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Physics Definitions: Circular Motion to Astronomy

C 12: Circular Motion
1. Centripetal acceleration
acceleration perpendicular to velocity
2. one Radian
angle subtended at the centre of the circle
by an arc
equal in length to its radius
C 13: Gravitation
1. Gravitational field
force per unit mass
2. Newton’s law of Gravitation
Gravitational force is
proportional to the product of the masses
and inversely proportional to the square of their seperation
3. Gravitational potential
Work done per unit mass
in bringing a small test mass from infinity to that point
4. Line of force in a gravitational field
Direction of force on a mass
5. Gravitational force (1m)
force acting between two masses
force on mass in a gravitational field
4. Field of force (2m)
region of space
where a particle experience force
C 14: Temperature
1. Specific heat capacity
Thermal energy
per unit mass
and per change in temperature
2. Specific latent heat (2m)
Thermal energy per unit mass
to change the state at constant temperature
3. Specific latent heat of vaporisation
Thermal energy per unit mass
to change the state between liquid and gas
at constant temperature
4. Specific latent heat of fusion
Thermal energy per unit mass
to change the state between solid and liquid
at a constant temperature
C 15: Ideal gas
1. Ideal Gas (2m)
Gas which obeys pV
∝ T where T is the thermodynamic temperature
2. Elastic collision
Collision with no loss of kinetic energy
3. Mole
Amount of substance
which contains 6.02 x10^23 elementary entities
4. Avogadro constant
number of elementary entities
in one mole of substance
5. Molar mass
mass of one mole of substance
C 16: Thermodynamics
1. Internal energy (2m)
sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of particles
(total) energy of random motion of particles
C 17: Oscillations
1. Simple Harmonic Motion
acceleration is directly proportional to displacement
acceleration is in the opposite direction to displacement
2. Resonance
Oscillations at maximum amplitude
where driving frequency is equals to natural frequency
3. Damping (2m)
loss of (total) energy (of oscillations)
due to resistive force
C 18: Electric Field
1. Electric field
Force per unit positive charge
2. State Coulomb’s law (2m)
Electric force is directly proportional to the product of the charges
and inversely proportional to the square of their seperation
3. Electric potential
Work done per unit charge
in bringing a positive charge from infinity to that point
4. Electric potential energy
charge x electric potential
C 19: Capacitance
1. Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor
Charge per unit potential difference
where charge is charge on one plate
and potential difference is p.d. between/across the plates
C 20: Magnetic Field
1. Magnetic field
a region where a force acts on :
a moving charge / current- carrying conductor / magnetic pole
2. Magnetic flux density
force per unit current
per unit length of wire perpendicular to the magnetic field lines
3. Magnetic flux
product of magnetic flux density with area
where area is perpendicular to magnetic field
4. Magnetic flux linkage
magnetic flux density x area x number of turns
where area is perpendicular to the magnetic field
5. Tesla (3m)
magnetic field normal to current
newton per ampere
per metre
6. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
Induced e.m.f is directly proportional to rate of change of magnetic flux linkage
7. Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction
Direction of induced e.m.f
such as to produce effects to oppose the change caused it
C 21: Alternating current
1. Rectification
conversion from a.c. to d.c.
C 22: Quantum Physics
1. Photon
Quantum of energy
of electromagnetic radiation
2. Photoelectric effect
Emission of electron from a metal surface
when electromagnetic radiation incident on the electron
3. Work function energy (2m)
Minimum energy of a photon required to remove an electron from the surface
C 23: Nuclear Physics
1. Radioactive decay
Spontaneous emission of radiation
from unstable nucleus
2. Radioactive decay ( random and spontaneous)
It cannot be predicted which nucleus will decay next
radioactive decay is not affected by any external factor
3. de Broglie wavelength
Wavelength associated with moving particles
4. Half-life
Time for activity of sample to halve
5. Binding energy
Minimum energy required
to separate the nucleons to infinity
6. Mass defect
Difference between mass of nucleus and mass of (constituent) nucleons
where nucleons are separated to infinity
7. Nuclear fusion
When two light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus
8. Nuclear fission (2m)
a (single) large nucleus divides to form (smaller) nuclei
which cause the resulting nuclei similar in size / initiated by neutron
9. Radioactive (2m)
unstable nucleus
emits ionising radiation or decays spontaneously
10. Decay constant
probability of decay (of a nucleus)
per unit time
C 24: Medical Physics
1. Specific acoustic impedance (2m)
product of density and speed of sound in medium
2. Attenuation (of ultrasound wave) (2m)
loss of intensity/amplitude/power (of the wave)
3. Tracer
Substance containing radioactive nuclei that is introduced into the body
4. Annihilation
A particle interact with its antiparticle
so that mass is converted into energy
C 25 :Astronomy
1. Luminosity
Total power of radiation emitted by the object
2.Radiant flux density
radiant power per unit area
passing normally through the unit area
3. Standard candles
object with known luminosity
which its distance can be determined by calculation using luminosity and radiant
flux density
4. Wien’s displacement law
Wavelength of maximum intensity is inversely proportional to thermodynamic
5. Stefan-Boltzmann law
For a spherical object emitting black body radiation at thermodynamic
temperature T, its luminosity L=4πσr 2T 4
6. Hubble’s law
speed is directly proportional to distance
where speed is speed of recession of galaxy from observer
and distance is distance of galaxy away from observer
7. Redshift
Wavelength is greater than known value
due to star moving away from observer