّ ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ ِّن َّ ِّٱَّلل ۡ ۟ ُتَعۡ ل ُ ۡ :ورة ُ النَّمۡ ِّل س [ ) ٣١ ( ين م ل س م ی ن و ت أ ی َو َ ِّ ِّ ِّ ُ َ وا ُ َ َّ َعل ]٣١-٢٩ TRANSLITETRATION Qolat Ya Ayyual Mala'u inni ulqiya illayya kitaabun Kareemun. Innahu min Sulaiman wa innahu bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Alla ta'lu allaya wa atuuni Muslimun. سبحان هللا وبحمده سبحان هللا العظيم TRANSLITETRATION Subhanallah Wabihamdihi Subhanallahil- Azeem TRANSLATON Glory and praise be to Allah; glory be to Allah supreme in glory. سبحان هللا والحمد هلل أستغفر هللا ال إله إال هللا TRANSLITETRATION Subhanallah wal- hamdulillah astagfirullah laa illah illah llah TRANSLATION Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, I seek forgiveness of Allah, there is no deity besides Allah سبحان من يراني ويسمع كالمي ويعرف مكاني ويرزق وال ينسني 22 TRANSLITERATION Subhanna manyaraanii wayasmau kalaamii waya’arfu makaanii wayarzuqu walayansanii TRANSLATION Praise be unto thy, thy that see and hear me, thy that know where about me, thy that provide all my needs. And thy that do not forget me. سبوح قدوس رب المالئكة والروح TRANSLITETRATION Subuhun Qudusun Robbul Mala’ikati war- Ruuhi يا أهلل يا يا حنان يا منان يا عديان TRANSLITETRATION Yaa Allahu Ya Hannanu Ya Mannanu Yaa Dayyanu TRANSLATION O ye Allah ye the compassionate, O ye the cheerful giver O ye the debt Prayer ال إله إال هللا الملك الحق المبين محمد رسول هللا صاعدق الوعد األمين TRANSLITETRATION 23 Laa ila illa llahu Al-Mulkul Haqqul Mubiinu Muhammadu Rosuulullah soo’diqul wa’adul amini * وبالء اجعل لنا من كل ضيق فارج عـــم وكـــــــــــــــــــــــل مـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــخرج TRANSLITETRATION Ijial lanaa min kulli diqin faarajaa wa killi Ammi wa balaa’in ma’araja ياحي ياقيوم أال ال إله إال هللا TRANSLITETRATION Yah Hayyu Yah Qoyyumu Alla laa ila’a illa llah * رب نجنــي وأهل مما يعملون ســــــــــــــــــــــــــالم قوال من رب رحيم TRANSLITETRATION Robbi najjinee wa ahlee mimmaa ya’maluuna. Salamun Qaola min robbi raheemi ( َّ ٱَّللِّ ِّإ َّن َّ ض أ َ ۡم ِّر ۤی ِّإلَى ير ِّب ۡٱل ِّعبَا ِّعد ُ َوأُفَ ِّو ُ ُۢ ص ِّ َٱَّللَ ب )٤٤ :ورة ُ غَافِّر ُ َ س TRANSLITERATION Wa Ufawwidu Amrii ilaa llahi inna llah basiirun bil’ ibaad TRANSLATION 24 I confide my affair unto Allah lo Allah is seer of (His) slaves ون اب ِّإنَّا ُم ۡؤ ِّمنُ َ َّربَّنَا ۡٱك ِّش ۡف َعنَّا ۡٱلعَذَ َ َان)١٢ : الدُّخ ِّ ( ورة ُ ُ س َ TRANSLITERATION Rabbana ikshif annaal azaaba innaa mu’minun TRANSLATION )O our Lord, remove chastisement from us, we are (now believers بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ۡ َ ۡ َّ ۡ َ َص ُر َّ ِّإذَا َج ۤا َء ن ۡ ون ن ٱل ت ي أ ر و ) ١ ( ح ت ف ٱل ٱَّللِّ َو اس يَ ۡد ُخلُ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َۡ ࣰ ٱست َ ۡغ ِّف ۡرهُ ِّإنهۥَُّ َ س ِّب ۡح ِّب َح ۡم ِّد َر ِّب َك َو ۡ ين َّ ٱَّللِّ أف َواجا ( )٢ف َ فِّی ِّعد ِّ ان ت َ َّوا ُۢبَا ()٣ َك َ الخطبة اب ( )٣يَا ار ِّح ْي ُم ( )٣يَا َو َه ُ يَاأ َهللُ ( )٣يَا َّر ْح َم ُن ( )٣يَ َّ ف (َ )٣يا َك ِّر ْي ُم ( )٣أ َللَّ ُه َّم ِّإنِّ ْي أ َ ْسأ َلُ َك َو َال أ َ ْسأ َ ُل أ َ ْحدًا لَ ِّط ْي ُ ب ِّإلَى َ ب ِّإلَ ْي َك َو َال أ َ ْر َ غ ْي َر َك يَاأ َهللُ َوأ َ ْر َ َ غ ُ غ ُ غ ْي ِّر َك َياأ َهللُ ب َال َح ْو َل َو َال قُ َّوة َ ار ِّ أ َ ْسأ َلُ َك ُم ْشبَ ُع ْال َجائِّ ِّع ْي ِّن أ َ ْسبَ ْع َن يَ َ اك بَ ْي َن ِّم ْح َر ِّاء فِّي ع َ ع ِّ اء الَّ ِّذي عدَ َ ِّإ َّال ِّب َك يَاأ َهللُ ِّب ُح ْر َم ِّة الدُّ َ بَ ْ سا ِّني ِّفي ْالبَ ِّع ْي ِّد س ْب َح َ ط ِّن ْال َح َج ِّر َويَقُ ْو ُل ُ ان َم ْن َال يَ ْن َ ف َم َكانِّي َوت َ ْس َم ُع َك َال ِّمي ان يَا َر ِّب ْي أ َ ْن َ ت ت َ َرنِّ ْي َوت َ ْع ِّر ُ َم َك ِّ 25 ق أ َ ْس َما ِّئ َك ْال َع ِّظ ْي ِّم يَاذَا ار ِّ َوت َ ْعلَ ُم َحا َج ِّت ْي يَ َ ب أ َ ْسأ َلُ َك ِّب َح ِّ ْ ح اإل ْك َر ِّام أ َ ْن ت َ ْر ُز ْق ِّني ِّب َك َرا َم ِّة ُ ْال َج َال ِّل َو ْ ِّ س ْو َر ِّة الفَتْ ِّ علَى سلَّ َم ِّإ ْفت َ ْح لَنَا َ صلَّى هللاُ َ علَ ْي ِّه َو َ َو ِّب ُح ْر َم ِّة َ س ِّي ِّدنَا ُم َح َّم ِّد َ اء .ا َللَّ ُه َّم ْال َخ ْي َرا ِّ ت الدُّ ْنيَا َو ْاآل ِّخ َر ِّة َوأ َ ْغ ِّل ْق ِّل ْي ْالبَ َال ِّء َو ْال َوبَ ِّ س ْو َرةِّ ْ سأ َ ْ ْ ْ َ َ ُ ح يَا َ ي أ َ ْغنِّنِّي ت ف ال ة م ا ر ك ب ك د ن ع ت ل َ ِّ ِّ َ ُ ت َقَبَ ْل َما َ َ ِّ َ غنِّ ُّ ِّ ارزَ ُ ع ْو َرتِّي فِّي اق أ ُ ْر ُز ْق ِّني يَا ُم ْع ِّطي أ َ ْع ِّط ْينِّي َوأ َ ْست ُ ْر َ يَ َ اح ِّم ْي َن ِّب َجا ِّه نَ ِّب ِّي َك الر ِّ ع َالنِّيَ ِّة ِّب َر ْح َمتِّ َك يَاأ َ ْر َح ُم َّ ِّس ِّر َو َ س ِّل ا ُ ْر ُز ْقنَا ِّر ْزقًا َوا ِّسعًا ِّم ْن َح ْي ُ ب َو ِّم ْن ث ا َ ْحت َ ِّس ُ ْال ُم ْر َ َح ْي ُ ب َال أ َ ْب ِّكي ُج ْو ِّع ْي ِّإلَى أ َ ْحد ِّإ َّال ِّإلَ ْي َك ِّأل َ َّن ث َال أ َ ْحت َ ِّس ُ ب ْال َعالَ ِّم ْي َن. ار َّ ِّشفَا َء ُج ْو ِّع ْي ِّع ْن ِّد َك َو َال ِّلغَ ْي ِّر َك يَاأ َهللُ يَ َ ۤ ين ()٣ س ِّل َ ان ۡٱل َح ِّك ِّيم (ِّ )٢إنَّ َك لَ ِّم َن ۡٱل ُم ۡر َ يس (َ )١و ۡٱلقُ ۡر َء ِّ ٱلر ِّح ِّيم ()٥ يز َّ علَ ٰى ِّ َ نزي َل ۡٱلعَ ِّز ِّ ص ࣰ َر ࣲط ُّم ۡست َ ِّق ࣲيم ( )٤ت َ ِّ ِّلتُن ِّذ َر قَ ۡوما َّم ۤا أُن ِّذ َر َءا َب ۤا ُؤ ُه ۡم فَ ُه ۡم َ ون ( )٦لَقَ ۡد َح َّق غ ٰـ ِّفلُ َ ون (ِّ )٧إنَّا َجعَ ۡلنَا ِّف ۤی علَ ٰۤى أ َ ࣰ ۡكث َ ِّر ِّه ۡم فَ ُه ۡم َال يُ ۡؤ ِّمنُ َ ۡٱلقَ ۡو ُل َ ون ()٨ ان فَ ُهم ُّم ۡ ࣰق َم ُح َ ی ِّإلَى ࣰ ۡٱأل َ ۡذقَ ِّ أ َ ۡعنَ ٰـ ِّق ِّه ۡم أ َ ۡغلَ ٰـال فَ ِّه َ سدا فَأ َ ۡغش َۡينَ ٰـ ُه ۡم سدا َو ِّم ۡن خ َۡل ِّف ِّه ۡم َ َو َجعَ ۡلنَا ِّم ُۢن بَ ۡي ِّن أ َ ۡي ِّدي ِّه ۡم َ علَ ۡي ِّه ۡم َءأَنذَ ۡرت َ ُه ۡم أ َ ۡم لَ ۡم ص ُر َ س َو ۤا ٌء َ فَ ُه ۡم َال يُ ۡب ِّ ون (َ )٩و َ ٱلذ ۡك َر ون (ِّ )١٠إنَّ َما تُن ِّذ ُر َم ِّن ٱتَّبَ َع ِّ تُن ِّذ ۡر ُه ۡم َال يُ ۡؤ ِّمنُ َ ب فَ َب ِّش ۡرهُ ِّب َم ۡغ ِّف َرةࣲ َوأ َ ۡج ࣲر َك ِّريم ی َّ ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ َن ِّب ۡٱلغ َۡي ِۖ ِّ َو َخ ِّش َ ب َما قَدَّ ُم ۟ وا َو َءاث َ ٰـ َر ُه ۡم (ِّ )١١إنَّا ن َۡح ُن نُ ۡح ِّی ۡٱل َم ۡوت َ ٰى َون َۡكت ُ ُ ين (َ )١٢و ۡ ٱض ِّر ۡب لَ ُهم ص ۡينَ ٰـهُ ِّف ۤی ِّإ َم ࣲام ُّم ِّب ࣲ َو ُك َّل ش َۡیء أ َ ۡح َ 26 َّمث َ ًال أ َ ۡ ون ( )١٣إِّ ۡذ سلُ َ ص َح ٰـ َ ب ۡٱلقَ ۡريَ ِّة ِّإ ۡذ َج ۤا َء َها ۡٱل ُم ۡر َ س ۡلن َۤا ِّإلَ ۡي ِّه ُم ۡٱثن َۡي ِّن فَ َكذَّبُو ُه َما فَعَ َّز ۡزنَا ِّبثَا ِّل ࣲ ث فَقَالُ ۤو ۟ا ِّإنَّ ۤا أ َ ۡر َ ࣱ ون ( )١٤قَالُ ۟ وا َم ۤا أَنت ُ ۡم ِّإ َّال بَشَر ِّم ۡثلُنَا َو َم ۤا سلُ َ ِّإلَ ۡي ُكم ُّم ۡر َ ون ( )١٥قَالُ ۟ وا ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ ُن ِّمن ش َۡیء ِّإ ۡن أَنت ُ ۡم ِّإ َّال ت َ ۡك ِّذبُ َ أَنزَ َل َّ علَ ۡين َۤا ِّإ َّال ۡٱلبَلَ ٰـ ُغ سلُ َ ون (َ )١٦و َما َ َربُّنَا يَعۡ لَ ُم ِّإنَّ ۤا ِّإلَ ۡي ُك ۡم لَ ُم ۡر َ طي َّۡرنَا ِّب ُك ۡ ِۖم لَ ِٕىن لَّ ۡم تَنت َ ُه ۟ ين ( )١٧قَالُ ۤو ۟ا ِّإنَّا ت َ َ ۡٱل ُم ِّب ُ وا اب أ َ ِّل ࣱيم ( )١٨قَالُ ۟ وا َ ط ٰۤـ ِٕى ُركمُ عذ َ ٌ لَن َۡر ُج َمنَّ ُك ۡم َولَيَ َم َّ سنَّ ُكم ِّمنَّا َ ون (َ )١٩و َج ۤا َء ِّم ۡن َّمعَ ُك ۡم أ َ ِٕىن ذ ُ ِّك ۡرتُم بَ ࣱۡل أَنت ُ ۡم قَ ۡو ࣱم ُّم ۡس ِّرفُ َ صا ۡٱل َم ِّدينَ ِّة َر ُجل يَ ۡسعَ ٰى قَا َل يَ ٰـقَ ۡو ِّم ٱت َّ ِّبعُ ۟ ين أ َ ۡق س ِّل َ وا ۡٱل ُم ۡر َ َ َّ ۡ ُ ُ َ ۡ ࣰ ( )٢٠ٱت َّ ِّبعُ ۟ ُون ()٢١ وا َمن ال يَسـَٔلك ۡم أجرا َو ُهم ُّمهۡ تَد َ ی َ ۤال أ َ ۡعبُد ُ ٱلَّ ِّذی فَ َ ون ()٢٢ ط َر ِّنی َو ِّإلَ ۡي ِّه ت ُ ۡر َجعُ َ َو َما ِّل َ ض ࣲر َّال ت ُ ۡغ ِّن ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ ُن ِّبࣰ ُ َءأَت َّ ِّخذُ ِّمن عد ُو ِّن ِّۤۦه ࣰ َءا ِّل َهةً ِّإن يُ ِّر ۡعد ِّن َّ ضلَ ٰـ ࣲل عنِّی َ ون (ِّ )٢٣إنِّ ۤی ِّإذا لَّ ِّفی َ َ شفَ ٰـعَت ُ ُه ۡم ش َۡيـٔا َو َال يُن ِّقذ ُ ِّ نت ِّب َر ِّب ُك ۡم فَ ۡ ُّم ِّبين (ِّ )٢٤إنِّ ۤی َءا َم ُ ون ( )٢٥قِّي َل ٱس َمعُ ِّ ون (ِّ )٢٦ب َما َ غفَ َر ت قَ ۡو ِّمی يَعۡ لَ ُم َ ۡٱعد ُخ ِّل ۡٱل َجنَّ ِۖةَ قَا َل يَ ٰـلَ ۡي َ ين (َ ۞ { )٢٧و َم ۤا ِّلی َر ِّبی َو َج َعلَنِّی ِّم َن ۡٱل ُم ۡك َر ِّم َ س َم ۤا ࣰ ِّء َو َما ُكنَّا علَ ٰى قَ ۡو ِّمِّۦه ِّم ُۢن بَعۡ ِّدِّۦه ِّمن ُج ࣲند ࣰ ِّم َن ٱل َّ أَنزَ ۡلنَا َ ٰ ِّحدَة فَإِّذَا ُه ۡم ص ۡي َحة َو ٰ نز ِّل َ ين (ِّ )٢٨إن َكان َۡت ِّإ َّال َ ُم ِّ سو ل َخ ٰـ ِّمد َ علَى ۡٱل ِّعبَا ِّعد َما َي ۡأ ِّتي ِّهم ِّمن َّر ُ ُون ( )٢٩يَ ٰـ َح ۡس َرة ً َ ِّإ َّال َكانُ ۟ ون ( )٣٠أَلَ ۡم يَ َر ۡو ۟ا َك ۡم أ َ ۡهلَ ۡكنَا ࣱقَ ۡبلَ ُهم وا ِّبِّۦه َي ۡستَهۡ ِّز ُء َ ۡ ُ ون ࣱ (َ )٣١و ِّإن ُكل لَّ َّما ر ق ٱل ِّم َن ون أَنَّ ُه ۡم ِّإلَ ۡي ِّه ۡم َال يَ ۡر ِّجعُ َ ُ ِّ جم ࣱ ۡ َّ َّ ض ۡٱل َم ۡيتَةُ َ ۡ ۡ ۡ ر ٱأل م ه ل ة ي ا ء و ) ٣٢ ( ون ر ض ح م َا ن ي د ل يع َ ُ َ ُ َ َ ِّ ُ َ َ َ ُُ 27 ࣰ ۡ ۡ ون (َ )٣٣و َجعَلنَا أ َ ۡحيَ ۡينَ ٰـ َها َوأ َ ۡخ َر ۡجنَا ِّم ۡن َها َحبا فَ ِّم ۡنهُ َيأ ُكلُ َ ۡ ِّفي َها َجنَّ ٰـ ࣲ ون ي ع ٱل ب َوفَ َّج ۡرنَا ِّفي َها ِّم َن ُ يل َوأ َ ۡعنَ ٰـ ࣲ ت ِّمن نَّ ِّخ ࣲ ُ ِّ (ِّ )٣٤ليَ ۡأ ُكلُ ۟ ون ع ِّملَ ۡتهُ أ َ ۡي ِّدي ِّه ۡم أَفَ َال يَ ۡش ُك ُر َ وا ِّمن ث َ َم ِّرِّۦه َو َما َ س ۡب َح ٰـ َن ٱلَّ ِّذی َخلَقَ ۡٱأل َ ۡز َو َج ُكلَّ َها ِّم َّما ࣱت ُ ُۢن ِّب ُ ت (ُ )٣٥ ون (َ )٣٦و َءايَة لَّ ُه ُم ض َو ِّم ۡن أَنفُ ِّس ِّه ۡم َو ِّم َّما َال يَعۡ لَ ُم َ ۡٱأل َ ۡر ُ ون (َ )٣٧وٱل َّ س ار فَإِّذَا ُهم ُّم ۡظ ِّل ُم َ ش ۡم ُ ٱلَّ ۡي ُل ن َۡسلَ ُخ ِّم ۡنهُ ٱلنَّ َه َ ت َ ۡجری ِّل ُم ۡستَقَ ࣲر لَّها ٰ ۡ ۡ َ َ يز ۡٱلعَ ِّل ِّيم ()٣٨ ز ع ٱل ر ي د ق ت ك ل ذ ِّ َ ِّ ُ َ ِّ ِّ ِّ َ ون ۡٱلقَ ِّد ِّيم ()٣٩ َاز َل َحت َّ ٰى َ َو ۡٱلقَ َم َر قَدَّ ۡرنَ ٰـهُ َمن ِّ عاعدَ َك ۡٱلعُ ۡر ُج ِّ َال ٱل َّ سا ِّب ُق ش ۡم ُ س ࣱ يَ ُۢنبَ ِّغی لَ َه ۤا أَن ت ُ ۡد ِّر َك ۡٱلقَ َم َر َوࣱ َال ٱلَّ ۡي ُل َ ون (َ )٤٠و َءايَة لَّ ُه ۡم أَنَّا َح َم ۡلنَا ار َو ُكل ِّفی فَلَ ࣲك يَ ۡسبَ ُح َ ٱلنَّ َه ِّ ون (َ )٤١و َخلَ ۡقنَا لَ ُهم ِّمن ِّم ۡث ِّلِّۦه ذ ُ ِّريَّت َ ُه ۡم فِّی ۡٱلفُ ۡل ِّك ۡٱل َم ۡش ُح ِّ ۡ ۡ ۡ َ َ ُ ص ِّري َخ لَ ُه ۡم َو َال ال ف م ه ق ر غ ن َأ َما يَ ۡر َكبُ َ ۡ ون (َ )٤٢و ِّإن نَّش ࣰ ِّ ُ َ ين ()٤٤ ُه ۡم يُنقَذ ُ َ ون (ِّ )٤٣إ َّال َر ۡح َمة ِّمنَّا َو َمت َ ٰـعًا ِّإلَ ٰى ِّح ࣲ َو ِّإذَا قِّي َل لَ ُه ُم ٱتَّقُ ۟ وا َما بَ ۡي َن أ َ ۡي ِّدي ُك ۡم َو َما خ َۡلفَ ُك ۡم لَ َعلَّ ُك ۡم ت َر ِّب ِّه ۡم ِّإ َّال ون (َ )٤٥و َما ت َ ۡأتِّي ِّهم ِّم ۡن َءا َيةࣲ ِّم ۡن َءا َي ٰـ ِّ ت ُ ۡر َح ُم َ ين (َ )٤٦و ِّإذَا قِّي َل لَ ُه ۡم أَن ِّفقُ ۟ َكانُ ۟ وا ِّم َّما ض َ ع ۡن َها ُمعۡ ِّر ِّ وا َ ٱَّللُ قَا َل ٱلَّ ِّذي َن َكفَ ُر ۟ َرزَ قَ ُك ُم َّ ين َءا َمنُ ۤو ۟ا أَنُ ۡط ِّع ُم َمن لَّ ۡو وا ِّللَّ ِّذ َ يَش َۤا ُء َّ ين ()٤٧ ٱَّللُ أ َ ۡط َع َم ۤۥهُ ِّإ ۡن أَنت ُ ۡم ِّإ َّال ِّفی َ ضلَ ٰـ ࣲل ُّم ِّب ࣲ ين (َ )٤٨ما ص ٰـ ِّد ِّق َ َويَقُولُ َ ون َمت َ ٰى َه ٰـذَا ࣰ ۡٱل َو ۡعد ُ ِّإ ࣰن ُكنت ُ ۡم َ يَن ُ ون ص ُم َ ظ ُر َ ص ۡي َحة َو ِّحدَة ࣰ ت َ ۡأ ُخذ ُ ُه ۡم َو ُه ۡم يَ ِّخ ِّ ون ِّإ َّال َ ص َية َو َ ۤال ِّإلَ ٰۤى أ َ ۡه ِّل ِّه ۡم يَ ۡر ِّجعُو َن ( )٤٩فَ َال يَ ۡست َ ِّطيعُ َ ون ت َ ۡو ِّ ث ِّإلَ ٰى َر ِّب ِّه ۡم ور فَإِّذَا ُهم ِّم َن ۡٱأل َ ۡجدَا ِّ (َ )٥٠ونُ ِّف َخ ِّفی ٱل ُّ ص ِّ 28 ون ( )٥١قَالُ ۟ وا يَ ٰـ َو ۡيلَنَا َم ُۢن بَعَثَنَا ِّمن َّم ۡرقَ ِّدن َۜا هٰ َه ٰـذَا يَن ِّسلُ َ ون (ِّ )٥٢إن َكان َۡت ِّإ َّال سلُ َ ع ࣰدَ َّ َما َو َ صدَقَ ۡٱل ُم ۡر َ ٱلر ۡح ࣰ َم ٰـ ُن َو َ ص ۡيحة و حدة فَإذَا ُهم جم ࣱ َّ ۡ ۡ ون ()٥٣ ر ض ح م َا ن ي د ل يع َ ُ َ ُ َ ۡ ࣰ َ ِّ َ َ َ ِّ َ ࣱِّ فَ ۡٱليَ ۡو َم َال ت ُ ۡظلَ ُم ن َۡفس ش َۡيـٔا َو َال ت ُ ۡجزَ ۡو َن ِّإ َّال َما ُكنت ُ ۡم تَعۡ َملُو َن ب ۡٱل َجنَّ ِّة ۡٱليَ ۡو َم فِّی ُ (ِّ )٥٤إ َّن أ َ ۡ ون ()٥٥ شغُ ࣲل فَ ٰـ ِّك ُه َ ص َح ٰـ َ ون ( )٥٦لَ ُه ۡم علَى ۡٱأل َ َر ۤا ِٕى ِّك ُمت َّ ِّكـُٔ ࣰَ ُه ۡم َوأ َ ۡز َو ࣱ ُج ُه ۡم ِّفی ِّظلَ ٰـل َ ࣱ َ ب ع َ سلَ ٰـم ق ۡوال ِّمن َّر ࣲ فِّي َها فَ ٰـ ِّك َهة َولَ ُهم َّما يَدَّ ُ ون (َ )٥٧ َّر ِّح ࣲيم (َ )٥٨و ۡٱمت َ ٰـ ُز ۟ ون (۞ )٥٩ وا ۡٱليَ ۡو َم أَيُّ َها ۡٱل ُم ۡج ِّر ُم َ أَلَ ۡم أ َ ۡع َه ۡد ِّإلَ ۡي ُك ۡم يَ ٰـبَنِّ ۤی َءاعدَ َم أَن َّال تَعۡ بُد ۟ ش ۡي َ ُوا ٱل َّ ط ٰـ ࣱ ِۖ َن ِّإنَّ ۥهُ لَ ُك ۡم ࣱ ࣱ ٱعبُد ُونی َهـذَا صر ط م ۡستَقيمࣱ َ ُّ ِّ عد ُو ُّم ِّبين (َ )٦٠وأ ِّن ۡ ࣰ ِّ ٰ َ ِّ َ ير ِۖا أَفَلَ ۡم ت َ ُكونُ ۟ ون وا تَعۡ ِّقلُ َ ض َّل ِّمن ُك ۡم ِّج ِّبال َكثِّ ً (َ )٦١ولَقَ ۡد أ َ َ ُون (ۡ )٦٣ ٱصلَ ۡو َها عد َ (َ )٦٢ه ٰـ ِّذِّۦه َج َهنَّ ُم ٱلَّتِّی ُكنت ُ ۡم تُو َ علَ ٰۤى أ َ ۡف َو ِّه ِّه ۡم ۡٱليَ ۡو َم ِّب َما ُكنت ُ ۡم ت َ ۡكفُ ُر َ ون (ۡ )٦٤ٱليَ ۡو َم ن َۡختِّ ُم َ َوت ُ َك ِّل ُمن َۤا أ َ ۡي ِّدي ِّه ۡم َوت َ ۡش َهد ُ أ َ ۡر ُجلُ ُهم ِّب َما َكانُ ۟ ون ()٦٥ وا يَ ۡك ِّسبُ َ ٱستَبَقُ ۟ ٱلص َر َ َولَ ۡو نَش َۤا ُء لَ َ علَ ٰۤى أ َ ۡعيُنِّ ِّه ۡم فَ ۡ ط فَأَنَّ ٰى وا ِّ ط َم ۡسنَا َ علَ ٰى َم َكانَتِّ ِّه ۡم فَ َما ص ُر َ س ۡخنَ ٰـ ُه ۡم َ يُ ۡب ِّ َ )٦٦ولَ ۡو نَش َۤا ُء لَ َم َ ون ( ࣰ ط ٰـعُ ۟ ٱست َ َ ۡ ون (َ )٦٧و َمن نُّعَ ِّم ۡرهُ نُن َِّك ۡسهُ ضيا َو َال يَ ۡر ِّجعُ َ وا ُم ِّ ٱلشعۡ َر َو َما ِّفی ۡٱلخ َۡل علَّ ۡمنَ ࣱ ٰـهُ ِّ ق أَفَ َال يَعۡ ِّقلُ َ ون (َ )٦٨و َما ࣱ َ ِّ ࣱ يَ ُۢنبَ ِّغی لَ ۤهۥُٰ ࣰ ِّإ ۡن ُه َو ِّإ َّال ِّذ ۡكر َوقُ ۡر َءان ُّم ِّبين (ِّ )٦٩ليُن ِّذ َر ين ( { )٧٠أ َ َولَ ۡم علَى ۡٱل َك ٰـ ِّف ِّر َ َمن َك َ ان َحيا َويَ ِّح َّق ۡٱلقَ ۡو ُل َ ࣰ ع ِّملَ ۡت أ َ ۡي ِّدينَ ۤا أ َ ۡن َع ٰـما فَ ُه ۡم لَ َها يَ َر ۡو ۟ا أَنَّا َخلَ ۡقنَا لَ ُهم ِّم َّما َ ون ون (َ )٧١وذَلَّ ۡلنَ ٰـ َها لَ ُه ۡم فَ ِّم ۡن َها َر ُكوبُ ُه ۡم َو ِّم ۡن َها يَ ۡأ ُكلُ َ َم ٰـ ِّل ُك َ 29 ون ()٧٣ ب أَفَ َال يَ ۡش ُك ُر َ َار ُ (َ )٧٢ولَ ُه ۡم ِّفي َها َمنَ ٰـ ِّف ُع َو َم ࣰش ِّ َوٱت َّ َخذ ُ ۟ ُون َّ ون (َ )٧٤ال ص ُر َ ٱَّللِّ َءا ِّل َهة لَّعَلَّ ࣱ ُه ۡم يُن َ وا ِّمن عد ِّ ون ن ۡ ون ( )٧٥فَ َال ض ُر َ يَ ۡست َ ِّطيعُ َ َص َر ُه ۡم َو ُه ۡم لَ ُه ۡم ُجند ُّم ۡح َ ون ()٧٦ ون َو َما يُعۡ ِّلنُ َ نك قَ ۡولُ ُه ۡۘۡم ِّإنَّا نَعۡ لَ ُم َما يُ ِّس ُّر َ يَ ۡح ُز َ أَولَم ير ۡٱإلنسـ ُن أَنَّا َخلَ ۡقنَـهُ من نُّ ۡطفَةࣲ فَإذَا ُهو خَصيمࣱ ٰ ࣰ ِّ َ ۡ ࣱ َ َ ِّ َ ٰ ِّ ِّ َ ی خ َۡلقَ ِۖهۥُ قَا َل َمن يُ ۡح ِّی ُّم ِّبين (َ )٧٧و َ ض َر َ ب لَنَا َمثَال َونَ ِّس َ ࣱ ۤ َّ َ َ َ ُ ۡ ۡٱل ِّع َ ۡ شأ َها أ َّو َل ی َر ِّميم ( )٧٨قل يُح ِّيي َها ٱل ِّذ ۤی أن َ ظ ٰـ َم َو ِّه َ ع ِّلي ٌم ( )٧٩ٱلَّ ِّذی َجعَ َل لَ ُكم ِّم َن َم َّر ࣲ ِۖة َو ُه َو ِّب ُك ِّل خ َۡلق ࣰ َ ٱل َّ ون ()٨٠ ض ِّر نَارا فَإِّذَ ۤا أَنتُم ِّم ۡنهُ تُوقِّد ُ َ ش َج ِّر ۡٱأل َ ۡخ َ علَ ٰۤى أَن س َم ٰـ َو ِّ س ٱلَّ ِّذی َخلَقَ ٱل َّ ض ِّبقَ ٰـ ِّدر َ ت َو ۡٱأل َ ۡر َ أ َ َولَ ۡي َ يَ ۡخلُقَ ِّم ۡثلَ ُهم بَلَ ٰى َو ُه َو ۡٱلخَلَّ ٰـ ُق ۡٱلعَ ِّلي ُم (ِّ )٨١إنَّ َم ۤا أ َ ۡم ُر ۤۥهُ ِّإذَ ۤا أ َ َراعدَ ش َۡيـًٔا أَن َيقُو َل لَهۥُ ُكن فَ َي ُك ُ س ۡب َح ٰـ َن ٱلَّ ِّذی ون ( )٨٢فَ ُ ِّبيَ ِّدِّۦه َملَ ُك ُ ون (} )٨٣ وت ُك ِّل ش َۡی ࣲء َو ِّإلَ ۡي ِّه ت ُ ۡر َجعُ َ يس}٨٣-٧١ : [س َ ُورة ُ ٓ TRASLATION 1. Ya-Sin. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an, and none ]but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings. 30 2. By the Qur'an, full of wisdom (i.e. full of laws, evidences, and proofs), 3. Truly, you (O Muhammad ) are one of the Messengers, 4. On a Straight Path (i.e. on Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism). 5. (This is) a Revelation sent down by the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful, 6. In order that you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned, so they are heedless. 7. Indeed the Word (of punishment) has proved true against most of them, so they will not believe. 8. Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins, so that their heads are forced up. 9. And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see. 10. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe. 11. You can only warn him who follows the Reminder (the Qur'an), and fears the Most Beneficent (Allah) unseen. Bear you to such one the glad tidings of forgiveness, and a generous reward (i.e. Paradise). 12. Verily, We give life to the dead, and We record that which they send before (them), and their traces [their footsteps and 31 walking on the earth with their legs to the mosques for the five compulsory congregational prayers, Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) and all other good and evil they did, and that which they leave behind], and all things We have recorded with numbers (as a record) in a Clear Book. 13. And put forward to them a similitude; the (story of the) dwellers of the town, [It is said that the town was Antioch (Antakiya)], when there came Messengers to them. 14. When We sent to them two Messengers, they belied them both, so We reinforced them with a third, and they said: "Verily! We have been sent to you as Messengers." 15. They (people of the town) said: "You are only human beings like ourselves, and the Most Beneficent (Allah) has revealed nothing, you are only telling lies." 16. The Messengers said: "Our Lord knows that we have been sent as Messengers to you, 17. "And our duty is only to convey plainly (the Message)." 18. They (people) said: "For us, we see an evil omen from you, if you cease not, we will surely stone you, and a painful torment will touch you from us." 19. They (Messengers) said: "Your evil omens be with you! (Do you call it "evil omen") because you are admonished? Nay, 32 but you are a people Musrifun (transgressing all bounds by committing all kinds of great sins, and by disobeying Allah). 20. And there came running from the farthest part of the town, a man, saying: "O my people! Obey the Messengers; 21. "Obey those who ask no wages of you (for themselves), and who are rightly guided. 22. "And why should I not worship Him (Allah Alone) Who has created me and to Whom you shall be returned. 23. "Shall I take besides Him aliha (gods), if the Most Beneficent (Allah) intends me any harm, their intercession will be of no use for me whatsoever, nor can they save me? 24. "Then verily, I should be in plain error. 25. Verily! I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me!" 26. It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him): "Enter Paradise." He said: "Would that my people knew! 27. "That my Lord (Allah) has forgiven me, and made me of the honoured ones!" 28. And We sent not against his people after him a host from heaven, nor do We send (such a thing). 29. It was but one Saihah (shout, etc.) and lo! They (all) were silent (dead-destroyed). 30. Alas for mankind! There never came a Messenger to them but they used to mock at him. 33 31. Do they not see how many of the generations We have destroyed before them? Verily, they will not return to them. 32. And surely, all, every one of them will be brought before Us. 33. And a sign for them is the dead land. We gave it life, and We brought forth from it grains, so that they eat thereof. 34. And We have made therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein. 35. So that they may eat of the fruit thereof, and their hands made it not. Will they not, then, give thanks? 36. Glory be to Him, Who has created all the pairs of that which the earth produces, as well as of their own (human) kind (male and female), and of that which they know not. 37. And a sign for them is the night, We withdraw therefrom the day, and behold, they are in darkness. 38. And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. 39. And the moon, We have measured for it mansions (to traverse) till it returns like the old dried curved date stalk. 40. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit. 34 41. And an Ayah (sign) for them is that We bore their offspring in the laden ship [of Nuh (Noah)]. 42. And We have created for them of the like thereunto, so on them they ride. 43. And if We will, We shall drown them, and there will be no shout (or helper) for them (to hear their cry for help) nor will they be saved. 44. Unless it be a mercy from Us, and as an enjoyment for a while. 45. And when it is said to them: "Beware of that which is before you (worldly torments), and that which is behind you (torments in the Hereafter), in order that you may receive Mercy (i.e. if you believe in Allah's Religion - Islamic Monotheism, and avoid polytheism, and obey Allah with righteous deeds). 46. And never came an Ayah from among the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord to them, but they did turn away from it. 47. And when it is said to them: "Spend of that with which Allah has provided you," those who disbelieve say to those who believe: "Shall we feed those whom, if Allah willed, He (Himself) would have fed? You are only in a plain error." 48. And they say: "When will this promise (i.e. Resurrection) be fulfilled, if you are truthful?" 35 49. They await only but a single Saihah (shout, etc.), which will seize them while they are disputing! 50. Then they will not be able to make bequest, nor they will return to their family. 51. And the Trumpet will be blown (i.e. the second blowing) and behold! From the graves they will come out quickly to their Lord. 52. They will say: "Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep." (It will be said to them): "This is what the Most Beneficent (Allah) had promised, and the Messengers spoke truth!" 53. It will be but a single Saihah (shout, etc.), so behold! They will all be brought up before Us! 54. This Day (Day of Resurrection), none will be wronged in anything, nor will you be requited anything except that which you used to do. 55. Verily, the dwellers of the Paradise, that Day, will be busy in joyful things. 56. They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones. 57. They will have therein fruits (of all kinds) and all that they ask for. 36 58. (It will be said to them): Salamun (peace be on you), a Word from the Lord (Allah), Most Merciful. 59. (It will be said): "And O you Al-Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, disbelievers in the Islamic Monotheism, wicked evil ones, etc.)! Get you apart this Day (from the believers). 60. Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, that you should not worship Shaitan (Satan). Verily, he is a plain enemy to you. 61. And that you should worship Me [Alone Islamic Monotheism, and set up not rivals, associate-gods with Me]. That is a Straight Path. 62. And indeed he (Satan) did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did you not, then, understand? 63. This is Hell which you were promised! 64. Burn therein this Day, for that you used to disbelieve. 65. This Day, We shall seal up their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their legs will bear witness to what they used to earn. (It is said that one's left thigh will be the first to bear the witness). [Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol. 22, Page 24] 66. And if it had been Our Will, We would surely have wiped out (blinded) their eyes, so that they would struggle for the Path, how then would they see? 37 67. And if it had been Our Will, We could have transformed them (into animals or lifeless objects) in their places. Then they should have been unable to go forward (move about) nor they could have turned back. [As it happened with the Jews see Verse 7:166 The Qur'an]. 68. And he whom We grant long life, We reverse him in creation (weakness after strength). Will they not then understand? 69. And We have not taught him (Muhammad ) poetry, nor is it meet for him. This is only a Reminder and a plain Qur'an. 70. That he or it (Muhammad or the Qur'an) may give warning to him who is living (a healthy minded the believer), and that Word (charge) may be justified against the disbelievers (dead, as they reject the warnings). 71. Do they not see that We have created for them of what Our Hands have created, the cattle, so that they are their owners. 72. And We have subdued them unto them so that some of them they have for riding and some they eat. 73. And they have (other) benefits from them (besides), and they get (milk) to drink, will they not then be grateful? 74. And they have taken besides Allah aliha (gods), hoping that they might be helped (by those so called gods). 38 75. They cannot help them, but they will be brought forward as a troop against those who worshipped them (at the time of Reckoning). 76. So let not their speech, then, grieve you (O Muhammad ). Verily, We know what they conceal and what they reveal. 77. Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge semen drops). Yet behold! He (stands forth) as an open opponent. 78. And he puts forth for Us a parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: "Who will give life to these bones when they have rotted away and became dust?" 79. Say: (O Muhammad ) "He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of every creation!" 80. He, Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! You kindle therewith. 81. Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator. 82. Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is! 39 83. So Glorified is He and Exalted above all that they associate with Him, and in Whose Hands is the dominion of all things, and to Him you shall be returned. 40 ࣱ ضة ِّإذَا َوقَعَ ِّ س ِّل َو ۡقعَ ࣰتِّ َها َكا ِّذ َبةٌ ( )٢خَا ِّف َ ت ۡٱل َواقِّعَةُ ( )١لَ ۡي َ ت ۡ ࣰٱل ِّج َبا ُل س ِّ َّر ࣰافِّعَةٌ (ِّ )٣إذَا ُر َّج ِّ ض َرجا (َ )٤وبُ َّ ت ۡٱأل َ ࣰ ۡر ُ ُ ُ َۡ ࣰ ََ ۡ ࣰۤ ُۢ َ َ َ بَسا ( )٥فكانَت َهبَاء ُّمنبَثا (َ )٦وكنت ۡم أز َو جا ثل ٰـثة ()٧ ب ۡٱل َم ۡي َمنَ ِّة (َ )٨وأ َ ۡ ب ۡٱل َم ۡي َمنَ ِّة َم ۤا أ َ ۡ فَأ َ ۡ ب ص َح ٰـ ُ ص َح ٰـ ُ ص َح ٰـ ُ ۡٱل َم ۡشـَٔ َم ِّة َم ۤا أ َ ۡ ون س ٰـ ِّبقُ َ س ٰـ ِّبقُ َ ون ٱل َّ ب ۡٱل َم ۡشـَٔ َم ِّة (َ )٩وٱل َّ ص َح ٰـ ُ ت ٱلنَّ ِّع ِّيم ()١٢ ون ( ( ࣱ )١٠أ ُ ۟ولَ ٰۤـ ِٕى َك ۡٱل ُمقَ َّرب ِّ )١١فی َجنَّ ٰـ ِّ َ ُ ࣱ ۡ َ عل ٰى اخ ِّر َ ثُلَّة ِّم َن ۡٱأل َ َّو ِّل َ ين (َ )١٣وقَ ِّليل ِّم َن ٱلـَٔ ِّ ين (َ )١٤ ين ()١٦ علَ ۡي َها ُمتَقَ ٰـ ِّب ِّل َ ضونَةࣲ ( ࣱُّ )١٥مت َّ ِّكـِّٔ َ س ُر ࣲر َّم ۡو ُ ُ ين َ يَ ُ اريقَ علَ ۡي ِّه ۡم ِّو ۡلدَ ن ُّمخَلَّد َ ُون (ِّ )١٧بأ َ ۡك َو ࣲ ط ُ وف َ اب َوأ َ َب ِّ ون نزفُ َ ع َ صدَّ ُ ون َ َو َك ۡأ ࣲس ِّمن َّم ِّع ࣲ ين (َّ )١٨ال يُ َ ع ۡن َها َو َال يُ ِّ ون (َ )٢٠ولَ ۡح ِّم َ ط ۡي ࣲر ِّم َّما (َ )١٩وفَ ٰـ ِّك َهةࣲ ِّم َّما يَت َ َخي َُّر ࣱَ ور ِّعين (َ )٢٢كأ َ ۡمث َ ٰـ ِّل ٱللُّ ۡؤلُ ِٕو يَ ۡشت َ ُه َ ون (َ )٢١و ُح ٌ ۡ ون (َ )٢٣جزَ ۤا ُۢ َء ِّب َما َكانُ ۟ ۡ ُ ون (َ )٢٤ال ن ك م ٱل وا يَعۡ َملُ ࣰ َ َ ِّ ࣰَ ࣰَ ࣰ سل ٰـما يَ ۡس َمعُ َ سل ٰـما َ ون فِّي َها لَ ۡغوا َو َال ت َ ۡأثِّي ًما (ِّ )٢٥إ َّال قِّيال َ ين َم ۤا أ َ ۡ (َ )٢٦وأ َ ۡ ين ( )٢٧فِّی ص َح ٰـ ُ ص َح ٰـ ُ ب ۡٱليَ ِّم ِّ ب ۡٱليَ ِّم ِّ وعد (َ )٢٨و َ وعد (َ )٢٩و ِّظ ࣲل َّم ۡمد ࣲ ض ࣲ ض ࣲ ُوعد ط ۡل ࣲح َّمن ُ ِّس ۡد ࣲر َّم ۡخ ُ يرةࣲ (َّ )٣٢ال (َ )٣٠و َم ۤا ࣲء َّم ۡس ُك ࣲ وب (َ )٣١وفَ ٰـ ِّك َهةࣲ َكثِّ َ َم ۡق ُ عة (ِّ )٣٤إنَّ ۤا عةࣲ (َ )٣٣وفُ ُر ࣲش َّم ۡرفُو َ عةࣲ َو َال َم ۡمنُو َ طو َ ࣰ ۡ َ ۡ َّ َ ع ُربًا ارا ࣱ (ُ )٣٦ أَنش َۡأ ࣰنَ ٰـ ُه َّن ِّإنش َۤاء ( )٣٥ف َجعَلنَ ٰـ ُهن أب َك ً أَ ۡ ِّ )٣٧أل َ ۡ ين ( ا اب ر ت ين ( )٣٨ثُلَّة ِّم َن ۡٱأل َ َّو ِّل َ ص َح ٰـ ِّ َ ب ۡٱليَ ِّم ِّ ࣱ ين (َ )٤٠وأ َ ۡ ٱلش َما ِّل َم ۤا ب ِّ اخ ِّر َ ص َح ٰـ ُ (َ )٣٩وثُلَّة ِّم َن ۡٱلـَٔ ِّ 41 أَ ۡ وم َو َح ِّم ࣲيم (َ )٤٢و ِّظ ࣲل ب ِّ ص َح ٰـ ُ س ُم ࣲ ٱلش َما ِّل (ِّ )٤١فی َ ار ࣲعد َو َال َك ِّريم (ِّ )٤٤إنَّ ُه ۡم َكانُ ۟ وا ِّمن يَ ۡح ُم ࣲ وم (َّ )٤٣ال بَ ِّ ين (َ )٤٥و َكانُ ۟ ث ون علَى ۡٱل ِّحن ِّ ص ُّر َ قَ ۡب َل ذَ ِّل َك ُم ۡت َر ِّف َ وا يُ َ ِّ ࣰ ۡٱلعَ ِّظ ِّيم (َ )٤٦و َكانُ ۟ ون أ َ ِٕىذَا ِّم ۡتنَا َو ُكنَّا ت ُ َرابا وا يَقُولُ َ َو ِّع َ ون ()٤٨ ون ( )٤٧أ َ َو َءابَ ۤا ُؤنَا ۡٱأل َ َّولُ َ ظ ٰـ ًما أ َ ِّءنَّا لَ َم ۡبعُوث ُ َ ت ون ِّإلَ ٰى ِّميقَ ٰـ ِّ ع َ اخ ِّر َ قُ ۡل ِّإ َّن ۡٱأل َ َّو ِّل َ ين ( )٤٩لَ َم ۡج ُمو ُ ين َو ۡٱلـَٔ ِّ ون ون ۡٱل ُم َك ِّذبُ َ ض ۤالُّ َ وم ( { )٥٠ث ُ َّم ِّإنَّ ُك ۡم أَيُّ َها ٱل َّ يَ ۡو ࣲم َّمعۡ لُ ࣲ ون ِّم ۡن َها ون ِّمن َ وم ( )٥٢فَ َما ِّلـُٔ َ ( )٥١لَـَٔا ِّكلُ َ ش َج ࣲر ِّمن زَ قُّ ࣲ ۡٱلبُ ُ علَ ۡي ِّه ِّم َن ۡٱل َح ِّم ِّيم ()٥٤ ون ( )٥٣فَ َ ش ٰـ ِّربُ َ ط َ ون َ ون ُ ين فَ َ ب ۡٱل ِّه ِّيم (َ )٥٥ه ٰـذَا نُ ُزلُ ُه ۡم يَ ۡو َم ِّ ش ٰـ ِّربُ َ ش ۡر َ ٱلد ِّ ون ( )٥٧أَفَ َر َء ۡيتُم َّما ص ِّدقُ َ ( )٥٦ن َۡح ُن َخلَ ۡقنَ ٰـ ُك ۡم فَلَ ۡو َال ت ُ َ ون ()٥٩ ون (َ )٥٨ءأَنت ُ ۡم ت َ ۡخلُقُونَ ۤهۥُ أ َ ۡم ن َۡح ُن ۡٱل َخ ٰـ ِّلقُ َ ت ُ ۡمنُ َ علَ ٰۤى ت َو َما نَ ۡح ُن ِّب َم ۡسبُوقِّ َ ن َۡح ُن قَدَّ ۡرنَا بَ ۡينَ ُك ُم ۡٱل َم ۡو َ ين (َ )٦٠ ون (َ )٦١ولَقَ ۡد أَن نُّبَ ِّد َل أ َ ۡمث َ ٰـلَ ُك ۡم َونُن ِّشئ َ ُك ۡم فِّی َما َال تَعۡ لَ ُم َ ون ( )٦٢أَفَ َر َء ۡيتُم َّما ع ِّل ۡمت ُ ُم ٱلنَّ ۡشأَة َ ۡٱألُولَ ٰى فَلَ ۡو َال تَذَ َّك ُر َ َ عونَ ۤۥهُ أ َ ۡم ن َۡح ُن َّ ون ع َ ت َ ۡح ُرث ُ َ ٱلز ِّر ُ ون (َ )٦٣ءأَنت ُ ۡم ت َ ۡز َر ُ ࣰ ۡ َ ( )٦٤لَ ۡو نَش َۤا ُء لَ َجعَ ۡلنَ ٰـهُ ُح َ َّ ُ ون (ِّ )٦٥إنَّا ط ٰـما فَظلت ۡم تَفَك ُه َ ون ( )٦٧أَفَ َر َء ۡيت ُ ُم ون ( )٦٦بَ ۡل ن َۡح ُن َم ۡح ُرو ُم َ لَ ُم ۡغ َر ُم َ ون (َ )٦٨ءأَنت ُ ۡم أَنزَ ۡلت ُ ُموهُ ِّم َن ۡٱل ُم ۡز ِّن أ َ ۡم ۡٱل َم ۤا َء ٱلَّ ِّذی ت َ ۡش َربُ َ ࣰ َ ون ( )٦٩لَ ۡو نَش َۤا ُء َجعَ ۡلنَ ٰـهُ أ ُ َجاجا فَل ۡو َال نزلُ َ ن َۡح ُن ۡٱل ُم ِّ ون (َ )٧١ءأَنت ُ ۡم ور َ ت َ ۡش ُك ُر َ ار ٱلَّ ِّتی ت ُ ُ ون ( )٧٠أَفَ َر َء ۡيت ُ ُم ٱلنَّ َ ون ( )٧٢ن َۡح ُن َجعَ ۡلنَ ٰـ َها أَنش َۡأت ُ ۡم َ ش َج َرت َ َه ۤا أ َ ۡم ن َۡح ُن ۡٱل ُمن ِّشـُٔ َ 42 ࣰ ࣰ ۡ ۡ س ِّب ۡح ِّب ۡ ٱس ِّم َر ِّب َك ٱل َع ِّظ ِّيم ت َ ۡذ ِّك َرة َو َمت َ ٰـعا ِّلل ُم ۡق ِّو َ ين ( )٧٣فَ َ س ࣱم لَّ ۡو ( ۞ )٧٤فَ َ ۤال أ ُ ۡق ِّس ُم ِّب َم َو ِّق ِّع ٱلنُّ ࣱُج ِّ وم (َ )٧٥و ِّإنَّ ۥهُ لَقَ َ ࣱ َ ب ـ ت ك ی ف ) ٧٧ ( يم ع ِّظي ٌم (ِّ )٧٦إنَّ ۥهُ لَقُ ۡر َءان َك ِّر تَعۡ لَ ُم َ ِّ ࣱ ِّ ٰ ࣲ ون َ س ۤۥهُ ِّإ َّال ۡٱل ُم َ ون ( )٧٩ت َِّ نزيل ِّمن ط َّه ُر َ ون (َّ )٧٨ال يَ َم ُّ َّم ۡكنُ ࣲ ون ()٨١ ث أَنتُم ُّم ۡد ِّهنُ َ ين ( )٨٠أَفَ ِّب َه ٰـذَا ۡٱل َح ِّدي ِّ ب ۡٱلعَ ٰـلَ ِّم َ َّر ِّ ت ون ( )٨٢فَلَ ۡو َ ۤال ِّإذَا بَلَغَ ِّ ون ِّر ۡزقَ ُك ۡم أَنَّ ُك ۡم ت ُ َك ِّذبُ َ َوت َ ۡجعَلُ َ ۡ ۡ وم (َ )٨٣وأَنت ُ ۡم ِّحينَ ِٕى ࣲذ تَن ُ ب ظ ُر َ ون (َ )٨٤ون َۡح ُن أ َ ۡق َر ُ ٱل ُحلقُ َ ون ( )٨٥فَلَ ۡو َ ۤال ِّإن ُكنت ُ ۡم غ َۡي َر ص ُر َ ِّإلَ ۡي ِّه ِّمن ُك ۡم َولَ ٰـ ِّكن َّال ت ُ ۡب ِّ ين ( )٨٧فَأ َ َّم ۤا ص ٰـ ِّدقِّ ࣱ َ َم ِّدينِّ َ ين ( )٨٦ت َ ۡر ِّجعُونَ َه ۤا ِّإن ُكنت ُ ࣱ ۡم َ ين ( )٨٨فَ َر ۡوح َو َر ۡي َحان َو َجنَّ ُ ت نَ ِّع ࣲيم ان ِّم َن ۡٱل ُمقَ َّر ِّب َ ِّإن َك َ ان ِّم ۡن أ َ ۡ سلَ ٰـ ࣱم لَّ َك (َ )٨٩وأ َ َّم ۤا ِّإن َك َ ص َح ٰـ ِّ ين ( )٩٠فَ َ ب ۡٱليَ ِّم ِّ ِّم ۡن أ َ ۡ ين ان ِّم َن ۡٱل ُم َك ِّذ ِّب َ ين ࣱ (َ )٩١وأ َ َّم ۤا ِّإن َك َ ص َح ٰـ ِّ ب ۡٱليَ ِّم ِّ ين ( )٩٢فَنُ ُزل ِّم ۡن َح ِّم ࣲيم (َ )٩٣وت َ ۡ ص ِّليَةُ َج ِّحيم ض ۤا ِّل َ ٱل َّ سبِّ ۡح ِّب ۡ ٱس ِّم َر ِّب َك ين ( )٩٥فَ َ (ِّ )٩٤إ َّن َه ٰـذَا لَ ُه َو َح ُّق ۡٱليَ ِّق ِّ الواقِّ َع ِّة}٩٦-٥١ : ۡٱلعَ ِّظ ِّيم (ُ [ )٩٦ س َ ورة ُ َ TRANLITETRATION Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem 1. Izaa waqa'atil waaqi'ah 2. Laisa liwaq'atihaa kaazibah 43 3. Khafidatur raafi'ah 4. Izaa rujjatil ardu rajjaa 5. Wa bussatil jibaalu bassaa 6. Fakaanat habaaa'am mumbassaa 7. Wa kuntum azwaajan salaasah 8. Fa as haabul maimanati maaa as haabul maimanah 9. Wa as haabul mash'amati maaa as haabul mash'amah 10. Wassaabiqoonas saabiqoon 11. Ulaaa'ikal muqarraboon 12. Fee Jannaatin Na'eem 13. Sullatum minal awwaleen 14. Wa qaleelum minal aa khireen 15. 'Alaa sururim mawdoonah 16. Muttaki'eena 'alaihaa mutaqabileen 17. Yatoofu 'alaihim wildaa num mukhalladoon 18. Bi akwaabinw wa abaareeq, wa kaasim mim ma'een 19. Laa yusadda'oona 'anhaa wa laa yunzifoon 20. Wa faakihatim mimmaa yatakhaiyaroon 21. Wa lahmi tairim mimmaa yashtahoon 22. Wa hoorun'een 23. Ka amsaalil lu'lu'il maknoon 24. Jazaaa'am bimaa kaanoo ya'maloon 25. Laa yasma'oona feehaa laghwanw wa laa taaseemaa 44 26. Illaa qeelan salaaman salaamaa 27. Wa as haabul yameeni maaa as haabul Yameen 28. Fee sidrim makhdood 29. Wa talhim mandood 30. Wa zillim mamdood 31. Wa maaa'im maskoob 32. Wa faakihatin kaseerah 33. Laa maqtoo'atinw wa laa mamnoo'ah 34. Wa furushim marfoo'ah 35. Innaaa anshaanaahunna inshaaa'aa 36. Faja'alnaahunna abkaaraa 37. 'Uruban atraabaa 38. Li as haabil yameen 39. Sullatum minal awwa leen 40. Wa sullatum minal aakhireen 41. Wa as haabush shimaali maaa as haabush shimaal 42. Fee samoominw wa hameem 43. Wa zillim miny yahmoom 44. Laa baaridinw wa laa kareem 45. Innahum kaanoo qabla zaalika mutrafeen 46. Wa kaanoo yusirroona 'alal hinsil 'azeem 47. Wa kaanoo yaqooloona a'izaa mitnaa wa kunnaa turaabanw wa izaaman'ainnaa lamab'oosoon 45 48. Awa aabaaa'unal awwaloon 49. Qul innal awwaleena wal aakhireen 50. Lamajmoo'oona ilaa meeqaati yawmim ma'loom 51. summa innakum ayyuhad daaalloonal mukazziboon 52. La aakiloona min shaja rim min zaqqoom 53. Famaali'oona minhal butoon 54. Fashaariboona 'alaihi minal hameem 55. Fashaariboona shurbal heem 56. Haazaa nuzuluhum yawmad deen 57. Nahnu khalaqnaakum falaw laa tusaddiqoon 58. Afara'aytum maa tumnoon 59. 'A-antum takhluqoo nahooo am nahnul khaaliqoon 60. Nahnu qaddarnaa baina kumul mawta wa maa nahnu bimasbooqeen 61. 'Alaaa an nubaddila amsaalakum wa nunshi'akum fee maa laa ta'lamoon 62. Wa laqad 'alimtumun nash atal oolaa falaw laa tazakkaroon 63. Afara'aytum maa tahrusoon 64. 'A-antum tazra'oonahooo am nahnuz zaari'ooon 65. Law nashaaa'u laja'al naahu hutaaman fazaltum tafakkahoon 66. Innaa lamughramoon 46 67. Bal nahnu mahroomoon 68. Afara'aytumul maaa'allazee tashraboon 69. 'A-antum anzaltumoohu minal muzni am nahnul munziloon 70. Law nashaaa'u ja'alnaahu ujaajan falaw laa tashkuroon 71. Afara'aytumun naaral latee tooroon 72. 'A-antum anshaatum shajaratahaaa am nahnul munshi'oon 73. Nahnu ja'alnaahaa tazkira tanw wa mataa'al lilmuqween 74. Fasabbih bismi Rabbikal 'azeem 75. Falaa uqsimu bimaawaa qi'innujoom 76. Wa innahoo laqasamul lawta'lamoona'azeem 77. Innahoo la quraanun kareem 78. Fee kitaabim maknoon 79. Laa yamassuhooo illal mutahharoon 80. Tanzeelum mir Rabbil'aalameen 81. Afabihaazal hadeesi antum mudhinoon 82. Wa taj'aloona rizqakum annakum tukazziboon 83. Falaw laaa izaa balaghatil hulqoom 84. Wa antum heena'izin tanzuroon 47 85. Wa nahnu aqrabu ilaihi minkum wa laakil laa tubsiroon 86. Falaw laaa in kuntum ghaira madeeneen 87. Tarji'oonahaaa in kuntum saadiqeen 88. Fa ammaaa in kaana minal muqarrabeen 89. Farawhunw wa raihaa nunw wa jannatu na'eem 90. Wa ammaaa in kaana min as haabil yameen 91. Fasalaamul laka min as haabil yameen 92. Wa ammaaa in kaana minal mukazzibeenad daaalleen 93. Fanuzulum min hameem 94. Wa tasliyatu jaheem 95. Inna haaza lahuwa haqqul yaqeen 96. Fasabbih bismi rabbikal 'azeem TRANLATION 1. When the Event (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) befalls. 2. And there can be no denying of its befalling. 3. It will bring low (some); (and others) it will exalt; 4. When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake. 5. And the mountains will be powdered to dust. 6. So that they will become floating dust particles. 7. And you (all) will be in three kinds (i.e. separate groups). 48 8. So those on the Right Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Records in their right hands), Who will be those on the Right Hand? (As a respect for them, because they will enter Paradise). 9. And those on the Left Hand (i.e. those who will be given their Record in their left hands), Who will be those on the Left Hand? (As a disgrace for them, because they will enter Hell). 10. And those foremost [(in Islamic Faith of Monotheism and in performing righteous deeds) in the life of this world on the very first call for to embrace Islam,] will be foremost (in Paradise). 11. These will be those nearest to Allah. 12. In the Gardens of delight (Paradise). 13. A multitude of those (foremost) will be from the first generations (who embraced Islam). 14. And a few of those (foremost) will be from the later time (generations). 15. (They will be) on thrones woven with gold and precious stones, 16. Reclining thereon, face to face. 17. They will be served by immortal boys, 18. With cups, and jugs, and a glass from the flowing wine, 19. Wherefrom they will get neither any aching of the head, nor any intoxication. 49 20. And fruit; that they may choose. 21. And the flesh of fowls that they desire. 22. And (there will be) Houris (fair females) with wide, lovely eyes (as wives for the pious), 23. Like unto preserved pearls. 24. A reward for what they used to do. 25. No Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk) will they hear therein, nor any sinful speech (like backbiting, etc.). 26. But only the saying of: Salam!, Salam! (greetings with peace) ! 27. And those on the Right Hand, - Who will be those on the Right Hand? 28. (They will be) among thornless lote-trees, 29. Among Talh (banana-trees) with fruits piled one above another, 30. In shade long-extended, 31. By water flowing constantly, 32. And fruit in plenty, 33. Whose season is not limited, and their supply will not be cut off, 34. And on couches or thrones, raised high. 35. Verily, We have created them (maidens) of special creation. 36. And made them virgins. 50 37. Loving (their husbands only), equal in age. 38. For those on the Right Hand. 39. A multitude of those (on the Right Hand) will be from the first generation (who embraced Islam). 40. And a multitude of those (on the Right Hand) will be from the later times (generations). 41. And those on the Left Hand Who will be those on the Left Hand? 42. In fierce hot wind and boiling water, 43. And shadow of black smoke, 44. (That shadow) neither cool, nor (even) good, 45. Verily, before that, they indulged in luxury, 46. And were persisting in great sin (joining partners in worship along with Allah, committing murders and other crimes, etc.) 47. And they used to say: "When we die and become dust and bones, shall we then indeed be resurrected? 48. "And also our forefathers?" 49. Say (O Muhammad ): "(Yes) verily, those of old, and those of later times. 50. "All will surely be gathered together for appointed Meeting of a known Day. 51. "Then moreover, verily, you the erring-ones, the deniers (of Resurrection)! 51 52. "You verily will eat of the trees of Zaqqum. 53. "Then you will fill your bellies therewith, 54. "And drink boiling water on top of it, 55. "So you will drink (that) like thirsty camels!" 56. That will be their entertainment on the Day of Recompense! 57. We created you, then why do you believe not? 58. Then tell Me (about) the human semen that you emit. 59. Is it you who create it (i.e. make this semen into a perfect human being), or are We the Creator? 60. We have decreed death to you all, and We are not unable, 61. To transfigure you and create you in (forms) that you know not. 62. And indeed, you have already known the first form of creation (i.e. the creation of Adam), why then do you not remember or take heed? 63. Tell Me! The seed that you sow in the ground. 64. Is it you that make it grow, or are We the Grower? 65. Were it Our Will, We could crumble it to dry pieces, and you would be regretful (or left in wonderment). 66. (Saying): "We are indeed Mughramun (i.e. ruined or lost the money without any profit, or punished by the loss of all that we spend for cultivation, etc.)! 67. "Nay, but we are deprived!" 52 68. Tell Me! The water that you drink. 69. Is it you who cause it from the rainclouds to come down, or are We the Causer of it to come down? 70. If We willed, We verily could make it salt (and undrinkable), why then do you not give thanks (to Allah)? 71. Tell Me! The fire which you kindle, 72. Is it you who made the tree thereof to grow, or are We the Grower? 73. We have made it a Reminder (for the Hell-fire, in the Hereafter); and an article of use for the travellers (and all the others, in this world). 74. Then glorify with praises the Name of your Lord, the Most Great. 75. So I swear by Mawaqi (setting or the mansions, etc.) of the stars (they traverse). 76. And verily, that is indeed a great oath, if you but know. 77. That (this) is indeed an honourable recital (the Noble Qur'an). 78. In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. AlLauh Al-Mahfuz). 79. Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but the purified (i.e. the angels). 53 80. A Revelation (this Qur'an) from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). 81. Is it such a talk (this Qur'an) that you (disbelievers) deny? 82. And instead (of thanking Allah) for the provision He gives you, on the contrary, you deny Him (by disbelief)! 83. Then why do you not (intervene) when (the soul of a dying person) reaches the throat? 84. And you at the moment are looking on, 85. But We (i.e. Our angels who take the soul) are nearer to him than you, but you see not 86. Then why do you not, if you are exempt from the reckoning and recompense (punishment, etc.) 87. Bring back the soul (to its body), if you are truthful? 88. Then, if he (the dying person) be of the Muqarrabun (those brought near to Allah), 89. (There is for him) rest and provision, and a Garden of delights (Paradise). 90. And if he (the dying person) be of those on the Right Hand, 91. Then there is safety and peace (from the Punishment of Allah) for (you as you are from) those on the Right Hand. 92. But if he (the dying person) be of the denying (of the Resurrection), the erring (away from the Right Path of Islamic Monotheism), 54 93. Then for him is entertainment with boiling water. 94. And burning in Hell-fire. 95. Verily, this! This is an absolute Truth with certainty. 96. So glorify with praises the Name of your Lord, the Most Great. ير ( ࣰ)١ علَ ٰى ُك ِّل ش َۡی ࣲء قَ ِّد ٌ تَبَ ٰـ َر َك ٱلَّ ِّذی ِّب َي ِّد ِّه ۡٱل ُم ۡل ُك َو ُه َو َ ع َم ࣰال ٱلَّ ِّذی َخلَقَ ۡٱل َم ۡو َ س ُن َ ت َو ۡٱل َحيَ ٰوة َ ِّليَ ۡبلُ َو ُك ۡم أَيُّ ُك ۡم أ َ ۡح َ َو ُه َو ۡٱلعَ ِّز ُ س َم ٰـ َو ࣲ ت ِّطبَاق ِۖا يز ۡٱلغَفُ ُ س ۡب َع َ ور ( )٢ٱلَّ ِّذی َخلَقَ َ ۡ ۡ ِۖ َ ۡ َ ࣲ َ ۡ ص َر ب ٱل ع ج ٱر ف ت و ـ ف ت ن م ن ـ م ح ٱلر ق َل ِّ َّ ٰ ٰ َ ُ ِّ َ َ ِّ َّما ت َ َر ٰى فِّی خ ِّ ِّ َه ۡل ت َ َر ٰى ِّمن فُ ُ ص َر َك َّرت َ ۡي ِّن يَنقَ ِّل ۡب ط ࣰࣲ ور ( )٣ث ُ َّم ۡٱر ࣱ ِّج ِّع ۡٱلبَ َ س َم ۤا َء ص ُر خَا ِّسئا َو ُه َو َح ِّسير (َ )٤ولَقَ ۡد زَ يَّنَّا ٱل َّ ِّإلَ ۡي َك ۡٱلبَ َ ࣰ َ ِۖ َ ۡ َّ ۡ َ ين َوأعتدنَا ل ُه ۡم ٱلدُّ ۡنيَا ِّب َم َ ص ٰـ ِّبي َح َو َجعَ ۡلنَ ٰـ َها ُر ُجوما ِّللشيَ ٰـ ِّط ِّ ين َكفَ ُر ۟ اب َج َه ࣰنَّ ِۖ َم ير (َ )٥و ِّللَّ ِّذ َ اب ٱل َّ عذ َ ُ وا ِّب َر ِّب ِّه ۡم َ عذ َ َ َ س ِّع ِّ س ِّمعُ ۟ ير (ِّ )٦إذَ ۤا أ ُ ۡلقُ ۟ ش ِّهيقا وا فِّي َها س ۡٱل َم َو ِّب ۡئ وا لَ َها َ ص ُ ِّ َ َ َ ࣱ ور ( )٧ت َ َكاعد ُ ت َ َمي َُّز ِّم َن ۡٱلغ َۡي ِِّۖظ ُكلَّ َم ۤا أ ُ ۡ ی فِّي َها ف ۡوج ق ل َو ِّه ِّ ی تَفُ ُ َ َ ࣱ ۤ ۟ ُ َ ۡ َ َ سأَلَ ُه ۡم خَزَ نَت ُ َه ۤا أَلَ ۡم َي ۡأتِّ ُك ۡم نَ ِّذير ( )٨قالوا َبل ٰى قد َجا َءنَا َ ࣱ نَ ِّذير فَ َكذَّ ۡبنَا َوقُ ۡلنَا َما ن ََّز َل َّ ٱَّللُ ِّمن ش َۡیء ِّإ ۡن أَنت ُ ۡم ِّإ َّال فِّی ضلَ ٰـ ࣲل َك ِّب ࣲير (َ )٩وقَالُ ۟ وا لَ ۡو ُكنَّا ن َۡس َم ُع أ َ ۡو نَعۡ ِّق ُل َما ُكنَّا ِّف ࣰ ۤی َ ٱعت َ َرفُ ۟ ير ( )١٠فَ ۡ أَ ۡ س ۡحقا ب ٱل َّ وا ِّبذَ ُۢن ِّب ِّه ۡم فَ ُ ص َح ٰـ ِّ س ِّع ِّ ِّأل َ ۡ ب ير (ِّ )١١إ َّن ٱلَّ ِّذ َ ب ٱل َّ ين يَ ۡخش َۡو َن َربَّ ُهم ِّب ۡٱلغ َۡي ِّ ص َح ٰـ ِّ س ِّع ِّ 55 ࣱ ࣱ ࣱ ٱج َه ُروا۟ ۟ َ َ َ َ لَ ُهم َّم ۡغ ِّف َرة َوأ ۡجر َك ِّبير (َ )١٢وأ ِّس ُّروا قَ ۡول ُك ۡم أ ِّو ۡ ُور ( )١٣أ َ َال يَعۡ لَ ُم َم ۡن َخلَقَ ع ِّلي ُۢ ُم ِّبذَا ِّ ت ٱل ُّ ِّب ِّۤۦه ِٰۖ ِّإنَّ ۥهُ َ صد ِّ ض يف ۡٱل َخ ِّب ُ َو ُه ࣰ َو ٱللَّ ِّط ُ ير (ُ )١٤ه َو ٱلَّ ِّذی َجعَ َل لَ ُك ُم ۡٱأل َ ۡر َ وا ِّفی َمنَا ِّك ِّب َها َو ُكلُ ۟ ش ۟ وا ِّمن ِّر ۡز ِّق ِِّۖۦه َو ِّإلَ ۡي ِّه ٱلنُّ ُ ذَلُوال فَ ۡٱم ُ ور ش ُ ض (َ )١٥ءأ َ ِّمنتُم َّمن فِّی ٱل َّ ف ِّب ُك ُم ۡٱأل َ ۡر َ س َم ۤا ِّء أَن يَ ۡخ ِّس َ س َم ۤا ِّء أ َن يُ ۡر ِّس َل ور ( )١٦أ َ ۡم أ َ ِّمنتُم َّمن فِّی ٱل َّ ی ت َ ُم ࣰ ُ فَإِّذَا ِّه َ ب ستَعۡ لَ ُم َ ير (َ )١٧ولَقَ ۡد َكذَّ َ علَ ۡي ُك ۡم َح ِّ َ اصب ِۖا فَ َ ف نَ ِّذ ِّ ون َك ۡي َ ير ( )١٨أ َ َولَ ۡم يَ َر ۡو ۟ا ِّإلَى ف َك َ ٱلَّ ِّذ َ ان نَ ِّك ِّ ين ِّمن قَ ۡب ِّل ِّه ۡم فَ َك ۡي َ َّ ت َويَ ۡق ِّب ۡ ص ٰۤـفَّ ٰـ ࣲ ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ ُن ض َن َما يُ ۡم ِّس ُك ُه َّن ِّإ َّال ٱلط ۡي ِّر فَ ۡوقَ ُه ۡم َّ َ ࣱ َّ ير ( )١٩أ َ َّم ۡن َه ٰـذَا ٱلَّ ِّذی ُه َو ُجند ل ُك ۡم ص ٌ ِّإنَّهۥُ ِّب ُك ِّل ش َۡی ِۭ ِّء بَ ِّ ون ِّإ َّال فِّی ُ غ ُرور ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ ِّن ِّإ ِّن ۡٱل َك ٰـ ِّف ُر َ ُون َّ يَن ُ ص ُر ُكم ِّمن عد ِّ س َك ِّر ۡزقَ ۥهُ بَل لَّ ُّج ۟ وا ( )٢٠أ َ َّم ۡن َه ٰـذَا ٱلَّ ِّذی يَ ۡر ُزقُ ُك ۡم ِّإ ۡن أ َ ۡم َ علَ ٰى َو ۡج ِّه ۤ ِّهۦ فِّی ُ عت ُ ࣲو َونُفُور ( )٢١أَفَ َمن يَ ۡم ِّشی ُم ِّكبًّا َ ٰ ࣲط ُّم ۡست َ ِّق ࣲيم ( )٢٢قُ ۡل ص َر ٰ علَ ٰى ِّ س ِّويًّا َ أ َ ۡهدَ ٰۤى أ َ َّمن يَ ۡم ِّشی َ ص ٰـ َر َو ۡٱأل َ ۡفـِّٔدَة َ ُه َوࣰ ٱلَّ ِّذ ۤی أَن َ شأ َ ُك ۡم َو َجعَ َل لَ ُك ُم ٱل َّ س ۡم َع َو ۡٱأل َ ۡب َ ض قَ ِّليال َّما ت َ ۡش ُك ُر َ ون ( )٢٣قُ ۡل ُه َو ٱلَّ ِّذی ذَ َرأ َ ُك ۡم فِّی ۡٱأل َ ۡر ِّ ون َمت َ ٰى َه ٰـذَا ۡٱل َو ۡعد ُ ِّإن ُكنت ُ ࣱ ۡم ون (َ )٢٤ويَقُولُ َ َو ِّإلَ ۡي ِّه ت ُ ۡحش َُر َ َّ َّ ۤ َ ۠ ࣱ ين ( )٢٥قُ ۡل ِّإنَّ َما ࣰ ۡٱل ِّع ۡل ُم ِّعندَ ٱَّللِّ َو ِّإن َما أنَا نَ ِّذير ُّم ِّبين ص ٰـ ِّد ِّق َ َ ين َكفَ ُر ۟ وا َو ِّقي َل ( { )٢٦فَلَ َّما َرأ َ ۡوهُ ُز ۡلفَة ِّس ۤيـَٔ ۡت ُو ُجوهُ ٱلَّ ِّذ َ ی ع َ َه ٰـذَا ٱلَّ ِّذی ُكنتُم ِّبِّۦه تَدَّ ُ ون ( )٢٧قُ ۡل أ َ َر َء ۡيت ُ ۡم ِّإ ۡن أ َ ۡهلَ َك ِّن َ َّ عذَاب ير ۡٱل َك ٰـ ِّف ِّر َ ی أ َ ۡو َر ِّح َمنَا فَ َمن يُ ِّج ُ ين ِّم ۡن َ ٱَّللُ َو َمن َّم ِّع َ علَ ۡي ِّه ت َ َو َّك ۡلن َِۖا أ َ ِّل ࣲيم ( )٢٨قُ ۡل ُه َو َّ ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ ُن َءا َمنَّا ِّب ِّهۦ َو َ 56 َف ) قُ ۡل أ َ َر َء ۡيت ُ ۡم ِّإ ۡن٢٩( ين َ ستَعۡ لَ ُم َ ون َم ۡن ُه َو ِّفی ࣲ ضلَ ٰـ ࣲل ُّم ِّب َ ࣰ ۡ ۤ ُ َ ۡ َأ ࣲ } )٣٠( ين ع م ء ا م ب م ك ي ت أ ي ن م ف ا ر صبَ َح َم ۤا ُؤ ُك ۡم غ َۡو ِّ َ َ ِّ ِۭ ِّ َّ َ ِّ }٣٠-١ :ورة ُ ال ُم ۡل ِّك ُ [ َ س TRANSLITETRATION Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem 1. Tabaarakal lazee biyadihil mulku wa huwa 'alaa kulli shaiin qadeer 2. Allazee khalaqal mawta walhayaata liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu 'amalaa; wa huwal 'azeezul ghafoor 3. Allazee khalaqa sab'a samaawaatin tibaaqam maa taraa fee khalqir rahmaani min tafaawut farji'il basara hal taraa min futoor 4. Summar ji'il basara karrataini yanqalib ilaikal basaru khaasi'anw wa huwa haseer 5. Wa laqad zaiyannas samaaa'ad dunyaa bimasaa beeha wa ja'alnaahaa rujoomal lish shayaateeni wa a'tadnaa lahum 'azaabas sa'eer 6. Wa lillazeena kafaroo bi rabbihim 'azaabu jahannama wa bi'sal maseer 7. Izaaa ulqoo feehaa sami'oo lahaa shaheeqanw wa hiya tafoor 8. Takaadu tamayyazu minal ghaizz kullamaaa ulqiya feehaa fawjun sa alahum khazanatuhaaa alam ya'tikum nazeer 57 9. Qaaloo balaa qad jaaa'anaa nazeerun fakazzabnaa wa qulnaa maa nazzalal laahu min shai in in antum illaa fee dalaalin kabeer 10. Wa qaaloo law kunnaa nasma'u awna'qilu maa kunnaa feee as haabis sa'eer 11. Fa'tarafoo bizambihim fasuhqal li as haabis sa'eer 12. Innal lazeena yakhshawna rabbahum bilghaibi lahum maghfiratunw wa ajrun kabeer 13. Wa asirroo qawlakum awijharoo bih; innahoo 'aleemum bizaatis sudoor 14. Alaa ya'lamu man khalaqa wa huwal lateeful khabeer 15. Huwal lazee ja'ala lakumul arda zaloolan famshoo fee manaakibihaa wa kuloo mir rizqih; wa ilaihin nushoor 16. 'A-amintum man fissamaaa'i aiyakhsifa bi kumul arda fa izaa hiya tamoor 17. Am amintum man fissamaaa'i ai yursila 'alaikum haasiban fasata'lamoona kaifa nazeer 18. Wa laqad kazzabal lazeena min qablihim fakaifa kaana nakeer 19. Awalam yaraw ilat tairi fawqahum saaaffaatinw wa yaqbidn; maa yumsikuhunna il'lar rahmaan; innahoo bikulli shai in baseer 58 20. Amman haazal lazee huwa jundul lakum yansurukum min doonir rahmaan; inilkaafiroona illaa fee ghuroor 21. Amman haazal lazee yarzuqukum in amsaka rizqah; bal lajjoo fee 'utuwwinw wa nufoor 22. Afamai yamshee mukibban 'alaa wajhihee ahdaaa ammany yamshee sawiyyan 'alaa siratim mustaqeem 23. Qul huwal lazee ansha akum wa ja'ala lakumus sam'a wal absaara wal af'idata qaleelam maa tashkuroon 24. Qul huwal lazee zara akum fil ardi wa ilaihi tuhsharoon 25. Wa yaqooloona mataa haazal wa'du in kuntum saadiqeen 26. Qul innamal 'ilmu 'indallaahi wa innamaaa ana nazeerum mubeen 27. Falammaa ra-awhu zulfatan seee'at wujoohul lazeena kafaroo wa qeela haazal lazee kuntum bihee tadda'oon 28. Qul ara'aytum in ahlaka niyal laahu wa mam ma'iya aw rahimanaa famai-yujeerul kaafireena min 'azaabin aleem 29. Qul huwar rahmaanu aamannaa bihee wa 'alaihi tawakkalnaa fasata'lamoona man huwa fee dalaalim mubeen 59 30. Qul ara'aytum in asbaha maaa'ukum ghawran famai ya'teekum bimaaa'im ma'een بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ۡ َ ف فَعَ َل َرب َُّك ِّبأ ) أَلَ ۡم يَ ۡجعَ ۡل١( ب ۡٱل ِّفي ِّل ِّ ص َح ٰـ َ أَلَ ۡم ت َ َر َك ۡي َ علَ ۡي ِّه ۡم ۡ َ َك ۡيدَ ُه ۡم فِّی ت )٣( ط ۡي ًرا أَبَا ِّبي َل ࣲ ض ِّل َ س َل َ ) َوأ َ ۡر٢( يل ۡ َ) فَ َجعَلَ ُه ۡم َكع٤( يل ࣲ ص ف ࣲ ارةࣲ ِّمن ِّس ِّج َ ت َ ۡر ِّمي ِّهم ِّب ِّح َج ( ٥-١ :ورة ُ ال ِّفي ِّل ُ ) )٥ ( ل َ س ِّ ِۭ َّم ۡأ ُكو TRANSLITERATION Alam tara kaifa fa’ala robbuka bi As’habul- Fiil. Alam yaj’al kaeda’um fi tadliil wa arsaala alayhim tairan ababiil. Tarmihim fi Hijaaratin min sijjin. Faja’alaum ka’asfim ma’kul أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم 60 ف ()٢ ف قُ َر ۡيش (ِّ )١ۦإلَ ٰـ ِّف ِّه ۡم ِّر ۡحلَةَ ِّ ص ۡي ِّ ِّ ِّإليلَ ٰـ ِّ ٱلشت َ ۤا ِّء َوٱل َّ ِّی أ َ ۡ فَ ۡليَعۡ بُد ۟ وع ج ن م م ه م ع ط ب َه ٰـذَا ۡٱلبَ ۡي ِّ ُوا َر َّ ِّ ت ( )٣ٱلَّذ ۤ ُ ُ َ َ ࣲ ف ()٤ َو َءا َمنَ ُهم ِّم ۡن خ َۡو ِۭ ِّ أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ِّب بٱلدِّين ( )١فَ ٰ ع ۡ َّ َ ُّ ُ يم ()٢ ت ي ٱل د ي ِّی ذ ٱل ك ل ذ َ أ َ َر َء ۡي َ ِّ ِّ َ َ ت ٱلَّذِّی يُ َكذ ُ ِّ ِّ َ ࣱ ۡ ض َعلَ ٰى َ ص ِّلينَ ()٤ َو َال يَ ُح ُّ ين ( )٣فَ َو ۡيل ِّلل ُم َ طعَ ِّام ۡٱل ِّم ۡس ِّك ِّ سا ُهونَ ( )٥ٱلَّذِّينَ ُه ۡم يُ َر ۤا ُءونَ ()٦ ص َالتِّ ِّه ۡم َ ٱلَّذِّينَ ُه ۡم َعن َ عونَ ()٧ َويَمۡ نَعُونَ ۡٱل َما ُ أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ِّإنَّ ۤا أَ ۡع َ ص ِّل ِّل َر ِّب َك َو ۡٱن َح ۡر ( )٢إِّ َّن شَانِّئَ َك ُه َو ط ۡينَ ٰـ َك ۡٱل َك ۡوثَ َر ( )١فَ َ ۡٱأل َ ۡبت َ ُر ()٣ 61 أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم قُ ۡل يَ ٰۤـأَيُّ َها ۡٱل َك ٰـ ِّف ُرونَ (ۤ َ )١ال أَ ۡعبُدُ َما تَعۡ بُدُونَ (َ )٢و َ ۤال ࣱ عبَدت ُّ ۡم (َ )٤و َالۤ َع ٰـ ِّبدُونَ َم ۤا أ َ ۡعبُدُ (َ )٣و َ ۤال أَن َ۠ا َعا ِّبد َّما َ ۤ ِّين()٦ ی عد ِّ َع ٰـ ِّبدُونَ َما أ َ ۡعبُد ُ ( )٥لَ ُك ۡم عدِّينُ ُك ۡم َو ِّل َ أَنت ُ ۡم أَنت ُ ۡم أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم َص ُر َّ ِّإذَا َج ۤا َء ن ۡ اس يَ ۡد ُخلُونَ فِّی ٱَّللِّ َو ۡٱلفَ ۡت ُح (َ )١و َرأ َ ۡي َ ت ٱلنَّ َ ࣰ ۡ س ِّب ۡح ِّب َحمۡ ِّد َر ِّب َك َو ۡ ِّين َّ ٱستَغ ِّف ۡرهُ ِّإنَّ ۥهُ َكانَ ٱَّللِّ أ َ ۡف َواجا ( )٢فَ َ عد ِّ ت َ َّوا ُۢبَا ()٣ 62 أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ب ()٢ ب َوت َ َّ تَب َّۡت يَدَ ۤا أ َ ِّبی لَ َه ࣲ ب (َ )١م ۤا أ َ ۡغن َٰى َ س َ ع ۡنهُ َمالُ ۥهُ َو َما َك َ ࣰ ۡ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ سي َ ۡ ب ( )٤فِّی صلَ ٰى نَارا ذ َ ات ل َه ࣲ ب (َ )٣و ۡٱم َرأت ۥهُ َح َّمالة ٱل َحط ِّ َ ࣱ س ِۭ ِّد ()٥ ِّجي ِّدهَا َح ۡبل ِّمن َّم َ أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ٱَّللُ أَ َحدٌ (َّ )١ قُ ۡل ُه َو َّ ص َمدُ ( )٢لَ ۡم يَ ِّل ۡد َولَ ۡم يُولَ ۡد (َ )٣ولَ ۡم ٱَّللُ ٱل َّ يَ ُكن لَّ ۥهُ ُكفُ ًوا أَ َح ُۢدُ ()٤ أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu 63 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم ق (ِّ )١من ش َِّر َما َخلَقَ (َ )٢و ِّمن ش َِّر غَا ِّسق قُ ۡل أ َ ُ عوذُ ِّب َر ِّ ب ۡٱلفَلَ ِّ ت فِّی ۡٱلعُقَ ِّد (َ )٤و ِّمن ش َِّر َحا ِّسد ب (َ )٣و ِّمن ش َِّر ٱلنَّفَّ ٰـث َ ٰـ ِّ ِّإذَا َوقَ َ سدَ ()٥ ِّإذَا َح َ أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم اس (ِّ )٣من قُ ۡل أ َ ُ اس (ِّ )٢إلَ ٰـ ِّه ٱلنَّ ِّ اس (َ )١م ِّل ِّك ٱلنَّ ِّ ب ٱلنَّ ِّ عوذُ ِّب َر ِّ اس س فِّی ُ ُور ٱلنَّ ِّ اس ۡٱل َخنَّ ِّ ش َِّر ٱ ۡل َو ۡس َو ِّ اس ( )٤ٱلَّ ِّذی يُ َو ۡس ِّو ُ صد ِّ اس ()٦ (ِّ )٥منَ ۡٱل ِّجنَّ ِّة َوٱلنَّ ِّ أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر هللا أكبر ال إله إال هللا أهلل أكبر هللا أكبر وهلل الحمد Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar Allah Akbar Laa illaha Illa llahu Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar walillahil Hamdu ِ 64 بسمِهللاِالرحمنِالرحيمِ ان الـْ َمـــنَّ ُ ت ْال َحنَّ ُ ان بَ ِّد ْي ِّع أ َ ْسأ َلُ َك اللَّ ُه َّم بِّ َال ِّإلَهَ إِّ َّال أ َ ْن َ ب س َم َوا ِّ ال َّ ت َو ْاأل َ ْر ِّ عا ِّل ِّم ْالغَ ْي ِّ ض ذ ُ ْو ْال َج َال ِّل َواْ ِّإل ْك َر ِّام َ َوال َّ ش َهاعدَةِّ ْال َك ِّب ْي ِّر الـْ ُمت َعَا ِّلَ .وأ َ ْسأ َلُ َك بِّا ْس ِّم َك ْالعَ ِّظ ْي ِّم ْاأل َ ْع َ ت بِّ ِّه سئِّ ْل َ ت بِّ ِّه أ َ َج ْب َ ي ِّإذَا عدُ ِّع ْي َ ت َوإِّذَا ُ ظ ِّم ال ِّذ ْ ظ َمتِّ ِّه ْالعُ ْ ي يُ ِّذ ُل ِّلعَ َ أ َ ْع َ اء ط ْي َ ظ َم ِّ ت َوأ َ ْسأ َلُ َك ِّبا ْس ِّم َك الَّ ِّذ ْ السبَاعِّ َو ْال َه َو ِّام َو ُك ِّل َ َوالـْ ُملُ ْو ِّك َو ِّ ش ْيء َخلَ ْقت َهُ يَاأ َهللُ ت يَاذَا ب عدَ ْع َونَا يَا َم ْن لَهُ ْال ِّع َّزةِّ َو ْال َجبَ ُر ْو ِّ ب اِّ ْست َ ِّج ْ ار ِّ يَ َ ي َال يَ ُم ْو ُ ان ِّر ِّبي س ْب َح َ الـْ ُم ْل ِّك َوالـْ َملَ ُك ْو ِّ ت ُ ت يَا َم ْن َح ُّ َما أ َ ْع َ سا فِّي ظ َم َ شأ ْنِّ َك َوأ َ ْرفَ َع َم َكانِّ َك أ َ ْن َ ت َر ِّبي يَا ُمقَ ِّد َ َجبَ ُر ْو ِّت ِّه ِّإلَ ْي َك أ َ ْر َ ع ِّظ ْي ُم يَا َك ِّب ْي ُر ب َو ِّإيَّ َ اك أ َ ْر َه ُ غ ُ ب يَا َ ع ِّل ْي ُم ع ِّظ ْي ُم ت َعَالَ ْي َ ار ْك َ ت يَا َ ت يَا َ ي ت َبَ َ يَا َجبَّا ُر يَاقَا ِّعد ُر يَاقَ ِّو ُّ س ْب َحانَ َك يَا َج ِّل ْي ُل أ َ ْسأ َلُ َك بِّا ْس ِّم َك ْالعَ ِّظ ْي ِّم الت َّ ِّام ْال َك ِّب ْي ِّر أ َ ْن ُ س ِّل ْ ش ْي َ طانًا َم ِّر ْيدًا َو َال عنِّ ْيدًا َو َال َ علَ ْينَا َجبَّ ً ارا َ ط َ َال ت ُ َ ش ِّد ْيدًا َو َال ض ِّع ْيفًا ِّم ْن َخ ْل ِّق َك َو َال َ سانًا َح ُ س ْوعدًا َو َال َ ِّإ ْن َ ع ِّن ْيدًا .ا َللَّ ُه َّم ِّإ ِّني أ َ ْسأ َلُ َك بَ ً ع ِّب ْيدًا َو َال َ اج ًرا َو َال َ ارا َو َال فَ ِّ احد ُ ي َال ِّإلَهَ إِّ َّال أ َ ْن َ فَإِّنِّي أ َ ْش َهد ُ أ َنَّ َك أ َ ْن َ ت ْال َو ِّ ت هللاُ الَّ ِّذ ْ ي لَ ْم يَ ِّل ْد َولَ ْم يُ ْولَ ْد َولَ ْم يَ ُك ْن لَهُ ُك ْف ًوا ِّاأل َ ْحدُ ال َّ ص َمدُ الَّ ِّذ ْ أ َ ْحدُ .يَا ُه َو يَا َم ْن َال ُه ْو إِّ َّال ُه َو يَا َم ْن َال ِّإلَهَ إِّ َّال ُه َو 65 ي ي يَا ِّعد ْمعَ ِّر ُّ ي يَاعدَ ْهر ُّ ي يَاأ َبَ ِّد ُّ ي يَا َم ْن ُه َو ْال َح ُّ يَاأ َزَ ِّل ُّ الَّ ِّذي َال يَ ُم ْو ُ احدًا َال ت يَا ِّإلَ َهنَا َو ِّإلَهُ ُك َّل ِّش ْيء َو ِّإلَ ًها َو ِّ ت س َم َوا ِّ اط ِّر ال َّ الر ِّح ْي ُم .اللَّ ُه َّم فَ ِّ ِّإلَهَ ِّإ َّال ُه َو ال َّر ْح َم ُن َّ ب َوال َّ الر ِّح ْي ِّم. الر ْح َم ِّن َّ ش َهاعدَ ِّة َّ َو ْاأل َ ْر ِّ عا ِّل ُم ْالغَ ْي ِّ ض َ ث ْال َو ِّار ُ ان ْالبَا ِّع ُ ان ْالـ َمنَّ ُ ان ْال َحنَّ ُ ي ْالقَيُ ْو ُم الدَّيَّ ُ ث ا َ ْل َح ُّ اإل ْك َر ِّام. ذُ ْو ْال َج َال ِّل َو ْ ِّ بسمِهللاِالرحمنِالرحيمِ امعَ ِّة ْال َخي ِّْري الدُّ ْنيَا ِّإ َّن ِّمنَ ْاأل َ ْعد ِّعيَّ ِّة ْال َم ْر ِّويَّ ِّة َع ِّن النَّ ِّبي ِّ ْالج ِّ َو ْاآل ِّخ َر ِّة. ِّك اص ْينَا ِّبيَد َ َاء َع ْبد َُك َوأ َ ْبن ِّ اَللَّ ُه َّم ِّإنَّا َع ْبد َُك َوأ َ ْبن ِّ َاء أ َ َماتِّ َك ن ََو ِّ ضا ُؤ َك نَ ْسأَلُ َك ِّب ُك ِّل ِّإ ْسم ُه َو اض فِّ ْينَا ُح ْك ِّم َك َع ْد ٌل فِّ ْينَا قَ َ َم َ ِّك أ َ ْو أ َ ْنزَ ْلتَهُ فِّ ْي ِّكتَا ِّب َك أ َ ْو َعلَ ْمتَهُ أ َ ْحدًا ْت ِّب ِّه نَ ْفس َ س َمي َ لَ َك َ ب ِّع ْندَ َك أ َ ْن ت َ ْجعَ َل ست َ ْر َ ت ِّب ِّه ِّف ْي ِّع ْل ِّم ْالغَ ْي ِّ ِّم ْن خ َْل ِّق َك أ َ ْو َ ْالقُ ْر ُ ارنَا َو ِّشفَا َء آن ْالعَ ِّظ ْي ُم َر ِّب ْي َع قُلُ ْو ِّبنَا َونُ ْو َرا أ َ ْب َ ص ِّ اب ُه ُم ْو َمنَا َو ُ غ ُم ْو َمنَا ُ صد ُْو ِّرنَا َو َجآل َء أ َ ْحزَ نِّنَا َوذَ َه َ ت النَّ ِّعي ِّْمَ ،وعدَ ِّار َك سائِّ ْقنَا َوقَائِّ ِّدنَا ِّإلَ ْي َك َو ِّإلَى َجنَّاتِّ َك َجنَّا ِّ َو َ الص ِّد ِّقيْنَ سالَ ِّم َم َع الَّ ِّذيْنَ أ َ ْنعَ ْم َ ار ال َّ ت َعلَ ْي ِّه ْم ِّمنَ النَّ ِّب ِّييْنَ َو ِّ عدَ َ َوال ُّ اح ِّميْنَ .الَّل ُه َّم ش َهدَ ِّ الر ِّ اء َوال َّ ار ْح َم ِّت َك يَا أ َ ْر َح َم َّ صا ِّل ِّحيْنَ ِّب َ ار ُز ْقنَا تِّ َال َوتَهُ َعلَى اِّ ْجعَ ْلهُ لَنَا َ شفَا ًء َو ُهدًا َو ِّإ َما ًما َو َر ْح َمةً َو ْ 66 ضي َْك َعنَّاَ .و َال ت َ ْجعَ ْل لَنَا ذَ ْنبًا إِّ َّال َغفَ ْرتَهُ َو َال ِّي يَ ْر ِّ النُّ ْو ِّر الَّذ ْ شفَ ْيتَهُ ضا ِّإ َّال َ ض ْيتَهُ َو َال َم ِّر ْي ً َه ًّما ِّإ َّال فَ َر ْجتَهُ َو َال عدَ ْينًا ِّإ َّال قَ َ اصيًّا ِّإ َّال َو َال َعدُّ ًوا ِّإ َّال َكفَ ْفتَهُ َو َال غَائِّبًا ِّإ َّال َرعد ِّْمتَهُ َو َال َع ِّ ص ِّل ْحتَهُ َو َال َم ْيتًا ِّإ َّال َر ِّح ْمتَهُ َو َال ص ْمتَهُ َو َال فَا ِّسدًا ِّإ َّال أ َ ْ َع ِّ س ْرتَهُ َو َال َحا َجةً ِّم ْن ست َ ْرتَهُ َو َال َع ِّسي ًْرا ِّإ َّال يَ َ َع ْيبًا ِّإ َّال َ ح ِّإ َّال ج الدُّ ْنيَا َو ْاآل ِّخ َرةِّ لَ َك فِّ ْي َها ِّر َ ضا َولَنَا فِّ ْي َها ِّ ص َال ِّ َح َوائِّ ِّ أ َ ْع َ ضائِّ َها فِّ ْي يُ ْس ِّر ِّم ْن َك َو َعافِّيَ ِّة يَا أ َ ْر َح َم ط ْيتَهُ َعلَى قَ َ ص َح ِّب ِّه الر ِّ َّ صلَّى هللاُ َعلَى َ س ِّي ِّدنَا ُم َح َّمد َو َعلَى آ ِّل ِّه َو َ اح ِّميْنَ َو َ س ِّل ِّم. َو َ 67 68 69 70 AL- MODAWA