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On Acting/ Konzept ENGLISH
As Actors we mostly have two major problems. First, because of the stress that we
experience in front of a camera or an audience, a strange self-awareness prevails and with
it a form of self control. Second, we are either to some extent unable to listen to our
partners on stage or we are unable to understand them and to react to their actions. So, as
actors we are familiar with the feeling that everything feels fake.
As directors we mostly have one major problem, after we are clear and settled with the
story and idea that we want to tell, we often just don’t know how to make the actors
transform their performance into good acting. We don’t know what to say or do to help
them with their work.
What are we doing in real life as human beings?
We listen, we talk, we act, we react. Sounds easy. But the moment we are facing a camera
everything suddenly feels very complicated and strange.
In real life we are able to react to another person without thinking how to react. We simply
So, the question for us is, what can we do, so that our normal human ability to act and
react works again although we have a camera or an audience in front of us? This is the
moment where the Meisner Technique comes in.
The technique gives you back your ability to work from your instincts not from your brain.
It trains you to act and react impulsively, trust your inner instincts as a human being, so
that you are able to be truthful, real or what is often called authentic.
STUDIO TAMBOUR offers certain trainings and exercises that help you nd your way to
honesty, truthfulness and attentiveness. These exercises train you as an actor to be more
authentic in your acting but it also trains everybody apart from his job to live life more
Empathie is the ability to read and understand the emotional world of a another person. It
is one of the most necessary abilities that an actor needs to be trained in. An actor needs
trained in humanity, trained to have appetite for contact. This human instinct becomes less
important in a society that is more and more based on self improvement and pressure to
perform. But being able to listen to someone, is a basic thing that you should be able to on
stage. Having the interest to really get in contact with someone on stage is important for
every form of collaboration, especially when it comes to the arts.
Amélie Tambour
„Acting is the ability to live life truthfully under imaginary circumstances.“
Sanford Meisner
If you want to reach every person in the audience, it’s not about being bigger, it’s about
being deeper.
Sanford Meisner
Your acting will not be good until it is only yours. That’s true on music, acting, anything
creative. You work until nally nobody is acting like you.
Sanford Meisner
„….but most of all, what makes art to art: empathie, compassion, understanding,
forgiveness, catharsis. So the love becomes recognizable, that in its essence unites us all
in our deepest beeing.“
Luk Perceval