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Modul Muzik Gred 8: Burung Kakatua & Rasa Sayang

MELC: Performs music from Southeast Asia with own accompaniment.
A. Introduction
Southeast Asian music is different in every culture, but they all have a couple of things in common
and that is, music is important because it is a way to celebrate cultural traditions, connect you with people,
helps you find your identity, and helps you learn a language.
B. Discussion
In this module you will learn the song Burung Kakatua and be able to sing it. Below is the lyrics
of Burung Kakatua in Indonesia.
Burung Kakatua
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Burung kakatua
Hinggap di jendela
Nenek sudah tua
Giginya tinggal dua
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Burung kakatua
Giginya tinggal dua
Nenek sudah tua
Hinggap di jendela
Seperti kakatua!
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Burung kakatua
C. Readings
Burung Kakatua is a folk song from Indonesia about the cockatoo (kakatua) and the village
grandmother who listens to it singing. You will be charmed by the beautiful cockatoo and surprised by the
lifelike expressions on the grandmother's face as the bird serenades her. The instrumental timbre of burung
kakatua is Bright and Jolly.
D. Example
Watch and listen to Burung Kakatua Video from this link
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXc2gqQfLBY
PART II. Activity Proper
Activity 1. Watch and learn!
Direction: Practice the song Burung Kakatua https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boUiiuFOCcA
A. Introduction
Rasa Sayang is a folk song malay language, popular in
Indonesia. Rasa sayang came to form the conceptual theme of the
Prologue because it encompasses — like the embrace — both a sense
of love and its complementary opposite of loss. The word rasa is one of the quintessential expressions of
the Malay self, at once earthy and honest.
B. Discussion
In this module you will learn the song Si Rasa Sayang and be able to sing it. Below is the lyrics
of Rasa Sayang.
Rasa Sayang
Rasa sayang hey!
Rasa sayang sayang hey!
Hey lihat nona jauh
Rasa sayang sayang hey!
Buah cempedak di luar pagar
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan
Saya budak baru belajar
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan
Pulau pandan jauh ke tengah
Gunung daik bercabang tiga
Hancur badan dikandung tanah
Budi yang baik dikenang juga
Dua tiga kucing berlari
Mana sama si kucing belang
Dua tiga boleh ku cari
Mana sama abang seorang
Pisang emas dibawa berlayar
Masak sebiji di atas peti
Hutang emas boleh dibayar
Hutang budi dibawa mati
C. Readings
"Rasa Sayang" (pronounced [ˈrasa 'sajaŋ], literally "loving feeling") or "Rasa Sayange" is a folk
song from Maluku, Indonesia,
D. Example
Watch and listen to Rasa Sayang Sample Performance from this link
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3IfV9mK2aM
PART II. Activity Proper
Activity 1. Watch and learn!
Direction: Practice the song Rasa Sayang Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQnSM7_kssM
A. Directions: Supply the missing word/s of the song Burung Kakatua and Rasa Sayang. Choose your answer from the
box and write it on the space provided.
Burung Kakatua
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Burung kakatua
Hinggap di (1)________________
Nenek sudah tua
(2)________________tinggal (3)________________
Tredung, tredung, (4) ________________tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Giginya (6)________________dua
Nenek (7)________________tua
(8)________________di jendela
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Tredung, tredung, tredung tra la la
Burung (10)________________
Rasa Sayang
Rasa sayang hey!
Rasa sayang sayang hey!
Hey (1)____________nona jauh
Rasa sayang sayang hey!
Buah (2)____________di luar pagar
Ambil galah tolong (3)____________
Saya budak baru belajar
Kalau salah tolong (4)__________
Pulau pandan jauh ke tengah
Gunung daik bercabang tiga
Hancur badan (5)__________tanah
Budi yang baik dikenang juga
B. Directions: Sing the song Rasa Sayang and send your video to your teacher for performance evaluation.