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STS Prelims Exam: Science, Technology, Society

Prelims STS - none
Bachelor of Secondary Education (Cagayan State University)
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Downloaded by Justine joy cruz (justinejoycruz32@gmail.com)
S.Y. 2021, Second Semeter
Name: ________________________________________
Year/Course: ___________________________________
Score: _________
Date: _________
Directions: Read the questions CAREFULLY. Answer all questions completely as per instruction
guidelines given at every section.
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of your answer that corresponds to the following questions.
1. Where did the word science come from?
A. Latin for study
C. Greek for education
B. Latin for knowledge
D. Greek for knowledge
2. What do you call the practical application of knowledge in a particular area and a capability given
by the practical application of knowledge?
A. Science
D. Technology
B. Society
3. Which best describes Science?
A. A system of natural phenomena
B. A system of experimentation
C. A system of acquiring knowledge
D. A system of physical evidence
4. Which question would be the best high level scientific question?
A. How many giraffes live in Africa?
B. Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature at which it boils?
C. How long ago did dinosaurs live on the Earth?
D. Who discovered the solar system?
5. What skill is a scientist using when watching the sun as it rises in the morning?
A. making observations
C. interpreting data
B. making a hypothesis
D. drawing conclusions
6. What scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate
a known fact?
A. experiment
C. law
B. hypothesis
D. theory
7. Which is not an intellectual root of Science Technology and Society?
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A. Technology
B. Analytical Science
C. History and Philosophy of science
D. Social Study of Science
8. Which of the following statements about technology is NOT true?
A. It combines and transforms resources into outcomes.
B. The sum total of systems of machines and techniques that underlie a civilization.
C. Cumulative sum of means used to satisfy human needs and desires and to solve specific
D. Technology is a major driver for organizational change.
9. Which of the following statements regarding the scientific methods is true?
A. A hypothesis must be agreed upon by more than one scientist
B. A theory is a hypothesis that has withstood many scientific tests
C. A theory is proven to be true, and therefore may not be discarded
D. A hypothesis cannot predict the outcome of scientific experiments
10. The following are contributions of science to technology, except:
A. Developed human skills
B. Designing and development of tools and techniques is actually an outcome of ‘engineering
C. The used of advanced instruments to study the distance between sun and earth.
D. The innovation and development of medical instruments; nuclear technology, radar system,
11. How did science and technology impact society?
A. It has changed how we live and what we believe.
B. Improved human conditions
C. Addressed all sort of problems and needs of the people
D. Both A and B
12. During ancient Greece science, he predicted the occurrence of solar eclipse.
A. Archimedes
B. Thales of Miletus
C. Galileo
D. Empedocles
13. In what period/age of science when Fizeau and Foucault were able to conclude that light travels
faster in air than water?
A. 1600-1700
B. 1700-1800
C. 1800-1900
D. 1900-1945
14. A philosophical medieval view believes that earth is the center of the universe.
A. Atomic theory
B. Geocentric theory
C. Heliocentric theory
D. Freudian Theory
15. What scientific revolution contributed a huge impact on how humans approach the study of
A. Asian
B. Darwinian
C. Freudian
D. Meso-American
16. He defended the position of Copernicus, the Church charged him with heresy that led to his
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A. Aristotle
B. Copernicus
C. Galileo
D. Newton
17. The following are mark of great scientific revolution, except:
A. Robert Hook’s minute morphology of insects
B. Anton van Leeuwenhoek findings on cells and bacteria
C. Swammerdam’s discrimination of insect’s different stages of development.
D. Erasthotenes’ measurements of Earth’s features
18. How did they call science before scientific revolution?
A. Alchemy
B. Theology
C. Natural Philosophy
D. Superstitious Beliefs
19. Why did the church accuse Galileo of heresy?
A. They are furious because he was influential.
B. He proved that earth revolves around the sun.
C. They were intimidated because of his intelligence
D. He used the name of the church to his studies.
20. Which scientific revolution caused the paradigm shift of the earth and the sun were placed the
A. Asian
B. Copernican
C. Information
D. Meso-American
II. Modified True or False. Indicate whether the following statements are True or False on the line
provided before each number. If false, underline the word or phrase that makes it wrong and write
the correct answer. (2pts)
__________1. Science is exact.
__________2. Science can provide answers to all type of question or problem.
__________3. Technology is the language of Science.
__________4. Science provides a systematic observations and explanations about the natural world.
__________5. Philosophy is an alternative or possible explanation of a certain phenomenon.
__________6. Science is shaped by social forces and historical changes.
___________7. According to Heliocentric model, day and night are caused by earth’s revolution.
___________8. Christianity and Heliocentric taught that God had placed Earth at the center of the
___________9. Scientific revolution is also known as period of enlightenment.
___________10. To develop human skills is a secondary contribution of Science.
III. Classify the given descriptions and examples below that correspond to the definition
of science.
A. Science as an idea
B. Science as an intellectual activity
C. Science as a body of knowledge
D. Science as personal and social activity
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1. Interwoven with people’s lives.
2. Applying sunblock to protect the skin from the UV rays of sun.
3. Light is a wave.
4. Cooking using a fire wood.
5. We refer to as school science.
6. Development of Covid vaccine.
7. Plant growth depends on the amount of light.
8. Science, Technology and Society is included in the new curriculum.
9. Physical science as subject taught in Senior High School.
10. Discovery of Neptune from the explanation/prediction of irregularities in the orbit of Uranus.
IV. Matching Type. Match the following Scientists and Philosophers to their specific contributions in
_j__1. Isaac Newton
__i_2. Galileo Galilei
__f_3. Nicolaus Copernicus
__h_4. Aristotle
_g__5. Charles Darwin
_a__6. Johannes Kepler
__b_7. William Harvey
__e_8. Francis Bacon
__d_9. Rene Descartes
___10. Gregor Mendel
a. Planets move around the Sun in elliptical orbits not in circles
b. Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals
c. Father of Genetics
d. Expanded Geocentric theory and introduced Trigonometry
e. Developed Scientific Method
f. Sun-centered universe – heliocentric theory
g. Theory of Natural Selection
h. Developed Geocentric model
i. designed 1st telescope w/lens & sees movement of stars &
j. Universal law of motion
V. Complete the diagram below by writing the three reasons that influenced scientific
revolution. Then, explain briefly but substantially the diagram.
Science Instructor
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