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World Religions Midterm Exam

Name: ___________________________
Grade & Section: ___________
I. Identification. Write the correct answer in your paper.
1. A set of beliefs and practices that is often focused on one or more deities, or gods.
2. The basic belief of this religion that there is one God, and Jesus is the only Son of God. Jesus was crucified but was resurrected.
Followers reach salvation by following the teachings of Jesus.
3. The quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters: the quality and state of being spiritual.
4. They believed that people reach enlightenment, or wisdom, by following the Eightfold Path and understanding the Four Noble Truth.
5. The study of religious faith, practice and experience: the study of God and God’s relation to the world.
6. The study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life. etc.
7. It gives you the light to find God in your inner self, in this life, in the present, in the here and the now.
8. Souls continue to be reborn. The cycle of rebirth ends only when the soul achieves enlightenment, or freedom from earthly desires.
9. There is one God. Souls are reborn. The goal is to achieve union with God, which a person does by acting selflessly, meditating, and
helping others.
10. Believed that there is one God. People serve God by living according to his teachings. God handed down the Ten Commandments to
guide human behavior.
II. Multiple Choice. Letter only.
1. A follower of Islam is called a __________________________.
A. Brahman
B. Missionary
C. Muslim
D. Hindi
2. The founder of Islam is ___________________.
A. Siddhartha Gautama
B. Abraham
C. Jesus
D. Muhammad
3. The belief in one god is called ________________
A. Monotheism
B. Polytheism
C. Religion
D. Animism
4. The sacred text (holy book) of the Christians is the _______________.
A. Qu'ran or Koran
B. Bible
C. The Vedas
D. The Torah
5. The founder of Buddhism is ______________________
A. Siddhartha Gautama
B. Jesus
C. Muhammad
D. Abraham
6. Some of the sacred texts of the Hindus include __________________
A. The Torah and the Hebrew Bible
C. The Vedas, Maharbharata, and the Upanishads
B. The Qu'ran and the teachings Abraham
D. All of the above
7. The sacred text (holy book) for followers of Islam is _______________
A. Bible
B. The Vedas
C. Qu'ran or Koran
D. The Torah
8. This man was the founder of Judaism
A. Solomon
B. Abraham
C. Jesus
D. Mohammad
9. Which is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Faith associated with Islam?
A. Give to charity
C. Travel to Mecca at least once in your lifetime
B. Pray 5 x's per day
D. Become a missionary in a foreign land
10. The Five Pillars of Faith which include praying five times a day and making a pilgrimage to what holy city? Muslims also face this city
when they pray.
A. Mecca
B. Jerusalem
C. Istanbul
D. Beijing
11. All three major monotheistic religions developed in this region.
A. Europe
B. North America
C. Middle East or Southwest Asia
D. China
12. Hinduism and Buddhism both developed in this area.
A. Middle East
B. Europe
C. India
D. Italy
13. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all ____________________________.
A. Believe in many divine Gods
C. Follow the teachings of the Qu'ran
B. Worship only one God
D. Believe Jesus was the son of God
14. The Torah is the sacred writing (holy book) for which religion?
A. Judaism
B. Christianity
C. Islam
D. None of the above
15. The belief that the soul never dies but is continually reborn or reincarnated is associated with which religion?
A. Islam
B. Christianity
C. Judaism
D. Hinduism and Buddhism
16. Following the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths to achieve enlightenment is associated with which religion?
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Islam
D. Christianity
17. This religion can be divided into Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox sects.
A. Judaism
B. Christianity
C. Islam
D. Buddhism
18. The clergy for Christianity are called _______________.
A. Rabbis
B. Priests or ministers
C. Imams
D. Brahman
19. The clergy for Judaism are called _________________.
A. Monks
B. Priests
C. Rabbis
D. Imams
20. This is a holy day for Judaism and begins every Friday evening and ends every Saturday evening. It begins with the lighting of the
candles, followed by a family meal.
A. Hanukkah
B. Shabat or the Sabbath
C. Ramadan
D. Diwali
21. Which of the following is NOT part of the Christian holy text?
A. Old Testament.
B. New Testament.
C. Qu'ran.
D. The Holy Bible
22. What are the clergy in Buddhism called?
A. Savior
B. Priests
C. Monks
D. Rabbis
23. One of the practices of Buddhism is to :
A. Follow the Five Pillars of Faith, including travel at least once to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. C. Be baptized as a baby.
B. Meditate and say mantras from one of the holy books.
D. Take communion, bread and wine, from a priest.
24. Gurus are a type of clergy in what religion?
A. Islam
B. Christianity
C. Judaism
D. Hinduism
25. There are no official clergy in Islam, but people who lead prayers at a mosque are called __.
A. Imams
B. Rabbis
C. Priests
D. Monks
III. Enumeration
1-5 Pentateuch Books
10 Commandments
1. Religion
2. Christianity
3. Spirituality
4. Buddhism
5. Theology
6. Philosophy
7. Spirituality
8. Hinduism
9. Sikhism
10. Judaism
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. C/A
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. C
23. B
25. A