FM 300 Section A The Capital Asset Pricing Model: Overview Lecture Note 1 Prof. Konstantinos E. Zachariadis London School of Economics FM 300 Lecture Note 1 1 Questions How much should we expect to receive as a return from a risky asset? How do we know if a trading strategy is profitable? How do we estimate the impact of announcing an acquisition plan? What benchmark should we use to evaluate the performance of a mutual fund manager? How do we discount the cash-flows of a project? FM 300 Lecture Note 1 2 Outline Basic statistics rules for portfolio returns Brief overview of portfolio theory and the CAPM – How are expected returns determined? – How are they related to risk? Risk and return with a risk-free asset FM 300 Lecture Note 1 3 Basic statistics for asset returns Suppose you had bought a stock at the end of December 2020 for $42.25 and sold it a year later, at the end of December 2021, for $34.375. During this year, the stock paid a per-share dividend of $3.1 Your realized return from holding GM: 34.375 + 3.1 - 42.25 = -11.54% 42.25 E(ri) – rf : The expected excess return of asset i is the expected asset’s return minus the return on the riskless asset E(rM) – rf : The market risk premium is the expected excess return of the market portfolio. FM 300 Lecture Note 1 4 Basic statistics for asset returns GM example Date Price Dividend Return 29-Dec-89 42.2500 - 31-Dec-90 34.3750 3.00 -11.54% 31-Dec-91 28.8750 1.60 -11.35% 31-Dec-92 32.2500 1.40 16.54% 31-Dec-93 54.8750 0.80 72.64% 30-Dec-94 42.1250 0.80 -21.78% 29-Dec-95 52.8750 1.10 28.13% 31-Dec-96 55.7500 1.60 8.46% 31-Dec-97 60.7500 5.59 19.00% 31-Dec-98 71.5625 2.00 21.09% 31-Dec-99 72.6875 14.15 21.34% Average return 14.25% Variance of return 0.0638 Standard deviation of return 25.25% FM 300 Lecture Note 1 5 Basic statistics for asset returns Expected Return (Mean Return) 1 N N åR t =1 t = RA ® E ( RA ) Law of large numbers FM 300 Lecture Note 1 6 Expected return on a portfolio The expected rate of return on a portfolio of stocks is: ( ) E (rP ) = å j =1 x j E rj j =n where å j =1 x j = 1 j =n Portfolio expected rate of return is a weighted average of the expected rates of return on the individual stocks. In the two-asset case: E (rP ) = x1 E (r1 ) + (1 - x1 ) E (r2 ) FM 300 Lecture Note 1 7 Portfolio returns We measure the (realized) return rP on a portfolio in period t as: rPt = å j =1 x j rjt j=N where xj = fraction of portfolio’s total value invested in stock j. – xj > 0 is a long position; xj < 0 is a short position; Stock market indices: – Equally weighted: x1=x2=…=xN=1/N – Value weighted: xj= Proportion of market capitalization We measure the average return of a portfolio over time as: 1 t =T r P = åt =1 rPt T FM 300 Lecture Note 1 8 A digression: short sales A short sale consists of selling a stock that we do not own. Steps: – Date 0: Borrow the stock from a broker. – Date 0: Sell the stock in the market. – Between dates 0 and 1: Compensate the broker for any dividends the stock pays. – Date 1: Buy the stock in the market. – Date 1: Return the stock to the broker. A short sale is profitable if the stock price goes down. Portfolio return is still weighted average of returns on the individual stocks, but weights of shorted stocks are negative. FM 300 Lecture Note 1 9 Variance Variance: Average value of squared deviations from the mean. A measure of volatility. Var( X ) = E{[ X - E ( X )]2 } Standard deviation: A measure of volatility that is easier to interpret because it is in the same units as the portfolio return. Std ( X ) = Var( X ) FM 300 Lecture Note 1 10 Covariance and correlation Covariance between two random variables X and Y: Cov ( X , Y ) = E[{X - E ( X )}{Y - E (Y )}] The covariance measures how returns on different stocks move in relation to each other. Correlation between two random variables X and Y: Corr ( X , Y ) = Cov( X , Y ) Std ( X ) Std (Y ) FM 300 Lecture Note 1 11 Rules of means and variances Let a, b be two constants. Then expected values are: E (ar1 ) = aE (r1 ) E (r1 + r2 ) = E (r1 ) + E (r2 ) E (ar1 + br2 ) = aE (r1 ) + bE (r2 ) where the third rule is implied by the first two. In our applications the constants a and b will typically be portfolio weights. Similarly, for variances: Var (ar1 ) = a 2Var (r1 ) Cov(ar1 , r2 ) = aCov(r1 , r2 ) Var (r1 + r2 ) = Var (r1 ) + Var (r2 ) + 2Cov(r1 , r2 ) Var (ar1 + br2 ) = a 2Var (r1 ) + b 2Var (r2 ) + 2abCov(r1 , r2 ) FM 300 Lecture Note 1 12 Measuring Portfolio Risk The risk of a portfolio is measured by its standard deviation or variance. The variance for the two stock case is: var( rp ) = s p2 = x12s 12 + x22s 22 + 2 x1 x2s 12 s i2 = Variance of asset i s ij = Covariance of returns of assets i and j or, equivalently, var( rp ) = s p2 = x12s 12 + x22s 22 + 2 x1 x 2 r12s 1s 2 rij = Coefficient of correlation of the returns of i and j FM 300 Lecture Note 1 13 Covariance and correlation GM and MSFT Date GM return MSFT return 31-Dec-90 -11.54% 72.99% 31-Dec-91 -11.35% 121.76% 31-Dec-92 16.54% 15.11% 31-Dec-93 72.64% -5.56% 30-Dec-94 -21.78% 51.63% 29-Dec-95 28.13% 43.56% 31-Dec-96 8.46% 88.32% 31-Dec-97 19.00% 56.43% 31-Dec-98 21.09% 114.60% 31-Dec-99 21.34% 68.36% Average return 14.25% 62.72% Variance of return 6.38% 14.43% Standard deviation of return 25.25% 37.99% Covariance of returns Correlation -0.0552 -0.5755 FM 300 Lecture Note 1 14 Review of Portfolio Theory What happens to risk if we combine more and more stocks into a portfolio? Combining stocks into portfolios can reduce standard deviation. Correlation coefficient is crucial to diversification – Perfectly correlated; – Imperfectly correlated; – Perfectly and negatively correlated. Efficient portfolios: have the smallest standard deviation given expected return; with the highest expected return given risk. FM 300 Lecture Note 1 15 Portfolio standard deviation Portfolio Risk Unique risk Market risk 0 5 10 15 Number of Securities FM 300 Lecture Note 1 16 2-stock Portfolios We can plot frontiers for different correlations. Diversification depends on correlations. 0.15 Expected Return (R) 0.14 IBM 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.09 ExxonMobil 0.08 0.07 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Standard Deviation (σ) ρ=-1 ρ=-0.5 ρ=0 ρ=0.35 FM 300 Lecture Note 1 ρ=0.5 ρ=1 17 Efficient Frontier with N stocks Formally, the problem of finding the efficient frontier of Nstock portfolios is as follows: σ p = min w1 ,w 2 ,...,w N subject to: N N ∑i=1 ∑ j=1w i w jσ iσ j ρij , w1 +... + w N = 1, w1r1 +... + w N rN = rP . Investor achieves minimal risk for given expected return r p Hence, the optimal portfolio is on the efficient frontier. This optimization problem can be solved explicitly. However, this is beyond our scope. You can use Excel solver to solve for optimal weights and σp given r p . FM 300 Lecture Note 1 18 Example Consider 3 stocks with the following characteristics: Stock Expected Return Standard Deviation IBM 15% 29.7% ExxonMobil 7.9% 19.2% Starbucks 12.3% 29.9% and correlations: IBM IBM ExxonMobil 1 Starbucks 0.35 0.2 1 -0.1 ExxonMobil Starbucks 1 FM 300 Lecture Note 1 19 Efficient Frontier with 3 stocks The picture below shows 2-stock and 3-stock frontiers. Efficient frontier is the upward sloping (dark blue) part. 16% Expected Return (R) 15% Efficient Frontier with 3 stocks 14% IBM 13% 12% 11% Starbucks 10% 9% 8% 7% 14% ExxonMobil 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% Standard Deviation (σ) FM 300 Lecture Note 1 20 Lending and Borrowing allowed How do the combinations of risky portfolios and riskless assets look like? Consider a new portfolio Q with fraction (1-w) in riskless asset (long or short position in bonds) and w in risky portfolio P: rQ = (1- w )rf + wrP = rf + w (rP - rf ). Weight w > 1 means we borrow (or sell short Treasury Bills). Expected returns and standard deviations of returns rQ: rQ = rf + w (rP - rf ), sQ = (1- w ) 2 var(rf ) + w 2sP2 + 2(1- w )w cov(rf , rP ) =0 = w s = ws P . 2 2 P FM 300 Lecture Note 1 =0 21 Lending and Borrowing allowed Substituting out w=σQ/σP we obtain expected returns of Q as functions of standard deviations: æ r P - rf ö rQ = rf + sQ ç ÷. è sP ø This is an equation of a straight line with the slope given by the Sharpe ratio: (rP - rf ) / sP . FM 300 Lecture Note 1 22 Lending and Borrowing allowed Portfolios on R-P line are not the best. Portfolios on a steeper line that passes through R dominate those on R-P line. Expected Return (%) The efficient frontier with the riskless asset is the steepest possible line, R-T, where T is tangency portfolio. Efficient portfolios have the largest Sharpe ratio. ing w rro o B T ing d n Le rf Q1 R W<1 P Q2 W>1 Standard Deviation (σ) FM 300 Lecture Note 1 23 Lending and Borrowing allowed Lending/borrowing at a riskless rate rf (or buying/selling bonds) helps achieve higher returns for a given risk. Efficient frontier becomes a tangent line. Expected Return (%) tangency portfolio ng i w rro o B ing d n Le rf Standard Deviation FM 300 Lecture Note 1 24 Efficient Portfolios with Multiple Assets Return Low Risk High Risk High Return High Return Low Risk High Risk Low Return Low Return Risk FM 300 Lecture Note 1 25 CAPM Capital market line (CML) passes through the market portfolio and the riskless asset. Market and tangency portfolios coincide because supply=demand in equilibrium. Therefore, CML coincides with the efficient frontier. Expected Return (%) CML rM rf IBM Coca-Cola ExxonMobil Standard Deviation FM 300 Lecture Note 1 26 The Capital Market Line The CML gives the trade-off between risk and return for portfolios consisting of the risk-free asset and the tangency portfolio M. The equation of the CML is: E ( rp ) = r f + s p E ( rM ) - r f sM The expected rate of return on a risky asset can be thought of as composed of two terms: risk-free rate and risk premium: – E(r) = rf + Risk x [Market Price of Risk] FM 300 Lecture Note 1 27 Basic assumptions of the CAPM The goal is to determine expected returns by combining optimal portfolio choices of all investors in the economy. Assumptions: – Investors have a one-period horizon – Each investor holds a mean-variance efficient portfolio, i.e., a portfolio with the highest expected return given its volatility – Investors have the same beliefs. – Lending and borrowing at a single riskless rate. FM 300 Lecture Note 1 28 CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): cov 𝑟! , 𝑟# 𝐸 𝑟! − 𝑟" = (𝐸 𝑟# − 𝑟" ) $ 𝜎# stock excess return beta, βi market excess return This formula can be rewritten in terms of beta: 𝐸 𝑟! − 𝑟" = 𝛽! (𝐸 𝑟# − 𝑟" ) Expected returns depend on market risk measured by beta and not by individual risk which can be diversified away. Market portfolio M is well-diversified, and hence, contains only the market risk. FM 300 Lecture Note 1 29 CAPM Excess return is a linear function of β. This function is called Security Market Line. All possible portfolios will be somewhere on this line. Expected Return (%) – Note that market portfolio has β = 1. r = rf + b (rM - rf ), rM rf 1.0 Beta (Risk) FM 300 Lecture Note 1 30 Beta The appropriate measure of risk for a stock is beta. Beta measures the stock’s sensitivity to market risk factors. – The higher the beta, the more sensitive the stock is to market movements. The relevant risk for pricing asset i is its contribution to the variance of the market portfolio: bi = s iM Asset i's contribution to Market variance = 2 sM Total Market variance FM 300 Lecture Note 1 31 Summary Optimal investments depend on trading off risk and return – Investors with higher risk tolerance invest in riskier assets; – Only risk that cannot be diversified matters. If investors can borrow and lend, then everybody holds a combination of two portfolios: the market portfolio of all risky assets and the the riskless asset. In equilibrium, all stocks must lie on the security market line. – Beta measures the amount of non-diversifiable risk; – Expected returns reflect only market risk; – These expected returns can be used as required returns in project evaluation, performance measurement, etc. FM 300 Lecture Note 1 32 Appendix: CAPM Derivation (Not Required) Derived from the fact that market portfolio coincides with tangency portfolio => is on the steepest line with highest Sharpe ratio. Denote by wf proportion of wealth in riskless asset, and wi proportion of wealth in asset i. Then: w f + w1 + ... + w N = 1. The return on a portfolio with expected value rP (after substituting out wf) and volatility σP is given by: n n i =1 i =1 rP = w f rf + å w i ri = rf + å w i (ri - rf ), N (1) N s = åå w i w j s i s j rij . 2 P i =1 j =1 FM 300 Lecture Note 1 33 … CAPM: Derivation (Not Required) Consider now a portfolio P with stock weights equal to the weights of market portfolio, except for stock k: w1 = w1M ,..., w k -1 = w kM-1, w k ¹ w kM , w k +1 = w kM+1,..., w N = w NM . Suppose, we fix all portfolio weights except for weight wk and consider the Sharpe ratio (rP - rf ) / sP as a function of wk. We know, that the market portfolio has highest possible Sharpe ratio. Hence, Sharpe ratio of portfolio P will be maximized when w k = w kM . Therefore, the following first order condition should hold: d [(rP - rf ) / sP ] = 0. dw k w k =w kM FM 300 Lecture Note 1 (2) 34 … CAPM: Derivation (Not Required) Using chain and product rules we obtain: d [(rP - rf ) / sP ] 1 d (rP - rf ) rP - rf dsP = - 2 . dw k sP dw k sP dw k From this equation and (2), evaluating the expressions at w k = w kM we obtain: d (rP - rf ) rM - rf dsP = , dw k sM dw k (3) where all derivatives are evaluated at w k = w kM . FM 300 Lecture Note 1 35 … CAPM: Derivation (Not Required) Taking into account (1), computing the derivatives with respect to wk and evaluating them at w k = w kM we obtain: d (rP - rf ) = rk - rf , dw k dsP 1 dsP2 cov(rk , rM ) = = . dw k 2sP dw k sM (4) The last equality holds because: s =w s +2 2 P 2 k 2 k N M w w å k i cov(rk , ri ) + terms without w k . i =1, i ¹k Hence, the derivative evaluated at w k = w kM is given by: dsP2 = 2(w 1M cov(rk , r1 ) + ... + w kM cov(rk , rk ) + ... + w NM cov(rk , rN ) ) dw k = 2 cov(rk , w1M r1 + ... + w NM rN ) = 2 cov(rk , rM ). FM 300 Lecture Note 1 36