LET English Major Exam: Practice Questions

1. The test questionnaire contains 200 test questions. Examinees shall manage to use three (3) hours.
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer.
5. WARNING: This material is protected by Copyright Laws. Unauthorized used shall be prosecuted in the full extent of
the Philippine Laws. For exclusive use of CBRC reviewees only.
1. Decide on the BEST order of the following words to construct a sentence.
Rain the during last the week very has been
A. 3 5 6 4 1 2 9 7 8
B. 4 2 3 5 1 9 6 8 7
C. 1 3 2 5 6 4 9 7 8
D. 2 1 3 5 4 6 8 7 9
2. In section 5 of R. A 10533, states that the curriculum shall use ______________ approaches that are
constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborated and integrative.
A. Relevant
B. androgogical
C. Progressive
D. pedagogical
3. Which type of listening comprehension refers to the ability to listen only to specific parts of the input?
A. Listening selectively
B. Listening attentively
C. Listening for gist
D. Listening for details
4. Using the story “the Monkey’s Paw” by W. W. Jacob, which symbolism do you highlight?
A. Courage and Power
B. Battles and struggles
C. Desire and greed
D. Fantasy and reality
5. Which of the following statements has a direct object?
A. Please dedicate yourself to the improvement of your soft skills.
B. What matters most is your unwavering commitment.
C. Yours class president is my nephew’s basketball coach.
D. How our varsity team won was unimaginable.
6. The procedure for job application should be in conformity ___________the instructions provided by the office.
A. With
B. to
C. from
D. for
7. The last 50 years of the ASEAN __________that as a whole the Association is greater than the sum of it’s parts.
A. had proven
B. proves
C. proved
D. has proven
8. Literary analysis entrails connecting with the readers. Which type of connections is established by the passage below?
“Is the guy Eddie Brown?”
A. Questioning
B. Predicting
C. Clarifying
D. Evaluating
9. Where can we see the strong example of an individual’s freedom to choose one’s existence in Rabindranath Tagore’s poem
“The Man Had No Useful Work”?
A. The man finding himself in Paradise full of good and busy souls.
B. The elders perceiving the man as a mistake.
C. The girl fetching water from the well every day.
D. The girl’s decision to leave Paradise and join the man to go back to Earth.
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
10. Which BEST describes learners with a dominant linguistics intelligence?
I.They are adept at recognizing rhythms and sounds in words
II. They can readily spot semantic errors
III. They enjoy working on numbers and numerals
IV. They have a strong sense of proportion
A. I and II
B. II and IV
C. I and IV
D. II and III
11. Complete the analogy.
A. Adverbs
D. Preposition
Participles: Adjective while Gerunds:______________
B. Nouns
C. Verbs
12. I have car payments to make ______________ the mortgage.
A. Besides
B. despite
C. beside
D. in spite of
13. Which intervention technique would be appropriate for learners high level learning difficulties?
A. More Structured Approach + Workbooks + Interactive Materials
B. Multi- media Approach + Varied Materials
C. Construction + Workbooks + Games/ Activities
D. Guided Approach + Workbooks/ Materials
14. Which is one step to follow in copy reading?
A. Determine if gist of the story is necessary.
B. Look for biases and possible grounds for libel.
C. Assume that facts presented are accurate.
D. Make sure that the statements which are attribution and sources are retained.
15. Which is the function of the gerund in the given sentence?
A. Predicate nominative
B. Direct object
“ Reading make a full man”
C. Appositive
16. My friend is not joining our group _______________he gets the approval of his parents.
A. so that
B. by
C. until
D. Subject
D. as long as
17. You are selecting instructional materials for your English class, which of the following factors do you consider?
A. Consider the abilities of average learners
C. Promote only the specific needs of local
B. Give preference to the availability of materials
D. ater the needs of diverse learners
18. Teacher Beta employs an approach to learning the English language Characterized by direct contact with the native
speaker of the target language, which approach is it?
A. Immersion
B. Transition
C. Grammar Translation D. Audio-Aural
19. Three kinds of complements come after verbs. Which sentence has an indirect object?
A. The loving mother gave her daughter a big hug.
B. The farmers consider natural fertilizers as a better option.
C. Many business owners sold their shares.
D. The pharmacist sold unexpired drugs.
20. You are to prepare an English intervention program for your students. Which language deficiency do you consider to make
your program useful?
A. Skill in using the language for learning
C. Superior language competencies
B. Lack of appreciation of language
D. lack of basic understanding of the language
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
21. Keeping up _____________ the latest fashion is pocket draining.
A. for
B. with
C. in
D. to
22. Who is the Chinese philosopher known for his Analects?
A. Lao Tzu
B. Sun Tzu
C. Li po
D. Kung Fu Tse
23. Which is the most appropriate “while listening” activity for a text describing a family tree consisting of three generations?
A. Writing the each generation’s history
C. Completing a family tree
B. Writing down names
D. Copying a family tree
24. You gave me computer-data, ___________ you?
A. didn’t
B. was
C. did
D. weren’t
25. Which language function is illustrated by the following statements? “Learning English and using the language is still a must
in our country. Students find delight in being able to express themselves confidently once language components are
mastered. It is confidence anchored on competence.”
A. Accomodating
B. Valuing
C. Welcoming
D. Invigorating
26. Which phonetics requires the tools of physics to study the nature of sound waves produced in human language?
A. Auditory
B. Articulatory
C. Acoustic
D. Aesthetic
27. Which outcome in remedial instruction in English is generally important?
A. Resolution of communication problems
B. Variety of learning experiences
C. Positive experiences in language/ literature learning
D. Participate learning experiences
28. Phrasal verb often have two distinct uses; literal and figurative.
The phrasal verb in the given sentence is used figuratively.
The prime minister brought in a new incentive policy.
A. Partly agree
B. Disagree
C. Partly Disagree
D. Agree
29. How is the word brave used in the given sentence?
The fire fighters who climbed the tall building to save the tenants are really BRAVE.
A. Adjective
B. Noun
C. Abjectivized noun
D. Adverb
30. How is the relationship in the following words like lollipops and roses, called?
A. partnership
B. Idiomatic Phrases
C. Logical links
D. Collocation
31. Which allophones are variants of the same phonemes?
A. chick and touch B. fact and phase
D. fuss and stuff
C. pin and spin
32. The Arabian folktale, “One Thousand and One Nights”, is a example of which type of narrative structure?
A. Flash Fiction Story
C. Flashback story
B. Stream-of consciousness story
D. A story within a story
33. The K to 12 English curriculums highlights communicative competence which is classified into __ competencies.
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 4
34. Which is one of the functions of nouns?
A. Predicate adjective
B. Predictive
C. Vocative
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
D. Collective
35. Which would you suggest to your students journalist to help him/her in writing a quote story?
A. Write a summarizing lead in any appropriate form.
B. Make the summary arrangement short.
C. Write the story side by side its mother story.
D. Make sure to give first brief news of the event.
36. Which is experienced by a speaker when the “tip of the tongue” phenomenon in finding difficulty in what word to
say occurs?
A. Acquired dyslexia
B. Anomia
C. Jargon Aphasia
D. Aphasia
37. Central to the teaching of Hinduism is karma which includes actions, intentions and consequences. This is a recurring theme
in Indian literature like “Sakuntala”. Karma revealed itself in this play when ________________.
A. Bharata took Dushyanta to his mother Sakuntala
B. A fisherman found a ring in the fish belly
C. Durvasa cursed Sakuntala from failing to greet him properly
D. Dushyanta failed to recognize Sakuntala as his wife
38. What should be done first before doing remedial instruction in English?
A. Diagnose the difficulty
C. Plan the remedial instruction
B. Prepare remedial materials
D. Group the pupils by gender
39. Which statement on remedial teaching is NOT true?
Remedial teaching involves _________.
A. working systematically: observing, diagnosing, remediating, evaluating
B. working purposefully and intensively with a pupil.
C. seeing to it that the pupil can remain at his/her school.
D. re-teaching, reviewing, and assessing.
40. Which type of ESP syllabus would contain the following would contain the following set of topics:
taking notes; writing essays; study techniques and examinations; improving reading, etc.
A. Skill-based syllabus
C. Content-based syllabus
B. Method-based syllabus
D. Discourse syllabus
41. Slang expressions are any of the following EXCEPT:
A. expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker’s language or dialect.
B. considered acceptable in certain social settings.
C. widely used in informal and formal speech and writing.
D. very short and momentary expressions.
42. The following are commonly used activities in an ESP program EXCEPT:
A. Role play and simulation
C. Brainstorming and debate
B. B. Project work
D. Oral presentation
43. One of the consistent problems of ESP teachers is the lack of an orthodoxy. This means that:
I. ESP teachers do not have ready-made, straightforward answers to problems they meet.
II. ESP teachers need to distil and synthesize from several options those that best suit their circumstances.
III. All ESP teachers are pioneers who are helping to shape the world of ESP.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
44. What activity in an ESP program is used when a student assumes a different role, such as a captain pilot and
gives order to his crew or reports coordinates to the air traffic control tower?
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
A. Stimulation
B. Simulation
C. Role tasked-based
D. Cooperative learning
45. Which principle in grammar teaching is applicable for ESP context?
A. Using structural syllabus
B. Focusing on forms
C. Teaching structures related to language functions
D. Emphasizing on the parts of speech
46. In the K-12 curriculum, to which does the basic education refer?
A. 6 years of primary school and 4 years of junior high school
B. 7 years of primary education, 4 years of junior high school and 2 years of senior high school
C. 6 years of primary eduaction, 2 years of junior high school and 4 years of senior high school
D. 6 years of primary education, 4 years of junior high school and 2 years of senior high school
47. The K-12 curriculum envisions __________.
A. holistically developed learners equipped with 21st century skills.
B. a good competition with other countried in the financial world.
C. 12 years of basic education that meets international standard.
D. students equipped with 21st century skills who are able to compete internationally.
48. What aptly describes “universal grammar”?
A. language used for communication by people who speak different first languages
B. rules applicable to all human languages
C. language with the same vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
D. rules of grammar that distinguish one language from the others
49. At the border of two countries there is a port where fishermen work. The fishermen do not speak the same
language, so they communicate using one that has been invented but only for the purpose of trade. This
scenario most accurately describes which of the following types of language?
A. a dialect
B. a creole
C. a pidgin
D. a regionalism
50. If the second language learner “assimilates”, then he _____.
A. maintains its own life style and values and rejects those of the target language group
B. adapts to the life style and values of the target language group but maintains its own life style and values
for the intragroup use.
C. gives up his own life style and values and adopts those of the target language group
D. maximizes the use of his first language and the target language
51. The following are the areas of knowledge and skills of communicative competence EXCEPT _____
A. grammatical competence
C. sociolinguistic competence
B. discourse competence
D. language competence
52. Speaker A’s final remark functions as _____.
Speaker A: That’s the telephone.
Speaker B: I’m in the bath.
Speaker A: OK.
A. a request to answer the phone
B. acceptance of an excuse
C. an excuse for not complying
D. sarcasm
53. What is the message of the short story, “The Centipede” by Rony V. Diaz?
A. Childhood memories are treasures.
B. Teasing or Taunting should only be done by adults.
C. Children should be responsible with what trick they do with their siblings.
D. Childhood relationships between siblings were sometimes painful.
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
54. What problem is pointed out by the author in the story “How My Brother Brought Home a Wife” by Manuel Arguilla?
A. How Filipinos live in the province
C. How Filipinos solve family problems
B. How Filipinos are affected by new technology
D. How Filipinos accept or treat a new family
55. What is the problem or conflict in the story “The Mats” by Francisco Arcellana?
A. Emilia’s indifference
C. siblings’ rivalry
B. Mr. Angeles’ emotionality
D. Hunger in the family
56. What truth about life was presented in the story “The Wedding Dance” by Amador Daguio?
A. Some men are not contented with one partner.
C. Women and men are born equal.
B. Culture goes beyond love.
D. Love conquers all.
57. The “Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez Benitez symbolizes ___________.
A. the love of Esperanza for Alfredo
C. the love of Alfredo for Julia
B. the love of Julia for Alfredo
D. the love of Alfredo for Esperanza
Angela Manalang-Gloria
I shall haunt you O my lost one, as the twilight
Haunts a re-entangled trail,
And your dreams will linger strangely with the music
Of a phantom lover’s tale,
You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting,
I shall come to you again
With the starlight and the scent of white champacas,
And the melody of rain.
You shall not forget. Dust will peer into your
Window, tragic-eyed and still,
And unbidden, startle you into remembrance
With its hand upon the still.
58. What is the poem “To a Lost One” about?
A. An appeal to be remembered by a lover
B. Beautiful memories of a dead person
C. A threat to a lover
D. A ghost that haunts a fastidious lover
59. What virtue of the writer is depicted in the poem?
A. forgiving
B. honest
C. romantic
D. faithful
60. What does this line “I shall come to you again with the starlight, and the scent of champacas’?
A. The speaker with champacas will visit his lover at night.
B. The speaker wants his lover to keep and cherish their memories in her heart.
C. The speaker will rise from death to remind his lover of their sweet moments.
D. The speaker wants to give his lover fresh champacas.
61. This line “You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting” means __________.
A. The speaker wants to be left unforgotten.
B. The speaker wants his lover to forget her past.
C. The speaker wants his past not to be discussed.
D. The speaker wants his past not to be forgotten.
62. The line “I shall haunt you” has a/an __________ tone.
A. begging
B. appealing
C. romantic
D. commanding
63. “Lost One” may be pertained to _________.
A. lost feeling
B. past lover
C. abandoned person
D. ghost
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
64. It is a generally accepted first principle of oral interpretation that the reader must be true to
A. the performance space
C. the author
B. the method
D. the audience
65. Within the communication process, the area that causes the most breakdowns is _____.
A. interference
B. feedback
C. the situation
D. the channel
E. the message
66. David is preparing a speech about why Hollywood became the center of the motion picture industry and the
impact that its development as the center had on filmmaking. David’s speech should be organized using which
of the following methods?
A. Spatial
B. Chronological
C. Cause-effect
D. Problem-solution
E. Topical
67. All of the following are correct descriptions of listening behavior EXCEPT _____.
A. Careful listening can lead to anticipation of a speaker’s actions.
B. People who learn to listen selectively can shut out what is undesirable.
C. Listening comprises more than one-half of all communication.
D. The ability to be a good listener comes naturally, and no training is necessary.
E. Being an effective communicator means that one must listen to oneself.
68. When a group is faced with a problem requiring immediate action, the most effective leadership style is _____.
A. authoritarian
B. democratic
C. laissez-faire
D. charismatic
E. permissive
69. Schema activation is important to make sense of new information in light of what students already know, and to
make the necessary connection between the two. The following are good activities for schema activation
A. constructing graphic organizer
C. previewing a passage
B. brainstorming ideas
D. evaluating or assessing ideas
70. The following are concerns of teaching reading EXCEPT _____.
A. vocabulary development
C. comprehension development
B. output development
D. application
71. The following are principles for designing effective and interesting reading lessons EXCEPT _____.
A. For reading lessons to be interesting and motivating they must focus on simple themes.
B. Instructional activities have a teaching rather than a testing focus.
C. Lessons should be divided into pre-reading, during reading, and post-reading.
D. The major activity of the reading lesson is students reading texts.
72. Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is based on the common underlying principle that successful language learning
occurs when students are presented with target language material in a meaningful, contextualized form, with the
primary focus on _____.
A. understanding the lessons
B. acquiring information and knowledge
C. making connections between what they learn at school and what they learn outside the school
D. making meaning from what they learn
73. It is a vocabulary strategy which involves the process of breaking up of a word into its meaningful components:
the root words, affixes, and suffixes.
A. contextual clues
B. structural analysis
C. summarizing
D. groupings
74. Which of the following questions is best for activating students’ prior knowledge to feel that they somehow
connected to the topic “snakes” being studied?
A. What do you know about snakes? What snakes are common in your area?
B. What according to the selection are the types of snakes?
C. What did the writer suggest to the person who was bitten by snakes to do?
D. What is the importance of animals such as snakes in ecosystem?
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
75. If the students think about the knowledge of their own thoughts and the factors that influence their thinking, they
are engaged in the process of _____.
A. artistic thinking
B. metacognition
C. higher-order thinking
D. critical thinking
76. Mrs. Torres wants to find out her students’ schema about storm surge. On the board she writes the words “storm
surge” and encircles them. She, then, asks her students what they know about storm surge, and helps them
cluster the information. What technique does Mrs. Torres use?
A. demonstration
B. vocabulary building
C. semantic mapping
D. deductive reasoning
77. Teacher Beta employs an approach to learning the English language Characterized by direct contact with
the native speaker of the target language, which approach is it?
A. Immersion
B. Transition
C. Grammar Translation
D. Audio-Aural
78. Three kinds of complements come after verbs. Which sentence has an indirect object?
A. The loving mother gave her daughter a big hug.
B. The farmers consider natural fertilizers as a better option.
C. Many business owners sold their shares.
D. The pharmacist sold unexpired drugs.
79. You are to prepare an English intervention program for your students. Which language deficiency do you
consider to make your program useful?
A. Skill in using the language for learning
C. Superior language competencies
B. Lack of appreciation of language
D. lack of basic understanding of the language
80. Keeping up _____________ the latest fashion is pocket draining.
A. for
B. with
C. in
81. Who is the Chinese philosopher known for his Analects?
A. Lao Tzu
B. Sun Tzu
C. Li po
D. to
D. Kung Fu Tse
82. Which is the most appropriate “while listening” activity for a text describing a family tree consisting of three
A. Writing the each generation’s history
C. Completing a family tree
B. Writing down names
D. Copying a family tree
83. You gave me computer-data, ___________ you?
A. didn’t
B. was
C. did
D. weren’t
84. Which language function is illustrated by the following statements?
“Learning English and using the language is still a must in our country. Students find delight in being able to
express themselves confidently once language components are mastered. It is confidence anchored on
A. Accomodating
B. Valuing
C. Welcoming
D. Invigorating
85. Which phonetics requires the tools of physics to study the nature of sound waves produced in human language?
A. Auditory
B. Articulatory
C. Acoustic
D. Aesthetic
86. Which outcome in remedial instruction in English is generally important?
A. Resolution of communication problems
C. Variety of learning experiences
B. Positive experiences in language/ literature learning
D. Participate learning experiences
87. Phrasal verb often have two distinct uses; literal and figurative.
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
The phrasal verb in the given sentence is used figuratively.
The prime minister brought in a new incentive policy.
A. Partly agree
B. Disagree
C. Partly Disagree
D. Agree
88. How is the word brave used in the given sentence?
The fire fighters who climbed the tall building to save the tenants are really BRAVE.
A. Adjective
B. Noun
C. Abjectivized noun
D. Adverb
89. How is the relationship in the following words like lollipops and roses, called?
A. partnership
B. Idiomatic Phrases
C. Logical links
D. Collocation
90. Which allophones are variants of the same phonemes?
A. chick and touch
B. fact and phase
D. fuss and stuff
C. pin and spin
91. The Arabian folktale, “One Thousand and One Nights”, is an example of which type of narrative structure?
A. Flash Fiction Story
C. Flashback story
B. Stream-of consciousness story
D. A story within a story
92. The K to 12 English curriculums highlights communicative competence which is classified into ____________
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 4
93. Which is one of the functions of nouns?
A. Predicate adjective
B. Predictive
C. Vocative
D. Collective
94. Which would you suggest to your students journalist to help him/her in writing a quote story?
A. Write a summarizing lead in any appropriate form.
C. Make the summary arrangement short.
B. Write the story side by side its mother story
D. Make sure to give first brief news of the event.
95. Which is experienced by a speaker when the “tip of the tongue” phenomenon in finding difficulty in what word to
say occurs?
A. Acquired dyslexia
B. Anomia
C. Jargon Aphasia
D. Aphasia
96. Central to the teaching of Hinduism is karma which includes actions, intentions and consequences. This is a
recurring theme in Indian literature like “Sakuntala”. Karma revealed itself in this play when ________________.
A. Bharata took Dushyanta to his mother Sakuntala
B. A fisherman found a ring in the fish belly
C. Durvasa cursed Sakuntala from failing to greet him properly
D. Dushyanta failed to recognize Sakuntala as his wife
97. What should be done first before doing remedial instruction in English?
A. Diagnose the difficulty
C. Plan the remedial instruction
B. Prepare remedial materials
D. Group the pupils by gender
98. Which statement on remedial teaching is NOT true? Remedial teaching involves _________.
A.working systematically: observing, diagnosing, remediating, evaluating
B.working purposefully and intensively with a pupil.
C. seeing to it that the pupil can remain at his/her school.
D. re-teaching, reviewing, and assessing.
99. Which type of ESP syllabus would contain the following would contain the following set of topics:
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
taking notes; writing essays; study techniques and examinations; improving reading, etc.
A. Skill-based syllabus
C. Content-based syllabus
B. Method-based syllabus
D. Discourse syllabus
100. Slang expressions are any of the following EXCEPT:
A. expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker’s language or dialect.
B. considered acceptable in certain social settings.
C. widely used in informal and formal speech and writing.
D. very short and momentary expressions.
101. The following are commonly used activities in an ESP program EXCEPT:
A. Role play and simulation
C. Brainstorming and debate
B. B. Project work
D. Oral presentation
102. One of the consistent problems of ESP teachers is the lack of an orthodoxy. This means that:
I. ESP teachers do not have ready-made, straightforward answers to problems they meet.
II. ESP teachers need to distil and synthesize from several options those that best suit their circumstances.
III. All ESP teachers are pioneers who are helping to shape the world of ESP.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
103. What activity in an ESP program is used when a student assumes a different role, such as a captain pilot and
gives order to his crew or reports coordinates to the air traffic control tower?
A. Stimulation
C. Role tasked-based
B. Simulation
D. Cooperative learning
104. Which principle in grammar teaching is applicable for ESP context?
A. Using structural syllabus
C. Focusing on forms
B. Teaching structures related to language functions
D. Emphasizing on the parts of speech
105. In the K-12 curriculum, to which does the basic education refer?
A. 6 years of primary school and 4 years of junior high school
B. 7 years of primary education, 4 years of junior high school and 2 years of senior high school
C. 6 years of primary eduaction, 2 years of junior high school and 4 years of senior high school
D. 6 years of primary education, 4 years of junior high school and 2 years of senior high school
106. The K-12 curriculum envisions __________.
A. holistically developed learners equipped with 21st century skills.
B. a good competition with other countried in the financial world.
C. 12 years of basic education that meets international standard.
D. students equipped with 21st century skills who are able to compete internationally.
107. Which of the following words is derived from a French word?
A. Armadillo
B. Geography
C. Poultry
D. Laser
108. The style of writing employed in this passage can be best described as _____.
A. standard English
C. formal English
B. jargon
D. dialect
The stars were shining, and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful; and I heard an owl, away off, who-whooing
about somebody that was dead, and a whippowill and a dog crying about somebody that was going to die; and the wind was trying
to whisper something to me, and I couldn’t make out what it was, and so it made the cold shivers run over me. The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
109. The author’s use of language in this passage helps to demonstrate the speaker’s ____
A. lack of intelligence
B. lack of education
C. good-heartedness
D. confusion
110. The author uses imagery in this section to illustrate Huck’s _____.
A. fear and loneliness
C. awareness of his environment
B. loss of his father
D. moral dilemma
111. When doing research on the life of an important figure, you would probably give more credence to a biography
than you would to an autobiography, due to memoirist’s _____.
A. Verbosity
B. creativity
C. subjectivity
D. experiences
112. Which type of logical fallacy is demonstrated by this argument?
It is essential that we reject the proposed changes to the company’s insurance plan. If we don’t protest
against these changes now, we’ll soon end up with no health coverage at all.
A. slippery slope
B. red herring
C. strawman
D. circular reasoning
113.. Which of the following works of literature was originally written in Modern English?
A. The Decameron
C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
B. War and Peace
D. Paradise Lost
114. The line is an example of ____.
I. apostrophe
II. personification
III. hyperbole
IV. metonymy
A. II only
B. I and II only
C. I, II, and IV only
D. II and IV only
“They tell me you are wicked and I believe
them, for I have seen your painted women
under the gas lamps luring the farm boys.
-Chicago by Carl Sandburg
115. This poem is most likely influenced by which of the following?
A. Industrialization
B. Increased immigration
C. Western expansion
D. World War II
Hog Butcher for the World
Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation’s
Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders:
-Chicago by Carl Sandburg
116. The poetry of Walt Whitman is significant in the development of American literature primarily because he ___.
A. used the epic form to tell distinctly American tales
B. developed his own poetic form and style instead of adhering to the traditional poetic forms
C. commemorated in verse the lives of public leaders like Abraham Lincoln.
D. was heavily influenced by Emerson’s call for a new national poet.
117. The following words: edit from editor, and beg from beggar are formed through _____.
A. blending
B. back formation
C. derivation
118. Which of the following sentences should be revised in order to correct an error?
A. Sentence 1, to correct an error in comma use
B. Sentence 2, to correct an error in apostrophe use
C. Sentence 3, to correct an error in comma use
D. Sentence 4, to correct an error in agreement
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
D. clipping
(1) The themes of liberty and freedom are central to much of American literature, particularly the literature produced during
the American Renaissance. (2) As the issues of women’s rights and abolition came to the forefront of the American consciousness,
writers delved deep into an exploration of the meaning of freedom for the country and for individuals. (3) Three such writers from
this time period who focus on issues of freedom are Margaret Fuller, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Harriet Jacobs. (4) Each of these
writers develop an answer to the question posed by Stowe in Uncle Tom’s Cabin: “Liberty! – electric world! What is it?”
119. Which of the following English words is most commonly pronounced with the vowel sound /ə/ (i.e., schwa)?
A. where
B. who
C. what
D. why
120. Why do most fathers prefer a son _____ a daughter for his first-born child?
A. to
B. than
C. from
D. over
121. I am going to sit and rest _______.
A. a little bit
B. a while
D. awhile
C. a little more
122. Which sentence has error in punctuation?
A. “You’re a great friend,” Jose said.
B. Judith, my best friend went to a concert last Friday.
C. I have a lot of work to do; as such, I left for work a few minutes early.
D. According to the radio, surface streets were the best alternative to the congested freeways.
123. Unprepared for such a strong rebuttal, _____.
A. the lawyer’s attempt at winning the case failed
B. the lawyer failed to win the case
C. the lawyer’s attempt failed to win the case
D. the lawyer failed in his attempt to win the case
124. ______ on the MTRCB to take action.
A. Whenever television is denounced by viewers for its violence, they call
B. Whenever television is denounced for its violence, viewers call
C. Whenever viewers denounce television for its violence, they call
D. Whenever a denunciation of television is voiced, they call
125. Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, has been called a “tragedy of the common man” because it _____.
A. depicts the fall from grace of an important person.
C. fits Aristotle formal definition of tragedy
B. gives an ordinary salesman’s life weight and meaning
D. is written in a poetic and serious style
126. He holds the distinction of being the first Asian to receive the Nobel Prize for literature.
A. Wole Soyinka
B. Yasunari Kawabata
C. Po Chu-I
D. Rabindranath Tagore
127. “A part of its orb was at length hid, and I waved my brand; it sank, and with a loud scream I fired the straw, and
heath, and bushes, which I had collected.”-from the passage
Which of the following is a correct restatement of the above?
A. When my branding iron sank, I screamed and shot at the bushes.
B. When the moon set, I screamed and burned the cottage.
C. When I could not find the orb, I screamed and kicked at the straw and the bushes.
D. I waited until the sun set, then I screamed and set fire to the forest.
128. A Marxist interpretation of “Waiting for Godot” would probably focus on _____.
A. the poverty and despair of its working-class characters
B. the use of archetypes in the portrayals of the characters
C. the power imbalances in the relationships of the characters
D. the reliance of the two main characters on the eventual arrival of a “savior”
129. In paragraph 2, Mandy Ringer and Dr. Clevenger are mentioned in order to emphasize which point about
Sapphira and the Slave Girl?
A. A number of the characters in the novel are based on people Cather knew in her childhood.
B. The novel displays Cather’s mixed feelings about slavery.
C. Cather took four years to complete the novel because she carefully researched her characters.
D. One of Cather’s purposes in writing the novel was to paint a full portrait of life in rural Virginia in the years
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
before the Civil War.
E. The characters in the novel are portrayed in a positive light since Cather was a great admirer of the old South.
Sapphira and the Slave Girl was the last novel of Willa Cather’s illustrious literary career. Begun in the late summer of
1937 and finally completed in 1941, it is often regarded by critics as one of her most personal works. Although the story takes
place in 1856, well before her birth, she drew heavily on vivid childhood memories and tales handed down by older relatives to
describe life in rural northern Virginia in the middle of the 19th century. She even went on an extended journey to the area to give
the story a further ring of authenticity.
Of all Cather’s many novels, Sapphira and the Slave Girl is the one most concerned with providing an overall picture of
day-to-day life in a specific era. A number of the novel’s characters, it would seem, are included in the story only because they are
representative of the types of people to be found in 19 th-century rural Virginia; indeed, a few of them play no part whatsoever in
the unfolding of the plot. For instance, we are introduced to a poor white woman, Mandy Ringer, who is portrayed as intelligent
and content, despite the fact that she has no formal education and must toil constantly in the fields. And we meet Dr. Clevenger,
a country doctor who, with his patrician manners, evokes a strong image of the pre-Civil War South.
The title, however, accurately suggests that the novel is mainly about slavery. Cather’s attitude toward this institution may
best be summed up as somewhat ambiguous. On the one hand, she displays almost total indifference to the legal and political
aspects of slavery when she misidentifies certain crucial dates in its growth and development. Nor does she ever really offer a
direct condemnation, of slavery. Yet, on the other hand, the evil that was slavery gets through to us, albeit in typically subtle ways.
Those characters, like Mrs. Blake, who oppose the institution are portrayed in a sympathetic light. Furthermore, the suffering of
the slaves themselves and the pretty, nasty, often cruel, behavior of the slaveowners are painted in stark terms.
Although Sapphira and the Slave Girl was certainly not meant to be a political tract, the novel is sometimes considered to
be a denunciation of bygone days. Nothing could be further from the truth. In spite of her willingness to acknowledge that particular
aspects of the past were far from ideal, Willa Cather was, if anything, a bit of a romantic. Especially in the final years of her life, an
increasing note of anger about the emptiness of the present crept into her writings. Earlier generations, she concluded, had been
the real heroes, the real creators of all that was good in America.
130. In context, “a bit of a romantic” suggests that Willa Cather ____.
A. condemned the evils of slavery
B. favored the past over the present
C. disliked writing about life in the 1030s
D. denounced certain aspects of the 19th-century life
E. exaggerated the evils of earlier generations
131. The works of Charles Dickens, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Upton Sinclair _______.
A. examined 19th-century cultural values
C. broke with the literary traditions of the past
B. fought against the mistreatment of the working class
D. awakened readers to social wrongs
132. The writing style used by Salman Rushdie and Gabriel Garcia Marquez is most often referred to as _______.
A. Stream of Consciousness
C. Magical Realism
D. Minimalism
D. Social Realism
133. At the border of two countries there is a port where fishermen work. The fishermen do not speak the same
language, so they communicate using one that has been invented by them for the purpose of trade.
The scenario above most accurately describes which of the following types of language?
A. dialect
B. creole
C. Pidgin
D. Regionalism
134. He is known as the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who ruled as king of the gods and
goddesses of Mt. Olympus
A. Hephaestus
B. Zeus
C. Poseidon
D. Hades
135. The Titanomachy was a ten-year series of battles fought in Thessaly, also known as the War of the Titans,
Battle of the Titans, Battle of the Gods, or just the Titan War. Zeus freed his brothers and sisters from their
father, Cronus. This shows that the Greeks value _____.
I. bravery
II. respect
III. persistence
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
IV. change
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and IV only
D. II and IV only
136. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as a symbol of purity and grace, which could
only be captured by a virgin.
A. Troll
B. Dragon
C. Kappa
D. Unicorns
137. He was a fearless warrior &and king who one day saw the emptiness of his life and turned his back on it,
becoming a wanderer and sadhu. He refused to return to the world that is why he is often alluded to as having
refused the responsibility.
A. King Minos
B. King Muchukunda
C. King Rama
D. Jason
138. The story of Cupid and Psyche depicts undying and devotion. What was Psyche’s mistake that according to
Cupid was a betrayal?
A. Psyche got infatuated with Zues.
B. Psyche believed her sisters persuasion that her lover was an ugly beast and would kill her.
C. Psyche disobeyed her husband when she enlightened his face in the middle of the night.
D. Psyche left the house without her husband permission.
139. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of a human form, human characteristics, or human behaviour to nonhuman
things, e.g. deities in mythology and animals in children’s stories. What trait is this?
A. Anthropomorphic
B. Ethereal
C. God-like
D. Anthropocentrism
140. Philippine mythology and superstitions are very diverse. It includes a collection of tales and superstitions about
magical creatures and entities like _____
A. kapre, aswang, matruculan, duwende, tiyanak etc.
C. sirena, syokoy, etc.
B. cherubs, guardian angels, etc.
D. Malakas at Maganda, etc.
141. In Greek mythology, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. A daughter of the god Zeus*, she is best
known for the part she played in causing the Trojan War. Some scholars suggest that she was also a very
ancient goddess associated with trees and birds.
A. Penelope, queen of Ithaca
C. Persephone, queen of the underworld
B. Helen of Troy
D. Hera, queen of Olympus
142. When Paris abducted Helen to Troy, all the Greek princes were bound by the oath to help Menelaus recover
Helen. Athena and Hera who were not chosen by Paris sided with the Greeks who sent one thousand ships to
Troy to. What does this indicate?
A. Serious decisions have serious consequences.
B. Paris was wrong in choosing Aphrodite as winner.
C. Hera and Athena harbored ill feelings.
D. Zeus ordered the goddesses to take side in the war.
143. He was the son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis. He was the god of music, and he is often depicted
playing a golden lyre. He was also known as the Archer, far shooting with a silver bow; the god of healing,
giving the science of medicine to man; the god of light; and the god of truth.
A. Mars
B. Neptune
C. Jupiter
D. Apollo
144. Which of the following is the best description of traditional phonics instruction?
A. Students study lists of high-frequency words in order to increase reading speed and comprehension.
B. Students are taught individual letter sounds and the rules of combining the sounds together to make words
C. Students are immersed in written language, and is encourage to decode entire words using context clues.
D. Students analyze patterns of organization and syntax as a way of learning to recognize common structures.
145. A student is conducting a research project and has learned of a website that may have useful information. The
domain extension for the site is .org. Which of the following assumptions about the website is correct?
A. All of the information on the site is current.
B. The site has been evaluated for bias.
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
C. The site might belong to a nonprofit agency.
D. The author of the site is well respected in his or field.
146. In preparation for a writing unit on short stories, a teacher presents students with several examples of short
stories and works with them to identify defining characteristics of the genre. Which of the following best describes
this instructional strategy?
A. Conferencing
C. discipline-based inquiry
B. self-regulated strategy development
D. introduction-body-conclusion strategy
147. In a holistic evaluation of student essays, evaluations are made on the basis of the _____
A. overall number and variety of errors made by each student
B. overall number of sentences, length and complexity demonstrated in each essay
C. overall ability of each student to communicate in a variety of discourse modes
D. overall quality of each student’s essay in relation to the topic
148. What literary theory or approach is shown in the following passage?
A. Feminist Criticism
C. Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Reader-Response Criticism
D. Romantic Theory
The difficulties involved in the governess’s effort to create a space for herself outside of patriarchal boundaries are
metaphorically represented in her struggle for the children. While she believes she is engaged in a battle with the ghosts for the
children’s souls, she is also, symbolically, involved in overcoming patriarchal definitions of womanhood. Rejecting the ineffectual
role played by Mrs. Grose, the respectable matron character, the governess attempts to define herself against the sexualized
whose figure, Miss Jessel, as she tries, to supplant the male-authority figure, Peter Quint. Neitherof these roles can help her in
her struggle for a subject position, however, as is made clear when the governess cannot replace Miss Jessel for Flora, or Quint
for Miles.
149. What literary theory or approach is shown in the following passage?
A. Marxist Literary theory
C. Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Postmodern Literary Theory
D. Deconstruction
Not only James’s governess fit the classic profile of the female sexual hysteric, she also experiences the “hysterical fit”
observed by turn-of-the-century clinicians. That her first hallucination precipitates a “nervous explosion” of some intensity is clear
from her own account. Like that of the classic hysteric, her “mental activity...is split up, and only a part of it is conscious.” Her initial
fantasy of her handsome employer is conscious, but his transformation into a figure embodying her fear of sexuality is generated
by deep-rooted unconscious inhibitions.
150. What literary theory or approach is shown in the following passage?
A. Deconstruction
C. Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Reader-Response Criticism
D. Marxist Literary Theory
What is even more troublesome is disagreement among critics about just what standards are to be applied. Two “straight”
readers, seeing the ghosts as real and the story as an attempt to “turn the screws” of horror as thrillingly as possible, might flatly
disagree with each other about whether the literary experience of thrilling horror is good or bad for “us,” or for a given immature
reader, or for a former governess now incarcerated in a mental institution.
Because of all this variety, we have to ask our questions as if we were dealing not with one The Turn of the Screw but
many different ones.
151. If a teacher uses only basal readers for teachings her students to read, she is most likely believes in _____.
A. primarily a whole language approach
C. primarily a phonics approach
B. mixture of a whole language and phonics
D. Individualized reading instruction
152. A parent walks into a classroom and sees the children in groups, each gathered around a poster board. The
children are writing ideas on the poster board in what looks like graffiti (writing on walls) to the parent. When
the parent asks the teacher what the children are doing, the teacher is likely to explain that ___.
A. this is playtime, and the children need playtime because recess has been taken out of the program
B. the children are involved in brainstorming, which is part of the prewriting stage of the writing process
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
C. invented spelling and graffiti type expression is important to the child’s development
D. the children are creating final versions of posters to be displayed in the school fair.
153. Each of the following is an effective strategy for a teacher who is facilitating a whole-class discussion EXCEPT__.
A. having the students sit in a circle instead of traditional rows
B. breaking the class into smaller discussion groups before concluding the whole-class discussion
C. pausing and allowing silence to promote student participation
D. ensuring that all questions require simple-sentence answers
154. Which of the following activities will best help a teacher collect data that will inform instruction to meet the
individual needs of students?
A. concentric circles
B. K-W-L chart
C. book pass
D. reciprocal teaching
155. The following sentences have predicate adjectives EXCEPT:
A. My father finds our neighbor suspicious.
B. The crispy mangoes as a souvenir gift by my sister look delicious.
C. The guy who sits beside the governor seems uncomfortable.
D. The priest who could perform an exorcism is unavailable at the moment.
156. Which one has the correct stress?
A. ceremony
B. ceremony
C. ceremony
D. ceremony
157. The following sentences contain dangling modifiers EXCEPT:
A. In asking such a question, an answer cannot really be expected.
B. Having studied the exams, your score should improve.
C. After removing the roast from the oven, she wrapped it in foil to keep it warm
D. Having removed the roast from the oven, a wonderful smell spread through the house.
158. In written communication, punctuation marks can be used to show junctures to make the meaning clear. Which
sentence expresses the idea that the speaker asks John to sleep?
A. John, don’t try to sleep now.
C. John don’t try, to sleep now.
B. John don’t, try to sleep now.
D. John don’t try to sleep, now.
159. What listening-speaking problem occurs when a student finds it hard to distinguish between a word which may
be used as a noun or as a verb in a sentence?
A. Pitch
B. Stress
C. Juncture
D. Diphthong
160. In oral communication, a slash mark is used to signify pauses for proper communication. What meaning is
conveyed by this line?
Nadia/ says Thelma/ is a liar.
A. Nadia is the speaker.
C. Thelma is the speaker.
B. Thelma is a liar.
D. Nadia tells something to Thelma.
161. Using idioms is an effective way of vocabulary enrichment. Which of the following sentence is idiomatic?
A. She was crying because the milk was spilled
C. At this point, it useless to crying over spilled milk.
B. The spilled milk is useless.
D. The useless spilled milk cannot be drunk.
162. Which of the following quantifiers modify plural nouns?
A. Many
B. Every
C. Each
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
D. Many a
163. Which syntactic structure is shown in the following examples?
“responsible officers, trusted friend”
A. predication
B. modification
C. complementation
D. coordination
164. The underlined pronoun in this sentence is _____.
“When she arrived, Suad was surprised to find her apartment door open.
A. cataphoric
B. exophoric
C. anaphoric
D. reference
165. Learning vocabulary can be done through context. What is the meaning of ‘set’ in this sentence?
Alice wants a chess set for her collection.
A. Apparatus
B. Board
C. Model
D. Kit
166. Which sentence shows a noun in the genitive case?
A. The teacher teaches grammar.
B. The teacher likes grammar.
C. The teacher’s grammar is excellent.
D. The teacher teaches us grammar.
167. The meanings associated with the word ‘ear’ in the following sentences seem related.
I put a cotton wool in my ear.
He listened to their difficulties with an impatient ear.
The phonetician has a good ear for tone.
I tried to get her ear.
How are the words with the same spelling and related meanings called?
A. Capitonyms
B. Oronyms
C. Paronyms
D. Polysemes
168. Which theory emphasizes that any human behavior can be learned through a process of stimulus-response
and positive or negative reinforcement?
A. Constructivism
C. Social Interaction Theory
B. Behaviorism
D. Sociocultural Theory
169. Noam Chomsky’s Language Acquisition Device (LAD) has lead into an entirely new approach in the field of
linguistics: generative phonology and transformational grammar. What is the focus of this new approach?
A. It focuses almost entirely on the abstract ‘deep structure’ of individual’s native language.
B. It focuses on the device itself and how it is used in teaching.
C. It focuses on how the individual acquires and learns a language.
D. It focuses on language teaching and not on language learning.
170. In the sentence, “Don’t take your break up with Lance too hard. don’t worry, there will be more handsome faces
that will come your way.”, the writer considered using _______.
A. Holonymic agency
C. Multiple meanings
B. Meronymic agency
D. Metonymic agency
171. I was on my way to the third floor of the building when I heard a thud. Then vrooom goes the motorcycle.
Which word is an example of lexical onomatopoeia?
A. Vrooom
B. Motorcycle
C. Heard
D. Thud
172. Which stylistic feature is used in the following lines?
Break him up
Slurp him up
Drain him off
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
A. Lexical repetition
B. Syntactic level
C. Lexico-semantic level
D. Graphological level
173. What sylistic device is used in the following line from William Shakespeare’s work:
All the world’s a stage
And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
A. Metonymy
B. Simile
C. Synecdoche
D. Metaphor
174. All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth, that shall be King hereafter! (Act 1, Macbeth)
is an example of _____.
A. prolepsis
B. repitition
C. analepsis
D. flashback
175. War is war is an example of _________.
A. Parallelism
B. Tautology
C. Tautophony
D. Paradox
176. Which of the floowing is an example of chiasmus?
A. To live is to die and to laugh is to cry.
B. “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” (John F. Kennedy)
C. “Bad men live that they may eat and drink whereas good men eat and drink that they may live.” (Socrates)
D. Pedro is to Peter as Maria is to Mary.
177. “You, sir, of all men whom I have known, are he whose body is the closest conjoined, and imbued, and
identified, so to speak, with the spirit whereof it is the instrument.” (Scarlet Letter). This line is an example of _______.
A. polysyndenton B. asyndeton
C. polypton
D. aphorism
178. “...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
(Gettysburg Address,Abraham Lincoln). This line is an example of _______.
A. anaphora
B. anastrophe
C. epanalepsis
D. epistrophe
179. In Stylistics, Diegesis is _____ ; Mimesis is ____ .
A. writing, speaking B. doing, saying
C. acting, mimicry
D.telling, showing
180. Ashley read one of the poems written by her favorite author and she noticed that there are only two
punctuation marks used and some of the common nouns at the middle of the lines were written in capital
letters. Ashley could conclude that her favorite author took into consideration the use of ______.
A. Lexico-semantic feature
C. Phonological feature
B. Syntactic feature
D. Graphological feature
181. What modality is used in the sentence, “Marvin is probably at school now.”?
A. Deontologic
C. Epistemic
B. Epistimolgic
D. Ontodologic
182. A stylistic device in which a word or phrase is repeated at the end of successive clauses is known as_______.
A. Epiphora
B. Gradation
C. Polyptoton
D. Symploce
183. Mr. Santos has a difficulty figuring out who the culprits are in the massacre of the Yin family. Aside from looking
closely at the crime scene, he also needs to consider issues like voice recognition and identification of regional
accents. What type of stylistic analysis should Mr. Santos need to consider?
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
A. Pragmatic Stylistics
B. Affective Stylistics
C. Pedagogical Stylistics
D. Forensic Stylistics
184. If the biographical approach is used to analyze John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the critic will consider the _____.
A. author’s Puritan beliefs.
B. symbolism of the paradise.
C. description of the Garden of Eden and its prescribed location.
D. interrelated actions.
185. If the pyschological approach is used to analyze Alice Walker’s Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self, the
reader will consider the _____.
A. meaning of beauty.
C. point of view of the story.
B. effect of the cataract in Alice’s life.
D. setting of the story.
186. The historical approach can be used to analyze Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere if the critic considers _____.
A. the travels of Rizal.
C. the abuses experienced by Filipinos
B. the time that shaped the events in the novel.
D. the meaning of the title of the novel.
187. Marxist approach can also be used to study Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere if the critic considers _____.
A. the political and social conditions of the Filipinos during Spanish regime.
B. the influence of the Americans to the independence of the Philippines.
C. the linguistic contributions of the Spanish to the Filipinos
D. the literary influence of the Spanish to the Filipinos.
188. What approach is conserned with the study of ‘signs’?
A. Hermeneutics
B. Semiotics
C. Formalistic
D. Dialogic
189. This theory or approach involves analysis of nationality, ethnicity, and politics.
A. Postcolonial Literary Theory
C. Marxist Literary Theory
B. New Historicism
D. Deconstruction Theory
190. Using the feminist perspective in Alice Walker’s Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self, the critic will
onsider the ________.
A. the time when the story was written
B. who the other dancer is
C. the author’s perception of ‘beauty’ and the world she lives in
D. the figure of speech used in the title.
191. Not only James’s governess fit the classic profile of the female sexual hysteric, she also experiences the
“hysterical fit” observed by turn-of-the-century clinicians. That her first hallucination precipitates a “nervous
explosion” of some intensity is clear from her own account. Like that of the classic hysteric, her “mental
activity...is split up, and only a part of it is conscious.” Her initial fantasy of her handsome employer is
conscious, but his transformation into a figure embodying her fear of sexuality is generated by deep-rooted
unconscious inhibitions.
What literary theory or approach is shown in the passage above?
A. Marxist Literary Theory
C. Postmodern Literary Theory
B. Psychoanalytical Theory
D. Deconstruction Theory
192. Which of the following methods of analyzing a literary work would be most appropriate to use with a
psychoanalytic approach to literary criticism?
A. comparing the author's treatment of a theme with that of the author's contemporaries
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
2nd Flr., Carmen Building, 881 G. Tolentino St. corner España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila 1008
B. identifying and classifying syntactic patterns employed in the work
C. interpreting symbolic representations of emotional repression in the work
D. examining the work for evidence of the author's creative process
193. Which of the following aspects of a nineteenth-century novel would most likely be examined in a work of
feminist literary criticism?
A. the tone of the female omniscient narrator
B. the dialogue spoken by male and female characters
C. the descriptions of objects used for domestic chores
D. the nonlinear structure of the plot
194. According to the Greek writer, certain gods were originally great people venerated because of their
benefactions to mankind. What philosophy in the study of myths, tells us this?
A. Romanticism
C. Rationalism
B. Euhemerism
D. Structuralism
195. The following are believed to be the sources of mythology and folklore EXCEPT:
A. A Thousand and One Nights (The Arabian Nights)
B. Aesop’s Fable
C. The Great Vedas
D. The Great Epics of the World
196. Which philosophical foundation of Chinese mythology has taught that cosmic energy and all life compounded
of “yin” (the negative, female principle) and “yang” (the complimentary positive, male principle)?
A. Taoism
B. Buddhism
C. Confucianism
D. Mohism
197. The myths of the Greeks reflect _____.
A. that humans are the center of the universe.
B. that humans and gods live alike.
C. a view of the universe that acknowledges the mystery and beauty of humanity.
D. a less strange and frightening magic than the myths of other ancient civilizations.
198. Symbol is a representation of something beyond itself. In Homer’s Odyssey, what is the best symbolism of the
‘wedding bed’?
A. Life for Telemachus
C. Love of family
B. Constancy of Odysseus and Penelope’s love
D. Hope for the return of Odysseus
199. When Oedipus learns the incredible truth about his mother and father, he puts out his own eyes and leaves his
city and eventually die. This shows _______.
A. regret and repentance to a wrong decision
C. physical manifestation of the limitation of man
B. fate’s control over human’s lives
D. acceptance of wrongdoing and self-punishment
200. The Pyramus and Thysbe love affair shows ______.
A. the immaturity of teenagers
B. the authority of parents over their children
C. the aggressiveness of young lovers
D. an attempt to change traditional practices
Dr. Carl E. Balita Review Center
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