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Planting & Propagating Trees Module for Grade 6

Module in TLE - 6
Quarter 2_Week _1
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet
Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System
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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum
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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly the Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of
Education, Schools Division of CAR which is in response to the implementation of
the K to 12 Curriculum.
This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education- CID,
Schools Division of CAR. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in
Date of Development :
June 2020
Resource Location :
Kabayan, Benguet
Learning Area :
Technology and Livelihood Education
Grade Level :
Learning Resource Type :
Language :
Quarter/Week :
Q2_ Week_1
Learning Competency/Code : Discusses the importance of planting and
propagating trees and fruit bearing trees and
marketing seedlings.
The developer wishes to express her gratitude to those who help in the
development of this learning material. The fulfillment of this learning material
would not be possible without these people who gave their support, helping
hand and cooperation:
Samuel L. Ayangdan, Education Program Supervisor—EPP/TLE.
Remy N. Dum-ao, School Principal to quality assurance team of
Kabayan Central School and to our co-teachers at Kabayan Central School for
sharing their time in critiquing this module and for there continues guidance
and support.
The Almighty God, for all the love, mercy, guidance and blessings.
Librarian II
Project Development Officer II
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division Superintendent
Copyright Notice …………………………………………………..
Table of Contenrs…………………………………………………..
Title Page……………………………………………………………
Learning Objectives
Pretest ………………………………………………………………
Lesson Proper
Activity 1………………………………………………….
Discussion of Activity 1………………………………….
Post Assessment………………………………………………….
Additional Activities………………………………………………..
Answer Key………………………………………………………..
Reference Sheet…………………………………………………..
What I Need to Know
This module is designed to know the importance of planting trees and
benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees. It takes you
through a learning experience of exploration and discovery. I hope you find
this learning material useful as you engage with all the learning activities.
You will also find this module helpful if you involve yourself in the
topic, read the lesson carefully, follow the instructions in all activities and
answer all the provided learning activities.
For the facilitators, you are encouraged to guide the learners in achieving the desired learning competency presented in this learning module and
remind the learners on the standards set to follow and supervise them while
doing each activity to check if they are following the instructions given.
We hope this material will be of great help to you.
In this module, you are expected to learn:
Learning Objectives:
Discusses importance of planting and propagating trees and fruit-bearing
trees and marketing seedlings.
Explains benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees to
families and communities.
Direction: Choose and write on the blank before the number the
correct letter of your answer.
____1. Are plants or fruit bearing trees important to us?
A. yes
B. no
C. I don’t know
D. I’m not sure
____2. Which of the following reason why fruit bearing trees
important to us?
A. give us materials use in making wall decorations
B. give us food
C. provide fresh air when the wind blows
D. make our community beautiful.
____3. The following are the ways in propagating fruit bearing trees
I. through pollination
II. through planting leaves and flowers.
III. by scattering the seeds on the ground.
IV. by planting seeds, cutting, budding and grafting.
A. I, II
c. I, III
d. III, IV
____4. Why do we need to propagate plants or fruit bearing trees?
I. it gives fresh air
II. it is our source of income
III. it mitigates our hunger specially during crisis
IV. it serves beautification in the community.
d. all of the above
____5. Who do you think will propagate plants or fruit bearing trees?
A. anybody can propagate plants
B. only the farmer can propagate plants
C. only the agriculturists can propagate plants
6. The following are the by - products we can derive from fruit bearing trees
A. Wood
B. oxygen
C. gong
D. decorations
7.Which of the following statement tells about carbon dioxide?
A. A colored and has odor gas that is present in the atmosphere.
B. A colorless, odorless gas that is present in the atmosphere.
C. Carbon dioxide consists of a carbon atom covalently double
bonded to two oxygen atoms.
D. Carbon dioxide process of a carbon atom double bonded to one
oxygen atoms.
8. Which of the following statement tells about the meaning of oxygen?
A. Is the chemical element with the symbol 0 and atomic number 8.
B. Is the commercial element with the symbol 0 and atomic number 8.
C. A colored, tasteless gas essential to living organisms
D. A colorless, odorless, tasteless gas essential to living organisms.
9. What are the chemical products that trees can produce?
A. carbon dioxide, oxygen and zinc
B. resin, rubber and turpentine
C. lipids, sugar and sodium
D. ammonia, sodium bicarbonate and sodium hypochlorite
10.What are the good sources of carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals?
A. rubber and turpentine
B. chemicals and commercials
C. Fruits and nuts
D. flowers and vegetables.
What’s In
Directions: Choose and write on the blank before the number the
correct letter of your answer.
_____1. What are the importance of planting and propagating trees
and fruit trees?
A. to increase soil erosion
B. to collect carbon dioxide
C. it does not give any medicinal benefits
D. It adds oxygen and cools our houses.
_____2. What are the two types of plant propagation?
A. budding and grafting
C. sexual and asexual
B. seedling and cutting
D. planting and scattering
C. sexual and asexual
D. planting and scattering
_____3. What is the meaning of Agriculture?
A. it is the process of producing cook food.
B. it is the process of producing fibers used by the machine.
C. process of producing domesticated insects and livestock.
D. it is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and
raising livestock.
_____4. What are the available fruit bearing trees in your locality?
A. avocado, mango, guava
B. bamboo, atis, apple
C. narra, pine tree, durian
D. sinegwelas, duhat, pears
_____5. What are the ways in caring plants or fruit bearing trees?
A. water the plants
B. give them light
C. feed the seedlings
D. expose them to light, provide water, give nutrients
What’s New
Look at the pictures below. List down three differences that you notice
between the two environment shown in the pictures. Then answer the
given questions below.
1. Which environment do you want to live in?
2. Why do you think it is best to live in an environment that is with
3. What are the importance of planting and propagating trees?
What’s in it?
Plant propagation is the process of reproducing or creating a new
plant or seedling. It is an important part of gardening, whether outdoors
or indoors. Plants are living things that grow either through their roots,
stems and leaves of their flowers, fruits, and seeds. It is a method of
growing new plants from seed or from parts of existing plants.
Planting and propagating trees and fruit –bearing trees is a source
of livelihood for many Filipino families. Nowadays, many people engage in
this as a source of additional income for their daily needs. Fruit –bearing
trees can be planted in your backyard depend on several factors: the
space in your backyard , the kind of soil, and, and the type of climate in
your own community.
Flash floods have killed so many lives these past few years. One of
the major causes of floods is deforestation or the clearing of an area of
forest without
replanting. To prevent flood there is a need for reforestation. Reforestation is the act of renewing forest cover by planting seeds or young trees.
It is also needed for the continuing supply of trees for the good of the future generation.
A tree is an erect plant with a single woody stem capable of reaching a height of about 20-25 feet at maturity. Trees are valuable to the
family and the community for the many products and amenities they
give. Trees are one of the major sources of food, primarily fruits and
nuts; also sugar is derived from the sap of some trees. Wood from trees is
a major source of fuel for heating and cooking. Construction materials
from wood includes lumber, plywood , and board. Wood is also the major
source of fiber for the production of pulp and
paper. Trees are also a primary source of many chemical products.
Some fibers like rayon are produced from wood pulp. These are chemicals that can be harvested directly from trees such as rubber and resins. These
are then refined to produce turpentine.
Benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees to families
and communities
Trees are valuable to the family and the community for the products
and amenities they give such as:
food like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and sugar
wood used as fuel for cooking and heating
construction materials which include lumber, plywood, and board
fiber for the production of pulp and paper; and
chemical products such as resin, rubber, and turpentine.
Other Benefits Derived from Trees
There are benefits derived from trees to maintain a healthy environment. Some of these benefits include:
They provide shade and fresh air around the house and, along the
streets and surroundings.
Trees are very much needed by people in these times of climate change
when the temperature is high and the heat of the sun becomes intense. Without trees, there are no shades to keep us cool.
They protect the soil from erosion. Have you seen big roots that extend
several meters from the trunk or go deeper into the soil? These roots
hold the soil, preventing it from eroding when rain or floods come.
They help maintain high quality water supply. The roots of plants and
trees help strain the dirt and cleanse the water as it passes through
the roots.
The root system promotes soil stability. This means that the soil held by
the roots remain there and does not erode.
They serve as valuable wildlife habitats. Wild animals live in places with
many trees like that of a forest.
They serve as wind breakers during typhoons and storms, thus, reducing the destruction of home and agricultural crops. A typhoon that is
strong usually moves at a very fast speed. It continues to be that
strong if there are no barriers on the path where it moves. But when
it passes barriers like mountains and trees, it slows down and its
speed is reduced. Small crops and plants as well as houses are safe
when typhoon is weak.
They help reduce pollutions in congested urban areas. Remember that
trees take in carbon dioxide emitted from vehicles that belches
smoke. The more trees present, the less amount of carbon dioxide is
in the air.
However, if there are trees to serve as barriers and the roots to hold
the water, flood will not occur.
They contribute to the beautiful landscapes in the city and the
countryside. Imagine a land with plenty of trees and grass and a scattering of flowers of beautiful colors, sizes, and shapes.
They improve the atmosphere of a place by giving a feeling of freshness
and coolness as they reduce temperature.
They prevent river and lake sedimentation. Have you observed a river
bank that is lined endlessly with full-grown trees? These trees help
hold the water in the lake and river and keep it there. This prevents
the lake and river from drying up.
They prevent floods. Floods occur when water from rain rushes in
causing soil erosion.
Trees and Fruit-bearing trees that one can plant
Common trees planted in both rural and urban areas
Palm Tree
Rubber Tree
Bamboo Tree
9. Alibangbang
10. Banaba
11. Pine Tree
12. Indian Tree
13. Fire Tree
14. Molave
15. Mahogany
Some of the common fruit-bearing trees
14. Rambutan
15. Lychee
16. Guava
17. Aratiles
18. Camachile
19. Mangosteen
20. Durian
21. Pili
22. Cashew
23. Star Apple
24. Guyabano
25. Balimbing
Importance of Developing the Skills in Planting Trees and
Fruit-Bearing Trees
1. You can motivate others by teaching them to plant trees.
2. Plant as many fruit-bearing and other trees in your backyard and in
vacant lots.
3. Fruits of fruit-bearing trees are good source of sugar , vitamins and
minerals and other substances which have antioxidants and anticancer properties.
4. It can be a source of livelihood. By propagating trees, you can see
them as seedlings. This can be a start of a profitable business.
5. Raising trees for sale brings added income to the family .
6. It can give employment to others once the business prospers.
Whats More
Activity 1
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it
is incorrect on the space provided before the number.
________ 1. Planting trees protects the soil from erosion and floods.
________ 2 .Sunlight refers to the degree of coldness and hotness of the
atmosphere at a certain period of time.
________ 3. Trees are very dependent on water and serve as a solvent for
the nutrients from the soil.
________ 4. Soil contains mineral elements necessary for normal plant
growth and development.
________ 5. Trees easily die when they have grown to maturity because of
extreme temperature changes.
________ 6. They help maintain high quality water supply.
________ 7. Their root system promotes soil stability.
________ 8. They don’t serve as valuable wildlife habitats.
________ 9. They are attractive and effective barriers in the cities.
________ 10. They help reduce pollution in congested urban areas.
Activity 2
Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following is the benefit derived from trees?
A. They don’t protect the soil from erosion.
B. They help maintain high quality water supply.
C. Their root system does not promotes soil stability.
D. They provide shelter for animals only
2. Which of the following is not an importance of planting trees?
A. They prevent floods.
B. Plants absorb carbon dioxide.
C. It brings destruction to houses, streets, and playgrounds.
D. Plants are sources of food.
3. Which of the following are fruit bearing trees?
A. Coconut, Orange, bamboo
B. Makopa, Rambutan, Lanzones
C. Mango, Pine tree Star Apple
D. Jackfruit, Pomelo, dragon fruit
4. How can trees protect the environment during typhoons and storms?
A. Trees serve as destruction as valuable for wildlife animals.
B. Trees contribute to landscapes vacant spaces.
C. Trees serve as wind breakers.
D. Trees hold water on flooded area.
5. The following are the benefits in developing the skills of planting trees
A. You can encourage others by teaching them to plant trees.
B. It gives employment to others once the business prospers.
C. It develops water formation that causes flooding.
Activity 3
Directions: Match column B with column A. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space before the number.
Column A
___1. tree
a. produced from wood pulp
___2. Wood trees
b. chemicals harvested directly from trees
___3. Lumber
c. derived from sap of some trees
___4. rayon
d. the product of refined rubber and resins
___5. rubber
e. an erect plant with a single woody stem
___6. turpentine
f. this is what man gives off
g. major source of fiber for the production of
pulp and paper
___8. sugar
h. this is what trees give off
___9. carbon dioxide
i. used to construct houses for man and
___10. oxygen
j. the root system holds water in the soil
in soil to prevent this.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Read and answer the question. Write your answer on the blank
provided for.
1. How do trees contribute to a healthy and safe environment?
What I Can Do
Direction: Answer the questions. Write your answer on the blank provided for.
Write atleast 3 ways on what you can do to an eroded area after a
typhoon so that it will not continue to erode?
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
Post Test:
A. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect on the space provided before the number
_________1. Planting trees reduces destruction to homes and crops
by serving as windbreakers during typhoons and storms.
_________2. In fruit tree production, select a variety of tree that do not thrive in
your locality.
_________3. Planting trees have no benefits and contributions to the family
and the community.
________ 4. The woods that come from the trees are used to build shelter.
________ 5. Trees help in increasing global warming.
Post Test:
A. Direction: Read and understand each question. Choose and write on the space
before the number the correct letter of your answer.
A. They provide shade and fresh air
F. They protect the soil from erosion
B. The root system promotes soil stability G. They help reduce pollutions in congested
urban areas
C. They help maintain high quality water supply
H. They contribute to the beautiful landscapes
D. It give a feeling of freshness and coolness
I. They prevent floods.
E. They serve as windbreakers
J. They serve as valuable wildlife habi-
___1. People needed in these times of climate change when the temperature
is high and the heat of the sun becomes intense. Without trees, we
feel hot and uneasy.
____2. These roots hold the soil, preventing it from eroding when rain or
floods come.
____3. The roots of plants and trees help strain the dirt and cleanse the
water as it passes through the roots.
____4. Wild animals live in places with many trees like that of a forest.
____5. This means that the soil held by the roots remain there and does not
____6. when it passes barriers like mountains and trees, it slows down and
its speed is reduced. Small crops and plants as well as houses are
safe when typhoon is weak.
____7. Remember that trees take in carbon dioxide emitted from vehicles
that belches smoke. The more trees present, the less amount of
carbon dioxide is in the air.
____8. Imagine a land with plenty of trees and grass and a scattering of
flowers of beautiful colors, sizes, and shapes.
____9. They improve the atmosphere of a place by giving a feeling of
freshness and coolness as they reduce temperature.
___10. Floods occur when water from rain rushes in causing soil erosion.
However, if there are trees to serve as barriers and the roots to hold
the water, flood will not occur.
B. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect
on the space provided before the number
_________1. Planting trees reduces destruction to homes and crops
by serving as windbreakers during typhoons and storms.
_________2. In fruit tree production, select a variety of tree that do not thrive in
your locality.
_________3. Planting trees have no benefits and contributions to the family
and the community.
________ 4. The woods that come from the trees are used to build shelter.
________ 5. Trees help in increasing global warming.
Additional Activities:
Create your own poem or jingle on the importance and benefits of planting
trees and fruit bearing trees.
What I Know:
10. c
5. a
9. b
4. c
8. a
3. d
7. b
2. b
6. d
1. a
What’s New
1. d
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. d
Whats More Activity 1:
10. true
5. false
9. true
4. true
8. false
3. true
7. true
2. false
6. true
1. true
A. Post Test:
1. True
2. false
Activity 2
B. Post Test
1. b
2. c
7. G
6. E
9. D
8. H
4. J
3. C
5. B
10. I
3. a
4. c
5. c
Activity 3
10. h
4. a
9. f
3. I
8. c
2. g
7. j
1. e
5. b
6. d
Key Answer
Home Economics and Livelihood Education – Grade 6
Reference Book
Second Edition, 2016
Pp. 58-64
Learning and Living in the 21st Century—Grade 6
First Edition, 2007
ISBN: 978-971-23-4724-5 pp. 258-261