Examples of statements of inquiry Key concepts Change MYP 1 Economic development creates a tension between sustainability and growth (Sustainable Environmental Management) Humans use symbols to communicate changes in time, place and space(Language of Geography) Sustainable solutions to resource use requires international cooperation and individual responsibility (Water Security) Government systems affect the lives of citizens (Classical World) MYP 2 Innovative ideas and cooperation impacts on human societies and facilitate lasting changes in the way we live (Culture Beyond) Our connections to places shape our cultural identity (Cultural identity) Societies interact which leads to interdependence (Globalization of Cultures) Propaganda reflects culture and is designed to manipulate people. (Cultural propaganda) MYP 3 Adaptation to outside circumstances initiates lasting changes to the way we live and develop (Adaptation) Management of a place presents both opportunities and constraints for people (Management of a Settlement) Globalization impacts many of the world’s religions, affecting rituals, customs and traditions. (Belief Systems) Democratic governments prevent the emergence of authoritarianism (Governance and Human Rights) The communication between cultures can cause significant changes (Renaissance) The confluence of time, place and space provide the conditions for a revolution. Peace and conflict come in many manifestations and at a variety of scales around the world. (Conflict Resolution) War affects systems and influences business cycles. (World at War) Nations and individuals form alliances to pursue their own interest resulting in power imbalances (Cambodia’s Recent History) People’s interaction with the physical environment affects sustainability. (Sustainability) MYP 4 MYP 5 Time/place/space [Revolutions happen when determined individuals change their society.} (Revolutions) Change in population and development leads to change in consumption and sustainability (Population) The extent to which communities are impacted by natural hazards is determined by their level of development (Natural Hazards) MYP individuals and societies teacher support material Global interactions Systems 1