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EEE 316 Quiz: Stepper Motors, Converters, Inverters

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Sessional Quiz: EEE 316
Duration: 40 minutes, Total Marks: 50
At the cover page write your student Id and Name.
There are a total of 7 questions in this question paper. Answer all
the questions.
You need not write the questions on your answer script.
Write page number on all pages.
Your scanned file should be named as your student ID.
1. Draw the circuit diagram of the power circuit of the stepper motor driver and gate signals
for half stepping.
2. A stepper motor has three stator phases and four poles of on the rotor. What will be the
step angle if it moves on half stepping?
3. Why buffer ICs were used to drive motor circuit in the laboratory?
4. For a Sepic converter, Vo=10V and Vin=6V. If Ton=5ms then determine the value of
Oscillation frequency of the SG3524 inverter used to produce gate pulse for this converter.
If the value of RT is 10k, then what is the value of capacitor (CT) used to produce oscillation.
5. Draw the wave shape of the voltage across the resistor for the following circuit.
6. What are the average and effective values of the voltage across the load for the following
7. For the following figure,
(a) Draw the waveforms of Output 1 and Output 2.
(b) Can you use the above control circuit for push pull inverter? Explain in 1/ 2
(c) Can you use the above control circuit for half bridge inverter? Explain in 1/ 2
(d) Modify the above control circuit so that it can be used for both half bridge and push
pull inverter.