Lecture Notes in Mathematics Edited by A. Dold and B. Eckmann 626 NumberTheoryDay Proceedings of the Conference Held at Rockefeller University, New York 1976 Edited by M. B. Nathanson Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork 1977 Editor Melvyn B. Nathanson Department of Mathematics Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901/USA AM S Subject Classification s (1970): 10 D 15,10 E 20,10 L 05,10 L 10,12 A 70 ISBN 3-540-08529-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-08529-7 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1977 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2140/3140-543210 On 4 M a r c h 1976 t h e l ~ o c k e f e l l e r U n i v e r s i t y h o s t e d a o n e - d a y c o n f e r e n c e on number theory. The lectures were as follows: S. C h o w l a , " L - s e r i e s and elliptic curves;" P. ErdSs, "Combinatorial p r o b l e m s in n u m b e r theory;" P. X. Gallagher, " P r i m e s and zeros in small intervals;" C. J. M o r e n o , "Explicit formulas in the theory of automorphic forms;" M . B. Nathanson, "Oscillations of additive bases;" and A. Selberg, "l~emarks on multiplicative functions. " T h e field of n u m b e r theory w a s thus fairly broadly represented. T h e papers in the present v o l u m e are accounts, several in expanded versions, of m o s t of these lectures. M. B. Nathanson, w h o w a s the original instigator of this n u m b e r theory day, has kindly offered to serve as editor. W e take this opportunity to m a k e record of our gratitude to our distinguished speakers for their participation. M. S c h r e i b e r 1 S e p t e m b e r 1977 TABLE OF CONTENTS i. S. Chowla, L-series and elliptic curves I Z. P. ErdBs, P r o b l e m s and results on combinatorial n u m b e r 3. C. J. M o r e n o , 4. M. 5. A. Selberg, R e m a r k s theory III Explicit formulas in the theory of automorphic f o r m s B. Nathanson, Oscillations of bases in n u m b e r on multiplicative functions theory and combinatorics 43 73 217 232 oC-series and elliptic c u r v e s S. C h o w l a Introduction A. Selherg and S. C h o w l a p r o v e d in Crelle I s Journal, 1965, that if there w e r e a tenth i m a g i n a r y quadratic field Q(V/T-~, corresponding with c l a s s - n u m b e r i, then the ~-series o~s) = 2~ ( d ) n - s[ ( _d 1 i s t h e K r o n e c h e r n n symbol] 1 would be negative at Subsequently, problem 1 s = "~ , contradicting and independently, A. ( a l r e a d y s t a t e d by G a u s s ) . quadratic the "extended Riemann hypothesis". B a k e r a n d H. M. S t a r k s o l v e d a n o u t s t a n d i n g Namely, fields with class-number 1. there are exactly 9 imaginary G a u s s u s e d t h e l a n g u a g e of b i n a r y q u a d r a t i c f o r m s instead of that of quadratic fields. The problem (still unsolved) of the existence (or, otherwise of rational points on a given elliptic curve y Z w a s c o n s i d e r e d by Euler, Poincar~, Swinnerton-Dyer, in m o s t of certain H e c k e ~-series 3 =x +ax+b Mordell, remarkable Nagell and m a n y conjectures, others. Birch and related the o r d e r of the zero (formed with"GrBssencharaktere") associated with certain elliptic c u r v e s to the " M o r d e l l - W e i l " again, w e see the i m p o r t a n c e of the point IIecke o~- series Let ~K(S) rank of these curves. So, h e r e 1 s = -~ for the values of Dirichlet and ~(s). denote the D e d e k i n d zeta function (N~) -s 72r where z,Z runs over all integral ideals of the algebraic n u m b e r field K. It is a n a l m o s t u n s p o k e n conjecture - I believe implicit in the w o r k Selberg a n d C h o w l a m e n t i o n e d a b o v e - that of if K is of degree Z (there is a m p l e n u m e r i c a l Serre (in a letter to the author) m a d e evidence by l~osser, L o w , Purdy). the surprising discovery that r~K(~) = o for a certain field Q(~'-, ~/~-). K of degree S =~ This field is a quadratic extension of A proof, with a different example, All these e x a m p l e s 1 8. in the study of the w a s published by A r m i t a g e . s h o w the special interest that attaches to the point ~-series of Dirichlet and Hecke. A n o t h e r a p p r o a c h to the conjectured non-vanishing of Dirichlet ~-series o0 >2 X (n) s (s> 0;× #×0 ) 1 n on the real line s > 0 is provided by a paper (also in Crelle v s Journal, v o l u m e dedicated to H. Hasse) by the author, M. J. de L e o n and P. Hartung. R e c e n t notes by John Friedlander and the author (Acta Arithmetica, Vol. Z8, P a r t 4, 1976 and G l a s g o w Math. Journal, Vol. 17, 1976) again s h o w the import1 s = ~ for ~-~-series, (in the next line, X denotes a character ance of the point (rood k)) o0 ~-~s) = >2 x(n)s [X ~XO] 1 Let d be a p r i m e number h(d) of the f o r m of Q(~r'~), for x Z n + i. S. C h o w l a x > Z6, is > i. conjectured that the class- In fact, for x = Z6, h(677) = I This is analogous to the G a u s s conjecture that h(-d) > 1 for all d > 163 is square-free). Finally, recent unpublished w o r k zeta function of cubic fields, when K ~K(S) studied in her P h . D . seems is a cubic field. H e r w o r k of Epsteinrs zeta function of M . (where C o w l e s on the D e d e k i n d to indicate that combines the results of special cases of thesis (Penn State University 1976) with the estimates l Z(s) at s = ~ m a d e by Selberg and C h o w l a in Crellets d Journal, 1965, cited above. T h e rest of this p a p e r is divided into five parts: P a r t I. S o m e remarks on the coefficients oo x IT,, (l-x n)Z(l-xHn)2 L c of the parity of c n This w o r k is joint with M . for the first time. P a r t Z. 1 the p r o b l e m in the expansion of 0o :Ec i l Here, n xn n is solved, as far as w e k n o w , Cowles. The congruence e is studied. Here 0-(n) = n ~ d. ~ ~(n)(mod 5) [ (n, ii) = i] This w o r k is joint with J. Cowles. din P a r t 3. l~temarks on D e d e k i n d s u m s . A n e w expression is obtained for the c l a s s - n u m b e r of i m a g i n a r y quadratic fields. This is closely linked to recent w o r k of Hirzebruch. P a r t 4. On Fermatls last t h e o r e m . This is a n account of recent w o r k with P. C h o w l a , linking the study of F e r m a t ' s equation x p + yP : z p with the p r o b l e m (p_>5) of "rational" points on y Z : xp + ~ 1 P a r t 5. l~ecent unpublished w o r k with D. Goldfeld on relations b e t w e e n Epstein's zeta functions a n d D e d e k i n d zeta functions. 1. O n the coefficients c in the expansion n co x co I[ (1-x n)z(1-x lln)z =2 1 § O. Let p(n) c xn n 1 be defined (Euler) by o0 1 p(n)x n co 1 The problem following result II ( t - x n) l of the parity concerning of p(n) the value of is still unsolved, c ( r o o d Z). Let but we will prove p be a prime, the then n a) b) Z divides c if P p ~ 1,3,4,5, If p ~ Z, 6 , 7 , 8 , 1 0 ( m o d 11) Z 9 ( r o o d 11), then Z divides c iff p = u + llv Z (u,v~Z). P An announcement Ample support in the classical the Legendre Corollary: of this paper symbol. result has recently for this result of Shimura appeared is provided [ 3] . [ 1] . in Trotter's In the following We give two proofs table for (~), of the foilowing (p<Z000) P an odd prime, is q c coroliary. T h e polynomial 4(x3-x Z) + I ha s i) exactly ii) exactly iii) one linear 3 factor Two n p ~ n ( r o o d 11) w h e n (~) provided no linear factors ( r o o d p) power series in x if p --- r ( r o o d li) integers u co x and '',, ( I - x n) 1 From CO Z =Z c xn I n where r (~) r (~-) = +l, = -1 . = +1, provided v. are said to be congruent of the difference is congruent to 0 (rood Z). follows if linear factors ( m o d p) i f p ~ r ( m o d ll) w h e n Z p = u + llv Z for some integers u and v. 3p = u Z + llv Z for some § I. ( m o d p) ( m o d Z) if every coefficient oo 23 cO c x n = x I I (l-xZn)(l-xZZn)(m°d n 1 Z) . (i) 1 Now 3uZ_u cO oo l[ (l-xn) = I + 23 (-l)U[ x 1 1 So changing x to x Z +x 3uZ+u Z ] (2) Z I 1 oo 3uZ+u] (l-xZn) = 1 + ~B (-l)U[ x 3uZ-u + x 1 (3) T h e right side of (3) can be written oo Ux3U2 (-i) +u -00 Thus II ~ i Changing x to x ii (l-xZn) =23c° (-l)Ux3UZ+U--- ~S°° x3UZ+U -oo -oo (4) by o0 (i) and 3uZ+u+ll(3vZ+v) X (rood Z) . (6) (6) (6u+l)Z+ll(6v+l)Z oO ~ c x n 1 Now (rood Z) , (5) produces I I (l-xZn)(l-xZZn) - 23 1 u, vc Z From (4) in (4), w e obtain oo co ll(3vZ+v) [ I (I-xZZn) =- 23 X 1 -cO and multiplying (rood Z) . (7) m e a n s n 23 U~ V E Z the following: x iZ (rood 2) . (7) Theorem h n where is the n u m b e r d (8) (rood Z) =-d c n of solutions of n (6u+l) 2+ii (6v+l) Z n § g. From Theorem Theorem = (9) IZ 1 w e shall deduce. Z: c ( m o d Z) ~0 n if n 2--Z, 6,7,8,10 Proof: T h e result will follow f r o m (rood Ii) Theorem 1 once it is s h o w n that w h e n (I0) ( r o o d ll) n - Z,6,7,8,10 we have d = 0 (il) . n Now by (9), (ii) follows i m m e d i a t e l y f r o m (I0), since if d w e r e not 0 n (iz) IZn = (6u+l) Z + ll(6v+l) Z would h a v e solutions. Since IZ ---1 (rood ll) a n d Ii ---"0 (rood ii), (IZ) w o u l d i m p l y that n E (6u+l) Z contradicting § 3. (I0). N o t e that in the result of § Z, Theorem (iz) (rood ll) n w a s not restricted to be a p r i m e , Z is stronger than the result stated in the introduction. n will be a p r i m e p. thus In this section r Theorem 3: If p---r (rood ii) w h e r e ( ~ ) = +I, then Z divides c if P Z p for s o m e integers We u and = u + llv z v. need a number of e l e m e n t a r y lemmas from the theory of binary quadratic fo r m s . Lemrna h If p ~'1,3,4,5,9 Z + llv Z (rood 11) then either i) p = u or ii) p = 3 u Z + Z u v + 4 v Z Z but not both. Exaraple: [ Thus either p or p = 47 = ii(i)Z + (6) Z. choice of u and v 3p is of the f o r m We cannot h a v e for this w o u l d m e a n igp = u + llv Z.] p = 3u Z + Zuv + 4v Z for a n y that 564 = (6u+_Zv) 2 + 4 4 v 2 . It is easily verified that this is not the case. Recalling T h e o r e m 1 for n = p, with p =- 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 9 (rood II) as in Section Z we have c ---d P where is the n u m b e r d (rood Z) P of solutions of equation (9) for n = p, i.e. Of P (18) iZp = (6u+l) Z + ll(6v+l) Z . From the v e r y i m p o r t a n t Satz sentations of a n u m b e r forms n Z04 of L a n d a u by the w h o l e of a given discriminant, w e [Z] , giving the n u m b e r set of primitive r e d u c e d binary quadratic see that (18) does in fact h a v e p=u of repre- Z solutions if Z + fly Z a n d only one solution if p = 3u Z + Zuv + 4 v Z . Hence not divide Cp, Z if p = u Z + llv Z a n d the opposite case, i.e., Z P holds iff p = 3u Z + Zuv + 4vZ; w h e n p ='='I,3,4,5,9 (rood II). divides e does 4. It is a special (proved) case of the Weil conjectures that the n u m b e r of N P solutions of the c o n g r u e n c e y is, for p } ii, Z = 4(x3-x z) + 1 (rood p) given by N = p P Clearly (i) N - c . (19) P is e v e n if 4(x3-x Z) + 1 is irreducible ( m o d p), while ii) N P is odd if 4(x 3 from (19), c Z) + 1 has exactly one or three linear factors (rood p). Thus, is odd in case i) and even in case ii). This leads to the proof of P the corollary stated in § 0. Cowles' proof of the corollary c o m e s of the D e d e k i n d zeta function of the field K arising f r o m Q f r o m a study by adjoining a root of 4(x3-x Z) + 1 = 0. §6. In conclusion w e recall a f e w other properties of the coefficients i) p + 1 - c - 0 c : n (rood 5) P ii) c mn = c m c n Relations of i) with s o m e if (re,n) = i. identities of R a m a n u j a n are pointed out in a recent (unpublished) joint note of J. C o w l e s and S. Chowla. l~eferences i. S. C h o w l a and M. x ~ I 2. Cowles, O n the coefficients c n in the expansion (l_xn)Z(l_xll n)Z = ~ c x n , J. reine angew. Math. Z9Z(1977), 115-116. 1 n E. Landau, " E l e m e n t a r y N u m b e r Theory," Trans. by J. E. G o o d m a n , Chelsea, N e w York, N . Y . , 1966. 3. G. Shimura, A reciprocity law in non-solvable extensions, J. l~eine Angew. Math. Z21(1966), Z09-ZZ0. 10 Z. Remarks on c o n g r u e n c e c n c~ 2 n=l of the coefficients ~ c xn = x n c m c n (l _ x n )Z( l _ x l l n )g n n=l It is a striking property of the These properties in the expansion -- c c mn defined a b o v e that they satisfy n if (re, n) = 1 . , coefficients a r e also i m p o r t a n t in the study of reciprocity lairs in non- solvable extensions of the rationals, e.g., see S h i m u r a ' s p a p e r [Z] . Another striking p r o p e r t y is given by (A) c ---p + 1 (rood 5), for p r i m e p ~ ii . P This is implicit in the theory of elliptic curves, with the W e i l conject*~res. See the p a p e r [3] There (A) is a m p l e of S h i m u r a ' s support of (B) was extend c 0- (n)= E d a. a dl n in the table for p < Z000 formulas unsuccessful. n (A) by a s i m p l e a r g u m e n t ---~ (n) (rood 5), 1 When a = I, for to (n, ll) = 1 w e will write o(n) in place of o l(n). But w e h a v e results of interest w h i c h recursive m e t h o d , late the coefficients consequence by A. proof of of l ~ a m a n u j a n w o u l d aid us to do this. point of v i e w m i g h t lead to an e l e m e n t a r y a n obvious Mathematicae. by Trotter at the end our original p u r p o s e to give a direct but e l e m e n t a r y that s o m e §1. by Tare in fnventionaes p a p e r [Z] . In this p a p e r w e where recently studied in connection Cn. (A). m e n t i o n h e r e the estimate w o r t h recording. thought Our O u r p a p e r also includes to calcu- [ cp I < Z V'-~ w h i c h is a hypothesis for plane c u r v e s over finite fields, p r o v e d Weil. A recursive f o r m u l a for the Proceed We h a v e so far b e e n apparently not r e c o r d e d in the literature, We of the R / e m a n n proof of seem We (A). It by "logarithmic c . n differentiation" of the equation 11 oo E oo n n=l log (Ecnxn) = log x+ n=l ZE log(1-x Enc n n) + ZE log(1-xlln), x n-1 1 - Ec n (l - x n )z(1 - x lln )z c xn = x n n M u l t i p l y the last relation b y x x x nx - 2 E - n=l - l-x n and multiply by lln- I nx ZZE - 1 - x lln - Ec x n n n Enc Then, n x n = (Ecnxn )(1-ZE nx lln - 22E l-x n nx ----~n l-x )" since co n co E - n -x = E o- ( n ) x n n=l 1-x n n=l and co E n=l ~nc x n = (~c n lln co E 0(1%)x lln, - nx lln l-x xlln x )(l-ZZ~(n)xn-zz~(n) I% n n=l ). Thus comparing coefficients of x n o n b o t h sides: nc n = c n - Z n-1 E t=l c 0-(n-t) - ZZ t c o-(v) . Z u u+llv=n u, v > l The desired formula is nc n = c n - Z E c u+v=n n ~(v) - ZZ u, v>l This formula f and g to m e a n l e a d s u s to i n t r o d u c e Y u+v=n u, v>l f(u)g(v). w i t h itself will b e t a k e n up. E u+l]v=n c u ~(v). u, v_>l the t e r m "convolution" of t w o functions In S e c t i o n 3, the c o n v o l u t i o n of the f u n c t i o n 0- 12 § 2. T h e proof of (B) From (A)). Shimura's paper [ Z] , 0o (C) (assuming e X e ms = (1-11-s) m=l m .II (1- ~ + -'~gs )-1 p~ll p p Z = (l+ll-S+ll-ZS+ll-3S+...) where x = c p P P -s - p [-Zs From this, 3 II ( l + x + x + x + . . . ) P P P p~ll for p # 11, n c = p Zn c are inctuded - gn+l r P reZn-Zr p n = p Both cases >2 ( 1 ) r ( z n - r ) r=0 23 (-l)r(Zn+l-r)prcZn+l-Zr r p r=0 in rl [7] (D) c n= p ( 1 r n-r rcn-Zr - ) ( r )p P E r=0 . n The key step in the proof of c n P -= E p r ( r o o d 5), r=0 for prime p ~ 11, is the foliowing n E (_l)r(n;r)pr(p+l)n-Zr r=0 Lemma. Proof: integers Proceed k < n. by induction Consider on = n- the ease E pr r=0 assume when the lemma n = Zj, holds for all non-negative the case when n is odd is simila r. E r=0 J E r=0 (_l)r(n;r)pr(p+l)n-Zr j-1 ( - 1 ) r ( Z J r r ) p r ( p + l ) ZJ- Z r = (- I)0 (~j)p0 (p+l) Zj + E r=l . . (-l)r(Z3;r)pr(p+l) Z3-zr 73 (-l)J(ZJ.-J)pJ(p+l)Zj-Zj = (_l)O(Zj-l)pO(p+l) 2j 3 j-I + Z (-l)r[(ZJ-r-l)+(ZJrr?l)]pr(p+l)ZJ-Zr + (_l)J(Zj-~-l)pj (p+l) gj-zj + r=l j-1 . . j . = N (_l)r(ZJ-rr-1)pr(p+l)ZJ-gr + >2 (_l)r(gj~.r/1)pr(p+i)ZJ-Zr r=0 r=l j-i (_ 1)r((ZJ-1)- r)pr(p+l) (2J -1)- Zr 7" = (p+i) r r=0 n-i j-1 [--2-1 + (-p) 7" (-1)t((ZJ[Z)-t)pt(p+t) (Zj-Z)-Zt = (p+l) N (-1)r((n-1)-r)pr(p+l) ( n - 1 ) - z r t=0 L r=0 r n-2 [--2-] + (-p) n-i (_l)t((n- Zt)- t)pt(p+l )(n-g)-Zt Z = (p+l) ~ t=0 n- z p r - p r=0 From (A) and (D), it follows that c ~ n pt t=0 = Z pr r=0 _=~(pn) ( m o d 5), for p r i m e p ~ Ii. n F r o m the c a s e n m =p , j u s t p r o v e d , it is i m m e d i a t e that c since the c's n - ~(n)(mod 5), for (n, ll) = 1 , are multiplicative and so is ~. n Finally note that f r o m f o r m u l a (C), it follows that c not difficult to see that = i. T h u s it is lln c n _ ~( n )(rood 5) ii~ and (=+l)c - ~ ( n ) ( m o d 5) n where ll~In but ii~+I ~ n. From the first of the two c o n g r u e n c e s above, together with the recursion formula in the previous section, w e obtain the Theorem. ~. 5" ~(-~--)(r(v) + 7 ~( u+v=n u u+llv=n ii u, v>l u, v__>l o~.+1 w h e r e Ii ill but ii z ~ i. u ii u )~(v) - Z(n-l)¢(--2---) ( m o d 5) , n II 14 § 3. The c o n v o l u t i o n of (r w i t h its elf. In this section w e RamanujanVs evaluate the c o n v o l u t i o n of Collected Papers where 1 o-(0) = ~ ~(-1). ~(u)cY(v) = i.(4) zeta-function = (z=)s~(l-s) s = Z) -2~(2) 1 ~(-1) = - - above, 1 ~(o) - - g4" 2; ~ = - Zw g 4~ 2 from From cr3(n) + ~(0)n~(n) N o w t h e f u n c t i o n a l e q u a t i o n of t h e R i e m a n n Sir Hence 5). ~Z(z) " ~(4) Zr(s)~(s)cos 7 gives (setting (mod ([I], p. 139), w e h a v e rZ(z) 2] u+v=n u, v > 0 0- w i t h itself 6 Thus the formula ~(u)~(v) = - Z 1 lg " of l ~ a m a n u j a n g i v e s z~(0)~(n) + ~1 (4 )Z -90 '~-~3(n) i - ~ n~(n) . u+v=n u, v > l *(u)*(v) Thus u+v=n = 1 *(n) + ~15 - ~3(n) - ~n~(n). 57- Hence, t a k i n g t h i s e q u a t i o n (rood 5), u, v>l Z o-(u)o-(v) ~ 3o-(n) - 3no-(n) (rood 5) ; u+v=n u, v>l 2 u+v=n u, v > l e ( u ) ~ ( v ) ~ Z(n-1)~(n) (rood 5) . 15 I~eferences 1. S. l ~ a m a n u j a n , " C o l l e c t e d 2. G. S h i m u r a , P. V. S. A i y a r , Math. 3. Papers of S r i n i v a s a a n d B. M. W i l s o n , A reciprocity IL~manujan". Chelsea, law in non-solvable New York, extensions, I~d. b y G. H. H a r d y , New York, 221(1966), 209-220. J. Tare, T h e arithmetic of elliptic curves, Inv. Math. 196Z. J. I~eine A n g e w . 23(1974), 179-206. 16 3. § I. Let h(d) On Dedekind d e n o t e the c l a s s - n u m b e r sums of the q u a d r a t i c field Q(~/d) and write k E ~k ~ (~k) =t s(h,k) = { where I %b(x) = x - [x] - -~ if x ~b(x) = 0 for the D e d e k i n d Further s u c h that if x is a n i n t e g e r } sum. let t,u x Z - d y Z = I, b e the s m a l l e s t positive integral v a l u e s of x , y Here d is a positive n o n - s q u a r e I bz_ / d = b 0 - bll_ where the bls the " u p p e r " a r e integers > Z and c o n t i n u e d fraction for s simple .... integer. 1 bs_l - respectively Write 1 bs is the length of the (smaLlest) p e r i o d in ~/d. A l s o let v/d = a0 + i al+ b e the o r d i n a r y is not a n integer, 1 az+ c o n t i n u e d fraction for 1 " ' " +--at d w i t h p e r i o d length t. Write B = bl + b z + --. + b s A = a t - at_ 1 + - ... + a I . We s h a l l s k e t c h the p r o o f s of T h e o r e m s l a n d 2, f r o m w h i c h T h e o r e m 3 is a n i m m e - diate consequence. Theorem i. If d is a p r i m e -3(4) then 3 - g-it + igs(t,u) = 3s - B . u ]Example: d = 7. R.S. of (I) = 3. Z - Here t = 8, u = 3; 1 1 ~/7 = 3 - ~-- ~- (3+6) = - 3 L.S. of ( 1 ) - - 3 - 5 - - + - 5 - { *( ) + Z~( )} = - 3 . (l) 17 Theorem Z. If d is a p r i m e -3(4), then (z) 3s - B = - A (many when d examples, is a p r i m e this a n d c o m b i n i n g Theorem 3. including ~ 3(4) and theorems If d d = 1019, w e r e h(d) = i, c h e c k e d by P. Hirzebruch Chowla) p r o v e d that 3h(-d) = A. Using 1 a n d Z w e obtain is a p r i m e ~'3(4) then if h(d) = l 3 - Z_jt + IZs(t,u) = -3h(-d) (3) u Examples: This applies to all p r i m e s O n e can check, § Z. We as a n e x a m p l e , d ---3(4) the case Dedekind "Analytic N u m b e r Theory" 1955), p. Z56. Let H-function. 1 a n d Z. except d = 79. T h e y a r e b a s e d on the theory Recall the following f r o m (Tara Institute of F u n d a m e n t a l a,b,c,d I00, d = 19. shall sketch the proofs of T h e o r e m s of the w e l l - k n o w n less than be positive integers with l~ademacher's Research, ad - bc = i. Bombay, 1954- T h e n with lm(~-) > 0 ,aT+d, log ~tc---~--~j = log ~(T) 1 c~+d (4) wi +~log F-- +~(a+d) - wi s(d, c) (there will be no d a n g e r of confusing the d h e r e with o u r previous d). O n the other h a n d s u p p o s e aT+b cT+d - b0 Then I b~ i b Z- I "'" - (bs+T) one easily a r g u e s that (aT+b) 1 log ~3 ~ - log 13(7) - ~ log(cr+d) wi -- wi 4 s +~- (bo+bl+..°+bs) (5) 18 §3. We apply so that (4) and (5) with (here we write d = N) a =t, b=Nu c=u, d=t a d - b c = 1. Let (wi~integral b ' s ~ Z) Nu T l = b0 - b 1- 1 1 b Z- bs (bo=b s) • T h e n (the bracketed portion is the "period") 1 1 ~/N = b 0 - bl - Comparing obtain § 4. (4) and (5) (1) of T h e o r e m Theorem It states ba - in our special 1 ... case b (N 1 Zb s-l- s is a prime of t h e f o r m 4k+3) we 1. g is proved that (see pages by using the famous Reciprocity Z59 a n d Z57 of 1 K a d e m a c h e r J s Law for Dedekind Sums. book cited above) 1 1 (_d c i / s(d,c/+ s(c,d/ =- ~+TZ- c + ~ + c d when c,d > 0 and (c,d) law allows us to calcuiate Also s(-c,d) can be built. = -s(e,d). = 1. Since s(c,d) rapidly the values These are has a period of s(c,d) the main ideas c in when c d, and the reciprocity d are large. o n w h i c h a p r o o f of T h e o r e m 3 19 Z 4. § I. Write (p The non-trivial is a n o d d p r i m e rational points in y = 4x p + 1 > 3) x p + yP = l (F) and y We and (H). on are o n the c u r v e with x = i, on (H) main y = 0 a non-trivial " Q - p o i n t " ] converse § Z. We first Theorem i. . and x = O, now x = 0, on a "Q-point" on (F) but p e r h a p s we mean or "trivial" Q - p o i n t s y = I. y = -1. on (F) or implies one on (H) (H) will refer to and conversely. prove F => H. on F implies one on H. From = 1 on squaring (xP-yP) x + 4(xy) p = 1 Set x p - yP = u x y = -V. So "obvious" Q) (F) not entirely trivial. x p + yP follows, The y = 1 and A Q-point is e l e m e n t a r y , T h a t is a Q - p o i n t Proof. y ~ Q. (with coefficients in in are result is that a [ f r o m The f(x,y) = 0 x c Q, x = 0, Our (H) of p o s s i b l e non-trivial " Q - p o i n t s " B y a Q - p o i n t o n the " c u r v e " (x, y) Those = 4x p + 1 a r e interested in the p r o b l e m a point (F) Z (i) b e c o m e s (1) 20 u So if x,y ~ Q in (i), then u,v { Q 2 (z) = 4v p + 1 . in ( 2 ) . q.e.d. So, the first half of our assertion at the end of 1 is trivial. We n o w prove: ~3. Theorem Z. H~> F. T o this end, w e set in (Z), ce u -f 2' (3) v=8 with ~,p,,~, 8 { z; So ( ~ , P ) = ('l, 8) = 1 (4) (Z) b e c o m e s Z Z = 4(~6 )P + 1 (5) P or ~26P Since the r.h.s, = 4~Zy p + ~ Z 6 P . of (i) is - 0 ( ~ z) w e obtain ~Zl~26P. (6) But (ce,~) = 1 and so, ~218P. O n the other hand f r o m (6), 6P(~2-~ Z) = 4~Z'f p. 8P]4p z § 4. Case We n o w distinguish A: 6, in So, since (~/,6) = 1 (8) Z cases: (6), is odd In this case it follows f r o m (8) tha t 6Pip z From (7) (7) and (9) {9} w e obtain 2 = 8p . (10) 21 So Z =~ , with 5 = ~i (n) Pl ~ Z. By (ill (6) becomes = 4y p + p (iZ) Or (13) (~-~P)(~+~5 p) = 4y p . Now odd. ~ From is odd from (1) a n d (10) since (1Z) ~1 i s o d d . 8 is odd. Since ~ and So from ~1 a r e (11) a n d odd, (13), it follows a is from (13) that - ~1p = z'~p' From ~ + ~1p = z~p I ~ i Y z ' z , ,q,t z = 81 (i4) (14) Z~ p = Z(,~Z-yi P P) (i5) I. e. P P P ~31 + Y1 = YZ i.e. (16) (F) has the Q-point ~I x= 1 Z' Y- Y Thus, in case Z Y (A) (H) --~ F . §5. Case We (B): 8, in (6), is e v e n . shall use the notation q~llM to m e a n that, with q a prime, we have 22 qlM i.e. q of is the highest In this case, power namely of q B, c+llM but dividing M. In our application, q=Z. let zelrs (17} i. e. 5 = zcs1 Then, f r o m (18) (5 1 o d d ) . (6) 413Zy p _- 5P{of2_[32). (19) Then is odd 5' Since in (19) h a s Zp [since as a factor and (zo) (~, 6) = 1] . p > Z it follows from (19) or (ZO) that [3 i s e v e n [so Of is odd, since (of,[3) = i] (18) w e n o w h a v e From zcP-elf[32 I.e. (zl) (21) s erring c=Zd. (z2) Z d p - l ] [ [3 . (z3) We have So, set [3 = 2dP-l[31 5 = 22dst the latter from So (18) and ([31 odd), (8 1 odd), (ZZ). (19) gives (cancelling out 22dp f r o m both sides) (24) (25) 23 = z pl) (26) i. e. Z6p Z 1 =~ Yp+ Since r.s. zZdp-Z Z p ~161 (Z7) of (Z7) is ~ 0(~iZ) w e get since ~ is p r i m e to ~, Z and so to ~i" that p (28) ~iTbl • Also, f r o m From From (Z6) since (Z8) and (26) and 6 is prime to ~/ (and so 6 1 is prime to "~) that 2 (29) p Z 61 = ~I" (30) (Z9), (30), u p = (=z-zZdP-Z~Z). (31) So (~+ Z dp- i~i )(~ - Z dp- I~i) = U p . Since 6 was even (hypothesis of case B, first line of §5), "~ is odd [since I] so each factor on the ~. s. of (3Z) is odd using are relatively p r i m e since Thus, f r o m (=,~) = (3Z) ('~,6 ) = (21) above; also the Z factors i. (3Z) + zZdp-I~I = YIP (331) + zZdp-I~I = -~P. (33 Z) [ %ve used, in (3Z), that if the product of Z relatively p r i m e nos. is a pth-power, then each no. is a p-th power] . Subtracting (33Z) f r o m (331) w e get zZdP~I (34) 24 But ~i is a p-th p o w e r from (30), ~l: ~pl From (34) and say [~l~ z] (35); P P = (zZdNI)P . Y2 - Yl i° e. (36) (F) h a s the " Q - s o l u t i o n " YI YZ X - Zk I Thus (35) H => F (above proof). Since Y - F => H F<=> Corollary: Fermatls Last Theorem (non-trivial) (§Z) it follows that H. is true if a n d only if the c u r v e y h a s no rational points ZX I Z = 4x p + l on it. (37) 25 5. O n the twisting of Epstein zeta-functions into Hecke-Artin § I. L - s e r i e s of K u m m e r fields T h e Epstein zeta-function Z(s, C) = ~' (ax 2+ bxy+ cy 2) s w h e r e the s u m m a t i o n is o v e r all integers x,y excluding x = y = 0, with associated binary quadratic f o r m Z C = ax Z + bxy + cy a n d dis criminant Z~ = b Z - 4ac < 0 is so defined for l~e(s) > i, and by analytic continuation over the w h o l e s-plane. H e r e , by a b u s e of language, Z 3 + bxy + cy . C refers to the set of integers representable by ax We integer). a r e c o n c e r n e d with Z(s, C) in the special case w h e n A = -3k Z (k, an In this case, G a u s s and D e d e k i n d noted the connections b e t w e e n these functions a n d the law of cubic reciprocity. More explicitly, D e d e k i n d p r o v e d that (Crelle's Journal, 1900) Z~K(s) ~(s) where forms = i ~I . _ 1 ~I (xZ+ZTyZ)S (l) (4xZ+ Zxy+TyZ)S 3 ~i4(s) is the D e d e k i n d zeta-function for the field K = Q(~/2). Note that both 2Z Z 2 x + Z7y and 4 x + 2xy + 7y h a v e discriminant -108 = -3.63 . This rela- tion implies that for p r i m e s p ---1 ( n o d 3), Z is a cubic residue ( m o d p) if and only if p = x This r e m a r k a b l e result is due to Gauss. Z Z + Z7y . We quote f r o m D e d e k i n d ' s p a p e r (pp. Z06- 207 of his Collected Papers). O b s ervatio venustis s i m a inductione facta Z es__~tl~esiduurn vel n o n R e s i d u u m formae 3n + I, prout p cubicum numeri primi representablis est p e r f o r m a n p 26 x x + Z7yy vel 4 x x + Zxy + 7yy. 3 per est R e s i d u u m xx + Z43yy vel n o n R e s i d u u m , au___~t4 x x + Zxy + 61yy prout p representabilis es__~t ve__! 7xx + 6xy + 36yy aut 9xx + 6xy + Z8yy. (Note that the f o r m § Z. Let S 13x Z + 4 x y + 19y Z of discriminant -972 h a s b e e n omitted~ ) be a set of integers such that S = Cl[.J CZ~_) C 5 ... ~J C H where each C. is also a set of integers and J C 1.... , C H f o r m a multiplicative g r o u p We G. define co D(s, C.) = E J n:l w h e r e the c.(n) ,I ns cj(n) are arbitrary c o m p l e x n u m b e r s , the Dirichlet series associated to co C.. 3 Let a H and cj(n) = 0 if n ~ C.,3 to be n = Z~ D(s, C . ) . n=l n s j =i J B y a "twist" of the left side of (Z), w e m e a n (Z) the n e w series H x (C.)D(s, C.) j=l ~ J a where X is any non-trivial character of G. In general, if >2.--Sn has a n E u l e r n S product, then the "twisted" series also has a n E u l e r product. A s a n e x a m p l e of a twist let S of the following 3 forms: be the set of integers representable by a n y 27 C I = x Z + Z7y Z C Z = 4 x Z + Zxy + 7y 2 C 3 = 4 x Z - Zxy + 7y Z s o that s = ciU czU ¢3" (3) T h e associated Dirichlet series In this e x a m p l e , (E' D(s,C.) are nothing but ]Epstein zeta functions. J the analogue of (Z) is i )(I-3-s+3. 9 -s) = Z ( s , C I) + Z(s, C Z) + Z(s, C3). (xZ+3yZ) s (4) This is p r o v e d as follows: In the s u m i I~ = E' (5) (xZ+3yZ) s the variables into 4 x,y ranging over all integers excluding classes, so that R=A+B+C+D where A = I ~' 31x (xZ+3yz)s Sly B= 1~' 3Ix i (xZ+3yZ) s 3 ,y 31y = ~(3-s_9 -s) , -R" 9 - s x = y = 0, can be divided 28 C : i ~' 3~'x (xZ+3yZ)s ?[y : ~' - 31y 2' 31~ 3[y = Z ( s , Cl) - 9-s1%, D = [ 2;' 3~'y (xZ+3y2) s 3~y =Z ---1(3) /x >2v +y--2(3) E' ] \~---I(3) y =-z(3)/ =2 ~y(3) Now, 3 Ix 3ty in the s u m i x=-y(3 ) (xZ+3yZ) s w e just m a k e the transformation X = U + ZV t y :U- V w h i c h leads to D = g(Z(s, Cz)-A). Hence (4) is proved, by using the relation 1% : A + B + C + D. Let x (c l) = t x ~ I+ VZ~X (C z) = x ( C 3) : J be a character of the composition group quadratic f o r m s of discriminant -108, Z {CI, Cz, C 3 ] of reduced primitive binary satisfying the following relations 29 Z C1 = CI Z C Z : C3 C3 Z = C 2 CzC 3 : C 1 • T h e structure of the a b o v e g r o u p is d e t e r m i n e d by the fact that if n, is in C. and 1 1 in C. then n.n. is in C.C.. 3 J ij 1 3 In Section 8 of this p a p e r it will be p r o v e d by a novel m e t h o d that the "twist" n of (~, 1 ) (i_3-s+3. 9-s) (xZ+3yZ) s is nothing but %K(S) This, of course, gives D e d e k i n d ' s result (i), and the m e t h o d extends to m a n y other cases. § 3. W e w o u l d like to ask the follo~ving question. E u l e r product) on ~K(S) where K = Q(%/~, zeta functions of sub-fields of K u m m e r Is any "twist" (which has an a ratio of products of Dedekind's A positive a n s w e r fields? is supported by the e x a m p l e s that follow. A Kurn~er where k answer, §4. and a field is are positive integers. If the a b o v e question does h a v e a positive then it is likely that 3 Ik. This section is devoted to s o m e tive binary quadratic f o r m s special e x a m p l e s . of discriminants -Z700 sition g r o u p tables, respectively. Discriminant -Z700 C 1 = (i, 0,675) C z = (Z5, 0, Z7) and We list the r e d u c e d p r i m i - -18ZbZ, and their c o m p o - 30 C 3 = (13, 2, 52) C 4 = (4, Z, 169) C 5 = (7, 4, 97) C 6 = (9,6,76) C 7 = (19, 6, 36) C 8 = (25, i0, 28) C 9 = (ZS, Z0, 3t) CI0 = (27, 18, ZS) and, for 3 < n < i0, Cn+8 = ~n" Here, if C = (a,b,c), then = (a, - b , c). { T h e notation, (a,b,c) for the binary quadratic f o r m ax 2 Z + bxy + cy , is a standard one. } G r o u p Table for D i s c r i m i n a n t T h e generators are C3 C I = C30 and -2700 C7 . C 6 = C72C32 3 C Z = C3 C7 = C7 C3 = C3 2 C8 = C7 C3 2 Z C4 = C3 C 9 = C7C 3 C 5 = C72C33 a n d for any n CI0 = C 7 C 3 (l<n<18) C n ~ n =CI. In the case of discriminant sition g r o u p G, -2700, we can define a character of the c o m p o - by 3 X ( C 7 C 3) = e tl 6 e t2 31 where 0 <_ tI < 3, 0 i tz < 6, F o r each and e a c h choice of tl, tz gives a different character. tl, tz w e h a v e b e e n able to d e t e r m i n e the "twist" 18 T ( s ) = ~ x ( C .J) Z ( s , Cj) j=l by c o m p a r i n g T(s) with triple products of the type: H 2k 12 1 l- =I x(mod k) p pS where 1 X p, k(a) = if X if is just a n ordinary Dirichlet character extended over all rational p r i m e s L - s e r i e s of K u m m e r fields. soluble z~__i e and x k - a(p) p. (rood k), and the inner product is T h e s e are nothing m o r e [See D. M . abelian L-functions," Israeli J. M a t h . , Goldfeld " A large sieve for a class of non1973.] W e find that 10 Z(s,C I) + Z(s,C Z) + Z Z(s, Cj) = Z{K(S) j=3 where K : O(J:~), Z(s, CI) + Z(S, Cz) + ZZ(s,C3) + 2Z(s, C4) - Z(s,C 5)- - Z(s,C 7) - Z ( s , C Z(s,C 6) 8) - Z ( s , C 9) - Z ( s , Cl0) {K(S) ~(s) where K = Q(~/5), than A r t i n - H e c k e 32 Z ( s , C 1) + Z ( s , C 2) - Z ( s , C 3) - Z ( s , C 4) - Z(s,C 5) - Z ( s , C 6) - Z ( s , C 7) + (ZZ(s, C8)+ZZ(s, C 9) - Z ( s , Ct0 ~K(S) ~(s) where K = Q(~/2). Z ( s , C1) + Z ( s , Cz) - Z ( s , C3) - Z ( s , C 4) + ZZ(s, C5) - Z ( s , C6) + ZZ(s, C 7) - Z ( s , C 8) - Z ( s , C 9) - Z ( s , Clo) ~K(S) ~(s) where K = Q(~//Z0). Z ( s , C 1) + Z ( s , CZ) - Z ( s , C 3) - Z ( s , C 4) - Z ( s , C5) + ZZ(s, C 6) - Z ( s , C 7) - Z(s, C8) - Z(s, =g" where C 9 ) + ZZ(s, C10) ~K(s) ~(s) K = Q(~//10). Z(s, CI) - Z(s, Cz) - 2Z(s, C3) + ZZ(s, C4) + Z(s, C5) - Z(s, C6) - Z(s, C7) + Z ( s , C8) - Z ( s , C9) + Z ( s , C10) ~K(S) ~(s) where K = Q(~//5). T h i s l a s t c a s e ( i n v o l v i n g the 6th r o o t of 5) is m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g and a l l o w s one to e x t e n d D e d e k i n d ' s m e t h o d f o r o b t a i n i n g f o r m u l a e f o r the c l a s s - n u m b e r of a f i e l d 33 Q(~/a) to higher degree fields. We should like to cite the paper by H a r v e y C o h n ("A n u m b e r i c a l study of Dedekind's cubic class n u m b e r formula, " Journal of l~esearch of National B u r e a u of Standards, Vol. 59, 4, 1957, 265-271) w h e r e the c l a s s - n u m b e r s of fields O(~/a) are found for certain very large values of a. W e would also like to record here that P r o f e s s o r Berndt has c o m m u n i c a t e d to us that he has verified the non-vanishing of the functions ~K(S) for fields K = Q(~/a) tioned above. Serre for a number only recentiy at 1 s = Z of values of a, found an example using the type of formula of a fieid K of degree men8 for which ~ K ( ~ ) = 0. In the above list of "twists" we omitted 4 cases, T h e s e are left as an exercise to the reader. Dis c riminant -18Z5Z C 1 : (I, 0,4563) CI0 = (19,8,241) C Z = (27, 0,169) Cll C 3 = (4, Z, 1141) CIZ = (37, I0, IZ4) C 4 = (7, Z, 65Z) C13 = (163,1Z, 73) C 5 = (Z8, Z, 163) C14 = (Z7, 18, 17Z) C 6 = (Z8, Z6,169) C15 = (43, 18,108) C 7 = (49, 44,103) C16 = (36, 30,133) c8 C17 = (67, 30, 76) = (9, 6 , 5 0 8 ) C 9 = (36, 6, IZ7) = (31, i0,148) C18 = (61, 3Z, 79) C19 = (67, 46, 76) Cn+17 = C n for 3 < n < 19. G r o u p Table for Diseriminant -18252 T h e r e are two generators, n a m e l y C 4 = (7,2,652) and C 9 = (36,6,127) 34 T h e group table is as follows: C4 z = C 7 3 C4 = C6 C44 = C 3 C 4 C 9 = C19 C 4 C 9 z = CIZ Z C 4 C 9 = C14 C 4 2 C 9 z = C18 C44C9 C44C9 Z = C 8 5 C4 = C16 3 = C5 C46 = C z 3 Z C 4 C 9 = Cll C4 C 9 = C17 C 4 5 C 9 = CIO C 4 5 C 9 Z = C13 T o complete the table, use C n " ~ n =C I . A character f o r t h i s g r o u p c a n be d e f i n e d a s f o l l o w s : g~riatI ~ X (C4C 9) = e lZ Z~ri~tg 3 e where t1 : 0,1,...,11 t Z = 0, 1, Z. T h e r e are four twists into H e c k e L-functions of pure cubic fields, n a m e l y 7 Z ( s , C1) + Z ( s , CZ) + Z z j=3 Z(s, C) J ~K(S) 19 Z ( s , cj) j=8 where = 2 • - - ~(s) K = Q(~/13). Z ( s , C 1) + Z(S, Cz) - Z ( s , C3) - Z ( s , C4) - Z ( s , C5) + Z Z ( s , c 6) - Z ( s , c 7) - Z ( s , c 8) + Z Z ( s , c 9) - Z ( s , clo) + ZZ(S, Cll ) - Z ( s , C12 ) - Z ( s , C13) - Z(S, Cl4) + Z Z ( s , C15) - Z ( s , C16 ) + Z Z ( s , C17 ) - Z ( s , C18 ) - Z ( s , C19) ~K(S) ~(s) 35 where K : O(~/Z). Z(S, Cl) + Z(S, Cz) - Z(s, C3) - Z(s, C4) - Z(s, C5) + ZZ(s,06) - Z(s, C7) - Z(s,08) - Z(s, C9) - Z(s, CIo) - Z(S, Cll) - Z(s, CIz) + ZZ(s, CI3 ) - Z(s, CI4) - Z(s, 015) + ZZ(s, CI6) - Z(s,017 ) + ZZ(s, C18 ) + ZZ(s, CI9 ) tK(S) ~(s) where § 5. K = Q(~/5Z). In order to calculate the n u m b e r of a given discriminant t{ber Zahlentheorie, A w e need to quote, for example, f r o m Landauts V o r l e s u n g e n Bd. 1. Satz Z13. Jedes und Z w a r of primitive classes of binary quadratic f o r m s ix - 0 oder eindeuti~, = f m Z, 1 (rnod 4), das Rein Q u a d r a t ist, is_t, w___o m > 0 und f Fundamental-diskriminante ist. Satz ZI4. E s sei A = f m Z die zerlegung unseres & nach Satz 213. D a n n ist CO K(a) : x (£)i: r=l r r n {i- (l)!]K(f). p[m P P Here ~W K(f) - h(f). See Satz Z09, pp. 15Z and 141. h(f) denotes the n u m b e r binary quadratic f o r m s of discriminant Using these theorems, p is a p r i m e > 3, of primitive classes of f. w e find that for the discriminant the class n u m b e r where h(& ) is given by f h(-108 pZ) Ix = -i08 p Z J3(p-l) if p-I(3) 1 if p ~ Z(3). 3(p+l) Looking back at the linear combinations of Epstein's zeta functions Z(s, Cj), 36 that o c c u r r e d in Section 4, it is natural to ask for the n u m b e r Z(s, C.). This n u m b e r w h i c h is also the rank J zet{L functions of given discriminant of linearly independent p of the linear space of Epstein Z A = -I08 p , is given by 1 p = [ + ~ h(-108 p2). So p : i0 for We p : 5, p = 19 for p =13. This a g r e e s with our tables in §4. note the following p h e n o m e n o n the l i n e a r c o m b i n a t i o n s of the which seems w o r t h recording. Z ( s , Cj) w h i c h a r e e q u a l to 2 • Amongst ~K (s) ~(s-----~we o b t a i n four combinations with QI ' t, o(b/pl, Q (~.~'/Zp), Q(~4p). This has to do with the fact that the c o m p o s i t i o n g r o u p (of the primitive classes of binary quadratic f o r m s with discriminant index 3. W h e t h e r the K w e w e r e unable to prove, § 6. in ~K(s) Z • ~(s) -108 pZ) has four distinct s u b g r o u p s of is a l w a y s a sub-field of a K u m m e r except in special cases above. In o r d e r to p r o v e the a f o r e m e n t i o n e d assertions, w e develope s o m e already m e n t i o n e d in a n earlier p a p e r (D. M . Kurnrner field f2 = Q(~/I, k~/a), w h e r e If p field, Goldfeld, loc. cit.). W e a # + i or a perfect is a rational p r i m e not dividing ka and fl and kth ideas consider the power. fz are m i n i m a l such that p then p fl _ = 1 ( n o d k), x k _ fz = a ( m o d p) soluble, is u n r a m i f i e d a n d factors in i2 as a product of k~ (k) r = flfz flfz p r i m e ideals local factor ~51,~Z ..... ~r L of P i.e. (p) = i51~Z...~r ~[3(s)' w e see that and N~i = p . L o o k i n g at the 37 L / lI / 1 - : P pip ~ 1 = _ N@)s flfzs P Let [l,~Z be primitive b P = fl' fz th roots of unity, respectively. fl fz ]] 1] hl=l hz=l ( ~ Then Z l - - - Now define ~ 1 if x k ~a(p)soluble XP'k(a) : e Z1ri/k if x k ~ a(p) . Then -1 L = P because, as X l- runs through the Dirichlet characters k1 value ~l exactly value i] 1] x ( m ° d k) w=l ~ (k 1) fl times, hz @Z exactly k / f 2 t i m e s . ~(s) =n Also Xp, k(a) ( m o d k), (w=l,Z . . . . . X(P) takes on k) a s s u m e s each Consequently L (s) P = ~v P -i 1] L(s, X) II 1] II X (rood k) w:l X (rood k) p - ~' p 1 Let e o = Q ($'/t)' K : Q(~,/a) . T h e n following Artin (fiber die Zeta Funktionen y o n algebraischer Zahlkt~rper, Collected Papers) w e get 1 ~ ~0)~, ~, 38 Cons equently n = ~(s) n i i Li - (6) I w-I x(mod k) p pS k- ~7. W e note that for discriminants the positive integer n by Cj A = _3k Z, the n u m b e r of representations of (j fixed) is a linear combination of multiplicative functions, which occur as coefficients in (6). This is in accordance with Hecke theory (he, however, uses the H e c k e operator, which does not appear in our work) according to which the n u m b e r of representations of n > 0 by a quadratic f o r m in an even n u m b e r of variables > 4 is a linear combination of multip[icative arithmetic functions. A s an example, if w e combine equations (i) and (4), and use the following relation (here I< = Q(~/Z)) 1 ~K(s) = ~(s) [ z 1] I] II x ( m o d 3) w=l p ( i- x(p)× P' pS 3(z) -i (7) co : m O(n) n=l n s which has been derived in Section 6, w e obtain i~ z xZ+z7yz(n) = ~ m (-i08) E kl n I l~4xZ+Zxy+TyZ(n) =-3Z where From + ZO(n (8) k -I08 )] kln~ (--~) - 0(n i~ z(n) is the n u m b e r of ways n is representable by a x Z + b x y + cy Z. axZ+bxy+cy (7), it can easily be shown that 0(n) is a multiplicative function and defined on the p r i m e powers p as follows: 39 -l, f 0(p ~ ) = where (3 ~) derive § 8. is the Legendre many equality between finite number relevant stated I --" Z(3) 1, ~ --" 0(3) In a s i m i l a r (8) series (e. g. p r i m e s it is also possible of discriminant fields). with Euler Z. In t h i s p a r t products may argument say. of the exclude a that divide the discriminant With a special to - 3 k z, of certain these factors can be exactly. With this convention, (4) gives oo 3 Z~(s) 2 (-~)~ 1__= 1 using a well-known Euier fashion, for forms oroof at the end of Section two Dirichlet number if x3 ~ Z(p) I+(~)+... +(~)~ if x 3--z(p) of the type of Ubadn primes algebraic 0, symbol. other formulae We now give the promised paper, ~ =-1(3) product theorem n of D i r i c h l e t . for the left side of (9) n s ~ Z(s,C.), j=l (9) J Here (~---) i s t h e K r o n e c k e r n i s up to l o c a i f a c t o r s (p=Z, 3) symbol. The 3 Z II ( 1 - p - S ) - Z II ( 1 - p - Z S ) -1 = E Z ( s , C.) . p---z(3) For the s a k e of clarity w e j=l p (lO) J r e p e a t that Z C I = x 2 + Z7y C Z = 4 x Z + Z x y + 7y Z C 3 = 4x 2 - 2xy + 7y Z a n d that t h e s e G's earlier a c h a r a c t e r form a multiplicative g r o u p , o n this g r o u p as r e c o g n i z e d is defined as follows: × ( c 1) = 1 × (C Z) = Z × ( C 3) = ~ . by Gauss. As noted 40 _i+v4"y Here ~ = - - • 13 p~l(3) a c u b e root of unity. x(p)/_ z 1- pS ] p~ C 1 13 p-t(3) We now (i - ll,3,n pp ( 1 )_l 1 - --~s p (n) pc C 3 pc C 2 13 p---Z(3) introduct the "twist"~ 3 = ~ x(Cj)Z(s,c.). j=l 3 It is clear that X(P) : l if p c G 1 X(P) = ~ if p c C Z Z X (P) = ~ We observe is that if p if p c C 3 that the "twist" d o e s not t o u c h p r i m e s is a p r i m e The r e a s o n for this --- 2(3), tions b y the totality of G representations 3 C.; b y the p =- 2(3). a n d if the positive integer n h a s r(n) r e p r e s e n t a 2~ (j=l, 2,3), then n . p h a s the s a m e n u m b e r , r(n), of and, m o r e o v e r , there is a w e l l - k n o w n I-i correspond- e n c e leading to r(n.p Since C 2 o n the left side of and C 3 ) = r(n), if p --- 2(mod 3). a r e "identical" (ii) c a n b e c o m b i n e d , 13 p-l(3) 1 - 1 13 p~l(3) pc C 1 (in a s e n s e ~ ) 1 - a~ 3 Y j=l We recall equation (7): ×(c.)z(s, 3 a n d third factors to give pc C 2 = the s e c o n d c.). 3 1 - pS 13 1 p---Z(3) (12) 41 ~(s) where K = Q(3X//Z), [ II II YI × mod 3 w=l p ( 1- X(P)Xp'3(Z) ) p S and if x 3 ---Z(p) soluble ×p, 3(z) = ~izwi e 3 if x 3 ~ 2(p) . Comparing this with (12) w e get ~K(S) 3 z x(Cj)Z(s,C)j -- 2--~(s) j=l where K = Q(~/2). Equation (i), up to local factors, follows, on noting that x(Cz)Z(s, C 2) + x(C3)Z(s,C 3) = -Z(s, CZ). § 9. For the discriminant -1825Z, w e omitted in Section 4 to give the "twist" for the case Q(~/Z6). Z(s,C I)+ Z(s, Cz) - Z(s,C 3) - Z(s,C 4) - Z(s,C 5) + ZZ(s, C6) - Z(s, C7) + ZZ(S, Cs) - Z(s, C9) + ZZ(s, CI0) - Z(s, CII ) + ZZ(s, CIZ) - Z(s, C13) + ZZ(s, C14) - Z(s, CI5) - Z(s, CI6) - Z(s, CI7) - Z(s, CI8) - Z(s, CI9) ~K(S) with 31 K = W(</26). The following question is suggested by the above work: combinations of Epstein zeta functions of a given discriminant s a m e functional equation) have Euler products? prime > 3) w e found In the case H o w m a n y linear A (i. e. , with the A = -108 pZ (p, a 42 1 + h(-a) Z such combinations. T h e s e appear, to us, to be the only ones. Finally, it is fitting to mention that the importance of the concept of twisting w a s first recognized by A. Weil in his paper "Bestirnmung der Dirichletschen Reihen durch ihre Funktional-Gleichungen" (Math. Annalen, 1969). Problems and results on combinatorial n u m b e r theory III Paul ErdSs Like the two previous p a p e r s of the s a m e II) I will discuss p r o b l e m s in n u m b e r title (I will refer to t h e m as I a n d theory w h i c h h a v e a combinatorial flavor. T o avoid repetitions a n d to shorten the p a p e r as m u c h previous results w h e n e v e r convenient and will state as m a n y possible, and will discuss the old p r o b l e m s some as possible I will refer to new problems as only w h e n they w e r e neglected or if n e w result has b e e n obtained. P. E r d ~ s , Problems and results on combinatorial n u m b e r theory I and II, a s u r v e y of combinatorial theory, 1973, N o r t h Holland, I17-138; J o u r n 4 e s Arithm & t i q u e s de B o r d e a u x papers have many hombres, Juin 1974, A s t 4 r i s q u e Nos. references. Monographies (1963), 81-135. Graham Z4-Z5, Z95-310. See also Q u e l q u e s p r o b l ~ m e s de i' E n s e i g n e m e n t Math&matique Both of these de la th4orie des iNo. 6, Univ. de G e n e v a and I will soon publish a p a p e r w h i c h brings this p a p e r up to date. P. E r d B s , S o m e a n d Publ. Math. I. unsolved p r o b l e m s , Inst. H u n g a r . Acad. M i c h i g a n Math. J. 4(1957), Z91-300 Sci. 6(1961), ZZI-Z54. First I discuss V a n der W a e r d e n ' s and S z e m e r ~ d i ' s t h e o r e m tions. D e n o t e by exceeding and related ques- f(n) the smallest integer so that if w e divide the integers not n into two classes then as least one of t h e m p r o g r e s s i o n of n t e r m s . More generally, denote by contains an arithmetic f (n) the largest integer so u that w e can divide the integers not exceeding every arithmetic p r o g r e s s i o n of n f (n) into two classes so that in u n+u e a c h class has f e w e r than --7- terms. terms T h e best l o w e r b o u n d for f(n) is due to B e r l e k a m p , (f(p) > pZP if p is a p r i m e a n d to decide if f(n)I/n -- o0 is true. f(n) > cZ n My for all n). L o v ~ s z and myself, It w o u l d be v e r y interesting g u e s s w o u l d be that it is true. I p r o v e d by the probabilistic m e t h o d that fu (n) > (l+E c )n if u > cn. T h e proof gives nothing if u / is 0(nl/Z). It w o u l d be v e r y interesting to give s o m e usable u p p e r a n d l o w e r b o u n d s for f (n). A s far as I k n o w (Bull. Canad.u Math. fz(n) the only result is due to J. S p e n c e r w h o p r o v e d Soc. 16(1973), 464) fl(n) = n(n-l), equality only if n = zt" is not k n o w n . F o r various other generalizations (see II). D e n o t e by rk(n) the smallest integer so that every s e q u e n c e 1 <_a I < ... < a~ <_n, ~ = rk(n ) contains a n arithmetic p r o g r e s s i o n of k terms. 44 Szemer6"di r e c e n t l y p r o v e d the old c o n j e c t u r e of T u r i n and m y s e l f (1) rk(n) = 0(n). (i) of c o u r s e contains V a n d e r W a e r d e n ' s t h e o r e m . for r3(n ) are due to B e h r e n d best The estimates and IKoth w h o p r o v e d n c n Z r3(n) < loglog n < Cl(lOg n) I/Z e T h e true o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e of rk(n) is v e r y difficult to d e t e r m i n e . I w o u l d ex- pect that rk(n) = 0 (log n) ~' holds for e v e r y k and ~ . A v e r y attractive conjecture of m i n e states: Let 1 l < a I < a Z < ... be an arbitrary s e q u e n c e of integers with ~ - - = co . T h e n our a. i s e q u e n c e contains for e v e r y k an arithmetic p r o g r e s s i o n of k t e r m s . I offer 3 0 0 0 dollars for a proof o r d i s p r o o f of this conjecture. w o u l d i m p l y that for e v e r y There k there are k is an interesting finite f o r m primes is extended o v e r M 1 contain an arithmetic p r o g r e s s i o n of k G < 0o, in fact p e r h a p s a l r e a d y u p p e r a n d l o w e r b o u n d s for A k. sequences terms. A 3 = o0, I am w h i c h do not it w o u l d be v e r y desirable to h a v e g o o d afraid u p p e r b o u n d s are h o p e l e s s at p r e s e n t I o b s e r v e d that A k > k io~ Z 2 recently p r o v e d (Z) A k > (l+o-(l))k log k . His proof will s o o n a p p e a r in Proc. may a I < a Z < ... It is not at all obvious that so one should p e r h a p s concentrate on l o w e r bounds. and Gerver Put I a. l i the m a x i m u m if true, in arithmetic progression. of our conjecture: A k : max where T h e conjecture, Amer. Math. Soc. Gerver believes that be best possible. Perhaps the following t w o further functions a r e of s o m e interest: Put (Z) 45 1 a. Ak,n,~ ~ = max a .<n i 1 w h e r e the m a x i m u m is to be taken over all s e q u e n c e s w h i c h do not contain a n arith- m e t i c p r o g r e s s i o n of k terms. I of c o u r s e expect interest to estimate f r o m a b o v e and b e l o w . (n) = m a x /~k where the for e v e r y fixed and n a. Ak(n) < ck. A k - Ak(n). K a.>n i It m i g h t be of Define next 1 a. 1 do not contain an arithmetic p r o g r e s s i o n of k terms. i I expect that A (n) for k l i m a (n) = 0. It m i g h t be of interest to investigate A k - ~ k k n=o0 and large k. In particular is it 0(log n)? A l s o w h a t h a p p e n s if both k n tend to infinity? It is not clear w h i c h if any of these questions will lead to fruitful results. A s e q u e n c e of integers l < a I < ... < a k <_n a. is fine arithmetic m e a n of other a' s. 1 T h e study of these s e q u e n c e s w a s We is called n o n - a v e r a g i n g if no started by E. Straus. Put maxk = g(n). have (3) e c(l°g n)I/Z < g(n) < n Z/3+E T h e l o w e r b o u n d in (3) is due to Straus the u p p e r b o u n d to Straus a n d myself. 7 A b b o t t recently p r o v e d the u n e x p e c t e d to d e t e r m i n e Very g(n) > cn I/I0. It w o u l d be v e r y interesting lira log g(n)/log n. n=o0 recently F u r s t e n b e r g p r o v e d S z e m e r ~ d i ' s t h e o r e m by m e t h o d s of ergodic theory, his proof will be published soon. References I~. S z e m e r 6 d i , progression, of the p r o b l e m O n sets of integers containing no A c t a Arith. Z7(1975), Z99-345. e l e m e n t s in arithmetic F o r further literature a n d history see I; II a n d the p a p e r of S z e m e r e d i . ]2. G. Straus, N o n a v e r a g i n g sets, P r o c . Syrup. P u r e Math. P. E r d B s a n d E. G. Straus, N o n a v e r a g i n g Math. k AMS sets II, Coll. Math. 1967. B61yai Soc. C o m b i n a t o r i a l theory a n d its applications, N o r t h Holland A m s t e r d a m - L o n d o n 1970 Vol. Z, 405-411. 46 Z. Covering A system congruences a n d related questions. of c o n g r u e n c e s (1) al (rood n.l)' is called a covering system l<nl<" " " < n k if e v e r y integer satisfies at least one of the c o n g r u e n c e s (i). T h e principal conjecture w h i c h is n o w m o r e can be arbitrarily large. It is surprising h o w 500 dollars for a proof or disproof. system with n I = 20. than 40 y e a r s old states that The difficult this conjecture is -- I offer r e c o r d is still held by Choi w h o = min > ___I n n. nl=n the m i n i m u m gives a Put u where n1 1 is to be taken o v e r all covering systems a . ( m o d n.). 1 I conjecture 1 that (Z) u n -oo as n-oo. If (Z) is true it w o u l d be interesting to estimate u from a b o v e a n d below. n Put f(n) = m i n k vchere the m i n i m u m perhaps F(n) = rain a k is extended o v e r all s y s t e m s interesting to get non-trivial b o u n d s for Here and it is w o r t h w h i l e (I) with f(n) a n d n I = n. It w o u l d be v e r y F(n). to introduce a n e w p a r a m e t e r . u (c) = m i n > n 1 n. Put n[ = n ' 1 where the m i n i m u m is extended o v e r all finite s y s t e m s a . ( m o d n.), n = n I <n2< for w h i c h the density of integers not satisfying a n y of these c o n g r u e n c e s than or equal to c, Estimate or d e t e r m i n e the a s y m p t o t i c properties ... is less of u (c) as n c -- 0 and n-- ~ . Similar questions I conjecture that for every n.1 a r e s q u a r e - f r e e £ integers all w h o s e can be a s k e d about f(n, c) a n d there is a covering s y s t e m prime F(n,c). (1) w h e r e factors a r e greater than p~ . all the 47 Let n I < n Z < ... < n k ing to obtain conditions system (I) exists. 0-(n)/n > C, be a s e q u e n c e of moduli. (if possible n e c e s s a r y In particular but no s y s t e m It w o u l d be v e r y interest- a n d sufficient ones) that a covering I conjecture that for every (I) exists w h e r e the C there is an n with n. > 1 are the divisors of n. On 1 the other h a n d B e n k o s k i a n d I conjectured that if cr(n)/n > C distinct p r o p e r divisors of n. smallest value of C then n is the s u m of If this conjecture is true w e w a n t to estimate the for w h i c h the conjecture holds. A n older conjecture of B e n k o s k i states: if n is odd a n d 0-(n_._._~)> Z then n n is the s u m of distinct p r o p e r divisors of n. O n e can also study infinite covering his students but to avoid trivialities satisfy a c o n g r u e n c e m gruences if k > k0(E) i -- done by Selfridge a n d every m > m 0 must A n o t h e r possibility w o u l d be to 1 the density of the integers satisfying none of the con- a . ( m o d n.) 1 < i < k I as w a s one usually insists: ~ a . ( m o d n.), n~ > n . I require that systems is less than E . Perhaps the first condition implies I the second. D e n o t e by P1 N the s e q u e n c e I < nl< if for e v e r y choice of residues nz< ... of rnoduli. a . ( m o d n.) a n d to e v e r y 1 N e > 0 h a s property there is a k 1 so that the density of integers satisfying n o n e of the c o n g r u e n c e s (3) a.(mod n.) 1 is less than E . N 1< i< k 1 is said to h a v e property PZ if there is a s e q u e n c e of residues a. so that the density of the integers satisfying n o n e of the c o n g r u e n c e s (3) is i k less than a . It has p r o p e r t y P 3 if this holds for a l m o s t all (i. e. 0( II ni) ) i=l choices of the residues a.. P 3 clearly holds if there is a s u b s e q u e n c e {nir } with 1 1 r ni r = 0o, (nirl, n irZ) = i, but at the m o m e n t I do not see a n e c e s s a r y a n d sufficient condition. P2 certainly d o u b t h o i d s if a n d o n l y if these iines and must trivial 1 1 is equivalent of integers O. but it also holds if I formulated these problems of the reader to choose with the condition: which does not satisfy On the other hand observe so that every integer suffices 1 iIE ~-i = ~ " ask the indulgence is clearly the density 1< k < ~ a. ia~.~-=l~i = ~ , if s o m e n.1 = Zi" Pl no whiie writing of t h e q u e s t i o n s are or false. Pl a. h o i d s if a. = i. 1 satisfies For every choice of the residues any of the congruences that it is trivial 1 that one can find residues at least one of the congruences By a s l i g h t m o d i f i c a t i o n ai(mod n.), a.(mod 1 n.) - - we can obtain a problem 1 which 48 is p e r h a p s not trivial: Let n I < n Z < . . . w h a t is the n e c e s s a r y condition that residues a. exist so that all but a finite n u m b e r i satisfy one of the c o n g r u e n c e s (4) m O n e can also ask: --- a . ( m o d 1 W h a t is the n e c e s s a r y integers satisfy one of the c o n g r u e n c e s n.), 1 m > a n d sufficient of integers m n.. 1 a n d sufficient condition that a l m o s t all (4)? F o r particular choices of the decide if a l m o s t all integers a. (say a. = 0) it often is v e r y h a r d to i 1 satisfy one of the c o n g r u e n c e s a.(modl ni)" A v e r y old p r o b l e m Is it true that a l m o s t all integers h a v e t w o divisors of m i n e states: d I < d z < Zd I. If this conjecture is correct one could c h o o s e as m o d u l i the integers w h i c h are minimal relative to the property of having t w o divisors in the s e n s e that no p r o p e r divisor has that property. determine Many dI < d2< Zd l T h e choice a set satisfying at least one of the c o n g r u e n c e s a n d density di, d 2 with a. = 0 w o u l d then i with infinite c o m p l e m e n t I. further questions c a n be a s k e d but I leave their formulation to the reader. A set of c o n g r u e n c e s integer satisfies at m o s t system a i ( m o d ni) , n I < n 2 < ... one of these c o n g r u e n c e s . is called disjoint if every I conjectured that no covering can be exact i. e. every integer satisfies exactly one of the covering congruences. Mirsky and Newman v e r y s i m p l e proof of m y Let a i ( m o d hi), be a disjoint system. as possible. Put Szemeredi a n d R a d o found a conjecture. Stein a n d I asked: (5) a n d a little later D a v e n p o r t i < n I < ... < n k < x maxk = g(x), determine or estimate g(x) as accurately and Iproved m1+ E -Cl(lOg x) xe Z < g(x) < x c2 (log x) We believe that the l o w e r b o u n d is closer to the truth. Szemer6di and I tried 49 unsuccessfully to give n e c e s s a r y and sufficient conditions for a s e q u e n c e of m o d u l i n I < ... < n k that a disjoint s y s t e m A s far as I k n o w a.(modl n.),1 1 < i < k the following question w h i c h m a y be of s o m e interest has not yet b e e n investigated: L. for w h i c h (5) is a disjoint s y s t e m be greater than obably m. cm L e t all th~ 1 = m a x Z n. should exist. 1 em --0 as m-- oo. If true estimate 1 . Perhaps greater than it w o u l d be better to require that all p r i m e factors of the covering congruences. sizes. are m. T h e r e are m a n y SchBnheim: n Let ~ recent generalisations of covering c o n g r u e n c e s and exact H e r e I only state a beautiful conjecture of H e r z o g a n d kbe a finite A b e l i a n group. HI,...,H. k are cosets of different P r o v e that i=~ H i n e v e r gives an exact covering of ~. References Summa P. E r d ~ s , O n the integers of the f o r m Brasil Math. ii(1950), I13-IZ3. P. E r d ~ s a n d I<. S z e m e r ~ d i , A r i t h m e t i c a 15(1968), 85-90. P. E r d ~ s , O n a p r o b l e m L a p o k 3(195Z), IZZ-IZ8. Zk + p On a problem on s y s t e m s and s o m e related p r o b l e m s , of E r d ~ s and Stein, A c t a of c o n g r u e n c e s (in H u n g a r i a n ) Mat. S. L. G. Choi, C o v e r i n g the set of integers by c o n g r u e n c e classes of distinct moduli, Math. C o m p . Z5(1971), 885-895. Comp. S. J. B e n k o s k i and P. E r d ~ s , Z8(1974), 617-623. O n w e i r d a n d pseudoperfect n u m b e r s , Math. 50 3. Some applications of covering c o n g r u e n c e s In 1934 i%omanoff p r o v e d that the l o w e r density of integers of the f o r m 2k + p many is positive. He wrote me w h e t h e r I can p r o v e that there are infinitely o d d integers not of the f o r m on covering c o n g r u e n c e s 2k + p. and I proved there is an arithmetic p r o g r e s s i o n w h i c h is of the f o r m 2k + p This question led m e to the p r o b l e m s -- using covering c o n g r u e n c e s -- that consisting entirely of odd n u m b e r s (this w a s p r o v e d independently no t e r m of by V a n d e r C o r p u t too). It is easy to see that if one could p r o v e that there a r e covering w i t h arbitrarily large metic progression most r n I then it w o u l d follow that for e v e r y no t e r m distinct p r i m e of w h i c h is of the f o r m T h e following question s e e m s of 27 the f o r m where r O r It is e x t r e m e l y and o d d integers not of recently p r o v e d is s q u a r e f r e e ? ~ > 0 there is a n r > r0(~ ) so that the l o w e r kI kr + ... + 2 is greater than I - ~ . Let PI' " " " " Pk becomes be the s e q u e n c e f(n) the n u m b e r of integers with of solutions of f(n) > 0. h o p e that the density of our s e q u e n c e of this type s e e m s that Zk + L where Is it true Z Pi ~ L a n d let a I < a 2 < ... In v i e w of i%omanoff's result one w o u l d exists. to be far b e y o n d our resources. n,f(n) > o log log n 105 ~ai} 2k + p = n Unfortunately to decide questions I p r o v e d that for infinitely but could not decide w h e t h e r is the largest integer for w h i c h all the n u m b e r s f(n) = 0(log n). primes. I am fairly certain that this conjecture is true. likely that for infinitely m a n y squarefree. n all the integers I conjectured n - 2k, 1 < k < log n -- seems for i = l,...,k? D e n o t e by many a p p a r e n t if w e p o s e be a n y finite set of p r i m e s . that e v e r y sufficiently large odd integer is of the f o r m every 2k + @ Is there in fact a n odd integer not of this f o r m ? T h e connection with covering c o n g r u e n c e s the following question: (using p + 2 Is it true that e v e r y sufficiently large o d d integer is of the f o r m @ r or f e w e r doubtful if covering c o n g r u e n c e s In the opposite direction Gallagher of Linnik) that to every r D o they contain an Schinzel p r o v e d that there a r e infinitely m a n y density of integers of the f o r m where has at Is it true that for every of a p r i m e Is the density of these integers positive? p + Zk + Z £. the m e t h o d v e r y difficult: o d d integers not the s u m infinite arithmetic p r o g r e s s i o n ? will help here. r there is an arith- factors. there are infinitely m a n y powers 2k + O systems log Z O n the other h a n d it n - 2k ' Zk < n are are 51 Incidentally I a m sure that lira (ai+1 - a.) = oo. This would certainly follow if there are covering s y s t e m s with arbitrarily large n I. T h e following s o m e w h a t v a g u e conjecture can be formulated. Consider all the arithmetic progressions (of odd n u m b e r s ) no t e r m of w h i c h is of the f o r m 2k + p. Is it true that all these progressions can be obtained f r o m covering congruences and that all (perhaps with a finite n u m b e r in any of these progressions are of the f o r m of exceptions) integers not Zk + p? Finally C o h e n and Selfridge proved by covering congruences that there is a n arithmetic progression of odd n u m b e r s no t e r m of w h i c h is of the f o r m Zk + p ~ and Schinzel used covering congruences for the study of irreducibility of polynomials. References P. ErdSs, O n integers of the f o r m Zk + p and s o m e related problems, Summa Brasil Math. 2(1950), 113-123. F o r further literature on covering congruences see P. ErdSs, S o m e p r o b l e m s in n u m b e r theory, C o m p u t e r s in n u m b e r theory, Proc. Atlas Syrup. Oxford 1969 Acad. P r e s s 1971, 405-414. A. Schinzel, Reducibility of polynomials, ibid. 73-75. F. C o h e n and J. L. Selfridge, Not every n u m b e r is the s u m or difference of two p r i m e powers, Math. of C o m p u t a t i o n Z9(1975), 79-8Z. 52 4. An if n o 1 ~--< ai Some unconventional infinite s e q u e n c e extremal I_< a I < ... problems of i n t e g e r s is called a n A sequence a. is the distinct s u m of o t h e r a's. I 0 r o v e d that for e v e r y A sequence I 1 i00. Sullivan o b t a i n e d a v e r y substantial i m p r o v e m e n t , he proved ~--< ai It w o u l d b e interesting to d e t e r m i n e z! max where the m a x i m u m 4. is e x t e n d e d ai o v e r all A sequences. greater than Z. b I < b Z < ... some so that t h e r e s h o u l d b e a n absolute constant the o t h e r s e q u e n c e s Perhaps A Sullivan c o n j e c t u r e s that this m a x i m u m Is it p o s s i b l e to obtain n e c e s s a r y sequences c and every considered A n v sequence The the inequalities of L e v i n e (see their f o r t h c o m i n g E 1 ai shows < log Z + ~ that this is best Usually and one the is rarely Here mentioned Another Let as As I r e f e r to this p r o b l e m as (I). (I) for is a n t e n d s to infinity, npn + A sequence I,... , Zn of these extremal and of i n t e g e r s Ryavec problems and others s u c h that all the s u m s is difficult proved n i that if ~iai '~ i =0 n ~ -!-I < Z - zn_----l 7- equality if a n d only if a. = zi-l. -i i=l ai oldest p r o b l e m s i _ < a I < ... < a n _ < x Is it true that far as I k n o w c o u p l e of s i m p l e i< a I < q u e s t i o n c a n b e a s k e d for all that if n_< a I < ... n I conjectured II): L e t a r e distinct. follows: --0 determination is a s e q u e n c e p r o o f o r disproof. for possible. exact I and Cbn p a p e r in A c t a A r i t h m e t i e a ) . I call attention to o n e of m y in an < n 1 a r e all distinct t h e n n i~=l~iai = E successful. 1 _< a.l < " " " < a n or where n satisfying a n d Sullivan c a n solve p r o b l e m I c o n j e c t u r e d a n d L e v i n e just p r o v e d then same in this p a 0 e r . is only a little a n d sufficient conditions for b e s u c h that all the s u m s n < log x + C ? log Z I offer 3 0 0 dollars for a this c o u l d h o l d w i t h extremal ( w h i c h is of c o u r s e problems C = 3. w h i c h I c a n not s o l v e state a s ... b e a s e q u e n c e of i n t e g e r s for w h i c h all the s u m s a + a. -i j 1 a r e different. D e t e r m i n e max )2--. W e get different p r o b l e m s if i = j is ai p e r m i t e d o r not -- but I c a n not s o l v e a n y of t h e m . Let a's. a 0 = 0, a I = 1 < a Z < ... i Determine rain ~ - - . ai In s o m e c a s e s o n e e n c o u n t e r s our sequence let sum has density a I < a Z < ... of t w o g r e a t e r 0 b e s u c h that e v e r y i n t e g e r is the s u m problems but it is m u c h b e a n infinite s e q u e n c e a's. of t w o where it is not h a r d to p r o v e that I ~-< 0% e.g. i ai of i n t e g e r s w h e r e n o a.i divides the harder S~rkozi and I proved to p r o v e that that the d e n s i t y of s u c h a s e q u e n c e 53 is 0 but w e could not prove (I). The following such that no say, if finite a. divides 1 x = 3n and the 1 ~--< a. i problem o0 and are n o w h e r e near of settling p r o b l e m remains the sum of two a's are the here. greater integers Let a's. 1 <__ a 1 < . . . < a k <__ x Then Z n , Z n + 1. . . . k < [ 3 ] + 1. -,3n. be Equality, References P. Erdbs, P r o b l e m s and results in additive n u m b e r theory, Colloque sur la th~orie des n o m b r e s , Bruxelles. G e o r g e Thone, Li@ge; M a s s o n and Cie, Paris (1955), IZ7-137. P. E r d B s and A. S~rkozi, O n the divisibility properties of sequences of integers, Proc. L o n d o n Math. Soc., ZI(1970), 97-101. 54 5. Some more extremal problems in additive a n d multiplicative n u m b e r theory S i d o n calls a s e q u e n c e of integers I <__a I < . . . a B k s e q u e n c e if the s u m s k ~.~ a ,s . = 0 or 1 a r e all distinct. S i d o n a s k e d in 1933: find B k s e q u e n c e for i=l i r i I which a tends to infinity as s l o w l y as possible. It is e a s y to see that t h e r e is n a B Z s e q u e n c e with a n < C n 3 for all n. O n e of the m o s t challenging p r o b l e m s here states: Is t h e r e a B Z sequence with a / n 3 -- 0 -- I give i00 dollars for a n p r o o f o r disproof. I of c o u r s e e x p e c t that s u c h a s e q u e n c e exists -- in fact I a m Z+~ s u r e that t h e r e is a B Z s e q u e n c e with a < n for e v e r y E > 0 a n d n > n0(s ). n 2+~ P~gnyi a n d I p r o v e d b y probabilistic m e t h o d s that t h e r e is a s e q u e n c e a < n n for w h i c h f(m) = ~ 1 < c ai+aj=m ~ the o t h e r h a n d I p r o v e d where the c o n s t a n t c depends that for e v e r y B 2 sequence n = oo in fact if { a n } is a basis t h e n An n l i m sup n=o0 n n (i) be i m p r o v e d ? On a lim sup-~ Can E . E a (i) only o n > 0. log n old c o n j e c t u r e of T u r i n lira s u p f(n) = co, more and myself generally: let a states that Z < c n D n n = l,Z,.., is it then true that lira s u p f(n) = 0o ? I offered a n d offer 3 0 0 dollars for a p r o o f or d i s p r o o f of these c o n j e c t u r e s . The interval. exceeding B sequences Denote n. behave quite differently if w e by Bk(n) the m a x i m u m Turin and I (see also C h o w l a ) (l+o(1))n I/Z < (l) (i) is of c o u r s e mentioned in I and number restrict t h e m of t e r m s of a Bk to a finite sequence proved Bg(n) < n I/2 + c n I/4 . II. We conjecture B z ( n ) = nl/Z + o(i) . (Z) I offer 3 0 0 dollars for a p r o o f o r d i s p r o o f of (2). Bose a b o v e for with Turan and Chowla k >__3. breaks They observed observe down and that it is v e r y h a r d to e s t i m a t e B 3 ( n ) >__ (l+o(1))n I/3 B 3 ( n ) <__ (l+o(1))n I/3 Incidentally if a I < a Z < . . . that lira s u p a n / n 3 = oo , but r e m a r k Bk(n) from that o u r p r o o f is open. is a n infinite B3 sequence t h o u g h I h a v e no d o u b t that this is true. I cannot prove not 55 We a r e v e r y far f r o m as far as I k n o w which being able to solve p r o b l e m there is not e v e n a reasonable (I) for Bk sequences -- conjecture. L e v i n e in a recent letter to m e asked: Is there a B Z s e q u e n c e a n d a n 1 ~ i/2 ~ _ o0 o It follows f r o m m y results that for every 6 > 1 i ai (log ai) s > l (3) ~ ai)i/Z(log )6 i (a i l o g l o g a. 1 But I h a v e an e x a m p l e of a B 2 < o0. s e q u e n c e for w h i c h 1 (4) z I/z i a. 1 = ~" (log log a.) 1 In trying to close the gap b e t w e e n (3) a n d (4) L e v i n e asked: Is it true that (ai log ai)i/Z(log log a.)1 converges for every I proved: BZ sequence? There exists a n infinite BZ s e q u e n c e with Bz(n) (5) lira s u p n=0o i/2 in (5) w a s improved possible result could be to I/Z I/Z i. by K r u c k e b e r g . a I < a Z < ... < a k modulus a n d a perfect difference set There is an integer b l , . . . , b u + 1 so that every residue the a's occur amongst the be a n y m = u mod BZ rood m Z sequence. m T h e n there exists a w h i c h contains the + u + 1 and seem like this h a v e b e e n investigated a n d in s o m e structures. (I) the best u + 1 residues is uniquely of the f o r m a' s. In rood m , b.1 - b.j a n d b's. This conjecture if true w o u l d a n d others, In v i e w of This w o u l d follow if the following conjecture of m i n e Let m , n w o u l d hold: other w o r d s : 1 --Ui-/z _>~ for Steiner s y s t e m s to m e to be v e r y interesting. cases solved by T r e a s h , a n d other m o r e Questions Lindner complicated combinatorial 0 56 References P. ErdBs and A. P~nyi, Additive properties of r a n d o m sequences of positive integers, Acta Arith 6(1960), 83-110, see also Halberstam-P~oth, Sequences, Oxford Univ. Press, 1966. P. ErdSs and P. TurAn, O n a p r o b l e m of Sidon in additive n u m b e r theory and on s o m e related problems, Journal L o n d o n Math. Soc. 16(1941), Z12-Z16, A d d e n d u m 19(1944), 208. A. Stbhr, Gelbste und ungelbste F r a g e n ~iber B a s e n der nat~irlichen Zahlenreihe I, II J. reine a n g e w Math. 194(1955), 40-65, ili-140. This paper has m a n y p r o b l e m s and results and a very extensive bibliography. It contains the proof of (i) and (5). C. Treash, T h e completion of finite incomplete Steiner triple systems with applications to loop theory, J. Combinatorial Theory, Set A 10(1971), Z59Z65, for a sharper result C. C. Lindner, E m b e d d i n g partial Steiner triple systems, ibid 18(1975), 349-351. Math. F. Kr[{ekeberg, B z - F o l g e n und verwandte Zahlenfolgen, J. reine a n g e w Z06(1961), 53-60. 57 6. Graham Problems on infinite subsets a n d Rothschild conjectured that if w e classes then there a l w a y s is a n infinite s e q u e n c e split the integers into t w o aI < a 2 < ... so that all the finite s u m s (i) 52ekak , a r e in the s a m e ek = 0 or 1 . class. This conjecture w a s fied by B a u m g a r t n e r . proved recently by H i n d m a n a n d the proof w a s simpli- I just h e a r d that G l a s e r using a n idea of Galvin obtained a v e r y interesting topological proof of the t h e o r e m . A f e w days a g o I asked: Is there a function f(n) so that if w e integers into t w o classes there a l w a y s is a s e q u e n c e holds for infinitely m a n y n Galvin just s h o w e d splitting as follows: Let a n d so that that no s u c h F(m) in the first class if y > F ( x ) -- o0 a I < ... split the for w h i c h an < f(n) (I) holds ? f(n) exists. T o see this he defines a x sufficiently fast. P u t n = g y, y odd. n a n d is in the s e c o n d class if y < F(x). is It is easy to see that this construction gives a counter e x a m p l e . There problem. k (or m i g h t be t w o w a y s to save the situation a n d obtain s o m e Is it true that there is a n N0) classes there is a s e q u e n c e one of the classes is disjoint f r o m ask a weaker classes, statement: i.e. {A } The ekXk {x } of p o w e r c a n d the s u m s x + y = z of S ? S, y ~ S sequence of S a l m o s t disjoint and co c {an}, all the classes is A into t w o classes. so that all the s u m s Let Sx be a set of real Is there then a set so that all the s u m s If the a n s w e r is no then w e {Xc~1 + x a 2 } also could p e r h a p s a s s u m e a r e distinct. V a n d e r !~aerden's t h e o r e m . of positive density. n is not solvable in S. I thought of strengthening H i n d m a n ' strengthened (i) do not m e e t Split the real n u m b e r s Is the following true: in the c o m p l e m e n t belong to the c o m p l e m e n t x + y, x ( many 1 < ~ < co (A0zlf-hA~z) < ~ 0 -c then there is an infinite s e q u e n c e f(n) for infinitely m a n y class? so that the equation that all the n {Xn)X n< a r e in the s a m e numbers One would even is a set of integers s e c o n d possibility w o u l d be: Is there a s e q u e n c e ~kak? Divide the integers into c o n t i n u u m < f(n), for infinitely m a n y nontrivial split the integers into a I < a Z < ..., a n < f(n) so that at least the set of all s u m s the initial ordinal of the continuum, a f(n) so that if w e s theorem in the s a m e Is the following true: Is there an infinite s e q u e n c e w a y as S z e m e r 6 d i Let A a I < a Z < ... be a a n d an ? 58 integer t observed so that all the integers a. + a. + t a r e in the s a m e c l a s s ? Straus l j that the full s t r e n g t h of H i n d m a n ' s t h e o r e m d o e s not h o l d in this case. Some t i m e a g o I thought of the following fascinating possibility: the i n t e g e r s into t w o classes. Is it true that t h e r e a l w a y s Divide is a s e q u e n c e al, a 2 .... so that all the finite s u m s same ~ ¢ .a. a n d all the finite p r o d u c t s II a. a r e in the x I i I A t this m o m e n t the p r o b l e m is open. M o r e g e n e r a l l y o n e c a n ask: class. Is t h e r e a n infinite s e q u e n c e formed from answer is n o but no c o u n t e r e x a m p l e The the a's a I < a Z < ... a r e in the s a m e following m u c h a I < a 2 < ... weaker so that all the m u l t i l i n e a r class? One would perhaps expressions guess that the is in sight. c o n j e c t u r e is also open: Is t h e r e a s e q u e n c e so that all the s u m s class? Perhaps Graham proved we a. + a and products a a. a r e in the s a m e i j 1 j s h o u l d also r e q u i r e that the a a r e also in the s a m e class. 1 that if w e four distinct n u m b e r s Hindman proved divide the integers x, y, x+y, x y that if w e divide the integers four distinct n u m b e r s the s a m e S o far nothing is k n o w n Answering there always (i=j p e r m i t t e d ) a r e in the s a m e Hindman just i n f o r m e d that this will b e c o r r e c t e d found a decomposition sequence exists. h a s density theory), is a n infinite s e q u e n c e 0. class - Z 5 Z is best possible. Z < t < 990 all g r e a t e r than in c a s e w e a q u e s t i o n of E w i n g s , the J o u r n a l of c o m b i n a t o r i a l into t w o c l a s s e s t h e r e a r e all in the s a m e there are always class. < Z5Z Hindman that if w e into t w o classes, 1 x, y, x+y, assume proved xy then all of all the i n t e g e r s >__3. (will a p p e a r s o o n in divide the integers into t w o c l a s s e s x I < x Z < ... so that all the s u m s x i + x. J class. me that t h e r e m a y b y the t i m e this p a p e r into t h r e e c l a s s e s In fact H i n d r n a n b e a g a p in his proof, appears. A[, A Z, A 3 observes but I h o p e O n the o t h e r h a n d h e so that no s u c h infinite that o n e of his s e q u e n c e s say A 1 In his e x a m p l e (i) Al(X ) = ~ 1 < c x I/2 . ai~ A 1 a,<x 1-- It is not yet clear w h e t h e r More than I0 y e a r s (and to w h a t a g o P~. L. extent) Grahaln (1) c a n b e i m p r o v e d . and I conjectured that if w e the i n t e g e r s into t w o c l a s s e s t h e n (2) 1 = 1Z !x i ' Xl < x 2 < "'" (finite s u m ) split 59 is a l w a y s solvable with the x. all in the s a m e class. This should probably not 1 generalisations are possible. be too difficult. Clearly m a n y References n, Neil H i n d m a n , Finite s u m s with s e q u e n c e s within cells of a partition of J. C o m b i n a t o r i a l T h e o r y Ser A 17(1974), i-ii, J. B a u m g a r t n e r , ibid. 384-386. 80 7. Let 1 _< a I < ... < an minimum number r a' s. of the A new extremal problem be a s e q u e n c e of integers. of distinct integers w h i c h are the s u m I conjectured that for every r and If true this s e e m s difficult a n d s e e m s extremely E > 0 D e n o t e by fr(n) the or product of exactly if n > n0(E , r), fr(n) > n r-E to require n e w ideas (unless of c o u r s e an obvious point is being overlooked). Szemer6di and I observed that it follows f r o m d e e p results of F r e i m a n that ~=~fz(n)/n but even the proof of fz(n) > n i+¢ = ~, seems to p r e s e n t great difficulties. Z fz(n) > n - - (log is certainly false. Perhaps n D e n o t e by F(n) 2 n) k the true o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e of fz(n) is exp (-c log n/log log n) . the smallest integer so that there are at least integers w h i c h are the s u m or p r o d u c t of distinct a.'s. It s e e m s F(n) distinct certain that I F(n) > n k for but I h a v e not b e e n able to p r o v e this. n > no(k) By a remark of V~. Straus it holds for k=Z. # It is not h a r d to see that of F(n) exp (log n) c , (i) holds for e v e r y T h e following m o r e be a g r a p h of n integer Perhaps the true o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e is (i) perhaps F(n) I/n --1. c. general p r o b l e m vertices and k x i,x i ~ x., 1 < i < j < n. j the t w o integers -1 edges. j and m i g h t be of interest. T o e a c h v e r t e x of G If x. is joined to x. ~ J _ x. + x. c > 1 x.x.. 1 3 T h u s w e associate Let G(n;k) w e associate an w e associate to the edge Zk integers to the g r a p h 61 G(n;k). ing to and D e n o t e by G(n;k). A(G(n;k)) the smallest n u m b e r if log log kn -- Z Perhaps then of distinct integers c o r r e s p o n d - A(G(n;k)) > n Z-E for every n > nO. conjecture This conjecture if true is a far reaching extension of m y Z-c fz(n) > n All these conjectures c a n be extended to the c a s e w h e n the x. G > 0 original a r e real I or c o m p l e x numbers or e l e m e n t s For a few weeks of a vector space. I thought that the following result m i g h t hold (here a n d our g r a p h is regular of d e g r e e one). integers. the Zn T h e n there a r e at least numbers Let I i al,...,an; (or at least { a +b ,a.b.}, i = I,Z ..... n. I too optimistic. n+l A. cn) b I.... ,b n llubin s h o w e d t h a t numbers amongst the among I was much I T h e conjecture certainly fails for can be real n u m b e r s Zn distinct n u m b e r s c > I/Z a n d if the ! b's be n = Zm then there d o n o t h a v e {ai+bi, aibi}. to be m o r e It is a l m o s t than cn I/Z certain that the s a m e a.'s and i distinct holds if the a. a n d b. are restricted to be integers, but as far as I k n o w R u b i n did not l i i+~ yet w o r k out the details. If w e a s s u m e k > n or p e r h a p s only k / n --0o one p e r h a p s m i g h t get s o m e results but I do not h a v e a n y plausible conjecture so far. 62 Some 8. unconventional Is t h e r e a s e q u e n c e aI < a Z < problems ... on primes of integers satisfying A(x) = ~ 1< a.<x 1 log x so that all sufficiently l a r g e i n t e g e r s a r e of the f o r m p + a. ? If this i s 1 i m p o s s i b l e then p e r h a p s such a sequence exists for which the density of i n t e g e r s not of the f o r m p + a. is O. Clearly many s i m i l a r questions can be asked for i o t h e r s e q u e n c e s then the p r i m e s but t h e r e a r e v e r y f e w results. Ruzsa proved that t h e r e is a s e q u e n c e integer is of the f o r m of i n t e g e r s Zk + a . a I < a Z < .... A(x) < c x / l o g x so that e v e r y Is it true that t h e r e is s u c h a s e q u e n c e for e v e r y 1 c< log Z + E The prime integers w h i c h k-i~ple conjecture d o not f o r m t h e r e are infinitely m a n y primes. This problem infinite s e q u e n c e states: a complete integers Let aI < set of r e s i d u e s n rood p so that all the integers is u n a t t a e k a b l e at present. of integers. ... < a~ It w o u l d Let are prime. Perhaps it w o u l d for a n y p. n reasonable are be an b e interesting to find a n e c e s s a r y be more Then {n+ai} I < i < k a I < a Z < ... sufficient condition for the e x i s t e n c e of infinitely m a n y n + a. be a set of and so that all the integers to p e r m i t for e a c h n a 1 finite n u m b e r of exceptions. should be mentioned here: An Are so that all but a finite n u m b e r number of p r i m e s unfortunately old a n d v e r y fascinating c o n j e c t u r e there two sequences of the s u m s a a r e of the f o r m nobody can prove aI < a Z < of O s t m a n ... ; b I < b Z < ... + b . a r e p r i m e s a n d all but a finite z 3 T h e a n s w e r is o b v i o u s l y No'. but a. + b ? i 3 this. H o r n f e c k showed that both s e q u e n c e s must b e infinite. Let us now r e t u r n to o u r p r o b l e m . If n is s u c h that all the integers n + a., i = 1,2 .... a r e p r i m e s w e first of all clearly m u s t h a v e (n+a.) ~ (n+a.) i 1 j a n d w h a t is m o r e (n+ai, n+aj) = i. Is it p o s s i b l e to find a n e c e s s a r y a n d sufficient condition for the following t h r e e p r o p e r t i e s of a n infinite s e q u e n c e is a n o t h e r infinite s e q u e n c e (ai+bj) ~ (ar+bs) , B so that i. 3. a. + b. a r e all p r i m e s ? I think p r o p e r t y i 3 but I h a d n o t i m e to think this o v e r carefully. reasonable conjecture. The problems may 1 and For change There (a.+b.,a + b ) = i, I 3 r s can probably be handled, Z 3 A? Z. the only h o p e w o u l d if w e permit for e a c h be a a. 1 b. a finite n u m b e r of e x c e p t i o n s also w e c o u l d restrict o u r s e l v e s 9 assume (a.+b. , a.+b. ) = i for i <_jl < Jz < o0. 1 De (l) J1 Bruijn, z JZ Turin and I considered f(n) = z ,.i the function . . . . . p < n n-p to asking: and 63 It is not difficult to s h o w (z) that ! x It follows from z f(n)-l, ± ~ x n< x fZ(n)-l. n< x n l r ( n + n ~) - lr(n) > c 1--oog n Hoheisel'sclassical that l i m inf f(n) > O. i"i=0o It is likely that (3) lira inf f(n) = 1 , n=o0 Perhaps f(n) = o(log log n). inaccessible there states: is a y < x A weaker To every ¢ > 0 conjecture there is an which x0 is perhaps so that for not quite every x > x0 so that (4) ~(x) - ~(y) < One lira sup f(n) = o0 n=o0 in fact feels that ~ ~(x-y). ~r(x) - it(y) should be usually of the o r d e r of m a g n i t u d e x-y a n d therefore it is r e a s o n a b l e to g u e s s that (4) is satisfied for e v e r y log x y < x - (log x) C for sufficiently large C. In fact I c a n not at this m o m e n t disprove: x-y w(x) - ~(y) < c I log x (5) (5) w o u l d imply f(n) < c logloglog n could try to study f(p) y < x- (log) C and perhaps li---~m ( n ) / l o g l o g l o g We for n > O. but this is e v e n h a r d e r than prove 1 ~(x) I conjectured 1 ~i p-pj (6) where o n c e optimistically in ~i Pj < p " log p. fZ(p) -- 1 . p< x that - 1 + o(i) (6), if true, is of c o u r s e hopeless. f(n). I could not 64 H e n s l e y and P~ichards r e c e n t l y s h o w e d that if the p r i m e k - t u p l e i s t r u e (in f a c t i t c e r t a i n l y " m u s t " there are infinitely m a n y absolute constant x for w h i c h y ~(x+y) > ~(x) + it(y), and in fact for an c > 0. (7) w(x) + w(y) + c Y / ( l o g y) < w(x+y) . l~ichards a n d I h a v e a f o r t h c o m i n g Monatshefte der Mathematik. There p a p e r on s o m e of these questions in is an i m p o r t a n t d i s a g r e e m e n t l~ichards believes that (7) holds for arbitrarily large values of x conjecture of c o u r s e b e t r u e ) t h e n f o r e v e r y l a r g e and y. c b e t w e e n us. a n d suitable I conjecture the opposite. O n e final conjecture: consecutive p r i m e s in Let n < ql < "'" < qk <--m be the s e q u e n c e of (n,m) k 1 < i=l qi -n for a certain absolute constant c. ~ p<m-n 1 --+c p Trivially the opposite inequality is not true, since there a r e arbitrarily large gaps b e t w e e n the p r i m e s . It does not s e e m to be trivial to p r o v e that (8) lira inf ( ~ m n=o0 z n< qi < m I - - qi-n - A) x p< m = _~ p A t p r e s e n t I do not see h o w to p r o v e (8). Eggleton, problems Selfridge a n d I a r e writing a long p a p e r on s o m e w h a t in n u m b e r of our p r o b l e m s theory. (9) We conjecture g(n) -- oo as a k < k Z÷s for Let (n-ak, n-at) = 1 for all g(n) = only p r o v e (i0) O u r p a p e r will a p p e a r in Utilitas M a t e m a t i c a . related to (I) states as follows: smallest integer for w h i c h unconventional n - - oo. a 0 = 0, a I = I, a k 0 < i < k. is the Put l ~ a. i=l I This is p r o b a b l y v e r y difficult. k > (log n) C, C = C(~), a k < C k log k if k > (log k) but p e r h a p s ~C We One can 65 where ~C depends on C. Perhaps (I0) is a little too optimistic, " m u s t " ( ? ) hold if k > exp(log k) I/2 Straus and I conjectured: primes. T h e n for k > k 0 but (i0) certainly w h i c h w o u l d easily i m p l y (9). Let Pl < PZ < " °" there always is an i < k0 be the s e q u e n c e of consecutive so that 2 (ii) Pk < Pk+iPk-i Selfridge with w h o m " w e discussed this p r o b l e m strongly doubted that (ii) is true, in fact he e x p r e s s e d the opposite conjecture. D e n o t e by f(k) the n u m b e r of changes of signs of the s e q u e n c e Z Pk - Pk+iPk-i " Perhaps f(k) --o0 as k 0 < i< k . tends to infinity, this of course w o u l d be a v e r y considerable strengthening of our conjecture with Straus. I cannot even prove Z A n old result of Tur~[n and m y s e l f states that Pk - Pk+iPk-i li~n=sup f(k) = o0 . has infinitely m a n y changes of signs. Put % = Pk+l - Pk" both have infinitely m a n y T u r g n and I p r o v e d that dk+ 1 > d k solutions. We and dk+l < ~k of course cannot prove that d k = d~+ 1 has infinitely m a n y solutions. W e further could not p r o v e that dk+ Z > dk+ 1 > d k has infinitely m a n y solutions. It is particularly annoying that w e could not p r o v e that there is n___oo k 0 (IZ) so that for every i > 0. d!<O+ i > dko+i+l if i - O(rnod Z) and Perhaps problems dko+i < % 0 + i + i w e overlooked a simple idea. on consecutive p r i m e s : if i ---l(mod 2)I '. T u r i n has s o m e Is it true that for every d very challenging and infinitely m a n y n Pn ---Pn+l ( m ° d d)? Finally, in connection of our conjecture with Straus and Selfridge's doubts, the following question of Selfridge and m y s e l f m i g h t be of interest: be a sequence of positive density. l<i< (13) Is it true that for infinitely m a n y k Z a k > ak+iak_ i ? Let k a I < a Z < ... and every 66 D o e s (13) hold if the density of a's is i? References I. Ruzsa, O n a p r o b l e m of P. ErdBs, Canad. Math. Bull. 15(1972), 309-310. Ira. ErdSs and P. Tur{n, O n s o m e n e w questions on the distribution of p r i m e n u m b e r s , Bull. A m e r . Math. Soc. 59(1948), ZTI-Z78, see also P. Erd}Js, O n the difference of consecutive primes, ibid 885-889. P. ErdSs and A. R4nyi, S o m e S i m o n Stevin 27(1950), 115-126. P. ErdSs and K. Prachar, Univ. H a m b u r g 26(1962), 51-56. p r o b l e m s and results on consecutive primes, S~tze und P r o b l e m e ~ber Pk/k, Abh. Math. Sea. P. ErdSs, S o m e applications of graph theory to n u m b e r theory, Proc. second Chapel Hill conference on c o m b math. , North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N C 1970, 136-145. P. Erd$s, S o m e (1972), 91-95. p r o b l e m s on consecutive p r i m e n u m b e r s , D. Hensley and Ian Richards, (1974), 375-391. Primes Mathenuatika 19 in intervals, Acta Arithmetica 25 67 9. Many Some extremal problems extremal problems explain w h a t I h a v e in m i n d < a < n k(n)- distinct. in real a n d c o m p l e x n u m b e r s on integers can be extended to real n u m b e r s . consider the following p r o b l e m : be a s e q u e n c e of integers. Then P r o b a b l y there is a (Z) c maxk n) 3/Z Assume that the products a a. are all i j < max k (n) < w(n) + c I n 3 / / og n) 3/Z so that (n) = w(n) + but (Z) will not c o n c e r n us now. real n u m b e r s . 1 <__a I < . . . (0 < c Z < Cl) w(n) + c Z n 3 //4(/l o g (i) Let To Assume c n3/~ Let /n 3/4/ ) og n) 3/Z + o \ / (log n) 3/Z I <__a I < . .. < ak(n) <__n be a s e q u e n c e of that lauav - atasl >l for every choice of the indices prove u,v,t,p. Does (i) r e m a i n true? I cannot even k (n) = o(n). Clearly nearly all the e x t r e m a l p r o b l e m s during m y long life can be extended in this way. munbers or m o r e lhil < n be n generally m e m b e r s complex numbers in n u m b e r In fact the a's of a vector s p a c e assume theory w h i c h I c o n s i d e r e d e.g. could be c o m p l e x Let h I ... h k, that lhahb - hchdl ~ 1 holds for e v e r y 1 5 _ a , b , c , d <_k. but at this m o m e n t How large can be If the h's I do not see it. max k ? o(n Z) is really certain are c o m p l e x integers a result like (Z) can undoubtedly be proved. Now I discuss s o m e more such questions. A s e q u e n c e of integers a I < a Z < ... is called a primitive s e q u e n c e if a i ~ a.. Primitive s e q u e n c e s h a v e 3 b e e n investigated a great deal see e.g° our s u r v e y p a p e r with S~rk~zi a n d S z e m e r e d l . I But p r o b l e m problem an e > 0 (1) is not yet solved for primitive sequences. (I) one could characterize the s e q u e n c e s and a primitive s e q u e n c e A s a first step to solve n I < n Z < . .. a I < . . . for w h i c h for w h i c h there is • 68 A ( Z nk) > E Z n k for every k = l,Z,... T h e generalisations problems: every Let to real s e q u e n c e s a I < a Z < ... seem be a s e q u e n c e to lead to interesting diophantine of real n u m b e r s and assume that for i,j,k (3) Ika i - ajl >__ 1. I cannot e v e n p r o v e that (3) implies A(x) lira - - A(x) = E l) = 0, x a<x 1 O n e w o u l d guess that m o s t sequences of the a s y m p t o t i c properties w h i c h a r e valid for primitive also hold if only (3) is a s s u m e d . T h e only result is the following unpublished t h e o r e m that the fact is not true for primitive s e q u e n c e s believe that m u c h assumed of J. Haight. a's are rationally independent a n d satisfy (3). T h e n of integers. A(x)/-- / of the difficulty will already be e n c o u n t e r e d if the lecture at Q u e e n s College one m e m b e r a's a r e of the audience S. Shapiro) a s k e d the following question w h i c h I h a d overlooked: be a s e q u e n c e of real n u m b e r s . Assume J ]l ii i Is it then true Let (perhaps 1 < aI < ... that II aj lZl j for e v e r y pair of distinct choices of the finitely m a n y 13 .. J x In v i e w of Haight'sresult I to be rational n u m b e r s . During my and Assume --0. This in non-negative integers ~. i that (1) ~: 1 =A(x)<_~(x) ? a .<x 1-- (I) is certainly a fascinating conjecture. Beurling p r i m e numbers The a's are sometimes a n d h a v e a large literature - as far as I k n o w n e v e r b e e n c o n s i d e r e d before. A v e r y nice a n d unpublished called (i) has conjecture of Beurling 69 states: A s s u m e that the n u m b e r is x + o(log x). T h e n the a's l h a v e to apologize if m y not always r e m e m b e r of n u m b e r s satisfying not exceeding x references are s o m e t i m e s inaccurate but one does things O n c e the following beautiful p r o b l e m w a s D o e s there exist an infinite sequence of distinct G a u s s i a n p r i m e s I did not r e m e m b e r T h e conjecture w a s told m e theory m e e t i n g 1963 N o v e m b e r Motzkin. i w h o suggested a p r o b l e m in a discussion w h e r e m a n y [Yn+l " Y n I < C ? cleared this up. IIa. i are the primes. are m e n t i o n e d in rapid succession. attributed to m e : of the f o r m w h o told m e this but E. Straus by M o t z k i n at the P a s a d e n a n u m b e r and it w a s apparently raised by Basil G o r d o n and I naturally liked it very m u c h and told it right a w a y to m a n y people, naturally attributing it to Motzkin, but this w a s later forgotten. T h u s the p r o b l e m is returned to its rightful owners. T h e following p r o b l e m w a s considered by G r a h a m S be a m e a s u r a b l e set in the circle two points of S is an integer. How S~rkBzi and myself: Let IYl < r and a s s u m e that no distance b e t w e e n large can be the m e a s u r e of S ? S~rkSzi has the sharpest results, but nothing has been published yet. References P. ErdSs, O n s o m e applications of graph theory to n u m b e r theoretic problems, Publ. l%amanujan Inst. i(1969), 131-136, see also S o m e applications of graph theory to n u m b e r theory, T h e m a n y facets of graph theory Proc. Conf. W e s t e r n M i c h i g a n Univ. K a l a m a z o o 1968 Springer Verlag, Berlin 1969, 77-8Z. P. Erd}Js, A. S~rkSzi and E. Szemer4di, O n divisibility properties of sequences of integers N u m b e r theory Colloquium Bdlyai Math. Soc. N o r t h Holland Z(1968), 36-49. 70 I0. Let the number Some more unconventional problems a. < a. < ... b e a n infinite s e q u e n c e 1 I of solutions of of integers. Denote by f(n) V n = ~ a. Is there a sequence rightly for which criticized seems very as being strange and f(n) -- 0o as artificial attractive and . 1 i=u n-- 0o. This problem in the backwater to me. If a. = i can perhaps of Mathematics then f(n) be but it is the number of odd 1 divisors of n. probabilistic Iknow of no methods Leo example but they Moser and where do not I considered f(n) >__ Z seem the for all n > nO. I tried to work. case where the a. are primes. We con- 1 j e c t u r e d that We [ i m f(n) = 0o d o not e v e n k n o w MacMahon (1975), 9 2 2 - 9 2 3 ) sequence a n d that the density that the u p p e r and Andrews consider x.'s (i. e. density of the integers w i t h (see G. E. A n d r e w s , the following p r o b l e m . of integers w h e r e consecutive xn U x Iknowit I could Let xI < x Z < is not Andrews = (1+o(1)) even not settle ... be known f(n) > 0 Math (lower that no density) is positive. Monthly 32 b e the is not the s u m of that n log n loglog n x / - all I could x is the Jn sum -- o0 . do is to ask a few of consecutive other x.'s. n that the density exists. 1 = x I < x 2 < ... conjectures whether this question such Let f(n) = k 1 n far as Amer. is the s m a l l e s t integer w h i c h x n ~ ~x.). 1 As of integers w i t h questions. Is it true 1 of the x.'s is O? I am not sure about the density 1 but would be very surprised if the lower density would not be O. v Assume the density that x now of this that all the sequence > c n log n must is hold sums O. Ex are u i It is obvious for infinitely distinct. I am by a simple many n, thus now averaging the lower confident that process density is O. n It is not hard to show that for these sequences 1 E Z n<x --< x .1 C <n i ] holds for to prove an absolute or disprove constant this. C. Perhaps Z --=-~ X. 1 converges but I do not see how 71 Let x I = 1 < x Z < ... v ~x. sums u I am Xn is the s m a l l e s t integer for w h i c h a r e distinct. A simple counting a r g u m e n t gives x finite a n d infinite I am have time cn for all n. B Z 3 -- 0. All the p r o b l e m s on n c a n b e a s k e d h e r e too, but a l m o s t nothing is sequences not really s u r e h o w more question: I < ... < a k ~ n consecutive a's. Hofstadter of i n t e g e r s then consecutive sequence, m, n< m~ L(n) < L(n) integer so that for e v e r y which is not the s u m s e v e r a l of his p r o b l e m s sample as follows: What a I = 1, a Z = Z. is the a s y m p t o t i c of his p r o b l e m s : Let of the s e q u e n c e , behavior a I = Z, a 2 = 3. subtract Does were inspired Define a If a I < ... < a n is the s u m of t w o of this s e q u e n c e ? Form 1 and append l~epeat this o p e r a t i o n indefinitely. which of his p r o b l e m s : a n + l is the s m a l l e s t i n t e g e r w h i c h a's. of C n? is a s m a l l a I < a Z < ... a r e a l r e a d y defined, distinct e l e m e n t s b e the s m a l l e s t told m e Here Xn/ carefully. L(n) Is it true that b y this q u e s t i o n of U l a m . Another Let t h e r e is a n l~ecently D. with difficult t h e s e q u e s t i o n s a r e since I did not so far to investigate t h e m One or more < n s u r e that t h e r e is s u c h a s e q u e n c e sequence all the 3 1 known. l~a where all p r o d u c t s of t w o these elements to the this s e q u e n c e h a v e positive density? A f e w d a y s ago, a sequence 1 ~ a I < a 2 < ... a 2 ..... a k number Kenneth are already a a I = i, a n d the n u m b e r Let + a. < x. 1 x x). Then is a l w a y s put > x. 1 < i < j < k of solutions of hoped a + a which would Unfortunately, a. + a. < x is less t h a n 1 j-that this a n d a g o o d deal m o r e is true. Let is a n l<u al,...,a n nO <v< that the (or a 0 = 0, < x, 0 < i < j < k, j > 0 of solutions of of solutions of show we that m y There considered theorem J -- with Fuchs is that the n u m b e r is little doubt, though, the following question: Is it true that t h e r e v s o that for n > n O the n u m b e r of distinct s u m s of the f o r m .~ l=u ai' n, is less t h a n ~ n Z ? W e p r o v e d this if a. =i, but c o u l d not attack i the g e n e r a l case. of the i n t e g e r s a. + a. < x i j-< x will then a. + a c o u l d not e v e n p r o v e x + o(x). (of 1976) H a r h e i m be a permutation is less i-- that the n u m b e r that the n u m b e r of solutions of in S e p t e m b e r x - k 1 x + o ( x I/4+~) essentially best possible. Early is less t h a n / b e of the f o r m assume Define j-- x = a k + I. O b s e r v e Rosen -- a I = i, b e the s m a l l e s t i n t e g e r for w h i c h 1 than the following construction: inductively as follows: defined. of solutions of l~osen told m e l,Z,...,n. 72 References P. ErdBs and W. H. J. Fuchs, O n a p r o b l e m of additive n u m b e r J. L o n d o n Math. So¢. 31(1956), 67-73. theory, EXPLICIT FORMULAS IN THE T H E O R Y OF A U T O M O R P H I C FORMS C. J. Moreno. CONTENTS Introduction § i. § 2. § 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automorphic Representations and Euler P r o d u c t s . . . . . . . . . . i.i. Classical 1.2. Automorphic 1.3. Relation 1.4. Langlands' 1.5. The F u n c t i o n a l 1.6. Some E x a m p l e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rankin's Automorphic Forms Between 75 81 Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on Adele Modular 81 Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forms and Forms on Adele Groups 8Z . . Euler P r o d u c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equation Convolution 2.2. The Constant Term Matrix Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Some Euler P r o d u c t s 2.4. The A v e r a g e Zeros in the Critical 3.1. The H a d a m a r d 3.2. The First v o n M a n g o l d t 3.3. Explicit and for the E i s e n s t e i n their F u n c t i o n a l Size of the E i g e n v a l u e s Series Equations of H e c k e 99 99 of the 109 ..... Operators . . . Strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product Estimates Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Formula 9Z 95 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The I n g r e d i e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fo(N) 86 of Euler P r o d u c t s . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 131 148 148 15Z 158 74 § 4. § 5. § 6. Explicit Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1. The Second 4.2. Examples von M a n g o l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [70 Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 L(s,~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 of Explicit Zero Free Regions for 5.1. A Hadamard-Landau 5.2. Prime N u m b e r 5.3. The P r o b l e m Type Formula 170 Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of E x c e p t i o n a l Zeros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 193 197 Zeta D i s t r i b u t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 6.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 6.2. The E x p l i c i t Formula Z0[ References and W e y l Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZI5 75 Introduction The purpose of these notes is to study the analytic properties products associated to automorphic adele ring of the rationals. classic trilogy [ 30 ]. representations where ~ function T(n) does not vanish on the Secondly it is shown that the Euler product asso- ciated with T(n) 2, continuation to the whole s-plane with a pole at at first only defined for Re(s) > ii, s = ii. about the average behavior of has a meromorphic Lastly it is shown T(n) 2 gives some informa- T(n). In the years following the publication of Rankin's work, only his third paper received much attention becaus~ of its connection with Ramanujan's ture IT(p) l < 2p II/2. at least for automorphic representations have received little attention up till now. GL2~A), The first paper seems to It is our intention in these notes to extend these results of Rankin to the Euler products tations and to develop applications that the full sig- of the adele group of Rankin's second paper seems to have been realized. of automorphic represen- to a circle of ideas that have their origin in the proof of the prime number theorem. applications conjec- It is only in recent years, when harmonic analysis has yielded a novel point of view to the theory of modular forms, nificance, is the There it is first shown that the Euler product associated line of absolute convergence. tion about the size of GL2~), The genesis of this work is to be found in Rankin's to the well known Ramanujan arithmetical that good information of of Euler The results we obtain have important to the study of the arithmetical properties of automorphic represen- tations. To set the stage for our subsequent discussion, main results for the classical we now explain Rankin's theory of modular forms. The Euler product associated with the function ~(s) = (2~)-SF(s) ~ P T(n) is (i - T(p)p -s + pll-2s)-l, 76 where T(n) is the n-th coefficient of the q-expansion oo q ~ co (i - qn)24 = n=l In [ 30 ]-I [ T(n)qn. n=l Rankin proved, by a meLhod that is also applicable to the Euler products of all holomorphic cusp forms that are eigenfunctions of the Hecke operators, that ~(s) does not vanish on the line Re(s) = --.~ In these notes we show that indeed Rankin's method applies to the more general class of Euler products associated to cuspidal automorphic representations of GL2~A); further- more, we will obtain zero-free regions which are similar to those that arise in the study of Riemann's zeta function already exploited by Rankin in ~(s). [ 30 ]-II, A key idea in our >roof is the fact, that the coefficients of the Dirichlet series associated to the Euler products satisfy the Petersson-Ramanujan a fact now established by Deligne resentations of GL2~A) conjecture, [ 7 ] only for those cuspidal automorphic rep- over the rationals whose component at infinity belongs to the discrete series, on the average. In particular we prove a result, well known to experts but not stated explicitly in the literature, that implies that the coefficients in the Fourier expansion of a real analytic cusp form satisfy the Petersson-Ramanujan conjecture on the average. The proof of this result is along the same ideas as in [ 30 ]-III, and the crucial point is the possibility of obtaining sufficient information about the analytic nature of the Euler product associated with the Dirichlet series n~la(n)2n -s. had done in [ 30 ]-II when the a(n) This is indeed what Rankin are the Fourier coefficients of a holo- morphic cusp form which is an eigenfunction of the Hecke operators; respect it must be proved that the Euler product for real point on the line of absolute convergence, from the point of view of hamonic analysis, of the real analytic Eisenstein series at a(n) 2 in this has a pole at the and this is seen, in retrospect to depend on the distinguished pole s = 1 and the fact that the Petersson inner product of a cusp form with itself is essentially the residue of the Dirichlet series of a(n) 2 at the pole. cuspidal automorphic representations ~ More precisely we prove that given two and ~' of GL2~A) one can associate an 77 Euler product L(s,g×7') whose local factors are 3-dimensional, be the Euler product of an automorphic a meromorphic continuation representation GL3(/A), [ ii ], and has to the whole s-plane and has no zeros and at most one simple pole on the line of absolute convergence. representation of that seems to associated with When T(n), L(s,~ ×~) ~ = ~' is the automorphic is, after a trivial normalization, oo 2 -s n~iT(n) n . the Euler product of Other results that we prove are generalizations mulas of number theory. of the von Mangoldt In particular we study the distribution Euler products on the critical strip and also prove various formulas like the following for the Ramanjuan function 1"'#(2)(0) log for- of zeros of the types of explicit T(n): (x-l) X~ - T(p a) log p = -~ ~(i)(0 ) 0 -~-' p <x where the sum E P is taken over the zeros of ~(s). From this formula and the results already mentioned we obtain the estimate T(p) log p << xl3/2exp{-c(log p<__x which in a weaker form follows from Rankin [ 30 ]-I x)½}, and had been hinted at in the Princeton version of Hardy's Twelve lectures on Ramanujan tion of our explicit elliptic curve; formulas is to the Hasse-Weil representation log p = ~ ~ - + p~<_x N(p ~) = Card(EOFp~)) L(s,E) L(s,E) of an is the Euler ~ - 2L(2)(0'E) " - - + log (x-l), L(1)(0,E) runs over the non-trivial zeros of The interest in such a formula arises from the intriguing possibility that the multiplicity meaning and the sum Another applica- then XP (p~ + 1 - N(p~)) L(s,E). zeta function indeed it follows from our results that if product of an automorphic where [ 13 ]. [ 5 ]. of the zero at O = 1 does have a definite geometric In this direction we prove that, for the Euler product L(s,~) of a cuspidal automorphic representation ~, the order of vanishing of L(s,~) 78 at the real point on the critical line, which is the point of major interest in the case of elliptic curves, is bounded from above by the logarithm of the conductor (= level in the old terminology) of 7. Another problem that motivates our study of the analytic properties of the Euler products of automorphic representations, which is not entirely unrelated to the results we have stated above, is the possibility of carrying out for these Euler products the program first initiated by Riemann for die Anzahl der Primzahlen unter einer gegebenen Grosse"i ~(s) in his "Ueber It is to be hoped that a closer study of Euler products from the point of view of harmonic analysis may give some information concerning Riemann's observation that Euler products only vanish on the symmetry line of the functional equation. An initial contribution that we make in this direction is the derivation of an explicit formula for the Euler products of automorphic representations, (automorphic) representations as Well of extensions of GL 1 [ 41 ] had done for the of Galois type. Our explicit formula exhibits an element of Weyl-symmetry which closely resembles the constant term of an Eisenstein series associated to a maximal parabolic subgroup of a semisimple connected Lie group. The content of the various sections the notation used throughout these notes. is. as follows. In §2 In §i we introduce we develop Rankin's convolution trick [ 30 ]-II in a form which is most suitable to the applications we have in mind. §4 In §3 we study the zeros of Euler products in the critical strip. we obtain explicit formulas with error terms. inside the critical strip are obtained. In Finally in §5 §6 In zero-free regions we give a derivation of our explicit formulas with Weyl-symmetry and give also a general formulation of problems concerning the location of the zeros of Euler products of automorphic representations. One final remark about representations of the group ~. In these notes we work mostly with automorphic GL2~A) , where ~ is the adele ring of the rationals; although most of our computations do not generalize to extensions of ~, the 79 ideas do seem to apply, even to the case when linear group over a number field. GL 2 is replaced by a reductive We are unable to carry out such an investi- gation at the present time due to the absence of a concept of conductor of an automorphic representation, general enough to include an explanation of the well known shape of the local factors of Artin's Euler products at the ramified primes. This we hope to pursue in future publications. Another reason for working over is the implications that Langlands' funtoriality principle [ 24 ] has for the explicit estimates we carry out in these notes and which in the setting of GL 1 had already been hinted at by Lang [ 21]. Acknowledgment: I am greatful to R. R. Rao, R. A. Rankin and J.-P. Serre who, directly and indirectly, contributed many ideas developed here. received from an NSF grant. Support was During most of the writing of these notes the author was visiting member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton and an associate member of the Center for Advanced Study at the University of Illinois. would like to thank Nancy Lomax for her skillful typing. C. J. Moreno February 1977. I 80 §i. Automorphic Representations i.i. and Euler Products. Classical Automorphic Forms. We shall follow closely the notation of Gelbart's monograph H be the upper half plane, let real 2 × 2 G = GL 2 and let matrices with positive determinant" ~ = GL~) define all functions g(z) = (az + b)/(cz + d) and f define on H and g in ~ ]K Let be the group of for a pair g = (c a b) E ~ ' z E H [ i0 ]. d and 1 j(g,z) = (cz + d)(det g)-2-. For (fl [g]k)(z) = f(g(z))J(g, z)-k for any integer k. For any positive integer N F0(N ) = {(a b) ~ SL2(2Z): c _= rood" N}. For any two positive integers space M~(N,g) k and N (MI) f is holomorphic on (M2) fI [~]k = ~(a)-if f on E and any character of modular forms of weight of all complex valued functions let k, H level N of and type and observe that by g-IF (N)g (M2) consists H for all F (N) E the satisfying ~ = (~ ~) E F0(N). The next condition deals with the regular behavior of To state it we let (~/N) x be the kernel of the homomorphism of fI[y] k = f is commensurable with for all F0(N) , ~ E F (N). f at the cusps. r0(N): I~ ~ ) ÷ g ( d ) Now for any gEGL2(Q) , and hence g-iFe(N)g A PZZ = {(~ ml): m E 2g } for some integer n depending on triangular unipotent matrices). g (where Since P is the algebraic group of upper g-iF(N)g fixes fl[g] k and f is 81 holomorphic we have a Laurent expansion 2 gi mz fl[glk(Z ) = ~ am(g)e m n The regularity condition is then (M3) C For every g GL2(Q) A, and positive real number there exists a constant such that Ifl[g]k(x+iy) for all - a0(g) I j c exp(-2~y) y > A. The set Sk(N,E) of cusp forms is the subspace of functions in %(N,E) having the further property that (M4) s0(g) = for all 1.2. g E GL2(Q) and f ~/m (fl[g]k)(z+nx)dx = 0 z E H. Automorphic Forms on Adele Groups. Let ~ = ~Q denote the adele ring of the rationals and recall that the idele group has the decomposition /Ax = Qx.~R+ ~ (2g )x; P also recall that the unique factorization of an idele and the strong approximation law for SL2(Q) imply that GL2(/A) = GL2(Q)'GL2@R) ~ where Kp is any choice of subgroups of GL2(Q p) Kp, such that Kp = GL2(2Zp) for 82 all but a finite number of p, ~x P p. is surjective for all In our case {(: ~) E GL2(~p): divide N. Kp is open for the rest and the determinant map into will be the closure of c E 0 mod. N}. It is F0(N) GL2(~ p) GL2(~ p) precisely when Koo is taken to be the orthogonal group thought of as the discrete subgroup of in G/A = GL2~A) 02(~). p or does not GQ = GL2(Q) is also consisting of Q-rational points. The center Z/A (resp. ZQ) of GL2~A) (resp. GL2(Q)) scalar matrices and therefore is isomorphic to the ideles Let p denote the right regular representation morphic form on GL 2 is any function ~ on ~x of consists of (resp. QX). GL2~A). An auto- G/A satisfying the following conditions. (i) (ii) (iii) ¢(yg) = ~(g) for all for some grossencharacter ~ is right lates p(z)~, GL~ (~), z G for k E K = GL2(~) i.e. for all z ~ Z/A; the space of functions on is finite dimensional; alone, ~ is smooth and the trans- in the center of the universal enveloping algebra of C and for any compact set M Q in GL2~A) and A > 0, there exist con- such that 0 for all O(z)~ = ~(z)$ is finite dimensional; (v) stants o(k)~ as a function of for @ K = K • ~Kp-finite, G/A spanned by the translates (iv) y E GQ; g e ~, a ~/A x with lal > A. An automorphic form ~ clal M is called a cuspidal form if it also satisfies 83 the condition f ~((~ ~)g)dx = 0 Q\~ for almost all The space of cusp forms is denoted by A0(~). We also denote by L2(G~Gt~,~)W/~ the Hilbert space of measurable functions (i) (ii) ~(yg) = ~(g) for all p(z)~ = ~(z)~ g. ~ on G/A such that y E GQ for all z C Z/A and (iii) f l~(g)12dg < ~. Z/AGQ\G/A The subspace of by L2(GQ\%, ~) consisting of cuspidal functions is denoted L20(GQ\G/A,~). It should be noticed that subspace of L2(GQ~G/A,~) consisting of A0(~) K-finite,~-finite functions center of the universal enveloping algebra of unitary representation of G/A in GL2~)). L2(GQ~%,~) GL2~A) if it occurs in some Let pC(g) (~is the denote the given by right translation. An irreducible unitary representation of representation of coincides with the dense GL2(A) p~. is called an automorphic Recall that we have a decom- position pC = f~Sds@(~.~J ) J into a continuous part and a discrete part. An automorphic representation is called cuspidal if it is equivalent to a discrete component of fact that any irreducible unitary representation of GL2~A) [ i0], p. 76); we write such a representation in the form pC. We use the is factorizable (cf. ~ = ® ~ , where P P runs over all primes including the infinite one, and for each p, ~ P p denotes an 84 irreducible unitary representation of the local group Gp = GL2(Qp) o The repre- sentations which are of interest to us are those which have almost all their local components of class 1.3. i. Relation Between Modular Forms and Forms on Adele Groups. When convenient we shall make use of the isomorphism between the complex modular variety GL2(Q)\GL2(/A)/~XK and F\H g = g0googf ÷ where and K F is an open compact subgroup of is the inverse image in SL2(Q) into GL2(/Af) , /Af SL2(Zg) of morphic forms on K ~x the ring of finite ideles under the canonical injection of is identified with the subgroup b2 The map that takes holomorphic the subset z = goo(i), GL2(/Af) (cf. [ 3 ], p. iii); a2 given by GL2(/A) is given by GL 2 OR) p ~ Kp of GL2~A ) cusp forms of f ÷ ~f, Sk(N,~) on H to autog = goo'gc in where for an element we put ~f(goog c) = (fl[goo]k)(i)gA(g c); here gA is the grossencharacter following prescription: ~A = p ~ gp canonical homomorphism from putting putting (~ ~ ) ~ ~p(a). ~Xp to The function ~f(%g) = ~f(g) be an automorphic form on H, of for any GL2~A). ~x and determined by Cp (~ /N)X" ~f ~ according to the is the pull back of gA is extended to is extended to all of y C GL2(Q). g The new function by the ~ Kp GL2~A) ~f by turns out to If we start with a real analytic form then by the same prescription we get an automorphic form by letting ~f(g~gc ) = (f[[g~]o)(i)gA(gc). by f on 85 We shall make full use of the one-to-one correspondence between the eigenfunctions of the Hecke operators on the space of holomorphic cusp forms or real analytic cusp forms which are new forms and automorphic representations (cf. [i0 ], p. 94, Theorem 5.19). 1.4. Langlands' Euler Products. We now review briefly Langlands' construction of Euler products from automorphic representations (cf.[~3 ], §2). The basic details for this construction can be found in Satake [ 32 ]. concern G = GL2, the following construction particular we may take For p elements and K Although most of the applications we make G to be a Chevalley group. a finite prime let Gp = G(Qp) the maximal compact subgroup P p = ~ we put works for more general groups; in G = G~R), be the group of G(~ ). P the group of real points and Qp-rational For the infinite prime Koo the maximal compact subgroup of G~, say corresponding to the involution associated to a Chevalley basis. As usual the adele group for all primes p G/A is the restricted direct product of the groups with respect to the compact subgroups subgroup of principal ideles in primes p is clearly a compact subgroup of K = ~ K p P GQ is the discrete taken over all G/A. Let L2(GQ\~A) be the space of all square integrable functions on GQ\~A lations by elements of Let ~ be the semisimple Lie algebra of Let be the Caftan subgroup of K. a Cartan subalgebra o f ~ . ~ G/A. The product Kp. . Fix a Borel subgroup consists of the B containing ~ • L2(G~G/A ) / T which are invariant under right trans- T. G with G and + Lie algebra The subspace of cusp forms L~(G~G/A) with ~(ng)dn = 0 Gp for all g E G/A, 86 where N for all is the unipotent radical of the parabolic P except G. For a prime subgroup P containing p, which may be infinite, H B, will denote P the algebra of all compactly supported regular Borel measures on G which are P invariant under left and right translations by elements Kp; (cf. multiplication is given by convolution define the operator %(~) on L~(GQ\G u /A) %(~)~(g) of the compact subgroup [ 9 ], p. 278). If ~ E Hp, by = f ~(gh)d~(h). G P If ~ %(f) p is the measure associated instead of %(D) all the measures in to a function and consider H f f E LI(Gp) as an element of are absolutely we sometimes write H . P For a finite prime continuous with respect to Haar measure. P 2 L0(G~G/A) The space is, for all ~i p, admits an orthonormal an eigenfunction generate an automorphic %(~) representation We consider an element morphic representation of ~ basis ~i,~ 2 ..... for all of ~ E Hp; to it. the translates ~ = ~ For a measure ~i of i ~ . /~GI^ which we denote by of this basis and let that corresponds such that each be the auto- ~ E H we let P ~(~)~ = ~ ( ~ ) ~ and observe that the map ~ ~ Xp(D) gives a homomorphism of Hp into the complex numbers. Let us now recall how all such homomorphisms into the complex numbers arise. Borel subgroup B Observe that, since T /T A K P P P containing N \B PP Let T ~d N be the unipotent ~ to T , P determines and any homomorphism a homomorphism B w: % can> N \B --+ T /T n K w-w-+~. P P P P P P P of Tp = T ( Q p ) . w of B into the P complex numbers which we again denote by H radical of the fixed N p = N(Qp) ' Bp = B(Qp) put is isomorphic into the complex n u ~ e r s of the Hecke algebra 87 If of ad.b b belongs to ~ , to B let D(b) the Lie algebra of be the N. determinant Since G P can be written as a product bk of an element = B K , P P b E B of the restriction any element g E G P and an element P k E K . P Set ~w(g) = w(b)ID(b)[½. The function ~ is well defined and any other function w (l.1) on G satisfying p ~(bgk) = w(b) iD(b)i½p(g) for all b,g satisfying e H ~ and (I.i) define P k is a scalar multiple are parametrized ~(~)~w of ~w; by elements in fact all the functions w ~ Hom(Tp/TpNKp, ~). For by (%(~)Pw)(g) = / ~w(g h)dD(h)" G P The function scalar %(~)~w Xw(~). satisfies The map and all homomorphisms (i.i) ~ ÷ Xw(~) of H and so %(~)~w = Xw(~)~w" then defines a homomorphism which are continuous for some of H P to ~, in the weak topology are P obtained in this way. a u The homomorphism in the Weyl group so that Suppose ; p is finite. there is a homomorphism Xw equals w(t) = w'(t q) Let from L Xw, for all if and only if there is t E T . P be the lattice generated by the roots of T /T A P P K or P from T to CL = Hom(L,2Z) P so that ] ~ ( t ) I = p%(t)(~) if ~ is a root. Here ~ is the character of T associated to ~. If ~ is 88 a root let ~ be the coroot attached to ~. Let ~l,~2,...,~n be the simple roots and (Aij) = ~(~i,~i)j be the Cartan matrix o f ~ . The matrix (~i,~.) (aij) = ( ~ ) is the transpose of The lattice CL' (Aij) and is the Cartan matrix of another Lie algebra generated by the roots of a split Cartan subalgebra can be identified with the lattice i n ~ in such a way that the roots of Also CL = Hom(L,~) generated by the eoroots correspond to the elements can be regarded as a lattice i n + ~ . can in fact be regarded as the lattice of weights of Similarly, ~]R may be identified with the lattice of weights o ~ . algebra c~ and let an isomorphism CT o ÷ c Let CG Hom(CLJR) c~ of el,~2,...,~n. so ~ eL' so ~ I R D L' D L, be the Cartan subgroup corresponding to T in G and D CL D CL'. if L' be the simply connected group with of the Weyl groups of c~ ~l,~2,...,~n It contains ~ c~. ~. is Lie There is with that of CT in CG such that cu(%(t)) = %(ot), If w E Hom(Tp/TpAKp, w(t) = ~%(g) CT for all associated to %. ~), t. t E T . P then there is a unique point Here % = %(t) and ~% g E CT~ is the rational character of Thus associated to each homomorphism of complex numbers is an orbit of the Weyl group in so that CT; H into the P or equivalently we may say that to each such homomorphism there corresponds a semisimple conjugacy class in the complex group CG~. Let us now consider an automorphic representation ~ = ~ P of G/A in 89 2 \ L0(G Q G/A) which is unramified everywhere, i.e. each local representation a class one representation. To an automorphic form ~ corresponds, for each prime p, of finite let {gp} a homomorphism be the conjugacy class in Xp CG~ in the space of Hp into ~. corresponding to be a finite dimensional complex representation of CG~ ~p ~, If Xp. is there p is Let r and consider the Euler product ~(s,~,r) = ~ det(l - p-Sr(gp))-l, P the product being taken over all finite primes. that this product is absolutely convergent for shall see later on, in the particular case Langlands Re(s) has shown ([23 ], §3) sufficiently large; as we G = GL 2, Re(s) > 1 To the prime at infinity one also associates a is enough. F-factor. Let l be the homomorphism T /T N K which is such that in ~, I~(t)I = e l(t)(a) every homomorphism of Hom(L,]R) +~IR = if T /T N K ~ is a root. into ~ Since L is a lattice is of the form w(t) = e l(t)(X) for some X E ~. Thus to every homomorphism of an orbit of the Weyl group in ~ Hoo into ~ there is associated or a semisimple conjugacy class in is the homomorphism associated to the automorphic form corresponding conjugacy class and let dim. r det(l - r(X)T) = ~ (i - li(°°)T) i=l 9, let {X} c~. If be the 90 be the characteristic product ~(s,Z,r) polynomial of r(X). F-factor that goes with the is F(s,~,r) dim.r s-l.1 s-~. = ~ ~ 2 F(~). i=l The Euler product associated the finite dimensional to the automorphic complex representation L(s,~,r) It is expected, The r of representation CG E and is = r(s,~,r)~(s,~,r). and known in many cases, that L(s,~,r) satisfies a functional equation of the type L(s,~,r) where E(~,r) gredient of is a complex number of absolute value r. In some known instances, automorphic representation exponential factors that depend on The delicate ~, G = GL2, the dual group of the group [ 2 ]. r is the contra- is allowed in the may contain exponential CG CG~ = GL2(~). is given in Langlands' it suffices factors duals are the In our particular An excellent [24 ], to remind the reader that their corresponding A,C,B,D,E,F,G. construction with many interesting variations Report and s. A,B,C,D,E,F,G types 1 ramification g(~,r) for our purposes Chevalley groups of types complex groups of respective where the number construction p. 25, in great generality; for % = g(~,r)L(l-s,~,r), introduction case of to Langland's can be found in Borel's Bourbaki gl 1.5. The Functional Equation of Euler Products. In the following we consider only automorphic representations of Let ~ be such a representation and for a finite p~ime its local components. The conductor f(~ ) P of ~ p, let ~ P GL2~A). be one of is defined by the following P theorem of Casselman ([ 4 ], p. 302): Theorem. Let ~ be an irreducible admissible infinite dimensional P representation of ideal f(~p) of GL2(Q p) ~p with central character 4. such that the space of vectors Then there is a largest v with ~p((~ bd))V = ~(a)v for all (a c b) d C F0(f(~p) ) = {(a bd) E GL2(ZEp): is not empty. c - 0 mod f(~ p )} ' Furthermore, this space has dimension one. We will say that a local representation The global conductor f(~) ~ P is ramified if of an automorphic representation f(~) = ~ ~ f(~ ) # ~ • P P is defined by pordpf(~p), P where the product runs over the ramified primes. The construction of the Euler products associated to automorphic representations of GL2~A) can be done in various ways (cf. [ 2 ],[ i0 ]). Here we follow a combination of the method presented in Gelbart ([ i0 ], p. 113) with the method of Langlands described in §1.4. First we consider the unramified 92 situation. If p is a finite prime and the local representation ~ P belongs to the principal series then it is parametrized by two quasi-characters of x Qp: ~l(X) = Ixl sl, ~2(x) = IxlS2; if space ~(~I'~2) - ~0 is any K -invariant function in the P of all locally constant functions @ on G such that P q~((~l t2) g ) = ~l(tl)~2(t2) I for all coset ]½#~(g) is the characteristic function of the double tl't2 @ QX and if T P P Kp(P 01)Kp' Kp = GL2(2Zp) then the convolutions @0*Tp(g) = / ~0(xy-I)Tp (y) dy G P = p½(pSl + pS2)@0(g). To such a local representation we associate the conjugacy class {gp} in GL2(~) which contains the matrix ~p = (~sl ~s 2) and to a finite dimensional complex representation r of GL2(~) we associate the local factor Lp(S,~p,r) = det(l - p-Sr(~p))-l. To this local factor there corresponds a trivial root number the quasi-characters ~i and ~2 g(~ ,r) = i. P are both ramified then we put Lp(S,~p,r) = 1 and the root number is taken to be, when r = r2 the standard 2-dimensional If 93 representation of GL2(~) , g(~p,r 2) = W(~I)W(~2), where ~i" W(~i) is the root number of the local Tate zeta function associated to If only one of the ~i' say D2' is ramified, we take for local factor, when r = r2, 1 Lp(S,~p,r 2) l-~l(p)p -s and the root number is taken to be to the special representation and be 1 and C(~p,r2) = W(~2). ~i ~(~p,r 2) = W(~I)W(~2). is ramified then Otherwise, if = Lp(S'~p'r2) and g(~p,r 2) = W(~2). representation ~ If p = ~(~i,~2) L (s, ~ ,r 2) = where %'i = -r.1 - m.l if g(~ ,r 2) = i 2. If ~ If ~i ~p = ~p(~l,~2) Lp(S,~p,r 2) belongs is taken to is ramified, we put 1 l_Dl(p)p-S is the infinite prime then for a principal series we put -½(S-%l) F S-%l) -½(s-X2) s-% (~ r(~J~) ~i(x) = Ixl ri sgn(x) mi. = ~(~i,~2 ) For the root number we take is a discrete series representation then L (s,Z ,r2) = ~ - ½ ( S - % l ) r ( ~ l ) v - ½ ( s - % 2 ) r ( ~ - ~ ) where %1 = -Sl number we take Let and %2 = -Sl - 1 if ~i(x) = Ixl si sgn(x) ni. For the root ~(~ ,r2) = iSl-S2 +I. S representation are unramified. be the special set of finite primes ~ p for which the local = p(~l,~2) is a special series representation and DI,~2 P We define the special conductor of ~ and the special root number, respectively, by f0(~) = ~ p , p~S g0(~,r2 ) = (-1) ISl]-~l(p) , pES 94 where the second product is taken over all the quasi-characters in the special representations ~ = p(~l,~2) for ~i that appear p E S. P The global root number associated to an automorphic representation of GL2~A) and the standard 2-dimensional representation r2 of GL2(~) is given by g(]~,r2) = ]-~ g(~p,r2). P The Euler product associated to ~ and r2 is L(s,~,r2) = -~- Lp(S,~p,r2). P By Jacquet-Langlands ([ 16 ], p. 350, Theorem ii.i) we know that if cuspidal automorphic representation of the Euler product L(s,~,r2) GL2~A) ~ is a with central character 4, then represents an entire function, is bounded on vertical strips of finite width and satisfies the functional equation L(s,~,r2) = g0(~,r2)f0(~)l-sg(~,r2)f(~)½-SL(s,~,~2 ), where 1.6. r2 is the twisted contragredient representation ~-ir. Some Examples. The Euler Products of Hecke. a Dirichlet character of (~/N) x a holomorphic cusp form of weight k Let k and and assume on the group N be positive integers and (-i) k = 4(-1). F0(N). Suppose eigenfunction for the Hecke operator fiTp = oo co ~ a qn + ~(p)pk-i ~ anqpn ' n=l ~ n=l Let p ~ N f(z) f is an be 95 and of the operator U P oo = fIUp ~ a qn n= 1 pn with the corresponding eigenvalues being ,PIN, a . Define the zeta function of P f by co [ a n -s n ¢(s,f) = n=l = ~ To the cusp form f(~) = N f (I-app-S)-I p~N (l-ap p-s+~(p)pk-I-2s)-I" corresponds an automorphic representation ~f of conductor whose Euler product is none other than S-%l ~s-X2 s-%2 k-l, s-X~ _ ~i_Xi~ L(s,~f,r2) = ~ - ( ~ ) F ( - - 2 ~)~ ~F(~)~(s+-f), where k-I XI 2 ' k+l %2 = - 2 i The functional equation is L(s,~f,r2) = e(~f,r2)N½-SL(s,~f,r2) , where ~A Ig(~f,r2) i = I. Incidentally, when A is the Ramanujan modular form and is its associated automorphic representation then g(~A,r2) = i, f(~A ) = i, and L(S,~A,r2) = 2 ( 2 ~ ) - ( s + ~ ) F ( s + ~ ) ~ T ( n ) n - S - ~ -. n=l This is an example of an Euler product associated to an automorphic representation 96 ~A = ®P7 P component which is unramified everywhere. ~ Also in this example the infinity is a member of the holomorphic discrete series. The Euler Products of Maass. field of discriminant d. Let CK the two element Galois group of Let K = Q(~) be a real quadratic number be theidele class group of K/Q. Let E K X((~)) = To each rational prime p and G = {I,T} be a fundamental unit of the real Dirichlet character associated with the extension an unramified grossencharacter of K K/Q. Let K and X be whose value at a principal ideal is 4 ~ik/l°g we attach a conjugacy class {gp} in GL2(~) with det(l 2 - Tr2(gp)) = 1 - ap T + @(p)T 2 where the coefficients a are defined by P ap = k(~) + X ( ~ ) if (p)=~.~T ap = 0 if (p) = ~ . To the infinite prime we associate the eonjugacy class X ~ GL2(~) whose char- acteristic polynomial is . k~ .2 2 det(l 2 - Tr2(X ) ) = i + (l--~--~g g) T . The resulting Euler product s-~ l s-~ z L-S'~K'r2-() = ~- - - 2 - - r ( ~ ) ~ - ~ F ( s - a 2 ) 2 where ~ det(l-p-Sr2(gP))-l' P 97 ~ik log E %1 and %2 ~ik log satisfies the functional equation L(s,~K,r2) = E(~K,r2)d ½-s L(l-S,~K,r2). This is the Artin-Hecke L-function associated with the 2-dimensional of the Weil group WK/Q obtained by inducing the character Recall that the Weil group WK/Q of the pair K, Q X from representation CK to WK/Q. is the group extension i -+ C K ÷ WK/Q ÷ G ÷ i obtained from the distinguished L(S,~K,r 2) o K = @pOp H2(G,CK ) . is in fact the Euler product of an automorphic representation whose infinity component is a principal series representation. automorphic form associated to Tne map generator of the cyclic group ~K ÷ OK §2 [ 26 ]. in number theory and has been analyzed we will consider other examples of of Maass ([ 16 ]). with automorphic representations representations is one of those considered by is of great significance in depth by Langlands In oK The GL2(~) of GL2~A) other than r 2. Euler products associated and finite dimensional complex g8 §2. 2.1. Rankin's Convolution Method. The Ingredients. Let N be a positive integer and let gruence subgroup. with s Fix an eigenvalue pure imaginary or purely real between character of of functions ~/QX of conductor dividing ~ 2 Lo(GQ/G/A,g) , in Casimir operator A with K 0 = p]~< K P g P -i N. G = GL2, for all and the natural and g W (N,%) we have K P = {I~ bd) E GL2(~p): g Let be a grossenthe subspace such that under the action of the g E GL2~A), r(@) E K restriction of i. Denote by at the 'infinity' component ~(gr(@)k 0) = C(ko)~(g) where be the usual Hecke conl-s 2 of the Casimir operator; assume % = 4 % Fo(N) to and also = S02(I~) and c ~ 0 K . P A~ = %~ mod. N} W (N,%) k and E K0, g = ~ Cp, has the structure of a finite dimensional Hilbert space with the inner product (~i,~2) = / ~i'~2 dg. Z/AGQ\ G/A The natural isomorphism Z/AGQ\ ~A/K K0 $ F 0 (N)\ SL 2 (~)/S02 OR) gives a correspondence between functions on the group and functions on the upper half plane: ~(g) ÷ f(z) adele group element g with z = g~(i), where at the infinite prime. g~ is the component of the Under this correspondence the above inner product is the relative Petersson inner product (f(z),g(z)) = / f(z)g(z)d~, D0(N) is the SL2-invariant measure on the upper half plane and where d~ = y-2dxdy D O (N) is a fundamental domain for F0(N). Hecke operators T P and T P acting 99 on the space W (N,~) are defined as usual ([ i0 ], p. 88 for the adele setting and [26 ], §4. for the classical case). W (N,%) and generated by functions dINN~; let W+ Let W- (N,~) s g(dz), where g(z) be the subspace of is an element of be the orthogonal complement of Ws(N,%) in We(N',%) WE(N,%). In the following the elements of Wc(N,%) will be viewed as functions on a b the upper half plane. Let A ( v d~ ' 1 < v < D0(N) = N p ~ N (i +--i) run over v Cv v P a representative system of elements in F (i) which correspond to a complete set o a of inequivalent rational cusps let be t h e s m a l l e s t KV Fo(N). v = O v rational for the group v number K A simple calculation shows that 1-r 2 = 4 , cusp c p For each such Kv(C~,N) = N. Now if g in o v 1 K)A-I E Av(0 1 v for which the matrix then the Fourier expansion of a function z = x + iy W (N,~) and about the has the form gl[p]o(Z) = ~ ½ ap(n)y Kr( K is the modified Bessel function. r expansion of a function cients a(n) g(z) ) exp .--~---~, P If we want to consider the Fourier only about the cusp at infinity, there the coeffi- will be written without any subscript except possibly to denote their dependence on the function definition: ~2~inx~ 2 ~K P n#0 where Fo(N). a new form g(z). f @ Ws(N,%) For convenience we introduce the following is a non-zero element in a common eigenfunction of all the Hecke operators T with W~(N,%) which is (p,N) = I; the P function f(z) E Ws(N,% ) the cusp at infinity has Remark 2.1.1. is said to be normalized if its Fourier expansion about a(I) = i. As was already pointed out in ~i, a new form in the above sense corresponds to an automorphic representation GL2~A Q) whose local component ~ ~ = ~ fEWs(N,% ) P of at the infinite prime belongs to the principal series and whose restriction to the maximal compact subgroup 02~R) is trivial. Rankin's convolution method, which we explain below, can be applied also to automorphic representations where the restriction of ~ to the maximal compact 100 subgroup is not trivial; we will not consider here this case in order to avoid complications of notation that result from having to introduce a Bessel function whose structure is more complex than that of the modified Remark 2.1.2. If f E Ws(N,% ) is a normalized new form whose Fourier expansion about the cusp at infinity has coefficients Dirichlet series ~(s,f) = ~ a(n)n -s n=l Ks(Z). {a(n): n C ~ }, then the has the Euler product expansion ~(s,f) = q ~ N (i- a(q)q-S) -I p ~ N (l-a(p)p -s+£(p)p-2s)-l. As in §1.4, if we put L(s,f) = ~-½(S-%l)F(S-%l)~-½(s-%2)F(S;~2)~(s,f), 2 with l-s %1 = - r + and let then ~ (-i__~) 2 %2 = r + ' be the automorphic representation of L(s,f) = L(s,~) is the Euler product 2-dimensional representation of GL2(~) , I-E (-i) 2 GL2~A) L(s,~,r2), associated with with r2 f, the standard and it satisfies the functional equation L(s,Z) = £(z)N½-SL(I-s,~), where E(~) is a constant of absolute value representation If k 1 and ~ is the contragredient ~(g) = ~(g)-I (g) ([i0 ], p. 116). is a positive integer and % k(k-l) 2 , denote the space of holomorphic cusp forms of type properties of new forms in HE(N,%) we also let {Fo(N),k,E}. H (N,%) The concept and which we shall use in the following are developed at great length in Winnie Li's article [25 ]. Here we recall the well 101 known fact ([ i0 ], p. 91) morphic representation that a new form in ~ = ~p of H (N,k) GL2~AQ) corresponds to an auto- whose component at infinity belongs to the holomorphic discrete series. Another important ingredient that is used in Rankin's convolution method is the theory of Eisenstein series for Kubota's book [ 17 ] Let rp be one of the SL2(~) stabilizer in Yo(N) o = (ac b)d j(o,z) = cz + d. Im(z) = y. Let If k go(N) rational cusps of which caries the cusp of the cusp in SL2~R ) rp, i.e. and z = x + iy z i~ into Fo(N) rp. and let Let Fp p be denote the Fp = {4 E Fo(N): o(rp) = rp}. For an a complex number, we write as usual is a point in the upper half plane we put be a positive integer and We extend X Po(N); denotes a complex variable. s The basic reference here is from which we borrow freely the following results. an element of element ~ (N). o to a character of Fo(N) X a character defined modulo by putting X(o) = X(d) To the data {s,N,x,k} for N. o = (ac bd) E we associate the Eisenstein series ([17 ], p. 63) Ep(z,s,x,k ) = ~ X(O)~(p-lO'z) OEF hE P i)k(imp-lo(z)) s, "lJ(p-lo'z) where the sum runs over a complete set of coset representatives modulo r . P r% has the form ~p,XyS 6p,% r = r (N) o We recall that the constant term in the Fourier expansion of about the cusp where of + ~p, ~(s,X)kyl-S is the Kronecker delta function, kl (-i) 2Z2F (s) F (s-1) ~p, %(s'X)k = k k r (s+~) r (s-y) ~p, %(s,X), E P 102 and ~p,Tt( s, X) = X(Pd%-l) le1-2s, ~ (* * O= c d ) where • d * ) (c runs over a complete which are inequivalent plete set of inequivalent If cusps for ¢(s,x) that this square matrix, the analytic in Foo = { (0 1 ): n 6 2g } modulo the group by right and left multiplication. Observe set of coset representatives continuation p and F (N) o under its action run independently then the constant over a com- term m a t r i x is = (¢p,X(s,X)k). w h i c h plays an important of the Eisenstein Here w e shall use the following ~ p-lro(N)k of series role in the theory of Ep(Z,S,X,k) , theorem whose proof is identical has ~o(N) to that in rows. §6.2 in Kubota's book: T h e o r e m 2.1. If the rows in the column vector of Eisenstein series ~(z,s,x,k ) = t(El(Z,S,X,k ) ..... E~o(Z,S,X,k) have the same order as the rows in the constant functional term matrix ~(s,x) , then the equation ~(z,s,x,k ) = ~(s,X)~(z,l-s,x,k) holds. Remark 2.1.3. argument similar the constant If X is the principal to that given by Kubota character and ([17 ], p. 45) term m a t r i x has a simple pole at s = i. k = O, then an shows that each term in In all other situations 103 Ep(Z,s,x,k) s = i. is regular at Ep(Z,S,X,k) not so then the residue of independent of z To see this we simply observe that if it were and also at s = 1 would be at the same time X-automorphic and this is impossible. After these preparations we are now ready to look at a typical example of Rankin's convolution method. Theorem 2.2. Let ~ and ~' be automorphic representations of associated respectively to a holomorphic new form 11 k(k-l)2' = Wg2(N2,12) modulo k i- r 2 2 12 induced by about each cusp in HgI(NI,I I) an integer, and to a real analytic new form with N f(z) r P gl~2 . of Let N = ~.c.m. (NI,N 2) and let Suppose the Fourier expansions of F (N) o g(z) X GL2GA Q) with in be a character f(z) and g(z) are given by 2~inz fl[p]k(Z ) = n~lap(n) e <0 and 2~inx gl[p]o(Z) = Put, for ~ bp(n)y½Kr(2~K--~0) e n#0 Re(s) sufficiently large, Lp(S,~X~') s+~ = ~p.' -½rKP~[~] and let ]L(s,ITxI[') ~(s,x) F(s+~+r)F(s+~-r) F(s + ~) k ~ i ~ a (n)b (n)n s->~(k-l) n= 1 @ P be the column vector t(Lpl(s,~ Let KO . x ~') ..... Lp (s,~ x Z')). be the constant term matrix for the Eisenstein series Then the vector function ~(s,~ x ~') Ep(Z,S,X,k). has a meromorphic continuation to the whole s-plane and satisfies the functional equation 104 • (s,~ × ~') = ~(s,×)~(l-s,~ where ~ and ~' are the contragredients Remark 2.1.4. then the functional If rX x ~ and runs through the equation for Lp(s,TT of L(s,~ ~T') x ~') x ~'), ~' ~o(N) respectively. rational cusps of F (N) o can be written also in the form = ~ q~p,l(s,x)L%(l-s,~ x ~'), r% where ~p,%(s,x) is the Remark 2.1.5. the group F (N) o p-% entry in the constant in the functional equation for the function S-matrix ~(s,X) times a relatively ~(s,~ x 7') cusp rp of L (s,~ × 7') p seems to be only of a notational In fact there is in the literature ample evidence that the vector valued function s ~(s,x). The apparent scattering about each rational which is brought about by the nature. term matrix ([ 8 ],[ii ],[14 ],[25]) is really a scalar valued function of simple vector valued function. The scalar function is most likely related to theEuler product constructed in §i.~. for anautomorphic representa- tion of Below we shall give explicit examples of such Euler products GL2~AQ) x GL2~AQ). satisfying relatively simple functional In the development have, as a notational of Rankin's device, equations. convolution method it is convenient the formal identity between fundamental to domains which is given by the following lemma. Lemma 2.3. Let be a rational cusp of the stabilizer of p D (N) o F (N) o be F p be a fixed fundamental and let p E SL2(~ ) = {o E F (N): O(r) = r} o domain for be such that and put F (N). o p(i ~) = r. Let Let r 105 where H K O is a positive integer. Define a region S P in the upper half plane by K Ixl < ~ , Sp = {z = x + iy: y _> 0}, th en Sp E [ P-IODo (N) o E ro(N)/r p up to a set of d~-measure zero, where the sum runs over a complete set of coset representatives of Y (N) o Remark 2.1.6. be applied to modulo The above congruence identity between regions, which will F -automorphic P functions, as an excercise for the reader. Lemma 2.4. have for Re(s) F . p is relatively easy to prove and is left (See [ 30 ], p. 367). With the same assumptions and notation as in Theorem 2.2. we sufficiently large k / y2fl [p]k(z)g---r[P]o(Z)ySd~ S K = K 7TI(TZ~ ~] p 4# where k-i 2 P S+-- £(s+½(k-l)+r)F(s+½(k-D+r) £ (s +k) co ~ ap(n)~ p (n)n_S_½(k_l) n= 1 d~ = y-2dxdy. Proof. We multiply the Fourier expansion of conjugate Fourier expansion of gl[p]o(Z) fl[p]k(Z) by the complex and integrate the product with respect 106 to K K in the interval " ~[--~'~]' zz x where K = Kp, to obtain K S fJ[P]k(z)g~[P]o(Z)dx K 2 2~ny oo = K ~ a (n)bp(n)y½Kr(~)e n= 1 O where y~+ z = x + iy, 2 S y > 0. K We now multiply both sides of the above equality by and integrate the resulting expression over the interval respect to y. We evaluate explicitly [0, ~] with the Bessel integral by using the well known identity ([ 27 ], p. 92) S0e-aXx~-iK valid for Re(~+~) > 0 (ax) dx = ~½(2a) -~ F(D+~)F(~-~) r(~+½) and a real; thus we get o~k+s_2 K SY S~- fJ [P]k(z)g~[P]o(Z)dxdy 0 2 n=l~ap(n)bp(n)n F(s+k) "47 = Lp(S,~ x ~'). The interchange in the order of summation and integration is justified for Re(s) > Oo by the fact that gl[p]o(Z) and fJ[p]k(Z) are 0(y c) (resp. --C v 0(y )) constants uniformly in c and c'. x as y ÷ ~ (resp. as y ÷ 0) with suitable positive 107 Proof of Theorem 2.2. By lemmas (2.3) and (2.4) we have k Lp(S,~×~') = f y2fl[P]k(z)g-TT~o(z)ySd~ S P k = ~ OEFo(N)/~ ~ = f i Y2fI[P]k(z)g-TT-PTo(z)ySH~ p- ~Do(N ) / k y2fl[P]k(z)g-TT~o(z)ySd~o(p-lo). a~ro(N)l ~ Do(N) We now use the transformation formulas f ~-~-$-~J raz + b~ = ~l(d)(cz + d)kf(z) and raz + b~ g~c-~-~-~j = E2(d)g(z), which hold for any ~ E F (N), to obtain o k (Imz)2f][p]k(z)g~[p]o(Imz)Sd~o(p-lo) = (Imz)~f(z)g(z)gl(~)~2(o)l j(p-lo'z) l)k(imp-lo(z))Sd~, ~lj(p-lo,z) where j(T,z) = cz + d if T = (c d)- This change of variable applied to the last integral gives k Lo(s,~X~') = / y2f(z)g(z) Ep(z,s,x,k)d~ , D (N) o where we have put 108 Ep(Z, s,x,k ) X(o) lj (p-lo,z)] k (Imp -I o(z) )s. ~ = oE £o(N)/rp Now the functional <rj(p-lo, @l~ equation for the Eisenstein series Ep(z,s,×,k) can be written as Ep(Z,S,×,k) = ~ Cp,x(s,×)kEl(z,l-s,~,k), where ~ runs over a complete set of inequivalent this into the integral representation of cusps of Lp(S,%X~') We substitute F (N). o to obtain Lp(S,%X%') = Z ~p,%(s,X)kLl(l-s,#X#'), where ~' ~ and are the automorphic representations which are paired by the correspondence now denotes and ~' if Sl + ~ i the vector function whose components ~(s, X) is the constant contragredient and g2 ÷ ~2" are the functions If to ~ and l(s,~X~') L (s,~X~') term matrix then we have ]L(s,~TX~') = C>(s,x)]L(1-s,~TX~'), which is what we wanted to prove. 2.2. The Constant Term Matrix for the Eisenstein It is possible to go further than Theorem about the structure of the constant Series of the Group Fo(N). (2.2) by using information term matrix for the Hecke groups £o(N). The results that we need are already available in the literature and are due to Orihara [ 28 ], §3. is more convenient Let N We now proceed to describe these results using a notation that for our purposes. be a positive integer and let FN denote the principal congruence 109 nl... subgroup of level N. Let N = p] n1 p] be the faetorization of N into n. distinct primes. We put N = NiP i i, 1 < i < i, and choose once and for all a n. set of integers {d I .... ,d%} such that d. ~ 0 mod. Ni, 1 d. ~ 1 mod. pi l, ] < i < 1 % The mapping ~ ÷ ~ g i v e n by X {a I ..... a%} ÷ a = ~ d.a. i 1 i=l A induces a ring isomorphism of 2Z/N onto ni T7 z ~ / ( P i )" i=l Under this mapping we have (a(1),a(2),N) = i if and only if (a (I) (2) i 'ai ,wi) = i and (u,N) = 1 Let I = llX...xl%, We identify V(1) I if and only if where (ui,Pi) I i = {(al,a 2)_ mod. with a subset of be the space of functions (ZZ/N)X(TZ/N) on I. = i, 1 < i < %. ni Pi : a l = i or a 2 = i, a I - 0 mod. via the above isomorphism. Let We then have V(I) = V(II)@...@V(I%). For each character X mod. N, there exists characters )<i mod. n. Pi I such that t X(a) = ~ xi(ai). i=l Let r i = r(xi) + 0 if i < i < ~ there exists a primitive character and r.l = 0 P r. X mod. " ~ p i 1 i=l X(a) = x(a) if if such t h a t (a,N) = i. D+I < i < ~. Then pi }. 110 If T. is a linear transformation on V(I.) i for i < i < % then T = TI@...®T % I induces a linear transformation on V(1). al s = a-- associate the rational cusp of To each element Fo(N), s = {al,a 2} in I we and let 2 aI * p = (a2 ,) ~ SL2(2Z) be a representative the stabilizer of al p(i~) = - - . a2 element with s in F (N) It can easily be verified that is O 2 aln l-ala2n Fp = {(-a~n .. N l+ala2n): n ~ ~ • (a~,N)}; clearly F is the stabilizer of is (a~,N). correspond p s nF in = N {(l-ala2n -a~n FN 2 aln ) n E ~ "N} l+ala2n : We now consider a distinguished to each element Ep(Z,s,x,k ) = [Fp: Fp A F N] and the index s E I set of the Eisenstein functions put in place of If p on the element the symbol r = {a,b} V(I) in Fp by letting ~ X(O) fj(p-lO'z) )k(imp-ld(z))½(s+l) de ro(N)/rp ~lj(£1d,z)I imaginary axis the axis of symmetry. Ep(z,s,x,k) in F P ~ FN series Notice should be made of the natural change of variable series of and s+l s + T which makes the To indicate the dependence of the Eisenstein {al,a 2} of I we will find it convenient '*' r' = {a',b'} are elements a <r,r') = det. a T (b b ')" in I we put to 111 The main result of Orihara ([ 28 ], p. 141) can now be stated in a slightly generalized form as follows: Theorem 2.5. series Ep(z,s,x,k ) With the notations as above we have that the Eisenstein satisfies the functional equation [F,,F, n rN]E,(z,s,x,k ) k -- (_i) 2 s+l. r (-~--) A<s,~) A(s+I,~) -.s-k+l. r (.s+k+l ~) ~ ~--T--) 9(i)®'" .~(%~F,,F ' n FN]E*(z'-s'x'k) where ^(s,X) : ~-½(s+A)r(S--~l)~ (l-x(p)p-S) -I P with A = 1 if X(-I) = -i linear transformation of ~(i)(a,b) and V(I i) % = 0 if X(-I), and for i ~ D, ~(i) is the with matrix entries defined by : -- ((a,b>, -sk-ni+k Xi ~ ) P i if ki p II a-b, 0 < k < n.-r. 1 1 Pi 0 and for i > ~ otherwise the linear transformation s ~(i)(a,b ) = (X(Pi)Pi) l-n i ~(i) has matrix entries Pi - 1 • ~( ) s+l X Pi Pi - 1 if a = b k-n.+l ~(Pi)P~ - l = Pi Remark 2.2.1. Kubota ([ 17 ],P. 69) l ~, ) s+l " (~(pi)p~) -k ktPi Pi - i if P~II a-b, O<k< ni-l. The proof of this result is identical to that given by for a similar result. To make use of the ideas of Orihara 112 ([28 ], p. 141), one simply observes that for a suitable class of functions defined on the upper half plane and a Dirichlet one has the simple combinatorial aeFo(N)/rp where X(°)fo(z) = X(o) = x(d) if the constant [Fp Fp : 1 [ l" n P d = (, d ). and (2.5). N [ treated by term matrix for the Eisenstein Let the assumptions Then the Euler product to realize that s+l E(Z,T ,x,{al,a2} ) . by the principle expounded fu~(Z), OeFN/F p n FN It is then not very difficult in Kubota We can now state a more precise form of Theorem Theorem 2.6. defined modulo ×(u) PeFo(N)/F N FN] term matrix for the Eisensten n FN]Ep(Z , s,x,k) X identity Orihara is related to the constant [rp: character fo(z) series [ 17 ], p. 69. (2.4). and notation be as in Theorems Lp(S,~×~') satisfies (2.4) the functional equation l+s [F,: F, n FN]L,(--~--,~×~') k (-l)2F(S--~l) 2 _.s+k+l.~.s-k+l. Proof. A(s,~) }(1)®...@}G)[F,: r, n FN]L,(~,{ x~') A(s+l,b From the proof of Theorem (2.4) we recall the integral represen- ration k .l+s Lp[T,~x~') = f y2f(z)g(z)Ep(Z,S,7,k)dQ. Do(N) Observe again that we have made a natural change of complex variable the definition of the Eisenstein series. s + s+l We now multiply both sides of this in 113 equality by the factor the functional [Fp: Fp n FN] , equation for replace the symbol [F,: F, N FN]E,(z,s,x,k ) O by '*' and apply given in Theorem (2.5). This proves the Theorem. Remark 2.2.2. s = 1 if and only if under consideration We have already remarked X is the principal Lp(S,~×~') that Ep(Z,S,X,k ) character and has no pole at s = i, k = 0. has a pole at In the case = @~ since and P 7' = 8~' P have non-equivalent components if in the notation of Theorem at the infinite prime. More generally, (2.4), y½(l+s) + Cp(S,X)y½(l-s) is the constant term of Ep(z,s,x,k) about the cusp residues on both sides of the integral representation p, then a comparison of for .l+s L[-~--, 7 x ~') gives that .l+s Residue L £ T , ~ × ~ ' ) s=l where < f,g) associated to 2 automorphic Euler product is the Petersson ~ and 7'. inner product of the automorphic forms f This identity which relates the equivalence representations L(s,~ × ~') = (f,g) Residue ~p(S,X), s=l 7 at and s = 1 ~' and g of the with the analytic behavior of the will play a fundamental role in the investi- gations to follow. Theorems and ~' (2.4) and which are allowed consequently (2.6) dealt with automorphic to have a finite number of ramified local components; the functional contained rather complicated equation satisfied by the Euler product factors corresponding simple functional equation. Lp(S,~ x~') to the ramified components. In contrast with this one can prove that in the unramified satisfies a relatively representations situation L(s,7×7') 114 Theorem 2.7. Let associated respectively and g(z) in ~ and ~' be automorphic representations to real analytic wave forms WI(I, %') , %' = l-r' 2 ' i.e. f(z) in WI(I'%)' of GL2(/A) l-r % = T real analytic forms of level i which are eigen functions of the Hecke operators. Suppose the Fourier expansions of at infinity are given by f(z) and g(z) about the cusp of F (i) = F o f(z) = n~0~ a(n)y ½ Kr(2~ Inly)e 2~inx and ½ inly ) 2~inx b(n)y Kr,(2~ e g(z) = n 0 Suppose that f(z) and g(z) satisfy (f(z)IK)(g(z)IK) where K is the operator L(s,~X~') = -s~ = f(z)g(z), g(z) IK - g(-z). Define for (s+r+r' s+r-r' (s-r+r'] (s-r-r' ~ ) F ( ~ ) F . ~ . F . ~ ) Re(s) large ~a(n)b(n) n-s- 4F(s) Then we have .l+s n[ 7 ,Tx~') A(s) L ( ~ , w ~ A(s+l) x w'), where A(s) = ~-½sr(~)~(s). Furthermore s = I L(s,~XT') is regular in which occurs if and only if precisely we have Re(s) > ½ except for a simple pole at is the contragredient of ~'. More 115 co = ~3( f , g > " L(s,~X~') where (f,g> _ + ( f'g)~ + I c(n)(s-l)n, n=l is the Petersson inner product of f and g and <f,g>~ is a modified inner product defined by <f,g>~ = 6(c -~io$ 2) < f,g) _ 2 ~ / f(z)g(z) log (y61A(z)l)d~, D(F) where A(z) is the Ramanujan modular form. Proof. First observe that because of the parity assumption (f(z) K)(g(z) K) = f(z)g(z) we have that SF = { z = x + i y : Let F = {( n i): n C 2Z } F = SL2(~) /{+12} ; and let D(F) a(-n)b(-n) = a(n)b(n). Ixl j ½, y ~ 0). be the fundamental domain for then we have as in Lemma (2.3) sr s On the other hand we have for Re(s) Let ~ a e r/r the formal congruence identity aD(r). sufficiently large / f (z)g (z)Y sd~ SF ½ = / (/ f(z)g(z)dx)yS-mdy 0 -½ .t 2~i(m-n)xl ~ s-2_ = / ( ~ ~ a(m)b(n)YKr(2~[mly)Kr,(2~In[y)j e axjy ay 0 m n -½ oo = m~0 a(m)b(m) 0f Kr(2~]m[y)Kr'(2~Imly)yS-ldy" The i n t e r c h a n g e of t h e o r d e r of s u m m a t i o n and i n t e g r a t i o n is justified by t h e f a c t 116 that uniformly y ~ ~ in x both (resp. y ÷ 0) f(z) and g(z) 0(y c) (resp. 0(y are for some positive constants We now use the well known identity c and -e' )) when e'. ([ 27 ], p. 102) oo / K (C~t)K (~t)t-Pdt 0 P e~P-I 2P+2F (l-P) which is valid for = 2~ny and Re(s) > 0 p = l-s and Re(I-o±~±V) > 0. We apply this identity with to obtain ff(z)g(z)ySd~ SF -s s+r+r' ~.s+r-r' s-r+r' .s-r-r' r(---f~)~t~)r(T)r~ ~) a(n)b(n)n -s 4F(s) n=l = L(s,~ ×~'). On the other hand using the congruence L(s,~X~') = identity for the region ~ / f(z)g(z)ySd~ D(F) act/to / ac F/F From the automorphy property of f(z) f(z)g(z)ySd~oo and therefore, and f (z)g(z)Y sd~°(7- D(F) g(z) we get = f(z)g(z)(Im~(z))Sd~ making the change of variable s+l s ÷-2' SF we have 117 L.l+s t-~,~x~') = / f(z)g(z)E(z,s)da, D(F) where E(z,s) = ~ (ImO(z)) ½(l+s) O e F/F is the well known Eisenstein series associated to tional equation for E(z,s) F. We recall that the func- is A(s) E(z,-s) E(z,s) = A(s+I) where A(s) = ~ -½S representation for S F(~)~(s). This functional equation applied to the integral L(s,~ x ~') gives l+s _ L(--Z-,nx~') A(s) = A(s+l) L( 7~ ,~x~'). We now recall that the first Kronecker limit formula states ([20 ], p. 273) E(z,ms-I) 3 ~ i +6 s-~ ~(c-log 2) - 1 log (y61A(z) i) + 7 e(n)(s-l)n, n=l where oo A(z) = q-~-(l-qn) 24, q = exp 2~iz, n=l is Ramanujan's modular form. is regular for Re(s) > ½ From this expansion and the fact that except for the pole at s = 1 E(z,2s-l) ([17 ], p. 44) the claim in Theorem (2.7) follows easily. Remark 2.2.3. Various other possibilities convolution method suggest themselves; for developing Rankin's among these three are noteworthy of mention. First the result of Ogg-Winnie Li ([25 ], p. 313) gives an exact functional 118 equation for an Euler product related in a simple way to ~' correspond to holomorphic cusp forms of levels condition that if a prime in §2.2 below). is proved for weight k then L(s,~ × ~') 1 when and ~ ~' when ~ and N1 and N2 qllN1 and qiiN2 (see example 3 Secondly in Doi and Naganuma [ 8 ] and level §2.3 below). qig.c.d (NI,N2) L(s,~X~') satisfying the an exact functional equation is associated to a holomorphic cusp form of is a real analytic cusp form (see example 5 in The last, and perhaps most attractive of all, is the result of Jacquet [ 14 ] where it is shown that L(s,~ × ~') or rather a simple multiple of it, for arbitrary automorphic representations n and ~' field, satisfies a functional equation. of GL2~), k a global It appears that for applications to arithmetic questions, the result of Jacquet promises to be of much significance, even in the case of GL2~AQ). In a future publication we will persue the problem of making explicit in the case of GL2~AQ) , Jacquet's form of Rankin's convolution method. 2.3. Some Euler Products and their Functional Equations. In this section we will give several examples of Euler products that satisfy relatively simple functional equations. Example i. We begin by observing that under the assumptions made in Theorem (2.7) together with the restrictive condition that g(z) iK = g(z) we have, with % = r and f(z) IK = f(z) %' = r', L(s,~) = ~ - ½ ( s - % ) F ( ~ ) F - ½ ( s + X ) F ( 2--)s+lii~(l-~pp-S'-l" I ) ( _~pp---s,-l) P = L(I-s,n) and and 119 L(s,~') = ~-½(s-%')r(s2%----")~-½(s+%')F(S2%') ~ (l-~'p-S)-l(l-~p-S) -I P P P = L(l-s,~'). The multiplicativity of the coefficients a(n) and b(n) give after an easy calculation oo 1 --a(n)b (n)n-s = ~(2s) -~-det(14-P Sr(gp)®r(gp )) i n=l P 1 , -s -i -- , -s -I ~-i -s -i - , -s -i - ~(2s) p~(l-~p~pP ) (l-~p pp ) (l-~p~pp ) (l-~p~pp ) • Here r is the 2-dimensional representation of is the conjugacy class in If we now define a ~' GL2(~) GL2(~) containing the matrix and {gp} (reap. {g~})_ (0~P0_)~p (reap. (0~ F-factor associated to the automorphic representations and the complex analytic representation r@r ~p))0. ~ and by F(s,~,~';r@r) = = ~-½(s-k-l') F (.s-l-k' T) -~(s-k+k').~s-k+k'.i<T)~-½(s+k-k')..s+k-k'._-½(s+k+k')r(s+~ k ' - ) ~ t ~ ) ~ then we have L(s,~X~') = The functional equation for A(s) = A(l-s) L(s,~ ×~') L(s,~,~';r@r) 4A(2s) together with the functional equation now gives the result L(s,~,~';rSr) = L(l-s,~,~';r~r). Furthermore, since L(s,~,~';r@r) differs from L(s,~X~') by the factor A(2s), 120 it is also holomorphic in the region if and only if v Re(s) > ½ is the contragredient of and has a simple pole at ~' or equivalently if s = 1 z = z[ It remains an open question to investigate the location of the zeros (and poles) of the Euler product L(s,~,~';r®r). Example 2. Let ~ and ~' be automorphic representations of associated respectively to holomorphic cusp forms of weight k of level i. and If we put % = k-i --~-' then the Euler products of ~ and %, k-i % =-~-' ~' i-i o and £ GL2~A Q) and both %' 2' ~+i o=--7 -, have the form -h(s-%)~.s-L -½(s-%')~s-%'.v-r._ _ -s.-l~. =- -s,-i L(s,~) = Tf I~--~-)7T y~---) 11 [±-%pp ) [--%pp ) P = L(I-s,~) and L(s,~') = -½(S-%o)F(~)-½(S-%o)F(~)77- (l_~;p-S)-i ( l - ~-~ p p ) -s.-i . P If we define a F-factor by 4 i=l where ~+__~k %1 = 1 - 2 ' %2 2 %-k Z-k ~+k = ' %3 = 2 ' %4 = 2 - i, and if we put L(s,~,~';r@r') = g ( s , ~ , ~ ' ) ~ d e t P where {gp} (resp. {g;}) (14-p-sr(gp)®r(gp))-l, is the conjugacy class in GL2(~) containing the 121 0 matrix (0P ~ o ) ( r e s p . tation of GL2(~) , o ( P ~.)), and r is the standard 2-dimensional represen- then we have by a simple application of Rankin's convolution method L(s,~,~';r@r) where = L(l-s,~,~';r@r)" (-l)mF(s) 2 F(s+m)F(s-m)' m = k - %. Remark 2.3.1. It should be observed that the extra F-factor appearing in the functional equation is a simple rational function of s. Again from the properties of the Eisenstein series we have that the Euler product is holomorphic for s = 1 Re(s) > ½ with the possible exception of a simple pole at which occurs precisely when say when ~ is equivalent to Example 3. L(s,~,~';r@r) ~ is the contragredient of 7', that is to ~'. This example, due to Ogg and Winnie Li ([ 25 ], P. 313), deals with two automorphic representations which may be ramified but whose conductors satisfy certain arithmetical properties. representation of conductor N1 GL2~A~) and trivial central character; let GL2~A Q) k, and trivial character. N2 product of all primes that for every prime q q ~ be an automorphic associated to a holomorphic cusp form of weight representation of conductor Let 7' be another automorphic associated to a holomorphic cusp form that divide which divides M M Let g(z) M = ~.c.m. (NI,N 2) and and for which ordqN 1 = ordqN 2. N, f[[Vq ]k = ~qf' ordqN 1 = ordqN 2 = 1 gl[v_M]kq = nqg with ~2 = 2 q Nq = I, k, and of weight N is the Suppose 122 where Vq and x~y,z M q x yq ) ' ~ = ordq M = (Mz q are integers satisfying 2~ x - yMz = q . If we define a P-factor by P(s,~,~';r®r) 4 = ~-2(s-%i)F(~), i=l where %1 = l-k, %2 = -k, %3 = 0, X4 = -1 and if we put L(s,~,~';r®r) = F(s,~,~';r®r) (1-~qnqq-S)-l~det(l.-p-Sr(g~ql II'N ) 8r(g')) -Ip P~M 4 p v -i ~"(det(12-q-Sr(gp))-l~"'det(12-q-Sr(gq')) • ~ ' ( l - q -s ~q~q) -I, where L(S,~) = P(s,~) ~ (l-Eqq-S)-i V -s -i -- -s -i qlNl P~Nl(l-Epp ) (l-Epp ) and L(s ) = (lqqS>1 V (l ppS) l(l%pS) -1 q IN2 are the Euler products of the conjugacy classes in ~ and GL2(~) P~N 2 ~' respectively and {gp}, { gp'} ,{ gp'} ,{gp,,} that contain respectively the matrices are 123 0 ~' (~p ~p) , (0p _~,) , [~q~ 0q~q) ' <0 f~q~ ~'-~0~q~q] and the products (NI,N2), N2 ~', but not ~", N1 ~"', and run respectively over the primes that divide N1 L(s,7,7';r®r) Furthermore, L(s,~,~';r @ r) simple pole at s = 1 if but not = M N 2. ~--SL(l-s,7,~ ;r®r). is holomorphic for 7 We then have Re(s) > ½ is the contragredient of the equivalence of the local components of 7 = ~7 with a possible 7'. and The requirement about 7' = 57' P P at the infinite prime can be relaxed in the proof of the above functional equation by making some trivial changes in the argument in [ 25 ]. Example 4. The following example, whose significance is best understood in the contest of the theory of automorphic representations for obtained by Shimura ([ 38 ]). GL3~A), was The method of proof generalizes in a non-trivial way Rankin's convolution method to automorphic forms on the Metaplectic group. Let 7 = @~Tp be an automorphic representation of morphic cusp form of weight k and level I. 7 . P 2-dimensional representation of r2 We define a and Let = ~ 7-½(s-li) F ( ~ ) i=l with l I = 0, ~2 = -i, and if we put rI p let {gp} 13 = k - 2 be be the standard the symmetric square of F-factor by F(s'7'r2) associated to a holo- For each prime the semisimple conjugaey class associated to GL2(¢) GL2~A ~) r I. 124 L(s,~,r2) = r(s,~,r2)~det(13-p-Sr2(gp)) -I, P then Shimura's result, which is valid for a more general automorphic representation 7, is that L(s,~,r2) = L(l-s,7,~2) and, most important of all, proved that tation of L(s,~,r) GL3~A~) , Example 5. L(s,~,rT) is entire. Gelbart and Jacquet [ ii ] is in fact the Euler product of an automorphic represenin accordance with Langlands' functoriality principle. This example, due to Doi and Naganuma [ 8 ], of the earliest evidence of how an automorphic representation could be lifted to an automorphic representation of quadratic field. have Let 7 = ~p GL2~A F) ~ provided some of with GL2(/A~) F be an automorphic representation of a real GL2~A Q) whose component at the infinite prime belongs to the holomorphic discrete series and is unramified at all local components, i.e. cusp form of weight of GL2~A~) k and level i. Let 7' 7 is associated to a holomorphic be an automorphic representation associated to a real analytic wave form in Let the Euler products of ~ and 7' Wg(N,%), with ~ = l-r 2 " be respectively L(s,~) = r(s,z,r)~det(12-p-Sr(gp)) -I P and L(s,~') = r(s,z',r) where and by ~q r q~N (l-6qq-S)-ip~N det(12-P is a complex number and {gp}, {g~} r(gp))-i are conjugacy classes in is the standard 2-dimensional representation of GL2(~). GL2(K) Define a r-factor 125 F(s,~,~';r@r) = ~~-]H~-½(s-ki)F(~ii) i=l with k-I Ii = k+l 2 r, 12 2 k-I r, ~3 = 2 k+l + r, ~4 = - - - +2 r~ and put L(s,~,~';r®r) = -i - q-Sr(~qgq))-ip~Ndet(l 4 - p-Sr(gp) ® r(gp) ) = F ( s , z , ~ ' ; r @ r ) ~2d eNqt (ll We then have that L(s,~';r®r) L(s,~,~';r@r) Here W(~,~') = W(~,~')N2(½-S)L(l-s,{,@';r@r). is a complex number of absolute value 1 subsequent discussion. 7' is holomorphic and satisfies which plays no role in our To obtain the result of Doi and Naganuma, one takes for an automorphic representation associated to a 2 dimensional semisimple repre- sentation of the Weil group of a real quadratic extension F of the rationals which is induced by an unramified grossencharacter of the idele class group of F. Example 6. The following example was first pointed out by Langlands and was suggested by his theory of Eisenstein series. Due to our lack of information about ramification phenomena, we consider only the simplest situation corresponding to an automorphic representation ~ = ~ of GL2~A ~) of conductor 1 associated P to a holomorphic cusp form of weight k. standard representation of in GL2(~) GL2(~). Let Let r3 {gp} attached to the local component be the symmetric cube of the be the semisimple conjugacy class ~ . p Define a F-factor by 126 = ~ F(s,~,r3) ~-;~(s'li) F (q--), s-li i=1 where 4 det(l 4 - r3(X )T) = ~ (i - %iT), i=l and {Xoo} is the semisimple conjugacy class corresponding ~ . Define the Euler product of the Data {~,r 3} as in to the local component §1.4 -s L(s,~,r3) = F(s,~,r3)~det(l P 4 - p by -i r3(gp)) • We then have L(s,~,r3) where the constant g(~,r3) is independent The proof of this functional the examination = 8(~,r3)L(l-s,~,r3) , Example 7. s and plays no role in our results. equation is given in Shahidi of a 'non-constant exceptional Lie group of term' Euler products obtained b ~ base change. consider only an automorphic to a holomorphic G ~ of conductor ard 2-dimensional the Frobenius class in and let f(o) and let representation associated jugacy class of a generator K ~ . given by ~ = 97 cusp form of weight G = GaI(K/~). Let X = trace 0- P k. [ 22 ] of Let 0: G + GL(V) Let For simplicity we GL2~A~)~ K be a representation GL2(~). For a finite prime G and let {gp} Gal(K ~R) w where Recall that the r-factor associated of conductor i be a finite Galois of p be the semisimple K ~ . P w con- of the Saito- r: GL2(~) ÷ GL(W) to the local component of The following representations. representation eonjugacy class in GL2(~) series of the G 2. Shintani theory of liftings of automorphic extension of and depends on of a certain Eisenstein jectural example is suggested by Langlands'reformulation associated [ 36 ] Let {~ } of be the standlet ~ P be conjugacy be the con- is a simple factor of to the Artin L-function L(s,O) is 127 dimo ~. ~ ,, • . r(s,~) =7T ~-~ts-~r(~) i=l with hi = Recall that the 0 if I < i < X(1)+X(O°°) -i if )<(1)+X(°°°) < i -< dimo. 2 F-factor of the Euler product F(s,~,r) 2 =~j=l L(s,~,r) is ~ ~o, ~o 2(s-aj) r(s-!J) 2 with o = k-i o hl - --2-' %2 We define a new F-factor associated r(s,~;r®p) k+l 2 " to the data {~,r,p) by 2 dimp h . .o ~ , 4o = ~T ~ 7-21S-Aj--Ai) r(S-A$--Ai). j=l i=l 2 If we put L(s,~;r®p) = £(s,~;r@p)~det(I - p-Sr(gp)@plVIp(Op))-l, P where VIp is the subspace of invariants of V of the inertia group Ip, then it is to be expected that L(s,z;r@p) where dent of ~ = £(~,r®p)f(0)2(½-S)L(l-s,~;r®P), is the contragredient s of and of absolute value i. representation of G and p and g(~,rSp) is a 'root number' If this is true and if PK indepen- is the regular 128 PK = is its natural decomposition [~ (dim@)~ ~eG then the Euler product L(s,~;r®PK) = ~^L(s,~;r®@) dim@ ~eG would satisfy the functional equation L(s,~;r@PK ) = £K(~,r)d~(!~-S)L(l-s,~;~®~K), where dK is the absolute value of the discriminant functoriality automorphic principle suggests representation of that GL2~) Shintany theory as given in [22 ] If one is only interested, L(s,n;r®p K) ; K/~. as we are in these notes, is 2-dimensional of the Euler product L(s,~;r~PK), decisive representation get the analytic continuation representations necessarily then the Saito- information ~ L(s,~;r®p) n(p) of of the Euler product 9- The simplest Using Rankin's and in some cases the L(s,p) GL2~A~). such situation that is the Euler This allows us to L(s,~;r@O K) which may be ramified and number fields abelian over about the under the assumption and its associated Artin L-function product of an automorphic Q. in the analytic continuation convolution method we can obtain the analytic continuation, p k is cyclic over nature of the Euler product for abelian extensions. equation, Langlands' is the Euler product of an in the special case when Shintani theory also proves this and provides functional In fact this is indeed proved by the Saito- and the functional equation of the Euler product holomorphic of K for automorphic which are not arises when K is the splitting field of a cubic polynomial with integer coefficients whose discriminant is not a square, group in which case whose representations Example 8. GaI(K/~) is the full symmetric S 3, all of are monomial. An Euler product that contains two variables. Let z be an 129 unramified automorphic representation of analytic cusp form f(z). GL2~A ~) which is associated to a real Let f(z) = [ a(n)y2K%(2~Inly)exp(2~inx) n#O be its Fourier expansion about the cusp at infinity with a(1) = i. Let E(s,z) be the Eisenstein series of §2.1. functions o (n) s and Rankin's convolution method show that for complex variables s and and a(n) s' The multiplicative property of the arithmetical the expression L ( s ' , s ; ~ E) = / E(z,s)f(z)S(z,s')d~ Do(F) -½(s'+l) s ~2s+l r s 4J~s-I s --~s+~ (----if----) r (---y--) r ( T ) s - 2s+~ s --~s-I 4r (s') A (s+l) is an Euler product. n~oOs~Inl) I t? a-~) The functional equation for the Eisenstein series gives readily the following functional equation for ..l+s' c~--y-,s;~ E) = A(s')A(s) A(s'+l)A(s+l) In fact a direct computation shows that if automorphic representation L ( l+s'+s ~ , ~ ) L ( - - - --l+s'-s ~--,~) Example 9. ~-(s,+½s) r (---y--) r (-----if----) 7, then E(z,s) L(s',s;~®~ E) l-s' L(--~-,-s;~e~E) L(s,~) is the Euler product of the ..l+s' L[--~--,S;~T E) is actually equal to times a simple expression that involves only A(s). Let S be the symplectic group of rank 2 and let ~ = ~ P4 P be an automorphic representation of components. For a finite prime in the dual group S05(E). p Sp4~A ~) let {gp} which is unramified at all the local be the semisimple conjugacy class Assume that the component ~ belongs to the 130 holomorphic discrete series of 'weight' modular form of weight Hecke operators. S05(~). Let k k, that is ~ is generated by a Siegel which is a cusp form and an eigenfunction r be the natural 4-dimensional for all the complex representation of Define a F-factor by 4 = ~-½(s-%i)r(s-%i), i=l 2 r(s,~,r) with ~I = k-i 2' ~2 - k-i 2 i, %3 = -%1' ~4 = -~2" If we put L(s,n,r) then Andrianov [ 1 ] = F(s,~,r)~det(l P has shown that L(s,n,r) It is also shown that be observed that 4 - p-Sr(g ) ) - i P L(s,~,r) L(½,~,r) =0 = (-l)kL(l-s,~,r). has at most a finite number of poles. for occurs for classical automorphic k an odd integer, forms on the group It should a phenomenon which already Sp2 = SL 2 of weight k s 2 mod 4. 2.4. The Average Size of the Eigenvalues of Hecke Operators. In this section we obtain information that appear in the Fourier expansions be used to determine L(s,~); of automorphic forms on GL2~A ~) which can the location of the critical strip for the Euler products we also get some information correspond about the size of the coefficients to the unramified about the zonal spherical local components ~ P functions of an automorphic that representation 131 = ~ . We first prove a simple result that suggests that the Petersson-Ramanujan P conjecture is true on the average for real analytic cusp forms. Theorem 2.8. Let ~ be an automorphic representation of is associated to a real analytic wave form f(z) in GL2~A ~) which Wx(N,%), % = ½(l-r2). Let its corresponding zeta be oo ~(S,Z) = [ a(n)n -s n=l = q~N(l-a (q) q-S)-ip~N(l-a (p) p-S+x(p) p-2S)-i. Then we have for x a positive real number la(n) I2 = c(~)x + o(x), n<x where 3 <f,f> 1 c(Z) = ~'F(½+r)F(½ r ) ' N ~ ( l + p i)" pIN Proof. of Fo(N) Let the Fourier expansion of f(z) about the cusp at infinity be f(z) = ~ a(m)y=Kr(2~Imly)exp(2~imx). m#0 The modified Bessel function I Ks(Z) = 2 " where -S (z) - Is(Z) ' sin(s~) 132 (½z) s+2m I(z) = m ~ 0 ~ l ) is clearly real valued when valued and s and s is pure imaginary. z are both real and also when z is real First we note that ~½ / / If (z) I2ySd~ o -½ oo ½ -~ ½ = f yS a(m)y Kr(2~Imly) ~ a(n)yaKr(2~Inly) / e2~ix(m-n)dx'y-2dy m#0 n#0 -½ o co eo = 2 ~ la(m)I 2 /oKr(2~my)Kr(2~my)yS-ldy. m=l Again we use the identity oo / K~(~t)Kv(~t) t-Odt o aP-i l-p+B+v 2P+2F(I-p) with ~ = 2~n, p = 1 - s l-p+p-v l-p-p+v and p = ~ = r to get ~½ / f If( z ) 12ySd~ o -½ (4~)-sF(~)F(~)F(2)2 4F(s) co~ la(n) 12n-s n=l = L(S,~ x~). Recall that if l-p-~-v .r(----y--)C(----F--)r(~)r(----f----) Foo = {(i0 i): n ~ 7z}, S S = {z = x + i y : is the region Ixl __<½, y > 0} 133 and D (N) o is a fundamental domain for r (N) o then S E Z ~Do(N), where modulo the sum r . E runs over a complete set of coset representatives We can therefore integral expression for replace the region L(s,~X~) L(s,~X~) S If(z) 12Y sd~ o ao (N) o = ~ / If(z) 12ySd~°o. 0 D (N) o The automorphy property of f(z) f.az+b. [c--z-~) = x(d)f(z)' and the SL2-invariance of the measure (a b e d ) C Fo(N ) d~ = y-2dxdy imply If(z) I2ySd~o~ = If(z) 12(Im~(z))Sd~. This then gives that L(s,~X~) = / If(z)[2E(z,s)d~, D (N) o where S(z,s) = [amo(~)) O = ySFN(Z,S ) s r (N) o by its equivalent in the to obtain = ~ I of is the Eisenstein series for the group infinity. Fo(N) corresponding to the cusp at We now investigate the constant term of observe that if F E(z,s) more closely. First is the stability group of the cusp at infinity then an equality of cosets a b a' b' F~( c d ) = F (c, d , ) occurs if and only if (c,d) = ±(c' d'), so the left cosets of in i-I correspondence with the pairs (c,d); atives the pairs (0,i) and (c,d) with hence we may choose c > O, Nlc and then ImO(z) = icz+dl2, Y z = x+iy. Thus FN(Z,S ) = yS + ySlmNz+nl-2s" ~ m>0 (mN,n)=l Let -I ~N(S) = n>0~ n-S = p~N (l-p-s) (n,N)=l Then we have 2~N(S) FN(Z, s) = ~ ImNz+n 1-2s m,n (n,N)=l )~'t,~=+~l -ms Z ~(d) m,n dln,N d>0 in as represent- (c,d) = i. that if O(z) = az+b cz+d F F (N) are o Recall 135 = [ B(d> diN [ ]mNz+n1-2s m,n = d~N~(d) d-2SG(~, s) , where (m,n) ~ is the Mobius function, the sum E' m,n different from (0,0) and G(z,s) is an Epstein zeta function. = runs over all pairs of integers ~' Imz+n1-2s m,n We use the fact E(z,s) = ySG(z's) 2~(2s) = Z (Im°(z)) s, o 6 F/F where series. F is the unimodular group SL2(~ ) /{±12 } and E(z,s) Thus we get YS p ~N (1-p-2S)FN (z,s) = N-Sd~ND(d)d-SE(~,s). Let E(z,S,Fo(N)) = [ (ImO(z)) ½(s+l) e F (N)Ir o and E(z,s,F) = [ o6F (ImO(z)) ½(s+l) Foo is its Eisenstein 136 denote respectively r (N) o and the Eisenstein series for the cusp at infinity for the groups F-(observe the change of variable s ÷ ½(s+l)!). We then have the identity E(z's'F°(N)) = pIN~(l-p-l-s)-i d~N p(d)(Nd)-h2(I+s)E(~'s;F)" The well known Fourier expansion of easy change of variable E(z,s,F) = y½(l+s)+ where Os(n) A(s) = ~ -½s ([17 ], p. 46) in the simple can be put, after an form l~1½s .y½K~ =s (2~Imly)exp(2~imx)' is the sum of the and E(z,s,F) A(s) ½(l-s), ~ 2 Os (Iml) A(~ y tm$ 0 ^(s+l) s F(~)~(s) E(z,S,Fo(N)) s+l s +--~--, s-th powers of the positive divisors of is Riemann's Euler product. E(z,s,F) we substitute n and In the identity relating this last Fourier series to obtain, after rearranging the terms involving the Mobius function p(d), E(z,s,F o(N)) = y½(l+S)+c(s)y2(l-S)+m~0Cm(S)y2K½s(27[m[y)exp(2~imx), where A(s) ~I(N) c(s) = A(s+l) }s+l(N)' ~a(N) = N a T ( 1 - p PIN and the coefficients c (s) m are all holomorphic To obtain the residue of several ways. -a ) E(z,S,Fo(N)) in the region at s=l The easiest is to evaluate the residue of interesting way is to appeal to Kronecker's Re(s) > 0o we can proceed in c(s). A somewhat more limit formula ([20 ],p° 273) for the 137 Eisenstein series E(z,s) which in a neighborhood of s = 1 can be written as 1 12 k 2) 6 E(z,s,F) . . . . .s-i + - 7 (Y - log 2 - log y2]q(z)] + %T and then substitute into the identity which relates E(z,s,F) 0(Is-il) to E(z,S,Fo(N)). We then obtain E(z,s,Fo(N)) = U (l-p-l-s)-i ~ p(d) (Nd) -½(s+l) pIN diN 6 x (~- s_--ll+ (y - log 2 - log (N--Xd)½[~(~)I2) + 0(Is-ll)), and this is = 6. 1 .i ~T N g ( l + p I-) s-i We can even compute the constant A(z) + A(z) + 0(Is-ll) in the Laurent expansion by using the appropriate terms in Kronecker's limit formula. to obtain, again after a change of variable We put together the above results s+l ~ + s, oo L(s,~X~) 3 < f,f> = ~'Ng(l~) A comparison of the poles of .i + !0an.(S_l)n" s-i n E(z,s,Fo(N)) and using the identity (4~) -Sr (s~--r)r (s~--r)F (2) 2 la(n) 12n -s = L(s,~X~) 4F(s) shows that r n= 1 cannot be real, and in particular the F-factors one obtains r # ½. Therefore dividing by 138 n=l la(n) 12n-S = 3__ • ( f,f ) 73 F(½+r)F (½-r) 1 Np~N(l+p-l) _i_l + [ bn(S_l)n" s-i n=0 A standard application of the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem to the above Dirichlet series gives la(n) l2 = ~ . n<x ( f,f > F (½+r) F (½-r) • x + o (x). NyN(I+p-I) This completes the proof of Theorem 2.8. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the above asymptotic estimate give the following corollary. Corollary 2.9. With the notation and assumptions as in Theroem 2.8. have la(n) l << x. n<x To obtain estimates which are more precise than those of Theorem (2.8) one must use the full strength of the functional equation for this we proceed to do now. Theorem 2.10. (I) Suppose the following six conditions are satisfied: BI,...,~4, 61 .... ,64 are positive real numbers and ~i,...,~4, yl,...,y4 = Y1 + "'" + Y4 - ~i - "'" - ~4 > ½; c(n) > 0 and and First we recall Landau's Theorem [ 18 ]: are real numbers satisfying the inequality (II) L(s,~ x ~), we 139 co Z(s) = [ c(n)n -s n=l is absolutely (III) convergent The function for Z(s) Re(s) > B and represents has a meromorphic plane and in each fixed strip o I < o < 02 there a regular function; continuation to the whole complex it has at most a finite number of poles; (IV) for some A > 0 co F(~I+BIS)...F(~4+B4s)Z(s) = F(yi-61s)...F(y4-64s ) [ e(n)(An) s, n=l the last sum being absolutely convergent (V) Re(s) < 0; Z(s) = 0(e Yltl) for large (VI) for Itl and some constant for some constant y = Y ( O l , o 2) in any strip o I < O < 02; B > 0 le(n) InB = 0(xB(log x)B). n<x Then we have c(x) = ~ c(n) = a(x) + 0(xK(log x)g), n<x where g = max (B,m(B)-I), m(B) is the multiplicity of the pole of Z(s) at s = B, 2D-I K = B" 2N+I' and R(x), (x > 0), in the strip is the sum of the residues of xSz(s) - - a t the poles of ~ < ~ < ~. To apply Landau's theorem we show first that the series Z(s) 140 Z(s) = ~(2s) ~ la(n) 12n -s n=l co = [ c(n)n -s n=l satisfies the c o n d i t i o n s a2 = -r, 63 = a4 = 0, of the theorem. We take ~i = 6i = ½' T 1 = ½ + r, T2 = ½ - r, T3 = T 4 = ½ = Y1 + i < i < 4, 61 = r, and o b s e r v e that "'" + Y4 - ~ i - "'" - ~4 =2>½. By T h e o r e m (2.8) we have C(x) = ~ c(n) n<x la(~) I 2 p> 2 < x ~ la(P) I2 0(~) = 0(x). ½ = ~ I)< x ½ Therefore by partial summation we observe Z(s) = that oo ~ c ( n ) n -s n=l is a b s o l u t e l y Eisenstein function convergent series we know for that Re(s) > 1 and h e n c e ( [ 1 7 ], p. 43) ~ = i. at a p o l e of F r o m the t h e o r y of &(2s-l) A(2s) the ' t41 A(2s)E(z,s) A(2s-l) is holomorphic. Furthermore each fixed strip A(2s)E(z,s) o I < O < ~2" Hence condition The well known behavior of the fact that for Itl sufficiently A(2s)E(s,z) has at most a finite number of poles in (III) is satisfied. F-function on vertical strips and the large = A(2s)y s + A(2s-l)y l-s + 0(e -cy) imply the estimate Z(s) = 0(eYltl), as required by condition Condition by theorem (VI) (V). is simply satisfied because e(n) = c(n)/~2n- and hence (2. 8) e(n)n = 0(x). n<x Now where 3 K = ~ and the only pole of Z(s) in the strip ~5 -< ~ j 1 the residue of Residue s=l Landau's xSR(s) s 3 ~2 (f,f > F(½+r)F(½-r) theorem then gives the estimate 3 c(n) = Co(~)x + O(x5). n<x X. is at s = 1 142 Let us now recall that la(n) 12n-s = n=l ~ c(n)n -s ~ p(m)m -2s n=l m=l and therefore la(n) l2 = ~ c(k)p(h); kh2=n we then have la(n>l 2 = n<_x c(k)p(h) Z kh2<x = ~ h<x½ - - >(h) ~ c(k) k<-x --h2 h<x½ h c (7) x h<x ~ 3 h but Co (~)Xh!x~~h)h2 : Co<~)x{~ + 0(x%} and the error term gives 3 o( x5 6 3 Z ½h5) = 0(x5) • h<x The final result is Theorem 2.11. have that With the notation and assumptions as in theorem 2.8., we 143 3 [ la(n)1 2 = c(T[)x + 0(x~). n<x If in the above theorem we replace x by N and N-I and subtract the two expressions we find that 3 la(N) 12 << N~ or 3 la(N) l << N I0, where the implied constant depends on the automorphic state this result in group theoretic Theorem 2.12. with z Let w = @~T P a member of the principal for which ~ be an automorphic series. Let us representation of GL2~A ¢) Then for all those finite primes is a class one representation ~ z. terms. either P series or representation ~ belongs p to the principal P belongs to the complementary series ~(~i,~2) with grossenchar- P acters p1 and P2 g i v e n by h(x) = Ixl% and h(x) = ,~,-° 3 0 < o < TO" 3 Proof. la(N)[ << N I° From the estimate 1 = 1 - a(p)T + X(p)T 2 has radius of convergence r with r J~0" it follows that the power series ~ a(pn)Tn n=0 Therefore by Gelbart ([ i0 ] p. 72) 144 3 la(p) l = Ip°P + p-°P I <__ 2pI--~ and hence the estimate 0<(7 -- Remark 2.4.1. that if ~ = ~p 3 <-i0" p -- It has been conjectured is an automorphic a finite number primes p ([12 ], P. 357 and [33 ], P- 264) representation the local components of z GL2~A~) then for all but belong to the principal P series. = ST A more comprehensive is an automorphic conjecture of Langlands representation of ~A' ([24 ], p. 56) is that if then for all primes p the P character of the representation ~ is a tempered distribution. If ~ = ~ P is an automorphic representation morphic discrete series, ture establishes of P GL2~A~) with z a member of the holo- then Deligne's proof of the Petersson-Ramanujan this; if z is not amember of the holomorphic then the above results suggest that this conjecture discrete conjecseries, is indeed true, at least on the average. The earlier results of Rankin of the coefficients given by Theorem of a holomorphic (2.8) Theorem 2.12. and let L(s,Z) Let about the average size cusp form of arbitrary level and the estimate imply the following result. Let z be an automorphic be its associated Euler product. located in the strip Proof. ([ 30 ], p. 357) 0 < Re(s) < i, z = ~ i.e. representation GL2~A~) Then the zeros of the critical strip is and disregard of L(s,Z) are 0 < Re(s) < i. the finite number of local represen- P tations which are not class one and construct the remaining local factors. the modified zeta ~(s,Z) with Then co 1 ~(s,Z) ~'(i p - a(p)p -s + X(p)p -2s) = [ A(n)gz(n)n n=l s, where the prime in the product denotes that only those local factors enter which arise from class one representations. of the coefficients a(n) and A(n) By Theorem ( 2 . 8 ) and the multiplicativity we obtain easily the estimate, for large x, 145 IA(n)~(n)l << x. n<x Hence the series and also the product converge absolutely this implies that ~(s,~) -I connot happen unless represents ~(s,~) the Euler product itself one uses the properties with known estimates for q of the does not vanish in dividing ([25 ], p. 295) = ~ is an automorphic equation. §i. The for these one uses the representations series. L(s,~) of GL2~A ~) have no zeros on the lines with the following representation of is Ina latter section we This will in turn lead to asymptotic We end Re(s) < 0 all have the form to those that are common in the study of the distribution Remark 2.4.3. and that the location of the critical of Eisenstein shall prove that in fact the Euler products Re(s) = O. ~; To see that This proves the theorem. It is indeed remarkable governed by the general properties and ~(s,n) this to show that these local factors do strip for the Euler products of automorphic Re(s) = 1 in the conductor of not vanish outside the critical strip. Remark 2.4.2. Re(s) > 1 F-function and the functional and Re(s) > if does not vanish in the same region. L(s,~) a(q) Re(s) > 1 a regular function in finite number of local factors not considered (i - a(q)q -s) for GL2~A ~) estimates similar of prime numbers. important observation. and if its associted If zeta P ~(s,~), that is the Euler product of ~ without the F-factors, has a Dirichlet series expansion of the form ~(s,~) = ~ a(n)n -s n=l and if all but a finite number of the local components series then for large x la(n) l << x, n<x belong to the principal P 146 w h e r e the implied constant is independent of stant w i l l w o r k for all 7. (2.8) in the sense that the same con- This is indeed the case for a a m e m b e r of the h o l o m o r p h i c discrete series. from Theorem ~ ~ = 8z p with In general the estimates o b t a i n e d only give the b o u n d ]a(n) l << ll~llx, n<x w h e r e the inplied constant is independent of w h i e h m e a s u r e s the global size metric of ~ but w h e r e II~II is a constant % and is a constant m u l t i p l e of the P e t e r s s o n < f,f > of a n o r m a l i z e d a u t o m o r p h i c form a s s o c i a t e d to ~. All of our subsequent estimates w i l l be effective only in so far as we are w i l l i n g to carry the constant representation II~II ~. as an independent parameter among those that c h a r a c t e r i z e the 147 §3. 3.1. Zeros in the Critical Strip. The Hadamard Product Formula. We begin now the study of the distribution of zeros in the critical strip of the Euler products GL2~A~). L(s,~) associated to automorphic representations The methods, worked out here only for GL2, ~ of are quite general and apply to the Euler products of other adele groups over algebraic number fields. In this more general setting we have investigated some analogues of the Brauer-Siegel Theorem in the theory of Artin's L-functions. Throughout this section we fix an automorphic representation GL2~A ~) and denote, as usual, by L(s,~) its Euler product. Hadamard factorization theory to the entire function that there exist positive constants c and c' L(s,~) such that ~ of To apply the we must first verify L(s,~) satisfies the growth condition (1) for (2) L(s,~) = O(exp cls I log Isl) Isl sufficiently large, but the weaker condition L(s,~) = 0(exp c'Is I) does not hold for all sufficiently large Isl. We first decompose the Euler product L(s,Z) into its F-factor and the product of all local factors at the finite primes: L(s,~) To investigate the growth behavior of = r(s,~ ~(s,~) )~(s,~). we consider its associated Lindel~f 148 function p(O,z). of numbers ~ Recall that for each 0 p(O,z) is defined as the lower b o u n d such that ~(~ + it,~) o(ItI$). It is w e l l k n o w n f r o m the general theory of Dirichlet series that, as a f u n c t i o n of ~, ~(~,~) is continuous, that no arc of the curve non-increasing, y = ~(~,~) and convex downward in the sense has any point above its cord; also B(~,~) is never negative. We have a l r e a d y indicated in §2.4 that ¢(s,~) gent, as an Euler product or as a Dirichlet series, ~(s,~) is b o u n d e d for o > 1 + 6(6 > 0), p(o,~) for is a b s o l u t e l y converRe(s) > i; in p a r t i c u l a r and therefore = O, ~ > i; from the estimate r(l-s,~) F(s,~) where = max(I~lI,I~21), 0((It I + I~l) 2(~-½)) and the functional e q u a t i o n of L(s,~) it follows that p(o,~) = 2(½ - 5), by c o n t i n u i t y these equations also hold for The cord j o i n i n g the points is y = i - ~; (0,i) o < 0; o = i and and (i,0) ~ = 0 on the curve from the convexity p r o p e r t y it then follows that p(o,~) < i - ~, 0 < o < i, respectively. y = ~(~,~) 149 and in particular ~(½,~) J ½, that is ~(½ + it,~) = O([t[ ½+£) for every positive between D(O,~) 0 and i. consists of ~. The exact value of is not known for any 2 straight lines: More generally, if for ~ ~ < ½ and ~(o,~) = 0 Hypothesis for the factor for o > ½. is an automorphic representation of is a finite dimensional complex representation of §1.4 o An analogue of the Lindelof Hypothesis is that the graph of ~(o,~) = (½ - 4)2 r ~(~,~) ~(s,~,r) GL2(~) in the Euler product GL2~A ~) and then the Lindelof L(s,~,r) defined in is that the graph of the associated Lindelof function consists of 2 straight lines: ~(o,~,r) = (½ - o)dim r for O < ½ and ~(O,~,r) = 0 for ~ > ½. By Stirling's formula we know that F(s,~) = 0(exp c[s] log Is]), Re(s) ~ ½, with F(s,~) c a positive constant. and ~(s,~) The function equation and the above estimates for give IL<s,~)l = O<e=p clsl ~og I s l ) . This proves (i). If we now restrict s to the real axis and put s = ~ > ~ -- then O 150 Stirting's formula gives I£(s,~)l ~ exp aO log o for some positive constant a. Fourier-Bessel of the automorphic coefficients On the other hand the polynomial form associated growth of the to ~ imply that oo l~(O,v) l = I ~ a(n)n-Sl n=l co > 1 - Z la(n)In -~ n=2 >½ for o sufficiently say o _> Go, large. Therefore, for large real positive values of ~, we have IL(o,~) I > exp c'O log o, where c' is a positive constant. We have thus verified Hadamard Factorization conclusions that L(s,~) (2) cannot hold for all satisfies all the requirements Isl. of the for subsequent use we now collect the resulting in the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. (non-trivial) ii) Theorem; This proves that i) The Euler product zeros in the critical strip As an entire function, L(s,~) has an infinite number of 0 j Re(s) j i; L(s,~) has a factorization of the type L(S,~) = eA(~)+B(~)S]T(I - ~)e s/p, P where A(w) and B(~) are constants depending on the automorphic representation 151 and the product runs over all the zeros of iii) L(s,~) in the critical strip; The sum ~i~i-i-n P extended over all zeros of L(s,~) converges for all q > 0 and diverges for = 0. Remark 3.1.1. The location of the critical strip for L(s,~) immediate consequence of the non-vanishing of the Euler product for and the functional equation. therefore, It will be shown in using the functional equation at L(O,~) we also have 3.2. = E(~)f(~) §5 that is an Re(s) > 1 L(I,~) # 0 and and let N(T,w) s = 0 ½ L(I,~), L(0,~) # 0. The First yon Man$oldt Formula. Let ~ be an automorphic representation of denote the number of zeros of the Euler product 0 < o < 1 and Itl ~ T. GL2~A ~) ~(s,w) in the rectangle: For the sake of simplicity we assume that coincide with the ordinate of a zero of E(s,~). T does not Recall that r(s,~) = ~-½(S-Xl)r(i~2~1)~-½(s-X2)r(?), where the infinity type infinite prime. depends on the local representation In particular the trivial zeros of negative real axis when mentary series; {11,12 } ~ ~(s,~) ~ at the are located on the is a member of the discrete series or the comple- this lost situation seems to never arise for GL2~A ~) and can 152 even be proved for those a u t o m o r p h i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s It ~ b e l o n g s to the principal series then and the trivial zeros of C(s,~) %1 that have no ramification. and %2 are not purely real are located on two rails parallel to the negative real axis. For any one of these cases w e have, E-function, that from the n o n - v a n i s h i n g of the 2~N(T,7) = A R arg L(s,Z) + 0(i), where R is the r e c t a n g l e in the A R arg L(s,~) perimeter of term 0(i), s-plane w i t h v e r t i c e s is the v a r i a t i o n of the argument of R in the counter clockwise sense. w h i c h is independent of 7, L(s,7) 3 1 ~ ± iT, - ~ ± iT, and as s traverses the The n e c e s s i t y of adding an error comes from the p o s s i b i l i t y of having at m o s t a couple of trivial zeros inside ~(s,~) R. The c o n t r i b u t i o n of the left half of the contour is obtained from that of the right half by using the simple relation, w h i c h is a consequence of the functional equation, arg L(q + it,q) = arg f(7) ½-s + arg L(I - ~ + it,~) + c, where c is a constant d e p e n d i n g on the root number 8(7) but not on s. We then w r i t e ~N(T,~) = a L arg L(s,7) - ½ A L arg f(7) ½-s + 0(i), where ! + iT 2 L denotes the path going from 1 and then b a c k to ~ + iT. 1 ~ - iT to 3 ~ - iT Now w e clearly h a v e A L arg f ( ~ ) ½ - s = -2T log f(~) then from 3 ~- iT to 153 and A L arg ~-½(s-11).z-½(s-12) also by the complex version A e arg r(S-ll)r(s-12) 2 2 where of Stirling's formula we have = (2T - h Ti - 12 ) log ~T _ 2T - ~(!~ + % O1 + 12 ) + 0(T-I), Ik = %k + iI , k = 1,2. zN(T,x) = -2T log z; We then obtain the formula = (2T - h TI - 12 ) log ~T - 2T - ~ ( ½ + h ~I + 12 ) + 0(T -I) - 2T log ~ + T log f(~) + A L arg ~(s,~) + 0(i) .Tf(~) ½. = 2T log < ~ ) - 2T + A L arg ~(s,Z) where + 0(Ill log T), ]I[ = max([%l],[%21). To obtain the variation 2 auxiliary of arg ~(s,~) along the path L we first prove lemmas. Lemma 3.2. We have for large T, 1 << log T, p 1+(T-y) 2 where strip. the sum is taken over all the zeros O = ~ + iy of ~(s,~) in the critical 154 Proof. Logarithmic differentiation of the Hadamard product formula F(s,Z)6(s,Z) = eA(z)+B(~)s~(I - ~)e s/P P yields ~' - ~ (s,~) r' --F'(s-12) - log z B(z) 1 i}. : ½ ~ (S-ll)2 + ½ F 2 - [{s---~p + p ' r v in this formula we substitute large Isl in the angle real parts of both sides the bound -~ + @ < ~ (s) = log s + 0(Isl-l), arg s < z + 6, some positive is valid for 3 s o = ~ + iT 6, -½ < o < ~3 and take the and t _> 2; - P this last inequality evaluated at gives [ Re{l+ P 1 So-P where we have used the fact that ~] < (s,z) A' log T, is bounded at So. Now by Theorem we have 1 Re ~ = [ Re(0)Ip1-2 O O = 0(i), and also 3 [ ~e{ O where for to get -Re ~ (s,~) < A log t - [ Re{ _ P which valid P = B + iy. } = - This proves (~- ~)2+(r-y)2 the lemma. -- p l+(r-y) 2' 3.1 15,5 The following Corollary is a useful corollary 3.3. to the above lemma. We have i) N(T + l,w) - N(T,w) < 1 ii) A log T; < A' log T. IT- I~i I+(T-Y) 2 -- The next lemma, needed here to compute in the derivation of the explicit Lemma 3.4. ~(s,Z) and For large positive 3 -½ < ~ < ~ ~' where P = ~ + iV Proof. 3 --+it 2 formulas arg L ~(s,~), in §4. t not equal to the ordinate i (s,~) = [ s_--~ + 0(log t), P We evaluate the logarithmic It-yl > 1 ~I 1 p s-p 3.3 that satisfy It-yl < i. ~(s,~) of at one value from the other to get p s-p By Corollary s = O + it, derivative ~'(s,~) = 0(log t) + [{ i the terms w i t h of a zero of we have runs over the zeros of ~(s,~) and subtract will also be used contribute 1 }; at most I < ~ ~3+ i t - p 1 3 ~ + it-p i 0(log t). p (t-y) 2 we know that the total contribution p I~+ it-pl of the terms in s and at 156 with It-yl < 1 is at most It should 0(log t); be observed this then proves the lemma. that in Lemma 3.4 the restriction different from the ordinate of a zero P = 6 + iy that t be is clearly not necessary if 0#6. To complete the derivation of the First yon Mangoldt A L arg ~(s,~) = S Im ~ formula observe that (s,~)ds + 0(I), (~) where term (~) 0(I) where 3 ~ + iT is a straight path going from denotes the variation of ~(s,~) has no zeros. arg ~(s,~) to ~ + iT; here the error along the line Re(s) = 3 Now / Im{--i }ds = A arg (s - p) (~) s-p where a at most denotes variation along the path 7; proof of the following Theorem 3.5. representation %1 and and this is in absolute value this remark together with the expression Lemma 3.4 leads to the estimate let (6) of %2 for ~ A L arg ~(s,~) = 0(log T). (s,~) given in This completes the theorem. (First von Mangoldt GL2~A~) of conductor be the infinity type of Formula). f(~) ~ and and put Let L(s,~) ~ be an automorphic its Euler product; i%i = max(i%ll,i%21). we have N(T,z) = ~2T- log (Tf(z)½~ .~. - ~2T+ o(i~i log m), where N(T,~) = #{p = 6+i~f: L(p,~) = 0, 0 < 6 < i, -T < t < T}. Then 157 3.3. Explicit Estimates. The First von Mangoldt Formula given in Theorem (3.5) depends implicitly on constants whose values change with varying automorphic representations even if these have the same conductor and same infinity type. It appears that these con- stants can be estimated more explicitly if one imposes various restrictions on the local components ~ of the automorphic representation P 7. We want to consider here the problem of making explicit the error term in the First von Mangoldt Formula for an automorphic representation whose local component at the infinite prime is a member of the holomorphic discrete series. Let A and k be positive integers. let F (A) o ~ defined modulo A with subgroup. ~ be an automorphic representation of Let ~(-i) = (-l)k; Let translates of a primitive holomorphic cusp form Recall that such an automorphic form f(z) be a Dirichlet character be the Hecke congruence GL2~~ ) of type generated by the {~,k,Fo(A)}. f(z) has a q-expansion f(z) = oo ~ a(n)q n, n=l with a(1) = i; also f(z) is an eigenfunction of the Hecke operator T P oo oo flTP = n~l a(pn)qn + ~(p)pk-i n=l~a(n)q pn, p~A, and of the operator U P oo flUp = n~la(pn)q n, Pl A, with the corresponding eigenvalues being the of ~ is given by a(p). Recall that the Euler product 158 L(s,~) = r(s,~)~(s,~) with F(s,~) = ~-½(S-%l)F(S-ll)z-½(s-k2)F(s~%----~2), 2 k-i ~I = -~--' k+l 2 ' ~2 = - and E(s,~) = p~A i "p~A 1 l-a (p) p-S i-~ (p) p-S+~ (p) p-2S' where ~(p) = a(p)p½(l-k); L(s,~) satisfies the functional equation L(s,~) = g(~)A½-SL(l-s,~). Recall that Deligne has proved ([ 7 ], §8.2) ~ ( p ) = kp + Op, [%p[ = that [Op[ : and Ogg ([25],p. 295) has proved that when plA, can be defined modulo A/p; @ l~(p) l = p-½ if p2~A l~(p) l = 1 and if @ if 1 for ~(p) = 0 can be defined modulo equation and the Euler product imply, as we saw in L(s,~) lies in Theorem 3.6. if §2.4, A/p. f(z) N(T,~) and if A/p; The line L(s,~); Re(s) = 1 the functional that the critical strip 0 J Re(s) j I. Let ~ be an automorphic representation local component at the infinite prime belongs to the holomorphic let p21A cannot be defined modulo is the boundary of the region of absolute convergence of of p~A, be a primitive cusp form of type be as in Theorem (3.5). We then have {~,k,Fo(N)} of GL2~A Q) whose discrete series; associated to ~. Let 159 2T TA ½ 2T N(T,7) = -~- log (-~--) - T + (k41--) + 0(k) + 0(log (100Ak2T2)), where the implied constants are absolute, meters that characterize Theorem 3.7. of zeros O Js - ~] i 7 3 of the automorphic Let L(s,~) 7 and that is they do not depend on the pararepresentations L(s,7) 7. be as in Theorem 3.6; counted with their proper multiplicity is bounded by 4 -I (log 5) log (cAk2), where then the number inside the circle c = 2(27) -2 3 4 5 2 ~(~) ~(~) We give only a detailed proof of Theorem 3.7; the proof of Theorem 3.6 follows in outline the same argument used to derive the First von Mangoldt Formula except that at the crucial point one must replace the bound A L arg ~(s,7) =0(logT) by an explicit estimate of a type that will be given below. Proof of Theorem 3.7. L(s,7) inside the circle formula to the circles C1 CI: and To get an upper bound for the number of zeros of 3 Js - ¼1 j ~ C2: Js - ¼[ ~ " (~)mi where m is the number of zeros of maximum modulus of L(s,7) The estimates of we apply the weak form of Jensen's we thus have M L(s,~) inside the circle Ogg for the 7, a(p) inside the circle give M and is the C 2. and of Deligne for the and the expression i ~(s,7) C1 p~A (I-~(P) P-S) p~A (I-Xpp-s) (I-Opp-s) % P and o P 160 5 1¢<¼,~)1 5 - < ¢(5) 2. Similarly, from the identity co oo ~(S,~) = p~A(v~O(~(p)p-S)V) we get for s = O + it and co p~A (v~O (%pp-s)v)(= w=0 ~ (Opp-S)W), o > 1 ]~(s,~)] < ~(o) 2. To estimate the maximum modulus of apply the Phragm~n-Lindel~f by the lines s = -½ + it Theorem ([ 29 ], p. 195) and s = 3 + it. Mellin transform of a primitive cusp form (3) where type ~(s,~) Since inside the circle in the strip L(s,~) f(z) of type is the interval ~,k,Fo(A)} [A-½,~], {~,k,Fo(A)} g(z) s ÷ s + ½(k-l), From the above integral representation S(-½,3) it follows that l~(s,~)l j c exp Itl c, c. We also have bounded the we have 3 2dy, representation ~; this is the formula in [37 ], p. 94. and satisfies there for some positive constant we is the primitive cusp form of which is associated to the contragredient modulo the change of variable in the strip and S(-½,3) is essentially L(s,~) = f (y½kf(iy)yS + g(~)A½-Sy½kg(iy)yl-S)y (~) (y) C2 L(s,~) is regular analytic 161 l~(3+it,~)l < ~(3) 2. To get an estimate for l~(-½+it,~)l ~(s,w) we use the functional equation E (~) A½-S (2~) 2s-l~ (l-s, ~) F(l-s- k-l) F(s + k21) thus ~(-½+it,~) I _< A(2~)-2~(~)2(t 2 +q-). k2 The PhragmSn-Lindelof Theorem strip S(-½,3) ([ 29], p. 195) leads to the conclusion that in the we have k2 [~(s,~)[ j A(2~)-2~(~)4(t2 +-~-). For s inside the circle maximum modulus of ~(s,~) C2: Is - ¼1 ~ 7 7 k2 t2 ~- + j 2k 2. we have inside the circle C2 Hence the is bounded by M < A(2~)-2~(~)42k 2. Finally we get M 5 < cAk 2 ' with 3 4 ~(~) 52 c = 2(2~)-2~(~) . We now take the logarithm of both sides of Jensen's inequality to get 162 m < c' log (cAk2), where 4 -i c' = (log ~) . This completes the proof of Theorem 3.7. Remark 3.3.1. inequality to ~(s,~) C2: is - gives 5 - iT 1 To complete the proof of Theorem 3.6 on ~ ~'7' the two circles the bound for N(T + 1,7) - N(T,~) << el: ~(s,~) log (cAk2T2), 5 Is - 7 - with s one applies Jensen's iT I < 13 -i7 and in the strip S(-½,3) then where now the implied constants are absolute. Remark 3.3.2. The explicit estimates given in Theorems (3.6) were obtained under the assumption that the class one local components and ~ (3.7) of P the automorphic representation assumption ~ are all members of the principal series; this was in fact used in the form of bounds for the coefficients of the Dirichlet series ~(s,~) which in turn lead to explicit upper bounds in the region of absolute convergence. In order to extend the domain of validity of the explicit estimates we are lead to introduce a new parameter which measures the global size of the automorphic representation. This can actually be accomplished by two seemingly different methods which we now proceed to sketch. Method i. Here we use the fact, established in Ramanujan conjecture is true on the average: tation of GL2~) , then there is a constant if ~ §2.4, that the Petersson- is an automorphic represen- II~I] such that for all x ~ 1 la(n) i << li~IIx, n<x where the a(n)'s are the coefficients of independent of ~. To get a numerical value for to a real analytic cusp form line of the integral ~(s,~) f(z), and the implied constant is II~II, say when ~ is associated one studies the growth behavior on the real 163 ~o(N)If(~)l2(cI(O)y½(l+O)+ c2(O)y½(l-O))d~, where N is the conductor of Cl(S)y½(l+s) + c2(s)y½(l-s) ~, Do(N) a fundamental is the constant domain for Fo(N) term of the Eisenstein In the Fourier expansion about the cusp at infinity for the group already suggested in of f(z). §2.4 one can relate II~ll to the Petersson Once the average size of the coefficients summation yields the estimate for implicitely of the local representation Fo(N). GL2~A~) and T ~ 2, is known, partial ~ and the infinity type Method 2. and Bounds for 3.6 and 3.7 on ~ equation of we write the functional has not been introduced erature of the subject. -s L(s,~): L(I-s,~); the dependence of the constants clearly the global behavior of where the can be obtained from known estimates for L(s,~) = g(~)f(~) in order to make explicit << log (NII~[I~2T), representation % = max(l%li,l%2i). ~(s,~) the F-function and the functional {%1,%2} This estimate can then be used to show, following N(T+I,~) -N(T,~) implied constant is absolute, As inner product the argument in the proof of Theorem 3.7, that for any automorphic of E(z,s) It should be observed that this estimate the conductor of ~ . series o > 1 where the implied constant is absolute. already contains la(n) I and L(s,~). that appear in Theorems equation in a form that exhibits more For this we use a bit of notation that earlier in these notes but which is implicit in the litLet ~ be the subgroup of diagonal matrices which appears in the Iwasaw decomposition; if o E SL20R ) we write of SL 2 164 o : (1 ° <o))le 0 0 Let ~ be the Lie algebra of A e-OH(O)]k(@)" and ~ its dual. Let ~ be the nontrivial ^ element of the Weyl group of Let A(N) A with be the domain of ~(~) = -I for any complex number % C~. defined by A(N) : {(~ 0a_l): a2 _> N-½}. Let d*a be a Haar measure on the group (3) used in the proof of Theorem 3.7 ~. Then the integral representation can also be written in the following alternative form. Theorem 3.8. conductor tation. f(~) If Let ~ be an automorphic representation of and root number % E ~ g(~); let ~ GL2~A ~) of be its contragredient represen- then we have .l+l L(~--,~) = f (~(a)e %H(a) + s(~)f(~)½~(%)~(a)e~(%)H(a))d*a, A(f(~)) where ~ (resp. ~) is a vector in the representation space of chosen so that the corresponding primitive cusp form the isomorphism of §1.3 ~ (resp. ~) f(z) (resp. g(z)) given by has its first Fourier coefficient about the cusp at infinity equal to one. To recover the functional equation from this integral representation we observe that 2 is the identity element in the Weyl group and The key point to observe here is that the functions defined behavior in the domain A(f(~)). ~ and ~ g(~)g(~) = i. have a well In fact, if we define II~II = max( max If(iy)e2~YI, max Ig(iy)e2~YI) , yN~__> 1 y~__>l 165 then the above Theorem or the simpler expression <_ where r(a,x) (3) give + is the incomplete (2~) _ }, f'-function oo F(a,x) = / ta-le-tdt, x and k = ~weight "0 of f There are several well known assymtotic to explieitely automorphic a(z). it. representation Here therefore estimate k = 12 and if if f f is holomorphic is real analytic. formulas for F(a,x) Let us now give an example. of GL2~A ~) N = 1 f(z) = g(z) = A(z). corresponding and also, ~ Let that can be used ~ to Ramanujan's be the modular is its own contragredient and In this case we have li~ll = max y>l : max y~l IA(iy)e2~Yl i~(l n=l - e-2~ny) i24 = 1 and so L (.l+s __~_~) To go much further functional i _< { F ( ~ , 2 z ) ( 2 z ) - ~ ( 1 2 q < 7 ) + ~.12-~ y t ~ , z ~ ).t.z.~. . )-½(12-~)~ ~. than this one must look into the problem of approximate equations. form 166 We end this section by proving an inequality that is suggested by the methods of Stark-Odlysko which have already been quite successful in the problem of getting explicit estimates for the conductor of an Artin L-function. Theorem 3.9. conductor f(~); let f(s) = ~(s,~)~(s) 2 Let ~ L(s,~) be an automorphic representation of be its Euler product. satisfies for Re(s) > I GL2~A~) of Suppose that the function f, -Re ~ (s) ~ O. Then we have for Re(s) > 1 Re { ie} -_< 2R {i}+_ ½ l o g f(~) + Re {½ TF'(s-~-2 +~T" F''s-%2"(__~)+~'(½s+l)}. P where the sum E P runs over all zeros of f(s) = 0 and p and ~ are grouped together in the sum and are counted according to their multiplicities. Proof. (J-P. Serre). From the Hadamard product formula L(s,~) = eA(~)+B(~)S~T(I - ~)e s/p P we have by logarithmic differentiation (s,~) = ½ T 2 + ½ "~ ( ) - log ~ - B(~) - ~ p and from the functional equation we have nT ~(0,TT) = B(Tr) = - log f(TT) - B(~) _ ~~ { l ! P + l}p or equivalently B(~) + B(~) + log f(w) = - ~ [ P + %}, + i} O 167 where ~ is extended over all zeros of L(s,~). Now we observe that if O a zero of L(s,~) then 1 - p is a zero of L(s,~) and similarly if p zero of L(s,~) then ~ is a zero of L(s,~). p is is a Hence we can write Re B(~) + ½ log f(~) = - ½ [@ {i@ + ~}i and (4) I R e { _ } - Re ~~' (s,z) = ½ log f(z) - log ~ + ½ Re ~F' ([~%1 ) + ½ R e ~ £' (s-~2), P where the p and ~ terms are to be grouped together. of Riemann's zeta function ([ 6 ], p. 88) 1 s-p Also from the theory we have %' 1 - - - ½ log ~ + ½ ~ ~ (s) = s-i (~ + i), P where the O and ~ terms are to be grouped together. Adding to (4) twice the real part of the last equality we get [ ~e{ s_--i} - Re{ 2~' (s) + 7~' ( s , O } P = 2 Re{sll } + ½ log f(~) - 2 log ~ + Re{F'(½s+l) + ½ T ( The positivity of the function f~ - Re ~ (s) ) + ½-F ( ) }" now gives the desired inequality. Although we have not used the assumption f, is essential~ in fact to verify that - Re ~ (s) ~ 0 Re(s) > i, in practice this one must employ Dirichlet series whose domain of absolute convergence lies to the right of the line Re(s) = i. Example. (J.-P. Serre) Let ~ ciated to a holomorphic cusp form of type be an automorphic representation asso{~,ro(A),k}. Recall that the infinity 168 type is 3 s = ~ and %2 = - 0 < o < i. b o u n d e d by ~ ~ = ½ then over the rationals, if k = 2 ml -< 1.7 + ½ log A. rkE and If E L(s,~) m½ L(s,~) in the on the real line is is the m u l t i p l i c i t y of a is an elliptic curve defined denotes the rank of the M o r d e l l - W e i l group of E then the above estimate together w i t h the Birch and Swinnerton- Dyer c o n j e c t u r e suggests that E. In the inequality of T h e o r e m 3.9 take Then the number of zeros of 3 .24 + ~ log --(k2A); over the rationals and of k+l 2 " and let the sum on the left run over the real zeros of interval zero at k-i 2 %1 rkE < 1.7 + ½ log A, where A is the conductor 169 .§4. Explicit Formulas. 4.1. The Second von Mangoldt Formula. Our aim here is to prove a generalization, representations of GL2~) , in the framework of automorphic of the famous Second von Mangoldt Formula of prime number theory [ p where ~ P log p = x - Z ~ x-L- - ~(i)(0) P p ~(0) ½ log (l-x-2), <x runs over the non-trivial zeros of ((s). We shall actually obtain a formula which involves only a finite number of zeros and an explicit error term. As was already hinted in the introduction such formulas principle for automorphic of other adele groups; representations can also be obtained in we develop a general type of zeta distribution which generalizes formulas of interest Throughout of conductor f(~) the Euler product of the Dirichlet all known explicit in number theory. this section ~ and infinity type L(s,~) the 2-dimensional in fact in §6 of ~ representation is an automorphic {~i,%2}. GL2(~). of GL2~A ~) When convenient we shall write in the equivalent of representation Let form A(n) L(s,~,r), where r be the n-th coefficient series co - observe that A(n) --~'(s,~) : [ A(n)n-S; n=l has its support at the prime powers; define for ~(x,~) = ~ x > 0 A(n), n<x where the term in the sum with n = x is is to be weighted by ½ when x is an 170 integer. We shall need the following well known result Lemma 4.1. Let 6(y) be the function of 0 6(y) = {% 1 if if if 0 <y< y = 1 y > 1 y ([ 6 ], p. 109). defined by 1 and let c+iT 1 s ds I o (y,T) = 2--~ f Y "--" s c-iT Then, for y > O, c > O, T > O, IIo(Y'T)-6(Y)I c < {Y min(l,T-iIlog cT -I From this lemma we easily obtain, with y]-l) if if y # 1 y = I. c = 1 + (log x) -I, co (i) ]V(x,~)-I(x,T)l < ~ IA(n)](X)Cmin<l,T-111ogTIx -i ) + eT-11a(x) l, n=l where 1 c+iT ~'(s,~)~}ds, l(x,T) = 2--~ / {c-iT and the term cT-IIA(x)l is to be included only if x To estimate the sum in the right hand side of contribution arising from terms with n _< 3x and is an integer. (i) we consider the n <_5x. remains bounded and the resulting sum can be majorized by T-I~ [ IA(n) ln-~. n=l For these flog xl-i 171 Recall that if the local representation of is class one, then, in the notation P §1.4, we have det(l 2 - p-Sr(gp))-i = ~ a(pV)p -vs v=O and oo --d l°gds det(12 - p - S r(gp)) = ~ A(pV)p-VS; v=l by comparing power series expansions we easily obtain A(pV) = ~a(p)log p -a(pV)log p - ~(p)a(pV-2)log p where ~(p) = det r(gp). if if v = i v ~ 2, If we assume, as we have done throughout these notes, that the central character ~(p) is unitary, then we obtain the following useful inequality: ]^(pV) I (2) < -- {la(p) llog p la(pV) llog p + la(pV-2) llog p if if v = i v ~ 2. It can also be verified that this inequality holds even when the prime the conductor p divides f(~). From (2) we have oo co iA(n) in-C < ~[a(p) l(log p)p-C + ~ ~ la(pm-2) flog p)p-mC n=l p P m=2 co < co [ la(n) l(log n)n -c + [ log p{p-2C + p-2C ~ la(n) i(log n)n c} n=l p < 3( ~ la(n) l(log n)n-C)(~(log p)p-2C). n=l p n=l lV2 Using partial summation and the estimates fa(n) l for of §3.3 we obtain n<x co [ IA(n) In-c << llzll(log x) 2, n=l where the implied constant is absolute. It remains to estimate the contribution to the sum in (i) arising from the sum S = [ 3 li(n) Imin(l,T-lllog xl-l). < <5 7x_n_Tx If we knew that the Petersson-Ramanujan tation ~ Davenport was true then a relatively ([ ~ ], p. 113) right hand side of conjecture < x > would lead to the estimate, constants are absolute. the Petersson-Ramanujan 3 ~x< x + min(l, T--~-~x>}, the inequality x to the nearest integer and where the implied To obtain an estimate for S without the assumption of conjecture we are forced to take a different route. n < x; We first divide the sum satisfies for the whole sum in the (i), is the distance from treat the case represen- simple argument similar to that given by << II~II (log x){ x l ° g x T where for the automorphic S the other case into two sums (a) or (b) can be Sa and below: a) T-i llog--Xni-i < N < I, b) T-iIlog ~I -I ~ ~, treated sb by a similar We argument. depending on whether n 173 where N is a fixed number to be selected later. In case n satisfies (a) we have Sa -n < x If we replace [A(n) l by the inequality in (2) and use the estimate of §3.3 we obtain s a << N ll~IIx log x. The sum sb runs over those n < x for which ! > log (~) Tn -n or equivalently n _> x exp {- T!}. For these that n, (~T) -I the sum sh is bounded, has at most 1 x(l - exp {- T~}) then the number of terms in If we now apply the Cauchy-Schwarz c(n)[A(n)[ 3 -~x<n< x inequality terms, and if we assume sb is at most to sb 1 << --'TN we get << ( ~ c(n)2)½( ~ A(n)2) ½, n< x n<x --- 1 where A(n) c(n) is i if by the inequality x exp{- ~ } (2) < n < x and 0 and use the estimates s b << (xN-iT-l)½(log otherwise. of §2.4 x) llxllx½. and Again we replace 3.3 to obtain 174 We thus have S = S a + sb << II~llx(log x){n We now select N so that ~ = N-½T -½, ~-½T-½}. + that is 1 n = T3 • with this choice we have i s << 11~11x(1og x ) r - Z A similar argument works for the sum in the range the above estimates and using the fact that x < n < 5 ~x. Putting together IA(x) l << II~]l x log x, we now have i l~(x,7) - I(T,x) I << 11711 x (log x) 2T -I + [1711 x (log x)T - ~ << where the implied constant To evaluate satisfying the the condition I1~11 x 1 (log x)2T -~, is absolute. integral l(x,T) that for any u we take a positive real number in the set Z(~ ) = {%1- 2n, % 2 - 2n: we have i IU + Re(u) l _> ~. Let Lo U n • ~, n ~ 0}, be the contour consisting of the segments 175 L : -U < O < c, t = T : - U < (7 < c, t = -T where c = i + (log x) -I of the zeros of L': O = -U, 0 < t < T L': (7 = -U, -T < t < 0 L : c O = c, -T < t < T, and T is s u i t a b l y chosen so as to a v o i d h i t t i n g any ~(s,~). Cauchy's r e s i d u e theorem yields l (3) v s o ¢(2) (log x + ½ ¢(i)(0,7) w h e r e the first term, to be i n c l u d e d only w h e n _ p xp ~. v- { -i-, s = 0 is a zero of ~(s,~), arises from the obvious Laurent expansion ~' the sum sum ~ 1 ~(2)(0,~) (s,~) = -- + ½ + ~ A(n)sn; s ~(i)(0,~ ) n= I E runs over the n o n t r i v i a l zeros of ~(s,~) P runs over those trivial zeros % of ~(s,~) consider now the integral in (3) integral a l o n g t = T L Z(~ ) n L o §3.3 T - i < T < T + i is << i, where = [1~11 log (f(~)(T + I~ll + I~2[>>" # 0. We We divide the - U < o < -½, t = T. that the n u m b e r of zeros and the and the first c o n s i s t i n g of the segment and the second consisting of the segment the critical strip w i t h in llmpl ~ T along each individual path. into two parts, the first piece w e recall from with -½< To O = ~ + iT O< treat in c, 178 Therefore, by slightly for any zero with increasing T T- 1 < y < T + 1 this were not possible, w o u l d be m u c h larger if necessary, the number of zeros for Let us recall ~ (s,z) for from §3.3 s P = B + iy of ~. with E, (s,~) = 0(log(It I + Now we observe and 2 + it llll + IX21) + that 1 Is-{3 and summation by parts, these terms contribute w e have and subtract t ~' i derivative } of the §3.3 << II~II; IY-tl ~ 1 with w e have 2-0 I(s-p)(2+it-p) << £. 3 < -IY-tl 2 ' N(T+I,~) Similarly - N(T-I,~) << ~, for those terms with and these are in number at most << ~. ~ (s,O = ~, i s-p + shows Iy-tl < 1 and -i<o< 0(~), P where the sum constant Z runs over those p for which It-YI < i, P is absolute. From this representation we obtain that In conclusion we (not coinciding with the ordinate of a zero) ~' (4) -P to get for the logarithmic by 1 I 2+it-o at most further w e t = T. IF (2+it,~) I + ~{slo - - 2+it-p o using the fact that 12 + i t - p] > 1 have that for large E P If _ log w - B(~) - [{~_in + ~}; 1 I~'(2+it,~)I also for the terms in the sum A. the expression w h e r e w e have used well known bounds F-function. constant Before proceeding p it at s = ~ + it IT-y1 > A~I T- 1 < y < T + 1 along the chosen rail !' (s,~) : ½ yF' (s~ ~i) + ½ ~r'(s-~2) 7-- we evaluate that and with an absolute positive than a constant multiple must find an estimate we may assume and the implied 2, 177 l~'(q+iT,~)l << ~ ,% + 0(%) I~ l<l << %2, uniformly for -½ < ~ < c, where the implied constants are absolute. the contribution to the integral in (3) Therefore along this part of the line L is at most c << s ~2 f ]Xldc~ -½ 2 -c << % T -lj x°do -½ << ~2T-Ix. A similar argument can be given for the corresponding part of the line estimate the contribution along the remainder of l~'<s,~)l << ll~IIlog which is valid for any s = o+it with L To we make use of (f(~)(21s I + l~ll + Im21)>, O __< -½ ]s+v] _> !4, and [. for v E Z(~ ); to prove this one again uses ~(s,v) = O(log(21sl + l~ll+ 1121)) + ]~'(2+it,~)l+Z{~p 2+1_0], P the whole sum similarly for Z is now estimated as before using the fact that Re(s) J -½; P ~ (2+it,~). The term log(21s I + 1%11 + I%21) results from estimating the logarithmic derivative of for which Is+vl ~ i, F(s-%I)F(s-%2) 2 2 at points s = o+it v ~ Z(~ ). The contribution of the integral along the remainder of L and L is 178 not larger than -½ << T-l/ -U << £x -½ -i T . We therefore get v s 1 / {-$ (s,~) x-- }ds << xg~2T-I. 2~i L+L % s The integral along the path L' + L' << u-lll~llXog<f(~)(2u + is at most lhl + T -U Ix21))/ x dt -T << TU-Ix-UII~IIIog(f(~)(2U + If we now assume, as we may do, that as U + ~. I%1] + I%21)). x > I, then the last expression goes to zero Putting together the above estimates we get for P(x,~) = -(log x + ½ ~(2)(0'~)) ~ x0 C(1)(O, ~) IYT!T P x > 1 1 x__l + R(x,T), e z(~) x__ where 1 R(x,T) << x(ll~lllog{xf(~)(T + I%ii + I%21)})2T 3, Z(~ )x = Z(~ ) - {0}, and the implied constants are absolute. Since the product 179 p(S-Xl)p(s-X2)~(s,w) 2 is entire and that ~(s,~) Re(>`I) ~ 1 2 is free of zeros to the right of Re(s) = 1 and Re(% 2) ~ i. discrete series we have Re(h i ) J 0. In fact, if If ~ ~ it follows belongs to the Holomorphic is a principal series representation then Rankin's trick applied to the Euler product L(s,~) as in §2.4 using the positivity of the coefficients of the Dirichlet series Re(>`i) j ½ always. ~(s,~X~), Langlands has shown that the stronger result would follow from the analytic properties of the Euler products using the simple identity, valid for ~ shows, that Re(>`i) = 0 L(s,~,p). Now, not an integer, ~, x %-2n = x___ >` _ x___ % log ( l _ x - 2 ) n=O%--~-n--n X 2 + X%n~l (~n'X-2n'% we have >`~ where Z x_ >, << x > ` ( O ) { l o g (1 + x - 2 ) + max (j>`ll + I~1 I-l, 1>'21 + 1~2 l-l)}, z(~) x %(o) = max (Re(>`l),Re(>`2)). Observe that if complementary series then ~ does not belong to the %(o) < 0. We now put together our main result in the following statement. Theorem 4.2. representation of (Second yon Mangoldt Formula). GL2~~ ) llg]l be the norm of ~(x,~) g of conductor f(~) introduced in §3.3. = - (log x + ½ ¢(2)(0,~)) ¢(1)(0,~) where the sum E P Let ~ be an automorphic had infinity type If {%1,>`2}; let x > 1 and T > i, then xp + s(~) _ ~ "6- + R(x,T), p runs over the nontrivial zeros of ~(s,~) with llm(p) l ~ T, 180 _i R(x,T) << ~(ll~rlllog {xf(~)(m I>11 + + IX21)))2T ~-, and o~ xkl_2n ( oo) : n:O Oh--7 xk2-2n + << xl(O){log(l+x -2) +max(Ill{ + IliI-l, II2 ] + ix21-1)}, I(o) = max(Re(Xl) , Re(X2)); furthermore all the implied constants are absolute. (2) Remark 4.1.1. be included only if the terms with 4.2. As already observed, the term [(s,~) ~i = 2n and has a zero at s = 0; X2 = 2m (log x + ½ " [ (0,7)) ~(i)(0,~) the sum S(~ ) is to does not contain if they exist. Examples of Explicit Formulas. If ~ is an automorphic representation of 2-dimensional complex representation of GL2(¢), GL2~),r X is the its character and [(s,~) = ~ d e t ( l 2 - p-Sr(g_))-i P P is the associated zeta function, then we have for a prime power A(p n) = x(g~)log P. If we now let x be fixed and let T ÷ oo in the formula for ~(x,Z), obtain the explicit formula [(2)(O'~r)) - ~ -x p + S(~ ), T(x,~) = - (log x + ½ ~(i)(0,~) p then we 181 where the sum E is to be understood as P Now let p~A E lim T+~ [ xP/p. 1Y[ j r be an elliptic curve defined over ~ of conductor A. For let Card EOFp) = p + I - a(p), where a(p) = Tr(~p) is the trace of Frobenius acting on count the number of points of E %-adic cohomology, defined over the p-element field ~ . Suppose P that the Hasse-Weil zeta function L(s,B) = (2~)-SF(s)~(s,E) = (2~)-SF(s) ffA ( I - a ( p ) p - S ) - I v (l-a(p)p-S + pl-2s)-i p~A is actually the Euler product conjecture ([ 40 ], p. 156) L(s+%~2,~) of an automorphic representation as Weil~ suggests. Suppose also that the Birch and Swinnerton- Dyer conjecture is true, that is to say, the multiplicity of the zero of at s = 1 is the rank of the Mordell-Weil group E(Q). L(s,E) Then, under these restric- tive assumptions, we can specialize the explicit formula of Theorem 4.1 to yield Tr(~)v log p = -x rank E(Q) - [ p#l p~< x where the sum E P critical strip runs over the non-trivial zeros f(~) ~(i) (O,E) p of ~(s,E) inside the 3 ½ < Re(s) < ~. Finally if conductors xO ~(2) (O,E) ~ - ½" - log (x-l), and ~ and f(~') ~' are automorphic representations of and if GL2~A ~) of 182 L(s,~ x z ' , r @ r ) 4 = ~ _ ½ ( s _ % i ) F ( ~ ) ~4( s , ~ _ z i=l is the hybrid Euler product associated to them in x ~ ' ,r@r) §2.3, then one proves by a more elaborate analysis an explicit formula of the same type as in Theorem 4.2. More precisely, if (s,~Xz',r®r) x(g~)x(g~n)(log p)p-nS, = P then, for x > i and n T > i, we have xp Z X(gp)X(gpn)l°g P = x6(~,~')- Z m ( p ) ' ~ + S(~ , "iT') + R(x,T), pn<_x P where the sum ~(s,~X~',rOr) E runs over all the nontrivial zeros (and poles) p of P with IImpl j T; each counted with its proper multiplicity 4 m(p); oo x%i_2n S(~°°'~') = i:l~ n~O= Xi-2n ' and _i ~(x,T) << ll~lloxT](log{xf(~)0(T 117110 max(ll~ll ' II~II)2' f(~)O = max(f(~),f(~')) = Here 6(~,~') = i if ~' + and is the contragredient of ~ %0)})2, %0 = l~ll + Ix21 I~31 I~41" + and zero otherwise. + The key point in the derivation is the explicit estimate N(T + 1 , ~ x ~ ' ) - N ( T , ~ x ~ ' ) << ll~llolog(f(~)o(T + %0) ) for the number of zeros (and poles) critical strip with T < y < T + i. p = ~ + iy of L(s,~X~',r@r) inside the 183 §5. 5.1. Zero Free Regions for A Hadamard-Landan L(s,w). Type Inequality. Our purpose in this section is to derive zero free regions inside the critical strip 0 ~ Re(s) j 1 for the Euler products L(s,~). The possibility of obtaining such zero free regions was suggested by Rankin's work [ 30 ] where it is shown that the Euler product L(s-y,~)11 = (2~)_SF(s)~(l-T(p)p -s+pll-2s)-l, P associated with Ramanujan's function %(n), 13 Re(s) =--~ does not vanish on the line An attentive reading of Rankin's article also suggests how his method, with a few modifications, may give the non-vanishing to any automorphic representation of of the Euler products GL2~) on the line result that we prove below which is comparable the only L(I,z) # 0, simple nature. L(s,~) for Dirichlet L-functions. convinced that the methods also work for adele groups other than convolution method is available, but The main (see Theorem 5.1) gives a zero free region for to those that are possible an analogue of Rankin's associated Re(s) = i; point that may not be clear in Rankin's method is the proof of this only requires an extra argument of a relatively L(s, ) We are GL2~), in particular where for GLn~)- Throughout tation of GL2~ ~ ) Euler product this section we assume that ~ of conductor type L(s,~). given in Rankin We now proceed ~ where ~ represen- and associated similar to that of the logarithmic We will treat only the case of an automorphic which is formally real, L(s,~) = L(s,~), {%1,%2} to derive an inequality, [ 30 ], which will give the positivity of certain Euler products. sentation f(~), infinity is an automorphic that is to say a representation is the contragredient of ~. ~This has now been proved by Jacquet and Shalika in [ 15 ]. derivative repre- satisfying 184 W i t h o u t loss of g e n e r a l i t y w e may assume that all the local components of ~ are class one representations, of ~ has the form and in p a r t i c u l a r that the zeta f u n c t i o n ~(s,~) = ~ ( l - a ( p ) p -s + @(p)p-2S)-i P = ~(l_%(p)p-S)-l(l-~(p)p-S) -I. P This is p o s s i b l e b e c a u s e ~ contains at most a finite number of r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s that are not class one and the local factors a s s o c i a t e d to any one of these can have at w o r s t only poles. Let %(p) = exp i (p), n(P) = exp -i@'(p), where 8(p) = ~(p) + iB(p) real numbers. ~(s,~®~) and @'(p) = ~'(p) + iB(p) and ~,e' and B are W e also need to consider the f u n c t i o n = ~(2s)~(s,~X~) =~(i- % ( p ) ~ ( p ) p - S ) - l ( l - % ( p ) ~ ( p ) p - S ) - l ( l - ~(p)n(p)pS)-l(l-~(p)~(p)pS) -I. P F r o m the results of Re(s) > ½ ~(s,n®~). except at §2 w e know that s = i ~(s,~ × ~ ) w h e r e it has a simple pole; W e use these functions to show that enough to show this for the m o d i f i e d zeta ~(i,~) = 0. s = i the same holds L(I,z) # 0. ~(s,~). Now Rankin's c o n v o l u t i o n method has a double pole at is a n a l y t i c to the right of Suppose (§2.) true for Clearly it is ~(i,~) = 0, then also shows that ~(s)~(s,~®~) and h e n c e the f u n c t i o n H(s,~) = ~ ( s ) ~ ( s , ~ @ ~ ) ~ ( s , ~ ) ~ ( s , ~ ) is r e g u l a r in a n e i g h b o r h o o d of s = i. O b s e r v e that ~(s,~) can h a v e at w o r s t 185 a simple zero at s = i; s = 1 for otherwise but this contradicts the function the fact that for H(s,z) Re(s) w o u l d have a zero at > 1 co H(S,~) = ~ A(n)n -s, n=l A(n) >__ 0 as can easily be seen from -hE log H(s,~) [ = [ ]i+~<p)n+~(P)~]2 P p~f(z) convergence coefficients imply that the real point on the line of absolute ticular Clearly H(I,~) s = i. # 0 H(s,~) H(C,~) # 0 for and log H(s) Recall Landau's Theorem: for n The absolute singularity. of n= 1 Re(s) > 1 and the positivity o > abscissa is regular convergence of convergence is a and in par- in a small n e i g h b o r h o o d if the Dirichlet of its of the point series co F(s) = where c(n) ~ O, gO < c ~ c I and F(s) ~ c(n)n -s n=l is analytic of the real axis, for C > C1 in a n e i g h b o r h o o d of the segment then co F(s) = Now let g0 Landau's Theorem, ~ c(n)n -s n=l be the first real zero of the Dirichlet for H(s,~), C > C0" if it exists; series co H(s,~) in particular = Z A(n) n-s, n=l holds for O > O0; -~ < o0 ~ i. By 186 log IH(o,~) I = Re log H(O,~) = log H(g,~) = for g > g0" But then hence IH(~)I ~ 1 H(O0,~) = 0; g0 H(s,Z) must vanish to the left of for oo ~ a(n)n -g _> 0 n=l o > gO does not exist. contrary to the fact that But this contradicts Re(s) = 1 the fact that at an infinite number of points on the negative real axis in order to offset the poles present in the appears in the functional that L(I,~) # 0. automorphic equation relating To get the non-vanishing representation ~ ®wit, where H(s) of with H(l-s). L(l+it,~), ~it = ~0 and P character r-factor that This then proves we replace ~ To derive a zero free region we use the well known inequality (i) to obtain for {3~H ( g , ~ ) + 4 ~ s = ~ + it, ~ > 1 (g+it,z) +~'(o+2it,z)} ~ II+%(P)n+~(P)nI2(Iog PlP i3+4 cos (tlog p) +cos(2t log p)} p~f(g) n=l > O. Let for t > 0 e = e(t) = Ii~II2 log(f(~)(t+ and recall from §3 the representation 1~ll+ by the is the grossenP ~ (x) = Ixl it P P " 3 + 4 cos e + cos 28 > 0 ~ I~21)), 187 (2) - where we now assume that to representations ~ (s,IT) = - Z ~ P ~(s,~) + 0(%), does not contain the local factors corresponding which are not class one. To see why this is so observe P that for d > 1 l~slog ]~ (l-a(p)p-Sl plf(~) < -- << [ p]f(~) (io$ p)[a(p)Ip -O l-]a(p)]p --O log f(~). Similarly we have {' (3) -~ (s,{) For {(s), 1 = -~ s - ~ + O(Z). P modified at the local factors corresponding to primes plf(z), we use the well known result (4) _ !' 1 [ i + O(log ~ (s) = s---']-s-----p P f(~)(l We did not derive in §3 a result for there can be used without much difficulty (5) - We thus obtain, ~' (s,~) 1 s-i + I~)) " 6(2s)~(s,ZX{) to prove 1 [ -- P s-p + o(~). on taking the real parts in (2), (3), (4) and (5), for Reo > 1 (6) but the arguments -Re ~H' (s,~) <__2 R e { l } _ ~ R e { l } + ci%, O 188 where the sum l p runs over the zeros IY - tl < I; observe zeros as we want. positive of that since sponding Re(s-p) > 0, Here and in the following and absolute. E(s,~). P = B + iy We now choose By retaining to the zero t of we may retain the constants of L(s,~) and (6) L(s,~) with 3 ReD > ~ and in the sum as few Cl,C2,...,etc. to be the ordinate in the right hand side of B + iy H(s,~) ¥ of a zero only the terms we obtain are B + iy corre- in the region t _> c0~(1) -I (7) -Re ~ We omit all zeros and poles and in (o + it,n) _< - H' (o + 2it,~) + c2Z. in (6) and obtain for t _> c0%(i~i ~ > 1 H t (8) Also from -Re ~ (o + 2it,~) ~ c3~. -Re ~ (0,7) <_ (6) we have (9) The three estimates inequality (7), (8) and (9) when substituted (i) give 6 0 _< o-i Take + c4~. o = 1 + 6~ -I, where 6 8 o-B + c5~" is a positive < 1 - ( 86 constant. Then _ 6)%-i 6+6c 5 and if 6 is suitably chosen with respect to c6 ~3 < 1 - ~ - , c5 we have into the basic 189 where c6 is an absolute For conjugate then 0 < t small but different from zero we must exploit the presence zeros above and b e l o w the real axis in a small n e i g h b o r h o o d t < c0%(i)-i also a zero of ~(s,~). constant. and let ~(s,~); similarly Again w e have for - Re ~ (10) p = $ + iv, y = t, ~ = $ - iy of i. be a zero of ~(s,~); is a zero of ~(s,~) of it is and of o > i (O,~) - c7~ < 2 - 2 Re{ -- o-1 } - 2 Re{ } d-1 2 < -- o-I provided the following condition 2 o-$ is satisfied: (*) t < o - B. Similarly we have (Ii) - Re ~ (o+it,z) - c8% <_ 2 R e { ~ } - 2 Re{ }-2 2 2 2(o-$) d-1 o-6 (o_~)2+4t2 2 < • -- o-1 _ Re{ 1 121 5 o-6 - - , - - H v (12) - Re ~ (o+2it,~) - c9% i 2 R e { ~ i} - 2 R e { ~i } < 2 -- o-i 2(o-B) (o_B)2+t2 2 < --o-i 61 5o-6" 2(o-B) (o_B)2+9t2 Let - 2 R e { ~ i} 190 The estimates (i0), (ii) and (12) and the basic inequality (i) give 16.8 ~--B ! ~ If w e take o = 1 + ~-i, + Cl0 ~" we get < i - 2i--7' where O 6 -i is chosen p o s i t i v e and <_ .32 Now o b s e r v e that for the chosen Cl0 we have o - B _> ~ ( i . 0 4 ) . Hence the condition (*) 6 is a u t o m a t i c a l l y s a t i s f i e d if It remains to c o n s i d e r the s i t u a t i o n w h e n t < -- t = 0. H e r e w e can no longer use conjugate zeros but w e can appeal to the earlier a r g u m e n t using only the function H(s,Z). zero. Let ~ We w a n t to show that near and ~ fundamental inequality be two zeros of s = 1 there can b e at m o s t a real simple H(s,Z) near s = i; then w e h a v e by the (i) and (6) H ~ 0 i - Re~ (o,~) 2 2 i o-i o-~ 2 o-~ + Cli ~ l j~" or e q u i v a l e n t l y o-~ + If O is taken to be i + 60%(i)-i , 60 this last i n e q u a l i t y shows that <-- + c12%(i) " for a s u f f i c i e n t l y small p o s i t i v e constant B and ~ cannot b o t h be greater than 191 1 - 6'%(i) -I regions for for a suitable positive L(s,%) when % # ~ 6'. The problem of getting zero free is somewhat simpler and follows more closely the classical derivation of a similar result for Dirichlet L-functions with X L(s, X) a complex valued character. We collect our results in the following theorem. Theorem 5.1. There is an effectively computable absolute constant with the following property. of conductor f(~), the Euler product If infinity type L(s,~) ~ is an automorphic representation of {11,12 } and norm l[zll and if c13 GL2~~ ) z # ~, then has no zero in the region defined by O ~ 1 - c13%(t) -I if Itl ~ 1 ~ i - c13%(i)-i if Itl ! i, and where %(t) = ll~H2(log f(~)(Itl + I%11 + I%21)). If ~ = ~, the only possible zero of L(s,~) in this region is a single simple zero. Remark 5.1.1. If we assume the Petersson-Ramanujan conjecture for the automorphic representation ~ then we can use the somewhat simpler inequality 12 Re ~ (O+it,~)l i -2 ~ (O) - Re ~ (O+2it) - ½ R e ~ ( O , ~ x ~ > which is obtained from the trigonometric identity 192 14 Remark 5.1.2. contragredient, products cos A cos If ~ BI < 2 + cos 2A + cos 2B. is an automorphic then the above estimates L(s,~X~) representation and lead to zero free regions similar to those obtained in Theorem 5.1. ~ its for the Euler For this one needs to consider only the function g(2s)~(s,g xZ) Z lZ(p) n = exp{ p#f(z) If ~ and 7' are one can show that two arbitrary automorphic L(l+it,~xT') # 0 + q(p)nl2 P -sn/n}- n=l representations for any real t. of and uses the information about L(s,~ x3) 5.2. x~')L(s,~' x~') just mentioned. Prime Number Theorems. If ~ is an automorphic representation of GL2~ ~ ) co ~(S,g) - = [ A(n)n -s, n=l then the explicit formula of T(x,O §4 gives, = for x > 1 Z A(n) n<x = - with [ xp - + s(~ then Here we simply consider the Euler product H(s) = L(s,n X ~ ) L ( s , g X ~ ' ) L ( s , ~ GL2~ ~ ) ) + R(x,T) and 193 i R(x,T) << xr-~(ll=iI log (xf(~)(T+ I~11+ I~21))) 2 and Is(~)l << x % ( ° ) { l o g (l+x-2) + max (l~ll + IxlJ-l, lx21 + l~2 [-1)}" The zero free region given in Theorem 5.1 now yields [xP[ << x exp{- cl3£(T)l°gx} where £(T) = ll~ll2(log(f(~)(T+l~iI + l~21))); by the estimate of §3 and Theorem 5.1 i * i << £(T) 2 IY <T ~ where we have excluded the exceptional zero companion i-8. if it exists as well as its From this there results the estimate x6 (12) B ~(x,~) + ~ - + xl-~_l i-6 - s(~) Cl31og £(T) x} as a function of x << x(ll~ll21°g(xf(w)(T+ 1111 + 112 l)))2(exp{- To select a suitable value for T impose some condition on the size of the conductor f(w) we suppose that h f(~) < exp{cll~ll-l(log" " x) ~}, -1 " + T 5). we must first in relation to x. If 194 where c is any positive constant and choose T + Ixll + IX21 : exp{- cll~ll-l(log x)½}, then all the terms on the right hand side of are of the order of magnitude << xll~H2exp{-c, ll~II-l<log x)½}, (i3) where z. (12) c' is a constant depending on c but not on the automorphic representation We also have xl-S_l i_~ = x for some o between 0 and I-B log x and the last expression is less than the expression in the right hand side of (13). We have thus proved the following result. Theorem 5.2. conductor f(~), Let ~ be an automorphic representation infinity type {Ii,~2} and norm II~ll. Let of c GL2~ % ) of be any positive constant and suppose f(z) ! exp{clIzll-l(l°g x)½}" Then 6 A(n) = _ ~ + 0(xl(O)max{Ill I + IIi I-l,ll21 + 1121-1}) n<x + O(xll~II2exp{-c, ll~ll-l(log x)½}), where c I(o) = max(Re(ll),Re(12)); c' is a positive constant depending only on and all other implied constants are absolute. Here 6 is the real zero of the 195 Euler product L(s,~), if it exists, satisfying 6 >l-6(ll~l121og(f(~)(l+llll+IX21))) -I. The elementary estimate A(n) = ~ X(gp) log p + n<__x p <_x ([l~ll~=(logx)2), which is deduced from the inequality given in §4.1 leads to the following result. Theorem 5.3. Assumptions and notation as in Theorem 5.2. If - ~(s,~) = ~ X(gp)(l°g p)p-nS, pn then x B + 0(x%(O)max{[%ll + II1 l-1 ,1%2] + I%21-1}) X(gp) log p = - ~ pjx + 0([l~II2x exp{-c'll~ll-l(log x)½}). Remark 5.2.1. ~A If A(2), the Ramanujan modular form ii max(Re(~l),Re(~2) ) = - ~- is the automorphic representation associated to then the conductor is 1 and %(o) = and hence Theorem 5.3 gives ii p 2 T(p)log p << x exp{-c' (log x)½}. p<_x Remark 5.2.2. let Let f(~)0 = max(f(~),f(~')) max(%(o),%'(o)). following estimate ~ and and ~' be automorphic representations of I1~1[ 0 = max(ll~ll , liT,I]) GL2~); and let ~0 = The same argument leading to the proof of Theorem 5.2 gives the 1 g6 (14) X(gp)X(g~)~ log p = x~(~,~') + 0(x%0-% 0) + O(x exp{-c'(log x)½}) pix where 6(~,~') ~en = 1 if ~ = ~' Ramanujan modular 7' is the contragredient is the automorphic to a-results ~ and zero otherwise. representation form, Rankin ([ 31 ], p. 247) version of Theorem 5.3 without of associated to the had obtained a somewhat weaker the error term and gave an interesting for the size of the eigenvalues of Hecke operators. application Other applica- tions of the hybrid formula will be given in future publications. 5.3. The Problem of Exceptional Zeros. Our program of eventually automorphic tation representation itself necessitates utilizing to obtain information about the automophic that we have explicit information regions inside the critical strip for tion about the possible exceptional an exceptional the explicit formulas associated L(s,~) zero. well known in number theory. represen- about the zero free and in particular further informa- The proof of the non-existence zero will have many far reaching consequences to an of such some of which are At present there seems to be three approaches to these problems: (I) To use the Saito-Shintani theory of liftings [22] tations to obtain an analogue of the Brauer-Siegal (II) To exploit more closely the implications to non-abelian class field theory. morphic representations representations of the Weil group WL and n-dimensional effective Brauer-Siegel estimates. semi-simple that the problem of exceptional zeros arises only for a very special subclass of representations. tion one finds a natural interpretation theory [ 16 ] the relation between auto- GLn~ ~ ) suggests represen- Theorem. of Jacquet-Langlands More precisely, of the adele group of automorphic for some of the results of For example if f In this direcStark [ 39 ] on is a cubic polynomial and 197 its splitting field and if ~K(S) quotient tation of K over is the Dedekind ~K(S)/~(s) GL2~A~). ~ has Galois group the diahedral zeta function of a cubic subfield of is the zeta function Now ~(s,~) is a quadratic extension of ~(s,~) Q, computable representations associated K, of an automorphic has an effectively because it really comes from an automorphic L group of order on G then the represen- zero free region GLI~AL), to a grossencharacter where of order 3. In this situation one can apply the classical arguments of Hadamard to get effective estimates. (III) A far more interesting consists in considering suggestion has been given by Serre. the Euler product ~(s)6~(s,~,r)7~(s,~,r2)4~(s,~,r3 where r square and is the 2 dimensional r3 its symmetric for the exceptional representation cube. ~ of of GL2(~), zero can be obtained if the zeta GL2~) ), r2 its symmetric The claim is that an effective approach is not entirely unrelated to representation His idea to other (I), ~(s,~,r 3) but involves GLn'S. upper bound is entire. This lifting the automorphic 198 §6. Zeta Distributions. 6.1. Introduction. In this section we let defined over ~ and let ~ G be a connected reductive algebraic group be a representation of the adele group occurs in the space of cusp forms and let structed according to Langlands' L(s,~,r) recipe (§1.4). the following fundamental question: §6.2 be an Euler product con- How is the functional equation o f Weyl symmetry. L(s,~,r) associated to the data we construct certain distributions depending on Theorem (6.2) which The problem we study here concerns reflected in the structure of the 'explicit formula' In ~A ~ and r {~,r}? and in we prove that these distributions possess a certain element of These distributions had already been considered by Weil [ 42 ] for a certain class of Euler products that had a definite number theoretic interest. The idea of splitting the distribution obtained by Weil into two parts so as to reflect both sides of the functional equation does not seem to have been considered before~ our methods are nevertheless the same as those of Weil. In a final section we state a simple lemma that relates the location of the zeros (and poles) of L(s,~,r) to the positivity of the distributions that appear in the explicit for- mulas. Due to our incomplete knowledge about ramification phenomena present in automorphic representations we are forced to introduce the following Working Hypothesis: ~ = ~ fs an automorphic representation of the adele group P ~A; p ~ has a conductor set f(~) = {p} which consists of a finite set of primes for which the local components are not class one representations; complex representation of the dual group character; class in for each prime cG C p associated to not in ~ f(~) CG~ let as in §1.4; of dimension {gp} d and r is a X is its be the semisimple conjugacy for each prime p in the group ci G~ in f(~) we P assume the existence of a conjugacy class {g~} which is the 199 dual group of a subgroup r' of CG~ associate, G' of dimension of G d' ~ d; and of a finite dimensional to the local component ~ representation and r we as in §1.4, a F-factor d r(s,~oo, r ) = ~ - 2 ( s - X i ) r ( ~ ) ; i=l we let L(s,~,r) = £(s,~ ,r) p e ~f(~) det(id,-p-Sr'(g~))-i p ~ f ( ~ ) det(Id - P - Sr(gp))-i be the Euler product associated L(s,~,r) with the understanding suitably modified. have a meromorphic functional f(~,r) that the local factors at primes a number field K ~n f(~) The key assumption about these Euler products continuation and have to be is that they to the whole s plane and in fact satisfy the = g(z,r) f (~,r) s(~,r) the functional L(s,~,r) only over p -s L(l-s,z,r) , is a rational number all of whose prime divisors belong to the f(~) dK (i d - p-Sr(gp))-i equation conductor set where {~,r}; for simplicity we write it as = F(s,z , r ) ~ d e t P L(s,~,r) where to the data is a complex number of absolute value Assume Over equation probably has to be taken in the form I~_ S = £K(~,r)(d d i m r f(~,r)) "2 L(l-s,~,r), is the absolute value of the discriminant ~. I. L(s,~,r) of K/~. Here we will work is the ratio of two entire functions at most a finite number of poles and is bounded in every vertical each having strip of finite 200 width. Finally we assume that the coefficients ~(s,~,r) = ~ d e t ( l in the expansion d-p-sr(gp))-I P co = satisfy for large positive Z a(n)n -s n=l x Z a(n) << x. n<x The only justification Hypothesis that we can offer for introducing is that all known Euler products algebraic geometry seem to satisfy it. that arise in number theory and In particular §2.3 are of this kind and therefore 6.2. The Explicit Formula and Weyl Symmetry. We consider real line (A) if ~ £ all the examples given in the contents of Theorem (6.2) are not empty. of complex valued functions defined on the that satisfy the following properties: h(x) @ ~ , there is a real number h(x)exp{(½+a')Ix I} (B) the class the Working h(x) C ~ is integrable a' > 0 such that the function on the real line; and its derivative are continuous on the real line except at a finite number of points {~.} where h(x) and ~(x) have discontinuities of the 1 first kind with (C) h(~i) = ½{h(~i+) there exists a real number h~x)exp{(½+b)Ix]} = o<l) The properties as + h(~i-)}; b > 0 Ixl ÷ such that and ~. that characterize use freely, as we will do in h(x)exp{(½+b)Ix I} = o(i) the class of functions the following without stopping ~ allows us to to justify it, the 201 inversion formula for the Fourier transformation; Lang's presentation of distributions of Well's result we will also use, following ([ 19 ], chap. X), some of the properties in the sense of Laurent Schwartz [ 34 ]. We now define the Mellin transform of a function h E ~ by means of the integral R(s) we will consider h(s) i (s-½)tdt; as a function of the complex variable priately we could consider algebra of rank = /h(t)e h(s) s; more appro- as a function on the dual of a complex Lie which is connected with the dual group CG. In order to simplify our formulas we also consider the subclass of functions defined by ~o = {he : £(0) = t{(1) We now assume the Working Hypothesis consider, for positive real numbers a sists of the boundary of the rectangle the line Re(s) = ½ -T ~ Im(s) ~ T. ~0 = -a - iT f (a) If for the Euler product T, the contour We let a = l+a+iT, ~ = l+a-iT be the corners of this rectangle; sO = -a+ line joining is not the imaginary part of a zero of the Euler product Cauchy's residue theorem applied to the function iT and and ~ we let ~ and L(s,v,r), h(S)d~ log L(s,~,r) ~. then gives <T~(O) IY _ L' f h(s) ~ (s,~,r)ds - (~) located about -a < Re(s) < i + a and and which con- for a complex number taken along the straight / h(s) ~L' (s,~,r)ds = (2~i) C(a,T) L(s,z,r) C(a,T) in the s-plane symmetrically and is defined by the inequalities denote the line integral T and : 0}. f L' h(s) ~ (s,~,r)ds + o(i), (~o) 202 where the sum ~ runs over the zeros (and poles) p = B + iy of L(s,w,r), Y counted with their proper multiplicities and whose imaginary parts satisfy IYl ~ T; the error term o(i), which results by integrating along the horizontal rails and using the fact that the number of zeros with T < Imp < T + 1 tion of where T a' is << log T, which tends to and b 0 as (and poles) O of represents here and in the following a funcT ~ ~; also we assume that a < a' < b are the real constants that appear in conditions in the definition of ~ . L(s,w,r) From the Euler product definition of (A) L(s,W,r) and (C) and the functional equation we obtain L' d T (s,w,r)ds = ~ s log L(s,w,r) = = d log ds ddslog ~-rd ~ s-h i I I ~-~(s-li)r(--2---) d + ~ ~(s,#,r) i=l d 77i=l ~-½(i-s-~i)r(~-=) + ~d ~(s,~,~) d ½--S + -71-_log f(~,r) , where ~l,...,%d are the infinity types that appear in the F-factor F(l-s,~ ,~); if we use the Fourier inversion formula we obtain easily d _h f h(s) d log 77- ~ 2(s-%i) + (i) (~) = - i=l d ~ f ~(s) d log 77- ~-½(l-s-Xi) (~0) (dim r) log ~½ S ~(s)ds + (dim r) log ~ (~) i=l S h(s)ds (~0) T T = (dim r) log ~½{ / h(½+it)i dt + S h(½+it)i dt + o(i)} -T -T b = 4~i (dim r) (log ~ ) h ( 0 ) From the Euler product + o(i). 203 ~(x,~,r) = ~ d e t ( l d - p-Sr(gp))-i P we obtain easily, in the region of absolute convergence ~I where X (s,~,r) = - ~ (log P)x(g~)P n P is the character of the representation positive powers of all the prime numbers. r -ns , and the sum runs over all the If we observe that s = 1 + a + it and ds = i dt, then we obtain ~, ^ / h(s)~ (s,~,r)ds (2) (~) f h(s)(- ~ (log p)X(g$)p-nS)ds (~) n P T = - f ~(l+a+it)~ (log p)X(gp)e -(l+a+it)nl°gpidt; -T n P this last expression becomes, when we substitute the integral defining h(s), T - f [ (log p)X(gp)e -(l+a+it)nl°g'p f h(x)e(½+a+it)Xdx idt -T n P T . . n . . . . (½+a+it)u-(l+a+it)nlog p du = - f idt I f (log p)Xkgpjnku)e -T n P T / p -½n (log p)x(g$)h(u)e (½+a+it)(u-n log p) du; = - -T / idt p~ if we make the change of variable u + u + n log p, then the last integral becomes T / =_ -T / {[nmHP,n P (u) eitUdu}idt, 204 where Hp,n(U) = p-½n(log p))<(pg)h(u + log pn)e(½+a)u. Since h(u) ~ £ 0 we have iHp,n(U) I << p-½n(log p) ix(g~)le(½+a)Ue-(½+b)(u+nlogp) << (log p) Ix(g~)Ip-n(l+b)e-U(a-b); similarly we obtain ~v h(s)(- ~ (l-s,~,r))ds / O) C~ 0 ) =- T _/T{~n ~ HP, n(u)eitudu} idt, P where * (u) = p -~n (log p)X(g ~ )h(u - log pn) e (½+a) u Hp,n where X is the character of the contragredient representation r; again using the equality T - / dt /H(u)eiUtdu = - 2~H(0) + o(i), -T IR we collect the results of formulas i 2~i (2) and (3) in the formal identity ^ -½n (log p){x(g~)h(log pn) + ~(g~)h(-log pn)} / h(s)ds 6(s,~,r) = - [ p C(a,T) n P + o(i). 205 The F-factors in L(s,~,r), contribute, after a simple change of variable, the formal identity d f :r(:::i> :og C(a,T) ½+iT d 2 d - ½-iT i=l - _ d log~r(l-s-%i)} i=l i=l T d F' ( ½ ( ½ + i t - li) ) + ~ F' ( ½ ( ½ - i t - ~ i ) ) } d t . = ~i / h(½+it) ~ {~ -T i=l To evaluate the last expression we are lead to consider the following integral : +iT d h(s) 77 :og F(as+b), 2~i ½-iT where a is a positive real number and change of variable s = ½ + it b is any complex number. it follows that this last integral is T i / ~(½+it) 2 i -T F' a T (a(½ + it)+b)idt = (2~ a - ~' la,b ) + o(I), where h(t) = h(½+it) = / h(x)eltXdx, IR la,b(t) = ~ (½a + b + iat) and From the 206 (f,g) Let us assume for the moment +Ia,b(t) b is real and put r' = ~ (½a + b + iat),_la,b(t) +la,b(t) then clearly that = If(x)g(x)dx. = _Ia,b(t). We also have, r' = ~ (½a + b - iat), by a well known formula ([ , p. 13) lim +la,b,M(t) +Ia,b (t) = M÷oo where +Ia,b,M(t) : log M + ~ ( t ) M and +gM(t) = _ n=0 The Fourier transformations of +~(t) +gM(x) = _ n+½a+b+iat " is M ~ n=0 f -ixt e n+½a+b+iat dt and hence M ixt -k +gM(_X ) = _ [ / e dt; n=O 1R n+~"~a+b+iat we now make the chan~e of variable T = at, dT = adt in the last integral, obtain ixt ixT/a / e IR/ e ]R nqS~aTb+ia t dt = - a n~a+b+iT dT ; to 207 we use the classical distribution formula ([ 27 ], p. 430) ixT/a a aT= n+½a+b+iT ~f a~ to finally obtain 27 -(n+~a+b)x/a {y e if if x> 0 x < O. Observe that the last formula holds true without any assumption about the complex nature of b. Finally we o b t a i n M - ~ 2~ e-(n+½a+b)x/a a +gM(_X ) = { n=0 0 if x > 0 if x < O; therefore we have 0 +gM (x) = { 2~ e(½a+b)x/a l-e (N+l)x/a --• a l_eX/a The Fourier transform of +Ia,b,M(t) if x > 0 if x < 0. is +la,b,M(X) = ( 2 ~ 0) log M + +gM(x), where 2~ 0 60 is Dirac's distribution concentrated at the origin, or equivalently is the Fourier transform of the constant function I. transform of the function Ia,b,M(t) = log M + _gM(t), where M _gM(t) = _ [ 1 n=on+½a+b-iat is _la,b,M(X ) = ( 2 ~ 0 ) l o g M + _gM(x), Similarly the Fourier 208 where 27 -(½a+b)x/a.l-e -(M+l)x/a , --- e -x/a _gM(x) = { a l-e 0 From the Plancherel if x > 0 if x < O. formula <_h ,_la,b ) = <h,_la,b > we deduce <_h ,+la,b> = <h, lim M ÷ co -la,b,M> = lira (h,_la,b, ~ M->oo e_(½a+b)x/a.l_e-(M+l)x~ = lim {2~h(O) log M - f M+ ~ 0 2__~ a h (x)d~ l_e-X/a and <_h , ,+la,b > = f -~ 0 - - e(½a+b)x/a'l-e(M+l)x/a 2~a i -ex/a = lim {2~h(O)log M - f M÷ ~ 0 2~ e~½a+b)x/a.l-e(M+l)x/a a l_e-X/a lim {2~h(O)log M M * ~ _ h(x)dx} •h(-x) dx}. We have thus proved the following result: Lemma 6.1. number a > 0 h is a function in the class and a complex number Wa'b(h) then we have If b ~ and if for a real we define a distribution Wa, b = lim {/ e -(½a+b)x/a l-e-(M+l)x/a h(x)dx - ah(O)log M}, M~ w 0 1-e -x/a by 209 lim { i / ½+iT fi(s)d M ÷ ~ 2~i ½-iT We now specialize Lemma (6.1) i ½+iT^ 2~i log r(as+b) = - Wa, b (h). to the case under consideration to obtain d d -iT h(s>~s log i : l ~ r ( ~ ) = - i~iw½'-½%i (h(t)) + o(i) and 1 ½+iT - 2~---i/ d h(s) d l_s_~_i log ~ F ( ~ ½-iT i=l i=l ~' "2~i Let us now go back to the automorphic dimensional complex representation correspond a distribution d ) = - ~ W~ _~.~ (h(-t)) + o(i). and the finite representation z r; to the local component W(~ ,r) whose value at a function we make h in £ is given by W(Voo,r)(h) co = lim {/ l-e-(M+l)2x d M÷oo 0 l-e -2x "(i=l [ e(%i-½)X)h(x)dx - ½ dh(0)log M}. Observe that half of the contribution coming from the expression incorporated finite prime W(~p,r) into the definition of the distribution p W(~ ,r). we make correspond to the local component whose value at a function W(~p,r)(h) h in ~ ~ P (i) has been Similarly for a the distribution is given by co -½n n = - ~ p X(gp)(l°g p)h(log pn). n=l We add the local terms W(~p,r) corresponding to all the primes, including the infinite one, to obtain what in the following is called a Zeta Distribution: (4) W(~,r) = ~W(~p,r). 210 The relevant notion that we must now introduce form, which when applied to the distribution W(v,r) whose value at a function h W(~,r) in the class W(~,r)~(h(t)) gives a new distribution £ is given by = W(~,r)(h(-t)). If we put together the contribution f ~(s)d (~) is that of a Weyl Trans- to the integral log L(s,~,r) which comes from the right hand boundary of the contour C(a,T) with the contri- C(a,T), and if we use the bution to the integral f h(s)d log L(l-s,~,r) (aO) which comes from the left hand boundary of the contour obvious fact that the derivative of log g(~,r) is zero and 1 ~U~/o)h(s)dlog f(~,r)½-s = h(O) log f(~,r) + 0(i), 2~i( then, letting T + ~, Theorem 6.2. ~llin transform; dimensional let we have the following explicit formula: Let ~ 60 be a function in the class £ 0 be an automorphic complex representation Assume the Euler product Let h L(s,~,r) be the Dirac distribution, the formula (4) and let W(v,r) ~ representation of the dual group satisfies let CG~ of and and let h be its G/A and r a finite X the Working Hypothesis W(~,r) be the distribution be its Weyl transform. of §6.1. defined by We then have h(o) = (W(~,r) + W(~,r)~)'h + (~0 log f(~,r))-h, O its character. 211 where the sum E runs over all the zeros (and poles) of P is the factor that appears in the functional equation L(s,~,r) and f(~,r) L(s,~,r) = e (~, r) f (~, r)½-SL(l-s,~,r) . Remark 6.2.1. where y The sum Z P lim ~ T÷°° I%,t<T is the imaginary part of Remark 6.2.2. If is to be understood as a symmetric limit h(p), p. A(s) = ~-½sF(~)~(s) is the set consisting of the elements Z p ~(~) = 1 and is Riemann's Euler product and ~, then the explicit formula Z W~'h, ~oE~ ~(p):O where W = ~ Wp, P co W "h = - ~ p-½n(log p)h(log pn), P n=l ~e-½X.l-e-(M+l)2x Woo'h = lim {/ l_e_2X .h(x)dx M ÷~ 0 ½h(0) log ~} and wl.(h(t)) = W'h(t), ~ ( h ( t ) ) = W'h(-t); this explicit formula is to be contrasted with the constant term in the Fourier 212 expansion of the Eisenstein series E(o,s) for the group SL20R) and Foo = {(01 i): n E ZZ} c(~,s)e (60(s)+p)H(O) E(d,S) = + ~* mC~ A(s+l~2.Os(Iml)~.~½sV (2wlmle2OH(d~ 2~imn(O)+pH(~) Iml where e pH(d) 0 1 ~(o))( ° e_PH(o))k(0) o = (0 is the Iwasawa decomposition of and~ ~, c(l,s) = i, is the Weyl group of the Lie algebra ~ algebra of the subgroup of diagonal matrices in A(s) o(fl,s) = A ( s + l ) ' = ~ SL 2. fi(s) = -s which is dual to the Lie Similar such interpretations can be given for the symmetric term W(~,r) W for many Euler products L(s,~,r) where there is no ramification. A deeper understanding of the Weyl symmetries present in the distributions of the form W(~,r) + W(~,r) ~ and their connection with the constant term of Eisenstein series, will undoubtedly come from developing explicit formulas for Euler products in several complex variables. The following lemma, for whose demonstration we refer the reader to the original article of Weil [ 41 ], Lemma 6.3. is of some interest. Let the notation and assumptions be as in Theorem 6.2. a necessary and sufficient condition for the Euler product L(s,~,r) Then to be entire 213 and for all its zeros O to have real part W(~,r) + W(~,r) ~ + 60 log f(~,r) Re(p) = ½ is that be a positive distribution in the sense of Laurent Schwartz. Remark 6.2.3. The proof of this lemma was given by Weil for a type of distribution defined in the space ~ symmetry; which did not contain an element of Weyl the necessary changes that must be made in his argument to apply to the present situation are of a trivial nature and can be carried out easily. Remark 6.2.4. As is well known ([ 34 ], p. 131) distributions of positive type have many interesting properties of a hermitian character Th~orSme XVII) ([ 34 ], p. 131, which are comparable to the Weyl symmetry which is present in the explicit formula of Theorem 6.2.; for these reasons we believe it is of some interest to study in greater detail the structure of the distribution W(~,r) + W(~,r) ~ and of similar distributions that can be constructed from the constant term of Eisenstein series in which appear Weyl groups that contain more than 2 elements; it is also of some interest to look at these results from the point of view of Bochner's theorem about distributions of positive type. 214 References [1 ] A. N. Andrianov, Euler products corresponding to Siegel modular forms of degree 2, Uspehi Mat. Nauk 29(1974), 43-110. [2 ] A. Borel, Formes automorphes et s~ries de Dirichlet, Sem. Boarbaki, No. 466, June (1975). [3 ] W. 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Let ]N denote the nonnegative integers, a n d let B ~ ] N the set of all s u m s then B of h B order if h B = IN, h order hB h . If h B minimality, order n B if B but for every e l e m e n t s of is a m i n i m a l B' ~ B. b e B gave e x a m p l e s of a s y m p t o t i c bases of o r d e r a s y m p t o t i c basis of o r d e r Z. exist a s y m p t o t i c bases of o r d e r ISI < 00, then B\S B Similarly, h ; that is, there are infinitely h contains a m i n i m a l basis of that there exist a s y m p t o t i c bases, a n d N a t h a n s o n [i0] constructed e x a m p l e s for all h_> Z. basis of StBhr [IZ] introduced this idea of and p r o v e d that every basis of o r d e r h denote If h B = IN , is a n a s y m p t o t i c basis of o r d e r such that n ~ h(B\~b}). a s y m p t o t i c b a s e s of o r d e r hB is an a s y m p t o t i c basis of h . H~[rtter [8] s h o w e d by a nonconstructive a r g u m e n t minimal B\S B h contains all sufficiently large n u m b e r s , integers h . T h e set but hB' / IN for every p r o p e r subset a s y m p t o t i c basis of o r d e r h , but no p r o p e r subset of many Let contains all but finitely m a n y is an a s y m p t o t i c basis of o r d e r is a m i n i m a l . not necessarily distinct e l e m e n t s of B . is a basis of o r d e r I'4, then B Introduction of m i n i m a l H~rtter [8] and N a t h a n s o n [I0] also Z that do not contain any m i n i m a l Indeed, E r d B s and N a t h a n s o n [3] s h o w e d that there Z such that, for e v e r y subset r e m a i n s an a s y m p t o t i c basis of o r d e r is no longer a n a s y m p t o t i c basis of o r d e r basis that does not contain a m i n i m a l Z. Z, Clearly, S~ but if B B , if ISI = o0, then is an a s y m p t o t i c a s y m p t o t i c basis. T h e r e is no classification of m i n i m a l a s y m p t o t i c bases, nor is there any s i m p l e criterion to insure that a n a s y m p t o t i c basis contains a minirr~l a s y m p t o t i c basis. minimal of o r d e r E r d • s a n d N a t h a n s o n [6] p r o v e d that the square-free n u m b e r s a s y m p t o t i c basis of o r d e r Z of s q u a r e - f r e e n u m b e r s contain a Z and also that there is an a s y m p t o t i c basis no subset of w h i c h is m i n i m a l . But it is usually difficult to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r or not a given a s y m p t o t i c basis contains a m i n i m a l a s y m p t o t i c basis. For example, the set B by L a g range's t h e o r e m , but it is not k n o w n basis of o r d e r Z. = {mZ+n Z}~,n=0 if B is a basis of o r d e r contains a m i n i m a l asymptotic Z 218 T h e r e also exist asymptotic bases the sense that, if S ~ B , bu£ an asymptotic 1-minimal order nonbasis bases Let are B If of order B of order Z but = ~ for every if ISI > r the minimal set basis o f o r d e r (Erd~s of order basis superset h, and then of order ]3 is a maximal proper Z that are r - m i n i m a l in Z if ISI < r Nathanson [3]). The bases. is not a basis h . The of order is a n a s y m p t o t i e is not an asymptotic nonbasis hB' B\S precisely B~I>4. h . If then B h, B. is a nonbasis then nonbasis B' ~ B B is an asymptotic of order Similarly, of h B if hB/ ~, is a maximal t asymptotic for B nonbasis every proper superset is a maximal infinite of order h B' ~ asymptotic sequence if n ~hB B and nonbasis of numbers for infinitely all sufficiently of order not belonging Z, to n, large and ZB, many n. but n ¢ hB' In particular, if if n I < n 2 < n 3 < ... then n. - a ~ B is the for every i nonnegative integer a ~ B and all sufficiently large n.. Nathanson [i0] introduced i this idea of maximality, nonbasis of order h for every h > Z which was the union asked several ErdBs proved every a class thatif B~]N and Z. This tic nonbasis implies also in the sense that, order ISI < Z IS] >_ r if nonba of density is an asymptotic is contained that if B has d~j(ZB} density < l, then each of Finally, been and of arithmetic B he answered Turj~nyi. examples of maximal progressions, and nonbasis of order also Z for in a maximal asymptotic d(B) if the surnset B = 0 and is a subset nonbasis ZB of a maximal asympto- Z. exist asymptotic if S~]N\B, r, but nonbases then B~ ~131 proved zero, of order is best subsequently I-le constructed h, progressions. "nontrivial" then h. of order Nathanson, that every S B BUS becomes of order Z that are is still an asymptotic an asymptotic basis r-maximal nonbasis of order of Z if T h e l - m a x i m a l nonbases are precisely the s es. Turj~nyi result F (Erd}Js and Nathanson [3]). maximal nonbases B~ density of order There not unions if F ~ , asymptotic that have Hennefeld, showed of order nonbases of aritl~netic [Z] constructed that were and nonbasis asymptotic nonbases of ErdBs, Nathanson finite subset upper about nonbases, of a maximal of maximal results and the maximal of a finite number nonbases of order has is a subset questions by the following asymptotic classified and Nathanson Z possible. whose that there exist maximal [ii] constructed counting functions asymptotic a class have of "thin" order nonbases maximal of magnitude of order asymptotic ~-. This 2 219 PIennefeld [9] constructed the first e x a m p l e of an asymptotic nonbasis of order Z that cannot be e m b e d d e d in a m a x i m a l asymptotic nonbasis of order Z. E r d ~ s and N a t h a n s o n [5] constructed a class of "thin" asymptotic nonbases of order Z such that each set in this class had O(~x--) elements not exceeding and such that no set in this class is contained in a m a x i m a l order Z. asymptotic nonbasis of E r d B s and N a t h a n s o n [6] proved that there does not exist a m a x i m a l asymptotic nonbasis of order Z consisting only of square-free n u m b e r s , that there does exist an asymptotic nonbasis such that B ~ J {q} number x, B of order is an asymptotic basis of order but Z of square-free n u m b e r s Z for every square-free q ~ B. Finally, it is possible to partition ~ that A into two disjoint sets A is a m i n i m a l asymptotic basis of order nonbasis of order "random" Z; m o r e o v e r , elements are m o v e d Z and B and is a m a x i m a l B such asymptotic this partition can be constructed so that, as from A to B to A to B ..., f r o m basis to nonbasis to basis to nonbasis . . . and the set eously f r o m nonbasis to basis to nonbasis to basis... B the set A oscillates oscillates simultan- (Erd~s and N a t h a n s o n [4]). It is not k n o w n w h i c h of the results above are true for bases and nonbases of orders h > 3. In this paper I consider a combinatorial analog of m i n i m a l bases and m a x i m a l nonbases. Let ,~(~) denote the collection of all finite subsets of ~ , ~ ,~(~) . Denote by h~ distinct sets belonging to order h . Otherwise, but finitely m a n y order then h. ~ ~ the collection of all unions of h ~. If h ~ =~(]N), ~ is a union nonbasis of order elements of <~(IN), then But if there are infinitely m a n y sets in I~rdds [I] obtained results ab()ut union bases for bases and m a x i m a l h . If h ~ contains a]l <~(I~) ~(]N) not belonging to h ~ , h . Recently, D e z a and analogous to k n o w n results I shall consider m i n i m a l asymptotic union asymptotic union nonbases for the collection of finite subsets of the natural n u m b e r s . It is easy to prove that every union basis of order contains a m i n i m a l union basis of order of order is called a union basis of ~3 is an asymptotic union basis of is called an asymptotic union nonbasis of order about bases in additive n u m b e r theory. ~(~q) then and let not necessarily h for ~7~(ix[) is contained in a m a x i m a l h, h for and that every union nonbasis union nonbasis of order h. But p r o b l e m s about asymptotic union bases and asymptotic union nonbases are m o r e complicated. For h > Z there is a trivial construction of m i n i m a l asymptotic union bases of order h. asymptotic union bases. For h = Z I shall construct a class of nontrivial m i n i m a l But it is not true that every asymptotic union basis of 220 order h contains a m i n i m a l asymptotic union basis of order an asymptotic union basis of order for every h. I shall construct Z, no subset of w h i c h is minimal. h > Z there exist asymptotic union nonbases of order e m b e d d e d in m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbases of order k n o w n if there exists a m a x i m a l h. h Similarly, that cannot be Indeed, it is not asymptotic union nonbasis of order h for any h>2. Notation. T h e natural n u m b e r s case letters denote natural n u m b e r s natural n u m b e r s . iN are the nonnegative integers. and capital R o m a n letters denote sets of Capital script letters denote sets of sets of natural n u m b e r s . interval of integers a < n< b is denoted the set of all finite subsets of S. [a,b]. If S ~ ] N , then B. ¢ ~ . 1 Then h~ for i = i, Z ..... h. (~. h~ denote ~ ~J ~ J then the B I U B Z ~ .. ~ ~h' ... ~ J ~ (h times). 1 consists of all unions of h Clearly, ~5 Z Z S ~ in Let The c~(S)denotes If ~ i ~- ~;~(]~q) for i = i, Z ..... h, union set ~i<3 ~Z<; ... ~ ~h consists of all sets of the form where Lower 3@C_ .... Finally, let IX[ not necessarily distinct sets belonging to ~ . Let e \ ~ 3 denote the relative complement of denote the ca rdinality of X. 221 Z. Minimal A union basis ~ union nonbasis of order of order union bases of order and maximal h ,~(IN) for h for every Bc ~. h is m a x i m a l if ~ [.J {A} union nonbases is m i n i m a l if ~ \ { B } is a Similarly, a union nonbasis is a union basis of order h for every A ~..,~(l~)%k~ . In this section I prove that every union basis contains a m i n i m a l union basis and every union nonbasis is contained in a m a x i m a l union nonbasis. THEOREM union basis I. Every of order Proof. union basis of order h for ~(~) contains a minimal h. Let = { ~ B i}i=l 0o be a union basis of order h for ,~(IW). If is minimal, w e are done. Otherwise B.} is a union basis for s o m e B. ~ ~ . 1 1 Let iI be the least subscript such that ~ i =(~\{ Bi I} is a union basis• If ~ l is minimal, w e are done. Otherwise, let iZ be the least subscript such that ~2 = ~i ~{ Bi Z} = ~ \ { Bi I' Biz} ~{ is a union basis. Continue this process inductively. If it stops after a finite n u m b e r of iterations, then the last union basis in the sequence is minimal. ~ Otherwise, there is an infinite decreasing sequence of bases ~i~2__~ .... where ~k : ~k-l~{Bik } and il < iz< i3< .... is the least integer greater than ik_ 1 such that ~ k _ i k { Bik} I claim that ~':'~:~k°°:l ~ k :~\{ Bik}k:l Let X ~ ,~ (IN). T h e set X i<i _ r if B i ~ _ X Bt Z'" • . ' Bth~ Btj ( ~r' and B.. ~i~ Since ~r h~*. Thus, If ~ * \ { B i} is a basis for s o m e and ~k_iX{Bi} Therefore, is a union basis• ~ *\{B.} THEOREM Z. Proof. h~. Let Let ~ ~'" tj ~i k for all k <_ r since Btj~X . Therefore, is a union basis oforder B.i ~ ~ * ' is a nonbasis for e v e r y Btj ~ ~ * h. then ik_ 1 < i < ik for s o m e ]B. ~ ~:"~, a n d so ~3;:" is a m i n i m a l i h for ,Y~(JN). Every union nonbasis of order in a m a x i m a l union nonbasis of order X/ i such that r is abasis, thereare sets Btl, But this contradicts the minimality of ik. 1 union basis of order h. is finite, so there is an integer and also t.] / i k for all k > r since and so X ~ ik is a union basis. is a minimal union basis of order ~ r such that X = ~ hj:l Bt'" J Clearly, for j :i ..... h, and is contained h. be a union nonbasis of order ~i = ~ ~ h for .~(IN) (~(]N)\,~(X)). Clearly, h. Choose X ~ .~(IN) with ~ 1 is a nonbasis since k, 222 X~ h ~ I. so ~ l But ~ I contains all but a finite n u m b e r of elements of ~(~q), is contained in a m a x i m a l union nonbasis of order h. and 223 3. M i n i m a l asymptotic union bases A n asymptotic union basis there are infinitely m a n y (~ of order h is m i n i m a l if for every sets in ..~ (Eq) that do not belong to h ( ~ \ { S} ). A n asymptotic union basis of order 1 is simply a co-finite subset of .~(Eq). no m i n i m a l asymptotic union basis of order 1 exists. there do exist m i n i m a l asymptotic union bases of order that every asymptotic union basis of order union basis of order h. h 3. h > Z, h. Let h > Z, Clearly, however, But it is not true h > Z contains a m i n i m a l asymptotic ~ such that Z for every finite subset ~ is an asymptotic union nonbasis of order THEOREM For Indeed, I shall construct a basis is an asymptotic union basis of order ~\~ S ~ ~, ~\ 2 but Z for every infinite subset and let TI, T z , . . . , T h be a partition of IN into n o n e m p t y sets at least two of which are infinite. T h e n ~_jh i=l h. £/(Ti)\{ ~ } ) is a m i n i m a l asymptotic union basis of order Proof. Let ~ for j = l,...,k, =~_Jhi=l ~ ( T i ) \ { ¢ } )" then X(~Tij ~ ~ Let X ~ - ~ ( ] N ) , X / ¢ . for j =i ..... k, If X ( - ~ T i . / ¢ J and k X = k_j ( X ~ T i . ) ~ k ~ j=l hence h ~ =,~(Eq)~{~} • ~h~ 3 M o r e o v e r , if X ( ~ T . / ~ f o r each i, i then X =~jh i=l (Xf'-~Ti) is the unique r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of X as the union of h e l e m e n t s of ~ Let S ~ g , say, S ~ ~(TI)\{~ } . At least two of the sets . T.l are infinite, hence ~jh T. is infinite, and so there are infinitely m a n y sets X ~ "~r(]N) such i=Z i that X~-%TI = S and X~-~T.~ l/ for all i = Z, 3 ..... h. But X / h ( S \ { S } ) , and so ~kk{S} is an asymptotic union nonbasis of order E a c h m i n i m a l asymptotic union basis ~ h. This proves the T h e o r e m . constructed above has the property that if B ~ (~ , then every n o n e m p t y subset of B the "trivial" m i n i m a l asymptotic union bases. is in ~ T h e following L e m m a . T h e s e are will be applied to construct a class of nontrivial m i n i m a l asymptotic union bases of order Z, and also to construct union bases of order asymptotic union bases of order LEMMA. Z that do not contain any m i n i m a l Z. Let Rk be a n o n e m p t y s u b s e t of T h e n there is a family ~k+l [1, nk] , and let n~+ l >__nk + 3. of subsets of [i, nl~+l] with the following properties: 224 (i) [nk + I, nk+l] ( /$k+l' and B(-~[nk + I, ink+l] / 6 (ii) If X C [I, nk+1] and Xf-h~[nk + I, n]<+l] / ~, (iii) If Ph<U Ink + l, 5<+1 ] : B I U B z, where then either B I = 1%k and B Z =[n k + i, nk+l] (iv) If IR.kl > I, then ~k+1 or for every B c (~k+l; then X ~ Z(~k+1 u {P~k}); BI, B z ~ ~9k+l<J.~([l, nk]), B Z = P~k and B 1 = [nk + I, nk+l]; does not contain every nonempty subset of [nk + 1, nk+l]. Proof. Case~: Suppose i : [ % + 1, % + j I suchthat }Jl = m}.) the f o r m where Since Izl : % + i - %-> Z~ =.)~(I)\{~,I}. If lit = Zm, fix x ~ 3, there is s'V I, where S' ~ S , 1%' ~ 1%, S' C S , and hence nk+l] 2 a family of subsets of : {JC_I I I__< IJ I _<m}. = { J ~ I I i__< IJl < m - l } V {J_~IIx{ J and and, second, those ofthe form J E ~. ~k+l Clearly, for any J ~ # JI, Jz ~ ~ . Since and 1%Z~ 1%. Then s'U J, U {I} satisfies conditions (i) and (iv). with XI = X(-~I / ~ . Let i%' = X(~it and S' = X(-]S. then X : R U (S' U I) ~ Z ( ~ k + i V {%}) R'U I( (~k+ 1 and X ( - ~ I ~ X = Itl V S I <_) X I. Suppose that X I : I. Then Z(~k+iU and Let (~k+l consist of the following two types of sets: first, those of Let X ~ [ l , some Let R : ~ , S : [ I , % ] \ R , (If Ill = 2 m + i, let ~ I andlet ~ for all X ~ ~k+l' Then I~I>I" {Rk}); if R' ~ It, Jl ~ ~ k + l X : (1%1U S' U I i ) U and 1%Z u If I{l = It' then X : (It' <J J ) U (S' U I) . Suppose that X I / I. Then IR_kl > I, we canwrite 1%1v S' Y S' <J I ( (~k+l" X I : Jl u Jz for It' : 1%1[.J 1%Z' where Itl~ i% JZ C (~k+l' hence ( i t z U JZ ) : 1%' U S' ~ X I This proves (ii). Finally, let 1%U I = B I U B Z for s o m e B.(~I/If for i = 1, Z, then Bi(-~I~ ~ for s o m e I, say, and B1 = L { ~ } . But I ~ Z7 . i : i, and so B l : S' Y L It follows that i~ c B Z. B Z ( ,~([i, nk]), and n.k]). If Therefore, B.~-~I I i = But (itU l)(-~S : ~ , and so S l : But this is impossible if B Z ¢ ~k+l' hence B e : 1%. This proves (iii). Case II: Suppose sets of the f o r m V BI, B Z ~ ~ k + i U J ( [ l , I%1 : 1, say, S' Y I , where % : { r }. Let ~k+l' S' _~S = [i, nk]X{r} consist of all and I' _~I, I' / ~. 225 Clearly, ~k+l satisfies (i). Let X C [1, nk+l] with X(~I # ~ . If r ~ X, then X ( 6 k + i C Z ( ~ k + l ~ J {P~k} ). If r e X, then X~{r} ~ O~k+ 1 and X : (X~{r})U { r]. ¢ Z(~k+IU {R.k}). Thus, ~ k + I satisfies (ii). Finally, if P~kU I : B1U BZ, where BI, Bz ( O~k+iU~([l, nk]), then r e B.I for some BI ~ ~k+l' hence BZ e ~k+l and B I ~ [i, nk] and so B I = { r} = R-k. B Z = I. Thus, ~ k + l i, say, i = I. Then Then I C BZ, hence satisfies (iii). This completes the proof of the L e m m a . THEOREM 4. There exist nontrivial minimal asymptotic union bases of order Z. THEOREM that, if # C 5. There exist asymptotic union bases 8, then ~\~ ~ of order Z such is an asymptotic union basis of order Z whenever I ~ I < o0, but an asymptotic unionnonbasis of order Z whenever particular, ~ In does not contain a minimal asymptotic union basis of order Z. Proofs. Let {nk} for all k > l . I~[ =~. be a sequence of positive integers such that nk+ I > ~k + 3 I first construct inductively a sequence of sets ~ k ~ ( [ l , nk])\{ ~ } and sets P~k ~ U k ~i" Let ~i =L~([I, nl])\{ ~ ] Suppose that ~l'" ~ k and i=l . . . . i~i,. . . , Rk_ 1 have been determined. Choose any Rk ~ uki=l ~i" Let ~k+l ~-([I, nk+l])\~([l, nk] ) satisfy conditions (i)-(iv)of the L e m m a . o0 UM=I @k" Clearly, ~ ~ Z~ then X ¢ ~ i : Z~l--~Z(~" some unique k > l . Z ~ =~(~)'N{~ }, since ~ { ~ . Let X ~ ~-~(]m), X / ~ . If x C Otherwise, ~ X E Z(~kll~{Rk})~- Z~. for Thus, is an asymptotic union basis of order Z. Let B_kU Ink + 1, nk+l] : BlkJ B2, where B1, B Z ~ 03 . Since R k ( uki=l ~3iC~([l'-- nk]), it follows that BI, BzC[I,_ %+i]. implies that BI, BZ ( <jk+li=l~k+l C_ ~k+l U ~([l, nk]). Zemma, [i, nl] , XC[I, nk+l] and X~[nk+l, nk+l] / 6 By condition (ii) of the g e m m a , and so Let ~ : either B 1 : P~k or B Z : P~k" Thus, Condition (i) of the L e m m a By condition (iii) of the P~kU [nk + I, nk+l] ~ Z(~\{P~k}). The sets P~k~J [nk + i, nk+l] are pairwise distinct, although the sets R k themselves need not be distinct. H o w shall we choose the sets P~k ? infinitely often as an Rk; that is, if B ~ ~ Then RkU Suppose that every set B ~ ~ , then B = P~k for infinitely m a n y [nk + l, nk+l] ~ g(~\{ 13} ) for infinitely m a n y minimal asymptotic union basis of order Z. Since IB I > i, condition (iv) of the L e m m a T h e o r e m 4. is chosen implies that k, k. and so 03 is a 03 contains sets B with ~3 is nontrivial. This proves 226 Now ~C suppose that every set B ~ ~ ~ " If R.k ~ ~, asymptotic union then nonbasis w e have [_JOOk=t~ k C- ~ \ ~ 2 is chosen exactly once as an Rk. P,_k~J [n k + i, nk+l] j Z(~), o~ order and Z whenever P,-k ( 0 ~ \ ~ and so ~\~ r"fl =~" for all k >t._ X(-h[n k + I, nk+[] / ~ . By condition (ii) of the L e m m a , if k > t , ~\~ and so Z(~\~ 0) contains all but finitely m a n y is an asymptotic union basis of order Theorem 5. But if l~r Let is an <~, Let XC[I,_ nk+1] then with X ~ Z(~k+l<-) {R-k])~- Z(~{~) elements of ,2~(IN). Thus, g whenever [~I <°° . This proves 227 4. M a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbases A n asymptotic union nonbasis an asymptotic union basis of order union nonbases of order (~ of order h for every S ec~(Eq)\~. is T h e asymptotic 1 are precisely those 03 C-,~(]N) such that o~(]N)\~ is infinite. T h e r e is clearly no such m a x i m a l union nonbasis of order nonbases of orders h is m a x i m a l if B~J {S} ~, hence no m a x i m a l asymptotic i. It is not k n o w n if there exist m a x i m a l asymptotic union h > Z. But it is possible to construct asymptotic union nonbases that cannot be e m b e d d e d in m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbases. THEOIREM 6. then for every k > l Proof. S ~ h~ If If there are only finitely m a n y ~ sets X ~ h ~ sets X ~ ,2~(~) with also contain all but finitely m a n y COROLLARY. Let ~ sets X ¢ j~(]N) with m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbasis of order where ~ is Sup posethat X ~ implies that h ~ X ¢ h~ Ch~ nonbasis of order basis of order S, T { ( ~ , h~ must .~ h such cannot be e m b e d d e d in a h. ~ IXl >t. H S _ C ~ , with sets X h, with then T h e o r e m 6 Ixl < t. ]But is an asymptotic union basis of order h. proves the Corollary. ~t = {Xc~(Eq) Ilxl > t} is an asymptotic union h that is not contained in any m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbasis 7. Let h _> Z, and let ~ be a m a x i m a l asymptotic union h that is also an asymptotic union nonbasis of order Zh - Z. non- If then S(-~T : ~ . Proof. By m a = ~ m a l i ~ , both bases of order h. Xc But the h. THEOREM and Therefore, Ixl = k. forall X ~ ( ~ I if IXl > t. Therefore, In particular, the set of order ha Then contains all but finitely m a n y This contradiction IX[ = k. Therefore, m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbasis of order a h and be an asymptotic union nonbasis of order contains all sufficiently large sets. Proof. is S. h, IxI = k. and so 0"5 (,9 {S } is an asymptotic union basis. contains all but finitely m a n y only k- element setin h(0~[.J { S } ) t h a t is not in h03 that h @ with is a m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbasis of order , then S ~ 03 h(0"~J {S}) ~3 is a m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbasis of order ~ U { S} and 45 U { T} Therefore, there i s a s e t h((~L._){T}), but X { (Zh-Z)(~. X /S,T Then are asymptotic unio~ such that X~ h ( ~ U {S}) X{hO~, and so x : sU BzU ... U Bh : TU B~U ... U B~, 228 where B., B! ¢ ~ i and so for X = BzU . . ~J. B h.U . B.~ U COI~OLLAI~Y. S,T¢ ~ , i = Z ..... h. If S~-~T = ~ , then TC BzU ... V Bh, 1 then Let ~3 s~T/¢. U B hI ~ (Zh-Z)~ be a m a x i m a l But this is a contradiction. asymptotic union nonbasis of order Z. 229 5. i. Let ~ ~(~)\~. Open problems be an asymptotic union nonbasis of order Then ~ is r - m a x i m a l if ~ L_J ~ h, and let is an asymptotic union nonbasis of order h whenever I~I < r, but ~ ~ _ J ~ of order h whenever i#I > r. T h e 1 - m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbases are precisely the m a x i m a l asymptotic union nonbases. asymptotic union nonbases of order case r = 1 and 2. Then ~ Let b e c o m e s an asymptotic union basis h? D o there exist r - m a x i m a l This is not k n o w n even in the simplest h = 2. (~ be an asymptotic union basis of order is r m i n i m a l h, and let ~ _ ~ if ~3\~f is an asymptotic union basis of order . h whenever I.#l < r, but ~ \ 2 I~I > r. T h e l-minimal asymptotic union bases are precisely the m i n i m a l asympto- tic union bases. all r > Z and order b e c o m e s an asymptotic union nonbasis of order ~ h whenever D o there exist r - m i n i m a l asymptotic union bases of order h > 2? h for A r e there nontrivial m i n i m a l asymptotic union bases of h > 3? 3. Classify the m i n i m a l asymptotic union bases and m a x i m a l union nonbases. asymptotic A r e there general criteria that imply that an asymptotic union basis contains a m i n i m a l asymptotic union basis or that an asymptotic union nonbasis is contained in a m a x i m a l 4. that ~ asymptotic union nonbasis ? Is there a partition of .~(]N) into two disjoint sets is a m i n i m a l asymptotic union basis of order asymptotic union nonbasis of order 5. Z and ~ 03 and 6~ such is a m a x i m a l 2? If w e consider intersections of sets instead of unions of sets, then w e find a n e w series of u n a n s w e r e d combinatorial p r o b l e m s about define an asymptotic intersection basis of order such that all but finitely m a n y sets in ~(l~) of h not necessarily distinct sets in ~ bases exist? h .~(]N). F o r example, for ,.~'(]N) to be a set ~ ~(]N) can be represented as the intersection . D o m i n i m a l asymptotic intersection D o e s every asymptotic intersection basis for ~(l'q) contain a m i n i m a l asymptotic intersection basis ? 6. Then B Let Q be the set of square-free positive integers, and let B ~ Q . is an asymptotic LCM basis of order h for Q if all but finitely m a n y square-free integers can be represented as the least c o m m o n of B. Similarly, B is an asymptotic GCD basis of order multiple of h h for Q elements if all sufficiently large square-free integers can be represent.ed as the greatest c o m m o n 230 divisor of h elements of B. We define LCM and GCD bases, nonbases, and asymptotic nonbases similarly. Combinatorial t h e o r e m s about union and intersection bases and nonbases for ._~(~xI) are equivalent to multiplicative t h e o r e m s about LCM and GCD Z = P0 < Pl < PZ < "'" q : c~(]N) -~ Q LCM by bases and nonbases for Q be the sequence of p r i m e s in ascending order. q(B) = IIb~B qb [q(B l)..... q(Bh) ] and follows that ~ ~.~(IN) nonbasis) of order asymptotic LCM h in the following way. for all B ¢ ._~(]N). T h e n q(Bl(-~... (-~B h) -- G C D Let Define q(BiKJ ... [-J B h) = (q(B I)..... q(Bh) ). It is an asymptotic union (resp. intersection) basis (resp. for .~(]N) if and only if q((~) : {q(B)[B ¢ (~} _ C Q (resp. GCD ) basis (resp. nonbasis)of order Thus, combinatorial t h e o r e m s for .~(]N) is an h for Q. can be translated into multiplicative t h e o r e m s for Q. It is natural to consider set of al_~lpositive integers. asymptotic LCM (resp. elements of B. W e define nonbases similarly. plicative n u m b e r T h e set GCD integer is the least c o m m o n LCM and B GCD bases and nonbases for the of positive integers will be called an ) basis of order h if every sufficiently large multiple (resp. greatest c o m m o n LCM and GCD divisor) of h bases, nonbases, and asymptotic This generates a n e w series of unsolved p r o b l e m s in multi- theory. T h e s e can be translated into combinatorial p r o b l e m s about union and intersection bases for multisets. Graham, all n u m b e r s Lenstra, and Stewart of the f o r m [7] have observed that the set consisting of Z • 3 n, n = 0,1, Z, 3 .... , is a m a x i m a l nonbasis for the positive integers. T h e existence of a m a x i m a l asymptotic LCM asymptotic nonbasis for the square-free integers is still an open problem. Finally, there is an analogous series of p r o b l e m s about m i n i m a l bases and m a x i m a l nonbases for the positive integers under ordinary multiplication. 231 References i. M. D e z a and P. ErdBs, Extension de quelques t h e o r e m e s densities de series d I elements de N sur les a des series de sous-ensembles finis de N, Discrete Math. 1_Z(1975), 295-308. 2. Amer. P. ErdBs and M. B. Nathanson, Maximal asymptotic nonbases, Proc. Math. Soc. 4__~8(1975), 57-60. 3. numbers, P. ErdBs and M. Proc. A m e r . 4. B. Nathanson, Math. P. ErdBs and M. Oscillations of bases for the natural Soc. 53(1975), ]3. Nathanson, infinitely oscillating bases and nonbases, 253-258. Partitions of the natural n u m b e r s Comment. into Math. Helvet. 5__~I(1976), 171- 18Z. 5. P. ErdBs and M. in m a x i m a l 6. nonbases, B. Nathanson, N o n b a s e s of density zero not contained J. L o n d o n Math. Soc. 15(1977). P. ErdBs and M. B. Nathanson, Bases and nonbases of square-free integers, preprint. 7. It. L. G r a h a m , H. W. Lenstra, Jr., and C. L. Stewart, personal communication. 8. Angew. E. H~rtter, Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Minimalbasen, J. Reine Math. 19___~6(1956),170-Z04. 9. J. Hennefeld, Asymptotic nonbases not contained in m a x i m a l asymptotic nonbas es, preprint. I0. number M. B. Nathanson, theory, J. N u m b e r ii. M. M i n i m a l bases and m a x i m a l Theory_6(1974), B. Nathanson, s-maximal nonbases in additive 324-333. nonbases of density zero, J. L o n d o n Math. Soc. 15(1977), 29-34. IZ. A. StBhr, GelBste und ungelBste F r a g e n ~iber B a s e n der n~turlichen Zahlenreihe, 13. Number J. l~eine A n g e w . S. Turj~nyi, Theory9(1977), Math. On maximal 271-275. 194(1955), 40-65, 111-140. asymptotic nonbases of density zero, J. REMARKS ON MULTIPLICATIVE Institute My principal Atle Selberg for Advanced Study, Princeton~ We begin by recalling functions 08540 New Jersey reason for choosing this rather elementary attention to the uses of multiplieative io FUNCTIONS topic is to draw in more than one variable. the standard definition of a multiplicative function of one variable defined on the positive integers: it is a function satis- fying the conditions (i.i) f(m) f(n) = f(mn) for (re,n) = i, and (1.2) f(1) = i. I have never been very satisfied with this definition~ define a multiplicative and would prefer to function as follows: Write (1.3) n = ~ pa, P where the product extends over all primes (so that all but a finite number of the a are zero). Let there be defined negative integers such that (1.4) f (0) = 1 P p a function f (a) P on the non- except for at most finitely many p. Then f(n) = ~ - ~ fp(a) P defines a multiplicative This definition f(n) for each singular if f(1) = i~ function. is clearly more general than the previous f(1) = 0, we say that f(n) otherwise we call is normal. *)It should be noted that it permits f(n) f(n) regular. one *). If finally The class of multiplicative to vanish identically. We call functions 233 defined by the standard definition coincides with the class of normal multiplicative functions according to our new definition° With the new definition it remains true for instance that if are multiplicative, ~ f(d)g(~l \47 dln it also remains true that if f((a,n)) f([a,n]) *) and g(n) then so is the convolution f * g(n)= then f(n) f(n) , is multiplicative and is multiplicative. a a positive integer However, with our new definition, are also multiplicative, f(an) and something which is not necessarily true with the standard definition° Another advantage is that the new definition can be used without change to define multiplicative functions of several variables. If we denote by [n}r an (1.5) r-tuple of positive integers nl,...,n r and write In} r = I I P ~a}r P to denote that ai n.i = I I p P we say that a function for i = 1,2,...~r, f(nl,...,n r) = f([n}r) is multiplieative if we can write it in the form (1.6) f([n]r ) = ~-~ fp({a]r), P where the functions For each integers, p, if f({n}r ) satisfy the following conditions. fp(al,...,ar) fp(0,...,0) = i Again, writing that f ([a}r) P is defined on the r-tuples of nonnegative except for at most finitely many [l}r is singular if for the p. r-tuple all of whose entries are i, we say f({l]r) = O, regular if f([l]r) ~ O, and normal f([l}r) = i. It is easily seen that if one keeps some of the variables fixed in a multi- *)We use [a,n] to denote the least common multiple of a and n. 234 plicative function one gets a function which is multiplicative in the remaining variables. Let us finally mention that in case of functions of one variable the class of multiplicative functions defined by (1o4) could also be defined by the requirements: (1.7) f(m) f(n) = f([m,n]) f((m,n)) for all positive integers m and n. This is, in spite of its simplicity~ not as practical as the constructive definition (1.4). Also one meets complications when trying to adapt it to the case of several variables° 2. We shall now concentrate on functions of two positive integral variables~ though as of yet we shall not necessarily assume them to be multiplicative. that a function f(m~n) is symmetric if f(m~n) = 0 n > m~ and finally normal lower triangular if all for f(m,n) = f(n~m)~ We say lower triangular if f(n~n) = i for n. If t(m,n) is normal lower triangular and we have two sequences xm and connected by the relations (2.1) x m =~ t(m,n) Yn n then there exists a unique normal lower triangular function (2.2) Ym = ~ t*(m~n) such that t*(m,n) x . n n t and t are connected (2.3) where by the relations ~ t(m,~) t*(~,n) = 6m, n, 6 m~ n is the Kronecker symbol, or, alternatively we have (2.3') ~-~ t*(m,~) t(~,n) = 6m, n. If we assume that t(m~n) nlm. is multiplicative, t(m,n) = 0 unless plicative. Namely~ let us define it follows immediately that It is not hard to see then that ~(pr, pS) for r > s t*(m,n) is also multi- by the relations Ym 235 >2~ (2.4) t(pr pt) ~(pt,pS) = 6 r,s s<t<r Constructing now a multiplicative function n = we see that ~(m,n) = [ { ~(pr,pS) where m = { { pr , P P p , P (2.7) ~ t(m,~) ~(~,n) = 6m, n since the left hand side of (2.7) arises by multiplying together the left hand sides of (2.4) for all When p. t(m,n) Thus ~(m,n) = t*(m,n) which is therefore multiplieative. is multiplicative as well as normal lower triangular (2.1) and (2.2) take the forms (2.8) x m = t(m,d) Yd dim and (2.8') Ym = ~ t*(m,d) x ddlm This generalizes the usual inversion formulae. We have, of course, also the dual set of formulae: if t(m~n) is not assumed multiplicative but is normal lower triangular and if the sequences Ym xm and are connected by the relations (2.9) Xn = ~ t(m,n) Ym' m then we have that (2.9') Yn = ~ t*(m,n) x mm Here, since the sums on the right hand side are infinite, one has to assume that, say, the Ym are such that the suma occurring converge absolutely. instance, is the case if we assume that the vanish for (2.10) then m sufficiently large° xd = Ym This, for (and as a consequence also the For multiplicative ~ t(m,d) Ym' dlm t(m,n) we get that if xm ) 236 (2.10') Yd = ~ t*(m,d) x m. dlm We call a symmetric function (2.11) f(mgn) Q(x) = satisfies Q > 0 positive definite if the quadratic form ~ f(m,n) x m x n m~ n for all real sequences xm with at least one and at most finitely many non-zero elements. For f(m~n) positive definite, we can always find functions normal lower triangular t(m,n) (2.12) g(n) and such that f(m,n) = ~ g(~) t(m,~) t(n,~), these functions are uniquely determined and can be expressed rationally in terms of the f(m,n). If we, in addition, require that both and g(n) ~(pr, pS) and t(m,n) and to be multiplieative~ it is easily seen will also be multiplicative *). Namely we define ~(pr) by the relations f(pr pS) = ~ ( p t ) ~(pr p t ) 7 ( p S pt) for all t and ~(pr pS) = 0 for s > r. For each p this determines r,s ___ O, t(p r ,pr) = i, ~(pr) f(m,n) ~(pr, pS) uniquely for all r,s > O. We now construct the multiplicative functions Writing m = I I pr n = I [ pS we then have ~(m) and ~{(m,n). f(m,n) = I If(P r'ps) = 1 1 ~(Pt) V(pr,pt) ~(pS,p t = ~(~)~(m,~)t(n,~). Thus ~ p t identical with g and t which are therefore multiplicative. For multiplicative positive definite and t must be f(m~n) (2.12) therefore assumes the form (2.13) f(m,n) = ~ g(d) t(m,d) t(n,d). dlm dln 3. conditions Suppose that we wish to determine the minimum of xn = 0 for n > N and x I = I. Writing f(m,n) Q under the side in the form given by (2o12) we obtain 2 (3~i) Q(x) = ~ g(~)I~m t ( m , ~ ) X m l . *)We assume for simplicity in this argument that f(l,l) (and therefore also g(1)) equals I. This is no restriction since we could otherwise divide by f(l,l) which is positive. 237 Writing further (3.2) Yn = ~ t ( m , n ) m so that also Yn = 0 for n > N, (3.3) Xm, we get Q(x) = 2 ~ g(n)Yn " n<N xn = ~ t*(m,n) Ym" (3.2) gives (3.4) m In particular the condition (3.5) xI = I takes the form ~ t*(m,l) Ym = i. m<N The minimum is then by standard procedures found to be % (3.6) .in t * (m~l) 2 ~ ' g(m) and the minimizing xn are given by (3.7) Xn = Qmin " ~ t (m,n)* t*(m~l) m<N g(m) Finally, if we assume t(m,n) and t (m,n). f(m,n) to be multiplicative, from the or not, depending on the nature of the f(pr, pS) for r,s ~ O. This may be simple f(pr, pS). We shall consider an application of the preceding to a sieve problem. Let us denote by prl]n that exact prime divisor of prI~ and designate a set of ~(pr) assume that for fixed are disjoint if n r ~ s. ,p = i, we say that p is an n. Assume now that we have a set of primes integer g(m), These functions have to be determined by computing the g(pr), t(pr,pS) and t*(pr,p s) 4o then so are p p. residue classes modulo p For each r the residue classes removed We introduce the notation lies in one of the w(p r) p r with r > 0 we to be removed or excluded. modulo p nX(p r) r and modulo p s to denote that the residue classes excluded modulo pr. We We 238 define nX(1) whenever for all integers n, and further for nX(d) if nX(p r) prlldo Let there now be given a set of integers associated Xd = 0 d > i, a weight for Wn ~ O. d > Z We assume that and leaving the other n W =~w %d with each of which there is n < =o. Writing k I = i; as free real variables, we form the expression (4.1) Q(%) = ~ w n n Clearly Q(%) ~ . ) is always an upper bound for the sum of the weights which remain after we have removed those that lie in any of the residue classes modulo each weights wn the quadratic pr. form of the integers w(p r) Under rather general assumptions Q(~) excluded about the set of can be written in the form Q(X) = QI(X) + R where Ql(k) = W and f(d,d') and R I%dl. f(d,d') kd kd' is a symmetric multiplicative is a remainder The machinery function (positive definite, term generally bounded by a simple quadratic from the previous subject to the side conditions determined ~ d,d' by the requirement on the that section then applies, %'s, R of course) form in the one can minimize the choice of the parameter Z QI(~) is then should be small enough not to spoil the result. We shall apply this technique (so that we assign the values ~ = i~ introduce a symmetric multiplieative if r = s d' are compatible now get or if rs = O, if to the case of an interval for n 6 Ix function otherwise we define E(d,d') = 11 otherwise and ~(d,d') I Wn = 0 x outside by defining E(pr,p s) = O. of length I x. X We E(pr~p s) = 1 We say that d they are said to be incompatible° and We 239 Q(~) = E nEl x k < x E f(d,d') ~d ld' d,d' ) (4°2) + E IXHI {~d' [ w(d,d') ~(d,d'), d~d' where (4.3) f(d,d') = w([d~d'I) [d,d'] Here w(d) is the multiplicative ~(d,d'). function defined by w(d) = I I r 00(i) = i and W(P r)° p lld An alternate form of the upper bound for the interval follows *) . w(u) > I Consider a function for u in I -- and w(u) can be obtained as defined on the real line~ such that w(u) > 0 x Ix always. We furthermore require that its -- transform fourier W(V) = 7 W(U) e 2~iuv du .oo should vanish identically for i Iv I >--~ . We then have z ~ (4.4) Q(%) _ < ~ _ao w(n)~ % LnX(d) It can be shown that we can choose w(0) < X + Z 2. d•2 = wA(O) w(u) E d,d' f(d,d') k d ~d' " satisfying our conditions and such that Thus we get (4.4') Q(%) ~ (X+Z 2) ~ f(d,d') %d %d'" dgd' To use the results of the previous section to minimize the quadratic form on the right hand side of (4.4')~ we observe that we have and f(pr,pr) = f(pr, l ) = f(l,pr) = ~ ( r ) Writing P (4.5) we have 8(p r) = 1 - g(1) = i, *)See Selberg [i]o and for r > 1 ~ ~(ps) s l<s<r p f(pr,pS) = 0 for (r-s)rs ~ 0, 240 g(pr) = (e(pr-l) . @(pr)) 8(pr) 6(pr-l) " (4.6) For r > s~ we find e(pr-l)_@(pr), if s = 0 e(pr'l)'e(pr), @(pS) if 0 < s < r . t(pr'pS) = I " (4.7) Similarly for r > s 8(pr-l)-@(p r) *. r s. Jt (p ,p) = (4.8) 1 @(pr-l) ' 8(pr-l).~(p r) 6(pr-l) ' if s = 0 if O<s<r. Thus *r ( t (p ~i) 2 g(pr) (4.9) i 6(pr) i £(pr-l) 1 Thus the minimum of f(d,d') Xd Xd' is i d<Z prHd e(p r) e(p ~'I) From (4.4') we thus get the upper bound of the number of integers that the sieve leaves in I as X X+Z (4.10) 2 prlld e<p r) e< A result~ identical in form with (4.10)~ has been given earlier by Gallagher and Johnsen *) , who derived it from the large sieve and under the rather restrictive assumption that for each *)See Gallagher [2]. r > i the m(pr) residue classes excluded modulo p r are 241 equidistributed among the pr-I @(pr-l) residue classes that remain modulo pr-I after the earlier exclusions modulo p,o..,p instance~ that P P o @(pr) e(p r'l) w(Pr) r-i i) 9(pr- r-i This restriction implies, for is always an integer (or~ otherwise expressed 9 is always an integer) *) . References Io Ao Selberg: Remarks on sieves° Proceedings of the 1972 Number Theory Conference~ University of Colorado~ 1972~ pp. 205-216. 2o P. Xo Gallagher: Sieving by prime powers° Proceedings of the 1972 Number Theory Conferenc% University of Colorado~ 1972~ pp. 95-99° *)When I first saw Gallagher's paper [2], I thought that the unnecessary restriction was due to faulty technique in the use of the large sieve inequality. As I~ however~ was unable to derive (4.10) from the large sieve without imposing the same restriction, it remains an open question whether the more general result given here is implied by the large sieve inequality or not.