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Harry Potter Quiz: Chapters 1-3

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – Chapter 1 Quiz
1. What was the name of the Firm that sold Drills, whom Vernon Dursley
works for?
2. What type of beard does Vernon Dursley have?
3. What does Vernon say about Dudley as he leaves the house, when Dudley
is having a tantrum during breakfast?
4. What was the cat reading first as Vernon went to his car?
5. Which floor is Vernon's office at his workplace on?
6. What colour cloak was the man that Vernon walked into at the door of his
workplace wearing?
7. What new word had Dudley learnt that day?
8. What name did Vernon guess Harry's name was?
9. Who was delivering Harry to the Dursley's?
10. Who was flying a motorbike to deliver him?
11. Dumbledore has a scar above his left knee that is a perfect map of what?
12. What type of Muggle sweet has Dumbledore grown fond of?
13. Where did Harry fall asleep? (Over which city?)
14. Who gave Hagrid the flying motorcycle?
15. Who discovered Harry on the doorstep of the Dusrley’s?
Chapter 2 Quiz
1. What day is it when the chapter starts?
2. What creature was Harry used to in the cupboard under the stairs?
3. How did the Dursleys say that James and Lily, Harry's parents, died?
4. How many presents did Dudley have at first?
5. What bone did Mrs Figg break, meaning she could not look after Harry?
6. Who was on holiday in Majorca?
7. What did the snake do when his eyes were level with Harry's?
8. What country did the snake come from?
9. What colour coat was the bald man wearing?
10. How many people did Harry say he had at school?
Chapter 3 Quiz
1. Who did Dudley knock down on his first time on his racing bike?
2. Who are in Dudley's gang?
3. What secondary school was Dudley going to in September?
4. What colour was the envelope that contained the letter?
5. What did Vernon do with the letter?
6. After how many letters did Vernon nail the letterbox up?
7. How many TV programmes did Dudley miss the day they moved out
of 4 Privet Drive?
8. Which hotel did the Dursleys go to?
9. How many bananas were included in Vernon's rations?
10. What sound is made as Harry turns 11?
Answers to Chapter 1:
1. Grunnings
2. Moustache
3. Little Tyke
4. A map
5. Nine
6. Violet
7. Shan’t
8. Howard
9. Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid
10. Hagrid
11. London Underground
12. Sherbet Lemon
13. Over Bristol
14. Sirius Black
15. Petunia
Answers to Chapter 2:
Dudley’s Birthday
In a car crash
Her leg
Aunt Marge
Answers to Chapter 3:
1. Mrs Figg
2. Piers, Dennis, Malcom
3. Smeltings
5.He burnt it
8.Railview Hotel