CHAPTER FOUR PRESENTATION OF RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS This chapter provides an overview of the research findings and their discussion, structured into the following subheadings: Questionnaire Response Rate Analysis of the Respondents' Bio-data Answering of the Research Questions Discussion of Findings Questionaires Response Data Table 1: Questionaires Response Data Number of Number of Percentage of Questionnaires Questionnaires returned questionnaires returned Administered 200 176 88% 1 Out of the 200 questionnaires distributed to the respondents, 176 were collected and found to be usable, resulting in a 88% response rate. This response rate is deemed satisfactory for the study, surpassing the generally accepted response rate of 60% for most research studies. Analysis of the Respondents' Bio-data Gender distribution of the Respondents Table 2: Gender Distribution of the Respondents Gender Frequency Percentage % Male 63 36 Female 113 64 Total 176 100 Table 4 reveals that the study had a higher participation rate from female respondents (64%) compared to male respondents (36%). This suggests that female students were more actively involved in the study than their male counterparts. Age of the Respondents Table 3: Distribution of the Respondents by Age Age Frequency Percentage % 20 years and below 50 28 2 21 - 25 years 93 53 26 years and above 33 19 Total 176 100 The age distribution of the respondents is presented in the table. The data indicates that 28% of the participants fall within the 20 years and below. 53% fall within the 21-25 age bracket, 19% belong to the 26 years and above. This suggests that a significant majority of the respondents are between 21 – 25 years old. Marital Status Table 4: Distribution of Respondents by marital status Marital Status Frequency Percentage Single 151 86 Married 25 14 Total 176 100 Table 4 reveals that the distribution of respondents by marital status. The data indicate that 86% are single and 14% are married. This suggest that a significant majority of the respondents are single. 3 Levels Table 5: Distribution of Respondents by levels Levels Frequency Percentage 100l 43 24 200l 73 42 300l 56 32 400l 4 2 Others 0 0 Total 176 100 Table 5 reveal that the distribution of respondents by level.The data indicate that 24% are 100l students, 42% are 200l students, 32% are 300l students, 2% are 400l students. This suggest that a significant majority of the respondents are 200l Answering of Research Questions Research Question 1: what are the factors affecting he accessibility of information in digital library? Table 6: Factors affecting the accessibility of information in digital library SA A 4 D SD TOTAL N % N % N The availability of ICT 105 infrastructures enhances my experience in accessing digital library resources A user-friendly and 97 efficient search interface improves my ability to find information in digital libraries Proficiency in digital 102 6 35 20 24 48 literacy skills positively 8 % N % N % 14 12 7 176 100 27 12 7 12 176 100 42 24 18 10 14 8 176 100 52 30 25 14 12 7 176 100 9 0 0 176 109 0 0 0 176 100 0 5 11 5 5 impacts my utilization of digital library resources The Search tools/ techniques makes information accessible 87 4 Locating and accessing 176 0 0 0 Availability of high speed 151 8 25 14 internet is crucial for 6 9 0 information resources is easier than physical library catalogs accessing digital 5 resources Adequate technical 176 1 support and assistance are 0 essential 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 100 Table 6 revealed responses to statements where "Strongly Agree" is the majority response. The results indicate that respondents highly value factors that contribute to the effectiveness of digital libraries. The majority strongly agree that a user-friendly and efficient search interface improves their ability to find information (60%), proficiency in digital literacy skills positively impacts their utilization of digital library resources (55%), search tools and techniques make information accessible (58%), and the availability of ICT infrastructures enhances their experience in accessing digital library resources (49%). These findings highlight the significance of user-friendly interfaces, digital literacy, and robust ICT infrastructure in optimizing the digital library experience for users. Research Question 2: what is the extent of usage of digital library for information access? Table 7: Extent of usage of digital library for information access VHE HE 6 LE VLE TOTAL N % N % N % N I frequently use digital library as a primary source for accessing information 112 64 35 20 21 20 8 Digital libraries play a significant role in my academic or professional information-seeking activities I find it convenient to access digital resources from the library's online platform 108 61 40 The majority of my research or study materials come from digital library collections 110 63 37 digital libraries enhance my overall information access experience compared to traditional libraries 103 59 41 % N % 5 176 10 0 23 19 11 9 5 176 10 0 105 60 43 24 18 10 10 6 176 10 0 21 16 9 13 7 176 10 0 23 17 10 15 9 176 10 0 Table 7 reveal responses to the questionnaire on the extent of usage of digital libraries for information access. The majority of respondents indicate that digital libraries play a significant role in their academic or professional information-seeking activities (64%) and that they frequently use digital libraries as their primary source for accessing information (61%). 7 Additionally, most respondents find it convenient to access digital resources from the library's online platform (60%). The majority also indicate that the majority of their research or study materials come from digital library collections (63%), and they believe that digital libraries enhance their overall information access experience compared to traditional libraries (59%). These findings highlight the significant role of digital libraries in facilitating information access and the positive perceptions of respondents towards their usage for academic and professional purposes. Research Question 3: what is the impacts of digital library for information access? Table 8: Impacts of digital library for information access SA A D N % N % N Digital libraries have significantly improved my access to information 107 6 36 21 19 Accessing information resources 24/7 is convenient for my information needs Digital libraries have expanded my knowledge in accessing a wide range 98 45 48 SD % N TOTAL % N % 11 14 8 176 100 26 21 12 12 7 176 100 27 19 11 15 9 176 100 1 5 6 94 5 3 8 of resources Searching for information 101 in digital libraries is more efficient compared to the traditional method It saves my time in 176 accessing information 5 38 22 18 10 19 11 176 100 0 0 0 0 100 7 1 0 0 176 0 0 Table 8 presents the responses to statements where "Strongly Agree" is the majority response. The findings suggest that digital libraries have a significant positive impact on respondents' information access and knowledge expansion. A majority of respondents strongly agree that digital libraries have expanded their knowledge by providing access to a wide range of resources (61%), significantly improved their access to information (56%), allowed convenient access to information resources 24/7 (53%), and made searching for information more efficient compared to traditional methods (57%). These results underscore the crucial role of digital libraries in enhancing information access, convenience, and efficiency for users.. Research Question 4: what is the challenges affecting the accessibility of information in digital library? 9 Table 9: Challenges affecting the accessibility of information in digital library SA i experience computer breakdowns when accessing digital information in the library Slow internet connectivity A D SD % N TOTAL N % N % N % N 98 56 38 22 22 13 18 1 176 10 0 97 55 41 23 hinders my ability to access % 0 20 11 18 1 176 10 0 0 digital library materials Lack of digital literacy skills has hindered my ability to effectively use the digital library 94 I encounter issues with server instability while accessing digital library resources 91 frequent power disruption affects my access to digital library resources 92 53 42 24 20 11 20 1 176 10 1 52 44 25 22 13 19 1 176 10 1 52 43 24 0 21 12 20 1 176 10 1 10 0 0 Inadequate number of 89 51 46 computers to use the digital 26 22 13 11 1 176 10 1 library in John Harris Table 9 presents the challenges experienced by respondents, with "Strongly Agree" as the majority response for each statement. These challenges include slow internet connectivity hindering access to digital library materials (56%) an inadequate number of computers in John Harris for digital library use (55%), encountering issues with server instability while accessing digital library resources (53%), frequent power disruptions affecting access to digital library resources (52%)), a lack of digital literacy skills hindering effective use of the digital library (52%), and experiencing computer breakdowns when accessing digital information in the library (51%). These findings indicate that these challenges are prevalent among the respondents, with a majority strongly agreeing with each statement.. Discussion of findings This section discusses the findings of the study. The findings are discussed drawing inferences from author’s views in the literature review and relating them to the findings of the study. The discussion is presented under four (4) subheadings following the purpose of the study Factors affecting the accessibility of information in digital library Table 6 revealed the factors influencing information accessibility in digital libraries underscores the significance of ICT infrastructures and digital literacy skills in enhancing the accessibility of information, efficient and user-friendly search interface was noted crucial in making information accessible. This finding align in the agreement of Ogunshola(2005) with the 11 0 recognition of digital libraries as a vital response to the growing demand for improved information availability and accessibility through technology. Extent of usage of digital library for information access Table 7 indicates a high extent of usage of digital library. The finding is in agreement with Aguoli (2002) who the pivotal role of digital libraries in modern information-seeking behaviors and align with the concept of digital libraries enabling users to access systematically organized information resources. Impact of digital library for information access Table 8 revealed that digital libraries have brought about significant improvements in their access to information, offering added convenience through 24/7 availability, expanding their knowledge through a diverse range of resources, and providing more efficient search methods compared to traditional approaches. These findings highlight the transformative shift represented by digital libraries, as noted by Estalin and Luis (2016), breaking free from the constraints of physical boundaries and distributing knowledge resources globally. Challenges affecting the accessibility of information in digital library Table 9 revealed the challenges impacting the accessibility of information in digital libraries reveals a multifaceted landscape which encompasses an experienced minimal issues with computer breakdowns, significant concerns arose regarding slow internet connectivity, highlighting the critical need for reliable internet access and lack of digital literacy skills emerged as a notable obstacle hindering the effective accessibility of digital resoueces, server instability, recurrent power disruptions, and insufficient computer availability were recognized as potential barriers to accessing digital library resources. These findings align with the complex matrix of obstacles within the realm of digital libraries, as previously articulated by Aguolu and Aguolu 12 (2002), Fezaa (2013), and Uutoni (2014). 13