name: log: log type: opened on: <unnamed> C:\Users\Madara\Documents\stata\firsthw.smcl smcl 16 Sep 2023, 20:58:05 . import excel "C:\Users\Madara\Downloads\Labor Market Data by > sx", sheet("Sheet1") firstrow (12 vars, 51 obs) State 2023 Q2.xl . tab cenreg variable cenreg not found r(111); . tab CENREG CENREG Freq. Percent Cum. Midwest Northeast South West 12 9 17 13 23.53 17.65 33.33 25.49 23.53 41.18 74.51 100.00 Total 51 100.00 . graph bar, ytitle(`"Percent of states"') title(`"Percent of states per Census > Region"') . graph bar, over(CENREG) ytitle(`"Percent of states"') title(`"Percent of state > s per Census Region"') . tab RIGHTTOWORK RIGHTTOWORK Freq. Percent Cum. No Yes 25 26 49.02 50.98 49.02 100.00 Total 51 100.00 STATEMW Freq. Percent Cum. No Yes 20 31 39.22 60.78 39.22 100.00 Total 51 100.00 . tab STATEMW . graph pie, over(STATEMW) title(`"Percentage of states witha minimum wage highe > r than federal minimum wage"') . graph pie, over(STATEMW) plabel(_all percent) title(`"State Wage Higher Than M > inimum Wage?"') . graph pie, over(STATEMW) plabel(_all percent) title(`"State Wage Higher Than o > r equal to Federal Minimum Wage?"') . tab RIGHTTOWORK RIGHTTOWORK Freq. Percent Cum. No Yes 25 26 49.02 50.98 49.02 100.00 Total 51 100.00 . graph pie, over(RIGHTTOWORK) plabel(_all percent) title(`"Right to Work Legisl > ation?"') . histogram UNRATE, bin(10) percent addlabel title(`"Frequency of Unemployment"' > ) (bin=10, start=1.86667, width=.353333) . histogram UNRATE, bin(10) percent addlabel title(`"Frequency of Unemployment P > ercentages"') (bin=10, start=1.86667, width=.353333) . histogram LFPR, bin(10) percent addlabel title(`"Frequency of Labor Force Part > icipation Rates"') (bin=10, start=54.53333, width=1.62) . histogram Hours, bin(10) percent addlabel title(`"Frequency of Hours Worked Me > ans"') (bin=10, start=32.36667, width=.363333) . histogram Earnings, bin(10) percent addlabel title(`"Frequence of Average Earn > ing by State"') (bin=10, start=24.96333, width=2.439667) . histogram Earnings, bin(10) percent addlabel title(`"Frequence of Average Earn > ings Per Hr by State"') (bin=10, start=24.96333, width=2.439667) . dtable UNRATE r(9999); . dtable UNRATE r(9999); . table ( UNRATE ) () () Frequency UNRATE 1.86667 1.93333 2.06667 2.13333 2.2 2.3 2.33333 2.4 2.43333 2.53333 2.6 2.63333 2.7 2.8 2.83333 2.86667 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2.9 2.96667 3.1 3.13333 3.16667 3.23333 3.26667 3.3 3.36667 3.43333 3.5 3.56667 3.6 3.66667 3.7 3.73333 3.76667 3.93333 3.96667 4.06667 4.1 4.23333 4.53333 5.06667 5.4 Total 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 51 . summarize UNRATE Variable Obs Mean UNRATE 51 3.171895 Std. dev. .7873836 Min Max 1.86667 5.4 . summarize UNRATE, detail UNRATE 1% 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 99% Percentiles 1.86667 1.93333 2.2 2.6 Smallest 1.86667 1.93333 1.93333 2.06667 3.13333 3.7 4.06667 4.53333 5.4 Largest 4.23333 4.53333 5.06667 5.4 Obs Sum of wgt. 51 51 Mean Std. dev. 3.171895 .7873836 Variance Skewness Kurtosis .6199729 .5262119 3.156812 . summarize UNRATE LFPR Hours Earnings, detail UNRATE 1% 5% 10% 25% Percentiles 1.86667 1.93333 2.2 2.6 Smallest 1.86667 1.93333 1.93333 2.06667 Obs Sum of wgt. 51 51 50% 75% 90% 95% 99% 3.13333 3.7 4.06667 4.53333 5.4 Largest 4.23333 4.53333 5.06667 5.4 Mean Std. dev. 3.171895 .7873836 Variance Skewness Kurtosis .6199729 .5262119 3.156812 LFPR 1% 5% 10% 25% Percentiles 54.53333 56.5 57.53333 60.4 50% 62.76667 75% 90% 95% 99% 65.23333 68.5 69.5 70.73333 Smallest 54.53333 54.6 56.5 56.9 Largest 69.36667 69.5 69.66667 70.73333 Obs Sum of wgt. 51 51 Mean Std. dev. 62.85817 3.973473 Variance Skewness Kurtosis 15.78848 -.0617074 2.466527 Hours 1% 5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 95% 99% Percentiles 32.36667 32.96667 33.23333 33.56667 Smallest 32.36667 32.63333 32.96667 33.13333 34.1 34.63333 34.93333 35.36667 36 Largest 35.33333 35.36667 35.73333 36 Obs Sum of wgt. 51 51 Mean Std. dev. 34.11961 .7685527 Variance Skewness Kurtosis .5906732 .1483794 2.809615 Earnings 1% 5% 10% 25% Percentiles 24.96333 27.18667 28.21333 29.38333 50% 30.83667 75% 90% 95% 99% 34.25333 35.47667 39.58667 49.36 Smallest 24.96333 26.75 27.18667 27.66333 Largest 38.09333 39.58667 40.38333 49.36 . graph box UNRATE LFPR Hours Earnings . graph box UNRATE Obs Sum of wgt. 51 51 Mean Std. dev. 31.93392 4.076634 Variance Skewness Kurtosis 16.61895 1.75353 8.019621 . graph box LFPR . graph box Hours . graph box Earnings . graph hbox Earnings . graph matrix MINWAGE PERUN . graph matrix MINWAGE Earnings . graph matrix MINWAGE Earnings, mcolor(blue) . graph matrix MINWAGE Earnings, half mcolor(blue) . graph matrix MINWAGE Earnings, mcolor(blue) scheme(s2mono) . twoway (scatter Earnings MINWAGE) . twoway (scatter Earnings MINWAGE), title(`"Average Earning Vs Minimum Wage"') . twoway (scatter Earnings MINWAGE) (scatter Earnings PERUN), title(`"Hourly Ear > nings Vs % Workers Represented by Unions"') . twoway (scatter Earnings PERUN), title(`"Hourly Earnings Vs % Workers Represen > ted by Unions"') . twoway (scatter Earnings LFPR), title(`"Hourly Earnings Vs Labor Force Partici > pation Rate"') . save "C:\Users\Madara\Documents\stata\log file first hw.dta" file C:\Users\Madara\Documents\stata\log file first hw.dta saved . exit, clear