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CIE434 Midterm Fall 2019 CORRECTION

lebanese american university
school of engineering
ipsa scientia potestas est
The Civil Engineering Profession
2 credits
department of civil engineering
November 20th, 2019
4:30 to 5:30 pm Open Book/notes
Dr. G. Karam, Sec 31, 32 and 33
FL 2019
ASCE Code of Ethics (40%)
Situational Question
You just graduated, but unlike your classmates and those who graduated in the last two years who are
still looking for a job, your cousin Faysal through his political affiliation lands you the position of an
advisor at the newly created Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA). When you express your
concern about not having the required experience or background he laughs and tells you that it does not
matter, all you have to do is to beef up your CV and change the date of your graduation to show at least
three years of experience and list some experience on industrial and electrical plant projects and he will
get you approved by the Human Resource manager at ERA. Once you are appointed, all you will have
to do will be to follow instructions.
You are assigned the task to prepare the prequalification conditions for Power Contractors who can bid
for the construction of new electrical power plants across Lebanon. You receive instructions from
Faysal to tailor the conditions for prequalification in such a way that only one Contractor from Lebanon
can qualify and get the job.
You share your concern with Faysal about the ethical/legal risk of this situation and he admonishes you
to just follow your instructions and do what is best for the interest of the political “current” that placed
you in your job.
When you express your serious worries about getting caught and losing your job or even going to jail
he tells you that the Contractor who is going to win will make it worthwhile for you and if you go to jail
he will try to get you out.
The ERA job carries with it a salary of $3,500USD per month, do you take the job and thank your
cousin Faysal? Do you consult anyone about whether you should take this job? Who? (10%)
You should not take the job; if in doubt consult a more knowledgeable person,
like your mentor, advisor, legal counsel.
b) After taking CIE 434, what would your answer be and what parts of which Canons of the ASCE
Code of Ethics may cover your situation if you take the job? Detail your answer. (15%)
Definitely NO.
“false claims” on your CV and accepting a job through connections without
qualification. Accepting the job violates directly Canon 2a and Canon 5d.
Carrying out the tasks as per Faysal’s request would violate:
Canon 4a, Canon 6a, c and e
You finally took the job. Based on ASCE Code of Ethics and what you know from the Lebanese
Law, are you under any ethical requirement to report Faysal’s request to tamper with the
prequalification process ? and to whom? Support your answer with arguments and list the ASCE
Canons of Ethics relevant articles and any other legal references from Lebanon. (15%)
Tampering with the pre-qualification process violates ASCE Canons 4a and Canon
6a, c and e.
It also violates the articles against unethical behavior and fraud of the Law organizing
the Engineering Profession: Law 636 / 1999 , chapter 3 article 55.
Note: Please write clearly and legibly and let your work reflect only your personal effort.
CIE 434 Midterm Fall 2019 -Correction
It also violates the general laws of procurement and accounting of the Lebanese
Registration and licensure in Civil Engineering (30%)
(a) What is the purpose of engineering registration/licensure in any country? (5%)
Organize the profession and protect the public.
(b) Compare the conditions of Licensure in Nova Scotia-Canada (attached) with those in the USA and
those of Lebanon. (20%) (hint: list requirements in tabular form and establish correspondence per
type of requirement)
Refer to correction of previous midterms for more details; in summary:
Nova Scotia Canada
1-Academic Requirement
Applicants for licensure must meet
the following requirement for
academic qualifications:
• an undergraduate degree in
engineering accredited by the
Canadian Engineering Accreditation
Board (CEAB), or
• an unaccredited undergraduate
degree in engineering or science from
a school, college, or university
recognized by the governing Council
of the Association, and successful
2-Experience Requirement
The experience requirement is four
years of engineering experience,
obtained after having met the
experience must be approved by the
Board of Examiners and a minimum
of one year in a Canadian
environment is required.
3-English Language Requirement
If the applicant’s first language is not
English, proof of the ability to
communicate effectively, both orally
and in writing in English, is required.
Acceptable documentation of English
proficiency may include positive
results of the TOEFL or the
International English Language Test,
confirmation of education in English,
or employer reference letters.
4-Good Character Requirement
References are required from three
people who have known the applicant
for a minimum of one year and are
willing to provide a reference to
attest to the applicant’s character and
equivalent degree
(5 yrs University
studies) accredited
by the Ministri of
Higher Education
experience after
passing the EIT
requirement !
No requirement
Clear legal registry
for more than 10
CIE 434 Midterm Fall 2019 -Correction
engineering experience. Two of the
references must be Professional
Engineers registered in good standing
in Canada.
5-National Professional Practice
Exam Requirement (NPPE)
The NPPE is a computer based Law
and Ethics and Professionalism exam
consisting of 110 multiple choice
questions. All applicants must
successfully complete the NPPE or
equivalent, to demonstrate an
practice and ethics issues.
PE exam at end
No exam required
(Order of Engineers
has approved it in
concept but not
implemented yet!)
(c) What is the key difference between the North American conditions and those of Lebanon, and how
is the Order or Engineers in Lebanon planning to address it? (5%)
The main differences are the requirements for an entrance exam and four years of
training. The Order of Engineers has instated an entrance exam which has not
been put into effect and is considering a training period.
World Bank OP 4.01 Annex C, Sustainable Development (15%)
With reference to the attached World Bank Operating Procedure OP4.01 Annex C,
How does this operating procedure fit within sustainable development approaches and how would you
apply it in Lebanon for the Environmental Management Plan for the proposed dam in Bisri?
How can we make sure that the EMP is developed and applied?
OP4.01 was applied in the development of the Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) of Bisri Dam
and it should be taken into account in the development of the Environmental and
Social Management Plan (ESMP).
A National Commission should be appointed/nominated containing experts (in their
fields) and representatives of all stakeholders to monitor the application of the ESMP.
The Ministry of Energy and Water
Civil Engineering Specialties (15%)
(a) Describe what type of professional assignments a Civil Engineer who specializes in Transportation
Engineering would be carrying (10%)
Traffic and mobility studies, transportation infrastructure planning, design and
supervision of the construction of roads, highways, railways, ports and airports.
CIE 434 Midterm Fall 2019 -Correction
(b) List the courses in your current undergraduate program that may contain information, material, and
tools that you would use in the design of an intersection such as Sahat Al Nour in Tripoli . (5%)
Transportation 1 and 2 and Engineering Graphics as well as Statistics and
Requirements to become a Registered Professional Engineer in NOVA SCOTIA -CANADA
Registration Requirements
An engineer practicing in Nova Scotia is required by law to be registered with the Association of
Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia (Engineers Nova Scotia). Specific exemptions are outlined in
Section 10 of the Engineering Professional Act. Under the Nova Scotia Engineering Profession Act &
By‐Laws, successful applicants must
be academically qualified
have sufficient acceptable engineering work experience
have an understanding of local practices and Canadian work conditions
be competent in English
be of good character, and
demonstrate an understanding of professional practice and ethics issues
1-Academic Requirement
Applicants for licensure must meet the following requirement for academic qualifications:
an undergraduate degree in engineering accredited by the Canadian Engineering
Accreditation Board (CEAB), or
an unaccredited undergraduate degree in engineering or science from a school, college, or
university recognized by the governing Council of the Association, and successful completion of
any required examinations.
2-Experience Requirement
The experience requirement is four years of engineering experience, obtained after having met
the academic requirement. The experience must be approved by the Board of Examiners and a
minimum of one year in a Canadian environment is required.
3-English Language Requirement
If the applicant’s first language is not English, proof of the ability to communicate effectively,
both orally and in writing in English, is required. Acceptable documentation of English
proficiency may include positive results of the TOEFL or the International English Language
Test, confirmation of education in English, or employer reference letters.
4-Good Character Requirement
References are required from three people who have known the applicant for a minimum of
one year and are willing to provide a reference to attest to the applicant’s character and
engineering experience. Two of the references must be Professional Engineers registered in
good standing in Canada.
5-National Professional Practice Exam Requirement (NPPE)
The NPPE is a computer based Law and Ethics and Professionalism exam consisting of 110
multiple choice questions. All applicants must successfully complete the NPPE or equivalent, to
demonstrate an understanding of professional practice and ethics issues.
CIE 434 Midterm Fall 2019 -Correction
OP 4.01, Annex C - Environmental Management Plan
These policies were prepared for use by World Bank staff and are not necessarily a
complete treatment of the subject.
OP 4.01 - Annex C
January, 1999
1. A project's environmental management plan (EMP) consists of the set of mitigation, monitoring, and
institutional measures to be taken during implementation and operation to eliminate adverse
environmental and social impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels. The plan also
includes the actions needed to implement these measures. Management plans are essential elements
of EA reports for Category A projects; for many Category B projects, the EA may result in a
management plan only. To prepare a management plan, the borrower and its EA design team (a)
identify the set of responses to potentially adverse impacts; (b) determine requirements for ensuring
that those responses are made effectively and in a timely manner; and (c) describe 0the means for
meeting those requirements.2 More specifically, the EMP includes the following components.
2. The EMP identifies feasible and cost-effective measures that may reduce potentially significant
adverse environmental impacts to acceptable levels. The plan includes compensatory measures if
mitigation measures are not feasible, cost-effective, or sufficient. Specifically, the EMP
(a) identifies and summarizes all anticipated significant adverse environmental impacts (including those
involving indigenous people or involuntary resettlement);
(b) describes--with technical details--each mitigation measure, including the type of impact to which it
relates and the conditions under which it is required (e.g., continuously or in the event of
contingencies), together with designs, equipment descriptions, and operating procedures, as
(c) estimates any potential environmental impacts of these measures; and
(d) provides linkage with any other mitigation plans (e.g., for involuntary resettlement, indigenous
peoples, or cultural property) required for the project.
3. Environmental monitoring during project implementation provides information about key
environmental aspects of the project, particularly the environmental impacts of the project and the
effectiveness of mitigation measures. Such information enables the borrower and the Bank to evaluate
the success of mitigation as part of project supervision, and allows corrective action to be taken when
needed. Therefore, the EMP identifies monitoring objectives and specifies the type of monitoring, with
linkages to the impacts assessed in the EA report and the mitigation measures described in the EMP.
Specifically, the monitoring section of the EMP provides(a) a specific description, and technical details,
of monitoring measures, including the parameters to be measured, methods to be used, sampling
locations, frequency of measurements, detection limits (where appropriate), and definition of thresholds
that will signal the need for corrective actions; and (b) monitoring and reporting procedures to (i) ensure
early detection of conditions that necessitate particular mitigation measures, and (ii) furnish information
on the progress and results of mitigation.
Capacity Development and Training
4. To support timely and effective implementation of environmental project components and mitigation
measures, the EMP draws on the EA's assessment of the existence, role, and capability of
environmental units on site or at the agency and ministry level. If necessary, the EMP recommends the
establishment or expansion of such units, and the training of staff, to allow implementation of EA
recommendations. Specifically, the EMP provides a specific description of institutional arrangements-who is responsible for carrying out the mitigatory and monitoring measures (e.g., for operation,
supervision, enforcement, monitoring of implementation, remedial action, financing, reporting, and staff
training). To strengthen environmental management capability in the agencies responsible for
implementation, most EMPs cover one or more of the following additional topics: (a) technical
assistance programs, (b) procurement of equipment and supplies, and (c) organizational changes.
CIE 434 Midterm Fall 2019 -Correction
Implementation Schedule and Cost Estimates
5. For all three aspects (mitigation, monitoring, and capacity development), the EMP provides (a) an
implementation schedule for measures that must be carried out as part of the project, showing phasing
and coordination with overall project implementation plans; and (b) the capital and recurrent cost
estimates and sources of funds for implementing the EMP. These figures are also integrated into the
total project cost tables.
Integration of EMP with Project
6. The borrower's decision to proceed with a project, and the Bank's decision to support it, are
predicated in part on the expectation that the EMP will be executed effectively. Consequently, the Bank
expects the plan to be specific in its description of the individual mitigation and monitoring measures
and its assignment of institutional responsibilities, and it must be integrated into the project's overall
planning, design, budget, and implementation. Such integration is achieved by establishing the EMP
within the project so that the plan will receive funding and supervision along with the other components.