1 3 Membrane Stricture How aresoapfilmssimilartocellmembranes Cellmembrane plasmamembrane rinses haveplasmamembrane covidadaptedtocellmembrane ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉma 88 membranal whensoapcomesin contactof cell itdissolves thatitsnatchedfrom hostcell f ifwedissolve that wecan bubble in bubble doublemembrane phospholipid bilayer phosphatehead dissolvethebilayer 9 lipid fattytails onsalt soapbubble cellmembrane based I toorganelle phospholipidbilayer basedphonsphate Both Molecule Saltoffattyacid Feline Nophosphate I phospholipid phosphategroup group amphipathic onetail Hyanphollichead pymphobictail tailfacing out a tailfacing in headfacingout Golgimakesphospholipid bilayer on vesicles that transport it to the membrane as like dissolves like it justmergeswith it whitebloodcells pattenenters engulfsbacterialcell as some material 1 phagocytosis bubblein bubble fluids coming in gooutside bubblein bubble bubblelettingout ofanotherbubble Alcohol daythings wateris Notmadeof protein name of tunnelsmade protein anything gomade eukaryotecells evenif they'repolar gig fat instead they are POLAR bubblein bubble couldbe G A vesicle nucleus gym you Binary fission Dividingcellstogether cellfusion cellsfusingtogether Whatisthefunction of plasmamembrane Amphipathic d exporting littlebitpolarandlittlebit non polar enzymeshormones prokaryote eukaryotes membrane plasma polar hydrophilic all have n to lotsof mummy fatal protein soapmolecules dissolvethecell membraneofviruses fluid mosaicmodel Q enamels go turnfets helping mm an a inwards as it is hydrophobic pawn my glycoproteins y organicmolecule e gcholine glycerolt acids z fatty fatty tails hydrophobic non polar oil is not polar hydrophobic notattracted toiiiwater hydrophilic attractedto water hydrophobic yyn charges tails hydrogent carbons hydrocarbon Clt fatty chargedparticles polar Ho polarchargedhydrophi nptrip fends perp pop OHcharges attract water CH amphipathic saturated polarhad tails non polar 0 monounsaturated polyunsaturated dotted I erased the A bent leg straightlegdffentfats T fluid Ifatty A phospholipid Doesntwant fattytail totouchwater to e Micellarwater dropletsoffats thatcleanskin by g Micelle Micelle oil makeupon assoc ating tailstofatty fatty fat blob Cotton face oliveoil twater cottonis polar phosphathead is hydrophilic fatty tail is exposedand attract stickon thefatty makeup phospholipids are fluid frons bilayerduetoamphipathic property of phospholipidmolecules phospholipid bilayers dontwovevertically 22 02 Why is phospholipidsaresynthesised by thesmoothE R and transported asvesicles to needflexibilitytoengulfwhitebloodall fluidityallowsbreaking of membrane Golgiis just a whole bunch of I lipids an by evolutioncertain thing adaptation feverkillsoffbacteria exocytosis endocytosis solublemoleculsto pastthrough Allowslipid thecellmembrane mannnn fluidity important membrain 23 y it phospholipidshaveto bevery is i 1 i fluid and flexible to allow substances tomovethrough and ableto Membranefluidity viscosity viscosity bereft ofthe lipidbilayer vgym BEEF lowviscosity fluid high viscosity thick cholesterol regulates it bakes the extremely anemiannan away puny summer lower viscosity cholesterol sticks tailsclosertogether steroids honey comb lipid fat looking molecule cholesterol 1 amphipathic op mostly hydrophobic I straylice money majority hydrophobic Anyhydrolliphic indirectly helps w exhery ofsubstances in cellmembrane red omega 3 j hygygbkta.ly fats key tons O movelessviscous cholesterol fluidity polyunsaturated polyunsaturated 4bent morespacious morethi'd fat phosphate lipid cold rigid maybreak notflexible hydrophobia hiphic cholesterol breaksthemapart hot 989 9 9 toofluid won'tholdshape cholesterolstinksthem together brings it tocenter em Where do healthy fats thats whyfish can'tbetransported easewhere come from morefluid in polyunsaturatedfatso noneed cholesterol Omega 3 fats Their phospholipid legs are polyunsaturated doublebonded kinky leg bends at theomegalocationin thecellmembrane cholesterol can't doenough to maintainfluidityinsuperviscoscious membrane so bendylegshelpsmakeit more fluidpermanently unsaturated bendy asdon'tneed cholesterol as fat omega 3 is thefat T straight need Do Plants contain cholesterol morecholesterol bad They don't Theymaintainfluidity throughunsaturated double bonded bendy tail fats no cholesterol healthy fat evenif theytookthefats whydoanimals in coldweatherhavemore polyunsaturatedfats to maintain morefluidity cholesterol honeycomb unsaturated saturated fattychains acids short Actual protein diagrams proteinchannels proteins tohelp ions andorganic molecules passthe can be activetipassive Q inter goalproteins helpstransportthingsint membranes Proteins the membrane in Permanently embedded in membrane Integralproteins transmembrane fluid nosiacmodel describes proteins Ii gig hydrophobicmiddle a embedded membrane hydrophilic end membrane forhydrophilicproteinsto conthe p magna poems among to penetratesjust onesurface helpsglucose hydrophilic thranahthemembrane Poreof Chanel protein hydrophilic y go via vesicles transported tmschyanphing'imsthanantunag Ea hehelps mergeothercells togetherthengetsswallowed recognition IIY.fi im.no Glycoproteins oligosaccharidecham oligo few saccharidesugar cellwhen ontoother moves dyedisintegrates cen atntigens cenflag selfcellor forcellrecognitionbyimmunesystemandhormonereceptors ofmembrainproteins functions iii type B glycoproteins by all accepted AB 1888 O carbohydratechain hydrophilic thischain is muand it leaves itthere Stuckin skin p up Junction connecting cellstest Cperipheral proteins Enzyme repairingmembranes e g niti in smallintestines ineffigy diffusion an active transport Cosmosis give markersforcellularidentification glycoprotein Recognition Anchorage Attachingto Transduction receptors acceptseverything attune extracellularmatrixEating forpeptidehormones sendestrogentellproteindoes job peptide shortchains ofamino a Lipid steroid cholesterol gotherefor them hormones Dawson Daniell Model supersede takenplace take over soakingup infectious bacteria draw ans fluidmosaicmodel Singer Nicolson Model Singer Nicolson Model Endocytosis engulfing vesiclesofothercells exampledrawing t gg5 Q.no nm diagram t junctiongram intercellular between space us a.me manana an hydrophobic nonpolarfattytent 8888 Daimon j.iiE I intergraltransmembrane protein of If limitations of DavidDaniell model 1 Rigid division permeability 2 hydrophobic proteins wouldn'thangout with phosphateheads 7 could notaccount hydrophobia proteinsplace for Falsifying evidence 1 fluorescentLabelling proteinsare fluidandflexible dyedmousecellgreenhumanredandfusedtheallsto gether 2 freezefracturing bumpypores proteinswereinsidemembranes Fbiigtefdn.gg proteinsextractedcamefrom diffsizesandwouldnotbethetypetoform continuousstructurallayers Immigration tail anti alcoholic build up membraneresistance inmembrane membranesare nonpolarhydrophobic fatty as organicsubstances suchasbenzine ether aromatic hydrocarbons al halogenated hydrocarbons couldpassthrough phospholipid bilayer Knave v tails faceinward glucose can betransported passiveor actively small passive transport simple diffusion oxygen nitrogenpotassium big passive transport faciliated glucose collagen small achetransport proteinpumps glucose big acte transport endocytosis pay pay amphoteric amphipathic proteinchannelscam aminoacid nucleotides