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US History Syllabus JP Taravella 2023-24

US History Syllabus
JP Taravella 2023-24
Instructor – Mr. Alexander Collazo
Email – alexander.collazo@browardschools.com
Course Description - United States History (U.S. History) 9-12 Course - The grade
9-12 United States History course consists of the following content area strands:
United States History, Geography, and Humanities. The primary content emphasis
for this course pertains to the study of United States history from Reconstruction
to the present day. Students will be exposed to the historical, geographic,
political, economic and sociological events which influenced the development of
the United States and the resulting impact on world history. So that students can
clearly see the relationship between cause and effect in historical events, students
should have the opportunity to review those fundamental ideas and events which
occurred before the end of Reconstruction.
Grade Breakdown
Homework – Will be assigned on a regular basis. Students are expected to
complete all assignments within a timely manner. Types of assignments will vary
and are worth up to 25 points per assignment.
Classwork - Will be assigned on a regular basis. Students are expected to
complete all assignments within a timely manner. Types of assignments will vary
and are worth up to 25 points per assignment.
Notebook – All students are expected to keep a notebook with all up to date
notes & vocabulary wors. This will be checked on a regular basis and are worth up
to 25 points each.
*Quizzes – Students will be alerted to quiz dates 1 week prior to its
administration. Quizzes are worth up to 50 points.
*Exams – Students should expect between 2-3 exams per quarter. Exams are
worth up to 100 points.
Late work – It is the student’s responsibility to stay abreast of any missed
assignments which must be turned in a timely manner in concordance with
district policy.
EOC – This course has an EOC which will account for3 0% of the student’s overall
grade in the class. The EOC cannot be exempt. Course grade breakdown is as
Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4 – 0.6 each
Midterm – 0.4
EOC – 1.2
 Please use the following website for help calculating your course grade.
*Honors class, grade weighted double
Student Name: ______________________________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________
Parent Name: _______________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________