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Copywriting Challenge & Online Business Letter

the tej dosa letter // 01
November 2018
The sun shines through the wall-sized windows. And illuminates the room. It’s a
Monday. Your Twitter guru’s favorite day. Or so they say. But, this isn’t an ordinary
Monday for me. It’s a special Monday. And that’s because I’ve just moved into my new
Prior to this move, I worked from home. Or anywhere with WiFi. And it was great. But
something inside me was kicking and clawing. And things didn’t feel as “real” as they
Plus, a part of me always wanted to get an office, lay down roots, and build an army of
people who hunt together. Eat together. Lose together. Win together.
So that’s what I’m doing. I’m located in Downtown Vancouver and will be building my
empire from here. Inside these letters, I’ll document my journey building a team and
making a fortune. Maybe you’ll see a side of online bizness you normally don’t see—
with all shenanigans, theatrics and hype removed?
Idk. But I hope so.
So, let’s get on with the show...
I want to begin this first letter with a thank you (two words you don’t get to hear
enough). I know $7 isn’t a whole lot of change, but any dollar you send my way is sent
with trust and hope attached. And I take those things very seriously. So, thank you for
your trust. Means the world to me.
You’ve made a very smart decision! :=)
Moving on, this letter won’t follow any predetermined format. In some letters, I’ll
discuss one strategy in depth. In others, I’ll fill your brain (and heart) with a bunch of
money-making, life expanding ideas.
Let’s get rockin’ and rollin’.
Gary Halbert is a legend. In every sense of the word. But, his 30 Day Copywriting
Challenge? It’s a little overkill. And not really focused on the high ROI activities that you
need to be focusing on. As a result, when I started my copywriting journey, I created a
30-Day Copywriting Challenge of my own.
This challenge took me from $0 to $3k. Then $3k to $5k even faster. I know that
sounds too good to be true (and you may not generate the same results as fast), but
worry not grasshopper. This challenge will have you making dolla dolla bills in no-time.
Note: A close friend of mine wanted to learn copy a few months ago, so I sent him this
30-Day Copywriting Challenge. And he followed it to a tee. And made ~$1000 his first
Here’s the challenge (do this in the next 30 days if you want to quickly learn
copywriting and start making $$$’s):
Requirements: ~4 hrs of work/day (minimum). Bleed the blood of optimism. A focus on
learning (not making money). A willingness to eat shit. Daily consistency. And diarrhea
levels of persistence.
Phase A (Immersion): Day 01 - 10: Eat, breathe, sleep copy. I’m a HUGE fan of
immersion. Once you’re learning something new, you want to overload your brain as
much as possible, so you can make 10x the progress in half the time. At a minimum,
you need to set aside 4 hours each day (including weekends).
Get a copy of:
(1) AdWeek Copy Handbook by Joe Sugarman
(2) Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
(3) Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy
But, what about Cashvertising? Fuck Cashvertising for now. It’s a great book, but it
summarizes too much shit. You need to learn the structure of great copy before you
learn anything else. So read the above 3 books. Don’t take notes. Just read. And
question what you’re reading. Make connections.
Should you read one of these books, then the next? No. Read all 3 at the same time. I
know this is controversial advice, but here’s why you should: You want to overload
your brain with proven copywriting approaches. By seeing copywriting attacked from 3
different perspectives, your brain will make connections between each book. And get
you caught up to speed ASAP.
While you’re reading the above, you need to also watch these 5 infomercials on
repeat (Use YouTube):
(1) Proactiv
(2) P90x
(3) Total Gym
(4) George Foreman Grill
(5) Snuggie
Ask yourself:
What structure is this infomercial following?
What makes these infomercials similar to one another?
How are these infomercials capturing my attention, fueling my desire, motivating
me to take action?
I recommend creating a Google Doc and analyzing the fuck out of each. Why?
Because reading isn’t enough. It’s an ideal way to learn the principles of direct
response. But you need to see these principles in action if you want to master copy, so
analyze. Start with infomercials. Just the above 5 (because they’re the highest-selling
infomercials of all time).
But that’s not all. You also want to analyze long-form sales letters (the classics)
because they’re the holy grail of Direct Response.
Go on Swiped.co and pull up these 5 sales letters:
(1) Famous Dollar Letter by Gary Halbert
(2) $2 Billion Wall St. Journal Letter
(3) They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano, But When I Started To Play...
(4) Why Haven’t TV Owners Been Told These Facts?
(5) The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches
Create new Google Docs for each. And study the sales letter extensively (just like you
did with the infomercials). Once you’ve studied both the classic infomercials and sales
letters, it’s time to move onto modern day sales letters.
.F F
2 HHA ? I
Sort results by ‘Gravity’. And click on the #1 sales page from each of these categories.
Then analyze it.
Now, you should have a Google Doc with breakdowns for each infomercial, old-school
sales letter, new school sales letter. Good. Take some time off. And shut the newly
created ‘copywriting’ part of your brain down. Once you come back, create a new
Google Doc titled ‘Master Copywriting Doc’. And go through all your seperate Google
Docs and look for any common patterns. Whenever you see a pattern between two or
more letters, transfer that insight onto your ‘Master Copywriting Doc’—it is here where
you’ll be building the ‘Copywriting’ part of your brain. By the end of this exercise, you
should have a MASSIVE ‘Work-In-Process’ Google Doc that you keep adding insights
to while you improve your copy chops.
Phase B (Sharpening Your Pencil): Day 11 - 20: Now we’re onto Phase 2, but this
doesn’t mean the Immersion phase is over. You still need to either review or read one
new copywriting book/week while you’re in Phase B and C. And analyze one new
sales-letter a day while building your ‘Master Copywriting Doc’. What books should
you read after you’ve digested the above 3? Choose from this list: (1) Boron Letters (2)
The Gary Halbert Letter (3) David Ogilvy On Advertising (4) Triggers (5) Cashvertising.
Okay, now let’s get into what Phase B entails—Phase B is about honing your copy
chops. And making money. Here’s what you’re going to do:
Each day you’re going to pick out something you no longer use inside your home and
create a killer ad for it (using proven techniques from your Master Copywriting Doc)
and then sell it via Craigslist.
The purpose isn’t to make money (which is a nice side benefit). Purpose is to write
such great ads that people reply saying, “Wow this is one of the best ads I’ve seen on
CL”—which is an easy response to generate because people suck at selling via CL
(since it’s not really necessary). Regardless, you want to hone your muscles. And
practice putting copy in front of traffic. We’re using CL, so the traffic is free.
In addition to selling one new thing a day via CL, you also want to do the below:
Find an online info-product. Any product. And create a new long-form sales letter for it.
~2000 - 3000 words.
This should take you a week. So, treat it as if it’s real (who knows if it’s good—you can
run traffic to it later and make affiliate commission). But that’s not the point. Point is
you’re applying what is inside your ‘Master Copywriting Doc’ by creating a marketing
promotion for a real product. At the end of this phase, you should have sold at least 7
things inside your home and written a long-form sales letter from scratch (in addition to
reading a new copywriting book + analyzing one new SL a day + building your ‘Master
Copywriting Doc’.)
If you think this is a lot of work, it’s not. Analyzing a letter and building your Master Doc
will take one hour a day. Reading will take 20 minutes. Writing an ad for CL will take
another hour. Writing a long-form SL will take 2 hours a day. That’s just 4.20
hours/day. Easy stuff.
Phase C (Pitching): Day 21 - 30: By now you should’ve started making money via
Craigslist. So continue slanging one new product a day via CL, but we’re also adding
one more task to your daily schedule.
You’re going to send 10 pitches a day (minimum) selling your copywriting services.
Again, if you’ve immersed yourself in copywriting and focused on building your ‘Master
Copywriting Doc’—this part should be easy. All you have to do is create a short pitch
and send it. Then repeat.
.F F
10 pitches a day minimum. In the beginning this will take time. You will test a bunch of
pitches until you find a pitch that starts working. Once you do, double down on it. And
use it until it stops working (I created one pitch which made me 6 figures alone). Don’t
overcomplicate it.
If you do the above, you’ll have sold 20 things on CL. Sent 100 pitches. And even with
a VERY shitty 2% Conversion Rate will have landed 2 clients in 30 days—which should
make you 4 figures with ease.
But above all, you’ll have quickly learned the ins and outs of copywriting. And started
making dolla dolla bills. Maybe even enough to say goodbye to the 9-5 life for good.
And just like that, BAM! Challenge complete.
Now, I want to show you how to make more money. And take your business from
getting sales here and there to a rock solid, competitor destroying empire that always
has a pipeline full with hungry customers and clients.
But before I explain, I have a question for you…
How many times have you heard:
Real money is made on repeat transactions.
“A shit ton, Tej!”
Yes, because it’s true. The more you sell to existing customers, the more you can
spend on ads to get more customers. And repeat until you’re filthy rich. The problem?
Most people suck at generating repeat business.
I used to suck too. So I took a step back and implemented an idea that went on to
work almost as good as a Plan B pill. It’s based on my central marketing philosophy:
“When everyone is doing X, do Y.”
Here’s the idea:
(Note: Please apply this idea to generate more sales for whatever business you’re in.
eCommerce, info products, client services, doesn’t matter. It works.)
After I generate actual results for a client, I send him a card.
What’s on the card?
My name/company name.
Brief description of our services.
Phone number.
In addition to the card, I enclose a note which (used to) says:
“You won’t find me on the Internet… social media… anywhere else (this used to be
entirely true at the time). And that’s on purpose. I don’t work with anybody new unless
a client I respect vouches for him. You have now earned my complete trust. And that’s
why I’m sending you this card. If you have ANY marketing troubles keeping you up at
night—call my personal number anytime (24/7) and we’ll make you a priority and
instantly take out your marketing fires.
Also enclosed are 3 more cards—I trust you to give these cards only to people you
know who would benefit tremendously from the same kind of results we generated for
your business. Please don’t hand these out to just anybody. There are the only 3 cards
I’ll EVER send you. So please give them with care… or don’t give them at all.
And above all…
Make sure your darn competitors don’t get their hands on one.
Your secret ace,
P.S. What’s in it for you? 75% of the first month’s retainer. Our retainers, as you know,
go from anywhere from $xxxx to $xx,xxxx - so that could mean a whooooooole lot of
change for you just for shooting off a quick text or making a call.
Simple, right? Yes. And effective. This one tactic has made my referrals and CLV
(Customer Lifetime Value) go through the roof.
And here’s why:
It positions me from being just another Joe Blow to being their “secret marketing ace”
who can deliver results, anytime (it puts a competitive advantage directly into their
pocket). And that’s because: They’re getting exclusive access to me (access no-one
else can get). This makes them feel unique and special (a desire every human being
has a deep craving for).
But that’s not all. I also make an irresistible offer they can’t refuse. 75% of the first
month’s retainer for barely doing any work. Have I gone crazy? Nope. Because here’s
the thing, I know my CLV and the cost to deliver my services, which means by giving
away 75% of the first month’s retainer, I break-even that month. And that’s fine
because I lose money today to make tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands
Ever since I implemented this idea, I’ve started receiving calls from clients who had
marketing problems to solve. But that’s not all. I also receive calls from unknown
companies… saying so and so told them about me… and they’re wondering if I can
take them on (my clients do all the selling for me.)
So, give it a go. You don’t have to send a physical card either. Even sending an email
will boost your CLV. Important thing is to make people feel special and incentivize the
fuck out of em. Trust is already built. So soak up every dollar you can get out of your
customers by creating strong incentives like the one above.
My meditation practice is responsible for 95% of my breakthrough ideas.
Because it’s a very specific type of meditation—which creates new neural networks.
And turns my mind into an ocean of nothingness. So if you want to incorporate
meditation into your life and effortlessly come up with more money-making ideas, then
I suggest you give it a go.
(1) Wake up in the morning. Don’t check your phone. // (2) Go brush up. // (3) Walk to
another room in your house. Find a chair. (Don’t meditate in bed. Big no no!) // (4) Get
comfortable. Make sure your feet are touching the ground. // (5) Imagine roots coming
out of the soles of your feet, going down through the foundation of the house, and
interacting with the roots of the trees around you. This is a grounding exercise. //
(6) Rub your hands together and run the palms of your hands down your face. Do this 3
times. This is an energy cleansing exercise. // (7) Take 3 deep breaths. And let a long
sigh out (each time). // (8) Walk through every part of your body and relax it. // (9)
Imagine yourself surrounded by a protective blue light. // (10) Imagine golden light
coming from the sky and flowing directly into your head. This golden light contains
million dollar ideas, joy, love, laughter. Everything. // (11) Follow your breath. In and
out. 20 minutes. Be still. // (12) Open your eyes and repeat affirmations. // (13) Get on
with your day.
When you first do this, you’ll feel reborn. But that’s not the real benefit here. Real
benefit is you’ll find solutions to problems that you never previously considered. BIG
IDEAS will randomly pop into your brain. New business ideas will always hit you. Nonstop. Why? Because creativity stems from a mental state of nothingness. In nothing
lies everything. So the closer you bring your mind to nothingness, the more ideas and
insights you can catch (otherwise your thoughts and emotions will drown out your next
BIG breakthrough). Do this consistently for 30 days and you won’t believe the impact.
I’ve been doing it for the last 5 years. And shit is powerful.
Well, that’s it for the first month’s issue! Hope you enjoyed. Now go get after it.
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
December 2018
In this month’s issue, we cover:
The Millionaire Mentality (30-Day Affirmation Program)
How To Separate Yourself From The Herd
How I Apply Psychology To Close BIG Deals
My Entire Approach To Business
How To Lose Your Fear Of Death
2018 Audit
Business & Life Update
Welcome to Issue 02 of The Tej Dosa Letter.
As always, I got a lot of heat in store for you. But first, I wanted to take this time to give you a
brief update. So here goes.
Theme of the month: Growth. Each month, I set a theme. It allows me to stay focused and meet
my yearly, quarterly, monthly objectives. Theme for this month was Growth. In other words, I
wanted to take a step back from the business and focus even more on building a business that
functions without me.
Because you see, this online world is crazy. Most people jump into the space, fail for years, then
realize building a skillset is the key to success. But once they succeed, they’re prevented from
growing because they’re a technician with a skill, not an entrepreneur with a vision. An
entrepreneur sets a vision and rallies a group of people to turn it into reality. Instead of working
inside the machine, the entrepreneur designs the machine. That’s his or her only job (how
Richard Branson “built” 400 companies).
Most people, on the other hand, aren’t entrepreneurs. They’re technicians with a high-paying
business. Nothing wrong with that. But for me, I want to leverage time and my resources to
achieve maximum utility. And in order to do that, I need to always ensure I’m building a machine
that runs without me rather than being the focal point of it – you know (which can be difficult at
times – in all honesty). So that’s what I’ve continued doing this month. I brought on 4 new
people and started focusing more on operations – as opposed to just sales and marketing. This
in return allows me to grow at unparalleled speeds, which is exciting.
Due to this approach, here’s one new idea I’m focused on executing early 2019:
Buy underperforming company
Use my marketing machine to grow it
Either hold or flip after 12-24 months
All this and more is possible because of two things: (1) Designing a streamlined machine that
can achieve consistent results (2) Direct response skill set.
Anyway, that’s enough about me !
Let’s get into this month’s issue and talk about what benefits YOU!
The Millionaire Mentality (30-Day Affirmation Program)
I’ve been using affirmations for years. Why? Because they work. I know some people think
they’re wacky and strange and delusional. And I get why they would think that. But, I don’t
Reason why is because thoughts " emotions " actions " results. Everything starts with a
thought. Laziness and procrastination and discipline and will-power are nothing more than
thoughts. For instance, the other day I was trying to get work done, but had an unforgiving
headache. It was so bad I stopped working and put my head down to take a nap. A few minutes
later, I stopped. And told my brain, “I feel vibrantly healthy and full with high energy right now.”
Seconds later, the headache vanished. And I was back working with high energy and
momentum. I do this ALL the time. And it works like gold. Heck, one time I even brought on a
toothache and made it go away with just the power of my mind (lol). But that’s a story for
another issue.
In today’s issue, I want to talk about the Millionaire Mentality and how to use affirmations to
acquire it.
What’s the Millionaire Mentality?
Exactly what it sounds like. A way to see the world. A way to be. Perception is everything as it
determines your experience on earth. If you want to be a millionaire, you need to adopt the
mentality of a millionaire. That’s the greatest secret I know.
How do you adopt the mentality of a millionaire?
Start with affirmations.
Here’s a quick 30-day program I’ve created for you non-believers. Follow it for 30 consecutive
days and notice how much more energy, hustle and drive you have. Also note how much MORE
money you make. And let me know if it turned you into a believer!
Instructions Part 1: Every day for the next 30 days repeat the following affirmation to yourself in
the morning, mid-day and before you go to sleep. I recommend using the reminder app on your
iPhone to set times, so you don’t miss a session. Do this for 30 consecutive days. In the
morning and mid-day, repeat the affirmation inside your head. Before you go to sleep, repeat it
out loud. Slowly but surely you’ll program your mind to “operate” in accordance with the
strongest version of yourself.
Daily Affirmation:
I, [Full Name] from this day forward, take full control of my mentality. I accept responsibility and
accountability for my experiences. I intend abundance to flow into my life. I commit to change all
patters of destructive behavior, and to consistently introduce whatever it takes to succeed. I
intend the following: I am [Name] and I am [insert your #1 goal which is in alignment with the
strongest version of yourself – use the past tense].
Instructions Part 2: As you go about your day-to-day life, use the following affirmations to keep
your energy high, alignment with your strongest version strong, and your mindset tuned into the
right frequency.
I am [Full Name] and I am wealth, abundance and joy.
I am [Full Name] and I am powerful beyond measure.
I am [Full Name] and I am the greatest salesman/woman in the world.
I am [Full Name] and I am a money-making machine.
I am [Full Name] and I am full with high energy and infectious enthusiasm.
I am [Full Name] and I am a high-value, multi-millionaire entrepreneur.
I am [Full Name] and I am a natural born leader.
What to do after the 30 days? Pick one from the list above that deeply resonates with you or
create a new one. Let it serve as your compass. And guide you. Use it so much, it becomes
your default thought. Then watch what starts happening to your emotions, words and actions.
And how quickly life takes off for you.
How To Separate Yourself From The Herd
“I recently started learning copywriting and jumped on UpWork, but there’s SO MUCH
competition – how do I separate myself from the herd?”
I get this question a lot.
First of all, there is zero competition. And no such thing as market-saturation.
(It’s all bullshit – if you’re good enough.) Second of all, it’s easy to separate yourself from the
herd and stand out like a sore thumb. I’m going to use UpWork to illustrate how, but the thinking
process behind this should be used to separate yourself from your competition in whatever
you’re doing.
Here is exactly what I would do.
Step 1) Figure out what everyone else is doing (collect data).
How? Put yourself in the shoes of a client on UpWork. I mean, really do it. Post a general
copywriting job. And sit back and let the proposals and applications come in. Take note of how
other copywriters are pitching you. Take note of which applications you like. And which ones
you don’t. Make a list. Write this stuff down.
Step 2) Do what worked on you + a little bit MORE (use data).
Do the stuff that worked on you. If people were using a storytelling approach to win you over,
use a storytelling approach in your own pitches. If people were using a conversational style
approach, use a conversational approach in your own pitches.
But then…
Go a step beyond.
Once you do step 1, you’ll have a good indication of exactly what everyone is doing. And you’ll
see a list of common patterns to avoid. Then, all you have to do is scheme up NEW things you
can do that no-one else is doing. Once you do these things, you’ll stand out instantly!
Here’s a few ideas to get you off and running:
Instead of replying with a full text proposal like everybody else, shoot a quick,
personalized video and submit it alongside your proposal (it’s more personal, real, and
DIFFERENT) – this alone will win you a BUNCH of clients (Hint: I do something very
similar with my highly targeted cold emails - ~40% response rate.)
Offer BONUSES: “When you choose me to be your copywriter – not only will you get
high-converting copy, but also [Bonus 1], [Bonus 2], [Bonus 3]. Which other freelancer
would offer you these 3 bonuses for absolutely FREE? No one (I checked!).”
And then, of course, you can also do SMALLER things to stand out, such as:
Read their reviews to find their name. Use it during your pitch.
Inject personalized humor into your pitch. How? Research who they are. And playfully
reference what you find out about them. More personalized, the better of course.
Got it? Cool, let’s keep it moving.
How I Apply Psychology To Close BIG Deals
Everything is frame control. Everything. The frame you create; determines how you’re received.
And how you’re treated. This goes further than sales. It’s applicable to every area of life. If
you’re constantly being disrespected and taken advantage of, it’s because you’ve created a
weak frame for yourself. Obvious, right? Yep. But when it comes to sales, most people create
disempowering frames. And wonder why they can’t close deals, make money, and live an epic
Luckily, there’s an easy fix.
And I call it, “Make Other People Sell You On Why They Should Give You Their Money!”
It sounds complex, but it’s really not.
It’s all about creating a frame that conveys two things:
1) You are high value
2) You have the juice (which the other person needs more than you need their $$$s)
Before I tell you how to “indirectly” create this frame, here’s how NOT to create this
frame (take note… some of you are probably doing these things WITHOUT knowing it!)
Offering to work for free
Dealing with clients who hassle you over your fees
Convincing someone why they need you (your job isn’t to sell them, your job is to make
them sell themselves)
Being desperate and needy
Letting customers/clients disrespect your time by being late
Chasing prospects
In summary, you’re indirectly screwing yourself over if you do NOT set clear boundaries, have
high standards and value yourself.
Here’s how to fix that and create a powerful frame:
Get a Calendly account and have the client schedule a time in YOUR calendar (as
opposed to the other way around). I know this sounds like a small thing, but it subtly
teaches the client that you ARE the prize.
If you have a sales call scheduled for 2pm, YOU initiate the call. This again is a small
thing, but it unconsciously puts you in the power seat.
Once you get on the call, set the agenda up-front & use a time disqualifier: “Hey, I have
another call scheduled in 20 minutes, so let’s get right into it. Here’s the purpose of the
call: xyz. And here’s what I want to achieve: xyz. Sound good?” (this subtly teaches the
client your time is valuable and you’re high value)
Lead the conversation like a doctor. Not as a salesperson. Be in qualifying mode. Take
on the frame that you HAVE the juice and you’re on this call to see if xyz client is
WORTHY enough to buy your juice. You’re indifferent either way. You’re not the one
selling, he or she is the one selling you on why YOU should work with em.
View money as a commodity. It’s not scarce. Everyone has it (even my 12-year-old little
cousin – birthday money FTW), so its value is MUCH lower than what you’re offering
(the juice). Juice > Money (which means YOU are the prize and HOLD the power, not
the client. Money you can get from anywhere. The juice only a FEW people have, which
means client LOSES more from not taking action than you do. Internalize this. Please. It
changes everything.).
Do not sell what you’re capable of doing. Talk only about what you’ve done. Again, your
job isn’t to impress anyone. It’s to see if they’re WORTHY enough to buy from you.
Make them sell you. Here’s how. “As you saw from my Calendly, it was difficult finding a
time in my calendar because most of the slots were already taken. As you heard on this
call, we’ve generated xyz results for companies just like yours. And as you know, we
only take on x new clients a month. But x spots are already taken, so based on
everything you’ve heard and know, why do you think we should take you on as our last
client?” When the client answers this question, they’re selling themselves on why they
should give you their money (whether they realize it or not – this creates “alignment” and
people naturally want to take “new” actions that are “consistent” with their old ones, so
he’s more likely to close).
If you’re dealing with price hagglers, do not tolerate it. Here’s what I do: “xx% of our
clients generate a x ROI, but if price is an issue for you, no worries! Here’s a few of our
competitors who will happily take you on as a client: list competitors” … but why would
you send business to your competition? Because people want what they cannot have. If
you say “no” to a client, they’ll want you more (same works in dating.)
Again, goes without saying, but you should ONLY do the above if it’s TRUE. If it is, not only will
you ATTRACT more HIGH quality clients with LESS work, but you’ll feel darn GOOD doing it
(because you’ve unlocked your value).
Moving on, let’s discuss something just as important, if not more.
My Entire Approach To Business
Phase A: 1. Build offers; 2. Create marketing material for offers; 3. Distribute offers
Phase B: Create machine that does the above on auto-pilot + Manage the “results” the machine
spits out to ensure you’re getting consistent results ($$$$’s).
Phase C: Hire managers to manage the machine & send you a daily report of $$$’s made, so
you have FREE time to do whatever you want while you make BIG bucks.
This is my entire approach to biz.
But honestly, you don’t have to worry about phase B/C (for now). All you have to worry about is
A. Why? Making money comes down to these 3 things. Nothing more. Nothing else. If you’re
currently struggling to make money, then break your situation down into the above 3 categories.
And see what the hold-up is, so you can tackle it head-on.
Let me give you an example.
Assume you’re a newbie with no prior experience. And you’re struggling to make money.
What’s the issue here? Well, either you haven’t created an irresistible offer, marketed it
properly, or put it in front of as many people as you need to. As a result, you know what to fix.
So fix it.
Assume you’re making money, but want to make MORE. What’s the issue here? You need to
spend more on your existing distribution channels and acquire more (maybe you should send
TWICE as many cold pitches and start running FB ads).
See how everything is handled by tackling the above 3 categories?
“Yep… but how exactly do I implement this?”
Create a daily task list and group tasks into one of the above 3 categories. If a task doesn’t fit
into one of the above categories, it’s probably NOT worth your time. Doing this ensures you’re
working on the right things. Everything else is irrelevant (at least in the early days). Get these 3
things dialed in. And you’ll have a little money-making machine of your own.
Example of tasks:
Offer – Building a product or service, creating a store, conducting market research.
Marketing – Writing copy for emails, product pages, ads, sales letters, building funnels, sales
material, etc.
Distribution – Buying ads, cold outreach, cold calls, building organic traffic, building personal
brand, etc.
Side note:
Out of all these 3 things, distribution is the most important. Why? A strong distribution channel
like an IG account with 2 million followers eliminates the need for marketing altogether (almost)
– you don’t need funnels or copy to sell (trust is already built). And you can create anything
valuable and sell it to your audience – why influencers are so popular! Unfortunately, most
people approach this ass backwards. And think a “great product trumps all” – nah. Distribution
trumps all. Ask your favorite entrepreneur and he’ll agree. No doubt. This is why your #1 priority
should be to master as many distribution channels as well – it’s the ONE thing that makes
everything else easier or unnecessary.
How To Lose Your Fear Of Death & Discover The Secrets Of The
It wasn’t planned or even my goal. It was just a by-product of all the learning and reading and
contemplating I did throughout the years. I went down the rabbit hole. Afraid and fearful of the D
word. Then I escaped the rabbit hole. And felt free to do. And free to be. I don’t know if you’ll
have the same experience. But here’s exactly what I did:
(1) Read Autobiography of a Yogi (Steve Jobs’ favorite book) (2) Read Conversations with God
Book 1 (3) Read Conversations with God Book 2 (4) Read Conversations with God Book 3 (5)
Watched Vishen Lakhiani on YouTube (6) Watched Alan Watts lectures on YouTube (7)
Thought and questioned what I read (8) Found truth in my daily experiences (9) Discovered
Quantum Physics and Quantum Entanglement and String Theory and The Observer Effect.
Went down the rabbit hole. For months. (10) Read Illusions: The Adventures Of A Reluctant
Messiah (11) Took a break (12) Brain started making connections, realizing deep truths. (13)
Took a course called Transformations – this tied everything together and showed me how to
use the secrets of the universe to “bend” life to my will. (14) Read My Stroke of Insight (15)
Woke up and had MORE money in my bank, joy in my heart and above all: I could look my
mortality in the eye and not flinch. I laughed instead.
Seems like a lot of reading – right?
It was.
But this occurred over a span of a few years – it wasn’t an obsessive rage of reading. Just a
natural curiosity which took me from one book to another. In between, I put what I learned to the
test and dove deeper into Meditation, completed the Wim Hof Method and experimented with
other “unique” spiritual experiences. What I discovered was shocking and almost true good to
be true. But it was liberating. Very liberating. Not only in relation to freeing oneself from the fear
of death, but also when it comes to putting a ding in the universe. There’s something deeper
here at play. Much deeper. And you’ll know it when you feel it. Till then, just know there is
nothing to fear except fear itself (and especially not something as silly as death).
2018 Audit
The year draws to an end. The curtains are closing. Some dreams we let out. Others we kept
inside. Whereas a few died completely. But, it’s okay. Now, it’s important to step back and
conduct an audit of 2018.
I personally like to take a few days off and audit 2018 while planning for 2019.
Here’s exactly what I do:
Phase A) Highlights of 2018 – Memory Bank
Jot down your BIG accomplishments // memories
Phase B) Analysis
Reflect on where you wanted to be at the end of 2018 and where you currently are. What went
right this year? What went wrong? What could you have improved? How? If you died today, how
would you feel? Break this down by area of your life. Health // Wealth // Social // Spirituality. (If
you kept a journal this year, go back and read it.)
Phase C) Where do you want to be at the end of 2019?
Physically? Financially? Socially? Spiritually?
What is your theme for 2019? Come up with a word or phrase.
If you could only achieve ONE thing in 2019, what would it be? Whatever you come up
with, this is now your #1 priority goal. Set aside 4 hours first thing in the morning to work
on it.
Break your yearly priority goal into 4 quarterly goals. Set the deadline.
Get to work.
Cool? Sweet!
That’s it for this issue.
I’ll see you in 2019 & I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year (pop a
bottle or two – you deserve it).
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
January 2019
Happy New Year! :-)
2018 is behind us. And with it went all the wins, losses, struggles, triumphs from the
days and nights gone by. A new slate. A new beginning is upon us. And that means you
have the opportunity to give birth to a new you. A new you who doesn’t have any of the
doubts, handicaps, vulnerabilities that are currently holding you back.
So let’s do that now.
I’m going to walk you through the exact strategy I use to end off every year. And start off
every new year. It’s a strategy I learned from one of the greatest copywriters alive, John
What To Do On January 1st
Step 1) Paint your story
Each year either on January 1st or towards the tail end of December, I sit down and
open up a Google Doc. I title it, “The Story of 2018.” On this doc, I use a story-based
approach to write down the uncensored story of 2018. I don’t write things down halfassed. I treat it as if I’m writing the book of my life. And this is one chapter.
What would this chapter include? I ask myself. What were the highlights? What were the
low points?
And above all…
How can I tell the story in such a way that it would captivate an audience?
(I don’t share this with anyone. It’s usually raw, grimy, uncensored and full with *real*
feelings -- it’s for my eyes only. I suggest you treat it the same way otherwise you may
put too much pressure on yourself to paint your story in a positive light -- when
sometimes the ugliest stories are the most beautiful.)
I do this for a few reasons.
A) It helps me put shit into perspective -- Most of us just wake up, do a bunch of shit,
and go back to sleep. Only to repeat it all over again. Waste of time. Waste of life. By
sitting down and writing a story for the year you just lived, you’re forced to get real with
yourself. You’re forced to think the tough thoughts. You’re forced to figure out what truly
matters to you. And what doesn’t.
I remember doing this exercise for one of my “busiest” years ever. And when I sat down
to write the story, I couldn’t help but think “Fuck… I really didn’t get a lot done. It was a
pretty shitty year. Not a lot of highlights. Not a lot of breakthroughs. Just a lot of busy
work. And half-assed progress.”
This instantly gave me clarity. And changed the fate of my next year. If I hadn’t taken
the time to write the story for the year, I would’ve never gained this perspective. And
would’ve continued making short-term decisions that weren’t benefitting me in the longrun. So do this. And be real with yourself. It’ll open you up to a whole new perspective
about yourself, your relationships, your goals and ambitions.
B) It conditions my mind to view my life as a story -- Risk, adventure, heartbreak,
major wins, major losses, unbelievable highs, crippling lows -- these are the things that
make for the best stories and the fullest of lives. The problem? Our brains aren’t
designed to seek out these things. Our brains want to play it safe, to color between the
lines, to live a normal existence. Which is fine. But I don’t want that. I want to live an
epic adventure. So because I know that each year I have to write out the story of my
year, I find myself more willing to embrace risk and uncertainty during the year -because I know it’ll give me something great to write about. Plus, it conditions my mind
to not mind the losses. The heartbreaks. The pains. The struggles. The failures.
Because these also make for a great story at the end of the year. In short, this exercise
conditions my brain to simply live.
C) It is *literally* building out the book of my life -- Each chapter of your life is a
year. Add up the chapters together and you have a book. It’s cool to keep records of
your life. I love flipping through the years gone by and reading what I did, what I failed to
do and how I thought. I suggest you do the same so when you’re old and grey and your
mission is done, you’ll have a raw and uncensored autobiography of your entire life.
Now, how cool would that be? :-)
Okay, that was Step 1. Now onto Step 2.
Step 2) Pull the future into the present
Now that I’m done with reflection, it’s time for progression.
So here’s exactly what I do.
A) I spend a day or two to think about what I want to achieve in the next 12
Meditation. Walks in nature. Visualization. Drinking some whiskey while good music
plays in the background helps me enter a great state and get in tune with the inner me.
Sooner or later, I’m able to pinpoint exactly what I want to achieve in the next 12
months. I list these things down on paper. I don’t censor anything. The more, the better
(THINK BIG - remove the limits you see the world through).
Goal is to connect with the inner me and figure out what I want to make happen.
B) The next day, I’ll go through this list and pick out the 1-3 things that if achieved
would make 2019 the best year ever.
Time is limited. Life is short.
You can do everything. Just not at the same time.
So I pick out the 1-3 things that once achieved would make 2019 the best year ever.
C) I push my brain to the future and write a FUTURE STORY for 2019 as if I had
already achieved all the things I wanted to achieve.
“If I was to sit down on December 31, 2019 and write out the story for 2019 and had
achieved all the things on my list and life is amazing in every way and I feel fucking
awesome, what would that year look and feel like? What would I say? How would the
story read?”
I answer this question.
Write it down. In the past tense. Always.
D) I read this story daily for every day of the year as it helps my brain enter a state
of “knowing”.
Be → Do → Have.
You may have heard me talk about this before. In short, I believe you have to become
the type of person who would make your goals a reality BEFORE you can make them a
reality. By reading the picture perfect story of 2019 each day, I find myself becoming in
alignment with the type of person who made that happen.
Once the alignment is created, magic happens. And parts of the story (or the entire
story) come to life. It feels like a mind-fuck, but it’s a very pleasant (and profitable) mindfuck. So I suggest giving it a shot.
Now that we got that covered, let’s keep this letter moving onto a few more ideas.
How Can Cults “Persuade” Their Followers To Commit Suicide -When The Average Person Can’t Even Persuade A Business Owner
To Pay $2500 A Month For Something That’d Make Him MORE Money
What’s going on here?
Have you ever thought about that?
I didn’t. Never crossed my mind. I dismissed it as the followers being lunatics. I was
wrong. Here’s why.
1) Followers are people with the same basic needs and wants as you and me (pretty
2) Cult leaders know something about persuasion that you don’t. They’re so effective -they can even get people to take their own lives. Now THAT my friend is the ultimate
form of persuasion.
And because it’s the ultimate, I’ve been studying cults like crazy this past month. And
I’ve learned some shit that has completely blown my mind. And changed the way I play
the game of persuasion.
What did I learn?
Many things, but here’s one practical insight you can apply right away.
Cult leaders persuade you below the surface -- average people try to persuade
you directly -- I’m sure you’ve done this yourself. I know I have. When I first got into the
marketing game, I would try to persuade clients directly to work with me. “I can do x. I
can make y happen. Here’s the results I’ve generated to date: xyz. Here’s the
guarantee: xyz. You down? You down? You down?”
Nope. Didn’t work.
Only after I started applying the strategy of cult leaders did my client base take off (I did
this without knowing -- but just recently put two and two to together). So, how do cult
leaders persuade?
They persuade below the surface by planting seeds that generate zero resistance.
Key word is zero-resistance.
“You can’t reject what you can’t perceive.”
If you want to become a master persuader, study the concept of resistance. And how to
create zero resistance. It’s the magic pill to persuasion.
Let me explain.
Any form of “perceived” persuasion generates resistance by default.
It’s just the way our brains are wired. If you walk into a store and the salesman corners
you and starts asking questions, you feel uneasy. And resistance is created. What’s
your gut reaction? Escape. Similarly, if you pick up the phone and it’s a telemarketer
trying to sell you shit, you feel uneasy and resistance is created. Your default action is
to hang-up. Telemarketer could’ve had the cure to cancer, but you don’t care. In fact,
you weren’t even listening to his words. Once you found out he was trying to sell you
shit, you immediately categorized him in a box. And your guard went up. Resistance
was created. And his attempt at persuasion fell flat.
This is how most people try to persuade you. Shit makes you feel dirty, uncomfortable
and uneasy. Yet people keep doing it because they think if they can just paint a logical
case, you’ll understand. And buy. Nope. Humans aren’t logical.
Cult leaders know this.
And more importantly they know if they were to go up to a potential recruit and try to get
them to join their cult, nobody would join. So how are they able to get people to join?
Cult-leaders don’t recruit you with force. They only hold your hand and help you
recruit yourself -- persuasion is not your job. Painting a picture of a beautiful future and
helping people persuade themselves to walk towards it is your job. By planting seeds
that garner zero “perceived” resistance, you can eventually get someone to do anything
(because they think it’s *THEIR* idea to walk towards the beautiful future you painted).
So, how can you apply this?
Look at your sales material. Look at your cold emails. And ask yourself: How much
resistance is being created here? Does your initial email sound like a pitch? Does it
make people feel like they’re being sold to? If so, you’re generating too much
resistance. Flip the script by creating zero resistance.
Here’s how:
Use the first sentence of your cold email, for example, to say something
completely honest about yourself.
Something you wouldn't readily admit. Something that’s true and real and
straightforward and upfront. Example: “I almost chickened out and didn’t send this
email…” or “I’m really nervous right now…” -- just a simple sentence like that is totally
unexpected, it disarms people, lowers their guard, and helps you get in.
Nobody is doing it. It’s powerful.
(It changes the entire FILTER the recipient sees your message through.)
Then introduce yourself and what you do in a way that is funny, thoughtful and
interesting (without selling or pitching -- zero hype). Then present a zero-resistance
offer framed in their best interest that’s easy to say yes to. And your response rate goes
through the roof. Shit works.
The effectiveness of this is best illustrated by a story I read in a book. The author and
his wife visit a car dealership with no intentions of buying. They even leave their
checkbook at home. Immediately upon entering the car lot, a salesperson greets them.
“We’re just looking! We have no intentions of buying.” The author replies. The
salesperson views it as an objection, proceeds to ask questions, and generate interest
(typical sales shit), but it’s not working. Too much resistance is being created. Finally,
they pull away and get him to leave them alone. A few moments later another
salesperson asks if they need help, the author replies “We’re just looking! We have no
intentions of buying.” “Okay” the salesperson replies and leaves them alone. Then a few
moments later ANOTHER salesperson walks up and again the author replies “We’re
just looking! We have no intentions of buying.” The salesperson replies, “Oh thank god!
It’s my first day here and I have no idea what I’m doing, so I’m glad I don’t have to sell
you anything.” The author and his wife laugh as this wasn’t the reaction they were
anticipating (it was a pattern interrupter).
Once they laugh, their guard lowered. Once their guard lowered, the author and his wife
were free to relax and be at ease in the presence of the salesman. And you know what,
they actually did end up buying a car that day. And guess who got the commission?
Yep. The newbie salesman who created zero-resistance.
So in short, remember this:
The most effective form of persuasion is persuasion that isn’t even perceived as
persuasion. It’s persuasion with zero resistance.
Always ask yourself how much resistance are you creating? The lower, the more money
you’ll make. Period.
Those were the main two ideas I wanted to get across in this issue because they’ll
completely transform your life. Now I have a few rapid fire ideas to get off.
What I’m Experimenting With In 2019
Do less. Make more.
That’s the theme of my 2019 from a business sense.
Here’s the biggest way I’m applying it:
Instead of doing 3, 5, 7, 10 tasks a day with fragmented focus -- I’m limiting my todo list to just ONE task a day.
That’s all.
But it’s not an ordinary task…
It’s a 10x task.
A 10x task is ANY task that’ll allow you to make 10x the progress in half the time.
(It’s almost always a task that fills you with butterflies and makes you uncomfortable.)
It could take a few hours. It could take 17 hours. I don’t give a fuck. It’s my ONE and
ONLY priority for the day. Nothing else matters until it’s done.
If I do a 10x task each day for 365 days, I wonder where I’ll end up on December
31, 2019?
Something tells me I’m going to like the destination.
So, why not join me?
I’m tracking my 10x tasks each and every day, so I’ll know exactly what BIG MOVES
I’ve made by years’ end. I encourage you to do the same because it’s better to do one
thing REALLY well than make 10% progress on 9 different things.
Reminders On My iPhone
I have a note on my iPhone titled ‘Review’. It included reminders that allow me to stay
on the correct course. I review these insights every now and then. Here’s 5 that may
help you.
1) He who is conscious monitors every thought, word and action to make sure it’s in
alignment with the strongest vision he’s ever had for himself (or herself).
2) You are not the you that you see in the mirror. You are awareness, independent of
space and time. You are that awareness which allows you to move your consciousness
anywhere in the world, free from all limitations. Give up your desire to name things and
guess what they are because in the universe things do not have a name. Close your
eyes. Silence your mind. Move your awareness to naked awareness and all your
problems will present a solution. For the answers lay inside you. You just have to
change the ‘angle’ at which you see the ‘problem’.
3) To get rich, you must develop the skill of delivering to the world that which it cannot
get elsewhere, when it needs it and at scale (stolen from Naval).
4) Words can move you or break you. Use with care. If you want to win, all you have to
do is speak out loud what you want to do (to yourself). And then keep your word. Start
by speaking out small things. And keeping your word. This builds confidence in your
abilities. Soon your tongue will become a magic wand. And whatever you speak will
appear in reality.
5) Most of life is up to your interpretation. You’re born, you have a set of sensory
experiences and you die. How you choose to interpret those sensory experiences is up
to you and your reaction is what determines what type of life you lead.
If Your Life Is Boring, Then Read This Book...
A Million Miles In A Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life
It’s good. Really good. The writing pulled me in. The words made me question the way
I’m living my life. I need to take even more risks. And create more stories. You probably
do too.
So let’s be bold together.
Anyhow, that’s all for this month’s issue. I’m off to Australia for pretty much all of
January (helping sister move into her new apartment and start Med School -- if you’re in
the Sydney area -- shoot me an email). Time to pack now. I’ll see you again next month!
Until then, keep imagining a better future (daily)...
And taking MASSIVE fucking action in pursuit of it (daily).
Because in the end, that’s all you have to do. Really.
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
February 2019
Hey whaddup, I just came back from Australia a few days ago. Considering it’s summer
over there and winter back here, it was great to escape the Canadian cold and soak in
the sun while adventuring into the unknown (but now I’m back rocking furry jackets and
parkas !).
Anyhow, let’s cut the small talk and jump into the good stuff.
In this month’s issue, you’ll discover:
The 3-step “Law of Attraction” system I stole from an entrepreneur who built and
sold 3 companies for over $100M each
(Step-By-Step) How to market anything
My daily journal template
The 3-Step “Law of Attraction” System I Stole From An Entrepreneur
Who Built And Sold 3 Companies For Over $100M Each
It’s bullshit. This isn’t real. Sounds like an emotional Ponzi scheme, designed to light up
the masses with emotion. And convince them they can do anything – without work or
bathing in discomfort. This was my initial reaction to the documentary, The Secret.
It didn’t sit right with me. But at the same time, some parts spoke to me. I had always
known about the power of the mind. And believed in it. Before discovering The Secret, I
knew a handful of people who used “Law of Attraction” principles and visualization
exercises to get rid of their acne, heal themselves of x sickness, and/or turn life into an
adventure. Plus, I had studied mystics, yogi’s, and “guru’s” in the Eastern world and
knew something was happening that I didn’t understand.
Nonetheless, life went on. I took what resonated with me. Disregarded the rest. And
characterized those who believed in the Law of Attraction as “wishful thinkers.” I was
wrong. Shortly thereafter, I started stumbling across more and more “successful” people
who had used the Law of Attraction to build wealth and success. Not wishy washy
types. But guys like Mike Tyson, Jim Carrey, Big Sean and Andy Frisella.
Were these guys idiots? Or did they know something I didn’t know.
Clueless, I went down the rabbit hole. And when I came back out, I had adopted a new
version of the Law of Attraction – one an “average” bloke used to build and sell 3
companies for over $100M each (I’m not putting words in his mouth, he has specifically
stated in various media outlets that this 3-step system is the ONLY difference between
him and the rest of the world. Only difference between the self-made men and women
he studied and the rest of the world. Only difference between those who get success
and those who wish for success).
And the real-kicker? He thinks The Law of Attraction presented in The Secret is a bunch
of bullshit. An oversimplification. A dumbed down version designed to spoon-feed the
I don’t know about you, but if someone has achieved what I am setting out to achieve
and they swear by something, I will try it (within reason & if I can verify they’re legit). If
there’s no downside and unlimited upside, I will always try it. No doubt.
So I put it into action when I started College in 2011/2012. Now, I don’t credit it for all
the success I experienced shortly thereafter (that would hurt my ego too much), but it
definitely played a LARGE role in helping me go from getting shit grades in high school
that made my Mom cry to graduating w/ an Accounting degree and a 3.89 GPA, building
multiple 6-figure businesses, developing a network of killers, getting “lucky” beyond
belief (like the time I set the intention to meet the Canucks and a few months later my
bro received a “mysterious” FedEx package in the mail from the Vancouver Canucks
saying we won a private trip to New York w/ the team and Free accommodations
alongside the players at one of the top hotels in Manhattan. We hadn’t “applied” for any
contests – we were just selected because my bro had the Vancouver Canucks
MasterCard (guess they did some type of draw). And many more lucky coincidences
that have filled my life with stories that appear too good to be true.
Now that I got your heart beating with the blood of excitement, exactly what is this “new”
version of the Law of Attraction? Well, it’s broken down into 3 steps: 1) Protecting
Energy 2) Building Energy 3) Directing Energy (I don’t even refer to this as the Law of
Attraction. It’s just a way of being.) Let’s discuss each.
Step 1) Protecting Energy: E=MC^2
At the most foundational level, you are energy. And your thoughts are energy. Energy
has no choice but to turn into matter. It may not happen today, tomorrow, next year but
eventually energy will transform into matter. It’s undeniable. This is pretty much what
the typical version of LOA says as well, whatever you focus on, you will get – right?
Yep, common sense. So the basic key is to focus on what you want, not what you are
“I want to lose weight.” = example of what you are against (bad)
“I want to get healthy & fit.” = example of what you are for (good)
Start by making this mental shift, focus on what you want and think thoughts that
reinforce what you want. Simple enough? Sure.
Now where this step differs from the typical version is it’s more detailed in the
sense that the entire purpose is to protect YOUR energy from everyone else – so
no longer are you influenced by the world. Instead, you can influence the world. A
critical shift.
Why is this step so critical? Because the world will drown out your energy if you let it. It
will absorb it, suck you up, and leave you on the side of the curb, bruised and bloody.
As a result, step one is all about defense. How do you protect your energy? Here’s how.
Take responsibility for your thoughts and the reactions you have to your
thoughts – no longer can you blame anyone else for how you feel, what you think, or
what you say and do based on what you feel. If someone cuts you off in traffic, you are
in control of your reaction. It’s 100% your responsibility. You can bitch and moan or you
can laugh. Choice is yours.
By taking 100% responsibility for your thoughts and the reactions you have to your
thoughts you are slowly, but surely beginning to protect your energy.
This isn’t wishy washy shit. Just think about it. If you wake up feeling great with a list of
goals and ambitions you want to fulfill, but then you get hit with some obstacle or bad
news – what usually happens?
Well if you’re NOT protecting your energy, then you’ll let that event automatically
influence and impact your reaction which impacts your thoughts which eventually turns
into matter (you go from being on top of the world… to losing your energy… to
becoming a deflated balloon… who feels shitty as fuck… and continues to feel shitty as
fuck until it becomes your default way of being.)
Bad place to be. So take 100% responsibility for your thoughts & reactions.
If a client rejects you, control your reaction and react positively.
If a girl dumps you, control your reaction and react positively.
If you lose money, control your reaction and react positively.
Life is one-big mind game. Control your reaction. Protect your energy. Become an
individual again. (Most people are not individuals. They live at the mercy of life. If x
happens, they react in y way. If a happens, they react in b way. Predictable reactions =
a person molded by society. Not fun. Break the chain.)
Now when it comes to protecting your energy, you know that E=MC^2 and any
thought/reaction you have has no choice but to turn into the material equivalent of itself.
As a result, you want to pay very careful attention to what you expose your senses to.
Why? Because positive thinking is bullshit. Thoughts occur instantaneously.
If you expose your senses to negative shit, your brain will automatically trigger negative
thoughts. And you will lose energy. So the second key to protecting your energy is to
cut out (or limit) all the things that “drain your energy.”
Here’s what to cut out:
Toxic complainers
Bad food
Low frequency music
Music that reinforces what you are against (i.e. rap music that talks about drug
dealing, killing, being broke etc.)
Movies, videos, articles, podcasts that reinforce what you are against (i.e. why
you are broke, why most people don’t succeed, movies about
violence/heartbreak etc.)
Once you do, you will be shining silently w/ empowering energy. Spiritual masters will
say you’re emitting a “greater vibration.” Whatever that means. Now time for step
number two.
Step 2) Building your energy
After you take the actions in step one, you will be emitting a greater energy. This is true.
But you also need to build your energy some more. How do you do it? By plugging
yourself into an unlimited source of million-dollar ideas, brilliant insights, and deep
connectivity to everything that is and everything that ever will be.
“Fuck are you talking about, Tej?”
I’ll let Nikola Tesla answer this question…
“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from we obtain knowledge,
strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know
that it exists.”
Where do ideas come from?
Where does creativity come from?
Where do brilliant insights come from?
From you or a deeper, much richer source of information? I don’t know. But I do know
there are two ways to tap into this “source”. Here they are:
1) Daily meditation of 20 minutes first thing in the morning – Wake up, do your
thing in the washroom, and find a comfortable chair. Close your eyes. Begin by
consciously relaxing all the muscles in your body. Run through each one-by-one. Then
focus on your breath. Be mentally still. Get your brain to a state of nothingness. In other
words, think of nothing. Maintain this state for 20 minutes.
2) Spend as much time as possible ALONE in nature (20 minutes a day minimum)
– Go for a walk. Find a forest. Sit by the water. Run your feet through the grass.
Whatever. Key is to “connect” w/ nature (leave your Air Pods at home – no music!).
Once you do the above, you will begin to notice you suddenly have an influx of WAY
MORE positive energy. You have way more creativity. You have way more love in your
heart and laughter in your belly, plus a shit ton of empathy.
Fun Fact #1: Each day I schedule tweets. Almost all of these tweets come to me during
my morning meditation session – entirely effortlessly.
Fun Fact #2: All my BIG ideas… business ventures… have come either via meditation
or during/after a walk in nature.
Now that you’re protecting and building your energy, you’ll start feeling like a new you.
Like a child again. I know this sounds like a bunch of cheesy bullshit, but there’s no
other way for me to explain it. You’ll only believe it once you feel it. So now what do we
do with all this built-up energy? We direct it towards what we want. And turn dreams into
reality. Bang. Bang.
Step 3) Directing Energy
There’s a few critical ideas this section covers, so pay careful attention. Once you have
built up your energy, you want to direct it towards the life you want to create (now we’re
on offense). How do you do it?
1) Typical Law of Attraction shit – Spend 10 minutes a day visualizing what you want
in great detail (I usually do this after my meditation session). In addition, you want to
write out what you want to achieve in the past tense as if you already achieved it. Do
this daily. Most LOA folks stop here. But just as importantly, however, you want to follow
steps 2 & 3…
2) Live in a state of knowing – What is a state of knowing? A state you reach when
you “remove all doubts” about the fulfillment of your dreams. In other words, becoming a
multi-millionaire isn’t a question. It has already happened. Becoming fit and healthy isn’t
a question, it has already happened (“time” just has to catch up). Best part is if you
follow this 3-step process you’ll reach a state of knowing automatically (because you’ll
be controlling your thoughts/reactions and plugging into something bigger than yourself
(i.e. nature/meditation). Then lastly all you have to do to bring to life what you desire
3) Pull the future into the present – Be. Do. Have. What actions would a person who
already achieved what you want to achieve take? Do those daily. Continue protecting
your energy. Building your energy. Directing your energy towards what you want. Daily.
And before long, you will have what you desire. It works every fucking time (it doesn’t
always happen quickly… but if you keep doing steps 1-3 your energy eventually turns
into matter).
All you need to do is protect your energy, build your energy and get crystal clear
about what you want and life becomes a joyful trip (not a struggle).
The entrepreneur I learned this from used these steps to build and sell 3 companies for
over $100 million. His mother used them to live for an extra 14 years (when doctors said
she was going to die from cancer within a few short months). Others have used these
steps to travel the world and live out a grandiose adventure. What will you use em for?
Choose wisely.
Alright that entire section turned out to be way longer than I had anticipated, so let’s try
to squeeze in a few more ideas here (before I hit the page limit)…
[Step-By-Step] How To Market Anything
When I was a young teen, I thought marketing was what I saw Coca-Cola and
McDonald’s doing on the TV screen. It is. But not really. That’s more so brandawareness. Keeping their offerings on the top of your mind. The real type of marketing
IMO is direct-response marketing. It’s the type of marketing you use to sell someone
even if they don’t know who you are. And it’s the first time they’ve heard of you. It’s
powerful. But how exactly do you do it? I’m going to give you the game, right here, right
now. Use this to market whatever it is your heart desires. For the sake of this example,
I’m going to market something unconventional and edgy just to give you an indication of
how well this can work: A natural supplement that helps reverse the effects of Erectile
“Seriously, Tej?” Yeah! Let me show you how I would market this…
Step 1) Find a specific target
Maybe you pick the over 40 market. Maybe you target “younger” men who are
experiencing ED prematurely. Whatever. For the sake of this example let’s pick men
younger than 35 because they have more emotions associated with their ED and it’s
seen as a BIGGER problem (since they shouldn’t be experiencing it – too young).
Step 2) Find out what’s running through their brain
Fears, insecurities, desires. Dark secrets. Hidden motives. Understand these all. Paint a
picture of your target. Give him a name. Make him real in your mind.
Step 3) Find someone on Google who looks like the image you have in your mind.
Print out this photo. Tape it to the top of your laptop screen.
This is who you’re marketing to.
Step 4) Figure out what’s unique about your product.
Uniqueness sells. It helps you differentiate yourself from the competition (and prevents
your customer from “comparing” your offerings to your competitors – which means you
can charge more). So study your product. Every nuisance. Every crook. Every cranny.
Find what’s unique. For this example: Let’s assume what’s unique is “Ingredient X” – a
natural growing ingredient in the Eastern Part of the world that is “natures” natural cure
for ED.
Step 5) Create a story around your uniqueness.
Put on your research hat, get to work. What are you looking for? A BIG IDEA you can
use to tell a story. Stories sell. Let’s assume we researched Ingredient X and we
discovered from our research that Genghis Khan (the dude who ranks first for the most
children in history) used to consume it as part of his daily diet. I’m just making shit up
right now just to give you an indication. Important thing here is you find something NEW,
EXCITING, MEMORABLE – something you can tell a story around.
Step 6) Don’t sell your supplement. Tell the story of Genghis Khan & his link to
this “little-known” all natural vitality ingredient.
And how powerful this ingredient is. How much of a secret it is. How much vitality it
gives you. How well it works for curing ED. And prove it (it should obviously do what you
say it will). In between: talk about the emotions, pains, heartache your target feels. How
his problem is keeping him from living life to his utmost potential. And how this all
natural ingredient is the BRIDGE that’ll take him from where he today (ED) to where he
wants to be (healthy sex life, free from ED).
And once you got your target fueled with “uncontrollable” emotion, then present your
solution (i.e. supplement). Explain it. Address any and all objections. And ask for the
Got it? This is one of the most powerful ways to market because once someone gets
emotionally invested into your story and “believes” it (it should be a true story after all),
they have no choice but to buy.
Contrast this to how most people market: They would take this same product and hit
you with benefit after benefit, BORING! Benefits don’t get remembered. Only stories &
BIG IDEAS do. Don’t believe me? Just by reading this I’ve linked Genghis Khan with ED
in your mind. And you will think of this whenever you hear someone mention “ED” or
“Genghis Khan”.
You can use this process to sell anything. The better you are at understanding targets,
finding uniqueness, and telling stories that communicate ONE BIG IDEA – the more you
will sell. Until the end of time.
Goes without saying… but never LIE with your marketing. Be truthful. Tell credible
stories. Sell credible products. Reputation > Money
My Nightly Journal Format (5-10 Minute Exercise)
[Date]: Tell the story of today. Include wins, memories created, anything special that
Dump your raw thoughts onto the page.
Work Summary: Provide a summary of what you got done. Reflect on your output.
How do you feel about it? Is it moving you closer to your goals? Analyze. Dissect.
Correct course.
Food Summary: Write down what you ate/drank today. Also make note of how the
foods made you feel.
If your diet is shit, having to write down all the shit you consume will eventually get you
to wake up and fix your diet. Plus, knowing you have to write down what you ate at
night’s end holds you accountable.
Health Summary: List your workouts for the day.
Lessons Learned: What new knowledge did you accumulate today?
Always go to bed wiser. Continue learning. These lessons could come through selfexamination, observation, books, mentors, YouTube videos, whatever.
How Are You Going To Progress By 1% Tomorrow? List your plans. #1 priority.
Do this nightly. Review all your entries every 2 weeks. Recognize patterns. Make
changes. Progress.
If you do this consistently, you will develop one of the most impactful habits you could
ever develop. Journaling is powerful. Allows you to know yourself. And heightens your
level of awareness for every area of your life.
Try it. Starting tonight.
Well that covers this month’s issue! Instead of diving into a ton of different ideas, I
wanted to dig deeper into just a few with this month’s issue because I truly believe
they’re game-changers! I hope you found this issue to be valuable. And more
importantly: you apply what you learn and prosper. Next month… I’m launching a new
venture. So I’ll be talking much more in-depth regarding exactly what’s working and
what isn’t in the world of marketing, copywriting, sales. And how you can use these very
same ideas, lessons, and strategies to keel it.
Until then,
Stay schemin’ testin! (you never know when you’re going to strike gold)
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
March 2019
It’s here. March. A new start. Q1 is almost in the books, crazy right? Just yesterday it
seems like New Years when everyone was filling up notebooks, creating exciting plans,
and now life has slipped back into its mundane self for a large percentage of people. It’s
an unfortunate truth, but a truth nonetheless. If that’s the case for you, then this letter is
going to be especially important because it shows you exactly how to solve all your
major issues.
For most people, they struggle to achieve their business goals and live their dream life
for a variety of reasons. But when you break it down, it comes down to three problems.
1) You don’t know what to do to achieve your goals, or you don’t know how to focus and
get it done. 2) The you that you currently are isn’t capable of achieving your goals, and
you don’t know how to change your operating software. 3) You suck at sales and
couldn’t sell a cancer cure to a cancer patient.
It really just boils down to these three issues. So with this letter, we’re going to tackle
each one-by-one, and put you on the fast track to success. In fact, it wasn’t until I solved
these three issues myself did my life (finally) start to take off. Now I’m going to show you
exactly how I solved them, and how you can too. And we’re going to do it quickly
because urgency is the name of the game. Although most good things take time, these
fixes are surprisingly easy and if you follow this letter step-by-step you’ll solve all three
issues by letters end.
Ready to get started? Let’s get it.
How To Reverse Engineer Your Goals (The Secret Way To Automate
Your Daily Schedule And CRUSH Business & Life)
Tell people to set goals, visualize and repeat affirmations, and guess what? They’ll do it.
Tell people to get off their ass, take action and win, and guess what? A million things
will get in the way. And they won’t take action. Or they will take action, but it won’t be
the right action. Or they will take the right action, do it for a few days, but then fall off the
wagon. And go back to repeating the same old patterns, wishing and hoping a chunk of
money would just fall on their lap.
How many times have you experienced this? A lot. I know I have. It was a never ending
pattern, always on repeat. As I found myself at one stage of the cycle or another. What
gives? How can I get out of this maze and actually win? These were the questions I
asked myself. And the answer? Well it’s surprisingly simple. And very easy to
implement. I’m going to show you exactly how it works. For the sake of this example,
I’m going to assume launching a new copywriting business that makes 6 figures a year
is your goal. Your dream. Your ambition. Whatever. Then I’m going to show you exactly
how to make that happen – in less time than you ever thought possible. It’s one of my
BIG secrets for making shit happen in a ridiculously small amount of time, and now
you’re about to learn the system (so you can do the same).
But before we get into it, I want to make one thing clear…
Although the example I’m using is building a new copywriting business that makes 6
figures a year, you can apply the step-by-step process to achieving any goal you have.
Whether it’s losing (or gaining) weight, travelling the world, or getting a girlfriend.
Doesn’t matter what your goal is. This process applies and it works.
Here it is.
Step 1) Define your goal (obviously)
Sounds simple and stupid, and it is. But you’ll be surprised how many people wake up
early in the morning, rush to get dressed, grab their car keys, and race frantically
through the world... without knowing what they want. It’s no wonder why most people
become a part of someone else’s dream, instead of building their own. It’s no wonder
why most people drown themselves in busy work, in an attempt to feel worthy. Shit is
baffling. I see people working 12-14-16 hours a day without knowing what they want.
They just have a rough sense, some weird feeling. Nothing concrete. It’s strange.
Bouncing from one task to the next, but making zero progress in the grand scheme of
That’s what we must avoid, so the first step is dead simple: Define your goal. And just
as importantly, limit it to just one goal. Having too many goals is just as worse as having
no goals because then you’ll be running in a million different directions, but won’t get
anywhere worth going.
Note: When you’re first following this process, stick to just one goal. After you’ve
developed your ability to follow this process and achieve goals, then you should add no
more than 3 goals. If you add more than 3 at any given time, this system will break and
you’ll achieve zero because you only have 24 hours in a day. Trust me, I’ve tested this.
Shit gets crazy after 3 goals.
Step 2) Reverse Engineer Your Goals
This is the most important step. But this is the step most people ignore (instead they just
sit and visualize and hope success falls in their lap). But when you do this step, it makes
life so easy and achieving goals a complete breeze. So let me teach you it now.
Our goal is to build a 6-figure copywriting business. So we need to reverse engineer
what that looks like. First question I ask is, what does the achievement of this goal look
like? To answer that, we must define what a 6-figure copywriting business is. So let’s
say it’s, $100,000/year. $8,333/month. Okay good. Now we keep asking questions.
Second question, what do I have to do to make $8,333/month with my new copywriting
business? Sign 4 clients @ ~$2000/each. Cool. Let’s keep reverse engineering. What
do I have to do to sign 4 clients a month @ ~$2000/each? Outreach: send cold-emails,
linked in messages, direct mail, Facebook messages, etc. Okay. We’re getting
somewhere now. Keep digging, soon we’ll hit gold. Next question, how much outreach
do I have to do to sign 4 clients a month and make $8,333? Hmm good question. But,
how do we figure this out?
With math and conservative numbers.
So let’s set a very conservative outreach conversion rate. Now if you know who you’re
targeting, your message is personalized and irresistible, then your conversion rate
should be higher than this, but we’re still going to use a conservative number (so if
anything we end up exceeding our goals, as opposed to falling short).
Outreach Conversion Rate = 0.5%.
This means if we send 500 people a message, then 2.5 of those people will convert into
a client (again very conservative numbers). Got it? So in order to get 4 clients a month
and make $8,333, then we have to send 800 outreach messages every month. Now
we’re slowly, but surely gaining clarity. And we’re taking our goal from being abstract to
something feasible and attainable.
But we’re not done yet…
Because we know what we want (4 clients @ ~$2000/pop), we know what we have to
do (outreach), and we know how many outreach messages we have to send per month
(800), but how do we ensure our daily tasks are aligned with the overall process? That’s
easy. You see, when it comes to reverse engineering your goals, you always want to
break things down into daily targets. Once you do, all you have to do is hit your daily
targets and you’ll achieve your goal.
In this case, our daily target for # of outreach messages is 800 (total outreach
messages per month)/30 (number of days in a month) = ~27 outreach messages a day.
So to hit 6 figures a year with your copywriting business, you have to simply send out 27
outreach messages a day (via LinkedIn, Facebook Messenger, email, direct mail, etc.).
Assuming it takes you 5 minutes to send one outreach message, it will take you 135
minutes per day (2.25 hours) to send 27 outreach messages. In other words, all you
have to do is sit down for 2.25 hours, send 27 outreach messages, and in 30 days you
should close at least 4 clients @ $2000/month. Get it? Do you see how we started with
a BIG goal and kept breaking it down until we’re left with exactly what we need to do
every single day and for how long in order to hit our goal?
So many people set a goal, then they spend hours doing shit that doesn’t matter. Maybe
they build a website. Start posting content. Whatever. But it’s all a waste of time
because in order to actually hit your goal, you just have to sit down for 2.5 hours, send
27 outreach messages, and boom. Dream unlocked. Objective achieved. This is the
power of reverse engineering, it’s how you get MORE done in LESS time (because you
pinpoint the exact action you have to take every single day to hit your target and for how
long you have to do it for). If my goal was to pick up chicks, I would use this exact same
process. If my goal was to get jacked, I would use this exact same process. Until I have
found a quantifiable daily target for myself. Then I would do that and win (or do it…
troubleshoot my action (i.e. test different messaging for copy example)… and win). But
people don’t do that. They just set goals and hope they come true. That’s delusional.
You’re not delusional, you’re a practical businessman (or woman), so here’s what we
need to do next (to make sure we actually take action on our daily target)…
Step 3) Focus. Focus. Focus.
I stopped creating new to-do lists every day. It’s stupid. Because then you’re just
working on random tasks. Moving from one to the next, but not really hitting any of your
big goals. Instead what I do is follow the process above for 1-3 goals. Then figure out
the daily action(s) I need to be taking (and for how long), then I simply go into my
calendar and plot out 30 days. What I include is the daily target I figured out during my
reverse engineering process. So under each day, I will write down “send out 27
outreach messages” (if I was just starting and wanted to build a 6 fig copy biz). And my
days are planned. All 30. I know exactly what targets I need to be hitting each day, so I
just wake up and do what’s on my calendar.
I don’t think about what should I work on? Should I do this or that? I just wake up, hit my
targets, cross those out and then work on other tasks that need my attention during the
rest of the day (or fuck off and do nothing). This is a sure-fire way to achieve BIG goals
because you’re attacking them day-by-day with consistency and moving closer and
closer. See how easy it is? “Yes, but what if you set your targets, but find yourself not
taking action! Then what, Tej?” Good question. In order to make sure you hit your daily
targets, you have to follow three simple rules/standards (this ensures that your
productivity remains sky high and you’re actually focused on what needs to be done,
instead of all the urgent/non-important stuff most people spend a lifetime doing)
Rules & Standards: Make A Commitment To NOT Violate These
Rule #1: You can’t check email, Twitter, anything until you’ve hit your daily target.
If your daily target is 27 outreach messages, then do that first thing. Don’t let anything
enter your mind that isn’t that task. Which means you must keep your phone on airplane
mode, delete all email apps, Twitter apps, whatever. Zero distractions and just take
action on 27 outreach messages as if you’re programmed. Wake up, 27 outreach
messages, THEN you can check email, Twitter, whatever. Follow this. Hit your target.
Cross it out and take comfort in knowing you’ve done the most important thing for the
Rule #2: Understand that missing a day has consequences. If you do miss a day
due to unforeseen circumstances, you must put in DOUBLE the effort the next
If life happens and you can’t send out 27 outreach messages today, no worries. Figure
your shit out, but know that tomorrow you have to send out 54 messages. Each missed
day carries consequences. So don’t miss a day, and if you do, then make up for it the
next day.
Rule #3: Use psychology to your advantage. Once you hit your daily target, give
yourself a small reward.
This trains your mind to associate positive feelings with taking action on your daily
target, making it 1000% more likely that you’ll do it. That’s all there is to it.
And that’s the exact process I follow to knock down BIG goals and make considerable
progress each and every day. Life just comes down to your daily targets. Most don’t
have daily targets, so they don’t understand the consequences of a wasted day. But
now you do. And now you know how to kill it, so kill it. Set your targets, lock in, and you
can make anything happen in less time than you ever thought possible.
Case closed, let’s move on…
[Step-By-Step] How To Change Your Identity
Your current you has reached its limits. He must die. How much money he could make,
how much he could accomplish, how much he could achieve has been maxed out. Now
to hit the next level, you must change your identity. And become someone capable of
achieving MORE.
The journey of success is full with death and rebirth. You must not view your identity as
solid. View it as fluid because you’ll need to change who you are multiple times in order
to hit the next level. If you get stuck with any one character, your growth suffers. And
you miss out on massive success.
Most people go through life with just one character/identity. They play the same role, act
the same way, think the same thoughts, like the same things, do the same things over
and over again and expect to make BIG shit happen. It doesn’t work like that. You have
to constantly evolve who you are as a person. And invent and kill versions of yourself
every so often (I try to kill myself each year and give birth to a new, stronger, more
powerful version).
Where did I get the idea to do this? A few sources. One was a quote I heard from 50
Cent (Curtis Jackson) years ago. Someone was asking him how he went from being in
the streets to becoming a mega-super star. I mean just think about the psychology
behind that. Going from not having shit to having the entire world at your fingertips. How
do you do that? And his answer always stuck with me. It fucked with me. Because it
was a major insight into why some of us achieve our BIG visions, whereas the rest just
remain the same person with the same dull life.
He said, “I had to invent a new character. That new character was 50 Cent. But soon… I
will have to kill 50 Cent too. And invent someone new…”
Major clue. If you look at what 50 is currently doing in TV and film, you’ll realize that he
killed 50 Cent too. He has reinvented himself again into a hugely successful TV
producer, inking BIG deals.
Second source came from a book I read and reread as a teen, Psycho-Cybernetics.
Basically the premise of the book is you only achieve what is in alignment with your self
image. If you think and believe with every fiber of your being that you’re destined to be
rich (like Warren Buffett who famously said he knew at 11 years of age that he would be
filthy rich), then you’ll naturally take actions that are in alignment with getting rich
(because it’s the perfect match) If, on the other hand, you want to get rich, but your selfimage is that of a poor person, then good luck.
Problem with most people is they want ONE thing, but their self image is not in
alignment with that thing, so they fail – no matter how many hours of work they put in,
how many cold calls they do, how many emails they send.
Too much internal friction is being created.
It’s just the truth.
The trick is to change your self-image and invent a new, more powerful version of you.
And in the process give birth to a NEW IDENTITY.
But, how do you do that?
Well, here’s the step-by-step process.
Step 1) Prove to yourself that everyday you are making a choice to be “you” –
and you can stop at any moment.
Every day you wake up and make a choice to be you. It’s not a conscious choice, it’s
the result of all the neural pathways you’ve created in your brain. If you do one thing
over and over again, then it builds stronger and stronger neural pathways in your brain,
which makes it harder to do something else. The “you” that you currently think you are
is nothing more than a story you tell yourself, plus a bunch of hardened neural
That’s it. I can even prove this to be true because if you suffer a brain injury (and injure
certain parts of the brain), then you will actually start doing shit that you would never do
in a million years. You’ll start acting like a completely different person. And your
preferences will change. Just Google it. There’s a bunch of studies on this.
Anyway before we can create a new, powerful identity we must prove to ourselves that
our identity is not fixed. It is fluid. And we can change it if it no longer serves us, so let’s
prove that to ourselves.
Here’s how (the easy way):
Make a list of what you currently like and how you currently behave. What type of music
do you currently listen to? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? What route do you normally
take to work? What time do you usually wake up? Are you a night owl or a morning
person? What routine do you follow when you go to the gym? Define it. Jot all these
things down.
Then label tomorrow, “Fuck With My Brain Day” and do the complete opposite of
everything. If you normally listen to rap, listen to country. If you’re a Trump supporter,
then open your mind and read up on the good Hillary is doing. If you take one route to
work all the time, take another street. If you wake up at 5AM every day, sleep in till
noon. If breakfast is eggs, then eat ice cream. If you always run on the bike for 10
minutes before a workout, then do yoga. Just completely fuck with your brain. Start
loosening those neural connections. Now obviously you don’t have to like doing these
new things and you don’t have to agree with any of em, the objective is simply to fuck
with your brain for a day. And shock it. Because when you do, you realize that over time
you’ve defined a very limited version of yourself who acts like x, likes y, and prefers z.
Only when you fuck with your brain and shake things up do you begin to see how easily
your definition of “you” is changeable.
So do that, but that’s not all. I’ve found that you also have to do another thing, before we
can start creating a new identity and programming you to become a more powerful,
capable person.
Here’s what that is (the hard way):
Take ONE massive action that runs completely against one of your current labels. If you
define yourself as a vegetarian, then eat meat. If you define yourself as a germophobe,
then get dirty. If you define yourself as shy, then cold approach 10 strangers. This is a
little extreme and hard, but that’s the point. It’s required to completely change who you
think you are. And prove to you that “you” don’t exist. Only the stories you tell yourself of
who you are exist and that’s what is holding you back. So take one massive action to
break your concept of you. Once you’ve done that… you will become more fluid and
susceptible to change, and that’s when we’ll plant in you a new identity.
Step 2) Create your new identity
Open up a Google Doc. Ask yourself: “If I could design a completely new character from
scratch and he could think in any way, he could behave in any way, he could possess
any trait and there was ZERO LIMITS, how would that character look? What words
would I use to describe him? What would his vision be? What would his goals be? How
would he dress? How would he behave? What would he believe? What would his daily
schedule look like? What pictures would I use to describe him (his home, his cars, his
lifestyle etc.)? Think of it as if you’re creating a new character for a movie. Think without
limits. Really dial in the look of your character, his thoughts, his way of being, etc. Once
you do, you need to give this new character a name. And you’re going to call him [your
name 2.0]. Next, open up a new Google Doc and follow this template:
Title: [Your Name 2.0]
[List 5-7 words you’d use to describe this new character/identity]
Examples: 7-figure entrepreneur, brilliant direct response marketer, author, alpha male,
[Insert images that symbolize your new character]
Who Is [Your Name 2.0]? [Write out paragraphs describing your new character, get as
detailed as possible]
Achievements of [Your Name 2.0]: xx
Character Traits of [Your Name 2.0]: xx
Standards [Your Name 2.0] Holds Himself To: xx
Step 3) Read this new doc 3 times a day. Morning, mid-day, night before sleep
while visualizing yourself as if you’re already this character and you’ve already
achieved all your desired outcomes/goals/visions.
Really feel it. The brain can’t tell the different between reality and what is imagined, so
over time this new character will become your new self-image, and you’ll embody all his
new character traits, and you’ll easily achieve all its desires outcomes. Shit works. It’s
how I’ve gone from partying all the time, fearing sales, waking up late as fuck, not doing
what I need to do to reach my goals to becoming a fucking machine that can make
anything happen. Do it. I just finished following this exact process myself just a few days
ago. And I’m programming myself to hit the next level. Always be upgrading.
Why You Suck At Sales (And How To Sell Anything)
I’m going to keep this short because I’ve already exceeded my page limit (lol), but
fortunately it doesn’t need a lot of explaining to get “it”.
Reason you suck at sales: You’re too in love with your product/service. You’re not in
love with your client/customer. Instead of selling a clean lawn that’s the envy of the
neighborhood, you’re selling lawn-mowing services.
How to sell anything: Figure out where your client/customer is today. Figure out where
they want to be tomorrow. Prove to them that getting from where they are to where they
want to be is extremely hard (do this subtly), make them come to the conclusion that
they can’t get there by themselves and they have to seek external help TODAY or else
life will only get worse. Position your product/offer/yourself as the ONLY THING that can
take them from where they are to where they want to be (the hero that saves the day).
Don’t spend too much time listing benefits or features. Spend time selling the target on
how great life will be once they’ve reached where they want to be (and escaped all the
pain that comes with where they’re currently at).
Re-read that paragraph a hundred times. Then apply it a hundred times. And you’ll
make a hundred times more money. It’s the secret of all secrets.
And that, my friend, brings this letter to an end. In a nutshell, the purpose of this letter
was to address the three issues that are limiting your potential and your life from skyrocketing. In my experience, solving these issues is the fucking key to getting your life to
take off. Now you have the key. I hope you use it. And turn the knob to your new life full
with unlimited potential.
See you next month, got WAY more heat in store!
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
April 2019
I was going to start this letter with a shitty April Fools Joke, but I can’t think of anything,
so let’s move on. Happy April. Quarter 1 is in the books. And what a Quarter it was.
Highlights from my Q1: Month long trip in Australia, launching a NEW business venture
(hit $10k+/mo in profits), tripping out on my daily meditation sessions (I’m seeing all
purple these days. What the fuck?), launching Client Conversion Secrets, building a
network of killers, and hitting my monthly targets (for the most part). Speaking of
monthly targets, I had very specific monthly targets for March. I wanted to hit a certain
revenue number for 2 different business ventures, get Client Conversion Secrets into
the hands of the people and plan a few trips. I exceeded the revenue target for one of
my businesses, missed the second, finished CCS, and have a few trips on the near
horizon. All in all, it was a very great month (but I was working sun up to sun down and
only worked out 5 days of the month - so I need to correct course in the health area of
my life in April). I encourage you to conduct a Quarterly and Monthly review yourself. If
you’re not making time for reflection, then you’ll continue treading down the same
beaten down road and you may lose your way.
Anyhow, let’s get started with this month’s letter. Inside this letter, I want to get
extremely practical. You know, the reason I love writing these letters is because I can
give practical insight. Shit that truly helps me. The internet is full with motivational
content that makes you feel good, but doesn’t really improve your life long-term. These
letters are a chance for us to change that. And today we’re going to get extremely
practical. So strap in, grab a hot or cold drink and let’s get into the fun stuff.
Advanced Marketing Strategy (How To Think) - This Strategy Is
Allowing Us To Kill It On COLD Traffic
One thing I want to do more of inside these letters is open your eyes to extremely
profitable marketing strategies and tactics. Granted, I know a lot of you are beginners
and this may not apply to you directly, but it’s still extremely beneficial. Here’s why:
When I share these advanced strategies (not really too advanced, just unique), you will
learn how to think about the marketing process. Most people, you see, suck at
marketing. They don’t know anything about the customer journey. They don’t know
anything about taking someone from not knowing you to trusting you to loving you - in
just a matter of minutes. I hope to teach you that skill. And one of the ways I’m going to
do that is by sharing advanced marketing strategies that are crushing it for us in the
world of internet marketing. So let’s go.
I don’t know if you know. But my agency works closely with a lot of course creators and
supplement companies. One vertical we’re absolutely crushing it in is the Keto Niche.
One of my clients, in particular, sells supplements to this niche (bestseller on Amazon) they sell everything from MCT Oil to BHB Ketones to Keto-Friendly Protein Powder.
Anyhow, the reason I bring any of this up is because unlike all our competitors who are
slanging Keto supplements via Facebook Ads, we don’t create Facebook Ads that drive
people straight to the product page. Everybody does this. And from testing, it’s a very
poor strategy. It’s basically the equivalent of a one-night stand. In other words, it’s kind
of like walking up to a girl and saying “wanna go home with me?”. Sure, it works
sometimes, but if you’re just posting ads that are sending people to the product page
(and hoping they buy) - you’re missing out on BIG money (and totally ignoring the
customer journey).
We do things a little differently (and it’s been paying off BIG - allowing us to differentiate
ourselves from the competition and just kill it). Here’s what we do: We don’t create an
ad about our supplement, telling people to buy. Nope. We create an ad for a Keto Quiz.
This ad says something along the lines of, “Hey did you know there are x levels to
Keto? Level 1 is xyz. Level 2 is xyz. Level 3 is xyz. Only Level 3 is known as Optimal
Ketosis - and it is here where you body enters a fat-burning state and melts away the
pounds. Most people think they’re in Optimal Ketosis, but the truth is: xx% get stuck in
Level 1/2 and never reach Level 3. Take this short quiz to discover what Level of Keto
you’re in!” Then we pick interests that align with Keto and target very broadly. Once our
target clicks our ad, they’re taken to a quiz page. They fill out the quiz to get their
results. Once they’re done the quiz, we ask for their email address (we use this to build
our list - most important asset). Once they give it, we show them their results. Now this
is where it gets extra juicy. Based on their results, they will be shown a personalized
results/sales page (we have sales pages for people in all Levels of Keto). This sales
page is designed to educate them on their current Level of Keto, why they’re stuck
there, some of the dangers of being there, and then once we got them all hot and
desperate to get out of their current Level and reach Level 3 - we transition the results
page into a sales pitch which positions our supplement as the solution.
This supplement acts as the bridge and allows individuals to induce Optimal Ketosis in
just minutes/hours - instead of weeks. By educating our prospects and showing them
where they are and where they need to be (and positioning our product as the proven
BRIDGE) - our sales have been going through the effin’ roof. And we’re making money
hand over fist - converting COLD traffic with relative ease. All because instead of
walking up to our targets and saying “Wanna buy this supplement?” (like our
competitors) - we’re walking up to our customers and educating them, tapping into their
curiosity, creating a personalized experience for them, and then selling them (the
equivalent to this is when you approach a girl, spit some game, get her digits, go out for
drinks, then take her home). This is the customer journey we follow when it comes to
marketing to cold traffic. Slow and steady and it’s been working REALLY well. So I
suggest you apply the following takeaways: 1) Start reverse engineering the customer
journey for your products. Most people don’t know how to market strategically. They just
throw up a sales page and start driving traffic to it. Rookie mistake. Instead, ask yourself
“how can you take someone with low awareness and slowly, but surely build their
awareness (and thirst)?” You can do this by creating a personalized, education-based
funnel (like we have) or with a killer auto-responder sequence or through videos and
content. It doesn’t matter. But make sure you devote serious thought to this. And you
test. It’s one of the BIG secrets to converting cold traffic with relative ease. (Side note:
Kinobody basically built himself an empire off the strength of a very similar quiz funnel
as illustrated above! Shit works.) 2) Stop marketing one-night stands. Start marketing
relationships (if you apply this ALONE and understand what it truly means - you’ll get
Let’s move on…
The Daily Hard - How To Change Your Life In 6 Months (Bulletproof
Plan For Conquering Life And Getting More Out Of Your Days)
The other day, I was chillin’ out, relaxin’, shooting some ball when a couple of… (sorry
couldn’t help it). I was chilling out, thinking. About what? Society at large and how we’re
all wishing for success, but stabbing ourselves with the needle of comfort. It doesn’t
make any sense. So, I started thinking. “What if you Tej (for some weird reasons) were
tasked with creating a 6-month plan that would turn losers into winners, people who live
in comfort into people who thrive in discomfort, people with mediocre success to people
who become complete killers - could you do it?”
I like asking myself (weird) questions like these because they allow me to spark my
creativity. Hmm. I thought. I think I could do it - on one condition. People would have to
follow my plan word-for-word, line-for-line without making any adjustments. After I set
this condition, I started brainstorming what that 6-month plan would like. What would it
entail. Taking someone from being a complete bitch to being a stone-cold killer who
gets their health/wealth/spirituality/relationships under check in just 6 months is no easy
task. But I knew it was possible. Because personally, I live in 6-month windows myself. I
don’t like thinking in years. I like thinking in 12-weeks (by quarter) and in 6-month
intervals. And my goal is simple: Change my life every 6 months. Sometimes I create a
plan and it works. I can’t believe the progress. Other times, I fall flat on my fucking face
and end the 6-months with bruises.
But it’s alright. Because no matter what happens, no matter where life takes me - I
always have in my back pocket a bulletproof plan for conquering life and getting more
out of my days. I call this “THE DAILY HARD” and from all the 6-month plans I’ve
created for myself… all the ones I wished someone told me about… this is the SINGLE
most effective plan I’ve ever created.
And so back to me chillin’ out, relaxin’. It was obvious. If I was tasked with changing as
many lives as possible in just a 6-month window, this bulletproof plan is what I would
give people. This bulletproof plan is what would allow people to get their
health/wealth/spirituality/relationships in check. This bulletproof plan could be the ONE
thing that completely changes the direction of an individual’s life and puts them on the
fasttrack to success and happiness. So with that noted, are you ready to see it? Here
you go.
Wake Up: 5 AM
Repeat To Yourself 3x: “Today is going to be a fantastic day, I feel fucking amazing.”
5-Minute Cold Shower: Not a pussy contrast shower. A cold shower.
Chug Water (Drink 1 Gallon/Day - So Pace Yourself): Plus, take supplements if needed:
Vitamin C, Magnesium, Fish Oil, Vitamin D
Meditate 20 Minutes: Close your eyes, back straight, think of nothing.
Drink Black Coffee - Drink it outside. Say hello to the trees.
The Daily 3 - At 6:00 AM get to work. Define 3 HARD, uncomfortable tasks you can do
to make progress on your goals. No more than 3, no less than 3.
12 pm - Eat A Clean Meal That’ll Give You CLEAN Energy: This is the 1st meal of the
day - yes we’re skipping breakfast. Examples of clean meals: Ground turkey // Chicken
// Meat // Steak // Eggs etc.)
12:30 pm - Back To The Grind
2pm: Lift Heavy Weights Or Do Sprints (sprint 10 seconds all out, rest, sprint 10
seconds, rest)
3pm: Second Clean Meal
3:30 pm: Back To Work. Finish up your daily 3 growth tasks (if you didn’t get them done
in the morning) and/or knock out any maintenance tasks
5:00 pm: End work. Put it down.
5:00 - 9:00 pm: [Your Name] “Experimentation” Time (Eat third meal, read, socialize,
follow your curiosity, and/or do whatever the fuck you want)
9:00 pm - Hot Shower & Nightly Supplements (Vitamin E, Multivitamin - if required)
9:30: 3 rounds of Wim Hof Method (YouTube it)
10:00 pm: Sleep
Daily Habits: No porn, no alcohol, no complaining/gossip, read 10 pages of a book, take
a before/after picture, drink 1 gallon of water.
This plan is designed to suck. It’s designed to be hard. It’s designed to make you
uncomfortable. It’s designed to break you. And all your habits. All at once. Some may
say it’s too extreme. Some may say it’s too much. But fuck it. It’s the most liberating,
most character building, most effective plan I personally know. And it’s something I try
to follow pretty much everyday (besides this past month - I had to temporary switch up
my schedule to hit my monthly targets, but I’m back on it starting today (April 01)). It
allows me to make progress on all the areas of life: 1) Business 2) Health 3) Spirituality
4) Relationships 5) Tej ‘Experimentation’ Time.
If your life sucks, it’s probably because you’re not doing enough hard things. Personally,
I hate cold showers. I hate not eating till 12. I hate doing 3 uncomfortable tasks a day. I
hate lifting weights. I hate doing sprints. I hate eating clean. I hate all of it. But that’s why
I do it because usually what you hate is hard, and what you need to be doing is hard
things if you want to build your grit and empire.
Doing hard things is the secret to creating a life with more meaning.
The beauty of this plan is that most people think they have no free time. I do more hard
things in a day and still have 4ish hours left over to fuck around. I recommend following
this schedule for 30 days. Just start there. Don’t worry about 6 months. Just try it for 30
days. And see how much better you feel, how much more energy you have. Then keep
it pushing for another 30 days and another. Before you know it 6 months will pass and
you won’t believe your transformation. Make sure to take daily pictures so you can see
your physical before/after transformation. Make sure to record how much $$$s you have
in your bank account so you can see your financial before/after transformation. Make
sure to document your mental state so you can see your emotional before/after
transformation. Something tells me you’re going to be absolutely shocked at what you
see! If you follow and complete this plan for 6 months, send me an email! You’re the
type of person I want in my circle.
How To Build The #1 Skill In Life (It’s Not Sales… It’s Not FB Ads…
It’s Not Self Discipline Or Anything Like That, But It’s The Foundation
To Literally Everything)
There’s one skill you need to cultivate if you want to make BIG shit happen. Otherwise
you’ll sleepwalk through life, miss out on living life to the fullest and let fear and doubt
color every day of your life.
What’s the skill? Awareness. Nobody but yogis and gurus and spiritual folks talk about
it. But it’s fucking crucial in business. Awareness, in a nutshell, allows you to see
yourself from an objective point of view. Instead of judging yourself, you’re simply
perceiving. And living in the here and now. This in return allows you to be fully present.
When you’re fully present, time slows down. It ceases to exist. Your heart rate drops.
Anxiety fades. And fear. Leaving you free to create. And build. And take advantage of
opportunities, maximizing each and every moment as if you were a video game
character and you were controlling and guiding yourself with a remote control - getting
yourself to do what needs to be done regardless of how you feel. This is the power of
But how exactly do you build this CRUCIAL skill? How exactly do you build awareness
and start running your character instead of having your character run you? Ready for
the answer?
You build awareness by talking to yourself (like a crazy person!).
Let me explain...
Right now you’re reading this. Sitting or standing. Reading the digital or physical
version. But you’re not very aware. You’re lost in thought. Your posture is shit. You got
a mind full of problems. And a heart full of questions. All distracting you as external life
pulls for your attention, moment by moment.
Break this pattern. Start talking to yourself.
About what? Start talking to yourself about what you’re doing. Imagine you were a
research scientist who was tasked with the job of describing your every moment,
objectively. In other words, narrate inside your head what you’re doing right now as if
you were a 3rd person watching you. If I was doing it here’s what I would say: Tej is
sitting with his back to the wall inside his office, the sun is creeping through the glass
windows, he has his feet up on his desk, is leaning back, and pushing the keyboards,
one after another while his shoulders are pulled backwards and his spine is straight.
Narrate all the details. Tiniest to the biggest.
Do this as much as you can throughout the day.
Make it a habit to talk to yourself (silently!) about what you’re doing and thinking and
feeling - from an objective point of view. Examples: “Tej is standing in line at Chipotle,
looking at what to order.” “Tej is going over his sales script and feeling fear and
uncertainty with a touch of calmness” “Tej is woken up by his alarm clock. It’s 5:00 AM.
It’s dark outside. He feels tired and comfortable. The thoughts inside his brain tell him to
stay in bed. What will Tej do?”
If you do this (consistently) something interesting starts to happen. You slowly, but
surely start to detach yourself from the emotions and feelings you experience. Instead,
you start looking at your yourself and what you’re doing objectively with awareness.
This awareness, in return, allows you to see destructive patterns and habits (for
example so many times as I’m describing myself from a 3rd person’s point of view - I
realize my posture is shit and I immediately correct course), take action on what scares
you (by narrating your fears from an objective point of view - you’re able to detach
yourself from your emotions and take action anyway), keep your foot on the gas pedal,
and live life to the fullest (enjoying every moment!).
So I suggest you start talking to yourself and building your awareness if you want to
experience the same. Because if you do this for long enough, you start getting the
feeling that you really are a video game character and you can control yourself. You can
escape from the drudgery of negative emotions and you can guide your character in
whichever way you want. To do x or y. Suddenly taking on more risks and making BIG
shit happen doesn’t seem so hard. It seems like a thrill. A new experience your
character gets to enjoy. And it is. All this (and more) is possible once you build your
awareness and start viewing yourself from outside yourself (with a healthy dose of
detachment!). So give it a go. Right now. And start narrating the events of your life inside your head from a 3rd person’s point of view. You’ll start living in the present, get
outside your head, and build the #1 skill required to CRUSH it in life: awareness.
Free Tools & Resources: Spreadsheets, Apps & Plugins I Use In My
Daily Life
Alright we’re reaching the end of this month’s letter (hope you’ve enjoyed it!). Before I
sign off, I want to include a quick section outlining the spreadsheets, apps and plugins I
use in my daily life. These resources have helped boost my productivity, get strategic,
track my daily metrics, and optimize my life.
So if you want to experience these same benefits, I suggest you implement these
resources into your daily life (most are free!).
Side note: If you’re reading the physical version of this letter, check your email for the
digital so you can access these links.
1) Sam Ovens War Map Calendar - I started using this January 1st. Basically it allows
you to plot out your entire year, see it with one glance, and then switch tabs and see
each month (where you can plot your daily tasks & monthly targets). Sam has an indepth video on YouTube walking you through the War Map Calendar - I recommend
checking that out. But the way I have mine set up is quite simple. I have all my yearly
goals written down on the side. Then I have deadlines for each goal plotted out by
quarter. Then I have all my other commitments jotted down on the main calendar
(travel, deadlines for TDL letter, whatever). Then I have 3 monthly goals under each
month (that are in alignment with my quarterly and yearly goals). Then each
night/morning, I write down 3 “growth” tasks a day that will allow me to hit my monthly
goals/quarterly goals/yearly goals (everything is in sync). I like this calendar because it
lets me see my entire year with one glance while also allowing me to switch from the big
picture view to the day-to-day picture. So I recommend checking it out!
2) Sam Ovens Health Tracking Sheet - This has been a game changer. Basically it’s a
spreadsheet that allows you to track everything from work to health to personal
development to fitness to spirituality. Every day you put in your stats. At the end of the
month, you get monthly averages. You then take those monthly averages and put them
on the main dashboard for the year. What this does it quantifies every area of your life so you know exactly where your health is at, where your fitness is at, where your
spirituality is at, where your work life is at. Hugely powerful. Nobody knows with this
much certainty how good (or bad) their life is, so I fucking love this shit. I fill it out daily
and keep tabs on my metrics, always striving to improve. A few of the things you track
are: what time you sleep, what time you wake up, how many hours you sleep, your
heart rate, your sleep score, what time you start work, what time you end work, hours
worked, your output percentage, your focus levels, if you worked out, if you meditated, if
you ate a clean diet, if you took supplements, if you read, if you planned out the next
day (and a lot more). Again, Sam has an in-depth view going through this as well so just
YouTube or Google ‘Sam Ovens - Health Tracking Sheet’ and you’ll find it.
3) Oura Ring - You may open up the health tracking sheet and think, “Where the fuck
do you get all this information under the health section from?” You get it from your Oura
Ring. Now this ring is a little expensive ($299 USD), but it’s worth every $1 in my
opinion. I copped it earlier this year and it tracks your sleep, what time you fell asleep,
how long you spent in the various sleep stages (light, deep, REM), your heart rate, heart
rate variability, your readiness score, your sleep score, and even your activity. You then
take all this data and put it inside your Health Tracking Sheet!
4) F.lux - This is a plugin I downloaded on my laptop after copping the Oura Ring and
realizing even though I’m in bed for 7-8 hours, I’m only sleeping 6 of those hours. What
the fuck is going on? And more importantly, how can I start to optimize my sleep? One
of the changes I made was downloading F.lux. It’s a plugin that changes the light on
your laptop screen so you’re not being hit with blue light right before bed (which is a big
5) Forest - This is another cool app I use. It costs like $2 bucks or something, but it’s
very handy. The way it works is simple. You set a timer for how long you want to focus,
you pick a tree you want to grow, and then hit start. If you close the app and use your
phone to get distracted, your tree will die. Objective of the “game” is to stay focused for
the time you selected and get your shit done. Once you focus for your specified time,
you get coins/points. Once you get a certain number, you can trade these coins/points
in and the people behind the app will plant a real tree in real life (very cool!). It’s a great
way to gamify your focus while also bettering the world, so check it out.
6) Way of Life - Simple habit tracking app. Some of the habits I track: 1 gallon of water,
meditation, walks in nature, visualization, lifting, eating clean.
Well that’s it for this issue, my friend! Lot of ground we covered, hope you enjoyed every
word and put into action what you learned. I’ll see you next month!
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
May 2019
I got a lot of heat in store for you today, so let’s skip the small talk and jump straight into
the good stuff.
How To Build A 6-Figure Online Business From Scratch (3 Different
Business Models & Skills Required Explained)
“I want to build an online business that frees me from the world of water cooler
conversations and endless commutes - how do I start?”
I get this question every week. And it’s a good question. A question I asked myself
when I jumped into the game. Because the reality is, you know people are making
money online. But how the fuck are they making it? The how is often lacking or not fully
understood by most beginners, so they think it’s not possible. It is possible. And today
I’m going to show you how to build a 6-figure business from scratch. How am I going to
do this? By not feeding you “hacks” or “secrets” or “blueprints” but by introducing you to
3 proven business models that literally anyone with ambition (and consistent work ethic)
can use to build a 6 figure business - given you learn the required skills and take the
right actions. I’ll explain everything you need to do in this section, so you’ll have the
knowledge you need to get up and running right away. So let’s get into it.
Business Model #1: Freelance/Agency
This is the easiest business to start IMO and the most sustainable/low risk. The way it
works is simple. You learn an in-demand skill. And sell it to clients. You start off as a
freelancer. Working with clients 1-on-1. And doing all the work. But as you get more
clients, you expand. And hire other people to deliver the service for you. Before you
know it, you’re the owner of a web-design agency or a PPC agency or an IG growth
agency or whatever. And it runs mostly without you. All you have to do is get clients (or
you can hire a sales team, but I would advise against that in the early days) and make
sure the machine is generating the results you are promising clients. That’s all. It’s one
of the most basic business models that literally anybody can use to build a 6-figure
business relatively fast - given you can deliver the desired results for clients. This is how
I personally got my start. And I love this model for a few reasons: 1) you don’t have to
put up any money 2) money is sustainable (you don’t start from $0 every month - you
have clients on retainer) 3) you are forced to become a killer at sales (you quickly learn
the best service provider doesn’t win - the person who is the best at selling their service
wins) 4) you learn how to actually run a business (unlike other models that are mostly
just marketing/sales centric - with an agency you’re forced to learn and master
operations, systems, hiring, firing, management, biz dev, and a bunch of other things) 5)
you get an MBA in online biz - you’ll be working with a bunch of different clients and get
a first hand feel for exactly what’s working and what isn’t on the frontlines. This
education is priceless. 6) high profit margins - 70-90%.
Skills Required: In the early days, you only need two skills to get your freelance career
and/or agency off the ground: 1) an in-demand high ROI skill 2) sales skills. That’s all. If
you have a high ROI skill and know how to sell, you can take yourself to $10k/month in
about 3-6 months’ time. It’s crazy how simple it is. What are examples of high ROI
skills? Direct response copywriting, media buying, web-design, SEO, growing social
media accounts, building high converting landing pages, funnel building, email
marketing, etc. How should you learn your high ROI skill? Find the top 3 books about
that skill. And read each. Pull out commonalities from each book. Build your pattern
recognition abilities. Then wake up and practice your chosen skill every day. Without
fail. If it’s copywriting, assign yourself random products and write copy. Build your
copywriting muscles. How should you learn sales? Read the top 3 sales books (i.e.
Pitch Anything, Secrets of Closing The Sale, How To Win Friends & Influence People)
then view every interaction you have with another human as a “sales” interaction
(because it is). Either they’re selling you or you’re selling them. Someone is buying.
Start building your sales skills by selling the people around you on going to x movie, x
restaurant, etc. Just brainwash yourself to see every human interaction in terms of
sales. And put into action what the books tell you. This is the fastest way to get off the
ground. Then you want to create a sales script you can use to close clients (after
they’ve booked a call with you) This script will allow you to make 10x the progress in
half the time, so use it. Now the script will vary, but here’s a proven structure you see
almost everyone following these days (because it works super well): Part 1) Small talk Introduce yourself, ask where they’re from, etc. Part 2) Set the agenda - tell them how
this call will go Part 3) Gather intelligence - ask questions about their current situation
Part 4) Figure out where they want to be - ask questions about their goals and where
they want to be (in relation to your skill. Example: You said your emails are currently
converting at x% - 12 months from now - what changes do you want to see with your
email marketing?) Part 5) Help them recognize the gap that exists between where they
are and where they want to be - i.e. “what’s stopping you from going from point a to
point b on your own?” Part 6) Evaluate whether or not you can help them depending on
the intel you gathered. If so, tell them and present your offer. If not, tell them and end
the call. Part 7) They’ll ask you the price, tell them and be quiet. They’ll either say yes or
hit you with objections which you can handle (based on what you learned from the
above sales books!). And bam, deal closed. That’s all there is to it.
How To Build A 6-Figure Freelance/Agency Business:
Daily Action 1: Get really good at generating results with your skill. You want to be
practicing daily. The money is not in one-off projects or clients. The money is in repeat
business. So the first order of business is to get really good at delivering your skill. So
practice, practice, practice.
Daily Action 2: Touch people. The more people you touch, the more money you
make. Period. How do you touch people? Every cold email you send counts as one
touch. Every FB message you send counts as one touch. Every direct mail campaign
you send counts as one touch. Set a goal for touching 30-100 people per day. And
make it happen.
Daily Action 3: Convert people. Out of the 100’s of people you touch, some will bite
on your offer. Once they bite and schedule a sales call with you, your job is to jump on
the call and gather intel then close (using the script above). These are the ONLY 3
actions you need to be doing to build a 6-figure freelance business. Everything else is a
waste of time. If you do the above for 6 months straight, you won’t believe your
transformation. You’ll become a stone-cold sales assassin with a nice looking bank
account and you’ll curse yourself for not starting sooner.
Business Model #2: Affiliate Marketing w/ Paid Traffic
Everything you do you want to do with growth in mind. How is x action going to help me
x years down the line? That’s a question you need to ask yourself to make sure you’re
building towards something BIGGER (instead of just being distracted with short-term
cash arbitrage opportunities). So when it comes to affiliate marketing, the type you want
to do is the one that builds skills that’ll help you out in the long run. IMO, the best type of
affiliate marketing is not the one where you build niche sites and slang some Amazon
product or build an email list and start writing 10 tweets a day to funnel people onto your
email list so you can affiliate the same product as 100 other people. The best type of
affiliate marketing is where you sell proven offers using paid traffic. This type of affiliate
marketing is the best IMO because it teaches you: copywriting, media buying, how to
put together high converting landing pages, how to properly position a product, how to
convert COLD traffic and scale. Granted, doing affiliate marketing via paid traffic is no
walk in the park (similar to dropshipping). And it requires you to have $$$s, so there is
no shame in starting out with the other forms of affiliate marketing I just mentioned. But
affiliate marketing via paid traffic is where the BIG bucks are made.
Skills Required: Media buying, Copywriting, Data analysis, Basic HTML/CSS
knowledge, building high converting pages/funnels, tracking, competition spying, etc.
How To Build A 6-Figure Affiliate Marketing Business:
Daily Action 1: Find a proven offer. Google affiliate networks and join the top ones.
You’ll find a bunch of hot affiliate offers you can promote, alongside their payout. Pick a
few for now, but get ready to test a lot.
Daily Action 2: Google affiliate spy tools. And use these tools to find landing
pages/ads that are already promoting the hot offer. Here’s a general rule of thumb: if
someone is spending money on ads and the ads are running for a while, they are
making money. So find proven ads and landing pages for your respective offer.
Daily Action 3: Clone the proven ad and landing page. No point in starting from
scratch. Affiliate marketing w/ paid traffic is cut-throat so it’s best to start with what is
already working as opposed to what you think will work.
Daily Action 4: Take what you cloned and put a slight twist to it. Improve the angle.
Brainstorm BIG ideas. New hooks. Keep the same angle, but change the target you’re
selling to. Just simple marketing tweaks.
Daily Action 5: Focus on ONE traffic source & start driving traffic. Don’t get
bombarded by all the different traffic sources you can use. Focus on just one (in the
beginning). And set up a campaign for your affiliate promotion.
Daily Action 6: Track the results of your campaign. Are you making money? Scale.
Are you losing money? Stop and figure out what the issue is. Start with testing different
audiences. Then test different ads. Then make tweaks to your landing page.
Daily Action 7: Once you have a winning campaign, scale up. And keep scaling
until the angle/offer dies. You can hit some pretty big numbers when you find a winner
(know some guys making six figures daily), but affiliate marketing w/ paid traffic requires
a lot of TESTING and you need money to get started with this model. How much
money? $5k minimum I would say. If you can’t afford to lose $5k, don’t bother with
affiliate marketing (or ecom) - you’ll get eaten alive. Instead, go down the
freelancing/agency route to build your warchest of capital (or get a job and make money
in the offline world first).
Note: The daily actions you take to build an AM biz are very similar to the actions you
would take if you were operating a dropshipping store (it’s all just marketing/paid traffic)
- but I prefer affiliate marketing over dropshipping because you don’t have to deal with
all the BS backend issues that come along with dropshipping (i.e. pissed off customers,
not receiving orders, refunds, etc.)
Business Model #3: Info-Publishing
People want results. Different people want different results. A 21-year-old male wants to
get laid. A middle aged man wants to learn how to plan for retirement. You get the point.
When it comes to info-publishing, the biz model is simple. You find a group of people
who want the results you have already achieved. Then you get in front of them and
share your TRUE story. “Hey I was just like you, I used to struggle with x, y, z issues
and thought I would never be able to achieve x result. But then, y happened and I went
down the rabbit hole. Learning everything and anything and testing and tweaking. And
after x years of non stop action, I achieved x, y, z results. If you want to cut years off
your learning curve and achieve similar results (if not better), I’ve put together this x
week online workshop which walks you through a proven system anyone can follow to
achieve x, y, z results.” If you’re sincere, legit, honest - you can make a killing with this
model and help out a lot of people in the process.
Skills Required: Integrity, storytelling, copywriting, ability to create high quality content
that allows your target to see the future version of themselves in YOU (people don’t
follow people. People follow who they want to be like. By creating unique content that
positions you as someone your target market wants to be like - you will rack up
followers with ease).
How To Build A 6-Figure Info-Publishing Business:
Daily Action 1: Find your expertise. What have you achieved that others want to
achieve? What comes easy to you that comes hard to others? Figure it out. If you can’t
think of anything, don’t go down this biz model. It’s unethical.
Daily Action 2: Find out where the people who want the results you’ve already
achieved hang out. For me, it was Twitter. I had put about 7 years of work into
copywriting and achieved quite a few results that other people wanted, so I got in front
of my target audience via Twitter and started sharing/easily building a following.
Daily Action 3: Put out value. Every day you want to put out high quality content that
allows your target to see the future version of themselves in you. Focus on going above
and beyond. Providing real value. Take your best shit and give it away for free to build
an email list. Then send emails full of heat (not sales pitches). Get people hooked on
your crack. And wanting more. Then when people start asking you for more, create and
sell an info-product (i.e. course, online boot camp, book, etc.) - make sure it’s laced with
cocaine! Don’t just create BS to make $. Stupid. Treat your list like family (all money is
in repeat business).
Daily Action 4: Expand to different products/distribution channels. Create different
products at different price points, get into speaking (if you want) and expand to different
distribution channels. If you started off on Twitter, go build a second base on IG. Rinse
and repeat. Do the above and continue putting out high quality content that actually
helps people. And funnel the people who want more towards your paid products and it’s
very hard not to crack into the 6-7 figure club. This is how Tai Lopez, Russell Brunson,
Tim Ferriss, Frank Kern, Eben Pagan, Sam Ovens pretty much all built up their
businesses/bank accounts in the early days.
So with that said, which biz model should you choose? 9/10 newbies should go down
the freelance/agency model. A few hustlers with money to play with should go down
affiliate marketing/ecom. And people who have life experience and some success under
their belts should go down the info-publishing route. Sure you can do other things than
the above 3 things online (SAAS products, tech companies, etc.), but I’ve found the
above three routes to be proven models that work if you work (I always recommend
starting cash flow businesses such as the above 3 models before you start
experimenting w/ other biz models).
That’s it for this section, let’s move on.
How To Brainwash Yourself For Success (Weird Things I Do Daily To
Make Massive Success Inevitable)
Inputs = Outputs. If you want to achieve massive success (output), you have to
brainwash yourself with the necessary inputs to make that happen (and ignore
everything else). Most people want massive success, but their inputs are trash. They
have limiting beliefs, shitty work ethic and negative reactions. You get out what you put
in. With that said, I do quite a few things on a daily basis to ensure my inputs are
aligned with the outputs I want to produce. And more importantly, I don’t do a lot of
things that are in direct violation of the outputs I want to produce (this is just as
important, if not MORE important).
Here are the weird things I do on a daily basis.
1) Align My Senses With The Outputs I Want To Produce - I keep a folder with me
everything I go. It doesn’t have a name, but I call it the “Tej Dosa - The Character”
Folder. Inside this folder, you’ll find my personal values, vision, mission, goals,
manifesto for life, standards, ideal traits and a lot more, including: how the ideal version
of myself dresses, talks, behaves, and the impact he has on the people around him.
I review this folder 3 times a day. First thing in the morning, after lunch, before bed. By
exposing my senses to this folder 3x a day - I align my Reticular Activation System with
the strongest vision I’ve ever had for myself/character. This in return keeps my energy
high and my being in an empowered state (can’t tell you how important this is).
But that’s just the beginning. If I just expose my senses to the outcomes I want to
produce, but let anything and everything penetrate my mind then I’m going to be fucked
(and there’s no point in making the folder). So just as importantly (if not more), I pay
careful attention to what I let penetrate my mind. Zero toxic media, arguing, negativity,
pessimistic people, complaining, none of that bullshit. Over the last 12 months, I’ve
even cut out rap music and have noticed a huge change in my psyche (I still listen to
ratchet ass music when I’m partying of course - but there’s a time and a place for
By doing the above, I program my senses to eat, breathe, sleep massive success.
Nothing else gets in my mind. And I live in this zone. Every day. And when it’s time to
work and take action, I act from a position of power (not a place of defeat). This, in
return, makes all the difference.
Action Items: Create a similar folder, plus create an empowering diet. My definition of
diet is everything you consume. From the books you read, the movies you watch, the
people you surround yourself with, the food you eat, etc. Align your diet with the
outcomes you want to produce and live in that world.
But that alone is not enough. So I also do two more things...
2) Align My Reactions With The Outputs I Want To Produce - Positive thinking is
overrated. Most self help gurus say: Think positive, change your life. There’s some truth
to that. But they’re missing the point. Positive thinking is hard. Because thoughts
happen automatically. If life throws me a curveball, I’ll automatically be hit with a flood of
negative thoughts. So I don’t trip too much about positive thinking. What I trip about is
the reactions I have to my thoughts and the events that occur in my life. If something
goes wrong, I choose my reaction by asking myself: “How would the strongest version
of myself react to x situation?” Then I choose that reaction. By simply choosing the best
reaction regardless of what occurs in life - I’m able to keep aligned with who I want to be
and the outcomes I want to produce. Even if you get in the habit of doing this just 5% of
the time, your entire life will change.
3) Align My Daily Actions With The Outputs I Want To Produce - Most people don’t
achieve massive success because they fill their day with shit that doesn’t matter. It’s a
huge waste of time. Whatever you want to produce, you want to pinpoint the 1-2 daily
actions (inputs) that’ll allow you to make that happen. Then you need to cut out or
delegate everything else. Spend a week keeping track of how you spend your time. And
automate, delegate or delete all the unnecessary activities. From business activities to
personal activities.
Here’s a few things you can automate: Bill payments, haircut appointments, use
Amazon subscriptions to deliver the products you need every month so you don’t have
to worry about that shit, your outfits for the week.
Here’s a few things you can delegate: buying groceries, running errands, yard work,
cooking food, cleaning, laundry, all urgent but unimportant tasks, almost every task that
doesn’t fall under sales/marketing/strategy.
Here’s a few things you can delete: any and all tasks that don’t move you closer to your
goals and/or fill your life with more joy. Delete that shit.
Once you do the above, all you’re left with is a bubble of success, plus a fuck ton of time
that you can invest towards taking the 1-2 daily actions that will create massive success
in your life. This is what I call “living in the zone.” I don’t believe in “being in the zone” - I
believe in “living in the zone”. If you cut out all the bullshit and take control of your
mental space and reactions, then it’s easy to get from Point A (where you are) to Point
B (where you want to be). People just overcomplicate it. And hold themselves back. I’ve
been using this 3-step “strategy” for years now and have made almost whatever I
wanted to happen come to life in due time (still grinding away on a few outcomes).
Other Daily Habits:
Before I start working for the day, I spend a few minutes writing out my
goals/targets as if I already achieved them (in the past tense).
10 minute visualization session in the morning
While I sleep, I have an audio recording that plays on loop. This audio
recording of my voice includes a bunch of affirmations, intentions, and things
of that nature. I play it on loop. And it programs me every night. Last thing I
hear before I sleep, first thing I hear when I wake up. You may think this is BS
and you might be right. I don’t know if it’s placebo or whatnot, but life just
keeps getting better and better ever since I’ve implemented this. I notice
myself behaving in different ways, taking actions in alignment with the
strongest version of myself, and making bigger shit happen. I highly
recommend this (I got this from Sam Ovens).
7 Secrets I Learned Rubbing Shoulders With The Wealthy (That You’ll
Never Learn From Twitter)
I’ve been spending more time w/ the wealthy, less time online. And I’ve seen major
differences between how the wealthy play the game of business. And how your favorite
guru approaches business. These insights are worth noting because a lot of people
online get led astray. By following people a few steps ahead of you, you’re more likely to
learn the wrong shit. By following men and women who’ve made major dents and
created immense wealth over a lifetime, you’re more likely to be steered in the right
direction. With that said, here are the 7 secrets I learned rubbing shoulders with the
wealthy (that you’ll never learn from online gurus).
1. When You’re 18-25 The BEST Thing You Can Do Is A) Get VAST Experiences B)
Set Up The Right Habits, The Right Mental Paradigm, The Right Actions That’ll
Set The Foundation For Your Long-Term Success.
A lot of young entrepreneurs online are gassed. Instead of taking a long-term approach
to business and focusing on becoming a person of value, they are looking for shortcuts.
And even engaged in shady business models that encourage you to fuck over people to
make a quick buck. This will only harm you in the long run. You’re programming yourself
to look for shortcuts, programming yourself with the wrong habits. And beliefs. And
mental paradigms. It may make you money in the short-term, but fuck you nicely in the
long-run (I’ve seen it over and over again). Avoid this fate. Focus on collecting
experience. Focus on building your value. Focus on building your skills. Focus on
building a rock solid foundation that will serve you for the rest of your business life. Most
wealthy folks were focused on putting in reps and building mastery at their chosen fields
from 18-25 - not focused on short term gains. Compound gains is where it’s at. If all you
do is chase short term riches, your bad habits will compound w/ time and screw you
over in the long run.
2. Fastest Way To Get Rich = Build Trust & Broker Win/Win Deals.
Here’s one of my proven strategies for blowing up a biz: Make a list of the BIG
businesses in my market whose customers can benefit from our client’s product. Hit em
up and broker deals. Usually a click exchange (you send xxx clicks to my landing page I’ll send xxx clicks to your landing page at a later date). They promote you. You promote
them. And you introduce your biz to a bunch of new customers and vice versa.
Everybody wins. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Deal making is all about: “What do
I have that others want and what do others have that I want?” Once I figure this out, I
reach out to the players in the market and broker deals. If I want access to a list of 100k,
I’ll give them something in return. If I want access to infrastructure, I’ll give them
something in return. For example: I’ve helped blow up a few SAAS businesses by
brokering deals with large companies who have access to a ton of traffic. In exchange
for access to their traffic sources, we’ve given away our software to these companies to
be used at the enterprise level for free. This simple action, in return, has allowed us to
go from basically nothing to building up huge email lists and generate HUGE wins for
clients ($50k days). This is how the wealthy do biz in the offline world as well. When you
need something, you don’t invest your time to “build” it . You barter and trade value to
get what you want. This is the fastest way to turn nothing into something. But the thing
is, this system lives and dies on trust. If someone is promoting you in exchange for
something, they are putting their reputation on the line. And will only agree if you are
credible and legit (regardless of how good your offer is). This is why the only thing I ever
want from people is trust. Read my old emails. Read my old blog posts. I made it clear
from the jump. I don’t want short term money. I want long term trust. Long term trust =
where all the $$$s are at. Trust and believe that.
Similarly, this is how the wealthy approach the game as well. The smartest
businessmen I know value trust above all else. And that’s what they build. Within their
network, within their customers, within their suppliers. Trust is the name of the game.
One guy I know has built a fortune in the real estate development space and built trust
with hundreds of people. Now he’s starting an investment fund and can raise a fuck ton
of money, practically overnight because of all the trust he’s built throughout the years.
Focus on building trust with key players. You’ll get rich by default. In the online world,
you see a lot of people approach biz from the viewpoints of “How can I sell this person
and make money right now?” instead of “How can I build trust with this person for a
lifetime?” Costly long-term mistake.
3. The Businesses You Need To Be Building Take Immense Time, Energy,
Resources, Money And Strategy Upfront To Get Off The Ground (You Won’t Find
Any Step-By-Step Guides Or Youtube Videos For These Businesses)
But once they’re off the ground, they generate BIG $$$s for years to come. The easier a
business is to start, the lower the barriers to entry. And the less sustainable it is. You
want to build hard businesses because they have less competition. And more room for
growth. When you’re a beginner, you obviously shouldn’t focus on this (focus on the 3
business models I listed earlier). But what’s funny is the intermediate guys. Some of
these guys are making great money, but they’re still stuck in low barriers to entry
business models. Sure the money is good right now. But will it still be good at 40?
Probably not. Easy come. Easy go. This is why I’ve started to take my $$$ from cash
flow businesses and put it into capital intensive businesses (that have much higher
barriers to entry - more on that later).
4. Downtime Is Crucial, Use Your Mind To See Patterns In The World.
Online gurus make you feel bad for not grinding 27 hours a day (no typo). They’re
always telling you to stay in on the weekends. And grind, grind, grind. Sure you have to
do that, but downtime is just as important. One super wealthy guy I know spends his
downtime travelling. And recognizing patterns. He’ll find an idea that is working really
well in one market/country, then go back home and apply it and make millions. That’s
just one extreme example. But even just ordinary downtime like going out and hanging
with new people is just as important because it sparks your creative juices and allows
you to see patterns in the world (Note: If you’re not spending time with targets inside
markets and recognizing patterns, you will always be out of the loop!).
5. A Sustainable Competitive Advantage Is EVERYTHING.
Hardly anybody online focuses on building a sustainable competitive advantage. People
just copy other people (angles, copy, etc. are easily cloneable). Jump from one trend to
another. This is okay if you’re young and just want to get your foot in the money making
door. But you have to start thinking long term. Do you still want to be jumping from trend
to trend when you’re in your 40s? I don’t. I want to build businesses that have a wall
around them. An indestructible wall that’s tough to knock down. The richest people I
know have built businesses that are very tough to compete with. Whether it’s based on
proprietary knowledge, access to a vast network, or capital intensive - you have to start
thinking in terms of building sustainable competitive advantages. If your business can
be destroyed by someone else finding it, it’s not a business. It’s a short term money
6. Doers Don’t Get Rich. The Person Who Puts Batteries Inside A Doer And Winds
Them Up Gets Rich.
The wealthiest guys I know didn’t get wealthy working 12-16 hours a day (they are not
specialists). They got wealthy by leveraging other smart people who were working 1216 hour days.
7. The World Runs On Favors.
The rich operate on favors. Some Godfather shit. Always focused on providing value.
And doing for others. Building their favor account. One guy I know has used his network
to get so many local politicians elected that whenever he needs something in return they are very quick to deliver. This is his unfair advantage. And it has generated him
millions. You may not think this is fair, but it’s life. Favors are an underrated form of
currency. What can you do for me? Oh you did it? Thank you. Now I owe you one in the
future. That IOU is priceless.
These are just some of the things you need to start thinking about. Nobody focuses on
these, they just sell you short term cures. But you need to open your eyes. And start
connecting the dots for yourself. (Note: 9/10 the moves you need to be making will be
the moves that go against what everyone else is doing. Not just the masses, but what
your favorite gurus are preaching to.)
Systems & Processes For Staying On Course And Crushing Life
1) Open The Reminders App On Your iPhone. Set a reminder called “Am I Using My
Time Wisely?” Make it repeat 3 times a day. In the AM. Afternoon. PM. This will keep
you in check and allow you to make adjustments DURING your days (as opposed to at
the end of your days - when it’s too late).
2) Use The Number 3 To Run Your Life. 3 yearly objectives. 3 quarterly objectives. 3
monthly objectives. 3 weekly objectives. 3 daily objectives. It’s a simple system
designed to make sure you’re prioritizing the right things (if you can only choose 3
goals, you’re forced to focus on what truly matters)
3) Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly Reviews (Plus Planning!). If you’re not doing this,
you’re missing out on so much growth (and $$$s) - you don’t even know it. My Daily
Reviews (everyday at 9pm) usually go something like this: I open up a note inside my
Evernote Notebook titled “Reviews” and write the answers to these questions: 1) Did I
achieve my 3 outcomes for today? 2) What went right? 3) What went wrong? 4) What
was the least valuable thing I did today? Then I end my review with a planning session.
This planning session is simple. I look through my Calendar and upcoming projects as
well as the yearly/quarterly/monthly objectives and assign myself anywhere from 1-3
outcomes for the next day. Then I estimate how long it will take to produce each
outcome. Then go into my Calendar for the next day and schedule out chunks of time
for my 3 outcomes. Next morning, I wake up and let my calendar run my life. Then at
night time, review. And repeat.
If you just incorporate the above 3 procedures into your life, it’s hard NOT to stay on
track. It’s hard NOT to make consistent progress. It’s HARD not to make your ambitions
come to life. Try it?
Changes I’m Personally Making For Long Term Growth
Quite a few, but the main ones include:
Entering offline businesses with high barriers to entry - Numero uno.
Currently have an opportunity to kick start a local dumb down version of what
is basically a hedge fund, plus make a pretty big local move in regards to a
new real estate development project (a game changer that has the potential
to shake up the local market). Not using my money in this case, but the goal
is to leverage more online profits and funnel them into more traditional
businesses with high barriers to entry.
People > - I’m focused on people more than ever before. This has been a
general theme throughout this letter. And I’ve realized people make or break
everything. Want to blow up a new business quickly? Set the vision, then pay
smart people to execute it for you. Want to live a fulfilling life? Focus on
people. Depth, not width. All throughout childhood and early adolescence I
was very introverted and shy. But over time, I’ve realized the entire game is
won or lost on people. Now I’m focused on building as many high value
connections as possible. And creating win/win relationships with everyone I
encounter. One way I’m implementing this is through more dinners with new
people. Every week host a dinner. Invite new people. Eat together. Make
connections. Drink together. And potentially do biz together or just build the
relationship. I’m doing more of this. And I’m also going to start catching a lot
more flights to meet people who don’t live in the city. If I’m ever in your city, I’ll
send an email. If you’re free, let’s link up.
Giving back and putting more people on - It’s not enough to be the only
one at the top of the mountain. Everybody that deserves to eat, shall eat.
Zero entitlement. Only merit.
Other smaller changes include: (1) Strict start times. Strict end times - Long
term goal is to keep stress low. Efficiency/effectiveness high. One way I’m
implementing this is by using strict start and end times for work. This is crucial
for entrepreneurs IMO because otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy. And
burnout sooner or later. (2) Plotting my days in 15-30 minute increments Every 15-30 minutes are tracked and scheduled in advance. By controlling
your calendar, you ultimately learn to control your life. Stop letting others set
your calendar for you. Set your own and fill it with work, love, adventure, thrills
and experiences that rob you off breaths, but give you back so much in return
in the way of memories (I personally don’t like Google Calendar, I use
That’s it for this issue. There was a lot of ground covered. And I exceeded the page
limit, but that’s okay. Sometimes you gotta go above and beyond. Hope you enjoyed!
See you next month :-)
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
JUNE 2019
The theme for the first part of this letter is rebirth (before we jump into the biz related
stuff). Rebirthing what? Everything that counts. From your energy to your curiosity to
your child-like nature to your grandiose dreams. Remember when you were a child and
you would scheme big dreams, pursue your curiosities, and engage in adventure and
fun? Where has that person gone? If you’re like most, he’s probably buried in the midst
of stress, chaos and responsibility. In the first part of this letter, I’m going to help you dig
him (or her) out and bring him back to life.
Why should you rebirth your inner child? I find taking responsibility for everything in your
life, plus executing against your goals with a childlike perspective of awe and flow is one
of the fastest and most fun ways to bring whatever you desire to life. Combining the
pros of adulthood + the pros of childhood is crucial. Most people get older but they
never grow up. Other people grow up, but lose touch of their inner child.
We’ll avoid making both mistakes in this letter. So without further adieu, let us begin.
The 7-Day Detox: How To Free Yourself From The Invisible Jail You’ve
Housed Yourself In & Rebirth Your Inner Child
Once a year, I free myself from the invisible jail I’ve housed myself in. And get born
anew, a rebirth if you will. This is one of the most important things I do every year
because we’re all trapped inside an invisible jail. This jail keeps us locked and chained.
Confined and trapped to a life of external validation, limitations, and unnecessary
suffering. Funny thing is we can’t see the jail until we’ve escaped and left it in our rear
view. Crazy thing is most people never leave their jail cell.
They may view themselves to be free in mind, spirit, and body, but they are still caged
and controlled. If you’re still experiencing the same problems in your life as you were
last year, chances are you are in jail. And this jail is keeping you from breaking free. As
you grow, the problems you face in life should change. Problems are a fact of life. You
never stop dealing with problems, just the quality of your problems change. Bad
problems to good problems.
So how can you escape your jail cell? The jail cell that you’ve grown so accustomed to
that it’s starting to look and feel like the only home you’ve ever known? By doing a fullout detox. Detoxing your mind, your environment and who you think you are. All of it.
It could be a 24-hour detox, 7-day detox, 14-day detox. Whatever. The longer the better
(to an extent), but I understand not everyone has the luxury of dropping everything and
detoxing their life. So any amount of time is good - as long as you do it. Got it? Cool.
Here is what my yearly detox entails.
Step 1) Complete any short-term obligations
You want to start your detox with a clear mind. For me, this means I need to get done all
tasks that have deadlines attached to them. Whether it’s self-imposed deadlines or
deadlines for clients, I always complete all urgent work before I begin my detox. This
way I won’t be distracted. Instead, I can let go of my “normal life” responsibilities and
keep my mind away from worry and stress (this is crucial!).
Step 2) Grab a flight to somewhere naturey where no one knows you. If flying is
out of the question, I recommend booking an AirBnb in your city ALONE.
Purpose is to get away from your day-to-day environment, escape the day-to-day chaos
that rings wild in your life. Not permanently of course. Our goal here isn’t to become
some crazy monk or anything like that. Our purpose is to live in reality, but make it a
reality we love to live in. That’s why the first thing we must detox is our immediate
environment. Environments are powerful as they control and influence your behavior.
Over time, your brain develops patterns and reacts automatically based on who you are
around and where you are. For example, how you behave at home and how you
behave at work is very different. Environment influences a lot of unconscious behaviors,
so to escape jail, you first have to escape your familiar environment. For how long? A
weekend at the bare minimum (if you work a 9-to-5 or have pressing responsibilities at
home). But 7 days is ideal.
Step 3) Follow the rules below for the first 2-3 days.
Avoid all technology.
Avoid entirely or limit your contact with the outside world.
No work.
Keep a journal with you.
Set no structure for your day. No schedule. No rules.
Live in silence. Limit talking as much as you can (the more silent you are, the
Get rid of the clock. Stop running your life by it.
Do nothing.
For the first 2-3 days, simply be. Wake up when you want. Do what you want, as long
as it is a natural activity (no technology). See where your intuition takes you. For most of
us, we can’t remember the last time we woke up with a blank day. With a day that we
could paint in whichever way we please. With no errands to do. No shows to watch. No
ads to run. Nothing. This exercise alone teaches you a lot. It’s tough at first. You
struggle. Wince in pain. Doubt yourself. But as you push through this initial resistance,
you fall in love with the silence. You activate another part of your being. Once it comes
alive, you feel at home. I don’t know how else to describe it (as wacky as that may
sound). Once you’ve done the above for a few days, you’ll be alive with a renewed
energy for life. All the things you used to ignore, all the things you used to not
appreciate will enter your mental with full power. And you’ll feel a special type of energy
you haven’t felt in quite some time. The energy of youth, the energy that once made you
dream with open eyes, the energy that once told you the world is yours to shape in
whichever way you please. You’ll know when you feel it. Because it’s very hard to
(I find this type of energy always comes when you slow down time, retreat back into
nature, and spend your time doing simple things. Walking. Hiking. Being alone. Reading
outdoors. Playing. Whatever.)
This is why I always start my detox with a period of silence, a period of aloneness, cut
off from the rest of the world. With no work and no obligations. I feel like a kid again,
free at least temporarily from the responsibilities of adulthood. Free to play and bend the
day before me in whichever way I please. Once I’m done “playing” I proceed to the next
Step 4) Take out your journal and answer the following questions:
After I’ve spent a few days in a natural state of play and wonder, I find myself itching.
Itching to create something BIG. Itching to do. Itching to have a real impact. Itching to
produce. Life seems so simple. And all the problems and worries I was once dealing
with seem so small all of a sudden. Once I reach this state is when the real work begins.
I take out my journal and answer the following questions (feel free to come up with
questions of your own):
How happy am I?
What is going right in my life?
What is going wrong?
What memories did I collect from the last x months of my life? What do I
It’s easy to fall victim to busy work, but when I look back at the last x months what did I actually get done?
Am I living for myself or someone else?
How have I grown? How have I stagnated?
How do I feel on any given day when I wake up in the morning?
Rate the main areas of your life (out of 10):
o Health; Mental/Emotional; Love; Family; Friends; Mission; Experiences;
Spirit; Finances; Learning
What would I do if failure wasn’t an option?
How would I act if I truly didn’t care about the opinions of others?
If you told your 5-year-old self this would be your life - would he or she be proud?
Why or why not?
How can you make your 5-year-old self proud?
What did you enjoy doing in the past that you stopped doing?
How can you add more adventure into your day-to-day life?
What’s one decision that once made would make your life easier or better?
Answering the questions above after you’ve induced a child-like state of play, wonder
and awe will grant you a level of clarity you’ve never known before. You’ll be able to
look at your life with open eyes. See it for what it is. See how you’ve been living it up till
this point. See how others have been influencing you. See how you’ve been sabotaging
yourself. See your mistakes for what they are. See your potential for how limitless it truly
is. You’ll see it all.
And will be floored with emotion. Once you’ve felt this emotion (it could be joy, gratitude,
tears etc.), then you’ll have seen your jail for what it truly was. Awareness, check. Now
it’s time to get out of the jail cell.
Step 5) Create a list of changes you can implement once you get back home.
This is why you escaped the real world in the first place. The purpose wasn’t to go
away, feel great for a few days, then return back to a state of stress, playing small,
anxiety and fear. Fuck that with a capital F. The purpose of the yearly detox is to gain a
greater awareness of how you’ve been playing yourself and more importantly:
What changes can you make to create a stronger character? What can you get rid of?
What can you add to your life? What small things, that if done, will fill you with more
happiness and joy?
Answer these questions and come up with 1-3 changes you can make. They could be
massive changes or minor changes. Doesn’t matter. But something definitely needs to
change in order for you to escape your self-imposed jail cell.
Personal Story: On one of my yearly detoxes, I remember sitting in Petco Park
watching the San Diego Chargers play the Giants. It was hot. I was sitting under the
sun, getting burnt. But I was enjoying my period of detox. I was in reflection mode. And
while I was sitting there, I knew what had to be done once I returned home. I had to
return home and fire all my clients. Why? Because instead of building a business, I had
built a high paying job for myself. And now I was at the command of my clients calls,
running a mile a minute but never getting anywhere. So I came home, fired all my
clients, income went from 6-figures to basically nothing. And I built my biz back up, the
right way. With proper systems. Proper employees. Proper structure.
All thanks to my yearly detox. If I hadn’t, I would've continued making the same
mistakes. Continued getting burnt out. Continued building other people’s business
instead of my own (what a mistake that would’ve been!) Unfortunately, I didn’t gain this
level of awareness until I escaped my immediate environment and did my yearly detox!
This is why I find it crucial to detox yourself each and every year, rebirth your inner
child, and make the necessary adjustments to ensure your life is on the right track
before it’s too late.
Try it soon? Maybe start with just a weekend spent in an AirBnb in your city alone. You
won’t believe how great it feels to disconnect, recharge, and return home with a
renewed sense of optimism. Highly recommend doing this at least once a year (I usually
do a longer detox once a year, but shorter ones at the end of every quarter).
How To Have God-Like Levels Of Productivity (Get DOUBLE The Work
Done In Half The Time… And Say Goodbye To Brain Fog, Getting
Burnt Out & Distractions)
I used to only be able to get 4 hours of deep work done in a day (not including sales
calls, miscellaneous work, etc.). But by the end of the day, I was left feeling the strain.
Mentally exhausted, couldn’t think to save my life, and just felt out of it. Yes, I got my
work done, but I always felt as if there was more locked inside me. As if I could get even
more done. And make progress twice as fast.
Turns out, I was right. There was more locked inside me and I’m willing to bet there is
more locked inside you too. These days, I can get 6-8 hours of deep work done in a day
without feeling any brain fog, mentally drained, or lethargic at the end of the day. What
changed? Lots of things. From diet to exercise and everything in between. But that’s not
the biggest change. The biggest change is I’ve merged quite a few different
“techniques” together to create a new God-Like productivity system for myself. This
system turns you into an absolute beast and dramatically increases your output. Best of
all? It’s simple. As fuck. Nothing complex. Nothing too out there. Doesn’t take up much
time, but gives you so much in return.
Here it is.
1) Download the application on your laptop called heyfocus.
2) Go into the settings and block all the websites you visit most often (for me this
includes Gmail, Twitter, YouTube).
3) Change the focus timer settings to 52 minutes and change the break settings to 17
minutes. According to an article I read, the most productive workers in the world abide
by this schedule. 52 minutes on. 17 minutes off. This is how your brain naturally works.
You can overload it for short durations, but then it requires rest. Otherwise you’ll be left
feeling the strain at the end of the day (like I was). I prefer 52 minutes of on time rather
than 20 minutes because 52 minutes is enough for me to get into flow and knock out
major tasks. With 20 minutes on and 5 minutes off (the typical Pomodoro Technique), I
feel there’s way too much starting and stopping and it fucks up my flow.
4) Pick the most important task from your list, turn on heyfocus and get cracking.
5) Once the 52 minutes expires and the 17-minute break turns on, here’s how you
should spend your breaks (this is one of the most important parts of this system as it
allows you to reenergize which helps you work for greater periods of time without
sacrificing output):
Get hydrated. Drink a fuck ton of water during your breaks.
Move your body. A simple stretch or push-ups does the trick. This is important
because once you’re sitting down for too long, your brain slips into auto-pilot
mode which diminishes your creativity and strategic thinking abilities. By getting
up and moving the body, you keep your brain engaged.
Do 5 minutes of Box Breathing or 3 rounds of the Wim Hof Method. This right
here is one of my major secrets. If you don’t know what these two things are,
simply YouTube em. By doing 5 minutes of box breathing or 3 rounds of the Wim
Hof Method during your breaks, your brain waves change from beta to
alpha/theta brain waves. This in return keeps your brain laser sharp, plus you’re
fuming with high energy.
Step outside. Breathe in fresh air. Get some sunlight.
(Note: You obviously don’t have to do all the above during your break(s), but pick and
choose. Drinking water and doing a breathing exercise is a must!)
6) Once your break timer expires, put in another session of 52 minutes. Then repeat
until you’ve finished your day’s work. You’ll notice when you follow this system, you’re
still bouncing with high energy even at days end (due to the deep breathing, exposure
to sunlight, and being hydrated).
7) In your journal, write down how many focused sessions of 52 minutes you put in each
day (if you want to run an experiment, do this: see how many focused sessions of 52
minutes you can put in when you spend your break doing destructive shit like browsing
Twitter, watching YouTube videos, etc. Then see how many focused sessions you can
put in when you spend your break moving the body, getting hydrated, breathing deeply,
etc. You won’t believe the difference. You can make the jump from only being able to
put in 3-4 sessions of focused work to 6-8. It’s insane. Highly, highly recommend giving
it a go and supercharging your productivity.
Focused session of 52 minutes (heyfocus turned on) + 17-minute break (breathing
deeply, nature, water, moving the body) = Godlike Levels of Productivity
How To Influence & Persuade People: Techniques & Strategies I’ve
Used To Lower Guards And Create Win/Win Deals
Persuasion is arguably the greatest skill of all. In this section, I’m not going to bore you
with theory, but give you personal examples of persuasion tactics I’ve used to lower
guards and get my way (use for good please!).
#1. Make people feel in control. People love feeling in control. People hate feeling
powerless. People love saving face. People hate embarrassment.
If you can corner people into making a decision that empowers them, then you
can get them to do what you want.
Example: In university, I used to ask the security if they could open up the lecture rooms
for me to work/study even though this was technically against school policy on the
weekends. At first, I would ask them straight up. They would say no. Then I started
saying, “I know you don’t normally open rooms up on the weekend (take away their
objection), but I was wondering is there anything in your power you can do to make an
exception this one time?” If they say no, they are admitting to me (and themselves) they
don’t have much power with their job (kind of embarrassing). If they say yes, they are
stepping into their power and showing they have control (a win for them). More often
than not, the security guard would open up the lecture room for me. Worked like a
#2. Before asking for something, anticipate why the person would say no and
take away their objection. For example, assume you’re going to ask your boss for a
raise, but the company has a policy that prevents raises unless you’ve worked for 15
months. Let’s assume you only worked 12 months. You shouldn’t just walk up and ask
for a raise because your boss has an easy out: “You’ve only been here 12 months,
buddy!” So you approach the convo by acknowledging the objection. “I know you guys
don’t give raises until you’ve been here for 15 months and I’ve only been here for 12,
but I was wondering if it was still possible because [insert reasons why you deserve a
raise].” Now your boss doesn’t have an easy out. You took his objection away from him.
And he can’t respond with that. This results in him actually listening and evaluating the
merits of your reasons, as opposed to just dismissing you based on some technicality.
#3. Ask people how they like to be stabbed before you stab them. Violent title, sure.
But I learned this from hanging out with my Uncle. He said people (obviously) don’t like
getting stabbed (lol). But if you let them pick the knife, how much pressure to apply, at
what angle to get stabbed, they’re more willing to get stabbed because they feel it’s
their decision (obviously no one would still let you stab them).
But this concept applies far deeper. In order to persuade people, you have to make
people feel like it’s their idea. Here’s an example. Let’s say you ask your buddy if he
wants another drink. And he says no. And you want to persuade him to have another.
How do you do it? Well you have two options. You can either do what everyone else
does and start saying shit like “Come on, pussy. Have another drink!” (lol) Or you can
“ask people how they like to be stabbed before you stab them”.
Here’s how.
Instead of pressuring him, you agree with him. And say, “Cool. Cool. No need for
another drink. We’ll just have a little.” Then open up the bottle and start pouring into his
cup while saying “Just tell me when to stop.” More often than not, you’ll find your buddy
agreeing to drink more. Why? Because now he feels like it’s HIS idea, not yours. By
giving him control over how much he wants to drink, you’re making him feel as if it’s his
idea. Granted this example is pretty basic. And I’m not out here pouring liquor into my
buddy’s cup and saying “tell me when to stop” (fuck that). I’m just using this as an
example because the thinking behind it can be used in a variety of different ways. So
get creative and prosper.
#4. If you want to increase familiarity (and make someone feel like they’ve known
you for a long time), then change venues. If you meet someone and go from drinking
in a lounge, to the club, to an after-party, to another party, their brain will feel like
they’ve known you for a very long time - even though you could’ve just met. Powerful
when you want to create deep relationships with high value people.
#5. Disarm people and make them feel helpless. Say a company is struggling to go
from $10k in monthly revenue to $20k. In order to get them to hire you, you first have to
make them feel helpless. Do this by asking a few questions: “If you know you want to go
from $10k to $20k, why haven’t you done it already? What is stopping you?” Whatever
they say, they will admit to themselves that they are lacking something (and trigger
feelings of helplessness). What they lack, you supply.
#6. Argue against your self-interests. In order to get you to believe my marketing, I
have to argue against my selfish interests. For example, when selling a product, I don’t
just use good testimonials. Good testimonials on their own aren’t very believable. I also
use the power of bad reviews. On the sales page, I will put up and highlight a few bad
reviews and have the rest be great, raving testimonials. What this does is make the
GOOD testimonials appear much more believable. In a market full of marketers
pumping themselves up, the marketer who admits his/her faults will grow to be the
richest. Hugely underrated.
#7. Give people two choices that both end in yes. Credit card or PayPal? 6-month
retainer or 12 months? Whatever they pick, they pick yes. There is no option for a no.
Profitable & Practical: Ideas For Making More $$$
Strapped for cash? Need to make money? Need to get off your ass and prove to
yourself and everybody else that your entrepreneurial dreams aren’t just dreams, but
something real and concrete? I got you. Here are some profitable, practical ideas for
making $$$s:
Idea #1: Find a service provider who is getting clients via cold-calling. Sit him
down. Record a short video that covers his value prop. Promote that video using a
simple online funnel (ad → opt in to watch video → watch video → book strategy call).
Generate a fuck-ton of leads for him this way. Charge to run his Facebook Ads and/or
charge per lead generated. Rinse and repeat.
Idea #2: Use this dirty little trick to make a fortune on Craigslist. Here’s the dirty
little trick I used to make a fortune on Craigslist. I would buy and resell. In order to make
a nice profit, I had to buy low, sell high. You know how it goes. To get people to accept
a low price, I discovered a nice little trick. I realized that people have a very hard time
saying “no” to cash - regardless of how much it is. Most people are wired for instant
gratification. If I stick my hand out with a $50 bill and hand it to you, your natural
reaction is to reach over and grab it even though your asking price was much higher
(because who knows? Maybe you won’t get another buyer? Maybe you just want to get
it sold now? Million things going on in your mind). So what I would do is simple.
Message people asking if I can come take a look at what they were selling. Find out
what I could resell it for. And when I would go to see it, I would give them 20-30% less
and say that number while handing over the cash. “I’ll give you $50 for it” while
extending out the cash. Most people would take the cash. I would relist it for a higher
price and that 20-30% I saved would add onto my nice little profit margin.
Idea #3: Get in the habit of asking “How’s business?” whenever you are dealing
with a service provider. When you’re getting a haircut. When you’re at the dentist.
When you’re getting a tire repair. You’ll find people are struggling with the same issues,
they need more clients/customers. Funny thing is they open up very fast and spill their
guts. Once they do, you come in as the trusted and knowledgeable ally. Simply sell em
on a solution. Either learn how to deliver the solution yourself or partner with someone
who can, then close em and split the difference. Very easy way to make money without
ever really doing much.
My 1-Page Marketing Plan
I’m not a BIG fan of marketing plans. I remember in business school, we had to create
monster marketing plans that were 72+ pages. It was taxing. By the time we were done,
the business environment had changed and our marketing plan had been a big ol’
waste of time. Except it wasn’t. Because this was school. And school doesn’t play by
the same unforgiving rules of real life lol.
But be that as it may, I do think there is extreme value in creating a marketing plan. Not
an overly complex or long marketing plan, but a marketing plan you can easily draw up
on a napkin. A simple plan. One that gives you the benefits of thinking strategically
without any of the drawbacks that come from crazy-planning modes. With that said,
here is the marketing plan I create for any new business I am thinking of starting up. If I
can answer these questions, I know I am on the right track. If I can’t, I usually scrap the
idea and move on.
What will you sell?
Who will buy it?
Write down the state of your buyer before they buy what you sell. Write down
the state of your buyer after they’ve used what you sell. Make note of this
transformation. This is the journey you have to take your customer on.
Who else is selling this transformation?
How will you differentiate yourself from the opposition?
How will your target learn about your offer?
What messaging can you use to capture your target’s attention?
The project will be successful when it achieves these metrics: x income
and/or x customers.
Here is the marketing plan I created when flirting with the idea of creating a copywriting
What will you sell? Copywriting course.
Who will buy it? People who want to learn how to write direct response copy.
Before state: Clueless, read a bunch of principle based copywriting books,
don’t know exactly how to write killer copy. Battle writers block, battle
imposter syndrome, no consistency in their work, low confidence. After state:
Internalized a 3-step system that allows them to write killer copy for just about
any product or service. Full with confidence. No writers block.
Who else is selling this transformation? Other copywriting gurus.
How will you differentiate yourself from the opposition? Instead of creating
just another generic copywriting course, I will personally teach the exact 3step system that I’ve used myself to write copy that has pulled in 6-7 figures.
This not only makes my offer extremely different from everybody else (since
this is what I personally use - and nobody else is teaching this) but it’s a
proven and streamlined way to write killer copy.
How will your target learn about your offer? Twitter & email list.
What messaging/angles/BIG ideas can you use to capture your target’s
attention? I will tie in the story of how I learned this powerful 3-step system
after apprenticing under an 8-figure marketer for 4.5 years.
The project will be successful when it achieves these metrics: Helps 500
customers learn the art of direct response copy and pump out killer copy that
actually converts.
My Favorite Books: Broken Down By Category
Sales: Pitch Anything, The Secret of Selling Anything (by Harry Browne)
Direct-Response Marketing: Breakthrough Advertising, The Gary Halbert Letters, Dan
Kennedy Collection of Books
Money: Playbook to Millions (by Grant Cardone), Efficiency (by WallStreet Playboys)
Persuasion: Forbidden Keys To Persuasion
Biographies: Losing My Virginity, Shoe Dog, When I Stop Talking You’ll Know I Am
Dead, Steve Jobs
Mindset: Psycho-Cybernetics
Storytelling: Story (by Robert Mckee)
Game: The Book of Pook
Spirituality: Conversations w/ God, Autobiography of a Yogi, I Am That
Favorite Little-Known Books: Making People Talk, Breaking Out Of Homeostasis,
Black Players, A Million Miles In A Thousand Years: How I Learned To Live A Better
Fiction: The Fountainhead, A Thousand Splendid Suns, How To Get Filthy Rich In
Rising Asia
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
JULY 2019
Summer 2019. Man, what a season. It’s shaping up to be a great year. A year full of
transformation. From business to physical to mindset and everything in between (plus the
Raptors brought home the chip for Canada - still buzzing from that). We’ll get into the specifics
perhaps in a later issue, but today I want to hit you with value after value. And leave you
wondering, “How the hell is this issue ONLY $7?”
Here’s a rundown of what you’ll learn today:
How To Build A Personal Brand From 0 To 10k
Bioenergetics: How To Get A New Body (And Free Yourself Of All Your Bullshit)
How To Write Emotion Driven Ads w/ High CTRs
Lessons Learned From $50k Days
How To Build A Personal Brand From 0 To 10k (Plus How To Create A
Loyal Following Who’ll Buy Everything You Sell)
I started my personal brand (via Twitter) on May 18, 2018. Within 8-9 months (I think?), I went
from 0 to 10k followers. If you were on the outside looking in, you may think it just happened. It
was the result of putting my head down and tweeting. Or the result of being a part of
engagement groups that exchange retweets. But no. It didn’t just happen. I employed a strategy
(which I’ll share with you). It wasn’t the result of me just tweeting. In total, I’ve only tweeted
4,751 tweets as of today (I haven’t deleted tweets either). Most days I tweet as much as 5
times, but there are stretches of days when I don’t tweet at all (I only tweet when I have shit to
say). And lastly, I was added to one retweet group, but have never thrown in a tweet - asking for
a retweet. Not a single time (I don’t believe in that. Nor do I retweet people when they ask me to
- if I organically fuck with it, I will retweet it on my own. If you ask, I won’t).
Despite the above, I’ve managed to grow my account organically to 10k (not that impressive)
and make six figures in profits (a bit more impressive) via the personal brand. The craziest part?
I don’t feel like it took that long nor was it hard work. In fact, not to brag… but it was one of the
easiest things I’ve ever done in online biz (making my first $100 was MUCH harder than
growing a personal brand to 10k+ and making 6 figures. You may not believe that, but it’s just
the truth).
Anyhow, enough with setting the stage. Let’s get into the details. How exactly did I go from 0 to
10k and build a loyal audience in the process? Here’s how.
Step (1) Figure out which niche you want to penetrate
Twitter is a cesspool of niches. You have the make money online niche. Fitness niche. Redpill
niche. Memes/trolling niche. Generic inspiration/motivation niche. And a bunch of other ones
sprinkled in between. Step 1 is to figure out which niche you want to penetrate (takes 10-20
seconds). How do you figure this out? You look at your own life and ask yourself:
What niche do I have the most stories in?
Humans connect and bond over stories. From the start of time to the end of time. Stories sell.
So figure out which niche you have the most (compelling) stories in. Most often than not, the
niche you have the most stories in is the niche you also have some level of success in. For me,
it was easy. Fitness wasn’t my niche. I was a skinny piece of shit. Redpill wasn’t my niche.
Never was well versed in the study. I just believe in putting out good energy, following my
grandiose missions in life, and the girls come naturally. Always have. Always will.
Memes/trolling wasn’t my niche. I’m not a fan of plugging my senses into negativity. And the
inspiration/motivation space wasn’t my niche either. Self help makes me want to headbut a
knife. So with the above considered, it was obvious. Make money was my niche. Not only did I
have a handful of stories I could use to “position” myself as an expert, but I also had real results
under my belt (I had been making $$$ online for roughly 9ish years - started at 14. So that was
Step (2) Figure Out Who The Alphas/Celebrities Are In Your Respective Niche (And Use
The Dirty Little Secret Of Tony Robbins To Cultivate Your Positioning).
I had a burner Twitter account (under one of my company’s names) that I randomly started
using to follow a few people from Twitter (before I even had thoughts of creating my personal
brand). I was following these people for a few months. And they had remarkable content, so
later when I decided to launch a personal brand of my own - it was very easy to figure out who
the top alphas/celebrities in the MMO niche were. The obvious guys were @scotty_sss and
@SCHM7DT . However, guys like @EdLatimore and @AJA_Cortes were also looked at with
high regard by the MMO crowd (my targeted niche).
So even though these guys didn’t really create MMO related content, they were still
alphas/celebrities in my respective niche (so I added their names to the list). Then I sat back
and thought. How can I avoid coming across as yet another Twitter account who sprouts out
random motivational mumbo jumbo - and actually come across as someone with real value to
share? To answer this question, I pulled a page out of Tony Robbins book.
When Tony Robbins first got on the scene, he was just like every other motivational speaker.
Doing seminars. Speeches. Whole nine. Nobody gave a fuck. Then Tony employed a strategy
that would go on to make him half a billion dollars in due time. What was the strategy? It was to
“borrow” credibility from famous people who were already trusted and loved by the masses (his
target market). By hearing/reading Tony’s name next to a powerful celebrity (who was already
trusted and loved) Tony could “borrow” and “benefit” from the trust and love. Why? Because
humans are lazy and they have built in biases. If I stand next to 9 trashy drug dealers, a random
stranger is going to see 10 trashy drug dealers. Similarly, if I stand beside 9 celebrities, a
random stranger is either going to think I too am a celebrity or at the very least I have something
extremely valuable to offer (because why else would these 9 celebrities let me hang). That’s
exactly what Tony did to cultivate his positioning. Every chance he got, he stood next to great
men and women who were already respected and valued - from A-List celebrities to ex
presidents. (Read up on it. It’s very fascinating.) Over time, the masses kept seeing his face
next to some big shot and came to the inevitable conclusion: this guy is the real deal (and that’s
how he “broke through” and went from generic motivation guy w/ no fame to overnight fame and
a bunch of $$$s).
So here’s how I applied this tactic myself: I pulled out a TRUE story from my collection of stories
and associated it with the alphas in the MMO niche as a way to “stand” next to them/cultivate
my positioning. It was an interesting and real story (important - integrity is everything in personal
branding). And I knew it would generate attention. And potentially even get a retweet or two
from some of the bigger guys. Once they retweeted, the masses would “unconconsciously”
associate some of the high value the bigger accounts had with my account (and I would achieve
my goal of coming across as high value instead of yet another BS motivational account). To do
that, I didn’t start by writing tweets. I wrote one killer thread instead. Here it is: How I Built Two
6-Figure Businesses By 24 And Why I Blame @AJA_Cortes @EdLatimore @SCHM7DT
@Scotty_sss For Ruining My Life. The top guys in the market liked/retweeted it - which
automatically cultivated my positioning in the market for me.
Step (3) - Once the above happened, I had to take advantage of my newfound positioning
and cement it even further.
Anybody can get lucky once. But it takes skill to get lucky, consistently. I needed to keep getting
lucky. To cement my “brand” and “positioning” of being a high value account even further. So
how did I do that? I reached back into my backpack of stories and told a few more stories in the
way of threads.
Here were those threads: How I Turned $1000 Into $89,263.12; 10 Things I Learned Working
With A 8-Figure Marketer; 18 Things I Would Do At 18; How I Got Into My Customers Bed (And
Wrote High Converting Sales Copy)
Most of these threads were published while my account was still “buzzing” from the traffic
generated by the bigger accounts. By pumping out these threads, I was able to solidify my
positioning even further as a high value “expert” (since I was telling stories of achieving results
that people in the niche wanted to achieve).
Step (4) - After my positioning was solidified, all the ground work was done and my
account took off.
All I did after that was pump out 5-10ish high value tweets a day (if I felt like it). Changed my
pinned tweet to be in alignment with my high value positioning (my pinned tweet was the $100
bills thread for a while). And just rode the wave. I didn’t spend time writing more threads after
that. All the groundwork was done. Instead I could just sit back and take advantage of the social
proof generated by the 10k followers. And tweet here and there and my account would grow
without “hard” work. See how easy it is to achieve MORE by doing LESS once you sit back and
use strategy to your advantage? Life becomes a breeze. No longer are you moving against the
currents. You are using the currents to move you. And that my friend makes all the difference.
Alright next…
Once you’ve built a following - how can you turn it into a cult like following that’ll buy
everything you sell?
It’s ironic, but when it comes to monetizing your audience - I don’t believe in the “directresponse” game that has made me all my $ outside of personal branding. I believe in the
opposite. Here’s what I mean…
My guy @kobegatsby has a very interesting Tweet he’ll retweet on his timeline every now and
then. It goes something like this (paraphrased): Lil Pump has millions of views/followers, but
struggles to sell tickets to a concert. Russ doesn’t have as many followers, but can sell out
stadiums. What’s going on here?
IMO - there are many things going on that are outside the scope of this newsletter, but what is
important is Russ has built a relationship of depth, whereas Lil Pump has built a relationship of
width. Russ’ fans connect on a deeper level. People only know Lil Pump on the surface level. Lil
Pump thinks transactionally, short term. Russ thinks strategically, long term. Most people in the
personal branding space emulate Lil Pump (whether they know it or not). They’re constantly
focused on adding more leads to their email list and lining their own pockets. Most of them?
Don’t give a fuck about the customer. Instead, they’re trading long term trust for short term
dollars. Me on the other hand? I try to emulate Russ. Here’s how (and why this has led to a pool
of buyers who’ll scoop up anything I put out).
Instead of using daily emails to generate short-term sales for my courses, services or
products (like everyone else), I use my daily emails to sell the reader on ME.
There you have it. My *BIG* secret. This is why you won’t see me plugging my stuff on the
Timeline or inside my emails (unless there’s a special reason to). Instead, I focus on creating
long-term trust and selling my readers on me. How? By sharing personal stories (people bond
over stories) and putting out high quality content that helps people get real results (that others
would charge for). This is why every time I release a new offer (whether it’s $7 or $2495) people snag it up without thinking. Most people do not even read the sales page (I don’t even
invest much energy into creating the sales page). Instead, all the emails I sent out beforehand
w/ no links (just value) have done my selling for me (because they built trust w/ the reader).
Once you have trust (and value), you don’t need long copy. You don’t need countdown timers.
You don’t need fancy funnels. You just need an irresistible offer. And people will scoop it up
without question (as they should because over time you’ve proven yourself to deliver the
It’s funny. The personal brand has brought many accomplishments, but the thing I am most
proud of is the number of REPEAT buyers I have. People who have EVERY product I put out
there. Most people just burn out their list and move onto the next crowd of unsuspecting readers
(until they too get tired of reading their daily sales pitches). I try to play the long game. And it’s
the reason why I’ve been able to add multiple six figures to my income without ever really
“selling”. Play the long game, my friend. Build deep relationships with your community. It’s not
only the most profitable, but it’s also the right thing to do (read: actually give a fuck about your
audience.) Cool? Hope you apply that. It’s a game changer.
Moving on…
Bioenergetics: How To Get A New Body (And Free Yourself Of All
Your BS)
You won’t believe this. I didn’t at first. But then, I said the two most liberating words in the
English language, “Fuck it.” And gave it a shot. And the rest? Pure amazing. Unbelievable. Next
level shit. What am I talking about? Bioenergetics. What? I’ll explain in just a moment, but first a
quick backstory. All my life I’ve been curious about the human mind. And how you can program
it for success and prosperity. And over the years, I’ve learned a lot. And implemented. And
watched my life take off. But something was holding me back from expressing myself fully and
living life to the fullest. What was that something? All the blocked energy inside my body. Where
did this blocked energy come from? All the trauma from childhood (from deaths of loved ones to
dealing with doubts from family to just regular everyday shit that comes w/ growing up).
There’s a theory out there that says everything you’ve gone through, every thought you’ve had,
every experience you’ve undergone - is reflected in your body, energetically. People who’ve
gone through a lot of trauma have a lot of blocked energy inside their being (you are nothing
more than an energy center). People who’re confident and full of life have a body with energy
that moves freely. There is little-to-no blockage. Me personally? I had a body with blocked
energy. And this was reflected in my entire being. I moved around a little stiff. My shoulders
were tense. Breathing was shallow. And I was living out of a constrained body. My mind was
geared towards success and prosperity. But my body was stuck in turmoil. And so, even though
my life had taken off… my body was still trapped in negative energy from all the shitty
experiences I had undergone in childhood and adolescence. And between you and me, it
fucking sucked (imagine being permanently trapped in state of fight or flight. Not fun). But of
course, I remained ignorant to all this (I thought it was normal)…
Until I discovered Bioenergetics. Bioenergetics is all about the body. And designed to free
yourself of all your inner blockages so you can let the energy inside you move freely and lead a
more empowered, confident life. Sounds wacky? I thought so too. But then I gave it a go. And
fuck. After a few months of practicing bioenergetics, I feel more grounded, more purposeful,
more driven, more peaceful, more alive, more open to all the experiences life has to offer. Selfexpression is at an all time high. Inhibition is at an all time low. This in return has helped a ton in
business, but also just in overall life. So if you have a lot of limitations you’ve imposed over
yourself… if you’ve gone through trauma and difficulties in your past… if you feel constrained
and you find yourself retreating in the face of discomfort - instead of standing tall and facing the
beast that is life head on, then I invite you to give Bioenergetics a go. How can you get started?
Here’s what I did.
Step (1) YouTube Bioenergetics - Elliot Hulse
Elliot Hulse is how I originally stumbled across Bioenergetics. A buddy of mine sent me a video.
And I gave it a go. And I’ve been hooked ever since. I recommend starting by watching a few of
Elliot’s videos. Just go on a little binge. And try out some of the exercises. Nothing extreme. Just
get familiar with it. I recommend the bow and arc exercise to start.
Step (2) Set Aside 20 Minutes Each Day To Do Bioenergetics
Most people recommend you do Bioenergetics in the morning. But I never have. I do it 7-8 pm
once I get back from the office. What do I do? Well, I started doing the exercises from Elliot’s
videos. And that was cool and all. But then I discovered a guy on YouTube named Devaraj
Sandberg. And he’s the GOAT YouTube channel for Bioenergetics. Each day I just hit play on
one of his videos, follow along, and complete the exercises. I haven’t missed a day yet. And it’s
one of the most important things I do daily. Why? Because all that trauma inside me, all the
tension and stress, all the trapped energy? Each day I release more and more. I don’t know how
else to describe it, but it feels like I have a *new* body. Free from all the BS holding patterns
and limitations that I had placed over myself (body is no longer in fight or flight mode, but in
relaxation mode. Shit feels amazing. And the benefits have impacted my *mindset* too).
So with that said, I highly recommend giving it a go if you want to feel MORE alive plus clear up
all the trauma you’ve been carrying in your body. (Hint: If you are human, you have built up
trauma inside you that is preventing you from living life to the fullest. Every day I receive emails
from people that have a lot of mindset issues. They don’t feel they have value. They don’t feel
they can close clients. They are low on confidence. These may sound like mindset issues and
they’re easy to dismiss as “limiting beliefs”. But you are having these thoughts because of
something you’ve gone through in your past (and your body is still holding onto this experience and reliving it on the daily). This is being reflected in your mind and BODY. By doing
bioenergetics, you can free your body of holding onto that experience and free your mind in the
process. It’s not an overnight fix. (I personally have a lot of shit to work through). It’s a lifestyle
change. But you’ll start feeling the benefits almost instantly. So check it out?)
How To Write Emotion-Driven FB Ads w/ High CTRs (For Cold Traffic)
Alright enough with the sappy shit, let’s get to some juicy shit. This is the framework we follow to
write emotion-driven FB ads that generate high CTRs. This framework is used primarily for our
coaching and consulting clients. But you can use it to create killer ads for any product or service
that has a strong emotional appeal.
Step 1) Pattern Interrupter
Most of you are familiar with copywriting and love it (and rightfully so), but the first thing you
must understand is nobody gives a fuck about your copy - if they never see it. Most ads with
great copy are NEVER read. Why? Because when you place ads on sites like Facebook, you
have to understand the state of mind of the prospect. They are not in the mindframe to be
pitched or sold. They are in a “curiosity” driven mind frame. This is the most important thing to
“I wonder how my ex from high school looks like now…” “I wonder what Jimmy is doing with his
life now…” “I wonder if Susan still got a fat ass…”
Curiosity. Curiosity. Curiosity. (aka ‘snooping/stalking’ type of mindset). This is the mind frame
of people browsing Facebook. When someone is in a curiosity driven mind state, you can’t
expect them to see an ad and read it. They don’t give a fuck (pleasure gained from scrolling and
stalking > pleasure gained from reading an ad). It’s not really the time nor the place for ads
(which is why MOST ads fall flat). But there’s a catch…
If you can create an ad that plays into their curiosity driven mind frame, then you are
acting in alignment with what the consumer is naturally interested in at that very
(This should set off light bulbs in your mind.) So how do you play into their curiosity driven mind
frame? By using a pattern interrupter. What’s a pattern interrupter? Many definitions out there,
but my personal definition is something that gets someone to break out of auto-pilot and think
“What the fuck is that?” and then want to investigate further. It could be an eye-catching color, a
unique photo, or a killer video creative with a strong headline overlaying it. How do you come up
with a killer pattern interrupter? Here’s what I recommend...
Picture a human being w/ doubts, stressors, fears, worries, goals and insecurities scrolling
through their Facebook Feed, stalking people and engaging in curiosity driven behavior (liking
this photo, commenting about Donald Trump on that post, etc.). Now ask yourself: “What
image or video would peak their curiosity and get them to stop scrolling?” The answer to
this question is the most important. And the answer is what ultimately ends up becoming your
pattern interrupter/ad creative (most important piece of the ad. Not the copy).
Hint: Build your ad creative around one *STRONG* emotion. As soon as they see it, they should
*feel* it. DON’T use a stock image. Creative is the variable for success. Invest time and energy
into creating a visually appealing creative that peaks curiosity. For every creative you want to
test, ask yourself: “If I was [Customer Avatar Name] would I see this and STOP scrolling?” If the
pull of your ad creative is LESS THAN the pull of checking out what their ex is doing… you can
save yourself a lot of money by going back to the drawing board. And coming up with something
Step 2) Make 99% Of People Stop Reading
Once a person stops scrolling, here’s what usually happens next… he or she looks at your ad
creative. Then reads the headline. And then the copy (copy is last). While they’re looking at the
ad creative, the headline and the first few words of your copy - they are asking themselves one
and only one question:
“Is this for me or can I continue scrolling?”
In today’s day and age, people are psychologically WIRED to continue scrolling because it’s like
playing slots at the casino. You don’t know where you’re going to land/what you’re going to find.
The unknown is exciting, so you want to keep scrolling (because you gain pleasure from doing
so). (Chances are you do this yourself. Why do you keep refreshing your Twitter Timeline and
scrolling… scrolling… scrolling… you are in search of the NEXT breakthrough idea. But a tweet
has to be powerful enough to get you to stop and read it in full (especially a thread). Otherwise
the pull from scrolling and finding something BETTER is too extreme). As a result, your ad
needs to fight this built-in desire to continue scrolling. How do you do that? By creating
specific ads for specific people that have LOW awareness levels (low awareness level
because it’s COLD traffic). In other words, your ad needs to immediately dismiss 99% of the
masses and speak only to the 1% that you want to capture (this is where knowing your market’s
awareness level is so important.) Do NOT create an ad tailored for everyone. Far too often you
see ads that try to tackle all different awareness levels at once. Do not do this. Not effective. In
order to get people to resist the urge to continue scrolling, you have to hit them in the heart. And
speak directly to them. If they don’t see/read your ad and think: “FUCK! This is so me!” You’re
done. And they will start scrolling again. In order to induce this reaction, you have to be okay
letting 99% of the people who stop and read your ad - leave. Only speak to a specific person
inside a specific awareness level (Side note: Since awareness levels are low, you almost
always want to go with an indirect lead (to induce the “this is for me” feeling).
Step 3) Stab The 1% Still Reading
It’s not enough to induce the “FUCK! This is so me” reaction in a specific group of people. You
also have to make them bleed. How? By sticking a knife inside their gut. Here’s what I
Every human being acts like they have their shit together. They don’t. None of us do. Hidden
inside our gut are deep rooted insecurities, fears and worries. Things we don’t tell others.
Things we feel on the daily. Things we try to suppress. We don’t want to be found. But once
someone makes direct or even indirect contact with these things, we instantly go into fight or
flight mode and start bleeding. The job of your ad is to touch these deep rooted
insecurities/emotions buried inside your target. (This is why research is the most important.
You need to know your prospect better than they know themselves.) Just begin by touching
their weak spots gently. Like slowly gracing your finger over a bruise. Make your prospect
understand that you know these things are buried inside them. And they may have fooled
others. But not you. (This instantly creates rapport and trust.)
Step 4) Twist The Knife & Cut DEEPER
Once you’ve gently graced over the deep rooted insecurities inside your target, you want to
increase the pain. The human brain cannot tell the difference between experiencing something
and just reading something. If you read something emotional, your body will feel the same
emotions as if you were living it. This is why movies and fiction books work so well. With that
said, you need to GO DEEPER into the pain points and make your target feel the turmoil. In
practice, this usually involves going into detail about the pain x problem is bringing to the
prospect’s life.
Step 5) Before They Bleed Out, Offer A Light Of Hope
You’ll know when it’s time for Step 5 because your ad will naturally reach a point where the
prospect is left thinking: “I can’t take it anymore… help me!!!” One mistake people make is they
stab too much. And induce too much bleeding (which means the prospect never has the above
thought). If you induce too much bleeding, the prospect loses hope and gives up altogether and
just accepts their insecurities and returns to scrolling. You need to stab deeply, but leave room
for life and recovery. Once you’ve reached this point, transition your ad towards the light of
hope. This is when you start talking about your offer (when awareness levels are low - you
cannot start your ad with your offer. Instead, you have to build trust, defeat resistance and
trigger the “this is for me” feeling. That’s what the steps above accomplish.)
Step 6) Drive Off w/ The Passenger (And Deliver On Your Promise)
When creating emotion driven ads for Facebook, I don't view myself as a marketer or
copywriter. I view myself as a paramedic. In other words, my job is to find hurt people, pick them
up, and drive them to a safe place where they can get help and enjoy life to the fullest. Here’s
how this plays out:
A group of people = An audience on FB.
Healthy people inside the group of people = People who should stop reading my ad.
Hurt people inside the group of people = My prospect who has some deep rooted.
insecurity/problem they want to resolve. My ad picks these people out and speaks only to them.
Pick them up = My ads job is to pick up the hurt people FROM Facebook and take them to a
safe place.
Safe place = My landing page (Hospital).
Get help = My offer (Surgery).
Before surgery - Hurt and defeated.
After surgery - Full w/ life.
If you approach it like this, then your mindset changes. No longer are you concerned with
attracting anyone and everyone. You are only interested in picking up and helping a specific
type of person. As a result, writing the copy becomes a lot easier. So with all the above noted -
here is an ad that brilliantly executed all 6 steps (hopefully this illustrates the above steps in
Lessons Learned From $50k Days
When I started at 14, it took me 6ish months to make my first $100. Now, I can do $50k days at
80% margin - before tax. Maybe I’ll explain the how in detail in another newsletter, but today I
just want to tell you a couple lessons I learned from hitting this number (while reflecting):
Lesson #1: If you want to make a fuck ton of money (fast), you cannot afford to waste
your life working hard. Instead, you must work hard with leverage at your disposal. Leverage
is what allows you to have $50k days. Not hard work. I used to be obsessed with hard work
(immigrant parents encoded it into my DNA every chance they got lol). And I still work hard,
don’t get me wrong. I’m usually working from sun up to sun down on work days, but hard work
without leverage is pointless. What do I mean by leverage? A match that ignites you to higher
grounds. Maybe it comes in the form of capital. Proprietary knowledge. A network. An email list
of 100k+ peeps. A loyal, passionate customer group. Or another competitive advantage that is
tough to compete with. Regardless, it’s the holy grail. (Leverage makes time irrelevant. Most
people think it takes x years to achieve y. It doesn’t. If you have leverage, you can achieve y,
practically overnight.) Brute force is not enough to hit BIG money days (it IS enough to hit
$100k/yr). You need a match, a fire starter to hit bigger numbers.
Lesson #2: Life is a video game. This shit is one big joke. Seriously. And you pull the strings.
If you want to experience x, then you just have to make your character go through the
necessary motions to get it. Everything is within reach. Nothing is outside you. You want it, it’s
yours. I believe that with every inch of my being. You should too.
Lesson #3: Strategy is criminally underrated. Strategic thinking is a habit you MUST
cultivate. The ability to recognize patterns, think strategically and connect the dots. Most people
need to be told what to do. Most people need to be told how to think. Fuck that. Set aside time
daily to think strategically. Take a pen and paper into nature. And start tackling problems in your
life from all different angles. Put in the reps. Hone your strategic thinking chops. It will pay off
BIG in due time.
Lesson #4: Exposure is criminally underrated. Most people get stuck in their ways.
Personally, I started in client services (agency life) because I wanted to get a real world MBA. I
didn’t pick a niche, I wanted to learn the ins and outs of all different types of business models.
And get a behind the scenes look at how the killers were operating in their respective niche. By
gaining this exposure and learning how to grow all different types of businesses (from real
estate funds to SAAS companies), you begin to understand business at a very deep level. And
one day it all “clicks”. Expose your senses to as much variety as possible (so you can start
recognizing patterns within niches). Do not get stuck in chasing arbitrary $10k months. Fuck
prioritizing money when you’re starting out. Prioritize exposure. Boatloads of it. Especially when
you’re young. More you expose yourself to in the beginning, the better off you are in the end.
Lesson #5: It’s harder to make $500/day than it is to make $50k/day. $500/day is (usually)
acquired via brute force. $50k/day is the result of designing a machine and letting it run.
Remember that. It’s important. Because your job as an entrepreneur is NOT to make money via
brute force (although you gotta do what you gotta do in the beginning). But to build a machine
that runs without you and brings back the bacon ($). Brute force has a peak. Machines do not.
Build the machine. A machine that delivers an irresistible offer at scale while providing a
fantastic customer experience.
Lesson #6: Take money off the pedestal you have it on if you want to make it in bunches.
Money is like pussy. He who is desperate for it, will never get it.
Lesson #7: ONE skill is not enough to hit $50k days. You need to be a specialist in ONE skill
(absolute killer). But be very good in other skills as well. Example: Killer at: Copywriting. Very
good at: Building a team, strategic thinking, leadership, media buying, storytelling, managing,
pattern recognition, problem solving, psychology, creating irresistible offers, delegating, idea
generation, etc.
Lesson #8: Work intensely and then take time to recharge. Balance is a lie. But your biggest
breakthroughs come not when you have your head down (in work mode), but when you have
your eyes to the sky (in recharge mode). Counter intuitive. But true (at least for me).
Lesson #9: Meditation will make you rich. The insight I had during one of my morning
meditation sessions is what originally put me on the road to $50k days. If you know anything
about my viewpoints re: meditation, you’ll know I believe that via meditation you make contact
with the universal mind. The universal mind which is a powerhouse of infinite ideas, insights and
possibilities there for your taking. Most people go their entire lives without making contact. Make
contact daily. And watch your life take off.
Alright that’s it for this issue. Covered a lot of ground, so I hope you enjoyed and learned a thing
or two! I’ll see you next month. Until then,
Keep pushing and stay dangerous.
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
The sun turns to night. The night turns to day. Repeats 31 times. And we’re back with
another issue of the Tej Dosa Letter. Before I begin this months’ letter, I just want to say
thank you! This is the 10th issue which means you and I have been rockin’ and rollin’ for
almost one full year now. Crazy, right? And the coolest thing to me is a vast majority of
you have been subscribed since day one (you know who you are!). So thank you for
that, truly means a lot.
Anyhow, I don’t want to waste too much valuable space exchanging pleasantries so
let’s skip the small talk (never been a fan of it anyway) and stick a needle into your
veins full of that good shit.
Here’s a quick and dirty rundown of what you’ll find inside this month’s issue:
The x Year Plan For Going From $0 To Rich
30-Days Of Self Improving & Money-Making
How To Manage Stress
New Habit Recommendation: Do This Twice A Week
My Weekly Review Template
Let’s get it.
The x Year Plan For Going From $0 To Rich
I’ve never had a salary. I’ve never had a back-up plan. I’ve never worked a real job
(besides the 3 days I spent flipping burgers at McDonalds). I started with $0 in the
account. But I’ve managed to turn that $0 into a small fortune. How did I do it? By
fucking up. Over and over again. And falling. And questioning myself. Day after day.
But I don’t want you to go through all that shit. I want to make things easier and faster
for you. So if I had to create a “get rich” plan for you, here is the exact plan I would
Phase 0: Get a sales job. Learn copywriting.
Sell in person by day. Learn copy by night.
You’re not doing any of these things to make money (today). You’re doing these things
to learn. Get the thought of being able to make money with zero skills and zero value
out of your head. It’s not happening. And if it does happen, it will only happen for a small
amount of time. Not worth it because when the well dries up, you’ll be back to square
one… or zero in our case. So get the thought of making fast money out of your head for
now. And instead get a sales job, plus start learning copy.
Objective for phase 0: build your sales and copy skills.
Phase 1: Get paid to get a real-world MBA in online business.
“If you want to get rich, never trade your time for money.” Tweets like this sound
fantastic, but here’s the reality: If you ain’t got shit, you got time. Which means you’re
going to have to give it up. If you have money, then you trade money. If you don’t have
money, then you have to trade time. Just the way the game goes. But we’re not going to
give away our time mindlessly. We’re going to be strategic about it. We’re going to give
away our time in exchange for a real-world MBA in online business. This real world
MBA will set you up for life. And show you how the game is played. So here’s the deal
with phase 1: your job is to leverage the two skills you’ve built up till now (sales & copy)
and sell copywriting services to successful online business owners. If you did phase 0
correctly, then you should know how to sell. And you should know how to write copy. So
there should be zero excuse for not being able to get clients. If you know how to sell,
getting clients is a breeze.
Why should you get clients? Because our goal is to expose you to the world of online
business like only real-world experience can. I’ve noticed that people who get a realworld MBA in online business almost always do better in the long run than those who
just start playing the game. How do you get a real-world MBA? By landing clients in a
variety of niches. Your job isn’t to niche down, but to expand your niches. The objective
here is to simply learn about as many different business models as possible. As a
result, you want to take on any and every client you possibly can. We’re not trying to
make money here. We’re just trying to open your eyes to the game of online business.
And give you real world experience. This experience will be enlightening and will set the
foundation for your own ventures.
Objective(s) For Phase 1:
- Learn as much as you possibly can from real world experience. Talk to your clients.
Day in. Day out. Dissect their business models. Why is it working? Dissect the offers
you’re writing copy for. What makes the offer work? Can you replicate or create
something similar? Dissect. Dissect. Dissect. Learn. Learn. Learn. You want to take on
as many clients as possible and just soak up as much real world experience as possible
while getting paid.
- Save your $$$s. No spending on stupid shit. All money in. No money out. RIP Nip.
Phase 2: When you get the itch, scratch it.
A time will come sooner or later. You’ll know when you feel it. When you’ve soaked up a
bunch of knowledge. Recognized the patterns. Seen the holes in the market. And have
hit a ceiling with your current clients. There is nothing new for you to learn. Each day
has become a bore. And now you’re itching to launch something of your own. Scratch
this itch. Take all the knowledge and capital you’ve gained from your real world MBA
and employ it towards building a product business. A business that can function without
you and be sold down the line for top $$$s. What kind of product business should you
start? Go back to your real-world MBA experience and ask yourself: Which niche did I
have the most success in? Which vertical did I generate the most money in for my
clients? Is that vertical easy for me to penetrate? Can I easily get a product to sell to this
niche? If you’ve done the above steps correctly, the product business you should start
will be clear as day.
Objective(s) For Phase 2: Come up with a product business, but do not give up your
current income from your clients. Keep the clients. Delegate the work. But keep the
clients. You need to view all the income you’re generating from your clients as seed
money to fund your product business. Don’t give it up. It’s a mistake.
Phase 3: Launch your product business and fail until your product business
replaces your client income.
Most people cannot stomach failure. Not emotionally or financially. But because you
have still kept your income from clients alive, you can easily handle failure. Failure
doesn’t bother you. So what if your product business doesn’t work? You should still be
(easily) generating 6 figures a year with your client income. So keep the client income.
Don’t give it up. And keep learning and testing new product ideas until income from your
product business replaces your client income and you’ve found a winner.
Objective(s) For Phase 3: Build a successful product business.
Once you’ve done the above, then go all in on your product business. And scale that
baby out. And eventually sell it for top dollar. That’s the safest, most fool-proof way to
go from $0 to riches. And best of all? Even if your product business doesn’t take off,
you’re still clearing 6-figures a year easy. There is no better approach I’ve found than
the above. So if you’re serious about getting rich, I recommend you follow it.
Most of you will, of course, choose not to follow it, I know. Instead, you’ll try finding
shortcuts, using up valuable time. Jumping straight to a product business with little-to-no
money/experience/skills. Only to fail. But those who do follow the plan above, you’ll
make consistent progress phase after phase and before you know it will be leading a life
of riches. Just try it.
30-Days Of Self Improving & Money-Making
One of the first info-products I ever bought was 30 Days of Discipline by Victor Pride. I
was just a stupid little teenager back then, but the contents of the 30-Day Program
helped install in me discipline and consistency. And I’ve done the 30-Day Program
numerous times since then. And I’ve had great fun with it.
But today I want to create my own 30-Day Program. Not a program to build discipline
per se, but a 30-Day Program that’s designed to produce results in your life. A 30-Day
Program that will help you build skills, character and of course make $$$s.
Are you ready for that program?
If so, here are the 12 actions you must do daily for 30 consecutive days in order to turn
your life on its head. And put more results under your belt, plus more coins in your
#1. Wake up at the same time, sleep at the same time. No snooze.
For the sake of this 30-Day Challenge, it doesn’t matter when you wake up. It doesn’t
matter when you sleep. All that matters is you rise at the same time. And go to sleep at
the same time. And refrain from hitting the snooze button. You’ll be amazed at what this
simple action makes possible. By waking up and rising at the same time daily, you’ll set
your Circadian Rhythm and will experience higher energy levels, more calmness, and
an overall sense of internal peace (wacky? Sure. But it works.).
This is the first action you must take daily for the next 30-Days (if you choose to accept
this challenge).
#2. Spend 60 minutes ideally first thing in the morning writing out a proven sales
letter by hand.
I know. I know. Everybody on Twitter hates this technique. Do it anyway. All the OGs of
copywriting recommend it for a reason. And that’s because it engraves in you a proven
structure for writing high converting copy. Plus, it teaches you a lot about offers. And
what is likely to sell. And what isn’t (this in itself is a superpower).
You may not know this but in the early days, I would wake up and spend the first hour of
the day writing out a sales letter by hand (I did this for 1 year straight). There would just
be papers all over the damn place. My room was a copywriting dungeon with sales
letters all over the floor. Shit was crazy. And nobody around me understood why I was
doing it. To them, it seemed stupid as fuck. But it really helped me learn the game of
copy. So that’s why this is the second action you must take daily as part of this 30-Day
Self Improving And Money Making Challenge.
#3. Fast for 16 consecutive hours.
Eat as much as you want during the 8-hour window. I don’t care. But fast for 16
consecutive hours. Why fast? For the health benefits? Sure, but largely because it puts
you into the zone. The level of mental clarity you’ll gain from fasting will be next level
and you’ll be able to pump out high quality work.
#4. Take one progress photo a day.
A progress photo of what? Your body. Do it right when you wake up before you eat
anything. It wasn’t until I started doing this shit that I became a lot more accountable to
myself about health and fitness. It really works wonders, so that’s action #4.
#5. Drink 1 gallon of water a day.
This is more about building discipline than it is about improving your health or skin or
whatever. Drinking water seems easy, right? Try drinking a gallon a day for 30
consecutive days. That shit is hard. Most people will underestimate this action and will
fail to drink 1 gallon of water a day. Don’t be like most people, be better (Disclaimer: I’m
no doctor, but apparently you shouldn’t drink more than 0.8-1 liter of water per hour so
keep that in mind before you end up on 1000 Ways To Die for overdosing on water).
#6. Sell someone on something.
It doesn’t matter what it is. But each day, you must sell someone on something. It
doesn’t have to be a product or service in exchange for money. You could sell your
friend on going to x restaurant. You could sell your girl on doing y. Whatever.
By simply thinking of day-to-day human interactions as sales situations, you’ll quickly
hone your sales muscles. And will soon enough view everything as sales (because it
#7. Give yourself 1 gift a day.
Life is short, time moves by fast. Don’t forget about the man or woman in the mirror.
Each day, surprise yourself with a gift. Maybe it’s the expensive coffee. Maybe it’s a
nice walk by yourself. Maybe it’s stopping by for your favorite dessert. Whatever. Give
yourself 1 gift a day.
This action teaches you to put yourself first and love yourself through the ups and
downs as cheesy as that may sound.
#8. Make conversation with one new person a day (minimum).
It could be as simple as saying, “Hey what’s up?” to the person sitting next to you in
class. Or having a short conversation with the bank teller. Or the worker at Chipotle.
#9. Write down 10 new ideas a day.
Ideas about what? Anything. New businesses to start. New products to create. New
articles to write. New books to read. Doesn’t matter. Do this not to come up with ideas,
but to build your idea muscle. To hone your creativity and strengthen your ability to
come up with solutions to everyday problems.
#10. Read 10 pages a day.
Fiction or nonfiction. Take your pick.
#11. End the day by writing inside a journal everything you did that day to grow
better/move your life forward.
If you did nothing, then write down “I did nothing today to grow better.” And write down
how that makes you feel.
This simple action is designed to wire your brain towards taking action and viewing each
day as an opportunity to grow. So grab a journal or a notebook and end each day by
writing down what you did to grow.
#12. Track your progress.
For 30 consecutive days, I want you to track your progress with each and every one of
these 12 actions. Set up a simple tracking sheet on Google Sheets or whatever. When
you complete the respective action for the day, place a checkmark beside it.
This action teaches you the power of tracking. Whatever you want to improve in life, you
must track. It’s the quickest way to to build awareness and see real change in your life.
-Those are the 12 actions that if done daily carry the power to kickstart your
transformation. And wake you up to your limitless potential.
It’s important to point out that each and every action above is something I’ve done in my
own life. I’m not just sitting here and telling you to do all this random shit for no reason.
I’ve consistently done each and every action on this list. And each action has helped
generate amazing results in my life. That is why I picked each action. Not at random,
but with careful consideration.
So what’s the deal? Are you going to take me up on the 30-Day Self Improving &
Money-Making Challenge or are you going to make excuses for why you can’t do it?
What’s it going to be? Make the decision right now and if you do follow through with the
above for 30 consecutive days (no bullshit), then email me at the end of this month. I
want to talk to you (based off of what I know about human nature - this section will
psyche many people up, but a week from now hardly anybody will stick with the above
actions. Those who do have what it takes to win. And are the types of people I love to
surround myself with, which is why I’m telling you to email me.)
How To Manage Stress
In the last 60 days, I’ve written 240,000 words, launched a new product, continued
running existing businesses, ran Clicks&Copy University™, managed employees/client
relationships, scouted new penthouses/apartments, attended multiple weddings, made
time for family and friends…
… and did it all without blowing out my fucking brains.
Was it stressful? Sure (but not as much as it should’ve been). Although my Oura Ring
sleep stats are all fucked up right now, I’ve learned throughout the years to better
manage stress. And by doing so, I can now perform at high levels even when (it feels
like) I have the entire world on my shoulders and non-stop fires to take out. Nope, I’m
not special. You can do the same. Here are the methods I use to manage stress and
perform at high levels consistently:
1) 50 minutes of Pomodoro’s [ON] & 5-10 minutes of Box Breathing [OFF] - I was
digging into the science behind the brain. And how we’re designed to best operate. And
turns out, we’re wired to follow an ebb and flow system. To go hard for short durations,
then rest. Go hard, then rest. I used to just put on my headphones and hustle until it
was time to go to sleep. I don’t do that anymore because by the afternoon, I would be
tired as fuck. And my brain would be mush. Now what I do is 50 minutes of Pomodoro’s
followed with a 15-minute break. During these 15 minutes, I’ll spend 5-10 minutes doing
box breathing. The rest of the break I’ll get up from my chair, hydrate and maybe crank
out a few push ups. What I’ve noticed by doing this is not only am I much more relaxed
and focused during my work sessions, but I can work for longer stretches and remain in
flow without experiencing brain fog or the mid-afternoon crash. This comes in handy on
those long days.
2) Morning Pages - This is a technique I’ve been using for 5+ years and it’s fucking
golden. Basically you just pull up a Google Doc or grab a pen and pad and write freely
for 20 minutes or so. Only goal is you get everything out of your head and onto paper.
Whenever I’m stressed out and feel like I have so much shit to do, I just devote 20
minutes to this simple exercise. And by the end, I feel completely different. Highly
recommend doing this once a week at the minimum. It’s also known to boost your
creativity and help you produce better work.
3) Walks - Self explanatory. If more than a few days have passed without me taking a
daily walk, I notice the effects instantly. Not only am I more stressed and/or anxious, but
I take much longer to come up with solutions to problems.
4) Zero Notifications - If I could throw away my phone, I would. Notifications and
emails and constant texts and messages are a huge boulder in between you and your
goals. And each and every message can add a severe load to your stress levels
(especially if you have clients). To counteract this, I always keep my phone on Do Not
Disturb, plus I have all my notifications turned off. In addition, I also try to spend the first
few hours of the day without my phone (or any tech). If I can do this (I can’t always like
today I fucked up), I am better able to handle the challenges of the day from a proactive
position. If I fuck up, then I’m more likely to be reactive all morning long (which is a big
5) Keep Environment Clean - During high pressure times, the hair on your head starts
getting longer and longer. Your desk starts getting messier and messier. And your
environment starts getting dirtier and dirtier. To quickly destress all you have to do is
clean your environment. A cluttered mind is linked to a clutter environment. Get a
haircut and clean your environment and watch the stress melt away with ease.
Those are the 5 proven things I do on a consistent basis in order to keep stress levels
low and performance high. In addition, diet, hydrating yourself, sleep and exercise are
obviously important, but that’s basic shit. You should be doing those things anyway.
New Habit Recommendation: Do This Every Tuesday & Thursday
I have a new habit recommendation for you that I believe will completely take your
game to the next level. This is a habit that I don’t really see stressed much by the selfimprovement folks. Most people are too busy telling you to take action, take action, take
But what I find is…
Strategy > Taking Blindness Action
With the right strategy, you can make anything happen. By just blindly acting, you can
spend your entire life doing busy work, but never actually get anywhere worth going.
Before you start running, it’s important to make sure you’re heading in the right
direction. It’s important to strategize. And problem solve. And break down your life as a
whole so you can see things that the person who just acts and acts and acts never
sees. In other words, it’s important to just think.
To do that, I recommend you set aside 45 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday to just
think. To think about what exactly? Anything on your mind. Could be your goals.
Problems in your life. Anything really.
Important thing is you completely disconnect from all tech.
Go outdoors ideally and take a journal with you.
At the top of the page write down a problem or topic to think about and then just think,
think, think. And write, write, write. I can’t even begin to tell you where this will take you.
This habit has helped me make simple tweaks to marketing campaigns that have
generated a fuck ton more dollars. This habit has helped me come up with killer
strategies to execute inside my businesses with great success. This habit has even
helped me address some challenges and problems in my personal life.
The benefits are surreal. But you have to do it consistently. Twice a week works best for
me, but I encourage you to try it out to see what you mesh with. So give it a go and see
what you come away with. So many of us spend so much time repeating the behaviors
of yesterday that we never take the time to sit down and think. Just by thinking you can
make your life 100x better. I encourage you to turn thinking into a lifelong habit. The
rewards are endless.
My Weekly Review Template
I’m a whore when it comes to productivity porn. I’ve tested everything out there,
spending thousands of dollars. But at the end of the day? The things that I have stuck
with are always the simplest of things such as my LEUCHTTURM1917 notebook, a few
apps, a few spreadsheets, and a few productivity rituals. One of those productivity
rituals that has stood the test of time is my Weekly Review. This review is done every
Sunday at 1PM and allows me to breakdown and assess my week objectively, figure
out what went right, what went wrong, and make adjustments for the weeks to come, so
I remain on the right path. Most people never do a weekly review. They just continue
repeating the same old behaviors until it’s time to roll up in a ball and die. Fuck that. If
there’s one thing you take away from this issue, it should be to schedule time each
week to do a Weekly Review. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy or dreadful. Just keep
it simple. To get you started, below you will find the exact template I use to do my
Weekly Review (I did not invent this. I got this from (I think) Taylor Welsh from Traffic
and Funnels a while back and have been using it ever since with great success:
WEEKLY REVIEW // Week of: [Insert Dates]
>> 3 great things that happened to me last week were…
>> The main struggle I faced this week was…
… and if I was advising or mentoring someone dealing with the same struggle I’d advise
them to…
>> 2 things I learned about myself this past week include…
>> 2 things I learned about others include…
>> 1 decision that could have been made last week to make my life better or move
ahead faster would’ve been…
>> What worked really well this week and why?
>> A few of my favorite quotes from books or articles I studied this week are…
>> List of what I accomplished/WINS from last week:
>> What BIG projects or dream outcomes did I move forward this week? And what do I
want to move forward next week?
>> Learned/lessons/what should I do differently?
>> How was my life last week? How happy was I and why?
>> Did I take care of myself and the important people around me? And anything I need
to change going forward?
Rate the following areas of your life out of 10:
>> Any reflections or thoughts for next week?
There you have it, that’s the Weekly Review! I recommend doing this each week,
perhaps just on a Google Doc. And then spending time every month going through all
the weekly entries and finding consistent patterns. What you’re doing right. What
mistakes you are continuing to repeat. And then putting in new strategies in place to
tackle the fuck ups. It’s a game-changer. Give it a go? I sure hope so! Well, that’s it for
Before I sign off for the month, I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be in New York City
with my girl from August 20th - 26th. Not sure if I’ll have much time for shenanigans, but
if you’re in the city - shoot me an email and maybe we can pop some bottles (if you’re a
day one subscriber, the bottles are on me!).
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
Welcome to Issue #11 of the Tej Dosa Letter. Today we’re going to do something a little
different. Instead of sharing ideas like I normally do, I’m going to conduct an AMA and answer
some of the questions you sent in. Let’s get started.
Q1. Why do some copywriters intentionally misspel words in their copy?
If someone super rich and successful is selling a product to the masses, what objections do the
masses have? “Oh, he’s special. He’s too talented. He’s too skilled. He’s way smarter than me. I
can’t do it. It only worked for him because he had so much going for him. I have nothing. This
isn’t going to work for me, so I’m not going to buy.” By intentionally misspelling a word, the rich
and successful person becomes more human and brings himself down to the level of the
masses. “Hey this guy misspells words just like I do, maybe we’re more alike than we’re
different!” The masses think. And bam, you got em.
A lot of the BIG guys do this to look more human and imperfect. Coming across as too perfect is
one of the biggest mistakes you can make when selling because your targets are not perfect.
They are full of flaws and fuck ups. If they perceive you to be too perfect, they won’t relate. By
coming across as imperfect, you are more relatable. Of course the act of misspelling a word
isn’t the holy grail. It’s not going to make the difference between someone buying or not. But it is
going to make you more human. Which is a plus (just don’t over do it).
Q2. In your products you explain how to start being a freelance copywriter. But long
term, what is the path to take to make sure that you don't stagnate like any other low
level freelancer?
Two roads.
Road #1: Freelance → Stack cash → Use cash to start your own scalable ventures.
Road #2: Freelance → Stack cash → Use cash to hire/build team → Delegate work to team
members → Take on PREMIUM clients (don’t waste time dealing with low level clients, not
worth the headaches. Anything below $2k is too low. Ideally you want to aim for $5k and above)
→ Delegate work → Now you’ve turned freelancing into an agency and you can focus on
growing the agency (as opposed to doing client work all day. Working on the business, not in).
I guess there’s another option too which I’ve done which is a combination of the two roads
Q3. If you were asked to give a college commencement address (say 10-20 minutes in
duration), what would that talk look like?
I would talk about keeping your inner child alive. I believe children have it all figured out. They
have no fear. They jump before they’re ready. They are naturally curious. And they are full with
life (all traits required for massive success in business/life). As we grow up, we become a
fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the child we once were. We suppress our feelings, we limit
our aims, and we assume a small identity. Fuck that. I would encourage college graduates to
grow older with maturity, but never to “grow up”. This means to accept the pros of adulthood
such as taking responsibility for your life, becoming independent, growing into a strong leader
but to forever remain a child at heart. Continue to see the world in color – despite how many
failures, obstacles, setbacks you experience. Continue to ask questions, act a fool, and blaze
through life with a smirk on your face. How would I encourage people to apply this? By keeping
a picture of their 5-year old self in their wallet. Live and work NOT to make your parents proud,
society proud, your Instagram followers proud, but to make your 5-year old self proud. For if you
do you will live a great adventure. In addition to the above, I would also tell graduates to do two
things. The first is to go balls deep into learning how to build and sell. Learn coding and/or how
to build great products. And learn sales to push those products to the masses. The second thing
I would tell graduates to study is Eastern Spirituality. And start meditating. Learning how to build
and sell will make you rich beyond belief. And meditation/Eastern Spirituality will bring you
internal peace. Add on top of this your childlike wonder and awe and the world won’t be able to
get enough of you. You will be one of one.
Q4. Let's say I think I am good with direct response. And I want to pitch a business.
Which service in your opinion is the best to focus on as a newbie who is hungry to learn
and improve his/her skills? Emails? Sales Letters? Social media posts?
Long form sales letters. Without a doubt. Anybody can write a 200-word email. Get good at
writing 2000+ word sales letters. And the world becomes your oyster. Whenever you need
money, you can write a sales letter and put it in front of the right people. And make money. It’s a
superpower. Hone the skill. (Plus learning other forms of direct response becomes easier once
you know sales letters. People who know sales letters can easily write emails. People who know
emails can’t easily write sales letters. Trust me, I’ve tried hiring email copywriters to write sales
letters. Not a good look. At all.).
Q5. What are you doing to prepare for the incoming recession?
A few things: (1) Stacking as much cash as possible. And stashing it away. This cash will be
used to purchase underpriced assets when the recession hits (and everybody is having cash
flow problems, so they’re forced to sell for dirt cheap). (2) I sat down the other day and made a
list of all our offers (my own business ventures + ventures I am involved in with clients). And
asked myself: “If a recession hit tomorrow and customers grew a tighter grip over their money,
which businesses would continue to make money? Which ones would slow down? And more
importantly, what marketing angles could I use to sell my offers during a recession? I actually
came up with some pretty sick angles that I’m excited to test out (i.e. one reason I created the
Clicks&Copy University instead of just selling courses with the personal brand is because during
recessions layoffs happen. People go back to school to learn skills. One angle I can use is, “Hey
instead of going back to school and spending $xxx,xxx to learn some bullshit, why not invest
just $xxxx into the CCU and come away with the exact skill-sets you need to make money on
your own terms.” Then hit them with a fuck ton of proof and scare them even more with how
artificial intelligence is coming and probably going to take away the job they’re going back to
school to learn anyways, so their best bet is to build high ROI skills with CCU, and get a great a
real-world apprenticeship that PAYS them for doing so. In a recession, I can continue to make
sales for this offer because I would simply change the targeting. Position it as the alternative to
College and target those who are laid off/forced to go back to school to upgrade their skill set.
This IMO would work a lot better than just slanging a copywriting course or a Facebook Ads
course you know?). The businesses that would continue to make money? Those that allow
people to escape their shitty reality and those that target deep rooted insecurities that make
money irrelevant. I.e. Anti-aging for women, helping bald men with receding hairlines grow their
shit back (people will spend any amount of $$$s to get their hair back because it’s something
they’re deeply insecure about), etc.
Q6. What is the cold email script to get your first copywriting client?
Subject: My bad, [Name]...
[Name], you don’t know me (Hi I’m [Name]), but I shot you a short video that’ll either 2-5x sales
for your [Product Name] or at the very least make you an extra 100 bucks (guaranteed)…
<insert video here>
Let me explain…
I run a small performance-based copywriting business. I write sales letters for [niche] and help
deposit more green stuff into bank accounts.
But the way I do it is a little different than what you’re used to...
{include irresistible offer details here}
I’ve gone through your current sales letters for your [product name] and offered simple tips and
tweaks you can implement to instantly boost your sales conversions.
Watch it here (takes just 2:43 minutes) <=
If you like what you see, I’d love to implement the suggestions for you to test, [Name]. Once I
put my copy skills into action, you’ll either experience a significant increase in sales (2-5x sales
in most cases) … or I’ll PayPal you $100. You win - either way!
How does that sound? Worth watching this short 2:43 minute video for?
*fingers crossed*
{your name}
{your tagline - example: Direct Response Copywriter | Sales Generating Machine | Below
Average At Call Of Duty}
{your phone number}
{your email}
Want to jump on a call w/ me? Schedule a 15-minute call with me >>
P.S. [Name], this isn’t a mass email I’m sending out to just anybody (I hate those as much as
you do). I’m sending it specifically to you! Here’s proof:
<include funny image of you holding up a sign that says, “This email is for [insert recipient
name] eyes only>
I’m much better looking on Skype. Want to hop on a quick call to discuss the details of this
insanely lucrative (and perhaps a little too forward) proposition?
Book a spot in my calendar here
Q7. In a previous letter you gave us the blueprint to get to 100k. What would be the
blueprint to 1 million?
Answer #1: Scale, systemize & strategize whatever you did to hit $100k. And grow it to $1M.
Answer #2: 1) Learn copy or paid traffic 2) Set up agency on performance basis 3) Run agency
until skills are fine tuned and cash is stacked 4) Partner with clients, take equity 5) Use
skills/team/war-chest of capital you built to launch your own ventures.
(You can get to $1M w/ just the agency alone, but the other variables make hitting $1M
Q8. You talked about removing your BS with bioenergetics in your issue a few weeks
ago. I would really love to know how you program your mind to WIN (Confidence, money
mindset, etc.) Your thoughts and experiences with meditation, affirmations and
visualizations would be sweet too.
I monitor what I expose my senses to. And cutoff anything that lowers confidence/energy levels.
In addition, I have a mindset folder that includes my visions, mission, identity, manifesto,
personal creed, standards, intentions, etc. I read through this folder 3x a day and it keeps my
mindset sharp.
Thoughts/experiences with meditation: Changed my life. Without a doubt. Lots of people shit
on meditation. And make jokes such as take action, take action, take action. Nothing is going to
come to you while you meditate. I laugh when I read shit like this. I can directly trace at least
$500,000 made back to meditation. The act of quieting the mind and entering stillness connects
you to the universal mind, giving you access to insights and ideas you couldn’t see before
(because your mind was too flooded). But it’s not even because of the money that meditation
has been so helpful, it’s because it gives me time. Let me explain. In normal day-to-day life, shit
happens and you react automatically. Instantly. A guy cuts in front of you in traffic and you
automatically start cursing. Somebody says something to you. And you automatically feel a way.
It happens automatically, right? With meditation you get time. There’s a tiny amount of time that
opens up after the situation happens and before your reaction occurs. This tiny bit of time allows
you to control your reaction and react positively instead of reacting based on your programming.
Most people react automatically. These people are programmed machines, meditation allows
you to react to the events of life consciously. This makes all the difference. And gives you
control over your life experience.
Thoughts/experiences with affirmations: I thought affirmations were cheesy and bullshit
when I first came across them. But then I read Mike Tyson’s biography. And how his boxing
coach/mentor used affirmations to reprogram his mind. Then I read more stories about really
successful guys and gals. And how they too used affirmations. Once I saw the pattern, I
naturally jumped on the affirmations bandwagon. And gave them a go. And now I too am I
believer. I’ve used affirmations to upgrade my identity over and over again. You are nothing
more than the story you tell yourself. With affirmations, you can change the story. Change your
story, change your life.
Thoughts on visualizations: I discovered the powers of visualization early. In high school, I
used to be the 3-point champ. Just draining those bad boys. Chilling on the 3-point line and
sinking bucket after bucket (Kawhi voice). My secret? Before shooting, I would quickly visualize
nothing but net. This allowed me to shoot with perfect form and hit shot after shot. After seeing
how well it worked on the court, I applied visualization exercises to other areas of my life as
well. Mostly business. And let’s just say everything I am living now, I first saw in my mind’s eye.
Q9. Why did you choose the agency route? Why not door to door sales or media buying?
I wanted to get an MBA in online business. In university, the traditional career I always admired
was management consulting. Because it allows you to get access to a large network of killers,
plus learn about a fuck-ton of different business models. I didn’t want to work for anybody so
becoming a management consultant was out of the question. But the equivalent of that in online
biz IMO was to launch an agency. With the agency, I could build my network of killers (which
were my clients). And also get a behind the scenes look into how they ran BIG campaigns (in a
variety of different niches). This education proved to be priceless. And helped me launch
successful campaigns of my own. I don’t think I would’ve reached this point this quickly if I was
doing door to door sales or whatever. When you’re first starting, I think exposure is key. Do
things that broaden your horizons, not limit your horizons. After you pick up game by broadening
your horizons, then zero in. Not before. At least that’s why I did what I did (Don’t get me wrong
though, learning sales was the single most important skill I’ve ever learned. I just applied it to
the agency route, not door-to-door sales).
Q10. What upgrades have you made to your personal office work space to increase
productivity and reduce distractions?
I haven’t made any upgrades. I’ve only made downgrades. All I have in my personal office
space is a desk and a chair. On the desk, I have a laptop, iPad, water bottle, and a notebook.
On the walls of the office, I only have two things up. One thing says, “ONE LIFE: Limit one (1)
per person. Make it count.” The other says, “I started my life with a single absolute: that the
world was mine to shape in the image of my highest values and never to be given up to a lesser
standard, no matter how long or hard the struggle.” By keeping it minimalistic and strictly
focused on work, I have conditioned myself to associate high productivity with this office space.
Whenever I walk in, I instantly get in the mood to work. And knock shit out since there’s zero
Q11. What upgrades have you made to your sleep environment & routine based on the
data from your Oura ring?
I used to go out every other weekend. I would wake up the next morning hungover af, but try to
power through it to the best of my ability. I knew it was fucking up my performance, but I couldn’t
quantify it. By getting the Oura ring and tracking my performance, I could quantify it (not pretty).
So I’ve cut down on my drinking a lot. Because now I can see the data and the impact it has on
my sleep as well as on my performance the next day. On hangover days, it takes me twice as
long to complete a task (especially creative work like writing copy). It’s insane. So one of the
biggest changes I’ve made since getting the Oura ring is limiting my alcohol intake (actually
planning on not drinking till the end of December, but I’ll probably pop a bottle or two on my
birthday in November if I’m being 100% honest). Other changes include: Sleeping at the same
time, waking up at the same time (as best as I can), limiting the use of electronics before bed (1
hr before bed I try not to look at any screens), and making diet/exercise changes to improve the
quality of sleep (working out late at night destroys my Heart Rate Variability score which is a
measure of recovery/readiness, so I workout earlier).
Q12. How to work on gaining unshakable confidence in life and work/business?
Face your fears and do hard things, consistently. Unshakeable confidence comes via
competence and knowing you can weather any storm. Only by facing your fears and doing hard
things consistently can you weather any storm.
Q13. Do you record your affirmations in your voice and hear them everyday or write them
everyday or just repeat certain number of times?
A combination of all three. I do have affirmations recorded in my own voice. I’ll listen to them on
loop while I sleep every now and then. Otherwise, I’ll just read through them when I go through
my Mindset Folder.
Q14. When you've experienced the worst failures or setbacks, what was your process to
get over it and move on?
This is going to sound stupid, but whenever I experience a terrible setback, I just go to bed early
and retire the day lol. Next day, I wake up fresh and get after it. The act of sleeping “restores”
me and doesn’t let me dwell in the negative. The next morning, it’s a new day. If you live in the
present, then you kill the past with each moment. So what happened yesterday doesn’t matter.
If something from the past keeps fucking with me, then I’ll pull out a pen and pad and do a brain
dump. Write freely for 20 minutes. And get everything out. And toss the paper away. This acts
as a reset. Another point to acknowledge is that I don’t take anything seriously. Life is just a
game. Anything real can’t be taken from you. Losing money, break ups, horrible mistakes –
whatever are just a part of the yin and yang of life. I’ve been up. I’ve been down. I was good
either way (as long as I stayed present and focused on the now. It’s when you start thinking
about the past and future that you start weighing yourself down with unnecessary weight). I also
track my “recovery” time. How long does it take me to recover after shit goes wrong? Tracking
this variable has allowed me to recover much faster. Try it.
Q15. What's the best way to improve your close skills?
Use a script, do more sales calls, and record your calls. Group the calls you close into a
success folder. Group the calls you don’t into a failure folder. Spend time going through calls in
the success folder and pull out patterns. Write these down. Go through the failure calls and write
down what you could’ve improved. Keep repeating and you’ll improve your close skills by
default. It’s not a sexy process, but it’s a proven process. There’s no magic bullet. Put in the
Q16. I took your course on how to write copy and is awesome, I learn so much and I did
get a lot confidence to write copy, but there is something that is stopping me to offer my
services. English is my second language and because of that I don't feel so confident. I'm
scared to jump in a call with a business owner and for him to be disappointed of me
when he listen to me speaking, you see he may think "why should I give this guy an
opportunity to write my email or a sales letter if he does not know how to speak
properly", what will you suggest me to do in this case, I do practice English daily and my
writing too, but I still don't break this barrier.
Turn your disadvantage into an advantage. “The reason I’m such a great copywriter is because
English isn’t my first language. You may think it’s a disadvantage, but here’s why it can make
you a lot of $$$s: High converting copy is written at a 5th grade level. The copy that sells isn’t
one that uses complicated phrases or words, but simple English using a conversational tone.
Simple English is all I know because my first language is [blank], not English. Honestly, I
thought this was a disadvantage at first. But then I quickly realized it is my greatest advantage.
Whereas everybody else is writing complicated copy because they’re masters of English, I write
simple copy that customers can understand quickly and easily. This, in return, boosts
conversions by x and here’s proof: [insert proof].” If you don’t have proof, leave it out. There’s
always an angle to overcome any and every objection. Find it. And above all, practice, practice,
practice. The more reps you put in, the better you’ll become. And the more confident you’ll grow.
There’s no shortcut. If people aren’t giving you a chance, assign yourself random products and
write copy for them. Do this daily and you’ll start getting better. Focus on what you can control.
Always and forever.
Q17. How would you take advantage of the upcoming recession as an entrepreneur?
What opportunities would you look for?
I would look for dumb 18-year olds who spent all their money on Lamborghini’s and are now
facing cash flow problems. And are forced to sell their Lamborghini for pennies on the dollar.
And I would buy it.
The above isn’t really about Lambos. (It’s about buying underpriced “assets”.) Other
opportunities I would look for are ones in which I could sell hope or escapism.
Q18. Any advice on processes/systems that have best helped you manage your teams?
I'm currently managing a 20-person company I own a small piece of, while working to
start a company of my own. I constantly end the day with way more on my to-do list than
I started with, am struggling to effectively delegate the 80% of non-high leverage tasks
while making sure they get done on time and correctly, and minimize distractions.
1. Wake up. 2. Make a list of everything that needs to get done. 3. Circle all high-leverage tasks
that only I can do. 4. Delegate the rest. 5. Shut down all communication channels and put in 4-6
hours of deep work. 6. Have daily check in times where you check on your team to ensure
everything is going as planned 7. Repeat.
Also have your team members fill out 3 things they’re going to do today. And at days’ end, 3
things they got done. Let them know this is how you will be evaluating their progress/results.
And this one act will increase their accountability like you wouldn’t believe. Plus, make them
conduct Weekly Reviews/Plans as well as Monthly Reviews/Plans (this is huge). Other things
include hiring another person to manage the team, so you don’t have to. Also shit like setting
deadlines, doing weekly/monthly calls, using task management software where you can easily
check in on progress being made with a single glance (obvious shit).
Personally, I’m not a big micro-manager. I just set up systems and processes that make people
manage themselves. Then I judge people’s performance strictly by results. If it’s good and on
time, great. If not, figure out the problem and try to fix it with the other person. If it’s unfixable, let
them go.
Q19. What's your story?
Son of (great) immigrants. Battled psychological issues growing up. Discovered self help early
teens. Became obsessed and developed a sick mindset. Knew from an early age I never
wanted to work for anybody else (hated authority, always rebelled against it). Launched
business after business. Most failed. One succeeded. But just minor six figure success. Nothing
Realized the reason I kept failing was because I sucked at marketing/sales. Used to be a shy
kid growing up so naturally shied away from marketing/sales because I thought it was for
extroverts. Started researching marketing, discovered something called direct response. Always
had a knack for writing. Went balls deep into copywriting. Used copy skills to blow up own
ventures, friends in industry naturally started reaching out. “Can you help me generate x,y,z
result too?” Young and hungry for experience, so I said sure. Started writing copy for clients. Hit
a glass ceiling. Needed to get better, so sent out cold emails to marketers that were killing it,
asking to apprentice under them for Free. One bit. Apprenticed under an 8-figure marketer for
4.5ish years. Learned the game of direct response at the deepest level. Used knowledge to
create an agency. Worked with over 200+ clients. Generated all types of crazy results. Made
bunch of $$$s. Used profits to launch own ventures + partner with clients in exchange for equity
(to make even more $$$s). In addition to running the agencies and own ventures, also started
making small plays in real estate. Nothing crazy, just safe investments. And that’s pretty much
where we stand today. Also went to business school in between all this chaos and partied a lot,
plus travelled, fucked around, had some dope ass experiences, and went deep into spirituality
(human consciousness, meditation, etc.)
Q20. The best things or secrets learned that mastering copywriting taught you about
picking up chicks?!
If you study any field that involves human psychology whether it’s copywriting, picking up
chicks, sales, getting clients, whatever - you’ll notice it’s the same shit. Writing copy and gaming
girls is the exact same thing. I see no difference between the two. If you want to learn game,
read a copywriting book. If you want to learn copy, read a book on game. In terms of secrets,
every principle that works in copy works in game too. The same things that make an attractive
offer makes you an attractive person. The same rules that apply to copy such as “talk about the
other person, make people feel something, and guide people throughout the process” applies to
game as well. Frame control is what a good sales letter does automatically. It controls people’s
attention and guides it to where the copywriter wants it to go. Same shit with game, you pull girls
into your world, tap into their pre-existing desires, and take em down the rollercoaster of
feelings. Everybody just wants to feel alive at the end of the day. Become the feeling and sell it.
Both in your sales letters and in your interactions with girls. You’ll never have a problem making
money or getting girls again because people want what they cannot have. And most people
desire to feel alive, but are stuck living a water down life full of insecurity. Become the light and
give them what they can’t have.
Business Idea: Copywriting for guys on Tinder looking to get laid (target the betas w/ no game
Q21. Mindset: What have you found is the single most effective way to change/reshape
your mindset on any given topic?
Be present and monitor/control your self talk. It doesn’t matter what is true because whatever
you believe will become true. Align your self talk with who you want to become (even if your self
talk is lies). Do it consistently and you’ll change your mindset. Everything is programming.
Everybody is programming you. But the real fun starts when you begin to consciously program
Q22. While practicing copy, I always feels like: it can be improved further, every single
time I rewrite it. The point is how to be confident enough that yes you're providing
enough value through work to get out of perfection syndrome?
You’re right, it can always be improved. But perfection is the enemy. You want to get your copy
out once it’s good enough to test. Writing copy isn’t like writing music where you record the
song, release it, and then it’s done forever. Nope. You write the copy, launch it, take in the
market’s feedback. Then adjust, write different variations, make changes (it’s like writing
Comedy/stand up). That’s when the fun starts. So don’t worry about getting it perfect (you’re
only wasting time), I personally operate entirely on feeling/intuition. I’ve written enough copy to
know when it’s “good-enough” to be tested. Then I launch, take in feedback, and adjust. It’s a
process. A never ending process. But the process doesn’t start until you launch. So get the copy
good enough and launch.
Q23. What is the single biggest differentiator clients have noticed about you that
“instantly sold” them on working with you, or what they love the most about you that
they continue working with you?
Two things: 1) Attitude; 2) Not adding to their stress load, but taking it away. I’ll start with
attitude. Most people are stuck in ruts. They don’t live life in color. They lead a monotonous
existence. A dull life. Anybody with high energy and a positive attitude automatically stands out.
Ever since I got in the game, I didn’t care about the money. I was young and living with the rents
so I could afford not to care about the money. Instead, I just had an insatiable curiosity and a
deep desire to bring value and learn from the heavy hitters who were my clients. I would go the
extra mile. Always say yes. And get shit done, working as much as the owner with zero
complaints. This instantly made me stand out and many times I’ve had clients make a comment
about my attitude. And it’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to not only keep clients, but also
get clients in the first place. On the initial sales call is where your attitude first comes out. “I was
already sold on xyz agency, but based on your attitude, I’m going to go with you guys.” I’ve
heard this more times than you would believe. Everything can be taught, attitude cannot.
Attitude is everything. The second thing is not adding to their stress load. Most people are a
hassle to work with. They add headaches. And make the overall process harder. When a client
says yes to you, make their life easier not harder. Be pleasant and easy to work with. This goes
a long way in retaining clients. And lastly, you have to be good (goes without saying). Generate
results. Nothing matters unless you can generate consistent results.
Q24. How would you go about creating an info product without having a personal brand
or any social proof?
I would do it one of two ways. First way is I would contact an authority in the niche I’m building
the info-product in who has social proof and partner with them. We do this in the health niche all
the time. We’ll partner with a recognized expert or a doctor and make them the face of the
product (create a joint product). Overnight we’ll get access to a fuck ton of potential customers
(instead of having to target cold audiences, we have a bunch of warm leads to work with who
are fans of the expert and are likely to buy).
The second way is straight up direct response. If you’re good at coming up with compelling BIG
ideas and copy, then you don’t need a personal brand or social proof. Sure, having a personal
brand and social proof helps because it increases trust. But if your direct response skills are top
notch, you can kill it (just look at the GOATs of direct response. Most made millions selling
through direct mail without having a personal brand or much social proof, the offer and the copy
were simply too good to pass up). I would focus entirely on creating compelling BIG ideas and
offers that sell themselves. This is what we do. A lot of the info-products we sell to cold traffic
are not backed by a specific person or don’t have any social proof (i.e. when launching a
completely new business). As a result, we go heavy direct response and focus on creating
irresistible copy and offers that sell themselves. This is the 20% that is responsible for
generating 80% of the results. Double down on this.
(If somebody reads something that speaks directly to them… is exactly what they need… and is
priced at the right price… they don’t care if you have a personal brand or not. They just care
about using that product to achieve x!)
Side note: One of my clients makes multiple 7 figures a year selling info-products to cold traffic
under generic company names (not personal brands). He goes heavy direct response.
Q25. What are the best ways to maintain “flow state” for consecutive days, while not
feeling like it’s a monotonous grind?
It’s easy to maintain flow state when you’re winning and seeing success. Harder when you’re
just getting started. But the secret to maintaining flow state is to lose your attachment to results.
Marry a life of flow. Every day set a goal of 2-4 hours of flow, when you hit that number, reward
yourself. Over time, your brain will associate flow state with rewards and not “monotonous grind”
like it currently does. The rewards should make you feel good.
Q26. Do you think ego is an ally in the pursuit of happiness, or the only enemy one needs
to get rid of in order to truly attain it?
Depends. If you want happiness, kill your ego. If you want success/power, keep your ego alive.
If you want both, learn to control your ego. Make it work for you. Not against you. Take the
benefits. Do away with the pitfalls.
How to control ego: By cultivating awareness, getting in touch with the witness/observer inside
Q27. How to position your business/agency/freelancing business in a market as the
leader and not having to prospect for clients anymore?
Build a personal brand or build a business brand. This is how you make people come to you.
When you think of x, you automatically think of y. Become the y in your niche’s head for x. And
your days of sending out cold emails are over and done with (you should still do outreach, but
you won’t need to).
Q28. What is your writing/compiling process for The Tej Dosa Letter?
Write down lessons learned, experiments conducted, conclusions formed in the last 30
days. Group them from most valuable to least valuable. Scrap least valuable, turn most valuable
into headlines. Write the content under each headline. Edit and publish.
Q29. What 30-days plan would you create to overcome business procrastination (i.e. the
fear of creating businesses)?
Fuck a 30-day plan. You can kill biz procrastination in the next 60 seconds. Here’s how. 1)
Google health supplements. 2) Find the owner of one and get their email address 3) Write an
email pitching any service (I don’t care what it is) 4) Send it. I don’t care if you don’t want to
create a service business. Just doing the above will allow you to break through all the BS beliefs
coloring your reality right now.
It doesn’t matter if the biz owner replies or your pitch sucks (it probably will). Just the act alone
contains immense power. Do it. And if you don’t feel like doing it, set a timer for 2 minutes on
your phone and say you’re just going to do it for 2 minutes. You can do that, can’t you?
Q30. Besides the usual "amazon reviews," "Facebook groups," etc. where do YOU
usually go to find out more about your customer avatar?
Watch YouTube videos of who your target admires, read the comments, figure out what
language your target speaks.
I also read the books they read, watch the movies they watch, consume the media they
consume (if I’m going to be in a niche for a long time and it’s not just some one-off project). And
lastly whenever I am out in public, I look to see if my customer avatar is out and about too.
Finding someone who resembles my customer avatar makes me realize a customer avatar isn’t
a make belief person, it’s a real person with needs, desires, pain points, frustrations and
heartaches. Seeing somebody in the flesh who embodies my customer avatar helps me realize
this. And then when I write the copy, I write with this person in mind. In fact, I write only to this
Q31. How do you edit your copy?
First, I read it out loud and edit the structure. Does it flow well? Do the parts mesh well with one
another? I find the disconnects. And connect those. Then I edit with a highlighter. I’ll read each
word and highlight any word(s) I can delete. Then I delete those. That’s the second thing I do.
Then I change the font of the copy, so it appears different/new. Doing this allows me to look at it
with somewhat fresh eyes. And it’ll allow me to spot shit I previously couldn’t “see”. Banner
blindness is real. So is copy blindness. Lastly, I’ll step away from the copy for 1-2 days.
Completely forget about it. Then come back and edit one last time with fresh eyes.
Q32. How to be creative? Do creative things.
Q33. How do you choose which biz idea to pick and focus on when you have multiple
ideas in your head? is it profitability, is it easy to deliver, something else?
Depends. If you need cash fast (i.e. need to escape your 9-5), focus on the idea that will allow
you to make the same amount of money (or more) as your day job so you can free yourself from
your unpleasant circumstances. If you have money coming in and time on your hands, focus on
business opportunities that will allow you to eat for one hundred summers (long term biz models
that will continue to kick out money).
Q34. What's the quickest biz model to get to $10k per month so I could quit my day job
and focus on the biz?
Learn sales + skill to sell (i.e. copy/traffic), then freelance/build a team.
Q35. How do you get people to sign up for your email list and open the emails
Write emails that are worth reading/opening.
Q36. Can you share which other books help with yogi practice?
Not sure what you mean by yogi practice, but here are some books I recommend related to
cultivating presence and Eastern Spirituality: I Am That, Awareness by Anthony de Mello, and
books by Osho.
Q37. How to stick to one single thing in this world of shiny object syndrome? Because
you've stuck to copywriting and not moved to dropshipping (so many Shopify
screenshots are floating out there)
"Mike never tried to rap like Pac. Pac never tried to sing like Mike" Those my dad's words to me
when I asked him how to make it in life. ~ Drake
Thanks for sending in your questions. If I missed your questions, I’ll be answering them in a
separate email. It was great fun preparing this for you. Have a great month.
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter
could easily make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with
the word ‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such
powerful knowledge again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
Today is the 1-year anniversary of the Tej Dosa Letter. If you’ve been down since day
one, you have no idea how much that means to me. It feels great sending out bags full
of envelopes to folks all over the world each month. The postage workers always look at
me weird. “You’re sending how many letters?” They ask with a hint of disbelief. And with
each Issue I send out, I get a fuck ton of joy from hearing how you’re applying what
you’re learning. And how many results you’ve generated to date.
I’ve heard crazy stories from folks who say they’ve generated a stronger ROI from a $7
letter than they have from $997 courses. It’s crazy. But I’m not here to toot my horn. I’m
here to say thank you. I appreciate you more than you could ever know. And will
continue to go ham with each issue. I’m actually planning on taking things to the next
level. And making these letters 10x more valuable, but I’ll get into that at a later date.
For now, it’s business as usual.
Here is what you’ll find inside this Issue:
How I’m Ending 2019: The 75-Day Program I’m Following To Build More
Discipline, Get In Great Shape, Boost My Confidence And Build My Mental
A Raw and Real Story For You
Stack The Deck Of Life In Your Favor: How To Get Rich, Get Healthy, Get
Happy (Highest ROI Levers You Can Push In Each Category)
How To Beat Social Anxiety And Become A World-Class Salesperson (Do
This 3x A Day)
Old Journal Entry From Year 1 Of Starting My Marketing Agency
One Powerful Question For You...
Let’s get the party rocking and rolling.
How I’m Ending 2019: The 75-Day Program I’m Following To Build
More Discipline, Get In Great Shape, Boost My Confidence And Build
My Mental Toughness
2019 has been the best year of my life. It’s been a year full of unbelievable highs. And
crazy lows. I’ve seen the top of the world. I’ve swam at the bottom of the ocean. I’ve
experienced the full spectrum. And have made unbelievable progress on my yearly
“All the shit I wrote down, I did it... it’s old now.” ~ J.Cole.
But with the year coming to a fast end, I found myself wanting to test myself. I don’t
know about you, but one of my greatest fears is dying without truly knowing what I am
capable of.
Now, don’t get me wrong. All the shit I’ve achieved to date has been amazing. But I’m
nowhere near where I want to be. I’ve always felt like I wasn’t operating at 100% of my
potential. Always felt like I was operating at 40%. And was leaving so much on the
table. Perhaps you can relate? Maybe. Maybe not.
But, I wanted to test myself. I wanted to put myself in the fire. And dance in the face of
discomfort. I wanted to see what I was capable of. So this past month, I started thinking
about how I could test myself. How I could end the year with a bang. And sharpen the
While flirting with this thought, I got a text from one of the realist dudes on our corner of
Twitter, @DannyRoars. The text read, “Have you ever done 75 HARD?”
To which I replied, “That’s the Andy Frisella one, right? I’ve heard of it. I haven’t given it
a go yet. But it’s funny, I’m looking for stuff to test myself with right now. This might be
the perfect time. What do you say? Let’s start together and kill it for these next 75 days?
Extra accountability.” To which Danny replied, “My fuckin guy. Started day 1 today. See
you tomorrow killa.”
And since then, both Danny and I haven’t missed a single day. We’re still quite early in
the journey… I’m on Day 12 at the time of writing this and Danny’s on Day 13, but the
benefits have been amazing thus far… I can only imagine how great it will feel at the
end of the 75 days. Before I tell you the benefits, let me share with you what 75 HARD
includes. The program is simple. Each day, you have to do just 5 things. Your job is to
complete each task every single day for 75 consecutive days with zero deviations (if you
miss a day, you start back from day 0). What are the 5 tasks? Here they are:
(1) Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each - it doesn’t matter what the exercise
is but one of these sessions MUST be outdoors (regardless of weather
conditions) (2) Drink 1 gallon of water per day (3) Pick a diet plan and stick to it.
Eat clean. No alcohol (ouch). (4) Read 10 pages every day of a non-fiction, selfhelp, entrepreneurial type book. (5) Take one progress photo each day.
That’s it. The completion of the 75 days isn’t designed to transform you physically
(although that’s a byproduct), but engrave in you traits such as discipline, confidence,
self esteem, grit, perseverance. All the raw qualities you need to kill it in business and
life. And I’ve already started to feel a boost in these traits on a very small scale (since
I’m still very early in the program). I feel great at the end of each day. Energy is through
the roof. And my level of grit and confidence has transferred into every other area of my
life. Business ideas are coming in records speeds, productivity is sky high, and I’m more
intentional about what I’m doing. And how I’m spending my time.
I highly recommend you give this program a go. It seems easy, but it’s pretty hard.
Hence the name. For me, the hardest part is the outdoor workout (it’s always raining
here in Vancouver) and giving up the weekend drinks/trash food. Just by doing these on
the daily for the last 11 days, I’ve already started to develop/strengthen the skill of doing
whatever it takes to win regardless of the circumstances, saying no to people/shit that
runs contrary to my goals, and seeing what I’m truly made of. The confidence that
comes from making the right decisions consistently is unreal. If you’re someone who is
looking to end the year with a bang, then this is THE program for you (you’ll get more
out of this than you will consuming 90% of online courses/trainings).
Andy Frisella is a beast and he’s coming out with a book on this shortly, but it’s
imperative you get on this now. It’s a game changer. I’ll give you another update in an
email once I’m done all 75 days. No quit in my bones. We doing this. Will you join us? I
sure hope so. (If you want to hear more about this program and the benefits, check out
episode 290 of the MFCEO Project (Andy’s podcast). It’s a great episode and will get
you pumped the fuck up. And ready to conquer. I couldn’t sleep once Danny sent it to
me, I just couldn’t wait for the next day to begin so I could start Day 1. I’m guessing it
will have the same impact on you, my friend.)
A Raw And Real Story For You
His eyes grew wide as he approached the lady handing out newspapers to people
walking by.
"How many of these can I have?"
"As many as you'd like." She replied. "Great! I'll take them all. My friends in the paper.
And I want him to have these." He flipped the page. Looked at me. And held up page 2.
I saw his friend. A middle-aged man. With tattoos. Lots of tattoos. The headline read,
"Man beats addiction and overcomes blindness."
"Wow." I replied.
Then with pride all over his face, he got to sharing: "He's been sober for 6 years… His
drug use was so bad; he went blind… Doctors told him he would never see again… But
he got his shit together and regained his vision…”
He spoke. I listened. Then he spoke some more. And I could feel the pride. The joy. The
love. And the victory that comes with beating insurmountable odds. Odds that people
told you were insurmountable and could never be beaten. Then he gave me a fist pump.
Gripped tightly onto his collection of papers. Placed them under his coat.
And raced to show his friend, the very same friend Doctor’s said was never supposed to
see ANYTHING again… let alone a picture of himself in the newspaper.
How inspiring is that?
Stack The Deck Of Life In Your Favor: How To Get Rich, Get Healthy,
Get Happy (Highest ROI Levers You Can Push In Each Category)
To beat the game of life, you have to get rich, get healthy, get happy. Not necessarily in
that order. But those are the three games you must beat if you desire to live a
successful life full of abundance, energy and great joy. Problem is, most people lose at
all three games. Look around, how many people around you have won even one of
these games? Majority of the population is poor, obese, and depressed. What went
wrong? And how can you avoid making the same mistakes? How can you ensure you
end up beating all three games? That’s the question I asked myself when starting out.
I never wanted to end up like the faces of the people I saw on the train in the morning
as a teen. They were lifeless, low energy, and miserable. No way to go through life. So
since then, I’ve been on a mission to beat all three games. Below I will provide you with
the exact strategy I’ve followed to excel in each of these three areas (still a long way to
go, the game is never over until it’s over). This strategy allows for the greatest possibility
of success IMO. But most people won’t tell you this. Not your parents, not your
teachers, not your friends. But I will (because shit… you’re paying for this lol). So let’s
get into it.
Optimal Strategy For Getting Rich
Majority of the population believes it isn’t possible to get rich. They believe if you weren’t
born rich or with privilege, you’re doomed. Then there’s another group who does
consider it an option, but a very unlikely option. They believe to get rich, you have to
come up with a crazy tech idea, raise cash, build the business, and then IPO and make
billions of dollars. This approach works. But it’s very rare. Like Gary Vee says, “For
every Instagram, there’s 1000 Instashits.” And it’s true. I don’t talk about it much, but
this is the approach I first took when it came to building riches. I tried coming up with
fancy app ideas, social networking sites, things of that nature. And everything bombed.
Didn’t make a $1. Horrible time. At this time, I thought I was doomed. If I can’t make my
tech ideas work, then how can I beat the game of riches? Fortunately, I found the
answer and it’s the exact same strategy I recommend you follow.
Here it is: (1) Learn skills (sales, copywriting, direct response = 3 must haves) (2) Work
for yourself by building a cash flow business first, not a cash eating business (a cash
flowing business spits out cash. Affiliate marketing, marketing agencies, service
companies - things of that nature. These are cash flowing businesses. A cash eating
business is one where you pour a lot of cash into a biz such as an app that has little to
no chance of succeeding. Avoid cash eating businesses when you’re first starting, build
only cash-flowing businesses.).
If you learn the above three skills, it’s very easy to build a cash flowing business. You
can easily get to 7-figures and perhaps even 8-figures this way. And best of all? Unlike
the high-risk tech model, it has much higher odds of success. Why? Because you’re
building skills first. You’re becoming a person of value. The better you get at the above
three skills; the more money you make. Everything is within your control. How
successful you become is 100% contingent on how good you are at your skill-set and
your work ethic and discipline. You don’t need lady luck to make a bunch of money. You
don’t need to raise cash from investors. You don’t need to spend months coding. It’s
simple. Learn the above 3 skills. Then create a product or service (or find someone
else’s) and use your skills to sell it. Repeat until you’ve found something that works.
Then scale up from there. And you’re crushing it.
Anybody who truly commits to this process, doesn’t back down, gives it their all… wins
sooner or later. I don’t know anybody who has failed. I know many people who’ve stuck
to creating one start up after another… but they all bombed… and they’re living in their
parent’s basement right now. Don’t become that person. Build your cash flow business
first, then if you’d like, you can take a portion of that money and use it to fund crazy start
up ideas. If it succeeds, you get filthy rich. If it doesn’t, no big deal. You’re still rich.
That’s how you beat the game of riches. Stop trying to come up with crazy new
business ideas. Learn the above three skills, then enter a tried and true business model
that spits out cash (doesn’t even have to be online… you can learn the above three
skills and create a cleaning company. And make fucking bank. Options are endless.). If
you follow the above and truly commit for the long haul, you will crack the code to riches
(no way you can’t because your skills are compounding each day. And the better your
skills get, the more money you make. It’s impossible to fail if you possess the skills for
these skills are the money-making skills. By definition, if you are good at these skills,
you are making money. If you’re not making money, you’re not good at these skills. To
make money you just have to get good. Period. End of story). Let’s discuss the levers
you can push in Health now.
Optimal Strategy For Getting Healthy
In business, you optimize for profits. In health, you optimize for energy. There’s two
areas you must cover: mental health and physical health. Most people neglect both
areas until death comes calling. Don’t be most people. Get these two areas in alignment
and you’ll be on point. Personally, I only gave a fuck about optimizing mental health
when I was younger so I could be on point mentally. And crush targets. I didn’t care
about physical health, but I’ve been changing that this year. And I wish I had started
years ago, the benefits have been unreal (one of my regrets). Anyhow, let’s discuss the
levers you can push to optimize each area.
When it comes to mental health, the most important thing to learn is how to
control/disconnect from your monkey mind. If you don’t learn to control your monkey
mind, you will forever be at the mercy of your thoughts, emotions, feelings. The secret is
to quiet the mind. To enter a state of stillness. And operate from this state, so you’re
present in the here and now.
To get to this state, I recommend reading the book ‘Quiet Mind, Epic Life’ AND pushing
the following levers: Daily Quiet Time (don’t try to still the mind, just observe your
thoughts without judgments), Daily or Weekly Brain Dumps (your brain needs to take a
dump just like your body needs to take a dump. If you keep all the shit inside your brain,
you will suffer from low energy. And become lethargic in due time. Get it out of your
brain. Get it onto paper. This is crucial), Strengthening Awareness (Read Awareness by
Anthony De Mello), Clean Diet, Destressing (find an activity you can do when you’re
stressed that will instantly lower your cortisol levels. Mine is going for a walk), Cutting
Out Negative Media & Toxic Complainers From Your Life (this frees up bandwidth in
your brain and gives you more energy), Keeping Your Environment Clean (I struggle
with this the most… my den is a mess right now. But the cleaner your environment, the
cleaner your mind.). Those are the most important levers to push on a regular basis to
get a healthy mind.
When it comes to physical health, you already know what to do. But I’ll give you two
levers to push to generate physical results: (1) Sweat daily for 45 minutes. Doesn’t
matter what you do, just get the body sweating. (2) View food as high energy and low
energy. I don’t see an apple when I look at an apple. I see high energy. I don’t see a Big
Mac when I look at a Big Mac, I see low energy. Train yourself to think like this. And
mentally categorize every food you eat as high or low energy.
Doing this makes you aware of the impact food has on your energy levels. And before
you know it, sacrificing energy is just not worth the taste of Doritos (especially if you
have BIG dreams and want to make a fuck ton of money). I eat the same shit everyday
for the most part. Foods that give me clean energy. Instead of taking my energy away.
It’s made a killer difference to not only my energy levels, but productivity and bank
account too. Suggest you try it.
Optimal Strategy For Getting Happy
Developing your spirituality/diving inside yourself is the secret to everlasting happiness
(notice how I didn’t say riches and a 6 pack will bring you happiness, it won’t. Only
going inside and self actualizing yourself will). Studying Eastern Spirituality in particular
will train you how to live in the now, how to detach yourself from your circumstances,
how to separate your life from your life situation, and how to develop an abundance of
inner peace that stays with you in good times and bad.
There’s a world inside you that is more vast and beautiful than our physical world. Once
you go inside, you will experience a level of joy and bliss that this outer world can never
give you. Until you go there, you will always be searching for answers and happiness
outside yourself with little-to-no success (like the wealthy guy who ends up rich, but is
miserable inside. This is a horrible place to be). Once you go there, you’ll realize you
were love and happiness and abundance all this time. You just forgot.
Go inside yourself.
Make it a habit to study Eastern Spirituality (start with books such as I Am That,
Awareness, Autobiography of a Yogi, The Bhagavad Gita, Conversations w/ God, I Am
Discourses (Vol 3), etc.). And practice the exercises and techniques you find inside.
You have all the answers inside you. Self actualize yourself. And wake up.
Once you do, all the life you’ve lived up till now will feel like one big dream. And your
“real” life will start once you awaken. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself. It will not
only bring you happiness, but the tools you can leverage to get through the darkest of
days (deaths, breakups, horrible failures all lose their ability to damage you once you
awaken yourself to your true nature – speaking from personal experience).
If you take to heart the above three strategies and apply them consistently, you will
without a doubt beat the game of life. And get rich, healthy, and happy. There is no way
you can’t. These strategies are bulletproof. They have worked for me. They’ve worked
for thousands of others. And they will work for you too if you put them to work. In my
opinion, just knowing this is worth more than a thousand courses. Because once
applied, you can save yourself from becoming yet another broke, overweight,
depressed member of society (and it’s all 100% in your control). All you have to do is
apply the strategies above and push the right levers. It’s not so hard. So start pushing?
How To Beat Social Anxiety & Become A World-Class Salesperson
(Do This 3x A Day)
I used to suck at sales. I was too anxious. Too awkward. Too afraid. Meeting new
people seemed daunting. It was one of the reasons I got into online business. I thought I
could hide behind my computer screen. And make money without ever having to talk to
I thought wrong.
Because even if you’re making money online, you’re still selling to real people. And you
need to talk to these people. So you have to get over your fears and build new
relationships. Otherwise your business won’t grow. And you’ll be back working a 9-5. I
eventually accepted this and decided to dive head first into sales. I was in College at the
time and wanted to get over my fears. And become a world-class salesman. So here’s
what I did:
Every day I set the goal of talking to 3 new people a day (a quick 10-20 second
conversion, nothing crazy). It didn’t care who it was. Some days it was restaurant
employees. Other days it was people in my class. Other days it was homeless people
lying on the street. I didn’t care. I wanted to mix it up and get comfortable with talking to
people from all walks of life. I just wanted to put in the reps. And get over the fear of
talking to new people.
I missed a few days here and there, but for the most part I stuck to the plan. And put in
my 3 daily reps. In the beginning, it was very daunting. My heart was beating out of my
chest and pumping the blood of fear. But the more I did it, the easier it became. This
experience in return transferred itself into sales. I was more comfortable talking to new
clients. I was way more confident. And I was at ease with myself. This in return resulted
in me experiencing a level of groundedness that I previously lacked. And it set the
foundation for all the sales success to date.
It’s one of the simplest things you can do. But man is it effective. Opening and talking to
just 3 new people a day for a few months will completely transform you. If you’re
someone who suffers from social anxiety and/or is scared of sales, then this is what you
need to do. It’s uncomfortable, it’s scary, it’s challenging, but that’s what makes it so
To grow the fastest, you have to do the most uncomfortable task.
If you suffer from social anxiety/fear of sales, then the fastest way to resolve that fear is
by jumping into the ocean head first. And talking to as many people as possible on the
daily. Ask a question, make an observation, give a compliment. Whatever. Doesn’t
matter. Just doing this will give you a level of confidence that no book or course ever
will. So do it. I promise you that it will leave you transformed in every sense of the word.
Old Journal Entry From Year 1 Of Starting My Marketing Agency
The other day, I was flipping through old journal entries inside a very old journal (found
it randomly while cleaning my dresser drawer). I found a section of my journal that was
quite interesting. I used to document monthly what I was doing/what I was learning
when I first started my marketing agency in year 1. It was raw and real journal entries.
Full with successes, fuck ups, the whole nine. At the top of the section, I had set a goal
of making $100k/month with the agency. I was documenting it inside these journals. Or
so was the plan, but I eventually stopped documenting this particular goal (regret, it
would’ve made for quite the story looking back on it now). Nonetheless, I wanted to
copy/paste one of these early journal entries and show it to you today. Why? One it’s
full with lessons and nuggets of gold. Two, a lot of gurus just get up here and make their
living by telling you to do shit without ever doing it themselves. I can’t stand that shit. I
want to prove to you that everything I tell you to do, I’ve done myself. I’ve gone through
the fire. I’ve tasted defeat. I’ve felt failure. I’ve put in my reps (and still am grinding
daily). I’m not just speaking to speak, I’m speaking because I’ve been where you are.
Hopefully this makes you aware of that and teaches you a thing or two..
Here is my old journal entry from what seems like a lifetime ago…
Last month I fired a client and lost $3000 USD – converted into CDN currency it was
just under four grand. Worse? This was recurring income paid each month. So
technically I lost a total of $48,000 for the entire year. Ouch. My goal for this month was
to make back what I lost. The good news? I made $5,040 CDN (~$4000 USD). Putting
my collective profits back into the five figure range. The bad news? The additional
$5,040 I made isn’t recurring income – meaning next month I’ll have to start back from
What did I do to make $$$’s this month?
Networking. That’s pretty much all I did.
Most of my time was (and is) invested into the one main client I talked about last month,
but at the top of each morning, I devoted 2-4 hours to hustling and selling. This grew the
pie for the month. Once I got a new client, I would get in touch with my employees and
give them a piece of the pie for taking care of the work.
Then I sold some more.
And this went on and on.
What worked this month?
Delegation – I used to suck at delegating. Still do. I was obsessed with product quality. I want to
deliver the very best. It was hard for me to trust people to do good work. I’ve been burnt so
many fucking times. But in order to grow, I had to transition away from ‘employee’ thinking and
embrace ‘CEO’ thinking. This month (besides the one client I service myself) I delegated
everything else out – saved me a bunch of time (I actually worked a lot less this month) and
made a lot more $$$s.
Focusing on the essential – I don’t know how many times I’ve said to myself, “Most of the shit
you do doesn’t matter.” I used to get so caught up in hustling and bustling and working 10-12
hour days that I would embrace any and all types of work just to work. Horrible. Very inefficient
thinking. This month I focused merely on the essential, things that would push the ship forward.
The best part? I completed most of those tasks in just a matter of hours, and they had 10x the
Cold emailing CEOs – I attended a biz dev conference this month. Most of it was bullshit. One
guy’s keynote was pretty dope. He talked about collecting a bunch of mini-wins and then cold
emailing CEOs, people you admire, and providing value to these people free of charge – just to
get on their radar. This was quite interesting to me. This is how I originally got my start in this
world. A cold email is what landed me a killer apprenticeship. So I said what the hell, maybe I
can grow my network by cold emailing CEOs I admire. The result? It’s starting to work. I got a
response from Charles who wants to schedule a 15-minute call to talk. I’m pretty fucking
nervous, but whatever. Andrew also responded to me with a short email. He said, “Haha love
the email man! What’s your phone number?” I gave it to him. He texted me. I texted back. We’re
supposed to hop on a call soon. So crazy. I remember his blog is what initially got me so hyped
up to go into entrepreneurship. To work for myself. Now here we are. Making friends with these
guys. Or at least, I hope.
That’s pretty much what worked this month.
What didn’t work?
Not bringing on new people fast enough – I’m still turning down new clients. Why? Cause I don’t
have the bandwidth to get it all done. I need to hire more people with an expertise in marketing,
but I was lazy as fuck this month. And I didn’t do my duty. Fuck.
Not making recurring income – in order to grow this type of business, I need to be making
recurring income. Otherwise I’m just running in a maze, constantly. I don’t want to keep running
the same old maze and starting back from $0 every month. So I need to realign my focus.
Relying on 1 source for getting new clients – I’m relying on just ONE main source. Oh boy. This
is a horrible mistake yet I continue to make it. Why? I don’t know. Never rely on just ONE of
anything in business like Dan Kennedy says. You’ll get burnt. I need to fix this. ASAP.
What am I excited about?
The agency model is fucking great, but there’s a lot of shit you have to eat. I love the taste and
the action. But I also want to use my talents and strengths to launch brands of my own. I got
bigger dreams, a lot bigger. This is just the start. [Name redacted] and I got some shit coming –
launching in October hopefully. Very exciting. But no point in even thinking about that until I get
this shit up and running. Shiny object syndrome has fucked me nicely in the past. Never again.
Anyways, that’s pretty much it.
Hit you with another update next month.
Reading that sent chills up my spine. Crazy looking back on those words and comparing
it the life I’m living right now. So crazy. All I gotta say is document your own journey and
stay the course. You won’t believe where you end up.
Okay we’re nearing the end of this letter, but I don’t want to end it how I normally would.
I want to end it with a very powerful question (a question I encourage you to keep at the
top of your mind during the month of October).
Here it is…
If You Loved Yourself Truly And Deeply, How Would You Take Care Of
Sounds cheesy, I know. But hear me out.
Would you still let yourself:
Consume processed foods, sleep in, be broke, get pushed around, work a soul crushing
job, hang out with people who poison your heart, fill your mind with doubts, poison
yourself with drugs and alcohol, give into fears, let others talk you out of pursuing your
dreams, walk around with bad posture, crumble at the first sight of failure.
I'm guessing, no. Right? And deep down, you know it to be true, too.
The problem isn't talent or work ethic or drive. The problem is you don't take good care
of yourself because you think you don't deserve it. Think about that for a minute. And
start taking better care of yourself.
After all, you're all you got.
“Love yourself like your life depends on it.” ~ Kamal Ravikant
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
Yo what’s up! Welcome to Issue #13 of the Tej Dosa Letter. We’re at the tail end of the year.
The last 60 days. In my opinion the last 60 days are the most important of the year because of
momentum. Far too often you see people obsessing about the start of the year. I’m going to do
x. I’m going to do y. Fuck that. I like ending the year strong. And going all out. Because then, I
have 60 days of momentum already built up for the start of the new year (which allows me to
start the new year with supreme confidence/momentum). If I’m competing with somebody who
is starting on January 1st and I started on November 1st, then it’s a night and day difference.
Come the new year, they have zero days of momentum built up. I have 60 days (or more like 75
now that I’ve been doing #75Hard to end off the year). Energy is real. To possess momentum is
to possess a built up of positive energy that stays with you and grows as the days go by. Do not
underestimate the power of momentum. It alone can change your life. So before we even get
started with this letter, I just want to encourage you to end the remaining 60 days with full
intensity and discipline. Cut out the booze. Cut out the shit food. Cut out the shit contacts. Start
there. Then start adding. Add meditation, breath-work, water, nature walks, exercise to increase
your clarity and energy. Then pick out a dream that you want to bring to life. Figure out the 1-3
things you can do daily to bring this dream to life. Apply the positive energy you have built up
towards this dream. And do it daily for 60 days.
At the end of 2019, you will be beaming with light. When everybody is drowning themselves in
booze, celebrating “wasting” another year of their life, you will be full of life. And will have a 60day head start on everybody else. This 60-day head start will be worth its weight in gold. And
will impact and influence 2020 in a major way. This is one of the biggest secrets to ensuring you
kick ass each year. Don’t worry about starting the year strong. Focus on ending the year strong
because when you do, the momentum built up will automatically allow you to start the next year
from a position of power. Cool? Cool. Enough with the ranting. Let’s get into this month’s letter.
How To Build A $10k/Month (Profit) Social Media Marketing Agency
Without Doing Any Of The Work
You don’t want to be a freelancer. You want to be a business owner. A freelancer works inside
the machine. A business owner designs the machine and watches it work without him. In the
beginning, you may have to freelance. I certainly did. No shame in that. But lots of people never
make the jump from freelancer to agency owner. They remain stuck at the freelance level. They
grow too comfortable providing services for clients and let their ego keep them from delegating
the work. I’ve seen it over and over again. Even plagued my own life. But is there a better way?
Many people want to start marketing agencies. And the advice is always the same. Learn a skill,
then freelance. Then turn freelancing into an agency. That’s what they all say. And it’s good
advice. I’ve given this advice myself and will continue to give it. Because it works. It’s what I did.
But even with that said, what if you don’t have much time to learn skills? What if you don’t want
to be bothered with freelancing and doing client work all day? What if you want to focus on
growing a business, instead of being trapped in the weeds? Then what? Is there a way for you
to build a marketing agency without having to do any of the work? Yes there is my friend. And
it’s actually very profitable. Once you get the hang of it.
I’m going to walk you through the process by first explaining how it works. Then I’m going to
walk you through all the steps. And provide you with the exact scripts/tools you can leverage to
make it happen.
How It Works:
Traditional Model: Learn a skill → Find a target who needs your skill → Sell the target →
Provide the service to the client → $$$
This is freelancing 101. You spend months, maybe years learning a skill. Getting good at it.
Then you sell it to clients. And use your skill(s) to do the work and get paid for it.
Limitations: Many, but here’s the most troubling three: (1) Takes a while to get good at your skill
and actually deliver solid results to clients. Most people never get good enough to deliver real
results, which means they struggle to get clients/keep clients. (2) You’re building client
businesses all day. Not your own. You’re stuck in the weeds. A clog in somebody else’s
machine/dream. (3) Not easily scalable. Your time is capped at 24 hours. Even if you hire
people, you have to train them/correct their work. This can be a hassle (machine is NOT running
without you. It is dependent entirely on you. You become the bottleneck. Big no no).
New Model: Find a niche who needs help using online marketing/direct response to increase
sales (dentists, financial advisors, real estate agents, course creators, coaches, insurance
providers, consultants, wealth management funds, IG chicks with fat asses but no biz brains,
events, health supplements, influencers, real estate funds, fitness gurus, authors, speakers,
motivational gurus, twitter gurus - PICK ONE) → Use FACEBOOK GROUPS to find/build your
army of heavy hitters who are ALREADY well versed in a particular skill and have REAL results
under their belt (fun fact: there are many talented/very affordable copywriters, funnel builders,
media buyers who would much rather work as a freelancer and just focus on doing the work
rather than running their own biz. They just prefer it for whatever reason. This opens up a huge
opportunity for you, the business owner. You can build your marketing agency off their backs.
Interview them and see if they’re up for some new projects) → once you’ve built your team of
heavy hitters, open up a Google Doc and write down all the results your team of heavy hitters
have generated to date (wrote six figure promotion in x industry, helped xxx real estate agents
achieve xyz, write it all out) → Go create a LinkedIn Account for your agency/yourself --> brand
your agency as the expert in your particular niche (We help [niche] achieve [desired goal]
without [shit they hate doing]). Write a few blog posts about topics your target client would find
relevant and hit publish → Do the same for your personal page, brand yourself as the Founder
and write a few blog posts to build your credibility → Build up your profile, add people to make
yourself look like a real person → Use outreach script (below) to message targets in your niche
→ Most will ignore you, some will bite. Get these people on the phone for a strategy session →
Use the sales script I share below to diagnose their business and close the client (if they can
benefit from your services Don’t be sleazy) → Once you get the client, assign the account to
one of your heavy hitters who actually has the credentials/skills to generate great results for the
clients → Charge client x, pay the freelancer/heavy hitter on your team y (either pay them by
project or a monthly retainer. Honestly I find a monthly retainer works a lot better. Then they
become dependent on the $$$s you give and become a part of your team, but find what works
for you) and pocket the difference → Keep working on growing THE business/designing the
machine (all you have to do is outreach, sell, assign project to heavy hitter. And leave all the
client work to your heavy hitters). → repeat, scale up and make FAT $$$s
This way you actually build a business.
Benefits: (1) you don’t have to spend time learning skills/doing client work all day, all you have
to focus on is getting clients and growing your business (selling). (2) clients experience GREAT
results and keep coming back for more (3) you can scale easier and take on more clients which
makes it much more profitable.
If you’re down to do this, here’s what you’ll need:
A) Facebook Groups
Facebook Search “Copywriters/Funnel Builders/Media Buyers/Freelancers/Digital
Marketing/ClickFunnels/Etc.” → Filter By Groups → Find The Biggest Groups
Go through these groups, see who interacts the most in these groups, look at their profile,
message them, ask for their rates/examples of work. Do some calls. Put their name down on
your roster.
B) Simple LinkedIn Outreach Script That Reads Like A REAL Human Wrote It
Once you’ve made your LinkedIn accounts, it’s time to find clients. After you’ve picked one of
the recommended niches up above, use a stupid simple script similar to the one below to
connect/get potential new clients to schedule calls with you.
Hey [Name],
[Your name] here.
I noticed you’re a [what they do] and have [make a note of some noteworthy accomplishment
they had - just say something personal that is genuine and shows you actually read their
Very cool stuff.
I actually work in [their industry] myself and help [their niche] achieve [their desired goals]
without [what they hate].
Right now we just wrapped up working on/with [insert noteworthy project] and helped them
achieve [insert proof/results your heavy hitters are generating with a current/past project]
If you could ever use some extra help or even just another set of eyes to offer new insights and
ideas for growing [their biz], shoot me a message and we can jump on a quick Skype Call (no
cost - just want to get to know/provide value to more [niche])
[Your Name]
P.S. No worries if you don’t have the time for a quick call (I know your schedule must be
swamped with meetings and calls - I know mine is!), but if you are at all curious about how we’re
able to generate [results] for [their niche] without [what they hate], drop me a reply and we can
perhaps squeeze in a quick call for tomorrow?
-C) Follow a simple sales script that you can use to diagnose their business, figure out
their pain point, then sell them on your solution.
Many types of sales scripts out there. But the one below has stood the test of time and works
quite well. Suggest you give it a go once you hop on a call with a potential new client.
Step #1) Shoot The Shit
You: “Hey [Name], [Your Name] speaking.”
Prospect: “Hey [Your Name]!”
You: “How’s your day going, [Name]?”
Prospect: “xxx… how’s yours?”
You: “Fantastic… I’ve been busy with quite a few calls today, but I’m extra excited for ours
because ever since I stumbled across you and discovered xyzz about your business/you, I just
knew I had to talk to you.
Prospect: “xxx.”
You: “So what do you say… should be jump right in?”
Prospect: “Let’s do it.”
Step #2) Set Expectations
You: “Alright cool… so the way this call will go is I’ll begin by asking you a few questions to gain
a better understanding of your business and goals. Then, if it sounds like I can be of value to
you, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself and what I do. Then at the end, you can make a decision
one way or another if you want to be a part of it. Sound fair enough?”
Prospect: “Yeah, absolutely.”
Step #3) Figure Out Their Motivations
You: “Cool! So I always try to begin by figuring out people’s motivations. I talk to quite a few
people and everybody has different reasons for jumping on the phone with me. So tell me
[Name], why did you decide to take time out of your schedule to hop on this call with me
Prospect: “xxx”
Step #4) Understand Where They Currently Are
You: “Awesome, great to know. So let’s get into the heart of it. Before I can determine whether
or not I can be of value to you, I first need to understand your business in a little more detail.
And what you’re all about, so tell me (ask relevant questions about their business)…
Prospect: Answers them
Step #5) Poke Holes In Their Game & Get Them To Quantify Where They Currently Are
You: “Cool. Cool. So, how many customers are you currently getting through email marketing?”
(this is just an example… you would obviously tweak “email marketing” to be in alignment with
your offer).
Prospect: “xxx”
You: “How often are you mailing your list?”
Prospect: “xxx”
You: “How much $$$s do you think you’re missing out on by not mailing your list frequently?”
Prospect: “xxx”
You: “Are you comfortable with leaving that much money on the table?”
Prospect: “xxx”
You: “So tell me… just a ball-park estimate… how much on average is this business currently
making in revenue per month?”
Prospect: “xxx”
Step #6) Discover Where They Want To Be
You: “Nice, nice. How much do you want to be making a month 12 months from now?”
Prospect: “xxx”
You: “Why do you want to be making that much? How will it improve your business/life?”
Prospect: “xxx”
Step #7) Admission Of Realization
You: “What’s stopping you from hitting that on your own?”
Prospect: “xxx”
Step #8) Raise Urgency
You: “What’s it costing you to not hit your target?”
Prospect: “xxx”
You: “How soon would you be willing to get going to move towards hitting your target goal?”
Prospect: “Right away!”
Step #9) Be Honest About Your Ability To Help
You: “Okay… based on everything you’ve told me thus far… I believe I can be of great value to
you. And help you hit your target. Do you want to hear a little bit about myself and what I have to
Prospect: “Yes!”
Step #10) State Your Expertise
You: “Cool! So I run a direct response agency… our area of expertise is writing captivate email
sequences for the health supplement niche (just an example). Typically, we work with clients
who’ve built up a sizeable email list thanks to paid traffic, but they struggle to convert their list.
They don’t know what to say. They don’t know how to build trust. They don’t know how to take
someone from finding you on Facebook to opting in to your email list and buying from you. We
help these clients by writing automated email sequences that, on average, result in a xx% boost
in sales. Sales the client normally would miss out on.”
Prospect: “Wow, nice! How exactly does that work? And how do you think that could help me?”
Step #11) State Your Offer And How It Works
You: “Yeah, so the way it works is the email automations consist of abandoned cart sequences,
follow up sequences, engagement sequences, conversion sequences. We create all these
sequences for the client, load them up inside their email marketing system, and manage the
entire process, testing and making tweaks until you’re generating a very strong ROI from your
email marketing campaigns. I think this will be valuable to you because [insert reasons].”
Prospect: “Yeah sounds great, so how much do you charge?”
Step #12) State Your Price Using A Price Anchor
You: “Normally all 4 sequences cost $4000, but over the course of working with many clients,
we’ve found that those who make decisions quickly end up being the best clients and we
produce really great results together. That’s why we have something called a “Fast Movers
Discount”, where if you say yes to working with us today, we can knock off the cost of one email
automation and you can get a fully automated email marketing solution for just $3000.”
Prospect: “Fantastic! How do we start?”
You: “I can send you 50% of the invoice right now. As soon as you submit payment, we’ll get
started with the onboarding process. And we’ll be up and running in no time. Is [insert their
email] the best email to send the invoice to?”
Prospect: “Yeah, that’s great.”
You: “Alright cool, I just sent it. Let me know once you got it.”
Prospect: “Got it!”
You: “Alright… just submit that now to lock in your “Fast Movers Discount” and I’ll be in touch
via email with the onboarding instructions as soon as I receive it.
Prospect: “Done!”
(End or it won’t be the end, prospect will have objections/questions which you’ll answer. If they
close, great. If not, no big deal. Repeat the process until you secure the bag)
Once bag is secured…
Assign Project To A Heavy Hitter On Your Team (Found Inside A Facebook Group) → Charge
Client X, Give Heavy Hitter Y And Pocket The Difference → Rinse and Repeat (as your heavy
hitters generate REAL results for your clients, resulting in a win/win/win situation - you benefit,
client benefits, heavy hitters benefit)
This is how you build a $10k/month social media marketing agency without doing any of the
work. You basically become the middle man and connect heavy hitters (skilled individuals) with
clients in need under your agency umbrella and pocket the difference. Shit works. And is crazy
effective. I’ve given you all the tools you need. Couldn’t have made it any easier. Do with it
whatever you please.
Let’s keep it moving.
Waking Up: How To Self Actualize Yourself
Waking up to your immortal nature is the greatest thing you can do. For it will free you. And
allow you to see through the illusion of life. And see life for what it is: one big play. More
importantly, it will allow you to see just how grandiose you truly are. Just how supreme you truly
are. And how the universe functions and how you are much more than what you have been led
to believe. If you’ve had a typical upbringing and were raised in the West, this is something your
parents, teachers, counsellors, guardians have never taught you. This is something that goes
against the programming of the time. This is something you can only arrive at by doing the
internal work. But once you do, you start waking up. You look at life with fresh eyes. And you’re
full with a level of joy and happiness you would have never thought possible. A level of profound
peace spreads throughout your entire body and you are as light as a feather. Full with the
highest of loving energies and an empty mind. As you begin to know your true self as
changeless, formless, and non-localized who is capable of creating worlds and bringing worlds
to an end. Dreaming up lifes and avatars, and bringing those stories to an end. As it continues
the next adventure.
Do you want to experience this? Do you want to awaken in yourself what you have always
known to be true? Do you want to return back home? Do you want to recognize your true
nature? Do you want to eliminate your fear of death?
Self actualization is the answer. But nobody can take you there, but yourself. Only you hold the
keys to the door that will free you. All I can offer you is guidance. All I can do is point you
towards a direction. It may not be the best direction. It may not be the easiest direction. It may
not be the fastest. Heck, it may not even be for most because they aren’t ready to break the
illusion of life. And there’s no shame in that. I still cling to various illusions myself, having a
difficult time letting go. We’re all at different points and stages. But this direction may just
awaken something inside you, a spark that results in you going down the rabbit hole and self
actualizing yourself. What we are doing here is simply getting you started. Beginning your
journey and giving you the clues you can follow to arrive at various realizations yourself.
Because this stuff cannot be read and learned, it can only be experienced and remembered. But
before I lay out the steps, let me first explain where most people are and where we are going (in
reality we are going nowhere for there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, but breaking it down like
this may help you).
Current Paradigm: Identified strictly with the ego-self and your Avatar/Character. You have a
name, body, personality, characteristic traits, so on and so forth. This is who you are. You were
born in x city to a and b parents and life is nothing more than a collection of experiences,
followed by death. You will take your last breath. And with that breath, you will expire. Your body
will give out. You will no longer be. And death will be the end of you. In other words, you’re born,
you have a bunch of experiences, then you die. This is life. You are nothing more than your
body, mind, thoughts, name, identity, personality traits. Nothing more.
Chances are this or something along the above is your current paradigm. It is where you
currently are. But when you start waking up, you begin to realize life really isn’t what you
thought it to be. You aren’t really who you thought you were. At all. This is what brings us to the
awakening paradigm.
Awakening Paradigm: You were never born. You will never die. You are not your body, your
name, personality traits, mind, etc. These are traits/ways of being of your current character’s
ego-self. You are none of these things. In fact, you are not even a “human being” as you have
been led to believe (I know, sounds crazy, but stick with your boy here). You are what lies
beyond this. You are awareness, your true nature is peace and unconditional love. You are
nothing and everything. For awareness is a place of nothingness where everything comes to
life. This ego-self of yours, this current life of yours and everything that makes it up is similar to
that of a dream. It stems from awareness. It will fade back into awareness. But who you are will
forever remain unchanged. No matter what you go through. No matter what you experience. For
you are not a human being, you are the presence deep inside that is watching a human being
live. This awareness, that you are, has created this entire experience. And will bring this entire
experience to an end, moving onto a new and different experience once this one runs its
course. More still, this awareness that you are is not unique to just you. It is the SAME
awareness that is at the core of every human being you meet. Because awareness is non-local.
It is everywhere. It is everything. Which means who you truly are is everything and nothing. You
are everybody who makes up life and you are nothing, the place of awareness that brings
everything to life (there is no duality of separateness). You are the Eternal Now. Some people
call this God, some people call this Energy, others call it the Witness or Consciousness or Soul,
but I prefer Awareness. You are Awareness, my friend. Not Bryan. Not Ricky. Not Ryan. Not
Justin. But Awareness.
I know the above may be hard to understand, so let me give you a super dumb down metaphor.
Imagine darkness full of empty space. Now imagine an invisible beam of light spread all
throughout this empty space. This invisible beam now makes up every part of this empty space.
But you cannot see it for it is invisible. Now imagine this invisible beam of light just chilling out,
vibing. Not doing much, but just existing. Somehow it comes across a movie. This movie is titled
‘The Life Of [Insert Your Name Here]’. Up for an adventure, this invisible beam of light decides
to hit “Play” on this movie. Once it hits play… out of what was nothingness/empty space, this
invisible beam of light creates the life of [insert your name here]. It invents out of nothingness all
the contents that will make up the life of [insert your name here]. And [insert your name here]
comes to life. Once [insert your name here] comes to life, this invisible beam of light places itself
deep inside [insert your name here] while also simultaneously being everywhere else. It then
sits back and experiences the movie of [insert your name here] play out. When [insert your
name here] experiences heartbreak, nothing happens to the invisible beam of light for it is just
watching the movie of [insert your name here]. When [insert your name here] experiences major
success, nothing happens to the invisible beam of light for it is just watching the movie of [insert
your name here]. It remains unchanged, formless and invisible. Unaffected by the play of life
that is [insert your name here]’s life. For it is just a play, a movie. Then one day, like all movies,
the Movie of [Insert your Name here] comes to an end. [Insert your name here] dies. And all the
other characters in the movie mourn. And the movie ends. Maybe it had a happy ending. Maybe
it had a sad ending. Doesn’t matter. For it was an experience. Then what happens? The
Invisible Beam of Light remains unchanged, it is done watching/experiencing the movie of
[insert your name here]. And leaves the body of [Insert your name here]. Once it leaves, it
returns back to nothingness. A place of profound peace. After a while, it puts on a new movie,
except this one is called The Life of [Insert Different Name]. And this life doesn’t take place in
2019 or 2025. It takes place in the 1800s. And the invisible beam of light lives out this
experience, watching the movie play out from a place of peace and unconditional love just like
the last one. Collecting learnings and experiences and witnessing it all. And growing as a being.
On and on this goes. As this invisible beam of light was never born. And never dies.
This invisible beam of light is Awareness/Your Soul, my friend. It is you.
These are not my opinions.
1) I have experienced firsthand what I stated above via deep meditation, self enquiry AND
psychedelics on NUMEROUS occasions (this isn’t me telling you to do psychedelics. They can
be very dangerous, stay away please) as have thousands if not millions of others 2) The above
has been preached for hundreds of years by the ancients, yogi’s and mystics. 3) It is in
alignment with what Quantum Physics is just now confirming.
But even with the above noted, I’m not saying what I said up above is true. Not saying it’s false
(truth be told, I could be entirely wrong - fuck I don’t know). All I’m saying is to dive a little
deeper and find out for yourself if you’re so inclined. (If not, no big deal. Keep living life as you
know it.) If you are, your life will forever be changed. And you’ll experience so many benefits.
True happiness, profound peace, everlasting joy, deep gratitude and so much more will be
yours without you changing anything else in your current life. It’s wild.
So, how can you start diving a little deeper…
… and put everything I said to the test?
Here’s how to do it (aka here is the step-by-step list you can follow to BEGIN your awakening
process. This is a short list, not a comprehensive list. It is designed to get you on your way).
#1) Begin by exposing your mind to the true nature of who you are. This will serve as your
spark. And will open up many rabbit holes for you. To do this, you can enroll in the Clicks&Copy
University and go through the Mentality Course. Or you can read books such as: Awareness by
Anthony De Pello, Stillness Speaks by Echkart Tolle, I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj. I don’t
like recommending books because different books speak to different people. So find what
resonates with you. In addition to the above, I also recommend a few Youtube Channels. One is
just watching Alan Watts Videos/Lectures. The second channel is ‘Burt Harding’. Check those
out and you will begin your study of who you are. This will open the floodgates for you and pull
you down the rabbit hole. Go in with full force. Learn or should I say “remember” all that you’ve
#2) Learning for the sake of learning is pointless. To wake up, you have to experience. What do
you have to experience? Your true form. There’s many ways to do this. But one method stands
out for me. It is a unique meditation that has helped me the most. It has led to many realizations
and life-transforming insights. Maybe it will have the same impact on you? I don’t know. But
below is the link. I encourage you to do this self-inquiry meditation every day. It will fill you with
such peace, allow you to break free from your current character, and put you in direct contact
with your true nature. You’ll feel the unlimited nature of awareness in full force. The more you do
it, the more insights you’ll come away with. Until one day the mother of all ah-ha moments will
occur and you’ll see through all the illusions of life. Fear. Death. Time. All these are illusions.
And you’ll see through each and every one. And won’t be able to help, but laugh at it all. “Fuck, I
was sleepwalking through life this entire time - without even knowing it,” you’ll think. And from
then on, you’ll be free.
Self Inquiry Meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3TTvKcnlOI
#3) Do your best to live from this place of awareness/profound peace/unconditional love - Doing
the self enquiry meditation up above on a consistent basis (plus going through the above
recommended books/trainings/videos) will instantly bring you “home” to a place of profound
peace/joy/love aka your true limitless nature. Try your best to live from this place of
peace/awareness. To do so, remain fully in the present and keep your mind as empty as you
can. Instead of thinking thoughts and feeling feelings, start becoming conscious of what your
ego-self is thinking and feeling. Simply become aware. Do not judge. Do not analyze. Just
observe and strengthen your awareness. There will be moments when you fuck up. There will
be moments when you get sucked into the wrath of your ego-self and lose touch with
awareness. It’s okay. Return back to the awareness and watch yourself. Notice when your egoself is happy. Notice when it gets triggered. Notice it all. From a place of detachment and love.
Notice what it is doing. Just observe it. Like you were watching the movie of yourself play out.
And live as much as you can from this place. The more you do, the more you will realize. The
more things you will start to remember that you had previously forgotten. You’ll automatically
stop identifying with your body, your ego-self, your limitations and will start embracing your true,
limitless self. Once you do, the fun and life itself truly begins for you realize you are life. And
everything that makes it up. And there is nothing you can do to add to yourself. Nothing you can
do to subtract yourself. Whatever you want, you can experience. Fear isn’t real because you are
everything. To be afraid of something external is to only be afraid of yourself (and how silly is
that?). All you have to do is be and have fun and experience life. While being your true self,
awareness aka unconditional love.
This is the journey of self-actualization, my friend.
And what a journey it is (without a doubt, it is my #1 competitive advantage not only in business,
but in life period. That is why I talk about it so much. That is why I’m always rambling about shit
like this. I’ve seen what it did for “my” life (and I’m not even crazy advanced in it or anything).
And believe it can have the same impact on yours. It will take you from being at the mercy of
life. To being in full control. To being as light as a feather and mentally free. You’ll see through
the veil of life and will feel a high no drug could ever give you. It’s nuts. So give it ago? All you
have to do is fill your consciousness with texts/videos about consciousness/eastern spirituality,
do the self-inquiry meditation daily, and operate from a place of awareness. Doing that
consistently will open up the world to you in a very BIG way).
But enough with the sappy stuff, let’s bring this letter back to Earth.
The Reverse Manifestation Technique For Controlling Your Behavior
AND Generating Crazy Results
I learned this technique from John Carlton, the legendary copywriter many moons ago. Since
learning it, it’s been a fucking game changer. Look, I know manifestation and all this law of
attraction stuff gets a bad rap and rightfully so. There’s a lot of bullshit out there. A lot. But this
technique isn’t like that. Because it doesn’t undermine the importance of taking action. Instead,
it’s a way to actually get yourself to take action. It’s a way for you to actually take action to
manifest the results you desire. It’s a way for you to control your behavior.
Controlling your behavior is all you have to do to generate results. Even if you fail at everything.
Eventually you will find something that leads to massive success. Given you consistently control
your behavior. The reason you don’t have the body, money, relationships you desire is because
you have failed to consistently control your behavior. You’ve done x when you know you should
be doing y. You picked A over B. And you’ve done it over and over and over again and the life
you are living today is the life you have created through your behaviors.
Thoughts + Words = Decisions.
Decisions Applied = Behaviors.
To get your life to take off, all you have to do is master yourself and control your behavior.
Easier said than done, right? Yep that’s what I thought. Until I learned this technique from John
Carlton. But before I get into it, there’s a few things you need to understand…
Point 1) Time is an illusion - There is no such thing as the past, present, future. It’s all just one
thing, the eternal now. This isn’t just a blanket statement I’m throwing out there. It has been
scientifically proven. Go YouTube time is an illusion, read up on the Quantum experiments, and
you’ll realize depending on one’s place in space, one person’s future could be somebody’s past.
Another’s past could be someone’s future. Because it’s all occurring in the Now. I don’t want to
get into this too much today, I just want to bring it to your attention because you can manipulate
your idea of “time” to influence future you’s behaviors almost as if it was predestined.
Point 2) Imagining something and actually doing it is the exact SAME thing to the human
brain - It cannot tell the difference between what is imagined. And what is “real”. I’m sure you’ve
heard this already. Every self-help guru loves stating it. So no need to spend any more time on
it, let’s get to John Carlton’s “manifestation” technique.
This technique was first brought to my attention towards the end of one year. I don’t remember
which one. But I vaguely remember being at a not-so-good place at the time. In terms of work
and career. Online biz pipe dreams just seemed like online biz pipe dreams. And nothing really
was working. Nothing was taking off. Worse, my behavior was sporadic. I had no control over
my behavior. I was at the mercy of my character. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had to
change this. I had to get control over my character and guide his behavior. Unknowingly,
implementing this technique allowed me to do just that. And I’ve been applying it ever since, but
I never really knew why it worked. Now that I’ve studied and experienced a shit ton of “spiritual”
truths, it makes WAY MORE sense, but you don’t need to know any of that stuff to make this
work. All you have to do is understand and apply.
Here’s how it works. First I’ll explain how John taught it, then I’ll explain how I actually apply it
and have applied it with great success throughout the years.
John’s Technique/Application:
John is always one-step ahead of life. He does not live life randomly. He writes a script for his
years. And views it as already done. Then he simply follows the script to the best of his ability
and lets life catch up. The person living life randomly lets life write his script and is always
chasing after his desires from a position of lack. John is operating from a position of strength.
To apply this…
At the end of each year, John does not set New Year Resolutions or goals. He fasts forwards to
the end of the new year. And asks himself various questions: What did I accomplish this year?
What dreams did I bring to life? What memories did I create? Then he writes the story of the
New Year in paragraph form as if he has already lived it (in the past tense).
For example…
On January 1, 2020 he will write out the entire story of 2020 as if it’s already happened and he’s
looking back at it and reflecting. Then he will keep this story close to him throughout the year.
Reading it daily and reminding himself of it often. By doing so, he finds himself automatically
acting in alignment with the script he created. At the end of the year, he finds himself having
manifested a lot of what he wrote down. Sure not everything comes to life, but the chances are
greatly increased. And a large chunk of it does.
When I first heard this, I was naturally skeptical. This shit won’t work. But I gave it ago. I wrote
out the story for the upcoming year as if I had already lived it and it was over and done with. I
provided as much detail as possible and just wrote and wrote and wrote. Then I read that
paragraph every single day for the first 6 months. Then forgot about it. At the end of the year
when doing my Yearly Reflection, I found that story and discovered a large chunk of it (60%ish if
I remember correctly) had come true. Since then, I’ve continued using this technique with great
success. But I don’t just apply it to the years. I apply this technique with a little twist.
My Application
Instead of just writing out the story of the year as if it’s already happened and was a great
success (before I even live it), I also write out the stories for each month, week, and day
Sounds excessive, I know. But it’s really not.
Before a new month comes to life, I sit down for 20 minutes and write out the story of the month.
I fill it with exactly what I want to have happened. I fill it with wins. I fill it with growth. I fill it with
the exact projects I brought to life. The exact impact I had. The exact results I generated. The
exact behaviors I engaged in. The exact decisions I made. The exact way I handled and
overcame adversity. I fill it with as much detail as possible. And I write it all down as if it already
happened in story format (writing in the past tense is the key here. Instead of writing: This
month I will____. You turn the month into a story and write about what you
did/achieved/accomplished/etc. This stimulates your imagination and TRICKS your mind into
thinking it already happened. You’ve already engaged in the behaviors that made x happen, so
taking those actions again in the new month to actually create those results becomes 100x
Then throughout the month, I will do the same for each week and day.
Before the week or day starts, I already have the story of that day written out. I already have the
script of the day planned. And I do it in enough detail that it stimulates my imagination and tricks
my mind into accepting it as reality. Once the mind locks in, it’s game over. Target locked, state
of knowing unleashed. And magic happens. Once the week/month/day arrives, I read what I
wrote down. Let it ignite the imagination, trick my mind into believing it already happened, then I
find myself almost effortlessly acting in alignment with the script throughout the day/week. I find
myself doing shit that I normally wouldn’t. I find myself acting in the face of discomfort. I find
myself putting in the hard work. I find myself living my life as if it was a movie. I find myself
enjoying the moments and following my script each day like an “actor”. Living it up as I bring to
life what I wrote down. Sure not everyday can I follow my script to the letter. Most days I can
only hit 70%. But that’s more than enough. I find myself following a picture-perfect script of my
ideal day/week/year 70% of the time and that’s MORE THAN ENOUGH to drastically change
my life each and every year. In the best way possible. And even better, it trains my mind in the
best way possible. Over time, I realize anything I write down in the script of my life (in the past
tense), I can bring to life. This grants unbelievable powers. And opens the world to you in a big
way. Only limit is your imagination.
So to apply this, here’s what I recommend…
#1. Start small.
Fuck writing out the script of the month, the quarter, the year, the decade, your entire life. Fuck
all that (for now).
Instead start small. Spend 10 minutes writing out the picture-perfect script for tomorrow. Act as
if tomorrow has already happened and it’s done with (remember: time is an illusion. Tomorrow
has in fact already happened or more accurately it is happening right now. But since you and I
can only perceive time linearly, we think it hasn’t. It’s an illusion. You can influence your
tomorrow, today). And you had the best day ever. You were mentally on point. You woke up
without hitting the snooze button. You got 4 hours of high ROI work done. You were focused.
You got everything ticked off your to-do list. You generated x, y, z result. And you just felt
absolutely amazing.
Now as you look back on this day...
Break the day into parts, turn it into a story and write it down. Start of the day to the end. It need
not take long. 10 minutes is more than enough. No need to make it perfect or anything like that.
Just get it down on paper. And write out the story of tomorrow in the PAST TENSE (as if it
already happened).
#2. Wake up and read it tomorrow morning.
Let the words spark your imagination. Visualize every detail as if everything you wrote down has
already happened. Then get out of bed. And start acting in alignment with your script. You’ll
notice you’re not only full with more energy, but naturally WANT to do what you wrote down. As
if you’re being pulled towards that direction automatically.
As a bonus point, remind yourself of what you wrote down multiple times throughout the day.
And act in alignment with your script. Then at days end, review what you wrote down with what
you actually lived and you’ll notice you were able to do shit and act in ways that previously
would have escaped you. This is a great way to see the power of this technique in action. Once
you do, just imagine how powerful it would be if you created a dope script for your entire life,
year, month, week, daily life, etc. beforehand. And followed it to the best of your ability.
You would become both the script writer and the actor of your life. And would be able to act in
ways that brought to reality the wildest of dreams. This is the way to do it, my friend. Most
people do not write the script of their life beforehand. They let life randomly write it. Fuck that.
Take control. And get one-step ahead of life.
Become both the script writer and the actor of your life. And watch what happens. It will make a
world of a difference, just try it.
Alright that’s all for this month’s issue, lots of ground we covered. I suggest you take a few of
the ideas inside this issue and apply it right away. The entire purpose is to evolve and progress
each month. Don’t just let these ideas make love to your brain. Let these ideas come to life in
your real life.
Act and watch the world open up.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you even more for being a subscriber.
Means the world to me (1000% mean that).
Tej Dosa
P.S. A few BIG changes coming to the TDL in 2020. Instead of just sharing ideas and
strategies, I will ALSO be giving with you behind-the-scenes looks/updates into various
business ventures and providing you with the internet marketing education of a lifetime. You’ll
see what is working, what isn’t and will be able to apply this knowledge to your own ventures.
This will take shit to a whole new level. More information coming soon. I have a whole new
vision for 2020 (and beyond) and am looking to blow up this entire space in a very big way. And
yes, the price will remain at just $7/month (even though the value will go up tenfold at the bare
minimum - it’s all a part of the vision.).
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
Let’s end 2019 in style.
In this month’s issue you’ll discover:
How To Invest 5 Hours To Save 10+ Hours Every Week
Not Getting Dates And Not Making Money Have The Same Cause (How To Fix)
Truths Society Won’t Tell You (A List Of Things Every Person Who Wants To Life A
Full Life Should Know AND Remember)
Your Marketing Isn’t Generating Sales? How To Fix Conversions
Journaling Questions: Use These Questions To Mine The Gold Hidden Deep Inside
One Last Thing To End Off 2019
How To Invest 5 Hours To Save 10+ Hours Every Week
Human beings are funny. Over the course of a lifetime, they will engage in the same behaviors
over and over again. And with each time, they will spend time and precious mental resources.
Time and energy they could’ve used in smarter ways. Everybody makes this mistake to some
degree. I know I do. Quite a bit actually. Until I implemented what I’m about to share with you
today. It’s a way to invest 5 hours to save 10 hours (or more) every single week. But it’s much
more than that. It’s a way to free up your mental space. Why is this important? Most people
aren’t successful because they do not have singular mental focus. If all you had to focus on was
you and your work, you’d be killing it right now. No question about it. You’d be locked in. And
putting up BIG numbers. I know because the months it’s just me and my work, that’s what
happens. But every time life gets in the way, business results start slipping.
So how do you avoid this problem?
By simplifying all the chaos in your life, so everything is structured and all you have left to do is
focus on you and your work. That’s when you are free to make BIG shit happen. But how do you
create this mental state? By creating Standard Operating Procedures for as many things as you
possibly can in your day-to-day life. These SOPs free up mental bandwidth, give you back so
much time, and allow you to focus on what truly counts. Instead of making the same decisions
day in and day out, you systemize everything. And don’t have to think about anything besides
you and your work (and your relationships!). That’s a powerful state to operate from. And it’s all
made possible by setting SOPs for your daily life. And then letting those SOPs run your life for
you on auto-pilot.
Most entrepreneurs do this in their business (systemizing key processes is very important for
scale!). But they fail to do it in their personal lives (systemizing your personal life allows you to
SCALE your time/energy!). Big mistake. You need to manage and run yourself as if you were a
business. You need to get serious about how you’re spending your time and energy. So take
out five hours this week. And spend those hours creating Standard Operating Procedures for as
many behaviors/decisions as you possibly can (especially for REPEAT behaviors/decisions).
Doing this will give you so much more clarity, peace of mind, and energy.
Here’s a few things you can create SOPs for:
Morning Routines
Daily Work Routines
What To Wear
Skincare Routine
Figuring Out How To Spend Your Time
Choosing Friends
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Reviews
Bills/Net Worth/Revenue Tracking
Troubleshooting Life Problems
Date Nights
Making BIG Decisions
Evening Routines
You get the idea. Basically take areas of your life and create a standard operating procedure.
Your SOP should include steps of what you need to do and the sequence you need to do it in.
Decide on it once. And put it down on paper, so you no longer have to devote any mental
resources to it. If it’s time sensitive such as a bi-weekly haircut, then put it inside your Calendar.
And book those appointments with your barber in advance. Streamline it all.
Benefits of this are you develop momentum and a life of flow. Most of us spend so much time
stressing about what needs to be done and how to do it instead of just doing it. Once you
document what needs to be done and how to do it, you don’t spend time outside of flow. Instead
you jump straight into the pool. And the more times you do, the more you condition yourself. For
example, I have a Standard Operating Procedure for starting my work day. I’ve engaged in
these behaviors for so long now that just by doing them, I instantly enter flow state. And can
crush whatever tasks I have planned for the day. Compare this to when I had no SOPs and
every work day would start differently based on how I was feeling. Not only did it take me super
long to get into flow state, but my energy levels were way lower and depleted easier.
So set SOPs for your life. I like to do this because life is full of problems. The bigger the
problems you solve, the more money/impact you make. Reason most people don’t amount to
shit is because they’re too busy solving the SAME mundane problems day after day (how to
start the day, what to wake up/sleep, what to make for breakfast/lunch/dinner, what to wear,
how to get down to work, how to end the day, what time to start work, what time to end work,
what to text a girl etc.). Solve a problem once, turn it into a SOP, and then spend your time
solving BIGGER and BADDER problems. That’s the BIG SECRET for leaving a life of
mediocrity behind. Do that or forever waste your mental energies and resources majoring in
minor things. Your choice.
But a word of caution, no need to get all fancy. Keep your SOPs simple and streamlined. Easy
to follow.
Here is my current Morning SOP:
Wake up 06:29 am
5-minute box breathing
Light stretching
Wash up
Review mindset folder and/or visualize
Go for a walk and/or gym
Cold shower
Get dressed
Here is my current Daily Work SOP:
20-minute brain dump
Input tracking variables
60-90 minute deep-work sessions with FULL focus (zero distractions whatsoever),
then rest 10-17 minutes (repeat until you’ve put in 4-5 sessions of deep work)
Attend to any miscellaneous tasks
Relax/exercise and enjoy life
Here is my Evening SOP:
Input tracking variables
Hot shower
Journal w/ tea
Review mindset folder
Box breathing 5 minutes in bed
Forgiveness exercise/wishing people well exercise/visualization
Simple, but systemized. I have my SOPs printed out and placed where I need to see them.
Morning/Evening SOP in my bedroom. Daily Work SOPs near my desk. Gym SOPs in my gym.
And they are all synced to my calendar and reminders app, so everything is streamlined. I
encourage you to do the same. Takes only a few hours. But the benefits are unreal. Try it?
Not Getting Dates And Not Making Money Have The Same Cause
(How To Fix)
The more you look at the world, the more similarities you see within disciplines. Take dating and
making money. The parallels are alarming. So many similarities in terms of not being desperate,
not putting woman or money on a pedestal, viewing yourself as the prize, frame control, social
proof, and so on and so forth. But that’s not what I want to talk about today. Today I want to talk
about what’s preventing you from getting dates and making money. If you’re not getting dates
and/or not making money, the reason why is the exact same. Before you can fix your lack of
dates/money, you first need to figure out the root cause. Then attack it.
Here is the root cause…
You’re either suffering from a product problem, distribution problem and/or marketing problem (I
find breaking things down this way helps you solve biz/dating problems way quicker/with more
profitable solutions).
Product problem = You as a person or the product you’re selling isn’t attractive. It’s not an
irresistible offer. It doesn’t get the people going. It doesn’t turn heads. It doesn’t make people
gasp with excitement and thrill. It doesn’t make your target weak in the knees.
Distribution problem = You don’t have access to the right eyeballs. You’re not putting yourself
or your product in front of the right people. A great product is pointless if the right target does
not know about it.
Marketing problem = Your product is good and you’re putting it in front of the right eyeballs,
but you’re not communicating its value in the right way.
These are the root causes plaguing your dating and/or business life.
How To Address These Causes (Both In Dating & Business)
[Dating] Fixing Product Problem = Stop worrying about women. Put yourself first. And focus on
developing yourself. Collect unique experiences/adventures, learn new languages, take up a
mixed martial art, hone your personality, hit the gym, pursue your mission wholeheartedly,
develop your social skills, take up cool hobbies, get your style in check, work on your mindset,
and cultivate abundance in everything you do. This will turn *you* into a killer product/offer.
[Dating] Fixing Distribution Problem = Once your product aka you are on point, then it’s time to
fix your lack of distribution. Rule #1 is to go where your ideal target is. Figure out the type of girl
you want and where that type of female is likely to hang out. High end lounges? Coffee shops?
Bookstores? Clubs? Bars? Universities? I don’t know. But you need to figure out the distribution.
Only then can you market.
[Dating] Fixing Marketing Problem = You fix your shitty marketing in the dating world by
developing your social skills/game. Social skills are to dating what copywriting is to online
business. Marketing is all about putting an irresistible offer in front of the right target and
communicating its value. In dating, you do this through your social skills/game. Get your game
Once you get the above in alignment, guess what? Your dating problems are a thing of the past.
Because your product is irresistible, your distribution is good, and your marketing (social skills)
are on point as well. Winning combo (fuck all the PUA books/advice. All you need to do is focus
on the above three things and you’re golden. It’s really as simple as that). Now let’s see how
you can fix these causes in business and unlock your fortune in the process.
[Business] Fixing Product Problem = The way I create irresistible offers is simple. I create an
offer. Then ask myself, “If all I could do was put this offer in front of my target in plain English
(without any copy tactics, marketing, persuasion techniques, discounts) - is the offer strong
enough on its OWN to generate buyers?” If the answer is yes (yes = easier for prospects to say
yes than no), you know you have an irresistible offer on your hands and you’re going to kill it
(especially once you dress it up with clever marketing and copy). If the answer is no, go back to
the drawing board. Chances are you’re spending too much time creating shit you think people
want, instead of what people want. Instead of obsessing over product ideas, obsess over
people. Find out what keeps them up at night. What eats them alive. And create an offer around
that - that’s how you fix a product problem.
[Business] Fixing Distribution Problem = Pinpoint your target. Then make a list of what platforms
your target is on. Let’s say it’s Facebook. Now what? Figure out what interests on Facebook
have access to your target. For instance, let’s say you’re selling a beauty product to 20something-year old women. Who has your target? YouTube/IG beauty influencers? Sure.
Target those interests and you’ll be able to get your product in front of the right eyeballs.
Distribution problem solved. On the other hand, let’s say you’re trying to get copy clients. Well,
what distribution methods are you using to get in front of the right eyeballs? Maybe you’re
sending out cold emails or messages on LinkedIn, but having little-to-no success. Why not
switch it up a little? Why not send out targeted direct mail campaigns to your prospects? Not a
lot of people are doing that. If you do, you have a greater chance of getting your marketing in
front of the right eyeballs (unlike emails that may just end up in someone’s junk or support email
[Business] Fixing Marketing Problem = Once you got a hot offer on your hands, you’re putting it
in front of the right eyeballs, but people still aren’t buying, then you know what the issue is?
Marketing. You’re failing to communicate the value of your offer. How do you fix this? Same way
you fix it in dating, but in business you don’t need social skills to communicate your product’s
value. You need copywriting skills (which are pretty much the social skills of business). Hone
your copywriting chops, learn how to position your offer, and channel desire onto your offer.
Do the above and you’re golden. You have a cash cow on your hands. That’s the whole game
right there. Business (and dating) in its simplest form is broken down into product, distribution,
and marketing. When creating business plans, come up with answers to these three things. For
they are the foundation for success.
Most individuals and companies suck at solving product, distribution and marketing problems
(they don’t even think about these things). People who know how to fix these problems can
write their own ticket (why not hone your chops in a particular industry, then take on clients and
charge TOP dollar to fix these issues? Food for thought!). Develop the skill of diagnosing and
fixing product, distribution, and marketing problems. And you’ll get rich beyond belief. It is the
holy grail. I’ve seen companies (and individuals) go from zero to complete fucking hero once
they got these three things down (I did it myself). So if your dating life (or business) is in the
gutter right now, you know why. It’s not the economy, it’s not your customers, it’s not your
competition. It’s your shitty product, distribution and/or marketing. Find out which one it is. And
handle it. Only then can you prosper. Anybody who tells you anything different is full of it.
Moving on…
Quick, random, productivity tip: I’ve been using brain.fm while doing deep work and it’s crazy
effective. Concentration and focus levels are through the roof. I got my girlfriend on it too, and
she has experienced similar results. You get 5 free sessions, give it a go to supercharge the
quality of your deep work (not affiliated with brain.fm in any way)
Truths Society Won’t Tell You (A List Of Things Every Person
Desiring To Life A Full Life Should Know AND Remember)
The world is full of bullshit. The more you let them indoctrinate you, the worse off you will be. As
always, when everybody is doing x, do y. Not just in business. But every area of life. To help
you, below is a cheat-sheet to keep at the top of your mind. It is full of “truths” that took me a
long time to learn because society teaches you the complete opposite. Only by learning these
truths could I unlock the door to my desires. Only by unlearning what society taught me could I
flourish to new heights. Only by going against the grain could I make it rain. Maybe learning and
reminding yourself of these truths often will have the same impact on you? I don’t know. All I
can do is share with you the nuggets of gold that have helped me immensely in my own journey.
So without further adieu, here are a list of truths society won’t tell you.
(Life is rigged against you. That’s okay. Realign your life by focusing on winning the five games
of life: money, relationships, health, fun and self actualization.)
Most people do not want money, they want status. They’d rather make $150,000 as
a lawyer than $250,000 selling Alibaba inventory. To make BIG money, you have to
trade status for money (at least temporarily). Giving up status means taking the
unsexy road (a plumbing company will make you more money than becoming a
Since most people want status, you can hire the smartest people to work for you by
giving them status. A corner office, a comfortable salary, a few perks and most
people will happily give their time/energy/dreams to fulfill yours. How crazy is that?
A man does not get rich on its own. The people make the man rich. People who buy
from you (customers). People who work for you (employees/contractors). Once you
lost touch/trust with the people, you lose out on money. To make money, you build
trust with the people.
Society makes money off of you by making you depressed, miserable, anxious (so
they can turn around and sell you a solution). The self-actualized man/woman is bad
for society because he/she doesn’t want for anything. Is already whole.
Distribution is the most important thing when it comes to making money. If you have
distribution, you can make millions selling simple merch (i.e. Logan Paul). If you lack
distribution, you could have the greatest product in the world, but remain broke (i.e.
Broke Silicon Valley entrepreneur). Focus on building distribution. Most people build
products. The smart ones build an empire of distribution/traffic. Give me a 100k email
list over the best product in the world (w/ no distribution) any day.
If you want to make money, you only need to know two things: how to get in front of
the right people AND what to say to get them to give you money. You achieve this
through becoming a master of driving traffic and sales/copy. Everything else is
irrelevant. If money is truly what you want, then all you have to do is focus on the
above. No point in becoming a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant if money is what you
want. Focus on the above two skills and you’ll be a money printing money.
Money is not backed by anything. It derives its value from the value we assign it. You
don’t want money. You want wealth.
The girls you want, don’t want you. The girls you don’t want, want you. You get the
girls you want the day you realize: human beings want what they cannot have.
No amount of logic, smarts, reasoning will get you girls. A low-life drug-dealer will get
more girls than the richest dweeb you know. Why? End of the day: girls just want to
have fun (biggie voice). To deliver fun, you have to deliver feelings. Make girls feel
alive and your girl problems are forever solved. The dweeb spends too much time in
his head, not enough in the world. And struggles with this. The drug-dealer lives in a
world full of excitement, danger, thrill. These automatically translate into a life of
feeling. And adventure. The unknown is captivating.
Your parents love you unconditionally. Every other relationship is based on value.
What do you bring to the table? The more you bring to the table, the easier it is to
create new relationships.
Keep an open heart and give yourself fully. In good times, but especially the bad.
The person who needs the other the least has the most power in a relationship.
Bad mouthing others is a reflection of you, not them.
People want to feel alive. Boredom is the enemy.
Give value to people without getting attached = key to success.
Your relationships (and the relationships others have with you) are experienced as
thoughts inside the brain. How you make others feel characterizes the quality of the
thoughts they have about you. And this sets the stage for the quality of the
You are the prize. Always.
Food in the West is designed to get you addicted. It is not made with your health in
mind. Toxic, dangerous chemicals that are banned elsewhere in the world run wild
here in the West. Look at the ingredients inside processed foods from here and
elsewhere in the world and what you find will disturb you.
Inflammation is the cause of most disease. Inflammation arises from living in fear.
The more you live life in fear, the more time you spend in a state of fight or flight.
Overtime this anxiety causes inflammation and fucks up your inner world, causing
extreme disease and disturbances. Combat this by living life with love.
Fasting is crucial for cleansing yourself and restoring your health back to factory
settings. Fast for 24 hours once a week or once every two weeks.
Keep your diet simple. Meat, veggies, water, eggs, nuts, etc. If the food doesn’t go
bad overtime, don’t eat it.
Not all calories are created equal. Pay attention to how different types of
calories/foods make you feel.
Placebo effect has a huge impact on your health/life. If you think/believe x
supplement/food boosts your immune system and makes you immune to
illness/disease, you will rarely get sick. The mind is the most important health tool
you have. All disease originates as a thought. Make the mind bulletproof.
Sweat daily for 45 minutes. Before you start, do a full session (3 rounds) of the Wim
Hof Method (thank me later)
Negative emotions damage your physical health. Research suggests that
forgiveness is related to a long life. Forgiveness frees you of negative emotions (and
reduces cortisol, depression, anger, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, etc.)
Practice forgiveness daily. Ideally before bed, one of the last things you do before
sleep. Run through the events of the day (especially the things that nag at you) and
forgive. Release the negative energy. Go to bed with a clear heart and empty mind.
Fun/play keeps you young. Everything you do doesn’t have to serve some greater
purpose. Keep your inner child alive. Make room for play at least one hour a day.
When deciding between two paths, ask yourself: What would make for a better
story? Live a life of adventure. Collect stories. View your life to be a movie. And
yourself as the main actor.
When you’re lying on your deathbed, would you regret doing x or not doing x? Act
If you’re waking up one too many days without life in your eyes and energy in your
heart, you’ve lost touch with fun. All the money in the world isn’t worth a life void of
fun. Spend the day recapturing this feeling for it impacts every other area of your
The opposite of play is not work, it is depression. Show me a depressed man and I’ll
show you a man who has stopped playing. Play with your work. Play with your
woman. Play with the world. Never stop.
Consciousness is infinite. You are infinite consciousness.
You are not your body
You’ve been here before. You’ll be here again.
Death is an illusion. It is your soul changing clothes/bodies.
No such thing as the past or the future. Only the now. You can use the now to tap
into and influence the past and the future.
You are awareness/consciousness. This awareness is larger than anything you have
ever known for it is all of life. You can stretch your awareness outside your finite
mind and experience it all without ever going anywhere. For you were always there.
This whole time.
You exist in more dimensions than you know.
God is everywhere and nowhere. Nowhere = Now-here.
The Self is the deepest part of you who silently watches all that you experience, think
and feel.
You are not a human being. You are the watcher who watches a human being live.
"You = The Self" were never born. "You = The Self’ never die (the body dies, you
don’t). You only came into the physical form to experience life as you know it.
Life is like watching a movie. When you watch a movie on the big screen, you get
absorbed in the movie/characters and forget about yourself. Life is the same way -
only more intense. You experience first hand the emotions, thoughts, feelings of your
character that you think it is you and you forget you are simply the observer, the one
watching your character live.
Nothing is as it seems. Empty space makes up all that you see. Infinite
consciousness created this world so you could experience life in the human form. It
is a way for you to experience/know yourself.
You and me are one in the same. I am you. You are me. There is only One.
You are living in a self-created prison. Society has trapped you. To free yourself, you
must first recognize yourself to be trapped inside a prison. Most people never gain
freedom because they don’t even know they’re in jail.
You’re an energetic being. Your thoughts/feelings/actions are the tools you have for
converting energy into mass. Use with care.
The above is nothing you have to learn. You already know it. You just have to wake
up and remember it.
Your Marketing Isn’t Generating Sales? How To Fix Conversions
In the early days of my marketing agency, I would make a pretty penny by helping companies fix
their marketing material. Earlier I told you how product/distribution/marketing problems are all
there is. Get good at fixing one or more and you’re golden. Right now I’m going to expose you to
the levers I would pull to solve marketing problems problems (I was analyzing/diagnosing long
form sales letters mostly). When you know what to look for and how to make adjustments, you
see things that most business owners do not because they’re too busy worrying about irrelevant
stuff. Below is the list of levers I would run through/change to yield higher conversions (if your
marketing isn’t converting like you want it to, take a few hours to push one or more of the
following levers).
BIG IDEA - Never sell a product or service. Sell a BIG idea. Is your angle/BIG idea
captivating enough? Is it memorable? Does it stand out in the marketplace? Here are
examples of great BIG ideas: the end of America, the miracle “disease curing” molecule,
the 5000-year old erectile dysfunction secret of Genghis Khan. These ideas are
captivating; they stay with you. They don’t leave the brain. Creating a new and powerful
BIG idea is one of the most important levers you can push to radically boost
conversions. Split test a new BIG idea.
STRONGER MECHANISM - When the market changes, your marketing needs to
change too. People become skeptical, stop believing big claims, and you need more to
persuade them. Overcome these hurdles by creating a stronger mechanism. A
mechanism is what allows you to deliver on your offer’s BIG promise. Example: Most
people sell the same old fitness programs. P90x came on the market and invented a
STRONGER mechanism and overtook the market. The mechanism they used? Muscle
Confusion. Peep their ads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lRgeIK4M2I Notice how
the CLAIM of dropping fat/getting in shape is backed by the mechanism of Muscle
Confusion? This is what helped them make a fuckton of $$$s (it makes one BELIEVE
that P90x is the solution that actually works!). Most personal branders/businesses make
the same old claims but have no or a weak mechanism. The stronger your mechanism,
the greater your sales.
TARGETING - Not all lists are created equal. Your BIG idea may be on point, but you
may be showing your marketing material to the wrong targets. Solve this issue by
creating multiple customer avatars for your product. Then tweak your marketing for each
and test different lists accordingly.
CREATIVE/COPY - If your BIG idea/targeting is on point, but you’re not generating
sales, then it’s probably a creative/copy problem. Split test new copy/creative. For copy,
headline and lead are the most important to test. For creative, split test different
combinations of video/images. The more pattern interrupting they are, the better.
OFFER - Good marketing will not overcome a weak offer. A strong offer sells itself. Put
your offer to the test. If all you could do was put this offer in front of your target (without
copy/marketing), is it strong enough to generate buyers? If no, then upgrade your offer
by adding stronger bonuses, bigger promises, risk reversal guarantees. If that’s not
enough, you may need to build a new offer entirely. How? By first living from the heart of
your target. Then creating an offer that resonates with what your target is
experiencing/needs help with. Not by creating an offer, then trying to find a spot in
his/her heart.
DESIGN/LAYOUT/FUNCTIONALITY - Colors/design produce feelings. Feelings convey
trust or a lack of trust. Does your design/layout induce trust or deter trust? Moreover, is
your site functionality optimized for maximum speed? Simple tweaks, big impact.
99% of the time fixing one or more of these things was the BIG secret to generating more sales.
So if your conversions are in the trash or you’re working with clients who are struggling to
generate sales, start with this list. Go through it. And make the proper adjustments. And watch
what happens.
Journaling Questions: Use These Questions To Mine The Gold Hidden
Deep Inside You
Massive success is less about working hard. And more about generating brilliant insights and
executing on those insights with full force. You, therefore, need a way to generate unique
insights. About marketing, your offer, business, yourself, problems. Whatever. One way I do this
is through journaling. I’ve mentioned before that scheduling time weekly to just think/journal is a
very high ROI activity. It allows you to work ON your business and solve problems/come up with
killer insights. In order to do this, I encourage you to use a few journal prompts. Take out a
blank piece of paper. Put one of the questions below at the top of the page. Then spend 20-45
minutes answering it. Somewhere between 20 and 45 minutes, you’ll hit on some gold that will
change the trajectory of the next day, week, month, year. The more you do it, the better your
problem solving skills become. Here’s a list of questions you can pull from to get yourself going
(real growth comes from the questions you come up for yourself for they will be the ones you
need the most):
What is stopping you from operating from a 10/10 place? What can you implement to
solve these issues?
Write down everything you’re stressing about. Circle the things that will matter 10
weeks from now.
What decisions can you make (that you are procrastinating on) that will free up your
time/business/energy/life etc.?
If you could only work on your business 1 hour a day, what would you spend that
hour doing to generate maximum results? How can you stretch that hour to fill out
your entire work day?
How have you grown in the last 12 months? How have you stagnated in the last 12
Break your life down by category: health, wealth, relationships, fun, family, etc. And
rate each, plus provide a brief summary of the current state of each area. End by
brainstorming 1 key change you can make in each area to drive growth.
Write down your #1 business problem. Now ask yourself: How would [someone
experienced in this realm - i.e. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Richard Branson]
solve this problem? Repeat until you have multiple angles to solve the problem. Pick
the most feasible and attack.
Are you living your life on purpose? Why or why not? Sit with this question in silence
and the answer will become clear as day.
What idea do you want your life to embody? Are you living in alignment with your
highest ideal?
What do you want? What is the quickest way to go from A to B?
If you only had 3 months to achieve your main yearly goal, what would you do?
Create a plan. Get creative.
One Last Thing To End Off 2019…
This past month I’ve been facing some real life problems. And let’s just say when you’re facing
some real life shit, business problems seem like a breeze. One real life problem equates to a
million business problems. All the things I was stressing about before seem so silly now (be
grateful for the lows for they teach you perspective). Anyway, the reason I bring this up is
because it taught me something about what matters in the absolute sense and what matters in
the relative sense. I want to share that with you as you go into the Holidays.
In the relative sense, it matters how much money you make. It matters where you live. It matters
how many goals you ticked off. It matters how many great products and services you create. It
matters if you live life on your own terms. It matters if you achieve a life of freedom. It matters if
you were disciplined. It all matters in the relative sense. And so we spend our limited time on
earth engaged in pursuits that satisfy what matters in the relative sense. But then, some real life
shit happens. And opens you open to a realization. Maybe it occurs through a death of a loved
one or some serious problems, I don’t know. But it happens. And when it does, you realize what
matters in the relative sense does not matter in the absolute sense.
In the end, it doesn’t really matter how much money you made, how many followers you have,
how many goals you achieved - none of that matters in the absolute sense. What matters is
your level of compassion, love, generosity and the impact you had on those around you. What
matters is your relationships. What matters is the feelings you created in those around you.
What matters is love. Did you keep your heart open and give yourself to the world and the
people who made it up? Did you care deeply for those around you? Did you stay present, create
great memories and fill your days with unconditional love? Did you self actualize yourself? Did
you wake up to your true nature? Did you connect with the God/Love/Source/Unlimited Being
inside you? Did you experience heaven on earth? Did you see life for the illusion that it is?
That’s what matters in the absolute sense, who gives a fuck about your # of followers. Become
a legend of a man/woman through self actualization and focus on what counts: the impact you
have on others. Be love. And engage fully with the world. Zero regrets. Zero fear. Leave it all on
the field. And return home with laughter in your belly and the flame of life in your eyes. Don’t.
Let. It. Die. Ever.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and Happy (Early) New Year.
See you in 2020, the greatest year yet. (BIG things in store for the TDL next year.)
Your friend,
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
Happy New Year! Hopefully you’re not hungover while reading this. If you are, don’t beat
yourself up too bad… somebody had to start the new decade off with a buzz (I’m glad it got to
be you)! With 2020 upon is, there’s many changes on the horizon. And one of them involves the
Tej Dosa Letter. So before we get into this Issue, I have a quick announcement:
With these Tej Dosa Letters in 2020 (and beyond), I want to get a lot more personal, set
challenges, and document how I’m building my business empire while also sharing with you the
exact ideas I’m leveraging to grow my own life (so you can replicate if you choose). Most people
hide the real shit and just feed you fake motivational mumbo-jumbo all day long. I want to give
you a real and practical education. One that engraves in you how to think, how to work, how to
move through the business world (and just life in general) with greater confidence and ease
(take what works, discard the rest. I’m simply giving you my take/experience. I don’t know
everything, just a little bit). So expect to receive a lot more business updates, real world behindthe-scenes look into the strategies I’m using to grow various products/brands, and case studies.
All this knawledge will take your money-making game to the next level in whatever you’re doing
(I hope).
But for the start of this new decade, I want to give you the exact 2020 Structure I’m using to turn
this year into a year of real transformation (I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting in
December and have put together an improved Master Plan for 2020). Most IG thots say “New
Year New Me” every year, but nothing in their life changes except their IG profile accumulates
more ass shots. It’s not just IG thots. Most of us fall victim to our same habitual patterns. But
with this new decade, the energy is different. And I want to make sure you look back on 2020
with a sense of pride and awe. That’s why this entire letter is going to be focused on the exact
2020 Structure you can leverage to make 2020 a year to remember. Implement what you learn
and nothing will be the same again (Drake voice).
Here’s what I have in store for you this month:
The Building Blocks Of Success
The 2020 Structure
o 90-Day Bursts (Goals & Actions)
o 90-Day Strong (Soft Skills)
o 90-Day Skill Building Plan (Hard Skills)
o Daily Workflow (Building Yourself & Taking Action)
o Rules & Guidelines
Let’s get into it.
The Building Blocks of Success
Before I reveal the structure for 2020 (and why you should apply it to your life going forward), I
want to start by going over the building blocks for success. Why? The building blocks of success
is what the 2020 Structure is composed of. It’s not an easy structure. Not a quick fix structure.
But it’s the only one worth following IMO (because it’s in alignment with what actually works to
generate real results).
To illustrate, let me ask you...
What is success (and failure) determined by? Is it luck? Confidence? Skill? Good timing? Your
network? None of the above? All the above? After carefully considering this question for over a
decade now, I believe success in life (and especially in online business) is articulated by the
following equation:
Value of person x actions person takes x time (consistency) = results
Interestingly enough this equation doesn’t just produce success. It also works the other way
around and gives key insight into what causes failure as well. For example, below you’ll see
how this simple equation goes to determine both success and failure (depending on the quality
of the variables used in the equation).
Example 1: Money Making Mitch
Person with:
3 months of copy experience (reading books, writing sales letters by hand, writing
copy for clients)
Positive attitude
Fast speed of implementation
High energy
Strong work ethic
Extreme efficiency and effectiveness
Killer time management skills
Strong ambition/drive to make something out of himself
A never give up attitude
Above average discipline
Spends his time daily:
Sending out 10-20 cold messages
Following up with clients
Honing his skills further
Hopping on sales calls
Evaluating + troubleshooting problems
Over the course of:
And produces the following results:
1-4 new clients a month
$8,000 - $20,000/month
Living life on his terms
Opened the floodgates to making money online
This is an example of how the above equation produces success.
Now let’s see how this same equation can produce failure.
Example 2: Pussy Pat
Person with:
No experience
Limiting beliefs
No skills
Shitty work ethic
Prone to procrastination/laziness
Shit ton of doubts/fears
No character
Spends his time daily:
Dreaming about riches, but never taking the uncomfortable actions
Reading tweets
Watching motivational videos
Reading books
Watching porn
Glued to Netflix
Drinking brews with the boys
Trolling on Tweeter
Buying overpriced courses
Investing in mentorships
Sleeping in till noon
Over the course of:
And produces the following results:
Still stuck in a shitty 9-5
Depression ensues
Anxiety through the roof
Can’t look himself in the eye because he’s not living a life of purpose
Grows obese
Starts hating life
Bank account is dying a fast death
Same equation. Different inputs. Different results. Inputs = Results
And the inputs you have in your arsenal is your value as a person (hard skills/soft skills), how
you spend your time (do you do what’s easy and comfortable or what’s hard and uncomfortable)
and how long you can endure the mundane grind (your consistency levels).
This is what determines success. This is what determines failure. If you increase the quality of
your inputs, you win. Don’t know anybody who hasn’t. If you keep your inputs
stagnant/comfortable, then you go through a never ending cycle of defeat. Most people live their
entire life in defeat. And I’m bringing this to your attention today because I want it to serve as
your reality check. With the new decade upon us, everybody is thrilled and over the moon with
excitement and joy. “This is the year I make my New Year resolutions come true. It’s my time to
shine.” Is what they all say or think to themselves.
But here’s the thing: setting New Year's Resolutions without improving the quality of your inputs
(who you are as a person, how you spend your time, your consistency levels) is the fastest road
to failure. Everybody sets New Year’s Resolutions. Hardly anybody spends time figuring out
who they have to grow into, what they have to do, and for how long they are willing to grind it
out to hit their targets. And rightfully so. Setting New Year's Resolutions is sexy and fun. It gives
you a thrill and motivational high. Doing the work I outlined above? That shit is not sexy. Not
even in the slightest. It’s hard. It’s daunting. It’s even crippling and soul-crushing at times (when
you realize your value as a person is so far away from who you have to become to achieve your
targets). But it’s the only thing that has ever worked (and will ever work) when it comes to hitting
your New Year’s Resolutions (and just life goals in general). That’s why I’ve built my 2020
Structure off the back of this equation. I’ve been using this structure for the last 5 years or so,
but this year I’ve made a few tweaks (which I’ll explain) to further increase the effectiveness.
This 2020 structure is designed to increase your value, help you take the right actions, and stay
working with urgency until you’ve achieved your goals. So with the above noted, let us now get
into the Structure for 2020 and all that it entails. If you apply nothing else from these letters,
apply what I’m about to tell you below and life will take a complete 365 turn in just 365 days. It’s
not going to be easy or a quick fix. But it will be worth it. Bet the bank on that, my friend.
The 2020 Structure
To win in 2020, all you have to do is set your intention(s), build the necessary hard/soft skills
and take the right actions consistently and without fail. Nothing more. Nothing less. Why is this
mandatory? Well, it may be the start of a new decade, but you’re still the same old you. Nothing
is going to change until you change. Doesn’t matter what year it is. Could be 2020, 2030, 2040.
Nothing changes until you build your hard/soft skills and start taking the right actions
consistently. You can either do that this year. Or let another year slip by without living in
alignment with the strongest vision you’ve ever had for yourself. Choice is yours. But if you
choose to act this year, here is the System I recommend you follow for 2020. It is designed to
turn you into a person of value + arm you with the ability to take the right actions consistently.
When combined together, it is a fool-proof way to grow and reach your goals (whatever they
may be). So let’s get into it. This 2020 Structure is made up of 3 parts. I will walk you through
each of the parts and then tie it all together by showing you how the Daily Workflow looks like.
Part 1) 90-Day Bursts (12-Week Year)
In the past, I’ve lived and operated by Quarters. Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. I find this approach works
better than operating in years. When you set Yearly Goals/Intentions, there is no urgency. There
is no drive. There is no incentive to get your shit together. If you have a bad week, it’s not the
end of the world. You have 51 weeks to make up for it (so you’re more likely to slack off). When
you live your life by the quarter, every week (and every day) counts. If you have a bad week,
then you’ve wasted 8% of the quarter. If you have 4 bad weeks of procrastination and not taking
action on the right things, you’ve wasted 33% of the quarter. That’s a lot.
Operating in Quarters thus incentives you to get your shit together and work with urgency
because every week counts. Every day counts. Living with no days off is the easiest way to
build consistency (surprisingly) and living by the quarter allows you to do that. As a result, in the
past I would break the year into 4 quarters, set my overall yearly vision/goals, then break those
goals down by Quarter (so I was on track for the year). And that was pretty effective. But there
was still a big problem with that. Sometimes I would underperform or overperform and send all
my Quarterly/Yearly Goals out of whack. For example, there were times when I was 6 months
into the year and had missed my targets for a specific goal and now there was no chance in hell
I’d be able to make up for all the lost ground and actually hit it by years end. This made me lose
motivation and made me stop working hard with still half the year remaining (a drop in
I wanted to avoid that this year. That’s why this year instead of living my life in Quarters, I am
going to live my life in years. Not in one year. But four years. In other words, one of my friends
Danny (@DannyRoars on Tweeter) put me onto the 12 Week Year and I’ll be following that
system for 2020 (Read the book 12 Week Year for more info on this).
The way it works is simple. You view every 12 weeks as a year. Every week is basically a
month. Week one is January. Week twelve is December. At the start of the year, you set your
resolutions and goals. At the end of the year (and along the way), you reflect and evaluate your
progress. This way your feedback loop is much shorter (you’re doing a “yearly” reflection every
12 weeks instead of every 12 months) and you’re also getting more done in less time (if you
only had 12 weeks to achieve a goal compared to 12 months, would you achieve it faster? You
bet. We take how much time we give ourselves to achieve a goal). Plus, this system doesn’t
have the limitations of my old Quarterly system. Since my year is now 12 weeks, I have more
urgency and can make adjustments quickly and easily if I fall off the wagon and need
realignment (instead of waiting till it’s too late). With that noted, the 12-week year is what makes
up Part 1 of the 2020 Structure. I encourage you to follow along and complete the action steps
below as you go through this letter.
To complete this part and set in motion your first 12-week year, here’s all you have to do (the 12
Week Year includes more steps such as objectives, weekly planning/scorecard, but the stuff
below is enough to get the ball rolling in a BIG way!):
Step 1) Define Your Long-Term Vision
How old will you be in 5-20 years from now? ___________
During this age range, how do you want your life to look like? List out your vision for your life in
bullet form (make sure to cover all the important areas of your life. From family life to business
to health. Don’t just focus on money making.)
Take your bullets list and turn it into a short paragraph written in the past tense as if it has
already happened (if you’re into Quantum Physics, guess what? It has already happened. Or
more specifically, it’s happening right now. But that’s a topic for another day).
Step 2) Set 1-3 Goals For Your 12-Week Year
Instead of setting goals for the next 12 months, set 1-3 goals for the next 12 weeks (your first
12-week year). To do so, simply ask yourself: Where do I want to be at the end of the next 12week year?
(I find zooming into the future, grabbing the date for when the next 12 weeks will end, and
asking myself “By [date] what do I want to have achieved?” helps me pinpoint my targets)
Write down 1-3 goals (make sure these are in alignment with your overall life vision so you’re
living on purpose).
Step 3) Reverse engineer your goals
Even before being exposed to the 12-week year, this is what I’ve been doing to get crystal clear
on what actions are required to hit my goals (read my email “How To Achieve Any Goal (My
Goal Setting System)” for more details on this!) Anyhow, the way I figure this out is simple. I
take a look at my goals and ask myself: “If I could only take 1-3 actions daily to hit this goal,
what would those actions be?”
(I ask myself this question because it takes advantage of the 80/20 rule. Only 20% of your
actions are responsible for 80% of the results you generate. Same goes with your goals. You
want to pinpoint the highest levers you can push so you can hit your goals with less energy
Example #1:
Goal: Get three $2000+/month copywriting clients on retainer
1-3 tactics required to hit the goal:
Write copy daily
Send out 10-20 messages to qualified prospects
Jump on sales calls
Example #2:
Goal: Lose 10lbs
1-3 tactics required to hit the goal:
Get in the gym for 30-60 minutes a day
Eat clean and at a deficit (find out how many calories you need to eat a day to lose
0.5-1lbs per week)
Take a progress picture daily to keep your motivation sky high
Example #3:
Goal: Get a hot girlfriend
1-3 tactics required to hit the goal:
Approach 3 hot females a day
By doing the above, you’ve determined what you set out to achieve in the next 12 week year
PLUS the right daily actions to hit your targets (Note: You may not always determine the right
actions from the jump. Sometimes trial and error is required. That’s why it’s important to
evaluate your progress each week to ensure you are in fact taking the right actions. If you’re
generating results, good. If not, maybe you have to do more of what you wrote down. Or maybe
you have to do something different entirely. Only by jumping in the pool can you figure out how
to swim.)
Remember our equation:
Value of person x actions person takes x time (consistency) = results
The above part pinpoints the actions we have to take to hit our goals. But just knowing the
actions isn’t enough on its own to actually generate results. For example, if your goal is to build
a Space Company. You and Elon Musk could be taking the same actions every single day, but
chances are he’ll blow you out of the water. Why? His value is higher than yours in that field. His
skills are honed. His habits are stronger. His work ethic is superior. His specialized knowledge is
greater. (It’s not all just about the actions you take. Most people just tell you to focus on high
ROI actions all day. But two people taking the same actions will produce dramatically different
results because it’s all contingent on who is taking the actions. Your value as a person is far
more important than you’ve been led to believe. It is the single biggest differentiator between a
life of success and a life of struggle.)
With that understood, figuring out the right actions you need to hit your targets is only a small
piece of the equation. Everybody knows what they need to do to hit their targets - even people
making New Year’s Resolutions. But they still fail to hit their targets. Why? It’s not just a matter
of knowing what actions you have to take. It’s a matter of becoming a person of value, a person
who has the soft and hard skills to take those actions consistently and without fail. That’s the
BIG secret everybody setting New Year’s Resolutions completely forgets. No wonder they fail
HARD. That’s what brings us to Part 2 of the 2020 Structure.
Part 2) 90 Day Strong
All these parts work in sequence. So once you’ve figured out your targets plus the right actions
you have to take to hit your goals, you have to sit back and ask yourself the following:
What type of person is likely to take these actions and hit these targets consistently and
without fail?
More specifically: What character traits does he or she have?
Different goals call for different character traits. For example, if your goal was to get a hot
girlfriend, the daily actions required to make that happen would be to walk up to hot girls and
strike up a conversation. The type of person who would be able to do this would possess the
following character traits: boldness, ability to handle rejection, confidence. If on the other hand,
your goal was to drop 10lbs, then the daily actions required to make that happen would be to
exercise for 30-60 minutes a day and eat clean/at a deficit. The type of person who would be
able to do this would possess the following character traits: discipline, high self esteem (ability
to keep the promises he/she makes to himself), ability to handle boredom without seeing any
results. Whatever your goal is, write down the character traits you need to adopt/strengthen to
complete the daily actions required to hit your goal at the end of the next 12 weeks.
Once you’ve found out the character traits you need, you then have to ask yourself: What 3-5
small habits can I add to my daily life to strengthen/develop these character traits over the next
90 days?
If you need to build discipline (doing what is uncomfortable and scary - even when you don’t feel
like it) to hit your goal, then a small habit you could add to your daily life could be a 5-minute
cold shower first thing in the morning (most people shit on habits like cold shower because they
take it too literal. The purpose of a cold shower isn’t to take a cold shower. It’s to build the soft
“character” traits/skills required to hit your overall goals. A cold shower gives you discipline and
boldness. You build character traits through action and doing. Not by reading and wishing.
Habits build character traits. Pick out the habits that are in alignment with your goals).
(If you really lack a character trait, then start small. For example, not checking your phone first
thing in the morning is a small and easy way to start building discipline. Or maybe it’s just as
simple as making your bed in the morning without fail. Whatever.)
If you need to build your ability to handle rejection to hit your goals, then a small habit you can
add to your daily life is asking somebody (could be anybody) a question that is likely to result in
a no (i.e. asking for 10% off at the coffee shop).
Whatever character traits you need to develop to hit your goals, you want to clearly define and
then find the appropriate daily habits to build those character traits. These character traits are
what gives you value as a person and allows you to become the type of person who effortlessly
takes action on the right things to hit your goals. So come up with a total of 3-5 daily habits.
Write these habits down. And label it 90DAYSTRONG. For these are the habits you’ll be
engaged in over the course of the next 90 days (in conjunction with your 12-week year) so with
each day and week you’re automatically becoming the type of person who is able to take the
right actions consistently and without fail to generate results.
Value of person x actions person takes x time (consistency) = results
But building character traits is just 50% of the puzzle when it comes to building your value as a
person. The other 50% is composed of Part 3 of the 2020 Structure.
Part 3: 90-Day Skill Building Plan
Your value as a person is made up of two things:
Soft skills (character traits - discipline, work ethic, attitude, the way you see the world, etc.)
Hard skills (tangible skills you bring to the table - copywriting, media buying, building sales
funnels, SEO, etc.)
Different goals call for different hard skills. So after you have defined your 1-3 twelve week
goals, you want to look at the list of actions you specified and ask yourself: “What skills do I
need to hone to generate 100x more impact with each of these action steps?”
If your goal is to land 3 new copywriting clients and the daily actions you have to take is send
out 10-20 outreach messages plus hop on sales calls, then the skills you can hone to generate
100x more impact with each of these actions is to build your copy/outreach skills AND your
sales/closing skills. The more time you spend honing your outreach skills, the more responses
you will get. The more time you spend honing your sales skills, the more clients you will close.
If your goal is to get a girlfriend and the daily action you have to take is to approach 3 hot chicks
a day, then the skill you can hone to generate 100x more impact with your approaches is to
learn game. The more time you spend learning game, the better your approaches will be. The
better your approaches, the more numbers you’ll get. The more numbers you get, the more
dates you’ll go on. The more dates you go on, the greater your odds of getting a hot girlfriend
and hitting your goal.
If your goal is to lose 10lbs and the daily action you have to take is to exercise and eat clean,
then the skill you can hone to generate 100x more impact with your workouts/diet is basic
nutrition/studying up on the most effective exercises to do. The more time you spend learning
about nutrition/fitness, the better your workouts and diet will become - which means you’ll hit
your targets a lot faster.
Get the picture? Once you have defined the skills you need to hone to generate 100x more
results with your action steps, then you want to create a quick and dirty skill-building plan.
Skills You Need To Hone: _______________
How much time can you allocate to building this skill each day: _____
How will you build this skill (write down what books you can read, what actions you can take,
what courses you can consume, etc.): _______
And then plug it into your Daily Schedule (ideally the same time every day so it becomes a
Skills you need to hone: copy
How much time can you allocate: 2 hours/day
How will you build this skill:
Read Gary Halbert Letters & Adweek Copywriting Handbook
Handwrite 1 sales letter for 30 minutes
Spend 1 hour writing copy
Submit copy for feedback
Now, you obviously won’t become a master in your chosen skill in 3-months but you will have
increased your value as a person enough to hit your target (I recommend specializing in 1-2
skills at a very deep level. These skills should be in alignment with your overall life’s vision and
what you spend time daily getting better at for the rest of your life. Then adopting other skills as
needed with the purpose of simply becoming average or above average at them so you can hit
your targets). Once you combine all three parts and you take action on them daily for 90 days
(this is important because this is how you build your consistency), you successfully satisfy the
equation for success:
Value of person x actions person takes x time (consistency) = results
And will bring to life whatever you desire (because over time you’ve built your value as a person
and you’re engaged in the right actions consistently).
Now, I know what you must be thinking: “This sounds so hard!” “It’s not what the self-help books
say.” “What about just wishing for it and hoping it will appear?”
Look, the truth isn’t sexy or pretty. What I listed out for you above is what it actually takes to hit
your goals. There’s a reason most people do not achieve their New Year Resolutions or goals in
general. It’s because setting goals is the easy part. But building your value as a person and
taking the right actions consistently and without fail? That shit is hard fucking work. But that’s
what separates the winners from the losers. All these marketers have tricked you into craving
the easy and fast road. They’ve tricked you into thinking you can swipe this “one-weird funnel
for making your first $100k” with the push-of-a-button. But that shit is just marketing. It doesn’t
To actually hit your goals, you need to:
Define your target(s)
Figure out the right action steps
Build the character traits to complete those action steps
Build the skills to get the most out of those action steps
And do the above daily every single week for 12 weeks (each week do a review and
make adjustments as needed)
That’s what it takes to win. So with all that understood, you may have lost some of the energy
you had coming into 2020. All the excitement you had may have started to warner off after you
saw the above Structure and the work that is required to hit your goals and bring them to life.
That’s normal. And it’s good that happened. It was going to happen in a few days anyways (the
allure of the new year only lasts so long). But now you have a choice, are you going to actually
do the above and make it happen? Or continue living with no defined targets, no correct actions
identified, no character traits/skills developed? Choice is yours. But there’s no way you can
escape this equation (if you want to live a life of success and prestige):
Value of person x actions person takes x time (consistency) = results
So if you’re serious about building wealth and reaching your true potential, I suggest you do as I
will and get to work. Below is the Daily Workflow you can follow to make that happen.
Daily Workflow
To properly manage the 2020 structure, I recommend you create a simple Google Sheet that
lists out the date(s) for your 12-week year (90-Day Burst) and includes the actions you have to
take, the habits you chose, and the skills you need to develop. Give each its own column and
list out the date range for the 90-Day Burst. And let this serve as your Daily Tracker. Once you
finish the specified action/habit/skill building session for the day, mark it as complete. And let
this serve as your performance tracker. While making this Google Sheet, I recommend you list
out the action steps/habits/skill-building session in the order you are planning on doing them as this will ultimately become your Daily Workflow (you want to set a routine that includes all the
above and minimize time spent thinking. More doing, less thinking).
Personally here is what my Daily Workflow looks like…
As soon as I wake up, I spend the first 1-2 hours on my Morning Routine. My Morning Routine
includes a list of habits that are in alignment with the soft skills I need to develop/strengthen to
hit my targets/goals. This Routine tends to change depending on what I am trying to achieve
during that Quarter/12-week stretch (but some core habits such as meditation/deep breathing
remain the same). For instance, if I’m heavy into sales mode, then my Morning Routine will
include more uncomfortable and daunting tasks such as cold showers, 5AM runs, etc. because
these habits build the boldness and courage I need to make sales calls/it starts my day off on
the right foot. If I’m doing more creative work, my Morning Routine will include habits such as
Morning Pages which is just free flow writing for 20 minutes so you can get all the gunk out of
your brain and actually be creative.
Whatever soft skills you need to strengthen/develop, I recommend you spend the first 1-2 hours
of your day engaged in the habits that will deliver those skills unto you. If you don’t have 1-2
hours, spend just 30 minutes. It makes a world of a difference when you have a Morning
Routine and get the momentum going before you jump straight into work.
After I complete my morning routine, I look at the list of action steps I need to do to hit my
goals/intentions (pulled from Part 1) and tackle the hardest one right away. I do this because my
Morning Routine has given me a lot of momentum. Tackling the hardest task right away is thus
not only easier, but it also allows me to keep up the momentum and carry it forward throughout
the rest of the day. After the HARDEST task is done in the AM, I’m feeling good as fuck. And
just brimming with high energy. Then I’ll spend the rest of the day ticking off the other
behaviors/action steps that are required to hit my goal(s) (every goal usually has 1-3 daily
actions you have to engage in to hit your target). These action steps are a lot easier to do
because I have so much momentum built up thanks to my morning routine/completing my
hardest task right off the bat, no matter what it is.
I’ll continue knocking off the tasks required to hit my goals until the afternoon-ish. At this time, I’ll
set aside an hour for skill-building (sometimes I can only squeeze in 30-minutes). During this
hour, I’ll build the skills that are required to generate 100x more return from the action steps I’m
engaged in. For example, if one of my goals is to hire for xyz position that Quarter, I’ll spend the
skill-building hour studying best HR practices/hiring strategies. By doing so, I can more
effectively engage in the right action steps and get more from each during Work Mode. This is
how I operate. And what allows me to satisfy the following equation on a daily basis:
Value of person x actions person takes x time (consistency) = results
So the sum it all up, I recommend you structure your Daily Workflow as follows:
Morning Routine → Include the 3-5 habits you need to develop the soft skills your
goals/targets require.
Work Mode → Look at your list of 1-3 action steps (that will allow you to hit your target)
and tackle the hardest one followed by the second hardest followed by the easiest.
Skill Building Hour → Devote an hour in the afternoon to build/strengthen the skills you
need to get more out of your work mode.
Once you’re done, reward yourself. This isn’t about working yourself to death. It’s about being
smart and engaging in the most effective behaviors consistently. Speaking of not working
yourself to death, there’s some general rules and guidelines you should abide by when following
the 2020 Structure. Let’s get into those now.
Rules & Guidelines
Human beings work best in an ebb-and-flow structure. Working with intensity for short periods of
time. Then resting. As a result, you want to work in 90-day bursts (12-week years) and then take
your foot off the gas pedal. This means once the 12-week year is over, you want to take a
mandatory week off. Put this into your calendar ahead of time, so you don’t forget about it.
Taking a week off allows you to renew your spirit and keep your energy levels high. It also gives
you more clarity and unlocks greater creativity for when you do return to work. During your
break, relax and review the 90-Day Burst you just completed. Did you hit your targets? What did
you do right? What did you do wrong? What can you improve? How? Then plan and set in
motion your next 12-week year (90-Day Burst). Repeat the process listed above again. And by
the end of the year, you’ll be pleasantly amazed at how much you’ve grown as a person, how
capable you are of taking the right actions, and just how consistent you’ve become with it all.
Which, of course, means you’ll also be enjoying a shit-ton of success and your life will look
MUCH different than what it looks like currently. This is the main rule/guideline you need to
follow. A mandatory week off after each 90-Day Burst.
Other rules & guidelines I recommend you follow include:
Blocking off time in your calendar for “CAVE TIME” - What is cave time? 3 hours
(minimum) of uninterrupted work time. It’s just you and your work. No distractions.
Nobody around you. Pure silence and your work. That’s it. 3 hours a day is a good
benchmark. By blocking this time off beforehand (each day), you can actually
engage in and complete the actions you need to hit your Target/Intentions.
Weekly Reviews - Each 90-day burst includes 12-weeks. You want to reflect and
review each week after you’ve lived it. Set aside time every Sunday to conduct a
review. And ask yourself: Are you engaging in the right actions? Are those actions
moving you closer to your goals? Are your habits making the process easier
(because you’re building the soft skills your targets demand)? Are your skills getting
sharper and sharper and generating more bang for your buck? If so, great. If not,
what do you need to change? Figure it out and adjust. The game is played by
Urgency is the name of the game - During your 90-day Burst, every day counts.
Every day matters. You only have 90 days to hit your 12-week goals. That’s not a lot
of time. So lock the fuck in. And get determined. Work with urgency. Keep a tracker
of what day you are on in your 90-Day journey and let the limited time kickstart your
engine. With each day that passes, you are moving closer and closer to the deadline.
Once your 90-day burst is over, it will be black and white. Did you hit your targets or
not? You won’t be able to lie to yourself, so go ham each day. Work with intensity for
90-days (this doesn’t mean you have to work long hours - just means you do what is
required on a daily basis) then fuck off and enjoy life during your 1-week break after
the 90-day stretch (if you need more time off to rejuvenate, take it. But make sure to
get back on the horse).
So there you have it, those are the rules and guidelines I recommend you follow. This is the
2020 Structure that will unlock your inner greatness and put you on the road to turning your
goals into reality. If you’re really serious about 2020, then I suggest you spend time daily
becoming a person of value and engaging in the tasks that will unlock your dreams. Doing
anything else is just a waste of a year IMO. Alright, that’s it for this issue. All that’s left to do now
is get going. Time’s tickin’. Today is Day 1 of your first 90-Day Burst.
Start running and Happy New Year!
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
A-Z Business: How I Go From Nothing To Profitable Biz (My Personal
Process For Launching Profitable New Ventures)
Step 1) Start With A Cluster Of People - I have trained my mind over time to think in terms of
niches + customer avatars (if you want to develop this ability, spend time daily taking people
you know in everyday life and turning them into Customer Avatars. Do this consistently and
you’ll start thinking in terms of ‘niches & markets’.) To me a niche is a cluster of people who
share similar pain points, desires, struggles, fears, ambitions. They could share these things
closely (I classify that as a tight niche) or loosely but with enough commonality that they’re still
related (I classify this as a loose niche). In the past, I started this process by thinking about
people in the: Keto Niche, Money Twitter Niche, Ecom Owners Relying Solely On FB Traffic,
Course Creators Who Were Successfully Selling Their Digital Products Via Organic Traffic But
Struggling To Scale Via Paid, Influencers With Followers Who Were Struggling To Convert
Attention Into $$$s, Post-Pregnancy Women Who Gained A Little Too Much Weight During
Pregnancy & Now Were Struggling To Lose It, Women In Their Early 30s Who Were Struggling
To Find The One, Hot 25-Year-Old Girls Who Were Now Stressed Because They Had Started
Showing The First Signs Of Aging, Realtors Who Were Using Outdated Marketing Such As
Door-To-Door Sales, Brochures/Fliers, Direct Mail To Win Over New Clients, 20-Something
Immigrant Males Who Were Struggling To Get Dates With Western Women.
And on and on. I start by thinking about a cluster of people who share pain points, desires,
struggles, fears, ambitions. Then I evaluate the $$$ potential of the niches. The most profitable
niches are tied deeply to core human nature drivers. Human beings always want to make more
money, look younger/healthier/sexier, enjoy great relationships, not look dumb/embarrassed in
front of others, feel important, reach their true potential, live a life they’re proud of, feel in control
of their lives, enjoy freedom/love/joy/gratitude, live a life free from emotional and physical pain,
do better than their peers/friends. I rank my niches from best to worse (based on which ones
satisfy the greatest number of human nature drivers - for these are the most profitable.)
After I got my most profitable niche jotted down, I ask myself is this a “tight niche” or a “loose
niche”. A tight niche would be something like “Newbie Copywriting Corner Of Money Tweeter”
(everybody in this niche pretty much shares similar demographics/characteristic
traits/knowledge). A loose niche would be something like the Keto Niche (because there’s a
bunch of different customer avatars in this niche. Some people are in ketosis. Others are
struggling to get into ketosis. Some people are slipping in and out of ketosis. Some have lost
weight with keto. Some people haven’t. There’s so many different customer avatars in the Keto
Niche, so it’s defined as a loose niche). So here’s what I do.
If my most profitable niche is a tight one, then I’ll pull somebody from random out of that niche
and turn him/her into a Customer Avatar (when creating 6 Figure Promotions (my copy course),
I pulled a random person from Money Tweeter and turned him into a customer avatar because
he represented the market at large). If it’s a loose niche, I first need to narrow the niche before I
can create a customer avatar. To narrow the keto niche, I would pick one target out of the
thousands that make it up (the juiciest, most profitable target who has the greatest
desire/fears/pain points). Say I choose ‘people doing keto who are struggling to induce Optimal
Ketosis’. Now what I’ve done is taken the “loose” keto niche and turned it into a “tight niche”. At
this point, what I need to do is turn this tight niche into a Customer Avatar - so I know exactly
what this person (and the people inside this tight niche) are feeling, thinking, desiring, fearing,
longing for. To do that, I’ll create a Customer Avatar. This avatar will include a picture/name of
somebody inside the tight niche (either fictional or real), plus answers to questions such as:
Who is this? How old are they? Where do they live? Where do they work? What’s their
education level? Do they have kids? How do their friends describe them? What are their
values? How do they live their life? What are their hobbies? What media/books/music do they
consume? What problems are they experiencing right now? Rank these problems from largest
(most unbearable) to smallest (easily digestible). How much money do they make? How do they
feel about their current life? What are they worried about? What do they fear? What keeps them
up at night? If a genie came up to them and could grant any wish, what would they wish for?
What’s their story? What life experiences have they gone through? How have these life
experiences shaped who they are as a person? What is their relationship with money (are they
spenders, savers or makers)? Etc.
After I’ve created a long and detailed Customer Avatar, I’ll pull all the Gold I need from the
detailed breakdown and create a quick snapshot. Snapshot includes name/picture plus a quick
breakdown of where target currently is and where they want to be:
Name: [x]
[insert picture]
Step A) Where target currently is? Jot down their current circumstances/target's BIGGEST
problem (in relation to the niche they’re in)
Step B) Where does the target want to be? What is the target’s BIGGEST desire? Jot it down.
Once I’m done the above, I have a real target pulled from a profitable niche who is desiring to
go from step A to step B. Everything is defined and clear. Now (and only now) is it time for Step
Step 2) Build a ‘minimum viable’ bridge
What I need to do now is see if I can create a minimum viable bridge that can take target from
where he is to where he wants to be. (Note: I am NOT building a product. All I’m doing is
building a minimum viable bridge). I brainstorm by asking myself: What bridge
(product/service/offer) would take this target from where he is to where he wants to be? Is it a
course? Is it a fat-burning supplement? Is it an energy increasing diet? Is it a certain service?
What is it? Research and scheme up ideas of your own. After you’re done, you want to evaluate
all the ideas by the following criteria:
#1) Is this bridge an “easy” and “simple” fix? The bridges that sell the best are the ones that
do all (or most) the work. Quick, easy, effortless bridges are the best selling (think: 5 minute
abs). If it’s a quick and easy bridge, then move onto criteria #2.
#2) Does this bridge actually take the target from where he is to where he wants to be? A
bridge is a bridge. It connects a person from point A to point B. You have to make sure if your
target gets on the bridge (and does everything you say), he’ll be able to reach the other side.
Evaluate the strength of your bridge (you don’t want your target falling through). If it passes the
test, move onto the next question.
#3) Is it feasible for me to either create this bridge myself, borrow someone else’s premade bridge or get someone else to make it for me? You won’t be able to build all bridges.
Either due to a lack of knowledge, lack of capital, lack of manpower. Whatever. Find the bridge
that fulfills the above 2 criteria AND is one that you can actually build.
Once you find a bridge that meets the above criteria, you now have a minimum viable bridge
(offer). What I like doing is just pulling up a simple Google Doc and writing down the raw
qualities of this bridge (in other words… the raw qualities of the offer/what it includes). Then it’s
time to move onto step 3…
Step 3) Formulate Your Unique Selling Point
Differentiation is king in marketing. The market is full of bridges. It is not the best bridge that
wins, but the one that is the most unique (for it captures the attention of targets and plays on
their lust/hope/curiosity). You, therefore, have to figure out the point of differentiation for your
bridge/offer. To do so, ask yourself: “Who else in the market is selling the same or a very similar
bridge?” (example: if the bridge you came up with is an 8-week copywriting course, then ask
yourself: Who else is selling a copy course to Money Tweeter? Write this answer down). Then
ask: “What makes my bridge different/better at delivering the result the target desires?” Is it a
special process? Is it your network? Is it your past experience? Is it 1-on-1 access to you? What
is it? Figure out what makes your bridge unique/better than all the other bridges in the market
and write it down.
Step 4) Create A Value Prop Sentence/Paragraph
The next step is to evaluate how well I conducted steps 1-3. How? By taking all the gold from
above and turning it into a simple value prop. There are many different structures you can follow
(different offers/bridges/targets will call for different value props). But here are some of my
Template #1: I help (blank) to (blank) by (blank) that works because (blank).
Example #1: We help people struggling to lose weight on Keto (where they currently are) to get
into Optimal Ketosis within 72 hours and lose 10 lbs their first month (where they want to be) by
taking an exogenous ketone supplement called ‘Quick Keto’ (your bridge) that works because it
contains the world’s purest ‘fat burning’ ingredient called x (what’s unique about your bridge).
Template #2: Target: __________ (who your target is)
Current Situation: _________ (what problem your target is facing/current state)
Desired Situation: __________ (where your prospect wants to be)
Solution: ___________ (how you take target from current to desired situation)
USP: _____________ (what’s unique about your solution)
Template #3: For ____________ (target) who ____________ (current problem)
our (product/service name) is ____________ (product category) that (statement of benefit)
____________ .
For people on Keto who struggle to get into ketosis - our product is an exogenous ketone
supplement that pushes you into optimal ketosis within 72 hours and helps you lose 10lbs your
first month.
At this point, all the up-front leg work is done (mind you: we haven’t created a product yet. All
we’ve done is create a value prop for our “bridge” offer). Now I’m going to put my value prop to
the test (before I invest any time/effort into bringing this idea/bridge to life). Purpose of the test is
to validate demand/see if it’s unique/good enough to generate sales.
Step 5) Validate Demand
If I’m creating a new service business/offer, then what I want to do is take my value prop
and put it to the test organically. I’ll do this either by messaging current clients who fit the
target (if I already have clients) or by finding/adding my target client via LinkedIn/Facebook.
Then after I’ve befriended them, I’ll send them a message with my value prop and see if they
bite. The message will go something like this:
Hey [Name], I noticed you recently (got your CPA & started your own firm - congrats) and
wanted to touch base. My name is [Tej] and I help new CPAs to get their first 3-5 clients without
having to cold call, attend networking events, or pester friends and family. Would you mind if I
sent you 3-5 clients this month? [- Tej]
Hey [Name], I noticed you recently (got your CPA & started your own firm - congrats) and
wanted to touch base. My name is [Tej] and I help new CPAs get their first 3-5 clients by using
automated marketing systems that outperform traditional marketing methods by xx%. Would
you mind if I set up an automated marketing system for you that brought you 3-5 new clients
every month? [- Tej]
At this point, all you’re looking to see is if people bite on your bridge. If you’re getting a lot of
responses/interests/people eager to hop on the phone with you, then this is a solid indicator that
you’ve picked a profitable target and created a hot bridge that’ll move him from where he is to
where he wants to (aka you’ve validated demand!). What if you’re not creating a service? But a
digital product or a physical product?
If I’m creating a new digital product or physical product AND I have a list of interested
targets already built up (i.e. email list, Twitter Following, YouTube Subs, whatever) then
I’ll send out a message with my value prop and evaluate the responses/interests level.
The message will go something like this…
Hey [Name], I know you follow me/our brand because [their desires]. So question for
you… Would you be interested if I created/offered x, y, z that helped you go from [current
situation] to [desired situation] without having to [shit they hate/things that are limiting them from
going from where they are to where they want to be by themselves]? This [offer] would be unlike
anything else you’ve ever tried because [insert your USP of why it will actually work]. Would you
find that helpful? If you could drop me a quick reply with a simple yes or no (either is fine!), I’d
greatly appreciate it! [- Tej]
Here you want to look for overwhelming positive responses. People saying stuff like,
“Holy fuck, that’d be great! That’s a solid indication you’ve done steps 1-3 correctly.
What if you’ve come up with a value prop for a physical or digital product but do NOT have a list
of targets you can hit up to validate demand, then what? Then you have to do a little leg
work. There’s two approaches you can take:
Approach 1) Do organic leg work - Find people in Facebook Groups, Reddit, Forums, Twitter
etc. who fit your target market, befriend them/get them invested, then hit them with a message
such as the one above. Keep in mind, what people say they want and what they’ll actually pay
for is different, so you don’t want to evaluate responses by simple yes/no, but look for emotional
responses such as “Holy fuck, that’d be great!” Responses like that show you’ve hit on a strong
nerve/are more trustable than a simple “yeah bro!”.
Approach 2) Create a dummy funnel - Build out a sales funnel for your new physical/digital
product like you would if you were selling a real product. Then drive traffic to it (via paid
methods) and evaluate the strength of your idea/business. Does it generate sales? This is the
greatest test of demand you can do because people are actually paying for your product. Once
people checkout you then have a page saying: “Thanks for your interest in x product! We
haven’t officially launched yet so your money will be refunded and you won’t be charged (we
wanted to see if there was enough interest in x product before creating it). As a gesture of
thanks, when/if we do launch, we’d love to send you the product FREE of charge so drop us
your name and email below! (You do this because 1) it keeps people from getting pissed off 2)
you’re only running your dummy funnel until it generates 3-5 sales (to validate demand) - at this
point you shut it down and proceed to building it out (sending 3-5 people free product in
exchange for helping you is very worthwhile).
Okay once you execute the above and generate 3-5 dummy sales, then you know you got
something. And it’s time to bring it to life. How?
Step 6) Create Your Marketing Aka Write A Long-Form Sales Letter BEFORE You Build
The Bridge
I always create the marketing BEFORE I create the product. Why? It helps me create the best
product possible. By figuring out how to actually sell the product (what benefits/promises appeal
the most to targets), I can put all that knowledge into creating a killer product. So what I
personally do before creating the product is I write a long-form sales letter selling the bridge
(service, digital product, physical product) to my ideal target. I create a long-form sales letter
because it helps me think through the entire marketing process and come up with all my selling
points/angles. (Note: I may never use this long form sales letter. It’s done more so just to create
the best product possible/help me think through how to best market it/stimulate desire. But more
often than not, I’ll use it - or at least the raw ingredients that make it up - as part of my marketing
efforts - leveraged through ad copy, email copy, retargeting, landing page copy, etc.).
My process for writing a high converting long form sales letter is discussed in my copy course 6
Figure Promotions, so check that out if you haven’t already. But basically it’s broken down by
USP, BIG IDEA, BIG PROBLEM, BIG PROMISE, OFFER, PROOF. Then turned into an outline.
Then turned into jaw dropping, irresistible copy with the perfect headline, lead, body, bullets,
offer, bonuses, close, guarantee, etc. Once I’ve created the long form sales letter, I evaluate the
strength of the marketing/product. Would people be brain-dead not to buy this product for $x? If
the long form sales letter has me jumping up and down with excitement, I know I got something.
After I’ve created my long-form sales letter, then it’s time to actually create the product.
Step 7) Create the product
At this point, I am certain people want it (because I’ve validated demand), I am certain I have a
killer product (because I created the marketing first), I am certain I’m targeting a hot niche
(because I put my niche through a list of criteria to find the most profitable one), I am certain I’m
going to make a fuckton of money (and help a ton of people go from where they are to where
they want to be). Now? I’ll go into “Creation” mode (if I’m creating the product myself). This step
will involve me putting my head down, locking my doors, throwing my phone away, and just
creating, creating, creating. If I need someone else’s help to create the product, I’ll go into
“making shit happen” mode - locking down suppliers, vendors, processes, samples, etc. This
product I’m creating is built based on the raw ingredients of my minimum viable bridge + plus all
the “thought-out” features/benefits I jotted down in my long-form sales letter. Once I’ve created
the product, then it’s time for the next step.
Step 8) Blitz The Market
Blitz A) Target Low Hanging Fruit Organically - Now that you have your product/service/offer
created and the marketing done (pulled from step 6), it’s time to hit all the people who
expressed interest in your bridge (when you validated it) and generate $$$s. Make it
personalized, reply to their email/message with a link to the sales letter/product page/checkout
page etc., some info/background info, and turn those clicks into $$$s. This is the low-hanging
Blitz B) Target your Warm/Hot List (if you don’t have, move onto step C) - If you already
have a list of targets built up, then hit them up with simple email copy leveraging a story of how
x came to be/what it does/big idea/big promise/USP, etc. and send them to the sales
letter/product page.
Blitz C) Once you’ve exhausted your warm/hot list OR if you don’t have a warm/hot list to
begin with, then it’s time to jump into cold waters (and add/build your list).
How do you do this? By asking yourself: Who has access to my targets? Is it Facebook? Is it
Pinterest? Is it a blog? Is it an influencer? Is it a YouTube channel? Is it Bob with a 10k email
list? Where are my targets/where do they hang out? Once you come up with your answer, you
have to devise your Market Penetration Strategy. In other words, you have to get clear about
the traffic source you’re targeting. And come up with a strategy for how you can take that traffic
and turn it into traffic you own. This is done by figuring out what you can put in front of qualified
targets to entice their interest and get them invested in you/offer/brand. Maybe it’s your offer
directly. Maybe it’s a Quiz Funnel. Maybe it’s a blog article. Maybe it’s through video content.
Maybe it’s a lead magnet. Maybe it’s your long-form sales letter. Maybe it’s a webinar funnel.
Maybe it’s a sales funnel. Whatever. Point is you’re using paid (or organic) strategies to turn
cold traffic into traffic you own (either by selling directly (then collecting their email on the
checkout page), giving them something of value in exchange for their email/name then
remarketing to them via email to buy your offer, or by simply building an organic following).
Purpose of this is to generate sales + BUILD YOUR LIST. At this step, you’re now building your
list/audience in the particular niche you’re targeting AND you’re making $$$s. This is great.
Keep doing this.
Step 9) Move from having a product/service to being a company.
At this point, you’ve successfully sold (and continue) to sell the bridge/product you created (and
it’s generating results). Well done. You’ve also by default started building your distribution (by
building your list). Well done. Now if you choose (sometimes you don’t have to do this, you can
just continue to make a fortune with just one product), you can go from being a one product biz
to a company with multiple products. How do you do this? You start back from step 1 and you
create something new that takes your target from their new situation to their new desired
situation (say your product took people from not being in ketosis to optimal ketosis in 72 hours
and they lost 10 lbs. Great! Now they have lost 10 lbs, but they want to keep the weight off/lose
more weight. Maybe you create something that helps them do that? Get the point? You
basically follow the whole process again (while you continue to sell your first product) until you
have a suite of money-making products that are delivering real, tangible results to people’s
lives. As you can get bigger/scale up, you bring on employees/contractors/customer
support/VAs to help you. But YOU focus and stick to the process above. For it is the money
making process. When you learn this process, you receive the biz education of a lifetime (which
you’ve learned now for just $7). When you execute this process, you get rich. So you now know
what to do to make money. Question is, will you do it? Sure hope so. Anyhow, let’s keep it
How To Increase Your Well Being By 1000% - Without Changing
Anything Externally
Why do you do what you do? Why drink alcohol? Why build businesses? Why lift weights? Why
chat up hot girls? Why travel the world? I had never asked myself these questions. They
seemed pointless. I was wrong. During the last 3 months, I’ve been diving deeper into the
“human condition” than ever before. And what I’ve learned has left me quite transformed. I’m
going to share all that with you, but first let me break down a few things for you…
Everything you “do” is done to feel okay on the inside (okay is defined as feelings of joy,
aliveness, enthusiasm, fulfillment, gratitude, love, etc.). You drink because you want to silent the
mind and feel okay for a few hours. You lift weights because you feel okay after you look in the
mirror. You chase goals because you feel okay once you achieve them. Everything you do is
done to increase your internal well-being. Agree?
It’s not a bold statement. Everybody wants to increase the quality of their life. And do so by
increasing their well being. It’s a normal human approach. Change things on the outside to
make yourself feel good on the inside. That summarizes your life and why you do what you do,
doesn’t it? It sure did for me. All my actions were directly rooted in the fact that I was not okay
on the inside. So I would pursue things externally to make myself feel okay for a few
hours/days/weeks/months/years. But during the last 3 months, I was presented with a question
that stumped me a little bit.
Question: “What’s going on inside you that’s not making you feel okay every moment of every
I thought. And thought. And thought some more (plus drew insight from
spirituality/consciousness studies/books/courses). Turns out three things prevent me (and you)
from feeling full of life every moment of the day. What are these things?
1. Involuntary Thoughts Created By Our Personal Mind - Right now there are
thoughts running through your personal mind. What’s the personal mind? The one
related to your personal self/character. You have one mind, but the mind serves two
functions. One part is the personal mind, housing your preferences and all your likes
and dislikes. The other part is the analytical mind, the one used to create, problem
solve, add value to the world. This latter is the impersonal mind, the mind not rooted
in your ego. It is powerful, but it’s not the one we use often. Instead, we use our
personal mind. Everything is about us. So the personal mind drowns us in
involuntary thought all day. “Why did it have to rain today?” “Why didn’t she reply to
my text?” “What’s going to happen if I fail?” All these personal thoughts keep you
from feeling okay (they create anxiety, fear, turmoil, frustration, desire, greed, lust).
So involuntary thought is the first culprit that gets in the way of you and feeling okay.
What’s the second?
2. Involuntary Emotions Created By Your Heart Center (And Resisting Those) The heart is an energy center, similar to a musical instrument. It plays the music of
the moment. When you get with the girl you’ve been crushing on for a minute, it
plays the music of ecstasy. And you feel alive and in love with life. When the same
girl cheats on you, your heart plays the music of sorrow. And you feel defeated and
lifeless. The heart is very powerful. And it’s tough being “okay” on the inside when
your heart is playing the music of despair, isn’t it? Very much so.
3. Personal Experiences Rooted In The External world - This culprit ties into the two
above because all involuntary thoughts/emotions stem from the “external” world.
When shit is going great with the external world (i.e. successful new product launch),
the personal mind releases empowering thoughts and feels amazing. When things
are going bad (i.e. death in family, break up, failed venture, rejection, etc.), the
personal mind releases disempowering thoughts and feels like shit. The events of
the external world have a strong hold on your personal self’s thoughts/emotions.
With all that considered, it’s no surprise why most people’s lives are a complete struggle until
the end (struggle = negative external event occurs, feel like shit, change something on the
outside, feel better, then something bad happens, go back to feeling like shit, and repeat). 99%
of people are desperately trying to change the external world so they can start releasing better
thoughts/emotions on the inside. Everything people do on the outside is done to make
themselves feel better on the inside.
But the question is does this work? If you’ve ever achieved a BIG goal only to be left with
feelings of emptiness on the inside shortly after, then you know this approach is not a
permanent fix (think of how many people with the “perfect life” commit suicide). I used to think
money was the solution to all my problems. Then ended up making a ton of money. But guess
what? Nothing really changed on the inside. I still felt the same. Sure, I had more
freedom/gratitude. But it was only temporary and conditional. Because before long, life dealt me
a bad hand and I latched onto a new goal and then the internal struggle (feeling of being not
okay and wanting to change things externally) resumed.
The thing that sucks with this approach is 1) changing things externally doesn’t bring about
permanent well being (only temporary) 2) it’s difficult to change things externally. It takes
time/effort/work/resources/will power/persistence - which means most of our life is spent in a
state of discontent/misery (how many people are waiting to achieve x goal so they can be
happy?). This “external-oriented” approach is what gives rise to the human condition/suffering.
So the question becomes how do you escape this disempowering condition?
Here is the solution (from all my years of studying consciousness, all my years of meditating been meditating since 2011, all my years of studying the human condition, what I’m about to
share with you below is the SINGLE best solution to the human condition IMO).
Step 1) Transcend the personal self
You can NOT transcend the human condition and achieve a permanent state of bliss,
confidence, love, joy, power, freedom WITHOUT becoming free from the personal self. It’s
impossible. The personal self must be transcended before higher levels of consciousness are
unlocked. How do you transcend the personal self? By asking yourself the question: “Who Am
I?” over and over until you arrive at the Truth. The average person spends a lifetime without
ever asking this simple question. It’s thus no wonder why their life is full of struggle. When you
ask yourself this question, you’ll think up many false surface level answers. “I am [your name]. I
am my body. I am my thoughts. I am my emotions. I am the person I see in the mirror. I am my
experiences. I am my ethnicity. I am my gender.” But these are all surface level answers
programmed inside you. These answers are not the truth. You can easily debunk each through
simple logic. Example: You cannot be your body because you’ve had many bodies over the
course of your life. A baby’s body. A teenager’s body. An adult’s body. An old man/woman’s
body, etc. If you were your body, which body would you be? The body is always changing.
Similarly, you are not your emotions/heart/thoughts/mind/experiences/identity. All these things
come and go. They are always changing. But there is a part of you that doesn’t change. It’s the
same you that was present when you were a baby. It’s the same you that was present when you
were in high school. It’s the same you that’s present right now, reading these words. Who is this
you? When you ask yourself this question, you realize that you are a changeless, ageless,
genderless, timeless Witness/Observer/Experiencer of life. This Experiencer/Observer of Life
has no identity, no shape, no physical characteristics - nothing.
It is simply a being. Once you experience this, you will have transcended your personal self.
You will realize that you are an eternal conscious being that is watching/observing/experiencing
the life, thoughts, emotions of a character named [insert your name here]. You are NOT [insert
your name here]. After this truth hits you like a million bricks, you may start questioning if you’re
sane or not. Don’t trip. For you are on the road to transcending the personal self. At this point,
you need to realize that you are the Experiencer of the life/thoughts/emotions of [insert your
name here]. You are not [insert your name here]. This is important to point out again because
you as a being have full control of where/how you direct your consciousness. Many of us bury
our consciousness into our character’s thoughts, emotions, experiences - until we lose touch
with who we are - and we incorrectly assume we are our character and his/her thoughts,
emotions, experiences. But the first secret to unlocking a life of bliss is to remain in touch with
who we truly are - throughout every moment of the day - and who we truly are is the
Experiencer/Observer/Witness of [insert your name here] life. How do you remain in touch with
who you truly are (without getting wrapped up in the day to day issues of [insert your name
Through daily meditation. Thanks to meditation you can learn to simply observe the
thoughts/emotions/experiences of your character - without getting wrapped up in them. Simply
close your eyes and meditate. Thoughts and emotions and body pains will arise. Do not give
into any. Simply remain still. And watch them fade away. The more you meditate (recommend
practicing vipassana meditation for this), the more established you’ll become as the
Experiencer/Observer/Witness of [insert your name here] life. And the better you’ll become at
witnessing thoughts/emotions/experiences without reacting/getting wrapped up in them.
Once you get good at perceiving your character’s thoughts/emotions/experiences not through
the first person, but through the eyes of an independent 3rd party then you’ll have transcended
the personal self. Meaning whereas before you’d cling your consciousness onto the
thoughts/emotions of your character (thinking they’re you) and go along for the ride they take
you on - you now remain still during your day to day life and simply watch the thoughts/emotions
pass through your character’s mind/heart without getting involved. You remain
seated/grounded as the Experiencer/Witness/Observer.
This is the first step to unlocking a life of complete bliss. If you never get to this point, then you’ll
forever be at the mercy of your thoughts/emotions/experiences. When something in the external
world triggers a bad thought/emotions, you’ll feel like shit. When something in the external world
triggers a good thought/emotion, you’ll feel good temporarily. And on and on you’ll go. But when
you sit in the Seat of the Experiencer, the quality of your well being is not attached to external
events, thoughts, emotions. You can feel full of joy, gratitude, peace, love - even while your
character is going through a hard time, even when he/she just got his heart ripped out, even
when he/she just launched a business and failed (steps 2 and 3 covered below show how this is
But you can only get here by first understanding who you are and meditating daily to ground
yourself in the Seat of the Experiencer (not the experiences such as external world, thoughts,
emotions of your personal self). Once you do, you’re ready for step 2.
Step 2) Understand the two ways you can experience life and the consequences of both
Once you get grounded as the Witness/Observer/Experiencer, the next step is to realize that
there’s two ways to go through life.
Way #1) Negative External Event Happens ---> Triggers Negative Emotions Inside Your
Personal Heart → Produces Negative Thoughts
You as the Experiencer “witness/observe/experience” this happening and go from living from
the Witness Level to the Personal Self level and you get wrapped up in the thoughts/emotions
your personal character is feeling and get lost in this state/lose touch with who you are. You
become your thoughts/emotions and because they make you feel like shit you either take these
emotions/bad thoughts and you “express” them by acting out (maybe blowing up at one of your
loved ones) or you “suppress” them and bury them deep down inside (this happens quickly).
Now you’re left feeling/embodying heartache, frustration, misery because there is no longer any
separation between you as the Experiencer and you as the Personal Self for you have left the
seat of the Experiencer and have become the experience.
This is the way 99% of most people take/live life - they become trapped in their thoughts,
emotions, experiences. It’s the root cause of the current human condition. Even people who
meditate, read a bunch of consciousness books, and spiritual texts find themselves acting out
as above and in a state of misery/heartache. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s another
Way #2) Negative External Event Happens ---> Triggers Negative Emotions Inside Your
Personal Heart → Produces Negative Thoughts
You as the Experiencer “witness/observe/experience” this happening, but remain in the Seat of
the Experiencer. Just like in meditation when you watch the thoughts/emotions move past you,
you now watch these thoughts/emotions created inside your personal character come up
without reacting/becoming them.
Instead, you keep the distance/separation between you (the experiencer) and your personal
self. This allows the negative energies created via thoughts/emotions to come up, stay present
for a few moments, then release/move on (negative energies do not stay for long contrary to
perceived opinion - they come and go (only carry a minor charge - once the charge runs out, the
energy releases) - when they stay forever is when you ‘hold’ onto them and become the
negative energy (this adds to their negative charge and keeps adding to it). By remaining in the
seat of the Experiencer, however, you allow negative energies to rise and fade - without
becoming them - which allows them to disperse/release. Through this second way, you create
separation between you and the thoughts/emotions/experiences your character goes through.
This allows you to free yourself of the negativity/remain centered. By simply reminding yourself
“I am simply the experiencer, I am untouchable” whenever an external event triggers your
personal character to undergo negative thoughts/emotions, you remain centered and in control
of your state of being. You do NOT become the emotions/thoughts your personal character is
undergoing - instead you simply observe/witness as the Experiencer while the negative
energies come and go (you’d be surprised at how quickly negative energies come and go when
there is no one resisting/suppressing/holding onto the energy)
When you get good at doing this, you neutralize yourself. No longer are you prone to prolonged
negative energies like you are right now. Because you realize you are simply the experiencer
and remain in the seat of the experiencer/witness without becoming entangled with the
thoughts/emotions of your personal self (ironically from this level you learn to appreciate the
negative energies. You become grateful that you’re able to experience such a range of different
thoughts/emotions. You become grateful that you get to experience your personal self’s heart
undergo sadness - for it’d be boring if it only played good tunes all day long). You simply
witness/observe/experience from a place of detachment - without resisting or suppressing
anything. What this will do is protect you from permanent negativity. It will protect you from
becoming entangled with all the heartache, chaos, misery that comes when we have no
separation between our personal self and the Experiencer. This approach allows you to simply
witness what is occurring without any involvement. At this level, you lead a powerful life. You’re
able to fully experience all of life without getting entangled in any of the negative
emotions/thoughts that previously would bring you so much heartache. But the fun is just
beginning, my friend for we haven’t increased our internal well being by 1000% yet. That’s what
Step 3 is for.
Step 3) Understand that the human being is powerful beyond measure - and has a force
inside him/her - that can bring you limitless joy, love, gratitude, abundance every
moment of the day - if you simply get out of your own way.
The third step is my favorite step because you do not have to do anything. Instead, all you have
to do is let go and keep taking Way #2 (outlined inside Step Two). Once you do, something
funny starts to happen. But before you can fully understand that, you must first understand
The human being is powerful beyond measure. For he/she is connected directly to Source
Energy. Different cultures call this Source Energy different names. Some cultures call it the
Kundalini. Others call it Chi. Others call it Shakti. Others call it Life Force Energy. Whatever.
The name doesn’t matter. What matters is you have this energy flowing inside you - at all times
- and it’s full of the highest state you can ever fathom (permanent state of gratitude, love,
freedom, ecstasy, joy etc.) but the PROBLEM is this energy cannot move throughout all the
major energy centres in your body (7 chakras = energy centers) because there’s internal
blockages. Right now if you could examine your energetic body you’d see a fuck ton of internal
blockages. These internal blockages are sometimes expressed as tension in the physical
body/pain/inability to stretch or as emotional pain/turmoil. These internal blockages keep the
Source Energy from flowing freely and bathing your entire being in pure ecstasy.
But why? The reason why is because you are not a newborn nor are you a child.
All throughout your life you’ve had life experiences. You’ve faced external negative events
which triggered negative thoughts/emotions. And what you did was instead of taking way #2,
you took way #1 which meant you resisted, expressed or suppressed the negative energies.
Instead of the negative energies coming and going, you became the negative energy and now
their energetic footprint resides in your energetic body (as
trauma/pain/turmoil/failure/negativity/rejection/misery). These negative energies block the
Source Energy from flowing freely and feeding you with unconditional love/joy/power (due to
your internal blockages/chakras being blocked). The human being in his most natural/happiest
state has all his/her energy centres open and the energy inside flows freely - filling him with love
and joy. If you don’t believe me, think back to when you were a small child. How happy were
you? Did you feel much more bliss, gratitude, joy, laughter, love, freedom, power, ecstasy than
you do today? Most children are full of life and light. For what reason? No reason. There is no
external reason. The child’s natural state is one of joy, happiness, wonder, awe, gratitude. Why?
Because there are no internal blockages. The Source Energy frees fully and openly and this is
why we get so much joy from being around newborns. They fill us with life because they
embody the highest of highs. But what happens as they grow older? They’re socialized and
conditioned. They’re taught to identify with their personal self. They’re taught to identify with
their mind and thoughts - whether directly or indirectly. And what happens when they do? They
start losing their natural state of joy and wonder. Because external shit starts happening and
they get wrapped up in their thoughts/emotions and instead of simply witnessing the negative
energies come and go, they cling onto these energies and try to fight/suppress/express these
energies which makes these energies become a part of them. Slowly, but surely the Source
Energy starts experiencing more and more blockages. And their happiness as adults slips
further and further away because the Source Energy can no longer free freely (for their
chakras/energy centres are blocked).
This means the natural “upbeat, energetic, full of life/joy/love/peace” human state is now gone
and replaced with internal blockages of pain, regret, torture, trauma (and the kicker in all this is
they are the one who created all this mess because he/she was taught to
resist/suppress/express his negative thoughts/emotions instead of witnessing them from a level
of detachment and simply releasing their energy without becoming it).
(All this may sound airy-fairy to you, but here’s a “real world” example that illustrates the truth
behind it all. Did you know that the act of forgiveness/letting go of some heavy “psychological”
trauma can actually improve your posture/ability to stretch further than you could before? Why
does this happen? It should be obvious. You’ve removed the internal blockage, allowing the
Source Energy inside you to flow more freely - which results in less physical tension/allowing
you to stand up straighter/stretch further. All this spiritual mumbo jumbo sounds like a bunch of
bullshit (I used to think that at least), but fuck is there some life changing truth to this).
So the question becomes, how can you start to let go of all your internal blockages so the
Source Energy inside you can flow freely and openly - bathing you in the highest of highs without changing anything externally? The answer was already given to you inside Step 2.
Whenever something negative triggers your thoughts/emotions, this is a sign that it’s hitting one
of your internal blockages (why else would you get triggered?). When this happens,
witness/experience/observe it without becoming it. Take a deep breath, relax your muscles.
Then remind yourself you are simply the Experiencer. Let go of your ability to
fight/suppress/control/resist the negative energy/thoughts. And just simply center yourself back
as the Experiencer (just like you do when you meditate). When you do, the negative energy that
stimulated your internal blockage will arise, come to the surface, and then release (if you fight or
resist or suppress it, you only make it stronger). The more you let go/detach yourself and let the
energy come and go, the faster you clear up your internal blockages. The faster you clear up
your internal blockages, the more Source Energy starts to flow through you because there are
less blockages. Before you know it, the number one thing you’re
experiencing/witnessing/observing is the Source Energy flowing freely inside you and bathing
you in unconditional love, gratitude, joy, peace every moment of the day (like it did when you
were a child before you were programmed).
When you get to this place they will say you have become an “enlightened” being and rightfully
so for you have discovered the truth about who you are and how you’re always connected to
Source Energy - if you simply learn to get out of your own way (look at all the great enlightened
beings from Osho to Eckhart Tolle to Ram Dass to Yoganada to whoever - they all emit high
conscious energies/vibes/love/joy - without having ever changed anything externally. These
beings are 10000000x more happier, fulfilled, joyful than all the millionaires I know). This is how
you increase your internal well being by 1000% - without changing anything externally. For the
solution was never external. But internal (the real work is done within).
To dig deeper into all this, I recommend you check out the following books: Letting Go: The
Pathway Of Surrender, Surrender Experiment, Yoga Sutras, Stillness Speaks, I Am That, The
True Nature of Consciousness.
Alright, lots of meat up above for you to implement in business/use to upgrade your human
condition in the best way possible. But before I end this letter, I want to let you in on my favorite
productivity tactic.
Favorite Productivity Tactic From The Last 30 Days
I like implementing new tactics and exercises on a monthly basis. New tactics and exercises
keep me moving in the right direction. Here’s my favorite tactic/exercise from the past 30 days:
100 Units of Time by Sam Ovens - The thing I love about business is there’s no grey area.
You can look at your yearly revenue/profits and know if it was a good or bad year. This
black/white approach serves many benefits because it makes you aware. Unfortunately, most of
us do not have this black/white approach in other areas of life such as productivity. We live in
the grey. In this weird zone where we delude ourselves and make excuses and yearn to have
more time. Thinking we’re using our time to the maximum. But in most cases? We’re not.
Getting clear on where we’re falling through is the most important thing you can do to increase
productivity/better manage your time. That’s why I’m a huge fan of Sam Oven’s 100 Units of
Time Exercise. The way it works is simple. For the next 7 days, you want to continue living your
life as you currently are (do not make any changes to get the most out of this exercise). Every
30 minutes or an hour you want to program your phone to go off with a reminder that says
“What did you spend the last 30/60 minutes doing?”
You then want to keep a note on your phone or a physical notebook and write down the time
slot and what you did. You want to keep a log of how you’re spending your time from the
moment you wake up to the moment you sleep. If you spent 30 minutes watching Game of
Thrones, write down Game of Thrones. If you spent the last 30 minutes scrolling through
Twitter, write it down. Keep tabs on your time in 30-60 minute chunks for 7 consecutive days.
Then at the end of 7 days, take all the ways you spent your time and categorize them. If on
Monday you spent 1 hour on Twitter, 2 hours on Facebook Tuesday, so on and so forth then
categorize that bucket as social media and include the total amount of time spent on social
media. You want to create categories for everything (categories you can create: exercise, work,
9-5, commuting, Netflix, social media, socializing, eating, learning, etc.).
So at the end, you have an overall breakdown of how you spent your time by category. Then
you want to get into analysis mode. By simply looking at your breakdowns, you’ll notice you’ve
been spending a lot of time on pointless shit. So the first thing you need to do is cut out
pointless stuff. Go through your list and ask yourself: How can I free up time? What can I cut
out? If you’re just starting out, things you’ll want to cut out are things like drinking, Netflix, social
media, etc. If you’re a seasoned vet and you’re making money, things you’ll want to cut out are
things such as doing laundry, getting groceries, cooking food, cleaning, etc. You want to identify
all time kills and either delete or automate. Next, you want to double down on what truly counts.
Replace the new free time with things that make you better/move you closer to your goals. And
take all these insights/plans and create for yourself the Perfect/Ideal week. A new schedule for
yourself. A structure. Define what time you wake up/what time you sleep. Define what time you
work/when you stop. Define what time you exercise/what time you stop. Define when you eat.
Define when you do deep work. Define what day you take off. Define when you meditate. Define
when you relax. Basically, fill your day with activities/tasks that are a valuable use of your time
(relaxing is a valuable use of time - helps you recharge and kill it the next day). And plug all this
into your Google Calendar. Then follow this Calendar and stick to it until you outgrow the
activities on the calendar (set reminders to go off 10 minutes before the activity so you stay on
track). Then repeat this 100 units of time activity to find new time kills as you grow/move up the
ladder - ideally every 3 months (example: in the beginning creating a prospecting list may be a
good use of time. But once you’re established, could that be outsourced/delegated? You bet!
Cut that out, delegate it, and replace it with a higher yield activity). This way you’re always
getting better/growing/making the most out of your time - which means you’ll be getting
healthier, happier, and richer by default. Such is the true power of mastering your time. So make
sure to do this. This 100 Units of Time exercise really grants you an unreal level of clarity that
you can’t get without doing this exercise. So starting tomorrow, give this exercise a go? Then
after 7 days, evaluate and make some changes to get your life to move to the next level. Cool?
That’s it for me. Exceeded my page count by quite a bit, but wanted to go above and beyond for
you this month, so I hope you enjoyed it. Any questions, comments, insights - don’t hesitate to
hit me up! See you again the first of next month.
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
MARCH 2020
Here’s what you’re going to discover today:
The 6-Figure Sales ‘Rescue’ Follow Up Email
The Hardcore Growth Plan
How To Choose A Niche & Get Your First 3 Clients Organically
This Issue is going to be action packed and hard hitting, so let’s jump straight into the thick of
The 6-Figure Sales ‘Rescue’ Follow Up Email (Send This To Prospects
After You’ve Screwed Up The Sales Call)
I told you my goal in 2020 was to lift the hood and give away my personal tactics, strategies,
processes. Last month, I gave you my personal process for going from 0 to profitable business.
I listed out all the steps, the sequence I follow them in, and encouraged you to do the same.
This Issue I want to get even more specific by sharing my word-for-word follow up email that
rescued more sales for me than anything else when I first started slangin’ long form sales letters
as a Freelancer. But first a little digression… My first year in client services, I didn’t know what I
was doing. I knew how to write copy. And could persuade people via email. But over the phone?
My sales skills were shit. I wasn’t confident in my pricing. Couldn’t lead the conversation.
Couldn’t help the prospect articulate his pain points. (The reason why is because I was just
winging it. Lesson: Always use a sales script - especially in the early days). As a result, I blew a
lot of sales I should’ve closed.
So one day, I decided to get creative. I sat down and decided to leverage all my copywriting skill
into creating the perfect ‘sales rescue’ email (pretty sure I got inspiration for this email from
somewhere, but it was years ago and can’t remember now). An email I could send to prospects
who I should’ve closed, but for whatever reason I didn’t. This email wasn’t your typical sales
follow up email. It was my second attempt at rescuing the sale. You see, on the phone call I
would try to close prospects on a $5k deal for a long-form sales letter. Sometimes that worked.
Other times I screwed up. I knew the people I messed up with were in the market for a long form
sales letter, so I decided to send up a follow up email as a last ditch effort. Instead of taking the
$5k up front like I would’ve done if I closed them over the phone, I decided to present the offer
in a slightly “better” light. It was a go big or go home type of email. And it was my hope that even
if this email saved a single sale it would be worth it. But the results? Much crazier than I had
anticipated. This ‘sales rescue’ email was responsible for generating thousands and thousands
of dollars because it removed all risk for the prospect.
And today? I’m going to share it with you because Reason #1) I shared the thinking behind this
follow up email with a student inside Clicks&Copy University and he used it to close a
$4k/month retainer after he had (in his words) “fucked up” the sales call. Reason #2) I know a
lot of you are trying to get your first client, but you’re making mistakes that are blowing the deal.
Maybe this email can save some of those sales? I don’t know. But I’ve copied/pasted the email
below. (This is a word-for-word email I sent a previous prospect who ended up taking me up on
my offer and paying me $5000. On the call, he was hesitant to close because he didn’t want to
risk losing his $$$. But thanks to this email, I got him to commit the $5000 to a third-party
“escrow” account he had full control over and this way I removed all risk for him. I find this
approach works well after you’ve tried to close people on your service, but they’re hesitant to
close because they don’t know if you got the juice. By using this approach, they commit way
easier and it’s a win/win for both parties. So use the email below as a model to “rephrase” your
offer as a no-brainer and I have a feeling you’ll win back a lot more sales.)
Here is the structure that works best for this type of follow up email (in case you want to write
one from scratch): Start with an apology, explain things from your side with full honesty, explain
how you fucked up the sales call, how excited you were to work together, how shitty you feel,
what this is going to cause both of you to miss out on, and how they can avoid all that by taking
you up on your no brainer proposition – you can position your no brainer prop as an escrow
offer like I did or as a normal offer – both approaches work).
Here is my sales rescue email in action:
I must admit, I’m rather frustrated…with myself.
When we exchanged a few emails back and forth last week, I had you thinking that I could write a new
sales letter for your [redacted] service – a letter that would beat your current control and could be used for
months on end to grow your sales. But once we hoped on the discovery call, I made a major mistake that
a business whiz like you must have easily recognized.
I failed to show you the value I'd deliver to your company.
You see, once we had sent a few emails back and forth, both acknowledging one another’s passion and
ability to grow sales via high converting copy, I’d assumed we’d hit it off and would eventually end up
working together. Now that a few weeks have passed and we still haven’t worked together to grow sales
for [redacted], I’m a little bummed and sure I’ve ended up in the depths of your mind. That’s a horrible
place to be, so I’m going to do what I should have done once you initially expressed great interest in
having me write your next control…
I’m going to show you the value I’ll deliver to your business – with the hopes of earning my spot
back in the front of your mind…
To reclaim my spot in the front of your mind, I have a very interesting proposition for you. Now, I know the
rational part of our brain is designed to distrust this type of deal. But the emotional side of our brain is
wired to love it. I’ll let you decide for yourself whether you love my deal.
As someone who understands just how much opportunity a new control could open up for
[redacted], I’m sure you’re spending endless hours interviewing copywriter after copywriter with
the goal of finding the best one (who doesn’t rip you off… or leave you high and dry with lousy
copy… after you’ve coughed up the hefty fees)
That’s why I’m proposing to take all that trouble off your plate, David. Completely at my risk.
In other words, I want to invest my own time and energy into creating a new sales page that will serve to
challenge your current sales page at [redacted].
Yes! I’m challenging your sales page to a “no-risk” duel.
I’ll create a challenger sales page designed to earn you more sales…this letter will take on your current
sales page in an A/B split test. I’ll invest my own money, time, and energy into researching and writing,
before presenting my new and improved sales page to you for review. Once I’ve sent you my sales page,
you can look it over and decide one of two things…
1. It’s junk – if you don’t like it, just tell me it’s horrible and hit ‘delete.’ No hard feelings!
2. If you think it has the potential to generate more sales than your current sales page – test it!
If at any point, you think my sales page isn’t performing up to your standards – take it down, go back to
using your current sale page (or hire another copywriter), and accept your victory.
The best part of my deal is that you’re only exposing yourself to one risk…
That my sales page ends up generating more profits for your business. In which case, I’d kindly ask you
to compensate me for my work.
If, on the other hand, you didn’t like my letter, you don’t pay me a single penny. Even if you thought my
sales letter had potential and you tested it – if the sales letter fails to generate more sales than your
current sales page – you still don’t pay me a single penny.
What if my sales letter generates sales that fall slightly below the current number of sales you're pulling in
– then what? Well, you still wouldn’t pay me a penny.
In other words, the only way you pay me is if I grow your pie and make you money.
So really…
I’m offering to risk my time and energy to increase your sales, while
you risk nothing but higher profits.
Sounds pretty good, right?
You bet.
But what will I get out of doing this? If I end up creating a sales page that pulls in more customers than
your current control, I expect to be fairly compensated. Based on the price point of your [redacted] system
and [redacted], and that they are information products with insanely high margins, I propose that fair
compensation for this challenge would be $5000 like I suggested on our call (you pay me a one-time fee
of $5000 and get to use and reuse my sales page to keep generating more and more sales for your
products – I don’t ask for any royalities. Your profits are yours to keep, David).
If you like the sound of my offer, please let me know as soon as you can. Once you do, I will send you my
information so you can send me your products. Once I receive your products, I will invest my time and
energy into studying it thoroughly so I can write a compelling and engaging sales page that makes
customers beat a path to your door with money in hand.
How long will it take me to write the sales page?
Within 30 days of receiving your stuff, I will send you my finished sales page. Once you receive my sales
page, you will let me know whether or not you like it. If you dislike it, disregard it. No problem! If you like it,
test it and see for yourself whether it increases your sales.
If, after testing, my sales page pulls in more sales and generates greater profits than your current
control…I’d expect payment to be released within 7 days.
Not a bad deal…don’t you think, David?
If you’re up for it, shoot me a message telling me you accept, and I’ll clear my schedule so I can invest my
time and energy into increasing your sales…entirely at my risk.
P.S. In my opinion, this is a great way for me to show you the value I’ll deliver to your business. I say that
because to get most professional copywriters to write a kick ass sales page, you’d have to pay at least
$5000 up front, just to get them to write the letter. And there’d be no guarantee of results.
By asking you to pay me only if my letter brings you increased conversions, you have no risk but to
increase your profits. So act now by hitting reply and telling me that you accept.
---------The way this email worked was the prospect would respond enthusiastically about the offer
(because it was in their best interests) and would want to discuss the terms on a call. On this
call, I’d ditch my BS sales tactics and just be real with the prospect by discussing the terms of
the duel. I’d tell him I could get started right away and the only thing I’d need from his end would
be to submit $5000 (or 50% up front) into a 3rd-party “escrow” account (you can use UpWork or
another escrow service) - this way I was protected and the amount in escrow would only be
released to me if I beat his current control (so he was taking no-risk). I found that clients who
had intentions of paying didn’t mind this. They understood it. It made good business sense, so
they would happily put up the money in escrow. But other prospects who wouldn’t accept this
escrow arrangement, I just dismissed and said, “Hey, it’s not a good fit, thanks!” Because I had
a feeling they just wanted me to do all this upfront work and wouldn’t pay in the end (this was I
protected myself). And the result of all this was I got client after client to put up $$$ in escrow
(entirely risk-free), clients I would’ve otherwise missed out on, and because I had the copy
chops I beat their control in most cases (most companies in need of a copywriter had quite
mediocre sales letters, so this was relatively easy to do - although in some cases I didn’t and
got paid $0) and ended up getting paid $5k per sales letter. I was working with high ticket infoproduct companies so clients saw a strong return on their investment and I got paid quite
handsomely - which meant a win/win for both parties.
So if you’re getting interest… hopping on sales calls… but not closing, perhaps sending out a
follow up email that removes all risk for the prospect is the move? I’m sure you’ll have to tweak
it around to fit your unique scenario (I used to send out emails like the above 5+ years ago
when I was still new but had some results under my belt, so you probably want to improve the
language) but the opportunities this opens up could be huge for your business. So take the
shot? If you do, let me know how it goes. Students inside Clicks&Copy University™ are having
great success with this approach (especially newbies), so I encourage you test it as well.
Moving on…
The Hardcore Growth Plan (Everybody Wants To Grow By Reading
Books, Nobody Wants To Look The World In The Eye. Follow This
Hard & Grueling Plan To Create Real Change...)
“In marketing, sell the easy road. In your own life, take the hard road.” Why? Easy road sells.
But it’s not the road that generates the most growth. Unfortunately, most people have been
tricked… conned… lied to… and have sacrificed massive growth in the process. Because to
actually grow, you must confront your demons and meet the world at eye level (not pick
up another book). I know because that’s exactly what I did. In my teenage years, I read over
200 self help books (easy). Probably a lot more than that. And guess what? Not much changed
in my life. I was still thinking the same thoughts, using the same words, taking the same
actions. Until I got sick of it. Deep down we already know what we need to enact real change.
But we bury the urge and trade it for “easy” and “comfortable” tasks that paint the illusion of
growth. Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. To actually grow, you must confront your demons and look
the world in the eye.
So with this realization in mind, I decided to take the hard road. I decided to create a plan that
was designed to pull me out of the despair I had buried myself in. And be born anew. And the
result? It was the most uncomfortable, grueling, painful thing I had ever done. But also the most
liberating, rewarding, growth-inducing. And for good reason.
Discomfort/Pain/Confronting Demons = Real Growth.
Reading Books/Consuming Courses/Jerkin To Tony Robbins = False *Feelings* Of Growth
The entire world runs off false feelings of growth. The real winners crave real growth. They don’t
run from the pain. They embrace the pain, so if you’re ready to do the same - here’s the
hardcore growth plan I used/use myself.
Step #1) Conduct A Brutally Honest Self-Audit
I looked in the mirror and saw a shadow of a shadow of the man I had wanted to become.
Instead of faith, I saw despair. Instead of love, I saw fear. Instead of integrity, I saw
misalignment. Instead of confidence, I saw shame. Instead of life, I saw death. “Oh fuck,” I
thought. “Look how far I’ve slipped…”
With the realization came an overwhelming shock of unforgiving pain. But with pain came the
opportunity to change. Most people don’t give themselves the opportunity to grow because
they’re too scared to look at themselves for who they are. But if you never do, you’re only
robbing yourself of new possibilities. So the first step is simple.
Get naked in front of the mirror (Do it for real - this breaks down all your guards/all the illusions
you’ve put up/all the lies you’ve told yourself). And spend 15 minutes just looking at yourself.
Look at yourself physically, emotionally, financially, character wise. Look at the look in your
eyes. Is anybody even home? Or did they check out years ago? Look at your chest and the
heart beating inside. Is it beating the song of victory or pumping the blood of defeat? Look at the
thoughts inside your brain. Are they empowering or disempowering? Look at the words on your
tongue. Are they full of love or hatred? Look at the emotions pumping inside you. Be brutally
honest with yourself. Everything you’ve ever tried to suppress, every limitation and shortcoming
and character flaw you’ve tried to hide, bring all your demons to the surface. And audit yourself
like you’ve never audited yourself before - with honest & objective eyes.
After you’ve done the above, it’s time to look at the current state of your life. See where your
character has brought you. Evaluate your health/finances/social/spiritual/family life - everything.
Look at it with honest eyes. And see your life for what it is. Now is not the time to delude
yourself or make yourself feel better. Now is the time to look at your life with objective eyes. If
another person was looking at your life, how would they describe it? How would they describe
the quality? How would they rank your life in the major categories? Once you’re done (you’re
not done until you’re sick and frustrated and angry and drowning in despair with nobody to
blame except yourself), it’s time for step 2.
Step #2) Identify All Barriers You’ve Put In Between You And Life
After you’ve conducted a brutally honest audit of yourself/life, you’ll be on the tip of liberation for
you’ll be standing in pain. Deep rooted emotional pain that comes from realizing:
“I am so far away from where I want to be.” “What the fuck have I been doing?” “How did I let it
get this bad?” “Have I been sleep-walking through life?” “When did I check out?” “When did I go
from living to existing?” “When did I die inside?”
Nothing but raw and real questions designed to give you clarity although this clarity comes with
heartache attached. It’s still good clarity nonetheless. Because from this place, you’ll be able to
see the errors in your ways. You’ll be able to see all the barriers you’ve put in between you and
life. The life you’ve always wanted to live. All these barriers will be self-built that take the form of
fear, resistance, limitations. So the next step is to identify these by asking yourself: “What am
I fearing/resisting? What limitations have I believed in? What fears/doubts/limitations/resistance
have I created that has got in between me and Life?”
The personal self creates many problems. It puts up barrier after barrier in between us and Life.
These barriers keep us weak, defeated, and drowning in sorrow. They limit our potential. Shun
our lights. And keep us in the illusion of safety when in reality we’re dying slowly, but
surely. When I first asked myself this question, I realized I had many barriers in between me and
life (it was no wonder my life was complete shit). Many fears. Much resistance. Too many
doubts. I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid of embarrassment. I was afraid of disappointing
loved ones. I was afraid of what other people thought about me. I was afraid of people. I
resisted sales. Whenever I started a business, I focused on the easy tasks knowing damn well
they wouldn’t move the biz forward. I resisted cold calls. I resisted sending out cold emails. I
resisted walking up to people and striking a conversion. I feared losing money. I feared failing. I
resisted challenges. I resisted pain. I resisted putting my back against the wall. I resisted
discomfort. I resisted Truth. I feared people getting to know the “real” me. I feared getting to
know the real me myself.
I resisted it all deep down inside. But on the outside, everything seemed fine and well. That’s
the problem. We’re can be broken inside but on the outside we delude ourselves and wear false
masks. By doing this step, I realized I was NOT okay. But that was the most liberating thing I
could realize because then I could actually become okay. How do you become okay? By
identifying all your fears, resistance, self-conceived limitations and following the next step...
Step #3) Look The World In The Eye
“If you can look the world in the eye, you can have everything you’ve ever wanted.”
I kept telling myself this because I knew the world was just a reflection of me. To look the world
in the eye, you must look yourself in the eye. How? By meeting all your resistance… fears…
limitations… barriers at eye level. This is where the journey gets the most gruelling, but also the
most rewarding. So next to every fear/resistance/limitations - I wrote down ONE action step I
could take to “loosen” the grip it had over my life.
Fear of embarrassment → Find the busiest area you can, drop to the ground and do push
ups/sit ups randomly. Fear of sales → Create a fictitious product/service. Walk up to random
people in a complex and try to sell them. Fear of people → Approach 3 random strangers a
day. Fear of rejection → Doing things that would invite rejection (i.e. asking for 10% off at
Starbucks) Fear of having my back against the wall → Burning all my boats and committing
100% to making online biz work. Fear of getting to know the real me → Silent meditation retreat,
cut off from everybody. Just me and my thoughts. Fear of looking stupid → Taking up boxing
with no skill and constantly getting punched in the face.
So on and so forth. This became my personal, hardcore “growth” plan (a game of some sorts).
Unlike cookie-cutter books and self-help bullshit dishing out generic advice, I had now identified
a list of actions that were designed to elevate my character to the next level. A personalized
action plan designed to confront my demons.
And the results? Shit was disempowering… humiliating… haunting… painful… agonizing…
scary (some things were easy to overcome - other things put me through the ringer and forced
me to come to terms with all the suffering I had created for myself) …
But also the greatest thing I had ever done. Why? You realize something very strange when you
meet your fears, resistance, limitations at eye level and look the world in the eye. You realize all
your fears/resistance/limitations were nothing but smoke and mirrors (there was nothing there just thoughts inside your brain and empty space in reality). And this entire time you weren’t
fearing them… But fearing yourself. You’ve been walking around… limiting yourself… and your
inner greatness. Because everything is just a reflection of you (including the world and other
people. Don’t believe me? Study up on consciousness and the nature of reality). When you
arrive at this realization/ overcome this fear, you’re able to drop all limitations and let your light
shine in the world… without giving a fuck. Because now you understand…
You are all there is - everything is You
This ENTIRE life has been playing out inside YOUR Mind
Every experience, failure, event was a reflection of you
To fear anything is to fear yourself
To conquer yourself is to conquer the world
And when you conquer yourself by looking yourself in the eye and tackling all your built up
resistance, fear, limitations (without retreating back to your comfort zone), then there’s “less”
baggage in between you and Life. Which makes your experience of achieving anything you
want 100% easier, quicker, more fulfilling. And THIS is when your “REAL” external growth
starts, my friend. First, you grow internally. Crack your walls. Then you grow externally by
default. Everybody tries to grow by doing external things (while they’re carrying with them a
house full of fears, resistance, limitations) when the real benefits come from diagnosing your
psyche, identifying your bottle necks and attacking those with ruthless abandon. Only then is the
rocket capable of flight, my friend. This is why the greatest thing in the world is to “Know
Thyself”. So if you want to grow for real, I suggest you put down the books and pick up a Mirror
(Instead of jumping into online biz and trying to make a gazillion dollars, why not spend a few
months pulling out your inner thorns instead? This way you won’t let yourself get in the way of
massive success. This reminds me of the quote “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd
spend six sharpening my axe.”) Only thing stopping you is you. The more days you let pass
without looking yourself in the eye, the more barriers you put up aka the more work you’ll have
to do (eventually). Stop delaying the inevitable. Do this process as early as possible so you
have LESS to overcome. Spend this entire year looking yourself in the eye and watch this year
become the most impactful, most growth-inducing year of your life.
If you don’t see how this practice would be beneficial to you, then I ask you: How quickly would
you build a profitable business (let’s say marketing agency) if you weren’t consumed with the
fear of rejection, fear of blowing sales, fear of looking stupid, fear of standing out in the light,
fear of disappointing client, fear of losing money, fear of doing the uncomfortable tasks that
would get you business? Compare this version of you to your current version and it’s a night
and day difference. V2 would achieve the goal 1000x faster whereas V1 would receive one
“negative” cold email reply and would lose momentum for days/weeks. I tried building
businesses as both V1 and V2 characters and the difference in results/ease isn’t even close.
Such is why some people come out the gate and make hundreds of thousands in the first year
of online biz. Whereas others struggle to make their first $100 (the main difference isn’t skills,
talent, knowhow, intelligence, but in how much resistance/limitations/fears are in between each
person. The less resistance, the greater and faster the flight. This is one of the main things I’ve
learned after silently observing hundreds and hundreds of people get into online business (and
just business in general). The party with less baggage, wins. Everybody tries to succeed in
business by building a business. Hardly anybody tries to succeed by conquering themselves
(you conquer yourself by running towards all resistance, all fears, all limitations. Stop
suppressing. Stop hiding from yourself. Embrace yourself and meet your fears. Invite them in.
And realize they are nothing but ghosts. They don't exist. All made up by the mind. “Fear
knocked at the door. Courage answered… there was no one there.”) But when you conquer
yourself, you conquer business (and the world). For the world and you and business is all just
ONE. Rant over. Let’s keep it pushing...
How To Pick A Niche & Get Your First 3 Clients Organically (Use This
Process To Launch A Marketing Agency In The Next 30 Days)
I am not going to overcomplicate this. I’m going to show you how easy this can be if you follow
the steps below. There is no need to overcomplicate niche selection and getting clients. It’s not
as hard as you think. It’s actually very straightforward. To prove it, I’m going to walk you through
the entire process and show you how to go from nothing to 3 paying clients. I’m going to give
you examples, formulas, explanations of why some things work. And others fall on their face. By
the end of this section, you’ll have everything you need to land your first 3 clients.
Step 1) Figure Out Who You Can Help
Building a service business is all about helping someone go from A (where they are) to B
(where they want to be). That’s the first thing you need to understand. To succeed with the
agency business model and pick a profitable niche, you have to approach it from the
perspective of “Who can I help?” Chances are right now you have various skills, expertise,
knowledge in certain domains. Maybe media buying. Maybe copywriting. Maybe website design.
Maybe SEO. Maybe funnel building. Maybe cold calling. Whatever. You need to use whatever
you have going to figure out who you could help with your skill set. To figure this out, define
what problems people who could use your help are suffering from and what niche these people
fall under. To do this, use my Niche Selection Formula below:
{a cluster of people} who are {current situation} and want to go to {desired situation} but
cannot get there because of {BIG BOULDER in their face}.
Identify all the clusters of peoples/niches that are struggling to go from A to B because they
have a problem that your skill set can solve. Let’s say your skill set includes: 1) growing
YouTube Channels 2) Building high converting funnels 3) Setting up automated marketing
systems that help people get clients. Here’s a few examples of niches you could help (using the
formula above):
Personal brands on Twitter who have 10k+ followers and want to diversify by growing on
YouTube, but are struggling because they don’t understand how to work the YouTube
eCom store owners who are running traffic on Facebook and want to grow their business
but are having a tough time converting clicks into dollars.
New CPAs who just opened up their own firm and want to grow but are struggling
because they don’t know how to market and sell to get clients.
Get the point? You’d brainstorm niche after niche following the formula above (based on who
you could help with your skill set). After you’ve done the above (it should be very easy to
brainstorm dozens of niches using the formula above), you want to rank your niches from best
to worst by asking yourself the following question: “Which niches are the most stressed/in
pain?” These are the niches that are most *desperate* for a solution/your help, so use this
question to rank your niches in order (wherever there is pain, there is money to be made. The
greater the pain, the more money there is to be made). This will involve you conducting
research into your niche and seeing just how much pain they are experiencing (you could also
take an educated guess by using common sense. Based on the above 3 examples, I bet the
new CPA is facing the most pain… because he just took a huge gamble… probably quit
corporate life… started his own firm… with or against the wishes of his loved ones… and is now
trying to make it work… but is struggling to get clients. This is stressing him out. He’s wondering
if he made the right call. He’s doubting himself, can’t sleep, doesn’t know how to fix this
problem. Compare this to the Tweeter Personal Brander. Sure, he wants to grow on YouTube,
but the pain isn’t as great because he’s already at 10k+ followers on Twitter and is probably
making a nice income. See the difference here? I’m not saying the personal brands on Twitter
are a bad niche, just saying it’s easier to sell people who are in greater pain when you’re
starting out as a beginner. So identify the niche in the greatest pain that you can help (and you
think has the resources to pay you for your help. No point in targeting people who don’t have
cash to cough up). Once you do, proceed to the next step.
Step 2) Figure Out In What Way You Can Help
Here’s the thing. Business owners don’t like buying services. They like buying transformations.
They don’t care how you do it. They just want to go from Point A to Point B. Where a lot of
newbies mess up is they try to sell members of their niche on their service. Buy my copy
services, let me do SEO for you, let me build you a funnel. All these approaches involve you
trying to sell a service aka the how. You don’t want to do this. You want to sell a transformation.
You want to sell “relief” from the pain the prospect is feeling. You don’t want to spend time in the
weeds discussing “how” you’re going to do it - especially upfront over a cold-email.
So in step two, you need to figure out in what way can you help the members in your
niche. What can you do for them? What transformation can you make possible? What results
can you create? What would this do for their business/life? Spend time thinking through all
these things. Then take all your insight and use it to create your offer/value prop: I help [niche]
go from [point A] to [point B] by [your secret sauce].
Now you have your niche picked out and you have the roadmap of how you can help. This is
great. Now the only step left is to put a message in front of your niche and see if they could
use/want your help. That’s all you have to do. You don’t have to worry about being salesy. You
don’t have to worry about writing the perfect email. Just approach the entire process like a
human. Like you just spotted someone in pain, you have something that could help them solve
that pain, and you’re wondering if they’re open to receiving your help. That’s it. You’re taking
on the role of a doctor for your niche. This is what brings us to the third step.
Step 3) Ask members of your niche if they need your help (Bonus: Prove to your niche
you can actually help and you’re not just blowing smoke).
Forget about sales. Forget about copy. Forget about everything for a minute. And just keep it
human-to-human. Make a prospecting list of everybody inside your niche that you think you can
help. To do this, you just have to ask yourself: “Where does my niche hang out?” If I’m targeting
Twitter Gurus, then I’m jumping on Twitter. If I’m targeting new CPAs, then I’m checking out
LinkedIn/groups on Facebook/local networking events/local circles they run in, etc. If I’m
targeting ecom store owners, then I’m checking out ecom forums/groups/subreddits. You get
the point. And I’m adding names/contact info to my prospecting list. Then I’m going to send
these people a message. But before I do, I want to briefly discuss what type of message you
shouldn’t send (a lot of people do this and it doesn’t work).
You shouldn’t write a message that looks like a sales message - When you’re
emailing someone, DMing someone, hitting them up on LinkedIn, you have to play it
subtle. It’s kind of like when you’re hitting on a new girl. You don’t just come out the
gate and try to sell her on boning you, do you? Shit, maybe you do. I don’t know. But
you have to play it subtle with prospects - especially people who don’t know you and
trust you. People are all glued to their devices in search of things that could help
them, but the moment they think you’re trying to sell them, they get turned off. So
you don’t want to create a typical sales message. This means you don’t want to hit
them up and start selling them your SEO services, copy services, Facebook Ads
services, whatever. We want to arouse their selfish interests without coming across
as salesy.
You don’t want to write a “service” centric message - Lots of people are sending
random people cold emails about why the prospect should pay them for x service.
This doesn’t work too well because prospects don’t care about what service you’re
selling. People are selfish. They only care about what’s in it for them. In this case,
they only care about what transformation you make possible. By pitching your
service, you’re pitching the “how”. People don’t care about the how. They care about
“what” aka “What you’re going to do for me. What transformation you’re going to
make possible. What new opportunities you’re going to open up.” People get horned
by the what, but turned off with the how. Stop selling “how”.
You shouldn’t play the quantity game everybody plays - Here’s what everybody
does. They want to start a marketing agency or whatever, so they hop on D7 Lead
Finder, create a generic message, and use that service (or something similar) to
send out hundreds of messages a day (this is the last thing a beginner should do. In
the beginning, you want to invest blood, sweat, and tears into your messages
because you lack proof. Otherwise you’re going to lose). Then they turn around and
think, “I’m the effing shit for sending out 100 messages today.” But in reality? All
they’ve done is just annoy hundreds of people. You don’t want to do this. Avoid
quantity game, play quality game. This means stop trying to send 30+ messages a
day like all the gurus tell you to do. Send less, but make them extremely
Got it? Now let’s talk about what message you should send. When you’re just starting out (or a
little established), you should send 1 of 3 types of messages. The first is a reasonable humanto-human message asking if people are interested in the help you offer (this message works
well over LinkedIn especially if you have results/proof). The second two messages work better if
you have no proof/results, but can help your prospect go from point A to point B. These work
really well because you’re actually proving to prospects you have what it takes to help them
through demonstration (Most cold emails fail because the sender makes a bunch of bold claims,
but the prospect doesn’t believe him because the sender lacks proof. Instead of making big
claims, demonstrate your value - extremely important to do if you’re a newbie with no results).
So now that you understand all that, let’s discuss the 3 types of messages and give you an
example of each.
Message #1) The Offer Oriented Message
Description: You’re reaching out to people who you think you can help and you’re simply
asking if they need your help. Nothing more. Nothing less. You’re not doing it in a salesy way.
But in a human-to-human way (imagine you’re driving down the road, you see someone’s car
broke down, and you pull over to see if they need help. This is the exact same tone/approach
you should take with this first type of message. Forget all the sales and copy shenanigans and
keep it simple and sweet). This type of message works best if you have proof/results.
Here’s an example:
Hey [Name], thanks for connecting. Reason I added you was because I noticed you recently got
your CPA and started your own firm (congrats!) and wanted to touch base.
My name is [Your Name] and I help new CPAs get their first 3-5 high ticket clients without
having to cold call, attend networking events or pester friends and family for “leads”.
I know you probably hear claims like that everyday, but I just helped [firm name] in your city use
this new method to go from $0 to $xx,xxx in their first 30 days of opening up shop.
Would you mind if we got on a call this week and I helped you land your first 3-5 high ticket
P.S. If you don’t need my help, no big deal. Just thought I’d reach out and ask. All the best with
the new practice!
-That’s all there is to it. Nothing complicated. Very simple and “human-focused”. These types of
messages are effective because you’re positioning yourself as someone with authority who
wants to help the prospect go from point A to point B. People in need of help will read this
message and think, “Oh wow, this guy wants to help ME grow MY business. That’s great. Let’s
hear what he has to say.” Now you got him on a discovery call and can dive deeper into his
needs/frustrations and see if you are a good fit. Easy, right? That’s the first type of message I
would send if I already had results under my belt. If I didn’t, then I would do more upfront work
and focus on demonstrating my value through Message 2 or Message 3.
Message #2) The Idea Oriented Message
Description: If you don’t have results/proof, then people won’t believe your big claims and won’t
want to work with you. To overcome this hurdle, you have to demonstrate your value. One way
of doing this is by leveraging the idea oriented message. The way it works is simple. Instead of
coming into someone’s inbox with the salesy angle, come in with value. Offer personalized
ideas that prove to your prospect you know what you’re talking about (do this in a sincere way
without making the prospect feel like shit. Lots of people do this incorrectly. They start attacking
what the prospect is doing wrong, making them feel bad. You want to do it subtly and in a
positive tone). This automatically positions you in a different light and your message doesn’t
come across as salesy, but laced with value. At this point, the prospect understands your value
and believes you can help him go from Point A to Point B (which makes him more likely to take
a call with you/work with you).
Here’s an example (this example actually comes from a killer student inside the
Clicks&Copy University named Will Bartlett. He executed the ‘idea oriented’ message
brilliantly for one of the test questions inside the University and I think you can learn a
lot from it):
“Hey Tej Will Bartlett here. I build funnels for personal brands, and have rapidly increased revenues for 3
clients in the past 2 months, all with one consulting call and some deep thought.
And I’ve got a proposition for you.
Your Tej Dosa Letter has given me a ton of value, so I have *zero* problem giving you this value
for free…
Right now, the funnel you have in place is leaving loads of money on the table.
From where I’m standing, your brand is all about standing out from the crowd. You reek of
authenticity, and the people like it.
So what can you do that’s different on the back end?
The first thing you should have in place is an option to pay for the whole year outright.
The second thing you could do is a 30-minute Q&A to be answered once a month. This would
probably make writing the letter even easier.
The third upsell should be pushing for your Client Conversion Secrets course (you can tell I’m a
fan, eh?)
You have gold in there and it relates to a ton of the topics discussed in your letter.
And I haven’t forgotten the 2 other products in your funnel: 6-Figure Promotions and Clicks and
Copy University.
There are a ton of things you could do. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
...And there’s much more where that came from.
But there’s no way you have time to mess around with this stuff.
You’re busy having $50k days.
I, however, am not (yet).
So what I’d like to offer is simple:
Let me set up the proposed upsells for the Tej Dosa Letter. I know this is small time for you…
But if I deliver better than a 25% increase in sales, we talk about me working on some of your
other projects.
And if I don’t? Then I helped a guy I respect make some extra money, and put some more of his
knowledge in other people’s hands.
Seems like a good deal all around. I mean… I just riffed off 3 decent ideas in this short email.
What do you think I could get done for you if I were focusing lots of my attention on you? You
may be asking why I’d make such a crazy offer, and it’s quite simple: I know the value of
working with winners. You’re not the common Upwork client, and working with people who are
creating great products helps me sleep better at night.
And even if nothing comes of this, the experience and learnings will help me better serve every
client I currently work with.
All you have to do is hit “reply” and say, “let’s get started!”
From there, I’ll write out the upsell copy and let you know when I’m ready to log into your
ClickFunnels account and build it out.
Anyways, thanks for being the honest guru.
Funnel builder and copywriter
-Do you see how instead of trying to sell me, the email was laced with value instead? It gave me
new ideas, was personalized to my offers, and was done in a great tone. With this email, Will
proved he has the juice by offering ideas and insights. Compare this to the typical email. All you
see is people talking a big game. BIG difference between the two. The idea centric message is
a great way to prove yourself/get your foot in the door. Let’s move onto the last message.
Message #3) The Video Oriented Loom
Description: Same as number two, but instead of presenting your ideas via text, you do it over
video as you go through their profile/offer/sales page, etc. This adds another layer of
personalization (because they see your face), plus helps you stand out in their inbox (everybody
is sending “me” focused emails. Imagine what a “you” focused quick video would do). To
execute this, I’d recommend using the video software Loom. It’ll let you record your screen while
having your face/video in the bottom corner.
Here’s an example:
Subject Line - [Name]
A good friend of mine recommended your Twitter x months ago and I’m really liking what I’m
seeing. Especially how you [something personal] (very impressive!)...
While scrolling through your profile, I noticed you recently started a new YouTube Channel
(smart choice!)
My expertise is actually helping personal brands on Twitter leverage YouTube to grow their
subscriber base from 0 to 50k, so I thought I’d shoot a quick video auditing your new channel &
offer some growth insights (as a thank you for all the value you’ve provided!)
Maybe you’d be able to use these tips to get your message across to more people?
I don’t know.
But here’s the video:
<insert your Loom video link here>
(I know you’re busy, so I kept the video to just x:xx mins)
If you want to discuss these recommendations in greater detail (or have me walk you through
how I’ve been able to grow x channels to xxx,xxx subs in just the last 3 months), we can hop on
a call?
If not, all good!
Just thought I’d reach out and provide some value to you for once lol (all your content has
played a huge role in me getting my shit together and [insert some result they helped you
achieve], so a BIG thanks for that, [Name]).
Keep killin’ the content game,
-If your prospect reads the above email and likes your ideas/suggestions via video, then guess
what? You’ve demonstrated your value and have proved that you can help them. If they need
your help, they’ll schedule a call and will be more receptive to working with you. Got it? Those
are the 3 messages I’d experiment with when you’re trying to get your first few clients. So pick
your niche, craft your offer, build your prospecting list and start sending out 5-10 messages a
day. The people who express interest? Jump on a call with them, dig deeper into their needs,
introduce your offer (if you think you can help) and try to close them. If you’re not getting any
action, first change your message/angle. Then test that. If that’s not working, then tweak the
offer and/or niche until you establish service/market fit & message-to-market match (that’s all
you’re doing here). Your daily workflow should be as follows: 1) Make prospecting list 2)
Write/send out messages 3) Do sales calls 4) Troubleshoot what’s working/what isn’t 5)
Repeat. That’s how you go from nothing to 3 paying clients. And that’s how you can start and
grow your own service business. It’s not rocket science. It’s not difficult. It’s not scary. It’s very
straightforward. Just requires you to do the above work, be human centric (as opposed to “me”
centric) by delivering real value, and you’re good to go.
Well, that’s all for me. Hope I’ve given you enough juice to win BIG this month. Cheers and all
the best this March (make it a good one, my friend!)
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
APRIL 2020
What a time to be alive. Hope you and the fam are doing well and in good spirits. In
times like these, you really get to see who is about it. And who is just full of it. Lots of
folks who normally push messages of positivity and frame and keeping a level head are
doing the opposite right now. Which is ironic. Because in moments like these is when
you need to double down on positivity - not give into your ‘fear loving’ lower self.
Anyhow let’s get the show going. This Issue is going to be a little different than most.
Due to quarantine affecting shipping & supplies, this is going to be strictly a digital issue
(my apologies!) but I’m going to go above and beyond for you (in a major way) to make
sure you get your full $7’s worth.
Here’s a taste of what I have in store for you this month:
[60 Minute ‘Unlisted’ Video] Quarantine Quarter: How To Prosper In
Downfalls, Recessions, And Times of Chaos (This is the special gift I’m giving
you and it alone will be well worth the cost of this entire letter and then some!)
Private Journal Entries: Thoughts, Strategies & Ideas That Took Me From $0
Days To $xx,xxx Days
My Personal Process: How I Turn Myself Into A Video Game Character &
Collect Gold Coins (No Business Book… No Strategy… No Tactic… Is Better
Than Doing This From My Experience)
How To Improve Your Work Environment
Full Access To My Private Swipe File
Recommendations: Little-Known Movies/Documentaries/Books That’ll Help
Shape You Into A Stronger Version Of Yourself (If you have a lot of downtime
during quarantine or don’t know what to do with your daily ‘relaxation’ time,
perhaps go through one of these “little-known” gems and let it transform
[60 Minute ‘Unlisted’ Video] Quarantine Quarter: How To Prosper In
Downfalls, Recessions, And Times of Chaos
Some people in the offline world can’t cover rent anymore. Others in the online world
are posting $200k/days. What’s going on? Pure and utter chaos, but so much
opportunity. I know this next line might sound a little crazy to some but I strongly
Right now is the best time to be a new entrepreneur. Especially an online entrepreneur
who is well versed in the field of direct response. And that’s because the world is up for
grabs. Yet most people (especially beginners don’t see it). Instead of seeing opportunity
and claiming a piece of the golden pie available right now, they don’t know what to
… and worse some are even entertaining the thoughts of ‘throwing in the white towel’
and ‘waiting this thing out’.
I didn’t want the students inside the Clicks&Copy University to be led astray by all the
hype and bullshit out there, so this past week I created a special ‘60-Minute’ Bonus
training diving deep into this entire topic.
And breaking down exactly how you should be thinking, what you should be doing, and
how you can start thriving not only now as an online entrepreneur during this
pandemic… but also in times of recessions and extreme chaos. The strategy revealed
inside this training is exactly the one I’ve been using inside my own businesses + client
businesses and business has never been better. Everything is booming.
So I highly recommend you set aside some time and give it a watch (Originally I had
created this training strictly for the Clicks&Copy University Students, but as a special
bonus I’m giving you full access to it as well. I recorded this training after a 10-hr day full
of non-stop calls so my voice is a bit shot, but that’s not important. What’s important is
you take the content to heart and truly apply it. If you do, you can come out of this whole
ordeal so much richer! I recommend watching the training at 1.5x speed or greater.)
Here is what we cover inside this special bonus training:
The first ‘mandatory’ step you must take BEFORE you even think about
thriving in the current market…
Why chaos = opportunity
What not to do as a marketer in quarantine when trying to sell your products
or services (make any one of these 3 mistakes and you’ll shoot your sales in
the foot)
What to do as a marketer in quarantine: take my exact strategy and run with
How to employ this strategy in client services, ecom, and personal
Bonus: How to use downturns to set yourself up for life (high risk/high reward
business ideas that could make you maximum cake in the next few
Here’s the link (enjoy!):
Moving on…
Private Journal Entries: Thoughts, Strategies & Ideas That Took Me
From $0 Days To $xx,xxx Days
Everybody sees you standing on the top of the mountain (even though you’re nowhere
near the top lol). Nobody sees how you got there. And all you had to go through. And
maybe that’s a good thing? Maybe if people saw the journey, they wouldn’t attempt their
own to the top of the mountain? I don’t know. But what I do know is when people start
achieving some level of success, they start putting themselves on a pedestal. And
everybody around them does too - they buy into the hype and stop doing what got them
to the top of the mountain. This is a HUGE mistake.
One method I’ve implemented since the beginning (to avoid this) is using the power of
journals to document everything. All thoughts, strategies and ideas I've been
experimenting with and employing. These thoughts, strategies, and ideas are what I
credit for most of the success I’ve experienced till this day (and so I just keep doubling
down on what got me my initial success). And what’s cool is I started keeping these
records when I was making $0 and a lazy, fearful kid who knew nothing about anything
(one of the funniest journal entries comes from the day I stumbled across this thing
called ‘copywriting’ and made a pros/cons list of whether I should spend time learning
this skill or not LOL - real dumb shit). So these journals really go to describe the raw
and real reality and highlight what methods, tactics, strategies I used to ‘change’ and
I thought in this issue maybe I’d share some of these with you? It’s one thing to offer
advice from the top of the mountain, looking down. It’s another to take yourself down to
the point where people are at and show exactly what you leveraged to get to the ‘top’.
It’s my hope these private journal entries will give you a small taste of what to do based
on your current circumstances (if not… at least you’ll see just how similar I was to you in
the beginning… and how if you keep pushing… confronting your demons… putting in
the work… you’ll one-day crack the code… and all the suffering will be worth it - that’s
really the BIG idea I want to push and highlight here. Most ‘gooorus’ try to hide away
from their flaws and faults. Fuck that. I want to highlight all that with crystal clarity.)
These entries cover a wide range of thoughts, strategies, ideas (some are my own others are pulled from people I met, talks I heard, books, etc.). And most come from
when I was making $0 or when it would take me six months to make $100 via Google
Adsense (I think sharing these entries will generate the most bang because these are
the principles that I applied to go from $0 to living life on my own terms). Instead of
editing them or putting them in order, I just flipped through a bunch of my journals, took
out some interesting ones, and dumped them here ‘word-for-word’ for you to steal.
Here goes…
Lessons On Extreme Success:
Be obsessive. Be obsessive. Be obsessive.
Be immensely curious.
Ask the right questions.
Extreme success = Extreme personality
Don’t pursue something because you want to be great, pursue something
because it fascinates you.
Follow your obsessions until a problem starts to emerge that impacts as many
people as possible - that you feel compelled to solve or die trying.
Don’t focus on a billion dollars, focus on the needs and problems of the world
and aim to improve the state of the world.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Ideas on How To Make $1000 in 4 weeks (I used to write 10 ideas a day about all
times of things)
Sell newsletter subscriptions
Drop ship words w/ friends
Work with dad
Get a job → social media expert
Create infomercial product
Write ideas for people and email it
Sell books
Sell tutoring services/practice exams
Amped society
Consulting clients → 10 ideas for small businesses
(Including this entry here to show when you’re starting from ground 0, everybody will tell
you to take all sorts of crazy steps. But the most important step you can take is the next
one. Wherever you are now, find out what is the simplest and smallest step you can
take to build momentum. Do that. From this idea list, I took away and implemented the
idea of sending people I admire ‘ideas’ for bettering their business. And that led to a lot
of cool connections/freelance work.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copywriting 101
Bait gets the fish. Always be thinking of your readers interests and wants and tie the
appropriate bait to your hook. Decide what feelings you want to arouse in the other
person (reader) before you even begin writing. Go after emotion. Emotion leads to
action. Make them feel.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life is like a book. Each day, we fill a page. Some of us got more filled pages than
empty ones. And vice versa. Soon my book will be ¼ full. And I don’t really got shit
going. I’m laying on my mattress on the floor lol. Very minimalistic setup I got going on.
A mattress. A whiteboard against my wall. 4 books on the floor next to my mattress.
They arrived today. Richard Branson. Shoe Dog. Jerry Weintraub. And another on body
I read an interesting quote. To stay where you are, you have to run your fastest. To get
somewhere else, you have to run twice as fast.
Time to put on my running shoes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I earned the respect of my brother. My father. That was important to me.
By stacking dollars.
I don’t want to be a clog.
I want to build a machine that redefines the world.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marketing. My 3 pillars:
Customer centric
Long term focus
I like who I am becoming. Scratch that… I love who I am becoming. A far cry from the
person I used to be. I am so strong now. Confident. Competent. It only comes from
doing. Pick one thing. Keep running. Don’t stop, Tej.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No matter what industry you’re in - if you want to make it to the top - you have to fucking
What have I done right building Blue Wolf Media?
1st 4 hours on sales
Learning as much as possible about copy
Rocking phone pitches
Delivering great work
Writing sales letters by hand
Where can I improve?
More impact → ideas + actions
Dive into other areas of marketing → traffic
Build out machine
Be unflappable → when I get rejected, feel the sting, but keep going (the sting
disappears within seconds. It’s the thought of the sting that fucks me up. Delete
Customer service
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Right now, I’m a little low. It happens. Why? Because I’ve legit spent the last 2 days
Googling around - looking at the careers of accountants. In particular, how [redacted]
can climb the ranks and land c-level position at a fortune 500. And make millions of
dollars. The pay I’ve seen is crazy. This annoys me. I am a very competitive person. I
want to be the winner. The alpha dog. And so, I keep thinking about that. But here’s the
catch: If it wasn’t for these [redacted] thoughts - I would never consider being a CFO - it
seems too boring and mundane to me. Plus, zero (real) impact. My goals and vision for
myself doesn't align with that path. So I have to suck it up. And travel down my own
road. I know corporate accounting wouldn’t be for me. I like to be in control, calling the
shots. Freedom and control over time is important. Plus it seems like everybody goes
into accounting or finance. It’s boring. Where is the thrill in that? I don’t like boring. I like
adventure. I like entrepreneurship. I like sales. And marketing. And I’m getting damn
good at it. I’m banking low six figures right now - building my own marketing firm. I’m
going to change the game with this company. It’s going to make me millions and
millions of dollars. I just have to execute it brilliantly. You see this - this right here. This
thrill, this quest, this desire to do and achieve on a grand scale is unparalleled. One
thing about me, I always knew I was going to be rich. Filthy rich. $10M a year minimum.
But here’s the thing: I know, or I think I don’t have the personality to excel in the
corporate world, climbing the ladder. I have the ambition. I have the work ethic. I have
the intelligence. That’s for sure. But I’d probably become a wall flower… or some shit
shit - you know? Politics game + sucking corporate dick isn’t me. Plus, I have grandiose
visions. Everybody else around me calls these dreams. Pie in the sky dreams. I call em
visions. Because being realistic is a disease, at least to me. Practicality is important
though - that reminds me… I need to brush up my accounting skills - just because I
don’t want to be an accountant, doesn’t mean I don’t need to know it. My bookkeeping
is all the way fucked up right now.
(lesson: never ever compare yourself to others. Pick your own lane, grind your fucking
face up, stick to your own guns. Rather spend one day as a lion than a lifetime as a
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love journaling. And I’m going to add this to my list of daily habits. For 15 minutes, I
just write about whatever I feel. Maybe I write about the time I wake up, maybe I write
about what I’m doing right. I write about what areas I need to make changes in. One
thing for certain, you have to track everything. Any area you want to improve, you have
to track with raw numbers. Only when I started to track my income did it flourish (within
months too). What are other things I can track?
Time I wake up vs. time I sleep
How long I read
How many new people I reach out to
Time spent out in nature
It’s all trackable. Everything. Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don’t. Potential is important,
but at the end of your life… you’re really just as good as your #s.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One great thing I learned from Jay Abraham is you have to extract as much as you can
out of your time, effort, opportunity, business, relationships, body, mind, etc. We’re only
operating on 40% or what not. You gotta go hard. Grow or die. Those are really the only
2 states in life.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve hustled really hard today. It’s 11:09 PM. I just finished up. I’ve been going at it since
I woke up at 06:30 AM. I made solid progress today. Really happy with my relentless
drive and execution. I was doing good emotionally - till I let [clients name redacted] fuck
with me. It wasn’t even that bad. Here’s what he said: “Please send drafts early. No
more unwanted surprises from you please.” LOL. That’s kind of funny, I ain’t gonna lie.
Really funny in a way. I don’t know what he means by surprises. I’ll deliver 2 things
people want. 1) fast work 2) high quality work. No matter what - follow the strategy of
preeminence - fall in love with your client. You get really good at marketing when your
communication and your offering are all moving in the right direction. Delivering high
value. Always. In a way your competitors can’t. That’s through my storytelling. My
charisma. My talent for marketing. I got the juice. Also I need to skyrocket [client’s name
redacted] sales. This month. Half way through the month. And we need to make
progress to hit the monthly sales goal. I don’t even know where that sheet is. Lol. One
thing I think is the root of me getting a little down is I lied to my mom. She asked if I
could go get groceries with her. I went last time. And I really need to get solid
momentum going with work. So I said I’m going to school at 8. That’s not good. My
mom always makes time for us. Make time for her needs and wants too, Tej. That’s the
real reason I was down.
(Teenage Tej straight tripping out over lying to Mom about not being able to go get
groceries. Straight jokes looking back on this now. But important thing here is when you
fuck up in client services (you will) or business like I did above, you can’t let it get to
you. You gotta reframe it and keep going. Fun Fact: That client referenced above is still
a client to this day. Have made multiple six figures from him alone)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 30, 2010
Day 9 of No Fap
Day 12 of waking up at 5:00 AM
Sun comes peeking in, birds chirping, nothing like it. Gotta love the energy in the
“The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cold showers started July 16, 2014.
(I had to throw this in for the Tweeter gorus)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Breakthrough Realization: It’s all people. It’s all about people. Create biz that makes
their life easier. Create content that makes their lives better and more enjoyable.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Random notes from mushroom ‘trip’:
When you take psychedelics, your hold of the personal self dissolves and you
become infinite consciousness.
On psychedelics, I can see how thoughts create reality. I think x, boom and I
instantly experience it or *feel* it. I think y, boom and I instantly experience it or
*feel* it. Do this in real life, but get out of your own way once you do. You are
stopping yourself from experiencing magic in normal reality.
We are souls dressed up as human beings.
It’s really important to feel good.
Consciousness is not localized.
Everything we do is so stupid and bizarre. We’ve invented so many unnecessary
rules and conventions. Break 'em all. Be free.
Everything is you. You are all of it.
To fear anything is to fear yourself.
Love everybody and everything.
You took on the role of a human to experience and play in this body suit. So fuck
all conditioning and play.
It’s impossible for the ‘real’ you to die. You can’t kill ‘it’.
Everybody you perceive is occurring inside your Mind.
To judge another is to judge yourself.
To doubt yourself is to doubt God.
The Now is all there is. Everything that has ever existed or will ever exist already
exists right now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do one thing everyday you loved as a kid. This is the fuel that can power your life. Keep
the inner child alive. Fuck confirmity.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Select the #1 priority for each day that’s going to have the greatest impact. 20%
causes/inputs → 80% impact/results. What is the 20% that is leading to 80%? Never
assume you know. Take time to think creatively about it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Build a company that will last 100 years.
“You will never achieve the equity gains you really desire when you’re busting your ass
60 hours a week. You need the space to think, and to SENSE what is going on around
you. You must have space. Otherwise you’re dead.”
I need to take more time out to think.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Co-CEO of BirchBox shares how cold emailing CEO’s of huge global beauty brands
drove the idea from biz plan to industry upstart:
“Do you have 10 minutes to talk to us about how we can solve ecommerce for beauty?”
1st ask should be easy to yes to.
In a parallel universe, robot owners and robotic stock owners are the ones holding the
upper hand. Control the automation. You want to be the one learning and adapting to
new tools faster than most people.
I haven’t been learning enough about this.
Going to call [redacted] from Apple, go to Seattle, and kick it with em.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be appreciative of every moment of your life. A smile should never be away from your
face. Your state and spirit is the #1 most important thing I’m learning. High ambition.
High personality. FREE mind, larger than life… overcome anything and everything to
achieve massive success and have the time of your life doing it TYPE OF SPIRIT.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keep shit simple. Stop fucking around and getting lost in the weeds. Follow this model
of simplicity:
1. Find (or create) product
2. Write copy
3. Put it in front of buyers
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal Brand USP:
Sell the conquer the world feeling at scale
Mix insane story telling with massive success.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Become the best version of yourself.
1. Raise standards/expect more from self.
2. Raise self belief
“As soon as you feel comfortable, it’s time to start over.” ~ Jerry Weintraub
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fuck client services.
The new vision:
1. Get good at using marketing to grow companies.
2. Buy underperforming companies with great product but shit marketing/create
from scratch
3. Use marketing knowledge/systems to grow companies value
4. Sell for gains.
5. Repeat.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------99% of businesses fail because of the leader
Look at [redacted]. Sitting on a great product. But [redacted] leadership abilities suck
balls. It should be a $20m business if the leadership was there easy (he’s even told me
Scale as a leader. How to:
Recognize if you’ve hit your 1st wall or not
Choose if you want to wait until you hit that wall before you learn to scale
Identify strengths & weaknesses
Find people to enhance your strengths and minimize your weaknesses
Get an education. A strategy education. Learn theory. The wall is 99% mental.
Give up your current identity.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you acting in accordance with the strongest vision you have ever had for yourself?
In times of panic/stress, I get internal focused and in my head. I need to combat this by
taking on an external focus and staying present. The present isn’t scary. Only the past
and the future is. Live in the present and you’ll never be afraid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taking a step back and getting away from counting hours and keeping track of time. It
was a limitation. Focusing on filling my day with high growth $10,000 tasks. 1-3 a day.
Do that and I win the day.
Stop taking on/doing too much. It’s better to achieve 40 BIG things over the course of a
lifetime (1 a year) than 1000 mediocre little things. Heck doing one really BIG thing in
life is all you need to get filthy rich. Don’t even need 40.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Success is created because of who you are. Put in the work, but don’t forget to develop
yourself once you put down the laptop.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s easy to be an asshole. It’s easy to be a doormat. The challenge is not in the
extremes. The challenge is to be stern but personable. The challenge is to be kind but
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Getting in shape, dressing well and picking up a sales job so you can learn how to talk
to people is the fire starter.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We sacrifice our dreams to make others feel more comfortable with us. That’s how we
live a life of fear. To live with courage is to let your light shine.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aligning my focus to the now and being in a state of knowing boosts my confidence and
makes me fearless. Magic is who you are.
Magic = changing things from one form to another.
Time watching kills magic.
Past and future can be changed - all possibilities exist.
Key thing is how you live now. Clock watching makes us live in the future. If you can’t
live in the now, you can’t change the future. It will be a reflection of your past.
Past = Future (If you don’t live in the now)
If you live in the now:
What you do Now shapes the Future.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From freelance to biz owner:
“Why am I doing any of the work?”
“What would it look like if you did zero amount of work on the deliverables, zero
technical work, zero project management work.”
Right now it’d be a fucking gong-show. Nothing would run.
Time to hire.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Follow curiosity.
2. Follow discomfort.
Everything else is a ‘growth-trap’ I’m starting to realize.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?
Come up with ideas to problems
Everything else is ‘non-value’ add. Avoid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spend majority of time writing sales letters --/> push those out at scale --/> build brand
through content & storytelling
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Always live in the funny zone 24/7.
Funny zone - alive, present, playful, imaginative, energized.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personal Motto: Give as much to the world as you possibly can. Empty yourself. Fuck
dying full.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“The secret to being free is to be independent of the good opinion of other people.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Anything that takes you out of the present delivers a small dose of anxiety.” To cut
back my anxiety, cut back travelling to the future or past.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop thinking about yourself.”
Powerful. Herein lies the secret to shedding social inhibitions.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I’ve lost a few people this year. All of them went suddenly. They all told me the same:
“Enjoy your life. Enjoy the moment.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Laptop and technology kind of numbs my thinking. Especially creativity. Try to get away
from them as much as possible. Use a plain old pen and pad as much as possible.
Especially when brainstorming angles, headlines, products, etc.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most important skills to develop:
1. Salesmanship/Marketing/Social Skills/Contacts
2. Strategy/Creative Thinking/Mental Models/Pattern Recognition/Analytical Skills
3. Awareness/Internal Peace/Detachment
“Excessive caution destroys the soul and the heart, because living is an act of courage,
and an act of courage is always an act of love.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One thing I got to avoid that I am prone to is letting others rush me and ruin/interfere
with my schedule. And letting stress/anxiety/last minute shit put me into reactive mode.
How to avoid:
Set my own agenda for the day
Don’t check email on phone - delete (I’m never in a position to act on it on the
phone anyways… so it causes unnecessary stress)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Just got a bunch of bad news from some business losses so I’m fucking pissed for
another 13 seconds.” ~ Gary Vee
Competitive advantage: Getting over your losses faster.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Life is a confidence game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Accept this moment as if you had chosen it. Do not deny the moment.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Act, speak, think like you already have what you seek.
My Personal Process: How I Turn Myself Into A Video Game Character
& Collect Gold Coins (No Business Book… No Strategy… No Tactic…
Is Better Than Doing This From My Experience)
I’ve been tip toeing around this all throughout these issues. If you’ve been paying close
attention, you’ll know that I’m BIG on merging consciousness/spirituality with business
to cultivate a unique advantage that most people don’t have. This advantage has served
me very well. In fact, I’d even go as far as saying that without it, I wouldn’t have even
half the money I do in the bank. Probably not even a quarter. It’s been a huge game
changer because it allowed me to see things that I previously didn’t. It allowed me to
move in ways that I previously couldn’t. I know this probably sounds like a bunch of
hogwash to you, but today I’m going to give you my full process. I’ve never laid this out
In fact, I’ve kept most of it inside my brain and just followed it.
Today I’m going to give you the mental framework I use… how I have merged
spirituality with business… and used this to make a killing not only in business, but just
in overall life.
This is the ‘thing’ I invented to merge together everything I was reading about
consciousness. Everything I was learning about being a high performer. It’s kind of my
universal mental model, the one I stick to most often (for it merges everything together
from quantum physics to spirituality to hardcore action taking to discipline to grit and
perserverance). And once I apply it, the results have been nothing short of amazing.
You wouldn’t believe if I told you half the shit this has made possible. But now, I’m
curious to see if it’ll have the same impact on you? There’s only one way to find out and
that’s by putting this out there, so I hope you take this to heart and truly apply it (out of
everything you gain from this letter - this IMO is the most important thing to apply).
So let’s get into it, but before I present to you my mental process, I want to briefly
discuss why most people don’t succeed in business (and life). Once you see this, then
you’ll clearly see why I have pieced together the model I have. And why I use it so
Why Most People Don’t Succeed In Business (And Life)
If I asked you this question, what would you say?
You’d probably say it’s because they don’t have the right knowledge, they don’t have
the right skills, they don’t have the work ethic, they don’t have access to the right
resources, they weren’t born in the right time in history, they don’t know any better, they
were born in shitty circumstances, and on and on.
Yes all those things are true.
They all play a role in why most people don’t succeed in business (and life). But IMO it’s
NOT the holy grail. I know many people who have suffered from the exact
circumstances above, but have still found a way to succeed. And succeed BIG, too.
So those answers really aren’t it.
You want to know the real reason?
The real reason (again this is just my opinion and based on years of experience both
watching myself and others I’ve tried to help) people don’t succeed is because they get
in their own way.
I know that sounds very platitudey and maybe it is lol, but let’s go a little deeper here
(this is something I’ve devoted so much thought to).
Let’s say you have two people who want to start an online business.
Person A and Person B.
Both of these peeps are in the same situation. They’ve just discovered online business.
They know the potential. And they know what skills they need to acquire to succeed.
And let’s say they want to start up an agency.
Now let’s assume Person A hits the ground running and starts building his skills and
sending out cold email after cold email. He wakes up daily, completes his to-do list, puts
in the daily reps, gets knocked down, gets back up, and keeps hammering away until he
gets good and lands his first few clients.
Now let’s assume Person B hits the ground running and starts building his skills and
sending out cold email after cold email. He does it for a week, but come the next week
he falls off the wagon. He wakes up late, doesn’t send out any outreach, and gives into
his bad habits. Shortly thereafter, he decides to get back into it… sends out a few cold
emails… gets back some nasty replies and that lowers his motivation level even more.
And he “doubts” if this is even the right path - if he’ll ever get good enough to get clients
and make good money online.
Person A receives a few nasty replies too but he’s too ‘dumb’ to care about those so he
keeps hammering through. And continues putting in the reps.
Where do these people end up in 6 months?
Chances are Person A will have on his hands a high ROI skill + nice little income,
whereas Person B will more or less be in the same position. Person A is moving
towards his goals with power. Person B is caught in this weird place where he keeps
starting and stopping because he keeps getting in his own way. He knows what he
needs to do, but he can’t get it done on a consistent basis. He keeps letting himself (and
largely the fears of his ego) get in between him and the actions that are required for
This is the main difference I’ve spotted between people who come out the gate and start
making BIG stacks right away whereas others (usually super intelligent people) don’t
get anywhere - even after being in the game for so many months and sometimes even
years (because they’re constantly using their ‘intellect’ to talk themselves in/out of
It’s sad, but it’s all because they keep getting in their own way.
Look, the game of online business is quite simple. We all know what needs to be done.
The steps aren’t a secret, everybody knows what they need to do to make $$$s. The
BIG problem is some people do it, but the large majority of people don’t because they
let their fears, doubts, thoughts, laziness, negative habits get in the way of them and
taking action.
In order words, they run their life based on preferences (preferences = thoughts +
If they feel like sending out cold emails, they will.
If they think now isn’t a good time to start a biz, they don’t.
If they feel tired, they stop.
If they think online business isn’t going to work, it doesn’t.
Building a biz based on your preferences is not smart. Yet most people do it because
they’re run by their personal self. This used to be me for the longest time. Some days I’d
knock it out the park… but other times I wouldn’t. And nothing was consistent. Nothing
was stable. I was all over the place. It wasn’t until I discovered and implemented the
model I’m going to share with you below that everything started to change. This model
works hand in hand with quantum physics, law of attraction, spirituality, and is grounded
in hardcore business traits (that are required for success - stuff like discipline,
consistency, grit, willingness to do whatever it takes, etc.).
I’ll reveal it in just a moment, but first we need to discuss a little bit about quantum
What does quantum physics have to do with this?
Quite a lot, actually.
If you study up on quantum physics and familiarize yourself with things such as string
theory, observer effect, quantum entanglement, and so on you’ll quickly realize that
reality isn’t really what you think it is. Everything that you perceive is just tiny strings of
vibrating energy. And more importantly, consciousness plays a role in deciding what
‘form’ the energy takes. Nothing is fixed. Everything is in a constant state of change
with infinite quantum possibilities (meaning what you experience isn’t random or
predetermined, but dictated by you).
I don’t want to go into too much detail here (rabbit hole runs deep), but let’s just say
according to quantum physics, there’s a lot of truth to the “law of attraction” and
“manifesting” things (not really in the typical sense of just jerkin’ off to lambos and
hoping they’ll appear - but in a much deeper and practical sense aka action is still
How it works:
If you “know” x has already happened and you align your words, thoughts, and
ACTIONS to radiate on that frequency (before it has actually happened), then
physical matter will begin to ‘realign’ itself to be in accordance with that.
The bigger the dream, the longer it’ll take for reality to mold into your intention (because
MORE work is required from reality to bend the world to match your vision). The smaller
the dream, the less time it’ll take (i.e. manifesting a parking spot).
“Okay makes sense - but if there’s truth to the law of attraction and quantum physics,
then why doesn’t it work universally?”
That’s what I used to wonder. I used to read up on consciousness and spirituality and
even stuff like the law of attraction and intuitively it sounded right, but I knew people
who practiced the law of attraction and their life was still shit - why was that?
Turns out (IMO) it’s because it goes back to the problem I outlined up above:
Manifestation doesn’t work for most people because they get in their own way.
Here’s what I mean…
Let’s say you want to manifest 6-figures as a direct-response copywriter. Once you set
this intention and “know” it to be real beyond a shadow of a doubt, you have ‘started’ the
process of reality reconfiguring itself to match your intention.
(This sounds all wacky and strange if you’re not versed in consciousness and the
illusion of matter and all that stuff, so just stick with me here - we’re not going to get lost
in wacky wacky new-agey land, I’m going to bring this all back for you and present a
new ‘practical’ theory/model of navigating the world.)
Once reality starts reconfiguring itself (and it happens very quickly) your Reticular
Activation System (the part of the brain that dictates what your senses pick up on and
what they ignore), will start noticing new “coincidences” and “opportunities” that align
with your intention (this sounds more ‘woo-hoo-ey’ than it really is. What’s happening is
by feeding your brain your intention, you tell it what’s important. It then filters reality to
give you back things that align with your intention).
Old friends you went to business school with that you haven’t spoken to in years are
going to randomly start hitting you up to go out for lunch…
You’re going to randomly come across prospects that could make for great clients…
You’re going to randomly start ‘receiving’ money-making ideas that could be leveraged
with your copywriting skills…
All this is ‘reality’ morphing to your intention. It’s slowly, but surely starting to reconfigure
itself to match your intention (this is the fire-starter and we’ve all felt it in our lives. We’ve
all felt setting a new vision and had ‘things’ start falling in place).
But when this starts happening, what do we normally do?
We don’t trust life. We live life based on preferences dictated by our thoughts and
(Because we falsely assume we are these things.)
Once reality starts reconfiguring itself and we start getting access to all these new
opportunities and ideas for realizing our intention, we don’t move with the flow of life.
We resist or try to control the flow to
match our preferences.
Example: You set the intention of becoming a 6-figure direct response copywriter. The
next day you’re randomly scrolling Twitter and see a tweet from a BIG personal brander
saying he needs a new copywriter…
Instead of viewing this as a sign of reality reconfiguring itself to match your intention and
saying ‘yes’ to life, you let the preferences of the personal self take over. And you let
your thoughts make the choice for you. “This guy will never work with me. This guy
won’t give me a chance. I don’t even have any experience. I’m not even going to bother
reaching out…” and so you don’t.
And just like that, you cut yourself off from the flow of Life.
Life is trying to reconfigure itself and give you opportunities and signs you can seize to
achieve your intention, but your personal preferences and thoughts and doubts keep
you from saying ‘yes’ because deep down, you don’t trust life. You don’t know how to let
go. You don’t know how to surrender to the flow of life.
(Society has conditioned you to place too much trust in the mind, not enough in the
heart. Too much effort in ‘fighting’ and ‘clawing’ your way to success, instead of simply
tapping into the flow of life and letting it guide you. The same flow of life that is beating
your heart right now, pumping you with oxygen, and running your entire internal system.
None of this is being done consciously by you. It’s all being done by Life itself. This is
the power you need to trust. It’s far more powerful than both you and me. Learn to trust
and work with it. Not against it once the intention has been set.)
And even when you do trust life, you don’t trust life permanently.
You set the intention of becoming a 6-figure direct response copywriter, know it to be
already achieved, believe it with every fibre of your being like all the cheesy books tell
you to do, BUT then when life starts reconfiguring itself by presenting you with new
opportunities that require action taking on your part, you don’t say yes to the opportunity
or you say yes with conditions attached…
… and if it fails, you go back to bashing yourself and doubting life.
Sometimes failing is a part of the overall plan. There’s so many times in my own life
where I trusted life and went with the flow and failed. Then grew sick with misery and
frustration. But years down the line, I realized inside that ‘failure’ were seeds that
ultimately allowed me to achieve my overall intention. It’s crazy how all this works.
But the problem is most of us don’t have the balls to stay on the rollercoaster of life. We
don’t have the stomach to handle the highs and lows - even if the lows are taking us to
our intention in the grand scheme of things. We run our life based on preferences.
Right now you could easily pick yourself up and become a 6-figure copywriter. You
could start trusting life by doing what it takes to become a 6-figure copywriter. Things
such as writing sales letters by hand, reading books, taking courses, analyzing copy,
pitching clients, writing copy for clients, writing copy for your own products, and doing it
over and over again until you win.
But you won’t because you think…
“I’m not good enough…
“Nobody will hire me…
“It’s too saturated…
“That’s too much work…
This is all resistance you’re creating for yourself. You are getting in your own way by
letting your thoughts + feelings run your life. You’re cutting yourself off from the flow of
Life (this is why you don’t succeed and why most people don’t succeed - they get in
their own way).
What you’re doing:
You Set Intention → Reality Starts Reconfiguring Itself By Presenting You With New
Actions To Take → You Say No Or Say Yes Temporarily → Reality Takes You On A
Rollercoaster → You Fall Off The Ride → Start Doubting Yourself Or Stop Taking
Action → Start Losing Faith In Your Intention → Start Vibrating At A Lower Frequency
→ Life Starts Reconfiguring Itself To Match Your Current ‘Limiting’ Beliefs And Keeps
You Stuck In Your Man Made Prison
What you should do:
You Set Intention → Reality Starts Reconfiguring Itself By Presenting You With New
Actions To Take → Surrender & Say Yes To The Rollercoaster Of Life (Even If Your
Thoughts Are Doubting Your Ability To Take x Action or You’re Uncomfortable) →
Reality Keeps Reconfiguring Itself To Match Your Intention (sometimes you fail,
sometimes you succeed… but life is doing it all for the greater good and realigning your
world for you) → Keep Saying Yes And Keep Going And Trusting The Flow Of Life
While You Simultaneously Keep Feeding Yourself The Intention And Believing In It
Wholeheartedly (as if it’s already achieved).
In other words…
You must set the intention, surrender/let go of your personal preferences/resistance,
keep your eyes open, jump into the ocean, trust life, and keep swimming. Move with the
flow, not against.
I know this may seem hard to do, but there’s a hack you can use to make this process
so much easier! More on that in just a moment.
But first, let me give you an example of why this is so important to do by sharing with
you a quick example from my own life...
The business venture that made me my first $50,000 in one day was a business venture
that I originally didn’t want to do (I put it off for YEARS). Earlier this year, I had set bold
financial intentions and visions for myself, reviewed them daily and nightly, and lived
and breathed from a state of knowing - as if they were already done.
And then life (like it always does) started reconfiguring itself…
I started randomly getting thoughts about the idea I had for that new business from
years ago. It was always something I thought about on and off, but I had always
resisted it due to conditioning (i.e. fears, doubts, etc.). And distracted myself with
business ventures that seemed sexier and cooler (oddly enough all the business ideas I
started that went against the flow of life - the ones I tried to ‘force’ - never worked. The
ones that I initially resisted ended up being the biggest money makers).
But after applying the theory I’m going to share with you, I said what the fuck? Let’s do it
and trust life. By making that initial decision to say ‘yes’ to life and the business idea, it
set off a chain of events…
… that ultimately ended in me launching a new business that pulled in five figures in 4
hours with relative ease (I didn’t have to do more or less work than usual. It was the
If I had let my personal preferences (and resistance) get in the way of me and Life, I
wouldn't have made that money. Not even close. I would’ve kept resisting and talking
myself out of it and probably would still be trying to fight the currents of life and working
on ventures that went against the flow of life by using force. And that’s what a lot of
people do.
A lot of people work against life instead of with life because they run their life from their
personal self and use his/her preferences to call the shots. This creates unnecessary
suffering and roadblocks.
I’ve felt that suffering.
Over and over again.
Not a fun place to be. Not a fun place to try and succeed from - especially when you
already got the entire world and your loved ones doubting you and your CRAZY
That’s why I’ve invented a new model that allows me to overcome all these limitations.
And really turn life into a daring adventure. One that makes me feel alive every moment
of the day and rewards me with success. This model, like I stated, merges everything
together and allows you to trust life whole heartily by controlling the personal self like a
video game character. Once you use it, the world opens up to you and you can better
navigate through all the highs and lows life brings - while making forward progress
towards realizing your intention.
So without further adieu, here’s how it works (I’ll go deeper into this via a video or book
some day but here’s the brief version of my process).
How To Run Yourself Like A Video Game Character & Collect Gold Coin…
Step #1. Set your intention & remind yourself of it daily - We’re all used to this already.
We all love to visualize and set bold intentions. This is good. You should always do this.
Here’s the routine I follow: I set new intentions every year or so. And have a ‘Mindset
folder’ that details these intentions/the strongest version of myself. I read this in the
morning, afternoon, evening and feel the feeling as if it’s already happened + write my
main intention out 10-15 times as if it’s already achieved (in the present or past tense) +
do 10 minutes of visualization before bed. This keeps my vibe high and my
thoughts/words/actions operating from a place of Knowing. More importantly, this
reconfigures my Reticular Activation System (RAS) and opens my eyes to
opportunities/actions I need to take to realize the intention (I call this ‘reality’
reconfiguring itself.)
Step #2. Separate myself into two - After setting intentions, this is where most people
stop. This is when they let their personal preferences dictate what actions they take and
which ones they resist. This is when they give into their laziness, doubts, fears, past
conditioning and keep themselves from realizing their intention. You need to do the
opposite. You need to learn how to control yourself like a video game character and get
yourself to act. When most people hear this, they think it means: “You need to enact as
much willpower as possible and push yourself.” But that’s not true. We’ve all read the
studies. Willpower is fleeting. It’s like these IG thots, it can’t be trusted. You can’t rely on
it. So what should you do?
Well this is where all the spiritual and consciousness knowledge comes into play and
delivers great benefits.
If you meditate consistently or you’re well versed in consciousness related matters,
you’ll know that there’s two of you (I’ve covered this before inside these letters).
1) Personal Self - This is the ‘you’ that you’re used to calling [Insert your Name here].
It’s the ‘you’ that you see in the mirror. It’s the ‘you’ that thinks thoughts and
experiences those thoughts. It’s the ‘you’ that feels emotions and experiences those
emotions. It’s the ‘you’ that undergoes experiences and feels the consequences (or
benefits) of those experiences. In short, it’s the ‘you’ that you’ve been conditioned to
think you are.
Then there’s a much deeper, truer part of you…
2) Awareness/Witness/Observer - This part of you is expansive and infinite. It’s similar
to an audience member inside a movie theatre. The audience member watching a
movie is simply observing the contents on the screen. The audience member is NOT
the contents on the screen. The audience member watches the character on the screen
think, speak, act, feel, but doesn’t get impacted or influenced by the experiences of the
character. The audience member simply observes.
Studying spirituality and practicing spirituality is all designed to get you to familiarize
yourself with this ‘deeper’ part of you and live from a place of awareness instead of from
the personal self.
In other words, to live from the 3rd person (like you’re simply observing another person
live) as opposed to from the first person (when you’re experiencing all the thoughts,
feelings, actions as the character because you’ve become him/her).
Now it’s important to note that pretty much all the spiritual texts tell you to live from this
place of awareness… renounce the desires of the personal self… be peace and love…
but I don’t do that shit because quite frankly I’m not that fucking evolved lol. What I DO
is operate from a place of awareness (deeper part of me) and from that place, I control
my personal self like a video game character and get him to take the actions that are
required to move me from A (where I am) to B (where I want to be).
This is extremely important to understand because most people live life from the first
person (and so they’re directly affected by the thoughts, emotions, feelings of the
personal self and its preferences). But I’ve discovered that living from the third person
(from the place of awareness) actually delivers so many benefits (because it allows you
to transcend the limitations and preferences of the personal self aka get out of your own
way). It allows you to not identify with your character, his thoughts, his emotions and live
from a place of detachment.
This is the #1 thing you must do if you want to get out of your own way.
Once you do, you simply follow the next step...
Step #3. From this place of awareness, I consciously surrender/let go of resistance
created by the personal self & trust the flow of life - Once I set my intention and reality
starts reconfiguring itself, new opportunities and actions to realize my intention start
popping up that match my intention. Typically I would perceive these through the lens of
my personal self. And choose whether or not to say yes (daily). By operating from a
place of awareness, I can better control the actions of my personal self (because I’m
less affected by his thoughts & feelings). And guide him to make the best decision (even
when it makes the personal self uncomfortable).
Example: Action of waking up at 5:00 AM
Regular ‘Personal-Self’ Experience: *Alarm goes off*
“I’m so tired… just 10 more minutes… I’ll get up in a bit… I slept so late… If I wake up
now, I won’t even have any energy to do high ROI work, I’m going to sleep more.”
(Notice how I’m experiencing this from the first person)
New Powerful ‘Awareness’ Experience: *Alarm goes off*
Notices the alarm has gone off. Observes the personal self reacting to the alarm.
Observes the personal self making a bunch of excuses and bullshit arguments.
Witnesses all this from the 3rd person, a place of detachment. Thinks: “Look at Tej
trying to get out of waking up right now when he knows this action is in the best interest
of his dreams.”
(Notice how I’m experiencing this from the third person - objectively)
If you perceive the experience from the personal self, you’ll give into it and go back to
sleep. If you perceive it from a place of awareness and with detachment, you’re NOT
influenced by the thoughts/feelings of the personal self or feelings of being tired (you
simply observe those come and go without identifying with them/holding on) and can
actually control the personal self like a video game character by giving it a simple
And the personal self will obey.
In this case a simple, “Tej quit fucking around, it’s time to get up” will do the trick. And
up out of bed will jump Tej.
(I know this shit sounds like I got a mental disorder lol, but I don’t care because living
like this is so powerful.)
That’s because…
We constantly get in our own way when we live through the personal self (first person).
Once that happens, whatever we think, we give into. Whatever we experience, we feel.
We live based on preferences. And this interferes with our ability to trust and move with
the flow of life aka do what needs to be done to realize our intentions.
By living from awareness, you transcend all that.
So I use the same framework above (as documented by the 5:00 AM example) and
operate from that place of awareness (or try to) throughout the day.
If I don’t feel like doing x action that would move me closer to realizing my intention (i.e.
sending out cold emails), I notice that from a place of awareness and simply observe
the resistance of the personal self act up with 100% detachment… then step in and take
control and guide it like a video game character by giving it a simple command (this is
why I believe cultivating awareness is the #1 skill you need to build).
By living from this place of awareness, I create space between my personal self’s
thoughts & emotions and what “I” experience. This tiny little bit of space allows me
to 1) not be directly consumed/affected by the thoughts & feelings of the personal self 2)
better control the actions of my personal self from a place of detachment. The key is to
live from the 3rd person. Not the first.
Step #4. Repeat this process and keep trusting life from a place of awareness &
surrender - Every day, I make the intention stronger and stronger. And feel it more and
more (by reading the mindset folder). And then during the day, I continue to take
action/trust the flow of life/embrace discomfort by living from a place of awareness. By
living from a place of awareness, I develop all the discipline in the world. I can control
myself like a video game character and get him to do things I normally couldn’t. It
makes all the difference in the world. Whenever I fail, I view it from a place of
awareness - objectively - which prevents me from taking it personally - and this keeps
my personal self dancing to the music of my intention.
(You can actually go so deep into awareness aka the Seat of Self that you won’t even
feel the pain of the personal self once it comes up, but that’s a topic for another letter.)
By doing this, I get out of my own way. Overcome the limitations of the personal self,
live from a place of detachment and trust and move with the flow of life. By trusting life I
keep saying ‘yes’ to all the actions that are required to realize my intention (no matter
how uncomfortable) and over time life starts to match my intention.
This is the mental process I use to get myself to wake up at 05:00 am (when needed).
This is how I can get myself to put in the long hours. This is how I can get myself to
focus. This is how I can get myself to master discipline. And to do whatever it takes to
succeed. This is how I can get myself to embrace and run towards what I fear.
(Obviously sometimes I slip back into the personal self… go back to perceiving life
through the first person… and make mistakes. But the key is to catch yourself and go
back to observing yourself. Get in touch and keep in touch with the Witness/Observer
inside you. It’s the greatest ally you have on your journey of realizing HUGE intentions.)
So with all that noted, here are the 3 main takeaways you should apply:
A) Live from a state of knowing - as if what you want is already done. This will set in
motion the forces of the universe.
B) Live from a place of awareness (3rd person) - as opposed to the first person.
Manifesting your will requires action (this is often uncomfortable for most people but still
needed). You need to move towards your intention with full faith. And engage in the
actions that’ll bring it to life. You can either do this by trying to apply a bunch of
willpower and force (rather ineffective - tried it for years) or you can learn to live from a
place of awareness. And start observing and controlling the personal self like a video
game character (much more easier and enjoyable because now the peronal self’s
thoughts/words/emotions no longer fuck with you as much as before. Instead of getting
lost in them, you simply observe them for what they are and let them pass)
C) Trust & surrender to the rollercoaster of life - To trust life is to say yes to all the
actions and opportunities that’ll move you towards your intention (even if they make
your personal self uncomfortable). To trust life is to ignore all resistance/fears created
by the personal self in the face of positive actions. To trust life is to stay on the
rollercoaster of life that’s moving you towards what you seek. Even during bad times
when the roller coaster hits a low, trust that life is reconfiguring itself and everything is
for the greater good. As long as you keep feeding yourself the intention, keeping your
vibe high, and controlling your ego/personal self like a video game character (from a
place of awareness), you’ll not only realize your intention…
… but experience the adventure of a lifetime.
Life is a game. It’s to be played and enjoyed. Problem with us is one we don’t know the
rules of the game. And two we’re constantly starting and stopping the game because of
our personal self and his/her preferences. Set your intention, let the game of life play
out, and transcend the personal self and make moves from a place of awareness.
Do that religiously and you’ll literally start playing a video game in real life.
Except this one doesn’t come with fake gold coins.
But real ones.
This is why I’ve gone so balls deep into spirituality and all this jazz. The advantage this
gives you? Unfucking real. And what’s crazy is… the higher I go up in business, the
more folks I meet in the 9-figure range and above, they all tell me they do something
similar. They all have a similar way of controlling and guiding their character.
(Heck even the legendary Kobe Bryant alluded to doing something similar in one of his
interviews: “I learned the spirituality of the game, the mindfulness of the game. To put
your self aside, to quiet the ego and to play effortlessly. That approach to the game is
what I thought really separated me from the pack.”)
And that makes all the difference. So I know everything above was a little bit all over the
place but that’s on purpose. I didn’t want to present this to you neatly in a bow. I wanted
you to ‘work’ to understand it and put the pieces together for yourself. By doing so, you’ll
get so much more out of it. And come away with a new mental model that quite literally
allows you to start playing a video game in real life.
I have yet to come across (or piece together) a model as powerful as this. It keeps you
fuming with energy, it keeps you disciplined as fuck, it keeps you confronting your
resistance and transcending discomfort, it keeps you moving with the flow of life, it
keeps you on the magical rollercoaster of life, and it keeps you achieving shit that most
people would deem to be “impossible”.
So you can either keep living a ‘limited’ life and try using willpower, rely on motivation,
and hype yourself up daily with BS (like everybody else) - or you can completely
eliminate the need for all that and start operating from a much ‘higher’ and ‘truer’ place
(your real essence).
This is why you should study spirituality and cultivate awareness.
When I started studying it, there was no one merging spirituality with
business/practicality. There was no one to put the two together. But since I didn’t want
to give up my business ambitions and was gaining so much value from the spirituality
training, I thought “Hey why not merge this together and see what happens?” Turns out
a life of joy and unlimited possibilities is what happens. So I highly recommend you start
your journey and start moving towards this ‘new’ way of navigating reality. It makes you
powerful beyond belief. And no I’m not overselling this. If anything, I’ve undersold it.
It’s funny after I wrote the above… I had one of my good buddies from College reach
out and ask a question that kinda ties into everything I discussed above. I think the raw
and real answer I provided via text may add to what I jotted above, so gonna copy/paste
the conversation here for you:
But enough of this, I’ve given away my process now. Rest is up to you, my friend. Now
let’s bring this shit back down to earth and share something everybody will
How To Improve Your Work Environment
I know a lot of people have been working from home due to the lockdown and
quarantine, so I thought I’d share with you a small section on how to improve your work
For the longest time, I didn’t give two fucks about my work environment. All I needed
was a laptop, desk, and some headphones. And I would hit the ground running - no
matter what I was surrounded by.
But after implementing and experimenting with new locations… new ‘environment’…
new tools…
I’ve started to see just how much power controlling your work environment gives you. In
short, the better your work environment, the more high quality work you get
It’s hard to get quality work done when you’re staring at walls and working from a
depressed environment. It’s easy to get high quality work done when the sun is coming
through the blinds, everything is in order, and your work environment makes you want
to work.
That’s where I’ve been trying to take myself and that’s what I recommend you do as well
(the difference it makes is unreal). Below I share with you how to set your work
environment up for success and what I’ve implemented to improve my work
environment. Take what works for you, discard the rest, and start consciously creating
your work environment (then judge the difference in results for yourself!)
Step 1) Figure out what you want to achieve - Different goals call for different work
environments. The work environment of a manager will be different from a copywriter
(because the tools they’ll need to achieve their goal will differ. A phone for a manager
would be essential to make plays. But a phone in the work environment of a copywriter
would be a huge distraction. Similarly, having two screens for a day trader may lead to a
boost in productivity, but for a copywriter it may fuck up his focus). You, therefore, need
to start by getting clear on the type of work you want to do and what your goals are. Do
that now (should only take a moment).
Step 2) Once you’ve defined your goal, the next step is to audit both your
physical and digital work environment to see what’s supporting your goal and
what’s harming you - Physical environment is the space around you and everything it
includes (i.e. clutter, desks, chairs, notebooks, noise, books, television, screens, etc.).
Digital environment is the stuff you have on your laptop, ipads, and phone. All apps,
browsers, tools. Go through everything in your environment and assign it a + or - (self
After you have completed your audit, the first ‘real’ step is to get rid (or drastically limit)
everything that is a negative.
Everything that interferes with your ability to get work done (i.e. multiple devices,
multiple screens, etc.). If you have a television in your office, get rid of it. If you have a
bottle of scotch and you start pounding back the drinks come 5:00 pm, get rid of it (or
put it somewhere you can’t easily access it - since you may need it for clients lol). If you
have a bunch of social networking apps on your devices, get rid of them. Basically
delete (or drastically limit) all negatives. This applies to everything. From clutter on your
desk to noise to multiple tabs/browsers to pens that stopped working to apps. This
alone will allow you to get so much more high quality work done (because it frees up
your mind - believe it or not).
The second step is to increase the positives. You do this by going through your list of
positives and seeing if you could amplify their value. Let’s say you use brain.fm to do
deep work. But when it comes time to do shallow work, you have a tougher time getting
in the mood to make it happen. Can you leverage a different setting on brain.fm to get
yourself to do that? In other words, can you use your positive inputs more to improve
effectiveness? Run through your list of positives and see what you can amplify. Some
you won’t be able to. Others you will.
Amplify what you can. Leave the rest as is.
Step 3) What other positives can you ‘add’ to your work environment to improve
your desire to work.
This is the third and last step. Now that you’ve defined your goals, audited your work
environment, got rid of the bad shit, amplified the good stuff, the only thing left to do is
add more good stuff.
What you add will vary depending on your circumstances (and goals), but here’s some
stuff I’ve personally added to improve my work environment…
Inspiring art
Bulletin board w/ meaningful posted notes/pictures
Apps such as brain.fm & hello.focus
More windows
Better views (I completely upgraded my work environment and moved into a new
apartment on the 40th floor with amazing views of the city/water/mountains. The
spike in productivity it grants me covers the cost of renting it out)
Oil diffusers for fresh aroma
High quality notebooks + pens you enjoy using (personally I like the Leuchtturm
notebooks and the sharpie pens)
Fiji water
Money (just having stacks of money around stimulates your abundance
Noise cancelling headphones
Google Calendar
Office door with a lock on it
Vault to store phone & all distracting devices in
Nostalgic ‘Objects’ that make you feel happy & alive
Background screensaver with your ‘why’
Fastest internet possible
Mouse + High quality chair + laptop stand to prevent slouching/developing
computer posture
Pomodoro timer
High quality desk
Nature sounds
Binaural beats
Lowfi music
Books with powerful covers (sometimes I’ll just buy books for the cover. Some
covers such as ‘essentialism’ or ‘10x rule’ or autobiographies of inspirational
people serve as good reminders of all the possibilities ‘work’ makes possible.)
By doing the above, you create a ‘zone’ to do your best work from. It’s important you
use this designated space just for work and nothing else.
You want to condition high quality work with this zone. So once you step on the ‘court’
each morning, your brain can easily get into flow and start knocking out high priority
If you use this space for a bunch of different things, then you’re sending mixed signals
to your brain. It’s kind of like your bed. You should only use it for sleep and sex. If you
watch movies in bed, it’s going to fuck up your ability to sleep. On the same note, if you
watch Netflix from your work desk, it’s going to fuck up your ability to induce flow and
get in the zone.
Set up the ideal work environment by doing the steps above and then respect your
work environment. Use it strictly for work and nothing more. When you open the office
door, put on your game face and get ready to conquer. When you close the office door
at the end of the day, leave your problems inside and be fully present with your loved
ones. I know it’s hard as an entrepreneur but ‘OFF TIME’ is essential for creating
productive sessions of ‘ON TIME’.
Cool? Let’s keep it pushing…
Private Swipe File
Some people sell access to their Swipe File (having a proven and high quality swipe file
is that powerful) for hundreds of dollars. And rightfully so. When you’re trying to market
something, rarely should you start from scratch. Instead you should plug your senses
into what’s already working, read through high quality copy to get the brain going, and
use all that gold to brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm. It can take months and years to
build a legit Swipe File, so I thought since this is a digital issue and all, I’d share with
you my digital Swipe File. It includes everything from killer sales letters, emails, subject
lines, ads from a bunch of different niches. Use this Swipe File for marketing inspiration,
add to it, keep growing it and I’m sure this alone will generate you a 10x return (at the
bare minimum).
Note: I’ve transferred more than enough golden nuggets into this Google Drive Swipe
Folder to get you rockin’ and rollin’, but will still be updating it with the ‘Complete Swipe
File’ in the next day or two so stay tuned for that (gotta go to the house to pick up old
laptop with original Swipe File, so make sure to check back soon for the completed
Swipe File!)
Recommendations: Little-Known Movies/Documentaries/Books That’ll
Help Shape You Into A Stronger Version Of Yourself
There’s so much you can take away from books, documentaries and movies. Most
people consume, consume, consume. I like to consume, apply, consume, apply. You
can build yourself up so much quicker.
Now more than ever before, you have a ton of free time on your hands.
Use this time to dive deep into “little-known” books, movies, documentaries and apply
what you find inside to become a stronger version of yourself. Most of the gold out there
isn’t in the mainstream shit. The gold resides in the little known stuff, the books with a
few hundred reviews. That’s why with this list of recommendations I’ve focused on
recommending the ‘little-known’ gold, the recommendations you most likely haven’t
heard of, so here goes…
Movies/T.V. Shows
3 Idiots
How To Make It In America
Undone (Amazon Prime)
Into The Wild
Paid In Full
Get Rich Or Die Trying
500 Days of Summer
Michael Jordan To The Max
The Dawn Wall
The Animal Communicator - Anna Breytenbach
Wild Wild Country
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child
Trip of Compassion
Man on Wire
Exit Through The Gift Shop
Awareness by Anthony De Mello
Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland
Extreme Revenue Growth by Victor Cheng
Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham
Making Them Believe: How One Of America’s Legendary Rogues Marketed “The
Goat Testicles Solution” and Made Millions by Dan Kennedy
The Pearl Beyond Price by A.H. Almaas
Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins
Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill
The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity by Daniel Reid
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant
The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together by John Carlton
Anything You Want by Derek Sivers
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani
Well, that’s it for this month’s issue! Hope you got a lot out of it.
Until next month...
Stay safe and enjoy your time in quarantine!
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily
make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word
‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge
again (once you’re gone, there’s no coming back!).
MAY 2020
This Month’s Issue is designed to upgrade your marketing toolbox like nothing else. I’m
going to give you the keys to the marketing castle, then tear apart a 7-figure funnel and
show you exactly how you can use the marketing keys to write killer ads, copy, emails.
Here is the breakdown of this 3-Part Letter.
Part 1: Keys To The Marketing Castle
Preliminary Work
Marketing Elements (Must-Haves)
Checklists/Purpose Of Marketing (Your Marketing Must Successfully Fulfill
Each Of These Points To Win Over New Customers)
Tools At Your Disposal: How To Fulfill Each Point
Part 2: Application: Tearing Apart A 7-Figure Funnel
Intro To The Endless Options Funnel: How It Leverages The Keys To The
Marketing Castle
Ad Copies + Landing Pages
Video Sales Letter (VSL)
10-Part Email Sequence
Part 3: Takeaways
Key Points To Remember
How To Run With This Yourself
Since this letter will have to be kept within the normal 10-15-page limit, let’s get straight
into it and not waste a single word.
Part 1: Keys To The Marketing Castle
Preliminary Work
Before one can market successfully, one must ensure he is first targeting a group of
people inside a starving crowd. What makes up a starving crowd?
A group of people who share deep rooted needs/desires/hunger/fears that they want
solved and are willing to do anything (give up any amount of money within reason) to
solve it. When it comes to internet marketing, there are 3 types of starving crowds (this
is review for a lot of you, so going to keep this brief).
1. Starving Crowd Who Wants To Make Money (Wealth)
2. Starving Crowd Who Wants To Lose Weight (Health)
3. Starving Crowd Who Wants To Improve Their Dating Life (Social)
Those are the three main drivers of modern society. To live a good life, one must be
good at making money, have good health, and a vibrant and rich romantic life.
Unfortunately, most people don’t check off any of these essentials - hence why there’s
such a large need/hunger for products/information/resources that can help one achieve
success in any of the above categories.
But be that as it may, you can’t just target the entire market as a whole and offer a
generic product. Most people try doing this. Most people fail. These three starving
crowds are made up of a wide range of people who share a wide range of problems and
who want a wide range of solutions. As a result, you must break the overall market into
a smaller sub-section and then pick a specific target within this smaller sub-section and
offer a SPECIFIC solution (again all this is review for most of you). And what’s more is
your specific solution must be a *HOT* offer.
But what exactly makes up a hot offer?
Look, I’m just going to give you the real (I’m not saying this is right or wrong or that you
should use this, but this is just the reality of human nature). A hot offer abides by the
deep-rooted wiring encoded inside every human being. Human beings are wired to
conserve energy. Dating back to evolutionary times, all one had was his energy levels.
He had to use his energy levels to gather food, fight off enemies, protect his family,
build tools, etc. A man who spent his energy aimlessly would soon find himself out of
food, resources, health and on the brink of death (if his community didn’t look after
him). As a result, we’re all wired to conserve energy. What this means is:
We want to achieve our goals/solve our problems by expending the LEAST
amount of energy.
In other words, the types of products/offers we crave are ones that promise to:
Work fast & deliver instant gratification (within hours, days, weeks)
Be very easy to get results with (i.e. step-by-step)
Require almost no work from us (i.e. served to us on a platter)
These offers speak to us on an evolutionary level and trick us into thinking we can go
from point A (where we are), dealing with xyz emotions (all our fears, pains, heartaches)
and go to point B (where we want to be), experiencing all our desired pleasures (joy,
love, happiness) without expending much energy.
If you’re selling an offer to the masses (think Middle America) and you’re telling em’ it’s
going to be hard, require lots of work, and deliver slow results (like how I position
Clicks&Copy University lol) it’s NEVER going to work. They’re going to run in the other
And that’s because…
People (especially the masses) desire offers that are magic bullets. Got that? So now
that you know you have to pick a specific target and offer a specific solution that is
perceived as a magic bullet, what’s next? Now it comes down to formulating your
marketing elements.
Marketing Elements (Must-Haves)
Once you have a hot offer for a specific target inside a starving crowd, how do you go
about marketing it? By crafting powerful marketing elements. There are 5 in total. And if
you neglect these, I don’t care how good your copy skills are… how BIG your ad budget
is… how many resources you have at your disposal, you will FAIL.
Here are the 5 (review for most of you):
1. UNIQUE SELLING POINT/MECHANISM - Why your solution is unique and why this
uniqueness aka mechanism is the reason your offer is going to deliver on the BIG
2. BIG IDEA - The angle, hook, idea you use to provoke curiosity and get the attention
of your prospect.
3. BIG PROBLEM - The #1 problem your offer solves for the target (pick ONLY one.
Don’t try to solve every problem. Focus on the biggest and baddest)
4. BIG PROMISE - The solution to the BIG problem. The BIG benefit your target desires
to experience.
5. PROOF - Proof that you and others are already using the USP/Unique Mechanism to
experience the BIG promise
Understood? Those are the 5 elements you need to build killer marketing around your
offer. Once you have gathered the answers to these elements, it’s time to keep it
Checklists/Purpose Of Marketing (Your Marketing Must Successfully Fulfill Each
Of These Points To Win Over Customers)
After you have picked a specific target inside a starving crowd, created a specific hot
offer that’s positioned as a magic bullet, and crafted your marketing elements - the next
step is to ask yourself:
What is the goal of marketing? What invisible boxes do I have to check inside the
target’s head in order to get him to buy? People are not stupid. They don’t just buy any
random product that promises to deliver what they seek. Instead, they have a guiding
list of criteria running through their head that you must check to set off what I call the
*internal click*. Once you fulfill each of the criteria, you set off the internal click inside
the prospect and their next thought is: “Where is my wallet? I gotta grab this…”
Again, I’m going to keep it 100% real with you…
People think they experience the *internal click* as a result of free will. But they don’t
(sorry!). Top tier marketers know exactly what boxes they have to check off inside your
head to trigger the internal click (I’ve been doing this for so long that I can now point to
the exact part of the copy where I know the target will experience the internal click. I’m
not special or have any extra sensory powers haha. It’s just logical. If your marketing
ticks off the correct buying criteria in the right order, the internal click goes off just as it
was programmed to. That’s all we’re really trying to do with our marketing. Make the
internal click go off). So what are the invisible boxes we must check off inside the
target’s head in order to make the *internal click* go off?
Here’s what we must do (in no particular order):
Instantly capture the target's attention (In order for us to even get our offer in
front of the target’s pupils, we must first hijack his brain with a BIG,
relevant idea that appeals to his selfish interests. By doing so, his Reticular
Activating System (RAS) will tune out everything else and we’ll have captured his
attention. This is the case because your RAS only allows you to take in reality
that it thinks is important to you. Creating a BIG idea around what the target
classifies as important is the key to literally hijacking his brain and getting his full,
undivided attention)
Present ONE BIG promise, ONE BIG idea, ONE BIG problem that all ties into the
root desire the target’s RAS is programmed to seek (for some it’s solving chronic
pain, for others it’s making money, for others it's losing fat. All of our RAS are
programmed. That’s why we must create marketing based off the 5 elements
discussed above)
Invoke strong emotion (to invoke action, one must first invoke emotion. Curiosity,
fear, desire, lust, greed, laziness, etc. Ideally we want to invoke ONE core
dominating emotion and a bunch of supporting ‘secondary’ emotions with our
Prove to the target that they can trust you because you were once just like them
and you truly and deeply understand them and what they’re going through (you
must do this genuinely and with empathy. People can see through lies. The
more vulnerable you make yourself, the more people will trust you (without
trust, no sale takes place). The more scars you reveal, the more people will be
able to relate to you and think “Fuck, this guy was just like me!” This is the
thought you need to trigger inside the target’s head.)
Prove to the target you’re credible/expert/figure of authority (if a doctor
recommends x course of action to you, you are a million times more likely to take
action than if I told you the same shit. Why? The influence of the doctor coat. We
think, “this guy is a doctor, he’s gone to school for years, he has practiced his
craft for years, he has so much experience, and expertise - he must know what
he’s talking about!” and so we believe him. You need to elicit the same authority.
You can do this by showcasing all that you’ve gone through via stories and/or by
leveraging credibility from respected sources (this is why you’ll see all types of
copy say things like: “I’ve spent $100,000 testing this” or “I’ve been featured in
Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, blah blah blah.”)
Prove to the target how your solution is unique/new/exciting (prospect’s have
tried products and failed over and over again in the past - just the reality.
Anything old triggers the “this is probably the same old BS feeling”. Something
new triggers the “breakthrough in science” or “breaking news” feeling. Prospect’s
always feel like they’re missing something to go from point A to point B and
they’re always waiting for something new to be that. By positioning your solution
as new and unique, you feed that internal driver)
Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that your solution is the best way for the target
to go from where he is to where he wants to be (positioning 101. Nobody buys in
a vacuum. You have competitors. You must position your product in such a way
that it is *perceived* as the best solution for the target)
Prove to your target they can use your solution to get their desired results without
having to do all the stuff they hate (remember the magic bullet?)
Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your solution has already and will
continue to fulfill on the BIG promise (this is where highlighting your USP and
PROOF elements come into play)
Remove all the objections/knock out all limiting beliefs your target has about why
your solution won’t work for them (people are conditioned to view themselves as
victims. They always come up with reasons for why your solution won’t work for
them. If you don’t address these objections/limiting beliefs, you’ll fail to trigger the
internal click)
Prove every claim you made
Demonstrate how value > price
Trigger pain by showing the target what they stand to lose by not taking action &
trigger pleasure by showing what the target stands to gain by taking action
Present a strong reason to act NOW
Do all the above without BORING the prospect
Those are the goals we must achieve with our marketing. Understood? Yes, you say but
how exactly do you do it? Here’s how I do it:
Tools: How To Fulfill Each Point
1. Craft powerful marketing elements.
We build all our marketing assets (ad copy, emails, sales pages) around these
elements. So I cannot overstate how important it is to spend the necessary time upfront
to get these down. Make these elements as powerful as possible.
2. Brainstorm REAL stories that the target would resonate with
The more similar your story is to what your prospect is experiencing RIGHT NOW, the
more you can leverage it to build trust. So brainstorm as many stories as possible.
You’ll be using these stories in your ads, emails, sales copy.
3. Take out a piece of paper and fold it...
On the left hand side, write down every single objection/limiting belief that would STOP
a prospect from buying your solution. On the right hand side, write down the answer to
the objection.
Example Objection/Limiting Belief For A Dating Product: “This probably only works for
good looking guys. I’m too ugly.”
Answer: “That’s what we originally thought. But turns out, this has been working for
every member of our test group. And these guys are no Brad Pitt (they’ll tell you
themselves!). Some of these guys are balding… others are overweight… some have
terrible acne… and yet they’re still dating model quality women that most people would
consider out of their league.”
See how that works? By answering the objection, you fill the hole inside the target that
would’ve kept him from buying. You must do this for EVERY major objection/limiting
belief your target has. So brainstorm all objections/limiting beliefs of your target and
answer each. Do not hide from objections. Face them.
4. What credibility/authority can you leverage?
How did the solution you’ve created come to be? How many man hours, effort, money
did you spend bringing it to life? Also, who are you and what makes you credible? What
are your credentials/achievements/accomplishments in the area you’re selling your
solution in?
5. Brainstorm ways to create urgency
Limited quantity? Enrollment ending soon? Price increasing soon? The more specific,
the better. Price increases from $x to $xx on [Day at Time] is better than ‘Limited Time
Once you’ve answered these 5 questions, now all you have to do is write ads, sales
copy, emails, VSLs, etc. around your 5 key marketing elements while sharing stories to
build trust, handle objections, showcase your credibility, and give people a reason to act
now. If you do that, you will sell products faster and easier than ever before and in
larger quantities. And you won’t believe how easy it was. Because what I’ve covered up
above is truly the 80% you need to double down on to become a killer marketer. What
I’ve covered above is really all there is to direct response marketing.
So how do you apply this?
How do you use this to write killer ads, sales copy, emails? It’s one thing to just give you
all the game above and let you fend for yourself, it’s another thing to show you the
whole game in action so you can fully internalize it - right?
You bet. So let’s do that now. Below I present to you a funnel that’s absolutely killing it
right now (and that’s not a surprise because it abides by all that we’ve covered above).
I’m going to rip every piece of this funnel to shreds and show you exactly how all the
above is being leveraged to make $$$s hand over fist.
Part 2: Application: Tearing Apart A 7-Figure Funnel
Before we get into it, I wanna give a BIG shoutout to Nate (@SCHM7DT) for first
bringing this funnel to my attention via Twitter. After he did, I spent the next week
tearing it apart (as I tend to do for my own sake) and now I thought I’ll share all that
knowledge with you too? So let’s go.
Intro To The Endless Options Funnel: How It Leverages The Keys To The
Marketing Castle
Here is the link to the funnel: www.endlessoptions.com (it’s an online dating product that
helps men land better/more dates with high quality women using apps such as Tinder,
Hinge, Bumble, etc.)
Before we dive into all the ads, sales copy, emails, etc. - I want to first break down this
funnel according to all that we’ve covered above (again this is all my own thoughts +
viewpoints that I jotted down after studying this sales funnel in very great detail). By
reading this first, you’ll get more from the teardowns that follow. Cool?
Here’s the ‘Overview Breakdown’ for this offer.
Starving Crowd/Market: Dating/Social
Smaller Sub-Market Within The Larger Starving Market: Online Dating For Men
Specific Target Inside Sub-Market: A man between 18-35 who is using apps such as
Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, but struggling to get dates with high quality women.
Specific ‘Hot’ Offer: Endless Options
Qualities Of ‘Hot’ Offer:
• Fast: Endless Options System starts working in less than 7 days.
• Easy: Plug and play five-step system. Everything is step-by-step and given to
you on a platter.
• Requires No Work From You (Done For You): We’ve already tested and
discovered the best photo styles you should use, the exact opening messages
you should send, the perfect bio you can copy/paste, what stories to tell, what
messages to send, what voice notes to send, everything is tested and done for
you. All you have to do is copy/paste and you’ll start getting matches and dates
with the top 1% of women who use dating apps.
Now that we’ve broken down the target inside the starving crowd and the offer, let’s
move onto the marketing elements used to sell this hot offer.
Marketing Elements:
USP/UNIQUE MECHANISM: Signal to noise ratio, concept of emotional highs
BIG IDEA: The Best Opening Message Ever Discovered
BIG PROBLEM: Prospect is using apps such as Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, but
struggling to get matches/dates with high quality women because he doesn’t
know what to say, has a bad bio, has shitty pictures, can’t find enough high
quality women, can’t compete with the better looking guys, etc.
BIG PROMISE: Use the signal to noise ratio concept to beat out all the other
guys and start dating the top 1% of women who use apps such as Tinder, Hinge,
Bumble in as little as 7 days.
PROOF: Spent $250,000 & two-years figuring this out, student David used this
system to get engaged to a model, Jesse (co-founder of Endless Options) used
this system to date beautiful women all over the world despite being a bald,
short, 30-year old Indian (his words, not mine). He now has a model girlfriend
too. Stories of other students who are landing dates with top-tier women using
this system. Plus, screenshots of text messages & photos of hot girls Jesse has
gone on dates with as a result of using this system.
These marketing elements may not make sense to you right now… I’m just listing these
out so when we get into the copy, you’ll know exactly what to look for and will see
everything clear as day (these are the elements every piece of copy from ads to emails
to VSLs is built around). Okay now that we have the marketing elements covered, let’s
move onto the remaining 4 questions and see how this sales funnel answers each
question to make the internal click go off inside the brain of prospects. Then we’ll get
into dissecting all the marketing assets.
Stories that the target would resonate with:
Jesse’s story of how Endless Options came to be after his ex, the girl that he loved, the
girl he wanted to marry, the girl he dated for 6 years up and left him randomly and
moved onto another guy after telling him, “I don’t love you anymore.” And how this
breakup pushed Jesse almost to the brink of suicide. Until he decided to move the fuck
on and travel the world and start hacking the online dating scene to find someone even
better by leveraging a team of marketers, data scientists, assistants, etc. And all the
success he experienced as a result of doing this.
Objections → Selling Points (in no particular order)
I’m too ugly for this to work for me → That’s what I thought. My name is Jessie
and I’m a 5 foot 7’ 30-year old balding Indian guy and I’m dating literal models
using dating apps (so nope you’re not too ugly for this work for you!)
Why should I listen to you? → I’m an internally known dating expert. I have been
featured on ABC News, Huffington Post, the front page of Reddit. I have gotten
over half a billion views on YouTube for changing the dating life of millions of
men. But more important than any of that, is I did something really weird. I spent
26 months and two hundred and fifty four thousand eight hundred and eleven
dollars and 32 cents testing every single theory on how to attract women online.
Why did you try to hack online dating? → Story of Jesse and his experience with
his ex
Why will this work when nothing in the past has worked for me? → I’ve figured
out the greatest online dating secret ever discovered called the signal to noise
What is the signal to noise ratio? → Describe it.
How does signal to noise ratio apply to online dating? → Most messages guys
send are noise. You can beat the competition by becoming the signal in a sea of
noise by making her feel an emotional high.
What’s an emotional high? → Explain what emotional highs are and leverage the
story of how Jesse used emotional highs to make viral videos
Okay, what’s the world’s greatest opener? → Show em
Why does the world’s greatest opener work? → It’s fun, it’s silly, it’s memorable.
It gives her an emotional high that no one else on the app is giving her.
What do you do after you’ve sent the opening message? → You need to be
using these emotional highs at every step of the process in order to keep her
interested enough to go on a date with you. Luckily, I’ve invented a system
designed around this.
What’s the system? → Endless Options
What will I gain from using the system? → You’ll be able to date the top 1% of
females who use dating apps within 7 days.
How does the system work & what does it include? → Endless Options is a plug
and play five-step system that teaches you how to hack online dating by
leveraging emotional highs that have been proven to make the most attractive
women want to date you. I outline step-by-step how to construct the perfect bio to
handing you my entire vault of my best lines to how to get the date.
Okay but what exactly will I get? Tinder match hack, How to flip the script and
make hot girls chase you, best voice notes to send out, best dating app that most
men are not using, secret to the best dating app bio ever written, exact word-forword message that you can send girls when you want to ask em out, entire vault
of lines/messages/stories that leverage emotional highs so effectively that she’ll
be obsessed with meeting you and only you.
How is this better than everything else on the market? → No one else in the
world has ever taken such a data-driven approach to truly discover the world’s
best opening message, the world’s best voice notes, the world’s greatest way to
ask someone out that you meet online until now.
I don’t have a lot of time, will this still work for me? → Yes, it requires almost no
work from you. All you have to do is follow the steps that I’ve laid out and use the
plug-and-play templates that I’ve made and you will be dating the top 1% of
attractive women that use apps like Tinder or Hinge.
How can you be certain these templates are so powerful? → Insert proof of all
girls Jesse and students have dated by using these templates + use screenshots
of text messages
This sounds too good to be true → It’s not when you consider the work that went
into discovering these secrets. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses
with over 60 hours a week dedicated for nearly two years with a team of
advertisers, data scientists, and assistants.
How much does it cost? → Price anchor & then tell price.
That is really expensive for a dating product → Is it really? Especially when you
consider I’ve invested $250,000 to test and fully optimize this. Especially once
you consider what it makes possible. If this product allowed you to meet the
woman you go on to marry, would it be worth the price? What if it just allowed
you to date 3 new smoking hot girls a week, would it be worth the price? Of
course. It’d be a no-brainer.
Okay, has this worked for others? → Use the story of David and other students in
the test group.
These other guys probably have something I don’t (i.e. money, looks, status) →
Nope! These are regular guys (just like you) and they’re dating women most
people would consider out of their league.
If you spent $250,000 testing and refining this product, why are you giving it
away for only $397? → Because I don’t want money getting in the way of you
meeting the girl that you’re potentially going to spend the rest of your life with.
What happens if it doesn’t work for me? → It has a 100% success rate, but even
still I want to show you how much I stand behind the system by offering a 30-day
money back guarantee.
Why are you offering such a strong guarantee? → Because I want to take all the
Can I learn this for cheaper? → No because nobody else is teaching this.
Nobody else has figured out a system like this. A system backed by over two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars in research, and testing, and it’s worked for
100% of people I’ve taught it to.
100% for real? Yes, really. I didn’t want to say it because it seems unbelievable,
but it’s the truth.
How long is this open for? → Few days.
Who is this for? → Tell em stuff that describes what they want.
Who is this not for? → Tell em stuff that describes what they don’t want.
How soon does this start working? → Within 7 days.
Credibility/authority leveraged:
Jesse is an internationally known dating expert
Featured on ABC news, Huffington Post, front page of Reddit
Has gotten over half a billion views on YouTube for changing the dating life of
millions of men
Spent 26 months and $254,811.32 testing every single theory on how to attract
women online (side note: if Jesse said he spent $250,000 it wouldn’t be as
believable as $254,811.32. Why? The more specific your marketing, the more
believable it is)
Hired a team of virtual assistants to make hundreds of Tinder accounts, testing
different bios and different openers
Spent over $20k running FB and IG ads directly to various dating profiles he was
Crawled through broken glass trying to figure out the perfect online dating
Brainstorm ways to create urgency
Exclusive enrollment. Only available for the next few days.
Alright now we’ve broken everything down from a bird’s eye view. Now let’s show you
all the marketing assets (ads, landing pages, VSLs, emails) used, plus how all the
above was leveraged to create those marketing assets and really sell the heck out of
this offer (once you see this everything we’ve discussed till now will make a whole lot of
sense and you’ll discover how to write power copy yourself!).
Below you will find links to the ad copies + landing pages, Video Sales Letter, 10-part
email sequence (download em). Alongside these marketing assets, I provide a full
analysis and tear down of exactly how everything we discussed above is being
leveraged to successfully market Endless Options at scale to Cold Traffic (one of the
hardest things to do as a marketer. Yet it becomes a lot easier once you know and
implement all that I’ve shown you above).
Here are the marketing assets + my teardowns:
1. Ad Copies + Landing Page:
2. Video Sales Letter Teardown:
3. 10-Part Email Sequence Teardown:
But BEFORE you click on the above, it’ll probably help to know how the front end
funnel was structured, so here is that piece of information:
Facebook Ad → Opt-In Page → Video Sales Letter → Order Form
(Once people opt-in, they’re also put on the 10-part email sequence and these emails
are sent out over the next few days to get people to buy who haven’t already.)
Alright now that you understand the above, go ahead and click-through and read
through all the marketing assets + my teardowns (I suggest first reading through all the
copy, then reading through my breakdowns/comments). Then come back to this letter
when you’re ready to proceed.
Part 3: Takeaways
Crazy stuff, isn’t it?
Do you now see how all that we discussed inside Part One is being used to make
money hand over fist with this offer? Do you see how regardless of whether it’s through
email, ads, sales letters - the same elements are used over and over again? Do you see
how the same stories are leveraged? And how credibility is raised while objections and
limiting beliefs are lowered over and over again? Do you see how the internal click is
created inside the target’s head? All of this is by design. And now you know it. This is
what marketing is, my friend. This is what deep rooted, psychology driven direct
response marketing is all about. You now have the keys to the castle.
So here are the key points to remember: 1) Pick a specific target inside a subsection of
a hot market (don’t try to sell to everybody) 2) Create or sell a hot offer that is in
alignment with the wiring us humans are built with 3) Devote 80% of your attention to
crafting the most powerful marketing elements you possibly can (everything is built on
this! Get this right and you crush it. Get this wrong and you crumble) 4) Leverage
vulnerable stories to build trust 5) Showcase your credibility 6) Brainstorm and address
EVERY major objection/limiting belief running through your target’s head 7) Create
Do the above and you can sell anything (hot offer) to anyone (inside a starving crowd),
at scale.
How can you implement this? Two ways.
1. Use this process/framework to build and sell offers for yourself (or affiliate) You now know what makes up a hot offer. And how to sell it. Use this knowledge to find
the best ecommerce products to sell. Use this knowledge to create new info-products.
Whatever. And then follow the framework to market and sell the hell out of it (make sure
your offer actually delivers on the promise it makes though - that’s the key to building a
long-term business)
2. Master this process and help clients execute it. Most people in business have no
idea about this process. They have ZERO clue. Just look at the state of info-marketers.
There’s a lot of info-products companies that can sell to organic traffic, but can’t sell to
cold traffic because they don’t know how to execute on the above. Now you know. Use
this understanding to help them scale up their business via cold traffic. If you do, you
won’t believe how much $$$s you can make both your clients and yourself.
How can I be so sure? The above two things are what I personally do. I’m not one of
these guys who hides behind BS and doesn’t tell you how they actually make money. I
have no desire to keep that a secret. Everything I revealed above is how I make my
money. I’ve built a machine to execute the above process both for myself and clients.
There’s nothing stopping you from doing the same. After all, like I said… you now have
the keys to the marketing castle.
Only question is…
What will you do with em? Anyhow, that’s it for me for this Issue. I wanted to mix things
up and go deep into marketing and really expose all the keys this month. I hope I’ve
delivered and met or exceeded your expectations. If I didn’t then shiiiit I don’t know what
to tell you besides learning the above took me 4.5 years… and hours and hours of
painstaking work… and hundreds of thousands of dollars (oh shit… now I’ve started
marketing to you… alright Imma stop haha.)
See you next month, my good friend!
Tej Dosa
P.S. I never want to market or sell to you inside these letters because you paid for this
product to get knowledge, not to get bombarded with sales pitches. But in this letter, I’d
be doing you a disservice if I didn’t tell you that if you truly want to master the above
process and get good at it, you can check out my course 6 Figure Promotions for a midlevel understanding, or enroll in Clicks&Copy University to become an advanced master
at executing the above (not going to post the links as the purpose isn’t to sell you here,
so if you’re interested just hit me up). Thanks!
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this
letter could easily make you 4 figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-mesuccessful.com with the word ‘Cancel’ and your email address. And I’ll make sure you
never, ever receive such powerful knowledge again (once you’re gone, there’s no
coming back!).
JUNE 2020
How I Used Science, Magic, Work Ethic, Kanye West, God & Extreme Discipline
To Break Free Of The Matrix & Become Superhuman
If you haven’t read the email I sent out titled ‘my raw, uncensored thoughts and what I *think*
happened to you (please read)’, please do right now. I’ve included the Google Doc link below.
Now that you’ve read that, you must be thinking: What the and how do you break free? Both
good questions. Questions I don’t have concrete answers to. All I can do is tell you what I’ve
been doing. And let’s just say I’ve been doing a lot without really doing anything. During the last
few months, you see, something major has clicked and unleashed Life at a level I would’ve
previously never fathomed. It’s unlocked boatloads of creativity. Led to major business success.
Broke down the walls in relationships. Got me pumping out 6,000 words of high converting copy
in 90 minutes or so. Replacing 60+ hour work weeks with 25-30 hour work weeks (while
generating more results and income). Fueled me with overwhelming levels of confidence.
Stripped away conditioning. Opened me up to Life. And turned this entire experience into the
greatest adventure I’ve ever known.
But how did we get here? And more importantly: How can you do the same? Again, I don’t know
the answers. I just have a little bit of experience. Keep in mind I’m probably not the best person
to relay this information. All I am is somebody who spent my living X way - only to realize that
way wasn’t the smartest way for me to live. It robbed me of Life. Stripped me of my potential.
Kept me in mental chains. And kept me from doing what I wanted. All I am was somebody who
discovered Y way to live only to realize You (and me) are much more powerful and bigger than
we could ever imagine and we can create an amazing life when we get rid of the conditioning
and live life according to our true nature, not the nature they conditioned us to adopt.
It’s tough to fit all these realizations in this very short section, so expect more on this topic in the
future. But today I’m going to just give you the overall framework for creating this change in
yourself. And show you the new ‘Y’ way to live. Once you apply it, you’ll see the drastic
difference it has on your life. And you’ll regret every single minute you’ve lived up till now
because you could’ve done so much, been so much, loved so much in the past, but you were
buying into illusions. So here is the overall framework for becoming superhuman.
(1) Recognize The False Reality You Bought Into - The world lied to you. From the moment
you were born, they took over your brain and programmed you with false beliefs and realities.
None of this is real. Not in the slightest. It’s all one big illusion. And there’s forces at play that
are constantly pulling your mental strings and controlling your behavior without you realizing it.
What you think is free will is really just programmed behavior. “I understand that from the above
email, but what do I do about it?” You have to understand that there are two ways to live life.
You can either live a life of fear (through the mind). Or you can live a life of love (through the
heart center). The way society is set up is to make you live a life of fear. To make you live from
the mind. To confine and cage you. Because he (or she) who lives from the mind is easily
And if you look around at what’s currently going on in the world, you’ll see this clear as day.
People are being pulled around like puppets because we’ve all been conditioned to live through
the mind. We’ve been programmed, conditioned and brainwashed. Over and over again.
Through labels, through news, through media, through politics, through religion, through
education, through science, through corporations. They’ve taken over our minds and
conquered our souls. And we don’t see it because the only way we know how to see is
through the mind (which unfortunately has been programmed). “He who controls your mind
controls you.” This is why every limiting belief/thought we think is our own is really just
programmed inside us. Because to live in the head/mind is to live in fear. To live in the
head/mind is to live in resistance. And if you don’t believe me, just look at the circumstances of
your own life.
How much freedom do you have? How much joy do you experience? How much love do you
feel for yourself and others? How much creativity do you possess? How many extraordinary
results have you generated? How many insurmountable odds have you beat? On the flipside,
how much fear runs through you? How many worries? How stressed and anxious are you? How
difficult is it for you to seize your dreams? How much do you care about what others think of
you? How many people do you hate?
It’s obvious that living from the mind does not serve us. It keeps us caged and confined. Like
good little boys and girls our masters can easily control.
And I know you feel it, too. I know you feel confined and caged in. I know you feel there’s more
for you, but you don’t know how to get out of your mental prison. I know you feel this isn’t how
life is supposed to be. And you’re right. It’s not. You see, I spent two decades living through my
programmed mind. And all it got me was stress, anxiety, frustration, despair. But recently, I’ve
tapped into a 1000x more powerful way to live life. Living the natural way. The way we would’ve
lived if we didn’t get programmed by the masters. That’s what brings us to the next step.
(2) To become superhuman, one must first go from living from the mind (fear) to living
through the heart (love) - I know this sounds corny, but just bear with me here. If you do, you
may get to experience life on a level most cannot even fathom. Such is the power of living life
through the heart.
Now, it’s important to note that I’m not talking about the physical heart. I’m talking about the
heart center inside you. In spiritual circles, they call it the heart chakra. This is what one needs
to open and live from because this is where all your superhero powers are stored (which I’ll
explain in just a minute). But the problem is society is purposely set up in a way to keep you
controlled and caged and cut off from your heart center. That’s why chances are up till now all
you have known is to live from the head (which keeps you living in fear). To transcend fear, one
must open up the heart center and live through it. How do you do this? I’m going to give you a
list of mottos, actions, daily habits, structures you can adopt at the end of this section, but for
now it’s important you realize that in order to 100x your life and success, you must make the
switch from living through the mind to living through the heart. Once you understand this, you’ve
become aware of what it takes to break free from the matrix and experience a level of freedom
that you could’ve previously never imagined (matrix exists in the mind. To transcend the matrix,
one must become conscious and aware of the heart and return home).
Once aware, you’ll see how certain people in modern society who the mainstream has labelled
‘crazy’ have been trying to guide you to this new way of life all throughout the years.
One example is Kanye West. During the last few years, he’s really made a strong effort to break
free from the mental prison they all have us in. And go from living through the mind to living
through the heart. Of course, the media will label him crazy as a result because they don’t want
you to know this is where your superhero powers lie.
To illustrate this point, check out a few quotes I pulled from a few of Kanye’s interviews/tweets
from the years gone by:
“If I’d thought about it I never would’ve done it, I would’ve let it slide. If I’d lived my life by what
others were thinking, the heart inside me would’ve died. I was just too stubborn to ever be
governed by enforced insanity. Someone had to reach for the rising star, it’s up to me.”
“I cannot be on meds and make Watch The Throne level or Dark Fantasy level music. You don’t
make Runaway on medication. Even alcohol is an addictive substance called spirits that actually
block our earthly connection to our spirit when we drown ourselves in it.”
“There’s no bad. There’s no enemies. Even people who want to kill you are not your enemy.”
“They will not program me.”
“We love. The paradigm is shifting. We as a society are taking control of our consciousness and
raising it together.”
“Get out of your head. Go from your gut. Go from your chi. Do what you’re feeling. That’s what
I’m big on. Stop strategizing so much. Stop setting so many plays. Stop doing things only based
in fear. The Universe will assist you when you are acting in love. When you’re acting in love,
you’re like a drop of water, and you have the ocean as your army. When you act in fear, it’s just
you and your money. Now, you can take your money and put it in Bitcoin, put it in credit form,
put it in cash, but when you take all your cash and then stand up to the ocean, who’s gonna
Are you starting to see it? “Kind of, but what’s the significance of living through the heart? I don’t
want to become one of these mushy, sensitive guys who thinks everything is love and loses my
ambition.” I feel you. But what if I told you that when you live from the heart, you can actually
100x your creativity, tap into your innate genius, get more done in less time, and bring your
dreams to life easier and faster? (Interesting note: Kanye talks about this in his interviews too.
He says when he was living through the mind/fear, he ended up in debt, miserable, sunken
place, anxious, etc. When he started living through the heart, he built Yeezy into a $3Billion
Dollar Company, created a new movement known as Sunday Service, strengthened his family,
and became happier and joyful. Such is the power of accessing your superhero powers.)
Don’t believe me, do you? Of course your mind wouldn’t. You’ve been programmed to not
believe this so when somebody comes to free you of your mental prison you will turn around
and call that same person crazy. Everybody who has come in the past to free you, society
conditioned you to view as crazy. And what a shame that was because as you’re about to see,
the heart center is where all your superhero powers reside.
(3) Once you go from living from the mind to the heart, you open yourself up to a whole
new level of creativity, freedom, and power.
And here’s why. When you live from the mind, all you think you are is a small little you. You
think you are a human being. You think you were born. You think you’re going to die. You think
you are your name, body, thoughts, identity. You think this is your one and only life. This is all
programming. And it’s why it’s so easy to push you around and control you. But when you open
up the heart center, you realize something very strange and a little crazy. You realize you are
not a small little you. You realize that you are everything you see around you. You realize that
everybody is one and everybody is you. You realize there is only one source energy, Life,
consciousness, awareness, Universe, love, God that flows through everything. And that is you.
In your true form. More importantly, you realize this energy that you have inside your heart (that
breathes you, makes your body run, guides you) is where all your true superhero powers lie.
Once you let this energy out and surrender to it by opening up the heart center, you can
experience true genius, unleash your creativity, and make tremendous leaps forward without
really doing anything. Sounds wacky, I know. But the reason for this is because…
(4) Magic is the language of the heart.
Magic is not something we do, magic is who we are. Look at nature through your heart and
you’ll see the magic in action. Look how rich, alive, vibrant, beautiful, perfectly designed nature
is. How does that happen? Who did that? Have you ever asked yourself that? That’s
magic/source energy in action. To live from the heart is to open yourself up to a life of magic.
How, you ask? Through the power of intention. When you start living from your heart, you
realize you are much more powerful than you were led to believe. You realize you have source
energy running through you. And you can use this source energy to create anything you want.
Whether in love, business, career, health. All you have to do is direct this source energy
through the power of intention and then get out of its way and let it create, work, speak,
talk through you. I know this is all crazy talk, but this isn’t something your mind will ever
understand. This is knowledge all the ancient ‘advanced’ civilizations had, but it’s been
programmed out of us (for deeper understanding of this, I highly recommended diving deeper
into consciousness/spirituality studies).
But please don’t mistake this for airy fairy shit. It’s anything but. Real work and discipline is
required because setting the intention isn’t enough. You must have the balls to get out of the
way and let the powerful energy create, work, speak, talk through you. This takes real courage
and discipline. More discipline than anything else. Which is what brings us to our next point.
(Once I discuss this point, then I’ll put together everything for you and give you the practical
framework you can use to leverage all this.)
(5) The Real Role Of Work Ethic & Discipline
I want to make one thing clear. I am not one of these guys who is sitting on the couch and
jerking off to manifestation books 3x times a day lol. I’m somebody who spent 8 years working
10-12 hour days. I’ve been in the field. The trenches. Grinding it out. But I’ve realized something
quite strange. These days I can get 10x more work done by just putting in 5 hours of deep work
a day (30 hour weeks). Like I said, I’m pumping out my best sales copy in record speed these
days. I’m coming up with breakthrough BIG ideas for marketing campaigns with ease. I’m doing
my best work.
And the reason why is because I’m working through the heart. Not the mind. More specifically,
I’m not even the one working. I’m just the vessel that the energy inside me is working through
(the same energy that manifests its will in nature).
“What the fuck?”
Check this out…
Have you ever watched any interviews with really successful musicians who made a really great
song? What do they say when interviewers ask them: How did this song come to be?
9/10 they all give the same answer.
“I have no idea. It was almost as if something was creating this song through me. The words
were just coming out of me. I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t trying. I was just the vessel.”
What does that even mean? It means we all got genius/God/Source Energy/Limitless power
inside us, but we’ve been conditioned to live through the mind, not the heart. Once you live
through the heart like artists do, you can better channel this genius and let it create through you.
Once you do, you can get more done in 5 hours than you would’ve got done in 12 hours.
(Fun little side fact: According to science, the human brain can only perform optimally for 5
hours a day. That’s it. To work longer than 5 hours, you experience diminishing returns and
you’re actually better off NOT working. Because when you go longer than 5 hours of deep work
and start forcing it, you interfere with your productivity and output for the next day.)
That’s what they don’t want you to know. Because once you discover that, you realize you don’t
need anything. You got everything within. And nothing else compares to the power inside you.
Once society wakes up to this (through experience), nobody is going to buy random shit
(including this letter lol). Nobody is going to support these politicians. Nobody is going to
worship celebrities. Nobody is going to be a slave to others. Nobody is going to work to make
others dreams come true. Modern society as we know it will collapse. For when man recognizes
himself to be a God, he ceases to behave like a slave (note: God is just a label. You can replace
it with Infinity, Awareness, Witness, Consciousness, Love, whatever).
So the reason I said all that was to say this…
The real role of discipline & work ethic is to let the energy inside you create through you and for
you. If you set all your intentions, but never sit down to do the work, then you’re blocking the
energy flow. If you set your intentions, sit down to do the work, and let the work flow
through you without forcing or trying, then you end up doing your best work (and bring
dreams to life) because you become the vessel. It’s like Kanye says, “I’m just a vessel for
the Universe to create through.”
So the question now becomes, how do you apply all this?
Below is the daily schedule I’ve personally been following to open the heart, use the power of
magic, and let the power/genius inside me come out to play. Everything on this schedule serves
a purpose. All I ask is you test it for a few months and see where it takes you. You spent your
whole life living through the mind, giving into fear and hate and resistance and look where it got
you. Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to try something new? If so, the schedule is below for
Wake Up & Set Positive Intention For The Day (The first thought you want to trigger
through your heart is a positive intention for the day. This gets you set up for
success. Anything you resonate with will suffice. Here’s an example: “I feel rich with
positive energy and I know today is going to be a very successful day.”
Deep breathing + stretching (Get into your body & out of the mind)
Cold Shower (gets you into the body & away from mental programming)
20 Minute Meditation (trains you to see how the majority of your thoughts are
programming & how you can become the observer of your programming instead of
the victim. You can also do specific types of meditation that are designed to open up
the heart center like this meditation here:
Visualization 10 minutes (Visualize through your heart & feel what you desire as if it’s
already done. Don’t visualize yourself in the future. Visualize yourself experiencing
what you seek NOW. And hold this intention/feeling in your heart)
Mindset Folder (Create a mindset folder that contains all your intentions, ideal ways
of being, habits, manifesto, visions, mission & review it. Let it serve as the compass
to your heart)
Water/Breakfast/Supplements/Apple Cider Vinegar/Lemon Water
Aimless Nature Walk (Connects you to all that you are)
Write Intentions (Take your #1 intention and write it out in the past or present tense
as if it’s already done. This is magic in action.)
90M Work Block #1 (This isn’t your normal work block. Normally you work through
the mind and work a little, give into distractions, work a little, give into fears. In
addition, you normally resist and put off things you need to be doing (by-product of
living in fear). And give into your limiting beliefs and thought processes. This isn’t that
type of work. This is the work where you know your #1 priority, set a timer for 90M,
clear your head, stay 100% relaxed and present and work through the heart. I call
this the ‘Don’t Try’ approach. If you’re resisting or avoiding uncomfortable tasks,
you’re trying too much. Cease trying, work through the heart and channel the
creativity and power inside. Don’t Try approach gets you out of your own way. You
want to become merely a channel for the energy inside. Just show up and let the
energy inside create, work, hustle, grind through you. It happens naturally. You just
have to silence the mind. This is what is called the ‘flow state’. When you’re in flow,
you’re not thinking. You and the task have become one and something is working
through you. This is how you need to work. Set the timer for 90M (I use
heyfocus.com) and get it crackin.
30-Minute Break (Use this time to get some fresh air, hydrate, repeat empowering
thoughts, box breathe, stretch, play mini-mind movies. Whatever.)
90M Work Block #2
Gym (go back into the body)
Mindset Folder
90M Work Block #3
Read (something that’s empowering and uplifting)
30M Work Block
Plan Tomorrow (come up with top 1-3 priorities for the next day that are in alignment
with your intention. Schedule each for each 90M work block)
(If you analyze the above schedule, you’ll notice it’s a schedule of power, not force. It’s a
schedule that is run through the heart, not the mind. Only time the mind is engaged is to
stimulate intentions (magic) + creative thought. Otherwise the mind is silent, empty, still & you’re
operating from a higher place. A place free of conditioning and programming.)
Here’s the mottos you need to keep in mind to execute this schedule:
Think for, not against. We spend all day thinking about what we’re against. Stop.
This is programming. Programming fills us with fear. Trick is to override the mind by
living from the heart. But when you do use your mind, you want to consciously use it
to think about what you’re for not what you’re against. What if this succeeds is a
much more powerful place to work from than what if this fails?
100% relaxed & present. Work should be relaxing & energizing because you’re not
doing anything. You got genius inside you. All-knowing genius. You’re bigger than
everything you see. You are all of Life. You can either work with anxiety and force
(working as your small self). Or you can get out of the way and let the genius inside
you create with flow & power (you do this by relaxing the body, opening the heart,
and working from that state. If you’re writing copy, don’t think, just write. If you’re
giving a speech, don’t plan it, just speak. If you’re speaking to loved ones, don’t think
about what you’re going to say, just speak. When you’re playing basketball, don’t
think, just play. Remain 100% relaxed and present. And let the energy inside you
come out and do all the work. You’ll be surprised at what happens.)
When you get upset, tell yourself it’s your programming making you upset.
Becoming conscious of the programming is how you transcend the programming.
Don’t try. Just trust Life. Getting out of your own way is the most important part.
Through the mind we create resistance. Resistance keeps us trapped and cut off
from genius. Because resistance fills us with fear. And once we feel fear, the body is
cut off from accessing higher levels of knowledge (i.e. knowledge, creativity,
Be love. Spread love. The more internal love you can cultivate, the greater your
energy grows which means the more superhero powers you can tap into (check out
the book Levels of Energy for more).
5 hours of deep flow/day. Once the clock hits 0 and time expires, you stop. It takes
discipline to stop working. But it’s required. Exercise the discipline to stop midway.
This will allow you to become so much more productive. And here’s why. When I was
working from sunup to sun down, I had no sense of urgency because I had the whole
day to work. So I found myself engaged in trivial tasks. I found myself doing things I
could’ve delegated because I had the whole day. But by setting a 5-hour limit, I’m
now forced to prioritize and work only on the most important things. Everything else
I’m forced to delegate. So this has actually made me more productive and helped me
generate more results because now I’m only working on the most important things.
Also it has injected a level of urgency into the work day. When I know I only have 5
hours of deep focus work for the day, I don’t give into any distractions. Because 5
hours is nothing. Not a lot of time. So my output and focus had gone through the
As a superhero your intention is only as powerful as your energy. Unfortunately, much of
modern society is set up to deplete you of your energy so you’ll forever keep playing from the
head instead of the heart. You can’t let that happen. You must keep the magic inside you alive.
That’s why you want to limit/refrain from doing things on the list below:
Processed Food/Shit Diet
Negative media
Negative people
Judging others
Hating others
Complaining about what you don’t want
Arguing/fighting with people
Toxic “mainstream” music
Being glued to your phone/technology
Social media (limit it as much as possible)
Comparing yourself to others
Anything that programs fear into your system
Being stuck in your head
Reacting according to your programming
If you start working with these ideas, you won’t believe just how amazing and rich life will
become. It will shock you. But you have to follow the process and stick to it. You can’t just follow
the above for a day and then go back to living through the mind. Fuck that. You’ve spent your
entire life living through the mind and what has it got you? Think about it. What has it got you?
Stress, anxiety, frustration, separation, heartache, misery, sheep like behavior? Yep. And even
when you achieve mediocre success at something, did you truly enjoy it? How long did you
enjoy it for before the mind starts tormenting you again? This is all conditioning, my friend.
We’re not meant to be slaves to our minds.
We’re meant to live from the heart and tap into our true nature and make whatever we want
happen. That’s where our creativity lies. In the being inside us that comes out when we live from
the heart. If you don’t believe me, go read the biographies of anybody who did anything worth
doing. They’ll tell you. When I was creating x, it was as if I wasn’t even doing it. It was as if the
words/painting/art/business/marketing was just coming out of me. That’s what modern society
calls genius. Don’t you see it? Genius is inside you. But we’ve just covered it up with
identity/labels/conditioning/living through the mind. When you start living from the heart, you
loosen the burden your identity has over you and more of your genius comes out to play (that’s
why I can write 6,000 word copies in 90M now). We are powerful beyond measure, but we just
haven’t been given the tools nor the knowledge of who we truly are.
I just gave you some of the knowledge you need to completely transform, so split test this way
of life with your current way of life for 6 months straight and see where it takes you? It can (and
will) completely upgrade every area of your Life if you simply have the balls to follow it. Most
people don’t have the balls to live from the heart because it’s scary. It takes real courage to
open up the heart center, set your intentions, let the all powerful energy out, and never close no
matter what happens. But it’s how you become a superhero. Anyhow, that’s all I gotta say
about that. Let’s get out of ‘woo-hoo’ land and become more practical now.
Mr. Beast Edition: How To Build Great Content, Offers & Brands (Understand This
And You Can Turn Your Thoughts & Ideas Into Gold & Raving Customers)
“I don’t know what to sell.” “I launched and nobody bought.” “I launched a YouTube channel and
nobody watched.” What if there was a way for you to never utter those statements again? What
if I could program you to know what people want before they want it? What if you could use this
knowledge to build great products, content, brands? Would you believe me? Maybe. But frankly
it doesn’t really matter. Because there is a way. And it’s a way I’ve been using to both create
compelling content, plus build irresistible offers. And today I’m going to teach you this way. In
fact, I’ve already told you it before, but not like this. Before I only told you how to use this way to
build killer marketing. Today I’m going to show you how to use this way to create killer products,
content, and offers. And I’m going to do it by dissecting the YouTuber Mr. Beast. Yep the
legendary Mr. Beast. The homie who has 34.4M subscribers at the time of writing this and
videos with tens of millions of views.
How can Mr. Beast cut through the noise and rack up so many views? It’s because he cracked
the code. He knows how to work with the laws of human nature to give people what they want
even when they don’t know it. He knows how to hit the right buttons. In this section I’m going to
reveal those buttons. And you can use these buttons to come up with hundreds of fresh, new
business ideas that are very likely to work. Sounds good? Let’s go.
In previous issues of the Tej Dosa Letter (plus inside 6 Figure Promotions) I told you that there
are 5 major elements we build our marketing around. These elements are: (1) USP; (2) BIG
IDEA; (3) BIG PROBLEM; (4) BIG PROMISE; (5) PROOF. Up till now I’ve only really shown you
how to use these elements to create compelling marketing. But today I want to show you how to
use these same elements to come up with compelling offers, content, brands. (Because it’s all
the same thing as you’ll soon find out.) Leveraging these 5 elements is the reason Mr. Beast is
growing so fast. It’s the reason his views rack up tens of millions of views. It’s the reason he’s
one of the top YouTubers in the game right now. And I’ll even prove it to you… If you go to Mr.
Beast’s YouTube channel and analyze all the videos on his page, you’ll notice EACH video is
strategically built with the 5 marketing elements in mind.
Let’s analyze a few…
Video #1: I Gave $200,000 To People In Quarantine
USP: Mr. Beast & his grandiose personality/style
BIG IDEA: I gave $200,000 to people in quarantine
BIG PROBLEM: People are feeling low, scrolling through YouTube, bored out of their minds
and looking for something interesting to watch.
BIG PROMISE: Watch this video and you’ll not only get entertained, but will also experience
pleasant feelings from watching strangers benefit from acts of kindness.
PROOF: Thumbnail itself (notice how all the thumbnails contain the proof element. The BIG
IDEA is so big that most people would read the headline and think “yeah right this is just
clickbait.” So that’s why Mr. Beast has to include the PROOF directly in the thumbnail because
the market is more sophisticated and people are tired of clicking on videos only to get click
Video #2: I Ran A Marathon In The World’s Largest Shoes
USP: Mr. Beast & his grandiose personality/style
BIG IDEA: I Ran A Marathon In The World’s Largest Shoes
BIG PROBLEM: People are scrolling through YouTube, bored out of their minds and looking for
something interesting to watch.
BIG PROMISE: Watch this video and you’ll laugh, get entertained, and feel good.
PROOF: Thumbnail itself.
This is literally his model for every video (because it works so damn well). Do you see how none
of this is random? To create a viral Mr. Beast video, all he has to do is come up with a BIG IDEA
that’ll attract attention, sprinkle all the other elements into the video, use the BIG IDEA as the
headline of the video, use PROOF as the thumbnail and people will be drawn to it like bees are
to honey. And because the videos are really well done (and deliver on the BIG PROMISE)
people get hooked, subscribe, and keep coming back for more and more. Such is the power of
using the 5 elements to create killer content. So before you create any piece of content, run
through the 5 elements. By doing so, you’re very likely to create something that people will
actually consume.
“Okay I get how this applies to creating content that people will actually consume, but how do
you use these 5 elements to come up with new products and businesses that will actually
Well, let’s look at the bracelet brand Lokai: www.lokai.com It does millions a year and it’s just a
bracelet company. Everybody from musicians to athletes to entrepreneurs can be seen rocking
the Lokai Bracelets, but why? What makes this company so special and attractive to people?
It’s just a bracelet after all. Well, when you analyze Lokai, you quickly realize that it’s far from
just another bracelet company. It’s a brand that’s built around the powerful 5 elements. Here is
how Lokai leveraged the 5 elements to come up with a very successful brand:
USP: Bracelet beads contain water from Mount Everest (highest point in the world) & mud from
the dead sea (lowest point)
BIG IDEA: Find balance between the highs & lows of life
BIG PROBLEM: People lacking balance in their lives. They let the highs get to their heads and
the lows destroy them.
BIG PROMISE: Find balance through the highs and lows by staying humble during the highs
and hopeful during the lows.
PROOF: Steve Izen’s (founder) story of how the idea for Lokai came to be when his grandfather
was diagnosed with Alzheimers. And how his diagnosis made him think about the highs and
lows that everyone experiences.
Do you see it now? When I brainstorm new product or business ideas, I always print out a
handful of pages with just the following:
And on each page, I brainstorm new products/brands/businesses I can create that are built
around these 5 elements. Because it is THESE 5 ELEMENTS that draw people to your brand,
content and offers. And the more powerful you can make these 5 elements, the more powerful
your product, content, brand will become and the more success you’ll experience. So let’s do
that now.
How would you use these 5 elements to come up with a new product/brand idea?
What I like to do is start with a niche of people. Then I’ll figure out what this niche wants. And
use the 5 elements to create an irresistible product/brand. For example, let’s say the niche you
were targeting was the health conscious manosphere that’s always calling everybody and
everything SOY. This would be our target. Now I’d figure out their pain point. Their pain point is
they’re tired of everything in the grocery stores containing soy. Heck, soy is even in some
vitamins right now. What these people want is to be able to buy health products (foods,
supplements, etc.) that DON’T have soy in them. So what I could do is create a DTC health
brand that’s built for this niche.
Here’s how I could use the 5 elements to come up with a new brand that the target would likely
resonate with.
Target: manosphere crowd
USP: built by real men, for real men + soy free component
BIG IDEA: Embrace your manhood & say NO to soy.
BIG PROBLEM: Major health companies are on a mission to demasculinize you and turn you
into a shadow of a shadow of a shadow of the man you have the potential to be. Almost
everything on the grocery store shelves contains SOY.
BIG PROMISE: all our products are 100% soy free & will give you the raw nutrients you need to
strengthen your masculinity.
PROOF: Ingredients list, show how it’s soy free, plus how other ingredients used inside the
products are scientifically proven to raise testosterone levels.
This is just a quick and dirty example off the top of my head, but you see how you can use this
to come up with compelling new brands & products?
Once you learn how to *think* like this, you can birth new ideas quickly and easily and they’ll be
very likely to work. The reason I’m telling you this is because when I first revealed the 5
elements, I think people thought you could only use them to come up with killer marketing. But
that’s not true. When you’re first thinking about what to sell or what to create, use these same
elements to come up with your offer, product, brand ideas. It works and it’s a proven way to go
about creating stuff people actually want. So just give it a go. Whether you’re creating brands,
products or YouTube videos. And see where it takes you.
Moving on...
(Practical): How To Write Copy For Every Awareness Level
If your copy isn’t converting, it’s probably because you’re not writing to your target’s awareness
level. Different awareness levels call for different types of copy. But the problem with most
newbie copywriters is they write copy as if everybody is at the same awareness level. This, in
return, keeps the copy from converting and you from cashing BIG checks. How do you fix this?
I’m going to show you. No talking. Just demonstrating. I’m going to assume I’m selling a product
that helps you quit coffee (random, generic idea off the top of my head). Let’s call this x product.
Now I’m going to show you how I would write copy selling this product to people who fall in all
the different awareness levels. Same product. But notice how different the copy is. How each
awareness level has different goals we must satisfy to create winning copy. Once you
understand this, you can create better ads, landing pages, sales letters, and emails according to
the awareness level of your target. It’s the single biggest advantage I’ve ever gained when it
comes to copywriting, so pay close attention here.
The 5 awareness levels as popularized by the legend Eugene Schwartz are as follows:
L1: Clueless
L2: Problem Aware
L3: Solution Aware
L4: Product Aware
L5: Most Aware
Below is the structure/flow my copy would take for EACH of these awareness levels. Same
product, different structure.
L1: Clueless Target
These targets are clueless about their problem. If I start pitching them on using my product to
quit coffee, they’re not going to get it. They’re going to think what the fuck? Drinking coffee isn’t
even a problem, so why are you trying to get me to quit? That approach isn’t going to
work. That’s why when it comes to writing copy for this awareness group, we must go indirect &
“CREATE” the problem BEFORE we can persuade them to use our product to quit coffee.
Here’s the structure the copy would take:
“Create” the problem by leveraging a BIG IDEA
Prove why it’s a problem
Prove what this problem is costing them/severity of problem
Prove what they stand to gain by solving this problem
Introduce solution
Explain what it is & tie it to BIG PROMISE
Introduce USP & how it works
Showcase proof
State price through price anchoring
Trigger imagination & how great it’ll be to use x product to experience the BIG
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: 5 Hidden Dangers In Your Morning Coffee or 5 Silent Killers In Your
Cup Of Coffee
Now let’s move onto the next awareness level.
L2: Problem Aware Target
This target knows drinking coffee is a problem. But he probably doesn’t recognize the severity of
the problem. Or else, he would’ve taken action by now and solved his problem. To get the
person who falls in L2 awareness to take action and buy our product, we must raise the severity
of the problem and motivate his desire to act. Here’s the structure I would take:
Briefly call out the problem
Explain the severity of the problem
Explain how bad things will become if he doesn’t change
Dive deeper into the consequences/corner the reader & highlight exactly what he
stands to lose by not taking action
Offer light by introducing the solution
Explain what it is & tie it to BIG PROMISE
Introduce USP & how it works
Showcase proof it actually works
State price through price anchoring
Trigger imagination & how great it’ll be to use USP of x product to experience the
BIG promise
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use an indirect headline such as: The Truth About Coffee: Are You Still Paying $2/Day To
Lower Your Lifespan By x Years?
See how that speaks directly to the target? The target knows of the problem, but he hasn’t done
anything about it yet. The headline above calls him out directly and speaks to his current
awareness level. That’s what you got to do, my friend. Let’s keep it moving…
L3: Solution Aware Target
This target knows of the problem and knows solutions exist for quitting coffee, but he doesn’t
know of your solution. Chances are he’s probably tried some solutions, but failed. So he’s in this
weird limbo state where he recognizes the problem, knows solutions exist, but hasn’t found the
right one that actually works for him. In this case, here’s the structure I’d use:
Introduce different solutions for quitting coffee
Build empathy and make the prospect feel understood by saying things like “You’ve
probably already tried x, y, z to kick your coffee habit to the curb, but nothing worked,
Discuss limitations of solutions on the market
Explain how the reason these solutions don’t work is because they’re all missing x
USP (this is the same USP your product has)
Explain the significance of this USP & how it’s the missing ingredient they need to
quit their coffee addiction
Showcase proof this USP actually works/highlight success stories
Segway the USP into introducing your product
Explain what it is/how it works
Highlight more proof
Relink the USP of your product to the BIG promise/how crucial it is for them to solve
their problem.
State price through price anchor
Risk reversal
Trigger imagination & how great it’ll be to use USP of x product to finally experience
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: “The Best & Worst Ways To Quit Coffee (Don’t Attempt To Quit
Without Reading THIS!)” See how that’s tailored to his exact awareness level? People in this
awareness level would eat that up because it speaks to where they are at. Let’s keep it
L4: Product Aware Target
This target knows of the problem, knows solutions exist, and knows of YOUR solution (but
probably isn’t as sold on your solution as he needs to be to buy). So in this case, the entire copy
needs to be heavy PROOF driven to push him over the edge. And into making a buying
decision. Here’s the structure I’d use:
Proof your solution works
More proof
More proof
More proof (you can use success stories, testimonials, whatever)
Explain how the reason your solution actually works is because of your USP
Explain the significance of this USP & how it’s the missing ingredient they need to
quit their coffee addiction
Showcase more proof this USP actually works/highlight success stories
State price through price anchor
Risk reversal
Trigger imagination & how great it’ll be to use USP of x product to finally experience
Risk reversal
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: “PROOF x Product Has Already Helped xxx,xxx Quit Their Coffee
Addiction & Experience [BIG PROMISE]. Only Question Is… Will You Be Next?”
L5: Most Aware Target
These targets know they have a problem, know solutions exist, know of your solution, and are
pretty sold on it. All they need is a compelling price/offer and you got em. Here’s the structure I’d
State the offer
Inject urgency/scarcity
FAQ addressing objections
I’d use a headline such as: Limited Time Deal: Get X Product For Just $xx (Savings Of $xxx).
Note #1: L5 Awareness requires the least amount of copy because people already know
everything about your product and just need a compelling offer to buy.
Note #2: It’s interesting to note that most shitty e-commerce brands write ads as if people are in
L5 awareness. All they do is include a photo and write: “Get yours now for just $xx (save $xx) by
clicking the link below!” That’s effective if someone is in L5 awareness, but if you’re creating ads
for people in lower levels of awareness (which is likely), it’s not enough to generate the sale
(unless the offer is really really really good.)
So there you have it. I hope that helped you see how different awareness levels call for different
copy/flows. This is why it’s crucial to know which level of awareness your audience is in.
Otherwise you’ll write copy randomly and lose their attention. We must always write copy
according to the conversation the target is already having inside their head. Otherwise we
fail. Study the structures above to see exactly how we do that. Let’s keep it pushing.
Life-Transforming Experiments I Conducted (And The Conclusions I Took Away)
I don’t believe anything anybody says. Not even the voice inside my head. Instead, I live my life
like a scientist. All I do is experiment. Over the course of my life, I’ve conducted many
experiments. Some were beneficial. Others were harmful. Regardless, I want to share with you
some experiments that truly transformed me as a result of the conclusions I gained from
conducting the experiments.
Morning Routine vs. No Morning Routine - I used to think morning routines were overrated
and robbed me of time spent working. I found the opposite to be true. Setting and following a
morning routine (although time consuming) sets me off on the right foot and this spills over into
work and allows me to have a more productive day. It’s like an athlete. An athlete has a pregame ritual/routine. Morning routine serves the same purpose. It primes you. And gets you in
the right mindset to perform. By not following a morning routine, it takes me longer to slip into
flow state plus I’m more likely to give into negative habits (i.e. reach for my phone in the
Sleeping with WiFi/Phone turned ON & Sleeping with Wifi/Phone turned OFF - When I turn
off the WiFi & put my phone on airplane mode, my sleep quality is so much better than when I
sleep in the presence of WiFi (I tested this with my Oura Ring). Quality of deep sleep and REM
sleep increases as does sleep efficiency.
Ignoring my thoughts for 24 hours - For 24 hours, I set out to ignore my thoughts. I would
have thoughts, but I wouldn’t listen to them. Instead, I developed the ability to laugh at the
thoughts like it was a little child speaking. Through this experiment, I learned just how powerless
our thoughts are, BUT just how much power we give them. When you experiment with ignoring
your thoughts, you learn how to run your life instead of letting your thoughts run you. Most
people are driven by their thoughts. They think x and do x. The thoughts are a result of
conditioning and programming. But they don’t see it. They’re too close to their thoughts. By
ignoring your thoughts, you develop the ability to transcend thought. How much better would
your life become if you had the power to ignore your thoughts? If you didn’t have to be a slave
to what your brain thought? Overnight game changer.
Alcohol vs. no alcohol - When I was in low energy states, alcohol would give me life and bring
me higher (allowing me to partake in amazing experiences and adventures I would’ve otherwise
missed out on). But then it would return me to my low energy state the next morning or leave
me slightly worse off. At the time, this was a tradeoff I was willing to make because the highs
were so much greater than the drawbacks. But when I learned to naturally raise my energy
levels, alcohol would actually lower my vibe and bring me down. Then it would take me 2-3 days
to return to my normal high energy state, costing me Life and all the amazing experiences this
world has to offer. At this point, drinking alcohol became a hindrance and the tradeoff was no
longer worth it, so I cut back dramatically. These days if I’m in a high energy state, I will go
without alcohol or just drink a little bit. If I’m in a low energy state (rare), I’ll have it to take the
edge off (I know this isn’t the right way to deal with the edge, but it’s just what I do.)
Chasing resistance for 30 days - I made a list of everything I was resisting in my life (i.e.
business ventures, x projects, x actions, difficult conversations, fears) and spent 30 days
chasing the resistance. And that completely transformed my life. In what way? Here’s a small
example: In 2017 I had an idea for a new business venture, but I spent a year resisting it. When
I did this experiment, I included that idea on this list and made love to the resistance. Funny
enough that idea led to one of my greatest business breakthroughs to date. And it didn’t just
work in business. It worked in every area of life. Through doing this experiment, I realized I was
trapping myself into playing small because I was resisting life instead of moving with life. By
merging with my resistance, I became free and that’s what ironically led to the most success. I
find many of us already know what we want to do and what we’re here to do. Yet we don’t do it
because we are in resistance. But when you chase the resistance, you realize it was all illusion.
And break free. And that’s when you win. BIG.
30-Day Media Fast - I’ve never been a news junkie. But I’ve been a media junkie at times. And
I always wondered what impact this was having on my psyche. So for 30 days, I did a media
fast. No news. No media. Nothing. Just me and my thoughts. This experiment was so impactful
that I never went back to my old ways. Why? Everything is programming. News and media are
one of the biggest weapons of control. They create media to produce fear in you and this affects
you in ways you won’t believe. By giving it up, you realize the real world is not one of fear but
Schedule vs. No schedule - I used to think scheduling my day restricted my freedom. But that
wasn’t true. Not creating a schedule actually robbed me of freedom because whenever I did
something other than work I felt guilty for not working. This limited me. By creating a schedule,
each day became a blank canvas. And I was free to CREATE my day instead of letting my day
create me. The key I’ve found is not to go too crazy with your schedule. Make it easy to follow.
Make it something you want to follow. Don’t schedule every minute. Leave white space.
Coffee Detox (inspired by Alex Becker) - When I was on coffee, I’d be fried by the early
afternoon. By the end of the day, I was toast. And had no energy. After giving up coffee, not
only am I just as productive all throughout the day. But also at the end of the day, I’m still riding
on a natural high and have more energy left to devote to other areas of my life (i.e. health,
family, relationships, fun). Clean stable energy throughout the day.
Digital vs. Pen & Pad - I’ve tried all the productivity apps. I’ve tried all the notebooks. Pen &
pad wins 10/10. Not even close (proven by science too for whatever that’s worth). Screens stunt
creativity/strategizing. Paper & pen increases it. Whenever I’m doing anything creative whether
that’s brainstorming headlines, angles, business ideas, ideas for this letter, email ideas,
strategies, systems - I’ll always use a pen and pad because the insights and ideas are 10x
better than when I use a digital screen (yes including iPad and Apple pencil).
Physical books vs. Digital books - “Nothing beats a physical book” that’s what they say, right?
Yep. And it’s true. But it doesn’t really matter IMO. When I read, I’m not reading for pleasure in
most cases. I’m reading to learn something that I can apply. Reading digitally on the iPad allows
me to better store information (highlights, notes) & retrieve that information faster which
increases my speed of implementation. That’s why I read 99% of the time. So in most cases, I
prefer digital not physical. If I’m reading fiction, I’ll grab a physical copy. If I’m reading to learn,
digital copy it is so I can quickly learn, record my takeaways, and act.
Chasing dreams vs. living dreams - Wrote an email on this already:
Living without time - Live without clocks for 24 hours or more. Let your body naturally guide
you. This experiment puts you in touch with your body and develops your awareness. Instead of
eating at 12, you eat when you’re hungry. Instead of waking up to an alarm clock, you wake
when you’re rested. Instead of lifting weights for 45 minutes, you workout until you’re done.
There’s no rushing. No chasing time. The entire day becomes flow and you live strictly in the
Now. This trains you to not chase the day, but to stay in control of your days.
Using my tongue & pen as a magic wand - It’s scary what happens when you take conscious
control of how you use your tongue and pen. They are your magic wands. But nobody tells you
that. I only know because I did this experiment. This experiment wasn’t a short one. It took
years to do (started in 2011). But so much “crazy” stuff that I used to speak and write into
existence, I’m living today. And I’m not the only one. Once you see your tongue & pen for being
a magic wand, you also start seeing how others are using (or failing to use) their magic wand
and how they’re creating everything in their life (for better or worse).
Saying “Yes” to everything - I decided to experiment with the idea behind the movie “Yes
Man” and see how it worked in my life. Whenever somebody invited me to do something, I
would always say yes. Even if I didn’t feel like doing it. This took me on many adventures. Sure,
not all of them were fun, but I got to enjoy experiences that “resistance” would’ve otherwise
caused me to miss out on. This also led me to making friends from different walks of life. I got
friends that are as diverse as the world. Only met these people by saying yes to invites that I
would’ve otherwise said no to because it didn’t align with who I thought I was (self identity).
Saying “No” to everything - If you’re going to say yes to everything, you also need to
experiment with the opposite. There was a period when all I did was say no. Why? I wanted to
see how saying no made me feel. Did it make me feel relieved or did it cause me to suffer from
FOMO? I wanted to better get to know myself. And where my attachments were. It’s easy to say
no to what you don’t want. It’s hard to say no to what you want. This teaches you many things
about yourself & frees you in a major way because it teaches you how to live (and be happy)
WITHOUT your attachments.
Music & Work - I never used to listen to music while working (i.e. writing copy). But then, I
started to. Some music distracted me. Other music fueled me. Right now as I write I’m listening
to music. Whenever I write these days, I almost always listen to music. But the type of music I
listen to has changed. When I used to work with no music, the type of music I was into was rap.
I can’t write to rap. There’s too much going on. These days the music I do my best writing to is
Lowfi Music, Classical Music, or music by Passenger, Nahko, Kanye West, Mike Posner or
Lauren Daigle (a lot of her music is about Jesus & God. I’m not Christian or religious, but her
music fills me with good vibes so I rock with it.). Also I’ve discovered listening to the same song
on repeat is a good way to induce flow state at will.
Sleeping on the floor - There was a period in my life (around the time I first jumped on Twitter)
when I had grown too comfortable. I had lots of money in the bank account. House had a gym,
sauna, bar, theatre room - everything I could ever need. And it was cool. But it was also making
me soft as fuck. Comfort breeds softness. I was losing my hunger. So I said fuck this and spent
the next week sleeping on the floor. No pillow. No blanket. No mattress. Just me on the
hardwood floor. Sounds crazy. Sounds extreme. But it made me uncomfortable. And that was
just what I needed to break free from comfort.
Waking up at 5:00 AM - Back in University, I woke up at 05:00 AM for a year straight (granted
some nights I was partying and didn’t come home till 06:00 AM so I don’t know if that’s a
violation or not lol). But it was nuts. Waking up before the sun and most of the world makes you
feel deserving of everything you seek. Most of success is tricking yourself into believing you are
qualified to make your big dreams come true. We’re all born perfect, but the world conditions
that out of us. And so we spend our days working 12 hour days, waking up at 05:00 AM,
sacrificing our health just to come up with a bunch of reasons for why we deserve to live our
dreams. At the time, waking up at 05:00 AM gave me a reason for why I deserved to experience
my dreams. And it helped me achieve them. These days I don’t need a reason to achieve a
dream. Neither do you. I AM THE DREAM (lol). But I still prefer getting up early because it
allows you to better control the day instead of letting the day run you.
Bending a metal spoon with intention/energy - Doing stuff like this is what unlocked the
power of intention/magic for me. Before I did this, I thought all these books were straight crap
that spoke to the masses desire to change without doing anything (you know ‘sell the easy
road’). And quite frankly, that’s true. Most of it is crap. Work, action, discipline, surrendering to
the flow of life is essential. But the power of intention/mind is second to none. Through this
experiment, you’re able to bend a metal spoon with your intention/energy. Once you do it, you
can bend the world to your will.
Marketing Fundamental: All You Have To Do To Build A 6 & 7 Figure Business
(Make This Your North Star And You’ll Crush It!)
It’s easy to get trapped in the weeds and lose track of what you’re trying to do when it comes to
marketing and growing businesses. That’s why I like to simplify. One of the best ways I know to
simplify is by creating north stars. After I know the north star, then I align all actions to be in
alignment with the north star to generate maximum growth quickly. Most people spin their tires
because they don’t know where to go. But when you take a step back and pinpoint how to grow
companies, the north star becomes abundantly clear.
Here is the north star: Get people into a funnel, make them like and trust you, then sell them
offers that give them what they want & turns a profit for you. And repeat. THAT’S IT. (Write this
down somewhere!!)
If all you remember is this north star and every action you take is in alignment with this north
star, you can very quickly grow to 6 & 7 figures. It’s nuts! For this is all you have to do. (I’ve
worked with marketers who invest in all the latest tactics and barely make any money. I work
with other marketers that got websites that are still stuck in the early 2000s but they’re clearing
hundreds of thousands a month. Why? One is lost in the sauce. The other is 80/20ing the
NORTH STAR). But what exactly does this mean and how do you do it? Here’s how.
1) Get people into a funnel - When you discover a new Youtuber and start watching his
videos, you’ve entered his funnel. When you discover a new rapper and listen to his single,
you’ve entered his funnel. When you click on a Facebook ad, you’ve entered the funnel of the
company behind the ad. When you opt-in to someone’s email list, you’ve entered their funnel.
When you walk into a new restaurant, you’ve entered their funnel. Everything is a funnel. The
key is to get good at getting people’s attention and directing their focus towards YOUR funnel.
That’s all we’re doing here. It’s the attention game. Everybody's competing for attention and
trying to direct your attention onto their funnel. How do you get people’s attention? Paid or
organic. But the method remains the same. You need to pique their curiosity through BIG
IDEAS and draw people in. Look at how Mr. Beast does it, quite brilliant isn’t it? Other ways are
to lead with value and offer valuable lead magnets (freebies). Another way is to make irresistible
offers. Regardless, you need to get good at getting people into your funnel. Most businesses die
not because the product or service is shit, but because they do not work to get people into their
funnel. You cannot force people into your funnel. They have to want to enter your funnel. But
the cool thing is that’s where human psychology comes into play. You can leverage laws of
human nature to create movements, offers, lead magnets, videos, content that draw people
towards you (already covered earlier in this letter) and get more and more people into your
funnel. That’s the first step.
2) Make them like and trust you - Once you’ve got people into your funnel, your job is to make
them like and trust you. This could be done on the product page (if you’re selling a physical
product via ads). This could be done through your music (if you’re an artist). This could be done
through your YouTube video (if you’re a YouTuber). This could be done through your email
newsletter/content (if you’re an info-preneur). But this is the central aim. Without trust and
likeability, there are no sales. You must get people to like and trust you (if you live from the
heart & surrender, this happens naturally BTW). In order to make people like and trust you, you
must get good at creating positive feelings in people (and associating those feelings to your
brand, yourself, music, videos, whatever), telling stories, being relatable, showcasing your
uniqueness, displaying empathy, having compassion, spreading love and good vibes.
3) Sell them stuff that moves them closer to their goals and returns a profit for you - If
you’re an artist, maybe this is you selling them concert tickets. If you’re a Youtuber, maybe this
is you selling people your merchandise. If you’re an infopreneur, maybe this is you selling your
course. If you’re an ecommerce store owner, maybe this is you selling your company's products.
Whatever. In order to sell people stuff, you need to get good at direct response marketing. The
better you get, the more you make.
That’s it. So try it because everybody who is making money online is playing this game. In fact,
the only reason you’re reading this right now is because I got you into my funnel, built likeability
and trust, and sold you the Tej Dosa Letter. This works whether you’re a rapper, YouTuber,
entrepreneur, comedian, whatever. It’s the NORTH STAR. Get good at it and you’ll never
struggle to make money again. So please keep it in mind and try to align your actions in
accordance with the north star. Once you do, it makes everything so much simpler and easier.
No longer are you working on shit that doesn’t move the needle forward. Instead you’re focused
on what truly matters: your north star.
Well, that’s all I’ve got for you this month. Hope you’ve enjoyed this Issue! See you again next
month. Until then, live from the heart? :=D
Tej Dosa
Lost your mental marbles and want to cancel—even though the info inside this letter could easily make you 4
figures (but you’re only paying $7 for it)?
No sweat (or hard feelings). Just shoot me an email at tejdosa@make-me-successful.com with the word ‘Cancel’ and
your email address. And I’ll make sure you never, ever receive such powerful knowledge again (once you’re gone,
there’s no coming back!).