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BTEC Computing Assessment Verification Form

Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
Programme title
BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment title
Internal Verifier
Unit 03:
Professional Practice
Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a Training
Student’s name
List which
assessment criteria
the Assessor has
Do the assessment criteria
awarded match those shown in the
assignment brief?
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction
grade awarded justified by the
assessor’s comments on the
student work?
Has the work been
assessed accurately?
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant
assessment criteria?
• Identifying opportunities
for improved
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision
need amending?
Assessor signature
Internal Verifier signature
Programme Leader signature (if
Confirm action
Remedial action taken
Give details:
Assessor signature
Internal Verifier
Programme Leader signature
(if required)
M.A.M. Akram
Professional Practice
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Unit 03:
Professional Practice
Received 1st
Submission Date
Date Received
2nd submission
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a
target audience
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of
team working in different environments
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its
role within the workplace and for higher level learning
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
Assessor Signature:
Resubmission Feedback:
M.A.M. Akram
Professional Practice
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Assessor Signature:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student
Action Plan
Summative feedback
M.A.M. Akram
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Feedback: Student to Assessor
Student signature
Pearson Higher Nationals in
M.A.M. Akram
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Unit 03: Professional
Practice Assignment 01
M.A.M. Akram
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General Guidelines
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.
Word Processing Rules
The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject,
Assignment No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets
become detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing
your assignment.
Important Points:
1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the
compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the
body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of
your work.
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as
illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
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Professional Practice
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8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL.
You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly
using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both intext citation and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade
could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course
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Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand
what it means to copy another’s work.
1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.
2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my
and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Pearson, UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is
not attached to the assignment.
Student’s Signature:
(Provide E-mail ID)
M.A.M. Akram
(Provide Submission Date)
Professional Practice
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M.A.M. Akram
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Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Number and Title
Unit 3:
Academic Year
Professional Practice
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a
Training Programme
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission format
The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business
style using single spacing (refer to the assignment guidelines for more details). You are required to
make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please provide in-text
citation and a list of references using Harvard referencing system. Please note that this is an
activity-based assessment and your report should include evidences to the activities carried out
individually and/or in a group.
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To carry out the activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups, comprising maximum
of 6 members.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication
skills to a target audience.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving
scenarios. LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a
team and the impact of team working in different environments.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its
role within the workplace and for higher-level learning.
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M.A.M. Akram
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Assume yourself as the event coordinator working in an event planning organization specialized in
trainings on IT and soft skills. you have been appointed to design and deliver a training event on IT
/Soft Skills to an identified audience. You are required to complete the project within 2 months and
You are required to form a group of not more than 6 members in order to carry out the event. The
event will
be headed by an event manager/ leader and each group member will be assigned a set of tasks.
the skills required to make the event
challenges faced during the design/ delivery
Critical evaluation of the problems, challenges faced, and the methods used to
overcome them The need for continuously develop in a professional environment
Need to be thoroughly
At the end of the event, produce an individual report by each member covering the
Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training event by designing a
project plan with following details.
Roles appointed to group members and an evaluation of interpersonal skills of each
member that justifies the assigned role in the team.
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Evidence to the meetings conducted with the client and the team members and the
outcomes of the meetings
A project schedule with the activities, milestones and contingencies
Research different problem-solving techniques that can be used to solve the identified problems in
task 1
Critically evaluate the solution methodology used to solve one of the identified problems and justify
Work in your team by contributing your skills and knowledge to meet the project goal. Critically
Discuss the importance of having dynamic team members in a group to meet its goals by referring
to the
role assigned to the group members and analyse how team dynamics among your group members
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Discuss with examples, the importance of continuous professional development (CPD) in a work
setting by evaluating the range of CPD criteria that can be used to measure the effectiveness of
your employees in your organization.
Produce a continuous professional development (CPD) plan using the criteria identified above with
relevant to the responsibilities, required skills, performance objectives for the members of your
team. Compare and contrast different motivational theories and discuss how they can be helpful to
improve the performance of the team members and meet the objectives of the developed CPD
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Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and
transferable communication skills to a target
P1 Demonstrate, using different communication styles
and formats, that you can effectively design and deliver
a training event for a given target audience.
P2 Demonstrate that you have used effective time
management skills in planning an event.
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M1 Design a professional schedule to support the
planning of an event, to include contingencies and
justifications of time allocated.
D1 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of
interpersonal skills during the design and delivery of a
training event.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range
of problem-solving scenarios.
P3 Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving
techniques in the design and delivery of an event.
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P4 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied
to a given solution.
M2 Research the use of different problem-solving
techniques used in the design and delivery of an event.
M3 Justify the use and application of a range of solution
D2 Critique the process of applying critical reasoning to
a given task/activity or event.
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LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of
working within a team and the impact of team
working in different environments.
P5 Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the
success and/or failure of group work.
P6 Work within a team to achieve a defined goal.
M4 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles group
members play in a team and the effectiveness in terms
of achieving shared goals.
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D3 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and
contribution to a group scenario.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace
and for higher-level learning.
P7 Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to
own learning.
P8 Produce a development plan that outlines
performance objectives and required skills, knowledge
and learning for own future goals.
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M5 Compare and contrast different motivational theories
and the impact they can have on performance within the
D4 Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a
measure for effective CPD.
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In performing my assignment, I had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons, who
Deserve my greatest thanks. The completion of this assignment gives us much Pleasure. I would like to
Show our gratitude Miss. Uthpala Subject lecture, in ESOFT metro campus, Trincomalee branch for
giving us a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations. I would also like to expand
my deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment.
Thanking you,
HND in Computing and Application Development,
ESOFT Metro Campus Trincomalee
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Task 01 .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Communication. ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Verbal Communication .............................................................................................................................. 29
Non-Verbal Communication ...................................................................................................................... 29
Visualizations ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Bar graphs .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Pie Charts ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Line Graphs ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Effective Seminar ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills in the Seminar ............................................................................... 35
Demonstrate that you have used effective time management skills in planning an event .......................... 44
Effective time management skills. ......................................................................................................... 44
Time Management ................................................................................................................................. 44
1. Benefits of good time management .................................................................................................................. 44
Less stress ................................................................................................................................................... 44
Better work-life balance ............................................................................................................................. 44
More time freedom ..................................................................................................................................... 44
Greater focus .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Higher levels of productivity ...................................................................................................................... 44
Less procrastination.................................................................................................................................... 44
Things are simpler and easier ..................................................................................................................... 44
Less distraction ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Increased energy ......................................................................................................................................... 44
Time to think .............................................................................................................................................. 44
2. Disadvantages of Bad Time Management........................................................................................................ 44
Things May Get Expensive ........................................................................................................................ 44
Things Can Become Harder Logistically ................................................................................................... 44
Missed Opportunities ................................................................................................................................. 44
Falling Behind ............................................................................................................................................ 44
No 'Self-Care' Time .................................................................................................................................... 44
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No time to rest ............................................................................................................................................ 44
Group meeting ........................................................................................................................................ 45
1st Group meeting ...................................................................................................................................... 45
2nd Group meeting ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Prepare the plan. ..................................................................................................................................... 45
Making appointment with the IT Teacher .................................................................................................. 45
Prepare Seminar and Materials ................................................................................................................... 45
Conducting the event .................................................................................................................................. 45
1.3 Design a professional schedule to support the planning of an event, to include contingencies and
justifications of time allocated.............................................................................................................................. 46
Planning Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 46
Event Schedule ....................................................................................................................................... 47
Professional Schedule............................................................................................................................. 49
1.4 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of interpersonal skills during the design and delivery of a
training event........................................................................................................................................................ 50
Self-reflection of Interpersonal Skills..................................................................................................... 50
Positive Attitude ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 50
Listening skill ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Task 02 .................................................................................................................................................... 51
Brainstorming ............................................................................................................................................. 51
How to do Brainstorming ..................................................................................................................................... 51
SWOT Analysis.......................................................................................................................................... 52
Five Whys method...................................................................................................................................... 53
Five Whys method Examples ............................................................................................................................... 54
The Drill Down Technique......................................................................................................................... 55
The Drill Down technique example ..................................................................................................................... 56
Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a given solution. ................................................. 57
Research the use of different problem-solving techniques used in the design and delivery of an event...... 58
Clearly define the problem ......................................................................................................................... 58
Don’t jump to conclusions.......................................................................................................................... 58
Try different approaches............................................................................................................................. 58
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Don’t take it personally .............................................................................................................................. 58
Justify the use and application of a range of solution methodologies. ....................................................... 59
Trial and error............................................................................................................................................. 59
Difference reduction. .................................................................................................................................. 59
Means-ends analysis. .................................................................................................................................. 59
Critique the process of applying critical reasoning to a given task/activity or event .................................. 60
Task 03 .................................................................................................................................................... 61
Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure of group work. ............................ 61
What is a Team? ..................................................................................................................................... 61
The Benefits of Teamwork ..................................................................................................................... 62
What is a Team? ..................................................................................................................................... 62
Team Dynamics ...................................................................................................................................... 62
Team Characteristics for Effective Teamwork....................................................................................... 63
Importance of Team dynamics ............................................................................................................... 63
Work within a team to achieve a defined goal ........................................................................................... 64
3.3 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles group members play in a team and the effectiveness in
terms of achieving shared goals. .......................................................................................................................... 65
Shaper ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
Implementer ............................................................................................................................................... 66
Completer-Finisher..................................................................................................................................... 66
Co-Ordinator .............................................................................................................................................. 67
Team worker .............................................................................................................................................. 67
Resource-Investigator ................................................................................................................................. 68
Plant............................................................................................................................................................ 68
Monitor-Evaluator ...................................................................................................................................... 69
Specialist .................................................................................................................................................... 69
Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and contribution to a group scenario ................................. 70
Task 04 .................................................................................................................................................... 71
Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to own learning. ....................................................... 71
The key features of the CPD process...................................................................................................... 71
Importance of CPD ................................................................................................................................. 72
7 Ways organizations can support to CPD ............................................................................................. 73
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Get a buy-in of managers from the beginning. ........................................................................................... 73
Closely link professional development to the functions of individuals. ..................................................... 73
Encourage professional development to be carried out in collaboration. ................................................... 73
Do personal professional development....................................................................................................... 73
Encourage regular professional development by introducing a notice. ...................................................... 74
Encourage individuals to evaluate the results of their development........................................................... 74
Recognize good quality formal and informal professional development ................................................... 74
4.2 Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities, performance objectives and required skills,
knowledge and learning for own future goals. ..................................................................................................... 75
Personal development plan. .................................................................................................................... 75
To do a personal development project.................................................................................................... 75
Future Goals ........................................................................................................................................... 77
4.3 Compare and contrast different motivational theories and the impact they can have on performance
within the workplace. ........................................................................................................................................... 79
Different type of Motivational theories .................................................................................................. 79
Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a measure for effective CPD ..................................... 80
Teamwork................................................................................................................................................... 80
Co-operation ............................................................................................................................................... 80
Working with others ................................................................................................................................... 80
Interpersonal skills ..................................................................................................................................... 81
Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 81
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Figure 1 Bar graphs ............................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 2 Pie Chart .................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 3 Line Graphs ............................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 4 Briefed on our seminar by Miss.Uthpala ................................................................................... 36
Figure 5 as the group leader, started the seminar .................................................................................. 37
Figure 6 Mr. Pakeerthen Artificial intelligence Crouse 2020 companies list ............................................ 38
Figure 7 Mr.Rifthy Current AI services , Advance AI , The impact of AI on society................................. 39
Figure 8 Mr. Akram Artificial Intelligence Device, own create Software ................................................... 40
Figure 9 Miss.Nivethiya Artificial intelligence Inversion 2020 .................................................................. 41
Figure 10 Mr.Mayoorethen Artificial intelligence INOVERSION ............................................................. 42
Figure 11 Mr.Nirenjan AI DEWELOPMENT WILL SAY 2021 AND BEYOND And naturel language
processing ............................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 12 Professional Schedule ............................................................................................................ 49
Figure 13 SWOT Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 14 Five Whys method.................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 15 Five Whys method Examples ................................................................................................. 54
Figure 16 The Drill Down Technique ...................................................................................................... 55
Figure 17 The Drill Down technique example ......................................................................................... 56
Figure 18 Team...................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 19 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and contribution to a group scenario ................. 70
Figure 20 The Continuing professional Development Cycle ................................................................... 72
Figure 21 Zoom meeting ........................................................................................................................ 81
Figure 22 WhatsApp group call .............................................................................................................. 82
Figure 23 Group leader and student respected the speakers ................................................................. 83
Table 1 Planning Schedule .................................................................................................................... 46
Table 2 Event Schedule ......................................................................................................................... 48
Table 3 Future Goals ............................................................................................................................. 77
Table 4 Strengths and areas for further development ............................................................................. 78
Table 5 Opportunities and threats .......................................................................................................... 78
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Task 01
Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training event by designing a professional project
plan with following details.
1.1 Communication.
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person, or group to another.
categories of communication:
1) Verbal Communication
2) Non-Verbal Communication
3) Written Communication
1. Verbal Communication
The delivery of a message via spoken or written communication is known as verbal communication. Which
includes face-to-face, telephone, radio or television, and other media.
2. Non-Verbal Communication
Letters, e-mails, social media, books, periodicals, the Internet, and other media are all examples of this.
Until recently, when it came to communicating the written word, a relatively small group of writers and
publishers wielded enormous power. Today, we can all write and publish our thoughts on the internet,
resulting in an explosion of knowledge and communication options.
3. Visualizations
graphs and charts, maps, logos, and other visualizations can all communicate messages. There are several
different types of charts and graphs. The four most common are probably line graphs, bar graphs and
histograms, pie charts, and Cartesian graphs.
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3.1 Bar graphs
On the x-axis, there are usually categories, and on the y-axis, there are usually numbers (but these are
interchangeable). This implies you can compare numbers from several categories. The categories must be
self-contained, meaning that changes in one do not affect the others.
Figure 1 Bar graphs
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3.2 Pie Charts
A pie chart looks like a circle (or a pie) cut up into segments. Pie charts are used to show how the whole
breaks down into parts.
Figure 2 Pie Chart
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3.3 Line Graphs
Line charts are commonly used to show dependent data and especially trends over time. Line diagrams
depict a point value for each section.
Figure 3 Line Graphs
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1.2 Effective Seminar
The seminar was organized by our HND 15 students on 25 July 2021.Esoft is our chosen metro college.
There were 8 people on our team with Mr.Akram,Mr.Rifthy,Mr.Dinesh,Miss.Nivethiya,Mr.Pakeerthen,
ESoft Diploma students are invited to attend the seminar. The topic of our seminar is Artificial Intelligent.
We did this event at home through the internet because of the corona disease that is spreading in the country.
The event took place from 4 to 6 p.m. Reason we chose the college was because we had enough Diploma
IT students and the resources we needed. And I hope this event will end better and more positively.
Our first task for the seminar was explained at our seminar by Miss.Uthpala Lecturer, ESOFT Metro
Campus Trincomalee Branch. Then I, as the team leader, started the seminar effectively by telling the
students about the seminar and our missions.
We learned to solve problems collectively, to work independently and collectively as a team and to address
the roles and responsibilities within the team. Then we split some responsibilities for everyone.
With the contribution of everyone in our team we have done our training program right.
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Our first Task for seminar was briefed on our seminar by Miss.Uthpala ESOFT Metro Campus lectures
Trincomalee Branch. Then I, as the group leader, started the seminar effectively by telling the students
about the seminar and our tasks.
We learned how to solve problems collectively, to work independently and collectively as a team, and to
address roles and responsibilities within the group. Then we split some responsibilities for everyone.
Miss.Uthpala - Welcome speech (Lecture)
Mr.Dinesh – Introduction of Artificial intelligence (AI)
Mr.Pakeerthen - Artificial intelligence Crouse 2020 companies list
Mr.Rifthy - Current AI services, Advance AI, The impact of AI on society
Mr.Akram - Artificial intelligence Device, Own Create Software
Miss.Nivethiya - Artificial intelligence Inversion 2020.
Mr.Mayoorethen - Artificial intelligence Inversion.
Mr.Nirenjan - AI Development will say 2021 and beyond
Everyone contribution in our group we have done our training program properly.
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1.3 Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills in the Seminar
Briefed on our seminar by Miss.Uthpala, Lecturer ESOFT Metro Campus Trincomalee Branch.
Figure 4 Briefed on our seminar by Miss.Uthpala
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I, as the group leader, started the seminar effectively by telling the students about the seminar
and our tasks and Introduction of Artificial intelligence (AI) Early History
Figure 5 as the group leader, started the seminar
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Second Task – Mr. Pakeerthen Artificial intelligence Crouse 2020 companies list
Figure 6 Mr. Pakeerthen Artificial intelligence Crouse 2020 companies list
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3rd Task - Mr.Rifthy Current AI services , Advance AI , The impact of AI on society
Figure 7 Mr.Rifthy Current AI services , Advance AI , The impact of AI on society
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4th Task - Mr. Akram Artificial Intelligence Device, own create Software
Figure 8 Mr. Akram Artificial Intelligence Device, own create Software
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5th Task - Miss.Nivethiya Artificial intelligence Inversion 2020.
Figure 9 Miss.Nivethiya Artificial intelligence Inversion 2020.
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6th Task - Mr.Mayoorethen Artificial intelligence INOVERSION
Figure 10 Mr.Mayoorethen Artificial intelligence INOVERSION
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7th Task -Mr.Nirenjan AI DEWELOPMENT WILL SAY 2021 AND BEYOND And naturel
language processing
Figure 11 Mr.Nirenjan AI DEWELOPMENT WILL SAY 2021 AND BEYOND And naturel
language processing
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1.2 Demonstrate that you have used effective time management skills in planning an event.
1.2.1 Effective time management skills. Time Management
The process of organizing and planning how to split your time between various activities is known as "time
management." When time is short and pressures are great, good time management allows you to work smarter,
not harder, to get more done in less time. Failure to manage your time has a negative impact on your
effectiveness and can lead to stress.
1. Benefits of good time management
1. Less stress
2. Better work-life balance
3. More time freedom
4. Greater focus
5. Higher levels of productivity
6. Less procrastination
7. Things are simpler and easier
8. Less distraction
9. Increased energy
10. Time to think
2. Disadvantages of Bad Time Management
Things May Get Expensive
Things Can Become Harder Logistically
Missed Opportunities
Falling Behind
No 'Self-Care' Time
No time to rest
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1.2.2 Group meeting
1) 1st Group meeting
At the first meeting we split the Group and elected the Group Leader. And each group member was given the
responsibility to choose the best topic for the seminar. It took us 2 hours to give the right team and the right
responsibility to the team members. And we discussed the seminar project we were going to do and talked
about the students we would choose for the project we were doing. This also required 2 hours.
2) 2nd Group meeting
At the second meeting we concluded by discussing how to make the event better and more efficient. It took
us one and a half hours.
1.2.3 Prepare the plan.
As we have already planned, we need to select a college couple to make our events better. Also, our branch
manager and lecturer Mr. K. Devanand and we get permission and give him permission. This took us 2 days.
1) Making appointment with the IT Teacher
If we are going to do our project, we need to have a place for students, meet the front section, or have someone
and their people authorized to do our project at their facility. In it we went to ESoft collage and had a meeting
with the ESoft policy of who is leading the way.
2) Prepare Seminar and Materials
We needed 4 days to get the resources needed for the seminar, and it took 2 weeks for the group members to
get ready for the seminar. They are ready to make the seminar better in 2 weeks.
3) Conducting the event
It took only 1 day to prepare for the seminar, as we had already planned in the last group meetings. We also
prepared a corresponding schedule.
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1.3 Design a professional schedule to support the planning of an event, to include
contingencies and justifications of time allocated.
1.3.1 Planning Schedule
Table 1 Planning Schedule
Prepare groups and
group leader; and
divide responsibilities
1 day
We need a day for divide group and perfect group leader
for the event. And we divide responsibilities to everyone.
2nd group
Discussing how to
make event better.
1 day
We needed a day and we discussed how to do this well.
Then we came to the conclusion about where to do this.
Then we chose a location that is a place where we can have
all the resources needed for our event.
4th group
Prepare proposal
2 days
It took 2 days to obtain permission from the Department of
Education and the ESoft manger. By the time we got to the
permit they were work.
6th group
Prepare seminar
2 days
With the help of some of our team members, we got some
resources we didn't have in ESoft collage
7th group
Prepare presentation
1 day
It took two weeks to prepare for the event. It took 2 weeks
for us to prepare our slides and finish the event with what
we received.
8th group
Prepare seminar Place 1 day
We rehearsed with google them the day before and created
the necessary evidence for this
9th group
Hold the seminar
1 day
We finished our seminar in 1 day.
10th group
Evaluate the training
1 day
For the seminar we did, each of them individually
evaluated and the students filled out a form showing what
their assessment was. We have compiled and taken it
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1.3.2 Event Schedule
04.00 – 04.15 pm
and N.Tineshkanth
introduce the ream members
04.15 – 04.18 pm
Introduce the topic and playing a
video about AI
04.18 – 04.30 pm
04.30 – 04.53 pm
Playing video clip on AI
04.35 – 04.45 pm
Elaborate about the online courses K.Pakeerathan
04.45 – 04.50pm
Playing video clip on AI courses
04.50 – 05.00pm
Explaining the current AI & N.M.F.Rifthy
advance AI & future impact of AI
05.00 – 05.05pm
Playing a video clip of impact of AI N.M.F.Rifthy
05.05 – 05.15 pm
Elaborate the AI project ideas &
running an AI System in python
05.15 – 05.20 pm
Playing a video clip of AI projects
05.20 – 05.30 pm
Explaining the AI innovation 2020
05.30 – 05.35 pm
Video clip of AI innovation
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05.35 – 04.45 pm
Elaborate the AI innovation 2020
05.45 – 05.50 pm
Video clip of AI innovation
05.50 – 06.00 pm
Elaborate the 5 AI development in W.C.Niranjan
2021 and beyond
06.00 – 06.05 pm
Playing a video
06.05 – 06.10 pm
Vote of thanks
06.10 – 06.20 pm
Interact with the audience and
asking their feedback
Team Members
AI W.C.Niranjan
Table 2 Event Schedule
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1.3.3 Professional Schedule
Figure 12 Professional Schedule
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1.4 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of interpersonal skills during the design and
delivery of a training event.
1.4.1 Self-reflection of Interpersonal Skills
1. Positive Attitude
Positivity entails thinking positively, seeking answers, anticipating positive outcomes and achievement, and
focusing on and making life more enjoyable. It's a joyful, worry-free state of mind that focuses on the positive
aspects of life.
2. Communication
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person, or group to another.
3. Listening skill
Positivity entails thinking positively, seeking answers, anticipating positive outcomes and achievement, and
focusing on and making life more enjoyable. It's a joyful, worry-free state of mind that focuses on the positive
aspects of life.
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Task 02
Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.
2.1 Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving techniques in the design and delivery
of an event.
We faced many problems in planning and conducting the event. Then we used some problem-solving
techniques to solve the problems and found the best solution.
Below are the issues we have come up with and the problem-solving methods we've used to solve it.
1) Brainstorming
Group discussion to produce ideas or solve problems.
How to do Brainstorming
Step 1: Prepare the Group ▪ First, set up a comfortable meeting environment for the session. Make sure that
the room is well-lit and that you have the tools, resources, and refreshments that you need.
Step 2: Present the Problem ▪ Clearly define the problem that you want to solve and lay out any criteria that
you must meet. Make it clear that that the meeting's objective is to generate as many ideas as possible.
Step 3: Guide the Discussion ▪ Once everyone has shared their ideas, start a group discussion to develop other
people's ideas, and use them to create new ideas. Building on others' ideas is one of the most valuable aspects
of group brainstorming.
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2) SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis, also known as the SWOT matrix, is an acronym for:
a. Strengths: positive characteristics that give an advantage in its being.
b. Weaknesses: critical characteristics that give a disadvantage in its being.
c. Opportunities: a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something in advantage.
d. Threats: a set of circumstances that could have a negative influence on the desired goal.
Figure 13 SWOT Analysis
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3) Five Whys method
Sakichi Toyoda, the Japanese industrialist, inventor, and founder of Toyota Industries, developed the 5 Whys
technique in the 1930s. It became popular in the 1970s, and Toyota still uses it to solve problems today.
The 5 Whys technique is true to this tradition, and it is most effective when the answers come from people
who have hands-on experience of the process or problem in question.
Figure 14 Five Whys method
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Five Whys method Examples
Figure 15 Five Whys method Examples
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4) The Drill Down Technique
Drill Down is a simple technique for breaking complex problems down into progressively smaller parts.
Figure 16 The Drill Down Technique
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The Drill Down technique example
Figure 17 The Drill Down technique example
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2.2 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a given solution.
We faced some problems in planning and conducting the event. We have used Brainstorming, SWOT analysis
and 5Whys techniques to solve these problems. This problem-solving method was very useful for solving our
The first problem we had with our team was to find the right place to cover the event, and we solved it using
the Brainstorming method. It can also be said to be an easy tool for solving our problem. By using it, our
problems ended easily.
Next was the problem of raising money for the event, for which we used the 5whys method. The advantage
of using the 5Whys method is that it is relatively easy to use. Its easy-to-use problem makes it a practical tool
for root cause analysis. Under the 5Whys approach, the application can be achieved in a relatively short time.
We used the SWOT technique to divide everyone's responsibility. This technique is a very effective technique
to solve this problem. The main purpose of a SWOT is to promote contingency plans to identify identified
strengths, minimize vulnerabilities, exploit opportunities, and reduce threats. It helps us develop strategies to
achieve our goals. By applying this technique, we have simplified the liability.
Team brainstorming will allow all team members to feel a part of the team. It encourages widespread
participation and engagement. This will give us the impression that your comments and contributions are
valued and valued. Finding a solution to a problem is a key emotion - especially when it comes to a collective
success. The ideas proposed during a brainstorming session are never false. Those are just ideas. For this
reason, we can allow our ideas to be presented to the group without fear of failure or ridicule.
The concept of brainwashing is not a difficult thing to understand. We simply start with a problem or situation
or even a word and then find a solution to all the ideas that come to our mind. The nature of group structure
often turns brainstorming into a fun and exciting process. Often the quickest gathering of ideas moves toward
their common goal: settlement. It can create a serious and wonderful environment.
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2.3 Research the use of different problem-solving techniques used in the design and delivery
of an event.
1. Get the right people in the room
Problem-solving can be a difficult nut to crack, so it's important to have the proper people on the team. If the
group is too small, you may not be able to acquire enough various opinions to address a problem successfully.
You can go round and round throughout the ideation stages if the group is too large. It's also critical to ensure
you have the requisite expertise and skillset to both find and follow up on potential solutions by forming the
correct group.
2. Clearly define the problem
Jumping straight to solutions can be tempting, though without first clearly articulating a problem, the solution
might not be the right one. Many of the problem-solving activities below include sections where the problem
is explored and clearly defined before moving on. This is a vital part of the problem-solving process and taking
the time to fully define an issue can save time and effort later.
3. Don’t jump to conclusions
It’s easy for groups to exhibit bias or have preconceived ideas about both problems and potential solutions.
Be sure to back up any problem statements or potential solutions with facts, research, and adequate
forethought. The best problem-solving techniques ask participants to be methodical and not jump to
conclusions – make sure you take your time and approach the process with a clear, rational mindset.
4. Try different approaches
Problems come in all shapes and sizes and so too should the problem-solving techniques you use to solve
them. If you find that one approach isn’t yielding results and your team isn’t finding creative solutions, try
mixing it up. You’ll be surprised at how using a new creative problem-solving activity can unblock your team
and generate great solutions.
5. Don’t take it personally
Depending on the nature of your team or organizational problems, it’s easy for conversations to get heated or
overly emotive. While it’s good for participants to be engaged in the problem-solving process, ensure that
emotions don’t run too high, and that blame isn’t thrown around while finding solutions. You’re all in it
together, and even if your team or area is seeing problems, that isn’t necessarily a disparagement on you
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2.4 Justify the use and application of a range of solution methodologies.
Problem solving skills are one of the most valuable skills in teamwork today because they can be applied to
most of situations. Problem solving methods are the steps we use to solve problems and problems. Humans
are naturally good at solving problems, and we often use sophisticated methods that don't even know we're
trying to get the answer. Knowing the methods will allow you to identify the approaches you already use and
other approaches that may be useful to you. You will have many tools to help you develop strategic solutions
to difficult problems.
1. Trial and error
Trial and error are a way to solve problems by trying to do something different each time until you succeed.
Although this approach may seem random, problem-solving by trial and error is only effective when you base
your efforts on prior knowledge and information.
2. Difference reduction.
One big task to reduce the difference is to break it down into smaller steps. The first thing you do is ask
yourself what position will take you from as close as possible. Repeat this process until you reach this goal.
Reducing differences is not always the quickest way to reach your goal - sometimes you just have to take a
step back.
3. Means-ends analysis.
Through Instructions-Analysis, you compare your current situation and the situation you want to come to,
identify the most important difference between these two situations, and then create a sub-goal to eliminate
that difference.
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2.5 Critique the process of applying critical reasoning to a given task/activity or event.
In the group the team faced some problems. First, we need to identify the problem that need to be solved also
we need to understand what the problem is and why we want to solve it.
a. Finding a school to conduct the program
b. Finding students to conduct the program
c. Find money to conduct the program
d. Which way to conduct the program
e. Finding right people to conduct sessions in the program
f. Finding right tools to support the program
All these problems can be called problems, but they are very different and require different approaches to
them. Some problems are short term, some are long term. Some involve decisions. Some involve a wide range
of issues from which priorities must be chosen. It is possible that some are not completely soluble and have
to face them.
There is not a way that will solve all the problems. There are several approaches, or "tools," that will help
solve some types of problems. Most of them only have a good sense of order, but that is precisely what is
lacking in many intuitive attempts to solve problems. Analysts should feel comfortable with a set of tools and
should not be afraid to try several on a given problem. All are methods that help us think about how to solve
the problem.
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Task 03
Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working in different
3.1 Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success and/or failure of group work.
3.1.1 What is a Team?
A team is a group of individuals, all working together for a common purpose. The individuals comprising a
team ideally should have common goals, common objectives and more or less think on the same lines.
Figure 18 Team
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3.1.2 The Benefits of Teamwork
1. Increase efficiency
2. Improve communication
3. Maximize output
4. Provide opportunities for personal growth
5. Act as a support mechanism
6. Increase innovation and creativity
7. Drives company growth
8. Boosts performance
3.1.3 What is a Team?
The sum of the efforts undertaken by each team member for the achievement of the team’s objective is called
teamwork. In other words, teamwork is the backbone of any team.
3.1.4 Team Dynamics
The behavioral relationships between members of a group that are assigned connected tasks within a
company. Dynamics are affected by roles and responsibilities and have a direct result on productivity.
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3.1.5 Team Characteristics for Effective Teamwork
1. Clear direction
2. Open and honest communication
3. Support risk taking and change
4. Defined roles
5. Mutually accountable
6. Communicate freely
7. Common goals
8. Encourage differences in opinions
9. Collaboration
10. Team trust
3.1.6 Importance of Team dynamics
Improving team dynamics is worth the time and effort needed, bringing quite a few benefits to a company’s
operation. It might seem to some that a team works together by definition, but the characteristics of poor team
dynamics are clearly avoidable
a. Improved Results – a team operating to its fullest potential is naturally going to get better results.
They are more focused, clearer on their aims, and work better together.
b. Greater Collaboration – greater levels of cooperation and collaboration are possible when teams
work in a more informal and supportive atmosphere.
c. Faster Decision-Making – team members are more willing to listen to each other and so make faster
d. Greater Commitment – individual team members feel more valued. The pay back is greater
commitment and loyalty from workers.
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3.2 Work within a team to achieve a defined goal
The Personal Development Program is a very useful tool for students and professionals who want to excel in
their respective fields. It uses the concept of reflection to track one's actions in acquiring skills and knowledge.
It helps one to keep track of the life changes that need to be made and the weak areas that need improvement.
This program provides a measure to see a person’s progress and determines the skills they need to achieve in
the future. It helps achieve personal and professional development goals. This is because success requires
planning and setting goals. The goals set out in the plan should be clear and measurable.
If we want to achieve anything important, we need to take the time to develop a comprehensive plan. I followed
these steps to create a personal improvement plan.
1. Define your goals.
2. Prioritize.
3. Set a deadline.
4. Understand strengths.
5. Recognize opportunities and threats.
6. Take action.
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3.3 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles group members play in a team and the
effectiveness in terms of achieving shared goals.
When a team performs well, we see that each team member has clear responsibilities. Essentially, we will see
that each and every role needed to achieve the team’s goals is done thoroughly and effectively. We used Belbin
rules to divide responsibilities
Belbin identified nine team roles, and he categorized those roles into three groups: Action Oriented, People
Oriented, and That Oriented. Each team role is related to the usual behaviour and strengths of each other.
Belbin defined the characteristic weaknesses that come with each group role. He called the characteristic
weaknesses of team roles "permissible" weaknesses; as for any behavioural weakness, these are areas to be
aware of and improve.
The nine roles are:
1. Shaper
The Shaper is a dynamic and outgoing member of the team. They are often argumentative, provocative, and
These traits can mean that they cause friction with other members of the group especially oriented to people.
Due to Shaper's personality, they push the group towards agreement and decision making, wanting to eliminate
barriers and accept challenges.
Shaper in our group:
First, we identified the strengths and weaknesses of everyone. We have chosen roles for everyone accordingly.
Shaper is driven, passionate and willing. He / she has a bold request to do, seeks out demanding situations and
gets things done. Shaper has made some cut-off dates and dreams come true, one time or the opposite. He /
she may get frustrated and act angry or emotional. I and Mr. Akram have been selected as a designer in our
team. In this situation, we usually organize a discussion between the relevant users and our team to integrate
in clarifying the issue, including specific duplicate steps, and to reaffirm the understanding of the expected
outcome. We encouraged the team to come up with their own solutions to overcome problems and ensurethe
quality control approach needed. As a result, team users can provide a satisfactory solution in a timely manner,
most of the time.
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2. Implementer
Implementers get things done. They have the ability to turn discussions and ideas into practical activities.
Implementers are conscientious, wanting things to be done correctly. They are very practical and organized in
nature, hence their ability to do the job. Implementers can be stuck in their ways, not always open to new ideas
and how to do things. Implementers would prefer to stick to old, tried, and tested methods rather than
embracing change and innovation.
Implementer in our group:
Implementer is the team within the practical organizer. Disciplined, orderly and task oriented. Implementer
puts plans and ideas into easily executable tasks. He / she may be a touch too sensible and conservative while
the new ideas of usefulness are not right now. We selected Mr. Dines as an implementer. He turned the team
ideas and concepts into practical actions and plans.
3. Completer-Finisher
The finisher is a member of the task-based group and as their name suggests they like to do tasks. The finisher
/ Finisher can be an anxious person about deadlines and goals - they are perfectionists and have a good
attention to detail, but also worry about delegating tasks. They prefer to do something themselves and know
that it was done correctly rather than delegating to someone else.
Completer finisher in our group:
Completer finisher is who ensures thorough, timely completion. My group selected me as a completer finisher.
As a completer finisher I helped in many ways. And I checked presentation slides and games. Miss.Nivethiya
I told us about some ideas on how we can do more effectively. I pushed our team to finish the training event
on time.
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4. Co-Ordinator
The coordinator is a calm, positive and charismatic member of the team. Coordinators assume leadership or
chair roles by clarifying goals and objectives, helping to break down roles, responsibilities, and tasks within
the group. The coordinator has excellent interpersonal skills, being able to communicate effectively with team
members through good listening, verbal, and non-verbal communication.
Coordinator in our group:
Coordinator is the leader who guides the team to their goals. My team chose me as the coordinator. I made
sure the team understood the objectives of the project and that the objectives were met. During the group
project pakeerthen, I encouraged all team members to speak up and ask questions if needed. Then I question
further how to re-integrate the team into project integrations.
5. Team worker
The Team Worker helps by giving support and encouragement to the other team members. This team-oriented
member is concerned about how other team members are managing. Team Workers have sensitive and
extroverted personalities and are happy to listen and act as team advisors. Team Workers are often popular
team members, able to negotiate and work effectively for the good of the group. However, Team Workers
may be undecided in group decisions, divided between the welfare of the members and the ability of the team
to comply.
Team worker in our group:
Team worker is providing support, negotiates and makes sure people work together effectively. We selected
Mr. pakeerthen as a Team worker. He has given full support to our team. He filled the roll of negotiates within
the tea. Mr.Akram designed and printed invitation cards for training programs. He has given some ideas to do
our event properly.
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6. Resource-Investigator
The resources researcher is a strong communicator good at negotiating with people outside the team and
gathering information and external resources. Researchers of Resources are curious and sociable in their
nature, they are open to new ideas and ways of performing tasks. Being flexible, innovative and open to
change, Resource Researchers are heard by other team members. Sometimes, however, they are not realistic
in their optimism.
Resource investigator in our group:
Resource investigator is an innovator and explorer. Mr. Niranjen selected as a resource investigator. He
explored available options, developed contacts and negotiated for resources on behalf of the team. He shared
him ideas in the group. He helped us to buy suitable things for do this event.
7. Plant
The Plant is an intellectual and individualist member of the team. The Plant is innovative and will suggest
new and creative ways to solve problems within the team. Sometimes the ideas of the Plant may be impractical
because of their highly creative nature: they may ignore the known limitations in developing their ideas. The
plants are often introverted that may have little communication capacity, are lonely and enjoy working away
from the rest of the group.
Plant in our group:
Plant is coming up with new ideas and approaches. Mr. Akram and Mr. Dines selected as Plant. We included
some methods in this event. Our group made some presentation slides and I prepared feedback form to the
students. We discussed about the short eats arrangement and finally we selected some short eats. We prepared
list of gifts what we going to buy. I bought some gifts for winners.
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8. Monitor-Evaluator
It is unlikely that the evaluator's monitor is awake in group discussions. They tend to be intelligent and not
emotional often detected by other team members. The evaluator will critically analyse the proposals, ideas
and contributions of other team members. Monitor evaluators carefully weigh the pros and cons, the strengths
and weaknesses of ideas and proposals and, therefore, are generally good decision makers.
Monitor-Evaluator in our group:
Monitor evaluator is analyses and evaluates ideas. Miss.Nivethiya selected as a monitor evaluator. We have
confused which place we going to do our event. Everyone said so much places. She helped us to select ESoft
College to do this event. And He helped us to select suitable amount.
9. Specialist
Specialists are people who have specialized knowledge that is needed to get the job done. They pride
themselves on their skills and abilities, and they commit work to maintain their professional status. Their job
within the team is to be an expert in the area, and they commit themselves fully to their field of expertise.
This may many limit their contribution, and lead to a preoccupation with technicalities at the expense of the
bigger picture.
Specialist in our group:
Specialist has specialized knowledge needed to get the job done. Our group selected me as a specialist. As a
specialist I helped my group to do our event properly. I was talked with TCollege Principle and got the
permission from him to do our event there. And I divided responsibilities to suitable person. I arranged some
meetings to discuss about the event. And I checked our Event Plan and Presentation slides. I encouraged
everyone in our team.
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3.4 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and contribution to a group scenario.
In our team there were four members including myself, pakeerthen, Mr.Dinesh, Mr.Rifthy The purpose of our
group is teaching about Data and Information, ICT use in Agriculture, Farmhouse, Transport, Entertainment
and Evolution of computers. In that case we had to prepare slides about these chapter with MS PowerPoint.
Our group are including with me did that work very perfect with PowerPoint. Our Lecture gave some advice
to do those slide works. In that case we had to prepare for the seminar program before 3 weeks. So, we decided
to start practicing that what we must teach them in the program before 3 weeks. For that we had arranged
some small meetings after our class time, then we start practicing. In the program if some participant doesn’t
know about something we have to ready for that, so we start practice harder.
I respected the Group member's opinion in the plan and prioritized the correct comments and provided the
correct solution to the errors, which were accepted by all members of the team. I explained my doubts to them
on my behalf. And to my credit, I have been a perfect team leader and I believe I have done my best.
Meanwhile, the day of the event was drawing to a close. We were more prepared for our seminar program. In
my role, I have taught students about data and information, information systems and communication
technology. I also answered the questions that the students asked me. I put this into a projector on one of my
presentations slides I produced. Finally, I gave a talk on our ESOFT Metro Campus and the Higher National
Diploma Program.
Figure 19 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and contribution
to a group scenario.
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Task 04
Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace and for
higher-level learning.
4.1 Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to own learning.
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting
the skills, knowledge, and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any
initial training The CPD process helps you manage your own development on an ongoing basis. CPD will
help you record, review, and reflect on what you learn.
4.1.1 The key features of the CPD process
To justify the name, CPD needs to:
a. be a documented process
b. be self-directed: driven by you
c. focus on learning from experience, reflective learning, and review
d. help you set development goals and objectives
e. include both formal and informal learning
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Importance of CPD
1. It Improves Your Job Performance
2. You Improve and Update Your Skills
3. You Boost Your Earnings
4. You Stay Relevant
5. It Opens New Opportunities for You
6. You Remain Interested in Your Career
7. You Expand Your Social Network
8. You Sustain Your Professionalism
9. You Contribute to the Team
10. It Enhances Your Public Confidence
Figure 20 The Continuing professional Development
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7 Ways organizations can support to CPD
Employers have many advantages in encouraging their employees to be proactive about CPD.
1. Get a buy-in of managers from the beginning.
People are more likely to take personal development seriously if they have the informal support of their
2. Closely link professional development to the functions of individuals.
Encourage professionals to identify the challenges they face in their work and use CPD to overcome them.
People will be more engaged if professional development is relevant and help them in their daily work as well
as in their future career.
3. Encourage professional development to be carried out in collaboration.
People should share what they have learned with their colleagues, for example at team meetings, monthly
learning clubs or a simple email: “I thought you might be interested in this” The development of professional
records can be used to facilitate collaboration. The recordings can take the form of a draft e-mail, for example,
or notes for a presentation to peers. People are more motivated to learn when they do it with others.
4. Do personal professional development.
Offer people the best options about what they do, when and how. Encourage them to identify their own
development priorities and, speaking with trusted colleagues, their own ways of reaching them. Use our
download, '57 Varieties of CPD ', to develop ideas about what could be considered for CPD. Focus first on
CPD users and what works for them, rather than offering activities such as training. When there is a "market"
for CPD activities, acquisition is much easier to create and manage. Professional development must be owned
if it is to be carried out with enthusiasm.
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5. Encourage regular professional development by introducing a notice.
Like at least one organization, the ideal can be an online menu of different types of activities, with options in
each type. People would choose an option every month. They would receive monthly reminder and they would
be required, perhaps every three months to record the activities
They have undertaken. Ensuring an independent quality brand will increase confidence in these activities.
Professional development suffers when it is done in a hurry at the end of the year.
6. Encourage individuals to evaluate the results of their development.
Organize workshops to help professionals develop simple methodologies for this purpose - from recording
how an activity has changed their practice to the extent of impact. Periodically evaluate these results to assess
how well your overall professional development plan contributes to the organization. Focusing on the learning
outcome rather than the learning activity makes professional development useful and ensures organizational
7. Recognize good quality formal and informal professional development.
1) Through the evaluation system.
2) Awarding annual awards for exceptional CPD.
3) Naming as CPD champions those who do good professional development. They could be asked
to support others, for example by organizing collaborative circles for people to share their
learning or advising their colleagues on CPD skills
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4.2 Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities, performance objectives and
required skills, knowledge and learning for own future goals.
4.2.1 Personal development plan.
A professional development plan is a list of actionable steps for achieving your career goals.By defining your
goals in a PDP, you can have a true understanding of how you want to navigate the search and interview
4.2.2 To do a personal development project.
Level 01: - Set Yourself Goals. Look for the things you truly desire in life; these are your long-term
objectives. Finding what you want is not only the initial step in the planning process, but it may also be a
difficult task. Once you've decided what you want to do with your life, your dream serves as an emotional
anchor, providing stability and structure during difficult times.
Level 02: - Prioritizing Your Goals. The next stage is to think about all of the small steps that will help you
attain your large goals. You'll also need to prioritize these short-term objectives. Keep in mind that you
can't do everything at once and attempting to do so will result in failure. Consider what needs to be done
right now. Download a free PDP template for example. Set minor goals in your PDP to help you achieve the
major ones.
Level 03: - Set Yourself Deadlines. Knowing when you want to attain a goal is critical and thinking about
your future is the primary source of motivation and inspiration. Daydreaming is a powerful motivator, and
you should use it to create a schedule for your objectives. Fantasies cannot set deadlines for you; you must
make your dreams a reality. Otherwise, you may become exhausted. Discuss the possibility of realizing
your aspirations by speaking with others about their experiences and learning more about the process. This
will give you a better understanding of what to expect. Realistic variables are critical because they keep you
motivated when you take risks, as well as helping you learn more about what you want to do, forecast future
problems, and plan how to avoid them.
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Level 04: - Recognize threats and opportunities. There are going to be certain things – they could be
external things or an element of yourself – that, if you let them, will prevent you from achieving your goals
or delay you on your way.
Level 05: - Develop yourself. When you've figured out what's going to hurt you and what's going to benefit
you, you'll be able to seize the possibilities you've discovered. Create a strategy for achieving your goals. So
enroll in that course, cut back on frivolous spending, or devise a strategy for staying motivated. Whatever is
preventing you from succeeding, there is a method to overcome it, and your strategy is the first step.
Level 06: - Use your support network. You are not required to do anything on your own. You shouldn't,
either. The support network around you is a great resource, so take advantage of it and don't overlook it.
Make a list of people who can assist you in your personal development plan. A financial advisor, a friend,
or a colleague might be the person in question. People are often more than willing to assist you than you
may believe.
Level 07: - Measure progress. After you've made some progress, whether big or small, take some time to
reflect on how far you've come. Recognize what has gone well to maintain your motivation and
commitment. This is also a good moment to take stock following a setback.
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4.2.3 Future Goals
My Personal development plan
Current position
Date started
Completing degree in December
Mr. Akram
Go through all
the exam both
arget/ Goal
Go through all
the exam both
By submitted my
computer BSc
written Practical
time and trying
for D or M
Getting a Job
Table 3 Future Goals
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Time management
Open mind
Good communicator
Discipline Enthusiasm
Areas for further
a. Mange Time
b. improving self-awareness improving self-knowledge
c. improving skills and/or learning new ones building or renewing
identity/self-esteem developing strengths or talents
d. improving a career
Table 4 Strengths and areas for further development
Work Experience
Developing self-awareness
Developing content awareness
Recognizing HOW I make decisions and choices
Making the choice to be open to discoveries and new learning to
enhance my equanimity about work-related tasks
f. To learn from others in similar roles to mine
g. To engage others in providing feedback about their experience of
Low emotional intelligence
Time pressure
Competitors Illness Weather
Friends Society
Table 5 Opportunities and threats
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A long-term goal is something I want to achieve in the future. Long-term goals require time and planning.
They are not something I can do this week or even this year. Long-term goals are usually at least several years.
Sometimes, a long-term goal requires multiple steps. These small steps may be my short-term goals.
4.3 Compare and contrast different motivational theories and the impact they can have on
performance within the workplace.
There are many ways to see motivation in the workplace and this has been a source of study for many years.
Among the theories there are three that emerge as macro theories on motivation, scientific management,
human relations, and the hierarchy of needs. Theories have few similarities and many differences. The
differences are apparent when analyzing the characteristics of each theory. However, they all share a common
factor. Each theory of motivation depends on the direction to institute the motivational factor. It is up to the
organization to create a motivational atmosphere because workers do not motivate themselves
4.3.1 Different type of Motivational theories
1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
2. Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory
3. McClelland’s Theory
4. Vroom’s theory
5. McGregor’s theory X and theory Y
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4.4 Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a measure for effective CPD.
1) Teamwork
I evaluated my team for Teamwork and gave it a "Good" rating. We shared our workload with others so they
can do something to be a part of the team by doing their part. At the program day we divided the parts that
need to be teach to the participants that who are going to train from us, and they taught their part to the
participants. This is not a new experience for me, because I have worked with many groups, even in school.
But my previous experience was very much used to this teamwork. Anyway, this is a new task I had never
done before in my life, because I had never taught before I was bigger and more knowledgeable. So, it was
very difficult but with the help of the team I was able to do my part and support the others.This is not an area
I need to develop in my life. I was able to work with no one. And I also have job experience. This is something
I am already developing
2) Co-operation
I evaluated my team for Cooperation and gave it a "Satisfactory" rating. To hold the event, we need
participation even to the group meetings. To that group members should participate to the things that we want
them to support us. Lucky for us they never left us alone they came to the everything even if they were late.
But it would be great if they can come by the time that we are saying to come. The cooperation of everyone
is crucial to making the event a success. I tried my best to cooperate with everything in the beginning. I was a
little late at times, but I did everything I could to go right and collaborate with others. This is something I need
to develop in my life. This means that I need to develop administrative time so that I can participate in
previous issues and collaborate with others.
3) Working with others
I evaluate my team for working with others and I gave it a “Satisfactory” rate. Working with others was
satisfied with their cooperation. We cannot hold a seminar program without their cooperation. It’s like doing
something you can’t do alone. One individual in particular cannot teach whole students without anyone's help
and support. So, with their help, we are making the project a success. There are many different types of people
in one flow. So, we have to work with them to make the thing happen. To do that, we need to build
relationships between them. Because then we can deal with those people so easily. I found some good friends
in our group during our group work. This ability is found in me. Because of my previous experience of a lot
of teamwork, I can make some good connections with others.
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4) Interpersonal skills
I evaluate my team for Interpersonal skills, and I gave it a “Good” rate. There were some persons that who
worked so hard to make the event so successful. In our group there were 12 people and each one of them had
different interpersonal skills. So, we decided if someone is good at something we gave it to him/her and get
the job done. Like our treasure is good at with money so we gave her to manage team member’s money. Also,
our leader is good at controlling people because of that we gave him to be the leader of our team.
5) Communication
I evaluate my team for Communication, and I gave it a “Good” rate. Communication among the other students
was very good. We shared all the information using language that they could easily understand. Also, we used
online forms / groups like WhatsApp & Facebook to reach out to people after class time and remind them
about our plans and day to day events. Also, we shared multimedia despite online forms and groups to make
sure we understood what we were saying. Every time we try to get an idea for our messages from them, it
helps them understand what we are saying.
Figure 21 Zoom meeting
Our group meeting time- we divide responsibilities to everyone.
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Figure 22 WhatsApp group call
I as a group leader, I give responsibilities to our group members. And we are discussing about event plan.
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Figure 23 Group leader and student respected the speakers
Group leaders and students respected the speakers.
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