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Cognitive Psychology Worksheet: The Drawing Effect

drYour Name: ………………………………..
Citation on “The Drawing Effect”
APA-style reference for the article
Goal of article: State the research questions and/or hypotheses being investigated (What are they trying to do?
Why are there 7 experiments?) (Four sentences to one paragraph)
List three (3) cognitive psychology terms important for the topic of the article, find their definitions or
descriptions in any CogPsy textbook (give reference) and provide them here:
Describe ALL the dependent variables for each of the 2 designated experiment:
a. Provide an operational definition
b. Name the units it was measured in
Describe ALL the independent variables for each of 2the designated experiment:
c. Name each variable
d. List its levels
e. State the statistical test(s) that was/were used to analyze the data
f. If there are more than one independent variable, state the factorial design
Describe how the experiment was conducted, i.e., what was the procedure: (4-6 sentences)
Identify all the main effects and interactions (if the design is factorial). Make sure you state the main effect
for EACH independent variable you named in (5) (do it twice, for each of the 2 experiments):
a. Provide the statistical statement (t- or F-statement)
b. Explain each statement in plain English
Steps or conclusions suggested by the article (One paragraph):
a. How is each research question listed in (2) answered?
b. What do the data mean?
Provide at least 2 different explanations of why drawing is such a powerful memory tool (One-two paragraphs).
Imagine that you conduct an experiment that has 2 independent variables, each with 2 levels: IV1 Word
Type (concrete vs. abstract words) and IV2 Testing Type (drawing vs. writing). The dependent variable is
the proportion of words (out of 40 words in total, 20 concrete, 20 abstract) that participant will recall.
a. Give 2 examples for each level of IV1
b. State a research hypothesis
c. Make a prediction for each IV (i.e., whether it will have a effect on the DV) (One-two paragraphs).
EXTRA: Imagine the results and predict the % of words recalled for each condition.