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Poetry Editing Sheet

Writing Folder Editing Sheet
Your writing folder should have four poems in it. All four poems must be handed in, so make
sure they are titled correctly and written neatly. Each poem should be on its own page, so make
sure to write your name on the sheet. You will choose three of these poems to edit further and
hand in for final marks. Please show which three poems you have chosen to edit by writing
“Final Edit” by the title on them.
Haiku Poem
-Should be titled as “Haiku”
-have three lines, with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line, and 5 in the
third line
-should be about a single moment (does not have to be nature)
Onomatopoeia Poem
-should be titled as “Onomatopoeia”
-have 2 stanzas
-have 8 lines total (4 lines in each stanza)
-have one onomatopoeia word in each line
-should be about the sounds in a single place (city, beach, playground, etc.)
Free Verse with Hyperbole and Alliteration
-should be titled as “Free Verse”
-have at least 8 lines (number of stanzas is up to you)
-does not have to rhyme (but can if you want)
-has to have at least one hyperbole
-has to have some alliteration (minimum of two words)
-can be about anything you choose
Limerick with Personification
-should be titled as “Limerick”
-should have 5 lines
-lines 1, 2, and 5 have 7-10 syllables in them, and lines 3 and 4 have 5-7 syllables
-the rhyme scheme should be AABBA
-should have at least one non-human or inanimate thing that is personified
-can be about any animal or object you choose
Pick Me! Poetry Flipgrid Video Editing Sheet
Make sure you have done each item on the list.
Record your Flipgrid video at: https://flip.com/6f83c076
You may use any of the visual effects and filters available in Flipgrid, and you do
not have to show your face if you don’t want to.
-Say the title and author of your poem or song (My poem is…).
-Read out the poem or song you chose to analyze (should not take more than a
minute to read the poem and if you have chosen a song, pick your favourite
-What is the poetic form of the poem or song (is it free verse, a limerick, how
many stanzas does it have)?
-What is the rhyme scheme of the poem or song (is it ABAB, AABB, or does it not
have one)?
-Does the poem or song have any metaphors or similes? If so, what is being
compared in the poem?
-Is there any personification in the poem or song? If so, what is the non-human or
inanimate thing being personified?
-Is there any hyperbole in the poem or song? What is being exaggerated?
-Is there any onomatopoeia or alliteration in your poem? Tell us the words and
sounds in the video.
-Tell us your opinion of the poem and why you like it.
-When did you first hear the poem or song?
-Does it remind you of a time when you were happy or sad?
-Does it make you laugh or feel confident?
After Recording:
-Have your name be the caption of your video.
-Do not put anything in the link box.
-Press the “Post to topic” button and make