BOEING 737NG BOEING 737NG NORMAL PROCEDURES Boeing 737NG Normal Procedures for passenger airplanes by Claudio Fonseca. Claudio Fonseca is real pilot with more than 10,000 flying hours (almost all of them on Boeing airplanes). At the time of writing, Claudio Fonseca is not a current Boeing 737NG, anymore. He holds 4993 flying hours on the -700 and -800 versions. The procedures shown here are discussed and exemplified using the MSFS2020 simulator, on the PMDG 737NG and can be accessed through Claudio Fonseca YouTube channel named LEVEL CHANGE at This document is been updates as the real procedure changes and/or modifications are incorporated into the Flight Crew Operations Manual. An introductory chapter is expected to cover some operations and procedures used during routine flights. In addition, a chapter with standard callouts and their description is planned to complete this document. The current document version is 1.1 and it is dated 22-NOV-2022. Claudio Fonseca can be reached through the YouTube channel, or directly by mail at Thank you, Normal Procedures Page|1 BOEING 737NG Preliminary Preflight Procedure The Preliminary Preflight Procedure assumes that the Electrical Power Up supplementary procedure is complete. Captain First Officer Technical Log ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the necessary preflight checks are completed. Verify that the reported inoperative item(s) is(are) rectified or deferred by the maintenance staff. Verify that the deferred item(s) is(are) fully compliant with the MEL/CDL or that the NEF item(s) do(es) not affect the flight safety and airworthiness. Secondary ENG display ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the engine oil quantity is sufficient for the flight. Note: Minimum Engine Oil quantity is 70% or 15 quarts. SYS display ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the hydraulic quantity is sufficient for the flight. Note: Confirm RF is not shown. Flight CREW OXYGEN Pressure Indicator ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the oxygen pressure is sufficient for the flight. Note: Check Performance Dispatch – Enroute – Crew Oxygen Requirements when below 1000 PSI. PARKING BRAKE .................................................................................................. As needed Set the parking brake to check the brake wear indicators during the exterior inspection. If the Parking Brake is set: Verify that the PARKING BRAKE warning light is illuminated. EFB (as installed) .......................................................................................................... Check IRS mode selectors ........................................................................................ OFF, then NAV Verify that the ON DC lights illuminate then extinguish. Verify that the ALIGN lights are illuminated. Note: Full IRS alignment is recommended. If time does not allow a full alignment, do the Fast Realignment supplementary procedure. POWER switch ............................................................................................................. ON EMERGENCY LIGHTS switch........................................................................... Guard closed Verify that the NOT ARMED light is extinguished. INITIALIZE FLIGHT ................................................................................................... Push EFB (as installed) .......................................................................................................... Check Database ................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the database is current. POWER switch .................................................................................................As needed Applications .......................................................................................... Use as necessary Calculate the Maximum Takeoff Weight and the Landing Dispatch. Database ................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the database is current. Review the fuel requirements and fill the dispatch papers. Applications .......................................................................................... Use as necessary INITIALIZE FLIGHT ................................................................................................... Push Obtain the ATIS or weather and operational information. Only: Do the remaining actions on the first flight or after any maintenance action . Normal Procedures Page|2 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer Aircraft documents ......................................................................................................... Check Fire and Overheat System ................................................................................................ Test Note: Alert ground personnel before the following test is accomplished. Verify that the engine No. 1, APU and the engine No. 2 fire switches are in. Passenger Address System ......................................................................................... Check OVERHEAT DETECTOR switches ................................................................... NORMAL TEST switch..................................................................................... Hold to FAULT/INOP Verify that the MASTER CAUTION lights are illuminated. Verify that the OVHT/DET annunciator is illuminated. Verify that the FAULT light is illuminated. Verify that the APU DET INOP light is illuminated. CAUTION: The fire warning light flashes and the horn sounds on the APU ground control panel when this test is done with the APU running. This can be mistaken by the ground crew as an APU fire. TEST switch....................................................................................... Hold to OVHT/FIRE Verify that the fire warning bell sounds. Verify that the master FIRE WARN lights are illuminated. Verify that the MASTER CAUTION lights are illuminated. Verify that the OVHT/DET annunciator is illuminated. Master FIRE WARN light ..................................................................................... Push Verify that the master FIRE WARN lights are extinguished. Verify that the fire warning bell cancels. Verify that the engine No. 1, APU and the engine No. 2 fire switches stay illuminated. Verify that the ENG 1 OVERHEAT and ENG 2 OVERHEAT lights stay illuminated. Verify that the WHEEL WELL fire warning light stays illuminated. TEST switch.......................................................................................................... Release EXTINGUISHER TEST switch ................................................................................ Check TEST Switch ............................................................................. Position to 1 and hold Verify that the three green extinguisher test lights are illuminated. TEST Switch ................................................................................................... Release Verify that the three green extinguisher test lights are extinguished. Repeat for test position 2. CARGO FIRE System ...................................................................................................... Test DETECTOR SELECT switches .............................................................................. NORM TEST switch............................................................................................................... Push Verify that the fire warning bell sounds. Verify that the master FIRE WARN lights are illuminated. Normal Procedures Page|3 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer Master FIRE WARN light ..................................................................................... Push Verify that the master FIRE WARN lights are extinguisher. Verify that the fire warning bell cancels. Verify that the FWD and AFT lights stay illuminated. Verify that the green EXTINGUISHER test lights stay illuminated. Verify that the DETECTOR FAULT light stays extinguished. Verify that the DISCH light stay illuminated. TEST switch.......................................................................................................... Release Aircraft documents ......................................................................................................... Check FLIGHT DECK ACCESS SYSTEM switch ........................................................ Guard closed Note: Refer to the “Flight Deck Door Access System Test” Supplementary Procedure. Emergency equipment ................................................................................................... Check Fire extinguisher .............................................................................. Checked and stowed Crash axe .............................................................................................................. Stowed Scape ropes........................................................................................................... Stowed Smoke Hood (PBE) ......................................................................... Checked and stowed Heat Resistant Gloves ........................................................................................... Stowed Flashlights.............................................................................................................. Stowed Life Vests ............................................................................................................... Stowed Smoke goggles (if applicable) ............................................................................... Stowed ELT switch (as installed) .................................................................................... Guard closed Verify that the ELT light is extinguished. PSEU light...................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the PSEU light is extinguished. GPS light ........................................................................................................................ Check Verify that the GPS light is extinguished. SERVICE INTERPHONE switch ...................................................................................... OFF AUDIO CONTROL PANEL (observer) ........................................................................... Verify Transmitter Selector switch in PA, and all others receivers closed and in minimum volume. ENGINE panel ............................................................................................................... Check Verify that the REVERSER lights are extinguished. Verify that the ENGINE CONTROL lights are extinguished. Normal Procedures Page|4 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer EEC switches................................................................................................................ON Verify that the ALTN lights are extinguished. Oxygen panel ................................................................................................................. Check CAUTION: PASSANGER OXYGEN switch activation causes deployment of the passenger oxygens masks. PASSENGER OXYGEN switch ................................................................... Guard closed Verify that the PASS OXY ON light is extinguished. Landing gear indicator lights .......................................................................................... Check Verify that the lights are illuminated. Flight recorder switch ......................................................................................... Guard closed MACH AIRSPEED WARNING TEST switches ............................. Push and hold one at time Verify that the clacker sounds. STALL WARNING TEST switches ................................................ Push and hold one at time Verify that each control column vibrates when the respective switch pushed. Note: The stall warning test requires that AC transfer busses are powered for up to 4 minutes. Note: With hydraulic power off, the leading edge flaps may droop enough to cause an asymmetry signal, resulting in a failure of the stall warning system test. Should this occur, obtain a clearance to pressurize the hydraulic system, place the “B” system electric pump ON and retract the flaps. When flaps are retracted repeat the test. At the completion of the test, turn the “B” system electric pump “OFF”. Circuit breakers (P6 panel) ............................................................................................ Check Note: Check circuit breakers position carefully in flights after maintenance service or overnights. CBs may be found pulled due to maintenance action. Manual gear extension access door ............................................................................. Closed Circuit breakers (control stand, P18 panel) ................................................................... Check Note: Check circuit breakers position carefully in flights after maintenance service or overnights. CBs may be found pulled due to maintenance action. Normal Procedures Page|5 BOEING 737NG FMC Initial Data and Exterior Inspection Start the FMC Initial Data after the Preliminary Preflight Procedure. Perform the Exterior Inspection after the Preliminary Preflight Procedure. Captain First Officer FMC Initial Data Exterior Inspection IDENT page ........................................................................................................................ Set Verify that the MODEL is correct. Verify that the ENG RATING is correct. Verify that the navigation data base ACTIVE date range is current. Before each flight the Captain or First Officer must verify that the airplane is satisfactory for flight. POS INIT page ................................................................................................................... Set Enter the current airport as REF AIRPORT. Note: The gate (parking position) do not need to be inserted. Verify that the time is correct. Enter the present position on the SET IRS POS. Note: Use the most accurate latitude and longitude. Note: If available, the GPS position is the most accurate. Note: GPS position, if available, is shown on page 2 (POS REF). RTE page ............................................................................................................................ Set Enter the ORIGIN and the DESTination. If datalink is available: Select FLT PLAN REQUEST. When ROUTE UPLINK READY shows: Select LOAD. After ROUTE DATA UPLINK has been completed, verify the route against the Flight Plan. At RTE 1 page 1/X: Enter the ATC Calssing as FLT NO. If datalink is not available: If company route is available: Enter the CO ROUTE name. Verify the route against the Flight Plan. At RTE 1 page 1/X: Enter the ATC Calssing as FLT NO. If company route is not available: Use the next page(s) to enter the RTE. At RTE 1 page 1/X: Enter the ATC Calssing as FLT NO. ACTIVATE and EXECute the route. Items at each location may be checked in any sequence. Check that: • the surfaces and structures are clear, not damaged, not missing parts and there are no fluid leaks; • the tires are not too worn, not damaged, and there is no tread separation; • the gear struts are not fully compressed; • the engine inlets and tailpipes are clear, the access panels are secured, the exterior is not damaged, and the reversers are stowed; • the doors and access panels that are not in use are latched; • the probes, vents, and static ports are clear and not damaged; • the skin area adjacent to the pitot probes and static ports is not wrinkled; • the antennas are not damaged; • the light lenses are clean and not damaged. PERF INIT page ................................................................................................................. Set Enter the COST INDEX Enter the RESERVERS (Reserve Fuel = Alternate Fuel + Final Reserve). Normal Procedures Page|6 BOEING 737NG Captain Enter the Estimated ZFW (Zero Fuel Weight). Enter the CRZ ALT. Enter the CRZ WIND. Enter or modify the T/C OAT, if needed. Enter or modify the TRANS ALT, if needed. EXECute the modifications. First Officer DEPARTURES/ARRIVAL page.......................................................................................... Set Select the expected or planned runway and departure routing, including transitions, if any. EXECute the route modifications. Select the expected or planned approach and arrival routing, including transitions, if any. EXECute the route modifications. RTE 2 (if installed) .............................................................................................................. Set Copy RTE 1, then modify as required in anticipation to runway change and/or as needed for contingency procedures. LEGS page ......................................................................................................................... Set Verify the LEGS pages as needed to ensure proper waypoints sequence and compliance with procedures constraints and to remove discontinuities, as needed. Select RTE DATA: Select WINDS REQUEST. When CRZ WIND UPLINK READY shows: Select LOAD and EXECute the modification. Note: If datalink is not available, manually enter average wind. Note: Until wind data is loaded, and refuelling is completed, FMC message INSUFFICIENT FUEL message can show. PROGRESS page 1/4 ........................................................................................................ Set Verify distance to DEST against Flight Plan ground distance for gross error check. PROGRESS page 4/4 ........................................................................................................ Set Verify or enter the correct RNP for the departure. Note: This can also be verified through the ND (Navigation Display) RNP/ANP values. FMC Initial Data Verification: When returning from the exterior inspection, turn off the lights used only for this purpose and then verify that the other pilot FMC entries are correct. Procedure Notes: 1) The Captain and the First Officer may perform each other procedures, if the First Officer will be the Pilot Flying. The pilot performing the Exterior Inspection has to verify the FMC after the walk around, this ensures both pilots verify the entered data. Normal Procedures Page|7 BOEING 737NG Preflight Procedure Start the Preflight Procedures after the FMC Initial Data or the Exterior Inspection. Captain First Officer Flight control panel ........................................................................................................ Check FLIGHT CONTROL switches ...................................................................... Guard closed Verify that the flight control LOW PRESSURE lights are illuminated. Flight SPOILER switches ............................................................................Guard Closed YAW DAMPER switch ..................................................................................................ON Verify that the YAW DAMPER light is extinguished. Verify that the standby hydraulic LOW QUANTITY light is extinguished Verify that the standby hydraulic LOW PRESSURE light is extinguished. Verify that the STBY RUD ON light is extinguished. ALTERNATE FLAPS master switch ............................................................ Guard closed ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch ......................................................................... OFF Verify that the FEEL DIFF PRESS light is extinguished. Verify that the SPEED TRIM FAIL light is extinguished. Verify that the MACH TRIM FAIL light is extinguished. Verify that the AUTO SLAT FAIL light is extinguished. NAVIGATION panel ............................................................................................................Set VHF NAV transfer switch ................................................................................... NORMAL IRS transfer switch ............................................................................................ NORMAL FMC source select switch .................................................................................. NORMAL DISPLAYS panel ................................................................................................................Set SOURCE selector .................................................................................................... AUTO CONTROL PANEL select switch ....................................................................... NORMAL Fuel panel ...........................................................................................................................Set Verify that the ENG VALVE CLOSED lights are illuminated dim. Verify that the SPAR VALVE CLOSED lights are illuminated dim. Verify that the FILTER BYPASS lights are extinguished. CROSSFEED selector ............................................................................................ Closed Verify that the VALVE OPEN light is extinguished. Normal Procedures Page|8 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer FUEL PUMP switches ................................................................................................ OFF Verify that the center tank fuel pump LOW PRESSURE lights are extinguished. Verify that the main tank fuel pump LOW PRESSURE lights are illuminated. Note: Whenever the APU is running and AC electrical power is on the busses, turn on one fuel boost pump to supply fuel under pressure to the APU to extend the service life of its fuel control unit. CAUTION: Do not operate the center tank fuel pumps with the flight deck unattended. Electrical panel ...................................................................................................................Set Verify that the BAT DISCHARGE light is extinguished. Verify that the TR UNIT light is extinguished. Verify that the ELEC light is extinguished. AC/DC Meter Selector: DC indicator in BAT. AC indicator in STBY POWER. BATTERY switch ......................................................................................... Guard closed CAB/UTIL power switch (as installed) ..........................................................................ON IFE/PASS SEAT power switch (as installed) ................................................................ON GALLEY power switch (as installed) ............................................................................ON STANDBY POWER switch .......................................................................... Guard closed Verify that the STANDY PWR OFF light is extinguished. Generator drive DISCONNECT switches ...................................................Guards closed Verify that the DRIVE lights are illuminated. BUS TRANSFER switch .............................................................................. Guard closed Verify that the TRANSFER BUS OFF lights are extinguished. Verify that the SOURCE OFF lights are extinguished. Verify that the GEN OFF BUS lights are illuminated. If the APU is running: Verify that the APU LOW OIL PRESSURE light is extinguished. Verify that the APU FAULT light is extinguished. Verify that the APU OVERSPEED light is extinguished. L Windshield WIPER selector ........................................................................................ PARK Verify that the windshield wipers are stowed. Note: do not operate the wipers on a dry windshield. Normal Procedures Page|9 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer EQUIP COOLING switches .......................................................................................... NORM Verify that the OFF lights are extinguished. EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTS switch ................................................................. Guard closed Verify that the NOT ARMED light is extinguished. Passenger signs .................................................................................................................Set NO SMOKING switch (as installed) ..............................................................................ON FASTEN BELTS switch .............................................................................................. OFF R Windshield WIPER selector ....................................................................................... PARK Verify that the windshield wipers are stowed. Note: do not operate the wipers on a dry windshield. WINDOW HEAT switches ...................................................................................................ON Verify that the OVERHEAT lights are extinguished. Verify that the ON lights are illuminated (except at high ambient temperatures, when some of the lights may not be illuminated). Note: Position switches ON at least 10 minutes before takeoff. PROBE HEAT switches ......................................... AUTO (as installed) or OFF (as installed) Verify that the all lights are illuminated. WING ANTI-ICE switch ..................................................................................................... OFF Verify that the VALVE OPEN lights are extinguished. ENGINE ANTI-ICE switches ............................................................................................. OFF Verify that the COWL ANTI-ICE lights are extinguished. Verify that the COWL VALVE OPEN lights are extinguished. Hydraulic panel ...................................................................................................................Set ENGINE HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches .....................................................................ON Verify that the LOW PRESSURE lights are illuminated. ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches ............................................................... OFF Verify that the OVERHEAT lights are extinguished. Verify that the LOW PRESURE lights are illuminated. High altitude landing switch (as installed) ...............................................................As needed Verify that the INOP light is extinguished. Voice Recorder switch (as installed) ................................................................................Auto Air conditioning panel .........................................................................................................Set AIR TEMPERATURE source selector ..............................................................As needed TRIM AIR switch (as installed) .....................................................................................ON Normal Procedures P a g e | 10 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer Verify that the DUCT OVERHEAT (as installed) are extinguished. Verify that the ZONE TEMP lights (as installed) are extinguished. Temperature selectors ...................................................................................... As needed RECIRCULATION FAN switch(es) .......................................................................... AUTO Air conditioning PACK switches .............................................................................. AUTO ISOLATION VALVE switch ...................................................................................... OPEN Engine BLEED air switches ..........................................................................................ON If the APU is ON: APU BLEED air switch ...........................................................................................ON Verify that the DUAL BLEED light is illuminated. If APU is OFF: APU BLEED air switch ......................................................................................... OFF Verify that the DUAL BLEED light is extinguished. Verify that the PACK TRIP OFF lights (as installed) are extinguished. Verify that the PACK lights (as installed) are extinguished. Verify that the WING-BODY OVERHEAT lights are extinguished. Verify that the BLEED TRIP OFF lights are extinguished. Cabin pressurization panel .................................................................................................Set Verify that the AUTO FAIL light is extinguished. Verify that the OFF SCHED DESCENT light is extinguished. Verify that th ALTN light is extinguished. Verify that the MANUAL light is extinguished. FLT ALT indicator ................................................................................. Set cruise altitude LAND ALT indicator ............................................................ Set destination field elevation Pressurization mode selector .................................................................................. AUTO Lighting panel .....................................................................................................................Set Retractable LANDING lights (as installed) ....................................................... RETRACT LANDING light switches ............................................................................................. OFF RUNWAY TURNOFF switches................................................................................... OFF TAXI light switch ......................................................................................................... OFF Normal Procedures P a g e | 11 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer ENGINE START 1 switch ................................................................................................. OFF IGNITION select switch ......................................................................................................Set Select IGN R for the first flight and then alternate the ignition on subsequent flights. ENGINE START 2 switch ................................................................................................. OFF Lighting panel .....................................................................................................................Set LOGO light switch .............................................................................................As needed Note: Should be on during the hours of darkness. POSITION light switch ........................................................................................ STEADY ANTI COLLISION light switch..................................................................................... OFF Lights ................................................................................................................................ Test Master LIGHTS TEST and DIM switch ..................................................................... TEST Verify that the lights are flashing or illuminated. Verify that all system annunciator panel lights are illuminated. The fire warning lights are not checked during this test. WING light switch ....................................................................................................... OFF WHEEL WELL light switch ......................................................................................... OFF Mode control panel .............................................................................................................Set Master LIGHTS TEST and DIM switch............................................................ As Needed COURSE ..........................................................................................................As needed Note: For conventional departures, enter the first VOR radial to be intercepted. Note: For RNAV departures, enter the departure runway heading. EFIS control panel .............................................................................................................. Set EFIS control panel ..............................................................................................................Set MINS reference selector ................................................................................... As needed MINS reference selector ...................................................................................As needed MINS selector ................................................................................................... As needed Note: Select the minimums for the expected approach in case of immediate return to the departure airport and then blank the selection (this allows quick reference to the minimums). MINS selector ...................................................................................................As needed Note: Select the minimums for the expected approach in case of immediate return to the departure airport and then blank the selection (this allows quick reference to the minimums). FPV switch ........................................................................................................ As needed FPV switch ........................................................................................................As needed MTRS switch .................................................................................................... As needed MTRS switch.....................................................................................................As needed BARO reference selector ................................................................................. As needed BARO reference selector ..................................................................................As needed BARO selector ...........................................................................Set local altimeter setting BARO selector .......................................................................... Set local altimeter setting VOR / ADF switches ......................................................................................... As needed VOR / ADF switches .........................................................................................As needed Navigation Display mode selector ............................................................................. MAP Navigation Display mode selector ............................................................................. MAP Navigation Display CTR switch ........................................................................ As needed Navigation Display CTR switch ........................................................................As needed Navigation Display range selector .................................................................... As needed Navigation Display range selector ....................................................................As needed Navigation Display TFC switch..................................................................................... On Navigation Display TFC switch ..................................................................................... On Normal Procedures P a g e | 12 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer WXR switch .................................................................................................................. Off Verify that the weather radar indications are not shown on the ND. WXR switch .................................................................................................................. Off Verify that the weather radar indications are not shown on the ND. Map switches .................................................................................................... As needed Map switches ....................................................................................................As needed Mode control panel ............................................................................................................. Set COURSE .......................................................................................................... As needed Note: For conventional departures, enter the first VOR radial to be intercepted. Note: For RNAV departures, enter the departure runway heading. F/D switches ................................................................................................................. ON Note: Move the switch for the pilot flying to ON first. A/T ARM switches ..................................................................................................... ARM HEADING selector............................................................................................ As needed Bank Limit selector ........................................................................................................ 25 ALTITUDE selector........................................................................................... As needed A/P DISENGAGE bar ................................................................................................... Up Oxygen ................................................................................................................ Test and set Note: Advise any maintenance personnel using the FLT Interphone that a test will be done on this communication channel. OXYGEN MASK ....................................................................... Stowed and doors closed Flight CREW OXYGEN Pressure Indicator ............................................................. Check Note the oxygen pressure. Verify that the pressure is sufficient for dispatch. RESET/TEST switch .................................................................................. Push and hold Verify that the yellow cross shows momentarily in the flow indicator. RESET/TEST switch ............................................................................................ Release Verify that the yellow cross shows does not show in the flow indicator. Mask/Boom switch.................................................................................................... Mask FLT INT switch .......................................................................................................... Push SPKR switch ................................................................................................................. ON TEST/RESET switch .................................................................................. Push and hold EMERGENCY/Test Selector ...................................................................... Push and hold Push-to-talk switch ..................................................................................... Push and hold Verify oxygen flow sound is heard thought the flight deck speaker. Normal Procedures Oxygen................................................................................................................. Test and set Note: Advise any maintenance personnel using the FLT Interphone that a test will be done on this communication channel. OXYGEN MASK ....................................................................... Stowed and doors closed Flight CREW OXYGEN Pressure Indicator ............................................................. Check Note the oxygen pressure. Verify that the pressure is sufficient for dispatch. RESET/TEST switch .................................................................................. Push and hold Verify that the yellow cross shows momentarily in the flow indicator. RESET/TEST switch ............................................................................................ Release Verify that the yellow cross shows does not show in the flow indicator. Mask/Boom switch .................................................................................................... Mask FLT INT switch........................................................................................................... Push SPKR switch .................................................................................................................ON TEST/RESET switch .................................................................................. Push and hold EMERGENCY/Test Selector ...................................................................... Push and hold Push-to-talk switch ..................................................................................... Push and hold Verify oxygen flow sound is heard thought the flight deck speaker. P a g e | 13 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer Push-to-Talk switch .............................................................................................. Release Push-to-Talk switch .............................................................................................. Release EMERGENCY/Test Selector ................................................................................ Release EMERGENCY/Test Selector ................................................................................ Release TEST/RESET switch ............................................................................................ Release TEST/RESET switch ............................................................................................ Release Mask/Boom switch.................................................................................................. BOOM Mask/Boom switch .................................................................................................. BOOM TEST/RESET switch .................................................................................. Push and hold TEST/RESET switch .................................................................................. Push and hold EMERGENCY/Test Selector ...................................................................... Push and hold Verify that the yellow cross shows continuously in the flow indicator. Verify that the crew oxygen pressure does not decrease more than 100 psi. EMERGENCY/Test Selector ...................................................................... Push and hold Verify that the yellow cross shows continuously in the flow indicator. Verify that the crew oxygen pressure does not decrease more than 100 psi. EMERGENCY/Test Selector ................................................................................ Release EMERGENCY/Test Selector ................................................................................ Release TEST/RESET switch ............................................................................................ Release Verify that the yellow cross does not show in the flow indicator. Note: If the oxygen cylinder valve is not in the full open position, pressure can: Decrease rapidly, or Decrease more than 100 PSI, or Increase slowly back to normal. TEST/RESET switch ............................................................................................ Release Verify that the yellow cross does not show in the flow indicator. Note: If the oxygen cylinder valve is not in the full open position, pressure can: Decrease rapidly, or Decrease more than 100 PSI, or Increase slowly back to normal. Normal/100% selector .............................................................................................. 100% Normal/100% selector .............................................................................................. 100% Clock ................................................................................................................................... Set Clock ...................................................................................................................................Set TIME/DATE pushbutton ..................................................................................... UTC time TIME/DATE pushbutton ...................................................................................... UTC time NOSE WHEEL STEERING switch .....................................................................Guard closed Display selector panel ........................................................................................................ Set Display selector panel .........................................................................................................Set MAIN PANEL DISPLAY UNITS selector ................................................................ NORM MAIN PANEL DISPLAY UNITS selector ................................................................ NORM LOWER DISPLAY UNIT selector ........................................................................... NORM LOWER DISPLAY UNIT selector ........................................................................... NORM CABIN ALTITUDE light ............................................................................. Verify extinguished CABIN ALTITUDE light ............................................................................. Verify extinguished TAKEOFF CONFIG light ...........................................................................Verify extinguished TAKEOFF CONFIG light ........................................................................... Verify extinguished Disengage light TEST switch .....................................................................................Hold to 1 Verify that the A/P light is illuminated steady amber. Verify that the A/T light is illuminated steady amber. Verify that the FMC light is illuminated steady amber. Disengage light TEST switch .................................................................................... Hold to 1 Verify that the A/P light is illuminated steady amber. Verify that the A/T light is illuminated steady amber. Verify that the FMC light is illuminated steady amber. Disengage light TEST switch .....................................................................................Hold to 2 Verify that the A/P light is illuminated steady red. Verify that the A/T light is illuminated steady red. Verify that the FMC light is illuminated steady amber. Disengage light TEST switch .................................................................................... Hold to 2 Verify that the A/P light is illuminated steady red. Verify that the A/T light is illuminated steady red. Verify that the FMC light is illuminated steady amber. STAB OUT OF TRIM light ........................................................................ Verify extinguished Hydraulic brake pressure indicator ................................................................................ Check Verify that the pressure is in the amber or green band. Normal Procedures P a g e | 14 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer Flight instruments .......................................................................................................... Check Verify that the flight instrument indications are correct. Verify that only these flags are shown: TCAS OFF; and NO VSPD until takeoff V–speeds are selected. Verify that the flight mode annunciations are correct: Autothrottle mode ARM; and Roll mode is blank; and Pitch mode is blank; and AFDS status is FD. Flight instruments .......................................................................................................... Check Verify that the flight instrument indications are correct. Verify that only these flags are shown: TCAS OFF; and NO VSPD until takeoff V–speeds are selected. Verify that the flight mode annunciations are correct: Autothrottle mode ARM; and Roll mode is blank; and Pitch mode is blank; and AFDS status is FD. Standby instruments (as installed) ................................................................................ Check GROUND PROXIMITY panel ........................................................................................ Check Standby horizon............................................................................................................ Set Verify that the GPWS INOP light is extinguished. Gyro caging control ......................................................................... Pull, then release FLAP INHIBIT switch ...................................................................................Guard Closed Approach mode selector ...................................................................................... OFF Verify that the flight instrument indications are correct. Verify that no flags are shown. GEAR INHIBIT switch ..................................................................................Guard Closed Standby altimeter.......................................................................................................... Set Set local altimeter setting. Verify that the flight instrument indications are correct. Verify that no flags are shown. Integrated standby flight display (as installed) ................................................................... Set Verify that the approach mode display is blank. Set local altimeter setting. Verify that the flight instrument indications are correct. Verify that no flags or messages are shown. Standby RMI (as installed) ................................................................................................ Set Select either VOR or ADF. SPD BRK lever ..................................................................................................DOWN detent Verify that the SPEED BRAKE ARMED light is extinguished. Verify that the SPEED BRAKE DO NOT ARM light is extinguished Verify that the SPEED BRAKE EXTENDED light is extinguished. Note: To ensure the SPEED BRAKE is properly stowed, push down firmly on top of the speed brake handle. Reverse thrust levers ...................................................................................................... Down Forward thrust levers .................................................................................................... Closed TERRAIN INHIBIT switch (as installed) ......................................................Guard Closed Landing gear panel .............................................................................................................Set LANDING GEAR lever .............................................................................................. Down Verify that the green landing gear indicator lights are illuminated. Verify that the red landing gear indicator lights are extinguished. Engine display control panel ...............................................................................................Set N1 SET selector ...................................................................................................... AUTO SPEED REFERENCE selector................................................................................ AUTO AUTOBRAKE select switch ............................................................................................. RTO Verify that the AUTOBRAKE DISARM light is extinguished. ANTISKID INOP light ................................................................................ Verify extinguished FUEL FLOW switch ............................................................................................................Set Move switch to RESET then RATE. Engine instruments ........................................................................................................ Check MFD .................................................................................................................. Push ENG Verify that the primary and secondary engine indications show existing conditions and no exceedance. Verify the engine oil quantity is sufficient for the flight. Note: Minimum Engine Oil quantity is 70% or 15 quarts. FLAP lever .................................................... Set the flap lever to agree with the flap position Normal Procedures P a g e | 15 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer PARKING BRAKE .............................................................................................................. Set Verify that the PARKING BRAKE warning light is illuminated. Note: Do not assume that the parking brake will prevent airplane movement. Accumulator pressure can be insufficient. Check the Hydraulic Brake Pressure Indicator. MFD ........................................................................................................................ Push SYS Verify the hydraulic quantity is sufficient for the flight. Note: Confirm RF is not shown. Engine start levers .................................................................................................... CUTOFF STAB TRIM cutout switches ........................................................................................ Normal WARNING: Do not key the HF radio while the airplane is being fueled. Injury to personnel can occur. Radio tuning panel 1 ...........................................................................................................Set Verify that the Offside Tuning Light is extinguished (as installed). NAV radio tuning panel 1 ....................................................................................................Set ADF tuning panel ................................................................................................................Set WX RDR panel ...................................................................................................................Set Select the radar mode, tilt and gain as needed. Note: Usually the WX+T (Weather and Turbulence) is the preferred mode, Tilt is AUTO and the Gain is Calibrated. Select the System 1 when the Captain is the pilot flying, or the System 2 when the First Officer. ATC / TCAS panel ..............................................................................................................Set XPNDR system selector ...................................................................................As needed Note: Select the system 1 when the Captain is the pilot flying, or the system 2 when the First Officer is the pilot flying. ALT SOURCE ...................................................................................................As needed Note: Select the system 1 when the Captain is the pilot flying, or the system 2 when the First Officer is the pilot flying. Transponder mode selector ..................................................................................... STBY WARNING: Do not key the HF radio while the airplane is being fueled. Injury to personnel can occur. Radio tuning panel 2 ...........................................................................................................Set Verify that the Offside Tuning Light is extinguished (as installed). NAV radio tuning panel 2 ....................................................................................................Set First officer’s audio control panel ............................................................................As needed Captain audio control panel .................................................................................... As needed Radio tuning panel 3 ...........................................................................................................Set Verify that the Offside Tuning Light is extinguished (as installed). Set or verify DATA is annunciated in the active frequency window. STABILIZER TRIM override switch ................................................................... Guard closed FLT DECK DOOR panel ................................................................................................ AUTO Normal Procedures P a g e | 16 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer WARNING: Do not put objects between the seat and the aisle stand. Injury can occur when the seat is adjusted. WARNING: Do not put objects between the seat and the aisle stand. Injury can occur when the seat is adjusted. Seat ............................................................................................................................... Adjust Adjust the seat for optimum eye reference. Use the handhold above the forward window for assistance when pulling the seat forward. Do not use the glareshield as damage can occur Whenever the seat is adjusted, verify a positive horizontal (fore and aft) seat lock by pushing against the seat. Seat ................................................................................................................................ Adjust Adjust the seat for optimum eye reference. Use the handhold above the forward window for assistance when pulling the seat forward. Do not use the glareshield as damage can occur Whenever the seat is adjusted, verify a positive horizontal (fore and aft) seat lock by pushing against the seat. WARNING: If the rudder pedal adjust crank is not stowed after use the rudder pedals can move out of the desired position. WARNING: If the rudder pedal adjust crank is not stowed after use the rudder pedals can move out of the desired position. Rudder pedals ............................................................................................................... Adjust Adjust the rudder pedals to allow full rudder pedal and brake pedal movement. Stow the rudder pedal adjust crank. Rudder pedals ............................................................................................................... Adjust Adjust the rudder pedals to allow full rudder pedal and brake pedal movement. Stow the rudder pedal adjust crank. Seat belt and shoulder harness ..................................................................................... Adjust Seat belt and shoulder harness ..................................................................................... Adjust Call for the “PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST”. Do the PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST. Procedure Notes: 1) Each pilot performs its the entire flow without synchronization to the other pilot. Blank spaces are used only as reference to identify common procedures on both sides. 2) Synchronization is only required to complete the checklist, as indicated by the table. Normal Procedures P a g e | 17 BOEING 737NG Performance Calculations Procedure Start the Performance Calculations after the Preflight Procedures. Captain First Officer Takeoff Dispatch Performance ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Calculate Each pilot should calculate the Takeoff Performance independently. Each pilot should calculate the Takeoff Performance independently. Takeoff Dispatch Performance ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Discuss Each pilot should explain their considerations and results. Each pilot should explain their considerations and results. Takeoff Dispatch Performance ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Adjust Use the one that best suits the operation or mix both as to have one final result to be Use the one that best suits the operation or mix both as to have one final result to be used. used. Takeoff Dispatch Performance ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Check Read aloud the takeoff performance results. Verify the results are the same. All-Engine Takeoff Performance and Immediate Return to Land Performance .................................................................................................................................................................. Check Anytime the compliance with departure gradient is in doubt (high climb gradients, high Anytime the performance in case of an immediate return to the departure airport is in altitude constraints, high elevation, high temperature and/or high takeoff weight), doubt (short runway, high elevation, high temperature and/or high takeoff weight), calculate the All-Engine Takeoff Performance and/or other approved source. calculate the Landing En-Route Performance and/or other approved source. Procedure Notes: 1) Be conservative on the performance calculations to avoid last minute modifications due to weather change. Consider no wind or increase the tailwind, increase the temperature and/or reduce the atmospheric pressure, if performance allows. 2) When required, after the All Engine Takeoff Performance and the Landing En-Route Performance for and Immediate Return to Land are calculated, the pilots should discuss the results and anticipate the required aircraft configuration and/or alternative procedure. Normal Procedures P a g e | 18 BOEING 737NG Refueling Procedures After refueling is completed. Captain First Officer Quantity and Distribution ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the fuel in the tanks and their distribution are correct using the Fuel Quantity Indicators. FMC fuel quantity................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the fuel in the tanks matches the FMC fuel. Use the FMC PROGress page 1/4 to check the DESTination ETA and arrival FUEL. Normal Procedures P a g e | 19 BOEING 737NG ATC Clearance Procedures Obtain the clearance as soon as possible, according to the local regulations. Captain First Officer ATC Clearance ............................................................................................................. Obtain Readback or accept the clearance. ATC Clearance .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify or modify the MCP and the FMC to comply with the instructions. Verify or modify the radios to comply with the instructions. Procedure Notes: 1) If voice clearance procedures are in use, both pilots must copy the clearance. 2) MCP verification or modification includes arming LNAV (if applicable), initial heading and altitude/flight level. 3) FMC verification or modification includes destination, departure runway, departure procedure, route and cruise level. 4) Radios verification or modification includes navigations radios, communication radios and transponder. Normal Procedures P a g e | 20 BOEING 737NG Taxi and Takeoff Briefings Perform the Taxi and Takeoff Briefing after the ATC Clearance Procedures. Captain First Officer Briefing .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Perform If late ATC clearance is expected, at the captain's discretion, briefings may be given before clearance is obtained. In that case, update the briefings accordingly, following the ATC clearance procedures. Procedure Notes: 1) The takeoff briefing is a description of the expected ground maneuvers, the departure flight path with emphasis on anticipated track and altitude restrictions and the engine out departure procedure (if applicable). Additional briefing items may be required when any element of the takeoff and/or departure is different from those routinely used. These may include: adverse weather, adverse taxiways and runway conditions, noise abatement requirements, terrain and/or obstacles, dispatch using the Minimum Equipment List and any other situation where it is necessary to review or define crew responsibilities. Normal Procedures P a g e | 21 BOEING 737NG Performance Entry Procedure Start the Performance Entry Procedure after the Load Sheet is on board. Captain First Officer Performance Calculations ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify or modify the performance calculation, as needed. Verify or modify the performance calculation, as needed. PERF INIT page ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Set Verify or enter the AZFW. Verify the FUEL. Compare the FMC FUEL minus the taxi fuel with the TOF on load sheet. Verify the GR WT. Compare the FMC Gross Weight minus the taxi fuel with the ATOW on load sheet. Note: All discrepancies between the load sheet and FMC weights must be resolved. CAUTION: Any CDU messages such as MAX ALT FLXXX must be resolved. THRUST LIM page .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Set Select or verify the Takeoff Thrust. Enter the Assumed Temperature, if any. Note: Compare the FMC calculated N1 and the Performance calculated N1. Any major discrepancy must be resolved. Select or verify the Climb Thrust. TAKEOFF REF page 1/2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Set Enter the Takeoff CG. Enter the Takeoff Flap Setting. Enter the V1. Enter the VR. Enter the V2. IAS / MACH selector ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Set Enter the V2. TAKEOFF REF page 2/2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Set Verify or enter the Engine-Out Acceleration Height (EO ACCEL HT). Verify or enter the Acceleration Height (ACCEL HT). Verify or enter the Thrust Reduction Height (THR REDUCTION). VNAV switch ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Set Arm the VNAV, as needed. APPROACH REF page ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify the FLAPS 40º VREF speed matches the performance calculated VREF40. Normal Procedures P a g e | 22 BOEING 737NG Before Start Procedure Start the Before Start Procedure when ready to close the aircraft doors. Captain First Officer Documents and papers ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify all the required documents and papers are completed and signed. ELECTRICAL panel ............................................................................................................Set APU (as needed) ....................................................................................START, then ON When APU GEN OFF BUS light is illuminated: APU GENERATOR bus switches ....................................................................ON Verify that the SOURCE OFF lights are extinguished. Verify that the TRANSFER BUS OFF lights are extinguished. Verify that the STANDBY PWR OFF light is extinguished. APU BLEED air switch .....................................................................................ON Note: Run the APU for one minute before using it as pneumatic air source. Flight deck door ......................................................................................... Closed and locked Verify that the LOCK FAIL light is extinguished. Flight deck windows .................................................................................. Closed and locked Verify that the window is locked by firmly pulling the handle. Flight deck windows ................................................................................... Closed and locked Verify that the window is locked by firmly pulling the handle. MCP ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Set Verify or set V2 on the IAS / MACH selector. Verify or arm the LNAV, as needed. Verify or arm the VNAV, as needed. Verify or set initial heading or track on the HDG / TRK selector. Verify or set initial altitude on the ALTITUDE selector. FMC display ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Set If Pilot Flying: If Pilot Flying: Select the TAKEOFF REF page or VNAV CLB page. Select the TAKEOFF REF page or VNAV CLB page. If Pilot Monitoring If Pilot Monitoring Select the LEGS page. Select the LEGS page. Exterior doors ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the exterior doors are closed. Establish communications with the ground personnel: Verify the external checks are complete. If pushback is needed: Confirm the nose gear steering is locked out. Verify ground equipment is ready for pushback. Obtain clearance to pressurize the hydraulic system. Normal Procedures P a g e | 23 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer Fuel Panel ...........................................................................................................................Set AFT and FORWARD FUEL PUMP switches ................................................................ON Verify that the LOW PRESSURE lights are extinguished. If the center tank fuel quantity exceeds 460 kilograms: Trim ..................................................................................................................................... Set Verify each trim for freedom of movement. Stabilizer trim: Set the trim for takeoff. Verify that the trim is in the green band. Aileron trim: Set the trim to 0 units. Rudder trim: Set the trim to 0 units. LEFT and RIGHT CENTER FUEL PUMP switches ...............................................ON Verify that LOW PRESSURE lights illuminate momentarily and then extinguish. If the center tank fuel quantity is less than 1.000 kilograms LEFT and RIGHT CENTER FUEL PUMP switches ....................................... OFF FASTEN BELTS switch ......................................................................................................ON HYDRAULIC PANEL ..........................................................................................................Set Electric HYDRAULIC PUMP switches ..........................................................................ON Verify that the electric pump LOW PRESSURE lights are extinguished. Verify that the brake accumulator pressure is 2.800 psi minimum. ANTI COLLISION light switch .............................................................................................ON Transponder Mode Selector .......................................................................................... STBY Call for the “BEFORE START CHECKLIST”. Do the BEFORE START CHECKLIST. Normal Procedures P a g e | 24 BOEING 737NG Pushback or Towing Procedure Start the Pushback or Towing Procedure after the Before Start Procedure. Captain First Officer Request ATC clearance for Pushback (and Engine Start), as needed. CAUTION: Do not hold or turn the nose wheel tiller during pushback or towing. This can damage the nose gear or the tow bar. CAUTION: Do not use airplane brakes to stop the airplane during pushback or towing. This can damage the nose gear or the tow bar. Parking brake.....................................................................................................Set or release Set or release as directed by ground personnel. When pushback or towing is complete: Confirm the tow bar is disconnected. Confirm the nose gear steering is not locked out. Normal Procedures P a g e | 25 BOEING 737NG Engine Start Procedure The Engine Start procedure may be done during pushback or towing. Captain First Officer Engine start requirements ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Start Attempts: Multiple consecutive start attempts are permitted; Each start attempt has a limit of 2 minutes of starter usage; A minimum of 10 seconds is needed between start attempts; Do the ABORTED ENGINE START checklist if one or more of the following abort start conditions occur: The N1 or N2 does not increase or increases very slowly after the EGT increases; There is no oil pressure indications by the time that the engine is stable at IDLE; The EGT does not increase by 15 seconds after the engine start lever is moved to IDLE; The EGT quickly nears or exceeds the start limit. Engine start recommendations ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Check Engine Start Lever: Do not move an engine start lever to IDLE early or a hot start can occur; Keep a hand on the engine start lever while monitoring RPM, EGT and FUEL FLOW, until stable; If fuel is shut off accidentally (by closing the engine start lever) do not reopen the engine start lever in an attempt to restart the engine. Engine Start Switch Failure of the ENGINE START switch to stay in GRD until the starter cutout can cause a hot start. Do not re-engage the ENGINE START switch until engine RPM is below 20% N2. Ignition: For the first flight of the day, at airport elevations at or above 2.000 feet MSL, if the temperature is below 5ºC / 41ºF, consider placing the Ignition select switch in BOTH before starting the engines. This may increase the likelihood of a successful engine start on the first attempt. Request ATC clearance for Engine Start, as needed. Engine instruments ........................................................................................................ Check MFD .................................................................................................................. Push ENG Verify that the secondary engine indications are shown. Announce “START SEQUENCE (2) THEN (1)”. Obtain clearance to start the engines with ground personnel. Call “START (2) ENGINE”. Air conditioning PACK switches ....................................................................................... OFF Normal Procedures P a g e | 26 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer ENGINE START (2) switch .............................................................................................. GRD Clock ................................................................................................................................... Set Chronometer .............................................................................................................. Start Monitor starter duty cycle time. N2 (starting engine) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the N2 RPM increases. Verify that the N2 RPM increases. When: At: There is N1 rotation (starting engine) AND 25% N2* (starting engine) . *If N2 at 25% is not possible (starting engine): At maximum motoring and N2 at least 20% (starting engine) Note: Maximum motoring occurs when N2 acceleration is less than 1% in approximately 5 seconds. Engine start lever (2) ....................................................................................................... IDLE Clock ................................................................................................................................... Set Chronometer .............................................................................................................. Start Monitor time to EGT rise. Engine indications (starting engine) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Monitor N1, N2, EGT, fuel flow and oil pressure. Monitor N1, N2, EGT, fuel flow and oil pressure. Announce any abnormal indications. Announce any abnormal indications. At: 56% N2 (starting engine) . Verify that the ENGINE START (2) switch moves to OFF automatically. If the ENGINE START (2) switch does not move to OFF automatically: ENGINE START (2) switch......................................................................................... OFF Verify that the START VALVE OPEN (2) alert extinguishes and announce: “STARTER CUTOUT”. When: The starting engine is stable at idle . Call “START (1) ENGINE”. ENGINE START (1) switch .............................................................................................. GRD Clock ................................................................................................................................... Set Chronometer .............................................................................................................. Start Monitor starter duty cycle time. Normal Procedures P a g e | 27 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer N2 (starting engine) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the N2 RPM increases. Verify that the N2 RPM increases. When: At: There is N1 rotation (starting engine) AND 25% N2* (starting engine) . *If N2 at 25% is not possible (starting engine): At maximum motoring and N2 at least 20% (starting engine) Note: Maximum motoring occurs when N2 acceleration is less than 1% in approximately 5 seconds. Engine start lever (1) ....................................................................................................... IDLE Clock ................................................................................................................................... Set Chronometer .............................................................................................................. Start Monitor time to EGT rise. At: 56% N2 (starting engine) . Verify that the ENGINE START (1) switch moves to OFF automatically. If the ENGINE START (1) switch does not move to OFF automatically: ENGINE START (1) switch......................................................................................... OFF Verify that the START VALVE OPEN (1) alert extinguishes and announce: “STARTER CUTOUT”. When: Both engines are stable at idle . Dismiss the ground personnel. Normal Procedures P a g e | 28 BOEING 737NG Before Taxi Procedure Start the Before Taxi Procedure after the Pushback and Engine Start Procedure. Captain First Officer Call “FLAPS (1/2/5/10/15/25)”, as needed for takeoff. Flap lever ....................................................................................................... Set takeoff flaps Verify that the LE FLAPS EXT green light is illuminated. GENERATOR 1 and 2 switches .........................................................................................ON PROBE HEAT switches ........................................... AUTO (as installed) or ON (as installed) WING ANTI-ICE switch ...........................................................................................As needed ENGINE ANTI-ICE switches ...................................................................................As needed Announces “FLIGHT CONTROLS” and check the flight controls. Make slow and deliberate inputs, one direction at a time. Move the control wheel and the control column to full travel in both directions and verify: Freedom of movement; and That the controls return to center. PACK switches .............................................................................................................. AUTO ISOLATION VALVE switch ............................................................................................ AUTO APU BLEED air switch ...................................................................................................... OFF APU switch........................................................................................................................ OFF ENGINE START switches ............................................................................................. CONT Engine instruments ........................................................................................................ Check MFD .................................................................................................................. Push ENG Verify the Secondary Engine indications are blank. CAUTION: Verify that the ground equipment is clear and ground personnel has disconnected prior to carrying out rudder check. Announces “RUDDER”. Hold the nose wheel tiller during the rudder check to prevent nose wheel movement. Move the rudder pedals to full travel in both directions and verify: Freedom of movement; and That the rudder pedals return to center. Follow the rudder check physically with the feet to ensure proper pedal adjustment position. Recall ............................................................................................................................. Check Announce: “RECALL” System Annunciator Panel ........................................................................................ Push Verify that all system annunciator panel lights illuminate and then extinguish. Call for the “BEFORE TAXI CHECKLIST.” Do the BEFORE TAXI CHECKLIST. Normal Procedures P a g e | 29 BOEING 737NG Taxi Procedure Start the Taxi Procedure after the Before Taxi Procedure. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Request taxi clearance, as needed. Confirm the taxi clearance and update the briefing, as needed. TAXI light switch .................................................................................................................ON Parking brake.............................................................................................................. Release Verify that the PARKING BRAKE warning light is extinguished. Every Time: The aircraft has to be brought to a halt . PARKING BRAKE .............................................................................................................. Set Verify that the PARKING BRAKE warning light is illuminated. Announce “PARKING BRAKE SET”. Verify that the PARKING BRAKE warning light is illuminated and announce “CHECKED”. TAXI light switch ............................................................................................................... OFF Follow the procedure from the beginning to start the taxi again. Every Time Before: Crossing an active runway during taxi . LANDING light switches .....................................................................................................ON RUNWAY TURNOFF light switches ...................................................................................ON POSITION light switch ...................................................................... STROBE AND STEADY Transponder mode selector .......................................................................................... TA/RA Verify TFC is shown on the ND. Every Time After: Crossing an active runway during taxi . LANDING light switches ................................................................................................... OFF RUNWAY TURNOFF light switches ................................................................................. OFF POSITION light switch .............................................................................................. STEADY Transponder mode selector ........................................................................................ XPNDR Verify that TCAS OFF is shown on the ND and announce “TCAS OFF”. Normal Procedures P a g e | 30 BOEING 737NG Before Takeoff Procedure Start the Before Takeoff Procedure when clear of close proximity obstacles. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Engine warm up requirements............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Engine oil temperature must be above the bottom of the temperature scale. Run the engines for at least 5 minutes before takeoff when grounded for more than 5 hours. Engine warm up recommendations ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Run the engines for at least 2 minutes; and Use a thrust setting normally used for taxi operations. Update changes to the takeoff briefing, as needed. Takeoff Review ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Perform Call for: “Takeoff Review”. Verify and announce the FMA modes and selections according to the following sequence: Autothrottle (including the speed), Roll Mode (including the heading), Pitch Mode (including the altitude) and AFDS Status. For example: “Autothrottle: ARM, with V2 132”; “Roll Mode: LNAV armed, with Initial Heading 097”; “Pitch Mode: VNAV armed, with Initial Altitude 19.000”; “Flight Director ON”. Note: When there are no armed modes, only announce the MCP selections. If the selections are desired: Announce: “Checked”. If the selections are not desired: Request desired changes in MCP and start the Takeoff Review from the beginning. After: Receiving CABIN READY for departure . WXR radar display .............................................................................................................. ON Verify WX+T (or WXR) is shown on the ND. TERR display ......................................................................................................................ON Verify TERR is shown on the ND. Call for the “BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST”. Do the BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST. Procedure Notes: 1) Takeoff review is designed to address AFDS changes after Preflight Scan due to lack of system monitoring during flight preparation, to ensure proper FD guidance after takeoff. Normal Procedures P a g e | 31 BOEING 737NG Takeoff Procedure Start the Takeoff Procedure before entering the runway for departure. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Runway Environment .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Before entering the departure runway, verify that the runway and runway entry point CAUTION: Do NOT cross any red light, even when cleared to do so, unless an are correct. Use all available means to verify the correct position (taxiway and explicit instruction to ignore it has been received and confirmed with ATC. runway markings, sign and lights, charts, moving maps, navigation displays). When: Entering the departure runway . RUNWAY TURNOFF light switches ...................................................................................ON POSITION light switch ...................................................................... STROBE AND STEADY Notify the cabin crew: “CABIN CREW, PREPARE FOR TAKEOFF”. Transponder mode selector .......................................................................................... TA/RA Verify TFC is shown on the ND. When: Cleared for Takeoff . LANDING lights switches ....................................................................................................ON Announce “TAKEOFF”. Advance the thrust levers to approximately 40% N1. Allow the engines to stabilize. TO/GA switch................................................................................................................... Push Verify that the thrust increases and call “SET TAKEOFF THRUST”. Engine Instruments ...................................................................................................... Monitor Monitor the engine instruments during the takeoff. Announce any abnormal indications. Adjust takeoff thrust before 60 knots, as needed. During strong headwinds, if the thrust levers do not advance to the planned takeoff thrust, manually advance the thrust levers by 60 knots. When: Correct takeoff thrust is set . Announce “THRUST SET”. If the First Officer is the Pilot Flying, the Captain takes over the control of the thrust levers. Airspeed ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Monitor Normal Procedures P a g e | 32 BOEING 737NG Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Maintain light forward pressure on the control column until 80 knots. At: 80 knots indicated airspeed . Announce “EIGHTY KNOTS”. Verify 80 knots and announce “CHECKED”. Verify that the autothrotlle THR HLD mode engages. If the autothrottle THR HLD mode fails to engage: Announce: “THR HLD FAILED”. If the autothrottle THR HLD mode fails to engage: A/T disconnect switch ................................................................................................ Push If disconnecting the A/T was necessary: Verify that the A/T mode blanks and announce: “Autothrottle BLANK”. At: V1 speed . Verify the automatic V1 callout or announce “V1.” Verify V1 speed. The Captain removes the hand from the thrust levers. At: VR speed . Call “ROTATE”. Rotate towards 15° pitch attitude. After liftoff, follow F/D commands. Establish a positive rate of climb. Monitor airspeed and vertical speed. Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and announce: “POSITIVE RATE.” Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call: “GEAR UP.” Landing gear lever .............................................................................................................. UP If LNAV is armed for departure, the mode is engaged automatically at 50’ RA. Engage the autopilot anytime when at or above the minimum altitude for autopilot. When Above: 400 feet radio altitude . Verify, select or call for a roll and a pitch modes, as needed. Select or verify the roll and pitch modes, as needed. Normal Procedures P a g e | 33 BOEING 737NG At: Thrust reduction height . Thrust Limit .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that climb thrust is set. Verify that climb thrust is set. At: Acceleration height . Verify acceleration to or set the desired speed. Flap retraction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Perform Request for flaps retraction according to the flap retraction schedule. Retract flaps according to the flap retraction schedule. Note: Flap Retraction Speed Schedule is described after the Takeoff Procedure. After: Flap retraction complete . Call for the “AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST”. PACKS ........................................................................................................................... AUTO ENGINE BLEEDS ...............................................................................................................ON Engine Start Switches .............................................................................................As needed Landing gear .............................................................................................................. Up & Off Auto Brake ........................................................................................................................ OFF Do the AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST. Normal Procedures P a g e | 34 BOEING 737NG Flap Retraction Speed Schedule Takeoff Flaps 25 15 or 10 5 1 Normal Procedures At Speed Command Speed Select Flaps V2 + 15KT “15” or above 15 “15” “5” or above 5 “5” “1” or above 1 “1” “UP” or above UP V2 + 15KT “5” or above 5 “5” “1” or above 1 “1” “UP” or above UP V2 + 15KT “1” or above 1 “1” “UP” or above UP “1” “UP” or above UP P a g e | 35 BOEING 737NG Climb and Cruise Procedure Start the the Climb and Cruise Procedure after the Takeoff Procedure. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring During climb and cruise, verify the RNP as needed. When: Passing through the Minimum Safe Altitude . Announce: “MSA”. Verify minimum safe altitude on the altimeter and announce: “CHECKED”. WXR switch...................................................................................................................... Push Verify WX+T (or WXR) is shown on the ND. Note: TERR can be selected anytime the terrain is a factor and/or can improve situational awareness. At: 10,000' MSL (20,000’ MSL for aerodrome elevation above 5,000’) and climbing above . Announce: “TEN THOUSAND” (“TWENTY THOUSAND”). Verify ten (twenty) thousand feet on the altimeter and announce: “CHECKED”. PASS SIGNS panel ............................................................................................................Set NO ELECTRONICS selector (if installed) ............................................................... AUTO FASTEN BELTS selector ........................................................................................ AUTO Note: During the flight, above 10,000’ MSL (20,000’ MSL for aerodrome elevation above 5,000’), the seat belts sign should be ON anytime turbulent air is present or anticipated. The captain retains the final decision about the switch operation for this purpose. LANDING light switches ................................................................................................... OFF RUNWAY TURNOFF light switches ................................................................................. OFF TAXI light switch ............................................................................................................... OFF LOGO light switch ............................................................................................................. OFF When: Approaching and climbing above transition altitude . Announce: “TRANSITION ALTITUDE”. Note: If climbing to a Flight Level close spaced to the Transition Altitude and the rate of climb is high, announce it soon enough to complete the altimeter reference change prior to starting the level off maneuver. Verify the transition altitude is approaching and call: “SET STANDARD”. Normal Procedures P a g e | 36 BOEING 737NG Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring BARO STD switch ........................................................................................................... Push Verify STD shows as reference for the altimeter. BARO STD switch ........................................................................................................... Push Verify STD shows as reference for the altimeter. Integrated standby flight display .........................................................................................Set BARO selector ........................................................................................................... Push Verify STD shows as reference for the standby altimeter. Announce: “STANDARD SET”. If: There is fuel in the center tank . CENTER FUEL PUMP switches.........................................................................................ON If: The center fuel pump LOW PRESSURE light illuminates or the center fuel tank is empty . CENTER FUEL PUMP switches....................................................................................... OFF After: Reaching cruise level . Perform the Cruise Briefing, as needed. Note: If the wind was manually entered during the FMC Initial Data and the cruise level flight time is greater than one hour: Verify or modify the wind at next waypoint and then at waypoints where the wind direction and/or speed changes by more than 30 degrees or 10 knots. Procedure Notes: 1) The procedure is design with this sequence because in the US (the state of manufacture of the airplane) the local altimeter setting is used until 18,000’ MSL. This ensures that the Takeoff Procedure can be completed, before the start of the Climb and Cruise Procedures. At places with lower Transition Altitudes (especially when below 10,000’ MSL), the sequence of actions should be handled accordingly. Normal Procedures P a g e | 37 BOEING 737NG Descent Procedure Start the Descent Procedure before the airplane descends below the cruise altitude for arrival at destination. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Verify the RNP, as needed during the descent. Obtain the ATIS or weather and operational information. Modify the active route for the arrival and approach as needed. Verify that pressurization is set to landing altitude. Recall ............................................................................................................................. Check Announce: “RECALL” System Annunciator Panel ........................................................................................ Push Verify that all system annunciator panel lights illuminate and then extinguish. Discuss any inoperative item, as needed. Discuss any operational notes, as needed. EFIS control panel .............................................................................................................. Set EFIS control panel ..............................................................................................................Set MINS reference selector ......................................................................... RADIO or BARO MINS reference selector ......................................................................... RADIO or BARO MINS selector ................................................................................................... As needed MINS selector ...................................................................................................As needed BARO reference selector .................................................................................. IN or HPA BARO reference selector ................................................................................... IN or HPA BARO selector ......................................................................Preset local altimeter setting BARO selector ..................................................................... Preset local altimeter setting COURSE ................................................................................................................ As needed Note: For instrument approaches, enter the final approach course. Note: For visual approaches, enter the arrival runway heading. COURSE.................................................................................................................As needed Note: For instrument approaches, enter the final approach course. Note: For visual approaches, enter the arrival runway heading. Check the landing performance. AUTOBRAKE selector ............................................................................................ As needed FMC APPROACH REF page..............................................................................................Set Enter the expected landing weight. Verify and select the landing flaps and VREF speeds. NAV radio tuning panel 1 and 2 ..........................................................................................Set ADF tuning panel ................................................................................................................Set Perform the Descent Briefing. Call for the “DESCENT CHECKLIST.” Do the DESCENT CHECKLIST. Normal Procedures P a g e | 38 BOEING 737NG Approach Procedure The Approach Procedure is normally started at Transition Level. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Verify the RNP, as needed during the arrival and approach. When: Cleared and descending to an altitude . Announce: “TRANSITION LEVEL”. Note: If complying with a level restriction above the transition level, only change the altimeter subscale to the local altimeter setting when this restriction is met. Verify the transition level and call: “SET QNH ____ (ALTIMETER ____)”. Note: Call for the actual local altimeter setting numbers. Even if the local pressure met the ISA conditions, call for 1013. BARO STD switch ........................................................................................................... Push Verify the local altimeter setting shows as reference for the altimeter. Integrated standby flight display .........................................................................................Set BARO STD switch ........................................................................................................... Push Verify the local altimeter setting shows as reference for the altimeter. BARO selector ........................................................................................................... Push Verify the local altimeter setting shows as reference for the standby altimeter. Announce: “____ SET”. Note: Announce the actual local altimeter setting numbers. Even if the local pressure met the ISA conditions, announce 1013. When: Reaching 10,000' MSL (20,000’ MSL for aerodrome elevation above 5,000’) . Announce: “TEN THOUSAND” (“TWENTY THOUSAND”). Verify ten (twenty) thousand feet on the altimeter and announce: “CHECKED”. PASS SIGNS panel ............................................................................................................Set NO ELECTRONICS selector (if installed) ....................................................................ON FASTEN BELTS selector .............................................................................................ON LANDING light switches .....................................................................................................ON RUNWAY TURNOFF light switches ...................................................................................ON TAXI light switch .................................................................................................................ON LOGO light switch ...................................................................................................As needed Notify the cabin crew: “CABIN CREW, PREPARE FOR LANDING”. Normal Procedures P a g e | 39 BOEING 737NG Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Call for the “APPROACH CHECKLIST”. Do the APPROACH CHECKLIST. When: Passing through the Minimum Safe Altitude . Announce: “MSA”. Verify minimum safe altitude on the altimeter and announce: “CHECKED”. TERR switch .................................................................................................................... Push Verify TERR is shown on the ND. Procedure Notes: 1) The procedure is design with this sequence because in the US (the state of manufacture of the airplane) the standard altimeter setting is used above 18,000’ MSL. This ensures that the Approach Procedure can be completed, before the start of the ILS or VNAV Procedures. At places with lower Transition Levels (especially when below 10,000’ MSL), the sequence of actions should be handled accordingly. Normal Procedures P a g e | 40 BOEING 737NG Flap Extension Speed Schedule Current Flap Position At Speed Select Flaps Command Speed UP “UP” 1 “1” 1 “1” 5 “5” 5 “5” 15 “15” 15 “15” 30 or 40 (VREF30 or VREF40) + Wind additives Normal Procedures P a g e | 41 BOEING 737NG ILS Procedure The ILS Procedure is normally started at the IAF or the beginning of radar vectors. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring If on radar vectors: Use HDG SEL and the pitch mode as needed. If enroute to a fix Use LNAV or other roll mode and VNAV or other pitch mode. Plan to intercept the localizer with Flaps 5 and at Flaps 5 speed. Speed reduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify reduction to or set the desired speed. Flap extension .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Perform Request for flaps extension according to the flap extension schedule. Extend flaps according to the flap retraction schedule. Note: Flap Extension Speed Schedule is described after the Approach Procedure. When: On localizer intercept heading . ILS signal ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the ILS is tuned and identified; and Verify that the ILS is tuned and identified; and Verify that the LOC and G/S pointers are shown in the proper position. Verify that the LOC and G/S pointers are shown in the proper position. APP mode ......................................................................................................................... Arm WARNING: When using LNAV to intercept the final approach course, LNAV might parallel the localizer without capturing it. Use LNAV or HDG SEL to intercept the final approach course as needed. When: On localizer . Localizer tracking ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the localizer is captured; and Verify that the localizer is captured; and Set the final approach course heading on the heading selector. Verify the final approach course heading is set on the heading selector. At: Glideslope alive . Call “GEAR DOWN, FLAPS 15”; and Speedbrake lever........................................................................................................ ARMED Landing gear lever .............................................................................................................. DN Flap lever ............................................................................................................................. 15 ENGINE START switches ............................................................................................. CONT Normal Procedures P a g e | 42 BOEING 737NG Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring At: Glideslope capture . Call “FLAPS (30/40)”, as needed for landing. Flap lever ........................................................................................................... Landing flaps Missed approach altitude .................................................................................................... Set Call for the “LANDING CHECKLIST”. Do the LANDING CHECKLIST. At: Final approach fix . FAF Crossing Altitude .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify the crossing altitude on the altimeters. Be aware of the temperature deviation to the standard atmosphere and its relation to the indicated altitude when following the Glide Slope. Announce: “APPROACH FIX, ____”. Note: Announce the final approach fix altitude as depicted on the approach procedure chart. Announce: “CHECKED”. WARNING: Interference with the glideslope signal can result in erroneous AFDS pitch guidance indicated by FMA mode degradation, the AUTOPILOT caution message, and removal of the F/D pitch bar. If this occurs, do a go-around unless suitable visual references can be established and maintained. Approach ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Monitor Both pilots must monitor the approach. Call out any significant deviations. Perform an immediate go-around if not within the criteria to continue the approach. If the Autopilot is Engaged, At: 500 feet radio altitude . Autoland Status ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify the autoland status. Announce: “(CMD/SINGLE CHANNEL/LAND 2/LAND 3/NO AUTOLAND)”. Announce: “CHEKED”. If an ILS CAT3B is being conducted, At: 200 feet radio altitude . Announce: “ALERT HEIGHT”. Announce: “CHEKED”. Normal Procedures P a g e | 43 BOEING 737NG VNAV Procedure The VNAV Procedure is normally started at the IAF or the beginning of radar vectors. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring If on radar vectors: Use HDG SEL and the Pitch mode as needed. If enroute to a fix Use LNAV or other roll mode and VNAV or other pitch mode. Plan to intercept the final approach course with Flaps 5 and at Flaps 5 speed. Speed reduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify reduction to, set or request for the desired speed. Verify reduction to or set the desired speed. Flap extension .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Perform Request for flaps extension according to the flap extension schedule. Extend flaps according to the flap retraction schedule. Note: Flap Extension Speed Schedule is described after the Approach Procedure. When: On final approach course intercept heading . For LOC, LOC-BC, or LDA approaches: LOC signal ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the localizer is tuned and identified; and Verify that the localizer is tuned and identified; and Verify that the LOC pointer is shown in the proper position. Verify that the LOC pointer is shown in the proper position. LNAV or LOC mode .......................................................................................................... Arm Note: The recommended roll mode for the final approach is LNAV. Note: LOC is also recommended for a Localizer or LDA Approaches. WARNING: When using LNAV to intercept the localizer final approach course, LNAV might parallel the localizer without capturing it. Use LNAV or HDG SEL to intercept the final approach course as needed. When: On final approach course . For approaches using LNAV Mode: Final Approach Tracking ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that LNAV is engaged; and Verify that LNAV is engaged; and Set the final approach course heading on the heading selector. Verify that the final approach course heading on the heading selector. For approaches using LOC Mode: Localizer tracking ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Verify that the localizer is captured; and Verify that the localizer is captured; and Set the final approach course heading on the heading selector. Verify the final approach course heading is set on the heading selector. Normal Procedures P a g e | 44 BOEING 737NG Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring When: Approximately 2 NM before the final approach fix . Announce “APPROACHING GLIDE PATH”. Verify, select or call for the VNAV mode, as needed. Select or verify the VNAV mode, as needed. Verify, select or call for the minimum altitude. Verify or select the minimum altitude. Call “GEAR DOWN, FLAPS 15”; and Speedbrake lever........................................................................................................ ARMED Landing gear lever .............................................................................................................. DN Flap lever ............................................................................................................................. 15 ENGINE START switches ............................................................................................. CONT At: Final approach fix . FAF Crossing Altitude .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Announce: “APPROACH FIX, ____”. Note: Announce the final approach fix altitude as depicted on the approach procedure chart. Announce: “CHECKED”. Verify the crossing altitude on the altimeters. Be aware of the temperature deviation to the standard atmosphere and its relation to the indicated altitude when following the Glide Slope. At: Verify the crossing altitude on the altimeters. Be aware of the temperature deviation to the standard atmosphere and its relation to the indicated altitude when following the Glide Slope. The beginning the final approach descent . Call “FLAPS (30/40)”, as needed for landing. Flap lever ........................................................................................................... Landing flaps Call for the “LANDING CHECKLIST”. Do the LANDING CHECKLIST. When: At least 300 feet below missed approach altitude . Missed approach altitude .................................................................................................... Set Approach ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Monitor Both pilots must monitor the approach. Call out any significant deviations. Perform an immediate go-around if not within the criteria to continue the approach. Normal Procedures P a g e | 45 BOEING 737NG Go-Around and Missed Approach Procedure The Go-Around and Missed Approach Procedure must be performed when an approach needs to be abandoned when below the missed approach altitude. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring Announce “GO-AROUND”. CAUTION: during a single autopilot approach, the autopilot disengages when GoAround Mode is selected. Manual flight is needed until the airplane is under control and above the minimum autopilot engagement height. TO/GA switch................................................................................................................... Push Note: If the A/T is engaged, the thrust advances toward the reduced go-around N1 to produce 1.000 to 2.000 feet per minute rate of climb. If needed, a second push on the TO/GA switch is required for the A/T to command full go-around N1 limit. Note: If the A/T is NOT engaged, it is required to advance the thrust levers manually to the required go-around thrust. Go-Around Thrust ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Check Verify that the thrust increases. Verify that the thrust increases. Call “FLAPS 15”, as needed. Flap lever ............................................................................................................ 15, if needed Go-Around Attitude .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Check Verify the rotation to go–around attitude. Verify the rotation to go–around attitude. Verify that the thrust is sufficient for the go-around or adjust as needed. Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and announce: “POSITIVE RATE”. Verify a positive rate of climb on the altimeter and call: “GEAR UP”. Landing gear lever .............................................................................................................. UP At: 400 feet radio altitude or above . CAUTION: Limit bank angle to 15 degrees if airspeed is below minimum maneuver speed for the existing flap. Verify, select or call for a roll mode, as needed. Verify or select the roll mode, as needed. Missed Approach Track ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the missed approach route is tracked. Verify that the missed approach route is tracked. Verify that the missed approach altitude is set. Engage the autopilot anytime when at or above the minimum altitude for autopilot. Normal Procedures P a g e | 46 BOEING 737NG Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring At: Acceleration height . Flap retraction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Perform Request for flaps retraction according to the flap retraction schedule. Retract flaps according to the flap retraction schedule. Note: Flap Retraction Speed Schedule is described after the Takeoff Procedure. Note: If the desired missed approach speed is below flap up minimum maneuver speed, maintain the flap required to fly the procedure speed; and, when performing the After Takeoff Checklist, verify that the actual flap position is desired. After: Flap retraction is complete (or set to the planned flap setting) . FLCH or VNAV ................................................................................................................ Push Verify, set or request the desired airspeed. Verify or set the desired airspeed. Thrust Limit .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that climb thrust is set. Verify that climb thrust is set. Missed Approach Altitude .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Verify that the missed approach altitude is captured. Verify that the missed approach altitude is captured. Call for the “AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST”. PACKS ........................................................................................................................... AUTO ENGINE BLEEDS ...............................................................................................................ON Engine Start Switches .............................................................................................As needed Landing gear .............................................................................................................. Up & Off Auto Brake ........................................................................................................................ OFF Do the AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST. Normal Procedures P a g e | 47 BOEING 737NG Landing and Landing Roll Procedure Manually land the airplane or monitor the autopilot when an autoland is desired. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring At: Procedure minimum altitude or height . Announce: “LANDING” or “GO AROUND”. Note: For Go Around follow the Go-Around and Missed Approach Procedure. If: Manual flight is required or desired . Disengage the autopilot anytime when at or above the minimum altitude for autopilot. Begin with a stabilized approach on speed, in trim, and on glide path. Maintain the glide path to landing. When a manual landing is planned from an approach with the autopilot connected, the transition to manual flight should be planned early enough to allow the pilot time to establish airplane control before beginning the flare. Establish a final approach that assures safe threshold clearance and gear touchdown at least 1,000 feet down the runway. When the threshold passes out of sight under the airplane nose shift the visual sighting point to the far end of the runway. Initiate the flare when the main gear is approximately 20 feet above the runway, by increasing pitch attitude approximately 2 to 3 degrees. Smoothly retard the thrust levers to idle after the flare is initiated and make small pitch attitude adjustments to maintain the desired descent rate to the runway. Ideally, main gear touchdown should occur simultaneously with the thrust levers reaching idle. Typically, the pitch attitude increases slightly during the actual landing, but avoid overrotating. Do not increase the pitch attitude, trim, or hold the nose wheel off the runway after landing. Immediately after: Touchdown . Verify the thrust levers are closed. Move the speedbrake up manually, as needed. Verify the speedbrake lever position and announce: “SPEEDBRAKES UP” or “SPEEDBRAKES NOT UP”. Autobrake ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Check Verify correct autobrake operation, as needed. Verify correct autobrake operation, as needed. Normal Procedures P a g e | 48 BOEING 737NG Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring WARNING: After the reverse thrust levers are raised, a full stop landing must be made. If an engine remains in reverse, safe flight is not possible. Without delay, raise the reverse thrust levers to the interlocks and hold light pressure until the interlocks release. Verify the REV indications are green and announce: “REVERSERS NORMAL”. Apply reverse thrust as needed. If the is no REV indication(s) or the indication(s) stays amber, announce “NO REVERSERS” ou “NO REVERSER LEFT/RIGHT”, as needed. By 60 knots, start movement of the reverse thrust levers to reach the reverse idle detent before taxi speed. Announce: “SIXTY KNOTS”. After the engines are at reverse idle, move the reverse thrust levers to fully down. Before taxi speed, announce: “MANUAL BRAKES”. Disarm the autobrake and use manual braking, as needed. Verify the AUTOBRAKE DISARM light illuminates and announce: “AUTOBRAKE DISARM”. Before turning off the runway, disconnect the autopilot, as needed. Reverse Thrust Lever Positions Normal Procedures P a g e | 49 BOEING 737NG After Landing Procedure Start the After Landing Procedure when clear of the active runway and after the taxi route has been confirmed. Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring SPEEDBRAKE lever ....................................................................................................DOWN PROBE HEAT switches ......................................... AUTO (as installed) or OFF (as installed) ENGINE ANTI-ICE switches ...................................................................................As needed LANDING light switches ................................................................................................... OFF RUNWAY TURNOFF switches ......................................................................................... OFF APU selector .................................................................................................START, then ON POSITION light switch .............................................................................................. STEADY WXR radar display ............................................................................................................ OFF Verify that the weather radar indications are not shown on the ND. TERR display .................................................................................................................... OFF Verify that the terrain indications are not shown on the ND. AUTOBRAKE selector ...................................................................................................... OFF FLAP lever .......................................................................................................................... UP Transponder mode selector ........................................................................................ XPNDR Verify that TCAS OFF is shown on the ND and announce “TCAS OFF”. When: Approaching the parking position . TAXI light switch ............................................................................................................... OFF Normal Procedures P a g e | 50 BOEING 737NG Shutdown Procedure Start the Shutdown Procedure after taxi is complete. Captain First Officer Engine cool down recommendations................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Check Use a thrust setting normally used for taxi operations; and Run the engines for at least 3 minutes after reverse idle. Note: If a thrust setting above those normally used for taxi is required at any stage after the standard 3 minutes recommendation: run the engine for at least 1 minute after thrust reduction. PARKING BRAKE .............................................................................................................. Set Verify that the PARKING BRAKE warning light is illuminated. Electrical power ..................................................................................................................Set If APU power is needed: Verify that the APU GENERATOR OFF BUS light is illuminated. APU GENERATOR bus switches ...........................................................................ON Verify that the SOURCE OFF lights are extinguished. If external power is needed: Verify that the GRD POWER AVAILABLE light is illuminated. GRD POWER switch ..............................................................................................ON Verify that the SOURCE OFF lights are extinguished. Engine Start Levers .................................................................................................. CUTOFF If towing is needed: Establish communications with the ground personnel. WARNING: If the nose gear steering is not locked out, any change to hydraulic power with the tow bar connected may cause unwanted tow bar movement. Confirm the nose gear steering is locked out. CAUTION: Do not hold or turn the nose wheel tiller during pushback or towing. This can damage the nose gear or the tow bar. CAUTION: Do not use airplane brakes to stop the airplane during pushback or towing. This can damage the nose gear or the tow bar. Parking brake ........................................................................................Set or release Set or release as directed by ground handling personnel. FUEL PUMP switches ...................................................................................................... OFF Verify that the center tank fuel pump LOW PRESSURE lights are extinguished. Normal Procedures P a g e | 51 BOEING 737NG Captain First Officer Verify that the main tank fuel pump LOW PRESSURE lights are illuminated. Note: Whenever the APU is running and AC electrical power is on the busses, turn on one fuel boost pump to supply fuel under pressure to the APU to extend the service life of its fuel control unit. CAUTION: Do not operate the center tank fuel pumps with the flight deck unattended. FASTEN BELTS switch .................................................................................................... OFF WING ANTI-ICE switch ..................................................................................................... OFF Verify that the VALVE OPEN lights are extinguished. ENGINE ANTI-ICE switches ............................................................................................. OFF Verify that the COWL ANTI-ICE lights are extinguished. Verify that the COWL VALVE OPEN lights are extinguished. ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMPS switches ..................................................................... OFF Verify that the OVERHEAT lights are extinguished. Verify that the LOW PRESURE lights are illuminated. Air conditioning PACK switches .................................................................................... AUTO ISOLATION VALVE switch ............................................................................................ OPEN Engine BLEED air switches ................................................................................................ON If the APU is ON: APU BLEED air switch .................................................................................................ON Verify that the DUAL BLEED light is illuminated. ANTI COLLISION light switch ........................................................................................... OFF F/D switch ......................................................................................................................... OFF F/D switch ......................................................................................................................... OFF EFB (as installed) .......................................................................................... CLOSE FLIGHT EFB (as installed) .......................................................................................... CLOSE FLIGHT Transponder Mode Selector .......................................................................................... STBY If wheel chocks are going to be used: Establish communications with the ground personnel. Confirm that chocks are in place. Parking brake ................................................................................................. Release Verify that the PARKING BRAKE warning light is extinguished. Call for the “SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST”. Do the SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST. Normal Procedures P a g e | 52 BOEING 737NG Secure Procedure Start the Secure Procedure after all the passengers have been disembarked. Captain First Officer IRS mode selectors .......................................................................................................... OFF CAB/UTIL power switch (as installed) .............................................................................. OFF IFE/PASS SEAT power switch (as installed) .................................................................... OFF GALLEY power switch (as installed) ................................................................................ OFF EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHTS switch ................................................................................ OFF Verify that the NOT ARMED light is illuminated. WINDOW HEAT switches ................................................................................................. OFF Verify that the ON lights are extinguished. TRIM AIR switch (as installed).......................................................................................... OFF Air conditioning PACK switches ....................................................................................... OFF POSITION light switch ............................................................................................As needed EFB (as installed) ..................................................................................................Power OFF EFB (as installed) ................................................................................................. Power OFF Call for the “SECURE CHECKLIST”. Do the SECURE CHECKLIST. FLIGHT DECK ACCESS SYSTEM switch ....................................................................... OFF Normal Procedures P a g e | 53