Uploaded by Ekrem Ulus

Referee Review Response Templates

Referee Review Templates
Some phrases to use:
Based on your suggestion we reformulated
We agree that this is important as creativity is one of the key concepts of our study. We, therefore,
extended …. It now reads as follows:
We also agree that it is important to … as mentioned in your previous comment and hope that the new
text in Section X will help alleviate any concerns in this regard.
We included X as requested.
This suggestion to … proved to be highly beneficial for improving the description of our analytical
approach. Thank you for this advice.
We added the requested information in the text, it now reads as follows:
XYZ was beyond the scope of our research, so we did not explore this topic in detail. We hope that this
makes sense to you. However, we agree wholeheartedly that it would be interesting to complement our
study with another one about …. Therefore, we added a paragraph in which we suggest the topic for
future research at
Many thanks for your feedback and insightful suggestions. To address this deficit, we …
We agree with this suggestion, thank you very much. We ….
This is important information that we did not mention - thank you very much for sharing it with us. We
added …
We added the necessary details according to your requests in section…