DAILY LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH SCHOOL DE CASTRO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE FOUR LOYALTY-6:40-7:30 LOVE-8:00-8:50 FAITH-11:50-12:40 KINDNESS-8:50-9:40 COURTEOUS- 10:00-11:00 I. Objectives A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies/Objectives (Write the LC code for each) II. Content III. Learning Resources References 1.Teacher’s Guide pages 2.Learner’s Materials pages 3.Textbook pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal 5. VALUES INTEGRATION Other Learning Resources IV.Procedures A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Quarter DATE DAY FIRST 09-11-2023 MONDAY The learner demonstrate understanding on how to use dictionary and thesaurus. The learner is able to use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of words Use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of words Identify the parts of a dictionary MELC p. 134 SLM MODULE 1 PAGE 1-40 https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/list/kto12/subject/880 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFhh7MgbZjk&pp=ygUaRU5HTElTSCA0IF FVQVJURVIgMSBXRUVLIDI%3D Powerpoint, ,paper,pencil Before you start a new lesson, let us have a short review of the lesson learned on the previous 1.What are the different parts of a simple paragraph? 2.Identify the topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence of the paragraph “Frog” using the burger strategy. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (ENGAGE) C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson (EXPLORE) D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (EXPLAIN) E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 (ELABORATE) Look at the picture? Do you know what a gnome is? For you to formally define the meaning of a gnome, what material should you use? Look at the puzzle, what is forms after arranging the puzzle? Do you know what a dictionary is? Do you know its parts? What is a dictionary? Any idea? -A dicionary is a reference book that contains words which are arranged in alphabetical order. It gives information about the meaning, pronunciation, etymology and uses of a word. In other words, we use dictionary to find the meaning of words, find the correct spelling of words and find out what part of speech a word is. Let us study the parts of a dictionary. What do you call this part of a dictionary? What does guide words do? F. Developing mastery (Leads to formative assessment) G. Finding practical/ applications of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson What part of dictionary is this? What are entry words? Answer the activity. Write the correct word that should be placed between guide words. GROUP ACTIVITY GROUP I Tell whether each word would be found on the dictionary page above. Write yes or no for each. GROUP II Use the dictionary page to answer the questions. GROUP III You use a dictionary to look up the meaning of a word that you don’t know. Study the dictionary page below. Then answer the questions. What is a dictionary? What are the parts of a dictionary? I. Evaluating Learning 1.Which of the following words means a large body of men and women organized for land warfare? a. legerdemain b. legion c. legendary 2. Which of the words has the same meaning to the word legionary? a. legendary b. legerdemain c. legion 3. What part of speech is the word legendary? a. noun (n.) b. verb (v.) c. adjective (adj. J. Additional activities for V .Remarks application or remediation VI.Reflection A. No. of learners who earned 80% on this formative assessment B. No. learners who require additional activities for remediation Prepared by: SHARON V. LANORIO Teacher Inspected: ESTER C. AMIGO Principal IV DAILY LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH SCHOOL DE CASTRO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE FOUR LOYALTY-6:40-7:30 LOVE-8:00-8:50 FAITH-11:50-12:40 KINDNESS-8:50-9:40 COURTEOUS- 10:00-11:00 I. Objectives A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies/Objectives (Write the LC code for each) II. Content III. Learning Resources References 1.Teacher’s Guide pages 2.Learner’s Materials pages 3.Textbook pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal 5. VALUES INTEGRATION Other Learning Resources IV.Procedures A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson B. .Establishing a purpose for the lesson C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Quarter DATE DAY FIRST 09-12-2023 TUESDAY The learner demonstrate understanding on how to use dictionary and thesaurus. The learner is able to use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of words Use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of words. Locate meaning of words in a dictionary using guide words. EN4SS-IIh1.4/ EN4V-IIi-35 MELC p. 134 SLM MODULE 1 PAGE 1-40 https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/list/kto12/subject/880 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFhh7MgbZjk&pp=ygUaRU5HTElTSC A0IFFVQVJURVIgMSBXRUVLIDI%3D Book, TV, chart What are the parts of a dictionary? Have you experience playing Lego? What helps you make the task easier? Guides make our work easier right? What helps us find words in a dictionary? What are guide words? These are the words in bold at the top of each page that help to locate an entry word. • The first guide word is the first word on the page. • The second guide word is the last word on the page. • The words listed in between the first and last are in alphabetical order beginning with the first guide word and ending with the last guide word on that page. E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 All dictionaries have guide words. These are words at the top of the page that tell you the first or the last word on that page. Some children’s dicti onaries have two guidewords on each page: one telling you the first wor d on that page, and the other telling you the last word on that page, like this: F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) Use a dictionary to look up the words below. Write the guide words at G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living the top of each page for the words below. Also write the page number to show where you found each word. 1.farm- __________ and __________ 2.horse- __________ and __________ 3.trough __________ and _________ 4.silo- _____________ and _________ 5. wheat - _________ and __________ Group Activity: Group I Get you dictionary and write the two guide words of the following. Rummage Faith Dream Tough delicate Group II 1.On which page is the word grind? 2.Is the word bug on page 32? 3.What is the first guide words on page 314? 4.Would the word dime be found before or after page 97? 5.Is the word brace on page 32? Group III Check the correct pair of guide words for each word. H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson What are guide words? I. Evaluating Learning J. Additional activities for application or remediation V .Remarks VI.Reflection A. No. of learners who earned 80% of the formative assessment B. No. of learners who require additional activities to remediation Prepared by: SHARON V. LANORIO Teacher Inspected: ESTER C. AMIGO Principal IV DAILY LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH SCHOOL DE CASTRO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE FOUR Quarter LOYALTY-6:40-7:30 LOVE-8:00-8:50 FAITH-11:50-12:40 DATE KINDNESS-8:50-9:40 COURTEOUS- 10:00-11:00 DAY I. Objectives A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies/Objectives (Write the LC code for each) 5. VALUES INTEGRATION Other Learning Resources IV.Procedures A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) WEDNESDAY The learner demonstrate understanding on how to use dictionary and thesaurus. The learner is able to use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of words II. Content III. Learning Resources References 1.Teacher’s Guide pages 2.Learner’s Materials pages 3.Textbook pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal FIRST 09-13-2023 Locate meaning of words using thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms EN4SS-IIIi-14 MELC p. 134 SLM MODULE 1 PAGE 1-40 https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/list/kto12/subject/880 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFhh7MgbZjk&pp=ygUaRU5HTElTS CA0IFFVQVJURVIgMSBXRUVLIDI%3D Book, TV, chart What are the guide words of the following words. Rage Rampant Crook Vague bravery Aside from dictionary, do you know other materials where we can find the meaning of unfamiliar words? Look at the picture. Are you familiar with this? Aside from a dictionary you can also use thesaurus if you want to know the synonyms and antonyms of words. What is a thesaurus? How does it differ from a dictionary? G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living Group Activity Group I Use the thesaurus below and answer the questions that follow. 1.Give at least 2 synonym of the word abide. 2.What is another word for abate? Group II 1What is the opposite of the word immediate? 2.What do you mean by prompt? Group III H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson I. Evaluating Learning Give 5 synonym of the word wander. What is a thesaurus? What can we find in thesaurus? Study the given thesaurus and answer the following questions. 1. Which of the following words has the same meaning with the word legend? a. chase b. immigrant c. myth 2. Which of the following is correct? a. legend [ lej-uhnd] Syn. fable, fiction, folklore, lore, myth, mythology Ant. non-fiction, truth b. migrant [ mahy-gruh nt] Ant. traveler, native, mover, vagrant, wanderer Syn. native, immigrant c. search [ surch] Ant. hunt, inquiry, investigate, chase, quest Syn. ignorance, finding 3. What is the antonym or opposite word of the word migrant? a. mover b. native c. vagrant 4. What word is the same as the following words: hunt, inquiry, investigate? a. legend b. migrant c. search J. Additional activities for application or remediation V .Remarks VI.Reflection A. B. No. of learners who earned 80% of the formative assessment No. of learners who require additional activities to remediation Prepared by: SHARON V. LANORIO Teacher Inspected: ESTER C. AMIGO Principal IV DAILY LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH SCHOOL DE CASTRO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE FOUR LOYALTY-6:40-7:30 LOVE-8:00-8:50 FAITH-11:50-12:40 KINDNESS-8:50-9:40 COURTEOUS- 10:00-11:00 I. Objectives A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies/Objectives (Write the LC code for each) II. Content III. Learning Resources References 1.Teacher’s Guide pages 2.Learner’s Materials pages 3.Textbook pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal Quarter DATE DAY FIRST 09-14-2023 THURSDAY The learner demonstrate understanding on how to use dictionary and thesaurus. The learner is able to use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, online sources to find the meaning of words Locate meaning of words using online sources MELC p. 134 SLM MODULE 1 PAGE 1-40 https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/list/kto12/subject/880 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFhh7MgbZjk&pp=ygUaRU5HTElTS CA0IFFVQVJURVIgMSBXRUVLIDI%3D 5. VALUES INTEGRATION Other Learning Resources IV.Procedures A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Direction: Use the thesaurus to replace the underlined words. Write your answers on your answer sheet. excited adj. Syn. enthusiastic, eager, delighted Ant. bored, unexcited, calm wet adj. Syn. Soaked, drenched, Ant. arid, dry care n. Syn. caution, watchfulness, alertness Ant. carelessness, apathy softly adv. Smoothly, delicately, gently Ant. uncarefully peacefu l adj. calm, quiet, steady Ant. agitated, loud, disturbed 1.Ramon was excited about the first day of school. 2.All things inside my bag got wet in the rain. 3.We crossed the busy street with care. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Do you have access to the internet? Do you know how to search information in search engines like Google? If yes, you can use online resources in getting meaning of words. C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Where do we usually see this? Besides dictionary and thesaurus, we can also use online sources to find the meaning of unfamiliar words. Note that you can only access this if you have an internet connection like the mobile data of your smartphone. Try to search for the meaning of unfamiliar words using online resources. This is easier compared to the printed dictionary and E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson I. Evaluating Learning J. Additional activities for application or remediation V .Remarks thesaurus. There are also online dictionaries and thesauri that you can you use for free. Online sources such as google are of great help in finding the meaning of unfamiliar words. Try locating the meaning of these words using online sources. 1.heave 2. greed 3. fervently 4. serious 5. grave Locate the meaning of the following words using online sources. Devour Drift Shove Creed wither What are the online sources that can help us locate the meaning of unfamiliar words? (The application will also serve as evaluation) VI.Reflection A. B. No. of learners who earned 80% of the formative assessment No. of learners who require additional activities to remediation Prepared by: SHARON V. LANORIO Teacher Inspected: ESTER C. AMIGO Principal IV SCHOOL DE CASTRO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADE FOUR Quarter LOYALTY-6:40-7:30 LOVE-8:00-8:50 FAITH-11:50-12:40 DATE KINDNESS-8:50-9:40 COURTEOUS- 10:00-11:00 DAY DAILY LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH I. Objectives a. Content Standards b. Performance Standards c. Learning Competencies/Objectives (Write the LC code for each) II. Content III. Learning Resources References 1.Teacher’s Guide pages 2.Learner’s Materials pages 3.Textbook pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal 5. VALUES INTEGRATION Other Learning Resources IV.Procedures A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson C. .Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson D. .Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Answer the test honestly and correctly. Written Work Number 1 1.Preaparation of test materials 2.Giving directins 3.Distribution of test materials 4.Test Proper 5.Checking 6,Recording E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson I. Evaluating Learning J. Additional activities for application or remediation V .Remarks VI.Reflection C. No. of learners who earned 80% of the formative assessment D. No. of learners who require additional activities to remediation Prepared by: SHARON V. LANORIO Teacher Inspected: ESTER C. AMIGO Principal IV FIRST 09-15-2023 FRIDAY