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Numeracy Intervention Program Research Paper

School of Graduate Studies
City of Iriga
S/Y 2022-2023
Context and Rationale
Mathematics is a fundamental part of human thought and logic, and integral to
attempts at understanding the world and ourselves. Mathematics provides an effective way
of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor.
Mathematics subject are often said to be the difficult subject. Teachers most of the times heard
conversations between learners that they really find difficult times towards the subject.
Seldom of those learners saying they enjoyed doing activities during classes’ time.
Numeracy is important for individuals to develop logical thinking and reasoning
strategies in their everyday activities. We need numeracy to solve problems and make sense
of numbers, time, patterns and shapes for activities like cooking, reading receipts, reading
instructions and even playing sport. It help pupils to understand how mathematics is used
in the real world and being able to apply it to make the best possible decisions. It's as much
about thinking and reasoning as about the actual calculations.
Importance of parent-teacher partnerships, communication, parental involvement,
teacher support, and resources. The findings indicated that parent-teacher partnerships
were crucial in promoting numeracy skills, and effective communication was essential for
building trust and collaboration. Participants emphasized the need for parental
involvement, including regular attendance at parent-teacher meetings and supporting
numeracy development at home. Teacher support was also identified as crucial, including
the provision of clear explanations of numeracy concepts and strategies.
Interventions are ways to help students who are behind in their math learning. It is
the support provided to students who are two or more grade levels behind in a math
topic. All students have different learning needs. What works for one student may not work
for another, and what works for a particular math skill or problem may not work for
another. Moreover, the supports that your students need may look different depending on
classroom capacity or the organization of specialized intervention support within your
school or district. Feel free to try the ideas below, adapting them to your individual
Therefore, with the aid of intervention programs the pupils may cope with the class
discussions. It help the pupils better understand the math subject and they will be more
knowledgeable enough in terms of numeracy. They will be honed and trained by means of
intervention programs that will be handled by educators.
Action Research Questions
This study aims to determine the effects of intervention program towards the
improvement ofthe pupil’s numeracy skills
Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of performance of the pupils that are lag behind per grade level
in terms of:
numeracy skills; and
Comprehension skills?
2. What is the level of performance of the pupils that are lag behind per gradelevel after the
implementation of the intervention program in terms of:
2.1 numeracy skills; and
2.2 comprehension skills
3. Is there a significant difference on the level of performance of the pupils thatare lag
behind per grade level as compared to after the implementation of the intervention
Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy
This research aims to promote and help those learners who have bad times towards
learning Mathematics mostly during this time of pandemic. This study exerts many efforts
to reachout to those individuals who are in need and to ensure that the learners may not be left
Most problems and issues of schools before the pandemic are the low performances
of the pupils in some major areas mostly mathematics. During Pandemic the performances of
pupils continuously decreasing. Due to the absence of face to face learning modality. During
this new normal, the concern arises having the fact that only parents and elders are now the
acting teachers to them. The concerns on finding solutions to the low performing pupils are
seems more complicated to address due to the situations.
With this research, intervention program towards the improvement ofthe pupil’s numeracy
skills which are one-on-one tutorial, redo activities with low scores and provide supplementary materials and
activities that aims to uplift Mathematics competencies among learners. We proposed this
study to poster academic ease among learners who are facing the new normal of education
set-upof today’s situation. This is a tutorial-based program wherein all the respective advisersare
the tutors to the identified learners who fall short towards the mastery of thelessons, who
did not able or late to submit their outputs weekly or as determined by teachers.
The tutorial session offers are categorize according to the extent of the needed assistance by
every learners such as:
Category for Tutorial
Strategies Utilize
Numeracy Skills
Systematic and explicit instruction
Visual representation of functions and relationships, such as manipulative,
pictures and graphs
Comprehension Skills(Problem
Solving related activities)
Peer-assisted instruction
Ongoing, formative assessment
Improving Reading Skills
To ensure the smooth and continues flow of this entire research, step by step
process are being considered like the following:
The school mathematics team headed by the school math coordinator conducted
series of meeting physically.
1. Presentation of project proposal, Gantt Chart of Activities to the School
Principal by the school coordinators.
2. Determination of identified respondents by all advisers after a week
answering the activities given. Constant communication with them or even
parents were all undertaken.
3. Home visitation of target client/s by every adviser in order that the project will
be explained properly to the parents for the important role they must portraythe
entire project implementation. Parents and School Agreement were also
presented and signed by them as proof that they understand the entire process
and that they are willing to help for the benefits of their children.
4. Distribute the supplementary materials and conduct tutorials.
5. Regular feedbacking and “Kamustahan” with the pupils and parents
Action Research Methods
A. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information
The respondents of this study are the 100 selected pupils who are considered lag behind in
Mathematics subject at Fatima Integrated Farm School, Inc. for the School Year 20222023.They are the learners that needs assistance in order to cope up with the lessons in which
they fall short to follow and understand as base on the assessment of teachers to the
performances of learners during the end of the school year.
B. Data Gathering Methods
This study will utilize the descriptive comparative design. Descriptive design is used to
collect information about variables without changing the environment. According to Gray
et al., (2013), descriptive designs may be used to identify problemsin current practice, make
judgments, or even develop theories. Since the study compared variables from the
performances from the previous activities and the current performances without
manipulating the independent variable, the researchers adopted the comparative design within
descriptive research.
In gathering the data, the researcher utilizes a pretest and posttest self-made questionnaires
that will be answered by the respondents before and after the tutorial activities catered. After
the data has been gathered, tabulation and analyses are applied using the determined data
analyzing tool to determine the outcomes of thestudy.
Participants are selected in non-random manner and identified by the researcher base on
the level of capabilities. The respondents are identified upon the assessment of the teachers
based on their responses at the end of the school year in mathematics subject.
C. Data Analysis Plan
The performance level of the respondents that are lag behind in terms of numeracy
and comprehension skills is identified through computing with the use of frequency,
percentage distributions and rank. On the other hand, to compute thesignificant difference
on the level of performance of the pupils that are lag behind per grade level as compared to
after the implementation of the intervention program towards the improvement ofthe pupil’s
numeracy skills.
The result of the self-made test utilize during pre-test and posttest, the statistical test that
the study utilize is a two-sample t-test since the data are obtained within two groups with
different sample sizes. A two-sample t-test is applicable in the comparison of two (2) mean or
percentages of two (2) samples when the standard deviation is already given. Furthermore, it is
commonly used to test if a new process or treatment is superior to a current process or treatment
(Snedecor and Cochran, 1989) which is suitable in this study.
The study started in February 2023 and ended in June 2023, covering the third and
fourth quarters.
Action Research Work Plan and Timelines
1. Research Team Planning of
2. Drafting part I-Introduction to
Methodology of the
research study
3.Drafting of Pre-test, Post Test
Questionnaire Checklist
4. Preparation and Validation of
5. Administration of Pre-test to
selected respondents
6. Presentation of research
7. Administration of the
tutorial to help improved pupils’
performance who are lag
8. Administration of Post-test
and the questionnairechecklist to the
9. Retrieval of test
questionnaire and
10. Data analysis, calculation
and tabulation of results
-Discussion of Results based on
11. Completion of research
12. Final revision of output
13. Presentation of results of the
conducted research
Plans for Dissemination and Utilization
1. Research Proposal to School
Head for schoolimplementation
of the research output
2. School implementation of the
output of the research study
3. Post Evaluation of the research study
4. Results of Post evaluation after
school implementation, gone
through series of revisions and
planning for proposal to the
district level for adoption of the
5. Community proposal through
the Barangay Officials for the
possible extension of the
implementation of the project
for wider spread of its conduct
6. Meeting with possible
community tutors( Barangay
Citizen as volunteer
teachers/tutors) with the
cooperation of the Barangay
District proposal of Outputs for
possible adoption
8. District implementation of the
output of the research study
9. Results of Post evaluation after
district implementation, gone
through series of revisions and
planning for proposal to the
district level for adoption of the
10. Division proposal of Outputs for
possible adoption
1. Research Proposal to School
implementation of the research
2. School implementation of the
output of the research study
3. Post Evaluation of the research study
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