The Space Environment • INTRODUCTION • THE SOLAR CYCLE • THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELD AND MICROGRAVITY* • THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE* • RADIATION AND ASSOCIATED DEGRADATION • HARDNESS AND SURVIVABILITY REQUIREMENTS • STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING SURVIVABILITY Introduction Near-Earth space and atmospheric environments strongly influence : Performance Life time of operational space system They effect their size weight complexity and cost They can also lead to loss of components Once orbit is obtained, the spacecraft is subjected to a very tenuous atmosphere [Tascione, 1994]. At lower orbits a spacecraft will be bombarded by the atmosphere at orbital velocities on the order of -8 kmls. Interactions between the satellite and the neutral atmosphere can erode satellite surfaces, affect the thermal and electrical properties of the surface, and possibly degrade spacecraft structures. More glimpse . More energetic space mdiation, such as electrons with energies from about 200 ke V to 15 MeV can become embedded in dielectric components and produce electrostatic discharg~ in cable insulation and circuit boards. * Very energetic (MeV -Ge V) charged particles can be found in the trapped radiation belts, solar flare protous, and galactic cosmic rays. * The total dose effects of this highenergy radiation can degrade microelectronic devices, solar arrays, and sensors. • A single energetic particle can also cause single-event phenomena within microelectronic devices which can temporarily disrupt or permanently damage components. • Lastly, orbiting spacecraft are periodically subjected to hypervelocity impacts by 1 J1IIl or larger sized pieces of dust and debris. If the impacting particles originate in nature they are termed micrometeoroids The Solar Cycle • This subject is of particular interest because of the fact that the solar activity is seen to vary with an ll-year cycle as shown in Fig. 8-1 [NOAA, 1991). • The plot shows the FlO.7 index, which is the mean daily flux at 10.7 em wavelength in units of 10-22 W/m2 • Hz. • The peaks in the FI0.7 index are called solar maxima, while the valleys are called solar minima. N The Gravitational Field and Microgravity* * Microgravity, also called weightlessness, free fall, or zero-g, is the nearly complete absence of any of the effects of gravity. * In the microgravity environment of-a satellite, objects don't fall. particles don't settle out of solution, bubbles don't rise, and convection CUITents don't occur. * Yet in low-Earth orbit, where all of these phenomena occur, the gravitational force is about 90% of its value at the Earth's surface. Indeed, it is the gravitational field that holds the satellite in its orbit. source X direction Y direction X direction (velocity) (orbit normal) (nadir) Aerodynamic Drag Gravity Gradient Centrifugal (due to spacecraft rotation in inertial frame Sinusoidal Vibration along X axis of frequency f and amplitude A Coriolis force from material moving in the spacecraft frame Satellit e Mass (kg) Shape Max Min Max Max Min Type XA XA XA Drag coef Ballisti c Ballisti c Of Coef Coef missio n The Upper Atmosphere* The upper atmosphere affects spacecraft by generating aerodynamic drag lift and heat, and through the chemically corrosive effects of highly reactive elements such as atomic oxygen. The effects of aerodynamic lift and heating are important during launch and reentry Radiation and Associated Degradation .. Trapped Radiation· The Van Allen radiation belts are a permanent hazard to orbiting spacecraft. They consist of electrons and ions (mostly protons) having energies greater than 30 ke V and are distributed nonuniformly within the magnetosphere. As illustrated in Fig. 8-7, the energetic electrons preferentially populate a pair of toroidal regions centered on the magnetic shells L 1.3 (inner zone) and L - 5 (outer zone). Hardness and Survivability Requirements 1. Survivability is the ability of a space system to perform its intended function after being exposed to a stressing natural environment or one created by an enemy or hostile agent. 2. Hardness is an attribute defining the environmental stress level which a space system can survive. 3. As an example, a satellite or spacecraft which can withstand an X-ray fluence of 1.0 calIcm2 or absorption of 107 rads (Si) of total dose (a rad of absorbed dose is approximately 100 ergs/g) has a hardness of that amount. 4. (Fluence is the time integral of flux. Flux is the flow of energy per unit time and per unit crosssectional area.) Radiation Effects on Optical link components NOTES: Optical fibres • Damage worse and annealing slower for lower temperatures. Losses generally lower for Increasing wavelength (to 1.5 pm) • Polymer clad silica cores have lowest losses but losses Incraase below - 20 ·C. Max dose usage 01 _107_1OS rads Transmitters • At higher temperatures, threshold current and peak wavelength Increase while output power decreases for laser diodes • LEOs have better temperature thermal stability, longer lifetimes, greater reliability and lower cost Detectors • APDs are predicted to be more sensitive than PIN diodes to total dose, neutrons and dose rate • AlGaAs/GaAs pholodtodes shown to be more radiation resistant than hard PIN photodiodes. Device type Optical Fibres Total dose Neutron Prompt Dose Rate Natural Van Allen belts, manmade events Man-made events primarily Man made events with shortterm irradiation times Depends on device and device technology Depends on device and device technology . Circuit upset and bumout possible. >=100 k rad, polymer clad silica, 20 ·C, 0.85 cm2 0.02-0.5 dB/m loss (1-2 rate, wavelength and orders less loss at 1.5 pm). Transmitters detectors Opto- modulators Depends on device and device technology