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Media & Information Literacy 12 Exam

Augustinian Recollect Sisters
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
2022 – 2022
First Monthly Examination
Media and Information Literacy 12
Teacher: Mr. Howard A. Araneta, LPT
Parent’s Signature:___________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and understand each direction carefully. Write legibly your answer on your
examination paper.
I. Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each question. Encircle the letter of the correct answer from the given
options below.
1. An act of copying ideas from literary or published works without legal permission and proper citation is
called ____________.
a. cheating
b. plagiarism
c. trolling
d. phishing
2. A means of communication that reaches a wide range of public audience to provide information and
entertainment using print, digital and online technology.
a. mass media
b. journalism
c. broadcast
d. public announcement
3. Any form of communication like a channel that carries information is called __________.
a. text
b. medium
c. news
d. education
4. Messages with ulterior motives that are designed inconspicuously to deceive, influence or hide some truth
in reality presented in media is called _______.
a. propaganda techniques
c. tropes
b. journalistic writing
d. television
5. The element in communication process where the message originates is referred to as the _______.
a. source
b. channel
c. receiver
d. message
6. Which element in communication is missing in Shannon weaver’s model?
a. receiver
b. medium
c. feedback
d. noise
7. What does the circular nature in Osgood-Schramm model mean?
a. encoding, decoding and interpreting is simultaneously done through feedback mechanism.
b. message is repeated because of noise.
c. the receiver always does the interpretation while the source is responsible for the content
d. feedback varies depending on the type of noise.
8. During a debate, there is a portion in which the opposing party can ask question to weaken the
argument of the other side that has a chance to refute it. And then, in the next round, switch roles will
happen. This happens in television broadcast during live debate among politicians who ask questions to
each other and answer the issues attributed to them.
Which model of communication is illustrated based on the situation above?
a. schramm model
c. shannon and weaver model
b. osgood model
d. media and information literacy model
9. There is a controversial article in the column section of a newspaper that sparked interest of the readers.
The writer is obviously blatant and biased in presenting the issue and the supporters of the writer who shares
same sentiments also responded to his column by sending feedback in the newspaper company.
Which model of communication is illustrated based on the situation above?
a. shannon and weaver model c. osgood model
b. schramm model
d. media and information literacy model
10. Identify the issue or problem being described in the situation below. Decide the appropriate action that
must be taken to show the characteristic of being media and information literate.
*A quarrel between friends started in misunderstanding in text messages led to exaggerated and
derogatory remarks online.
a. avoid plagiarism
b. spotting stereotypes and generalizations.
c. verifying the sources.
d. showing respect
11. This refers to one’s ability to select, collect, organize and evaluate different kinds of information.
a. environmental literacy
c. information literacy
b. technology literacy
d. visual literacy
12. Identify the issue or problem being described in the situation below. Decide the appropriate action that
must be taken to show the characteristic of being media and information literate.
*In one segment of a television children’s show about categorizing things, it shows two kinds of room of
a young boy and girl. The color motif and even the choice of toys are obvious and distinctive in such a
way that the boy’s room is all painted and designed in blue while the girl’s room is in pink.
a. verifying the sources
c. avoid plagiarism
b. showing respect
d. spotting stereotypes and generalization
13. An advertisement about a milk product that has a jingle song about keeping a harmonious relationship
with your family caught your mother’s attention. The thought of close-family ties create a positive feeling
towards the viewers like your mom. What kind of propaganda technique is used in the given situation?
a. Bandwagon
c. card-stacking
b. glittering generalities
d. appeal to authority
14. Identify the issue or problem being described in the situation below. Decide the appropriate action that
must be taken to show the characteristic of being media and information literate.
*A students had this misconception that since the material is online, he/she can use it and claim it as if it
were his or her own work.
a. avoid plagiarism
c. showing respect
b. spotting stereotypes and generalizations
d. verifying the sources
15. This refers to the skills of a person to understand, recognize, use and evaluate the role of media in
personal life and in the society.
a. media literacy
c. internet literacy
b. information literacy
d. news literacy
16. This encompasses sets of skills, competencies, attitudes of a person to utilize information and media in a
responsible, ethical and effective way.
a. news literacy
c. digital literacy
b. media and information literacy
d. library literacy
17. Which of the following situations does not manifest a media and information literate?
a. a person who maintains a healthy skepticism so as not to accept information easily.
b. a person who buys products based on advertisement only.
c. a person who makes informed decision based on solid evidence.
d. a person who questions the source of information presented in news.
18. Which set of words best describe media and information literate?
a. intelligent, reserved, skeptic
c. apathetic, neutral, independent
b. critical, responsible, lifelong learners d. active, creative, spontaneous
19. If a person is a media and information literate, he/she believes in?
a. disparity between literate and illiterate
b. diversity of views and stands because of individual differences
c. each person must hold the same belief for unity
d. only educated people can express their voice in the society
20. All of these reflect the characteristics of a media and information literate individual except _________.
a. critically evaluate media for exposure and entitlement
b. apply information communication skills to produce media
c. know when, where, what, how and why a particular information is needed
d. engage with media providers for democratic participation
21. Your parents and even your teacher encourage you to read a book or a professional written article like
from a newspaper for at least an hour every day because this will develop your reading skill and help you
keep abreast on the latest events in the society. What importance of MIL is being highlighted in the situation
given above?
a. maintaining a public discourse
c. making an informed decision
b. building a sense of community
d. learning about the world around them
22. A person compares and studies the television interview, campaigns, debates, advertisements and news
write-up about the presidential candidates. He or she uses various sources like print, broadcast or online
materials to help him or her exercise his right to vote wisely. What importance of MIL is being highlighted in
the situation given above?
a. maintaining a public discourse
c. making an informed decision
b. building a sense of community
d. learning about the world around them
23. When the freedom of information bill was passed and signed by the president, people regardless of
status and work now have an access to the policies, outcomes, functions and even decisions and projects
implemented by the various government agencies. In this way, government becomes transparent.
What importance of MIL is being highlighted in the situation given above?
a. maintaining a public discourse
c. making an informed decision
b. building a sense of community
d. learning about the world around them
24. Writing offensive remarks or uploading bad photos that can ruin one’s reputation is called _______.
a. trolling
b. cyberbullying
c. plagiarism
d. cheating
25. Although Osgood and Schramm share same elements of communication, how is Schramm’s model
differ from Osgood’s?
a. schramm model illustrates the one-way communication process.
b. schramm model highlights the individual differences such as knowledge, experience, beliefs and
c. schramm model focuses on the quality of message produced both by sender and receiver.
d. schramm model underscores the interaction that takes place among the participants.
II. Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is true, if the statement is false, change the underlined
word/phrase to make it true. Write your answer on the space provided.
______________1. Communication is derived from the Latin word “communis” which means exchange.
______________2. Sender is the heart of the communication process
______________3. In Schramm’s model, he emphasized on the shared responsibility and understanding
between the sender and receiver.
______________4. Media Literacy focuses on how individual makes use of media carelessly and in ethical
______________5. Technology literacy refers to skills on the effective usage of technology including hardware
and software to communicate, manipulate, store and access information.
III. Essay.
DIRECTION: In your own words, explain and discuss the following questions briefly.
1. Cite an example in your classroom activity aside from this subject or in your community or in the
country that creates a program promoting directly or indirectly the importance of media and
information literacy.
2. Think of your favorite print, radio or television commercial. What strategy or technique did it make
appealing to you? Do you think the strategy is related to the product?
3. Check the latest trending online post or issue you have heard in your community. What would you
do to verify its source? Where would you search for the information?
Rubrics for grading Essay
5 – The ideas presented show a deep understanding of the lesson applied in one’s context of life
3 – The ideas presented show understanding of the lesson within its context only.
2 – The ideas presented show a limited understanding of the lesson.
1 – The ideas presented can hardly manifest one’s understanding of the lesson.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
-Philippians 4:6