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Organizational Behavior Course Syllabus

Organizational Behavior and Theory
Fall Online Professional
2nd Block 2023
I. Course Title
54316: Organizational Behavior and Theory
II. Course Credit
3 Credits
III. Prerequisites
Principles of Management
IV. Course Professors
Lead Professor
Name: Jeff Nickerson
Title: Senior Instructor
Phone: (660)562-1751
Email: jnick@nwmissouri.edu
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office Location: Colden Hall 2130
V. Course Description
The application of principles and concepts of the behavioral sciences and total quality
management to the interpersonal relationships found within modern organizations. As
quality management practices replace authoritarian structures with more democratic
processes, a need to stress continuous improvement, self-regulation of work content and
structure within a job, self-evaluation of performance, self-adjustment in response to
work system variability, and participation in the setting of job goals or objectives are
seen as the key to effective managerial behavior.
VI. Course Outcomes
Course Learning Objectives
1 - Describe what Organizational Behavior involves and explain all
aspects of the Integrative Model of Organizational Behavior
2 - Describe what Job Performance is and what it takes to be a
"good" performer.
3 - Explain what Organizational Commitment is and how it impacts
employee behaviors.
4 - Define Job Satisfaction and explain why some employees are
more satisfied than others and how Job Satisfaction correlates with
Job Performance and Commitment.
5 - Explain why some employees experience more stress than
others and how stress impacts employee attitudes and behaviors.
6 - Explain why some employees are more motivated than others
and how motivation affects employee attitudes and behaviors.
7 - Define Trust, Justice, and Ethics and explain their impact on
employee attitudes and behaviors.
8 - Describe how learning and decision making in organizations
impacts employee performance and commitment.
9 - Describe how personality and cultural values affect what
employees are like and how it impacts performance/commitment
10 - Describe what it means for an employee to be "Able" and
explain how ability affects performance/commitment
11 - Explain how team characteristics and diversity impact team
12 - Describe how team processes and communication impact team
13 - Define leadership and describe how power and influence are
part of leadership
14 - Describe why some leaders are more effective than others by
explaining different leadership styles and behaviors
15 - Explain how organizational structure impact performance
16 - Explain what organizational culture is and how it impacts
employee attitudes and behaviors
Assessment Methods
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
Online Reading Assignments
Online Discussion
Online Module Quizzes
VII. Materials
Colquitt, LePine, &Wesson. Organizational Behavior – Improving Performance and
Commitment in the Workplace (6th edition): McGraw-Hill Irwin, © 2019
ISBN#: 9781260157918
VIII. Course Outline and Expectations
Graded course requirements:
Chapter Reading Assignments: (160 points)
There will be online reading assignments for each chapter, within the designated Modules, designed to
ensure that you are proactively reading the material in the textbook. The due dates/times for each chapter
reading assignment are available in your Course Schedule, provided in the NWOnline course site as well as
at the end of this syllabus. Each online reading assignment is worth 10 points and will consist of true/false
and multiple-choice questions (20 total worth .5 point each) randomly selected from a question pool.
There is not a time limit to complete each reading assignment and you can take each reading assignment
as many times as you would like. However, each chapter reading assignment must be completed before
the prescribed due date/time listed on the course schedule. Once the due date/time for each reading
assignment has expired, you will not be able to access that reading assignment. The score recorded in the
gradebook will be the highest score achieved from your attempts. You will have access to performance
feedback and what questions you get correct or incorrect for reading assignment questions AFTER each
Module Discussions: (145 points)
Module Discussions will let you use course concepts to analyze and engage in a back-and-forth
exchange of thoughts and ideas with your peers and the instructor. Each Module Discussion will
be worth 20 points (except for the Module 0 discussion, which is worth 5 points) and graded
according to the following rubric:
Thorough, thoughtful and accurate initial post responding to the questions
posed in the Discussion by assigned due date/time (see schedule at end of 10 pts
Thorough, thoughtful, and accurate response to thoughts and ideas of one
of your peer's initial post by assigned due date/time (see schedule at end 5 pts
of syllabus)
Thorough, thoughtful, and accurate response to thoughts and ideas of a
second of your peer's initial post by assigned due date/time (see schedule 5 pts
at end of syllabus)
To be considered for and earn full credit (20 points), students must participate in Module Discussions
multiple times per Module Week. Your first post will answer the questions posed in each Module
Discussion. Your first post is due mid-week (see schedule). You are also required to read and respond to at
least two of your classmates’ thoughts/ideas by the end of the Module Week (see schedule).
Module Quizzes: (650 points)
Each Module, which will cover 2-3 Chapters, will have a Module Quiz. Throughout the class, you
will take 7 Module Quizzes, as well as one quiz over the Syllabus and course policies (Syllabus
Quiz described in “Module 0” in the “Getting Started” Module is worth 10 points). You may use
your textbook while completing the Module Quizzes. However, there will be a time limit to
complete each Module Quiz. The time limit will regulate your ability to look up every answer,
thus your performance will depend more on your understanding of the Module content than
your ability to look up answers. Modules 1 and 2 cover three chapters each (Module 1 covers
Chapters 1-3, and Module 2 covers Chapters 4-6). Therefore, the Modules 1 and 2 Quizzes will
each be worth 120 points (30 questions worth 4 points each) and have a time limit of 30 minutes
to complete. Modules 3-7 only cover two chapters each. Therefore, Module Quizzes for
Modules 3-7 will be worth 80 points each (20 questions worth 4 points each) and have a time
limit of 20 minutes to complete. This distributes the point values of the content evenly between
chapters. You will have two attempts to take each Module Quiz. The score recorded in the
gradebook will be the highest score of your two attempts.
Instructional Methods and Techniques
Instructional methods in this online course will require the students to read the textbook and complete,
online reading assignments, module discussions, and module quizzes.
This is a challenging and difficult course to take online. It covers a lot of material in a relatively short amount of
time (7 weeks) and will require self-motivation and self-direction from the student. To perform well, I have the
following Expectations for you as an active student learner and suggestions for improved performance:
1. Read and comprehend each chapter multiple times, including prior to completing each chapter
assignment, module discussion, or module quiz over its content.
2. Use the PowerPoint slides provided as a supplement to the textbook and not your primary source
of information. Most of the informational content comes from the chapter readings.
PowerPoints are summarizations of course content and should not be your only source of course
Complete reading assignments, discussion posts, and module quizzes by their assigned due
dates/times. Missing activities can add up to significant loss of points, quickly and negatively
affecting your grade.
Study the course material as the course progresses. Read and study content every day. There is
a lot of material in this course and students who attempt to “cram” for quizzes routinely perform
Ask questions. If something is unclear, please let me know.
Apply information from the course to personal experience.
Learn the material as if you had to teach it to someone else. You will need a solid understanding
of course content to perform well on the module discussions and quizzes. Use the Learning
Outcomes in each Module Overview as your guide to what you need to know.
“Students are expected to attend all classes as specified in the course syllabi for each course.
However, specific attendance policies may vary from instructor to instructor. Each instructor will
clarify the attendance policy at the beginning of each course. It is the responsibility of the
student to promptly notify his or her instructor when unable to attend class. Students receiving
veterans’ benefits should consult with the coordinator of Veterans’ Affairs for the additional
attendance requirements.
A student may make up class work without penalty if engaged in University activities endorsed by
the Provost or prevented from attending by circumstances considered adequately extenuating by
the course instructor.
After the add period until the end of the drop period, an instructor may request the
Office of the Registrar to delete a student from the class roster due to non-attendance.”
Code of Academic Integrity
Please refer to the following link to view Northwest Missouri State University’s
Code of Academic Integrity Policy
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Please refer to the following link to view Northwest Missouri State University’s
policy for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):
Special Accommodations Policy
Northwest Missouri State University complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990.
If a student has a disability that qualifies under the ADAAA and requires accommodations,
he/she/they should contact the accessibility office for information on appropriate policies and
procedures. Disabilities covered by the ADA may include learning, psychiatric, physical
disabilities, or chronic health disorders.
Students requiring special classroom accommodations should meet with me during office
hours so that we can discuss how to meet your needs this semester. Prior to our meeting
be sure you have met with Pat Wyatt in the Accessibility Services Office in OL 242 on the
2nd floor of Owens Library. You can also contact the office at 660.562.1639, or email at
pjp@nwmissouri.edu or ADA@nwmissouri.edu.
If you have been approved for an accommodation, if you have emergency medical
information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building
must be evacuated, please inform me immediately.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Northwest Missouri State University (the “University”) is committed to maintaining an
environment for all faculty, staff, students, and third parties that is free of illegal
discrimination and harassment. In keeping with that policy, the University prohibits
discrimination and harassment by or against any faculty, staff member, student,
applicant for admissions or employment, customer, third-party supplier or any other
person (collectively the “University Community”) because of their race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, ancestry, age,
disability, genetic information, veteran status, or any other legally-protected class
(collectively “protected statuses”). http://www.nwmissouri.edu/diversity/titlevi.htm
Course Communication Policy
Students are expected to use their Northwest student email account for any electronic
correspondence within the university. Students are also strongly advised to check their email
and CatPAWS accounts on a regular basis.
I generally check my email once per day. Under normal circumstances, I will respond to email
questions within 24 hours of receiving it.
Course Communication Guidelines (Netiquette)
Students are expected to treat each other and their faculty with dignity and respect.
IX. Technology Requirements
Computer/Technology Requirements
Respondus Lockdown Browser
To protect the integrity of your Northwest educational experience, this course employs
Respondus Lockdown Browser software for chapter quizzes. Lockdown Browser is a custom
browser that locks down the testing environment within a learning management system. For
more information about Lockdown Browser or to download it, if not already on your
computer, please visit this site:
Northwest Online (Canvas)
Access to Northwest Online is at: https://www.nwmissouri.edu/online
X. Grading and Evaluation
Final Grade Calculation
Module 0 Introduction
Module 0 Syllabus Quiz
Chapter Reading Assignments
Module Discussions
Module Quizzes
5/955 = .5%
10/955 = 1%
160/955 = 16.5%
140/955 = 15%
640/955 = 67%
Assessment percentages of overall course grade
All Chapter Reading Assignments, Module Discussion Posts, and Module Quizzes are
due according to the course schedule in the “Course Schedule” section of this syllabus.
It is the student’s responsibility to manage their time accordingly to adequately learn
the material and complete each assessment by its prescribed due date/time.
In determining the final course grade, the following scale is used:
Points Earned
859.5 - 955 pts (90%-100%)
764 - 859 pts (80%-89.99%
668.5 – 763.5 pts (70%-79.99%)
573- 668 pts (60%-69.99%)
572.5 or fewer pts (<60%)
Do your best work throughout the class because there will be no exceptions to the above
grading scale. Everyone’s course grade will be determined the same way; by the number of
points you earn throughout the course.
Late Work Policy
All coursework is expected to be completed according to the course schedule, which can be
found at the end of this syllabus. Make-up work will be extremely rare. To make-up missed
work, I will need both prior notification of the work that will not be completed on-time, as well
as supporting documentation verifying why the work could not be completed by the prescribed
due date/time.
XI. Course Evaluation
At the end of this course, students are encouraged to complete a course evaluation that
will be distributed to them via email and through a course link.
XII. Course Topics
Module 0
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Introduction and Syllabus Quiz
Chapter 1: An Overview of Organizational Behavior
Chapter 2: Job Performance
Chapter 3: Organizational Commitment
Chapter 4: Job Satisfaction
Chapter 5: Stress
Chapter 6: Motivation
Chapter 7: Trust, Justice, and Ethics
Chapter 8: Learning and Decision Making
Chapter 9: Personality and Cultural Values
Chapter 10: Ability
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Teams – Characteristics and Diversity
Teams – Processes and Communication
Leadership – Power and Negotiation
Leadership – Styles and Behaviors
Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture
XIII. Additional Course Information
Syllabus Subject to Change
While information and assurances are provided in this course syllabus, it should be
understood that content may change in keeping with new research and literature and
that events beyond the control of the instructor could occur. Students will be informed
of any substantive occurrences that will produce syllabus changes.
XIV. Course Schedule
Module 0
Module 0 Introduction
Syllabus Quiz
Module 1
Chapter 1 Reading Assignment
Chapter 2 Reading Assignment
Chapter 3 Reading Assignment
Module 1 Discussion Answers
Module 1 Discussion Peer Response 1
Module 1 Discussion Peer Response 2
Module 1 Quiz
Module 2
Chapter 4 Reading Assignment
Chapter 5 Reading Assignment
Chapter 6 Reading Assignment
Module 2 Discussion Answers
Module 2 Discussion Peer Response 1
Module 2 Discussion Peer Response 2
Module 2 Quiz
Due Date
(all due dates are by 11:59pm)
Mon. 10/16 – Thurs. 10/19
Thursday, October 19
Thursday, October 19
Mon. 10/16 - Sun. 10/22
Thursday, October 19
Thursday, October 19
Thursday, October 19
Thursday, October 19
Sunday, October 22
Sunday, October 22
Sunday, October 22
Mon. 10/23 - Sun. 10/29
Thursday, October 26
Thursday, October 26
Thursday, October 26
Thursday, October 26
Sunday, October 29
Sunday, October 29
Sunday, October 29
Module 3
Chapter 7 Reading Assignment
Chapter 8 Reading Assignment
Module 3 Discussion Answers
Module 3 Discussion Peer Response 1
Module 3 Discussion Peer Response 2
Module 3 Quiz
Module 4
Chapter 9 Reading Assignment
Chapter 10 Reading Assignment
Module 4 Discussion Answers
Module 4 Discussion Peer Response 1
Module 4 Discussion Peer Response 2
Module 4 Quiz
Module 5
Chapter 11 Reading Assignment
Chapter 12 Reading Assignment
Module 5 Discussion first post
Module 5 Discussion Peer Response 1
Module 5 Discussion Peer Response 2
Module 5 Quiz
Module 6
Chapter 13 Reading Assignment
Chapter 14 Reading Assignment
Module 5 Discussion Answers
Module 6 Discussion Peer Response 1
Module 6 Discussion Peer Response 2
Module 6 Quiz
Module 7
Chapter 15 Reading Assignment
Chapter 16 Reading Assignment
Module 7 Discussion Answers
Module 7 Discussion Peer Response 1
Module 7 Discussion Peer Response 2
Module 7 Quiz
Mon. 10/30 - Sun. 11/5
Thursday, November 2
Thursday, November 2
Thursday, November 2
Sunday, November 5
Sunday, November 5
Sunday, November 5
Mon. 11/6 - Sun. 11/12
Thursday, November 9
Thursday, November 9
Thursday, November 9
Sunday, November 12
Sunday, November 12
Sunday, November 12
Mon. 11/13 - Sun. 11/19
Thursday, November 16
Thursday, November 16
Thursday, November 16
Sunday, November 19
Sunday, November 19
Sunday, November 19
Mon. 11/20 - Sun. 11/26
Thursday, November 23
Thursday, November 23
Thursday, November 23
Sunday, November 26
Sunday, November 26
Sunday, November 26
Mon. 11/27 - Fri. 12/1
Wednesday, November 29
Wednesday, November 29
Wednesday, November 29
Friday, December 1
Friday, December 1
Friday, December 1
Total Points Possible: