A study of relationship among racism, poverty and income in online higher educational sector among Indian students. Review of literature In March 2016, Microsoft’s newly launched Artificial Intelligence powered bot called Tay, which was responding to tweets and chats on Group Me and Kit, by shutting it due to concerns with its ability to recognize when it was making offensive and racist statements. (Perez, 2016) The bot wasn’t programmed to be racist, but it learns from those it interacts with. Perez further opines that given that this is the internet, one of the first things online users taught Tay was how to be racist, and how to spout back ill informed or inflammatory political opinions. This episode also supported the internet adage labeled Godwin’s law which implies online conversation inevitably lead to Nazi or Hitler approaches. These are subtle emotions, sarcasm whether intentional or unintentional. Niarleseu Mizletel et al while reviewing subtle commented elucidate implications of indirect questions instead of direct reviews and thus encourage subtlety. They in their research try to figure out factors affecting human helpfulness evaluations in various Amazon reviews, which are indirect and therefore subtle. According to the results, they show consensus-conformity, individual bias hypothesis, the brilliant but cruel hypothesis, the quality only strong norm hypothesis. The conformity hypothesis has roots in the social psychology of conformity, which holds that a review is evaluated as more helpful when its rating is closer to the consensus star rating for the product. The individual bias hypothesis implies that when a user considers a review, he or she will rate it more highly if it expresses an opinion that he or she agrees with. The brilliant and cruel hypothesis name comes from the argument that negative reviewers are perceived as more intelligent, competent and expert than positive reviewers. Finally, it could be that people who assign particular star ratings in particular situation- write reviews that are textually more helpful. Since most of the elite institutions are in the developed countries like MIT and Oxford their views are given substance which promotes racism. According to Hobbes, every object exists first in itself and later it acquires the characteristics which we give meaning to.