Strategy for Entering Research Sites and Conducting Fieldwork Negotiation, Rapport Building, and Disclosure • In order to enter a research site and conduct fieldwork, the researcher required a flexible work plan, negotiating access and relations with the members, and deciding how much to disclose about the study to interviewees and gatekeepers. • Negotiating, rapport building, and gaining the access can be seen as interconnected processes during the field work. • The process of negotiation and rapport building is an ongoing process that starts with first contact of the researcher with community members and goes on until the researcher leaves the research site (Gans, 1982; Johnson 1975; Ryen, 2003). • Establishing a trustworthy relationship with the respondents is considered as fundamental in any interview based research where people discuss their private lives and experiences (May, 1993). • Some participants may express an uncooperative attitude or an overt unwillingness to participate in the research (Neuman, 2000). • Besides disclosure about the personal identity, it is essential to decide how much to disclose about the research study to participants, gatekeepers, and others.