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Cerera Foods Market Research: SWOT & Competitive Analysis

INTRODUCTION: CERERA FOODS is a Lithuanian Closed Joint-Stock Company JSC ,
former “Palasėja” . It was established in 1995. In 2000, CERERA FOODS started the production
of corn sticks. So as to improve the quality of its products and to produce bigger quantity, the
company, in 2005,purchased a modern production line for the production of corn sticks –
breakfast cereals. Furthermore, in 2017, the company acquired a new production so as to expand
its product range and increase production volumes. CERERA FOODS is the most modern
breakfast cereal factory in the Baltic States.
Cerera Foods CJS sales its products in the Baltic States, Russia, America, Japan, Portugal,
England, Ireland, Germany, Finland, Australia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Barbados.
Its export sale makes approximately 80% of all sold products of the company.
PRODUCTION LINE. The entire production process of CERERA FOODS is done through
ascetic method. This means that human hand does not touch the product starting from feeding of
The production process of CERERA FOODS uses the extrusion technology, where raw materials
are cooked under high pressure steam (without using any fat). Because of this method, the
product preserves a lot of its beneficial nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Only natural raw
materials are used for production. Using Modern technologies, a completely automated line, high
quality raw materials, various packing and exclusive tastes represent just a few of the features
that gives Cerera foods products their uniqueness.
The Company produces Cerera Foods branded breakfast cereals as well as private label customer
SOME OF CERERA FOODS PRODUCTS ARE: Sweet glazed corn puffs with sugar and oil,
sweet glazed corn puffs with condensed milk, pillows with hazelnut taste filling cream, : Sweet
glazed corn puffs with sugar, Toasted flakes of corn coated with sugar, sweet wheat cushions
with cinnamon, Toasted flakes of corn with no added sugar, pillows with vanilla taste filling
cream, , etc.
natural strawberry, Cornflakes classic, Cornflakes coated with sugar, Cornflakes without added
sugar, Rice snaps natural strawberry flavor, Rice snaps original, Branflakes, Cornballs with
natural honey, Cereal balls with peanut butter, Cookie flavour breakfast cereals rings, etc.
CERERA FOODS COMPETITIVENESS: The company is continuously improving its work
by introducing safe product and quality management systems. Cerera foods, JSC is BRC A
certified, which is the highest rating and widely recognised standard worldwide. Certified
producers gain a competitive advantage, and consumers know that the safety and quality of such
food products are strictly controlled – from the raw material suppliers to the product on the
shelves. There is a possibility to provide accredited laboratory tests according to customer’s
requirements. The company is constantly striving to improve all its production, sales and supply
processes so that all consumers can enjoy and be satisfied with its high quality products. Its
technologists are continuously working on new tastes and products, this creates wider
possibilities for private label customers.
CERERA FOODS produces high-quality, healthy ant tasty products which will assist in making
the consumption of healthy foods more understandable popular and accessible to both adults and
child. The company is implementing a project aimed at expanding its existing export markets
and finding new markets. The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the
company. The project will involve participation in 8 international exhibitions in Germany, the
UAE, the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Ireland, the Netherlands, Russia and France,
presenting its products and actively seeking new customers and markets.
(1) Transport service: The company ships all over the world. For business customers, the
company can offer transport services to reduce customer hassle and save their time
(2) Leading cornflake and other breakfast cereal manufacturer in Baltic states.
(3)The company is concerned about people’s health, they always offer healthy breakfast for all
age groups which is different from other food supplying
(4) Company produces Cerera Foods branded breakfast cereals as well as private label customer
orders. It is possible to change the nutritional composition of the products, packaging, designs
according to customer requests and orders.
(5) CERERA FOODS are worldwide. Their products are sold in more than 40 countries
(6) CERERA FOODS has a worldwide brand name and this has attracted its customers’ loyalty.
(7) Cerera Foods, JSC is a member of PLMA (“Private Label Manufacturers Association”), so
many products are exported under well-known brand names. It operates a HACCP quality
management system, and complies with the established production standards and that its
products meet all quality requirements.
(8) The company has a modern production line for the production of corn sticks - dry breakfast
cereals. The production facilities of this line are the most modern in the Baltic States
(9) The company’s current export markets are available more than in 40 countries and the
company want to expand their markets in new locations, the aim is to increase the
competitiveness of the company and its quiet expanded market.
(1) Grocery sales in some major markets are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few
giant retailers. These companies have the ability to force sharp reductions in price. Some of these
retailers are intent on supplementing name brand products with more-profitable house brands.
(2) The company is heavily dependent upon advertising to shape consumer opinion and drive
traditional sales. This could lead to high marketing costs with a questionable return on
(3) Innovation is something new and refreshing that is never been seen before. Although the
market is overloaded with so many local, national and international brand. However, in spite of
this extent of competition, CERERA FOODS is not able to seize the development market.
(4) Cerera foods social security debt between 2018 and 2022 is 11.34 EUR and 20014.56 EUR
(1) With the growth of the urban population, their restless & changing lifestyle people are
looking for some easy meals to suppress their hunger and save their time, more women in the
workforce, and more single-person households which is pushing forward the growth of the cereal
(2) Growth in online retail could open up new distribution channels such as Amazon Prime that
can bypass traditional retailers.
(3) Increased interest in health and nutrition could increase demand for some CERERA FOODS
(4) Increased disposable income in countries such as Lithuania, could increase the demand for
(5) Shifting consumer dietary preferences and rising consumption of processed food with
fortified functional ingredients have offered new growth opportunities for the market.
Lithuania minimum wage in EUR(Source: Trading Economics). The current minimum wage in Lithuania is 730
(1) With increasing incomes and changing consumer trends in the field of nutrition,
people’s preference for organic, high-quality and locally sourced products - means that it
is more than likely that the consumption of the cereal products will reduce.
(2) With the growth of the urban population, people who work in offices have less time,
thus they are turning to “Take away outlets” to save time.
(3) When consumers understand an advert to be controversial, they expand bad emotions
towards the brand and its merchandise, and those unfavourable emotional states affect the
CERERA FOODS popularity.
(4) Fake imitations of food products or shopkeepers keeping products beyond expiry can
be a threat for CERERA FOODS because it’s highly affecting its image
(5) A growing suspicion of prepackaged foods as unnatural and unhealthy in Europe and
North America is becoming common. This increases the demand for fresh and natural
foods in some markets. It also increases the demand for organic and other alternatives.
(6) Mostly the company keeps a distance from a negative press and truly communicate
with consumers taking into account wishes, creating new products to expand and satisfy
firstly their customers.
SUPPLIER POWER: WEAK. There is high concentration of suppliers . As a result of
low differentiated raw materials offerings by the majority of suppliers, Cerera foods has
an edge since it can easily switch from one supplier to another. Switching cost is also low
for the company, which gives more power to negotiate and increase its profitability by
reducing the cost of supplies.
BUYER POWER: HIGH. The company has different types of corn flakes more than 25
with different tastes and preferences for consumers. The products produced organically
and has a certificate (BRC-The BRC Global Standard for food safety, Halall-a Halall
certified product, Kosher assures that all products adhere to all Kosher law requirements)
about their products, which make consumers trust to the production of the company,
consumers have all conditions to buy it in any supermarkets in the world with low and
available prices, but they might replace and substitute it with oat meals which has more
antioxidants. The CERERA FOODS buyers size of order is large and they demand good
quality , a great experience and along side bargain over the decrease in price of the food
items. Buyers might leave unreasonably if prices are set higher.
companies by introducing safe product and quality management systems. It operates a
HACCP quality management system, and complies with the established production
standards and that its products meet all quality requirements. Cerera foods, JSC is BRC
A certified, it gain a competitive advantage, and consumers know that the safety and
quality of such food products are strictly controlled thus they gain customer loyalty. The
company produce their own products, exists in the business market for over 27 years, so
consumers are becoming more loyal for these years.
THREAT OF SUBSTITUTION: MODERATE Customers can easily substitute
products since Health-conscious consumers find ready to eat cereals less healthy and are
switching to substitutes
The switching cost is low. busy and mobile lifestyle has energized the need for mobile
breakfast alternatives rather than traditional sit-down breakfast (usually cereals), which
further pose a threat to the company’s business. There are a lot of other markets who is
producing oat meals, already prepared food for breakfast as a frozen pancake. So, it
would substitute and change mind of consumers if price won’t be available for them by
increasing the price for 4-5 euros per a quantity.
THREAT OF NEW ENTRY: MODERATE. Capital investment is moderate, which
encourages new entrants to invest on the business. The company has advantage of
economies of scale that helps it in cutting the cost, thereby deterring the new entrants.
Also the company has customer loyalty which new entrants find difficult to imitate.
Government regulations on packaged food is also one of the entry barriers
(1) POLITCAL STABILITY: For more than sixteen years now, Nigeria has been
operating under uninterrupted democratic system of governments. Within this period of
democratic era, there have been smooth changes in governments. The term of
government is usually four years. Politically, Nigeria seems to be stable except for the
uprising of the terrorists in the Northern part of the country. Also, another faction in the
South-South agitating for their rights over the oil revenue may make the business in that
area to be volatile. There has been series of oil pipes vandalization across the oil rich
cities in Nigeria, including Niger Delta area. This could be considered a factor that can
relegate the survival of a business as a result of hike prices of oil in these arrears due to
this act.
The Company Income Tax(CIT) rate is 30% for large companies (i.e. companies with
gross turnover greater than NGN 100 million), assessed on a preceding year basis (i.e. tax
is charged on profits for the accounting year ending in the year preceding assessment).
The CIT rate is 0% for companies with gross turnover of NGN 25 million or less. The
CIT rate is 20% for companies with gross turnover greater than NGN 25 million and less
than NGN 100 million.
Tertiary Education Tax(TEX) is imposed on every Nigerian company at the rate of 2.5%
of the assessable profit for each year of assessment. The tax is payable within two months
of an assessment notice from the FIRS. In practice, many companies pay the tax on a
self-assessment basis along with their CIT.
Value Added Tax (VAT): This kind of tax is imposed on goods and services sold to the public.
The tax payable is Five per cent (5%) on the supply of goods and services. It is governed by the
Value Added Tax Act.
Capital Gains Tax (CGT): The governing legislation of the Capital Gains Tax is the Capital
Gains Tax Act. The FIRS impose it on companies. It is charged at Ten Percent (10%) of the
company gains realized upon the disposal of chargeable assets.
Stamp Duties: Stamp duties are payable by the virtue of the Stamp Duties Act LFN 2004. This
tax is imposed on documents and certain transactions. The stamp duty’s rate is dependent on the
type of document and value of the transaction. Typically when a document is executed between a
corporate body and an individual, the tax is paid to the FIRS, but where the document is
executed between individuals only, the tax is paid to the State Board of Internal Revenue.
Example of stamp duty taxable item is for the incorporation of a Limited Liability Company and
Power of Attorney.
Custom and Excise Duty: The Customs and Excise Management Act LFN 2004 imposes a
custom duty on specified imported goods and also restricts the movement of certain goods in and
out of Nigeria. Any company involved in importation operations are liable to pay the tax charge
ranging from 5% to 30%, depending on the goods to be imported.
Industrial Training Fund Deductions: This is governed by the Industrial Training Fund
(Amendment) Act, 2011. Every Nigerian company that employs five or more employees or
having less than five employees but with a turnover of N50 Million and above is required to
contribute 1% of its total sum of annual payroll to the Industrial Training Fund not later than the
1st of April of every year.
(3)TRADE BARRIERS: Nigeria employs a combination of tariffs and quotas for the double
purpose of taxing international trade for revenue generation and protecting local industries from
highly competitive imports. The country’s tariffs are determined by the ECOWAS 2015 – 2019
Common External Tariff (CET). The tariff has five bands: zero duty on capital goods and
essential drugs, 5% duty on raw materials, 10% on intermediate goods, 20% on finished goods
and 35% on imports into strategic sectors. Nevertheless, effective rates tend to be higher since
the Nigerian government may apply additional charges (e.g., levies, excise, and VAT) on the
imports. However, the total effective rate of each line item is not to exceed 70%.
In a bid to protect local industries and grow several strategic sectors, Nigerian Government has
continued to restrict or place bans on certain imports.
(4) In order to protect both companies and their employees, the Nigerian government has the
Labour Act, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria which can also be called employment law, that
mediates the relationship between workers, employing entities (Employers), trade union and the
THE NIGERIAN LABOUR ACT: This is the primary regulation which deals with the
relationship between an employer and its employees. It contains quite a number of provisions
which govern this relationship dynamic and also all the regulatory processes applicable to
employers. For example : forced labour is illegal, all employees must have a written contract,
payment of wages and salary deductions, illegal to prevent employees from joining trade unions
and other labour associations., rest hours holidays, sick leave, maternity and paternity leave for
employees, transfer and termination of employment conditions.
(5) ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: business owners particularly those involved in manufacturing
and other industrial activities that can impact on the environment will be required to pay special
attention to environmental regulations in the course of their operations. Some basic domestic
laws on environmental regulation in Nigeria are: the Environmental Impact Assessment Act
(Cap E12 LFN 2004). This law sets out the general principles, procedures and methods of
environmental impact assessment in various sectors. the Harmful Waste (Special Criminal
Provisions etc.) Act (Cap H1 LFN 2004). This law prohibits the carrying, depositing and
dumping of harmful waste on land and in territorial waters. The National Environmental
Standards Regulations and Enforcement Agency (NESREA), the major federal body
responsible for protecting Nigeria's environment, is responsible for enforcing all environmental
laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards. This includes enforcing environmental conventions,
treaties and protocols to which Nigeria is a signatory.
The government through various laws and agencies ensures the supervision and regulation of
businesses in Nigeria. These are to ensure the ease of doing business for investors, entrepreneurs,
business-oriented persons as well as safeguarding the interests of the customers of these
(6) INSURANCE: There are certain insurances that the government mandates businesses to
obtain to ensure their safety, cater for any damage caused to property and other persons, eg.
Employee Group Life Insurance by Section 4(5) of Pension Reform Act.
Health Care
Professional Indemnity as required by the National Health Insurance Scheme Act
(7) STATUTORY LICENSES/PERMITS: The government requires businesses in certain
sectors of the economy to obtain permits, licenses or certifications to enable them to provide
goods and services in such sectors. This is to ensure the supervision of the business, the safety of
the customers, and expertise of those involved depending on the license sought for.
(8)CONSUMER LAW: Business Owners should note that consumers have rights that the court
and other government agencies are willing and eager to protect. These rights are either created by
statutes or embodied in the common law and recognized by courts over the years. The Federal
Competition and Consumer Protection Act, 2018 ("FCCPA") is the primary legislation that
governs and protects the rights of consumers in Nigeria. The FCCPA is administered and
enforced by the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission ("FCCPC").
The FCCPA applies to all persons involved in the production of goods and the provision of
services in Nigeria and this includes the government and its agencies.
The FCCPA provides that the consumer has a right to services performed in a manner and
quality that "reasonable persons" are generally entitled to expect. In relation to the quality of
goods, the FCCPA states, amongst others, that every consumer has a right to goods that are of
good quality, in good working order, free from defects, and that comply with any applicable
standards set by the industry sector regulator
Nigeria as a country has been a mono-economy with total dependence on oil revenue. Currently,
the economic situation in Nigeria is not that buoyant. With the current glut in the oil market, the
revenue coming to the country has come down drastically. Because Nigeria operates a federalism
system of government with three tiers of government namely; Federal, States and Local
Governments, revenue has to be shared across the three tiers of government. With the shrunk
revenue, the money coming to the States and Local Governments is not enough to finance their
recurrent expenditure let alone capital expenditure. The resultant effect is the lack of disposable
income for her citizens. Therefore, this is not the time for the purchase of luxury items. People
will like to spend their little available resources on basic needs, especially food items.
Unemployment in Nigeria. Youth unemployment rate is put at 21.5 %. The economic
implication of this is that, this can lead to crimes and other social vices. On the other hands, this
means that entrepreneurs can have access to cheap labour. It will be cost-effective for any labour
intensive business to be located in Nigeria. Alternatively, it will benefit foreign countries to
outsource any labour intensive arm of their business to Nigeria.
Cost of borrowing (in form of loan) is quite high in Nigeria. Even though Central Bank of
Nigeria tried to peg interest rate at 12%, still borrowers may pay the minimum of 15% when
other costs such as management and procession fees are added to it. If you want to borrow to do
business in Nigeria, you need to be sure that the margin will be able to cover the interest. In
Nigeria where only few companies comply with credit policies, the interest payment may
escalate beyond your company’s cash flow projections by the reason of the delay in payment
from company’s customers.
EXCHANGE RATE IN NIGERIA : (1USD to Naira) : Due to the high exchange rate, there
has been steady rise in the prices of consumer goods thereby causing inflation rate to rise too
Rate (Naira
vs USD)
Nigeria inflation rate for 2021 was 16.95%, a 3.71% increase from 2020.
Nigeria inflation rate for 2020 was 13.25%, a 1.85% increase from 2019.
Nigeria inflation rate for 2019 was 11.40%, a 0.7% decline from 2018.
Nigeria inflation rate for 2018 was 12.09%, a 4.43% decline from 2017.
NIGERIA GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Nigeria
was worth 440.78 billion US dollars in 2021, according to official data from the World Bank.
UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IN NIGERIA. Unemployment Rate in Nigeria increased to 33.30
percent in the fourth quarter of 2020 from 27.10 percent in the second quarter of 2020
Nigeria is the most populous country in African continent and it has a population of
over211million people.. its market potential is very huge. In the past years, despite the instability
in the country, foreign direct investment has been on the increase. The size of the population is
enough to attract investors into the country
Furthermore, Nigeria is a country with different ethnicity and religion. Nevertheless.. Doing
business in Nigeria requires that one understands the religion and cultural values of each group
or ethnic. Religion is very pronounced in Nigeria and it is a very sensitive issue. The two major
religions in Nigeria are Christianity and Islamic. One is not forced to belong to any religion but
needs to respect individuals for the religion group they belong to. This on a part could ensure the
survival of a business in the country.
Despite the fact that most people in Nigeria live below poverty line, they are still health
conscious and they care about their safety. If a company’s product is trending, and it has good
quality, the company can be sure that it will sell in Nigeria. Although the company may need to
spend few bulks on advertisement in order to create awareness. Products with small price tag sell
more and faster. This is the reflection of income level of the populace
(Source: Trading Economics)
Unlike before, Nigerians are fast becoming computer savvy. A large number of Nigerian youth
are computer literate. Although, laptops and personal computers still remain a luxury to some
people, the use of Smartphones seems to be bridging this gap. With Smartphones, many people
are now active users of internet with social media presence.
Currently, Nigeria has an estimated number of 86.22 million internet users giving a percentage of
46.10% of the population. Therefore, for anyone who intends to do business in Nigeria, an online
advertisement is actually becoming the best way of reaching targeted customers.
The advancement in technology and Research and Development in Nigeria has help businesses
in so many ways. Technology has provided productive and cost effective ways of doing works
faster and with more quality and easier. The use of machines by companies have improved
efficiency, employees’ performances and also reduced cost in the process.
With the introduction of internet and social media platforms, companies in Nigeria can easily
reach their customers and introduce and market their products with low cost.
Smart phones, PCs make it easier for companies to communicate and stay in touch with their
customers. Also, employees and employers can easily relate and communicate faster and easily
even when working in different locations and different working hours.
Nigeria has made some progress on climate change governance. In its current national
development plan (Vision 2020), the government recognizes climate change as threatening its
economic prosperity and future development.
Nigeria’s climate has been changing, evident in: increases in temperature; variable rainfall; rise
in sea level and flooding; drought, more frequent extreme weather events; affected fresh water
resources. The durations and intensities of rainfall have increased, producing large runoffs and
flooding in many places in Nigeria. . Droughts have also become a constant in Nigeria, and are
expected to continue in Northern Nigeria, arising from a decline in precipitation and rise in
The climate change affects the costs of goods and services, utility, raw materials, transportation
of goods, demands for goods by customers.
NATURE OF COMPETITION: Experience is what creates a sustainable competitive
advantage. This is the nature of competition. CERERA FOODS must have mastered experience
as a competitive differentiator, in order to create a consistently loyal customers with their
products. Using “The Tradeoff Triangle”, a traditional contextual model for determining the
positioning of your product, your services and ultimately for your firm, and it is used to force
conversations about constraints and compromises, which must be dealt with when running a
business. This Triangle comprises of the “THE QUALITY, THE SPEED, AND THE PRICE”.
THE QUALITY: In a world of hyper connected social media, product or service quality is
expected. People make decisions around crowd-sourced rating data every day and consumers are
not afraid to speak out on social media for the world to hear when you drop the ball. Your
customers can find each other and have conversations with a few simple clicks. There is nowhere
to hide if your products and services suck. You simply have to be great at what you do to
compete in the future. Enduring quality that stands CERERA FOODS in good stead must be
taken into consideration, innovation-the rare ability to think and act outside the box, as well as
that of diversification and growth.
SPEED: In a world in which we are always connected and always on, immediate gratification is
expected. If you are not capable of providing your product or service to your customer when and
where they need you, your competitor will. If you are not fast and you are not convenient, you
will not be slow and inconvenient for very long. You will be gone. Everyone has a cell phone in
their pocket with instant access to all of your competitors.
PRICE: In a world of near perfect information symmetry between marketers, consumers and
competitors, pricing your product or service fairly is necessary. You can be more expensive than
your competitors, but you must be able to rationalize the difference in the value you provide.
While many services are being commoditized and you cannot get away with price gouging, we
are not all on a race to zero.
VALUE: You create a sustainable competitive advantage when you focus on understanding
your customers and the problems you are capable of solving for them in ways that will convert as
many of them as possible into advocates. Furthermore, building a company whose values are
deeply held – a commitment to people and communities, to quality and customer service, and to
success in the marketplace and reinvestment in the business
cereal and breakfast foods in Nigeria. They are: NASCO FOOD: top-notch nutritious brand ,
which is the nation’s favorite breakfast cereals NESTLE NIGERIA PLC, and KELLOGG’S
Some of the barriers to overcome are: Government regulations, access to suppliers and
distribution channels, start-up costs, technology challenges, economies of scale, product
differentiation, and competitive responses
competitive advantage over the other competitors in Nigeria, CEREA FOODS must have years
of research, development and scientific know-how.
They would ensure that the consumer, and the consumer benefit, remains at the core of all their
activities. To be successful in cereal food , the cost component is vital and economic of scale are
a main cost driver for CERERA FOODS Company. CEREA FOODS would have strategic
advantage over their competitors and increase value by ensuring long term availability of raw
materials , more secure supply of better quality raw materials, producing products with improved
environmental performance, profitable growth, consumer preference for their products and
sustainable, and also to continuously improving environmental conditions.
PRODUCT ATTRIBUTE DIFFERENTIATION: One of the ways to gain an advantage over
competitors is by differentiating your products from theirs.
Another way is determining CUSTOMERS’ WILLINGNESS TO PAY: The way you price
your products or services can set you apart from your competitors. When doing so, it’s vital to
understand your customers’ willingness to pay.
In the context of competition, it’s important to view willingness to pay as a strategic tool. If your
customers are willing to pay the same amount for your products and your competitors’ products,
consider what can be shifted to increase their willingness to pay for yours.
Other ways to gain competitive advantage are: to Price Discrimination, Bundled pricing, and
Human Capital.
PRODUCT MARKET: Most cereal and breakfast companies in Nigeria, sales through all retail
channels including B2B and direct to consumer.
The consumers are segmented based on their age,( the age of the consumer determines what they
like to eat) geographical locations,( this determines whether the consumers would have access to
the products) and their attitudes towards different brands.
POTENTIAL SIZE: Nigeria has a population of over 211million people, and majority of this
population are young, who have the potential of buying good that are manufactured in the
country, at an affordable price.
SOCIAL INFLUENCES: consumer behavior (i.e. the things they buy) is influenced by their
background or culture. In Nigeria, different emphases are given by different cultures for the
buying, usage and disposal of products. People in Nigeria have a certain style of consumption of
food, clothing, savings, etc. which differs from those from other parts of the world. Behaviors of
individual consumers in Nigeria are influenced by family group and members of reference
groups such as the political groups, work group and study groups, service organization
PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCES: Consumer behavior is influenced by psychological
factors such as motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. All these factors affect the
buying behaviors of consumers. Each individual processes the information received in different
ways and evaluates the products in his own personal way. This is irrespective of the influence of
the family, social class, cultural heritage, etc. His own personality ultimately influences his
decision. He can have his personal reasons for likes, dislikes, price, convenience or status.
ECONOMIC INFLUENCES: This is determined by the price and quality of the products,
product branding, economic situation of the consumers and their occupations.
TYPE OF BUYING SITUATION IN NIGERIA. Consumers in Nigeria buy their products via
online shopping and physical shopping. Irrespective of the way of buying in Nigeria, there are
different types of buying in Nigeria: Scattered buying, Expressive buying, Analytical buying,
Average spending, Spendthrift, Contract buying, Hand-to-mouth buying, Open market buying,
PRODUCT CLASS; NESTLE: The Company operates through two segments: Food and
Beverages. The Food segment includes production and sale of Maggi, Cerelac, SMA, Nan,
Lactogen and Golden Morn. The Beverages segment includes the production and sale of Milo,
Milo energy cube, Nescafe, Milo ready-to-drink (RTD) and Nestle Pure Life
NASCO FOODS: the company’s products are: NASCO Cornflakes Original, NASCO Frosted
Flakes, NASCO Cornflakes Vanilla & Cinnamon, NASCO Cornflakes Original (Snack Size),
NASCO Frosted Flakes (Snack Size)
KELLOGG’S PRODUCTS: Kellogg's produces cereal and convenience foods, including
crackers and toaster pastries, and markets their products by several well known brands including
Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Pringles, Eggo, and Cheez-It.
NASCO, NESTLE AND KELLOGG’S PRODUCTS in Nigeria are in the maturity stage, as the
product grows further through research and customer feedback. Their products have become its
best version and enjoys peak market penetration. This stage is the most profitable but also the
most competitive.
To move quickly and also avoid expensive new product failures, many companies in Nigeria
follow an organized new product development process. These processes include: Idea
generation, Idea screening, Idea evaluation. Development,
IDEA GENERATION: The aim is to explore thoroughly, the space of product concepts that
may be applied to meeting customer needs. Idea generation consist of a mix of external search,
creative problem solving within the team, and systematic exploration of the different fragments
the team
IDEA SCREENING: this is the activity in which various product concepts are
analyzed and successively eliminated to recognize one preferred concept. The process typically
requires several iterations and may initiate additional concept generation and modification.
IDEA EVALUATION: When an idea or concept has been chosen, it is evaluated more
carefully. For help in idea evaluation, firms use concept testing to get feedback from customers
about how well a new product idea fits their needs. Concept testing uses market research ranging
from informal focus to formal surveys of potential customers.
DEVELOPMENT: Product ideas that survive the screening and evaluation stages must now be
analysed further. Usually this involves some research and development and engineering to
design and develop the physical part of the product.
TEST MARKETING AND COMMERCIALIZATION: A product that survives this far can
then be test- marketed. Oftentimes simulation tactics is used to test the market. At this stage,
also, promotional activities can be used to test-market the product. If the product is seen as being
able to do well in the market, it can then be mass produced depending on the market strategy
chosen by the company.
CONSIDERATIONS: Every manufacturer of products in Nigeria is potentially exposed to
liability associated with claims that the products, are either non-compliant with regulatory
provisions or are in one way or the other defective and may or may not result. There are laws that
seeks to hold accountable manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others who make
products available to the public for the injuries those products inflict on consumers
or users. Issues arising from product liability may escalate to a crisis level if not adequately
managed promptly. The complainant, in any case of product liability, may either
commence litigation or approach the regulator. The FCCPA vide Section 146, provides different options for a consumer to enforce his or her rights. These options
include approaching the manufacturer, the Federal Competition and Consumer
Protection Commission (FCCPC), the regulator, or the court with competent jurisdiction.
Products sold to consumers must be safe. If they are not, the seller must offer a replacement or
refund, and may have to pay compensation.
Businesses must comply with mandatory standards and product bans.
This details the requirements of the procurement in Nigeria. It is the basis of all offers and
therefore the foundation for a contract. A specification becomes an essential contract
management document which is used to ensure that the chosen supplier provides what is
specified. It must therefore be clear and accurately define what is expected from a supplier
regarding the outputs or the functional and performance requirements.
A well-structured specification should:
foster supplier interest
better engage with the market
facilitate a competitive environment
encourage innovation
apply a high standard in the delivery of requirements
be clear and simple and avoid onerous or unnecessary requirements.
SUPPORTING SERVICES NEEDED: One of the most important aspect of any business is the
workforce. The workforce work on the core processes. The workforce in itself has lots of
requirements in terms of wages, insurance, support and other things so there is a Human
Resources and payroll departments. Similarly IT, admin, security all these departments make
sure that the core processes work as smoothly as possible.
In terms of customer service, the support departments are very critical. The business should offer
support on multiple channels to improve their association with the stakeholders. It is must for a
business to be ubiquitous in today’s changing environment. Also, the need of the hour is to listen
and respond to all the queries in a timely manner. The customer’s behavior very much depends
on the after sales support services. Therefore, companies should focus on driving the customer
satisfaction through various activities.
PRODUCT FEATURES AND QUALITY. Cereal and breakfast foods in Nigeria must have
the following features and
1. Nutritional balance: Combine a variety of grains and eat together with milk to ensure the
balance of nutrition and enhance the body's resistance.
2. Convenient to eat: breakfast cereals can be eaten instant or fast. No matter how you eat them,
they are very convenient and taste very
3. Natural quality: Cereal foods are generally made of natural raw materials, without artificial
additives, safe and healthy, and people are more assured when they eat.
4. Good for health: The raw materials of breakfast cereals are all kinds of whole grains, which
are rich in dietary fiber, which is of great benefit to the body.
In an effort to boost breakfast meals with high dietary value especially for children, a Technical
Committee Meeting was recently held in Lagos to develop new Nigeria Industrial Standards for
Cereals and Cereal products and review the standard for cornflakes. This according to the
committee, is also to facilitate the certification of existing cereal and cereal products in the
market in order to continuously guarantee consumers value for money. Developing the standards
is a means of improving wellness and providing nutritional diet for both the old and young.
Nigeria stands to benefit from the development of these standards through products that are
globally accepted which in turn would increase trade opportunities and competitiveness at the
sub regional, continental and global levels.
BRANDING: Product branding is very crucial in Nigeria as other major competitors have their
unique brands and consumers are loyal to products based of brands. For example, NASCO
Group is home to many famous brands that consumers trust. A lot of their brands have been
around for many years, while some have been developed more recently to meet changing market
trends. Attractive brands and a total customer focus constitute a key element to their corporate
RECOGNITION: When a manufacturer is successful in developing a strong brand, the result is
customer recognition. A customer may need only to see the name or symbol for it to trigger a
reaction. If the reaction is positive because the customer had a good experience with a quality
product, he is more likely to make a purchase. When the products of several manufacturers line
the store shelves, the recognizable product has a competitive edge over other brands
When your brand is recognized and develops a reputation in Nigeria, it becomes a hot ticket item
and is in demand. Basically, if consumers ask for your product by name, retailers want it on the
shelves. Outlets carrying the product will want more of it, while other outlets will request it. Like
a self-fulfilling prophecy, the more the product is distributed, the higher the exposure. The result
is increased sales.
Branded products command a higher price in the Nigeria market place. Customers are willing to
pay more for a product that is well known, as opposed to a less popular brand or a generic
option. Higher pricing translates to bigger profits for the manufacturer.
Once a customer gets hooked on a particular brand, he often becomes a customer for life -- or at
least until a new brand comes along and grabs his attention. Customer loyalty is a valuable
advantage to a manufacturer. Not only does it mean future sales of the product to that customer,
it can also mean increased sales as the loyal customer makes recommendations to others.
Manufacturers occasionally design customer loyalty programs around branded products offering
coupons, rebates and other incentives to keep the loyal customer happy.
International market context (Foreign country)-External market environment
Nestle Company in Pakistan
ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT: If the inflation rate is high then there will be decrease in
purchasing power, so inflation indirectly affects the company‘s sale. Nation varies greatly in its
level and distribution of income. Changes in major economic variables such as income, cost of
living, interest rate and savings have a large impact on the market place.
In 2021, the real interest rate in Pakistan decreased by two percentage points compared to 2020.
This was a significant reduction in the real interest rate. The real interest rate is the adjusted
interest rate on a loan to remove the effects of inflation, as measured by the GDP deflator
(implicit price deflator).
In 2021, Pakistan's unemployment rate stood at approximately 4.35 percent, up slightly from the
previous year's 4.3 percent. The unemployment rate in a country is the proportion of people who
are unemployed in the country's labor force, i.e. the unemployed among those who can and/or
want to work. Among other factors, it takes into account the growth of the population and
therefore the increase in the labor force, as well as the age of the population. High
unemployment usually indicates economic problems. A popular example is Greece, where the
unemployment rate jumped from 7.76% in 2008 to 27.5% as a result of the Great Recession.
While unemployment in Pakistan fell below the one percent mark in 2010, it is now rising again
and currently stands at just over four percent. Traditionally, most Pakistanis work in agriculture,
however, the lion's share of the country's GDP is generated by services such as tourism, banking
and IT. While agriculture is still important to Pakistan's economy, the service sector is gaining
momentum in the country and more and more people are moving to the cities from the
countryside to find work in the cities.
The statistics show the gross domestic product (GDP) in Pakistan from 1985 to 2021. Gross
domestic product (GDP) refers to the total value of all services and goods produced in a country
in any given year. GDP is an important indicator of a country's economic strength. In 2021,
Pakistan's gross domestic product was about US$347.74 billion.
The Personal Income Tax Rate in Pakistan stands at 35 percent. source: Federal Board of Revenue,
Government of Pakistan
TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT: Technological environment is changing rapidly.
Most dramatic force shaping company‘s offerings and the way product is marketed Company‘s
must keep up with technological changes to match up with its environment.
POLITICAL AND LEGAL ENVIRONMENT: Government regulations to protect interest of
society and from unfair business practices. Unstable political conditions. Law order situation
getting worse. Registered in the stock exchanges of Pakistan. Economic slowdown can reduce
the demand and politically Pakistan is not a stable country. Nestle has to operate within the
framework of laws set by Parliament, and that’s why it depends on political considerations. The
rules of government of Pakistan do affect the company and its brand. The company policies are
affected, and its budget is also affected. Nestle is trying to meet all the standard laws which are
set by the government. Following are some of the political factors which affect the company.
Changing regulation surrounding food standards and marketing actions. Health and Safety Act,
Disability Act, Low trade restrictions and low barriers of market entry, Government laws and
regulation in accounting standards.
CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT: Consumption behavior of Pakistani people is
high so they consume more goods. As Pakistan is Muslim country so we cannot add any
ingredient which is prohibited in Islam or which is not ―Halal‖. As nestle water is the branded item
so the people who are brand conscious will prefer to use nestle water so nestle is focusing more
on the posh areas.
Competitors Analysis
NATURE OF CURRENT/LIKELY COMPETITION: The main competitors Fibre, Kellogg’s
foods and Fauji foods, Haleeb foods, Shezan and Engro foods Pakistan, Barbara’s morning oat
crunch, Koko Krunch, Cheerios, Choco’s, Muesli are the main threats for Nestle especially
market share is increasing rapidly.
logistics and distribution channels to help counter the intense competition from Fauji Foods and
Kellogg’s foods. Nestle biggest competitors like Engro Foods has been in market since very
long. For its brands it might be difficult to penetrate in the market where these brands have
created loyalties and presence in mind of consumers. Existing companies are increasing their
product lines that can prove to be a threat in the coming years. Company like Cadbury is giving
more discounts to retailers as compared to distributors due to which retailers prefer its products
for sale. As compared to the local competitors, Nestle’s distribution cost is very high. As Nestlé
confectionary Products has to maintain and obey the Nestlé standards. Some companies are
competing on the basis of cost.
Customer analysis (organizational customers and/or final consumers)
PRODUCT-MARKET: Nestle can use affiliate marketing as of its marketing strategy to
increase its sales while build builds up its brand finally lead to the best return on investment. One
of the advantages to Nestle is that by doing affiliate marketing Nestle will have a wider place to
sell its products. The more the website use the more the information share and the number of
customer increase and the more the sales create. It helps nestle to build up brand name and at the
same time increase sales volume and achieve time efficiently.
CHARACTERISTICS): More the education more will be the awareness about brand and
quality food. If the income level of people is high then purchasing power will be high so they
will purchase more. Nestle products are made for people belonging from all age groups. Both
male/female are included equally in its target market.
Nestle Pakistan offers customer convenience products that are used in daily life and are
frequently purchased such as daily or weekly. They are also called fast-moving consumer goods
(FMCGs) that are easy to carry and handle and provide convenience to consumers. The core
customer value that Nestlé’s products target is hunger, nutrition, thirstiness and taste and
different taste buds.
They provide Nestle Fruta Vitals sugar free for old people having diabetic issues. Nestle also
segments its market on behavioral factors that how people respond to its products and what
benefit do they get from consuming their products. They are concerned about how people use
their product and what value do they get or drive from their product. For this, Nestle introduced
Nestle Yoghurt with Zeera and Podina flavors for people who like yogurt with these ingredients.
Moreover, Nestle also have Cerelac to grow for mothers who need more minerals and nutrition
for their babies. Nestle focuses on health-conscious people in their advertisement.
TYPE OF BUYING SITUATION: Consumer purchasing decision for Nestle in marketing,
there are two types of buying process an organisation can operate under and theses are: buyer to
consumer (B2C) or buyer to business (B2B).
promotional techniques as a part of their promotional mix strategy. It uses below the line
promotion as well as above the line. In ATL promotion, Nestle uses TVCs to advertise their
products to mass market on different TV channels such as sports channels. It makes use of other
print media including newspapers and magazines like Express Tribune, Dawn and Aurora. 
Nestle carry out sales promotion too by offering different discounts on bundle buying, bulk
buying and advertising campaigns, events and demonstrations to attract people. Nestle have
some defined communication principles through which it persuades customers to purchase its
products. It involves display and presenting all text, visual and sound aspects of its products,
health claims benefits, full nutrition information and environmental and social benefits claims.
Nestle Pakistan is committed to responsible, reliable consumer communication that empowers
consumers to exercise their right to informed choice and promotes healthier diets. Nestle respect
consumer privacy. Nestlé Consumer Communications Principles Nestlé Policy and Instructions
for Implementation of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes.
The company require their suppliers, agents, subcontractors and their employees to demonstrate
honesty, integrity and fairness, and to adhere to their non-negotiable standards. In the same way,
they are committed towards their own customers.
nutrition needs of consumers of all ages from infancy to old ages, from nutrition to pleasure,
through an innovative portfolio of branded food and beverage products of the highest quality.
CURRENT PRODUCT LIFE-CYCLE STAGE: The company is committed to environmental
sustainability. At all stages of the product life cycle they strive to use natural resources
efficiently, favor the use of sustainably-managed renewable resources, and target zone waste
NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS: There are basically three tactics
that a company can use to develop a product. The company may develop new features for the
product. The company can develop different levels of product quality. The company can improve
the technology of the product.
CONSIDERATIONS: Nestle effectively manages the quality, quantity, price and stability of
the supply of materials and labor. Management develops strategies for strikes, stockouts, and
supply delays to avoid higher production costs, which can negatively affect sales in the short
term and customer satisfaction in the long term. Developing, manufacturing and delivering
products and services that are trusted and preferred to improve the quality of life and promote a
healthier future; Maintaining high food safety standards in all countries in which we operate; We
set ourselves the task of constantly improving our management systems in order to guarantee the
quality and safety of products, striving for zero defects; as well as inspiring responsibility for
quality and product safety by all employees and third parties in our value chain.
distribution of the product helps to effectively fill the gap between supply and demand.
Therefore, Nestle opened several of its outlets and branches in major cities of Pakistan. The
benefits are as follows: The outlets help keep the reputation of the company from being out of
stock during peak seasons like Ramadan, Eid and Muharam, etc. There are fewer out-of-stocks in
the outlet area. These outlets and franchises serve as a competitive advantage for Nestle in their
marketing strategy. This helps build a lifetime relationship with your customer.
FEATURES AND QUALITY: The quality of Nestle is excellent and they are constantly
working to maintain it. They believed that quality and the constant pursuit of continuous
improvement were essential to our continued success. The company's priority is to provide the
best and most relevant products to people, wherever they are, whatever their needs and for all
age groups. Nestlé Pakistan strives for excellence in product safety and quality. Nestlé's existing
products grow through innovation and renewal while maintaining a balance of geographic
operations and product lines. The manufacturing technology of products is imported and the
latest. Nestle is constantly making changes to the product or its production process, for example,
in a spray-drying powder plant, capacity was doubled in 1999 with the commissioning of a new
evaporator. Long-term potential is never sacrificed for short-term results.
INDIVIDUAL): Nestle Pakistan offers a wide range of products and brands to its valued
customers. It has various product lines and options in each product line, meeting the needs of its
customers and aiming for maximum satisfaction. The products offered by Nestlé are water, dairy
products such as milk, juices, drinks, breakfast cereals, baby food, confectionery, baby food.
Conclusion and recommendations:
The need to offer credits to retailers in order to increase sales. The need to leverage Nestle
extensive distribution network to increase its prowess in Pakistan’s rural areas. The need to
develop new products that are resistant to climatic and seasonal changes, in order to hedge
against the fluctuations in demand due to seasonality. The need to initiate a stronger advertising
campaign in Pakistan that highlights the nutritional aspects of Nestle’s food as a major advantage
over its competitors. The need to leverage e-marketing and e-promotion to further strengthen
brand awareness.
There are several guidelines that are recommended if the project is to be carried out again in the
future. Employees must be trained to meet the changing standards of the organization. The
company should conduct surveys from time to time, according to which changes can be made to
the organization in order to stay abreast of developments in the market. They must bring
creativity to the work so that employees can do their work actively and consciously. Employees
should be compensated to keep their loyalty. Employees need to be more involved in decision
making to become more differentiated.
The company should encourage store owners. Nestle is by far the world's largest food company,
whose mission is to provide a healthy lifestyle. The company has launched many products in
Pakistan, most of which are popular and among the market leaders. Nestle sets up new factories
and imports the latest technology for improvement. Moreover, innovation is one of its greatest
strengths, which is why the company has a great future in Pakistan. This is the internal market
that affects every department of the organization; a satisfied domestic market will be better able
to satisfy the foreign market.
The target audience of this brand is the urban areas of the country, as well as use in offices and
business class. Nestle's price is not very economical, and Pakistan's income level and most of the
people are in the lower middle class, so they cannot afford most of Nestle's products. Nestle
products due to their premium price compared to other companies such as Shezan etc. This can
be seen as a major weakness in a country like Pakistan where most people live below average
living standards. Also, from economical side is unemployment where potential buyers are in
middle or low level of lives, where they need for basic foods such as bread, rice, oil so mostly
people in Pakistan can’t afford it due to situation with unemployment.
The reason is why Nigeria market is not favourable to Cerera food its 1. Political environment:
there are terroristic incidents in Nigeria as well the problems of militants who commit acts of
vandalism, destroy people’ property and kidnap foreign expatriates. Economic environment,
companies in Nigeria pay high taxes, and also the interest rate is high this marketing most
companies difficult to obtain loan. The exchange rate is also high and inflation is high as well.
This will affect any company that would want to establish in Nigeria.
In fact, the two markets analyzed and they are quite weak, Pakistan in terms of economics and
Nigeria in terms of the political environment, as we mentioned and compared, before they are hit
by high interest rates, in this case, mainly the Pakistan market, so from this point of view we can
certainly highlight those two markets that are neither favorite of them.
Analysis Vol. 04, No. 02, pp. 131-155
Nigeria develops, reviews standards on cereal products – The Sun Nigeria (sunnewsonline.com)
Ogbor, J. O.,& Edeme, N. C., (2021).
“New Product Development Strategies and
Marketing Performance in the Nigerian Food and Beverage Industry”. IOSR Journal of
Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 23, Issue 9. Ser. I (September 2021), PP 12-23