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Music Analysis Worksheet

1. BIllie's Blues - pg. 342 (2 pts)
a. When Billie Holiday starts singing, how does the music change underneath her? It quiets
down quite a lot and uses less instruments to keep the focus on her voice.
b. Google words that describe timbre, then use two of them to accurately describe Billie
Holiday's voice: it sounds like a mix of raspy and strained but in a good way, it’s what makes
that type of music sound so good.
c. Use two more of those words to describe the timbre of the solo clarinet at 1:21: Bold and
d. And two more to describe the timbre of the muted trumpet at 1:45:
Shrill and strong
e. This music was as likely to be danced to as it was to be just listened to. Do you hear it as a
song for dancing or listening (keep in mind that the dancing back then was much different than
now)? Explain your answer:
I can see it for both, this sounds like a really nice song to play in a speak easy or burlesque,
either as something for background dinner music or music that would get people up and dance.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Take the A Train - pg. 345 (2 pts)
a. Which instrument is included in this example that we haven't heard in any other music
throughout this entire semester (hint: it's not the trumpet)? Cornet
b. Describe the timbre of the muted trumpet (starting at :50):
Deep and mellow.
c. What element of music stands out most in this example, and why?
Texture, there is so much going on in this sample that makes it interesting to want to listen to
each part.
d. What is the texture at 2:04?
Sharp and brassy
e. Describe the dynamics from 2:14 - until the end:
In between mezzo piano and mezzo forte
3. Suite for Violin and Piano - pg. 350 (2 pts.)
a. Does this sound more like European art music or American blues/jazz? Defend your
answer: this sounds more like America because even without the same instruments you can tell
the more fun and bright energy this has which is similar in blues and jazz music while euro art
music is more professional sounding.
b. Note a timestamp that illustrates your answer to 3a:
At 1:00 it sounds so bright and fun
c. Do you find this example to more 'formal' or 'informal'? Defend your answer:informal
because it sounds more fun and enjoyable.
d. This music was inspired by a sculpture (shown on pg. 351). Do you think the music
effectively portrays the artwork it represents? Why or why not? I think it portrays it quite well
because this sounds like the fun of childhood, of running out and playing.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Country Band March - pg. 360 (2 pts.)
a. After listening to the whole thing, please give me your impressions. This piece is out of the
realm of ordinary classical music. Show me that you listened and have an opinion: you can
definitely hear a lot of the trumpet sounds that you hear in army movies to usually “wake up the
cadettes” and other similar sounds that you’d hear in army type videos. Me personally I’ve never
really like marching band sounding music. It sounds receptive to me.
b. Now give me a reason why someone might write such a piece:
Well this is to be intended exactly for what exactly the name says, marching. It’s so people can
play this on instruments while marching.
c. It is in the instructions for some of the musicians to play wrong notes or play out of tune. Can
you find a spot in the music where you think this is happening? Note the counter time: 3:20
sounds like a mess for a few seconds
d. The quote in the book from Charles Ives is, "Stand up and take your dissonance like a man."
After listening to this example, what do you think he means by this (also keep in mind that he
said it over 100 years ago)?
I’m not quite sure but I do hear slot of dissonance in this sample so depending on when he said
it I’m gusssing it would be to take the harsh noises like a man?
5. Appalachian Spring - pg. 364 (2 pts.)
a. Which instrument plays the theme right away?
It sounds like some sort of wind instrument, maybe a obnoxious or bassoon
b. Which instrument do you think plays the second version of the theme at :32? Possibly a
c. Which instrument group (strings, winds, brass, percussion) plays the 3rd version of the
theme at :59? Strings for sure
d. Describe two elements of music that are different at 1:44 - 2:08 (as compared with earlier in
the example):
1. Texture, there’s multiple layers hear to listen for
2. Dynamics: it gets quite loud here for a bit.
e. What do you imagine while listening from 2:29 to the end?
Like if I was watching a movie and the main character is traveling to their kingdom that they
didn’t know of because they were adopted but they wanted to find their real parents only to find
out they were king and queen of a kingdom
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Noche de jaranas - pg. 371 (2 pts.)
a. Which instrument is featured at 7:49 - 8:04?
Piccolo in C? It looks like a small flute
b. Which instrument is featured at 8:05 - 8:10
Looks like a tuba
c. Describe the overall mood/character of this movement:
It seems light hearted and fun
d. How does the conductor convey the mood/character of the movement?
She’s smiling and having fun the whole time
e. What do you think is the most important element of music in this example, and why?
The form, the way everything is put together so we’ll just really stands out here
7. El Cihualteco - pg. 372 (2 pts.)
a. Describe two similarities between this example and Noche de jaranas (these are not opinion
1.it has a very similar tempo
2. Some instruments are similar as well
b. Describe two differences between this example and Noche de jaranas:
1. The dynamics, this sample is definitely a lot louder
2. This sample contains vocals
c. Describe the instrumentation of the mariachi ensemble in this video:
trumpets, violins and vocalists, and 4 different type of string/strum instruments