STANDARDS RELATED DOCUMENT AEP-84.1 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES FOR AEP-84 EDITION A VERSION 1 APRIL 2017 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION Published by the NATO STANDARDIZATION OFFICE (NSO) © NATO/OTAN INTENTIONALLY BLANK NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) NATO STANDARDIZATION OFFICE (NSO) NATO LETTER OF PROMULGATION 5 April 2017 1. The enclosed Standards Related Document, AEP-84.1, Edition A, Version 1, IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES FOR AEP-84, which has been approved in conjunction with AEP-84 by the nations in the NATO NAVAL ARMAMENTS GROUP, is promulgated herewith. 2. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used commercially, adapted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. With the exception of commercial sales, this does not apply to member or partner nations, or NATO commands and bodies. 3. This publication shall be handled in accordance with C-M(2002)60. INTENTIONALLY BLANK AEP-84.1 Foreword This Standard Related Document (SRD) Implementation Guidelines document is based on Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4586 Edition 4/AEP-84. As additional changes to AEP-84 are approved and ratified, this document will be updated by the Custodian, with support of the CST, accordingly. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Document Objectives ...................................................................................... 7 1.2 Document Structure ........................................................................................ 8 2 UAS Architecture Overview ............................................................................... 9 2.1 Control Station Architecture ......................................................................... 11 2.2 UAS Level of Interoperability (LOI) .............................................................. 15 3 DLI Implementation Guidelines ....................................................................... 16 3.1 CUCS Interface .............................................................................................. 16 3.2 CUCS DLI Implementation ............................................................................ 21 3.3 VSM Interface................................................................................................. 28 3.4 Control Data Terminal (CDT) Interface ......................................................... 40 3.5 Video Interface............................................................................................... 46 3.6 Audio Interface .............................................................................................. 47 3.7 Use of Referenced Protocols and Standards .............................................. 48 3.8 Network Configuration .................................................................................. 49 3.9 Mission Planning ........................................................................................... 51 ATTACHMENT A: UA Custom Tag Implementation ........................................... 52 ANNEX 1 .................................................................................................................. 1 A1 CCI Implementation Guidelines ...................................................................... 1 A1.1 Interface Implementation.............................................................................. 1 A1.2 Message Implementation ............................................................................. 2 A1.3 Sensor Data Implementation ........................................................................ 3 A1.4 Voice Over IP Implementation...................................................................... 8 A1.5 CCISM Implementation ............................................................................... 10 ATTACHMENT A: CCI IMPLEMENTATION/HCI MAPPING MATRIX ................... 14 ATTACHMENT B: Parsed Field Utilization .......................................................... 18 ANNEX 2 .................................................................................................................. 1 A2 Human Computer Interface Requirements Implementation ......................... 1 A2.1 LOI 1 Information/Control Elements (HCI)................................................... 4 A2.2 HCI Development Process ........................................................................... 9 ANNEX 3 .................................................................................................................. 1 A3 Implementation Guidelines for AEP-84 Volume I .......................................... 1 A3.1 Functional Description ................................................................................. 1 1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.1 1 A3.1.2 1 A3. Connection Phase 1: Discovery .......................................................... 4 A3. Discovering VSMs, UA and Payload Stations ................................. 4 A3. Stage 1: Initiate Download ................................................................ 9 A3. Stage 2: Send Configuration Messages ...................................... 10 A3. Stage 3: Send Configuration Complete ......................................... 10 A3. Caching Configuration Data ........................................................... 11 A3. Connection Phase 3: Establish Connection..................................... 11 A3. Requesting LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations 11 A3. Requesting Control of Data Links .................................................. 14 A3. Connection Phase 4: Release ........................................................... 15 A3. Releasing a LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations 15 A3. Release Control of Data Links........................................................ 16 A3. A3. A3. A3. UA Specific Configuration Messages ............................................... 17 Payload Specific Configuration Messages ...................................... 18 Data Terminal Specific Configuration Messages ............................. 18 Generic Configuration Messages ..................................................... 18 A3. Declaring That a Message Is Not Supported .................................... 19 A3. Declaring that a Field is Not Supported ........................................... 20 A3. Declaring that an Enumeration is Not Supported ............................ 20 A3. Declaring That a Bit in a Bit Field Is Not Supported ........................ 21 A3. Declaring Entity Specific Enumerations........................................... 22 A3. Declaring That a Capability is not Available .................................. 22 A3. Declaring Entry Values and Availability of Flight Navigation Enumerations for Each Flight Mode ........................................................ 23 A3. Declaring Limits for a Field ............................................................. 24 A3. Declaring Alert Zones for a Field .................................................... 25 A3. Declaring Help Text for a Field ........................................................ 26 A3. Changing Field Availability ............................................................... 26 A3. Changing Enumeration Availability .................................................. 27 A3. Changing Bit Field Availability .......................................................... 27 A3. Changing Entry Values and Availability of Flight Navigation Enumerations for Each Flight Mode .......................................................... 28 A3. Changing Field Limits ........................................................................ 28 A3. Changing Warning and Caution Thresholds .................................... 28 A3. Changing a Previously Unsupported Capability to be Supported .. 28 A3. CBRN Payload Classes ..................................................................... 64 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 65 A3. CBRN Payload Data and Products .................................................... 65 A3. CBRN Payload Configuration and State ........................................... 76 A3. CBRN Payload Commands................................................................ 85 A3.2 Description and Implementation of DLI Messages ................................. 120 ANNEX 4 .................................................................................................................. 1 A4 Implementation Guidelines for the AEP-84 Volume II ................................... 1 A4.1 Functional Description ................................................................................. 2 A4. Connection Phase 1: Discovery .......................................................... 4 A4. Discovering VSMs, UA and Payload Stations ................................. 4 A4. Stage 1: Initiate Download .............................................................. 10 A4. Stage 2: Send Configuration Messages ...................................... 11 A4. Stage 3: Send Configuration Complete ......................................... 12 A4. Caching Configuration Data ........................................................... 13 A4. Connection Phase 3: Establish Connection..................................... 13 A4. Requesting LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations 13 A4. Requesting Control of Data Links .................................................. 16 A4. Connection Phase 4: Release ........................................................... 17 A4. Releasing a LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations 17 A4. Release Control of Data Links........................................................ 18 A4. A4. A4. A4. UA Specific Configuration Messages ............................................... 20 Payload Specific Configuration Messages ...................................... 20 Data Terminal Specific Configuration Messages ............................. 21 Generic Configuration Messages ..................................................... 21 A4. Declaring That a Message Is Not Supported .................................... 22 A4. Declaring that a Field is Not Supported ........................................... 23 A4. Declaring that an Enumeration is Not Supported ............................ 23 A4. Declaring That a Bit in a Bit Field Is Not Supported ........................ 24 A4. Declaring Entity Specific Enumerations ........................................... 24 A4. Declaring That a Capability is not Available .................................. 25 A4. Declaring Limits for a Field ............................................................. 26 A4. Declaring Alert Zones for a Field .................................................... 27 A4. Declaring Help Text for a Field ........................................................ 28 A4. A4. A4. A4. A4. Changing Field Availability ............................................................... 29 Changing Enumeration Availability .................................................. 29 Changing Bit Field Availability .......................................................... 30 Changing Field Limits ........................................................................ 30 Changing Warning and Caution Thresholds .................................... 31 3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4. Changing a Previously Unsupported Capability to be Supported .. 31 34 A4.2 Description and Implementation of DLI Messages ................................. 115 ANNEX 5 .................................................................................................................. 1 A5 Backward/Forward Compatibility Issues/Recommendations ....................... 1 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Overview of a STANAG 4586 UAS Compliant System ......................... 9 Figure 2: The CUCS Relationship within the CS Architecture .......................... 11 Figure 3: DLI-4586 Communication Link ............................................................ 14 Figure 4: Message Wrapper Structure for AEP-84 Vol 1.................................... 19 Figure 5: Message Wrapper Structure for AEP-84 Vol 2.................................... 19 Figure 6: CUCS Message Reception ................................................................... 22 Figure 7: Warning System .................................................................................... 25 Figure 8: Warning Display ................................................................................... 25 Figure 9: CUCS Message Transmission ............................................................. 27 Figure 10: VSM Communication Flow (Configuration One) .............................. 29 Figure 11: Communication Flow (Configuration Two) ....................................... 30 Figure 12: Potential VSM Implementation .......................................................... 31 Figure 13: VSM Message Reception ................................................................... 34 Figure 14: VSM Message Transmission .............................................................. 34 Figure 15: Vehicle Specific Messaging ............................................................... 36 Figure 16: Generic IFF Dialog .............................................................................. 39 Figure 17: VSM IFF Dialog ................................................................................... 40 Figure 18: UA System Configuration .................................................................. 41 Figure 19: UA Message Configuration ................................................................ 41 Figure 20: Data Link Messaging .......................................................................... 43 Figure 21: A Possible Data Link Configuration .................................................. 44 Figure 22: Launch/Recovery System .................................................................. 45 Figure 23: ATC/UCS Communication.................................................................. 48 Figure 24: Networking Configuration Example .................................................. 50 Figure 25: CUCS Multicast ................................................................................... 51 Figure 26: VSM Broadcast ................................................................................... 51 Figure A1 - 1: Principle Structure of VoIP Implementation ................................. 9 Figure A1 - 2: CCISM Functional Architecture ................................................... 11 Figure A2 - 1: HCI Functional Architecture........................................................... 1 Figure A3 - 1: Example Sequence to Setup a CDT and Monitor a UA................. 4 Figure A3 - 2: Alert Zones within a Numerical Field .......................................... 26 Figure A3 - 3: Mission Plan ID ............................................................................. 30 Figure A3 - 4: Mission Waypoint Message Link ................................................. 32 Figure A3 - 5: Mission Message Upload Sequence with VSM ........................... 34 Figure A3 - 6: Waypoint Transitions ................................................................... 38 Figure A3 - 7: Routes with UA Position Waypoint Message Contingencies .... 40 4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure A3 - 8: Standoff Detection of a Point Threat ........................................... 65 Figure A3 - 9: Standoff Detection of a Cloud Threat .......................................... 65 Figure A3 - 10: Example CBRN Detection Trend Graph ..................................... 75 Figure A3 - 11: Example of Configuring the CBRN Detection Low and Operational threshold Levels ............................................................. 85 Figure A3 - 12: Payload Scan Window ................................................................ 86 Figure A3 - 13: SMS State Diagram ..................................................................... 90 Figure A3 - 14: Nominal Message Flow to Arm and Fire a Weapon Store ........ 95 Figure A3 - 15: Azimuth Offset .......................................................................... 147 Figure A3 - 16: Example of a VSM Response ................................................... 149 Figure A3 - 17: Data Link Configuration ........................................................... 150 Figure A3 - 18: Potential CUCS/VSM/CDT Configuration ................................ 150 Figure A4 - 1: Example Sequence to Setup a CDT and Monitor a UA................. 4 Figure A4 - 2: Typical Sequence for Downloading Configuration Data ............ 10 Figure A4 - 3: Alert Zones within a Numerical Field .......................................... 28 Figure A4 - 4: Mission Waypoint Message Link ................................................. 32 Figure A4 - 5: Mission Message Upload Sequence ............................................ 34 Figure A4 - 6: Mission Message Download Sequence ....................................... 36 Figure A4 - 7: Example Task Using UA Position Waypoint Message ............... 38 Figure A4 - 8: Azimuth Offset ............................................................................ 123 Figure A4 - 9: Example of a VSM Response ..................................................... 125 Figure A4 - 10: Data Link Configuration ........................................................... 126 Figure A4 - 11: Potential CUCS/VSM/CDT Configuration ................................ 126 Figure A4 - 12: Configuration Information ........................................................ 134 Figure A4 - 13: Generic Depiction of the Field Configuration Float Response Message............................................................................................. 138 5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 TABLE OF TABLES Table 1: Example of a Formatted DLI Wrapped Message ..................................20 Table A1 - 1: STD 0601.4 KLV Metadata Elements and DLI/CCI Mapping Requirements .........................................................................................6 Table A2 - 1: Definition of Information/Control Elements ....................................4 Table A2 - 2: HCI Functions for LOI 1 ....................................................................4 Table A2 - 3: Additional HCI Functions for LOI 2 ..................................................5 Table A2 - 4: Additional HCI Functions for LOI 3 ..................................................7 Table A2 - 5: HCI Functions for LOI 4 ....................................................................9 Table A2 - 6: Additional HCI Functions for LOI 5 ..................................................9 Table A2 - 7: User Interface Requirements ..........................................................14 Table A3 - 1: ID Fields in STANAG Messages ....................................................... 3 Table A3 - 2: Typical Sequence for Downloading Configuration Data ............... 9 Table A3 - 3: Entity Types.................................................................................... 18 Table A3 - 4: Fully Supported Messages ............................................................ 19 Table A3 - 5: Message #800 Field 5 Values ........................................................ 33 Table A3 - 6: Message #47 from AEP-84 Volume I ............................................. 37 Table A3 - 7: Flight Termination Mode Message Sequence ............................ 126 Table A3 - 8: Source Message for Altitude/Airspeed ....................................... 129 Table A3 - 9: Source Message for Heading ...................................................... 129 Table A3 - 10: Data Link Message Sequencing ................................................ 148 Table A3 - 11: Vehicle Specific Subsystem Parameters, States and Subsystem ........................................................................................................... 157 Table A4 - 1: Entity Types .................................................................................... 21 Table A4 - 2: Vehicle Operating Mode Message Sequence ............................... 44 Table A4 - 3: Cross Reference Table for CUCS Vehicle Operating Modes (Flight Modes) ................................................................................................. 46 Table A4 - 4: Flight Termination Mode Message Sequence .............................. 49 Table A4 - 5: UA Specific Parameters and Associated Range of Values for Identified STANAG Parameters .......................................................... 56 Table A4 - 6: EO/IR/Laser Payload Message Sequence ..................................... 92 Table A4 - 7: Vehicle Specific Subsystem Parameters, States and Subsystem ............................................................................................................ 133 6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1 Background This Implementation Guide was written to facilitate implementation of a STANAG conforming system and its requirements for system developers. As a parallel effort, a Validation Guide was written to provide guidance on methodologies for ensuring that Unmanned Aircraft (UA) Control System (UCS) equipment is compliant with the STANAG. Together these two documents along with the STANAG 4586 document define the requirements for NATO interoperable UCS equipment, provide guidance on the implementation of such equipment, and provide guidance on confirming that this equipment complies with the STANAG. The STANAG defines common interfaces and architectures with the intention of providing interoperability within and between the various NATO allied forces at various Levels of Interoperability (LOIs). These levels range from Level 1 (indirect receipt of UA related data) to Level 5 (control and monitoring of the UA (Level 4), plus launch and recovery functions). Particular STANAG requirements are tailored specifically to each LOI. The Implementation Guide provides guidance for NATO governments and industry to assist in developing nationally designed and built UCSs. It describes the overall Core UCS (CUCS) architectural characteristics, concerning both hardware and software, necessary to support STANAG 4586 requirements. Examples are given for various LOI architectures addressing standalone configurations, portable configurations, and networked configurations. Technical information and guidance on the implementation of the Vehicle Specific Module (VSM) functions, Command and Control Interface Specific Module (CCISM) functions, Control Data Terminal (CDT) functions, launch and recovery systems and mandatory protocols and standards as well as incorporation of related STANAGs into the UCS are also addressed. The recommendations for design and implementation of a STANAG 4586 compliant UCS contained in this document were based on the lessons learned from the development of a prototype STANAG 4586 compliant UCS (focusing on the Data Link Interface (DLI)) funded by Canadian MOD, similar developments by NIAG SG 73 industry members as well as further analysis of the STANAG 4586 Edition 4/AEP-84 by the STANAG 4586 Custodian Support Team (CST). 1.1 Document Objectives STANAG 4586 defines a standard for system designers to apply in the creation of interoperable control systems for UA. The term “interoperable” refers to: The ability of any compliant control system to monitor and/or control any compliant UA. The ability of any compliant control system to interchange information with C4I systems extant within the NATO community. The ability to receive and disseminate imagery and other specified payload formats. This standard mandates neither a particular design nor a unique hardware and software architecture. However, it does imply a functional architecture and set of interfaces that, if adhered to, will provide the capability to achieve the desired LOI. The subject area covered by STANAG 4586 is both broad and complex and many interpretations and design choices are possible. The objective of this document is to provide developers with the background and understanding used by the writers of STANAG 4586 in defining the standard. It also provides suggestions for implementation that will, if adhered to, help assure that compliance and interoperability 7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 are readily achieved. The guidance contained in this document is not considered mandatory, and does not constitute criteria for system validation. 1.2 Document Structure STANAG 4586/AEP-84 defines requirements and two “over the air” encoding schemes. AEP-84 Volume I defines the protocol and encoding scheme utilizing IEEE four-byte and eight-byte floating point representations of data and a fixed message length. The messages support the following functions: command and control of UA and EO/IR, SAR, CBRN, and Weapons payloads. AEP-84 Volume II incorporates the protocol and encoding scheme utilizing scaled integers in lieu of IEEE four-byte and eight-byte floating point representations and a variable message length resulting in a more efficient bandwidth utilization. The messages support the following functions: command and control of UA and EO/IR and SAR payloads; automated vehicle behaviour; expanded STANAG 7085 data link control; extensions to Common Route Definition (CRD) standard to define UAS flight and mission plans; map drawing; and monitor only capability for LOI 3 and 4. This document provides Implementation Guidance for interoperable implementations of both AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2 and is structured as follows: The main document of SRD AEP-84.1 provides an overview and functional architecture requirements of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and it’s Control System comprised of: Core Unmanned Control System (CUCS); Vehicle Specific Module (VSM); and interfaces between the CUCS and VSM ( Data Link Interface (DLI)), between, the VSM and Launch and Recovery (L/R) system, between the CUCS and Command and Control System ( Command and Control Interface (CCI)) and between the CUCS and the Control Data Terminal (CDT). The provided guidance is applicable for both AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2. Annex 1 provides implementation guidance for the CCI interface and is applicable for both AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2. Annex 2 provides guidance for the implementation of Human Computer Interface and is applicable for both AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2. Annex 3 provides guidance for implementation of function and message requirements specified in AEP-84 Volume I. Annex 4 provides guidance for implementation of function and message requirements specified in AEP-84 Volume II Annex 5 provides guidance and mapping between data elements specified by AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II. The mapping will facilitate interoperability between Volume I and Volume II compliant systems. 8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 2 UAS Architecture Overview Figure 1 depicts a possible configuration of a STANAG 4586 compliant system. This figure covers more than just the UCS; it defines the relationships between the UCS, the UA, the C4I nodes with which it interacts, and the various interfacing components. The major blocks include: Various instantiations of UCSs at LOIs 1 through 5 (defined below). Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) nodes serving as information channels for coordination and data dissemination, including mission planning requirements and specifications, UA mission tasking, intelligence on targets and threats, payload data products and secondary intelligence data products. VSM functions that provide management of real-time control interactions with the UA; translation between common messages used by the CUCS and specific messages used by the UA and data link; and a repository and server for vehicle-specific data and methods. Note: Although represented as a system component in the following diagrams, VSM is a collection of functions which can be allocated to various UAS system components. CDTs that consist of the communications hardware and software associated with the UCS side of the data link. Special equipment required for launch and recovery operations. Vehicle Data Terminal (VDT) that consists of the communications hardware and software associated with the UA side of the data link. The UA, including payload(s). UA Payload(s) VDT CDT CDT VSM VSM VDT Level 1 CUCS CCISM Level 4, 5 CUCS Level 2, 3 CUCS Level 1 CUCS Launch/Recovery Equipment CCISM Level 2, 3 CUCS Level 4, 5 CUCS Figure 1: Overview of a STANAG 4586 UAS Compliant System 9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The relationships implied by the connections between blocks in Figure 1 are just as important as the blocks themselves. The following items are the noteworthy points about these relationships: A Level 1 CUCS may interface with either a node in the C4I infrastructure or another CUCS operating at interoperability Level 1 or higher. CUCSs generally will connect with the C4I infrastructure, but they may operate as standalone devices as well. There is no fundamental limit to the number of CUCSs that may be connected, directly or indirectly, to a given UA. Conversely, there is no restriction on the number of UA that may be in contact with a given CUCS. However, specific UA or CUCS configurations may impose a limit by virtue of the method of handover or hardware limitations, such as the number of available data link channels. Coordination of control handover among CUCSs may be achieved through the use of “out of band” communications such as C4I system communications (if available), via relay through the UA, or by prelaunch flight planning. No provision is made for dedicated communications channels between CUCSs for the purposes of handover coordination. Direct communications may be established between the respective CDTs if supported by the data link hardware. Figure 1 depicts CUCSs as having point-to-point communications with a C4I node. In actuality, the connection might be with a network of C4I nodes, or even with a network of other UCSs without the presence of other C4I nodes. In the latter case, direct peer-level CUCS communications should be viewed as passing through a C4I infrastructure and through the CCISMs between the respective UCSs. The connection between a CUCS and a VSM function is the DLI. One of the functions/roles of the VSM is to provide translation between DLI compliant message formats and those hardware and software interfaces that control the data link or the UA. Low-latency real-time requirements are managed/allocated to the “real-time” function of the VSM. The VSM functions may be physically co-located with or hosted by the CUCS, CDT or the UA. When special launch and recovery equipment is required to support this capability, such equipment interfaces through the VSM/CDT. This approach is taken because such equipment, in general, has low latency real-time requirements that are allocated to the VSM/CDT. The same is true for any controls or displays having real-time requirements for the vehicle design. Generally, communications between the CDT and the VDT must be bidirectional to support messaging for control and status messages. However, in the case of a Level 2 CUCS, the CDT may support receiveonly operations. It is important to note that compliance does not require a completely fresh re-design of a legacy system. While the most compact and efficient implementation may well be different from any existing system, the STANAG has defined a functional architecture 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 and set of logical interfaces making it possible for legacy systems to become compliant with a minimal amount of redesign, particularly at the lower LOIs. 2.1 Control Station Architecture As illustrated in Figure 2, the CUCS is the central element of the Control Station (CS) Architecture. The CUCS implements the DLI, CCI and CUCS/Human Computer Interface (HCI) functionality through which it communicates to the UA via the VSM, directly to a C4I node or via a CCISM if necessary, and to the UA System Operator(s) via the CUCS/HCI. Figure 2: The CUCS Relationship within the CS Architecture The CUCS software provides the UA System Operator the necessary tools for computer related communications, mission planning, mission execution, payload data receipt, limited data exploitation, and data dissemination. The software also supports a computer generated GUI that enables UA operator(s) to effectively execute assigned missions. Although shown as a “single box” in Figure 2, the CUCS software architecture should be open and modular. For example, the mission planning function 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 can be allocated to an existing, certified mission planning system, (hardware and software) to satisfy the UA Mission Planning requirement in a very cost effective manner. 2.1.1 CUCS Architecture Overview; Minimum Hardware and Software The minimum required CUCS architecture and functionality, software and hardware, is dependent on the desired LOI. The STANAG 4586 specified CUCS requirements provide: The functionality and capability to receive, process, and disseminate (if necessary) payload data from the UA and payload; perform mission planning (if required); monitor and control the payload; monitor and control the UA; and monitor and control the data links A software architecture to support additional future UA and payload capabilities The UA operator with the necessary tools for computer related communications, mission tasking, mission planning, mission execution and monitoring, data receipt, data processing, and data dissemination The capability to host the VSM and CCISM functions These requirements apply to a CS supporting all LOIs. For selected interoperability LOIs only a subset of these requirements are applicable. For LOI 1, the only applicable requirement is to receive and process, and depending on the concept of operations, to further disseminate the UA data. This can be accomplished using any system (new or existing) having the capability to receive UA system status and payload data directly from a CS using the STANAG 4586 CCI specified message formats or from another C4I node using the CCI specified messages. The system used for this purpose would then be, in the context of STANAG 4586, a CS and be compliant with STANAG 4586 for LOI 1. Depending on applicable concept of employment and operations, the LOI 1 CUCS can be interfaced with the transmitting CS or C4I node via a physical interface (e.g., copper, fibre, or Radio Frequency (RF) link). The choice is driven by the proximity of the receiving CUCS to the transmitting element. For LOI 2, in addition to LOI 1 requirements, the CUCS needs to provide the capability to monitor and control the status of the CDT used for direct receipt of data from the UA. It also needs the ability to receive, process and display the data elements within the STANAG 4586 specified LOI 2 messages for the DLI and CCI interfaces for those systems not receiving sensor metadata. For systems receiving digital sensor metadata, receipt and processing of LOI 2 DLI messages is optional. Dependent on the functional allocation of the data link control and the “translation” of DLI specified message formats to the respective UA unique formats, the appropriate VSM functions may or may not be required. One of the functions of a VSM is to translate from DLI to a non-DLI control message set so that the organic message set is not changed. Once the UA and/or CDT are coded to “speak” DLI, it no longer needs this VSM function; it only needs to be DLI compliant. In those cases, the UA and/or CDT would be STANAG compliant to a certain LOI. Otherwise, the VSM functions for the associated UA(s) need to be provided and integrated with the CUCS. The ability to receive and transmit LOI 2 messages for the CCI may or may not be required. This will be dependent on the 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 applicable concept of operations and the CS operational architecture (e.g., standalone workstation or Personal Computer (PC)), interfaced with other C4I nodes via a network or point-to-point communication link. If the CS is operated in the stand-alone mode, then there is no interface with other C4I nodes and therefore no need for the CUCS to receive/transmit (and process) any of the STANAG 4586 CCI specified messages. For applications where there is a requirement to interface with specified C4I nodes, in a network configuration or via a data link, the CCI specified messages must be implemented in order to be interoperable with those nodes. For LOI 3, the CUCS must, at a minimum, provide the capability to control and monitor the status of the UA payload(s), generate and upload payload related mission planning data, in addition to providing all of the LOI 2 capabilities. If the UA payloads require real or near-real time control then a compatible VSM/CDT function that provides this capability is required. Handover of payloads (receive and relinquish) is an additional function required of LOI 3 payload control. For LOI 4, receipt of control of UA, the CUCS must provide for UA control and monitoring and upload of UA mission plans. In this case the “stand alone” mission planning hardware and software are an integral part of the CUCS. In general, all elements, hardware and software, which support the desired CUCS requirements and functionality, are considered to be an element of the CUCS. It should be noted that a UCS that supports both UA and payload control and monitoring is both a LOI 3 and 4 compliant CS. In support of LOI 5, Launch and Recovery, the assumption is to have a launch and recovery standalone system interface to the UA or to incorporate the launch and recovery functions (e.g., tracking system interface and glide slope management) in the respective VSMs. Thus, the CUCS requirements for this LOI would be the same as for LOI 4. 2.1.2 Scalability The critical element of the CUCS is the software component. The software implements the required functionality to support UA interoperability and operations in a Joint, Combined operating environment. The software should support a computer generated graphics user interface that enables a UA operator to effectively carry out the requisite tasks in the execution of an assigned mission. In real operational environments, the required CUCS functionality can vary significantly – from receipt of UA data using a stand-alone PC with LOI 2, to control and monitoring of the payload(s) with LOI 3, to control and monitoring of the UA with LOI 4 and/or 5, to control and monitoring of both payload(s) and UA(s) with LOI 3 and 4/5. Thus, the CUCS software architecture should allow for the addition of functionality associated with the various concepts of employments. It should also be portable so that it can be hosted on different hardware platforms with minimum modifications. In similar fashion, the CUCS hardware architecture must be scalable so as to provide the required resources for the various software configurations and satisfy the physical constraints mandated by the various UA concepts of employment (i.e., adding additional memory to support expanded functionality). The hardware configurations can range from a stand-alone laptop utilised by a single individual to several, network configured, workstations in a Tactical Operations Centre (TOC). 2.1.3 System Performance The CUCS is intended to be a non-real or near-real time application. All UAS time critical functions should be allocated to the VSM/CDT, and the CCISM as applicable. For example, all UA and payload real-time functions would be allocated to the VSM. In 13 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 similar fashion, any CCI real-time requirements would be allocated to their respective specific modules. This approach will permit the best-qualified system element provider (e.g., UA and payload developer), to implement these system critical functions and allow the CUCS to implement the more general, non-real-time functions. However, as the overall UAS performance is dependent on overall end-to-end latency, care should be taken that the CUCS throughput performance does not make a significant contribution to latency (from the receipt of a signal or operator input to the desired/specified output (e.g., operator input for payload pointing, to its output on the DLI). Excessive latency can adversely affect the ability of the operator to control the UA and payload. Since latency of the entire system is not within the scope of STANAG 4586, it does not address latency at a system level. The current STANAG does, however, specify latency for the CUCS. Latency of the system can be allocated to three components shown in Figure 3 below: the CUCS, VSM/data link/UA, and DLI - 4586 communication link. The latency within the VSM/UA is outside of the STANAG set of interfaces and is the responsibility of the VSM and UA providers (who may be the same). The communication link between the CUCS and the VSM/CDT may have a variable latency based on the physical link that is selected and is within the STANAG interfaces. The latency from one CUCS interface to another, other than the communication link, is totally under the control of the CUCS manufacturer. DLI-4586 VSM CDT/VDT UA Core UCS UDP Figure 3: DLI-4586 Communication Link The system designer is ultimately responsible for designing a system that will perform as required when using the components shown above. If latency is critical, then the system designer must evaluate the latencies measured or allocated to the components and verify the system will operate as desired. The media chosen for the DLI implementation can pose a difficult problem for the system designer in that its latency can vary markedly based on the physical link chosen and may not be under the direct selection of the system designer. The latency for a CUCS and VSM that are collocated and connected by a dedicated hard wire connection would be effectively zero, while a CUCS located in one country connected to a VSM in another country connected by a satellite link could have latencies in terms of seconds. This variation in latency due to the physical communications link will result in different qualification tests for each type/length of physical link used. If no limits in the transport of data through the CUCS were defined, it could result in a system that, with a change of a CUCS component, would no longer be operable. Since the desire is to have interoperable CUCS systems, the STANAG specifies maximum latency for each message. Interoperability will be facilitated if systems are designed 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 with the latencies suggested in tables throughout STANAG/AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2 (e.g., Table 4 - 5: Message Summary and Properties of Volume I and Tables 4 – 6 through 4 – 33 of Volume II). These latency numbers do not support a hard real-time system but a near-real-time system. 2.2 UAS Level of Interoperability (LOI) The conceptual basis upon which STANAG 4586 rests is that of a compliant CS that operates with a range of UA and supports various LOIs. These interoperability levels could also be thought of as levels of control that restrict the amount of influence a given control system can exert over a UA. These levels are defined in detail in STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume I Chapter 3 “Top Level Description”, and AEP-84 Volume II and are as follows: AEP-84 Volume I Level 1: Indirect receipt of UA related data Level 2: Direct receipt of ISR/other data where “direct” covers reception of the UA data by the UCS when it has direct communication with the UA. Level 3: Control and monitoring of the UA payload in addition to direct receipt of ISR/other data Level 4: Control and monitoring of the UA, less launch and recovery. Level 5: Control and monitoring of the UA (Level 4), plus launch and recovery functions AEP-84 Volume II Level 1: Indirect receipt and/or transmission of sensor product and associated metadata, for example KLV Metadata elements from the UA. Level 2: Direct receipt of sensor product data and associated metadata from the UA. Level 3: Control and monitoring of the UA payload unless specified as monitor only. Level 4: Control and monitoring of the UA, unless specified as monitor only, less launch and recovery. Level 5: Control and monitoring of UA launch and recovery unless specified as monitor only. Unless otherwise stated, LOI 3, 4 & 5 assume control and monitor. Note: LOIs 1 - 3 in the above definitions includes dissemination of payload imagery or data products if the CS is connected to a C4I node. A CS can be compliant for any combination of the above LOIs or all levels. For example, a CS can be LOI 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for its “native” system (e.g., Predator), and LOI 2 and 3 (direct receipt of payload data as well as control and monitor of UA payloads) with a different UA (e.g., UK Watchkeeper). These various levels imply different functional requirements that clearly have an impact on the CS architecture and how a system is composed to meet those requirements. The following sections provide guidance on tailoring the architecture for each of these “interoperability levels”. 15 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 3 DLI Implementation Guidelines The STANAG 4586 concept calls for a certain level of generic UA control from the CUCS, supplemented with the specific control being provided by the implementation of VSM functions. The STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II DLI message sets provide the interface between the VSM component and the CUCS component of the system. Annex 3 and 4 of this document expand on the message sets and data elements to ensure that there is a common understanding of the intent of these messages. The DLI message set is a standard set of messages, in a specified format that provides for the base functionality of a CUCS for any given control system (CS). The VSM and CUCS combination must also support a defined method, such as X-protocol or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (http), to control and display data elements that are specific to a particular CS, in addition to the defined generic control and display capability. There is to be no reliance on real-time interaction between the CUCS and the VSM in the system. The “real-time” function of the VSM, wherever allocated, provides for the realtime control of the UA, and is the interface between the UA and the CUCS. The CUCS component of the system has been defined to provide a specific level of control over the UA and/or its payload at a specified LOI. For AEP-84 Volume I, Table 4 - 5 Message Summary and Properties in Chapter 4, lists all of the DLI messages. Similarly, AEP-84 Volume II, Tables 4 – 5 through 4 – 33 in Chapter 4, lists all of the DLI messages. The implementation approach presented here focuses on LOI 3, 4 and 5, as these require implementation of all defined payload and UA DLI messages. Part of the purpose of this Implementation Guide is to make recommendations regarding what elements should be implemented in the CUCS, and what elements should be implemented through the VSM functions. Note that the LOI specified in the STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume I (Chapter 4, Table 4 – 5) and STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume II (Chapter 4, Tables 4 – 5 through 4 – 33) define the messages that are required to be supported by the CUCS and the VSM for each of the specified LOIs. In addition, LOI 2 messages may be available prior to specific authorizations being granted by the VSM to allow field configurations for the GUIs to be completed prior to initiating an active session. In AEP-84 Volume I the CUCS transmits the CUCS Resource Report (Message #1202) to authorize vehiclespecific displays. In AEP-84 Volume II, this can be accomplshed by requesting LOI 2 Monitor Only via CUCS Authorization Request (Message #1). Additionally, configuration of the data links may be accomplished prior to obtaining VSM authorization. 3.1 CUCS Interface The intent of STANAG 4586 is to define a generic control system for all UA systems running an interoperable software package, which is capable of interfacing with multiple VSMs and their respective UA. This means that there must be a well-defined interface between the CUCS, which provides the User Interface for the system, and the VSM, which provides the interface from the CUCS to the UA. A bi-directional data interface is needed to provide a communication pathway between the VSM and the CUCS for the passing of DLI messages between the two components. STANAG 4586 imposes a requirement for the CUCS to support User Datagram Protocol (UDP) multicast for the transmission of the generic DLI formatted messages and provides for the option of either Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) or UDP/IP for the transmission of remote vehicle specific displays between the CUCS and VSM. When the VSM functions and CUCS are both implemented as software 16 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 components, and loaded on the same computer for future connections to other VSMs or CUCSs, it is recommended that the VSM and CUCS software components transmit the DLI messages between themselves with a pair of multicast IP addresses and UDP ports (IP/port). An arbitrary number of software processes may be configured to send (publish) data to a single UDP multicast address (IP/port) and an arbitrary number of software processes may be configured to receive data from that same UDP multicast address. A single IP address and port is designated for multicast of messages sent from every CUCS and a second IP address and port is designated for multicast of messages from every VSM. 3.1.1 Software Interface Protocol The generic message interface between a CUCS and a VSM uses UDP/IP multicast, and the interface between the CUCS and the VSM for the vehicle specific interface may optionally be TCP/IP or UDP/IP. The UDP multicast protocol requires the specification of both an IP address and a port. A service may be added to the services file that identifies the UDP ports to be used between the CUCS and the VSM. For example on a UNIX system: Service_name port/protocol CucsMulticast 52000/udp Multicast from CUCS VsmMulticast 52001/udp Multicast from VSM There is an additional requirement to identify the IP multicast address for the connection. On many network configurations, the IP address range available for UDP multicast is restricted to be between and The description of the CUCS multicast address and the VSM multicast address must be specified by a combination of IP address and port number (e.g., Determination of the appropriate UDP multicast addresses and ports is ultimately a network administration task that must be coordinated to configure each VSM and CUCS onto a common network. The CUCS will queue and process the packets received from the VSMs on a first in first out basis. The system UDP buffer is a limited size and does not expand. Therefore if the CUCS is connected to too many VSMs, the buffer could be overrun and data lost. There is a potential for a single CS to have a CUCS and multiple, distinct VSMs colocated on a single hardware platform. When the VSM is located on the ground with the CUCS, multiple Vehicle IDs (VSM IDs) may be assigned to a VSM dependent on the number of vehicles that can be simultaneously controlled from the VSM. (This is done in order to be able to distinctly identify “logical” VSMs in a networked system.) The VSM will monitor the UDP socket for each of its assigned Vehicle IDs, and internally route the messages as required to the appropriate Vehicle IDs. When the VSM is in the air, the Vehicle ID will be the VSM ID, and the Vehicle ID will most likely also be the vehicle tail number. Although the STANAG 4586 uses the Vehicle ID numbers to identify vehicles, to support “legacy” systems the STANAG 4586 has recognized that a VSM ID is required for the system to work in a network environment. When the VSM is in the air, there will be only one VSM per UA. 3.1.2 Interface Data Representation 17 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The representation of data across the DLI interface is very important, especially since there is a potential for using different Operating Systems within the same CS. Developers are required to ensure that they are sending data across the DLI interface with the correct Byte and Bit ordering as specified in the STANAG 4586. It is also important to verify that the correct units are being used in the creation of the DLI messages for transmission across the interface. STANAG 4586 has attempted to standardize on the Scientific International (SI) International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) 1000:1992 system, however there may be inconsistencies. Implementers are required to verify the correct units for each parameter within the formatted messages contained in STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II. 3.1.3 Packaging of Formatted Messages Table 4 – 5 of STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume I and Tables 4 – 5 through 4 – 33 of AEP-84 Volume II identify the DLI messages applicable/required for the respective LOI configurations. The VSM and CUCS have the capability to transmit correctly formatted messages for which they are specified as the source of the message. The CUCS must be able to receive correctly formatted messages from the VSM, and the VSM must be able to receive correctly formatted messages from the CUCS. The reception of erroneous messages, or messages not supported at the specified LOI, must not cause adverse effects at either the CUCS or VSM. The interaction between messages, such as the requirement for acknowledgements, will be described in Annex 3 and 4 of this document, respectively. 3.1.4 Message Distributed Standard STANAG 4586 uses a “message passing” approach to provide inter-process communications. The STANAG defines a system for transporting these messages, to assure proper delivery of the messages, manage the allocation of resources, and provides a standard definition for how the data is to be formatted and packaged. Message Wrapper The STANAG defines the message wrapper that is required for transmission of the formatted DLI messages. The message wrapper format for AEP 84 Volume I and Volume II are different as illustrated below. The definition of the respective elements of the wrapper are provided in Section 3.3.1 of AEP-84 Volume I and 2 respectively, The wrapper is used to address the messages to the correct destination, and to verify their correct reception. The following Figures show the message wrapper structure for AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2: 18 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 IDD Version Msg Instance ID Instance Number Message Type Number of bytes in body Message Length Unique stream for each source/destination pair Stream ID Message Properties Message Data Checksum Figure 4: Message Wrapper Structure for AEP-84 Vol 1 Source Port* Destination Port* Packet Length* UDP Checksum* Reserved Message Length Source ID Destination ID Message Type Message Properties Data (Message Payload) Optional Checksum Figure 5: Message Wrapper Structure for AEP-84 Vol 2 19 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Example of a Wrapped AEP-84 Volume I DLI Message The following Table is an example of an AEP-84 Volume I formatted DLI message wrapped in the message wrapper structure. Message #1, CUCS Authorization Request, is used in the following example: Wrapping Element Message section Size (bytes) Content Formatted content (Hex) 10 (NULL Terminated) "2.0" 32 2e 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Msg Instance Id 4 751 00 00 02 ef Msg Type 4 1 00 00 00 01 Message Length 4 31 00 00 00 1f Stream ID 4 -1 ff ff ff ff Packet Seq. # 4 -1 ff ff ff ff Timestamp 8 0.1234 3f bf 97 24 74 53 8e f3 Vehicle ID 4 0a 08 01 a7 CUCS ID 4 0a 0c 00 04 Vehicle Type 2 11 00 0b Vehicle Sub Type 2 2 00 02 Data link ID 4 0a 0c 00 01 Requested LOI 1 3 03 Controlled Station 4 0x00000004 00 00 00 04 Controlled Station Mode 1 1 01 Wait for Data link Trans. Msg. 1 0 00 4 3738 00 00 0e 9a IDD Message Data Checksum Total length 65 Table 1: Example of a Formatted DLI Wrapped Message The resulting complete formatted message is the following hex bytes sequence: 20 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 32 2e 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 ef 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 1f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 3f bf 97 24 74 53 8e f3 0a 08 01 a7 0a 0c 00 04 00 0b 00 02 0a 0c 00 01 03 00 00 00 04 01 00 00 00 0e 9a 3.2 CUCS DLI Implementation The intent of STANAG 4586 is to define a generic control system for all UA systems running an interoperable software package, which is capable of interfacing with multiple VSMs and their respective UA. This means that there must be a well-defined interface between the CUCS, which provides the User Interface for the system, and the VSM, which provides the interface from the CUCS to the UA. A CUCS implementation of the DLI must be capable of creating all the DLI messages stated as being sourced by the CUCS, and be able to decode all messages stated as being sourced by the VSM, based on the LOI specified for the CUCS as required for a particular LOI. 3.2.1 Message Implementation Table 4 - 5: Message Summary and Properties in Chapter 4 of STANAG 4586/AEP84 Volume I and Tables 4 – 5 through 4 - 33 in STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume II, identifies the formatted DLI messages (or group of messages) that must be implemented to achieve each of the defined LOIs. The CUCS need only implement messages specific to the desired LOI(s). For example, a LOI 4 CUCS must implement all the messages contained in the table stated as required for LOI 4, whereas a LOI 2 CUCS need only implement all the Level 2 messages contained in the table, and then only for a specified payload type. The reception of unimplemented messages should not affect the operation of a CUCS. Reception of STANAG 4586 DLI Messages A VSM transmits STANAG 4586 compliant DLI messages to a CUCS. When these messages are received by the CUCS it must be capable of the following; Receive messages Decode messages Store data Process data Present/Distribute data A possible implementation of this system is presented below in Figure 6. 21 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Raw Data Packet Sync Packets Data Decoder Elements Memory Msg Ack CUCS App’s Figure 6: CUCS Message Reception Packet Synchronization The CUCS receives DLI messages from a VSM that have been packaged in accordance with the respective AEP-84 Volume I and 2 message wrapper definitions. The wrapper is used to address the messages to the correct destination, and to verify their correct reception. The inter-process communication method between the CUCS and the VSM has been identified as being UDP/IP. The CUCS/VSM integrator must ensure that the correct IP address and port numbers are identified for the system as described in the Software Interface Protocol section (Section 3.1.1) of this document. The packet synchronisation process strips out the STANAG messages from the wrapper leaving the formatted messages as defined in Table 4 - 5 Message Summary and Properties (AEP-84 Vol.1) and the functional group tables (Table 4 – 6 through 4 – 33) of AEP-84 Vol. 2. For AEP-84 Volume I stripping process, the first thing that happens is the “IDD Version” is read and compared to the version of the STANAG document for which the receiving CUCS was implemented. If the IDD Version is not the same or backwards compatible, the message is discarded and the operator alerted. The decoding of the respective elements of the message wrapper are done in accordance with the descriptions in Section 3.3.1, Message Wrapper Information of AEP-84 Volume I and 2 respectively. The next step is to strip out the formatted DLI message from the wrapper, which will contain one of the messages. For AEP-84 Volume I the last step in the packet synchronisation process is to calculate the checksum and compare it to the received checksum. If the checksums do not match the packet is discarded. If the checksums match, then the formatted DLI message is passed to the decoding process. For AEP84 Volume II this step is optional. The packet synchroniser only forwards valid DLI messages to the Decoder process. Elements of the message wrapper structure, such as the Message Properties, are forwarded with the DLI message to the Decoder Process as this information may be required for acknowledges, display of warnings, etc. 22 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Decoding and Storage of DLI Message Elements The decoder parses the DLI messages in accordance with the defined common message formats provided in Chapter 4 of AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2 respectively. The AEP-84 Volumes require that metric (SI, ISO 1000:1992) units are to be used unless otherwise indicated by the messages. Therefore, conversion to SI should be conducted as required. This will assist in the avoidance of potential system errors. It is recommended that each of the received message data elements be placed into memory individually for potential use by application processes loaded on the CUCS. This method will assist in compliance testing of the CUCS as defined in the SRD Allied Engineering Publication (AEP) – 84.2: STANAG 4586 Validation/Test Guideline Document. Message Acknowledgement It is recommended that the decoder process implement the capability for message acknowledgement. When “message acknowledgement” is requested in the Message Properties element of the Message wrapper the decoder sends the required information to the Message Encoding System (Section for the transmission of a Message Acknowledgement Message (Message #1400 for AEP-84 Volume I; Message 17000 for AEP-84 Volume II). For additional details on identifying which messages require an acknowledgement and on sending message acknowledgements, refer to the Message Implementation sections, Annex 3 and 4 respectively of this document. Display/Use of Data Elements The CUCS provides the “generic” user interface for the UAS. It provides all the processing required to display system status and to execute “generic” control over the UA through the VSM. In order to achieve this, the following capabilities need to be available on the CUCS: Generic vehicle control process Map display interface Warning display system Payload control process Payload video display system Mission selection and loading capability Generic data link control CUCS vehicle specific mechanisms Based on the testing philosophy detailed in the SRD Allied Engineering Publication (AEP) – 84.2: STANAG 4586 Validation/Test Guideline Document, in order to achieve Component Compliance Testing, there must be access to all implemented message data elements of the DLI message set. This philosophy demands a user interface implementation that provides access to all DLI message data elements. System Level Compliance Interoperability Testing follows Compliance Testing and verifies that the correct functionality within the UAS is being achieved, and DLI data elements that are not required by a specific system are hidden from the user. Based on this philosophy, the capability to provide a reconfigurable user interface is recommended. However, these user interfaces must remain as static as possible between vehicles controlled by a CUCS to achieve consistency between UASs. 23 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The recommendations presented for the use and display of the DLI message data elements is based on the Compliance Testing philosophy, where all data elements must be accessible to the user, and upon the capability to configure the interface to achieve interoperability. Generic Vehicle Control Process The STANAG 4586 concept calls for a certain level of generic control from the CUCS, with the detailed specific vehicle control being provided by the VSM. The operator requires sufficient controls and displays at the CUCS to safely control and monitor the vehicle systems that require monitoring or user input, and the operator must be able to conduct a mission. In the development of a generic vehicle control panel there are flight critical displays and controls that should be placed on the main panel and available at all times. The pre-flight (set-up) data elements should be placed on separate dialogs that will be out of the way during flight operations. Complex tasks should be dealt with on the ground if possible. An example is the handover capability. The handover set-up tasks, such as frequency configurations, are recommended to be separated from the actual handover commands. It is recommended that the DLI messages grouped in Chapter 4 of the respective AEP-84 Volumes, as System ID Messages and Flight Vehicle Command and Status Messages be implemented in the CUCS UA control panel for the purpose of user display and control. As many vehicles are supported, parameters used by the majority of vehicles are recommended to be grouped together, and the others are set aside to reduce clutter. During Interoperability System Level Compliance Testing this allows parameters to be removed (hidden) without altering the look and feel of the dialogs. For different vehicles within a specific CUCS implementation, it is recommended that a control and status display element for a specified AEP-84 data element, where applicable, be placed in the same location on a panel, or within a dialog of the User Interface, for different vehicles within a specific CUCS implementation. This will allow an operator to easily transition from one type of vehicle to the next without significant training issues, as the look and feel of the panels will be maintained as much as possible across vehicle types. Map Display Interface A map component is available on the CUCS, and it is recommended that the following components be available for display on the map: Change of coordinate systems/datums Point navigation through selection on the map – feedback for demand/reported on map Scalable map De-clutter map CDT location on map UA location on map – with possibly tail number, UA speed, altitude, fuel level UA trail Mission plan display Payload footprint Data link loss for UA 24 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Import maps Warning Display System The CUCS requires a method to display warnings received from the VSM to the user. It is recommended that a warning display system be implemented on the CUCS using the Subsystem Status Alert Message (Message #1100 for AEP-84 Volume I; Message #16000 for AEP-84 Volume II) and the Subsystem Status Detail Request (Message #1001 for AEP-84 Volume I; Message #15001 for AEP-84 Volume II). The Subsystem Status Alert Message is sourced at the VSM as required, and the CUCS can request additional information on a received alert using the Subsystem Status Request Message. Refer to the Message Implementation sections (Section 3.2.1 and of this document for additional details. VSM Warning Detection System Msg #1100/#16000 Msg #1001/#15001 Warning Warning Encoder Display Panel Server Figure 7: Warning System The Warning system, as shown above in Figure 7, provides the operator with the capability to display, track and log warning messages. The operator is provided with the capability to acknowledge and cancel warnings in accordance with the message protocol. When a warning is received by the CUCS, it is to be displayed in the operator’s primary view and not obscured by other elements. A potential Warning Display is shown below in Figure 8. Figure 8: Warning Display Payload Control Process The STANAG provides the capability to control a variety of payloads from the CUCS. The user interface has to provide the capability to select a payload for control, and then provide sufficient controls and displays to control and monitor the payload. The sensor control panel contains the controls and displays for the near real time control of the payload, while configuration and set-up items are contained in dialogs. The dialogs provide for the implementation of a number of payload status messages as contained in the DLI message set. A specific payload is selected, and only the data elements that are relevant to the selected payload are displayed to the operator. To fulfil the requirements of Compliance Testing, it is recommended the payload dialogs 25 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 provide access to all the payload types and their associated message parameters as implemented for the CUCS under verification, at the specified LOI. To meet the requirements of Interoperability System Level Compliance Testing, the payload status dialogs are configured from the data received from the VSM, via the Payload Configuration Message and the various other configuration messages with the dialogs being configured to the specific system’s payloads, not just for a generic payload. For example, the limits and ranges in the dialogs are bounded to the range of the specific payload and do not span the entire STANAG 4586 range of values. Payload Video Display System A payload imagery display system is required to be a component of the CUCS, and should display the image received from the payload in the correct format for the operator. Mission Planning Capability Mission Planning capabilities identified in the STANAG include the ability to validate and review missions, and to be able to modify existing missions any time before and during a flight. The Mission Planning capability may be a capability integrated into the CUCS, or it may be a separate application loaded onto the CUCS or a standalone computer. The CUCS must be able to correctly read missions created by the Mission Planning capability associated with the CUCS. Generic Data Link Control Process A set of Data Link Messages to control a generic STANAG 7085 data link are identified in Chapter 4 of AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II respectively. It is recommended that the Data Link Messages be implemented as a set, as outlined in the Message Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 of this document, for the control of the data link and radio equipment. The Data Link Transition Messages are used to coordinate the transition of control of one data link to another for the UA. CUCS Vehicle Specific Mechanisms The CUCS is required to display non-generic information related to the UA configuration, status monitoring and control as prepared by the VSM, through a vehicle specific mechanism. The CUCS will control the display of vehicle specific windows on its displays. To achieve this capability, the CUCS is required to contain all of the vehicle specific services identified by the STANAG at the minimum identified revision level or higher. The VSM will transmit the vehicle specific windows using the identified services at the identified revision level or lower. This will ensure compatibility between the two systems. (Note: it is assumed all services will be backward compatible at higher revision levels.) This guide recommends the initial creation of the generic interface, and then the CUCS transmits the CUCS Resource Report Message (Message #1202 for AEP-84 Volume1 and Message #4201 for AEP-84 Volume II) to identify to the VSM how it is to transmit the vehicle specific windows (remote displays) to the CUCS. Transmission of STANAG 4586 DLI Messages In order to execute control over and request status from the VSM, the CUCS must be capable of creating the required DLI messages and transmitting them to the VSM. 26 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure 9 depicts a possible methodology for the implementation of a DLI message transmission system. CUCS App’s Memory Packet Stream Msg Ack Data Elements Encoder DLI Msg Message System Wrapped I/O Messages System Figure 9: CUCS Message Transmission The CUCS must be capable of creating the DLI messages that are identified in AEP84 as the “source” being the CUCS. The CUCS must be capable of creating all the DLI messages associated with its stated operational LOI. Buffer Data for Transmission Once the data elements have been prepared by the CUCS, they are placed in a memory structure or equivalent temporary storage system. The data elements in this memory structure are for the creation of DLI messages that are sourced by the CUCS. CUCS applications have the capability to write to relevant data elements within the memory structure. Data elements are populated ensuring that the “data intent” of each of the data elements is maintained in accordance with the Message Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 of this document. A range checking capability may be added to the data storage system to ensure that data elements do not exceed their allowable ranges. This is best to occur before the data elements are encoded into their respective DLI message components. The generic messages are then composed based on their intended usage in accordance with the message descriptions provided in the Message Implementation section in Annex 3 and 4 of this document. Encode STANAG 4586 DLI Messages An encoder process is used to create the formatted DLI messages for transmission to the VSM. There are various methods through which the creation and subsequent transmission of a DLI message may be initiated from the encoder. These methods are as follows: Memory monitor (changes in memory) Scheduled transmission Pulled messages The method for initiating the creation of a DLI message is dependent on the message to be transmitted. A recommendation for when each of the formatted DLI messages should be transmitted from the CUCS is included within the Message Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 respectively, of this document. 27 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The transmission of “Pulled Messages” is conducted after the reception of a request for a specified message. This can be related to the CUCS responding to a query from the VSM. A Message Acknowledgement is sent through this mechanism for a message requiring an acknowledgement from the CUCS. The transmission of “Scheduled Messages” is conducted based on a communications schedule. There is no defined communications schedule for the transmission of DLI messages, as the schedule would be dependent on the UA under control. If a communications schedule is required to be used as the method of initiating the creation and transmission of DLI messages from the VSM to the CUCS, the STANAG 4586 provides the capability for a CUCS to create a schedule using the Schedule Message Update Command (Message #1402 for AEP-84 Volume I; Message #17001 for AEP84 Volume II). This message requests that a specified message be sent at the given frequency. The effect of this message is to make the requested message a “push” type message eliminating the need to request each pull individually. The transmission of DLI messages through “Memory Monitored” values is accomplished by a process in the encoder monitoring specified values in memory, and initiating the creation of messages based on changes in these parameters. An example of this is a Vehicle Operating Mode Command Message being transmitted based on a data element’s value changing in memory, which represents a change in demand from a User Interface. The encoder creates the required formatted DLI messages in the format defined in AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2 respectively. The data element values are filled in from the memory structure described previously. 3.3 VSM Interface In accordance with the STANAG, the VSM is responsible for the following functions: Managing real-time control interactions with the UA(s) Translating data from the representation used by the core (DLI) to vehicle specific representations and vice versa Acting as a repository and server for vehicle-specific data (such as vehicle configuration and performance limitations) and methods (such as routines for updating vehicle-specific operator displays) Packing and unpacking data link data to optimise transmission bandwidth when necessary Managing interfaces required to control and monitor data link(s) operation Parsing the data link data to present UA payload data to a NATO Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Interoperability Architecture (NIIA) compliant ground exploitation system as specified by STANAG 7085 Providing any real-time display requirements in the UCS, as no real-time functions are to be allocated to the CUCS The first two functions above can be allocated to the UA, but due to data link bandwidth and other issues as identified in Section 3.1.1 above, the other VSM functions should be allocated to a “ground” VSM element. 28 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 3.3.1 VSM Architecture The software architecture and configuration required for the VSM is dependent on the physical location of the VSM. The following are potential configurations for the VSM: Located on the same machine as the CUCS Located on a different machine from the CUCS on the ground Located on the UA and on the ground (CDT) (i.e., Split VSM) o Real time UA functions and message translation (if the UA does not “speak” DLI) allocated to the UA VSM The architecture and software composition of the VSM may be exactly the same in a system where the VSM is located on the ground, whether or not it resides on the same machine as the CUCS. If the VSM is located on the UA, then there normally will be a requirement for a split VSM dependent on the requirement for controlling the CDT being used in the system. VSM development is dependent on whether the VSM is being developed as a new software component, or if it is an existing organic control station being modified for use as a VSM. The following recommendations for development are only provided as examples to show where the STANAG message system would fit into a VSM, and it is understood there are many potential solutions. Purpose Built VSM – Vehicle Native Protocol A VSM developed specifically to communicate using the STANAG 4586 DLI protocol with the UA’s native protocol being transmitted to the vehicle contains the following components: Vehicle native protocol message system Control applications Vehicle ICD/STANAG DLI message translator Vehicle specific/remote displays STANAG 4586 message system A VSM developed in this configuration would reside as a ground component of the UCS system. Figure 10 depicts the VSM communication flow between the CUCS and the UA. VSM UAV Control Apps Vehicle ICD/ STANAG DLI STAN AG Msg Translator System Remote Displays DLI Msg CUCS Remote Displays Figure 10: VSM Communication Flow (Configuration One) The control applications on the VSM provide the functionality required to control the UA, and transmit/receive the UA native messages at the required frequency. The 29 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 control applications are responsible for the “complete” control of the UA, and as such this is the process where the VSM sub-divides the UA functionality into generic (STANAG 4586) functionality and vehicle specific (remote display) functionality. Where possible, the UA native control elements must be converted to STANAG 4586 for the provision of a generic control capability. Therefore, using this architecture, the control applications are required to perform the required data conversions from UA native protocol to STANAG and vice versa, perform any required unit conversions, and perform any other specific conversions or translations required to effectively control the UA from the generic interface. The VSM must be capable of communicating across the DLI interface; therefore it contains a DLI Message Tx/Rx system. The remote displays provide for the status monitoring and control functionality over and above the generic STANAG 4586 defined capability. Refer to the VSM Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 of this document for further implementation details. Purpose Built VSM - STANAG 4586 Protocol A VSM developed specifically to communicate using the STANAG 4586 DLI protocol being transmitted between the CUCS and the UA contains the following components: Control applications Vehicle specific/Remote displays STANAG 4586 Message System A VSM developed in this configuration would reside, in part, as a component of the UA in the UCS system. UAV VSM GND Component Remote Displays Avionics STANAG Msg System STANAG Msg System AV Pass Through Data Link Control CUCS STANAG Msg System Figure 11: Communication Flow (Configuration Two) In the configuration depicted in Figure 11 above, part of the VSM would be a component of the UA and therefore incorporated into the avionics. The CUCS would communicate directly to the UA using the STANAG 4586 protocol. The control applications are responsible for the “complete” control of the UA, and as such this is the process where the VSM sub-divides the UA functionality into generic (STANAG 4586) functionality and vehicle specific (remote display) functionality. The VSM must be capable of communicating using the DLI message sets. The remote displays provide for the status monitoring and control functionality over and above the generic STANAG 4586 defined capability. This architecture is considered for an UA capable of being controlled through the use of the generic message set. Refer to the VSM Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 of this 30 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 document for further implementation details. Using this configuration requires the division of the VSM into “two” components, as there will still be a ground component of the VSM required to control the CDT/data link. The ground component of the VSM would be required to strip out the formatted DLI messages associated with the status monitoring and control of the CDT (data link) and pass the messages directed to the vehicle without alteration. Refer to the Split VSM Operations section (Section of this document. Modified Organic Control Station A vehicle control station that is organic to an UA can be configured to become a VSM in the STANAG 4586 context by providing an interface to a CUCS. A VSM manufacturer taking this approach may consider the following as a potential implementation as depicted in Figure 12. VSM UAV Organic Control Station Protocol Translator STANAG Data Elements STANAG DLI Msg Tx/Rx System DLI Msg CUCS Interface Application Figure 12: Potential VSM Implementation In this approach, the VSM contains a mechanism to convert the vehicle specific protocol to the STANAG 4586 DLI message elements. This software component may be considered a protocol translator. This can be accomplished by creating the crossreference between the STANAG DLI message elements and the vehicle specific ICD data element as specified in the Message Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 of this document. The protocol translator is used to translate CUCS commands to vehicle commands at the organic control station, and conversely to translate vehicle specific status elements to STANAG for transmission to the CUCS for operator display. The translator ensures data elements on both sides of the interface remain current. All the generic messages that can be supported by the UAS data elements must be supported. The remote displays are used to provide for the status monitoring and control functionality over and above the generic STANAG 4586 defined capability. Refer to the VSM Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 of this document for further implementation details. The Interface Applications provide the link between the generic and vehicle specific components of the system. The Interface Application also provides the mechanism to handle the additional system requirements such as the system warnings, and for the remote display/control of vehicle specific dialogs and control panels. The storage mechanism and message transmission/reception mechanisms remain as described previously. SPLIT VSM OPERATIONS As identified in a number of preceding sections of this document, the VSM “translation” function may reside on the UA or it may not be required because the UA “speaks DLI”. In this instance, there will still be a requirement for the control and monitoring of the 31 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 UCS data link on the UA, the VDT. A “ground based, data link control” VSM can provide this capability. Under Split operations, there is a potential impact to running TCP over wireless/ tactical links. The performance of TCP/IP over a wireless link could be poor, with the potential for reduced throughput in some conditions. One recommendation to solve potential TCP/IP performance issues over a wireless data link would be to use Space Communications Protocol Standards (SCPS) over the wireless portion of the link. The SCPS defines a set of revisions to the Internet protocols to enable them to operate effectively over wireless (satellite) connections. Many of the characteristics of satellite links are also inherent in terrestrial wireless communications, and the secondary design goal of SCPS was to improve the performance of wireless links in military tactical environments. The goal of the SCPS project is to provide a suite of standard data handling protocols which (from a user viewpoint) allow a remote space vehicle to appear to be just another "node on the Internet". With SCPS, the bandwidth of an existing link is utilized to a significantly higher efficiency. This translates directly to faster data transfer and/or accommodating more connections (or customers) with the existing link infrastructure. The SCPS advantage grows dramatically as link quality decreases. The SCPS transport layer (SCPS-TP) is compatible with Internet applications and the Internet itself. It can take the place of the TCP/IP stack in a computer, or be deployed as a pair of gateways across a RF segment in a conventional IP network. For further information on SCPS, implementers are directed to A second recommendation for the creation of remote displays in a “split” VSM situation is the creation of the remote displays on the “ground component” of the VSM, as this component is already required in the UCS system to control the data link. The VSM developer may develop a set of “private” formatted messages, in the STANAG 4586 generic format, to be transmitted using the STANAG 4586 UDP/IP channel. The airborne and ground components of the VSM, as a pair, would identify the private messages being passed between them. The ground component of the VSM would be required to convert the vehicle specific formatted messages into a “remote services” format for the presentation of the remote displays at the CUCS. VSM Display Capability Some vehicle systems may require a real-time display/HCI connected directly to the VSM during certain operations or flight modes. The VSM's function is to provide for real-time vehicle requirements, or to provide any vehicle specific hardware required (e.g., a non-standard data link). The STANAG 4586 architecture and VSM philosophy makes provisions for a remote display/input capability to be connected to the VSM. When implementing a VSM display capability, it is important to note that the STANAG 4586 architecture allows the VSM and CUCS to be located at different physical locations, and not necessarily accessible by a single operator. Although some systems may have co-located VSM and CUCS, system designers should account for the possibility they are not co-located. If a VSM display capability is deemed necessary, the system designers should also develop an operational profile assuming the VSM and CUCS are in separate locations. I/O System The I/O System component specified in the proposed implementation varies dependent on the physical location of the CUCS and VSM software components. It is recommended that a client-server socket arrangement be used. The additional requirements to run the CUCS and VSM software components on physically separate 32 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 hardware are identified in the Software Interface Protocol section (Section 3.1.1) of this document. 3.3.2 VSM DLI Implementation The recommended VSM implementation reflects the proposed implementation of the generic message set on the CUCS. The intention of the generic message set, from the perspective of the VSM, is presented within the Message Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 respectively of this document. The VSM transmits STANAG 4586 DLI messages to a CUCS that have been packaged in accordance with the STANAG message wrapper definition. Refer to the CUCS Interface sections in Annex 3 and 4 for details of the recommended implementation. Message Implementation In the STANAG 4586 philosophy, the VSM provides the interface between the UA system and the CUCS. The VSM also provides the interface between the CDT Data Link system and the CUCS. The VSM must be capable of accepting all of the messages included in the STANAG 4586 DLI message set, even if the messages are not required in the specific implementation. The VSM does not have to act on all the messages, however the messages should not cause any adverse effects on the system. The VSM is only required to generate and transmit those DLI messages that are relevant to the system for which it was developed. Reception of STANAG 4586 DLI Messages A VSM receives and transmits STANAG 4586 compliant DLI messages from/to a CUCS. When these messages are received by the VSM it must be capable of the following; Receive messages Decode messages Store data Process data Present/Distribute data Packet Synchronization The VSM receives DLI messages, from a CUCS, that have been packaged in accordance with the STANAG message wrapper definition. Refer to the corresponding CUCS Implementation section for additional details. The CUCS/VSM integrator must ensure that the correct IP address and port numbers are identified for the system as described in the Software Interface Protocol section (Section 3.1.1) of this document. It is recommended that the VSM use the same packet synchronisation process as the CUCS implementation. Refer to CUCS Implementation section for details. Figure 13 is one implementation that could be used. 33 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Raw Data Packet Sync Packets Decoder Data Memory Elements Msg Ack VSM App’s Figure 13: VSM Message Reception Decoding and Storage of DLI Message Elements The same Decoder and Storage process as used in the CUCS Implementation can be implemented to parse the formatted STANAG messages that are received from the packet synchronisation process. The storage process can be used to verify the validity of the data received from the CUCS. Message Acknowledgement It is recommended that the Decoder process implement the capability for message acknowledgement. When the VSM receives a “Msg Type” that requires an acknowledgement, the decoder sends the required information to the Message Encoding System for the transmission of a Message Acknowledgement Message (Message #1400 for AEP-84 Volume I and Message #17000 for AEP-84 Volume II). For additional details on sending message acknowledgements refer to the Message Implementation sections in Annex 3 and 4 of this document. Transmission of STANAG 4586 DLI Messages The VSM must be capable of creating the required STANAG 4586 DLI messages and transmitting them to the CUCS. The same methodology for the implementation of the DLI message transmission system at the CUCS is recommended for the VSM. This is illustrated in Figure 14. VSM App’s Memory Msg Ack Data Elements Encoder Packet Stream DLI Message Msg System Wrapped Messages I/O System Figure 14: VSM Message Transmission The VSM is only required to create those messages, and support those data elements within a message, that its associated UAS supports. Any unsupported data elements must be filled in, in accordance with AEP-84 Volume I or 2, respectively, to indicate they are unsupported by the system. The VSM is required to support all AEP-84 34 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Volume I or 2 data elements possible for the UAS. If there is a generic way to send data from the VSM to the CUCS, then it must be used by the VSM. Buffer Data for Transmission Once the data elements have been prepared by the VSM, they are placed in a memory structure or equivalent temporary storage system. The data elements in this memory structure are used for the creation of DLI messages that are sourced by the VSM. Data elements are populated, ensuring that the “data intent” of each of the data elements is maintained in accordance with the Message Implementation sections of Annex 3 or 4 of this document. Encode STANAG 4586 DLI Messages An Encoder process is used to create the formatted DLI messages for transmission to the CUCS. There are various methods through which the creation and subsequent transmission of a DLI message may be initiated from the encoder. These methods are as follows: Memory monitor (changes in memory) Scheduled transmission Pulled messages The method for initiating the creation of a DLI message is dependent on the message to be transmitted. Recommendations for when specific DLI messages should be transmitted from the VSM to the CUCS are provided in the Message Implementation sections of Annex 3 or 4 of this document. Refer to the CUCS Implementation sections for additional descriptions of the methods for the initiation of the transmission of the DLI messages. Display/use of STANAG Data Elements The applications located on the VSM are provided to interface the CUCS to the UA for the execution of the control functionality contained in the STANAG, and to provide the required operator feedback to the CUCS. It is expected that the VSM causes the UA to perform the functionality as commanded from the CUCS in a safe and accurate manner. There is no requirement for the VSM manufacturer to display DLI message content, except for verification of the correct reception of data elements during Compliance Testing. The VSM is required to display vehicle specific data upon request from the CUCS; however the VSM first identifies if there is vehicle specific information available to the CUCS. Refer to the VSM Implementation sections of Annex 3 or 4 of this document. There are some recommended processes that the VSM should implement, in addition to its vehicle control applications, to provide the STANAG functionality. The processes include: Warning Detection System STANAG to vehicle data element translators STANAG to vehicle specific mission converter Vehicle Specific Mechanisms In addition to the transmission and reception of STANAG 4586 DLI messages, the VSM is required to provide HCI controls and status displays for vehicle specific elements as illustrated in Figure 15 below. These are control and status display elements that are not provided for by the generic STANAG 4586 DLI message set, such as the take-off and landing capabilities of a UA. These VSM-driven HCI elements 35 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 include display of data, which is not part of any standard "data" message sets, and they allow an operator to interact with the UA directly through the VSM to select options, modes of operation, and other vehicle-specific actions. These VSM elements provide for all real time control requirements that are part of the UAS. Generic Messages VSM Vehicle Specific Displays – X11 CUCS X-Server Netscape Vehicle Specific Displays – HTML Figure 15: Vehicle Specific Messaging STANAG 4586 leaves the VSM designer quite a bit of flexibility for implementing the vehicle specific portion. However, there are some significant limitations. Since there is no requirement for the VSM to have its own dedicated display, all of the windows/dialog boxes must appear on the CUCS displays. This is complicated by the fact that the STANAG 4586 does not place any restrictions on what sort of computer or operating system is used for the CUCS. The VSM designer is free to choose the hardware and operating system for the VSM, with the goal that the VSM should operate with all CUCS systems via an Ethernet connection. AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2 specify the “services” that must be made available to the VSM by the CUCS, and the VSM designer must implement the vehicle specific displays utilizing these services. The services that will be made available by every CUCS include: Web browser (such as Netscape) X Server Java Virtual Machine Using X-Windows to “export” the windows from the software running on the VSM to the displays connected to the CUCS is one method to provide remote display and control over data elements only available at the VSM. Another method is to use HTTP. An interface to a Tactical Automatic Landing System could be provided through one of these services. Vehicle Specific Data Elements The vehicle specific data elements are those data elements contained in the vehicle specific ICD that are not cross-referenced to AEP-84 Volume I or Volume II DLI message data element. These data elements provide for any real time control and display capabilities or functionalities additional to the generic control provided for by the CUCS interface. As an example, an Auto-land System is considered vehicle specific, therefore all the data elements associated with auto-land are included in this category. 36 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Vehicle Specific Dialogs The vehicle specific dialogs are VSM-driven HCI elements that are not included in the generic message set. The dialogs allow an operator to interact with the UA directly to select options, modes of operation, and other vehicle-specific actions. The vehicle specific dialogs and control panels provide the functionality that is not accessible from the generic dialogs and control panels. There are various possibilities for the implementation of vehicle specific control panels and dialogs, two possibilities are: Organic Control Station displays AEP-84 Volume I or Volume II tailored displays Remote Display – Subsystem Detail Request One of the methods of initiating the remote display of vehicle specific dialogs is through the use of AEP-84 Volume I or Volume II “Subsystem State Report Reference” of the Subsystem Status Detail Request Messages (Msg. #1001, Vol. 1; Msg. #15001, Vol. 2). In the recommended implementation, the Warning Detection System as part of the VSM is responsible for creating the Subsystem State Report Reference, which is a field in the Subsystem Status Alert Message and the Subsystem Status Report message. The VSM determines whether or not there is vehicle specific information available for the specified message, and includes a reference in the message as required. The CUCS may then request the additional information through the Subsystem Status Detail Request (Message #1001, Vol.1; Message #15001, Vol.2) from the VSM. When the VSM receives the request it pops up the requested dialog for display on the CUCS. In the recommended implementation, the additional information on warnings is requested through links on the Warning Display System and the Master Caution panel of the CUCS. The dialog is created by the VSM, and may be a vehicle specific dialog that is a component part of the VSM. An example of this capability is the Warning Detection System may link a Global Positioning System (GPS) Status dialog to a Loss of GPS warning message. When the CUCS requests additional information on the Loss of GPS warning, the VSM pops up the GPS Status dialog on the CUCS. The dialog may be an information dialog specifically created by the VSM for the specified warning. An example of this implementation for a Carburettor Icing warning is to create an information dialog on the action to take to eliminate the problem. When the CUCS requests the additional information on the warning the informational dialog is displayed on the CUCS. Organic Control Station Displays A vehicle control station that is organic to a specific UA can be configured to provide a remote display to a CUCS as depicted below in Figure 16. 37 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 VSM DLI Msg STANAG Data Elements Protocol Translator STANAG DLI Msg Tx/Rx System Interface Application CUCS Vehicle Specific Figure 16: Configuration of Organic Control Station Display The Interface Application provides the mechanism, such as X-windows or HTTP, to remotely display dialogs and control panels on the CUCS displays. The VSM may display organic panels on the CUCS through this mechanism, or the interface application may create tailored vehicle specific control panels and dialogs. The requirement for these control panels and dialogs is that they provide the functionality additional to the generic displays. On connection of the CUCS to the VSM, the vehicle specific control panels are displayed on the CUCS. Refer to Annex 3 or 4 of this document for details on how to create an initial connection between a CUCS and a VSM, and how to configure the CUCS displays for use with the connected VSM. STANAG 4586 Tailored Displays A VSM may be developed such that the vehicle specific control panels and dialogs are tailored to compliment the STANAG generic displays and controls. Vehicle specific data elements that are not cross-referenced to a generic data element are the only elements included as part of these displays and controls. A vehicle specific control panel is developed to complement each of the CUCS generic control panels: UA control panel Sensor control panel CDT control panel On connection of the CUCS to the VSM, these vehicle specific control panels are displayed on the CUCS. The control panels provide the displays and controls required for the flight operations of the UA, in addition to the generic panel, in a safe and effective manner. Vehicle specific dialogs are accessed from the menus located on these control panels. The development of vehicle specific panels and dialogs should follow the methodology identified for the creation of the generic panels and dialogs, in the consideration that flight critical elements are separated from configuration elements. An example of this implementation methodology is provided below in Figure 16 for the IFF system. 38 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure 16: Generic IFF Dialog The Generic IFF dialog, as accessed from the Generic UA control panel, would contain all the functionality provided for by the generic DLI messages. The VSM IFF dialog would then contain any additional IFF information as provided by the UAS for which the VSM has been implemented. Figure 17 below is an example of a VSM IFF dialog that would be complimentary to the Generic IFF dialog. 39 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure 17: VSM IFF Dialog The same methodology would be applied to all the sub-systems within the UAS, to include all the control panels. 3.4 Control Data Terminal (CDT) Interface The goal of the STANAG 4586 is for the air borne components of the system; UA, payloads, and Vehicle Data Terminal (VDT), to communicate using DLI messages as their native control message set thus eliminating the requirement for an UA VSM on the ground. This UA System configuration requires that the Control Data Terminal (CDT) component communicate using DLI (or translate from DLI to its native protocol), and pass through all the STANAG 4586 DLI messages intended for the UA, payloads, and VDT. The CDT itself would respond to any control messages from the CUCS. AEP-84 Volume I and 2 define STANAG 7085 as the compliant Data Link type, and define a set of DLI messages for interfacing directly between a CUCS and a STANAG 7085 Data Link. It is also anticipated that the UA avionics will communicate with the VDT using the same messages. Note that it is highly recommended that the UA control its on-board VDT vice the CDT on the ground controlling the airborne VDT. 3.4.1 STANAG 7085 Ideal Interface The following diagram shows the intended AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II UA Configuration using sub-system representations. 40 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 UA Type 1 UA Type 2 UA Type 3 CDT Control Station Figure 18: UA System Configuration The following diagram shows the intended STANAG 4586 UA Configuration in a more detailed representation with the intended messaging: Ground Based Vehicle Based D CUCS UA/ PAYLOAD STANAG 4586 DLI A STANAG 4586 DLI F Application Layer C STANAG 4586 DLI E CDT STANAG 7085 VDT B Data Terminal Layer B RF Link Data Link Layer Actual flow of data Figure 19: UA Message Configuration Interface A) The CUCS controls the CDT/UA/payload/VDT using AEP-84 Volume I or Volume II messages. CDT data link filters out messages intended for it (on the physical interface), forwards all other messages through RF link (virtual Interface D). 41 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 o Requires that data link “filters” all messages to determine which messages are intended for it in current multicast definition. Interface B) STANAG 7085 RF Link passes (uplinks/downlinks) AEP-84 Volume I or Volume II messages between the CUCS and UA. Interface C) The VDT data link receives “AEP-84” messages (virtual interface D) over RF link and passes them to the UA avionics. The VDT transmits the VDT command messages from the CUCS to the UA avionics (as received on the RF link from the CUCS), and then the UA avionics controls the VDT accordingly via the physical link (Interface F). The VDT transmits its status messages to the UA avionics, and the UA avionics is in turn responsible for providing the status of the VDT to the CUCS (i.e., the UA is fully responsible to the control and status of the VDT subsystem). Interface F) The UA avionics controls the VDT via the physical link, similar to the CUCS controlling the CDT. UA avionics transmits UA, payload, and VDT status messages via the VDT to the CUCS using 4586 messages via the RF downlink, and the VDT strips out VDT command messages from the UA (i.e., VDT filters out messages intended for it, forwards all other messages through RF link (virtual Interface D). Requires that data link “filters” all messages to determine which messages are intended for it – since the VDT is dedicated to the UA there could be a dedicated command and control interface between the UA avionics and the VDT. Interface G) The CDT data link terminal receives “AEP-84” messages (virtual interface D) over RF link and passes them all to the CUCS CDT data link terminal transmits CDT status messages to the CUCS The Data Terminal interface from STANAG 7085 compliant data links to AEP-84 Volume I or Volume II are based on the requirements of the STANAG 7085 Implementation Specific Data Link Specification and Section 3.2 of Annex B Part 1 of STANAG 7085. 3.4.2 STANAG 7085 Compliant Data Links Behind a VSM In this configuration, all message traffic between the CUCS and the VSM is on the common multicast interface, and the VSM may or may not control the CDT datalinks on a different channel/port than the UA/payload DLI interface, although the data link will be using AEP-84 Volume I messages for control and status of the data link. A dual VSM/STANAG 7085 interface would mean that the STANAG 7085 data link terminal would not require the filtering capability of the ideal implementation where the STANAG 7085 compliant unit communicates directly to the CUCS, not having to distinguish the DLI messages intended for the terminal vice the UA. Note, in this configuration, a proprietary protocol is most likely being transmitted across the STANAG 7085 RF channel. 42 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Ground Based Vehicle Based CUCS STANAG 4586 DLI Application Layer VSM Data Link Control UA/ PAYLOAD Proprietary VDT Control UA/Payload VDT Control CDT STANAG 7085 UA/Payload VDT Status Data Terminal Layer VDT RF Link Data Link Layer Actual flow of data Figure 20: Data Link Messaging If the STANAG 7085 data link is shared between STANAG 4586-specific message exchanges and ISR payload data (typically to STANAG 7023 and 4609 formats), the VSM will support the arbitration and interfacing to allow compatibility with both STANAG 4586 and ISR payload data. Figure 22 shows a possible UCS configuration where two different UA systems share a common CDT. An example where this might occur is on-board a ship, where the limited data link resources are shared among many systems. In this case, the DLI messages transmitted from the CUCS to VSM A and VSM B address the same Data Link ID. The Vehicle ID contained in the received message is used by VSM A and VSM B to identify to whom the message is addressed. Only the VSM associated with the identified UA would respond as required to the received DLI message. DLI VSM A CUCS Data Link Protocol CDT VSM B 43 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure 21: A Possible Data Link Configuration The system configuration will determine whether or not two VSMs are capable of concurrently controlling a single CDT, potentially through a routing system. If a data link is only capable of being configured to a single configuration, which may not be compatible for the different vehicles being controlled through the data link, this will limit control to a single VSM at a time. The connectivity between VSMs and a shared data link resource is the responsibility of the system administrator/integrator, and is limited to the system’s design. Management of a shared data link resource is outside the scope of this STANAG. 3.4.3 STANAG 7085 Non-Compliant Data Links The CDT interface from STANAG 7085 non-compliant data links to UCS are based on the requirements of the specific data link specification chosen. When such a data link is used, the VSM provides the interface and message translation between the DLI and the data link. 3.4.4 Launch and Recovery Interface This section of the document specifically defines the interaction of LOI 5, Launch and Recovery, activities with the generic capabilities of the CUCS. The formatted DLI message set provides a generic capability for the initiation of the launch and recovery sequences, and provides the operator with the capability to abort a recovery sequence. The majority of the launch and recovery requirements for an UA are vehicle specific and must be handled through the vehicle specific mechanism or through direct interaction with the VSM if real time interactions are required with the UA. The CUCS generic control requires a “high level” flight capability, which in this instance can be conducted at the VSM where the UA does not have an advanced high level flight control. The CUCS commands “outer loop” parameter such as heading, airspeed, altitude, flight modes and waypoint values. The VSM developer is responsible for all the connections between the required launch and recovery equipment and the VSM hardware, and the interface between this equipment and the UA. Figure 22 below depicts a representative Launch and Recovery system. Launch/ Recovery Equipment Ranging Transponder UA HCI CUCS DLI VSM CDT CCI 44 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure 22: Launch/Recovery System Launch System Integration to CUCS There are usually a number of steps required in the preparation of an UA for launch. These configuration or set-up requirements are in most instances vehicle specific and not real time in nature. Therefore it is recommended this activity be conducted through the remote display mechanism implemented on the VSM. On the CUCS there is a generic vehicle control panel, and it is anticipated that most vehicles will have some sort of vehicle specific control panel for functionality that is not contained in the generic message set. It is recommended that the launch configuration/set-up functionality for the vehicle be initiated from the vehicle specific panel. The following items may be included as part of the set-up as they are not incorporated into the generic message set: Launch configuration o Vehicle mass o Magnetic variation o Navigation system initialisations o UA identification Launch site o Launch point – absolute or relative o Release point – absolute or relative Reversionary point o Point or pattern o Conditions for reversion Checklist o Launch preparation o Pre-launch conditions From the above listing it is noted again that the set-up and configuration of the UA for launch is a vehicle specific requirement. Once the vehicle has been prepared for launch, it is recommended that the VSM notify the CUCS by enabling the “launch” mode at the CUCS. It is recommended that the UA launch be initiated using the generic launch mode as identified in formatted DLI Message #49 in AEP-84 Volume I or Message #2016 in AEP-84 Volume II. In many instances all that is required to launch an UA is the push of a button, however the launch command from the CUCS could cause the enabling of the launch functionality at the VSM. This implementation methodology defines UA control as always being from the CUCS in terms of initiating the functionality of the UA. Once the vehicle has been launched, the VSM is responsible for the safe operation of the UA. The VSM passes control to the CUCS, allowing access to other flight modes, once the UA has achieved the release point. Recovery System Integration to CUCS There are usually a number of steps required to prepare an UA for recovery, and sometimes these preparations are required before the UA is launched. Similar to the launch interface, these configuration or set-up requirements are most likely UA specific and not real time in nature. It is recommended the recovery set-up activities be conducted through the remote display mechanism implemented on the VSM. 45 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 On the CUCS there is a generic vehicle control panel, and it is anticipated that most UA will have some sort of vehicle specific control panel for functionality that is not contained in the generic message set. It is recommended that the recovery configuration/set-up functionality for the UA be initiated from the vehicle specific panel. The following items may be included as part of the set-up as they are not incorporated into the generic message set: Recovery configuration o Recovery/acquisition – point/pattern – relative/absolute o Touch down/landing point – relative/absolute o Wave-off/abort requirements Checklist o Recovery preparation o Pre-recovery conditions The recovery set-up and configuration is preformed from the VSM, and once all conditions for the recovery of the UA have been met, the VSM indicates this condition to the CUCS by providing access to the “autoland engage” mode. It is recommended that the recovery of the UA be initiated from the CUCS through the selection of the “autoland engage” flight mode, through formatted DLI Message #49 in AEP-84 Volume I or Message #2016 in AEP-84 Volume II. Selection of this mode of operation will then initiate the vehicle specific displays required to conduct the recovery of the UA. The recovery of the UA becomes the responsibility of the VSM for the purpose of real-time control operations. During the recovery operation, the vehicle specific displays may provide the capability to abort the recovery. The generic formatted DLI message set also provides the capability to send an abort message to the VSM through Message #49. It is recommended that the VSM implement this capability to provide an overall command capability from the CUCS. Once the UA has been successfully recovered, control of the UA is passed back from the VSM to the CUCS based on post-recovery requirements. 3.5 Video Interface Implementation of the video streams in the UA systems is directly influenced by their intended use, which itself may be a function of the LOI: At LOI 2, video via the CDT, like other sensor data, will interface via the generic NIIA and AEP-84 Volume I or Volume II specified standards. This will support network-centric dissemination of this data. For example, future systems must follow STANAG 4609 for motion imagery. Other examples include STANAG 4607 for GMTI, STANAG 7023 for primary imagery and STANAG 4545 for single frame, annotated imagery. Time and metadata (geo-spatial, environment, etc.) will be closely tied, as upstream as possible, to the video. If loss of information content due to the compression is significant, on-board recording of uncompressed, or less compressed, digital video may be considered. All the above is also applicable if the platform generates multiple video streams. In addition at LOI 3, the participating UCS must be able to control the payload(s), using the received video. In that case, the maximum 46 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 latency compatible with real-time control does not exceed 300 milliseconds. The near-real-time payload control in this case should be accomplished via the VSM since all-time critical functions are allocated to the VSM. Two independent streams, one for collection and one for control, using the same source, but with different compression schemes, can be considered if required. This requirement concerns only the control of a video payload as mission payload and not as a video payload used for "see/sense & avoid" functionalities. If the system latency constraints are not satisfied by STANAG 4609 and the extensive use of MPEG-2-based compression technique, interoperability may exclude certain modes of use for some end-users. Latency requirements may also be satisfied through special implementations which are based on other techniques (JPEG-2000, M-JPEG-2000,) or through either a VSM solution on a case-by-case basis, or a STANAG 7023 implementation (using for instance JPEG-2000 technique). It must be noted that all the above are based on digital files, which can be transmitted using whatever protocol is available. It is a VSM’s responsibility to adopt appropriate means to achieve latency and quality of service compatible with the intended use. In order to facilitate interoperability between various CUCS and VSMs however, the following protocols should be used for transmitting digital sensor data between a VSM and CUCS via a physical interface separate from the DLI, and between a CUCS and external C4I systems via CCI: 3.5.1 I/O Protocols I/O protocols may be: Ground Motion Target Indicator Format (GMTIF), STANAG 4607 o Transport Protocol – UDP o Network Protocol – IP Motion Imagery, STANAG 4609 o Transport Protocol – UDP o Network Protocol – IP Still Frame, Annotated Imagery, STANAG 4545 o Transport Protocol – TCP o Network Protocol – IP Primary Imagery, STANAG 7023 o Transport Protocol - UDP o Network Protocol – IP 3.6 Audio Interface Audio in UA systems may be: Payload voice data: such voice data is the basic data for certain payloads (COMINT, loudspeakers, etc.) 47 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Voice comment data about the mission: this type of voice data is issued by a Ground Operator located somewhere in the ISR/RISTA chain, depending on the LOI (LOI 2 and 3). Most of the time this Operator is the one who interprets the images in near real time, possibly off-line, in which case the comments will be written as metadata associated to a frozen image (still frame). Whenever possible, provisions of STANAG 4609 will be used. Air Traffic Control (ATC) voice dialogue is restricted to the "UA Pilotin-Command" and the Air Traffic Controller. ATC voice exchanges have to comply with latency constraints as defined by competent authorities (CAA, DGAC, FAA, etc.), which are typically around 250 milliseconds end-to-end (per RTCA DO-225). 3.6.1 Voice Over IP While flying in Air Space Control, UA will need to communicate with ATC. ATC will not wish to use specific procedures to communicate with UA, beyond those used for manned aircraft, thus any transmissions between the UA operator and ATC will need to be: On ATC compatible radios and frequencies May require Communication to be via the UA, as though the operator were on the aircraft as shown in Figure 23 below. ATC link Data Link ATC Control Station Figure 23: ATC/UCS Communication The UA operator in some systems may wish to relay voice beyond the range on ground based radios using the UA. In either case, voice communication may be required over the data link. However, RTCA requirements state that relayed voice between the ATC and the operator should be less than 250 ms and therefore voice over the data link is seen as a real-time function, and as such should be handled by the VSM. The ITU H.323 standard for voice over IP is based on TCP and hence may prove problematical in some data link applications. Therefore, the recommended method of voice communication over the data link is to use the audio channel specified in STANAG 708A4.1.2. Although voice over the DLI is not a requirement in STANAG 4586, this does not preclude its use in the CUCS nor does it preclude a dedicated voice link between the VSM and the CCISM. 3.7 Use of Referenced Protocols and Standards 3.7.1 Use of Protocols and Standards Protocols and standards, which are mandatory for UCS, can be found in STANAG 4586. However, always refer to the latest edition of Volume 4 of the NCIA (NC3 Common Standards Profile (NCSP) for the current version of the specifications, 48 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 protocols, and standards. Specifications and usage of other standards, if required beyond those identified here and in the NCSP, must be additive, complementary, and non-conflicting with NCSP mandated standards. Emerging standards are standards required to capitalize on new technologies. It is expected that emerging standards will be elevated to mandatory status when implementations of the standards mature, and national consensus is reached. These standards will then be incorporated into the next edition of STANAG 4586. 3.7.2 Implementation of Cited STANAGS When adopting the standards listed as required in STANAG 4586, the manufacturer is responsible for obtaining and implementing the most current version of the STANAGs. The current version can be obtained from the Custodian of the STANAG in question. 3.8 Network Configuration As defined in AEP-84 Volumes 1 and 2, by default, the DLI messages are to be transmitted through a port configured for communications using UDP multicast. UDP multicast enables multiple processes (VSMs, data links and CUCSs) to communicate with each other on a single common IP address and port number. The setup of networks to use multicast is an administrative procedure not defined by this document with only a brief statement of the issues noted below. Again, as specified in the AEP84 Volumes 1 and 2, a single IP address and port is designated for multicast of the generic DLI messages sent from every CUCS and a second IP address and port is designated for multicast of generic DLI messages from every VSM. UDP multicast allows for the Discovery/ Connection mechanism, defined in following sections, by providing the CUCS with a mechanism for discovering any VSM, UA, payload and data link connected to the network without all those components (VSM/ UA/ data link) first having to separately register on the network. Currently, the Discovery/Connection mechanism process assumes that all the UCS components are located on the same subnet of the network, as UDP multicast and broadcast messages are not passed through a router unless the router is specifically configured to forward multicasts. Setting up router tables for port forwarding across multiple routers is beyond the scope of this document. 49 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Mini STANAG 7085 Modem Figure 24: Networking Configuration Example In the figure above, the STANAG 7085 data link unit is a routing device, with two Ethernet ports and one CDL RF data link. The STANAG 7085 data link unit is capable of routing network traffic onto the two Ethernet ports. The diagram shows three subnetworks. The PCs behind the switch on eth1 are on one subnet; the PC on eth0 is on a second subnet and the UA is on a third subnet. For the PCs on the eth1 subnet, multicast traffic will be seen by all three computers; in order for the PC1-A computer network and the UA to receive multicast messages sent from the eth1 network, the TCDL router must be configured to pass multicast messages to those networks. Once the CUCS has discovered the VSMs and data links on the network, the configuration process between the CUCS and data links/UA/payloads/VSMs occurs. Successful configuration is then followed by the CUCS monitoring and/or controlling the specified component. The UDP multicast protocol requires the specification of both an IP address and a port. For example on a UNIX system, a service may be added to the services file that identifies the UDP ports to be used between the CUCS and the VSM. The multicast IP address for the uplink must be different than the multicast IP address for the downlink. Service_name port/protocol CucsMulticast 220.0.0:52000/udp Multicast from CUCS VsmMulticast 220.0.1:52001/udp Multicast from VSM There is a requirement to identify the IP multicast address for the connection. On many network configurations, the IP address range available for UDP multicast is restricted to be between and The description of the CUCS multicast address and the VSM multicast address must be specified by a combination of IP address and port number (e.g., Determination of the appropriate UDP multicast addresses and ports is ultimately a network administration 50 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 task that must be coordinated to configure each VSM, CUCS, and hardware device (router) on the common network. . CUCS VSM A VSM B Figure 25: CUCS Multicast In the above figure, all the VSMs that have subscribed to the subnet address will receive the CUCS UDP datagrams. To provide the capability for the CUCS to subscribe to transmissions from more than one VSM, the VSMs must be set to publish on a specified port on a specified multicast address as shown below in Figure 26. 224.0.0:52001 VSM A CUCS 224.0.0:52001 VSM B Figure 26: VSM Broadcast The CUCS should queue the packets received from the VSMs on a first in first out basis. Frequently, the protocol stack software UDP buffer is small and does not expand, therefore the CUCS should remove and process the incoming UDP packets at a rate sufficient to prevent the buffer from overflowing and losing data. Multicast loopback is required if the CUCS and VSM software are installed on the same computer. By default, loopback is enabled. Loopback should be explicitly set based on the deployment configuration. Once the network configuration has been established, the CUCS can initiate the VSM/UA discovery process as per the “CUCS/VSM Initialization and Connection” sections in Annex 3 and 4 respectively. 3.9 Mission Planning Mission planning for a UAS generally consists of five areas of activity: Basic route planning—simple navigation routes for the vehicle Alternative route planning—navigation routes to address emergencies or conditional situations 51 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Sensor collection planning—basic pre-planned instructions for a sensor including scanning techniques and patterns Communications planning—selection of communication devices and frequencies Dissemination planning—selection of methods to store or retransmit collected sensor information. STANAG 4586 selected the Common Route Definition (CRD) interface as the standard for passing mission planning information among UASs. However, for UAS purposes, the CRD was incomplete and Attachment B2-4, UAV Custom Tags, of the STANAG was defined to create an additional set of interfaces to augment the CRD. The basic CRD addresses activity areas 1 and 2 above and the UAS Custom Tags address 3, 4, and 5 above. They must be used together for a full mission plan. Attachment B, UAV Custom Tag Implementation, provides a detail explanation and examples showing how these two interfaces operate together. ATTACHMENT A: UA Custom Tag Implementation This Attachment explains how to incorporate the UA Custom Tags within the Common Route Definition (CRD). 52 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ANNEX 1 CCI IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES A1 CCI Implementation Guidelines This section of the Implementation Guide addresses the CCI products to be exchanged with various C4I systems, such as message sets, video products, and ISR products (refer to AEP-84 Volume I Attachment 5 – 1: Information Exchange Requirements). The CCI message set is a standard set of ADatP-3 Baseline 11 messages that provides for the base functionality of a CUCS for any given UA system. The implementation approach presented here addresses each LOI from LOI 1 through LOI 5. A listing of the CCI messages necessary to support each LOI is contained in the AEP-84 Volume I, Attachment 5 – 3: UAS LOI ADatP-3 Build 11 Requirements. In addition to the capability to generate and display all of the specified CCI messages, this Implementation Guide also makes recommendations regarding what message field elements may be operationally significant and should be processed by the CUCS. Real/near-real-time interaction between the CUCS and the CCI in the system will not be specified. The sensor data processed by the CUCS in support of the CCI consists of various digital data such as primary video imagery, secondary imagery files, synthetic aperture radar data, and moving target indicator data, based on the specific payload(s) supported by the UA. All these data types should be in accordance with the NATO STANAGs specified in STANAG 4586. If a particular payload type is not supported by the UAS, the UCS is not required to support dissemination of that type of data in order to be STANAG 4586 compliant. When necessary, the CCISM component of the system will provide for the interface to those C4I systems that are not fully compliant with ADatP-3 Baseline 11 messages (e.g., STANAG 3377 messages), with digital video and other digital data standards, or with other dissemination protocol/format requirements specified in STANAG 4586. The CCISM then becomes the “translator” between the CUCS and the unique requirements of a particular C4I system. A1.1 Interface Implementation A1.1.1 Physical Interface An electronic interface is necessary to provide a communications pathway between the CUCS and the C4I systems for the exchange of digital products across the CCI. The typical media for exchange of digital information between systems is an Ethernet network (Wide Area Network - WAN, Local Area Network - LAN). The commonly accepted standard for the physical interface on an Ethernet system is 100BaseT, using RJ-45 connectors, routers, etc. To ensure the initial interoperability between systems, it is recommended that these two standards be followed in forming a connection between the CUCS and various C4I systems via the CCI. Additional methods of connectivity to C4I systems for digital data can be employed such as satellite, Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio, or Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) connections, etc. A1 - 1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 An interface such as copper or fibre optic cable or a wireless RF link is necessary to provide a communication pathway between the CUCS (via the CCISM) and the C4I systems for the exchange of products across the CCI. A1.1.2 Transmission of CCI Information TCP/IP is the specified protocol for transmission of digital products across the CCI because it provides consistent end-to-end network and transport communications compliant with NATO-wide digitisation initiatives. The use of TCP/IP guarantees the delivery of the CCI products between the CUCS and the C4I systems. The use of TCP/IP by both the CUCS and the CCISM developers ensures that there is one standard method of data transmission across the CCI. A1.2 Message Implementation Over 100 ADatP-3 messages, as defined in STANAG 5500, were determined to be appropriate for unit operation (refer to AEP-84 Volume I Attachment 5 – 2: ADatP-3 Build 11 Message Implementation Requirements). All of these messages must be displayed for operator visual review. Of these, several have been identified as containing operationally significant data that may require additional processing beyond textual display by the CUCS. An example of this may be the display of air coordination corridors contained in Message F011, Air Coordination Order (ACO), as an overlay on a map. Implementation of detailed processing to any of the STANAG 4586 specified CCI messages will require coordination between the CUCS developer and the procuring agent to define the details of the desired processing capability. A1.2.1 CCI Message Set Level Implementation This CCI Message Set Level Implementation section provides CUCS and CCISM developers with information that is complimentary to the details provided in AEP-84 Volume I Chapter 5. Attachment A: CCI Implementation/HCI Mapping Matrix provides a listing of CCI (ADatP-3) messages that may require additional processing beyond textual display of the message. Attachment B: Parsed Field Utilization also provides additional information and details for each of these messages, such as set name, field name, field data intent, and the relationship (e.g., mapping) of the data to the HCI and to a "non ADatP-3 compliant" specific C4I node data element. The information contained in these sections is extracted from ADatP-3, Build 11. (Note: Refer to ADatP-3, Build 11, for a detailed syntax structure. The rules contained in ADatP-3 take precedence over those listed in this document.) A1.2.2 Resource Availability Implementation The CCI has the capability to provide and receive the status and operational capability of the sub-components of the UA system. This includes both the Air Segment and the Ground Segment of the UA system as specified in Section 2.8 and 3.8 of Chapter 5 of AEP-84 Volume I. Air segment resource data applicable to the UA status, payload availability and Vehicle Data Terminal status can be reported in the GENTEXT fields of J002, J082, J095 or J099 in accordance with relevant Standard Operating Procedures. Ground Segment resource data applicable to the UCS, Launch Recovery Systems and Control Data Terminals can be reported in the GENTEXT fields of A010, J002, J082, J095 and J099 in accordance with relevant Standard Operating Procedures. A1 - 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A1.3 Sensor Data Implementation Sensor data can be received from the UA in a variety of formats, depending on the type of UA and sensor payload. This data then gets input into the CUCS, and the formats used to transmit data from the UCS to a C4I system across the CCI will use the STANAG 4586 specified standards whenever possible. This will minimise the number of formats used in the CCI and also by the receiving C4I systems. Since it is virtually impossible to cover all existing and future types of UA and their payloads, only the most common types of sensors currently available have been addressed within the current edition of STANAG 4586. (Refer to AEP-84 Volume I, Chapter 5, Section 2.9/Table 5 - 11, Payload and Sensor Type with CCI Output.) Specific UCS implementations, including VSM and CCISM, may need to convert from a particular sensor data format to that desired by a particular C4I system. A1.3.1 Video Imagery Implementation A1.3.1.1 Common KLV Metadata Elements The following table derived from the UAS Data Link Local Metadata Set, lists the data elements which are identified in the current Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB) STD 0601.4. Information in the MISB table has been adopted by many existing UA systems. UAS LDS Key (Note 1) DLI / CCI (Note 3) Suggested Elements (Note 2) It should be noted that an “X” in the first column indicates that the particular element is suggested for implementation in order to enhance imagery exploitation. If the particular element is implemented, then it shall be applicable to the interface specified in the second column of the table – either the CCI interface only, or both the CCI and DLI interfaces. This table also specifies for each element which DLI Unique ID is to be used. Name (Note 1) DLI Unique Identifier X Co 1 Checksum - X D&C 2 UNIX Time Stamp 0101.01 X Co 3 Mission ID 0020.10 Co 4 Platform Tail Number 0020.09 X D&C 5 Platform Heading Angle 0101.16 X D&C 6 Platform Pitch Angle 0101.15 X D&C 7 Platform Roll Angle 0101.14 Co 8 Platform True Airspeed 0102.06 Co 9 Platform Indicated Airspeed 0102.07 Co 10 Platform Designation 0020.06 & 0020.07 D&C 11 Image Source Sensor - X A1 - 3 Edition A Version 1 UAS LDS Key (Note 1) DLI / CCI (Note 3) Suggested Elements (Note 2) AEP-84.1 Name (Note 1) DLI Unique Identifier X Co 12 Image Coordinate System - X D&C 13 Sensor Latitude 0101.04 X D&C 14 Sensor Longitude 0101.05 X D&C 15 Sensor True Altitude 0101.06 X D&C 16 Sensor Horizontal Field of View 0302.13 X D&C 17 Sensor Vertical Field of View 0302.11 X D&C 18 Sensor Relative Azimuth Angle 0302.12 X D&C 19 Sensor Relative Elevation Angle 0302.10 X D&C 20 Sensor Relative Roll Angle 0302.14 Co 21 Slant Range - X Co 22 Target Width - X Co 23 Frame Center Latitude 0302.16 X Co 24 Frame Center Longitude 0302.17 X Co 25 Frame Center Elevation 0302.18 Co 26 Offset Corner Latitude Point 1 - Co 27 Offset Corner Longitude Point 1 - Co 28 Offset Corner Latitude Point 2 - Co 29 Offset Corner Longitude Point 2 - Co 30 Offset Corner Latitude Point 3 - Co 31 Offset Corner Longitude Point 3 - Co 32 Offset Corner Latitude Point 4 - Co 33 Offset Corner Longitude Point 4 - D&C 34 Icing Detected - Co 35 Wind Direction 0102.09 & 0102.10 Co 36 Wind Speed 0102.09 & 0102.10 D&C 37 Static Pressure 0102.14 D&C 38 Density Altitude 0102.08 & 0102.14 A1 - 4 Edition A Version 1 X X UAS LDS Key (Note 1) DLI / CCI (Note 3) Suggested Elements (Note 2) AEP-84.1 Name (Note 1) DLI Unique Identifier D&C 39 Outside Air Temperature 0102.08 Co 40 Target Location Latitude - Co 41 Target Location Longitude - Co 42 Target Location Elevation - Co 43 Target Track Gate Width - Co 44 Target Track Gate Height - Co 45 Target Error Estimate - CE90 - Co 46 Target Error Estimate - LE90 - Co 47 Generic Flag Data 01 - Co 48 Security Local Metadata Set - D&C 49 Differential Pressure 0102.07 D&C 50 Platform Angle of Attack 0102.04 D&C 51 Platform Vertical Speed 0101.10 D&C 52 Platform Sideslip Angle 0102.05 Co 53 Airfield Barometric Pressure - Co 54 Airfield Elevation - Co 55 Relative Humidity - D&C 56 Platform Ground Speed 0102.17 & 0102.18 Co 57 Ground Range - D&C 58 Platform Fuel Remaining 010A4.1.16 Co 59 Platform Call Sign 0020.08 Co 60 Weapon Load - Co 61 Weapon Fired - Co 62 Laser PRF Code 0302.24 Co 63 Sensor Field of View Name - D&C 64 Platform Magnetic Heading 0101.16 & 0101.20 D&C 65 UAS LDS Version Number - A1 - 5 Edition A Version 1 UAS LDS Key (Note 1) DLI / CCI (Note 3) Suggested Elements (Note 2) AEP-84.1 Name (Note 1) DLI Unique Identifier Co 66 Target Location Covariance Matrix - D&C 67 Alternate Platform Latitude - D&C 68 Alternate Platform Longitude - D&C 69 Alternate Platform Altitude - D&C 70 Alternate Platform Name - D&C 71 Alternate Platform Heading - Co 72 Event Start Time - UTC - Co 73 RVT Local Data Set - Co 74 VMTI Local Data Set - Co 75 Sensor Ellipsoid Height - D&C 76 Alternate Platform Ellipsoid Height - Co 77 Operational Mode - Co 78 Frame Center Height Above Ellipsoid - Co 79 Sensor North Velocity - Co 80 Sensor East Velocity - Table A1 - 1: STD 0601.4 KLV Metadata Elements and DLI/CCI Mapping Requirements Table notes: 1. The element name and key refers to MISB STD 0601.4 UAS Data Link Local Metadata Set. 2. Elements marked with an ”X” are suggested to be included as an extended list of elements, oriented for image exploitation. 3. (Co): The element shall be available at the CCI only. (D&C): The element shall be available at the DLI and the CCI. A1.3.1.2 Digital Video The CUCS processes digital video, but has no requirement to process analogue video. This video processing also includes associated metadata, which must be time synchronized with the video stream. Payload-specific metadata associated with the digital sensor data needs to be published on the same interface as the sensor data in accordance with applicable NATO standards. (Note: STANAG 4609 specifies a A1 - 6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 standard compression and means to capture metadata describing digital motion imagery.) If analogue video is transmitted directly from the UA, the VSM will convert this video into a digital format in accordance with STANAG 4609 (Digital NATO Motion Imagery Format), STANAG 4545 (NATO Secondary Imagery Format), or STANAG 7023 (Air Reconnaissance Imagery Data) and transmit it to the CUCS. For all still imagery types, STDI-0002 will be used to record metadata describing the imagery when using STANAG 4545. However when STANAG 7023 is used, metadata describing the imagery will be captured as specified within STANAG 7023 If the analogue video is required by one of the connected C4I nodes, the analogue video is transmitted directly to the CCISM (if one is required) or to the respective C4I modem/link. Digital video products (i.e., primary full motion digital imagery, secondary still digital imagery, etc.) can likewise be transferred from the CUCS across the CCI to C4I systems using established NATO standards (e.g., STANAG 4609 for digital motion imagery) for both communication protocols and physical media. Processing of these secondary imagery files takes place within the CUCS, and dissemination of these files to applicable C4I systems takes place across the CCI using the formats and standards specified in either STANAG 4607 for GMTI, STANAG 4609 for motion imagery (MPEG-2), STANAG 4545 for still frame imagery or STANAG 7023 for streaming primary imagery, as appropriate. When using STANAG 4545 format for the imagery files, it is appropriate to use NATO, AEDP-4, Implementation Guide, Annex D. For STANAGs 4607 and 4609, it is appropriate to use the corresponding Implementation Guides, NATO AEDP – 7 and 8 respectively. However, when using STANAG 7023 format for the imagery files, the metadata describing this imagery should be captured as specified within STANAG 7023. STANAG 7023 Implementation Guide, AEDP – 9 should also be used. As bandwidth constraints permit, the physical interface between the CUCS and the C4I system across the CCI can be shared for both digital sensor data and tactical messages. If bandwidth requirements exceed the capabilities of the core-to-C4I system interface (via the CCI and/or CCISM), a separate physical interface (e.g., a second Ethernet port) may be desirable for transfer of digital sensor products. A1.3.1.3 Analogue Video If a particular C4I system requires analogue video, there are different methods through which the analogue video product can be obtained by the C4I system from the UCS. When analogue video and associated telemetry data are directly output from an UA to the VSM, analogue video can be forwarded directly from the VSM to a C4I interface or to the CCISM, if the VSM has provided an analogue output port. (Refer to Chapter 5 of AEP-84 Volume I, Section, Analogue Video). For those cases when digital video is directly output from an UA, and processed digitally within the CUCS, then this digital product will need to be input to the CCISM from the CUCS for conversion to the appropriate analogue format for a particular C4I system. The CCISM can be designed to provide the analogue video in any of the international standard formats and protocols necessary to meet the requirements of a specific C4I interface (e.g., NTSC SMPTE 170-M, SECAM, PAL, etc.). Processing within the CCISM should also include implementation of special features required by a particular C4I system, such as encoding of telemetry metadata within the analogue video stream in a closed caption format. A1 - 7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The CCISM will support interoperability with the applicable C4I system by providing for the appropriate physical medium such as copper cable (e.g., RG/59U), fibre optic cable, RF wireless, etc. A1.3.2 Radar Sensor Implementation A1.3.2.1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Synthetic Aperture Radar data that has been processed on the UA or within the UCS is transmitted across the CCI to C4I systems using the formats specified in STANAG 4545 or STANAG 7023 as appropriate. When STANAG 4545 is used, the SAR auxiliary text files contain support data as defined in that STANAG and in NATO, AEDP-4, Annex D. When STANAG 7023 is used, the SAR auxiliary text files contain support data as defined in STANAG 7023. A1.3.2.2 Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) Processed GMTI data provides the position and velocity of moving targets, and consists of sets of target vectors. GMTI data requires extensive processing of the sensor data to generate these target vectors. This processing can occur in the UA or within the UCS. This digital data is provided from the UCS to a C4I system across the CCI, in accordance with the formats and standards specified in STANAG 4607. A1.3.3 Secondary Imagery File Implementation Dependent upon the type of UA and payload utilized, secondary imagery files (digital still imagery) may be generated aboard the UA, and also within the UCS. Processing of these secondary imagery files takes place within the UCS, and dissemination of these files to applicable C4I systems takes place across the CCI using the formats and standards specified in either STANAG 4545 for still frame imagery or STANAG 7023 for streaming primary imagery, as appropriate. When using STANAG 4545 format for the imagery files, it is appropriate to use NATO, AEDP-4, Implementation Guide, Annex D. However, when using STANAG 7023 format for the imagery files, the metadata describing this imagery should be captured as specified within STANAG 7023. STANAG 7023 Implementation Guide, AEDP – 9 should also be used. A1.4 Voice Over IP Implementation A1.4.1 Elements of Voice Over IP Implementation The implementation of Voice over IP (VoIP) into a UCS should be done by the CUCS developer according to the ITU-standard H.323. The standard H.323 defines an IPbased protocol structure, which uses TCP for data and control application packets while UDP is used for real-time transportation of audio and registration packets. The real-time transmission over IP networks is made up by the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) in conjunction with the Real-time Control Protocol (RTCP). For VoIP functionality, at least a H.323 terminal (e.g., workstation with Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) or IP-Telephone), which is connected to an Ethernet switch/router with the appropriate H.323 supporting software, is required. The integration of other VoIP components such as gatekeepers or gateways is not mandatory and depends on the number of endpoints to be operated on the network. The following figure shows a possible configuration for VoIP implementation. However, A1 - 8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 the detailed design for implementation of VoIP products is the responsibility of the UCS developer. CCISM H.323 Elements H.323 CTI IP LAN Ethernet Router C4I Node H.323 Gatekeeper H.323 Telephone Figure A1 - 1: Principle Structure of VoIP Implementation A1.4.2 VoIP Interface Quality of Service Implementation The Information Exchange Requirements for the CCI described in Chapter 5, Attachment 5 - 1 of AEP-84 Volume I defines digital voice as a requirement for all LOIs. Digital voice is characterized as non-critical for UCS operation, while the majority of information to be exchanged via the CCI is mission-critical. Due to these characterizations, mission-critical application data should be protected from VoIP traffic, and the available network bandwidth should be high enough to transport all applications according to their individual requirements. To control the quality of the network (e.g., latency, jitter, congestion, etc.), Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms should be used. For VoIP implementation, two network zones should be considered. Both network zones should distinguish between voice and data traffic and apply separate network services to each. The first network zone consists of the CUCS with the CCISM and the C4I node, which connects the UCS to the external C4I network. The second zone consists of the C4I network. Although this second zone is outside the scope of STANAG 4586, it is necessary that the QoS mechanisms are implemented for this zone. Otherwise, VoIP may become unacceptable to the users due to insufficient quality of voice. This Implementation Guide does not address the integration of an interface between the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and the VoIP network. The implementation of VoIP into a data network requires the network architecture elements to be compliant with the protocol suite H.323. Clients, routers, switches and gateways should be capable of handling the H.323 protocols as well as support and supply the prerequisite QoS features. QoS is an end-to-end requirement. There are different techniques for QoS to provide better and more predictable network service. The most common techniques are Queuing, IP-Type of Service (IP-TOS) and the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). Queuing describes an operation where certain rules are used to place applications in a priority queue. There are different types of queuing. Weighted Fair Queuing is a A1 - 9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 procedure that dynamically allocates free bandwidth to information flows. Source and destination address, type of protocol, socket or port address and TOS may be used for identification. The classification is performed with respect to IP-Precedence, RSVP, IP-RTP priority, etc. Custom Queuing (CQ) is a procedure where available bandwidth is allocated to certain protocols based on manual administration. Priority Queuing (PQ) assigns incoming information to four output queues with different priorities. The information of one queue will be processed with priority until the buffer is empty. This procedure may cause long delays for information with low priority. IP-Type of Service, also referred to as IP Precedence, uses the three precedence bits of the IPv4 header to specify the priority for each packet. The IP-TOS field allows up to six priority classes. The priority level can be set by the endpoint, switch or router. IP-TOS has some restrictions because many Ipv4 hubs ignore it. RSVP is a standardized protocol (RFC 2205), which enables endpoints to signal the network with the kind of QoS needed for a particular application. It is an end-to-end signalling protocol that requests a certain amount of bandwidth and latency at every RSVP-supporting hub. If a hub does not support RSVP, and packets need to travel through, the packets can be “tunnelled” through as ordinary packets. RSVP should be used, as it is currently the only standard protocol designed to guarantee network bandwidth from end-to-end for IP networks. A1.5 CCISM Implementation When C4I systems are not fully compliant with the requirements of STANAG 4586 communication interfaces, the CCISM will need to perform the translation and/or adaptation to enable the exchange of data between the CCI and the C4I system in the format required by the C4I system. The CCISM will also need to handle the real-time applications when a C4I system requires real-time operations, since the CUCS is not a real-time system. A1.5.1 C4I Systems The use of a CCISM is required on a case-by-case basis for many of the legacy C4I systems currently in use by the allied forces. Examples of issues that may necessitate the use of a CCISM include the following: The development of C4I systems is complex, especially in the interoperability arena. This complexity is increasing with the extent of the exchanges: Service level, Joint level (multi-service of the same nation), Combined level (service of Allied Nations) or a Joint Combined level (multi-service of Allied Nations). As a result, the nations may have to "freeze" the versions of the interfaces (for instance France refers to ADatP-3 Baseline 8 for its Army C4I. Line of Sight and Beyond Line of Sight links may be more complex, because some interoperable links are already operational with their own requirements and protocols (Link 1, Link 4, Link 11, Link 16, Link 22, SATCOM links, etc.). Provision of gateways into communication media such as Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); mobile systems such as GSM, GPRS, UMTS; microwave links (with the two communication worlds (Europe: E-i standards; USA: T-i standards)); and TV broadcasting systems (Europe: DVB systems, USA: ATSC systems). A1.5.2 CCISM Functional Architecture A1 - 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Figure below presents a functional overview of a potential implementation of the CCISM, with various functions that could be accomplished by the CCISM. The CCISM may need to perform the following tasks: Translations from the specified CRD format to non-standard implementations Routing and conversion of analogue video signals from the VSM to the C4I customer. Support of digital voice using "Voice over IP" protocols. Support of video and voice storage devices. Conversion of digital video from the CUCS into the appropriate analogue video format for the particular C4I system. The CCISM may be an element of either the CUCS or the C4I Node and physically co-located with the CUCS or the C4I node. CCI ADatP-3 C4I CUCS STANAG 4545, 7023, 4607, 4609; JSH CRD Handover Messages ATS (DOC 4444-RAC/501) E-Mail ISO/IEC 8802-3 ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3 CCISM CRD Voice CRD Analogue Video Other Analogue Video TCP / IP SMTP VSM Intercom Storage Device Fax H.323 Other Protocols PAL, SECAM NTSC Figure A1 - 2: CCISM Functional Architecture A1 - 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A1.5.3 Data Rates The CCISM may also need to adjust data rates between payload data and C4I systems. For example, when the minimal mode of STANAG 7085 data links is fixed at 10.71 Mbps and if the interface between a deployed UCS and a distant C4I ranges from one or a few tenths of Mbps to Gbps the CCISM will have to perform the interconnectivity through a change of data rates. A1.5.4 Communications Voice dialogue may be exchanged with external systems. Personnel performing air operations may need to communicate (e.g., communications between any airspace controller, any pilot of manned aircraft or operators of unmanned aircraft). Between the CUCS operator and an external source, a voice communications system may be implemented to enable communications with other UCS operators, C4I system operators, etc. The HCI may include a microphone/loudspeaker headset per operator in addition to a selection device in order to communicate in accordance with doctrinal requirements. A1 - 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ATTACHMENT A: CCI IMPLEMENTATION/HCI MAPPING MATRIX This Attachment presents an example of an implementation of STANAG 4586 with respect to incorporation of the CCI messages within the HCI. Although all ADatP-3 messages will be readable and printable on the CUCS, some data fields within an ADatP-3 message will be extracted from the message to be used by the HCI. Not every ADatP-3 message will require data field extraction. Typically, the extracted data fields will allow the HCI to display: - Position of enemy or friendly forces - Targets, landmarks, or obstacles - Air corridors, UA routes, or aircraft routes - Reference text to show source and effective duration of the message Attachment A identifies the specific ADatP-3 messages that were selected for parsing. Ref # A026 Identifier ENSITREP Name Enemy Land Forces Situation Report A031 OWNSITREP Own Land Forces Situation Report A032 ORBATLAND Order of Battle – Land Forces Function Used to report and inform on the enemy forces situation, to include locations, activities, boundaries, status, order of battle, and subordination of units/formations. Used to report factors affecting the situation, deployment, status, and/or order of battle of own and subordinate units. (NR) - Used to inform major NATO commanders, strategic A1 - 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Ref # Identifier Name A058 ATI.ATR Artillery Target Intelligence - Artillery Target Report A060 A062 MET.CM MET.TA Meteorological – Computer Meteorological – Target Acquisition A069 SPRT.ACA Support – Airspace Coordination Area A070 SPRT.GEOM Support - Battlefield Geometry A080 FRAGO Fragmentary Order F011 ACO Airspace Control Order Function commanders, and other NATO commanders in peacetime and in periods of crisis and war of changes in the Order Of Battle Land forces; and thereby assure that the most current information is available for operational planning. Used to transmit targets by target type based on a standing request for information or a one-time query for target information resulting from an ATI.TIR message. It will also be used to establish or delete target information. Used to transmit computer meteorological data. Used to transmit meteorological data for target acquisition purposes. Used to establish or delete Airspace Coordination Areas (ACAs). The SPRT.ACA message can only be used to identify an ACA in a single Grid Zone. Additional SPRT.ACA messages must be used when an ACA covers multiple Grid Zones. Used to establish or delete battlefield geometries (e.g., Avenue of Approach, Axis of Advance, Target Areas, Zone of Fire) in support of land combat operations for current operations or for a fire plan. Used to issue key sections of an operation order before the complete order has been produced; provide specific instructions to commanders who do not require the complete operation order; provide a summary of the complete order to serve as confirmatory notes; issue timely changes to existing operation orders; or provide an outline operational directive (mission order) for use in fast moving mobile operations. (NR) Used to provide specific detailed orders for airspace management and control from a higher command to A1 - 15 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Ref # Identifier Name F032 ORBATAIR Order of Battle – Air Forces F058 ATO Air Tasking Order J017 IFFPROD IFF Procedures J033 J034 NBC4 NBC5 NBC 4 Report NBC 5 Report J065 EWSTOPJAM Electronic Warfare Stop Jamming Message J066 EWRTM Electronic Message J071 J103 TRACKREP RECCEXREP Target Track Report Reconnaissance Exploitation Report N003 N023 JAMWARN GREEN Jamming Warning Maritime Unit Execution Order N025 LOCATOR Maritime Force Locator N028 OPTASKAIR Operational Tasking Organic Aircraft Warfare Requesting/Tasking Function subordinate units. (NR) Used to inform major NATO commanders, strategic commanders, and other NATO Commanders in peacetime and in periods of crisis and war of changes in the Order Of Battle Air Forces; and thereby assure that the most current information is available for operational planning. Used to task air missions, assign cross-force tasking, and may also be used for intraservice tasking. Used to provide friendly forces with effective IFF modes and codes, and effective time periods. Used to report NBC monitoring and survey results. Used for passing information on areas of actual nuclear, biological, or chemical contamination. Used to terminate immediately a jamming mission being conducted by an electronic countermeasures asset. Used to task component commanders to perform electronic warfare (EW) operations in support of the overall joint EW plan, and to support component EW operations. Used to report aircraft movement by track number. Used to report the results of an air reconnaissance mission by the interpretation of sensor data. Used to issue a warning about own jamming operations. (NR) Used to task Maritime Patrol or Surveillance and ASW units. Used to report surface, subsurface, air, or special interest units operating in the maritime environment. (NR) Used for the OTC or delegated authority to promulgate detailed tasking and instructions for all organic A1 - 16 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Ref # Identifier N068 OPTASKEW Name Operational Tasking Electronic Warfare Function aircraft. This message is normally promulgated by the OTC or the air coordinator. (NR) Used to promulgate detailed tasking and instructions for the conduct of Electronic Warfare. Table ATT A1 - 1: ADatP-3 Messages Selected for Parsing A1 - 17 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ATTACHMENT B: Parsed Field Utilization Attachment B identifies selected fields from the parsed messages that are being used for implementation with the HCI, and are discussed in some detail in the table. The data in Attachment B is grouped and labelled by ADatP-3 message number and name. The column headings for each message are defined as follows: - Seq/SETID — The sequence number and sequence identifier of the subset of data fields within the message - Data Element Name and Description — The number and name of the extracted data field from the message - Seq/ SETID A026 3 Data Intent — The intended use of the data by the CUCS HCI Component — The set of HCI display screens that will utilize the data field to list text or plot message information Compliance — A placeholder for the developer to indicate whether or not he is compliant C4I Node XX ICD Data Element — A placeholder for the developer to indicate if he has defined a set of equivalent ADatP-3 which he is matching to actual ADatP-3 field elements. Data Element Name & Description ENSITREP MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element ENEMY LAND FOCES SITUATION REPORT F1 - Message Text Format Identifier F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Operator Situational Displays Operator Situational Displays A1 - 18 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 with object in overlays for mission planning. Seq/ F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Data Element Name & Description SETID Data Intent HCI Component F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 19 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 10 EORGID F1 - Unit Designation Name F10 - Unidentified Enemy Unit Addressing Number; Unknown Enemy Unit Addressing Number Seq/ Used as label to identify enemy unit on overlay of map display for mission planning. Used as label to identify enemy unit on overlay of map display for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Operator Situational Displays F3 - Verified Nationality Used as label to identify enemy unit on overlay of map display for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘A’ Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘B’ Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Data Element Name & Description SETID F6 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘C’ Data Intent Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays A1 - 20 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 10 14 20 Seq/ SETID EORGID Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information on enemy's short range air defence system. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay (threat evaluation). Operator Situational Displays F4 - Quantity on Hand Provides information on enemy's short range air defence system. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay (threat evaluation). Operator Situational Displays F5 - Rounds of Ammunition/Missiles on Hand Provides information on enemy's short range air defence system. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay (threat evaluation). Operator Situational Displays F7 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘D’ F3 - Weapon System 2SHORAD Short Name LOCATION F3 - Location Data Element Name & Description Provides graphic location on the enemy and own forces information are related to. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Data Intent Operator Situational Displays HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 21 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 23 24 25 DRCTN ORGIDAFU F1 - Direction of Movement Provides information on enemy's movement. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Day-Time Effective Provides information on enemy's movement. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Speed in Kilometres Per Hour Provides information on enemy's movement. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Unit Designation Name Provides information on own forces under attack. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information on the type of attack the own forces are affected by. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Location Provides geographic location of the two following enemy units. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Unit Designation Name Provides enemy unit name #1 related to enemy position. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays ATKTYPE F1 - Employment Type 28 LOCNF 29 EORGBDRY Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX A1 - 22 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ICD Data Element 29 EORGBDRY F6 - Unit Designation Name Provides enemy unit name #2 related to enemy position. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 23 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID A031 3 OWNSITREP MSGID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Own Land Forces Situation Report F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used as identifier of dialog box on C4I Operator Situational display and associated to objects Displays to be displayed in overlays. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used as identifier of dialog box on C4I Operator Situational display and associated to objects Displays to be displayed in overlays F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used as identifier of dialog box on C4I Operator Situational display and associated to objects Displays to be displayed in overlays. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used as identifier of dialog box on C4I Operator Situational display and associated to objects Displays to be displayed in overlays. A1 - 24 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description SETID 10 17 ORGID Data Intent HCI Component F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used as identifier of dialog box on C4I Operator Situational display and associated to objects Displays to be displayed in overlays. F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used as identifier of dialog box on C4I Operator Situational display and associated to objects Displays to be displayed in overlays. F1 - Unit Designation Name Maybe used as primary identifier on C4I display for selection of report on own forces task organisation. F9 - Unit Maybe used as secondary identifier on C4I display for selection of Operator Situational report on own forces task Displays organisation. F1 - Unit Designation Name Used as label to identify friendly forces on overlay of map display for mission planning. Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Operator Situational Displays A1 - 25 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 18 Seq/ TPERID F9 - Unit Used as label to identify friendly forces on overlay of map display for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F1 - DTG From, Zulu, 4 YR Provides the start time friendly forces are present at location. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Data Element Name & Description SETID F2 - DTG To, Zulu, 4 YR 19 25 LOCNFSTS F3 - Location ORGID Data Intent Provides the end time friendly forces are present at location. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Provides the location of the friendly Operator Situational forces. Can be plotted or labelled Displays on map overlay. F1 - Unit Designation Name Maybe used as primary identifier on C4I display for selection of report on own forces unit status. F9 - Unit Maybe used as secondary identifier Operator Situational on C4I display for selection of Displays report on own forces unit status. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 26 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 29 EORGID Used as label to identify enemy unit on overlay of map display and for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F10 - Unidentified Enemy Used as label to identify enemy Unit Addressing Number; unit on overlay of map display and Unknown Enemy Unit for mission planning. Addressing Number Operator Situational Displays F1 - Unit Designation Name F4 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘A’ Seq/ Data Element Name & Description SETID Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Data Intent Operator Situational Displays HCI Component F5 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘B’ Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F6 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘C’ Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F7 - Verified Unit Role Indicator Code ‘D’ Provides information related to enemy role. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 27 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 31 32 34 39 Seq/ EMAT F2 - Verified Equipment Category LOCATION F3 - Location Operator Situational Displays Provides the location of enemy forces. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Operator Situational Displays Operator Situational Displays TIME F2 - DTG, Zulu, 4 YR Provides the time the enemy had been observed at the location. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay. ORGID F1 - Unit Designation Name Used as label to identify friendly forces on overlay of map display for mission planning. Data Element Name & Description SETID F9 - Unit 40 Provides information on enemy's equipment. Can be plotted or labelled on map overlay (threat evaluation). F2 - Control or LINETYPE Coordination Line Type Data Intent Used as label to identify friendly forces on overlay of map display for mission planning. HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Geographical area of special interest which is described by a line Operator Situational type; overlay for map display and Displays mission planning A1 - 28 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 41 LOCNF Location Geographical location of area of interest with line type; overlay for map display Operator Situational Displays 43 TPERID F1 - DTG From, Zulu, 4 Yr Start time of effectiveness of line type; used for mission planning Operator Situational Displays F2 - DTG To, Zulu, 4 Yr End time of effectiveness of line type; used for mission planning Operator Situational Displays A1 - 29 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID A032 3 ORBATLAND MSGID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Order of Battle - Land Forces F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays A1 - 30 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays 10 ORGIDRPT F1 - Unit Designation Name Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays 10 ORGIDRPT F10 - Unit Identification Code Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F2 - Unit Size Indicator Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F3 - Geographical Entity Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F4 - Unit Role Indicator Code “A” Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F5 - Unit Role Indicator Code “B” Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F6 - Unit Role Indicator Code “C” Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays A1 - 31 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID F7 - Unit Role Indicator Code “D” Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F8 - Higher Formation Name Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F9 - Armed Service or Civilian Agency Code Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning Displays 11 CEFT F1 - Combat Effectiveness Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays 13 UNST F1 - Unit Readiness Status Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F2 - Unit Availability Status Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F3 - Unit Assignment Status Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F3 - Peacetime Location Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F4 - Unit Identifier Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays 16 LOCA Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 32 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 17 18 LOCB F3 - Peacetime Location Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F4 - Estimated Time of Arrival Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F5 - Unit Identifier Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays DPLOY F1 - DTG of Arrival, 4 Yr Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F4 - Arrival Grid Reference Location Coordinate Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning mission planning. Displays F5 - Estimated Day-Time Order of battle data set; overlay for Mission Planning and Month of Departure mission planning. Displays A058 ATI.ATR Artillery Target Intelligence-Artillery Target Report A1 - 33 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Month name Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F6 - Serial number of qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Operator Situational Displays SETID 3 MSGID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 34 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element with object in overlays for mission planning. 6 OPT 7 TNO 9 GRIDTG F1 - Primary Option Provides information related to identified targets to the operator in display for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Secondary Option Provides information related to identified targets to the operator in display for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Target Number Provides information related to identified targets to the operator in display for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F1 - UTM 1 Metre Higher Operator Situational location of identified target. Used to Order Easting Displays plot target on overlay. Provides information related to F2 - UTM 1 Metre Higher Operator Situational location of identified target. Used to Order Northing Displays plot target on overlay. F3 - Altitude in Metres Provides information related to location of target. Can be used to label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 35 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 10 GZE Provides information related to F1 - Earth Hemisphere Operator Situational location of identified target. Used to and Grid Zone Designator Displays plot target on overlay. 11 TST F1 - Target Type and Subtype Seq/ Data Element Name & Description 3 MET.CM MSGID Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to Operator Situational identified target. Maybe associated Displays to target on overlay. Data Intent HCI Component SETID A060 Compliance Test Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Meteorological-Computer Data set reference; maybe used in F1 - Message Text Format operator display and associated Mission Planning Identifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 36 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 6 MSTA F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Provides information on Meteorological Station to the F2 - MET Station Location operator in display for mission planning and for overlay on map. Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays A1 - 37 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 7 DCM F3 - Met Validity Provides information on Meteorological Station to the operator in display for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Met Station Height and Pressure Provides information on Meteorological Station to the operator in display for mission planning and for overlay on map. Mission Planning Displays Provides information on wind Mission Planning direction and speed to the operator Displays in display for mission planning. Provides information on air F3 - Air Temperature and temperature and pressure to the Pressure operator in display for mission planning. MET.TA ICD Data Element Provides information on F1 - Computed Mission Planning meteorological data to the operator Meteorological Zone Code Displays in display for mission planning. F2 - Wind Direction and Speed A062 Compliance Test Vehicle XX Mission Planning Displays Meteorological-Target Acquisition A1 - 38 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 3 MSGID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in F1 - Message Text Format operator display and associated Mission Planning Identifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 39 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID F6- Serial Number of Qualifier 6 7 MSTA CBMRI Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Mission Planning with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Provides information on Meteorological Station to the F2 – MET Station Location operator in display for mission planning and for overlay on map. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Met Validity Provides information on Meteorological Station to the operator in display for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Met Station Height and Pressure Provides information on Meteorological Station to the operator in display for mission planning and for overlay on map. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Cloud Base Height Provides information on cloud Mission Planning height to the operator in display for Displays mission planning. A1 - 40 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information on refractive Mission Planning F2 - Mean Refractive Index index to the operator in display for Displays mission planning. 8 A069 3 DTA SPRT.ACA MSGID Provides information on F1 - Target Acquisition Mission Planning meteorological data to the operator Meteorological Zone Code Displays in display for mission planning. F2 - Wind Direction and Speed Provides information on wind Mission Planning direction and speed to the operator Displays in display for mission planning. F3 - Met Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Provides information on air temperature and pressure to the operator in display for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Support-Airspace Coordination Area Data set reference; maybe used in F1 - Message Text Format operator display and associated Operator Situational Identifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator Situational Displays operator display and associated A1 - 41 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element with object in overlays for mission planning. 6 OPT F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Operator Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Operator Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated Operator Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F1 - Primary Option Provides information related to Operator Situational identified targets to the operator in Displays display for mission planning. F2 - Secondary Option Provides information related to Operator Situational identified targets to the operator in Displays display for mission planning. A1 - 42 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 9 DUR 10 GZE 11 LEGA F1 - Estimated DTG Effective From, 4-Digit Yr Data set reference; overlay for mission planning. Establishes affectivity of message. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Estimated DTG Effective To, 4-Digit Yr Data set reference; overlay for mission planning. Establishes affectivity of message. Operator Situational Displays Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to F1 - Earth Hemisphere and Operator Situational location of identified target. Used to Grid Zone Designator Displays plot target on overlay. F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F3 - Width in Metres, 19999 Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. A1 - 43 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 12 LEGB F4 - Minimum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F5 - Maximum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F3 - Width in Metres, 19999 Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F4 - Minimum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 44 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID F5 - Maximum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. 13 LEGC F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. 13 LEGC F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F3 - Width in Metres, 19999 Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F4 - Minimum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F5 - Maximum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 45 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 14 15 LEGD LEGE F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F3 - Width in Metres, 19999 Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F4 - Minimum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F5 - Maximum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 46 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides data to draw and display F2 – UTM 1-Metre Higher Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Order Northing Displays mission planning. 16 LEGF F3 - Width in Metres, 19999 Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F4 - Minimum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F5 - Maximum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. A1 - 47 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID F3 - Width in Metres, 19999 Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F4 - Minimum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. 16 LEGF F5 - Maximum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. 17 LEGG F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F3 - Width in Metres, 19999 Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 48 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component SETID 18 LEGH F4 - Minimum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F5 - Maximum Altitude in Metres Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F1 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Easting Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Provides data to draw and display Operator Situational air corridor on map. Used for Displays mission planning. Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 49 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description A070 SPRT.GEOM 3 MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Support-Battlefield Geometry F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Data set reference; maybe used in F3 - Message Serial operator display and associated Number with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 50 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 6 7 Data Element Name & Description OPT DUR Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F6 – Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in operator display and associated with object in overlays for mission planning. F1 - Primary Option Provides information related to Operator battlefield geometry to the operator Situational in display for mission planning. Displays F2 - Secondary Option Provides information related to Operator battlefield geometry to the operator Situational in display for mission planning. Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays F1 - Estimated DTG Operator Established affectivity for message Effective from, 4 Situational set. Used for mission planning. Digit Yr Displays F2 - Estimated DTG Operator Established affectivity for message Effective to, 4 Digit Situational set. Used for mission planning. Yr Displays 8 BGEOM F1 - Battlefield Geometry Type Used for creating battle field geometry as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Battlefield Geometry Type Name Maybe used as label for battlefield in map overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 51 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 11 12 13 Data Element Name & Description PNTNCG CIR GZE Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Geographic points of battlefield to F1 - Sequence Point be used to draw and display Number (1-30) battlefield zone as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Geographic points of battlefield to F2 - UTM 1-Metre be used to draw and display Higher Order Easting battlefield zone as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Geographic points of battlefield to be used to draw and display battlefield zone as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Geographic points of battlefield to F1 - UTM 1-Metre be used to draw and display Higher Order Easting battlefield zone as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - UTM 1-Metre Higher Order Northing Geographic points of battlefield to be used to draw and display battlefield zone as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Radius in Metres, 10-9999 Geographic points of battlefield to be used to draw and display battlefield zone as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Earth Hemisphere and Grid Zone Designator Geographic points of battlefield to be used to draw and display battlefield zone as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 52 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test 14 ARE F1 - Ammunition Restricted Established ammunition restrictions Operator in battlefield zone. Maybe used as Situational label for map overlay. Displays 15 BDY F1 - Boundary Identifier Maybe used as label to identify units near battlefield zone. A080 FRAGO Fragmentary Order MSGID F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 3 Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F3 - Message Serial operator display and associated with Situational Number object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Operator Data set reference; maybe used in Situational operator display and associated with Displays A1 - 53 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element object in overlays for mission planning. 19 EORGID 22 LOCATION F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F1 - Unit Designation Name Operator Used as label to identify enemy unit Situational on overlay. For mission planning. Displays F1 - Stage of Confirmation Provides information related to enemy position. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F2 - Type of Graphic enemy position. Can be plotted or Shape labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F3 - Grid Reference enemy position. Can be plotted or Location Coordinate labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 54 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Unit Designation Name Provides information related to enemy position. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays LOCNF F1 - Geographic Place Name Provides information related to enemy position. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays 27 LOCNF F2 - UTM Grid Reference Provides information related to enemy position. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays 32 ORGID F1 - Unit Designation Name Used to identify other forces. Used as label in map overlay. Operator Situational Displays 33 LOCNF F1 - Geographic Place Name Geographic feature and position near other forces. Used for label and/or display as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - UTM Grid Reference Geographic feature and position near other forces. Used for label and/or display as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Unit Designation Name Used as label to identify name of adjacent organisational unit. Operator Situational Displays 26 EORGBDRY 27 36 ORGIDBDY Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 55 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 37 Data Element Name & Description LOCNF Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Geographic Place Name Geographic feature and position Operator near other adjacent units. Used for Situational label and/or display as map overlay. Displays F2 - UTM Grid Reference Geographic feature and position Operator near other adjacent units. Used for Situational label and/or display as map overlay. Displays Used as label to identify name of adjacent organisational unit. Provides information to plot, label, Operator and display force locations as a map Situational overlay. Displays 50 ORGID F1 - Unit Designation Name 52 AREA F1 - Area Name Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Provides information to plot, label, Operator F2 - Position or Point and display force locations as a map Situational Name overlay. Displays Provides information to plot, label, Operator and display force locations as a map Situational overlay. Displays 53 GRID F1 - UTM Grid Reference 54 LINE Provides information to plot, label, Operator F1 - Line Designator and display force locations as a map Situational overlay. Displays A1 - 56 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 55 Data Element Name & Description TIME Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Line Location Provides information to plot, label, Operator and display force locations as a map Situational overlay. Displays F1 - Time Qualifier Establishes affectivity for UA mission duration. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Date-Time Indicator Establishes affectivity for UA mission duration. Operator Situational Displays 56 ROUTESP F1 - UTM Grid Reference Information used to plot, label, and display UA route points as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays 56 ROUTESP F2 - Geographic Place Name Information used to plot, label, and display UA route points as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays 57 ROUTEIP F1 - Intermediate Point Number Information used to plot, label, and display UA route points as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - UTM Grid Reference Information used to plot, label, and display UA route points as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 57 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 58 59 Data Element Name & Description ROUTERP TIME 62 ORGIDBDY 63 LOCNF Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F3 - Geographic Place Name Information used to plot, label, and display UA route points as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - UTM Grid Reference Information used to plot, label, and display UA route points as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Geographic Place Name Information used to plot, label, and display UA route points as map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Time Qualifier Provides for the validity of UA mission affectivity. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Date-Time Indicator Provides for the validity of UA mission affectivity. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Unit Designation Name Label to designate friendly forces. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Geographic Place Name Information used to draw, label, and Operator display the position of friendly Situational forces. Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 58 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 64 78 Data Element Name & Description TIME AREA Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - UTM Grid Reference Information used to draw, label, and Operator display the position of friendly Situational forces. Displays F1 - Time Qualifier Provides for the validity of mission affectivity. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Date-Time Indicator Provides for the validity of mission affectivity. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Area Name Information used to draw, label, and Operator display the position of friendly Situational forces. Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Information used to draw, label, and Operator F2 - Position or Point display the position of friendly Situational Name forces. Displays F011 3 ACO MSGID Airspace Control Order F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 59 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 3 Data Element Name & Description MSGID F2 - Originator Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F3 - Message Serial operator display and associated with Situational Number object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 5 ACOID F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Information related to airspace F1 - Name of Area of control. Used to plot or label on Validity overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 60 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F2 - ACO Serial Number 7 10 Information related to airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. HCI Component Compliance Test Operator Situational Displays Information related to affectivity of F2 - Stop Day-Time airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to affectivity of airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Airspace ACMSTAT Control Means Status Information related to airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays NATO RESTRICTED Information related to airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Airspace Control Means Information related to airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays ACMID Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Information related to affectivity of F1 - Start Day-Time airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. PERIOD F3 - Day-Time 9 Data Intent A1 - 61 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 12 Data Element Name & Description POLYARC Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Airspace Control Means Identifier Information related to airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 – Type of Airspace Shape Information related to airspace control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to airspace F4 - Airspace Usage control. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Origin of Bearing Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Beginning Radial Bearing, Degrees True Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of F3 - Radius, M, KM, controlled airspace. Used to plot or NM label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Ending Radial Bearing, Degrees True Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 62 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 13 14 Data Element Name & Description RADARC 1TRACK Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F5 - Points Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Bearing Origin Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Beginning Radial Bearing, Degrees True Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Ending Radial Bearing, Degrees True Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Inner Radius, m, km, nm Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Outer Radius, m, km, nm Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Track Leg Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 63 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 15 16 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Leg-Begin Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Leg-End Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Leg-Width Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Min-Max Alt Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of POLYGON F1 - Polygon Points controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of F2 - Radius, m, km, controlled airspace. Used to plot or nm label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays CIRCLE F1 - Circle Centre Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 64 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 17 Data Element Name & Description CORRIDOR Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of F2 - Position or Point controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Width, m, km, nm 18 APOINT F1 - Airspace Point 19 AORBIT Information related to location of F1 - First Point of the controlled airspace. Used to plot or Orbit label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of F2 - Second Point of controlled airspace. Used to plot or the Orbit label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Information related to location of F4 - Orbit Alignment controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Width, m, km, nm Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 65 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test 20 Information related to location of GEOLINE F1 - Position or Point controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 21 EFFLEVEL Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 22 F1 - Airspace Time APERIOD Mode Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Day-Time and Month of Start Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Stop Time Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Interval Frequency Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Interval Duration Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Vertical Dimension Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 66 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 23 F032 3 Data Element Name & Description CNTRLPT HCI Component Compliance Test Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to location of F2 - Position or Point controlled airspace. Used to plot or Name label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Control Point Location Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Control Point Altitude Information related to location of controlled airspace. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Control Point Type ORBATAIR MSGID Data Intent Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Order of Battle - Air Forces F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 67 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F3 - Message Serial operator display and associated with Situational Number object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 10 ORGIDRPT F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F1 - Unit Designation Name Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F10 - Unit Identification Code Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Unit Size Indicator Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays A1 - 68 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 10 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F3 - Geographical Entity Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Unit Role Indicator Code “A” Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Unit Role Indicator Code “B” Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Unit Role Indicator Code “C” Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F7 - Unit Role Indicator Code “D” Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F8 - Higher Formation Name Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F9 - Armed Service ORGIDRPT or Civilian Agency Code 11 CEFT F1 - Combat Effectiveness Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays 13 UNST F1 - Unit Readiness Order of battle data set; overlay for Status mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 69 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 16 17 Data Element Name & Description LOCA LOCB DPLOY HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Unit Availability Order of battle data set; overlay for Status mission planning Mission Planning Displays F3 - Unit Assignment Order of battle data set; overlay for Status mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Peacetime Location Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Unit Identifier Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Peacetime Location Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Estimated Time Order of battle data set; overlay for of Arrival mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Order of battle data set; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F1 - DTG of Arrival, Order of battle data set; overlay for 4 Digit Yr mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Arrival Grid Order of battle data set; overlay for Reference Location mission planning. Coordinate Mission Planning Displays F5 - Unit Identifier 18 Data Intent Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 70 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent F5 - Estimated DayOrder of battle data set; overlay for Time and Month of mission planning. Departure HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays A1 - 71 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID F058 3 Data Element Name & Description ATO MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Air Tasking Order F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F3 - Message Serial operator display and associated with Situational Number object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 3 MSGID F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 72 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier 7 TIMEFRAM Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Operator F1 - DTG of Start, 4 Data set used to establish period of Situational Digit Yr mission validity. Displays Operator F2 - DTG of Stop, 4 Data set used to establish period of Situational Digit Yr mission validity. Displays F3 - As of DTG, 4 Digit Yr 11 Operator Data set used to establish period of Situational mission validity. Displays F1 - Geographic CNXMSN Entities, Notional and Actual Data set provides information on cancelled missions; used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Tasked Unit Designator Data set provides information on cancelled missions; used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Data set provides information on F3 - Mission Number cancelled missions; used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 73 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 13 Data Element Name & Description F1 - Geographic TSKCNTRY Entities, Notional and Actual F1 - Armed Service Code Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Operator Data set used for mission planning. Situational Displays SVCTASK 15 F1 - Tasked Unit TASKUNIT Designator Operator Data set used for mission planning. Situational Displays F2 - Tasked Unit Location Operator Data set used for mission planning. Situational Displays F3 - Comments Operator Data set used for mission planning. Situational Displays AMSNDAT F1 - Mission Number F2 - AMC Mission Number or Event Number ICD Data Element Operator Data set used for mission planning. Situational Displays 14 25 Vehicle XX Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays A1 - 74 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F3 - Package Identification 25 Mission Planning Displays Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Secondary Data set used for aircraft mission Aerial Mission Type planning. Mission Planning Displays F7 - Air Alert Status Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F8 - Departure Location Data set used for aircraft mission planning. For use in map overlays. Mission Planning Displays F9 - Recovery Location Data set used for aircraft mission planning. For use in map overlays. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Number of Aircraft Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Type of Aircraft Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Mission AMSNDAT Commander Designator MSNACFT HCI Component Compliance Test Data set used for aircraft mission planning. F5 - Primary Aerial Mission Type 26 Data Intent Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 75 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 29 30 Data Element Name & Description ROUTE 1MSNRTE Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F3 - Aircraft Call Sign, Abbreviated Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Primary Configuration Code Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Secondary Configuration Code Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F6 - IFF/SIF Mode and Code, NonHyphenated Data set used for aircraft mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Day-Time of Position Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Route Point Name Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Track/Route Type Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Related Route Name Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 76 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 30 Data Element Name & Description HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Day-Time and Month of Route Entry Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Entry Point Name Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution F5 - Exit Point Name information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Day-Time of 1MSNRTE Route Exit F6 - True Airspeed in Knots 33 Data Intent F1 - Day-Time and AMSNLOC Month of Start F2 - Day-Time and Month of Stop Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides UA mission tasking. This data is used to construct the mission Mission Planning plan that is used to load into UA Displays mission parameters Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays A1 - 77 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description HCI Component Compliance Test Location and mission execution F3 - Location Name information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution F5 - Mission Priority, information used for mission Literal planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F11 - Desired Mean Point of Impact Target information to be used as Elevation in Feet or icon label or map overlay. Metres Operator Situational Displays F4 - Altitude in Hundreds of Feet F6 - Location 34 Data Intent F1 GTGTLOC Primary/Alternate Target Designator F10 - Geodetic Datum Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 78 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Operator Situational Displays F13 - Target Priority, Target information to be used as Literal icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F14 - Additional Target information to be used as Target Identification icon label or map overlay. Features Operator Situational Displays Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Not Earlier Than Target information to be used as Day-Time and Month icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - NLT Time Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Target/Facility Name Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Time On Target GTGTLOC HCI Component Compliance Test Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. F12 - Component Target Identifier 34 Data Intent Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 79 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 35 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F6 - Target Position Target information to be used as Identifier icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F7 - Target Type Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F8 - Desired Mean Point of Impact Description Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F9 - Desired Mean Point of Impact Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F10 - Day-Time of Position Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F11 - Ship Location Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays SHIPTGT F1 - Time On Target Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 80 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F12 - Component Target Identifier Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F13 - Course in Degrees, True Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F14 - Speed in Knots, Decimal Prohibited Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Not Earlier Than Target information to be used as Day-Time and Month icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - NLT Time Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Ship Target Identity Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Ship Type Category Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 81 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 35 37 Data Element Name & Description SHIPTGT Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F6 - Special Hull Number Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F7 - Ship Name, Abbreviated Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F8 - Target Priority Identifier Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays F9 - Target Priority, Literal Target information to be used as icon label or map overlay. Operator Situational Displays Location and mission execution RECCEDAT F1 - Mission Priority information used for mission planning. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays F10 - Imagery Coverage Extent and Mode Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F11 Reconnaissance Mission Purpose Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays A1 - 82 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F12 - Type of Intelligence Task Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F13 - Component Target Identifier Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F14 - Target Category Code Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F15 - Essential Location and mission execution Elements of information used for mission Information (EEI) of planning. Target Category Mission Planning Displays F2 - Day-Time and Month Over Target Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Net Time Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - NLT Time Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 83 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 38 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F5 - DTG of Latest Location and mission execution Time of Intelligence information used for mission Value, 4 Digit Yr planning. Mission Planning Displays F6 Reconnaissance Mission Type Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F7 - Type of Reconnaissance/ Surveillance Coverage Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F8 - Sensor Type Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution F9 - Image Qualifier information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Location of PTRCPLOT Reconnaissance Mission Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Location and mission execution F2 - Target Identifier information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 84 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 38 Data Element Name & Description PTRCPLOT HCI Component Compliance Test Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Location and mission execution F4 - Geodetic Datum information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Area Description F5 - Trace Point 40 Data Intent IMDATLNK F1 - Frequency Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Information for set up of imagery Mission Planning data link; used for mission planning. Displays F2 - Imagery Receiver Call Sign Information for set up of imagery Mission Planning data link; used for mission planning. Displays F3 - Report-In Point Information for set up of imagery Mission Planning data link; used for mission planning. Displays F4 - Day-Time of Link Start Information for set up of imagery Mission Planning data link; used for mission planning. Displays F5 - Day-Time of Link Stop Information for set up of imagery Mission Planning data link; used for mission planning. Displays A1 - 85 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 41 42 Data Element Name & Description REQNO Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution F10 - Target Priority, information used for mission Literal planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution F12 - Desired Mean information used for mission Point of Impact planning. Operator Situational Displays F13 - Geodetic Datum Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F14 - Aim Point Suffix Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Request Identifier F1 MTGTLOC Primary/Alternate Target Designator F11 - Component Target Identifier Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 86 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description MTGTLOC HCI Component Compliance Test Target and mission execution F2 - Mission Number information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution F3 - Time On Target information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution F5 - Not Later Than information used for mission Day-Time planning. Operator Situational Displays Target and mission execution F6 - Target Identifier information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F7 - Target Type Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F8 - Type of Cruise Missile Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Net Time 42 Data Intent Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 87 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F9 – Number of Missiles 45 46 Data Intent Target and mission execution information used for mission planning. HCI Component Compliance Test Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution F2 - Control Agency information used for mission Call Sign, Extended planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Primary Frequency Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Secondary Frequency Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution F5 - Report-In Point information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Primary Aerial Mission Type Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Location and mission execution CONTROL F1 - Type of Aircraft information used for mission A Control Agency planning. ASUPTFOR Vehicle XX Mission Planning Displays A1 - 88 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Tasked Unit Designator Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 – Mission Number Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Aircraft Call Sign, Abbreviated Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Number of Aircraft Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F6 - Type of Aircraft mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F7 – Primary Frequency Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F8 - Secondary Frequency Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 89 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 47 Data Element Name & Description ASUPTBY Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Primary Aerial Mission Type Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Tasked Unit Designator Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F3 - Mission Number mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Aircraft Call Sign, Abbreviated Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Number of Aircraft Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F6 - Type of Aircraft mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F7 - Primary Frequency Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 90 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description 49 FACINFOR HCI Component Compliance Test Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F1 - Control Agency mission routes. Can be plotted or Call Sign, Extended labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Primary Frequency Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Secondary Frequency Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Contact Point Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Unit Identification Code, Specific Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F8 - Secondary Frequency 48 Data Intent Provides information related to 8FACSCHD F1 - Mission Number mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays A1 - 91 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Attack Aircraft Call Sign Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Arrival Time Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Number of Aircraft Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Aircraft Type Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F6 - Primary Configuration Code Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays 49 8FACSCHD 50 6EWDATA F1 - Emitter Identifier Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Information related to EW data. Can Mission Planning be plotted or labelled on overlay. Displays F2 - ELINT Notation Information related to EW data. Can Mission Planning or Sorting Code be plotted or labelled on overlay. Displays F3 - Radio/Radar Function Information related to EW data. Can Mission Planning be plotted or labelled on overlay. Displays A1 - 92 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 51 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F4 - Lower Frequency Information related to EW data. Can Mission Planning be plotted or labelled on overlay. Displays F5 - Upper Frequency Information related to EW data. Can Mission Planning be plotted or labelled on overlay. Displays F6 - Electronic Attack (ES) Technique Information related to EW data. Can Mission Planning be plotted or labelled on overlay. Displays Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Route Point Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Route Point Name Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Arrival Time Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 6ROUTE F1 - Point Number Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 93 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 54 Data Element Name & Description CHAFF Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F5 - Speed of Movement in mph, kps, kph or mps Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Altitude in Hundreds of Feet Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Type of Chaff Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Lower Frequency Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Upper Frequency Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Lower Flight Provides information related to Level in Hundreds of mission routes. Can be plotted or Feet labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Upper Flight Provides information related to Level in Hundreds of mission routes. Can be plotted or Feet labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 94 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description 54 CHAFF 55 LANDSTS Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F6 - Mechanical Jamming Techniques Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. F1 - Mission Location Provides information related to Mission Planning friendly landing site. Can be plotted Displays or labelled on overlay. F2 - Enemy Action Status Provides information related to Mission Planning friendly landing site. Can be plotted Displays or labelled on overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to Mission Planning F3 - Day-Time As Of friendly landing site. Can be plotted Displays or labelled on overlay. F4 - Method of Marking Friendly Positions Provides information related to Mission Planning friendly landing site. Can be plotted Displays or labelled on overlay. F5 - Colour Provides information related to Mission Planning friendly landing site. Can be plotted Displays or labelled on overlay. F6 - Contact Name or Call Sign Provides information related to Mission Planning friendly landing site. Can be plotted Displays or labelled on overlay. A1 - 95 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to F7 - Primary Mission Planning friendly landing site. Can be plotted Frequency or Phone Displays or labelled on overlay. Provides information related to F8 - Secondary Mission Planning friendly landing site. Can be plotted Frequency or Phone Displays or labelled on overlay. 56 Provides information related to GNDFRND F1 - Time of Position friendly ground forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to friendly ground forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F3 - Geodetic Datum friendly ground forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Method of Marking Friendly Positions Provides information related to friendly ground forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to friendly ground forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Friendly Unit Location 56 GNDFRND F5 - Colour A1 - 96 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 57 60 Data Element Name & Description PGMINFO ASACSDAT Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to laser F1 - Laser/Data Link Mission Planning guided munitions. Can be plotted or Code Displays labelled on overlay. F2 - Guidance Frequency Provides information related to laser Mission Planning guided munitions. Can be plotted or Displays labelled on overlay. F3 - Contact Call Sign Provides information related to laser Mission Planning guided munitions. Can be plotted or Displays labelled on overlay. F4 - Primary Frequency Provides information related to laser Mission Planning guided munitions. Can be plotted or Displays labelled on overlay. F4 - Secondary Frequency Provides information related to laser Mission Planning guided munitions. Can be plotted or Displays labelled on overlay. Location and mission execution F1 - Type of Aircraft information used for mission Control Agency planning. Mission Planning Displays Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Call Sign of Control Agency A1 - 97 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 61 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F3 - Tasked Equipment Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Aerial Mission Type Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F5 - State of Emission Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Operational Control Authority Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F7 - Primary Frequency Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F8 - Secondary Frequency Location and mission execution information used for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to 7CONTROL F1 - Mission Number mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays A1 - 98 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 61 64 Data Element Name & Description 7CONTROL NAVFLTOP Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Aircraft Call Sign, Abbreviated Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Number of Aircraft Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F4 - Type of Aircraft mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Aerial Mission Type Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Day-Time on Station Provides information related to mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F7 - Report-In Point mission routes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Ship Name, Abbreviated Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to Navy Operator flight operations. Can be plotted or Situational labelled on overlay. Displays A1 - 99 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 65 66 Data Element Name & Description FYFCE AAXIS Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Day-Time and Month of Start Provides information related to Navy Operator flight operations. Can be plotted or Situational labelled on overlay. Displays F3 - Day-Time and Month of Stop Provides information related to Navy Operator flight operations. Can be plotted or Situational labelled on overlay. Displays F4 - Scheduled Launch/Recovery Time Provides information related to Navy Operator flight operations. Can be plotted or Situational labelled on overlay. Displays F1 - Unit Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F2 - Number of friendly forces. Can be plotted or Cooperating Forces labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Cooperating Forces Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Geographic Position, Lat/Long, Minutes Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 100 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Day-Time of Position Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Course in Degrees, True Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F4 - Speed in Knots, friendly forces. Can be plotted or Decimal Prohibited labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Bearing (001360) in Degrees, True Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 66 AAXIS F6 - Zone Angle in Degrees Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 67 FYLOC Discrete Identifier Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F1 - Unit Designator friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 101 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description CODES HCI Component Compliance Test Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F3 - Geodetic Datum friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Time Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Course and Speed Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F6 - Geographic Entities, Notional and Actual Provides information related to friendly forces. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Unit Location 68 Data Intent Provides information related to F1 - Codes-Crypto In crypto codes. Can be plotted or Use labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to crypto codes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Code Day Number Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 102 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F3 - Authentication System 69 IFF 3 Seq/ SETID IFFPROD MSGID Provides information related to crypto codes. Can be plotted or labelled on overlay. HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to IFF F1 - Supporting Unit Mission Planning codes. Can be plotted or labelled on or Base Displays overlay. F2 - IFF/SIF Mode and Code or Condition J017 Data Intent Provides information related to IFF Mission Planning codes. Can be plotted or labelled on Displays overlay. IFF Procedures F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data Element Name & Description Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 103 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 3 MSGID F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6- Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational Qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 6 Seq/ EFFAREA F1 - IFF Effective Area Provides information related to IFF Mission Planning affected area. Can be plotted or Displays labelled on overlay. Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX A1 - 104 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 SETID 7 8 9 Data Element Name & Description ICD Data Element F1 - Day-Time and Month of Start Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. F2 - Day-Time and Month of Stop Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. F3 - IFF Mode Provides information related to IFF Mission Planning codes. Can be plotted or labelled Displays on overlay. F1 - Day-Time and Month of Start Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. F2 - Day-Time and Month of Stop Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. F3 - Combined IFF Modes Provides information related to IFF Mission Planning codes. Can be plotted or labelled Displays on overlay. F1 - Day-Time and IFFCODE Month of Start Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. IFFMODE CMBMODE A1 - 105 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 10 11 J033 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Day-Time and Month of Stop Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. F3 - IFF/SIF Code Provides information related to IFF Mission Planning codes. Can be plotted or labelled Displays on overlay. F1 - Effective DayTime & Month Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. F2 - Cancelled IFF Mode Provides information related to IFF Mission Planning codes. Can be plotted or labelled Displays on overlay. F1 - Effective DayCNXCODE Time & Month Provides information related to Mission Planning valid duration of IFF codes. Can be Displays plotted or labelled on overlay. F2 - IFF/SIF Code Provides information related to IFF Mission Planning codes. Can be plotted or labelled Displays on overlay. CNXMODE NBC4 C4I Node XX ICD Data Element NBC 4 Report A1 - 106 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 3 Data Element Name & Description MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 107 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational Qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description 7 ORGID 8 NBCEVENT 10 HOTEL Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Unit Designation Data set reference; overlay for Name mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Type of NBC Report Data set reference; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Type of Nuclear burst or Bio/Chem release height Type of NBC agent; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Type of Bio/Chem agent, Type of NBC agent; overlay for ROTA nuclear or toxic mission planning. Ind. material Mission Planning Displays Type of NBC agent; overlay for mission planning. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Persistency C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 108 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 13 ROMEO F1 - Radiation dose rate in CGY/Hr Provides information related to radiation. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 13 ROMEO F2 - Dose rate trend Provides information related to radiation. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F3 - Radiation Decay radiation. Can be used to plot or Rate label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Seq/ SETID J034 3 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test NBC5 NBC 5 Report MSGID F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 109 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational Qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 7 ORGID 8 NBCEVENT F1 - Unit Designation NBC planning information. Used Name for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Type of NBC Report Mission Planning Displays NBC planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. A1 - 110 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 10 DELTA F1 - DTG, Zulu, 4 Yr NBC planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 11 HOTEL F1 - Type of Nuclear Burst or Bio/Chem Release Height NBC planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 – Type of Bio/Chem agent, NBC planning information. Used ROTA nuclear or toxic for comments or label on overlay. Ind. material Mission Planning Displays F3 - Persistency NBC planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - DTG, Zulu, 4 Yr NBC planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 12 Seq/ SETID OSCAR Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test 16 UNIFORM F1 - Red 1000 Radiation contour information. CGY/Hr Contour Line Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 17 VICTOR F1 - Green 300 Radiation contour information. CGY/Hr Contour Line Used to plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 111 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 18 J065 3 Seq/ SETID WHISKEY F1 - Blue 100 CGY/Hr Radiation contour information. Contour Line Used to plot or label on overlay. EWSTOPJAM MSGID Mission Planning Displays Electronic Warfare Stop Jamming Message F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data Element Name & Description F4 - Month Name Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 112 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational Qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 7 J066 3 Seq/ SETID 3 Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated STOPJAM F1 - Radio Frequency Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. EWRTM MSGID Electronic Warfare Requesting/Tasking Message F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data Element Name & Description MSGID F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Data set reference; maybe used in Situational operator display and associated Displays A1 - 113 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 with object in overlays for mission planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 9 TASKUNIT F1 - Tasked Unit Designator Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Provides information related to a Mission Planning tasked unit. Can be used as icon or Displays label on overlay. Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 114 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 10 F2 - Tasked Unit Location Provides information related to location of a tasked unit. Can be used plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Comments Provides information related to a tasked unit. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 5ECMTGT F1 - Data Entry Provides information related to location of a tasked unit. Can be used plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F4 - Emitter Location location of a target. Can be used plot or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to a Mission Planning F5 - Target Call Sign target. Can be used as comments Displays or label on overlay. F6 - Enemy Unit Designator 11 5ETGINFO F1 - Data Entry Provides information related to a Mission Planning target. Can be used as comments Displays or label on overlay. Provides information related to a Mission Planning target. Can be used as comments Displays or label on overlay. A1 - 115 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 11 Data Element Name & Description 5ETGINFO Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Emitter Spot Number Provides information related to a Mission Planning target. Can be used as comments Displays or label on overlay. F3 - Transmit Radio Frequency Provides information related to a Mission Planning target. Can be used as comments Displays or label on overlay. C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to a F4 - Radio Frequency Mission Planning target. Can be used as comments Bandwidth Displays or label on overlay. 12 F5 - Signal Type Provides information related to a Mission Planning target. Can be used as comments Displays or label on overlay. F6 - Radio/Radar Function Provides information related to a Mission Planning target. Can be used as comments Displays or label on overlay. 5ECMACT F1 - Data Entry Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays A1 - 116 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 F2 - Day-Time On Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Data Intent Mission Planning Displays HCI Component Compliance Test F3 - Day-Time Off Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Mission Priority Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Electronic Countermeasures Type Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Electronic Countermeasures Technique Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 117 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 13 5ETGFREQ F1 - Data Entry F2 - Primary Radio Frequency Seq/ SETID 13 Data Element Name & Description Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Provides information related to F3 - Secondary Radio electronic countermeasures. Can 5ETGFREQ Frequency be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Lower Radio Frequency Limit Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Upper Radio Frequency Limit Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 118 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 14 Seq/ SETID Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can F6 - Pulse Repetition be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can F2 - Request Number be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 5ESMTGT F1 - Data Entry Data Element Name & Description F3 - Geographical Entity Data Intent Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to location of electronic Mission Planning F4 - Emitter Location countermeasures. Can be used as Displays comments or label on overlay. A1 - 119 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can F5 - Target Call Sign be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Enemy Unit Designator 15 5ETGINFO F1 - Data Entry F2 - Emitter Spot Number Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F3 - Transmit Radio Frequency Data Intent Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays A1 - 120 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 15 16 Provides information related to F4 - Radio Frequency electronic countermeasures. Can 5ETGINFO Bandwidth be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Signal Type Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F6 - Radio/Radar Function Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 5ETGFREQ F1 - Data Entry F2 - Primary Radio Frequency Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 121 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 17 Provides information related to F3 - Secondary Radio electronic countermeasures. Can Frequency be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Lower Radio Frequency Limit Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Upper Radio Frequency Limit Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can F6 - Pulse Repetition be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 5ESMACT F1 - Data Entry F2 - Day-Time On Seq/ Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX A1 - 122 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 SETID Data Element Name & Description Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F4 - Essential electronic countermeasures. Can Elements of be used as comments or label on Information Category overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to electronic countermeasures. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Reference Number Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Type of Chaff Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Lower Radio Frequency Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Day-Time Off 17 18 5ESMACT F5 - Mission Priority 8CHAFF ICD Data Element A1 - 123 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 19 Data Element Name & Description 8TIMELOC Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Provides information related to F4 - Upper Frequency chaff missions. Can be used as Limit comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F5 - Boundary Lower chaff missions. Can be used as Limit, Flight Level comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Provides information related to F6 - Boundary Upper chaff missions. Can be used as Limit, Flight Level comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F7 - Mechanical Jamming Technique Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Reference Number Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Geographical Entity Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 124 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 F3 - Day-Time On Seq/ SETID J071 3 Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Data Element Name & Description HCI Component Compliance Test F4 - Day-Time Off Provides information related to chaff missions. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. F5 - Start Location Provides information related to locations of chaff missions. Can be Mission Planning used as comments or label on Displays overlay. TRACKREP MSGID Data Intent Mission Planning Displays C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Mission Planning Displays Target Track Report F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 125 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 F3 - Message Serial Number Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational Qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 5 F3 - Aircraft Track ACTKNO Identification Code For HCI display: aircraft track information Operator Situational Displays A1 - 126 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 6 Seq/ SETID 7 POSN F1 - Air Track Position Provides information on aircraft Operator Situational Displays F2 - Day-Time of Air Track Provides information on aircraft Operator Situational Displays Data Element Name & Description ACTINFO F1 - Heading F2 - Relative Height, Alphabetic Format Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Provides information on aircraft for Situational overlay or map display Displays Operator Provides information on aircraft for Situational overlay or map display Displays Operator F3 - General indicator Provides information on aircraft for Situational of speed overlay or map display Displays F4 - General aircraft category Operator Provides information on aircraft for Situational overlay or map display Displays A1 - 127 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Operator F5 - Aircraft formation Provides information on aircraft for Situational size overlay or map display Displays J103 3 Seq/ SETID RECCEXREP MSGID Reconnaissance Exploitation Report F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data Element Name & Description Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 128 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational Qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 7 Seq/ SETID LOCREF F1 - Location of Discriminator Data Element Name & Description F2 - Coordinates Qualifier Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Operator F3 - Reference Point Target location information. Can be Situational Type used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F4 - Bearing from Reference Point Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays A1 - 129 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 10 Seq/ SETID 10 UNITIDD F5 - Distance from Reference Point Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F1 - Geographical Entity Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F2 - Identifier Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F3 - BE Number of Peacetime Location Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Data Element Name & Description UNITIDD Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F4 - Basic Encyclopaedia Number Suffix Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F5 - Armed Service Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 130 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 12 TGTARDES F6 - Identification Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F1 – Target Area Functional Type Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F2 - Target Area Description Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F3 - Target Graphic Annotation Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Operator F4 - Reference Point Target location information. Can be Situational of Target Area used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F5 - Bearing from Reference Point in Degrees, True Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays A1 - 131 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 22 Seq/ SETID MAP F6 - Distance from Reference Point Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F1 - Map or Chart Series Designator Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F2 - Map or Chart Suffix Number Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F3 - Map or Chart Sheet Number Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F4 - Map or Chart Edition Number Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F5 - Geodetic Datum Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 132 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 23 ADSIGHT Operator F1 - Target Category Target location information. Can be Situational Code used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F10 - Target Speed Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Operator F2 - Target Category Target location information. Can be Situational Designator used to plot or display on overlay. Displays 23 ADSIGHT F3 - Target Description Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F4 - Number of Target Elements Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F5 - Geographical Entity Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F6 - Target Location Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 133 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 N003 3 F7 - Target Activity Description Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F8 - Day-Time Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays F9 - Target Course Operator Target location information. Can be Situational used to plot or display on overlay. Displays JAMWARN MSGID Jamming Warning F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 134 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated Situational with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. C4I Node XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated Situational Qualifier with object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 5 PERIOD F1 - Start Day-Time Information related to affectivity of Operator jamming. Used for comments or Situational label on overlay. Displays F2 - Stop Day-Time Information related to affectivity of Operator jamming. Used for comments or Situational label on overlay. Displays A1 - 135 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 F3 - Day-Time Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description 6 JAMTYP 7 AREA 8 Information related to affectivity of Operator jamming. Used for comments or Situational label on overlay. Displays Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Jamming Type, Name Information related to jamming. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Area Name Information related to location of jamming. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to location of F2 - Position or Point jamming. Used to plot or label on Name overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to location of 1ROUTE F1 - Position or Point jamming routes. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to location of jamming routes. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Day-Time of Position C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 136 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 9 F3 - Flight Event Information related to location of jamming routes. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Flight Level Information related to location of jamming routes. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Information related to location of jamming routes. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to location of F2 - Modulation Type jamming routes. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Information related to location of jamming routes. Used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays CHANJAM F1 - Frequency D F3 - Signal Strength C4I Node XX ICD Data Element A1 - 137 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID N023 3 Data Element Name & Description GREEN MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Maritime Unit Execution Order F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F3 - Message Serial operator display and associated with Situational Number object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 138 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 5 6 Data Element Name & Description PERIOD MISSN Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F1 - Start Day-Time Affectivity for mission; overlay for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Stop Day-Time Affectivity for mission; overlay for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Day-Time Affectivity for mission; overlay for mission planning. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Mission Purpose Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - MPA Mission Designator Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Mission Requirements Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 139 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 7 8 Data Element Name & Description FORCE IFF Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F4 - Mission Objective Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Unit Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Number Ordered Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Platform Type Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Platform Identification Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Mission/event basic planning F5 - Mission Number information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Mission/event basic planning F1 - Supporting Unit information. Used for comments or or Base label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 140 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 9 9 Data Element Name & Description EVTASK EVTASK Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - IFF/SIF Mode and Code or Condition Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Departure Location Identifier Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Day-Time Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event basic planning F3 - On Station Time information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event basic planning F4 - Off Station Time information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event basic planning F6 - Arrival Location information. Used for comments or Identifier label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Arrival Time Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 141 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 10 11 13 Data Element Name & Description ALT ROUTE TRACK Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Mission/event basic planning F7 - Mission Number information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event basic planning F2 - Type of Altitude information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Day-Time of Position Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Route Point Name Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Track/Route Type Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Search Track Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F1 - Designated Altitude Purpose Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 142 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test 14 AREA Mission/event basic location F2 - Position or Point Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Name Displays label on overlay. 15 CIRC F1 - Position of Centre of Circle Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. Mission/event basic location F2 - Radius, yd, kyd, Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or or nm Displays label on overlay. 16 Mission/event basic location Mission Planning ELLIPSE F1 - Ellipse Position planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F2 - Orientation of Semi-Major Axis, Qualified Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F3 - Semi-Major Axis Mission/event basic location Mission Planning Length, Nautical planning information. Used to plot or Displays Miles label on overlay. F4 - Semi-Minor Axis Mission/event basic location Mission Planning Length, Nautical planning information. Used to plot or Displays Miles label on overlay. A1 - 143 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 17 Data Element Name & Description SECTOR F1 - Daytime F2 - Geographic Location 17 Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F3 - Inner Radius, SECTOR nm Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F4 - Outer Radius, nm Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F5 - Left-most Bearing, Degrees True Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F6 - Right-most Bearing, Degrees True Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. F7 - Sector Reference Number Mission/event basic location Mission Planning planning information. Used to plot or Displays label on overlay. A1 - 144 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 18 Data Element Name & Description FYFCE F1 - Unit Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays Mission/event basic location Operator F2 - Number of planning information. Used to plot or Situational Cooperating Forces label friendly forces on overlay. Displays 19 FYPOS F3 - Cooperating Forces Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays F1 - Unit Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays Mission/event basic location Operator F2 - Friendly Forces planning information. Used to plot or Situational Position Name label friendly forces on overlay. Displays F3 - Day-Time of Position Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays F4 - Friendly Force Course and Speed Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays A1 - 145 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F5 - Flag Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays F6 - Discrete Identifier Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays 20 ISR F1 - Identification Safety Range, Nautical Miles 20 ISR F2 - Mean Line of Advance, Degrees True Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays F3 - Speed of Advance Mission/event basic location Operator planning information. Used to plot or Situational label friendly forces on overlay. Displays F1 - Emission Control Plan Identifier Mission/event basic emission control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event basic emission F2 - Start Day-Time control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 22 EMCON Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 146 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 23 Data Element Name & Description COMMS Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Mission/event basic emission F3 - Stop Day-Time control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Unit Mission/event basic communications control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Call Sign Mission/event basic communications control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Radio Frequency Mission/event basic communications control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F4 - Frequency Priority Mission/event basic communications control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F5 - Transmission Mode Mission/event basic communications control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 147 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 24 Data Element Name & Description CODES Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Mission/event basic F1 - Codes-Crypto in communications control planning Use information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Code Day Number Mission/event basic communications control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Authentication System Mission/event basic communications control planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 148 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description N025 LOCATOR 3 MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Maritime Force Locator F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F3 - Message Serial operator display and associated with Situational Number object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 149 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description 5 QUEWORD 7 SUB 9 ELLIPSE Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F6 - Serial Number of Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F1 - Maritime Indicator Provides information related to Operator maritime missions. Can be used as Situational comments or label on overlay. Displays F1 - Contact Serial Number Provides information related to submarine contacts. Can be used as comments or label on overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to Operator F1 - Ellipse Position location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F2 - Orientation of Semi-Major Axis, Qualified Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F3 - Semi-Major Axis Provides information related to Operator Length, Nautical location of submarine contacts. Can Situational Miles be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F4 - Semi-Minor Axis Provides information related to Operator Length, Nautical location of submarine contacts. Can Situational Miles be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays A1 - 150 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 10 Data Element Name & Description CIRC F1 - Position of centre of circle Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays Provides information related to Operator F2 - Radius, yd, kyd location of submarine contacts. Can Situational or nm be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays 11 AREA F1 – Area Name Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays Provides information related to Operator F2 - Position or Point location of submarine contacts. Can Situational Name be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays 12 13 TIMEVENT F1 - Day-Time BRNG Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F1 - Date-Time Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F2 - Bearing Origin Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays A1 - 151 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F3 - Bearing, Degrees True Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F4 - Sector HalfWidth Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element F5 - Line of Bearing Provides information related to Operator (LOB) range, location of submarine contacts. Can Situational Nautical Miles be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays Provides information related to Operator F6 - Acoustic Sensor location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays 14 31 TMPOS NAVAL F1 - Date-Time Group Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F2 - Geographic Position Provides information related to Operator location of submarine contacts. Can Situational be used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F1 - Contact Serial Number Provides information related to surface contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 152 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F2 - Unit 33 ELLIPSE Data Intent Provides information related to surface contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to Operator F1 - Ellipse Position location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F2 - Orientation of Semi-Major Axis, Qualified Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F3 - Semi-Major Axis Provides information related to Operator Length, Nautical location of surface contacts. Can be Situational Miles used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F4 - Semi-Minor Axis Provides information related to Operator Length, Nautical location of surface contacts. Can be Situational Miles used to plot or label on overlay. Displays 34 CIRC F1 - Position of centre of circle Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays Provides information related to Operator F2 - Radius, yd, kyd location of surface contacts. Can be Situational or nm used to plot or label on overlay. Displays A1 - 153 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 35 Data Element Name & Description AREA F1 - Area Name Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays Provides information related to Operator F2 - Position or Point location of surface contacts. Can be Situational Name used to plot or label on overlay. Displays 37 37 BRNG BRNG F1 - Date-Time Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F2 - Bearing Origin Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F3 - Bearing, Degrees True Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F4 - Sector HalfWidth Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F5 - Line of Bearing Provides information related to Operator (LOB) Range, location of surface contacts. Can be Situational Nautical Miles used to plot or label on overlay. Displays A1 - 154 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Provides information related to Operator F6 - Acoustic Sensor location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays 38 54 55 TMPOS AIR TMPOS F1 - Date-Time Group Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F2 - Geographic Position Provides information related to Operator location of surface contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F1 - Contact Serial Number Provides information related to aircraft contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Unit Provides information related to aircraft contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Date-Time Group Provides information related to Operator location of aircraft contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays F2 - Geographic Position Provides information related to Operator location of aircraft contacts. Can be Situational used to plot or label on overlay. Displays A1 - 155 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 63 65 Data Element Name & Description MERCH ELLIPSE ELLIPSE HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Contact Serial Number Provides information related to merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Unit Provides information related to merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. F1 - Ellipse Position Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F3 - Semi-Major Axis location of merchant ship contacts. Length, Nautical Can be used to plot or label on Miles overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F4 - Semi-Minor Axis location of merchant ship contacts. Length, Nautical Can be used to plot or label on Miles overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Orientation of Semi-Major Axis, Qualified 65 Data Intent Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 156 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 66 67 69 Data Element Name & Description CIRC AREA BRNG Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F2 - Radius, yd, kyd location of merchant ship contacts. or nm Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F2 - Position or Point location of merchant ship contacts. Name Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Date-Time Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Bearing Origin Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Position of centre of circle F1 - Area Name Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 157 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Can be used to plot or label on overlay. 70 TMPOS F3 - Bearing, Degrees True Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Sector HalfWidth Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F5 - Line of Bearing location of merchant ship contacts. (LOB) Range, Can be used to plot or label on Nautical Miles overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. F6 - Acoustic Sensor Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Date-Time Group A1 - 158 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description 70 TMPOS 87 FISHCTC 89 ELLIPSE Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Geographic Position Provides information related to location of merchant ship contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Contact Serial Number Provides information related to fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Unit Provides information related to fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. F1 - Ellipse Position Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F3 - Semi-Major Axis location of fishing vessel contacts. Length, Nautical Can be used to plot or label on Miles overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 – Orientation of Semi-Major Axis, Qualified Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 159 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 90 91 93 Data Element Name & Description CIRC AREA BRNG Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Provides information related to F4 - Semi-Minor Axis location of fishing vessel contacts. Length, Nautical Can be used to plot or label on Miles overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F2 - Radius, yd, kyd location of fishing vessel contacts. or nm Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F2 - Position or Point location of fishing vessel contacts. Name Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Position of Centre of Circle F1 - Area Name F1 - Date-Time Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 160 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Can be used to plot or label on overlay. 93 BRNG F2 - Bearing Origin Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Bearing, Degrees True Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Sector HalfWidth Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F5 - Line of Bearing location of fishing vessel contacts. (LOB) Range, Can be used to plot or label on Nautical Miles overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. F6 - Acoustic Sensor Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 161 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 94 110 112 Data Element Name & Description TMPOS UNK ELLIPSE Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F1 - Date-Time Group Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Geographic Position Provides information related to location of fishing vessel contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Contact Serial Number Provides information related to unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 – Trademark or Discrete Identifier Provides information related to unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F1 - Ellipse Position location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Orientation of Semi-Major Axis, Qualified Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 162 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F3 - Semi-Major Axis Provides information related to Length, Nautical location of unknown contacts. Can Miles be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Semi-Minor Axis Provides information related to Length, Nautical location of unknown contacts. Can Miles be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays 113 CIRC F1 - Position of Centre of Circle 113 CIRC Provides information related to F2 - Radius, yd, kyd location of unknown contacts. Can or nm be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays 114 AREA F1 - Area Name Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F2 - Position or Point location of unknown contacts. Can Name be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays 116 BRNG F1 - Date-Time Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 163 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 117 Data Element Name & Description TMPOS Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Bearing Origin Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Bearing, Degrees True Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Sector HalfWidth Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F5 - Line of Bearing Provides information related to (LOB) Range, location of unknown contacts. Can Nautical Miles be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Provides information related to F6 - Acoustic Sensor location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Date-Time Group Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F2 - Geographic Position Provides information related to location of unknown contacts. Can be used to plot or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 164 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID N028 3 3 Data Element Name & Description OPTASK AIR MSGID MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operational Tasking Organic Aircraft F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 165 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated with Situational Qualifier object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 5 6 PERIOD SORTIE F2 - Stop Day-Time Mission/event basic planning information for mission duration. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - Day-Time Mission/event basic planning information for mission duration. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Number of Sorties Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F10 - Alternate Mission/event basic planning Frequency Designator information. Used for comments or or Channel label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Mission/event basic planning F11 - Type of Aircraft information. Used for comments or Control label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays A1 - 166 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 6 Data Element Name & Description SORTIE Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F2 - Parent Unit Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F3 - NATO Aircraft Number and Type Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F4 - Call Sign Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Mission/event basic planning F5 - Aircraft Weapon information. Used for comments or Load label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F6 - Start Time Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F7 - Stop Time Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F8 - Mission Type Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 167 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 9 10 11 Data Element Name & Description ISR IFF SELFID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F9 - Primary Mission/event basic planning Frequency Designator information. Used for comments or or Channel label on overlay. Operator Situational Displays F1 - Identification Safety Range, Nautical Miles Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Mean Line of Advance, Degrees True Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Speed of Advance Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - Supporting Unit or Base Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - IFF/SIF Mode and Code or Condition Mission/event basic planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F1 - ID Checkpoint Name Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 168 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description F2 - Location Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. Mission/event location planning F3 - Self Identification Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Recognition Displays overlay. 12 Mission/event location planning Mission Planning REFPOINT F1 - Reference Point information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. Mission/event location planning Mission Planning F2 - Point Designator information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F3 - Location Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F4 - Effective Time Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F5 - Flight Level of Altitude Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. A1 - 169 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 13 Data Element Name & Description APPRSECT Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event location planning F1 - Approach Sector Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Letter or Number Displays overlay. Mission/event location planning Mission Planning F2 - Origin of Position information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F3 - Bearing, Qualified 13 APPRSECT Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. Mission/event location planning F4 - Angle either side Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on of Axis Displays overlay. F5 - Lower Altitude Limit Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F6 - Upper Altitude Limit Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F7 - Safety Distance Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. A1 - 170 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 14 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F8 - Start Time Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F9 - End Time Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. MARSHAL F1 - Location Name Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. Mission/event location planning F2 - Marshalling Point Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Position Displays overlay. Mission/event location planning F3 - Altitude or Flight Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Level Displays overlay. 15 APPRCOR F1 - Approach Corridor Identifier Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F10 - End Time Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. A1 - 171 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test F11 - Checkpoint Name Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F12 - Checkpoint Distance Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F13 - Approach Speed in Knots Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F2 - Origin Call Sign Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F3 - Bearing, Qualified Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event location planning Mission Planning F4 - Width of Corridor information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F5 - Length Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. A1 - 172 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 15 16 Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Mission/event location planning Mission Planning APPRCOR F6 - TACAN Channel information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. ALTSEP F7 - Lower Altitude Limit Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F8 - Upper Altitude Limit Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F9 - Start Time Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F1 - Aircraft Mission Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F2 - Lower Altitude Limit Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. F3 - Upper Altitude Limit Mission/event location planning Mission Planning information. Used to plot or label on Displays overlay. A1 - 173 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID N068 3 Data Element Name & Description OPTASKEW MSGID Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Operational Tasking Electronic Warfare F1 - Message Text Format Identifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F2 - Originator Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F3 - Message Serial Number Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F4 - Month Name Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. F5 - Qualifier Data set reference; maybe used in Operator operator display and associated with Situational object in overlays for mission Displays planning. A1 - 174 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID Data Element Name & Description Data Intent HCI Component Compliance Test Vehicle XX ICD Data Element Data set reference; maybe used in Operator F6 - Serial Number of operator display and associated with Situational Qualifier object in overlays for mission Displays planning. 5 PERIOD F1 - Start Day-Time Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - Stop Day-Time Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 5 PERIOD F3 - Day-Time Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays 7 EMLIST Mission/event EW planning F1 - Emitter Category information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F2 - SPOT Number Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays F3 - Emitter NATO Nickname or Designation Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays A1 - 175 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Seq/ SETID 9 Data Element Name & Description HCI Component Compliance Test Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event EW planning F3 - Frequency Limits information. Used for comments or or SPOT Number label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event EW planning F3 - Frequency Limits information. Used for comments or or Spot Number label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays Mission/event EW planning information. Used for comments or label on overlay. Mission Planning Displays ESMTASK F1 - Unit F2 - Equipment Designator 10 Data Intent JAMTASK F1 - Platform F2 - Jammer Equipment Type F4 - Jammer Alert State Vehicle XX ICD Data Element A1 - 176 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Table ATT A1 - 2: Parsed Field Utilization A1 - 177 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ANNEX 2 HUMAN COMPUTER INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS A2 Human Computer Interface Requirements Implementation The intent of this section of the document is to provide unambiguous interpretation of the UCS HCI requirements. The HCI is the operator’s interface to the CUCS. The figure below depicts a high level functional architecture for the HCI as it is applied for the 5 LOIs. The recommended implementation will be discussed in terms of this functional architecture and in conjunction of a functional set of HCI components. The HCI components represent functional groupings of lower level HCI requirements, which can be related to DLI and CCI messages. The listing of the HCI components (called Information/Control Elements) is contained in the table below. It should be noted that the functional groupings do not infer a specific design, and the developer could merge or modify the Information/Control Elements in order to optimise his overall design. LOI 4, 5 LOI 3 LOI 2 LOI 1 Comm Mgt C4I Nodes Core CUCS VSM Mission Planning Figure A2 - 1: HCI Functional Architecture The architecture does not infer that Comm Mgt and Mission Planning, for example, need to be physically separate from the Core CUCS. This is a developer decision. It does imply that a LOI 1 CUCS must contain the functionality to control CCI communications links external to the UCS system and be able to access C4I nodes. A2 - 1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 HCI Component Description Active Image Operating Displays A screen or series of screens, which display operational states or equipment condition for active image payloads, such as radar, SAR, ISAR, etc. Active Image Payload Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the active image payloads. UA Unique Displays A screen or series of screens, which display operational states or equipment condition unique to a particular configuration of the UAS, such as pre-flight checks, maintenance diagnosis, etc. This is generally in a vendor-defined format. Bearer System Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the bearer system payloads. C4I Message Development Display A screen or series of screens, which provide for the display, printing, editing, and creation of ADatP-3 messages. Comm Mgt Displays A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the ground and airborne communications equipment and data links. Comm Relay Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the communication relay payloads. Encryption Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the encryption devices. EW Payload Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the electronic warfare payloads. Gateway Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the gateway devices. Laser Payload Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the laser payloads. Met Payload Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the meteorological payloads. Mission Analysis Displays A screen or series of screens, which provide for the creation, display, or transmission of post mission events, data, or C4I analyses. A2 - 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 HCI Component Description Mission Planning Displays A screen or series of screens, which display relevant information, digital maps, and overlays for the planning and creation of UA Mission Plans. NBC Payload Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the nuclear, biological, and chemical payloads. Operator Situational Displays A single integrated presentation that displays relevant UA flight parameters and its route of flight as an overlay on a digital map. Passive Image Operating Displays A screen or series of screens, which display operational states or equipment condition for passive image payloads, such as EO/IR. Passive Image Payload Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to the passive imaging payloads, such as EO/IR. Payload Product Displays A screen or series of screens, which display sensor information with relevant metadata, such as an IR imagery presentation with target position information. Stores Release Cmd & Control A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to activate and release equipment carried on external stores stations of an UA. Subsystem Cmd & Control Displays A screen or series of screens, which provide for issuing and monitoring commands to activate the UA's subsystems. Subsystem Detailed Reports A screen or series of screens, which display requested detailed operational states or equipment condition for the UA subsystems. This is generally unique to a particular UA system and in vendor format. Subsystem Operating Displays A screen or series of screens, which display the normal operational states or equipment condition for the UA's subsystems. System Configuration Display A screen or series of screens, which list the UA or subsystem fixed characteristics or configuration. UCS Operating Displays A screen or series of screens, which display the operating parameters or states of the CUCS. UCS Set-Up Displays A screen or series of screens, which allow set-up, initialisation, or tailoring of the UCS for a particular UA system. A2 - 3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 HCI Component Description Warnings & Cautions Displays A screen or series of screens, which display cautions or warnings associated with the UA or any of its subsystems. Table A2 - 1: Definition of Information/Control Elements In general HCI LOI capabilities are obtained by adding new Information/Control Elements or expanding existing Information/Control Elements from the previous LOI level. The intent of this section of the document is to provide the information requirements and examples of their physical implementation. A2.1 LOI 1 Information/Control Elements (HCI) The HCI functions for LOI 1 are contained in the table below. HCI Component Description System Configuration Display Displays that list the UA or subsystem fixed characteristics or configuration. UCS Operating Displays Displays that provide operating parameters or states of the CUCS. C4I Message Development Display Displays to read, edit, and print ADatP-3 messages. Comm Mgt Displays Displays to operate, switch, and monitor external communications equipment. UCS Set-Up Displays Displays to set-up, initialise, or tailor the UCS for a particular UA system. Table A2 - 2: HCI Functions for LOI 1 A2.1.1 LOI 2 Information/Control Elements (HCI) The HCI functions for LOI 2 should be in accordance with Chapter 6 of AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II. In addition to the functions defined in Table A2 - 2 above, LOI 2 HCI functions are contained in Table A2 - 3. This LOI allows receipt of sensor data via a VSM. It also extracts unique data fields from ADatP-3 messages to provide target or informational overlays for operator situational awareness. Therefore the additional Information/Control Elements address this added functionality. Attachment B in Annex 1, CCI Implementation Guidelines, lists the discrete message fields or elements that are associated with each of the Information/Control Elements. HCI Component Description UCS Operating Displays Expands display to include operating or warning display limits provided by a VSM. Enables the operator to enter parameter sets A2 - 4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 HCI Component Description that will adapt the UCS for the vehicle type and the respective missions. Comm Mgt Displays Expands the displays to include monitoring VDT/CDT and data link information provided by a VSM. Would include placement of communications icons as overlays on a digital map. Warnings & Cautions Displays Displays of cautions and warnings provided by the VSM. Indications should be located in the operator’s primary field of view and should not be obscured by other HCI elements. Subsystem Operating Displays Displays of operating states provided by the VSM. Operator Situational Displays Displays and controls related to presenting and manipulating icons on a digital map with the following generic overlays: - Enemy and friendly force disposition from LOI 2 ADatP-3 messages - Route planning information from LOI 2 messages ADatP-3 messages - Target information from LOI 2 ADatP-3 messages - UA position/route information - UA trail for every UA from which the CUCS is receiving data - Sensor foot print information Displays should be able to support the following map types: - Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Geographic Information Exchange Standard, STANAG 3809 - Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD) - World Geodetic System - 84 (WGS-84), Mil-Std 2401 Vector - ARC Standard Raster Product - Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST Version 2.1) STANAG 7074:1998 Mission Analysis Displays Displays for the creation, display, or transmission of post mission events, data, or C4I analyses. Table A2 - 3: Additional HCI Functions for LOI 2 A2.1.2 LOI 3 Information/Control Elements (HCI) The HCI functions for LOI 3 should be in accordance with Chapter 6 of AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II. In addition to the functions defined in Tables A2-2 and A2-3, LOI 3 HCI functions are contained in Table A2 - 4. LOI 3 introduces the mission planning functionality and two-way communication with the VSM. At this LOI, the VSM communication is limited to the ability to control and monitor the payload(s). Although an HCI component was created for each possible payload, the developer may combine relevant payload commands and reports tailored to a particular sensor suite. However, the developer must clearly show that the functionality to completely control the payload A2 - 5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 is reflected in the HCI. Attachment B in Annex 1, CCI Implementation Guidelines lists the discrete message fields or elements that are associated with each of the Information/Control Elements. HCI Component Description UCS Set Up Displays Expands displays to incorporate all relevant payload controls and functions and the functionality to “hand-off” payload control. Operator Situational Displays Expands displays to incorporate: - Additional payload parameters as map overlays. - Enemy and friendly force disposition from LOI 3 ADatP-3 messages. - Route planning information from LOI 3 ADatP-3 messages. - Target information from LOI 3 ADatP-3 messages. Active Image Operating Displays Displays for control and monitoring radar type sensors. Active Image Payload Cmd & Control Displays related to radar image products. Bearer System Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the bearer system payloads. Comm Relay Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the ground and airborne communications equipment and data links. Encryption Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the encryption devices. EW Payload Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the electronic warfare payloads. Gateway Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the gateway devices. Laser Payload Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the laser payloads. Met Payload Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the meteorological payloads. Mission Planning Displays Displays for the planning and creation of UA Mission Plans. Includes Payload planning and Mission planning based on LOI 3 ADatP-3 messages. A2 - 6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 HCI Component Description NBC Payload Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the nuclear, biological, and chemical payloads. Passive Image Operating Displays Displays for operational states or equipment condition for passive image payloads, such as EO/IR. Passive Image Payload Cmd & Control Displays for issuing and monitoring commands to the passive imaging payloads, such as EO/IR. Payload Product Displays Displays, which actually present the sensor information, with relevant sensor/target information. This could be a SAR, EO, or hyper-spectral image. Subsystem Cmd & Control Displays Displays for additional command & control functions for a payload. This represents any VSM “push” information. VSM generated displays should not hide safety of flight related display panels/screens from the operator. Table A2 - 4: Additional HCI Functions for LOI 3 This payload control may be accomplished in a variety of physical configurations. The payload may be operated via a hand controller (joystick). The payload may also be controlled via software (on screen HCI). The payload can be monitored through the use of an overlay on the imagery display or through the use of a separate window. LOI 3 may introduce the effects of system latency upon operator performance. These time lags will have an adverse effect upon perceptual motor performance. The adverse effects of time delays in UA control systems may be most apparent during operatorcontrolled payload operations. Man-in-the-loop payload control, such as manually slewing a payload camera while searching for or tracking a ground target, is utilized by most tactical UA. Human control of the payload is often necessary because tactical battlefield intelligence requirements cannot be met by currently available automated target search and identification technologies. Latency in manual payload control (slewing azimuth and elevation) can cause difficulties in acquiring and tracking. Pilot induced oscillation (PIO) can occur when the system is not sufficiently responsive to the operator input. It is recommended for manually controlled payload tracking tasks that the total latency does not exceed 350 ms. The total latency is defined as the duration between operator input & the response being seen on the video display. This latency component should be addressed within the total system latency budget and allocation A2.1.3 LOI 4 INFORMATION/CONTROL ELEMENTS (HCI) The HCI functions for LOI 4 should be in accordance with Chapter 6 of AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II. LOI 4 functions can be implemented independently from LOI 1, 2, and 3 functions. The minimum set of LOI 4 HCI functions are contained in Table A2 - 5. Although the table below shows the use of certain common functional blocks for LOIs A2 - 7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 3, 4, and 5, the difference is the degree and type of communication that is performed between the CUCS and the VSM. LOI 4 communication with the VSM is the command and control of the UA, with the exception of take-off and landing. Attachment B in Annex 1, CCI Implementation Guidelines lists the discrete message fields or elements that are associated with each of the Information/Control Elements. HCI Component Description Operator Situational Displays Displays and controls related to a presenting and manipulating icons on a digital map with the following generic overlays: - UA parameters as map overlays. - Enemy and friendly force disposition from LOI 4 ADatP-3 messages. - Route planning information from LOI 4 messages ADatP-3 messages. - UA position/route information - Target information from LOI 4 ADatP-3 Messages. System Configuration Display Displays that list the UA or subsystem fixed characteristics or configuration UCS Operating Displays Displays that provide operating parameters or states of the CUCS; includes operating or warning display limits provided by a VSM Comm Mgt Displays Displays to operate, switch, and monitor external communications equipment; includes monitoring VDT/CDT and data link information provided by a VSM UCS Set-Up Displays Displays to set-up, initialise, or tailor the UCS for a particular UA system Warnings & Cautions Displays Displays of cautions and warnings provided by the VSM Mission Planning Displays Displays for the planning and creation of UA Mission Plans based on LOI 4 ADatP-3 messages Subsystem Displays Cmd & Control Displays for the command and control of all of the UA’s subsystems. Subsystem Detailed Reports Display of UA subsystem unique information that cannot be presented via DLI message sets. This can be in vendor format for information not contained in the DLI. Subsystem Operating Displays Displays for the normal operational states or equipment condition for the rest of the UA's A2 - 8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 HCI Component Description subsystems. These displays utilize DLI data and are primarily any VSM “pull” information. UA Cmd & Control Displays for the command and control of the UA. Flight critical control/monitor data should be visible at all times while an UA is under control. These are: - Airspeed/Altitude - Track/Heading - Current position UA Unique Displays Display of UA unique information that cannot be presented via DLI message sets. This can be in vendor format for information not contained in the DLI. Table A2 - 5: HCI Functions for LOI 4 A2.1.4 LOI 5 INFORMATION/CONTROL ELEMENTS (HCI) The HCI functions for LOI 5 should be in accordance with Chapter 6 of AEP-84 Volume I and Volume II. In addition to the functions defined in Table A2 - 5, LOI 5 HCI functions are contained in Table A2 - 6. Although the table below shows the same functional relationship for LOIs 4 and 5, the difference is the degree and type of communication that is performed between the CUCS and the VSM. LOI 5 expands the communication with the VSM to include take-off and landing. Attachment B in Annex 1, CCI Implementation Guidelines, lists the discrete message fields or elements that are associated with each of the Information/Control Elements. HCI Component Description UA Cmd & Control Expands the displays for the command and control of the landing and take-off functionality for the UA Subsystem Cmd & Control Displays Expands the displays to include the command and control of all of the UA’s subsystems related to take-off and landing. Subsystem Operating Displays Expands the displays to incorporate the control and monitoring of external UA equipment associated with the take-off and landing of the UA. Table A2 - 6: Additional HCI Functions for LOI 5 A2.2 HCI Development Process A2.2.1 Goals The HCI development process should be conducted in an auditable manner that provides traceability throughout the design process of how interoperability requirements are developed (from an HCI perspective) into a working system. A2 - 9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Regardless of the LOI required, the process by which the final HCI is derived should be consistent and utilise international best practise in Human Factors. A2.2.2 Human Factors Standards The following Human Factors standards provide specific national guidance on process and design criteria to meet basic human factors requirements. At least one of these standards should be utilised as the baseline from which to develop and assess the HCI: ISO 9241 MIL-STD-1472 DEF-STAN 00-25 A2.2.3 Human Factors Integration Plan The development programme should be supported by a Human Factors Integration Plan (HFIP), which should be produced at the outset of the development programme. The HFIP should present the specific human factors tasks to be completed in support of the HCI design & development, and should also illustrate how human factors information should be communicated to other participants in the development process. The HFIP is a management plan and as such should be maintained and updated at regular intervals throughout the programme. Guidance on format of HFIP documents is available from: US MANPRINT Office UK MoD (HFI Office) A2.2.4 Human Factors Tasks The following represent the likely human factors tasks that should be undertaken in support of development of UCS HCI in compliance with STANAG 4586. It is assumed that the majority of these tasks will be conducted as part of the core UCS UA development process, however the tasks are presented here as a prompt to the design & development team to ensure that all such issues are being correctly addressed within the system engineering process. It is possible to create a highly internally consistent HCI, but one that does not share a common look and feel or operational metaphor with other UA systems. While such a system may in fact be interoperable technically, the impact on the operators in terms of workload, error, and training are likely to be considerable. A2.2.5 Target Audience Description The human factors process should formally identify the target audience of the system. The Target Audience Description (TAD) should identify but not be limited to: System operators System supervisors/managers System maintainers External personnel who may utilise the UCS (e.g., to control an alternative UA) A2 - 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Understanding the skills, background, training, and expectation of each group of users ensures that the design is supportive of their needs. Specifically, identification of potential external users will help to ensure that the necessary LOIs are achieved at the HCI. A2.2.6 Function and Task Analysis The functions associated with operating and maintaining the system should be identified. Those functions that are unique to the system and those that are common to other UA should be identified. A task analysis should be performed that identifies the operational tasks to be performed by the user. There are many methods of performing task analysis, and some are more suitable than others for specific systems. As a minimum, the task analysis should identify: Task description Task context (triggers & outcomes) Criticality of task Frequency of task Who conducts the task Skills & knowledge required to execute task Unique or Common task From an interoperability perspective, knowledge of which of the operational tasks are the same or similar to other systems provides immediate guidance on the focus for HCI interoperability. Common tasks should be developed in accordance with the STANAG HCI requirements, and unique tasks should be developed to be internally consistent with the rest of the HCI. A2.2.7 Workload and Human Error Prediction Workload prediction should be conducted in order to assess how demanding the task design is on known human performance limitations. There are a number of recognised methods of human workload prediction available, and selection of appropriate methods should be a decision for the human factors team on each specific programme. The outcome of the workload prediction tasks should be an individual task rating or a grouped rating by time period that indicates the work loading/spare capacity on the user. This data should then be used to assist in the decisions made on allocation of function and selection of appropriate levels of automation. A human error analysis should also be conducted to assess the likely occurrence of human error implicit in the task model. The human error analysis will identify types of error, their criticality and the possible mitigation strategies that could be employed. The error analysis should also be repeated once a prototype HCI has been developed to capture and mitigate human error potential implicit in the HCI design. A2.2.8 Function Allocation/Levels of Automation Function allocation is the point when firm decisions are taken with regard to the adoption of levels of automation and the allocation of responsibility for system functions between team members. The function allocation provides the logical audit trail of decision making from the initial human factors analysis to a firm decision. A2 - 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A2.2.9 Manning Requirements Manpower requirements should form a part of the function allocation decision process. As a key whole life cost driver, manpower should be minimised where possible through careful functional design and HCI design. Increased automation may appear to reduce manpower; however, often manpower requirements are simply converted from a hands-on to system monitoring. A2.2.10 Style Guides/Interaction Style Interoperability at the HCI level demands an attempt to achieve common look and feel at the user interface. A style guide should be developed/adopted that provides a framework to design the system around. The style guide should cover issues such as: Layout of Windows Navigation between Windows Object behaviour Metaphor of use Iconology/Symbology Use of colour Alarm behaviour A2.2.11 Ergonomics and Console Design The human factors analysis should also address the system ergonomics both for the operator’s console, and also for the UA and payloads themselves. Providing a consistent ergonomic layout of the console with hardware controls and other devices properly positioned in accordance with approved standards will improve usability of the system. A2.2.12 HCI Design and Prototype The HCI should be formally designed prior to any software development. This design should involve a small team of software and human factors professionals and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) whose task will be to design a system that meets the needs of the operator(s) in support of the required operational missions and tasks in accordance with the standards and style guides adopted. The HCI design should initially be on paper and provide a storyboard for the system. It is vital that the SMEs are fully involved in this early evolution of the design to ensure that problems with existing systems are fully addressed. The HCI design should also evolve through a series of prototypes, each involving participation by SMEs and (where possible) the customer. A2.2.13 HCI User Interface Standards Development Interface services are needed to ensure a high degree of application portability and to provide a consistent “look and feel” across multiple implementations. The user interface services provide a consistent means for developers, administrators and users of a system to gain access to application programs, operating system functions and system utilities. Information system architecture should not only address technical features of the user interface, but also the human engineering considerations. The style of a UI may fall into one of three main categories: A2 - 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Character-Oriented interfaces (e.g., for DOS on a Personal Computer) are subject to few standards, except for the underlying character sets or common, but proprietary, terminal emulation standards (e.g., VT100). Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) may be created for a variety of different computer systems (e.g., UNIX workstation, Macintosh or personal computer (PC), running their specific windowing environment). The choice of a GUI standard is largely driven by the choice of the underlying operating system. For instance, Microsoft operating systems uses the Microsoft Windows GUI, for UNIX it is X-Windows. Dedicated interfaces are typically purpose built, using dedicated displays and electronics (e.g., for weapon systems). They are subject to few standards; the main concerns are those of usability as opposed to those of design. A modern GUI presents the programmer with a wide range of capabilities for displaying the output of a computer program on the screen. These comprise the appearance of screen entities such as windows, buttons and scroll bars, as well as the actions that users must perform to navigate the display and utilise the program’s functions. While this breadth of capability is powerful, it can lead to systems in which different applications behave in different ways. Standardisation of GUIs is important to allow the transfer of a user’s knowledge of one application to the operation of another, thus reducing the training costs. “User portability” makes the definition of a common HCI a desirable objective. Two areas of GUI standardisation can be distinguished: The first area of standardisation consists of a toolkit, which supports the developer to establish the overall style of an on-screen presentation The second area of standardisation involves the detailed design of appearance and behaviour Unfortunately, it is possible to use a toolkit’s capabilities in many different ways to yield different appearances and behaviours. The solution is the use of style guides, which are available for specific toolkits (e.g., defining functions of menus, push-buttons, or dialog boxes), as well as for overarching design decisions. Hence, applications can be designed to behave in a similar way under different GUIs. However, it is equally possible for two developers to follow the appropriate style guide and come up with two drastically different products. The following table shows NATO existing and emerging standards for User Interface Requirements. A2 - 13 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Service Area Class Mandatory Standards Emerging Standards Remarks User Interface Graphical User Interface X Windows System 11R5 X Windows System 11R6.4 Although X11R6.4 is the current version, only services based on version X11R5 have enough product support. This situation should be monitored as a shift to X11R6.4 may be expected in the near future. Win 32 APIs Look and Feel As part of MS NT (See OS) CDE 1.0 CDE 2.1 Motif Style Guide Rev 1.2 Motif/CDE Style Guide Rev 2.1 MS Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design (1995) Toolkit specific style guides. US DoD HCI Style Guide (TAFIM V3.0) Domain specific style guide As part of MS NT (See OS Svc) UK Army CIS Style guide V2.0 Toolkit Toolkit specific style guides Motif 1.2 Domain specific style guide Motif 2.1 Table A2 - 7: User Interface Requirements A2 - 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ANNEX 3 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES FOR AEP-84 VOLUME I A3 Implementation Guidelines for AEP-84 Volume I A3.1 Functional Description A3.1.1 Network Configuration Prior to discovery and initialization of VSM/UA, the network should be configured as per Section 3.8 of this document. A3.1.2 CUCS/VSM Initialization and Connection Once a CUCS manufacturer has developed a CUCS software component and verified its correct operation through the compliance testing process, the CUCS may be connected to a STANAG 4586 compliant VSM. A physical connection may be required between the two components hosting the CUCS and VSM functionality dependent on their physical location, and then a software “socket” connection must be made between the two components. Once the data “pipeline” has been established between the CUCS and the VSM, there is a requirement to configure the CUCS to work within the limits of the specified UCS system. The CUCS must request and receive authorization to control an UA and or its payload(s) through the VSM. A3.1.2.1 Defining Entities The term entity is used as a generic term to refer to any of the following conceptual components in STANAG 4586: CUCS – Core Unmanned Control Segment VSM – Vehicle Specific Module UA – Unmanned Aircraft / Unmanned Vehicle / Unattended Ground Sensor Platform CDT – Control Data Terminal VDT – Vehicle Data Terminal Payload Station A3.1.2.2 Message Addressing Each DLI message contains ID fields that help identify the sender and the receiver of a message. The ID fields alone are not sufficient to identify the source and destination of a message so it is important that messages are divided into at least two multicast groups: 1. Messages being sent from a CUCS 2. Message being sent to a CUCS More multicast groups could be added to separate UA from Data Links or VSMs from UA, but the network layout is not mandated by STANAG 4586. In some cases, an ID will not apply to a particular message. For instance, if a data link control message (e.g., Message #401) is sent from a CUCS to a CDT, the Vehicle ID will likely be unneeded. In this case it can be set to the Null ID (0xFF000000). A3 - 1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Broadcast ID (0xFFFFFFFF) can be used when the sender may not know the destination’s ID or a message may be intended for multiple recipients. For instance, when a CUCS is broadcasting its presence to any UA, it doesn’t know the Vehicle ID in advance. The ID fields in STANAG messages are: CUCS ID For messages sent from a CUCS, this is set to the ID of that CUCS. For Discovery/Configuration/Control and Mission Download Messages (#20, #21, #300, #301, #310, #500, #800-806, #900, #1202-1203, #1300-1303, #1400-1403) this is set to the CUCS that is destined to receive this message or the CUCS that sent the message. For vehicle status messages such as Message #101, #102, etc… this is set to the CUCS ID of the CUCS with the LOI 4 or LOI 5 connection. If there is no LOI 4 or LOI 5 connection established it should be set to the Broadcast ID. For payload station messages such as Message #302, #310, etc… this is set to the CUCS ID of the CUCS with the LOI 3 connection. If there is no LOI 3 connection established it should be set to the Broadcast ID. This should never be set to a Null ID. Vehicle ID Indicates the UA that is destined to receive this message or the UA that sent this message. This value could be a “logical Vehicle ID” to indicate that it is a placeholder for a future UA. This can be a Broadcast ID or a Null ID depending on the situation. Data Link ID Indicates the data link that is destined to receive this message or the data link where this message originated. Note that a data terminal (CDT or VDT) can provide multiple data links. If the data link is provided by a VDT, the Vehicle ID is specified as well. This can be a Broadcast ID or a Null ID depending on the situation. VSM ID Indicates the VSM that a message is originating from or being sent to. This can be a Broadcast ID or a Null ID depending on the situation. A3 - 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Table A3 - 1: ID Fields in STANAG Messages It is recommended that all entity IDs in a system are unique to enable interoperability. Note that Logical Vehicle IDs only need to be unique for a given VSM ID. A3.1.2.3 Entity Connection Management There are four phases involved in managing a connection between a CUCS and a VSM/UA/CDT/VDT/payload station. The phases are: Discovery Downloading Configuration Data Establish Connection Release During these phases the CUCS will discover an entity and its capabilities. If the entity is a VSM, UA or payload station, the operator can then choose to establish one (or more) LOI connection(s) with the entity. If the entity is a data terminal, the CUCS only has the ability to request full control of it. There are no LOIs between a CUCS and a data terminal. The LOIs for a UA are: LOI 2 – Monitoring the UA LOI 4 – Controlling the UA without takeoff/landing LOI 5 – Controlling the UA with takeoff/landing The LOIs for a payload station are: LOI 2 – Monitoring the Payload LOI 3 – Controlling the Payload After the operator is finished controlling the entity they can either hand it off to another CUCS or simply release the connections. The figure below shows an example sequence where a user wants to monitor a UA. In this use case, the user first needs to control a CDT and establish a data link between it and the UA. Once the link has been created, the CUCS can discover the UA and proceed to request the LOI 2 connection. A3 - 3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure A3 - 1: Example Sequence to Setup a CDT and Monitor a UA A3. Connection Phase 1: Discovery In the first phase, a CUCS will broadcast messages to discovery which entities are reachable on the network and what level of control the CUCS can request. A3. Discovering VSMs, UA and Payload Stations To discover a VSM, UA and/or payload station, the CUCS sends Message #1 with all IDs (except the CUCS ID) set to the Broadcast ID. Unique ID Name Value 0001.02 Vehicle ID Broadcast ID 0001.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is broadcasting> 0001.04 VSM ID Broadcast ID 0001.05 Data Link ID Broadcast ID or Null ID 0001.06 Vehicle Type 0 0001.07 Vehicle Subtype 0 A3 - 4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0001.08 Requested/Handover LOI 0 (N/A) 0001.09 Controlled Station 0xFFFFFFFF (All stations) 0001.10 Controlled Station Mode 0 (N/A) 0001.11 Wait for Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message 0 (N/A) Any VSM/UA/Payload Station that receives this message will respond with Message #21 for each entity indicating the authorized LOI for the CUCS. The LOI Authorized field indicates which LOIs the CUCS can currently request for the entity specified by the ID fields. A response for a VSM/UA will look like this: Unique ID Name Value 0021.02 Vehicle ID <UA’s ID> 0021.03 CUCS ID <ID of the CUCS that sent the broadcast> 0021.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0021.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 0021.06 LOI Authorized <LOIs authorized to the CUCS> (LOI 3 not applicable) 0021.07 LOI Granted <LOIs granted to the CUCS> (LOI 3 not applicable) 0021.08 Controlled Station UA Platform (0x00000000) 0021.09 Controlled Station Mode Either 1 (In Control) or 0 (Not in Control) for the UA 0021.10 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0021.11 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> The Message #21 is followed by a Message #20 to indicate the vehicle’s tail number. Unique ID Name Value 0020.05 Vehicle ID Update <UA’s ID> 0020.06 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0020.07 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> 0020.08 Owning ID <Owning ID> A3 - 5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0020.09 Tail Number <Tail Number> 0020.10 Mission ID <Mission ID> 0020.11 ATC Call Sign <ATC Call Sign> 0020.12 Configuration Checksum <Configuration Checksum> Note that the Vehicle ID Update (Unique ID 0020.05) field is used for VSMs that use Logical Vehicle IDs. If a VSM or UA doesn’t use Logical Vehicle IDs, always keep this field set to the same value as the Vehicle ID field (Unique ID 0020.02). Refer to the Logical Vehicles section for more information. A response for a payload station or multiple payload stations will look like this: Unique ID Name Value 0021.02 Vehicle ID <UA’s ID> 0021.03 CUCS ID <ID of the CUCS that sent the broadcast> 0021.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0021.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 0021.06 LOI Authorized <LOIs authorized to the CUCS> (LOI4/5 not applicable) 0021.07 LOI Granted <LOIs granted to the CUCS> (LOI4/5 not applicable) 0021.08 Controlled Station <The station number(s)> 0021.09 Controlled Station Mode Either 1 (In Control) or 0 (Not in Control) for all stations referenced in 0021.08. 0021.10 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0021.11 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> Note that a VSM can send one Message #21 for all payload stations if the LOI fields and Controlled Stations Modes are the same for each station. Otherwise, it can send a separate Message #21 for each station. The VSM then sends a Message #300 for each Payload Station to indicate its payload type: Unique ID Name Value 0300.05 Payload Stations Available <All the Stations that are installed> 0300.06 Station Number <One station> A3 - 6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0300.07 Payload Type <Payload Type> 0300.08 Station Door Either 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) 0300.09 Number of Payload Recording Devices Number of recording devices on this payload. A3. Discovering Data Links A data link defines a potential “link” between two data terminals – a CDT and a VDT. A data terminal may provide the ability to have one or more data links. For instance, a data terminal may know how to communicate with two different vehicle types (e.g., a Northrop Grumman Global Hawk and a Boeing Insitu Scan Eagle). It is possible that each of these links require different parameters such as frequency ranges, etc… hence they need to be identified separately. On the other hand, it is possible that the data terminal isn’t configured for a specific type of vehicle. In these cases, the data terminal can report a single data link without any specific vehicle type. In these cases, there is a 1:1 relationship between a data link and a data terminal. Data links are discovered by a CUCS with a Message #404 with the Vehicle ID, VSM ID and Data Link ID set to the Broadcast ID. Unique ID Name Value 0404.02 Vehicle ID Broadcast ID 0404.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is broadcasting> 0404.04 VSM ID Broadcast ID 0404.05 Data Link ID Broadcast ID 0404.06 Control Assignment Request 1 (Release Control as per DLI0395) 0404.07 Vehicle Type 0 0404.08 Vehicle Subtype 0 Any data terminal or VSM that receives this message will respond with Message #500 for each possible data link. The Data Link Control Availability field (Unique ID 0500.06) indicates whether the CUCS can request control or not. Unique ID Name Value 0500.02 Vehicle ID Null ID if CDT or <Vehicle ID> if VDT 0500.03 CUCS ID <ID of the CUCS that sent the broadcast> 0500.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> if Applicable A3 - 7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0500.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> 0500.06 Data Link Control Availability 0 if CUCS can request Control or already has control, or 1 if CUCS cannot request control (2 is an invalid response to a broadcast request) 0500.07 Terminal Type 0 if CDT or 1 if VDT 0500.08 Data Link Type <Type of Data Link> 0500.09 Data Link Name <Name> 0500.10 Antenna Type 1 if Omni, or 2 if Direction, or 3 if Omni + Directional 0500.11 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> if VDT, otherwise 0 0500.12 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> if VDT, otherwise 0 Note that it is not defined how a CUCS will handle receiving an invalid Authorized LOI combination, such as LOI 5 for a Payload Station. The CUCS may ignore the message or it may simply ignore the fields or bits that don’t make sense. In general, to attain interoperability, it is the VSMs responsibility to ensure the data in the message is never invalid. Other special cases to avoid are: Specifying an LOI for a data link with Message #21 (this is done with Message #500) Specifying LOI 3 for an Air Vehicle Platform A3. Connection Phase 2: Downloading Configuration Data A CUCS can download Configuration Data from an entity using Message #1200. This typically happens before the CUCS requests an LOI connection for the UA so that the CUCS can understand the capabilities of the entity and tailor its user interface. A typical sequence has three stages as seen below: A3 - 8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Table A3 - 2: Typical Sequence for Downloading Configuration Data A3. Stage 1: Initiate Download In this stage, the CUCS begins the request with Message #1200. Unique ID Name Value 1200.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> (if applicable) 1200.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is requesting> 1200.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 1200.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 1200.06 Request Type LOI2 or LOI3 or LOI4 or LOI5 or Data Link 1200.07 Requested Message 0 (N/A) 1200.08 Requested Field 0 (N/A) 1200.09 Station Number 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s)> 1200.10 Sensor Select 0 (N/A) A CUCS cannot request vehicle and payload station configuration with the same message. Note that there is no requirement specifying if a CUCS or VSM needs to support downloading configuration data from different entities simultaneously. It is possible that an entity has different configuration data for each LOI so the CUCS should request the configuration data for any LOI that it expects it will request. In practice, many entities will provide the same configuration data for any LOI requested. Note that it is not possible to download configuration data for different LOIs of the same entity simultaneously since the CUCS has no way of associating configuration messages to LOI. A3 - 9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 It is entirely acceptable to download the configuration data for one entity at a time (i.e., waiting for the download to be completed before initiating the next download). A3. Stage 2: Send Configuration Messages Upon receiving a request from the CUCS, an entity should begin to send the Configuration Data messages. This includes the following messages: Name Number Vehicle Station Data Link Vehicle Configuration #100 Yes No No Payload Configuration #300 No Yes No EO/IR Configuration State #301 No If EO/IR No CBRN Payload Configuration State #310 No If CBRN No Field Configuration Integer Response #1300 Field Configuration Double Response #1301 Field Configuration Enumerated Response #1302 Field Configuration Command #1303 Field Configuration Unsigned Response #1305 Vehicle Steering/Operating Mode Configuration #1306 If needed Yes No No This stage may take a long time to complete if the entity has a large amount of configuration data. It is highly recommended that entities use the acknowledgment system to ensure that all data has been received by the CUCS before moving on to the next stage. Note that IDs in these messages are particularly important since a CUCS could be downloading multiple configurations simultaneously. Refer to Section A3.1.2.4 Downloading Configuration Data to learn more about the contents of these messages. A3. Stage 3: Send Configuration Complete When the CUCS has received all of the configuration data, the entity sends Message #1203 to indicate the transfer is complete. A3 - 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value 1203.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> (if applicable) 1203.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is requesting> 1203.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 1203.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 1203.06 Station Number 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s)> 1203.07 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> or N/A 1203.08 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> or N/A Note that since the CUCS does not know how many messages will arrive in Stage 2, it is the responsibility of the entity to ensure that all of the messages have arrived before sending Message #1203. This is typically accomplished by requesting acknowledgements from the CUCS for each message. Once the CUCS has received Message #1203, it can process the configuration data. If the CUCS has requested to download the configuration data for multiple stations simultaneously, the entity can choose to send a single Message #1203 with multiple station numbers or a separate Message #1203 for each station number. An entity cannot indicate that the configuration download is complete for a vehicle and payload station with the same Message #1203 message due to the nature of the station number field. A3. Caching Configuration Data A CUCS may choose to save the downloaded configuration data to disk; however, in cases where the configuration data can change, the CUCS may need to be aware if the entity’s data is different than the stored version. The Configuration Checksum (0020.12) can potentially be used to identify if a vehicle’s configuration has changed, however, there is no similar mechanism for a payload station or data link. A3. Connection Phase 3: Establish Connection A CUCS can request to establish an LOI connection at any time. The receiving entity can choose to accept or deny the request. A CUCS should only request an LOI connection that it has been authorized to request. A3. Requesting LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations To establish an LOI connection between a CUCS and a VSM, UA and/or payload station, the CUCS sends Message #1. Unique ID Name Value 0001.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0001.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is requesting> A3 - 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0001.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0001.05 Data Link ID Null ID 0001.06 Vehicle Type <Vehicle Type> (as received in discovery) 0001.07 Vehicle Subtype <Vehicle Subtype> (as received in discovery) 0001.08 Requested/Handover LOI <All LOI Connections Requested> It is recommended to request all applicable lower LOIs: 0x01 (LOI2) or 0x03 (LOI2+LOI3) or 0x05 (LOI2+LOI4) or 0x0D (LOI2+LOI4+LOI5) 0001.09 Controlled Station 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s)> 0001.10 Controlled Station Mode 1 (Request Control) 0001.11 Wait for Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message 0 (Don’t wait) or 1 (Wait). Note that this field was added to support handoff. Any VSM/UA/Payload Station that receives this message will respond with Message #21. If the request was granted, the LOI Granted (Unique ID 0021.07) field should specify the new LOI connection as well as the currently established LOI connections. If the request is denied, the LOI Granted field will simply contain the existing LOI connections. Unique ID Name Value 0021.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0021.03 CUCS ID <ID of the CUCS that requested> 0021.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0021.05 Data Link ID Null ID 0021.06 LOI Authorized <LOIs authorized to the CUCS> This should be all LOIs currently authorized for the requesting CUCS (including if they are already granted to that CUCS). 0021.07 LOI Granted <LOIs granted to the CUCS> A3 - 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0021.08 Controlled Station UA Platform (0x00000000) or <The station number(s)> 0021.09 Controlled Station Mode Either 1 (In Control) or 0 (Not in Control) for the UA 0021.10 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0021.11 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> Note that if a request is made for multiple payload stations, the response may be combined into a single Message #21 response or multiple Message #21 responses. Also note that a CUCS does not typically need to request control of the UA to request control of the UA’s payload stations. For a CUCS to receive an explicit rejection message, it should request an acknowledgement in Message #1. The entity will then send Message #1400 indicating the request was rejected: Unique ID Name Value 1400.06 Original Message Time Stamp <Timestamp in message #1> 1400.07 Original Message ID <Instance ID in message #1> 1400.08 Original Message Type 1 1400.09 Acknowledgement Type 3 (Message Received, but Rejected) In some cases, the CUCS may want to override an LOI connection of the UA/VSM/Payload Station. This would typically be for specific LOI connections of a UA/VSM/Payload Station where only one CUCS can maintain the connection at a time. For instance, it may be necessary to override the LOI 5 connection from another CUCS if the original CUCS malfunctions. This is almost the same as requesting control with Message #1, except that the Controlled Station Mode field (Unique ID 0001.10) is different: Unique ID Name Value 0001.10 Controlled Station Mode 2 (Override Control) The UA/VSM/Payload Station will respond in the same way it would to a normal control request. If the CUCS succeeds in overriding control, the UA/VSM/Payload Station should notify the original CUCS that it has now lost control. It can do this by sending an unsolicited Message #21 with an updated list of granted LOIs. A CUCS can maintain multiple LOI connections with an entity. If a CUCS requests a new LOI connection it does not affect the status of the other LOI connection. For instance, a CUCS can have LOI 2 and LOI 4 control of a UA and then request LOI 5 A3 - 13 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 as well. If the LOI 4 and LOI 5 connections are released, the CUCS will still maintain an LOI 2 connection with the UA. Note that UA/VSM/Payload Station should avoid granting control to a CUCS unexpectedly. For instance, if a CUCS has an LOI 2 connection with a UA it may not handle the case where the UA arbitrarily provides an LOI 4 connection without a request from the CUCS. A3. Requesting Control of Data Links A CUCS can request control of a data link with Message #404. Unlike with VSM/UA/Payload Station entities, there is no concept of an LOI connection between a CUCS and data link. A CUCS should only request control if it is available for that CUCS (as determined from receiving a Message #500 in the earlier broadcast phase). Unique ID Name Value 0404.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> (If applicable) 0404.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is requesting > 0404.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0404.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> 0404.06 Control Assignment Request 0 (Request Control) 0404.07 Vehicle Type <Vehicle Type> (if applicable) 0404.08 Vehicle Subtype <Vehicle Subtype> (if applicable) When a data terminal receives this message and recognizes the identified data link, it will respond with a Message #500 for that data link. To grant the request, the data terminal will set the Data Link Control Availability field (Unique ID 0500.06) to 2=Request Granted. Unique ID Name Value 0500.06 Data Link Control Availability 2 (Request Granted) To deny the request, the data terminal will set the Data Link Control Availability field (Unique ID 0500.06) to 1 (Not available for Control). Unique ID Name Value 0500.06 Data Link Control Availability 1 (Unavailable for Control) In some cases, the CUCS may want to override control of the data terminal. For instance, it may be necessary to override control of a VDT from another CUCS if the A3 - 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 original CUCS malfunctions. This is almost the same as requesting control with Message #404, except that the Control Assignment Request field (Unique ID 0404.06) is different: Unique ID Name Value 0404.06 Control Assignment Request 2 (Override Control) The data terminal will respond in the same way it would to a normal control request. If the CUCS succeeds in overriding control, the data terminal should notify the original CUCS that it has now lost control. It can do this by sending an unsolicited Message #500 with: Unique ID Name 0500.06 Data Link Control Availability Value 1 (Unavailable for Control) A3. Connection Phase 4: Release A connection between a CUCS and an entity can be released for reasons such as: The CUCS requests the connection to be released The entity spontaneously releases the connection Another CUCS requests to override the connection The CUCS hands control over to another CUCS A3. Releasing a LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations To request releasing an LOI connection of a VSM/UA/Payload Station, the CUCS sends Message #1. Unique ID Name Value 0001.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0001.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is requesting> 0001.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0001.05 Data Link ID Null ID 0001.06 Vehicle Type <Vehicle Type> (as received in discovery) 0001.07 Vehicle Subtype <Vehicle Subtype> (as received in discovery) 0001.08 Requested/Handover LOI <All LOI Connections Requested to Release/Handover> A3 - 15 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0001.09 Controlled Station 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s)> 0001.10 Controlled Station Mode 0 (Relinquish/Handoff Control) 0001.11 Wait for Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message 0 (Don’t wait) Note that it is possible for a UA to release an LOI connection while still maintaining other connections. For example, the CUCS can maintain a LOI 2 connection while it hands off LOI 4 to another control station (assuming that the UA is capable of maintaining a data link with each CUCS). The VSM/UA/Payload Station releases the LOI connection by sending Message #21 with an updated set of granted LOI connections in the LOI Granted field (Unique ID 0021.07). To release all LOI connections, set this field to zero. Unique ID Name Value 0021.07 LOI Granted 0 (Release all connections) or < LOIs still granted to the CUCS> A3. Release Control of Data Links To request releasing control of a data link, the CUCS sends Message #404. Unique ID Name Value 0404.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> (If applicable) 0404.03 CUCS ID <ID of CUCS that is requesting > 0404.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0404.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> 0404.06 Control Assignment Request 1 (Release Control) The CDT/VDT responds to this request by sending a Message #500 with the Data Link Control Availability field (Unique ID 0500.06) indicating that the request has been granted. Unique ID Name Value 0500.06 Data Link Control Availability 2 (Request Granted) The CDT/VDT can also release control at any time by sending a Message #500 with the Data Link Control Availability field (Unique ID 0500.06) set to unavailable. A3 - 16 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name 0500.06 Data Link Control Availability Value 0 (Unavailable for Control) A3.1.2.4 Downloading Configuration Data Not all UA are built with the same capabilities. Some can fly extremely high and far while others fly low for short durations. Some are capable of following preprogrammed routes while some can only loiter. Some have EO/IR cameras that are capable of firing lasers while some carry CBRN sensors to detect harmful substances. A CUCS needs to be able to understand these capabilities and constraints so that it can provide an appropriate User Interface to the operator. In STANAG 4586, a UA/VSM/CDT/VDT/Payload Station declares its configuration to a CUCS with the following configuration messages: Name ID Vehicle Station Data Link Vehicle Configuration 100 Yes No No Payload Configuration 300 No Yes No EO/IR Configuration State 301 No If EO/IR No CBRN Payload Configuration State 310 No If CBRN No Field Configuration Integer Response 1300 Field Configuration Double Response 1301 Field Configuration Enumerated Response 1302 Field Configuration Command 1303 Field Configuration Unsigned Response 1305 Vehicle Steering/Operating Mode Configuration 1306 If needed Yes No No The combined set of information that is transmitted via these messages is often referred to as an entity’s Configuration Data. These messages are sent during the Downloading Configuration Data phase of Entity Connection Management. Note that a CUCS cannot send Configuration Messages to the entity. A3. UA Specific Configuration Messages Message #20 (Vehicle Configuration) is used to indicate some UA specific configuration information that cannot be conveyed via the generic messages. This contains information such as the number of engines and the maximum fuel/battery capacity. A3 - 17 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Message #1306 (Vehicle Steering/Operating Mode Configuration) is used to configure the availability of enumerations in Message #49 (Vehicle Steering/Operating Mode) on a per flight mode basis. A3. Payload Specific Configuration Messages Message #300 (Payload Configuration) is used to indicate the type of each Payload Station that is available for configuration. For instance, a payload could be a SAR/GMTI payload or a CBRN sensor. If the payload is a CBRN sensor more configuration information will be conveyed in Message #310 (CBRN Payload Configuration State). Message #301 (EO/IR Configuration State) will be used if the payload is an EO, IR or EO/IR payload. A3. Data Terminal Specific Configuration Messages There are no CDT/VDT specific configuration messages. Configuration is achieved entirely through the generic messages. A3. Generic Configuration Messages Each type of entity is assumed to support a specific set of messages as defined by the table below: Type Messages Supported By Default UA 40, 41, 44-47, 49, 101-111, 600, 700, 800806, 900, 1000, 1001, 1100, 1101, 1202, 1304, 1500-1503, 1600 EO, IR, EO/IR Payload 200, 201, 302, 1000, 1001, 1100 SAR Payload 202, 303, 1000, 1001, 1100 Stores Management Payload 1000, 1001, 1100, 1800-1830, 19001920,1922-1926 Communications Relay Payload 204, 305, 1000, 1001, 1100 CBRN Payload Payload Door 208-212, 309-311, 313, 314, 1000, 1001, 1100 208-212, 213, 309-311, 312, 313, 314, 1000, 1001, 1100 206, 308, 1000, 1001, 1100 Recorder Payload 205, 306, 307, 1000, 1001, 1100 CDT/VDT 400-403, 501-503, 1000, 1001, 1100, 1101, 1304 CBRN Standoff Payload Table A3 - 3: Entity Types A3 - 18 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A CUCS should assume that each UA/Payload Station/CDT/VDT provides full support of each message, field and enumeration for their respective message sets unless otherwise declared during the Downloading Configuration Data phase. Configuration Data is communicated through the use of the following generic configuration messages: Name ID Field Configuration Integer Response #1300 Field Configuration Double Response #1301 Field Configuration Enumerated Response #1302 Field Configuration Command #1303 Field Configuration Unsigned Response #1305 With these generic configuration messages, an entity can declare: If a capability is not supported If a capability is unavailable The acceptable limits and resolution of message fields Warning and alert thresholds of message fields Custom enumerations for enumerated message fields Note that some messages are expected to be supported by an entity to facilitate Entity Connection Management. As such, an entity cannot use any of the generic configuration messages to change support or availability of these messages. They are defined in the following table: Type Messages That Are Expected To Be Fully Supported (i.e., Are Not Configurable) UA 21, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1305, 1306, 1400, 1402, 1403 EO, IR, EO/IR Payload 301, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1305, 1400, 1402, 1403 All Other Payloads 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1305, 1400, 1402, 1403 CDT/VDT 500, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1305, 1400, 1402, 1403 Table A3 - 4: Fully Supported Messages A3. Declaring That a Message Is Not Supported If an entire message is not supported by an entity, it can send Message #1303 (Field Configuration Command) to declare that the entire message is not supported. A3 - 19 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field 0 For example, if a vehicle does not support the IFF messages it can send the following messages: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field 1303 1500 0 1303 1501 0 1303 1600 0 Note that it is not possible to declare that a message or field is supported since STANAG 4586 assumes that everything is supported by default. A3. Declaring that a Field is Not Supported If a field is not supported by an entity, it can send a #1300, #1301, #1302 or #1305 Message (depending on the type of field) to indicate that the field is not supported: Unique ID Name Value 130[0|1|2|5].07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 130[0|1|2|5].08 Requested Field <Applicable field> 130[0|1|2|5].09 Field Supported 0 (Field Not Supported) For instance, if a vehicle doesn’t support the capability to indicate which waypoint it is flying “From”, it can send the following messages: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field Field Supported 1301 110 6 0 1301 110 7 0 1301 110 8 0 1301 110 9 0 1305 110 10 0 A3. Declaring that an Enumeration is Not Supported If an entity does not support a field’s enumeration, it can send Message #1303 to indicate that the enumeration is not supported: A3 - 20 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> 1303.08 Field Available 0 (All enumerations are unavailable to start) or 1 (All enumerations are available to start) 1303.09 Reported Enumeration Index <Applicable enumeration> 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable -2 (Not Implemented) For instance, if an EO/IR payload doesn’t have a Cage Operating Mode it can send the following: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field Field Available Reported Enumeration Index Enumerated Index Enable 1303 201 6 1 2 -2 1303 302 6 1 2 -2 A3. Declaring That a Bit in a Bit Field Is Not Supported If an entity does not support a specific bit in a bit field, it can send Message #1303 to indicate that the bit is not supported: Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> 1303.08 Field Available 0 (All bits are unavailable to start) or 1 (All bits are available to start) 1303.09 Reported Enumeration Index <Applicable bit> (Note that this is the index of the bit starting at 0, not the value of the bit. E.g.: 0=0x0001, 1=0x0002, 2=0x0004, 3=0x0008, etc… 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable -2 (Not Implemented) A3 - 21 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3. Declaring Entity Specific Enumerations There are many cases where an entity will need to define custom enumerations. For example, a UA will likely define Flight Termination modes in Message #46 (Flight Termination Command) since STANAG 4586 does not define any by default. To declare new enumerations, an entity can use Message #1302 (Field Configuration Enumerated Response) with the enumeration index and enumeration text. Unique ID Name Value 1302.07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 1302.08 Requested Field <Applicable field> 1302.09 Field Supported 1 (Field Supported) 1302.10 Enumeration Count Total number of enumerations available 1302.11 Enumeration Index <New enumeration index> 1302.12 Enumeration Text <Text for the new enumeration> 1303.13 Help Text <Helpful text to describe the enumeration> For example, a UA can declare two Flight Termination Modes “Parachute” and “Spiral Down” with the following messages: Messag e ID Reporte d Messag e Reporte d Field Field Supporte d Enumeratio n Count Enumeratio n Index Enumeratio n Text 1302 46 5 1 2 1 Parachute 1302 46 5 1 2 2 Spiral Down 1302 108 5 1 2 1 Parachute 1302 108 5 1 2 2 Spiral Down Note that an entity can only declare new enumerations for fields that list “VSM specific” or “Payload specific” and the enumerations should be in the ranges provided. A3. Declaring That a Capability is not Available There are many capabilities of an entity that may be temporarily unavailable to a CUCS. For instance, if an EO/IR payload hasn’t been powered on, it is unlikely that the CUCS will be able to use the laser rangefinder or pointer. A3 - 22 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A CUCS will assume that all supported functionality is immediately available to use once a connection has been established with an entity unless the entity has declared otherwise. The entity can do this by sending Message #1303: Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> 1303.08 Field Available 0 (Field not available) or 1 (Field available) 1303.09 Reported Enumeration Index <Applicable enum or bit if needed> 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable -1 (Not Available) For example, if the CUCS cannot request any laser rangefinder changes and none of the laser rangefinder status fields are valid, the entity can send the following: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field Field Available 1303 201 12 0 1303 201 13 0 1303 302 21 0 1303 302 23 0 1303 302 24 0 Note that there is a special exception for the enumerations of Message #49 (Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command). See Section A3.2.4.11 Declaring Entry Values and Availability of Flight Navigation Enumerations for Each Flight Mode for more information. A3. Declaring Entry Values and Availability of Flight Navigation Enumerations for Each Flight Mode One of the problems experienced by early Edition 2 (now known as AEP-84 Volume I) adopters was the need to send a set of #1303 Messages after each flight mode change. This is because the availability of the enumerations in the flight control messages (Message #43 and Message #48 in these earlier editions which have now been replaced with Message #49) typically changes from flight mode to flight mode. This could lead to several different timing problems that impacted flight controls so AEP-84 Volume I introduced the capability to pre-define the availability of these enumerations for each flight mode. A UA/VSM can send a Message #1306 for each flight mode that it has implemented. The CUCS will use the Entry Value fields in these messages to populate the fields of A3 - 23 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Message #49 when the operator requests a new flight mode. This is important because Message #49 is a large message and may contain fields that are relevant to the requested flight mode. If the UA/VSM switches to the new flight mode, the CUCS can immediately modify its User Interface to reflect the Availability fields in the Message #1306 associated with the new flight mode (as opposed to waiting for an unknown number of #1303 Messages to change the availability). A CUCS should ignore any Availability fields where the associated field has been declared to not be supported. For example, if the CUCS received Message #1303 declaring Vertical Speed Altitude (Unique ID 0043.04 Enumeration 2) is unsupported, then the CUCS should ignore the contents of Vertical Speed Altitude Command Type Availability (Unique ID 1306.07) since this enumeration is not supported. A3. Declaring Limits for a Field If a UA cannot (or will not) use the complete range of a message field, it can declare that only a smaller range is acceptable. For instance, a UA may only accept speed commands higher than 5 m/s to prevent its engine from stalling. With this knowledge, the CUCS can prevent the operator from entering values lower than 5 m/s. To declare limits for a field, an entity will send either Message #1300, #1301 or #1305 (depending on the type of field): Unique ID Name Value 130[0|1|5].07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 130[0|1|5].08 Requested Field <Applicable field> 130[0|1|5].09 Field Supported 1 (Field Supported) 130[0|1|5].10 Max Value <Maximum limit> 130[0|1|5].11 Min Value <Minimum limit> For instance, if a UA can: Accept speed commands between 5 m/s and 15 m/s, and Report Indicated and True Airspeeds from 0 m/s to 25 m/s, and Report ground relative northing and easting magnitudes up to 100 m/s It can send the following configuration messages: Message ID Requested Requested Message Field Field Supported Max Value Min Value 1301 49 13 1 15.0 5.0 1301 102 6 1 25.0 0.0 1301 102 7 1 25.0 0.0 A3 - 24 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1301 101 8 1 100.0 -100.0 1301 101 9 1 100.0 -100.0 1301 102 17 1 100.0 -100.0 1301 102 18 1 100.0 -100.0 A3. Declaring Alert Zones for a Field It is often valuable for an operator to know if an important attribute is operating outside of its nominal range. For instance, a UA may be leaking fuel if Current Propulsion Energy Usage Rate is too high or the IMU may be defective if the Roll that is greater than the UA is designed to allow. An entity can identify the alert using Message #1300, #1301 or #1305: Unique ID Name Value 130[0|1|5].07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 130[0|1|5].08 Requested Field <Applicable field> 130[0|1|5].09 Field Supported 1 (Field Supported) … … … 130[0|1|5].15 High Caution Limit <Threshold to trigger an Upper Caution Alert > 130[0|1|5].16 High Warning Limit <Threshold to trigger an Upper Warning Alert > 130[0|1|5].17 Low Caution Limit <Threshold to trigger an Lower Caution Alert > 130[0|1|5].18 Low Warning Limit <Threshold to trigger an Lower Warning Alert > An entity can indicate up to four alert zones as illustrated on the right side of Figure A3 - 2. The left side shows the meaning of the values in Message #1300, 1301 and 1305. Max Value Upper Warning Zone High Warning Limit Upper Caution Zone High Caution Limit Nominal Zone Low Caution Limit Lower Caution Zone Low Warning Limit A3 - 25 Min Value Lower Warning Zone Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure A3 - 2: Alert Zones within a Numerical Field Each of the four zones is optional. For example, an entity can choose to only declare high limits or only low limits for a field or only caution zones. To indicate that a zone is not applicable, the entity can set the associated limit to a value higher than the Max Value or lower than the Min Value. For instance, to specify a Lower Caution Zone is not applicable, the Low Caution Limit should be set a value lower than the Min Value. STANAG 4586 does not define the HMI for how the CUCS will bring this information to the operator’s attention. One CUCS may display the values in different color while another CUCS may display a persistent window with values that are out of nominal range. Also note that limits cannot be defined for enumerated fields since enumerations do not typically represent a continuous range. A3. Declaring Help Text for a Field In some cases, an operator could benefit from additional information about a particular field or enumeration. For instance, if a UA reports a custom flight mode named “Evade”, the operator may benefit from the help text “UA will speed up, zig zag and change directions constantly”. Note that in most systems it is expected that an operator will be trained on the different attributes of a vehicle before flight so the extra help may be redundant. Historically the Help Text field has been more valuable for engineers that are integrating the system. A3.1.2.5 Changing Configuration Data In many situations an entity’s Configuration Data will change over time. This can be for a wide variety of reasons ranging from flight mode state changes to malfunctioning sensors. Regardless of the reason, the entity has the ability to update some Configuration Data through the following mechanisms. A3. Changing Field Availability An entity can send Message #1303 to indicate that a field’s availability has changed. It will do this by setting the fields as follows: Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> (0 does not apply) 1303.08 Field Available Either 0 (Not Available) or 1 (Available) 1303.09 Reported Enumerated Index Not applicable A3 - 26 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable Not applicable If the Reported Field refers to an enumerated field, the Field Available will apply to all supported enumerations in the field. This provides a simple way for an entity to disable or enable all the enumerations at once. If the entity only wishes to enable a few of the enumerations, refer to the next section. For example, an EO/IR payload station may indicate that the Set Centerline Azimuth (Unique ID 0200.05) and Set Centerline Elevation Angle (0200.06) fields are not available if its current EO/IR Pointing Mode (Unique ID 0302.19) is Lat-Long Slaved. A3. Changing Enumeration Availability An entity can send Message #1303 to indicate that an enumeration’s availability has changed. It will do this by setting the fields as follows: Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> (0 does not apply) 1303.08 Field Available 1 1303.09 Reported Enumerated Index <Applicable enumeration> 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable Either -1 (Not Available) or 0 (Available) Note that Unique ID 1303.10 should not be set to “-2 = Not Implemented”. This is reserved for during the initial configuration download. For example, if an EO/IR payload station has reached its maximum zoom level, it can tell the CUCS that the “2 = Zoom In” enumeration for the Set Zoom (Unique ID 0200.17) field is no longer available. A3. Changing Bit Field Availability An entity can send Message #1303 to indicate that a bit in a Bitmapped field’s availability has changed. This is exactly the same as changing an enumeration, except the right most bit is considered Enumeration 0, the second right most bit is considered Enumeration 1, and so on. Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> 1303.08 Field Available 1 A3 - 27 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1303.09 Reported Enumeration Index <Applicable bit> (Note that this is the index of the bit starting at 0, not the value of the bit. For example: 0=0x0001, 1=0x0002, 2=0x0004, 3=0x0008, etc…) 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable Either -1 (Not Available) or 0 (Available) A3. Changing Entry Values and Availability of Flight Navigation Enumerations for Each Flight Mode If an entry value or the availability of an enumeration changes for any flight mode, the UA/VSM should send updated #1306 Messages so the CUCS uses the new information when it switches into the new flight modes. For example, if the UA is too high for the radar altimeter to be effective, it may want to send Message #1306 with an update to the Altitude Type Entry Value (Unique ID 1306.24) to indicate that enumeration “2 = AGL: is no longer available. To make the change consistent for all flight modes, the UA/VSM would need to send a Message #1306 for each implemented flight mode. A3. Changing Field Limits In some circumstances, an entity may be required to change the valid limits of a field. For instance, if the vehicle’s stall speed changes it can notify the CUCS that the minimum speed command should be changed. This can be accomplished with either Message #1300, #1301 or #1305 depending on the field required: Unique ID Name Value 130[0|1|5].07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 130[0|1|5].08 Reported Field <Applicable field> 130[0|1|5].09 Field Supported 1 130[0|1|5].10 Max Value <New max value> 130[0|1|5].11 Min Value <New min value> A3. Changing Warning and Caution Thresholds Message #1300, #1301 and #1305 can be pushed from the VSM to update the warning and cautions thresholds. A3. Changing a Previously Unsupported Capability to be Supported While STANAG 4586 does not specifically prevent this behaviour it is recommended that this functionality be avoided. Many UA designers and members of the STANAG 4586 community have indicated that they would not support it. Consider declaring the capability unavailable instead of unsupported. A3 - 28 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.3 Mission Transfer There are two primary cases that need to be handled for mission transfer. Missions may be transferred from a CUCS to a UA/VSM and they may be transferred from a UA/VSM to a CUCS. The messages required for delivery of the mission information are Messages #800 - #806 and Message #900. Message #800 (Mission Transfer) is the master message that controls the direction and scope of individual mission transfers and Message #900 describes the progress and status of each mission transfer from a UA/VSM to a CUCS. Message #900 also indicates to the CUCS the progress that the UA/VSM has made in receiving a mission plan from the CUCS and successfully loading it onto the UA embedded avionics. (Note that in AEP-84 Volume I, Message #900 does not describe which mission transfer it is providing status for, in the event that more than one is in progress, so it is strongly recommended that only a single mission should be transferred from a UA/VSM to a CUCS at one time. This has been corrected in AEP-84 Volume II) The Mission Upload Command (Message #800) is used to control the overall upload, download and storage of a mission between the CUCS and VSM/UA. Message #900, Mission Upload/Download Status, is used by the VSM to report the status of the upload or download of the mission to and from the VSM respectively. Until the mission has been uploaded to the UA, the CUCS operator should not be provided the capability to control the UA in the “waypoint” Flight mode as defined in Message #49. Refer to the following sections for additional details. While in the “waypoint” Flight mode of operation, it is expected that the VSM report the “From”, “To,” and “Next” waypoint information to the CUCS using Message #104, Vehicle Operating States, upon a change in state/value of any of the waypoint parameters. The structure of missions, routes and waypoints is shown below. Missions may contain one or more routes and routes may contain one or more waypoints. Routes are defined using Message #801 that names the route and provides the first waypoint in the route. Each waypoint is defined using Message #802 and each waypoint provides the next waypoint number in the route that it is on, or it may indicate that it is the final waypoint on the route by indicating that the next waypoint number is zero. Routes are included in missions through their transmission prior to the transmission of a Mission Transfer Command (Message #800). It is very strongly recommended (essential) that acknowledgments for all mission Messages #800 - #806 be used. A3 - 29 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Mission Plan ID #800 Route ID #801 Route ID #801 #802 #802 First WP # WP # WP # #802 Next WP # #803 #804 Loiter First WP # #802 Next WP # WP # #803 WP # Loiter #804 WP WP #802 #802 WP # #804 Payload Action Payload Action #805 Airframe Action WP # #804 #805 #806 Airframe Action Vehicle Specific WP #806 Vehicle Specific WP Figure A3 - 3: Mission Plan ID Loiter Points (#803), Payload Actions (#804), Airframe Actions (#805) and Vehicle Specific Waypoint (#806) actions are associated with waypoints by using the respective messages listed. Each of the Messages #803 - #806 includes the waypoint number with which the loiter, payload action, airframe action or vehicle specific action is associated. To send a mission plan from a CUCS to a UA/VSM the following sequence of messages should be sent from the CUCS to the UA/VSM: 1. Send all of the waypoints using #802 Messages 2. Send all of the associated loiters, payload actions, airframe actions and vehicle specific actions using Messages #803, #804, #805 and #806. 3. Send the route messages that define the starting points, provide the route IDs and route types for each route using #801 Messages 4. Send the #800 Mission Message with field #5 set to “2 = Transmit Mission” which implies that all of the prior routes and waypoints are included in the Mission ID provided by the #800 Message. Note: It is nearly essential that all of these messages be acknowledged to ensure that the mission is transferred accurately and completely. The order of steps 1, 2 and 3 may be changed without any impact to interoperability. The order provided here is expected to reduce computational complexity. To have a CUCS acquire a mission plan from a UA/VSM, the following sequence of messages should be sent: 1. The CUCS sends #800 Message to the UA/VSM with field #5 set to “3 = Receive Mission” and with the Mission ID sent in Field #4. A3 - 30 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 2. The UA/VSM sends Messages #802, #803, #804, #805, #806 and #801 to the CUCS (these should all be acknowledged) and intersperses #900 Messages to indicate the progress of the transfer. The final #900 Message from the UA/VSM should follow all of the 800 series messages, should indicate 100% transfer and should be acknowledged. (Note that the order of the #801 - #806 Messages will not affect interoperability.) In order to have a CUCS acquire a single waypoint from a UA/VSM, the following sequence of messages should be sent: 1. The CUCS sends #800 Message to UA/VSM with Field #5 set to “4 = Receive Single Waypoint” and with the waypoint number sent in Field #6. 2. The UA/VSM sends a single #802 Message corresponding to the waypoint number requested in the #800 Message and all of the #803, #804, #805 and #806 Messages associated with that waypoint, if any. Then the UA/VSM should send a #900 Message indicating 100% transfer. All of these messages should be acknowledged. The following list of messages are the messages that have been developed to transfer a mission plan from a CUCS to an UA through the DLI, and to download the mission(s) that are currently loaded on the UA : Mission Transfer Command (Message #800) UA Route (Message #801) Mission Upload/Download Status (Message #900) UA Position Waypoint (Message #802) UA Loiter Waypoint (Message #803) Payload Action Waypoint (Message #804) Airframe Action Waypoint (Message #805) Vehicle Specific Waypoint (Message #806) The UA Position Waypoint (Message #802) is the base message for defining a mission waypoint and all the other waypoint messages must reference this message. For each UA Position Waypoint there may be a loiter (Message #803), payload (Message #804), airframe (Message #805) and/or vehicle specific (Message #806) message linked to that waypoint. The “Waypoint Number” field in each of the messages is the link that ties each of the messages together. Figure A3 - 4 represents the association between the mission waypoint messages. Only the UA Position Waypoint is mandatory for creating a mission as it defines the sequence of waypoints within the mission; all of the other waypoint messages are optional per waypoint based on what is supported by the UA/ VSM. The mission(s) are uploaded from the CUCS to the VSM as a series of individual waypoints based on the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #802). The Mission Waypoints may be loaded to the VSM in any order as the UA Position Waypoint identifies the “Waypoint Number” being uploaded in the message and the “Next Waypoint” in the sequence is identified in the message as well. Waypoint numbers do not need to be contiguous within a mission, however it is recommended that they are made contiguous. A3 - 31 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 UA Position Waypoint - Message #802 - Latitude - Longitude - Altitude - Airspeed - Next Waypoint - Required UA Loiter - Message #803 - Optional Payload Action - Message #804 - Optional Airframe Action - Message #805 - Optional Vehicle Specific Action - Message #806 - Optional Figure A3 - 4: Mission Waypoint Message Link A3.1.3.1 Message #800: Mission Transfer Command Implementation Message #800 is pushed from either the UA/VSM to the CUCS or from the CUCS to the UA/VSM. If pushed from a CUCS, the CUCS must have LOI 4 control over the UA/VSM to transfer a mission to the UA. However, a CUCS with LOI 2 authorization may request that the UA/VSM send an existing UA/VSM mission to the CUCS but it may not send a mission to the UA/VSM. Message #800 Unique ID 0800.05 (Mission Plan Mode) describes the type of mission transfer command that is to occur. Message #800 may also be used to clear an existing mission or to cancel a mission transfer that is pending or is in progress. The Unique ID 0800.05 values and their meanings are described in the table below. Message #800 Unique ID 0800.05 Value 1 = Clear Mission Meaning The mission with the Mission ID contained in Message #800 (Unique ID 0800.04) is to be cleared by the receiving component. This should be sent only from the CUCS to the UA/VSM. Storage of missions by a CUCS should not be controlled from the UA/VSM. A3 - 32 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 2 = Transmit Mission After the mission with the Mission ID contained in Message #800 (Unique ID 0800.04) has been sent to the UA/VSM from the CUCS through the transmission of all required Messages #801 - #806, if a VSM is required to convert the mission into a vehicle specific format, then it should perform that conversion and send the mission to the UA. If the UA receives the #801 - #806 Messages directly, then it should load the mission. This value should not be sent from the UA/VSM to the CUCS. 3 = Receive Mission The mission with the Mission ID contained in Message #800 (Unique ID 0800.04) is to be sent from the receiving component to the sending component. If sent from the CUCS to the UA/VSM, the requested mission should be sent to the CUCS. If sent from the UA/VSM, the requested mission should be sent to the UA/VSM. 4 = Receive Single Waypoint The waypoint with the number contained in Message #800 (Unique ID 0800.06) is to be sent from the receiving component to the sending component. If sent from the CUCS to the UA/VSM, the requested waypoint should be sent to the CUCS. If sent from the UA/VSM, the requested waypoint should be sent to the UA/VSM. 5 = Cancel Transmit/Receive In AEP-84 Volume I, there should only be a single pending mission or waypoint transfer in progress at any time, since there is not a mechanism to differentiate between two transfers. This value indicates that the transfer in progress should be stopped. Table A3 - 5: Message #800 Field 5 Values The Mission Transfer Command is used to control the overall upload, download and storage of a mission between the CUCS and VSM/UA. The Mission Transfer Command has been developed to account for situations where the VSM may be located on the ground as well as for situations where the Mission Waypoint Messages may be transmitted directly to the UA (VSM in the UA) from the CUCS. The first step in the Mission Upload process is to transmit all the DLI mission waypoints from the CUCS to the VSM (e.g., Message #802, 803, 804, 805, 806). Refer to Figure A3 - 5 for a representation of the Mission Upload sequence of events. The next step in the process is to transmit the optional Message #801, UA Route, messages to the VSM to identify the Route ID and Route Type if required. In the absence of a UA Route Message (#801), the route type defaults to “Flight” and no Route ID or initial waypoint is designated; this enables upload of anonymous sequences of waypoints. After the CUCS has transmitted the complete set of DLI mission waypoints and UA Route Messages to the VSM, the CUCS transmits the Mission Transfer Command (Message #800) with the “Mission Plan Mode” set to “2 = Transmit Mission”. A3 - 33 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Where the VSM is on the ground (UA does not transmit STANAG DLI messages), the Mission Upload Command is used to control the translation of the DLI Mission Waypoint Messages to the UA native (IDD) mission format. Step 1: CUCS transmits all of the mission Waypoints and their associated parameters to the VSM. CUCS – Mission Waypoints VSM – Mission Waypoints Message # 802 Message # 802 - Waypoint Number - Waypoint Number - Message #803 - Message #803 - Message #804 - Message #804 - Message #805 - Message #805 - Message #806 - Message #806 Step 2: CUCS transmits Message #800 to VSM. CUCS – Mission Transfer Command Message #800 - Mission Plan Mode Transmit Mission VSM Step 3: VSM converts mission messages to vehicle native mission format. VSM Vehicle Native Mission Format VSM Message # 802 - Waypoint Number - Message #803 - Message #804 - Message #805 - Message #806 Step 4: VSM transmits the vehicle native mission format to the air vehicle. Air Vehicle Vehicle Native Mission Format VSM Vehicle Native Mission Format Figure A3 - 5: Mission Message Upload Sequence with VSM Once all the mission waypoints have been transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM, a Mission Transfer Command (Message #800) is transmitted with the Mission Plan Mode field set to “2 = Transmit Mission” to indicate to the VSM that the transmitted DLI mission waypoints are ready to be converted to the vehicle specific format and then transmitted to the UA. (This means the VSM is responsible for converting the mission from the DLI Mission Message format to any vehicle native format required, and then transmitting it to the UA.) Where the UA can accept the DLI Mission Waypoints Messages directly (e.g., VSM on-board the UA), the reception of a Mission Transfer Command (Message #800) with the Mission Plan mode field set to “2 = Transmit Mission” signifies that all the DLI mission waypoints have been transmitted to the UA. The UA would then perform any required mission format conversions. Message #900, Mission Upload/Download Status, is used by the VSM/UA to provide the status of the mission upload to the UA. This means the transmission of the vehicle native waypoints (mission) from the VSM to the UA. The VSM will report the upload as “In Progress” and the “Percent Complete”, or as “Complete.” A3 - 34 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Mission Upload sequence as defined above may be used by the CUCS to replace specific waypoints within a previously loaded mission, or to insert new waypoints within the defined mission. If the intention of the mission upload is to entirely replace the mission that is currently loaded on the UA, the CUCS should transmit the Mission Transfer Command (Message #800) with the Mission Plan Mode field set to “1 = Clear Mission” to identify to the VSM that all previously loaded waypoints are now invalid. The “1 = Clear Mission” should be sent prior to other #80X Messages that redefine the mission. The Mission Plan Mode “3 = Receive Mission” and “4 = Receive Single Waypoint” are used to request the download of the mission waypoint information currently loaded to the UA. Where the VSM is located on the ground, this is not a request for the DLI mission waypoints that were previously uploaded to the VSM from the CUCS as these may be different from the mission plan that is loaded on the UA. When the VSM receives this command from the CUCS, the VSM must first query the UA for its current mission plan, convert this vehicle native mission plan to the DLI Mission Waypoint formatted messages, and then transmit the DLI Mission Waypoint Messages to the CUCS. If the UA is capable of directly transmitting DLI Mission Waypoint Messages (e.g., VSM on-board the UA), there is no additional conversion required. In the case of a “Receive Mission” request, the VSM is required to download all of the UA Route Message (Message #801) to the CUCS in addition to the Waypoint messages. The “Waypoint Number” field in the Mission Transfer Command indicates which waypoint to download in the case of a “Receive Single Waypoint” request. The VSM responds to the waypoint request by sending all the available waypoint messages (Message #802 required, Message #803,804,805, and 806 if available as they are optional) for the specified waypoint number. The VSM is required to keep track of any translations between the DLI mission waypoint number and vehicle native message numbers as required to ensure a valid response is made to the mission waypoint query. Message #900, Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Status, is used to report the status of the Mission download from the VSM to the CUCS where a complete download has been requested. A3.1.3.2 Message #801: UA Route This message is used to define a UA route. If the “Initial Waypoint Number” field in the message is set to 0, the route definition (Route ID) defined in the message is deleted from the VSM/UA, however the waypoints contained in the route definition are not. A3.1.3.3 Message #802: UA Position Waypoint Implementation The UA Position Waypoint Message defines the geographical location of a waypoint that the UA will fly toward. The UA Position Waypoint Message is used to transmit a series of waypoints from the CUCS to the VSM that are linked together using the “Next Waypoint” field in Message #802 to form a single mission or series of smaller routes for the UA. UA missions are created using the UA Position Waypoint by identifying the “Waypoint Number” in the message with the next waypoint in the sequence being identified by the “Next Waypoint” field in the message. The VSM may be required to convert these mission waypoints into the format required for transmission of the mission to the UA if it differs from the DLI message format. The following attributes are defined for the waypoint in the message; the geographical location of the waypoint, the airspeed at which the UA will fly toward the waypoint and the altitude at which the UA will fly. A3 - 35 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The “Next Waypoint” field provides the link from one waypoint to the next thus identifying a sequence of waypoints, where a value of “zero” indicates that the waypoint is the last waypoint in the sequence of waypoints. The UA Position Waypoint Message may be used to create multiple waypoint sequences, where each sequence comprises a different route, possibly with payload actions and other ancillary activities. To command a specific mission, Message #49 is used as described above to direct the UA to one of the waypoints on the sequence that makes up the route (note that it does not have to be the first waypoint in the sequence). When the VSM receives the DLI Mission Waypoints, if the UA does not support the DLI Mission Waypoints directly, the VSM must convert the DLI Mission Waypoints to the vehicle specific format. If the CUCS requests the download of a mission, the CUCS will receive the UA Position Waypoint Messages from the VSM/UA that specified the requested mission. The CUCS, if authorized, may then modify the missions by sending new #80X Messages to the VSM/UA. It is the responsibility of the CUCS to ensure the waypoints are correctly configured before transmitting the information to the VSM. This includes ensuring that if two tasks are linked together that the waypoint identifying the end of the first task is correctly linked to the first waypoint in the second task, and that waypoint numbers are not repeated within the tasks. A3.1.3.4 Message #803: UA Loiter Waypoint Implementation The UA Loiter Waypoint Message defines the loiter characteristics the UA will perform once it has arrived at the waypoint location identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #802) while in the Waypoint Flight mode. A3.1.3.5 Message #804: Payload Action Waypoint Implementation The Payload Action Waypoint Message defines the payload action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly toward the waypoint identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #802) for the identified waypoint number while in the Waypoint Flight mode. A3.1.3.6 Message #805: Airframe Action Waypoint Implementation The Airframe Action Waypoint Message defines the Airframe action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly toward the waypoint identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #802) while in the Waypoint Flight mode. Airframe actions include turning on/off UA navigation lights, data link transmitters, etc. as identified in the Airframe Action Waypoint Message. A3.1.3.7 Message #806: Vehicle Specific Waypoint Implementation The Vehicle Specific Waypoint Message defines the vehicle specific actions that will be performed when the UA begins to fly toward the waypoint identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #802) while in the Waypoint Flight mode. This message is used to pass any vehicle or payload specific information that is not covered by the Generic Mission Upload Messages to the VSM, for subsequent transmission to the UA. A waypoint value of zero indicates mission generic data that is not associated with any specific waypoint. The following messages are considered the Generic Mission Messages: UA Position Waypoint (Message #802) UA Loiter Waypoint (Message #803) Payload Action Waypoint (Message #804) Airframe Action Waypoint (Message #805) A3 - 36 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Common Route Definition (CRD) data tags (see Attachment A in this document) may be used to provide a standard and interoperable method to transfer information between a CUCS and a VSM for data that is not supported by the generic message set. To determine the required CRD data tag for a UA (vehicle specific) data element the CRD Standard must be referenced. One application of this message is to provide for the transmission of elements of the CRD messages, received via the CCI interface, to a UA where the data elements cannot be mapped to the generic mission messages. A VSM that does not support the CRD data tags may ignore this message without causing adverse effects to the system. A3.1.3.8 Message #900: Mission Upload/Download Implementation The Mission Upload/Download Message is sent by the VSM to the CUCS to provide status on a mission upload/download from a VSM to a CUCS. More thorough descriptions on the use of this message are provided throughout the Mission Message implementation sections of this document. A3.1.3.9 Relative Waypoints The discussion above pertains to waypoint locations that are absolute. That is, they are specified in terms of latitude and longitude values that are earth centric and fixed within the earth’s frame of reference. STANAG 4586 also provides the capability to specify waypoint locations in a different, possibly moving, reference frame using Message #802 and Message #47. The Message #802 “Location Type” field uses either the “Absolute” value for all of the discussion above or may use the “Relative” value to specify waypoint locations in a different frame of reference. If the “Relative” value is used, the frame of reference is acquired from Message #47. The Message #47 table from AEP-84 Volume I is shown below. Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0047.01 1 Time Stamp Double s See Section 1.7.2 0047.02 2 Vehicle ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.5 0047.03 3 CUCS ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.5 0047.04 4 Latitude (Y-axis zero) Double rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0047.05 5 Longitude (X-axis zero) Double rad -π ≤ x ≤ π 0047.06 6 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message 0047.07 7 Altitude Float m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0047.08 8 Orientation Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π Character 20 None No Restrictions Defines heading Y-axis. 0047.09 9 Route ID Text identifier of route, or null to update all routes. Table A3 - 6: Message #47 from AEP-84 Volume I To establish a relative reference frame, two things are required: A3 - 37 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The origin of the reference frame The orientation of the reference frame The origin of the relative reference frame is specified on top of the earth centric fixed latitude, longitude and altitude reference frame. Note: The Message #47 Latitude, Longitude and Altitude fields serve this function. The Orientation of the relative reference frame is specified using the Message #47 Orientation field. For example, to specify a relative reference frame that was centred on a UA heading due East (true, not magnetic), Message #47 would specify the latitude, longitude and altitude of the vehicle and the orientation value would be East = π/2. The Route ID value may be used to update only relative waypoints (with Message #802 values that use “Relative” location type) that have been specified to be on a specific route. If set to zero, then the reference frame for all relative waypoints is updated. Separation of the reference frame specification into a message (Message #47) Start of route Alpha Message 801 Route ID = Alpha Initial WP = 1 Message 802 WP = 1 Next WP = 3 Start of route Bravo Message 801 Route ID = Bravo Initial WP = 2 Message 802 WP = 2 Next WP = 3 WP 3 is on both route Alpha and route Bravo! Message 802 WP = 3 Next WP = … Figure A3 - 6: Waypoint Transitions separate from the relative waypoint values (Message #802), enables a relative reference that moves to be easily specified through updating only the value of the reference frame by sending a sequence of #47 Messages as the reference frame moves and turns. Both normal and contingency waypoints may use the relative reference frame. Note, that for relative waypoints that may be reached from two or more different Route IDs, updating the reference frame using a Route ID value may produce unexpected behaviour. This can occur because the UA Route (Message #801) specifies only the initial waypoint number. Subsequent waypoints may be reached through “Next Waypoint” transitions from more than one Route ID initial waypoint as illustrated below. A3.1.3.9 Contingency Setup with Lost Link Example Contingency route setup is a normal part of uploading a mission to the UA. It is therefore identical to transferring a mission from the CUCS to the UA as specified in Section A3.1.3. The only difference from a normal mission transfer is that in addition to specifying the “Next Waypoint” number in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #802), the “Contingency Waypoint A” and/or “Contingency Waypoint B” values are also specified. This defines up to two alternate routes to be followed during off nominal conditions, described in further detail below. The following list of messages has been developed to transfer a mission plan from a CUCS to an UA through the DLI: A3 - 38 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Mission Upload Command (Message #800) UA Route (Message #801) Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Status (Message #900) UA Position Waypoint (Message #802) UA Loiter Waypoint (Message #803) Payload Action Waypoint (Message #804) Airframe Action Waypoint (Message #805) Vehicle Specific Waypoint (Message #806) The UA Position Waypoint (Message #802) is the base message for defining a mission waypoint and all the other waypoint messages must reference this message. For each UA Position Waypoint there may be a loiter (Message #803), payload (Message #804), airframe (Message #805) and/or vehicle specific (Message #806) message linked to that waypoint. The “Waypoint Number” field in each of the messages is the link that ties each of the messages together. Figure A3 - 6 represents the association between the Mission Waypoint Messages. Only the UA Position Message is required. Message #802 includes two fields that may be used to specify contingency routes through the use of “Contingency Waypoint A” or “Contingency Waypoint B”. Contingency conditions (A or B) are vehicle specific and are defined by the UA to describe off nominal conditions that are to be responded to by automatically changing the vehicle route. Typical off nominal conditions include loss of communication and/or equipment failures. For example, if contingency condition “A” includes vehicle loss of communication, then the UA would follow the route specified by all of the “Contingency Waypoint A” waypoints. These would be used in place of the usual “Next Waypoint” waypoints. Please refer to Message #802 Fields 13, 14, and 15. The behaviour of the UA in transitioning from the normal route specified by the “Next Waypoint” Field 13 values and the “Contingency Waypoint A” route specified by the Field 14 values is vehicle specific. If the vehicle loses communication and that triggers contingency condition “A”, the vehicle could begin to fly immediately to the waypoint specified in Field 14, or it could complete its journey to the current waypoint and then begin to use the “Contingency Waypoint A” route. Note that Message #803, #804, #805 and #806 may be associated with waypoints on the “Contingency Waypoint A” route. These may be used to configure the UA for the specific contingency condition that caused the UA to transition to the contingency route. Note also, that a contingency route can be commanded as if the UA had experienced an off nominal condition corresponding to that contingency level through the use of Message #49 Field 20 (Unique ID 0042.04) using the values 23 or 24 to force contingency route A or B. When these commands are sent the UA should remain in the contingency level commanded until a Message #49 with a different value in Feld 20 (Unique ID 0042.04) is received. For example, to return to the normal sequence of waypoints the value of 11 would be sent, directing the vehicle to fly its normal waypoint sequence. The “Contingency Waypoint” fields identify the waypoint toward which the UA will fly if that contingency level is either commanded (as described above) or if the on-board vehicle logic determines that contingency level has occurred due to some event or combination of events. A3 - 39 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The figure below provides a brief example of creating an alternate “contingency” route through the use of the UA Position Waypoint Message. Waypoint #1 Waypoint #5 Next Waypoint #2 Next Waypoint #6 Contingency Waypoint #5 Contingency Waypoint #200 Waypoint #2 Waypoint #6 Next Waypoint #3 Next Waypoint #200 Contingency Waypoint #200 Waypoint #3 Waypoint #7 Next Waypoint #4 Next Waypoint #200 Contingency Waypoint #200 Waypoint #4 Waypoint #200 Next Waypoint #5 Next Waypoint #0 Figure A3 - 7: Routes with UA Position Waypoint Message Contingencies A3.1.4 Message Acknowledgment Entities can use the STANAG 4586 acknowledgement system to detect if their messages have arrived at their destination and whether their requests are rejected or accepted and completed/failed. This is important since the underlying transport mechanism (i.e., UDP) is not reliable and does not guarantee that packets arrive in the same order that they were sent. Acknowledgements are typically not needed for status messages that are sent frequently and where the content of the most recent message supersedes the data of the older messages. For instance, a UA may send Message #101, Inertial States, at a rate of 5 Hz. In this case, there is little value in requesting an acknowledgement since the data will be stale by the time the UA realizes that the CUCS did not receive the message. The table below highlights situations where it is a good idea to use the acknowledgement system. Situation Event-driven Examples Message #1100, Subsystem Status Alert, when a Warning or Caution condition is detected A3 - 40 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The message is only sent when needed (i.e., not sent periodically and not if updates happen frequently) Transactional The message is part of a set of messages where the receiving entity should only accept the messages if all the messages have been received Sequential The message is part of a sequence where the order of receipt matters Message #20, Vehicle ID, if a virtual Vehicle ID is changed to a real Vehicle ID Message #1303, Field Configuration Command, to indicate that a Vehicle Operating Mode is suddenly unavailable Downloading Configuration Data Transferring Route/Waypoint Messages Message #1100, Subsystem Status Alert, when responding to a request for additional details with multiple messages Note that an entity does not always need to request a Message #1400 Message Acknowledgement, as an entity may use an expected response as an acknowledgement. For instance, if a CUCS sends a Message #1200 Field Configuration Request, to download a single configuration parameter, the receipt of the requested configuration parameter in a Message #130x implies that the destination entity received the request. A3.1.4.1 Requesting an Acknowledgement To request an acknowledgement, an entity needs to set the ACK bit in the Message Properties field of the message header and set an Unique ID in the Message Instance ID field. Header field Name Value 1 IDD Version “12” (Edition 2.4) 2 Message Instance ID <A unique ID that will be included in the ACK> 3 Message Type <Message Type> 4 Message Length <Message Length> 5 Stream ID <Stream ID> 6 Message Properties 0x80000000 (note that the least significant 31 bits are undefined) If the sending entity does not receive a Message #1400 Message Acknowledgement, within a reasonable time frame, the entity may assume that the message was not received at the destination. In this case, the entity can choose to resend the message or timeout. Note that a message will not be acknowledged if any of the following conditions exist, since the entity cannot trust the integrity of the received message: A3 - 41 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1. The message specifies an IDD version of STANAG 4586 that is not supported by this entity 2. The message specifies an incorrect message length 3. The message has an incorrect checksum An entity should use a Unique ID for each sent message unless it is a retry attempt of a previously sent message. While entities could use a globally Unique ID for each message, the ID only needs to be unique for a given Message Type. This is because the responding entity is required to specify the Original Message Type (Unique ID 1400.08) in the acknowledgement. A3.1.4.2 Sending an Acknowledgement To acknowledge a message, the entity sends Message #1400: Unique ID Name Value 1400.01 Time Stamp Time of Message #1400 creation 1400.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID from the received Message> 1400.03 CUCS ID <CUCS ID from the received Message> 1400.04 VSM ID <VSM ID from received Message> or Null ID 1400.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID from received Message> or Null ID 1400.06 Original Message Time Stamp <Timestamp from received Message> 1400.07 Original Message Instance ID <Instance ID from received Message> 1400.08 Original Message Type <Message Type from received Message> 1400.09 Acknowledgement Type <Acknowledgement Type as needed> Note that some messages do not have a Data Link ID and/or a VSM ID (for example, Message #49, Message #1500, Message #200, etc…). In these cases, the entity should use the Null ID for these fields. An entity may send multiple copies of the Acknowledgement Message at the same time to increase the chances that one will be received at the destination. The receiving entity should be able to receive multiple copies of the same acknowledgement without unintended side effects. There are five different types of acknowledgements that an entity can send: Enumeration Name Meaning 0 The message was received and no further acknowledgement will be sent. Message Received A3 - 42 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 This does not imply that the contents of the message were correct or the data in the message was used for its intended purpose. It only indicates that the message was received and that the sending entity does not need to resend it. 1 Message Received, but not completed This is the same as 0=Message Received, except that it indicates that a further acknowledgement will be sent to indicate if the received message was accepted and completed, accepted and failed, or rejected. This message can be useful for cases where the entity requires additional time to decide the outcome of the request. By sending this message, the sending entity is informed that the message was received so it doesn’t need to re-send the message. 2 Message Received and Completed This indicates that the message was received and the request was accepted and completed. For instance, the UA can use this message to indicate that it has received and accepted the the new parameters when it receives Message #41, Loiter Configuration. 3 Message Received, but Rejected This indicates that the message was received 4 Message Received, but Not Carried out and that the request was rejected. The entity can send it to indicate that something was wrong with the request. It could be because there was an error encoding the message or because the entity does not accept the request. This may be because the data in the request is not within the entity’s configuration or because the entity is temporarily unable to accept the request. This indicates that the message was received and the request was accepted but the entity failed to carry out the request. For example, if an entity requested to turn on the power to an EO/IR payload but the payload failed to turn on due to an electrical problem. A3 - 43 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.5 Vehicle Control Modes TBD A3.1.5.1 Loiter Control A3 - 44 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.5.2 Vector Vehicle Control A3 - 45 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.5.3 Lights A3 - 46 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.5.4 Engine A3 - 47 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.5.5 Lost Link A3.1.6 Payload Control As defined by AEP-84 Volume I, a payload is one of the following: UA sensor(s), weapons, chaff, pamphlets, on-board systems, etc. carried on-board which are used to accomplish a specified mission. As stated in AEP-84 Volume I: The Payload and Vehicle subsystems have been developed to provide a set of generic messages for common UA payloads, and for common UA subsystems. A CUCS and/or VSM do not have to support the generic payload messages or the vehicle subsystem messages that do not apply to the systems configuration. However, if one of the generically identified payload or subsystem messages is applicable for the UAS, the identified formatted DLI messages shall be supported. A3 - 48 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A set of generic Payload Types has been identified in the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). The generic DLI messages associated with each of the payload types is identified in Table 4 – 6 (Conditional Payload Message Groups) of AEP-84 Volume I A3.1.6.1 Payload Configuration The UA needs to inform the CUCS what its payload configuration is (i.e., which payloads it has on board) by type and payload station. The UA uses Message #300 Payload Configuration to provide this information to a CUCS. See also requirements DLI 0240, DLI 0393, DLI 0241, and DLI 0242 in AEP-84 Volume I which all pertain to payload configuration. 300 4 Payload Configuration Push/Pull VSM Y Y - A3. Payload Stations Available Unique ID 0300.05 Payload Stations Available identifies to a CUCS the payload stations on the UA which have a payload associated with them. A CUCS may see from a UA that the least significant bits 1, 2, and 3 are all equal to 1, in which case the CUCS has 3 stations associated with a payload, and those stations are 1, 2, and 3. This information can be used to error check the number of stations which are reported by Unique ID 0300.06. A3 - 49 Edition A Version 1 1,000 AEP-84.1 0300.05 5 Payload Stations Available Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = Stn #1 0x00000002 = Stn #2 0x00000004 = Stn #3 0x00000008 = Stn #4 0x00000010 = Stn #5 0x00000020 = Stn #6 0x00000040 = Stn #7 0x00000080 = Stn #8 0x00000100 = Stn #9 0x00000200 = Stn #10 0x00000400 = Stn #11 0x00000800 = Stn #12 0x00001000 = Stn #13 0x00002000 = Stn #14 0x00004000 = Stn #15 0x00008000 = Stn #16 0x00010000 = Stn #17 0x00020000 = Stn #18 0x00040000 = Stn #19 0x00080000 = Stn #20 0x00100000 = Stn #21 0x00200000 = Stn #22 0x00400000 = Stn #23 0x00800000 = Stn #24 0x01000000 = Stn #25 0x02000000 = Stn #26 0x04000000 = Stn #27 0x08000000 = Stn #28 0x10000000 = Stn #29 0x20000000 = Stn #30 0x40000000 = Stn #31 0x80000000 = Stn #32 A3. Station Number The station number is a virtual identifier associated with a particular payload (or in some cases, the UA). The following field description is a representative station number field. It is bitmapped, meaning that a message could be sent or received and be intended for multiple stations, though this is rare in practice as one on-board payload tends not to be performing the same actions as a second on-board payload. For command messages, all stations for which the message identifies a station being commanded should be under LOI 3 control. For status messages, all messages for which the message identifies a station being statused should be under LOI 2 control. A3 - 50 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0300.06 6 Station Number Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = Stn #1 0x00000002 = Stn #2 0x00000004 = Stn #3 0x00000008 = Stn #4 0x00000010 = Stn #5 0x00000020 = Stn #6 0x00000040 = Stn #7 0x00000080 = Stn #8 0x00000100 = Stn #9 0x00000200 = Stn #10 0x00000400 = Stn #11 0x00000800 = Stn #12 0x00001000 = Stn #13 0x00002000 = Stn #14 0x00004000 = Stn #15 0x00008000 = Stn #16 0x00010000 = Stn #17 0x00020000 = Stn #18 0x00040000 = Stn #19 0x00080000 = Stn #20 0x00100000 = Stn #21 0x00200000 = Stn #22 0x00400000 = Stn #23 0x00800000 = Stn #24 0x01000000 = Stn #25 0x02000000 = Stn #26 0x04000000 = Stn #27 0x08000000 = Stn #28 0x10000000 = Stn #29 0x20000000 = Stn #30 0x40000000 = Stn #31 0x80000000 = Stn #32 Unique ID 0300.06 Station Number is the data item which, when correlated to Unique ID 0300.07 Payload Type, sets the station number of a particular type of sensor. In command messages with a station number field, a CUCS should send those command messages associated with a payload with the station that has previously been identified as correlated by Unique IDs 0300.06 and 0300.07. Likewise, where a status message carries a station number field, the UA should send only the appropriate status messages. In other words, a developer should consider a station number being sent or received, for which there are no such stations as identified in those Unique IDs, as an error case, and treat the message accordingly. A3. Payload Type Unique ID 0300.07 Payload Type indicates the payload type associated with the station number(s) populated in Unique ID 0300.06. This informs the CUCS which payload messages the UA expects to be used to control, configure, and report the status of the payload at the specified station. This permits a group of payload messages associated with that payload type (as in Table 4 – 6 of AEP-84 Volume I to be used with any payload, whether that payload is actually of the type specified or not. Example: A UA carries a payload which requires EO control but which is not actually an EO payload could report that on the particular station its assigned to this payload is an EO payload. A3 - 51 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0300.07 7 Payload Type Type ID associated with deployable or dispensable payloads (e.g., chaff, weapons). Unsigned 1 Enumerate d 0 = Not Specified 1 = EO 2 = IR 3 = EO/IR 4 = SAR 5 = Fixed Camera 6 = Comms Relay 7 = Dispensable Payload 8 = Recorder 9 = Payload Bay Door 10 = CBRN 11 = SMS 12 - 50 = Reserved 51 - 255 = VSM Specific Payload type is the only method to inform a CUCS the type of payload at a station, and the CUCS should not assume prior knowledge of any station. The UA can configure the enumerations in the field; in particular, it might want to include some non-generic payload which cannot be controlled as another of the other types of payloads. The UA should at a minimum resend Message #300 with the enumeration(s) in question after the enumerations have been configured during the configuration process. A3. Station Door Unique ID 0300.08 Station Door indicates whether the station(s) in Unique ID 0300.06 is associated with a station door. Messages #206 and #308 are used to control a station identified as a payload bay door by Unique ID 0300.07 Payload Type = 9 = Payload Bay Door (which would be sent in a separate Message #300). AEP-84 Volume I does not provide messaging to inform the CUCS which payloads with station doors are correlated to which station doors. Implementers needing to provide this information can either use private messaging or by providing a correlation in the VSM. 0300.08 8 Station Door Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No 1 = Yes A3. Number of Payload Recording Devices Unique ID 0300.09 Number of Payload Recording Devices indicates how many payload recording devices there are on-board a UA. This information can also be conveyed by a UA providing the stations in Unique ID 0300.06 and their respective assignment as recorders in 0300.07 = 8 = Recorder. 0300.09 9 Number of Payload Recording Devices Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions A3. Configuration Requirements The following parameters are required to support configuration: Message #200, Horizontal Slew Rate A3 - 52 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Message #200, Vertical Slew Rate Message #200, Altitude Message #200, Altitude Type A3.1.6.2 EO/IR An electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) payload is used to get video payload products from a UA. STANAG 4586 allows for control of EO/IR-specific parameters using Messages #200, #201, #301, and #302. This section documents elements of control specific to EO/IR payloads. UA which need to use Messages #201 and #302 but which do not carry an EO sensor should configure Unique IDs 0201.07 and 0302.07 out of a compliant CUCS. They should additionally ignore those EO sensor command fields when they receive a Message #201, and they should always send 0s in those EO sensor status fields. A CUCS should have the reverse logic. These UA should also configure out the following bits and enumerations of the following Unique IDs: 0201.05 0x01 bit and 0302.05 0x01 bit, 0201.09 enumerations 1 and 3, 0302.09 enumerations 1 and 3. UA which need to use Messages #201 and #302 but which do not carry an IR sensor should configure Unique IDs 0201.08 and 0302.08 out of a compliant CUCS. They should additionally ignore those IR sensor command fields when they receive a Message #201, and they should always send 0s in those IR sensor status fields. A CUCS should have the reverse logic. These UA should also configure out the following enumerations of the following Unique IDs: 0201.05 0x02 bit and 0302.05 0x02 bit, 0201.09 enumerations 2 and 3, 0302.09 enumerations 2 and 3. A UA which does not carry an EO/IR/laser payload or a fixed camera, or a CUCS which does not support an EO/IR laser payload or fixed camera, do not need to support Messages #201, #301, or #302. In addition, it’s recommended for a CUCS to provide for controllability of the majority of the fields and enumerations in Messages #200 and #201 via support for Message #1303. This enables a UA to provide information on what the CUCS should be able to change at any given time. A3. Configuration Requirements The following parameters are required to support configuration (see DLI Requirement IDs 0303, 0308, and 0317; 0389 also): Message #200, Set Horizontal Field of View Message #200, Set Vertical Field of View Message #302, Reported Range Message #200, Set Focus Message #201, System Operating Mode Message #201, Set EO Sensor Mode Message #201, Set IR Polarity Message #201, Set EO/IR Pointing Mode A3 - 53 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 201 31 301 23 302 50 EO/IR/Laser Payload Command EO/IR - Configuration State EO/IR/Laser Operating State Push CUCS - Y - 1,000 Pull VSM Y Y - 200 Push/Pull VSM Y Y - 2,000 A3. EO/IR Configuration State The UA provides additional configuration information beyond Messages #130x and the #301 to the CUCS in the form of the EO/IR Configuration State. The message used to carry this information is Message #301. A3. EO/IR Type and Type Revision Level Unique IDs 0301.06 EO/IR Type and 0301.07 EO/IR Type Revision Level provide information regarding the model of EO/IR payload which is being carried by the UA. This information could be used to design a CUCS around a particular EO/IR payload, though this is not recommended. 0301.06 6 EO/IR Type Type is identified using NATO stock numbers, which are 13-digit numerical values conforming with the NATO Codification System as defined in STANAGs 3150 and 3151 which define the structure for these values. Character 14 None No Restrictions 0301.07 7 EO/IR Type Revision Level Number identifying modification level of the type specified in EO/IR Type Field. Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions A3. Image Dimensions 0301.08 8 EO Vertical Image Dimension Number of pixel rows, where 0 = Off. Integer 2 None 0≤x 0301.09 9 EO Horizontal Image Dimension Number of pixel columns, where 0 = Off. Integer 2 None 0≤x A3 - 54 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0301.10 10 IR Vertical Image Dimension Number of pixel rows, where 0 = Off. Integer 2 None 0≤x 0301.11 11 IR Horizontal Image Dimension Number of pixel columns, where 0 = Off. Integer 2 None 0≤x Unique IDs 0301.08 EO Vertical Image Dimension, 0301.09 EO Horizontal Image Dimension, 0301.10 IR Vertical Image Dimension, and 0301.11 IR Horizontal Image Dimension provide the dimensions of the current payload video, in number of pixels, to the CUCS. The size of the video should accurately reflect Unique ID 0302.09 Image Output State: For Unique ID 0302.09 = 0 = None, the image dimensions should all be 0. For Unique ID 0302.09 = 1 = EO, the EO dimensions should reflect the size of the EO image output; the IR dimensions should be 0. For Unique ID 0302.09 = 2 = IR, the IR dimensions should reflect the size of the IR image output; the EO dimensions should be 0. For Unique ID 0302.09 = 3 = Both, the image dimensions should reflect the size of the image output for both the EO and IR streams respectively. A3. Field of Regard Minimums and Maximums Unique IDs 0301.12 Field of Regard – Elevation Min, 0301.13 Field of Regard – Elevation Max, 0301.14 Field of Regard – Azimuth Min, and 0301.15 Field of Regard – Azimuth Max provide the maximum dimensions of the payload’s field of view with respect to the UA to the CUCS. This information should be used by the CUCS to prevent sending any steering commands using Message #200 regardless of the payload’s operating mode which fall outside of the payload’s possible field of regard. 0301.12 12 Field of Regard Elevation Min Minimum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is above the surface defined by the UA lateral/longitudinal plane. Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π A3 - 55 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0301.13 13 Field of Regard Elevation Max Maximum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is above the surface defined by the UA lateral/longitudinal plane. Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π 0301.14 14 Field of Regard Azimuth Min Minimum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is clockwise as viewed from above relative to the nose of the UA. Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π 0301.15 15 Field of Regard Azimuth Max Maximum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is clockwise as viewed from above relative to the nose of the UA. Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π A3. Addressed Sensor Unique IDs 0201.05 Addressed Sensor and 0302.05 Addressed Sensor mediate the sensor under control, where an EO/IR payload station has multiple sensors that can be used separately. Where a payload is EO according to Unique ID 0300.07, this field should always equal 0x01 = EO; similarly for IR and 0x02 = IR. In all other cases, including the mixed payload and payload-specific cases, without operator interaction, it cannot be determined when a particular sensor should be used. There are some fields in Message #200 Payload Steering Command which are dependent on this field being correctly set. See also Section A3.1.6.7 Payload Steering for more information. A3 - 56 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0201.05 5 Addressed Sensor Unsigned Identifies which sensor 1 (s) to control where applicable. Laser pointers and rangefinders integrated with an EO/IR sensor are not considered a separate sensor. Bitmapped 0x01 = EO 0x02 = IR 0x04 = Payload Specific 0302.05 5 Addressed Sensor Identifies which sensor(s) is under control where applicable. Bitmapped 0x01 = EO 0x02 = IR 0x04 = PayloadSpecific Unsigned 1 A3. EO Sensor Mode Unique IDs 0201.07 Set EO Sensor Mode and 0302.07 EO Sensor Mode Status mediate the color that the video will return with from an EO/IR sensor. Commanding BW mode will direct the UA to return black and white imagery, whereas commanding colour mode will direct the UA to return colored imagery. UA which need to use Messages #201 or #302 but which cannot permit selection of the EO imagery color should configure the enumeration which they cannot support out of a compliant CUCS. Unique ID 0201.07 enumeration 0 = BW Mode matches Unique ID 0302.07 enumeration 0 = BW Mode; similarly for enumerations 1 and 1. 0201.07 7 Set EO Sensor Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = BW Mode 1 = Colour Mode 0302.07 7 EO Sensor Mode Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = BW Mode 1 = Colour Mode A3. IR Polarity Unique IDs 0201.08 Set IR Polarity and 0302.08 IR Polarity Status mediate the polarity of the IR camera. IR polarity herein is defined as the color for which an IR sensor will represent temperatures. “Black Hot” means that the IR sensor will produce imagery where the color black represents high temperature and where the color white represents low temperature (represented on the infrared spectrum). Gray scale imagery will be produced per the IR sensor’s design specifications between whatever the manufacturer has designated as the “upper end” of the “hot” spectrum. “White Hot” represents the opposite. UA which need to use Messages #201 or #302 but which cannot permit selection of the IR polarity should configure the enumeration which they cannot support out of a compliant CUCS. Alternatively, they can configure the entire field which they cannot support out of a compliant CUCS. Unique ID 0201.07 enumeration 0 = BW Mode matches 0302.07 enumeration 0 = BW Mode; similarly for enumerations 1 and 1. A3 - 57 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0201.08 8 Set IR Polarity Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Black Hot 1 = White Hot 0302.08 8 IR Polarity Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Black Hot 1 = White Hot A3. Image Output Unique IDs 0201.09 Image Output and 0302.09 Image Output State mediate the type of video which the UA will be sending. None indicates that the UA should not send video. EO indicates electro-optical video only. IR indicates infrared video only. Both indicates a fused stream of both EO and IR data. UA which need to use Messages #201 or #302 but which cannot permit selection of the image output, configure the enumerations which they cannot support out of a compliant CUCS. Alternatively, they can configure the entire field which they cannot support out of a compliant CUCS. Systems which have an image output state not enumerated in items 0 through 3 can elect to configure in a single payload-specific image output state. This might be useful for example with a multispectral payload, or a mode which provides some functionality of one of the other enumerations plus some additional functionality. Unique ID 0201.09 enumeration 0 = None matches Unique ID 0302.09 enumeration 0 = None; similarly for enumerations 1 through 3 and 1 through 3, respectively. 0201.09 9 Image Output Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = EO 2 = IR 3 = Both 4 = Payload-Specific 0302.09 9 Image Output State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = EO 2 = IR 3 = Both 4 = Payload-Specific A3. Preplan Mode Unique IDs 0201.15 and 0302.20 mediate the mode of operation for the EO/IR payload relative to the mission uploaded to the UA. An enumeration of 0 indicates that the EO/IR payload should operate according to the set of Message #804s uploaded as part of the mission. An enumeration of 1 indicates that the EO/IR payload should act on the most recent Message #200 and #201 that it has received, for fields which are also controlled in Message #804. 0201.15 16 Preplan Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Operate in Preplanned Mode 1 = Operate in Manual Mode A3 - 58 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0302.20 20 Preplan Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Operate in Preplanned Mode 1 = Operate in Manual Mode See the following Table for the comparison between Message #804 and Messages #201 and #200. Unique ID 0804.06 Data Item Unique ID 0201.05 = 0x01 0201.06 0804.07 Set Sensor 2 Mode 0201.05 = 0x02 0201.06 0804.08 0804.09 Sensor Output Set Sensor Pointing Mode 0201.06 0201.10 0804.10 0804.11 0804.12 0804.13 0804.14 Starepoint Latitude Starepoint Longitude Starepoint Altitude Starepoint Altitude Type Payload Az (wrt UA) 0200.11 0200.12 0200.13 0200.14 0200.05 0804.15 Payload El (wrt UA) 0200.06 0804.16 Payload Sensor Rotation Angle 0302.14 Set Sensor 1 Mode Data Item Addressed Sensor = EO System Operating Mode Addressed Sensor = IR System Operating Mode Image Output Set EO/IR Pointing Mode Latitude Longitude Altitude Altitude Type Set Centreline Azimuth Angle Set Centreline Elevation Angle Actual Sensor Rotation Angle Given that some of these data items are not immediately obvious to be the same (e.g., Unique IDs 804.06-804.09), this would require some assumptions by a CUCS-VSM pair about the meanings of the enumerations in Message #804. A data item in Message #200 or #201 could not be identified to match with Unique ID 0804.16 Payload Sensor Rotation Angle. The most similar data item is actually in Message #302, Unique ID 0302.14 Actual Sensor Rotation Angle. Like with the enumerated data items, the fields’ ranges differ; Message #804’s Sensor Rotation Angle is from -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 while Message #302’s is from –π ≤ x ≤ π. A3 - 59 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3. System Operating Mode 0201.06 6 System Operating Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stow 1 = Off 2 = Cage 3 = Initialise 4 = Standby 5 = Active 6 = Calibrate 7 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 0302.06 6 System Operating Mode State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stowed 1 = Off 2 = Caged 3 = Initialising 4 = Standby 5 = Active 6 = Calibrating 7 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = PayloadSpecific Unique IDs 0201.06 System Operating Mode and 0302.06 System Operating Mode State mediate the operating mode of the EO/IR payload. Unique IDs 0201.06 enumeration 0 = Stow matches 0302.06 enumeration 0 = Stowed; similarly for enumerations 1-6 and 1-6 respectively. Enumerations 7-9 = Reserved in both command status should never be used. Enumerations 10-255 = Payload-Specific may be configured using the standard configuration process. 0 = Stow/Stowed: Indicates to the UA that it should stow the payload within the UA. 1 = Off/Off: Indicates to the UA that it should turn the payload off. 2 = Cage/Caged: Indicates to the UA that the payload should steer itself to a stationary, pre-defined position. The pre-defined position is vehicle-specific. 3 = Initialise/Initialising: Indicates to the UA that the payload should begin turning on. When the payload is done initializing, it should probably report standby. A CUCS could then automatically send a standby command to match the standby status. 4 = Standby/Standby: This enumeration indicates to the UA that the payload should wait for another command and basically means “the payload should be on”. The payload can be oriented to some pre-defined location or it can be loose in its gimbals; pre-defined is probably preferred for HMI reasons. 5 = Active/Active: This enumeration indicates to the UA that the CUCS is sending it payload steering commands as well as a non-0 pointing mode in Unique ID 0201.10 Set EO/IR Pointing Mode. The UA must also correctly report the pointing mode which it was last commanded to be in. See also Section A3.1.6.7 Payload Steering. 6 = Calibrate/Calibrating: This enumeration indicates to the UA that it should calibrate its EO/IR payload. This may be an internal or external calibration, and A3 - 60 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 may apply to a part or the whole of the payload. When the payload is done calibrating, it should probably report standby. A CUCS could then automatically send a standby command to match the standby status. A3.1.6.3 Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a form of radar which is used to create images of an object, such as a landscape. These images can be 2D or 3D representations of the object. SAR uses the motion of the SAR antenna over a target region to provide finer spatial resolution than is possible with conventional beam-scanning radars. SAR is typically mounted on a moving platform such as an aircraft or spacecraft, and it originated as an advanced form of side-looking airborne radar. Environmental monitoring, earth-resource mapping, and military systems require broad-area imaging at high resolutions. Often this imagery must be acquired at night or during inclement weather. SAR provides such a capability. Within STANAG 4586, the Message #202 is used to uplink SAR commands from the CUCS to the UA/VSM and Message #303 is used to downlink SAR responses or status updates from the UA/VSM to the CUCS. A3. SAR Payload Steering The control over the SAR payload type’s pointing angles and FOV are conducted from the Payload Steering Command Message (Message #200). For additional information see Section A3.1.6.7 Payload Steering. A3. Message #202: SAR Payload Command The SAR Payload Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over a SAR payload located at the specified UA station, with the exception of pointing and FOV commands. The Set Radar State, Set Moving Target Indicator (MTI) mode, Set Radar Mode and Set Resolution are commanded from this message. It is the responsibility of the UA/VSM to correctly convert the commands to the correct payload format and transmit them to the specified payload on board the UA. 0202.05 5 Set Radar State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Turn Off 1 = Turn On 2 = Go To Standby 3 = Deploy 4 = Activate 5 = Deactivate 6 = Stow 7 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = PayloadSpecific A3 - 61 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0202.06 6 Set MTI Radar Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Clutter Map 2 = Moving Target 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = PayloadSpecific 0202.07 7 Set SAR Modes Per the NSIF Registry, AEDP-4, Annex D. See message #303, field 7 for details). 0202.08 8 Set Radar Resolution Character 6 None No Restrictions Integer 2 cm 0 ≤ x ≤ 10,000 0 = Unknown A3. Message #303: SAR Operating State The intent of the SAR Operating State Message is for the UA/VSM to provide the status of the SAR payload to the CUCS, if one is present on the UA. The CUCS must support the reception of this message if the CUCS supports a “SAR” payload type. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must have been identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). A UA/VSM is required to support this message if it supports a SAR payload. The UA/VSM is responsible to send the correct state, and not allow invalid states for the selected payload control mode. 0303.05 5 SAR Type Type is identified using NATO stock numbers, which are 13-digit numerical values as of date of publication. 0303.06 6 SAR Type Revision Level Character 14 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Revision Level Number identifying modification level of the type specified in the SAR Type Field. A3 - 62 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0303.07 7 Radar Operating Mode Character 5 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Powered Off Reference: NSIF Registry, AEDP-4, Annex-D 0303.08 8 Radar Operating Status 1 = Powered On 2 = Standby 3 = Deployed 4 = Activated 5 = Deactivated 6 = Stowed 7 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = PayloadSpecific 0303.09 9 Radar MTI Mode Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Clutter map 2 = Moving target 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = PayloadSpecific 0303.10 10 Resolution Float m 0 ≤ x ≤ 100 (0 = unknown) Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π Current pixel resolution of SAR product. 0303.11 11 Current Field of View Elevation Min (above body x axis) 0303.12 12 Current Field of View Elevation Max (above body x axis) 0303.13 13 Current Field of View Azimuth Min right of body x axis A3 - 63 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0303.14 14 Current Field of View Azimuth Max Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π right of body x axis A3.1.6.4 CBRN Payload A3. CBRN Payload Classes The CBRN messages in STANAG 4586 support the following classes of CBRN payloads: Point payloads Standoff payloads A3. CBRN Point Payloads Most CBRN payloads are typically point payloads. CBRN point payloads are a subclass of CBRN payloads characterized by the ability to detect threats at the location (i.e., the point) where the payload is currently deployed. CBRN point payloads are different from CBRN standoff payloads in a couple of ways: That they normally would not implement the Payload Scan Window Configuration Command (Message #213) or the Payload Scan Window Operating State (Message #312). That when threat detection occurs, then the threat is typically a point detection that matches the location of the payload. Therefore fields Detection Latitude (Unique ID 0309.18), Detection Longitude (Unique ID 0309.19) and Detection Altitude (Unique ID 0309.20) are equal to Payload Latitude (Unique ID 0311.12), Payload Longitude (Unique ID 0311.13) and Payload Altitude (Unique ID 0311.14). A3. CBRN Standoff Payloads CBRN Standoff payloads are a subclass of CBRN payloads characterized by the ability to detect threats from a distance. They typically employ a scanning beam (laser, infrared, etc.) that scans for the threat. Payloads operating individually may have the ability to detect the area where the threat is or an exact location for the threat depending on the payload capability. In other cases, some payloads have the ability to operate as a group to help “triangulate” together a cloud that constitutes the threat. CBRN standoff payloads are different from typical CBRN payloads (i.e., point detectors) in a couple of ways: That they would implement the Payload Scan Window Configuration Command (Message #213) and the Payload Scan Window Operating State (Message #312) to define the payload’s scanning window. See Section A3. Scanning manually using Payload Scan Window Configuration Command (Message #213). A3 - 64 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 That when a threat detection occurs, then the threat can be either a point detection (at a distance from the payload, see : Standoff Detection of a Point Threat) or a cloud detection (see : Standoff Detection of a Cloud Threat). Detection Latitude (Unique ID 0309.18), Detection Longitude (Unique ID 0309.19) and Detection Altitude (Unique ID 0309.20) Payload Latitude (Unique ID 0311.12), Payload Longitude (Unique ID 0311.13) and Payload Altitude (Unique ID 0311.14) Sensor Figure A3 - 8: Standoff Detection of a Point Threat Left Radial Line (Unique ID 0309.14) Right Radial Line (Unique ID 0309.15) Distance To Cloud (Unique ID 0309.13) Sensor Payload Latitude (Unique ID 0311.12), Payload Longitude (Unique ID 0311.13) and Payload Altitude (Unique ID 0311.14) Figure A3 - 9: Standoff Detection of a Cloud Threat A3. CBRN Payload Data and Products CBRN payloads will use message CBRN Detection (Message #309) to report the detection state of the payload. This message is used to report when there is a threat detected (i.e., above threshold or above threshold update) as well as when there is nothing abnormal detected (i.e., below threshold or NIL1) which is indicated in field Detection Type (Unique ID 0309.06). Any given detection state is composed of the following key elements: What: Which agent/substance was detected? Reported in field Substance Detected (Unique ID 0309.07) How Much: What is the contamination level? Reported in: NIL is a special case of “below threshold”. It is the point at which the payload indicates that it no longer detects the threat that it has previously detected. 1 A3 - 65 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 o Field Contamination Level and Contamination Level UoM (Unique IDs 0309.08 and 0309.09). These fields represent an actual contamination value and unit of measurement (respectively). For example: 1.234 MGM3. These fields are the basic minimum information that should be reported by any CBRN payload. o Field Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID 0309.12). This is an abstract value that maps to the Contamination Level and is used by payload’s that are capable of multi substance detection to facilitate the setting of warning and caution thresholds for those substances so that an operator can take appropriate action, for example: 3 bars on the display of the payload. This field may not be relevant to some payloads and therefore the payload may configure this field out. When: The detection occurred when? Reported in field Detection Timestamp (Unique ID 0309.10) Where: The detection/measurement occurred where? o For point payloads: Reported in field Detection Latitude, Detection Latitude and Detection Altitude (Unique IDs 0309.18, 0309.19, and 0309.20). Typically cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to 0309.17) will be configured out by point detectors. o For standoff payloads: Depending on the payload capability or its current working configuration with other standoff payloads, it may provide either Detection Latitude, Detection Latitude and Detection Altitude (Unique IDs 0309.18, 0309.19, and 0309.20), see : Standoff Detection of a Point Threat; or Cloud related fields (Unique ID 0309.13 to 0309.17), see : Standoff Detection of a Cloud Threat. A3. Example of the Lifecycle of a Detection Note that different payloads will have different characteristics that determine which fields are configured out, when they go in and out of a CBRN alarm state, etc. These characteristics can also be dictated by national requirements. As such this example is only provided to illustrate one of many ways that a CBRN payload may behave. This example will assume a chemical point detector that samples the air against a specific library of chemicals. This example will also assume that Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID 0309.12) is supported in addition to Contamination Level (Unique ID 0309.08). Also for this example, we will assume that the field Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID 0309.12) is the field used for visual warnings rather than Contamination Level (Unique ID 0309.08), for more information see Section A3. Relationship between Contamination Level, Contamination Severity and Detection Type. Typically this payload will normally report no detection. Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a green light and zero “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. A3 - 66 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 0 = Below Threshold 0309.07 Substance Detected Null 0309.08 Contamination Level 0 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 0 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <current> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 0 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to 0309.17) are configured out 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> At some point it might detect something but it is still below threshold. Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a yellow light and appropriate number of “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. A3 - 67 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 0 = Below Threshold 0309.07 Substance Detected L 0309.08 Contamination Level 0.196 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 2 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <detection timestamp> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 0 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to 0309.17) are configured out 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> The payload then detects enough of the chemical to trigger an above threshold alarm. Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a red light and appropriate number of “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. A3 - 68 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Note that a CBRN4 product is now available and a reference is provided in Unique ID 0309.11. This reference can be for a Generic Product Transport (GPT) message ID. GPT is a protocol that allows for guaranteed file transfer over UDP and is used here since a CBRN4 is a file based product. For more information about GPT please refer to the AEP-84 Volume I. A CBRN4 is an APP-11 message in accordance with NATO’s Warning and Reporting procedures as per ATP-45. CBRN4 is used to report basic sensor measurements. The CBRN4 is intended to be passed on by the CCI to the C4I systems. Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 1 = AboveThreshold 0309.07 Substance Detected L 0309.08 Contamination Level 0.280 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 3 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <detection timestamp> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 12345 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to 0309.17) are configured out 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> A3 - 69 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> Continuing with the example, the payload detects an increase in the chemical detection. Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a red light and appropriate number of “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. With every update, it is recommended that the payload send an updated CBRN4 until a NIL state is reached. Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 2 = AboveThreshold Update 0309.07 Substance Detected L 0309.08 Contamination Level 8.213 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 5 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <detection timestamp> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 12346 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to 0309.17) are configured out 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> A3 - 70 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> Then the payload detects a decrease in the chemical. The detection is still above threshold. Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a red light and appropriate number of “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. With every update, it is recommended that the payload send an updated CBRN4 until a NIL state is reached. Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 2 = Above Threshold Update 0309.07 Substance Detected L 0309.08 Contamination Level 0.219 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 3 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <detection timestamp> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 12347 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to 0309.17) are configured out A3 - 71 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> The payload continues to detect a decrease in the chemical. The detection is now below threshold but it is recommended that the payload continues to send an updated CBRN4 until a NIL state is reached (compare with the beginning of this example). Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a yellow light and appropriate number of “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 0 = Below Threshold 0309.07 Substance Detected L 0309.08 Contamination Level 0.070 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 1 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <detection timestamp> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 12348 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to 0309.17) are configured out A3 - 72 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> Finally the payload reaches its NIL state which for this particular payload is when the detection is back to zero again. A special NIL CBRN4 is generated and sent and can be used for reach-back and forensic purposes. Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a green light and appropriate number of “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 3 = NIL 0309.07 Substance Detected L 0309.08 Contamination Level 0 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 0 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <detection timestamp> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 12349 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to A3 - 73 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0309.17) are configured out 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> Then the payload is back to reporting no detection. Visually on a dashboard this can be represented with a green light and zero “bars” for the field Contamination Severity. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. Unique ID Name Value 0309.02 Vehicle ID <Vehicle ID> 0309.03 CUCS ID <broadcast CUCS ID> 0309.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0309.05 Station number <station number of the reporting payload> 0309.06 Detection Type 0 = Below Threshold 0309.07 Substance Detected Null 0309.08 Contamination Level 0 0309.09 Contamination Level UoM MGM3 0309.12 Contamination Severity Level 0 0309.10 Detection Timestamp <current> 0309.11 CBRN4 Report Reference 0 .. cloud related fields (Unique IDs 0309.13 to A3 - 74 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0309.17) are configured out 0309.18 Detection Latitude <payload latitude at time of detection> 0309.19 Detection Longitude <payload longitude at time of detection> 0309.20 Detection Altitude <payload altitude at time of detection> The CUCS can visualize the information it receives in different ways, the example below is a different view that employs a trend graph where each red dot represents the receipt of a CBRN4, see Figure A3 - 10: Example CBRN Detection Trend Graph. Figure A3 - 10: Example CBRN Detection Trend Graph A3. What about More Detailed CBRN Data? Although a CBRN4 is an important requirement for NATO’s Warning and Reporting procedures and is used operationally, it is not sufficient for all CBRN users. The reachback community, typically scientists, requires more data than what is provided in Message #309 and the CBRN4. Detailed CBRN measurements, such as spectra, are captured using other standards. For the RAD/NUC domain the appropriate standard is the American National Standard Data format standard for radiation detectors used for homeland security (ANSI N42.42). Unfortunately, at the moment there is a gap in capturing detailed measurements for the CHEM/BIO domain, however, the relevant NATO bodies are aware of the gap and are looking at closing this gap sometime in the future. A3. How to Implement Detailed CBRN Measurements? ANSI N42.42 is an XML file based standard and it is expected that a CHEM/BIO standard would follow suite. Unlike video, CBRN detailed measurements are not A3 - 75 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 envisioned to be stream-based considering the amount of data involved and the lack of the skilled resources to interpret this data in the theater of operation. Instead payloads capable of detailed measurements are expected to manually or automatically start ‘recording’ file based detailed measurements around the time a threat occurs. A3. How to Download Detailed CBRN Measurements? Since detailed sensor measurements will be stored as files, it will be possible to download the data. STANAG 4586 provides CBRN Payload Detailed Info Request (Message #210), CBRN Payload Detailed Info Response (Message #313) and CBRN Payload Detailed Info Estimate Response (Message #314) to facilitate the download of such detailed measurements using the appropriate Information Type (Unique ID 0210.06). Since detailed measurements are expected to be quite large in size, it is highly recommended to get an estimate first before committing to the download. For more information see Section A3. Downloading CBRN Related Information. A3. CBRN Payload Configuration and State The following sub sections address topics related to the CBRN payload configuration and state. A3. CBRN Payload State Field Payload State (Unique ID 0311.11) captures the overall state of the payload at any given moment. The following is worth noting: - - Start up: Depending on the payload type, the payload start state may be set to Starting up, then possibly followed by Calibrating and then finally set to Operating while assuming that there were no faults or warnings detected. Alternatively, a simpler payload’s start state would begin directly at Operating. Warning levels: At any point the payload may encounter faults2 or warnings3. Since these conditions could interfere with the operation of the payload, their occurrence will be reflected in the Payload State (Unique ID 0311.11) and will supersede other states. Similarly, detections are considered a critical event that will supersede other states. In the unlikely event, that some of those 3 states occur at the same time, the following is the order they supersede each other: a) Above Threshold (highest priority) b) Has faults c) Has warnings (lowest priority) A3. CBRN Sampling State Field Sampling State (Unique ID 0311.22) captures the state of the payload sensing component at any given moment, the following is worth noting: 2 Corresponds to high or low warning limit for alert zones in Messages #1300, #1301 or #1305. 3 Corresponds to high or low caution limit for alert zones in Messages #1300, #1301 or #1305. A3 - 76 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Idle, typically means that the payload is not capable of detecting CBRN substances for any number of reasons. Sampling, typically means that the payload is continuously sampling its environment without holding onto the physical sample. However, some CBRN payload types have the ability to collect a physical sample. In this case, Sampling should not be used and instead a new Payload specific enumeration for “Collecting” is recommended. Sensing Component Test, used to indicate the payload sensing component is busy with an internal test that was automatically or manually commanded. Scanning, typically is associated with standoff payloads that are scanning an area of interest. Tracking, typically is associated with standoff payloads that are capable of tracking a detected threat cloud. A3. Relationship between Payload State, Operating Mode, Sampling State and Testing State The following table describes the relationship between the fields Payload State (Unique ID 0311.11), Operating Mode (Unique ID 0311.21), Sampling State (Unique ID 0311.22) and Testing State (Unique ID 0311.23). Payload State Operating Mode Sampling State Testing State (Unique ID 0311.11) (Unique ID 0311.21) (Unique ID 0311.22) (Unique ID 0311.23) Has faults Typically faults2 are severe conditions that will cause the payload to no longer be able to detect contamination thus the field Operating Mode will typically be set to Standby. Typically faults2 are severe conditions that will cause the payload to no longer be able to detect contamination thus the field Sampling State will typically be set to Idle. The field Testing State will be set to Not Testing. Has warnings Depending on the severity of the warnings2 the payload may no longer be able to detect contamination thus the field Operating Mode will be set accordingly to Operating or Standby. Depending on the severity of the warnings2 the payload may no longer be able to detect contamination thus the field Sampling State will either be set accordingly to Idle or Sampling. The field Testing State will be set to Not Testing. A3 - 77 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Above threshold Typically the field Operating Mode will be set to either Operating or Training as applicable. Typically the field Sampling State will be set to Sampling or Scanning or Tracking as applicable. The field Testing State will be set to Not Testing. Operating The field Operating Mode could be set to any of the available values Operating or Standby or Training as applicable. If field Operating Mode is set to Standby then typically the payload detection capability is not active which would set the Sampling State to Idle. Otherwise the Sampling State will be set to Sampling or Scanning or Tracking as applicable. The field Testing State will be set to Not Testing. Powered off n/a n/a n/a Starting up Typically the field Operating Mode will be set to Standby since the payload detection capability is not active. Typically the field Sampling State will be set to Idle since the payload detection capability is not active. The field Testing State will be set to Not Testing. Calibrating Typically the field Operating Mode will be set to Standby since the payload detection capability is not active. Typically the field Sampling State will be set to Idle since the payload detection capability is not active. The field Testing State will be set to Not Testing. Testing Typically the field Operating Mode will be set to Operating. Typically Sampling State will be set to Idle assuming that the payload is not capable of detections during the commanded test operation. But the The field Testing State will be set depending on the commanded test. A3 - 78 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 field Sampling State will be set to Sensing Component Test if Testing State is set to Self Testing or Sensing Component Test as applicable. A3. CBRN4 Delivery Mode The purpose of field CBRN4 Delivery Mode (Unique ID 0310.39) is to Control the amount of payload product (i.e., the CBRN4) delivered to the CUCS Can be used by the CUCS to determine the level of warning delivered to the operator A3. CBRN4 Delivery Mode set to Threat Related This mode is typically used in force protection scenarios where the operator is only interested in receiving a CBRN product (i.e., CBRN4) and the associated visual/audio warning only when a threat related detection actually occurs. Note that field Detection Above Threshold Update Frequency (Unique ID 0310.28), if not set to zero, will be used by the payload to determine the frequency to send updates on an already trigged threat detection. If set to zero, the payload will use its own logic to determine this update frequency, hopefully without inundating the operator. A3. CBRN4 Delivery Mode set to Continuous This mode is typically used in survey scenarios where the operator is interested in receiving and collecting all CBRN products (i.e., CBRN4) based on a configured frequency via the Schedule Message Update Command (Message #1402). In this mode the operator would typically not require visual/audio warnings considering the type of mission and the amount of data expected. Note that it is important to consider how the payload should report on event based detections when Continuous mode is set. If the payload is going through a contamination area and has a reasonably high frequency for reporting Message #309 (and the associated CBRN4) then the normal event based triggering of Message #309 (and the associated CBRN4) might be suppressed so as not to overload the operator with data outside of the desired frequency. However, this has to be carefully implemented in order to avoid a situation where the operator is not alerted of a contamination because Continuous mode was set by mistake and the frequency was set too low by default resulting in the operator being exposed for a long time before being properly alerted. Similarly it is recommended that field Detection Above Threshold Update Frequency (Unique ID 0310.28) is not used and is even made unavailable while in Continuous mode so as not to overload the operator with data outside of the desired frequency setup using the Schedule Message Update Command (Message #1402). A3 - 79 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields Typically alert zones for CBRN related fields use a visual indicator of Green, Yellow or Red using either the upper alert zones or the lower alert zones but not both. General guidance on Alert Zones is found in Section A3. but the following is an example for how to achieve this by declaring certain zone as not applicable. if isHighLimitValid(highWarning) && value >= highWarning return RED else if isLowLimitValid(lowWarning) && value <= lowWarning return RED else if isHighLimitValid(highCaution) && value >= highCaution return YELLOW else if isLowLimitValid(lowCaution) && value <= lowCaution return YELLOW else return GREEN boolean isHighLimitValid(limit) { return min < limit && limit <= max } boolean isLowLimitValid(limit) { return min <= limit && limit < max } A3. Example of Configuring Alert Zones for Contamination Severity Level Assuming a CBRN sensor that reports on Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID 0309.12) and where the integer values are expected to range from 0 to 8 as follows: A value of 0 is Green, between 1 and 2 is Yellow, and between 3 and 8 is Red. Therefore using Message #1305 the zones will be defined as follows: MaxValue = 8 HighWarning = 3 // (>= this) is red HighCaution = 1 // (>= this) is yellow LowCaution = 9 // this invalidates LowWarning = 9 // this invalidates MinValue = 0 A3. Example of Configuring Alert Zones for Contamination Level Assuming a CBRN sensor that reports on Contamination Level (Unique ID 0309.08) and where the floating point values are expected to range from 0.0 to 100.0 as follows: A value of 0.0 is Green, while any significant value above zero is considered Red. Therefore using Message #1301 the zones will be defined as follows: MaxValue = 100.0 HighWarning = 1E-30 // (>= this) is red HighCaution = 101.0 // this invalidates LowCaution = -1.0 // this invalidates A3 - 80 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 LowWarning = -1.0 // this invalidates MinValue = 0.0 A3. Example of Configuring Alert Zones for Battery Remaining Level Assuming a CBRN sensor that reports on Battery Remaining Level (Unique ID 0311.08) and where the Battery remaining level (%), where integer values are expected to range from 0 to 100 as follows: A value from 0 to 25 is Red, from 26 to 50 is yellow and from 51 to 100 is Green. Therefore using Message #1305 the zones will be defined as follows: MaxValue = 100 HighWarning = 101 // this invalidates HighCaution = 101 // this invalidates LowCaution = 50 // (<= this) is yellow LowWarning = 25 // (<= this) is red MinValueUInt = 0 A3. Relationship between Contamination Level, Contamination Severity and Detection Type The payload is ultimately responsible for determining how the operator will be visually warned regarding a given detection by selecting the field that the CUCS will use to deliver that threat warning. The VSM accomplishes this by indicating in field Contamination Threshold Field (Unique ID 0310.37) whether the CUCS is to use field Contamination Level (Unique ID 0309.08) or field Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID 0309.12). In contrast, field Detection Type (Unique ID 0309.06) contains a basic assessment about the detection and whether it has crossed the warning threshold but it is not really intended as the primary means to deliver visual warnings. It is intended to: Provide certain CUCSs with a quick indicator of the type of detection so that it can be used to route the data quickly to other C4ISR systems or databases without having to worry about the specific caution and warning levels for individual types/classes of CBRN payloads. Act as a backup for the visual warning to the operator in the situation where the configuration of the caution and warning levels haven’t been completed yet such as when the CUCS is first establishing the LOI on the payload while Above Threshold detections are occurring yet the configuration for field Contamination Level (Unique ID 0309.08) or field Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID 0309.12) are delayed or in progress. In this case, the CUCS will still be able to display an adequate warning to the operator based on Detection Type (Unique ID 0309.06). A3. Example Warning Using Contamination Level During configuration the VSM will indicate using Contamination Threshold Field (Unique ID 0310.37) which field the CUCS should use for visual warnings. A3 - 81 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value … … …. 0310.37 Contamination Threshold Field 0 = Contamination Level … …. … (Unique ID #0309.08) As part of the CUCS request for configuration, the VSM will provide the appropriate thresholds for the caution and warning levels using Field Configuration Double Response (Message #1301). In this example, the payload caution and warning level will be represented simply as green (contamination is at zero) or red (contamination is above zero). Unique ID Name Value … … …. 1301.07 Requested Message 309 1301.08 Requested Field 7 1301.09 Field Supported 1 = field supported 1301.10 Max Value 100 1301.11 Min Value 0 1301.12 Max Display Value 100 1301.13 Min Display Value 0 A3 - 82 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1301.14 Minimum Resolution 1 1301.15 High Caution Limit 101 1301.16 High Warning Limit 1E-30 1301.17 Low Caution Limit -1 1301.18 Low Warning Limit -1 1301.19 Help Text “Contamination level” 1301.20 Subsystem ID 6 1301.21 Route Type 0xFF (all routes) A3. Example Warning Using Contamination Severity During configuration, the VSM will indicate using Contamination Threshold Field (Unique ID 0310.37) which field the CUCS should use for visual warnings. Unique ID Name Value … … …. 0310.37 Contamination Threshold Field 1 = Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID #0309.12) … … …. As part of the CUCS request for configuration, the VSM will provide the appropriate thresholds for the caution and warning levels using Field Configuration Unsigned Response (Message #1305). In this example, the payload caution and warning level will be represented as green (contamination severity is at zero), yellow (contamination severity is above zero but below 3) or red (contamination severity is equal or above 3). A3 - 83 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value … … …. 1305.07 Requested Message 309 1305.08 Requested Field 9 1305.09 Field Supported 1 = field supported 1305.10 Max Value 8 1305.11 Min Value 0 1305.12 Max Display Value 8 1305.13 Min Display Value 0 1305.14 Minimum Resolution 1 1305.15 High Caution Limit 1 1305.16 High Warning Limit 3 1305.17 Low Caution Limit 9 1305.18 Low Warning Limit 9 1305.19 Help Text “Contamination severity” 1305.20 Subsystem ID 6 1305.21 Route Type 0xFF (all routes) A3 - 84 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3. Detection Low level and Detection Operational Level Some CBRN payloads can provide the operator with the capability to override the payload thresholds with the operator’s desired thresholds. This is in particular useful for radiological payloads but can be leveraged by all CBRN payload types as well. If available, the CUCS can command the different thresholds using field Set Detection Low Threshold Level (Unique ID 0209.20) and field Set Detection Operational Threshold Level (Unique ID 0209.19). This would affect how the fields for Contamination Severity Level (Unique ID 0309.12) and/or Contamination Level (Unique ID 0309.08) will be configured using Message #1305 and #1301 respectively. For more information on how to configure alert zones see Section A3. Alert Zones for CBRN Related Fields. Assuming a payload that detects positive values, this will effectively result in having the VSM: Set the High Caution Limit to the value from field Detection Low Threshold Level (Unique ID 0310.16) Set the High Warning Limit to the value from field Detection Operational Threshold Level (Unique ID 0310.15) High Warning Limit = Detection Operational Threshold Level (Unique ID 0310.15) Contamination level Upper warning zone Upper caution zone Nominal zone Time Figure A3 - 11: Example of Configuring the CBRN Detection Low and Operational threshold Levels High Caution Limit = Detection Low Threshold Level (Unique ID 0310.16) A3. CBRN Payload Commands The following sub sections address topics related to the CBRN payload commands. A3. Scanning manually using Payload Scan Window Configuration Command (Message #213) Typically most CBRN standoff payloads will have field Detection Mode (Unique ID 0310.13) configured to “Automatic” allowing the payload on start-up to automatically A3 - 85 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 scan using the last configured scan window. To manually override the scanning operation, the operator can use the command field Set Sampling Mode (Unique ID 0208.12) to start and stop the scanning; or if the payload is capable of tracking a threat cloud to start and stop the tracking. The outcome of the command field Set Sampling Mode (Unique ID 0208.12) is to be reflected in the operating state of the payload using the field Sampling State (Unique ID 0311.22). Max elevation Actual elevation Min elevation End Azimuth Start Azimuth Scan radius Actual Azimuth Figure A3 - 12: Payload Scan Window A3. Downloading CBRN Related Information CBRN related data can be downloaded using the CBRN Payload Detailed Info Request (Message #210). Since some data such as detailed measurements might be quite large in size, the recommendation is for the CUCS to get an estimate of the size of the data (field Command mode, Unique ID 0210.10, set to Estimate) before committing to a download (field Command mode, Unique ID 0210.10, set to Download). Once a download is commanded, the VSM will respond with the message CBRN Payload Detailed Info Response (Message #313). Note that field File Reference (Unique ID 0313.08) can be a reference to a Generic Product Transport (GPT) Message ID. GPT is a protocol that allows for guaranteed file transfer over UDP and is used here since a CBRN detailed measurement is a file based product, for more information about GPT please refer to the AEP-84 Volume I. A3. Relationship Between Information Type and Detection Type CBRN related data can be downloaded using the CBRN Payload Detailed Info Request (Message #210). It is important to understand the relationship between Information Type (Unique ID 0210.06) and Detection Type (Unique ID 0309.06). For example, for CBRN4s: A3 - 86 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Information Type What to download (Unique ID 0210.06) 2 = Above Threshold CBRN4s All CBRN4s that were associated to a Message #309 where Unique ID 0309.06 was set to 1 (Above Threshold) OR 2 (Above Threshold Update) 3 = Below Threshold CBRN4s All CBRN4s that were associated to a Message #309 where Unique ID 0309.06 was set to 0 (Below Threshold) OR 3 (NIL, Detection cleared) 6 = NIL CBRN4s All CBRN4s that were associated to a Message #309 where Unique ID 0309.06 was set to only 3 (NIL, Detection cleared) A similar correlation will exist for detailed sensor measurements. A3.1.6.5 Weapons Within STANAG 4586, the 18xx series of messages are used to uplink message commands from the CUCS to the UA/VSM and the 19xx series of messages are used to downlink responses or status updates from the UA/VSM to the CUCS. Many of these messages are optional and may only be necessary for a specific implementation. For example, Message #1827 (GeoZone Control) will only be used by systems implementing GeoZones in a particular theater of operations. A3. General Information This implementation guide focuses only on the messages and message sequences that are necessary to discover, configure, arm, and fire a weapons store. It does not address the many optional messages that system developers may choose to implement. A weapons store is a single instantiation of a specific weapon type (e.g., a vehicle carrying four of Missile Type A and two of Missile Type B has six weapons stores). Weapons stores are assumed to be air-to-ground weapons and not static sensors or other non-dispensable payloads, nor does this standard take into consideration air-toair weapons. Weapons stores are managed by the Stores Management System (SMS), a subsystem which controls and monitors the operational state of weapons stores and provides and manages the communications between weapon stores and other aircraft subsystems. Within STANAG messaging, the SMS is addressed the same as any other payload is addressed and is discovered and configured the same as any other payload. Stores may be addressed individually or as a weapons package. A weapons package is a group of weapons and their associated parameters that are intended to be released in a specific order. A package may consist of one or multiple weapons stores. A3 - 87 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Weapon packages may be considered to be static or dynamic. A static weapon package is typically loaded onto the UA prior to the mission via a system-specific method and is not changed throughout the duration of the mission. There are no STANAG 4586 messages dedicated to the creation or maintenance of a static weapon package. A dynamic weapon package may be configured real-time using specific messaging. Message #1819, Dynamic Weapon Package Control, may be sent by the CUCS to the UA indicating that a series of messages will follow to describe the weapon types to be included in the dynamic package and establishing a weapon package ID. This message is followed by one or multiple Message #1820s, Dynamic Weapon Package Store Request, which assign weapon and warhead types to the specific dynamic weapon package ID established in Message #1819. The UA should respond with Message #1905, Weapon Package Status Response, followed by one or multiple Message #1906s, Weapon Package Status, indicating the status of each store requested in the series of 1820 messages. In order to initialize all of the stores contained within the defined dynamic weapons package as a single batch, the CUCS sends Message #1821, Initialize Dynamic Weapon Package, which indicates the desired weapon package ID. The UA should respond to this message with Message #1903, Primary Store Status, indicating that the stores are initialized. Stores within a weapon package may also be initialized sequentially by the CUCS via Message #1805, Prepare Store. The UA should respond with Message #1903, Primary Store Status, to indicate that the specified store was initialized. Weapon messages contain a “Station ID” field which identifies the SMS on the UA, and may contain Hardpoint, Carriage, and Store ID fields to provide for specific subsystem addressing. The SMS Station ID is reported in Message #300. These IDs allow for addressing all levels of the SMS system depending on need from SMS as a whole down to specific carriages or stores. If the Hardpoint, Carriage, and Store ID fields are all set to zero, then the message is referring to the weapon package. Many messages contain a Weapon Package ID field. A value of 255 is used to indicate the default weapon package; else, if the CUCS has created a dynamic weapon package, then the assigned package ID value is used. When addressing specific stores, multiple selections can be obtained by ORing the bit values. For example, a message sent to hardpoints 1, 7, and 17 would be denoted by ORing 0x00000001, 0x00000040, and 0x00010000 resulting in 0x00010041. Wild cards would be indicated by all FFF…’s meaning that the messages are meant for all nodes where FFF… occurs. A non-zero value in the hard point position with zeroes in the carriage and the store positions means that the action is meant only for the indicated hard point. Similarly, non-zero values in the hard point and carriage position with a zero in the store position means that the message is destined only for the carriage nodes. Several command messages contain a generic “Request ID” field which is used to differentiate one request from another. This ID is echoed back in the response(s) to that command or request, thereby allowing explicit association of a response to the request. Use of this mechanism allows multiple requests to be dispatched without having to wait for all responses to a single request to be received. The field also allows systems to ensure that commands do not inadvertently conflict with each other (e.g., if an older command is received after a more recently sent command of the same A3 - 88 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 message type, by using a sequential numeric order in the “Request ID” field, a system can determine the intended order of the commands and only implement the most recent). A3. Weapon Discovery and Configuration Discovery of the SMS station is accomplished via Message #300 by setting Unique ID 300.07 to enumeration 11 = SMS. Once the CUCS has discovered the location of the SMS station, the CUCS requests the status of each weapons store by sending Message #1814 (Store Inventory Status Request). The UA/VSM responds to this request by sending Message #1901 (Store Specific Information Response) and a series of Message #1902s (Store Inventory Status), one per weapons store. The total number of Message #1902s that the CUCS can expect to receive is indicated by the value in Unique ID 1901.06. It is recommended that the UA/VSM request acknowledgement of Message #1901 and each individual Message #1902. Once all Message #1902’s have been received, the CUCS will be aware of exactly how many weapon types and individual stores for each type are available on the UA. Configuration of weapons stores may or may not be necessary if the default configuration is acceptable to the CUCS. To determine the default configuration for each store, the CUCS sends Message #1800 (Store Specific Information Request) to request the various configuration status messages. There are three configuration status messages that may be requested in any order: o o o Message #1908 (Seeker Sensor Status): indicates the default trajectory in Unique ID 1908.28 Message #1911 (Fuze Status): indicates the fuze status and current settings Message #1912 (Weapon Laser Status): indicates the currently loaded laser code and status If the CUCS desires to change any of the default configuration settings for a store, then the CUCS sends the appropriate command message or messages; Message #1810 (Fuze Control), Message #1811 (Seeker Sensor Control), or Message #1812 (Weapon Laser Control). The CUCS may opt to send all, some, or none of these command messages, in any order. It is important for the CUCS to be aware of the default firing order of all weapons within a weapons package. If the default weapons package is being used, the CUCS uses Message #1800 to request Message #1903 (Primary Store Status) which reports the assigned firing order of each store in Unique ID 1903.09. If the CUCS has assigned a dynamic weapons package, then the CUCS can assign firing order using Message #1820 via Unique ID 1820.06. Configuration or firing order may be changed at any time, either when the SMS is armed or unarmed, including after the firing of a weapon store in order to reconfigure for a second firing attempt. A3. Weapon Mission Key Once the CUCS is satisfied concerning weapon package status, firing order, and store configuration, there is a minimum set of messages necessary to transition the SMS from an unarmed state to an armed state with the potential to dispense a weapons store. The SMS state diagram below depicts the states of the SMS once a CUCS has A3 - 89 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 achieved LOI 3 control of the UA/SMS station, and the transitions that occur moving from one state to the next. Control of SMS granted Control of SMS terminated Disarmed Jettison complete Idle Jettisoning Mission Key Loaded Valid key received Jettison command received with valid key Arm command received with valid key Disarm command received Armed Fire command received with valid key Pending Engagement Jettison command received with valid key Firing Jettisoning Firing complete Jettison complete Figure A3 - 13: SMS State Diagram Upon initial control, the SMS is in an unarmed state. In order to transition from the initial idle state, the UA/SMS needs to receive a valid mission key from the CUCS. A3 - 90 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 There are three safety-critical functions that require a mission key in order to be executed. Prior to arming, firing, or jettisoning a store, the CUCS needs to first publish an implementation-dependent mission key via Message #1816. The key value sent in Unique ID 1816.06 can be set to any value (a 32-bit prime number is recommended). The UA should verify receipt of the key via Message #1924 (Key Status). The validated mission key will be included in Message #1806 (Master Arm Control), Message #1808 (Fire Control), and Message #1813 (Jettison Store) in order for the UA to accept and execute the commanded actions. If Unique ID 1816.05 equals 255, the CUCS is instructing the UA to use the same mission key for all three safety-critical functions. If Unique ID1816.05 equals 0, 1, or 2, then the CUCS is providing the UA with a different mission key for each of the three safety-critical functions, and the UA can expect to receive three separate Message #1816s in total. The Message #1924 response sent by the UA also contains several safety-critical Unique IDs (1924.08, 1924.09, and 1924.10) that allow implementers to set certain safety parameters for arming, firing, or jettisoning a store. See the descriptions below for more detailed descriptions. A3. Weapon Arming Once the mission key has been published and verified, the CUCS can arm the SMS at any time. To arm the SMS, the CUCS transmits Message #1806 to the UA/VSM with the mission key value in Unique ID 1806.06 set to the same value published via Message #1816. The UA/VSM responds with Message #1900 (SMS Status) with Unique ID 1900.08 set to Enabled to verify that the mission key was valid and that the SMS is now armed. Arming of each individual weapon store managed by the SMS is handled via communication between the SMS and the weapon store itself and is not covered by this guide. Once the SMS is armed, system implementers should provide some form of safety oversight to account for situations where communication between the CUCS and UA may be lost. Message #1924 allows designers the option of establishing a “weapons heartbeat” that would provide for the UA to disarm automatically upon the loss of the heartbeat. 1924.10 10 Minimum Master Arm Heartbeat Rate Float Hz x < 0 (Error) 0≤x Use of 0 Hz indicates alternate action Master Arm If a non-zero value is entered in Unique ID 1924.10, then the UA is instructing the CUCS to use Message #1806 as a periodic heartbeat at the specified rate once arming has occurred, and to ignore Unique IDs 1924.08 and 1924.09 for arming. If a zero value is entered into Unique ID 1924.10, then the UA is instructing the CUCS to use Unique IDs 1924.08 and 1924.09 for arming criteria. A3 - 91 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1924.08 8 Safety Critical Command Minimum Message Count Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions If 192A3.10 is nonzero, then this field does not apply to Master Arm (#1806) 1924.09 9 Safety Critical Command Message Sequence Maximum Time Limit If 1924.10 is non-zero, then this field does not apply to Master Arm (#1806) In the case where Unique ID 1924.10 is set to zero, the UA will use Unique ID 1924.08 to specify the number of arming messages in accordance with a systems safety requirements that must be received within a certain time limit, as specified in Unique ID 1924.09. For example, the UA may specify that the CUCS must send three Message #1806s within 5 seconds in order for the UA to consider the arming command to be valid. Alternatively, the UA may specify that only one Message #1806 is required for arming, or may specify an indefinite time period by inputting a value of zero in Unique ID1924.09. For arming safety considerations, it is left to system developers whether they opt to use the heartbeat method, the minimum message count method, or a system-specific method. Unique ID 1806.05 contains the Master Arm Request ID. If Message #1806 is used as a heartbeat for an armed SMS, the Request ID should be the same for all heartbeats in order to differentiate it from a command to change state. If multiple Message #1806s are sent to arm the UA/SMS, then the Request ID should be the same for each required message. For example, if Unique ID 1924.08 indicates that three arming messages are required to successfully arm the SMS, the CUCS should use the same Request ID for all three arming messages. Note that if the UA/SMS becomes disarmed due to any safety related condition (system specific), the CUCS should use a different Request ID value in Unique ID 1806.05 if they desire to re-arm the SMS. This is to prevent a weapons heartbeat from the initial arming sequence from accidentally re-arming the SMS when that may not be the intent. A3. Weapon Firing Firing cannot occur unless the SMS has been previously armed. A store must be configured appropriately prior to release (or firing). Each store may have different minimum parameters required prior to being available for release. For example, one critical parameter will likely be the target location. To transmit target information to the UA if not already accomplished via other implementation-specific means, the CUCS sends Message #1815 (Modify Target). In response, the UA should send Message A3 - 92 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 #1916 (Modify Target Status) to verify that the correct target information was received and stored. The CUCS may request the target information status message from the UA via Message #1800 at any time. Not all weapons may need targets. When the system is armed and target information is confirmed to be valid, the CUCS may instruct the UA to fire the next weapon store in the firing order by transmitting Message #1808. Note that the UA may have previously specified (via Message #1924, Unique IDs 1924.08 and 1924.09) a required number of Message #1808s that must be received within a specified time limit. For example, if Unique ID 1924.08 was set to 3 and Unique ID1924.09 to 3, then the UA must receive three valid Message #1808s within 3 seconds for the UA to execute the Fire command. Once a valid firing command has been received and executed, the UA reports the status of the firing attempt by sending Message #1903 and denoting the store status in Unique ID 1903.13, to include misfires, hang fires, and launches. When the CUCS is satisfied with the firing status as reported by the UA in Message #1903, the CUCS may elect to fire again using the next store in the firing order (using the same default configurations), to reconfigure a weapon store using the method noted above, to disarm the SMS, or to do nothing until further action is required. A3. Weapon Jettison In the event that a CUCS desires to jettison a store from the UA, the CUCS should transmit Message #1813 with Unique ID 1813.10 set to the valid mission key previously published in Message #1816 and the individual store to be jettisoned specified in Unique IDs 1813.05, 1813.06, and 1813.07, which denote the specific hardpoint, carriage, and store. Note that jettison may not be available on all UA or for some stores, all dependent on the UA SMS architecture. It is critical to note that if values of zero are indicated in Unique ID 1813.05 (hardpoint), Unique ID 1813.06 (carriage), and Unique ID 1813.07 (store), all weapons stores currently managed by the SMS will be jettisoned from the UA. Additionally, if the hardpoint ID is specified as non-zero, and both carriage and store ID’s are set to zero, then all stores on all carriages at the specified hardpoint will be jettisoned. The same applies if hardpoint and carriage ID’s are set to non-zero, but the store ID is set to zero. All stores on the specified carriage on the specified hardpoint will be jettisoned. The UA may have previously specified (via Message #1924, Unique IDs 1924.08 and 1924.09) a required number of Message #1813s that must be received within a specified time limit. For example, if 1924.08 equals 3 and 1924.09 equals 10, then the UA must receive three valid Message #1813s within 10 seconds for the UA to execute the Jettison command. Jettisoning may be directed at any time after the mission key has been published and accepted by the UA – the SMS may be in either the unarmed or armed state. However, it is recommended that all stores be attempted to be disarmed prior to jettison. If this is an emergency situation, no confirmation of safeing should be required. If it’s a nonemergency situation, then confirmation of safeing should be required. A3. Weapon Disarm The CUCS may disarm the SMS at any point after it has been armed by sending Message #1806 with any value OTHER than the previously specified mission key in A3 - 93 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID 1806.06. Disarming the SMS via Message #1806 does not require any minimum message count received within a specified time period. The SMS may also be disarmed via loss of weapon heartbeat (#Message 1806 at a specified rate, if this was implemented via Message #1924, Unique ID 1924.10) or via a system-specific method not covered in this guide. The UA reports the status of the disarming command by sending Message #1900 with Unique ID 1900.08 set to Disabled. Once disarmed, SMS and stores are still powered and the CUCS may still configure weapon stores, load or view target information, or conduct any weapon messaging except for firing. A3. Example Message Sequence The following message sequence depicts nominal message flow to arm and fire a weapon store. In this example, the SMS has already been discovered, the default weapon package is being used, and the weapon stores have already been determined to be configured as needed. All specified field values are example only. A3 - 94 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 UA/VSM CUCS Message #1816: Publish Key 1816.05 = All 1816.06 = Key Value Message #1924: Key Status 1924.08, .09, .10 set to desired values Message #1806: Master Arm Control 1816.06 = Mission Key Value Message #1900: SMS Status 1900.08=1 Optional: sent periodically at n Hz IF a non-zero value was used in 1924.10 Message #1806: Master Arm Control 1806.06=Mission Key Value Optional: may already have been accomplished, completed by other means or may not be necessary Message #1815: Modify Target Message #1916: Modify Target Status May be sent n times (specified in 1924.08) within x seconds (specified in 1924.09) Message #1808: Fire Command 1808.10=Mission Key Value Message #1903: Primary Store Status 1903.13=Launch Disarming Message #1806: Master Arm Control 1806.06=NOT Mission Key Value Message #1900: SMS Status 1900.08=0 Figure A3 - 14: Nominal Message Flow to Arm and Fire a Weapon Store A3.1.6.6 Lasers STANAG 4586 allows for control of laser pointers, designators, and rangefinders using Messages #201 and #302. This section documents elements of control specific to those devices. A3 - 95 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 If present, it is assumed that a laser pointer, designator, and rangefinder will be integrated into the EO/IR payload type. They are not themselves considered a sensor, but it is possible to have a payload that contains a laser of one of the three types but is neither an EO nor IR sensor. These lasers, when integrated with an EO/IR Sensor are not considered a sensor, but it is possible to have a payload that only contains a laser and not an EO or IR sensor For laser modes, the implementers(s) of the VSM and the CUCS may elect to support making certain enumerations available on a dynamic basis. This might be desirable because the VSM may want to take some action based on operator input which cannot be reflected in the DLI with the message. Alternatively, the implementer of a CUCS may elect to make certain enumerations available based on the logical progression of states based on the CUCS’s system requirements (e.g., that a laser that is off cannot immediately be armed or fired but instead must be turned on). A CUCS could conceptually support both cases, presumably defaulting to the desired behavior of the VSM, but this adds significant complexity. A3. Laser Designator Laser designation is the act of using a laser to mark a target for elimination by use of a laser guided weapon. There are two primary data items which the UA needs for laser designation: the CUCS’s desired mode of the laser designator as well as the laser designation code. UA which need to use Messages #201 and #302 but which do not carry a laser designator should configure Unique IDs 0201.13, 0201.14, 0302.24, and 0302.25 out of a CUCS. They should additionally ignore the laser designator command fields when they receive a Message #201, and they should always send 0s in the laser designator status fields. A CUCS should have the reverse logic. A3. Laser Designator Mode 0201.14 15 Initiate Laser Designator Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 51 = Arm 68 = On - Safe 85 = Fire 0302.25 26 Laser Designator Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On - Safed 2 = Armed 3 = Firing 4 = Masked Unique IDs 0201.14 Initiate Laser Designator and 0302.25 Laser Designator Status mediate the laser designator’s mode. The enumerations in both fields deliberately do not match, as a laser designator is generally considered to need a higher level of system safety. The command enumerations are specifically designed to be resistant to bit-flip errors which could cause an undesired action. The following is a list of matching fields and enumerations between command and status, as well as the intent of the enumerations: A3 - 96 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique IDs 0201.14 and 0302.25 enumeration 0 = Off: As a command, this means the laser should turn off completely if not already off; as a status, this means the laser is completely off. Unique IDs 0201.14 enumeration 68 and 0302.25 enumeration 1 = On – Safe(d): As a command, this means the laser should turn on (into a safe mode as in eye-safe or weapons-safe) or should go from an armed or firing state to the safe state; as a status, this means the laser is on and in the safe state. Unique IDs 0201.14 enumeration 51 and 0302.25 enumeration 2 = Arm(ed): As a command, this means the laser should arm (into an unsafe state) with the expectation that it is or will be firing soon; as a status this means the laser is armed. “Armed” is usually considered the first step in a two-step process to fire a laser. Unique IDs 0201.14 enumeration 85 and 0302.25 enumeration 3 = Fire/Firing: As a command, this means the laser is to fire on the location of interest at which the payload is pointing; as a status, this means the laser is currently firing. Unique ID 0302.25 enumeration 4 = Masked cannot be commanded using 0201.14. The intent of “Masked” is that the laser is unable to fire on the target location. The reason for a mask may be natural obstruction, such as clouds between the laser and its target, or system obstruction, such as the UA’s own wing during a banking turn. System designers should consider this case carefully – requirements regarding how to handle laser masked are concept of operations-specific but are generally considered a failure case. Implementers should account for their safety needs with respect to configured enumerations. A3. Laser Designator Code 0201.13 14 Set Laser Designator Unsigned Code 2 Laser Illuminator Code per STANAG 5516 (Ed 2) (Link 16) Page E-3-527 DFI #1676 DUI 001 None No Restrictions 0302.24 25 Laser Designator Unsigned Code 2 Laser Illuminator Code per STANAG 5516 (Ed 2) (Link 16) Page E-3-527 DFI #1676 DUI 001 None No Restrictions The laser code is the code which the laser guided weapon will use to identify the correct laser point to follow. It will typically correlate to some set of laser light pulses. NATO has standardized the codes for pulse repetition frequency (PRF) type lasers in STANAG 3733 Laser Pulse Repetition Frequencies Used for Target Designation and Weapons Guidance. Other codes are unstandardized at the NATO level. STANAG 4586 allows for a larger range of codes which correlate to the range and encoding of the laser illuminator code in STANAG 5516 Link 16. In particular, the coding required by STANAG 5516 is an unsigned 2 byte binary coded decimal (BCD) A3 - 97 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 integer sequence. The field requires support for 4 digits, each digit in the range of 0 to 9. For example, the code 1111 would be encoded as 00010001 00010001; the code 1665 would be encoded as 00010110 01100101 (rather than the normal integer interpretation of 00000100 01010111 and 00000110 10000001, respectively). Given the BCD nature of the fields, supporting static configuration on the range of this field is not recommended for either a CUCS or a VSM—a range limitation on this field is essentially meaningless. System implementers needing to restrict the commands sent using Unique ID 0302.24 should consider a CUCS-specific solution. A3. Laser Pointer Laser pointing is the act of using a laser to mark a target without any other implication, similar to the set of devices called laser pointers that can be purchased and used in the commercial and education worlds. There is one primary data item which the UA needs for laser pointing: the CUCS’s desired mode of the laser pointer. UA which need to use Messages #201 and #302 but which do not carry a laser pointer should configure Unique IDs 0201.16 and 0302.22 out of a CUCS. They should additionally ignore the laser pointer command fields when they receive a Message #201, and they should always send 0s in field with Unique ID 0302.22. A CUCS should have the reverse logic. 0201.16 11 Fire Laser Pointer Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 51 = Arm 68 = On - Safe 238 = Fire 0302.22 22 Fire Laser Pointer Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On - Safed 2 = Armed 3 = Firing 4 = Masked 5 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = PayloadSpecific Unique IDs 0201.16 Fire Laser Pointer and 0302.22 Fire Laser Pointer Status mediate the laser pointer’s mode. The enumerations in both fields deliberately do not match, as a laser pointer is generally considered to need a higher level of system safety. The command enumerations are specifically designed to be resistant to bit-flip errors which could cause an undesired action. The following is a list of matching fields and enumerations between command and status, as well as intent of the enumerations: Unique IDs 0201.16 and 0302.22 enumeration 0 = Off: As a command, this means the laser should turn off completely if not already off; as a status, this means the laser is completely off. Unique IDs 0201.16 enumeration 68 and 0302.22 enumeration 1 = On – Safe(d): As a command, this means the laser should turn on (into a safe mode as in eye-safe or weapons-safe) or should go from an armed or firing state to the safe state; as a status, this means the laser is on and in the safe state. A3 - 98 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique IDs 0201.16 enumeration 51 and 0302.22 enumeration 2 = Arm(ed): As a command, this means the laser should arm (into an unsafe state) with the expectation that it is or will be firing soon; as a status this means the laser is armed. “Armed” is usually considered the first step in a two-step process to fire a laser. Unique IDs 0201.16 enumeration 238 and 0302.22 enumeration 3 = Fire/Firing: As a command, this means the laser is to fire on the location of interest at which the payload is pointing; as a status, this means the laser is currently firing. Unique ID 0302.22 enumeration 4 = Masked cannot be commanded using Unique ID 0201.16. The intent of “Masked” is that the laser is unable to fire on the target location. The reason for a mask may be natural obstruction, such as clouds between the laser and its target, or system obstruction, such as the UA’s own wing during a banking turn. System designers should consider this case carefully – requirements regarding how to handle laser masked are concept of operations-specific but are generally considered a failure case. Unique ID 0302.22 enumerations 5-15 = Reserved should not be used. Unique ID 0302.22 enumerations 16-255 = Payload-Specific may be configured using the standard configuration process. None of the enumerations can be commanded using Unique ID 0201.16. Whether this is by design is unknown. Implementers should account for their safety needs with respect to configured enumerations. A3. Laser Rangefinder Laser rangefinding is the act of using a laser to get the range from the UA to a location of interest. Typically, the location of interest is a target for future action. Laser rangefinders provide a higher degree of confidence of a location of interest compared to the use of terrain elevation data. There are two primary data items which the UA needs for laser rangefinding: the CUCS’s desired mode of the rangefinder and the first/last pulse mode. The UA will send one more element of data called the reported range. UA which need to use Messages #201 or #302 but which do not carry a laser rangefinder should configure Unique IDs 0201.11, 0201.12, 0302.21, 0302.23, and 0302.26 out of a CUCS. They should additionally ignore the laser rangefinder command fields, and they should always send Unique IDs 0302.26 and 0302.23 filled with a value of 0. A CUCS should have the reverse logic. A3. Laser Rangefinder Mode 0201.11 12 Fire Laser Rangefinder Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 51 = Arm 68 = On – Safe 85 = Fire One Pulse 238 = Fire Multiple Pulses A3 - 99 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0302.26 23 Fire Laser Rangefinder Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On - Safed 2 = Armed 3 = Recharging (Armed) 4 = Firing 5 = Masked 6 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = PayloadSpecific Unique IDs 0201.11 Fire Laser Rangefinder and 0302.26 Fire Laser Rangefinder Status mediate the laser rangefinder’s mode. The enumerations in both fields deliberately do not match, as a laser rangefinder is generally considered to need a higher level of system safety. The command enumerations are specifically designed to be resistant to bit-flip errors which could cause an undesired action. The following is a list of matching fields and enumerations between command and status, as well as intent of the enumerations: Unique ID 0201.11 and 0302.26 enumeration 0 = Off: As a command, this means the laser should turn off completely if not already off; as a status, this means the laser is completely off. Unique ID 0201.11 enumeration 68 and 0302.26 enumeration 1 = On – Safe(d): As a command, this means the laser should turn on (into a safe mode as in eye-safe or weapons-safe) or should go from an armed or firing state to the safe state; as a status, this means the laser is on and in the safe state. Unique IDs 0201.11 enumeration 51 and 0302.26 enumeration 2 = Arm(ed): As a command, this means the laser should arm (into an unsafe state) with the expectation that it is or will be firing soon; as a status this means the laser is armed. “Armed” is usually considered the first step in a two-step process to fire a laser. o Unique ID 0302.26 enumeration 3 = Recharging (Armed) also matches Unique ID 0201.11 enumeration 51. This state occurs when a laser must charge before or after firing. The laser is expected to reject fire commands—namely Unique ID 0201.11 enumeration 238 and Unique ID 0201.11 enumeration 85. Unique ID 0201.11 enumeration 238 and Unique ID 0302.26 enumeration 3 = Fire Multiple Pulses/Firing: As a command, this means the laser is to fire (and continue firing) on the location of interest at which the payload is pointing; as a status, this means the laser is currently firing. o Unique ID 0201.11 enumeration 85 = Fire One Pulse also matches Unique ID 0201.11 enumeration 3. As a command, this means the laser is to fire exactly one pulse on the location of interest at which the payload is pointing. Unique ID 0302.26 enumeration 4 = Masked cannot be commanded using Unique ID 0201.11. This is intentional, as laser masked implies a state where the laser is unable to fire on the target location. The reason for a mask may be natural obstruction, such as clouds between the laser and its target, or system obstruction, such as the UA’s own wing during a banking turn. System designers should consider this case carefully – requirements regarding how to A3 - 100 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 handle laser masked are concept of operations-specific but are generally considered a failure case. Unique ID 0302.26 enumerations 6-15 = Reserved should not be used. Unique ID 0302.26 enumerations 16-255 = Payload-Specific may be configured using the standard configuration process. None of the enumerations can be commanded using Unique ID 0201.11. Whether this is by design is unknown. Implementers should account for their safety needs with respect to configured enumerations. A3. First/Last Pulse 0201.12 13 Select Laser Rangefinder First/Last Pulse Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = First 2 = Last 0302.23 24 Selected Laser Rangefinder First/Last Pulse Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = First 2 = Last The first/last pulse selection determines whether the laser will report ranges based on the first pulse of a pulse sequence returned to the laser from the location of interest or whether the laser will report ranges based on the last pulse of the pulse sequence. The specific laser rangefinder engagement will usually indicate which of the two values will be selected. Calculation or use of this value is entirely a VSM and payload function—the CUCS’s function is only to permit selection of one of the values. Unique ID 0201.12 enumeration 1 = First matches Unique ID 0302.23 enumeration 1 = First; similarly for enumerations 2 and 2. A3. Reported Range 0302.21 21 Reported Range If > 0 then reported range is valid for the current reported location in this message. Float m 0 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 (0= Range is invalid) The reported range is the desired payload product for a laser rangefinder, as this is the information that indicates the range to a location of interest. The location of interest can be calculated to a high degree of confidence when the location and orientation of the UA, the orientation of the laser payload, and the reported range are known. If the laser becomes masked for any reason, then the range should also be reported as 0. Other system-specific reasons may be also be applicable. A CUCS receiving a range of 0 should discard the information. The reported range can be used outside the context of the laser rangefinder as a way for a non-laser payload to report the range. Two examples of such a payload might be a coincidence rangefinder or a VASCAR. A3 - 101 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.6.7 Payload Steering A steerable payload is a payload which can have its orientation changed in some fashion to provide a different understanding of the area of interest. The EO/IR, fixed camera, and SAR payload types are all considered to be steerable in the context of STANAG 4586; there may be other emerging types of steerable payloads. There are various potential mount orientations for a payload on an UA, such as a tilt-over-pan mount or a tilt-over-roll mount, therefore the implementation of the steering commands is based on the camera centreline. STANAG 4586 allows for the command of steerable payloads using Message #200, while payloads which report their orientations must do so in the context of their dedicated payload message. For EO/IR and fixed camera payloads, this is Message #302; for SAR payloads, this is Message #303. UA which need to use Message #200 but which do not carry an EO/IR payload should configure Unique IDs 0200.07, 0200.08, 0200.15 and 0200.16 out of the message, and should ignore those fields when Message #200 is received. These UA should also configure out enumeration 0 of Unique ID 0200.17. In addition, it’s recommended for a CUCS to provide for controllability of the majority of the fields and enumerations in Messages #200 via support for Message #1303. This enables a UA to provide information on what the CUCS should be able to change at any given time. For EO/IR payloads, any time Message #201 is sent with new or re-commanded information (specifically if the pointing mode changes or is re-commanded), the CUCS should also send a Message #200 Payload Steering Command to indicate to the UA the expected steering. A3. Pointing Mode 0201.10 10 Set EO/IR Pointing Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Value 1 = Angle Relative to UA 2 = Slewing Rate Relative to UA 3 = Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial 4 = Lat-Long Slaved 5 = Target Slaved (Track) 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = PayloadSpecific A3 - 102 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0302.19 19 Pointing Mode State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Value 1 = Angle Relative to UA 2 = Slewing Rate Relative to UA 3 = Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial 4 = Lat-Long Slaved 5 = Target Slaved (track) 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = PayloadSpecific Unique IDs 0201.10 Set EO/IR Pointing Mode and Unique ID 0302.19 Pointing Mode State mediate the pointing mode of the UA’s EO/IR payload. Unique ID 0201.10 enumeration 0 = No Value matches Unique ID 0302.19 enumeration 0 = No Value; similarly for enumerations 1-5 and 1-5 respectively. Enumerations 6-9 = Reserved in both command status should never be used. Enumerations 10-255 = Payload-Specific may be configured using the standard configuration process. For enumerations other than 0, Unique ID 0201.06 System Operating Mode should always equal enumeration 5 = Active. Enumeration 0 = No Value should be commanded when Unique ID 0201.06 System Operating Mode is commanded as any value other than 5 = Active. The UA should report Unique ID 302.19 enumeration 0 = No Value and ignore Message #200 steering parameters while the commanded state is Unique ID 0201.10 enumeration 0 = No Value. Enumeration 1 = Angle Relative to UA commands the payload to point at a constant angle relative to the UA. Enumeration 2 = Slewing Rate Relative to UA commands the payload to remain at a fixed heading. Enumeration 3 = Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial commands the payload to slew the payload with respect to the payload field-of-view. Enumeration 4 = Lat-Long Slaved commands the payload to an earthreferenced 3-space location defined by the coordinates latitude, longitude, and altitude. The note regarding slaved modes in AEP-84 Volume I does not apply to this mode. Enumeration 5 = Target Slaved (Track) commands the payload to track a target. The method of tracking is payload-specific. Note: AEP-84 Volume II permits the CUCS to control the payload-specific tracking mode. Adjustment to the location being tracked is not supported by STANAG 4586 directly and so if this functionality needs to be present it requires a private message or the VSM to adjust the location of the tracked part of the field of view. As in AEP-84 Volume I, this mode is assumed to lock to the center of the field-of view when the command is received by the payload. For each payload mode, in Message #200, the CUCS should at a minimum command values for, and the UA should look for values in, the following Unique IDs: Angle Relative to UA: Unique ID 0200.05 Set Centreline Azimuth Angle and Unique ID 0200.06 Set Centreline Elevation Angle A3 - 103 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Slewing Rate Relative to UA: Unique ID 0200.09 Horizontal Slew Rate and Unique ID 0200.10 Vertical Slew Rate Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial: Unique ID 0200.09 Horizontal Slew Rate and Unique ID 0200.10 Vertical Slew Rate. Maintaining consistent Unique ID 0200.11 Latitude, Unique ID 0200.12 Longitude, Unique ID 0200.13 Altitude, and Unique ID 0200.14 Altitude Type with Unique ID 0200.09 and Unique ID 0200.10 can aid in stabilization of the payload. Lat-Long Slaved: Unique ID 0200.11 Latitude, Unique ID 0200.12 Longitude, Unique ID 0200.13 Altitude, and Unique ID 0200.14 Altitude Type. Target Slaved (Track): N/A Reserved: N/A Payload-Specific: All values in the Message #200 specifically intended to steer the payload (Unique IDs 0200.05, 0200.06, 0200.09-14) should be consistent within the Message #200 as sent by the CUCS. This enables the UA to pickand-choose the values it needs to listen for. If there’s a need to support payload-specific modes, then the CUCS developer should develop for the most general case of ensuring that Message #200 accurately reflects the operator intent. The developer might desire to develop to the more specific cases of the standard pointing modes first (to understand the requirements associated with Message #200), and then proceed from there. The UA is responsible for ignoring the commanded parameters in Message #200 which do not correspond to the pointing mode which its payload is in. A3. Location The following fields permit the CUCS to command the steerable payload starepoint for a selected point of interest. For an EO/IR payload, the commanded fields are necessary for the pointing mode Lat-Long Slaved. A3. Latitude 0200.11 12 Latitude Commanded Stare Point latitude: Latitude of centre of FOV Double rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0302.16 16 Latitude of image centre Double rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Unique ID 200.11 Latitude commands the latitude of the starepoint, which is the latitude of the center of the field-of-view, while Unique ID 0302.16 Latitude reports the latitude of the image center when the message is sent by the UA. There is no way to report the commanded latitude. A3. Longitude 0200.12 13 Longitude Commanded Stare Point longitude: Longitude of centre of FOV Double rad -π ≤ x ≤ π A3 - 104 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0302.17 17 Longitude of image centre Double -π ≤ x ≤ π rad Unique ID 200.11 Longitude commands the longitude of the starepoint, which is the longitude of the center of the field-of-view, while Unique ID 0302.17 Longitude reports the longitude of the image center when the message is sent by the UA. There is no way to report the commanded longitude. A3. Altitude 0200.13 14 Altitude Altitude of centre of FOV Float m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0200.14 15 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. Unsigned 1 Enumerate d 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 0302.18 18 Altitude Distance above (+) or below (-) the WGS-84 reference geoid of image centre Float m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Unique IDs 0200.13 Altitude and Unique ID 0200.14 Altitude Type command the altitude for the center of the field-of-view and the altitude type (reference frame) of the steerable payload, while Unique ID 0302.18 Altitude reports the altitude of the center of field-of-view when the message is sent by the UA. There is no way to report the commanded altitude. In the context of an EO/IR payload, Unique IDs 0200.13 and 0200.14 should command the WGS-84 altitude as the only value which can be statused is the WGS-84 altitude of the point. The CUCS could provide the option also to set an AGL altitude type; where it does so it should probably convert and subsequently send the altitude as a WGS-84 altitude. The CUCS should probably not support the options for pressure altitude and baro altitude in this context. It is believed that the WGS-84-only option in Unique ID 0302.18 is correlated to the same value in the MISB metadata (i.e., that the MISB metadata requires the WGS-84 datum.) A3. Image Position (Location Validity) 0302.15 15 Image Position Unsigned 1 Enumerated Indicates when the latitude, longitude and altitude fields are filled with valid data 0 = Fields 16, 17, and 18 Not Valid 1 = Fields 16, 17, 18 Valid 0302.15 Image Position is a report-only data item which indicates whether the UA believes the data associated with fields 16, 17, and 18 (Unique IDs 0302.16, 0302.17, 0302.18) are valid data. This can aid the CUCS in making a decision whether it should calculate the payload’s present starepoint based on the provided exact locations or whether it should calculate the payload’s present starepoint based on the reported A3 - 105 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 steering angles. The UA might send it in the case where the payload does not know locations (i.e., it has no or limited DTED internal for the location of interest), or where the payload is pointing over the horizon. A3. Focus 0200.15 16 Set Focus Applies to the Addressed Sensor specified in Message #201. Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Focus Closer 2 = Focus Farther 0200.16 17 Focus Type Applies to the Addressed Sensor specified in Message #201. Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Auto 1 = Manual Unique ID 0200.15 Set Focus and Unique ID 0200.16 Focus Type are command-only data items intended exclusively for EO/IR payloads which provide control over the focus state of the payload. Unique ID 0200.16 enumeration 0 = Auto: Commands the payload to refocus itself automatically. 0200.15 should be ignored by the VSM in this case; Unique ID 0200.15 should be sent by the CUCS as 0 = No Change. Unique ID 0200.16 enumeration 1 = Manual: Commands the payload to focus itself according to the commanded value of Unique ID 0200.15. o Unique ID 0200.15 enumeration 0 = No Change: Commands the payload to stop changing its focus level and then to maintain that focus level until commanded otherwise, either by a change in Unique ID 0200.15 or Unique ID 0200.16. o Unique ID 0200.15 enumeration 1 = Focus Closer: Commands the payload to increase its focus level until commanded otherwise, either by a change in Unique ID 0200.15 or Unique ID 0200.16. o Unique ID 0200.15 enumeration 2 = Focus Farther: Commands the payload to decrease its focus level until commanded otherwise, either by a change in Unique ID 0200.15 or Unique ID 0200.16. SAR payloads should ignore these fields and should configure them accordingly. A CUCS controlling a SAR payload should send these values as 0 regardless. Fixed camera payloads may have a mixed level of support and should configure them accordingly. According to the field descriptions of Unique ID 0200.07 and Unique ID 0200.08, these should be applied to the sensor specified in Message #201; there are timing issues with this approach—how does a VSM know that the Message #200 it received was applicable to an earlier (or later) received Message #201? A3. Zoom and Field of View The CUCS can command two methods to control the zoom level of the payload. A3 - 106 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 For payloads with discrete zoom levels (in particular, IR sensors and their integrated payloads), the VSM is responsible for stepping the zoom based on the CUCScommanded values. 0200.17 7 Set Zoom Unsigned Allows control of the 1 payload zoom by either requesting a specific angle or by requesting the payload to zoom in or out until commanded to stop Enumerated 0 = Use Set Horizontal & Vertical Field Of View 1 = Stop Zoom 2 = Zoom In 3 = Zoom Out 0200.07 8 Set Horizontal Field of View Applies to the Addressed Sensor specified in Message #201. Float rad 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π 0200.08 9 Set Vertical Field of View Applies to the Addressed Sensor specified in Message #201. Float rad 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π 0302.11 11 Actual Vertical Field of View Float rad 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π 0302.13 13 Actual Horizontal Field of View Float rad 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π Unique IDs 0200.17 Set Zoom is a command-only data item which commands the payload to use the zoom method specified in the data item. Unique IDs 0200.07 Set Horizontal Field of View and Unique ID 0200.08 Set Vertical Field of View commands the payload to distinct FOV settings, and Unique ID 0302.11 Actual Vertical Field of View and Unique ID 0302.13 Actual Horizontal Field of View report the present vertical and horizontal fields of view. Unique ID 0200.17 enumeration 0 = Use Set Horizontal & Vertical Field Of View commands the UA to use the values in Unique ID 0200.07 and Unique ID 0200.08. The UA should ignore Unique ID 0200.07 and Unique ID 0200.08 when Unique ID 0200.17 is set to enumeration 0 but should continue to report its actual field of view in Unique ID 0302.11 and Unique ID 0302.13. Unique ID 0200.17 enumeration 1 = Stop Zoom: Commands the payload to stop changing its zoom level and then to maintain that zoom level until commanded otherwise by a change in Unique ID 0200.17. Unique ID 0200.17 enumeration 2 = Zoom In: Commands the payload to increase its zoom level until commanded otherwise by a change in Unique ID 0200.17. A3 - 107 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID 0200.17 enumeration 3 = Zoom Out: Commands the payload to decrease its zoom level until commanded otherwise by a change in Unique ID 0200.17. Configuration for Unique IDs 0200.07 and 0200.08 are found in Message #301. See A3. Field of Regard Minimums and Maximums. According to the field descriptions of Unique IDs 0200.07 and 0200.08, these should be applied to the sensor specified in Message #201; there are timing issues with this approach, as a VSM cannot know (it can assume) that the Message #200 it received was applicable to an earlier (or later) received Message #201. For payloads with discrete levels of zoom (i.e., IR payloads), Unique ID 0200.17 enumerations 2 and 3 should be interpreted the same as if the payload had smooth levels of zoom (i.e., the zooming should be continuous). For fixed aspect ratio payloads, the UA should ignore commands for either Unique ID 0200.07 or Unique ID 0200.08, but not both. The CUCS should always send what it understands to be the commanded field of view in both fields, and the VSM should report what it understands to be the actual field of view in both fields, as the CUCS does not and should not know that the payload is necessarily fixed aspect ratio. SAR payloads should ignore the commanded fields and should configure them accordingly. A CUCS controlling a SAR payload should send these values as 0 regardless, though a CUCS may have interest in the reported actual field of view for a SAR payload. Fixed camera payloads may have a mixed level of support and should configure them accordingly. A3. Steering Angles 0200.05 5 Set Centreline Float Azimuth Angle + right of aircraft x axis rad -π ≤ x ≤ π 0200.06 6 Set Centreline Elevation Angle + above aircraft waterline Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π 0302.10 10 Actual Centreline Elevation Angle + above aircraft waterline Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π 0302.12 12 Actual Centreline Azimuth Angle + right of aircraft axis Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π 0302.14 14 Actual Sensor Rotation Angle + Clockwise rotation from aircraft normal (Up) Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π A3 - 108 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID 0200.05 Set Centreline Azimuth Angle and Unique ID 0200.06 Set Centreline Elevation Angle command the payload pointing direction relative to the body axes of the UA in the azimuth and elevation directions, while Unique ID 0302.10 Actual Centreline Elevation Angle and Unique ID 0302.12 Actual Centreline Azimuth Angle report the actual angles. Unique ID 0302.14 Actual Sensor Rotation Angle reports the field-of-view with respect to the UA horizon, where zero rotation signifies the UA horizon is parallel to the image horizontal FOV. The VSM is responsible for converting these Message #200 data items for the orientation of the payload relative to the UA, the mounting, and the type of the payload. For a conventional 2-axis tilt-over-pan mount with the mount aligned to the UA reference axes, the pointing angles are: Centreline azimuth = Pan Centreline elevation = Tilt Camera rotation = 0 For other types of camera mounts, the VSM must derive these angles based on the characteristics of that mount. For a tilt-over-roll camera mount, where roll is the outer gimbal axis and is parallel to the roll axis of the UA (platform roll measured positive if the mount is rolled to the left of the UA body) and the inner gimbal axis is in the foreaft direction (with 0 corresponding to forward-looking and -PI/2 corresponding to down), the following transformations apply: Centreline azimuth = atan2 (sin (roll)*sin (tilt), cos (tilt)) Centreline elevation = asin (cos (roll)*sin (tilt)) Camera rotation = atan2 (sin (roll), cos (roll)*cos (tilt)) where the atan2 (y, x) function computes the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value. For an EO/IR payload, the Message #200 fields should be correctly populated while in the Angle Relative to UA pointing mode. A3. Slew Rates 0200.09 10 Horizontal Slew Rate + Slew FOV right Float rad/s -2π ≤ x ≤ 2π 0200.10 11 Vertical Slew Rate + Slew FOV up Float rad/s -2π ≤ x ≤ 2π Unique ID 0200.09 Horizontal Slew Rate and Unique ID 0200.10 Vertical Slew Rate are command-only data items which command the payload to rotate at the rate and in the direction provided by these data items. These commands are relative to the payload’s axes and not the UA body axes. For an EO/IR payload, this is per operator expectation; the operator expects the displayed video to move in the horizontal axis on when the operator attempts to move it to the right at the HCI; similarly in the vertical axis. No additional math is necessary for this functionality. For an EO/IR payload, these fields should be correctly populated while in the Slewing Rate Relative to UA or Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial pointing modes. A3 - 109 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 For both a tilt-over-roll mount and a tilt-over-pan mount, the VSM should translate Unique ID 0200.10 to the tilt control and Unique ID 0200.09 to the roll/pan control respectively. Slew rate should be configured using Message #1301 for the fastest slew rate that the payload will support. Payloads which have variable maximum slew rates should configure the CUCS for the absolute maximum slew rate, and when the VSM receives a command for the absolute maximum slew rate, it should proportionally adjust the commanded slew rate for the payload. A3. Fixed Camera A UA reporting that it has a fixed camera in Unique ID 0300.07 and a CUCS supporting that camera type, per Table 4 – 6 in Section 4.1 of AEP-84 Volume I is expected to provide the same level of control as with an EO/IR payload, except in the following circumstances: In Message #200 and for matching status in Message #302, the data items applicable to a fixed camera are Unique IDs 0200.07, 0200.08, 0200.150200.17. A UA can configure the other fields out of Message #200 should the developer feel it’s necessary, and should ignore those same fields, regardless. In Message #201 and for matching status in Message #302, the data items applicable to a fixed camera are Unique IDs 0201.05-0201.09, 0201.11-16. For unmatched status in Message #302, Unique ID 0302.21 is applicable. A3.1.7 IFF Command and Status A3.1.7.1 MESSAGE #1500: IFF/SSR Code Command Implementation Message #1500 provides the capability to control the Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) and/or Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) equipment located on board the UA from the CUCS. It is recommended that all the functionality available for IFF/SSR control from the CUCS be placed within a dedicated dialog, in conjunction with the associated status as received from the VSM in the IFF/SSR Status Report Message (Message #1600). It is recommended that this message only be sent from the CUCS to the VSM to change the state of any of the controlled parameters within the message, as the message is large. Upon reception of the IFF/SSR Code Command (Message #1500) from the CUCS, the VSM is required to immediately send the required command states to the IFF/SSR equipment on board the UA. Message #1500 permits individual enabling and disabling of Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, 4, S, and 5. Transponder codes are encoded in the message as described in AEP-84 Volume I Section Mode S parameters are defined in ICAO Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Volume IV. This document should be consulted for details on Mode S functionality and capabilities. Mode 5 parameters are defined in STANAG 4193. This document should be consulted for details on Mode 5 functionality and capabilities. One aspect of Mode 5 capability is the use of an extended (two-byte) Mode 1 code. If this code is used, then the equivalent short (one-byte) Mode 1 code is implicitly embedded within the extended code, as defined in STANAG 4193. If both the short A3 - 110 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 and long forms of the Mode 1 codes are sent in one instance of Message #1500, then the CUCS must ensure that the short Mode 1 code is properly embedded in the long Mode 1 code. The embedding is as follows: The 3 high-order bits of the Extended Code make up the 3 high-order bits of the legacy Mode 1 code. The 5th and 6th high-order bits of the Extended Code make up the 5th and 6th high-order bits of the legacy Mode 1 code. The 4th high-order bit of the legacy Mode 1 code (as with all Mode 1 codes) is 0. For example: Extended Code Legacy Code 7777 73 5432 50 3375 33 Sample C code that would calculate the correct legacy code to put into Unique ID 1500.04 given a value for Unique ID 1500.19: legacyCode = (extendedCode >> 6) & 0x3B; Unique ID 5000.03 in either message may be up to eight characters, although many countries only allow seven characters. The desired Aircraft ID should be left-justified, and unused characters up to (but not including) the null terminator should be filled with spaces (hex 0x20). Only numeric and capital alphabetical characters are permitted. Unique ID 1500.20 is two bytes long to accommodate a potential change to the Mode 5 encoding for National Origin. The current STANAG 4193 allows for up to 31 different values, but the most recent NATO country code table have values up to 99. A3.1.7.2 Message #1501: IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command Implementation When the CUCS sends this command, it is the equivalent of a pilot pressing the Identification of Position (I/P) button on the physical IFF/SSR control panel. This causes the transponder to add a special code to the normal response code, and transmit the code for an implementation-specific period of time. This is the expected vehicle response when Message #1501 is received by the VSM. If the IFF/SSR subsystem on the UA supports premature suppression of the I/P transmission, then the CUCS may send Message #1501 with Unique ID 1501.4 set to 0 (Normal) to command that suppression. A3.1.7.3 Message #1502: IFF Key Control Command Implementation When the CUCS sends this command, the VSM is expected to immediately take the indicated action on the cryptographic keys within the IFF subsystem on the UA. If the CUCS is attempting only to switch the Mode 4 key from A to B (or vice versa), then Unique IDs 1502.05 (Hold) and 1502.06 (Zeroize) should be set to 0 (No Change). For the Hold command (Unique ID 1502.05), the Hold state of Modes 4 and 5 is expected to be as commanded in the most recent message received. Specifically, setting Unique ID 1502.05 to 2 (Mode 5 Hold) is expected to have the effect that Mode 5 Hold is active and Mode 4 Hold is cleared. For the Zeroize command (Unique ID 1502.06), the action to clear the indicated keys is expected to take place with no additional delay. A3 - 111 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.1.7.4 Message #1503: IFF/SSR Bit Command Implementation This message provides the capability to initiate the Built-In Test (BIT) functionality of the IFF/SSR subsystem on the UA. It is assumed that a BIT must run to completion, so there is no option to cancel an on-going BIT. The use of 0 (No Change) in Unique ID 1503.04 (IFF/SSR BIT Command) should produce no action in the VSM (it is included for consistency). A3.1.7.5 Message #1600: IFF/SSR Status Report Implementation It is recommended that the CUCS provide a display for each of the parameters as contained within the IFF/SSR Status Report Message. Upon reception of the IFF/SSR Status Report Message at the CUCS from the VSM, the CUCS should immediately update the state of each of the parameters within the display. It is recommended that the IFF/SSR status displays be collocated with their associated commanded values, as sent to the VSM in the IFF/SSR command Messages (#1500, #1501, #1502, and #1503). The CUCS may pull this message from the VSM to update the status of the IFF/SSR parameters at the CUCS. Upon a request for this message from the CUCS, the VSM is required to populate the IFF/SSR Status Report Message with the most recent equipment status, potentially through an UA query, and then immediately transmit this message to the CUCS. It is recommended that this message also be sent by the VSM in the following cases: Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF/SSR Code Command (Message #1500) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command (Message #1501) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Termination of transmission of Identification of Position (I/P) after the systemspecific duration has expired Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF Key Control Command (Message #1502) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF/SSR BIT Command (Message #1503) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Completion of a BIT initiated by a valid IFF/SSR BIT Command (Message #1503) Details about specific Unique ID/fields can be found in Chapter 4 of AEP-84 Volume I. A3.1.8 Handover Logic CUCS Authorisation Request (Message #1) and the VSM Authorisation Response (Message #21) messages are used to initiate and monitor the handover process. For handover using a single data link, Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #600) is used to switch the connection of the UA data link (VDT) from the Relinquishing CUCS to the Acquiring CUCS. A3.1.8.1 Handover Using 2 Data Links Handovers utilizing two separate data links can provide for transfer of control without an intermediate “lost link” to the UA. Handovers of this type are also known as a “Make Before Break” or “positive control” handovers. By using two data links, LOI 3 and 4 A3 - 112 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 control can be passed from a “Relinquishing CUCS” to an “Acquiring CUCS” using standard discovery, configuration, and control request messages. No specialized handover messages are required. A3. Assumptions The UA that is the subject of the handover has 2 bi-directional data links; one communicating with the Relinquishing CUCS, the control or primary link and one communicating with the Acquiring CUCS referred to as the secondary link. The Acquiring CUCS is configured to communicate with the UA using compatible port numbers and IP addresses. The current controlling (i.e., primary) link maintains positive control of the UA during the handover sequencing. The Acquiring CUCS has established connection to its CDT links. A3. Pre-Handover The Relinquishing CUCS UA System Operator (USOP) establishes communication with the Acquiring CUCS UA System Operator (USOP) and transmits the following information/data: UA tail number/ID Current mission the UA is executing UA position, altitude, heading, and estimated start time of Handover (H/O) If necessary, inform ATC of H/O Frequencies, CDL profile and COMSEC keys to establish a functional data link with the UA to be handed over Relinquishing CUCS configures the UA secondary VDT per agreed upon data terminal characteristics; In response, the Acquiring CUCS USOP performs the following actions: Calculates and sets Control System (CS) D/L antenna position to the estimated UA position at H/O Acquiring CUCS configures the CDT to communicate with the UA secondary VDT If necessary, contact ATC to inform of H/O and for area traffic update Inform the Relinquishing CUCS that it is ready to begin the H/O transition A3. Handover Sequence There are four phases involved in managing a connection between a CUCS and a VSM/UA/Payload Station entities. The phases are: A3 - 113 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Discovery Downloading Configuration Data Requesting LOI Connection Release During these phases the CUCS will discover an entity and its capabilities. If the entity is a VSM, UA or Payload Station, the operator can then choose to establish one (or more) LOI connection(s) with the entity. If the entity is a data terminal, the CUCS only has the ability to request full control of it. There are no LOIs between a CUCS and a data terminal. A3. Discovery The Acquiring CUCS performs Discovery of the UA Vehicle per standard procedures described in Section A3. Connection Phase 1: Discovery, of this document. A3. Downloading Configuration Data The Acquiring CUCS configures itself for the desired LOI 3/4 of the UA/payload per procedures in Section A3. Connection Phase 2: Downloading Configuration Data. [This step may be skipped if the Acquiring CUCS has preconfigured for LOI 3/4 of the UA.] A3. Requesting LOI Connection For LOI 3/4 Control, the Acquiring CUCS requests LOI 3/4 Override Control of the UA/payload per the procedure described in Section A3., Connection Phase 3: Establish Connection. Both the Relinquishing and Acquiring CUCS will be notified of the results via Message #21. A3. Release LOI Control A connection between a CUCS and an entity can be released for reasons such as: The CUCS requests the connection to be released The entity spontaneously releases the connection Another CUCS requests to override the connection The CUCS hands control over to another CUCS Section A3., Releasing an LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations, in this document provides the sequence for release of LOI control of an Entity. A3.1.8.2 Handover Using a Single Data Link Payload only handover cannot occur separately from the vehicle using only a single data link. A UA with a single data link, such as a STANAG 7085 compliant link, can only support uplink communication (UA/payload commands) with one CUCS at a time; thus control of both the UA (LOI 4) and payload (LOI 3) are possible. A procedure for this type of handover, sometimes called “throw and catch” is outlined in the following paragraphs. A3. Assumptions The Acquiring CUCS is configured to communicate with the UA using compatible port numbers and IP addresses The Acquiring CUCS has established connection to its CDT links A3 - 114 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3. Pre-Handover Same as for dual link, Section A3.1.8.1 above A3. Handover Sequence The Relinquishing CUCS sends Message #600 with the Data Time Out Limit set to a value “T1” >0. This commands the UA to drop the CDL connection with the Relinquishing CUCS and point the antenna to the location indicated in Message #600. Upon establishing a CDL connection with the UA, the Acquiring CUCS requests LOI 4 Override Control of the UA per the procedure described in Section A3., Connection Phase 3: Establish Connection. The UA verifies the CUCS ID in Message #1 of the Acquiring CUCS matches the ID received in Message #600. If the ID does not match the expected ID (from Message #600 of the Relinquishing CUCS), the UA continues to wait until the end of the timeout period for response from the proper CUCS. If the IDs match, the UA transmits Message #700, “Handover Successful" to the Acquiring CUCS, indicating that the datalink and LOI connection has been established and the Acquiring CUCS is in control of the UA. If on the other hand, after waiting the Data Link Time-Out Limit “T1” the handover does not succeed, the UA points its antenna back to the Relinquishing CUCS and transmits the Handover Status Report (Message #700) with the Status set to “Handover Failed”. If successful, the Acquiring CUCS can then continue with discovery of payloads, configuration, etc. A3.1.8.3 Payload Handover Using a Share Data Link Handover of payloads where a data link transition is not required uses only the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1 and the VSM Authorization Response Message #21. Details of payload discovery and configuration are described in Section A3. of this Annex. The CUCS attempting to acquire control over a specific payload first sends the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1, setting the Requested/Handover LOI value to LOI3 and all applicable lower LOIs which in this case is 0x03 (LOI2+LOI3), setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the payload for which it is attempting to acquire control, and setting the Controlled Station Mode value to 1 = Request Control. Taking Control of an Available Payload: If the requested payload is available for control by the requesting CUCS, the VSM/UA sends the VSM Authorization Response Message #21, setting the CUCS ID to the requesting CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value 0x03 (LOI2+LOI3), setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the requested payload and setting the Controlled Station value to 1 = In Control. Attempting Control of an Unavailable Payload: If the requested payload is not available for control by the requesting CUCS, the VSM/UA sends the VSM Authorization Response Message #21, setting the CUCS ID to the requesting CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value 0x00 = N/A, setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the requested payload and setting the Controlled Station value to 0 = Not In Control. A3 - 115 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Acquiring Control of a Payload in use by Another CUCS: If the requested payload is not available for control by the requesting CUCS because it is in use by another CUCS, the acquiring CUCS may attempt to override control and wrest the payload away from the CUCS currently in control. If the currently controlling CUCS has sent the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1 with the Controlled Station Mode for the requested payload to a value of 2 = Override Control, then the attempted override by the CUCS attempting to wrest control from the currently controlling CUCS will fail and the Message #21 from the prior paragraph will be sent. Otherwise, the acquiring CUCS sends the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1, setting the Requested/Handover LOI value to LOI3 and all applicable lower LOIs which in this case is 0x03 (LOI2+LOI3), setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the payload for which it is attempting to acquire control, and setting the Controlled Station Mode value to 2 = Override Control. The VSM/UA sends two VSM Authorization Response Messages #21. The first message is sent to the CUCS that has lost control of the payload setting the CUCS ID to the relinquishing CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value to either 0x00 = N/A or 0x01 = LOI 2, setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the requested payload and setting the Controlled Station Mode value to 0 = Not In Control. The second message is sent to the CUCS that has taken away control of the payload setting the CUCS ID to the acquiring CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value 0x03 (LOI2+LOI3) , setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the requested payload and setting the Controlled Station Mode value to 1 = In Control. A3.1.9 Virtual Vehicle Logic In some implementations the CUCS needs to communicate with the VSM before the VSM has established a link with a UA. This is typically so that the operator can perform setup in the VSM and may also involve pre-downloading the Configuration Data for the UA that the CUCS intends to control. For example, the VSM may provide a Remote Display to allow the operator to indicate which payloads are installed on the UA or to setup the data link parameters to communicate with the UA. If the VSM does not know the Vehicle ID of the UA in advance, it can use a Logical Vehicle ID in place of the Real Vehicle ID. A Logical Vehicle ID has a country code of 0 so a valid ID is in the range: 00:00:00:00 < Logical Vehicle ID <= 00:FF:FF:FF When the VSM discovers the real UA it can use the Real Vehicle ID instead of the Logical Vehicle ID. Before it switches to the new ID, however, the VSM needs to notify the CUCS of the ID change by sending Message #20: Unique ID Name Value 0020.02 Vehicle ID <Logical Vehicle ID> 0020.03 CUCS ID <CUCS ID> 0020.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> A3 - 116 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0020.05 Vehicle ID Update <Real Vehicle ID> All future messages from the VSM will use the Real Vehicle ID instead of the Logical Vehicle ID when referring to this UA. Note that this includes messages for any payload stations or data links that were pre-configured with the Logical Vehicle ID. It is highly recommended that VSMs use the acknowledgement system to ensure that this message is received by each CUCS that has an LOI granted. If a CUCS does not receive this message, it will likely continue to listen for messages addressed from the Logical Vehicle ID instead of the Real Vehicle ID. The Vehicle ID Update field (Unique ID 0020.05) should not be used to change a Real Vehicle ID to another Real Vehicle ID. A VSM can change the Real Vehicle ID back to a Logical Vehicle ID to indicate that the VSM is no longer configured to communicate with the Real UA. The CUCS can use this event to prepare for communicating with a new Real UA. If a VSM supports multiple types of vehicles, it can report a Logical Vehicle ID for each Vehicle Type/Subtype combination. If the VSM can only grant control for one of these variations at a time, it can send a Message #21 for all other Logical Vehicle IDs with LOI Authorized (Unique ID 0021.06) set to ”0x00=Connection Not Authorised” when it grants LOI for one Vehicle Type/Subtype. To illustrate the use of a Virtual Vehicle, consider the following scenario: Stage 1: Initial connection between CUCS and VSM without UA Virtual UA ID= Type=10 Subtype=1 VSM CUCS STANAG 4586 DLI In Stage 1, the VSM has not established a link with a UA, but it can still provide the discovery and configuration messages for a virtual vehicle by using the Logical Vehicle ID in the appropriate messages. This approach can work if the VSM knows the configuration of the vehicles it can control in advance. A3 - 117 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 VSM CUCS Message #1 Broadcast Request Message #21 (VehicleID=, Type=10, Subtype=1) Message #1200 Download Configuration (VehicleID= Message #130x Configuration Messages (VehicleID= Message #1203 Config Complete (VehicleID=, Type=10, Subtype=1) Message #1 Request Control (VehicleID=, LOI=LOI5) Message #21 (VehicleID=, LOIGranted=LOI5) The CUCS can establish LOI control of the VSM at this stage so that the VSM can present its Remote Displays. Stage 2: Data Link is manipulated to communicate with UA Virtual UA ID = Type=10 Subtype=1 VSM CUCS STANAG 4586 DLI Proprietary Data Link protocol* In Stage 2 of this example, the VSM communicates with the data link in preparation for communicating with a vehicle. This could be a result of operator interaction with the VSM’s Remote Displays. * Note that in this example the VSM communicates with a CDT using a proprietary protocol (such as a command line or REST interface). There are other ways to accomplish this such as using the Data Link DLI messages or private messages. Stage 3: VSM Establishes Connection with Real UA A3 - 118 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Real UA ID= Type=10 Subtype=1 Tail=”TN039 ” VSM CUCS STANAG 4586 DLI Proprietary UA protocol In Stage 3, the VSM discovers which UA it is controlling and updates the CUCS with the new Real Vehicle ID with Message #20. VSM CUCS UA [Proprietary] Establish connection Message #20 (VehicleID=, VehicleIDUpdate=, Type=10, Subtype=1, Tail Number=”TN039”) [Proprietary] Send UA Status Message #101 Inertial States (VehicleID= All future messages between the CUCS and the VSM regarding this UA should use the new Vehicle ID. VSM CUCS Message #44 Unmanned Aircraft Lights (VehicleID= UA [Proprietary] Set the Light [Proprietary] Report Light Status Message #107 Vehicle Lights Report (VehicleID= A3 - 119 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2 Description and Implementation of DLI Messages A3.2.1 System ID A3.2.1.1 Message #1: CUCS Authorisation Request CUCS Implementation This message is used by a CUCS to request a connection to a VSM for a specific Vehicle ID, at a specific LOI, or it is used by a CUCS to make a general inquiry on the network to which it is attached to determine what VSMs are attached to the network, and what are the capabilities of these VSMs. This message is also used to release control or override control of a specific Vehicle ID by the CUCS. Therefore this message has a few distinct usages. The response to this message is from a VSM using Message #21, VSM Authorization Response. The CUCS ID is a field located in all of the STANAG 4586 formatted DLI messages, and in this message identifies the CUCS making the request to the VSM. The VSM should populate the CUCS ID field of the formatted DLI message response (Message #21) with the CUCS ID as received from the CUCS in the CUCS Authorisation Request (Message #1). When a VSM authorizes control to a CUCS for the UA/payload, it should be based on the CUCS ID contained in the CUCS Authorization Request Message. Once a CUCS has control of a UA/payload, the VSM thereafter filters all control messages for that functionality based on the authorized CUCS ID, and addresses all the required status messages to that CUCS ID. For UA or payload control requests, this message is sent by a CUCS to a VSM to request a connection to the VSM, for a specific Vehicle ID, at a specific (requested) LOI, for a specific vehicle type and subtype, potentially for a specific payload station (dependent on LOI), the Vehicle ID and all other fields in the message are correctly filled. If more than one payload station authorisation is needed, this message may be used to identify all the stations at one time. Where a CUCS does not receive authorization to control a UA or payload at a specific LOI, the CUCS is not to transmit “command” messages to a Vehicle ID for that functionality. When the CUCS is using this message to make a general inquiry for VSMs attached to the network and their capabilities, the Vehicle ID field is filled with the broadcast request ID (FF.FF.FF.FF). The other fields in this message can be set to create a filter for specific functionality, or the Requested LOI field can be set to “Unspecified” and therefore signify that all other fields are invalid. The vehicle type and subtype fields are used to allow the CUCS to filter a broadcast to request control of a particular vehicle type/subtype where there is more than one VSM on the network to which the CUCS is attached, or a particular VSM supports more than one vehicle type/subtype. This message is designed to allow more than one CUCS to control a UA and payload functions from a single logical VSM. A CUCS controlling a UA at LOI 4 or 5 will maintain UA control until either it relinquishes control, or is displaced by another CUCS that is asserting override while the current CUCS is not. A3 - 120 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A CUCS controlling a payload at LOI 3 will maintain payload control until it either loses the connection, specifically relinquishes control, or when the CUCS that has LOI 4 or 5 of the UA on which the payload(s) are located specifically requests control of that payload. The UA operator is considered to be responsible for the UA, therefore may remove control from an independent payload operator. This message is used in conjunction with the Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #600) for a handover of a UA without handing over control of the VSM to another CUCS (e.g., passing control of an UA from one VSM to another). This message provides the authorisation for the handover of the UA, and identifies to the UA whether or not it must wait for the Data Link Transition Coordination Message before performing the transition. Refer to Section A3.1.2.3 Entity Connection Management for implementation details of the CUCS Authorization Request message. additional A3.2.1.2 Message #1: CUCS Authorisation Request VSM Implementation This message is received at the VSM as sent by a CUCS to request a connection, release connection, or override connection to the VSM for a specific Vehicle ID at a requested LOI (UA/payload), for a specific vehicle type and subtype. If the CUCS does not know the vehicles (VSMs) available on the network, the Vehicle ID will most likely be filled with the Broadcast ID identifying that this is a general request for VSMs to identify their capabilities to the CUCS, potentially filtered to a specific vehicle type/subtype. If more than one payload station authorisation was requested, this message may be identifying more than one station. The VSM must correctly interpret the contents of the CUCS Authorization Request Message as received from the CUCS, and respond with a Message #21, VSM Authorization Response, corresponding to the request, either authorizing control for the requested functionality, releasing control of the selected functionality, or allowing an override of the selected functionality. Where the request was a Broadcast request, the VSM responds with its capabilities, but does not authorize control over any of its functionality. A3.2.1.3 Message #20: Vehicle ID CUCS Implementation This Vehicle ID message identifies specific details of the UA identified by the Vehicle ID parameter contained in the message. Some of these parameters are duplicated from other messages in order to provide this information in a comprehensive vehicle identification message. The STANAG 4586 allows the CUCS to request configuration messages from the VSM/UA in advance of requesting a LOI from the VSM, and this is one of the possible configuration messages that may be requested. However where a UA is not connected to the VSM/system, this message does not provide any useful information above that contained in Message #21, VSM Authorization Response Message. It is recommended that these data elements be available for display to the operator in a System Administration/Configuration dialog on the CUCS, for the UA that the CUCS is either monitoring or controlling. Data elements of the configuration type are recommended to be grouped. A3 - 121 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.1.4 Message #20: Vehicle ID VSM Implementation The Vehicle ID Message is created by the VSM/UA, and more comprehensively identifies the UA that is controlled through the VSM. This message is only sent from the VSM to the CUCS when requested by the CUCS for the specified Vehicle ID, or in response to a general configuration request made for a specific Vehicle ID, for the UA in particular. The VSM is developed for a specific vehicle type and subtype; therefore these are specified by the VSM developer. Thus, certain data elements within this message should not be operator configurable. These data elements are: Vehicle Type Vehicle Subtype Other data elements contained in the Vehicle ID Message are dependent on the specific UA, and they may vary by mission. These data elements include: Vehicle ID Owning Country ID Tail Number Mission ID ATC Call Sign These data elements may be potentially operator enterable on the VSM through the remote display capability. The Mission ID is set from a CUCS for a mission upload, and is transmitted to the VSM using Message #800, Mission Upload Command. The Mission ID identified in this message will report the Mission ID loaded on the UA, and will reflect the uploaded Mission ID if an upload occurred from the same CUCS. This message may be requested by the CUCS to get a confirmation that Mission ID was uploaded correctly to the VSM/UA. When the Vehicle ID Message is requested by the CUCS, all data elements within the message should be appropriately populated and the message sent as expeditiously as possible from the VSM. When the VSM “message translation functionality” is located on the ground, it is recommended that the Vehicle IDs are used as the VSM IDs. This message reports the “tail number” that has been associated with a specific Vehicle ID when a UA is attached/connected to the system. Where a VSM is capable of controlling more than one “tail number” simultaneously, the VSM should be assigned the number of Vehicle IDs corresponding to the number of UA that the VSM can control simultaneously, with one “tail number” being assigned to one Vehicle ID. A3.2.1.5 Message #21: VSM Authorisation Response CUCS Implementation The VSM Authorisation Response Message is received at the CUCS as sent by the VSM in response to Message #1, CUCS Authorisation Request Message. If the request (enquiry) from the CUCS was a broadcast or for an unspecified LOI, the VSM will respond with the available Vehicle ID(s), vehicle type/subtype information, available payload stations, and the LOI that are authorised for the inquiring CUCS. The response provides the CUCS with “information” on the capabilities of the VSM. The LOI Authorized field identifies the maximum LOI that could be granted to the CUCS. The LOI Authorized response does not pass control of the VSM to the CUCS. A3 - 122 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The LOI Granted field will be filled with “N/A” for a Broadcast response. If the CUCS requested a specific LOI in the Authorisation Request Message, it should be granted control from the VSM over the specified functionality in this message unless the CUCS is not authorized for control. Once the CUCS has received a “control” authorization (LOI 3/4/5) for a UA and/or payload, it is authorized to transmit LOI 3/4 command messages to the specific Vehicle ID. The CUCS may receive this message to monitor the control status of the entire UAS/network, where other CUCSs may be in control of portions of the system. This allows all CUCSs connected to the VSM/UAS to monitor which CUCS(s) is in control of the different components of the UA, the UA itself and/or its payload(s). The CUCS may also receive this message to inform the CUCS that it is no longer in control of a specified functionality, where another CUCS has overridden control of the specified station. The CUCS type and CUCS subtype fields can be used during a transfer from one CUCS to another to inform the giving CUCS the type and subtype of the gaining CUCS. To implement this function, the UA would send this message not only to the acquiring CUCS, but also to the relinquishing CUCS. If the acquiring CUCS first requests monitor mode, the relinquishing CUCS can determine if it should give up control of the UA to the acquiring CUCS. A3.2.1.6 Message #21: VSM Authorisation Response VSM Implementation The VSM Authorisation Response Message is sent by the VSM in response to Message #1, CUCS Authorisation Request Message, received from a CUCS. If the request (enquiry) from the CUCS was a broadcast or for an unspecified LOI, and the CUCS ID received in the message is for an authorized CUCS, the VSM responds with the specific Vehicle ID(s), to include vehicle type/subtype information, and the LOI(s) that are authorised for the enquiring CUCS. The LOI Authorized field is used by the VSM to identify the maximum LOI that could be granted to the enquiring CUCS. The LOI Authorized response does not pass control of the VSM to the CUCS. This differs from the LOI Granted field in that when the VSM reports the LOI Granted to the CUCS, the CUCS is there after considered to be in control of the VSM at the granted LOI for either the UA and/or controlled station identified in the message. Once the CUCS has been granted control of VSM functionality, the VSM transmits the required status messages to the CUCS (CUCS ID) and accepts the commands for the specified LOI from that CUCS. If the CUCS requested a specific LOI in the CUCS Authorisation Request Message for a specific Vehicle ID, it is requesting the granting of control from the VSM over the specified functionality. Therefore, the VSM should respond with the granted LOI, unless that functionality is already being controlled by another CUCS and the request is not an override. Note, the STANAG 4586 does not specifically support a VSM identifying (reporting) control over a UA component by one CUCS to another CUCS. All CUCSs must monitor all VSM Authorization Response Messages on the network if they want to build a picture of the network and the current state of UA payload control on that network. It is an implementation detail whether a VSM identifies a UA functionality as not authorized when being controlled by another CUCS (does not report the functionality in the VSM Authorization Response Message, therefore defeating the A3 - 123 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 override capability), or shows it as authorized and then when requested not allow control unless the request is an override over the current CUCS. The VSM should also transmit this message to a CUCS to inform the CUCS that it is no longer in control of the specified functionality, through the “Relinquish Control” setting. This occurs in situations where one CUCS has overridden control of the specified station from another CUCS, or a CUCS has released control of the specified functionality. A VSM on the ground may not be connected to a UA when it receives a CUCS Authorization Request. In this situation the VSM transmits a VSM Authorization Response Message for each of its logical VSMs, with each logical VSM identified by an associated Vehicle ID, vehicle type and vehicle subtype. One message is sent for each vehicle type/subtype (Vehicle ID) for which the VSM is capable of controlling. When the VSM is on the ground, the CUCS is in essence controlling the VSM. Once the CUCS has control over a “logical” VSM, the reception of Message #20, Vehicle ID, will verify the absence of a vehicle connected to the system with the Tail Number parameter being reported as “zero”. Refer to Section A3.1.2.3 Entity Connection Management for implementation details of the CUCS authorization Request message. additional A3.2.2 Vehicle Command and Status A3.2.2.1 Message #40: Vehicle Configuration Command CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Configuration Command message is used by the CUCS to transmit the initial UA Propulsion Energy to the VSM, as a percentage of the total capacity of the system. The Propulsion Energy may be a liquid/solid fuel (kg) or a current charge (joules), therefore the initial capacity is commanded as a percentage of the maximum capacity of the system as reported (configured) from the VSM using Message #100, Vehicle Configuration. The CUCS must provide a method for the operator to enter the Initial Propulsion Energy if supported, and it is recommended this value is entered in the type reported as supported in Message #100, Vehicle Configuration, either “Propulsion Fuel Capacity” or “Propulsion Battery Capacity”. Potentially both propulsion energy types may be available; however, the command of two different propulsion energy types is not currently supported by this message. A3.2.2.2 Message #40: Vehicle Configuration Command VSM Implementation The VSM uses the reception of the Vehicle Configuration Command Message to identify the initial fuel load, as a percentage of maximum load, on the UA. The VSM must use the General Configuration Messages, Message #1301, Configuration Double Response, for the Message #40, Initial Propulsion Energy parameter, to identify whether or not it supports the entry of an initial propulsion energy value during the configuration process. Message #100 itself identifies whether or not the vehicle supports either Message #100, Propulsion Fuel Capacity or Message #100, Propulsion Battery Capacity, in addition to using this same message (Message #100) to report the fuel/battery capacity to the CUCS. The Propulsion Energy may be a liquid/solid fuel (kg) or a current charge (joules), and the initial capacity is received as a percentage of the maximum capacity of the system. A3 - 124 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.2.3 Message #41: Loiter Configuration CUCS Implementation The Loiter Configuration Command is used by the CUCS to configure the Loiter pattern that will be used by the UA while it is in the Message #49, “Loiter” flight path control mode. The Loiter flight path control mode is transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM using Message #49, Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command. Refer to Message #49 Implementation section for additional information. This message configures the loiter pattern (Loiter Type, Loiter Radius, Loiter Length, Loiter Bearing, Loiter Direction), and provides the capability to select a loiter specific altitude and/or airspeed for the UA to achieve while in the Message #49, “Loiter” flight path control mode. The altitude and (air)speed demands in this message (Message #41) are intended as configuration settings, and are not intended to be continuously altered while in the “Loiter” flight path control mode. If the intention is to continuously alter the altitude and (air) speed settings while in Loiter mode, Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode, Unique ID 0042.04 settings should be “Flight Director (Manual).” A3.2.2.4 Message #41: Loiter Configuration VSM Implementation The VSM uses the Loiter Configuration Command Message to configure the Loiter pattern that will be used by the UA when it is placed into the Message #49, “Loiter” flight path control mode. For Message #49, Altitude Mode, Speed Mode and Heading Mode fields: “Configuration” enumeration: When in the selected Flight mode (Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode), the Altitude, Speed, and Heading from the Configuration message specified (see below) for that flight mode shall be used. While in this (Altitude, Speed, Heading) mode, the Altitude/Speed/Heading commanded values shall not be altered using Message #49. Refer to “Message #41: Loiter Configuration CUCS Implementation” for additional details. A3.2.2.5 Message #44; Unmanned Aircraft Lights VSM Implementation The Air Vehicle Lights Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the UA lights. Upon receipt of this message, the VSM should set the UA lights as commanded in the message. The VSM uses the Field Configuration Command Message (Message #1303) to configure the available Set Lights states. A3.2.2.6 Message #44: Unmanned Aircraft Lights CUCS Implementation The CUCS populates the Air Vehicle Lights Message parameters as entered at the CUCS, and transmits the message to the VSM. It is recommended that this Message be transmitted to the VSM upon any change in parameter contained in the message. A3.2.2.7 Message #45: Engine Command VSM Implementation The Engine Command Message is used by the CUCS to control the UA engine(s). Upon receipt of this message the VSM should set the UA engine(s) as commanded in the message. The VSM uses the Field Configuration Command Message (Message #1303) to configure the available Engine Command states. A3 - 125 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.2.8 Message #45: Engine Command CUCS Implementation The CUCS populates the Engine Command Message parameters as entered at the CUCS, and transmits the message to the VSM. It is recommended that the Engine Command Message be transmitted to the VSM upon any change in parameter contained in the message. A3.2.2.9 Message #46: Flight Termination Command CUCS Implementation The Flight Termination Command Message is sent from the CUCS to the VSM to execute a flight termination sequence, or to reset a specified sequence. The CUCS uses Message #1200, Field Configuration Request, to request the configuration for the Flight Termination Mode field of the Flight Termination Command, by requesting the configuration of Message #46, Field 5 (i.e., Unique ID 0046.05) from the VSM. The response will be received from the VSM using Message #1302, Field Configuration Enumerated Response. Refer to the Flight Termination Command VSM Implementation section, the Field Configuration Request Implementation section and the Field Configuration Enumerated Response Implementation section of this document for additional details on how to configure the Flight Termination Mode field. A3.2.2.10 Message #46: Flight Termination Command VSM Implementation This message is used to provide a means for the CUCS to issue a Flight Termination Command to the VSM. The Flight Termination Command is sent from the CUCS to the VSM to execute a flight termination sequence, or to reset a specified sequence. To accomplish flight termination at the VSM, this message is received twice with two different values in the Message #46, Commanded Flight Termination State field (once to arm, and a second time to execute). If the VSM receives an “execute” command before an “arm” command has been received, a warning should be sent to the CUCS indicating that the Flight Termination System has not been armed. The table below depicts the recommended/expected message sequence between the CUCS and the VSM in commanding a Flight termination. CUCS VSM Message #46: Flight Termination Command -> - Arm FT System <- Message #108: Flight Termination Mode Report - FT System Armed Message #46: Flight Termination Command -> - Execute FT Sequence <- Message #108: Flight Termination Mode Report - FT Sequence Executed Table A3 - 7: Flight Termination Mode Message Sequence The VSM uses Message #1302, Field Configuration Enumerated Response, to report the configuration of the Flight Termination Mode parameter of the Flight Termination Command in response to a configuration request from the CUCS. The Flight A3 - 126 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Termination mode parameter has no identified generic flight termination modes, therefore the VSM must use Message #1302 to identify the available Flight Termination modes for the vehicle under control. The Enumeration Count identifies the number of Termination modes, the Enumeration Index indexes a specific enumeration, and the Enumeration Text is associated with the Enumeration index to provide a User readable identification of the specified Termination mode. These modes may then be presented to the operator in the generic CUCS Displays. Refer to the Field Configuration Request Implementation and the Field Configuration Enumerated Response Implementation sections of this document for additional details on how to configure generic enumerated fields. A3.2.2.11 Message #47: Relative Route/Waypoint Absolute Reference Command CUCS Implementation The Relative Route/Waypoint Absolute Reference Command is used by the CUCS to identify the absolute reference system for relative routes and their associated waypoints to the VSM. The intent of this message is to support moving platforms for launch and recovery, and to support usage of reusable “route templates” (e.g., for search patterns). This message is sent to the VSM prior to commanding programmed flight along any relative route, and updated as necessary otherwise. A3.2.2.12 Message #47: Relative Route/Waypoint Absolute Reference Command VSM Implementation The Relative Route/Waypoint Absolute Reference Command is used to identify the absolute reference system for relative routes and their associated waypoints. The intent of this message is to support moving platforms for launch and recovery, and to support usage of reusable “route templates” (e.g., for search patterns). This message is received prior to commanding programmed flight along any relative route, and updated as necessary otherwise. A3.2.2.13 Message #49: Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command This message shall be used to control the Vehicle Operating mode. The Vehicle Operating mode defines the system behaviour and establishes how commands shall be interpreted. The behaviours established include vehicle flight path response. The intent of these behaviours is to provide a standard way of expressing common operating modes and tactics. The specific implementation is left up to the vehicle manufacturer. This message shall be used to provide the ability to command a new flight vector to the UA. Such commands are generated by manual input. Upon receipt of this message, the vehicle’s response shall be to immediately enter into a manoeuvre to achieve the new desired flight state. The vehicle’s responsibility shall be to avoid unsafe flight states during the manoeuvre to answer the new command. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA’s capability to support the fields commanded in Message #49, dependent on the current Flight mode (Message #49, Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command) and the current Altitude mode (Message #49, Altitude Mode), Speed mode (Message #49, Speed Mode) and Heading mode (Message #49, Heading Mode) states. Refer to AEP84 Volume I Section 4.1.7 General Configuration Messages for additional details. The Message #49, Altitude Mode, the Message #49, Speed Mode, and the Message #49, Heading Mode fields are used to determine the source of the altitude, (air)speed, A3 - 127 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 and heading demands respectively for the selected (VSM reported) Flight mode (Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode). The Altitude, Speed, and Heading commanded values shall come from a specific configuration message (see below) if the mode setting (report) is “Configuration”, and the Altitude, Speed, and Heading commanded values shall come from Message #49 when the mode setting (report) is “Manual/Override.” For Message #49, Altitude Mode, Speed Mode and Heading Mode fields: “Configuration” enumeration: When in the selected Flight mode (Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode), the Altitude, Speed, and Heading from the Configuration message specified (see below) for that flight mode shall be used. While in this (Altitude, Speed, Heading) mode, the Altitude/Speed/Heading commanded values shall not be altered using Message #49. “Manual/Override until reaching the Waypoint or Loiter Point” enumeration: Manual/Override commands (Enumeration 2) shall be used until the UA reaches the Waypoint or Loiter Point, at which time the commanded values shall be taken from the Configuration commands (Enumeration 0). When in the selected flight mode (Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode), use the “Manual/Override” settings for Altitude, Speed, and Heading for that flight mode until next waypoint or loiter position has been reached, and then use the Configuration message (see below) settings. Once the UA reaches the transition point, it shall revert to the “Configuration” mode. In order to re-enter the “Manual/ Override until reaching the Waypoint or Loiter Point” mode, another mode shall first be commanded. “Manual/Override” enumeration: When in the selected flight mode (Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode), the Altitude, Speed, and Heading commanded values shall always be from Message #49. The following table shows the source message for the altitude/airspeed for each combination of Flight Mode (Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode) and Altitude or Airspeed Mode (Message #49, Altitude Mode, or Message #49, Speed Mode). Flight Mode Altitude or Airspeed Mode 2 – Flight Director 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 2 – Manual/Override Not Defined 49 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 2 – Manual/Override 802 49 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 41 49 11 – Waypoint 12 – Loiter Source Message for Altitude or Airspeed 49 49 A3 - 128 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 2 – Manual/Override All other Flight Modes 49 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 2 – Manual/Override Not Defined 49 49 Table A3 - 8: Source Message for Altitude/Airspeed The following table shows the source message for the heading or the lat/long, dependent on which is valid, for each combination of Flight Mode (Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode) and Heading Mode (Message #49, Heading Mode). Flight Mode Heading Mode 2 – Flight Director 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 2 – Manual/Override Not Defined 49 Not Valid Not Valid 49 Not Valid 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 2 – Manual/Override Not Valid 49 802 49 49 49 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 2 – Manual/Override Not Defined Not Valid Not Defined 49 Not Valid 49 0 – Configuration 1 – Manual until reaching the WP, Loiter 2 – Manual/Override Not Defined 49 Not Defined 49 49 49 11 – Waypoint 12 – Loiter All other Flight Modes Source Message for Heading Source Message for Lat/Long Table A3 - 9: Source Message for Heading Note: Message # Specified – Mode valid and the specified message shall be used by the VSM if the functionality is supported by the VSM. Not Valid – Mode shall never be allowed by STANAG 4586 CUCS or VSM Not Defined – STANAG 4586 does not define the functionality, the VSM shall define the required functionality and make the required controls available at the CUCS. The VSM may use a formatted DLI message for the functionality if desired. A3 - 129 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.2.14 Message #100: Vehicle Configuration CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Configuration Message is used to provide the CUCS with characteristics of the vehicle it is controlling through the VSM. This message is used to specify the characteristics of the vehicle, primarily for flight planning purposes. It indicates the current characteristics of the vehicle either as specified by type by the manufacturer, or based on current loading. For instance, “Optimum Cruise Speed” is likely only to be available as the manufacturer-specified performance index, even though presence of extra load or external stores may cause the number to vary in an unknown manner. This message is required to be received by the CUCS during the general configuration process in order to correctly configure the CUCS for the entry of the Message #40, Initial Propulsion Energy, parameter if it is supported by the VSM. This message identifies both the type of fuel supported by the system (Propulsion Fuel Capacity, Propulsion Battery Capacity), and the maximum capacity for the supported type. Note, currently the VSM must only identify support for one energy type as Message #40, Initial Propulsion Energy, can only support one fuel type. This message is also used to identify the “Number of Engines” supported by the UA for the configuration purposes. STANAG 4586 allows the CUCS to request configuration messages from the VSM/UA in advance of requesting an LOI from the VSM. This is one of the configuration messages that may be requested from the VSM by the CUCS if it is not received during the general configuration process as it is required to properly configure the CUCS to support fuel and engine command and status parameters. A3.2.2.15 Message #100: Vehicle Configuration VSM Implementation The Vehicle Configuration Message is used to provide the CUCS with characteristics of the vehicle it is controlling through the VSM. This message is used to specify the characteristics of the vehicle, primarily for flight planning purposes. It indicates the current characteristics of the vehicle either as specified by type by the manufacturer, or based on current loading Some of the data elements contained in the Vehicle Configuration Message remain relatively constant, and should only be configurable on a system administration level. These data elements are: Configuration ID Propulsion Fuel Capacity (if external tanks are not an option) Propulsion Battery Capacity Maximum Indicated Airspeed (if not a function of payload configuration) Optimum Cruise Indicated Airspeed (if not a function of payload configuration) Optimum Endurance Indicated Airspeed (if not a function of payload configuration) Maximum Load Factor Number of Engines Some of the data elements in the Vehicle Configuration Messages change based on the mission to be performed, and therefore should be entered by the operator before conducting the mission. These data elements are as follows: Gross Weight A3 - 130 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 X__CG The VSM should provide a method for the operator to enter these parameters from a user interface, and the VSM should populate the displays/controls with default values. The VSM should be able to accept data from the UA to populate these displays if the data is provided from the UA. This message may be specifically requested by a CUCS from the UA/VSM using a Message #1403 request, or is transmitted from the VSM when a CUCS makes a general configuration request from the VSM using Message #1200, Field Configuration, at the appropriate LOI (LOI 4). The VSM should populate and send this message to the CUCS with the most recent data upon request for this message from the CUCS. A3.2.2.16 Message #101: Inertial States CUCS Implementation The Inertial States Message provides the inertial states of the UA, and is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM developer is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required in order for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. A number of the parameters in this message are configurable from the VSM, and the CUCS should alter its displays to match the specified values/limits. A3.2.2.17 Message #101: Inertial States VSM Implementation The Inertial States Message provides the inertial states of the UA, and is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. The frequency at which the message is sent to the CUCS should be determined based on the reception of UA messages containing the same data elements being received from the UA. The VSM should always populate this message with the latest data received from the UA under control of the VSM. Note: The VSM should NOT transmit this message to the CUCS when it is not receiving the information contained in the message from the UA, as it is a false indication of the UA status! The message provides the current UA location, the current UA altitude with the reference frame as reported in the Altitude type field, the UA ground speed, Roll, Pitch, and Heading. As a clarification, the Euler rates as a function of body rates are: phi-dot = roll-rate + pitch-rate sin(phi) tan(theta) + yaw-rate cos(phi) tan(theta) theta-dot = pitch-rate cos(phi) – yaw-rate sin(phi) psi-dot = pitch-rate cos(phi)/cos(theta) sin(phi)/cos(theta) + yaw-rate As a clarification, the Accelerations in inertial axes as a function of accelerations in body axes are: U-Accel = X-Body-accel cos(theta) cos(psi) + Y-Body-accel sin(phi) sin(theta) cos(psi) +Z-Body-accel cos(phi) sin(theta) cos(psi) –Y-Body-accel cos(phi) sin(psi) + Z-accel sin(phi) sin(psi) A3 - 131 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 V-Accel = X-Body-accel cos(theta) sin(psi) + Y-Body-accel sin(phi) sin(theta) sin(psi) +Z-Body-accel cos(phi) sin(theta) sin(psi) +Y-Body-accel cos(phi) cos(psi) –Z-accel sin(phi) cos(psi) W-Accel = –X-Body-accel sin(theta) +Y-Body-accel sin(phi) cos(theta) + Z- Body-accel cos(phi) cos(theta) A significant number of the UA parameters as reported in this message must be configured using the General Configuration Messages to assist in the display of caution and alert conditions at the CUCS. Refer to the STANAG 4586 document for the list of parameters, identified within the Message #1300, #1301, #1302 and #1303 descriptions, required to be configured and which message is used to configure the parameter. The VSM/UA is responsible for providing the magnetic variation it is using to convert true heading to magnetic. Note: Magnetic Variation is often called Magnetic Declination. A3.2.2.18 Message #102: Air and Ground Relative States CUCS Implementation The Air and Ground Relative States Message is pushed from the VSM at a rate determined by the VSM manufacturer to allow for the timely display of the data elements at the CUCS. A number of the parameters in this message are configurable from the VSM, and the CUCS should alter its displays to match the specified values/limits. Note: The U_Wind and V_Wind variables combine to create a wind vector. The wind vector indicates the magnitude and direction that the air mass is travelling. For example, an air mass traveling at 4 m/s from South to North would be reported with U_Wind=+4 m/s, V_Wind=0 m/s. For an air mass traveling from West to East the reported V_Wind would be positive. A3.2.2.19 Message #102: Air and Ground Relative States VSM Implementation The Air and Ground Relative States Message provides the state of the UA relative to its environment, and it provides information about the environment in which the UA is located. This message is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required at the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. Note: The VSM should NOT transmit this message to the CUCS when it is not receiving the information contained in the message from the UA, as it is a false indication of the UA status! The VSM should always populate this message with the latest data received from the UA under control of the VSM before sending it to the CUCS. The STANAG data elements supported by the UA for which the VSM is being implemented should be referenced appropriately to the required UA data element. The STANAG 4586 provides the capability for a UA to report both altitude and (air) speed to the CUCS in a number of frames of reference. This message provides the VSM with the capability to transmit the altitude and (air) speed data to the CUCS for all frames of reference it supports in a single message, at a rate to be determined by the VSM for safe operation of the UA. The VSM must use the General Configuration Messages to ensure that it correctly defines which frames of reference reports for the altitude and (air) speed are supported by the UA, and which are not. It is highly recommended that the configuration for both the reported and commanded altitude A3 - 132 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 and (air)speed frames of reference be the same (i.e., if a WGS-84 Altitude can be commanded there should be a corresponding altitude report in the WGS-84 frame of reference). A significant number of the UA parameters as reported in this message must be configured using the General Configuration Messages to assist in the display of caution and alert conditions at the CUCS. Refer to the STANAG 4586 document for the list of parameters, identified within the Message #1300, #1301, #1302 and #1303 descriptions, required to be configured and which message is used to configure the parameter. A3.2.2.20 Message #103: Body Relative Sensed States CUCS Implementation The Body Relative Sensed States Message is pushed from the VSM at a rate determined by the VSM manufacturer to allow for the timely display of the data elements at the CUCS. A number of the parameters in this message are configurable from the VSM, and the CUCS should alter its displays to match the specified values/limits. A3.2.2.21 Message #103: Body Relative Sensed States VSM Implementation The Body Relative Sensed States Message provides the body-relative sensed states of the UA, and is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. These directly sensed bodyrelative states are packaged as a separate message type from other vehicle states because these terms may need to be known at substantially higher rates for various control-related functions. The VSM should always populate this message with the latest data received from the UA under control of the VSM. Note: The VSM should NOT transmit this message to the CUCS when it is not receiving the information contained in the message from the UA, as it is a false indication of the air vehicles status! The STANAG data elements supported by the UA for which the VSM is being implemented should be referenced appropriately to the required UA data element. A significant number of the UA parameters as reported in this message must be configured using the General Configuration Messages to assist in the display of caution and alert conditions at the CUCS. Refer to the AEP-84 Volume I document for the list of parameters, identified within the Message #1300, #1301, #1302 and #1303 descriptions, required to be configured and which message is used to configure the parameter. A3.2.2.22 Message #104: Vehicle Operating States CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Operating States Message provides the CUCS with a report of some of the more critical parameters of the UA’s current operating states while in flight. The CUCS requests this message as required from the VSM. It is recommended that the reported states be presented to the operator in the same location as the corresponding demanded states for the specified data elements. The Vehicle Operating States Message should be requested by the CUCS, if not automatically transmitted from the VSM, following a new operator commanded value to the VSM for applicable parameters, as this messages contains the “reported commanded” values for those parameters. A3 - 133 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.2.23 Message #104: Vehicle Operating States VSM Implementation This message is used by the VSM to provide a “report” of the commanded state at the VSM/UA for various parameters that can be set from the CUCS, and as simply a report for other parameters deemed to be of a more critical nature for UA operations. For the parameters that are the “command” values for parameters commanded from the CUCS (e.g., Commanded Altitude, Commanded Course Commanded Heading, Commanded Speed) it is recommended that the VSM sends this message to the CUCS upon a change in state of any of these parameters deemed critical to flight operations. This will immediately notify the operator of the new operating states, and allow action to be taken if the state is not appropriate to the current operating conditions. For the parameters that are a simple report of a vehicle state, such as the “Current Propulsion Energy Level”, the VSM transmits this message at a rate required for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. Specific implementation considerations follow: The Altitude type and Speed type fields in this message are used to provide the report of the frame of reference for which the VSM is interpreting/using the “Commanded Altitude” and “Commanded Speed” from the CUCS. The STANAG data elements supported by the UA for which the VSM is being implemented should be referenced appropriately to the required UA data element. A couple of the UA parameters, specifically Current Propulsion Energy and Current Propulsion Energy Usage Rate, as reported in this message must be configured using the General Configuration Messages to assist in the display of fuel levels, caution and alert conditions at the CUCS. The Commanded Speed, Altitude Type and Speed Type fields are to be configured the same as the equivalent parameters in the Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command Message (Message #49). A3.2.2.24 Message #105: Engine Operating States CUCS Implementation This message is used to report the operating state of a given engine to the CUCS, and where there is a requirement to status multiple engines; one such message is sent by the VSM for each engine. The CUCS should distinguishably display the status for each of the reported engines to the CUCS operator. A3.2.2.25 Message #105: Engine Operating States VSM Implementation This message is used to report the operating state of a given engine, and where there are requirements to report the status of multiple engines, one such message is required for each engine. The intent of this message is to provide data for a basic set of indicators for the operator. Any additional detailed information about an engine’s operating state and health is a vehicle-specific function. Where the summary engine status is reported (e.g., output shaft torque), the VSM is responsible for the translation of the corresponding vehicle native parameters to the discrete STANAG data elements (for each element identified in the message) and their corresponding “overall” status value in order to correctly fill in the STANAG message. The STANAG requires the following status levels with their associated colours: 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green A3 - 134 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red The “Reported Engine Command” parameter in this message is the reported command value for the Message #45, Engine Command parameter. The “Reported Engine Command” parameter in this message identifies what engine command the UA/VSM is currently executing. The “Engine Status” parameter in this message is a report of the current status (actual state) of the selected engine. The “Engine Speed” (rpm) report is provided in this message. It is recommended that this message be transmitted from the UA/VSM upon change in state of the Engine “status” parameters as a minimum. A VSM requiring to transmit the Engine Speed (rpm) to a CUCS as a safely requirement would of course need to transmit this message to the CUCS at a higher rate. This message reports the status of a single engine. If more than one engine is present, then multiple messages are sent, one for each engine. This message supports engines with up to three different shaft speeds. Caution and warning limits for the engine temperatures and shaft speeds can be set using Message #1300. A3.2.2.26 Message #106: Vehicle Operating Mode Report CUCS Implementation This message is used to report the vehicle-operating mode, as commanded from the Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command (Message #49). A3.2.2.27 Message #106: Vehicle Operating Mode Report VSM Implementation The VSM uses the Vehicle Operating Mode Report to report the current Vehicle Operating mode, Flight Path Control mode to the CUCS. The Vehicle Operating Mode Report is used in conjunction with the Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command (Message #49). The VSM is required to configure Message #106, Reported Flight Path Control mode, exactly the same as Message #49 for the equivalent parameter to avoid conflicting states. This means that the configuration from Message #1303, Field Configuration Command, for Message #49, Select Flight Path Control Mode, that identifies which of the “Flight Path Control Modes” are supported by the VSM for control from the CUCS, are the same control modes that are required to be reported back to the CUCS (i.e., the VSM should not be reporting back a flight mode that it has identified as unsupported in the command). The VSM must also ensure that it correctly reports back the “vehicle specific” flight modes that were configured, if applicable, for Message #49, Select Flight Path Control mode, using Message #1302, Field Configuration Enumerated Response. A3.2.2.28 Message #107: Vehicle Lights State CUCS Implementation This message is used to report the current state of the UA lights to the CUCS. A3.2.2.29 Message #107: Vehicle Lights State VSM Implementation This message is used to report the current state of the UA lights to the CUCS. The Message #107, Navigation Lights State parameter identified in this message must be configured with the same enumerations as established using Message #1303, Field Configuration Command, for the Message #44, Set Lights parameter, as this message is used as a report to that message. A3 - 135 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Note, it is expected that status reports will be available for all the supported “navigation lights” commanded parameters as the default implementation, and there will be no orphaned reports. For example, if a “navigation light” enumeration cannot be commanded, it is expected that there is no requirement to have a report for the same enumeration. A3.2.2.30 Message #108: Flight Termination Mode Report CUCS Implementation The CUCS must be capable of receiving this message from the VSM, as well as be capable of requesting the message from the VSM. This message is used to report the Flight Termination Command set at the VSM and its current status. This message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS in response to Message #46 and whenever the current status of flight termination changes. Refer to the Message #46 Implementation section for additional details. A3.2.2.31 Message #108: Flight Termination Mode Report VSM Implementation The VSM uses the Message #108, Flight Termination Mode Report, to report the Flight Termination mode currently set at the VSM and the current Flight Termination state for that mode. The VSM must be capable of transmitting this message to the CUCS upon a change in state of the Flight Termination mode, as well as upon request for the message from the CUCS. The Message #108, Reported Flight Termination Mode parameter identified in this message must be configured with the same enumerations as established for the Message #46, Flight Termination Command, Flight Termination mode parameter, as this message is used as a report of the system status as a result of that command (i.e., It is expected that there will be a report for each of the “vehicle specific” flight terminations modes that were added to Message #46, Flight Termination Mode, as applicable.). It is not expected that there will be reports for which a commanded mode has not been configured. If the VSM is in the UA, it should report that it is changing state to “Execute Flight Termination Sequence” prior to any action that would preclude transmission of this message to the CUCS. Refer to the Message #46 Implementation section for additional details. A3.2.2.32 Message #109: Mode Preference Report VSM Implementation This message is the report for the Altitude mode, Speed mode, and Heading mode states at the VSM to the CUCS in response to commands in Message #49. A3.2.2.33 Message #110: From-To-Next Waypoint States VSM Implementation This message is used to report where a UA is coming from, where it is currently going toward, and where it will be going next for certain flight modes as supported by the UA. This message is used to provide LOI 2/LOI 3 control stations with the capability to monitor a UA flight path to a limited extent, to allow those operators to determine where the UA will be located in the near future for such things as payload planning purposes. It is recommended that the VSM transmit this message to the CUCS upon change in location of the reported Waypoints as a minimum, and potentially with a change in “waypoint times” if at a higher rate. A3 - 136 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The From, To, or Next Waypoint may not be valid dependent on the current Flight mode (Message #49, Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command), therefore, zero values shall be transmitted in the waypoint number field for invalid waypoints. Unique IDs 0110.11 – 0110.16 (To waypoint) shall be used to define the nonloiter/loiter destination (the position toward which the vehicle is flying) when in the "Loiter", "Waypoint" and "Slave to Sensor" Flight modes (Message #49 Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command). It is highly encouraged that the "To waypoint" be reported for all other Flight modes where the UA is attempting to achieve a non-loiter/loiter position. Unique IDs 0110.06 – 0110.10 (From waypoint) shall be used to define the point the UA is departing from when in the "Waypoint" Flight mode (Message #49 Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command). Unique IDs 0110.17 – 0110.22 (Next waypoint) shall be used to define the non-loiter/loiter point to which the vehicle will proceed after achieving the "To Waypoint" when in the "Waypoint" Flight mode (Message #49 Vehicle Operating Mode and Steering Command). The From-To-Next Waypoints provide a monitoring station with the capability to view a portion of the UA route. It is highly encouraged that the "From waypoint" and Next waypoint" be reported for all other Flight modes where applicable. The "Waypoint Numbers" used by the VSM in this message shall not correspond to any Mission Waypoint numbers (Message #802) loaded to the VSM by a CUCS, except to report those Mission Waypoints. While in the Loiter mode, or any Flight Path Control Mode without a Next waypoint, the Next waypoint definition should be set to zero to indicate that the waypoint is not valid. The same applies to the “From Waypoint” when the UA is in any mode of operation or situation (i.e., have not passed first waypoint in mission plan) where the “From Waypoint” definition is not valid. 65535 in these fields indicates that the remaining To Waypoint data is valid, but there is no valid waypoint number. When the UA is in a mode of operation where none of the From-To-Next waypoints are valid, this message is recommended not to be transmitted to the CUCS, such as potentially while in the Flight Director Mode of operation. A3.2.2.34 Message #111: Loiter Configuration Report This message is used to report the current loiter configuration data of the vehicle. This configuration describes the loiter pattern that the vehicle will fly when it is in ‘Loiter’ flight mode. This message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS in response to Message #41, Loiter Configuration. A3.2.2.35 Message #112: Relative Route/Waypoint Absolute Reference Report CUCS Implementation The CUCS will receive this message from the VSM so the CUCS can calculate the absolute coordinates of all the waypoints in the VSM’s current route(s). Refer to Message #802 and Message #110. A3.2.2.36 Message #112: Relative Route/Waypoint Absolute Reference Report VSM Implementation The VSM will send this message to the CUCS so the CUCS can calculate the absolute coordinates of all the waypoints in the VSM’s current route(s). Refer to Message #802 and Message #110. A3.2.3 Payload Command and Status A generic set of Payload types have been identified in Chapter 4 of AEP-84 Volume I, and an associated set of generic messages has been identified for use with each of A3 - 137 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 these payload types. The set of generic DLI messages associated with a payload type must be used for that payload when installed on an UA to achieve STANAG 4586 compliance. A3.2.3.1 Message #200: Payload Steering Command CUCS Implementation See section A3.1.6.1 and A3.1.6.2 for message implementation details. A3.2.3.2 Message #200: Payload Steering Command VSM Implementation See sections A3.1.6.1 and A3.1.6.2 of this document for message implementation details. A3. SAR Payload Steering The control over the SAR payload type’s pointing angles and FOV are conducted from the Payload Steering Command Message (Message #200). It is a VSM responsibility to ensure the Payload Steering Commands are filtered according to the currently selected “SAR Mode” as commanded by the SAR Payload Command Message (Message #202), when the message is being used for a SAR payload type. A3.2.3.3 Message #201: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command CUCS Implementation See sections A3.1.6.1 and A3.1.6.2 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.4 Message #201: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command VSM Implementation See sections A3.1.6.1 and A3.1.6.2 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.5 Message #202: SAR Payload Command CUCS Implementation See sections A3.1.6.1 and A3.1.6.3 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.6 Message #202: SAR Payload Command VSM Implementation See sections A3.1.6.1 and A3.1.6.3 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.7 Message #203: Stores Management System Command CUCS Implementation The Stores Management System Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the deployable payloads on-board the UA through the VSM. The message is also used to control the state of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “dispensable” payloads. As this is a very specific capability, it is recommended this functionality be placed within a separate dialog, only to be opened as required. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). A3 - 138 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Command Message (Message #203) to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Status (Message #304) A3.2.3.8 Message #203: Stores Management System Command VSM Implementation The Stores Management System Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the deployable payloads on-board the UA through the VSM. The message is also used to control the state of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. A VSM is required to implement reception of this message if it supports this functionality. The Station Number and Device Number fields in the message identify the location of the deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Command message to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Status (Message #304) The VSM is required to report to the CUCS which states in the fields contained in the Stores Management System Command are available for control from the CUCS in order for the CUCS to correctly configure its displays. A3.2.3.9 Message #204: Communications Relay Command CUCS Implementation The Communication Relay Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the Communications Relay located on-board the UA at the specified station number. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Communication Relay”. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). The communication relay radio is treated like a repeater (i.e., two separate radios, A & B, whose audio channels are linked). This message also assumes that the allowable radio frequencies and other parameters (e.g., transmission mode (AM, FM)), are loaded before flight and cannot be changed while in flight. The following message is used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Command Message to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Status (Message #305) A3.2.3.10 Message #204: Communications Relay Command VSM Implementation The Communication Relay Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the Communications Relay located on-board the UA at the specified station number. A VSM is only required to implement this message if it supports this functionality. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). This message reports the current status of all functions commanded in the Communications Relay Command Message (Message #204). A3 - 139 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The following message is used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Command Message (Message #204) to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Status (Message #305) The VSM is required to report to the CUCS which states in the Set Relay State field contained in the Communication Relay Command are available for control from the CUCS in order for the CUCS to correctly configure its displays. A3.2.3.11 Message #205: Payload Data Recorder Control CUCS Command Implementation The Payload Data Recorder Command Message is used by the CUCS to command a Data Recorder located on-board the UA by device number. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction to provide for the configuration, control and status reporting of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #307) Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #306) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #205) The CUCS is required to configure its displays in accordance with the configuration for the Payload Data Recorder, by station number, as received from the VSM. A3.2.3.12 Message #205: Payload Data Recorder Control Command VSM Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction to provide for the configuration, control and status reporting of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #307) Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #306) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #205) The VSM is required to report to the CUCS which states in the various fields, contained in the Payload Data Recorder Control Command Message, are available for control from the CUCS in order for the CUCS to correctly configure its displays. The VSM uses the Field Configuration Command Message (Message #1303) for this purpose. A3.2.3.13 Message #206: Payload Bay Command CUCS Implementation The Payload Bay Command is used by the CUCS to command a Payload Bay door to open or close dependent on its current state. The Payload Configuration Message (Message #300) identifies if there is a payload bay door associated with a payload station. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports payload doors. A3 - 140 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.3.14 Message #206: Payload Bay Command VSM Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports payload doors. A3.2.3.15 Message #207: Terrain Data Update Command CUCS Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports terrain updates for a VSM that produces Message #302 where the Latitude (Field 16/Unique ID 0302.16), Longitude (Field 17/Unique ID 0302.17) and Altitude (Field 18/Unique ID 0302.18) fields are valid as indicated by the Image Position enumeration (Field 15/Unique ID 0302.15). The sensor providing the image position updates uses the terrain data to converge on an image location solution. The CUCS pushes the terrain elevation data using Message #207 for each latitude and longitude pair that is received in a Message #302 where the image position is valid. A3.2.3.16 Message #208: CBRN Payload Command CUCS and VSM Implementation Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Section and Section A3.1.6.4 in this document for implementation guidance. A3.2.3.17 Message #209: CBRN Payload Configuration Command CUCS and VSM Implementation Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Section and Section A3.1.6.4 in this document for implementation guidance. A3.2.3.18 Message #210: CBRN Payload Detailed Info Request CUCS and VSM Implementation Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Section and Section A3.1.6.4 in this document for implementation guidance. A3.2.3.19 Message #211: Storage Capacity Management Request CUCS and VSM Implementation Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Section and Section A3.1.6.4 in this document for implementation guidance. A3.2.3.20 Message #212: CBRN Payload Display Configuration Command CUCS and VSM Implementation Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Section and Section A3.1.6.4 in this document for implementation guidance. A3.2.3.21 Message #213: Payload Scan Window Configuration Command CUCS and VSM Implementation Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Section and Section A3.1.6.4 in this document for implementation guidance. A3.2.3.22 Message #300: Payload Configuration CUCS Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3 - 141 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.3.23 Message #300: Payload Configuration VSM Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.24 Message #301: EO/IR Configuration State CUCS Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.25 Message #301: EO/IR Configuration State VSM Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.26 Message #302: EO/IR/Laser Operating State CUCS Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.27 Message #302: EO/IR/Laser Operating State VSM Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.28 Message #303: SAR Operating State CUCS Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.29 Message #303: SAR Payload Operating State VSM Implementation See Sections A3.1.6.6 and A3.1.6.7 of this document for message implementation details. A3.2.3.30 Message #304: Stores Management System Status CUCS Implementation This message is used to display the status of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. The CUCS is also required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “dispensable” payloads. As this is a very specific capability, it is recommended this functionality be placed within a separate dialog, only to be opened as required. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Status Message (Message #304) to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Command (Message #203) A3.2.3.31 Message #304: Stores Management System Status VSM Implementation The Stores Management System Status Message is used by the VSM to report the status of the Deployable payloads on-board the UA. The message is also used to display the status of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. The VSM is required to implement this message if it supports this functionality. A3 - 142 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the Deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Status Message (Message #304) to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Command (Message #203) A3.2.3.32 Message #305: Communications Relay Status CUCS Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Communication Relay” payloads. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). The following message is used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Status Message (Message #305) to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Command (Message #204) A3.2.3.33 Message #305: Communication Relay Status VSM Implementation The Communication Relay Status Message is used by the VSM to report the status of a Communications Relay located on-board the UA at the specified station number. A VSM is required to implement this message if it supports this functionality. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #300). The following message is used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Status Message (Message #305) to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Command (Message #204) The VSM is required to configure the states in the Report Relay State field to the same values as in the Set Relay State field of the Communication Relay Command. A3.2.3.34 Message #306: Payload Data Recorder Status CUCS Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads, and a VSM is required to implement this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #307 Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #306) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #205) A3.2.3.35 Message #306: Payload Data Recorder Status VSM Implementation The Payload Data Recorder Status Message is used by the VSM to report the status of a Data Recorder located on-board the UA by device number. The CUCS is required A3 - 143 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads, and a VSM is required to implement this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #307) Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #306) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #205) A3.2.3.36 Message #307: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message is used by the VSM to identify to the CUCS which on-board recorders are associated with which on-board payloads. The message is to be sent once for each recorder/payload pair. The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads. The message is used by the CUCS to identify which on-board recorder is associated with which on-board payload. The CUCS displays may then be configured to identify the payload/recorder relationship to the operator thus providing a more User Friendly interface. The following messages are used in conjunction with the Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message (Message #307) to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #306) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #205) A3.2.3.37 Message #307: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration VSM Implementation The Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message is used by the VSM to identify to the CUCS which on-board recorders are associated with which on-board payloads. The message is to be sent once for each recorder/payload pair. A VSM is required to implement this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction with the Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message (Message #307) to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #306) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #205) A3.2.3.38 Message #308: Payload Bay Status CUCS Implementation The Payload Bay Status Message is used by the VSM to report the payload bay door status to the CUCS. The Payload Configuration Message (Message #300) identifies if there is a payload bay door associated with a payload station. The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the transmission of this message if it supports payload doors. A3.2.3.39 Message #308: Payload Bay Status VSM Implementation The Payload Bay Status Message is used by the VSM to report the payload bay door status to the CUCS. The Payload Configuration Message (Message #300) identifies A3 - 144 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 if there is a payload bay door associated with a payload station. The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the transmission of this message if it supports payload doors. A3.2.3.40 Message #309, CBRN Detection, Through Message #314, CBRN Payload Detailed Info Estimate Response Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Sections through and Section A3.1.6.4 of this document for implementation details. A3.2.4 Data Link Command and Status The Data Link Command and Status Messages have been developed with the intention of separating the communication equipment functionality from the pedestal functionality. This division is intended to allow the potential replacement of either the radio equipment or a pedestal within a system. The following messages are considered communications equipment configuration, control, and status messages: Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message (Message #500) Data Link Set-up Message (Message #400) Data Link Status Report (Message #501) Data Link Control Command (Message #401) Data Link Control Command Status (Message #502) The following messages are considered pedestal configuration, control, and status messages: Pedestal Configuration Message (Message #402) Pedestal Status Report (Message #503) Pedestal Control Command (Message #403) Each of the above messages contains a Data Link ID field which is used to specifically identify the data link terminal for which the message applies. There is an additional, potentially redundant, VDT/CDT flag to specifically identify to which data link terminal the message refers. The CDT and VDT are not considered paired, therefore the Data link ID for a CDT/VDT combination will not be a single Data Link ID for that specific pair. This is to provide the capacity to maintain a Data Link ID reference for each terminal, such as in the event of a transition in control of an UA from one CDT to another, where the CDT/VDT combination is altered. A3.2.4.1 Message #400: Data Link Set-Up Message The Data Link Set-up Message is transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM, referenced to a specified Data link ID, and it is used to set the parameters required for the operation of a STANAG 7085 compliant Common Data Link (CDL) data link. The message provides the capability to set-up both the VDT and CDT parameters from the CUCS independently. The parameters in the message are generic, however each data field must be configured for the specified link. The configuration of the message VSM specific contents (Data Link Type field) is achieved through the use of the General Configuration Messages. Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #600), contains some of the same set-up parameters as this message for the VDT terminal, and is used to A3 - 145 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 change the VDT parameters for a transfer in control of a UA from one UCS to another. This message is not used for transitions in UA control. The Addressed Terminal field provides the capability to set-up up the CDT from the CUCS, and in the cases where a VDT defaults to a known configuration, the VDT configuration may be modified from the CUCS. The CDL data link requires a PN Code and Frequency Code to operate. While the codes are not considered classified, the broadcast of these codes in an unencrypted manner could result in a compromise to the operational security of the system and possibly other systems using CDL based data links. If a UA contains another link(s) in addition to the CDL link, it should not send the CDL codes unless all data links are encrypted. The VSM reports whether or not it supports the parameters identified in the message using General Configuration Message #1300 and 1301. Where a VSM reports it does not support a parameter, it is expected the CUCS will not provide control of the parameter to the operator. The General Configuration Messages are also used to provide control and display limits for the message parameters. A3.2.4.2 Message #401: Data Link Control Command Implementation The Data Link Control Command Message is used by the CUCS to send commands to components of the data link communications equipment. The message provides the capability to set the state (mode) of the data link, select the antenna type, and zeroes the communication security equipment if required. The message provides the capability to command the VDT independent of the CDT. Some of the parameters within the messages may not be applicable to both the CDT and VDT terminals within a system. The Data Link Status Report (Message #501) provides the status of the commanded parameter, and the Data Link Control Command Status Message (Message #502) provides the currently demanded value for the commanded parameters. The Configuration Messages, Message #1301, etc., are used by the VSM to identify to the CUCS whether or not entire fields within the message, or specific states within fields, are supported by the VSM. The CUCS is then expected to use this configuration information to adjust its displays accordingly. A3.2.4.3 Message #402: Pedestal Configuration Message The Pedestal Configuration Message is transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM/CDT data link. This message provides the capability to enter the location of the CDT antenna at the CUCS and transmit this information to the CDT. A3.2.4.4 Message #403: Pedestal Control Command The azimuth and elevation offsets are sent periodically from the CUCS to the VSM/data Link in Message #403, Set Azimuth Offset, and Set Elevation Offset. The Azimuth Offset value is defined as the difference between the antenna azimuth relative to pedestal 0 and the antenna bearing relative to true north. The Offset value is reported as positive if the pedestal report needs to be adjusted in the clockwise direction and will be reported as negative if the pedestal report needs to be adjusted in the counterclockwise direction. A3 - 146 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure A3 - 15: Azimuth Offset The Elevation Offset value is defined as the difference between the antenna elevation relative to pedestal 0 and the antenna elevation relative to horizontal, and will be reported as positive if the elevation needs to be corrected upwards. As an example, if the antenna is reporting a 110 degree azimuth relative to pedestal 0, and it is actually pointing 50 degree relative to true north, then the azimuth offset is minus 60 degrees. It is expected that the pedestal will take the offset values as commanded in Message #403 and add it to the pedestal antenna azimuth relative to pedestal 0 at all times, and report this value as the pedestal azimuth in Message #503, Reported Antenna Azimuth, to the CUCS. Suppose the operator starts up with the azimuth offset at 0, the antenna is pointing at 110 relative to pedestal 0 and 50 degrees relative to north. The CUCS will set the azimuth offset to the operator entered bearing (50 degrees) minus the reported azimuth (110) (i.e., to minus 60). The VSM/data link always adds the Azimuth Offset to the pedestal antenna azimuth relative to the pedestal 0 value before reporting it to the CUCS. A3.2.4.5 Message #404: Data Link Assignment Request Implementation This message is used by a CUCS to request control over a CDT/VDT for which a VSM has reported available for control through Message #500, Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message. The following sequence diagram depicts the general relationship between Message #500, Message #404, Message #1, and Message #21. As illustrated above, there are exceptions to the standard, however it is expected that complex control relationships will not be the norm and that VSMs will verify expected CONOPS. CUCS VSM Message #1: CUCS Authorization Request -> <- Message Response Message #1200: Request -> Field #21: VSM Authorization Configuration A3 - 147 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 <Message #500: Data Configuration/Assignment Message Identify Data availability. Link Link configuration and <Message #500: Data Configuration/Assignment Message Link Message #404: Data Link Assignment Request -> Request a Data Link for controlling a UA. Assign Data link control to CUCS. Message #400: Data Link Setup Message > Message #402: Pedestal Configuration Message-> Message #401: Data Link Control Command -> Message #403: Pedestal Control Command <- Message #502: Data Link Control Command Status <- Message #501: Data Link Status Report <- Message #503: Pedestal Status Report Message #1: CUCS Authorization Request -> Vehicle/Payload Control Request <- Message Response #21: VSM Authorization Control Response Table A3 - 10: Data Link Message Sequencing A3.2.4.6 Message #500: Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message Implementation The Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message is used by the VSM to identify the data link configuration of the CDTs/VDTs associated with a VSM. The intent of this message is to provide the CUCS with the data link configuration on initial connection, with one instance of this message sent for each employed data link. Where a specific vehicle is not associated with the CDT, the null Vehicle ID is transmitted with the supported Vehicle Type and Vehicle Subtype identified in the message. Where a VSM supports more than one Vehicle Type and Vehicle Subtype for a single CDT (resource sharing), each instance of support is reported to the CUCS with the same Data Link ID. Where a STANAG 7085 data link is shared between two or more VSMs, the VSM/CDT Status is the responsibility of the VSMs. A3 - 148 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 This message is used by the VSM to grant a CUCS control over a specific Data Link ID, report the Data Link ID as unavailable, or to report the successful release/ availability of a Data Link ID. For each reported Data Link ID/Vehicle Type/Vehicle Subtype combination, the VSM reports the controllability of the data link in the “Data Link Control Availability” field. An example response could be as follows based on the configuration of the Figure below. STANAG DLI VSM A: AV_1 AV_2 CUCS GDT VSM B: AV_3 Vehicle Protocol w/ GDT Protocol Figure A3 - 16: Example of a VSM Response VSM A: Message #500: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_1; Subtype 1 VSM A: Message #500: Instance 2: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_2; Subtype 1 VSM B: Message #500: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_3; Subtype 2 For each reported Data Link ID/Vehicle Type/Vehicle Subtype combination, as above, the VSM reports the controllability of the data link in the “Data Link Control Availability” field of Message #500 during CUCS configuration. VSM A: Message #500: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_1; Subtype 1: Available VSM A: Message #500: Instance 2: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_2; Subtype 1: Available VSM B: Message #500: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_3; Subtype 2: Available Any subsequent changes in the “Data Link Control Availability” will be updated from the VSM using Message #500. For example if the CUCS in the above Figure requests control of the CDT for VSM A: AV_1 using Message #404, Data Link Assignment Request, and the VSMs are not capable of concurrently sharing the CDT resource, the VSMs would report the CDT as being unavailable for the other two vehicles, and grant control to the CUCS for the AV_1 vehicle. VSM A: Message #500: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_1; Subtype 1: Req. Granted VSM A: Message #500: Instance 2: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_2; Subtype 1: Unavailable VSM B: Message #500: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_3; Subtype 2: Unavailable This message also identifies the data link type and the system antenna configuration. The Terminal Type field is specifically used to identify the Antenna Type(s) available A3 - 149 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 for each of the CDT(s) and the VDT(s) of the identified data links. The Figure below depicts another potential VSM/data link configuration, where AV1 is available for connection, however CDT3 does not have a vehicle associated with it. Figure A3 - 17: Data Link Configuration In this configuration, the data links would most likely be reported as follows: VSM A: Message #500: Instance 1: Vehicle ID: 1; Data Link ID: 1; Vehicle Type: AV1; Subtype 1: Available VSM A: Message #500: Instance 2: Vehicle ID: 1; Data Link ID: 2; Vehicle Type: AV1; Subtype 1: Available VSM A: Message #500: Instance 3: Vehicle ID: FF.0.0.0; Data Link ID: 3; Vehicle Type: AV1; Subtype 2: Available The Figure below depicts another potential CUCS/VSM/CDT configuration. CUCS A CUCS B VSM CUCS CUCS C Figure A3 - 18: Potential CUCS/VSM/CDT Configuration In this configuration, CUCS A may request control of the CDT and then request LOI 4 (UA control). Note that UA and Payload control are requested and granted using Messages #1 and Message #21 respectively. Control of the CDT would be unavailable to CUCS B, but CUCS B would be able to request LOI 3 (Payload control) on the UA controlled by CUCS A using the same data link. In this situation, if CUCS A releases control of the UA, the VSM could pass control of the CDT to CUCS B. If CUCS C then requests control of the UA, the VSM may pass control of the CDT to CUCS C or leave it with CUCS B. There are many combinations of CUCS/VSM/CDTs, therefore the VSM must use Message #500, Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message as required to correctly assign CDT control to a CUCS. A3 - 150 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.4.7 Message #501: Data Link Status Report Implementation The Data Link Status Report is used by the VSM to transmit the status of the data link to the CUCS, for both the CDT and VDT communication equipment. The message is used to report the state of the communications equipment, the antenna being used, and the communication parameters. The message also provides a report of the Downlink quality (status) as reported by the data link equipment, and reports on the presence of communications security equipment and its status. The Downlink Status field report is based on a vehicle specific determination of the quality of the link being used by the system, where the VSM manufacturer determines how the downlink quality is calculated. The calculation may be based on Bit Error rates, AGC, other system parameters, or any combination thereof. The Data Link Status Report Message reports on the parameters initialised using the Data Link Set-up Message (Message #400) and reports the state of parameters commanded from the Data Link Control Command (Message #401). A3.2.4.8 Message #502: Data Link Control Command Status Implementation The Data Link Control Command Status Message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS, and provides a report of the status of the commanded data link parameters. The message verifies that the commanded data link values were correctly received at the VSM/CDT data link, as commanded by the Data Link Control Command (Message #401). The VSM must configure the parameters in this message the same as those in Message #401, Data Link Control Command. A3.2.4.9 Message #503: Pedestal Status Report The Pedestal Status Report Message is transmitted from the VSM/CDT to the CUCS to report the current status of either the CDT or the VDT. The message is used to report the pedestal operating mode, the antenna pointing angle, antenna rates, and the antenna location. The associated pedestal commands are contained in the Pedestal Control Command. The message parameters that are not applicable to the CDT or the VDT are recommended to be reported as “zero” in value. A3.2.5 Data Link Transition The Data Link Transition Messages are used to provide the capability for a coordinated transition in control of an UA from one physical CDT to another. These messages are used in conjunction with the CUCS Authorisation Request (Message #1) and the VSM Authorisation Response (Message #21) Messages. The Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #600) and the Handover Status Report Message (Message #700) are used to conduct the physical transfer and report its status, while the Authorisation Messages are used to transfer authority from one CUCS to another. A description of potential handover/transition sequences are provided in the Handover Sequence section of this document. Refer to that section of the document for message sequencing. Note: The Data Link Command and Status Messages provide some capability for a transition in control; however they are not intended for this purpose. A3.2.5.1 Message #600: Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message Implementation The Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message is used to initiate the transition of control over a UV from one UCS data link to another UCS data link. The UCS in control of the UA transmits this message identifying which VDT will be transferred and A3 - 151 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 identifies the CUCS ID that control of the VDT data link is to be transferred to. The message also provides the geographical location of the acquiring CDT for the purpose of directional link transfers, and the communication parameters required to successfully complete the transfer. The transfer of control is initiated with the transmission of the Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message once authorisation for the transfer has been authorized through the transmission of a CUCS Authorisation Request Message. The authorisation for the LOI and the specific UA functionality to be controlled is conducted through the use of the CUCS Authorisation Request Message and the VSM Authorisation Response Message. A3.2.5.2 Message #700: Handover Status Report Implementation The Handover Status Report Message may be used to report the status of a transition in the VDT data link control from one controlling UCS to another, as a result of a Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message. The VSM would send the appropriate “status” of the transfer to the relinquishing CUCS based on the available status from the relinquishing CDT. Additionally, either CUCS may use this message to communicate a failure condition to the VSM by setting the Status field to Handover Failed. A3.2.6 Mission Messages The messages in this section support transfer of a mission plan between the UA and the CUCS. Mission messages can be sent to/from the UA before and during flight. A3.2.6.1 Message #800, Mission Transfer Command, Through Message #806, Vehicle Specific Waypoint AEP-84 Volume I, Section through Section and Section A3.1.3 of this document provide Implementation details for these messages. A3.2.6.2 Message #900 Mission Upload Status AEP-84 Volume I, Section and Section A3.1.3 of this document provide Implementation details for this message. A3.2.7 Subsystem Status Messages The common message set includes summary health and status information for use by CUCS status displays. This information need not convey detailed, configurationspecific health and status information, but should provide the CUCS with overall health summary data suitable for annunciation on the console using conventional colour codes (Green=Nominal, Yellow=Caution, Red=Warning, Black=Failed or Out-ofservice). In the event of a system caution or warning, vehicle or configuration-specific status messages can provide detailed diagnostic information peculiar to that configuration. Support is provided for up to four engines and primary and auxiliary support systems. These messages shall provide health and status overview information only in an interoperable context. Detailed status information about particular subsystems should use a vehicle-specific message type. A3.2.7.1 Message #1000: Subsystem Status Request Implementation This message is sourced at the CUCS, and is used by the CUCS to request subsystem status from the VSM for all subsystems identified in the message. The CUCS should request this message automatically at a specified rate providing the operator with a A3 - 152 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 near-real-time display of the subsystems status. The request rate should be configurable to account for differences in vehicle systems. When the VSM receives this message from the CUCS, the VSM sends the Subsystem Status Report (Message #1101) for the subsystem identified in the received message. A3.2.7.2 Message #1001: Subsystem Status Detail Request CUCS Implementation This message is sourced by the CUCS as a request for additional information from a received Subsystem Status Alert Message (Message #1100) or from a Subsystem Status Report Message (Message #1101). Refer to Message #1100 and #1101 implementations for additional information. The Warning Display System on the CUCS should provide a method to request additional information for a Received Warning Message (Message #1100) if available at the VSM. The CUCS request creates this message with the same Subsystem State Report Reference as received in Message #1100. The CUCS should provide the operator with the capability to request additional information on a Subsystem Status Report (Message #1101), in a manner similar to Message #1100, and the VSM provides the required information to the CUCS upon receipt of the Subsystem State Report Reference. Again this may be through the use of a pop up dialog. A3.2.7.3 Message #1001: Subsystem Status Detail Request VSM Implementation Upon the receipt of Message #1001, the VSM provides the information to the CUCS related to the specified warning. This may be through the use of a pop up window or dialog on the CUCS display. In a cylinder head temperature example, a suitable response from the VSM to a request for details would be to present an engine parameters window showing additional engine parameters, not just a cylinder head temperature gauge. This could include (at the discretion of the VSM implementer) a recommendation for an action (e.g., in this case the recommendation might be to slow down or reduce the climb rate). A3.2.7.4 Message #1100: Subsystem Status Alert Message Implementation This message is sourced at the VSM. It is recommended that this message be implemented, in conjunction with Message #1001, as a warning detection and display system between the CUCS and VSM. Detailed implementations regarding aspects of this message follow: How to use the Priority level (1100.04): The warning system is capable of displaying warnings based on a priority level in the priority level field. There should be the ability to display 6 warning levels, with zero being the lowest level. The warnings are displayed in a warning display system with the highest priority warning displayed at the top, and then the warnings are displayed in descending order of priority. It is recommended that the most recent warnings be placed at the top of each priority level within the warning display. It is recommended that warnings at one priority level be distinguishable from warnings at another priority level, such as through the use of colour coded warnings. How to use the obtain additional information about the alert: A3 - 153 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The warning system is able to accept a Subsystem State Report Reference associated with a specific warning. The report reference is a vehicle specific reference provided by the VSM, which the CUCS can use to request additional information from the VSM on the reported warning. If the report reference is “-1” there is no additional information available for the warning. If the report reference is greater than zero there is additional information available for the warning, and the warning system should provide a method to request this additional information using a vehicle specific service. The method to request this additional information could be a “Details” button or a “hyperlink” referenced to the displayed warning. Software within the VSM decides whether more information is available for a specific warning and sends the required report reference. Upon user request, the CUCS issues a Subsystem Status Detail Request (Message #1001) to the VSM to request more details. Unique ID 1001.04 of the Subsystem Status Detail Request Message contains the Subsystem State Report Reference as received in the Subsystem Status Alert Message (Message #1100) for the specified warning. How to update an existing alert: The warning system updates a warning by sending a Subsystem Status Alert Message (Message #1100) with a reference to the original Alert ID (note that in the Alert ID field the first instance is always a negative value and all subsequent values are positive (e.g., -123, 123, 123, ...), with changes to the text to be displayed. To reduce message bandwidth requirements, it is recommended the VSM ensure that only new or updated messages are transmitted across the DLI. How to send a longer alert text: There are situations where the warning system cannot use vehicle specific services to provide additional information for reasons such as bandwidth, security, etc. In those situations it may be appropriate to send the CUCS a longer alert text containing more information. This can be achieved by concatenating the text from several Subsystem Status Alert Messages (Message #1100). To use this method, the warning system sends the first 80 characters of the alert as it normally would and with Message Type (Unique ID 1100.12) set to 0 (New/Update). The next 80 characters of the alert are then sent in a subsequent Subsystem Status Alert Message (Message #1100) as follows - While referencing the original Alert ID - With Message Type (Unique ID 1100.12) set to 1 (Append), - With Append total number (Unique ID 1100.14) set to the total number of alert messages that will be concatenated (ex. 3 would indicate that 3 messages are needed to construct the full text of the alert) and; - With Append order (Unique ID 1100.13) set to the order number for the current segment of alert text with respect to the other expected alert messages (ex. 1 would indicate that this is the 2nd message needed to A3 - 154 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 construct the full text of the alert). This allows the segments of the alert texts to be concatenated in the proper order. Note: This method assumes that the implementer will not change the original values for the following fields: Unique ID 1100.04 (Priority), Unique ID 1100.05 (Subsystem State Report Reference), Unique ID 1100.06 (Subsystem ID), Unique ID 1100.07 (Type), Unique ID 1100.10 (Persistence), or Unique ID 1100.11 (Station Number), so as not to confuse the warning display system. Edge case reminder #1: It is recommended that the implementation takes into account edge cases such as if the same alert gets updated for a second time too quickly before the first set of messages had a chance to be concatenated. If proper precautions are not observed then there is a risk that segments from the text from the first alert update can be mixed up with that of the second update. Edge case reminder #2: It is recommended that the implementation takes into account edge cases such as if segments of the alert are lost for any reason. How to clear an Alert: The warning type (Unique ID 1100.07) identifies the persistency of the message for display on the CUCS warning panel. The implementation for clearing Type 2 and Type 3 warnings is at the CUCS developers discretion, however it is recommended the method to clear these warnings be obvious. In order to clear a Type 1 Warning, Not Clearable by Operator, the recommended method of implementation is to send a Subsystem Status Alert Message with a reference to the original Alert ID as sent to display Warning, but with a Priority of “Cleared”. It is not necessary to send all the multiple alert messages that formed a concatenated alert text. It should be sufficient to send only the first message with the Priority set to “Cleared” assuming that the alert text hasn’t changed. How to display the Alert: The warning display system is to be capable of displaying an ASCII string 80 characters in length. It is recommended the entire contents of the received text string be displayed on the CUCS as received from the VSM. If a concatenated alert text longer than 80 characters was received then it is at the discretion of the implementer whether to display more than 80 characters without requiring additional user action. The CUCS does no interpretation of the warning; it only provides a display for all warnings, in a prioritised list. How to use the Persistency (Unique ID 1100.10): The warning persistence time is used for warnings of Type 1 and Type 2. This time is measured from when a Type 1 or Type 2 alert is received by the CUCS. If a Type 0 message is received before the time has expired, the alert will remain active for the defined persistence time. If a Type 0 message is received after the persistence time has expired, the alert will be deactivated immediately. The control station field allows payload alerts to be routed to the proper payload operator, avoiding sending that alert to other payload operators who do not need to handle the alert. A3 - 155 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.7.5 Message #1101: Subsystem Status Report Implementation This message provides the general status of all the systems on-board the UA. It is recommended that this message be used in the creation of a Master Caution panel on the CUCS display system, where the status of all subsystems is displayed in a common location. A specific display component should represent each of the subsystems identified in the message, and each possible state for a subsystem should be distinguishable from another, such as through the use of colour or icons. Using this message, the Master Caution panel is able to accept Subsystem State Report References associated with a specific subsystem. The report reference is a vehicle specific reference provided by the VSM, which the CUCS can use to request additional information from the VSM on the specified subsystem. The operator should have some method, such as a button or a hyperlink, to request the additional subsystem information. A user request for additional information from the Master Caution panel initiates the transmission of a Subsystem Status Detail Request Message (Message #1001) from the CUCS to the VSM. The Subsystem Status Detail Request Message contains the Subsystem State Report Reference as received in this message for the specified subsystem. See Subsystem Status Detail Request Message (Message #1001) for additional information. One message is required to report each of the identified subsystems. The VSM determines the subsystem state in accordance with Chapter 4 of AEP-84 Volume I, with the current states as follows: No Status Nominal Caution Warning Emergency Failed The overall Subsystem State should be the state of the worst data element that is a member of the subsystem’s set of data elements. As this message only provides a generic status for each of the identified subsystems, a Report Reference should be available to the CUCS for each of the subsystems. The following Table is a potential table to identify vehicle specific subsystem parameters, identify the parameter states, and identify any additional information on the subsystem based on the current state. A3 - 156 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Table A3 - 11: Vehicle Specific Subsystem Parameters, States and Subsystem System Mechanical Monitored Parameter Nominal Caution Warning Emergency Failed List of Parameters Communication Navigation Engine Electrical Payload Propulsion Energy Recovery System Environmental Control VSM VDT CDT Note: The information column may identify the vehicle specific dialog to show on the return of a Report Reference. The message provides the VSM implementer the ability to identify additional vehicle subsystems that are specific to the UA. A3 - 157 Edition A Version 1 Information AEP-84.1 A3.2.8 General Configuration Messages A3.2.8.1 Message #1200, Field Configuration Request, Through Message #1306, Vehicle Steering Configuration Implementation AEP-84 Volume I, Section through Section provides Implementation details for these messages. A3.2.9 Miscellaneous Message Types A3.2.9.1 Message #1400: Message Acknowledgement Implementation The Message Acknowledgement Message is used by either the CUCS or the VSM to acknowledge a message that requires an acknowledgement as specified by the Message Acknowledge bit in the message wrapper. A3.2.9.2 Message #1402: Schedule Message Update Command Implementation Refer to AEP-84 Volume I Section and Section A3. of this document for implementation guidance. A3.2.9.3 Message #1403: Generic Information Request Message Implementation AEP-84 Volume I, Table 4 - 5: Message Summary and Properties provides a listing of all the current STANAG 4586 DLI messages. The Type column in the table indicates whether the message must be pushed or pulled. The Generic Information Request Message (Message #1403) is used to request messages that are of the type “pull”. An example of this implementation is that at the CUCS there is a requirement to display the Vehicle Operating states. In order to display the most current vehicle operating states, the CUCS sends a Generic Information Request Message (Message #1403) to the VSM with the “Pull Message ID” set to “104”. The VSM then replies by sending a Vehicle Operating States Message (Message #104) to the CUCS, which requested the message. This message shall not be used to request Message #1300, Message #1301, Message #1302, Message #1303 or Message #1306, as those are specifically requested with Message #1200 A3.2.10 IFF/SSR Command and Status Messages A3.2.10.1 Message #1500, IFF/SSR Code Command through Message #1600, IFF/SSR Status Report Implementation AEP-84 Volume I, Section through Section provides Implementation details for these messages. Also refer to Section A3.1.7, IFF Command and Status, for additional implementation guidance for these messages. A3.2.11 Weapon Command and Status Messages A3.2.11.1 Message #1800, Store Specific Information Request, Through Message #1927, SMS Secondary Status, Implementation AEP-84 Volume I, Section through Section provides Implementation details for these messages. Also refer to Section A3.1.6.5, Weapons, for additional implementation guidance for these messages A3.2.12 UA Group Messages A3 - 158 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A3.2.12.1 Message #2000: IP Address and Port Assignment Request Implementation This message is sent by the CUCS to a CDT or UA to request a change in the IP address and/or port used by the CDT or UA. If the receiving CDT or UA accepts the requested change, it will update Message #540 with the new configuration. The CDT/UA may reject the request if certain criteria are not meet. If this message is accepted, all previous stream definitions are deleted and replaced by those in this message. A3.2.12.2 Message #2001: UA IP Disclosure Message Implementation This message is sent by the UA to inform a CUCS of the data streams in the data uplink and downlink. The primary goal is to inform the receiving entity of what is present in the UA uplink and downlink and how to connect to those streams. Those streams include, but are not limited to, bidirectional DLI, bidirectional audio and unidirectional payload data. This message shall be sent from the UA on a universal multicast IP address and port (e.g., It shall be sent once for each stream since a station (or the UA) may have multiple streams available. This message shall be sent by the Control Data Link (CDT) to inform the local controlling processor (e.g., CUCS) of the DLI data streams used to control the CDT. This message will also indicate the IP routing the CDT will use to send/receive nonCDT data to/from the UA. Those non-CDT data streams include, but are not limited to, bidirectional DLI for the UA and VDT, bidirectional audio and unidirectional payload data. This message shall be sent by the CDT on a different universal multicast IP address and port than used by the UA (x.x.x.x:x). Additional detail on the streams will have to be pulled from the streams themselves (e.g., the KLV portion of the video downlink streams). A3.2.13 Generic Product Transport Mechanism Implementation Many standards exists in the public and military domain that define various sensor product structures; however, there seems to be a gap when it comes to finding a generic transport mechanism using UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transport sensor product data that is not in the form of a data stream and especially when the sensor product is on demand or event based. To address this gap, a simple protocol, called “Generic Product Transfer (GPT), is defined that leverages STANAG 4586 to provide a transport mechanism for payloads that lack this capability. Implementation guidance for GPT is provided in AEP-84 Volume I, Attachment 4-3. A3 - 159 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ANNEX 4 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES FOR AEP-84 VOLUME II A4 Implementation Guidelines for the AEP-84 Volume II Presence Vector In order to reduce data link bandwidth, the concept of a presence vector to allow message length control was introduced in each data link message. The presence vector was added to the messages to allow dynamic message length control. It provides the sender a method to not send data that is not applicable in the current message context or is not supported, thereby potentially saving transmission bandwidth and processing time. An example would be an air vehicle that supports only one propulsion engine with a single speed. The vehicle should disable all the fields related to Engines 2, 3 and 4. Then instead of sending all 37 fields of Message #3007, it would set the presence vector to send only the fields related to Engine 1 and the fields that are applicable to engine 1, e.g., Propeller Pitch Angle. Presence vectors can also be used to remove fields which are not used or relevant per values in other fields in the message. For example, if configuring a circular loiter pattern, several of the fields in Message #2017 are not used and do not need to be transmitted: In the case of a message with repeated fields, such as Message #2012, only one presence bit is assigned to the repeat count field and all the associated repeated fields. Other uses of the presence vector are not supported. Specifically, the presence vector should not be used to omit data that is unchanged or “stale”. The CUCS is required to support the presence vector capability and demonstrate this support via the minimum test set described in the SRD AEP-84.2 Validation/Test Guideline Document. However, should customer or regulatory test requirements for support of the presence vector prove prohibitive for a specific system, use of the Presence Vector Support field in Message #1 and Message #2, respectively, may be used to enforce this field to be ignored in all messaging between the CUCS and VSM for a given system. The logic applied to the Presence Vector Support fields is as follows: CUCS Indicates Presence Vector Support VSM Indicates Presence Vector Support Both CUCS and VSM utilize the presence vector within their messaging to support variable length messaging CUCS Indicates Presence Vector Support VSM Indicates No Presence Vector Support Both CUCS and VSM ignore the Presence Vector field and treat all PVs as if all bits are set (note that the bits need not be set by sender; the receiver A4 - 1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 will treat them as if they are set, regardless) CUCS Indicates No Presence Vector Support VSM Indicates Presence Vector Support Both CUCS and VSM ignore the Presence Vector field and treat all PVs as if all bits are set (note that the bits need not be set by sender; the receiver will treat them as if they are set, regardless) A4.1 Functional Description A4.1.1 Network Configuration Prior to discovery and initialization of VSM/UA, the network should be configured as per Section 3.8, Network Configuration, of the SRD AEP-84.1 main document. A4.1.2 CUCS/VSM Initialization and Connection Once a CUCS manufacturer has developed a CUCS software component and verified its correct operation through the compliance testing process, the CUCS may be connected to a STANAG 4586 compliant VSM. A physical connection may be required between the two components hosting the CUCS and VSM functionality dependent on their physical location, and then a software “socket” connection must be made between the two components. Once the data “pipeline” has been established between the CUCS and the VSM, there is a requirement to configure the CUCS to work within the limits of the specified UCS system. The CUCS must request and receive authorization to control an UA and or its payload(s) through the VSM. A4.1.2.1 Defining Entities The term entity is used as a generic term to refer to any of the following conceptual components in STANAG 4586: CUCS – Core Unmanned Control Segment VSM – Vehicle Specific Module UA – Unmanned Aircraft / Unmanned Vehicle / Unattended Ground Sensor Platform CDT – Control Data Terminal VDT – Vehicle Data Terminal Payload Station A4.1.2.2 Message Addressing Each DLI message contains ID fields that identify the sender and the receiver of a message. These IDs are contained in the header in the Source ID and Destination ID fields. A4 - 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Source ID must always be set to the ID of the entity that is sending the message. It cannot be set to the Null ID or the Broadcast ID. The Destination ID should be set to: The ID of the entity that is intended to receive the message, or The Broadcast ID (0xFFFFFFFF) which can be used when the sender may not know the destination’s ID or a message may be intended for multiple recipients. For instance, when a CUCS is broadcasting its presence to any UA, it doesn’t know the Vehicle ID in advance. Note that all entity IDs must be unique to enable interoperability. A4.1.2.3 Entity Connection Management There are four phases involved in managing a connection between a CUCS and a VSM/UA/CDT/VDT/payload station. The phases are: Discovery Downloading Configuration Data Establish Connection Release During these phases the CUCS will discover an entity and its capabilities. The CUCS can establish a connection with the entity. The options are: Entity UA Connection Type LOI4 Monitor UA LOI4 Control UA Payload Station Payload Station Payload Station CDT/VDT CDT/VDT LOI5 Monitor LOI2 LOI3 Monitor LOI3 Control Monitor Control Description Monitor the UA without takeoff/ landing Control the UA without takeoff/ landing Monitor the UA with takeoff/landing Passive receipt of payload data Monitor the payload station Control the payload station Monitor the data terminal Control the data terminal The connection type can be changed to another type or the connection can be released. The figure below shows an example sequence where CUCS monitors a UA. In this use case, the CUCS needs to control a CDT and establish a data link between it and the UA. Once the link has been created, the CUCS can discover the UA and proceed to request the LOI 5 monitor connection. A4 - 3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 CUCS Discovers CDT CUCS Download CDT’s Configuration Data CUCS Requests Control of CDT CUCS Changes CDT’s Link Settings (e.g. Frequencies, Direction, etc…) CUCS Discovers UA CUCS Downloads UA’s Configuration Data CUCS Requests LOI 4 Monitor Connection Figure A4 - 1: Example Sequence to Setup a CDT and Monitor a UA A4. Connection Phase 1: Discovery In the first phase, a CUCS will broadcast messages to discovery which entities are reachable on the network and what level of control the CUCS can request. A4. Discovering VSMs, UA and Payload Stations To discover a VSM, UA and/or payload station, the CUCS sends Message #1 with all IDs (except the CUCS ID) set to the Broadcast ID. Note that the CUCS should not omit fields from this broadcast message since the receiving entity may not support the presence vector. Unique ID 0001.00 0001.01 0001.04 0001.05 Name Value Presence Vector Time Stamp VSM ID Data Link ID 0xFFFFFF [Timestamp] Broadcast ID Broadcast ID or Null ID A4 - 4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0001.06 0001.07 0001.08 0001.16 0001.12 0001.13 0001.18 Vehicle Type Vehicle Subtype Requested/Handover LOI Requested/Handover Access Requested Flight Mode Controlled Station 1-16 Component Number Sub-Component Number Payload Class Asset Mode Wait for Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message CUCS Type CUCS Subtype Presence Vector Support 0001.21 Controlled Station 17-32 0001.17 0001.09 0001.19 0001.20 0001.14 0001.15 0001.11 0 0 0x0 (Unspecified) 0 (Unspecified) 1 = All Modes 0xFFFFFFFF (All stations) 0xFFFFFFFF (All stations) 0xFFFFFFFF (All stations) 0 = Not Specified/NA 3 = Broadcast Request 0 (N/A) [Type of CUCS] [Subtype of CUCS] 0 = If the CUCS doesn’t support the presence vector 1 = If the CUCS supports the presence vector 0xFFFFFFFF (All stations) Any VSM/UA/Payload Station that receives this message will respond with Message #2 for each entity indicating the authorized LOI for the CUCS. The LOI Authorized field indicates which LOIs the CUCS can currently request for the entity specified by the ID fields. Note: If the CUCS indicated that it does not support the presence vector the response message (and all future messages from the entity to this CUCS must send all fields). The response will look like this: Unique ID Name Value 0002.00 Presence Vector 0xFFFFFF 0021.01 Time Stamp [Timestamp] 0021.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0021.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 0021.13 Access Authorized <Level of access authorized to CUCS> 0021.09 Access Granted 0 = N/A 0021.06 LOI Authorized <LOIs authorized to the CUCS> (LOI 2 and 3 not applicable) 0021.07 LOI Granted <LOIs granted to the CUCS> (LOI 2 and 3 not applicable) A4 - 5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0021.16 Flight Modes Granted 1=All Modes (or send multiple messages with each applicable flight mode) 0021.08 Controlled Station 1-16 UA Platform (0x00000000) 0002.07 Component Number 0 0002.08 Sub-Component Number 0 0021.12 Payload Class 0=Not Specified 0021.09 Access Requested 0x04 Broadcast Response 0021.10 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0021.11 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> 0002.01 CUCS Type <Requesting CUCS type> 0002.02 CUCS Subtype <Requesting CUCS subtype> 0002.05 Presence Vector Support 0002.06 Controlled Station 17-32 0 = If the VSM doesn’t support the presence vector 1 = If the VSM supports the presence vector 0 The Message #2 is followed by a Message #3 to indicate the vehicle’s tail number. Unique ID Name Value 0020.05 Vehicle ID Update <UA’s ID> 0020.06 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0020.07 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> 0020.08 Owning ID <Owning ID> 0020.09 Tail Number <Tail Number> 0020.10 Mission ID <Mission ID> 0020.11 ATC Call Sign <ATC Call Sign> 0020.12 Configuration Checksum <Configuration Checksum> Note that the Vehicle ID Update (Unique ID 0020.05) field is used for VSMs that use Logical Vehicle IDs. If a VSM or UA doesn’t use Logical Vehicle IDs, always keep this field set to the same value as the Vehicle ID field (Unique ID 0020.02). Refer to the Logical Vehicles section for more information. A4 - 6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A VSM will respond with a unique Message #2 for each payload station. If a payload station is comprised of multiple components and/or sub-components, the VSM should respond with a Message #2 for each combination. A Message #2 response for a payload station without a component/sub-component hierarchy will look like this: Unique ID Name Value 0002.00 Presence Vector 0xFFFFFF 0021.01 Time Stamp [Timestamp] 0021.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0021.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 0021.13 Access Authorized <Level of access authorized to CUCS> 0021.09 Access Granted 0 = N/A 0021.06 LOI Authorized <LOIs authorized to the CUCS> (LOI 4/5 not applicable) 0021.07 LOI Granted <LOIs granted to the CUCS> (LOI 4/5 not applicable) 0021.16 Flight Modes Granted 0=No Modes 0021.08 Controlled Station 1-16 <Station number – lower half> 0002.07 Component Number <Component number> 0002.08 Sub-Component Number <Sub-Component number> 0021.12 Payload Class <The class of payload> 0021.09 Access Requested 0x04 Broadcast Response 0021.10 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0021.11 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> 0002.01 CUCS Type <Requesting CUCS type> 0002.02 CUCS Subtype <Requesting CUCS subtype> 0002.05 Presence Vector Support 0002.06 Controlled Station 17-32 0 = If the VSM doesn’t support the presence vector 1 = If the VSM supports the presence vector <Station number – upper half> A4 - 7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Note that a VSM can send one Message #2 for all payload stations if the fields are the same for each station. Otherwise, it can send a separate Message #2 for each station. The VSM then sends a Message #21001 for each Payload Station to indicate its payload type: Unique ID Name Value 00300.05 Payload Count <All the Stations that are installed> 00300.06 Station Number 1-16 <One station> 21001.04 Component Number 0 21001.04 Sub-Component Number 0 00300.10 Device Number <Device number> 00300.07 Payload Class <Payload class> 21001.01 Payload Type <Payload type> 21001.02 Payload Subtype <Payload subtype> 21001.03 Payload Name <Name of payload> 00300.08 Station Door Either 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) 00300.09 Number of Devices on this Station <Number of devices on this payload> 21001.06 Focus Distance Change Rate <Rate of change of the focus distance> 21001.07 Horizontal Zoom Change Rate <Rate of change of the zoom> 21001.07 Number of Discrete Fields of View <The number of discrete fields of view of this payload> 21001.09 Horizontal Field of View [Field of view #n] (Note - Optional and potentially repeated based on field 21001.07) 21001.11 Vertical Field of View [Field of view #n] (Note - Optional and potentially repeated based on field 21001.07) 21001.10 Station Number 17-32 <Station Number portion – if applicable> A4. Discovering Data Links A data link defines a potential “link” between two data terminals – a CDT and a VDT. A data terminal may provide the ability to have one or more data links. For instance, A4 - 8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 a data terminal may know how to communicate with two different vehicle types (e.g., a Northrop Grumman Global Hawk and a Boeing Insitu Scan Eagle). It is possible that each of these links require different parameters such as frequency ranges, etc. hence they need to be identified separately. On the other hand, it is possible that the data terminal isn’t configured for a specific type of vehicle. In these cases, the data terminal can report a single data link without any specific vehicle type. In these cases, there is a 1:1 relationship between a data link and a data terminal. Data links are discovered by a CUCS with a Message #28000 with the Vehicle ID, VSM ID and Data Link ID set to the Broadcast ID. Unique ID Name Value 00404.10 Requested/Handover Access 0=Unspecified 00404.12 VSM / Vehicle ID Broadcast ID 00404.11 Asset Mode 3=Broadcast Request 00404.07 Vehicle Type 0 00404.08 Vehicle Subtype 0 Any data terminal or VSM that receives this message will respond with Message #28001 for each possible data link. The Access Authorized field (Unique ID 28001.01) indicates whether the CUCS can request control or not. Unique ID Name Value 28001.06 VSM / Vehicle ID Null ID if CDT or <Vehicle ID> if VDT 28001.01 Access Authorized <Access level authorized> 28001.02 Access Granted <Access type granted> 28001.03 Access Requested <Request from CUCS> (Mirror of 00404.11) 00500.07 Terminal Type 0 if CDT, or 1 if VDT 00500.08 Data Link Type <Data Link’s type> 28001.05 Data Link Subtype <Data Link’s subtype> 00500.09 Data Link Name <Data Link’s name> 00500.10 Antenna Type 1 if Omni, or 2 if Direction A4 - 9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 28001.04 Pedestal Index <ID of the pedestal> 00500.11 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> if VDT, otherwise 0 00500.12 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> if VDT, otherwise 0 28001.07 Data Link Control Availability 0 if CDT/VDT is available for control 1if CDT/VDT is unavailable for control Note that it is not defined how a CUCS will handle receiving an invalid Authorized LOI/Access combination, such as LOI 5 for a Payload Station. The CUCS may ignore the message or it may simply ignore the fields or bits that don’t make sense. In general, to attain interoperability, it is the VSMs responsibility to ensure the data in the message is never invalid. Other special cases to avoid are: Specifying an LOI for a data link with Message #2 (this is done with Message #28001) Specifying LOI 3 for an Air Vehicle Platform A4. Connection Phase 2: Downloading Configuration Data A CUCS can download Configuration Data from an entity using Message #40000. This typically happens before the CUCS requests an LOI connection for the UA so that the CUCS can understand the capabilities of the entity and tailor its user interface. A typical sequence has three stages as seen below: Figure A4 - 2: Typical Sequence for Downloading Configuration Data A4. Stage 1: Initiate Download In this stage, the CUCS begins the request with Message #40000. Unique ID Name Value 40000.07 Request LOI <Desired LOI> A4 - 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 01200.06 Request Type 1 if Monitoring only 2 if Controlling 01200.07 Requested Message 0 (N/A) 01200.08 Requested Field 0 (N/A) 01200.09 Station Number 1-16 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) for stations 1-16 40000.01 Component Number 0 or <The Component Number> 40000.02 Sub-Component Number 0 or <The Sub-Component Number> 01200.10 Sensor Select 0 (N/A) 00500.11 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> if VDT, otherwise 0 00500.12 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> if VDT, otherwise 0 40000.06 Activity ID 0 40000.03 Station Number 17-32 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) IDs for stations 17-32> A CUCS cannot request vehicle and payload station configuration with the same message. Note that there is no requirement specifying if a CUCS or VSM needs to support downloading configuration data from different entities simultaneously. It is possible that an entity has different configuration data for each LOI so the CUCS should request the configuration data for any LOI that it expects it will request. In practice, many entities will provide the same configuration data for any LOI requested. Note that it is not possible to download configuration data for different LOIs of the same entity simultaneously since the CUCS has no way of associating configuration messages to LOI. It is entirely acceptable to download the configuration data for one entity at a time (i.e., waiting for the download to be completed before initiating the next download). A4. Stage 2: Send Configuration Messages Upon receiving a request from the CUCS, an entity should begin to send the Configuration Data messages. This includes the following messages: Name Number Vehicle Station Data Link Vehicle Configuration #3000 Yes No No UA Route Configuration #43001 Yes No No Report Controllable Element #42003 Yes Yes No A4 - 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Payload Configuration #21001 No Yes No EO/IR Configuration State #21100 No If EO/IR No Field Configuration Integer Response #41000 Field Configuration Float Response #41001 Field Configuration Enumerated Response #41002 Field Configuration Unsigned Response #41003 Field Configuration Character Response #41004 Integer Enumeration Response #41006 If needed This stage may take a long time to complete if the entity has a large amount of configuration data. It is highly recommended that entities use the acknowledgment system to ensure that all data has been received by the CUCS before moving on to the next stage. Note that IDs in these messages are particularly important since a CUCS could be downloading multiple configurations simultaneously. Refer to Section A4.1.2.4 Downloading Configuration Data to learn more about the contents of these messages. A4. Stage 3: Send Configuration Complete When the CUCS has received all of the configuration data, the entity sends Message #41005 to indicate the transfer is complete. Unique ID Name Value 01203.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 01203.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 01203.06 Station Number 1-16 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) IDs for stations 1-16> 41005.01 Component Number <Component number> 41005.02 Sub-Component Number <Sub component number> 01203.07 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 01203.08 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> A4 - 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 41005.03 Station Number 17-32 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) IDs for stations 17-32> Note that since the CUCS does not know how many messages will arrive in Stage 2, it is the responsibility of the entity to ensure that all of the messages have arrived before sending Message #41005. This is typically accomplished by requesting acknowledgements from the CUCS for each message. Once the CUCS has received Message #41005, it can process the configuration data. If the CUCS has requested to download the configuration data for multiple stations simultaneously, the entity can choose to send a single Message #1203 with multiple station numbers or a separate Message #1203 for each station number. An entity cannot indicate that the configuration download is complete for a vehicle and payload station with the same Message #1203 message due to the nature of the station number field. A4. Caching Configuration Data A CUCS may choose to save the downloaded configuration data to disk; however, in cases where the configuration data can change, the CUCS may need to be aware if the entity’s data is different than the stored version. The Configuration Checksum (0020.12) can potentially be used to identify if a vehicle’s configuration has changed, however, there is no similar mechanism for a payload station or data link. A4. Connection Phase 3: Establish Connection A CUCS can request to establish an LOI connection at any time. The receiving entity can choose to accept or deny the request. A CUCS should only request an LOI connection that it has been authorized to request. A4. Requesting LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations To establish an LOI connection between a CUCS and a VSM, UA and/or Payload Station, the CUCS sends Message #1. Unique ID Name Value 0001.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0001.05 Data Link ID Null ID 0001.06 Vehicle Type <Vehicle Type> (as received in discovery) 0001.07 Vehicle Subtype <Vehicle Subtype> (as received in discovery) 0001.08 Requested/Handover LOI <Desired LOI level> 0001.16 Requested/Handover Access 1=Monitor, or Requested Flight Mode 1 = All Modes 0001.17 2=Control & Monitor A4 - 13 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0001.09 Controlled Station 1-16 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) IDs for stations 1-16> 0001.19 Component Number <Component number> 0001.20 Sub-Component Number <Sub-component number> 0001.14 Payload Class <Payload class> 0001.15 Asset Mode 1=Request 0001.11 Wait for Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message 0 (N/A) 0001.12 CUCS Type <Type of CUCS> 0001.13 CUCS Subtype <Subtype of CUCS> 0001.18 Presence Vector Support 0 = If the CUCS doesn’t support the presence vector 1 = If the CUCS supports the presence vector 0001.21 Controlled Station 17-32 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) IDs for stations 17-32> Any VSM/UA/Payload Station that receives this message will respond with Message #2. If the request was granted, the LOI Granted (Unique ID 0021.07) field should specify the new LOI connection level and the Access Granted field should be updated accordingly. If the request is denied, the entity can respond with the currently granted level. Unique ID Name Value 0021.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0021.05 Data Link ID <Data Link ID> (if applicable) 0021.13 Access Authorized <Level of access authorized to CUCS for the entity identified by the IDs in this message> 0 if Not authorized, or 1 if Monitor Only, or 2 if Control & Monitor 0021.09 Access Granted <Level of access granted to CUCS for the entity identified by the IDs in this message> 1 if Monitor Only A4 - 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 2 if Monitor & Control (as defined by the LOI) 0021.06 LOI Authorized <LOIs authorized to the CUCS for the entity identified by the IDs in this message> 0021.07 LOI Granted <LOIs granted to the CUCS for the entity identified by the IDs in this message> 0021.16 Flight Modes Granted <Flight modes granted> Typically 0=No Modes or 1=All Modes 0021.08 Controlled Station 1-16 <Station number – lower half> 0002.07 Component Number <Component number> 0002.08 Sub-Component Number <Sub-Component number> 0021.12 Payload Class <The class of payload> 0021.09 Access Requested <Echo back of field 0001.15 from Message #1> 0021.10 Vehicle Type <UA’s vehicle type> 0021.11 Vehicle Subtype <UA’s vehicle subtype> 0002.01 CUCS Type <Requesting CUCS type> 0002.02 CUCS Subtype <Requesting CUCS subtype> 0002.05 Presence Vector Support 0002.06 Controlled Station 17-32 0 = If the VSM doesn’t support the presence vector 1 = If the VSM supports the presence vector <Station number – upper half> Note that if a request is made for multiple payload stations, the response may be combined into a single Message #2 response or multiple Message #2 responses. Also note that a CUCS does not typically need to request control of the UA to request control of the UA’s payload stations. For a CUCS to receive an explicit rejection message, it should request an acknowledgement in Message #1. The entity will then send Message #17000 indicating the request was rejected: Unique ID Name Value 1400.06 Original Message Time Stamp <Timestamp in message #1> 1400.08 Original Message Type 1 A4 - 15 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 17001.01 Acknowledgement Type 3 (Message Received, but Rejected) In some cases, the CUCS may want to override an LOI connection of the UA/VSM/Payload Station. This would typically be for specific LOI connections of a UA/VSM/Payload Station where only one CUCS can maintain the connection at a time. For instance, it may be necessary to override the LOI 5 connection from another CUCS if the original CUCS malfunctions. This is almost the same as requesting control with Message #1, except that the Controlled Station Mode field (Unique ID 0001.10) is different: Unique ID Name Value 0001.15 2 = Override Asset Mode The UA/VSM/Payload Station will respond in the same way it would to a normal control request. If the CUCS succeeds in overriding control, the UA/VSM/Payload Station should notify the original CUCS that it has now lost control. It can do this by sending an unsolicited Message #2 with: Unique ID Name Value 0021.13 Access Authorized 3=Relinquish/Handover 0021.09 Access Granted 1 = Monitor Only, or 0= N/A (if monitor has been revoked) Note that UA/VSM/Payload Station should avoid granting control to a CUCS unexpectedly. For instance, if a CUCS has an LOI4 Monitor connection with a UA it may not handle the case where the UA arbitrarily grants the LOI4 Control & Monitor connection level without an explicit request from the CUCS. A4. Requesting Control of Data Links A CUCS can request control of a data link with Message #28000. A CUCS should only request control if it is available for that CUCS (as determined from receiving a Message #28001 in the earlier broadcast phase). Unique ID Name Value 0404.10 Requested/Handover Access 2=Control 0404.12 VSM / Vehicle ID <VSM/Vehicle ID> (if applicable) 0404.11 Asset Mode 1=Request 0404.07 Vehicle Type <Vehicle Type> (if applicable) A4 - 16 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0404.08 Vehicle Subtype <Vehicle Subtype> (if applicable) When a data terminal receives this message and recognizes the identified data link, it will respond with a Message #28001 for that data link. To grant the request, the data terminal will set the Access Granted field (Unique ID 28001.02) to 2=Control. Unique ID Name Value 28001.02 Access Granted 2 = Control For a CUCS to receive an explicit rejection message, it should request an acknowledgement in Message #28000. The entity will then send Message #17000 indicating the request was rejected. In some cases, the CUCS may want to override control of the data terminal. For instance, it may be necessary to override control of a VDT from another CUCS if the original CUCS malfunctions. This is almost the same as requesting control with Message #2800, except that the Asset Mode field (Unique ID 0404.11) is different: Unique ID Name Value 0404.11 2 (Override Control) Asset Mode The data terminal will respond in the same way it would to a normal control request. If the CUCS succeeds in overriding control, the data terminal should notify the original CUCS that it has now lost control. It can do this by sending an unsolicited Message #28001 with: Unique ID Name Value 28000.02 Access Granted 0= N/A, or 1= Monitor A4. Connection Phase 4: Release A connection between a CUCS and an entity can be released for reasons such as: The CUCS requests the connection to be released The entity spontaneously releases the connection Another CUCS requests to override the connection The CUCS hands control over to another CUCS A4. Releasing a LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations To request releasing an LOI connection of a VSM/UA/Payload Station, the CUCS sends Message #1. Unique ID Name Value A4 - 17 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0001.04 VSM ID <VSM ID> (if applicable) 0001.05 Data Link ID Null ID 0001.06 Vehicle Type <Vehicle Type> (as received in discovery) 0001.07 Vehicle Subtype <Vehicle Subtype> (as received in discovery) 0001.08 Requested/Handover LOI <Desired LOI level to release> 0001.16 Requested/Handover Access <Access level to release> 0001.17 Requested Flight Mode 1 = All Modes 0001.09 Controlled Station 1-16 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) IDs for stations 1-16> 0001.19 Component Number <Component number> 0001.20 Sub-Component Number <Sub-component number> 0001.14 Payload Class <Payload class> 0001.15 Asset Mode 0=Relinquish/Handover 0001.11 Wait for Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message 0 (N/A) 0001.12 CUCS Type <Type of CUCS> 0001.13 CUCS Subtype <Subtype of CUCS> 0001.18 Presence Vector Support 0 = If the CUCS doesn’t support the presence vector 1 = If the CUCS supports the presence vector 0001.21 Controlled Station 17-32 0x0000 (for UA) or <The station number(s) IDs for stations 17-32> The VSM/UA/Payload Station releases the LOI connection by sending Message #2 indicating that the connection level has been relinquished. Unique ID Name Value 0021.13 Access Authorized 3=Relinquish/Handover A4. Release Control of Data Links To request releasing control of a data link, the CUCS sends Message #28000. A4 - 18 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Name Value 0404.10 Requested/Handover Access 2=Control 0404.12 VSM / Vehicle ID <VSM/Vehicle ID> (if applicable) 0404.11 Asset Mode 0=Relinquish/Handover The CDT/VDT responds to this request by sending a Message #28001 with the Data Link Control Availability field (Unique ID 28001.07) indicating that the request has been granted. Unique ID Name Value 28001.06 VSM / Vehicle ID Null ID if CDT or <Vehicle ID> if VDT 28001.01 Access Authorized 0=Connection Not Authorized 28001.02 Access Granted 0=N/A 28001.03 Access Requested 0=Unspecified … … … 28001.07 Data Link Control Availability 2=Request Granted The CDT/VDT can also release control at any time by sending a Message #28001 with the Data Link Control Availability field (Unique ID 28001.07) set to unavailable. Unique ID Name Value 28001.06 VSM / Vehicle ID Null ID if CDT or <Vehicle ID> if VDT 28001.01 Access Authorized 0=Connection Not Authorized 28001.02 Access Granted 0=N/A 28001.03 Access Requested 0=Unspecified … … … 28001.07 Data Link Control Availability 1=Unavailable for Control A4.1.2.4 Downloading Configuration Data Not all UA are built with the same capabilities. Some can fly extremely high and far while others fly low for short durations. Some are capable of following preprogrammed routes while some can only loiter. Some have EO/IR cameras that are capable of firing lasers while some carry CBRN sensors to detect harmful substances. A4 - 19 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A CUCS needs to be able to understand these capabilities and constraints so that it can provide an appropriate User Interface to the operator. In STANAG 4586, a UA/VSM/CDT/VDT/Payload Station declares its configuration to a CUCS with the following configuration messages: Name ID Vehicle Station Data Link Vehicle Configuration 3000 Yes No No Payload Configuration 21001 No Yes No EO/IR Configuration State 21100 No If EO/IR No Field Configuration Integer Response 41000 Field Configuration Float Response 41001 Field Configuration Enumerated Response 41002 Field Configuration Unsigned Response 41003 Field Configuration Character Response 41004 Integer Enumeration Response 41006 If needed The combined set of information that is transmitted via these messages is often referred to as an entity’s Configuration Data. These messages are sent during the Downloading Configuration Data phase of Entity Connection Management. Note that a CUCS cannot send Configuration Messages to the entity. A4. UA Specific Configuration Messages Message #3000 (Vehicle Configuration) is used to indicate some UA specific configuration information that cannot be conveyed via the generic messages. This contains information such as the number of engines and the maximum fuel/battery capacity. Message #43001 (UA Route Configuration) is used to provide configuration information about the types of routes that the UA support, including information such as whether or not the UA supports multiple routes of the same type and the maximum number of waypoints supported by each type. Message #42003 (Report Controllable Element) is used to indicate elements of the UA that can be controlled by joystick input. This could be elements such as Elevators, Rudders, Throttle, etc. A4. Payload Specific Configuration Messages Message #21000 (Payload Configuration) is used to indicate the type of each Payload Station that is available for configuration. For instance, a payload could be a SAR/GMTI payload or a CBRN sensor. A4 - 20 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 If the payload is an EO, IR or EO/IR payload, additional configuration information will be conveyed in Message #21100 (EO/IR Configuration State). Message #42003 (Report Controllable Element) is used to indicate elements of the Payload Station that can be controlled by joystick input. This could be elements such as Pan, Tilt, Zoom, etc. A4. Data Terminal Specific Configuration Messages There are no CDT/VDT specific configuration messages. Configuration is achieved entirely through the generic messages. A4. Generic Configuration Messages Each type of entity is assumed to support a specific set of messages as defined by the table below: Type Messages Supported By Default UA 2000, 2005, 2007-2019, 3001-3016, 4000, 4001, 5000, 5001, 6000, 7000, 7001, 9000, 9001, 11000, 11001, 11101, 12000-12003, 12101, 13000-13011, 14000, 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 18000-18003, 18100, 18101, 18200, 18300, 18400-18403, 18500 EO, IR, EO/IR Payload 2013, 4000, 4001, 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19001, 19100, 19101, 19700, 19800, 19801, 21100, 21101, 21600, 21700, 21800, SAR Payload 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19200, 19700, 21600, 21700 Stores Management Payload 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19700, 21700, 24000, 26000 Communications Relay Payload 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19400, 19401, 19700, 21400, 21700, 21401, 21402 CBRN Payload 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19700, 21700 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19700, 21700 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19000, 21000 CBRN Standoff Payload Payload Bay Door Recorder Payload 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 19500, 21500, 21501, 21700 CDT/VDT 15000, 15001, 16000, 16001, 16002, 30000-30400, 32000-32400 Table A4 - 1: Entity Types A4 - 21 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A CUCS should assume that each UA/Payload Station/CDT/VDT provides full support of each message, field and enumeration for their respective message sets unless otherwise declared during the Downloading Configuration Data phase. Configuration Data is communicated through the use of the following generic configuration messages: Name ID Field Configuration Integer Response #41000 Field Configuration Float Response #41001 Field Configuration Enumerated Response #41002 Field Configuration Character Response #41003 Field Configuration Unsigned Response #41004 Integer Enumeration Response #41006 With these generic configuration messages, an entity can declare: If a capability is not supported If a capability is unavailable The acceptable limits and resolution of message fields Warning and alert thresholds of message fields Custom enumerations for enumerated message fields A4. Declaring That a Message Is Not Supported If an entire message is not supported by an entity, it can send Message #44003 (Message Parameter Availability) to declare that the entire message is not supported. Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field 0 For example, if a UA does not support the IFF messages it can send the following messages: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field 44003 5000 0 44003 5001 0 44003 6000 0 A4 - 22 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Note that it is not possible to declare that a message or field is supported since STANAG 4586 assumes that everything is supported by default. A4. Declaring that a Field is Not Supported If a field is not supported by an entity, it can send a #41000-#41004 Message (depending on the type of field) to indicate that the field is not supported: Unique ID Name Value [1300|1301].07 Requested Message or 41003.09 <Applicable message> [1300|1301].08 Requested Field or 41003.10 <Applicable field> [1300|1301].09 Field Supported or 41003.11 0 (Field Not Supported) For instance, if a vehicle doesn’t support the capability to indicate which waypoint it is flying “From”, it can send the following messages: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field Field Supported 41000 4001 4 0 41000 4001 5 0 41000 4001 6 0 41003 4001 7 0 41003 4001 8 0 A4. Declaring that an Enumeration is Not Supported If an entity does not support a field’s enumeration, it can send Message #41002 to indicate that the enumeration is not supported: Unique ID Name Value 1302.07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 1302.08 Requested Field <Applicable field> 1302.09 Field Supported 1 (Field Supported) … … … 41002.04 Remove Enumerated Index <Enumeration that is not supported> For instance, if an EO/IR payload doesn’t have a Cage Operating Mode it can send the following: A4 - 23 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Message ID Reported Message Reported Field Field Supported Remove Enumerated Index 41002 19100 15 1 7 41002 21101 25 1 7 A4. Declaring That a Bit in a Bit Field Is Not Supported If an entity does not support a specific bit in a bit field, it can send Message #41002 to indicate that the bit is not supported: Unique ID Name Value 1302.07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 1302.08 Requested Field <Applicable field> 1302.09 Field Supported 1 (Field Supported) … … … 41002.04 Remove Enumerated Index <Applicable bit> (Note that this is the index of the bit starting at 0, not the value of the bit. e.g.,: 0=0x0001, 1=0x0002, 2=0x0004, 3=0x0008, etc. A4. Declaring Entity Specific Enumerations There are many cases where an entity will need to define custom enumerations. For example, a UA will likely define Flight Termination modes in Message #2005 (Flight Termination Command) since STANAG 4586 does not define any by default. To declare new enumerations, an entity can use Message #41002 (Field Configuration Enumerated Response) with the enumeration index and enumeration text. Unique ID Name Value 1302.07 Requested Message <Applicable message> 1302.08 Requested Field <Applicable field> 1302.09 Field Supported 1 (Field Supported) 41002.03 Default Value <Default value> 1302.10 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Enumeration Count Total number of enumerations available 1302.11 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Enumeration Index <New enumeration index> A4 - 24 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 1302.12 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Enumeration Text <Text for the new enumeration> 1303.13 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Help Text <Helpful text to describe the enumeration> 41002.04 Remove Enumerated Index 0=N/A For example, a UA can declare two Flight Termination Modes “Parachute” and “Spiral Down” with the following messages: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field Field Supported Enumeration Count Enumeration Index Enumeration Text 41002 2005 3 1 2 1 Parachute 41002 2005 3 1 2 2 Spiral Down 41002 3005 3 1 2 1 Parachute 41002 3005 3 1 2 2 Spiral Down Note that an entity can only declare new enumerations for fields that list “VSM specific” or “Payload specific” and the enumerations should be in the ranges provided. A4. Declaring That a Capability is not Available There are many capabilities of an entity that may be temporarily unavailable to a CUCS. For instance, if an EO/IR payload hasn’t been powered on, it is unlikely that the CUCS will be able to use the laser rangefinder or pointer. A CUCS will assume that all supported functionality is immediately available to use once a connection has been established with an entity unless the entity has declared otherwise. The entity can do this by sending Message #44003: Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> 1303.08 Field Available 0 (Field not available) or 1 (Field available) 1303.09 Reported Enumeration Index <Applicable enum or bit if needed> 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable -1 (Not Available) A4 - 25 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 For example, if the CUCS cannot request any laser rangefinder changes and none of the laser rangefinder status fields are valid, the entity can send the following: Message ID Reported Message Reported Field Field Available 44003 19100 18 0 44003 19100 19 0 44003 21101 31 0 44003 21101 33 0 A4. Declaring Limits for a Field If a UA cannot (or will not) use the complete range of a message field, it can declare that only a smaller range is acceptable. For instance, a UA may only accept speed commands higher than 5 m/s to prevent its engine from stalling. With this knowledge, the CUCS can prevent the operator from entering values lower than 5 m/s. To declare limits for a field, an entity will send either Message #41000, #41001 or #41003 (depending on the type of field): Unique ID Name Value [1300|1301].07 Requested Message or 41003.09 <Applicable message> [1300|1301].08 Requested Field or 41003.10 <Applicable field> [1300|1301].09 Field Supported or 41003.11 1 (Field Supported) … … … [1300|1301].10 Max Value or 41003.12 <Maximum limit> [1300|1301].11 Min Value or 41003.13 <Minimum limit> For instance, if a UA can: Accept speed commands between 5 m/s and 15 m/s, and Report Indicated and True Airspeeds from 0 m/s to 25 m/s, and Report ground relative northing and easting magnitudes up to 100 m/s It can send the following configuration messages: Message ID Requested Requested Field Message Field Supported Max Value Min Value 41003 2016 30 [0.5 m/s] 10 [0.5 m/s] 13 1 A4 - 26 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 41003 3009 4 1 500 [0.05 m/s] 0.0 41003 3009 5 1 500 [0.05 m/s] 0.0 41003 4000 6 1 2000 [0.05 m/s] -2000 [0.05 m/s] 41003 4000 7 1 2000 [0.05 m/s] -2000 [0.05 m/s] 41003 3009 15 1 2000 [0.05 m/s] -2000 [0.05 m/s] 41003 3009 16 1 2000 [0.05 m/s] -2000 [0.05 m/s] A4. Declaring Alert Zones for a Field It is often valuable for an operator to know if an important attribute is operating outside of its nominal range. For instance, a UA may be leaking fuel if Current Propulsion Energy Usage Rate is too high or the IMU may be defective if the Roll that is greater than the UA is designed to allow. An entity can identify the alert using Message #41000, #41001 or #41003: Unique ID Name Value [1300|1301].07 or 41003.09 Requested Message <Applicable message> [1300|1301].08 or 41003.10 Requested Field <Applicable field> [1300|1301].09 or 41003.11 Field Supported 1 (Field Supported) … … … [1300|1301].15 or 41003.17 High Caution Limit <Threshold to trigger an Upper Caution Alert > [1300|1301].16 or 41003.18 High Warning Limit <Threshold to trigger an Upper Warning Alert > [1300|1301].17 or 41003.19 Low Caution Limit <Threshold to trigger an Lower Caution Alert > [1300|1301].18 or 41003.20 Low Warning Limit <Threshold to trigger an Lower Warning Alert > … … … A4 - 27 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 [41000|41001].06 or 41003.23 Disable Alert/Caution <Disable any/all of the zones> An entity can indicate up to four alert zones as illustrated on the right side of Figure A4 - 3. The left side shows the meaning of the values in Message #41000, 41001 and 41003. Max Value Upper Warning Zone High Warning Limit Upper Caution Zone High Caution Limit Nominal Zone Low Caution Limit Lower Caution Zone Low Warning Limit Lower Warning Zone Min Value Figure A4 - 3: Alert Zones within a Numerical Field Each of the four zones is optional. For example, an entity can choose to only declare high limits or only low limits for a field or only caution zones. To indicate that a zone is not applicable, use the Disable Alert/Caution field. STANAG 4586 does not define the HMI for how the CUCS will bring this information to the operator’s attention. One CUCS may display the values in different colors while another CUCS may display a persistent window with values that are out of nominal range. Also note that limits cannot be defined for enumerated fields since enumerations do not typically represent a continuous range. A4. Declaring Help Text for a Field In some cases, an operator could benefit from additional information about a particular field or enumeration. For instance, if a UA reports a custom flight mode named “Evade” the operator may benefit from the help text “UA will speed up, zig zag and change directions constantly”. Note that in most systems it is expected that an operator will be trained on the different attributes of a vehicle before flight so the extra help may be redundant. Historically the Help Text field has been more valuable for engineers that are integrating the system. A4.1.2.5 Changing Configuration Data In many situations an entity’s Configuration Data will change over time. This can be for a wide variety of reasons ranging from flight mode state changes to malfunctioning A4 - 28 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 sensors. Regardless of the reason, the entity has the ability to update some Configuration Data through the following mechanisms. A4. Changing Field Availability An entity can send Message #44003 to indicate that a field’s availability has changed. It will do this by setting the fields as follows: Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> (0 does not apply) 1303.08 Field Available Either 0 (Not Available) or 1 (Available) 1303.09 Reported Enumerated Index Not applicable 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable Not applicable If the Reported Field refers to an enumerated field, the Field Available will apply to all supported enumerations in the field. This provides a simple way for an entity to disable or enable all the enumerations at once. If the entity only wishes to enable a few of the enumerations, refer to the next section. For example, an EO/IR payload station may indicate that the Set Centerline Azimuth (Unique ID 0200.05) and Set Centerline Elevation Angle (0200.06) fields are not available if its current EO/IR Pointing Mode (0302.19) is Lat-Long Slaved. A4. Changing Enumeration Availability An entity can send Message #44003 to indicate that an enumeration’s availability has changed. It will do this by setting the fields as follows: Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> (0 does not apply) 1303.08 Field Available 1 1303.09 Reported Enumerated Index <Applicable enumeration> 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable Either -1 (Not Available) or 0 (Available) Note that Unique ID1303.10 should not be set to “-2 = Not Implemented”. This is reserved for during the initial configuration download. A4 - 29 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 For example, if an EO/IR payload station has reached its maximum zoom level, it can tell the CUCS that the “2 = Zoom In” enumeration and “4 = Fast Zoom In” enumerations for the Set Zoom (Unique ID 0200.17) field are no longer available. A4. Changing Bit Field Availability An entity can send Message #44003 to indicate that a bit in a Bitmapped field’s availability has changed. This is exactly the same as changing an enumeration, except the right most bit is considered Enumeration 0, the second right most bit is considered Enumeration 1, and so on. Unique ID Name Value 1303.06 Reported Message <Applicable message> 1303.07 Reported Field <Applicable field> 1303.08 Field Available 1 1303.09 Reported Enumeration Index <Applicable bit> (Note that this is the index of the bit starting at 0, not the value of the bit. e.g.,: 0=0x0001, 1=0x0002, 2=0x0004, 3=0x0008, etc.) 1303.10 Enumerated Index Enable Either -1 (Not Available) or 0 (Available) A4. Changing Field Limits In some circumstances, an entity may be required to change the valid limits of a field. For instance, if the vehicle’s stall speed changes it can notify the CUCS that the minimum speed command should be changed. This can be accomplished with either Message #41000, #41001 or #41003 depending on the field required: Unique ID Name Value [1300|1301].07 or 41003.09 Requested Message <Applicable message> [1300|1301].08 or 41003.10 Reported Field <Applicable field> [1300|1301].09 or 41003.11 Field Supported 1 [41000|41001].03 or 41003.24 Default value <Default value within the min/max> [1300|1301].10 or 41003.12 Max Value <New max value> A4 - 30 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 [1300|1301].11 or 41003.13 Min Value <New min value> A4. Changing Warning and Caution Thresholds Message #41000, #41001, #41003, can be pushed from the VSM to update the warning and cautions thresholds. A4. Changing a Previously Unsupported Capability to be Supported While STANAG 4586 does not specifically prevent this behaviour it is recommended that this functionality be avoided. Many UA designers and members of the 4586 community have indicated that they would not support it. Consider declaring the capability unavailable instead of unsupported. A4.1.3 Mission Transfer The following list of messages are the messages that have been developed to transfer a mission plan from a CUCS to an UA through the DLI, and to download the mission(s) that are currently loaded on the UA: Mission Transfer Command (Message #13000) UA Route (Message #13001) Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Status (Message #14000) UA Position Waypoint (Message #13002) UA Loiter Waypoint (Message #13003) Payload Action Waypoint (Message #13004) Airframe Action Waypoint (Message #13005) Vehicle Specific Waypoint (Message #13006) The UA Position Waypoint (Message #13002) is the base message for defining a mission waypoint and all the other waypoint messages must reference this message. For each UA Position Waypoint there may be a loiter (Message #13003), payload (Message #13004), airframe (Message #13005) and/or vehicle specific (Message #13006) message linked to that waypoint. The “Waypoint Number” field in each of the messages is the link that ties each of the messages together. Figure A4 - 4 represents the association between the mission waypoint messages. Only the UA Position Waypoint is mandatory for creating a mission as it defines the sequence of waypoints within the mission, all of the other waypoint messages are optional per waypoint based on what is supported by the VSM/UA. A4 - 31 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure A4 - 4: Mission Waypoint Message Link The mission(s) are uploaded from the CUCS to the VSM as a series of individual waypoints based on the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #13002). The Mission Waypoints may be loaded to the VSM in any order as the UA Position Waypoint identifies the “Waypoint Number” being uploaded in the message and the “Next Waypoint” in the sequence is identified in the message as well. Waypoint numbers do not need to be contiguous within a mission, however it is recommended that they are made contiguous. The Mission Transfer Command (Message #13000) is used to control the overall upload, download and storage of a mission between the CUCS and VSM/UA. Refer to the next section for additional details. Message #14000, Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Status, is used by the VSM to report the status of the upload or download of the mission to and from the VSM respectively. Until the mission has been uploaded to the UA, the CUCS operator should not be provided the capability to control the UA in the “waypoint” Flight mode as defined in the STANAG 4586 document. A4 - 32 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 As defined in Message #2016: Vehicle Operating Mode Command CUCS Implementation section of this document, the Waypoint mode should not be available until a valid flight plan has been loaded to the AV. Refer to the Message #40000: Field Configuration Request Implementation section of this document for additional details on configuring the UA control parameters. When the Waypoint mode is commanded through Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command, Unique ID 0043.15 (Commanded Waypoint Number) identifies the first waypoint to fly toward, which was loaded to the VSM/UA using the UA Position Waypoint Message. The Waypoint mode, specified in Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command, can only be initiated if the UA is already in Mission mode and is used to send the vehicle to any specified “Waypoint Number.” While in the Waypoint flight mode of operation, it is expected that the VSM report the “From”, “To,” and “Next” waypoint information to the CUCS using Message #3002, Vehicle Operating States, upon a change in state/value of any of the waypoint parameters. A4.1.3.1 Message #13000: Mission Transfer Command Implementation The Mission Transfer Command is used to control the overall upload, download and storage of a mission between the CUCS and VSM/UA. The Mission Transfer Command has been developed to account for situations where the VSM may be located on the ground as well as for situations where the Mission Waypoint Messages may be transmitted directly to the UA (VSM in the UA) from the CUCS. The first step in the Mission Upload process is to transmit all the DLI mission waypoints from the CUCS to the VSM (e.g., Message #13002-#13007). Refer to Figure A4 - 5 for a representation of the Mission Upload sequence of events. The next step in the process is to transmit the required Message #13001, UA Route, messages to the VSM to identify the Route ID and Route Type as required by the VSM/UA. After the CUCS has transmitted the complete set of DLI mission waypoints and UA Route messages to the VSM, the CUCS transmits the Mission Upload Command (Message #13000) with the “Mission Plan Mode” set to “2= Load Mission”. Where the VSM is on the ground (UA does not transmit STANAG DLI messages), the Mission Upload Command is used to control the translation of the DLI mission waypoint messages to the UA native (IDD) mission format. Once all the mission waypoints have been transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM, a Mission Upload Command (Message #13000) is transmitted with the Mission Plan Mode field set to “2 = Load Mission” to indicate to the VSM that the transmitted DLI mission waypoints are ready to be converted to the vehicle specific format and then transmitted to the UA. (This means the VSM is responsible for converting the mission from the DLI Mission Message format to any vehicle native format required, and then transmitting it to the UA). A4 - 33 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Step 1: CUCS transmits all the mission Waypoints and their associated parameters to the VSM. CUCS – Mission Waypoints VSM – Mission Waypoints Message #13002 - Waypoint Number - Message #13003 - Message #13004 - Message #13005 - Message #13006 Message #13002 - Waypoint Number - Message #13003 - Message #13004 - Message #13005 - Message #13006 Step 2: CUCS transmits Message #800 to VSM. VSM CUCS – Mission Upload Command Message #13000 - Mission Plan Mode Load Waypoints Step 3: VSM converts mission messages to vehicle native mission format. VSM VSM Message #13002 - Waypoint Number - Message #13003 - Message #13004 - Message #13005 - Message #13006 Vehicle Native Mission Format Step 4: VSM transmits the vehicle mission format to the air vehicle. VSM Air Vehicle Vehicle Native Mission Format Vehicle Native Mission Format Figure A4 - 5: Mission Message Upload Sequence Where the UA can accept the DLI mission waypoints messages directly (e.g., VSM onboard the UA), the reception of a Mission Upload Command (Message #13000) with the Mission Plan mode field set to “2 = Load Mission” signifies that all the DLI mission waypoints have been transmitted to the UA. The UA would then perform any required mission format conversions. Message #14000, Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Status, is used by the VSM to provide the status of the mission upload to the UA. This means the transmission of the vehicle native waypoints (mission) from the VSM to the UA. The VSM will report the upload as “in progress” and the “Percent complete”, or as “Complete.” While an Upload or Download is in progress, it is the responsibility of the VSM to report to the CUCS the capability to upload another task or download the task concurrently through the use of the General Configuration messages. A4 - 34 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Mission Upload sequence as defined above may be used by the CUCS to replace specific waypoints within a previously loaded mission, or to insert new waypoints within the defined mission. If the intention of the mission upload is to entirely replace the mission that is currently loaded on the UA, the CUCS should transmit the Mission Upload Command (Message #13000) with the Mission Plan Mode field set to “1 = Clear Mission” to identify to the VSM that all previously loaded waypoints are now invalid. The Mission Plan mode “3 = Download Mission” and “4 = Download single waypoint” are used to request the download of the mission waypoint information currently loaded to the UA. Where the VSM is located on the ground, this is not a request for the DLI mission waypoints that were previously uploaded to the VSM from the CUCS as these may be different from the mission plan that is loaded on the UA. When the VSM receives this command from the CUCS, the VSM must first query the UA for its current mission plan, convert this vehicle native mission plan to the DLI mission waypoint formatted messages, and then transmit the DLI mission waypoint messages to the CUCS. If the UA is capable of directly transmitting DLI mission waypoint messages (e.g., VSM on-board the UA), there is no additional conversion required. In the case of a “Download Mission” request, the VSM is required to download all of the UA Route Message (Message #13001) to the CUCS in addition to the Waypoint messages. The “Waypoint Number” field in the Mission Upload Command indicates which waypoint to download in the case of a single waypoint download request. The VSM responds to the download request by sending all the available waypoint messages (Message #13002 required, Message #13003-#13006 if available as they are optional) for the specified waypoint number. The VSM is required to keep track of any translations between the DLI mission waypoint number and vehicle native message numbers as required to ensure a valid response is made to the mission waypoint query. Message #14000, Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Status, is used to report the status of the Mission download from the VSM to the CUCS where a complete download has been requested. Figure A4 - 6 below identifies the Mission Download sequence of events: A4 - 35 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Step 1: CUCS transmits Mission Waypoint download request to the VSM. CUCS – Mission Upload Command VSM Message #800 - Mission Plan Mode: Download Waypoints / Download Single Waypoint Step 2: VSM requests required Waypoint information from the Air Vehicle. Air Vehicle VSM Vehicle Native Mission Waypoint Request Step 3: The Air Vehicle transmits the requested Mission Waypoint Status messages to the VSM. Air Vehicle VSM Vehicle Native Mission Status Step 4: VSM converts the vehicle native mission format to the required STANAG 4586 messages. VSM – Mission Waypoints VSM Message #13002 - Waypoint Number - Message #13003 - Message #13004 - Message #13005 - Message #13006 Vehicle Native Mission Status Step 5: VSM transmits the required STANAG 4586 Mission Waypoint messages. CUCS – Mission Waypoints VSM – Mission Waypoints Message #13002 - Waypoint Number - Message #13003 - Message #13004 - Message #13005 - Message #13006 Message #13002 - Waypoint Number - Message #13003 - Message #13004 - Message #13005 - Message #13006 Figure A4 - 6: Mission Message Download Sequence A4.1.3.2 Message #13001 UA Route This message is used to define an UA route. If the “Initial Waypoint Number” field in the message is set to 0, the route definition (Route ID) defined in the message is deleted from the VSM/UA, however the waypoints contained in the route definition are not. The “Contingency Waypoint” fields, identify the waypoint toward which the UA will fly if it is required to abandon the current mission, or a route. A “Contingency Waypoint” may point toward a waypoint, which identifies a task to be conducted in the event of an emergency. Which of the Contingency Waypoints the UA flies toward in the event of an emergency is an UA specific implementation. The Contingency waypoint number, Contingency Scope, e.g., Waypoint, Route, etc. are defined by Message #13007, Defining Contingency, A4 - 36 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.1.3.3 Message #13002: UA Position Waypoint Implementation The UA Position Waypoint Message defines the geographical location that the UA will fly toward. The UA Position Waypoint Message will be used to transmit a series of waypoints from the CUCS to the VSM that will be linked together to form a single mission or series of smaller tasks for the UA. UA missions are created using the UA Position Waypoint by identifying the “Waypoint Number” in the message with the next waypoint in the sequence being identified by the “Next Waypoint” field in the message. The VSM will be required to convert these mission waypoints into the format required for transmission of the mission to the UA. The following attributes are defined for the waypoint in the message; the geographical location of the waypoint, the airspeed at which the UA will fly toward the waypoint and the altitude at which the vehicle will fly. The “Next Waypoint” field provides the link from one waypoint to the next thus identifying tasks, where a value of “zero” indicates that the waypoint is the last waypoint in the series of waypoints or end of the task. The UA Position Waypoint Message may be used to create a series of tasks or multiple tasks, where the CUCS is required to keep track of which waypoint is the start waypoint for each task and which waypoints form the task. To command a specific mission, Message #2016 is used as described above. When the VSM receives the DLI Mission Waypoints, if the UA does not support the DLI Mission Waypoints directly, the VSM must convert the DLI Mission Waypoints to the vehicle specific format. In the instance where the CUCS requests the download of a mission(s) from an UA for which it has not uploaded the mission, the CUCS must recreate the mission(s) from the reception of the UA Position Waypoint Messages from the VSM/UA as required to determine the mission composition, which may be single or multiple missions. The CUCS, if authorized, may then modify the missions by inserting, modifying waypoints, etc. Figure A4 - 7 below provides a brief example of creating a task through the use of the UA Position Waypoint Message. A4 - 37 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Waypoint #1 Waypoint #5 Next Waypoint #2 Next Waypoint #6 Contingency Waypoint #5 Contingency Waypoint #200 Waypoint #2 Waypoint #6 Next Waypoint #3 Next Waypoint #200 Contingency Waypoint #200 Waypoint #3 Waypoint #7 Next Waypoint #4 Next Waypoint #200 Contingency Waypoint #200 Waypoint #4 Waypoint #200 Next Waypoint #5 Next Waypoint #0 Figure A4 - 7: Example Task Using UA Position Waypoint Message It is the responsibility of the CUCS to ensure the waypoints are correctly configured before transmitting the information to the VSM. This includes ensuring that if two tasks are linked together that the waypoint identifying the end of the first task is correctly linked to the first waypoint in the second task, and that waypoint numbers are not repeated within the tasks. A4.1.3.4 Message #13003: UA Loiter Waypoint Implementation The UA Loiter Waypoint Message defines the loiter characteristics the UA will perform once it has arrived at the waypoint location identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #13002) while in the Waypoint Flight mode. A4.1.3.5 Message #13004: Payload Action Waypoint Implementation The Payload Action Waypoint Message defines the payload action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly toward the waypoint identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #13002) for the identified waypoint number while in the Waypoint Flight mode. A4.1.3.6 Message #13005: Airframe Action Waypoint Implementation The Airframe Action Waypoint Message defines the Airframe action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly toward the waypoint identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #13002) while in the Waypoint Flight mode. Airframe actions include turning on/off UA navigation lights, data link transmitters, etc. as identified in the Airframe Action Waypoint Message. A4 - 38 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.1.3.7 Message #13006: Vehicle Specific Waypoint Implementation The Vehicle Specific Waypoint Message defines the vehicle specific actions that will be performed when the UA begins to fly toward the waypoint identified in the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #13002) while in the Waypoint Flight mode. This message is used to pass any vehicle or payload specific information that is not covered by the Generic Mission Upload Messages to the VSM, for subsequent transmission to the UA. A waypoint value of zero indicates mission generic data that is not associated with any specific waypoint. The following messages are considered the Generic Mission Messages: UA Position Waypoint (Message #13002) UA Loiter Waypoint (Message #13003) Payload Action Waypoint (Message #13004) Airframe Action Waypoint (Message #13005) Common Route Definition (CRD) data tags are used to provide a standard and interoperable method to transfer information between a CUCS and a VSM for data that is not supported by the generic message set. To determine the required CRD data tag for a UA (vehicle specific) data element the CRD Standard must be referenced. One application of this message is to provide for the transmission of elements of the CRD messages, received via the CCI interface, to an UA where the data elements cannot be mapped to the generic mission messages. A VSM that does not support the CRD data tags may ignore this message without causing adverse effects to the system. A4.1.3.8 Message #14000: Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Implementation The Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Message is sent by the VSM to the CUCS to provide status on a mission upload/download from a VSM to a CUCS. A4.1.4 Message Acknowledgment Entities can use the STANAG 4586 acknowledgement system to detect if their messages have arrived at their destination and whether their requests are rejected or accepted and completed/failed. This is important since the underlying transport mechanism (i.e., UDP) is not reliable and does not guarantee that packets arrive in the same order that they were sent. Acknowledgements are typically not needed for status messages that are sent frequently and where the content of the most recent message supersedes the data of the older messages. For instance, a UA may send Message #3010, Body Relative Sensed States, at a rate of 5 Hz. In this case, there is little value in requesting an acknowledgement since the data will be stale by the time the UA realizes that the CUCS did not receive the message. The table below highlights situations where it is a good idea to use the acknowledgement system. Situation Event-driven Examples Message #16000, Subsystem Status Alert, when a Warning or Caution condition is detected Message #3, Vehicle ID, if a virtual Vehicle ID is changed to a real Vehicle ID A4 - 39 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The message is only sent when needed (i.e., not sent periodically and not if updates happen frequently) Message #44003, Message Parameter Availability, to indicate that a Vehicle Operating Mode is suddenly unavailable Transactional Downloading Configuration Data Transferring Route/Waypoint Messages Message #16000, Subsystem Status Alert, when responding to a request for additional details with multiple messages The message is part of a set of messages where the receiving entity should only accept the messages if all the messages have been received Sequential The message is part of a sequence where the order of receipt matters Note that an entity does not always need to request a Message #17000 Message Acknowledgement, as an entity may use an expected response as an acknowledgement. For instance, if a CUCS sends a Message #40000 Field Configuration Request, to download a single configuration parameter, the receipt of the requested configuration parameter in a Message #4100x implies that the destination entity received the request. A4.1.4.1 Requesting an Acknowledgement To request an acknowledgement, an entity needs to set the ACK bit in the Message Properties field of the message header and set a unique time stamp in the message’s Time Stamp field. For instance, if a VSM requests an ACK for Message #16000, Subsystem Status Alert, then the Time Stamp field (Unique ID 1100.01) must be set in Message #16000 so the receiving CUCS can populate the Original Message Time Stamp field (Unique ID 1400.06) in the acknowledgement. If the sending entity does not receive a Message #17000, Message Acknowledgement, within a reasonable time frame, the entity may assume that the message was not received at the destination. In this case, the entity can choose to resend the message or timeout. Note that a message may not be acknowledged if any of the following conditions exist, since the entity cannot trust the integrity of the received message: o o o The message specifies an IDD version of STANAG 4586 that is not supported by this entity The message specifies an incorrect message length The message has an incorrect checksum (if used) An entity should use a unique time stamp for each sent message unless it is a retry attempt of a previously sent message. While entities could use a globally unique time stamp for each message, the time stamp only needs to be unique for a given Message Type. This is because the responding entity is required to specify the Original Message Type (Unique ID 1400.08) in the acknowledgement. A4 - 40 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Header field Name Value 1 IDD Version “32” (Edition 4 using AEP-84 Volume II) 2 Message Instance ID <A unique ID that will be included in the ACK> 3 Message Type <Message Type> 4 Message Length <Message Length> 5 Stream ID <Stream ID> 6 Message Properties 0x80000000 (note that the least significant 31 bits are undefined) A4.1.4.2 Sending an Acknowledgement To acknowledge a message, the entity sends Message #17000: Unique ID Name Value 1400.01 Time Stamp Time of Message #17000 creation 1400.06 Original Message Time Stamp <Timestamp from received Message> 1400.08 Original Message Type <Message Type from received Message> 17000.01 Acknowledgement Type <Acknowledgement Type as needed> An entity may send multiple copies of the Acknowledgement Message at the same time to increase the chances that one will be received at the destination. The receiving entity should be able to receive multiple copies of the same acknowledgement without unintended side effects. There are five different types of acknowledgements that an entity can send. Enumeration Name Meaning 0 Message Received The message was received and no further acknowledgement will be sent. This does not imply that the contents of the message were correct or the data in the message was used for its intended purpose. It only indicates that the message was A4 - 41 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 received and that the sending entity does not need to resend it. 1 Message Received, but not completed This is the same as 0=Message Received, except that it indicates that a further acknowledgement will be sent to indicate if the received message was accepted and completed, accepted and failed, or rejected. This message can be useful for cases where the entity requires additional time to decide the outcome of the request. By sending this message, the sending entity is informed that the message was received so it doesn’t need to re-send the message. 2 Message Completed Received and This indicates that the message was received and the request was accepted and completed. For instance, the UA can use this message to indicate that it has received and accepted the new parameters when it receives the Message. 3 Message Rejected Received, but This indicates that the message was received and that the request was rejected. The entity can send it to indicate that something was wrong with the request. It could be because there was an error encoding the message or because the entity does not accept the request. This may be because the data in the request is not within the entity’s configuration or because entity is temporarily unable to accept the request. 4 Message Received, but Failed This indicates that the message was received and the request was accepted but the entity failed to carry out the request. For example, if an entity requested to turn on the power A4 - 42 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 to an EO/IR payload but the payload failed to turn on due to an electrical problem. A4.1.5 Vehicle Control Modes A4.1.5.1 Message #2000: Vehicle Configuration Command CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Configuration Command message is used by the CUCS to transmit the initial UA Propulsion Energy to the VSM, as a percentage of the total capacity of the system. The Propulsion Energy may be a liquid/ solid fuel (kg) or a current charge (joules), therefore the initial capacity is commanded as a percentage of the maximum capacity of the system as reported (configured) from the VSM using Message #3000, Vehicle Configuration. The CUCS must provide a method for the operator to enter the Initial Propulsion energy if supported, and it is recommended this value is entered in the type reported as supported in Message #3000, Vehicle Configuration, either “Propulsion Fuel Capacity” or “Propulsion Battery Capacity”. Potentially both propulsion energy types may be available; however, the command of two different propulsion energy types is not currently supported by STANAG 4586. A4.1.5.2 Message #2000: Vehicle Configuration Command VSM Implementation The VSM uses the reception of the Vehicle Configuration Command message to identify the initial fuel load, percentage of maximum load, on the UA. The VSM must use the General Configuration messages, Message #41001, Configuration Double Response, for the Message #2000, Initial Propulsion Energy parameter, to identify whether or not it supports the entry of an initial propulsion energy value during the configuration process. Message #3000 itself identifies whether or not the vehicle supports either Message #3000, Propulsion Fuel Capacity or Message #3000, Propulsion Battery Capacity, in addition to using this same message (Message #3000) to report the fuel/ battery capacity to the CUCS. (Yes, this is inconsistent with the general configuration process.) The Propulsion Energy may be a liquid/ solid fuel (kg) or a current charge (joules), and the initial capacity is received as a percentage of the maximum capacity of the system. It is currently required that the VSM only report one type of Propulsion Energy, Message #3000, Propulsion Fuel Capacity, or Message #3000, Propulsion Battery Capacity, as supported (valid) in order for this message to correctly support the initial value entry at the CUCS. Refer to Message #3000, Vehicle Configuration for implementation details. A4.1.5.3 Message #2016: Vehicle Operating Mode Command CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Operating Mode Command is used by the CUCS to execute control over the UA through the VSM. It is recommended that control over this data element be available on the UA control panel. To conserve bandwidth, it is recommended this message only be sent on a change in state. Once a flight path control mode has been commanded using Message #2016, there is most likely a requirement to command new UA parameters associated with the selected mode of control. Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command, is the message that is used to transmit “manual” commands to the vehicle while in the “Flight A4 - 43 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Director” or “Loiter” flight path control mode of operation, and Message #13002, UA Position Waypoint, is the default message for the Altitude and Speed command values while in the Message #2016 “Waypoint” flight path control mode of operation. The following messages are tightly coupled to each other: o o o Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command Message #2017, Loiter Configuration Message #13002, UA Position Waypoint Table A4 -2 below depicts the generally expected message sequence between the CUCS and the VSM in changing from one Message #2016, “Select Flight Path Control Mode” to another. CUCS VSM Message #2016: Vehicle Operating Mode Command -> <- Message #3001: Vehicle Operating Mode Report Message #2016: Vehicle Steering Command > <- Message #3002: Vehicle Operating States Table A4 - 2: Vehicle Operating Mode Message Sequence The Waypoint mode should not be available until a valid flight plan has been loaded to the UA. When the Message #2016, Waypoint mode is commanded, Unique ID 0043.15, Commanded Waypoint Number identifies the waypoint of the selected mission for the vehicle to proceed toward. While in the Message #2016, Waypoint flight control path mode of operation, the air vehicle’s altitude and speed commanded values are to come from Message #13002, UA Position Waypoint as the default setting. Using Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command, these default values of altitude and speed can be overridden by selecting to use the “manual” settings from Message #2016 if this override is supported by the air vehicle. See AEP84 Volume II, Message #2016, for additional details. When the Loiter mode is selected, the loiter point (position) is sent to the UA using Message #2017, Loiter Configuration, parameters: Additional functionality required by the Autopilot modes of operation is dependent on the autopilot implementations on the UA. There will be a requirement to define any additional requirements from the VSM. The VSM will use the General Configuration messages to identify in particular what Message #2016 and Message #2017 parameters are supported while in each of the different Message #2016, Autopilot flight path control modes of operation. The Slave to Sensor mode is used to initiate the Slave to Sensor mode of operation on the UA, and the Loiter point is calculated on the UA. Note: There may be a future capability to transmit Slave to Sensor parameters to the UA. The VSM will use the General Configuration messages to identify in particular what Message #2016 parameters are supported while in Slave to Sensor flight path control mode of operation. The selection of the Autoland Engage mode is used to initiate the Autoland functionality of the VSM. The VSM will use the General Configuration messages to A4 - 44 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 identify in particular what Message #2016 and Message #2017 parameters are supported while in the Autoland Engage flight path control mode of operation. The selection of the Autoland wave-off mode is used to initiate the Wave-off functionality of the VSM. The VSM will use the General Configuration messages to identify in particular what Message #2016 and Message #2017 parameters are supported while in the Autoland Wave-off flight path control mode of operation. The selection of the Launch mode initiates the launch functionality of the VSM. The VSM will use the General Configuration messages to identify what Message #2016 and Message #2017 parameters are supported/ available while in the Launch flight path control mode of operation. The Vehicle Specific Flight Modes are identified/ configured on the CUCS by the VSM through the use of the General Configuration Messages. Message #41002, Field Configuration Enumerated Response, is used to extend the list of Flight Path Control modes as required by the specific vehicle, and the CUCS must make these additional modes available to the operator. Any additional control requirements for the vehicle specific flight modes must be identified by the VSM. The VSM may use the generic messages, such as Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command, and Message #2017, Loiter Configuration, in conjunction with a vehicle specific flight mode of operation. The VSM will be required to use the General Configuration messages to identify in particular what Message #2016 and Message #2017 parameters are not supported/ available while in the Vehicle Specific flight path control mode of operation. Message #40000, Field Configuration Request, is used by the VSM to report to the CUCS which generic Message #2016, Flight Path Control Modes are not supported by the UA. The CUCS must ensure the operator is not provided with control over these Flight modes. A4.1.5.4 Message #2016: Vehicle Operating Mode Command VSM Implementation The Vehicle Operating Mode defines the system behaviour and establishes how commands are to be interpreted. This message is used to establish a standard way of defining and accessing the common UA operating modes from the CUCS, however the specific implementation of the operating mode is a vehicle specific function. The VSM should command the UA as required immediately upon reception of a Vehicle Operating Mode Command from the CUCS. The CUCS will follow this message with Message #2017, Loiter Configuration and/or Message #13002, UA Position Waypoint, that will provide the specific parameters for the active or commanded UA operating mode. The following table provides a potential method to identify the cross references between the CUCS Vehicle Operating modes (i.e., Flight modes) and the UA Native Flight modes, and identify how the Flight modes are implemented for control from the CUCS. A4 - 45 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Flight Path Control Mode # Flight Path Control Mode Description Vehicle Native Flight Path Control Mode Implementation 0 No Mode 1 Reserved 2 Flight Director 3 – 10 Reserved 11 Waypoint 12 Loiter 13 – 14 Reserved 15 Autopilot (general) 16 Autopilot (terrain avoidance) 17 Autopilot (NavAid slaved) 18 Reserved 19 Autoland engage Initiates vehicle specific Autoland dialog 20 Autoland wave-off Initiates vehicle specific Wave-off dialog 21 Launch 22 Slave to Sensor 23 Fly Contingency A 24 Fly Contingency B 25 Slave to Location 26 - 31 Reserved 32-255 Vehicle Specific Table A4 - 3: Cross Reference Table for CUCS Vehicle Operating Modes (Flight Modes) The Reserved modes identified in the STANAG are reserved for future revisions to the STANAG 4586 UA Flight Path Control modes. A VSM implementation may define UA modes specific to a vehicle using modes 32 through 255. The capability to define vehicle specific Flight modes is provided through the use of Message #41002, Field Configuration Enumerated Response. The VSM must use the Message #40000, Field Configuration Request, to identify to the CUCS which of the generic Message #2016, “Select Flight Path Control Modes” are not supported by or available at the CUCS, both statically and dynamically. Refer to AEP-84 Volume II, Message #40000 for additional details. A4 - 46 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The VSM is required to ensure that the each of the Message #2016, “Select Flight Path Control Mode” enumerations is correctly associated with each of the parameters in the different messages. A4.1.5.5 Message #2017: Loiter Configuration CUCS Implementation The Loiter Configuration Command Message is used in conjunction with Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command. The Loiter Configuration Command is used by the CUCS to configure the Loiter pattern that will be used by the UA while it is in the Message #2016, “Loiter” flight path control mode. (This message is used for additional Flight Path Control modes of operation.) The Loiter flight path control mode is transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM using Message #2016, and the loiter characteristics are transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM in Message #2017, Loiter Configuration. Refer to AEP-84 Volume II for additional implementation guidance. This message configures the loiter pattern (Loiter Type, Loiter Radius, Loiter Length, Loiter Bearing, Loiter Direction), and provides the capability to select a loiter specific altitude and/or airspeed for the air vehicle to achieve while in the Message #2016, “Loiter” flight path control mode. The altitude and (air)speed demands in this message (Message #2004) are intended as configuration settings, and are not intended to be continuously altered while in the “Loiter” flight path control mode. If the intention is to continuously alter the altitude and (air) speed settings while in Loiter mode, Message #2003, Altitude Mode and Speed Mode settings should be “Manual/ Override.” The Altitude type and Speed type fields are to provide the reference frame for the altitude and speed command values contained in the Loiter Configuration message. A4.1.5.6 Message #2017: Loiter Configuration VSM Implementation The Loiter Configuration Command Message is used in conjunction with Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command. The VSM uses the Loiter Configuration Message to configure the Loiter pattern that will be used by the UA when it is placed into the Message #2016, “Loiter” flight path control mode. The VSM is responsible for identifying to the CUCS which of the parameters in the message are supported for the specified UA through the use of the General Configuration Messages for; the Loiter Type, Loiter Direction, and Flying Behaviour. The CUCS will then not allow these selections from the CUCS. Refer to AEP-84, Volume II “Message #2017 Loiter Configuration for additional details. A4.1.5.7 Message #2018: Slave to Sensor Configuration CUCS Implementation This message shall be used to link a specific sensor to the Slave to Sensor Flight Mode. The CUCS shall transmit this message to the UA/VSM to provide a “Slave to Sensor Offset” distance and “Slave to Sensor Direction” to the UA. The UA shall use the offset distance and offset direction to calculate it’s loiter location with respect to the reported stare-point location while in Slave to Sensor Flight Mode. Refer to AEP-84, Volume II Message #2018 Slave To Sensor Configuration for additional details. A4.1.5.8 Message #2018: Slave to Sensor Configuration VSM Implementation It is the ultimate responsibility of the VSM to correctly control the UA in accordance with the selected Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control Mode, mode of operation, and not allow inappropriate control from the CUCS. The VSM must use Message A4 - 47 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 #40000, Field Configuration Request, to identify to the CUCS which of the generic Message #2016, “Select Flight Path Control Modes” are not supported by or available at the CUCS, both statically and dynamically. The VSM/UA shall use the “Slave to Sensor Offset” distance and “Slave to Sensor Direction” to calculate it’s loiter location with respect to the reported stare-point location while in Slave to Sensor Flight Mode. The VSM should appropriately disregard those fields contained in the Flight Vehicle Command messages that do not pertain to the currently selected Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control mode. Refer to AEP-84, Volume II, Message #2018 Slave To Sensor Configuration for additional details A4.1.5.9 Message #2007 Unmanned Aircraft Lights VSM Implementation The Unmanned Aircraft Lights Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the UA lights. Upon receipt of this message, the VSM should set the UA lights as commanded in the message. The VSM uses the Field Configuration Command Message (Message #40000) to configure the available Set Lights states. A4.1.5.10 Message #2007 Unmanned Aircraft Lights CUCS Implementation The CUCS populates the Unmanned Aircraft Lights Message parameters as entered at the CUCS, and transmits the message to the VSM. It is recommended that this Message be transmitted to the VSM upon any change in parameter contained in the message. A4.1.5.11 Message #2008 Engine Command VSM Implementation The Engine Command Message is used by the CUCS to control the UA engine(s). Upon receipt of this message the VSM should set the UA engine(s) as commanded in the message. The VSM uses the Field Configuration Command Message (Message #40000) to configure the available Engine Command states. A4.1.5.12 Message #2008 Engine Command CUCS Implementation The CUCS populates the Engine Command Message parameters as entered at the CUCS, and transmits the message to the VSM. It is recommended that the Engine Command Message be transmitted to the VSM upon any change in parameter contained in the message. A4.1.5.13 Message #2005: Flight Termination Command CUCS Implementation The Flight Termination Command Message is sent from the CUCS to the VSM to execute a flight termination sequence, or to reset a specified sequence. The CUCS uses Message #40000, Field Configuration Request, to request the configuration for the Flight Termination Mode field of the Flight Termination Command, by requesting the configuration of Message #2005, Unique ID 0046.05 from the VSM. The response will be received from the VSM using Message #41002, Field Configuration Enumerated Response. Refer to the Flight Termination Command VSM Implementation section, the Field Configuration Request Implementation section and the Field Configuration Enumerated Response Implementation section of this document for additional details on how to configure the Flight Termination Mode field. A4 - 48 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.1.5.14 Message #2005: Flight Termination Command VSM Implementation This message is used to provide a means for the CUCS to issue a Flight Termination Command to the VSM. The Flight Termination Command is sent from the CUCS to the VSM to execute a flight termination sequence, or to reset a specified sequence. To accomplish flight termination at the VSM, this message is received twice with two different values in the Message #2005, Commanded Flight Termination State field (once to arm, and a second time to execute). If the VSM receives an “execute” command before an “arm” command has been received, a warning should be sent to the CUCS indicating that the Flight Termination System has not been armed. Table A4 – 3 depicts the recommended/expected message sequence between the CUCS and the VSM in commanding a Flight termination. CUCS VSM Message #2005: Flight Termination Command -> - Arm FT System <- Message #3005: Flight Termination Mode Report - FT System Armed Message #2005: Flight Termination Command -> - Execute FT Sequence <- Message #3005: Flight Termination Mode Report - FT Sequence Executed Table A4 - 4: Flight Termination Mode Message Sequence The VSM uses Message #41002, Field Configuration Enumerated Response, to report the configuration of the Flight Termination Mode parameter of the Flight Termination Command in response to a configuration request from the CUCS. The Flight Termination mode parameter has no identified generic flight termination modes, therefore the VSM must use Message #41002 to identify the available Flight Termination modes for the vehicle under control. The Enumeration Count identifies the number of Termination modes, the Enumeration Index which indexes a specific enumeration, and the Enumeration Text is associated with the Enumeration index to provide a User readable identification of the specified Termination mode. These modes may then be presented to the operator in the generic CUCS Displays. Refer to the Field Configuration Request Implementation and the Field Configuration Enumerated Response Implementation sections of this document for additional details on how to configure generic enumerated fields. A4.1.5.15 Message #2019 Slave to Location Configuration Message CUCS Implementation The Slave To Location Configuration Message is used by the CUCS to identify the absolute reference system for locations, relative routes and their associated waypoints to the VSM. The intent of this message is to support moving platforms for launch and recovery, and to support usage of reusable “route templates” (e.g., for search A4 - 49 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 patterns). This message is provided prior to commanding programmed flight along any relative route, and updated as necessary otherwise. By setting Unique ID 2006.02 to a value of “1 or 2”, the operator defines an offset location that the vehicle should maneuver to relative to the provided reference location in Message #2019. The type of loiter the vehicle will perform is defined in this message. The offset location is the center of the loiter pattern that the vehicle is instructed to perform. The looking angle, if specified, is the depression angle relative to the local horizon from the offset location to the provided location. The relative altitude is the UA altitude relative to the location position altitude. In case the location is a moving location (Like a ground target or flying helicopter etc.) the UA shall calculate it's loiter position only according to the location position updates. Refer to AEP-84, Volume II, Message #2019 Slave To Location Configuration for additional details. A4.1.5.16 Message #2019 Slave to Location Configuration Message VSM Implementation The VSM/UA shall use the “Offset” distance and “Offset” direction from the “Latitude” and “Longitude” provided in this message to calculate it’s loiter location while in Slave to Location Flight Mode. The UA shall also use the “Location Altitude” and the “Relative Altitude”/”Looking Angle” to set its own altitude A4.1.5.17 Message #2010: UA Stick Command. The UA Stick Command Message is used to control the UA flight surface and taxi related functions. The UA Stick Command Message should not be transmitted between a CUCS and the UA without an authorized connection. This message is used to send UA stick commands from the CUCS to the UA. The CUCS implementation of this message should be in conjunction with an HMI implementation which enhances the operator ability to effectively and efficiently utilize the controls in this message. A4.1.5.18 Message #3000: Vehicle Configuration CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Configuration Message is used to provide the CUCS with characteristics of the vehicle it is controlling through the VSM. The data elements provided by this message are used to perform calculations, or to perform configurations (that are inconsistent with the general configuration process) on the CUCS for the specific UA by vehicle ID. This message is required to be received by the CUCS during the general configuration process in order to correctly configure the CUCS for the entry of the Message #2000, Initial Propulsion Energy, parameter if it is supported by the VSM. This message identifies both the type of fuel supported by the system (Propulsion Fuel Capacity, Propulsion Battery Capacity), and the maximum capacity for the supported type. Note, currently the VSM must only identify support for one energy type as Message #2000, Initial Propulsion Energy, can only support one fuel type. This message is also used to identify the “Number of Engines” supported by the air vehicle for configuration purposes. The STANAG 4586 allows the CUCS to request configuration messages from the VSM/air vehicle in advance of requesting an LOI from the VSM. This is one of the configuration messages that may be requested from the VSM by the CUCS if it is not received during the general configuration process as it is required to properly configure the CUCS to support fuel and engine command and status parameters. A4.1.5.19 Message #3000: Vehicle Configuration VSM Implementation A4 - 50 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Vehicle Configuration Message is used to provide the CUCS with characteristics of the vehicle it is controlling through the VSM, and to provide vehicle configuration data to the CUCS. The data elements provided by this message can be used to perform calculations or configuration on the CUCS for the specific UA. Some of the data elements contained in the Vehicle Configuration Message remain relatively constant, and should only be configurable on a system administration level. These data elements are: Configuration ID Propulsion Fuel Capacity (if external tanks are not an option) Propulsion Battery Capacity Maximum Indicated Airspeed (if not a function of payload configuration) Optimum Cruise Indicated Airspeed (if not a function of payload configuration) Optimum Endurance Indicated Airspeed (if not a function of payload configuration) Maximum Load Factor Number of Engines Some of the data elements in the Vehicle Configuration Messages change based on the mission to be performed, and therefore should be entered by the operator before conducting the mission. These data elements are as follows: Gross Weight X__CG The VSM should provide a method for the operator to enter these parameters from a User interface, and the VSM should populate the displays/controls with default values. The VSM should be able to accept data from the UA to populate these displays if the data is provided from the UA. This message may be specifically requested by a CUCS from the UA/ VSM using a Message #17002 request, or is transmitted from the VSM when a CUCS makes a general configuration request from the VSM using Message #40000, Field Configuration, at the appropriate LOI (LOI 4). The VSM should populate and send this message to the CUCS with the most recent data upon request for this message from the CUCS. A4.1.5.20 Message #4000: Inertial States CUCS Implementation The Inertial States Message provides the inertial states of the UA, and is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM developer is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required in order for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. A number of the parameters in this message are configurable from the VSM, and the CUCS should alter its displays to match the specified values/limits. A4.1.5.21 Message #4000: Inertial States VSM Implementation The Inertial States Message provides the inertial states of the AV, and is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data A4 - 51 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 elements to the operator. The frequency at which the message is sent to the CUCS should be determined based on the reception of AV messages containing the same data elements being received from the AV. The VSM should always populate this message with the latest data received from the AV under control of the VSM. *** The VSM should NOT transmit this message to the CUCS when it is not receiving the information contained in the message from the air vehicle, as it is a false indication of the air vehicles status! The message provides the current air vehicle location, the current air vehicle altitude with the reference frame as reported in the Altitude type field, the air vehicles ground speed, Roll, Pitch, and Heading. The Sample Time Stamp is the time the data contained in the Inertial States Message was acquired by the VSM. The VSM should always populate this message with the latest data received from the UA under control of the VSM. *** The VSM should NOT transmit this message to the CUCS when it is not receiving the information contained in the message from the air vehicle, as it is a false indication of the air vehicles status! The message provides the current air vehicle location, the current air vehicle altitude with the reference frame as reported in the Altitude type field, the air vehicles ground speed, Roll, Pitch, and Heading. The intent of this message is to provide air vehicle inertial states for geo-referencing of the payload data. It is therefore recommended that the reference frame selected for the Altitude report be “WGS-84” or AGL where possible. As a clarification, the Euler rates as a function of body rates are: phi-dot = roll-rate + pitch-rate sin(phi) tan(theta) + yaw-rate cos(phi) tan(theta) theta-dot = pitch-rate cos(phi) – yaw-rate sin(phi) psi-dot = pitch-rate cos(phi)/cos(theta) sin(phi)/cos(theta) + yaw-rate As a clarification, the Accelerations in inertial axes as a function of accelerations in body axes are: U-Accel = X-Body-accel cos(theta) cos(psi) + Y-Body-accel sin(phi) sin(theta) cos(psi) +Z-Body-accel cos(phi) sin(theta) cos(psi) – Y-Body-accel cos(phi) sin(psi) + Z-accel sin(phi) sin(psi) V-Accel = X-Body-accel cos(theta) sin(psi) + Y-Body-accel sin(phi) sin(theta) sin(psi) +Z-Body-accel cos(phi) sin(theta) sin(psi) +YBody-accel cos(phi) cos(psi) –Z-accel sin(phi) cos(psi) W-Accel = –X-Body-accel sin(theta) +Y-Body-accel sin(phi) cos(theta) + Z-Body-accel cos(phi) cos(theta) A significant number of the UA parameters as reported in this message must be configured using the General Configuration Messages to assist in the display of caution and alert conditions at the CUCS. Refer to the STANAG 4586 document for the list of parameters, identified within the Message #41000, #41001, #41002 and #40000 descriptions, required to be configured and which message is used to configure the parameter. A4 - 52 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 NOTE: The VSM/UA is responsible for providing the magnetic variation it is using to convert true heading to magnetic. Note: Magnetic Variation is often called Magnetic Declination. A4.1.5.22 Message #3009: Air and Ground Relative States CUCS Implementation The Air and Ground Relative States message is pushed from the VSM at a rate determined by the VSM manufacturer to allow for the timely display of the data elements at the CUCS. A number of the parameters in this message are configurable from the VSM, and the CUCS should alter its displays to match the specified values/limits. A4.1.5.23 Message #3009: Air and Ground Relative States VSM Implementation The Air and Ground Relative States Message provides the state of the UA relative to its environment, and it provides information about the environment in which the UA is located. This message is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required at the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. *** The VSM should NOT transmit this message to the CUCS when it is not receiving the information contained in the message from the air vehicle, as it is a false indication of the air vehicles status! The VSM should always populate this message with the latest data received from the UA under control of the VSM before sending it to the CUCS. The STANAG data elements supported by the UA for which the VSM is being implemented should be referenced appropriately to the required UA data element. The STANAG 4586 provides the capability for an air vehicle to report both altitude and (air) speed to the CUCS in a number of frames of reference. This message provides the VSM with the capability to transmit the altitude and (air) speed data to the CUCS for all frames of reference it supports in a single message, at a rate to be determined by the VSM for safe operation of the air vehicle. The VSM must use the General Configuration messages to ensure that it correctly defines which frames of reference reports for the altitude and (air)speed are supported by the air vehicle, and which are not. It is highly recommended that the configuration for both the reported and commanded altitude and (air)speed frames of reference be the same, i.e., if a WGS84 Altitude can be commanded there should be a corresponding altitude report in the WGS-84 frame of reference. A significant number of the UA parameters as reported in this message must be configured using the General Configuration Messages to assist in the display of caution and alert conditions at the CUCS. Refer to the STANAG 4586 document for the list of parameters, identified within the Message #41000, #41001, #41002 and #40000 descriptions, required to be configured and which message is used to configure the parameter. The Air and Ground Relative States message is pushed from the VSM at a rate determined by the VSM manufacturer to allow for the timely display of the data elements at the CUCS. A number of the parameters in this message are configurable from the VSM, and the CUCS should alter its displays to match the specified values/limits. A4 - 53 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Note: The U_Wind and V_Wind variables combine to create a wind vector. The wind vector indicates the magnitude and direction that the air mass is travelling. For example, an air mass traveling at 4 m/s from South to North would be reported with U_Wind=+4 m/s, V_Wind=0 m/s. For an air mass traveling from West to East the reported V_Wind would be positive. A4.1.5.24 Message #3010: Body Relative Sensed States CUCS Implementation The Body Relative Sensed States message is pushed from the VSM at a rate determined by the VSM manufacturer to allow for the timely display of the data elements at the CUCS. A number of the parameters in this message are configurable from the VSM, and the CUCS should alter its displays to match the specified values/limits. A4.1.5.25 Message #3010: Body Relative Sensed States VSM Implementation The Body Relative Sensed States message provides the inertial states of the UA, and is pushed from the VSM to the CUCS. The VSM is responsible for determining the rate at which this message is required for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. These directly sensed body-relative states are packaged as a separate message type from other vehicle states because these terms may need to be known at substantially higher rates for various control-related functions. The VSM should always populate this message with the latest data received from the UA under control of the VSM. The VSM should NOT transmit this message to the CUCS when it is not receiving the information contained in the message from the air vehicle, as it is a false indication of the air vehicles status! The STANAG data elements supported by the UA for which the VSM is being implemented should be referenced appropriately to the required UA data element. A significant number of the UA parameters as reported in this message must be configured using the General Configuration Messages to assist in the display of caution and alert conditions at the CUCS. Refer to the STANAG 4586 document for the list of parameters, identified within the Message #41000, #41001, #41002 and #40000 descriptions, required to be configured and which message is used to configure the parameter. A4.1.5.26 Message #3002: Vehicle Operating States CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Operating States Message provides the CUCS with a report of some of the UA’s current operating states, for the more critical parameters. The CUCS requests this message as required from the VSM. It is recommended that the reported states be presented to the operator in the same location as the corresponding demanded states for the specified data elements. The Vehicle Operating States Message should be requested by the CUCS, if not automatically transmitted from the VSM, following a new operator commanded value to the VSM for applicable parameters, as this messages contains the “reported commanded” values for those parameters. These parameters include: New Altitude Demand New Course (Heading) Demand New Turn (Heading, Course) Rate Demand A4 - 54 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 New Airspeed Demand A4.1.5.27 Message #3002: Vehicle Operating States VSM Implementation This message is used by the VSM to provide a “report” of the commanded state at the VSM/UA for various parameters that can be set from the CUCS, and as simply a report for other parameters deemed to be of a more critical nature for UA operations. For the parameters that are the “reported command” values for parameters commanded from the CUCS (Commanded Altitude, Commanded Course (Course, Heading), Commanded Speed) it is recommended that the VSM sends this message to the CUCS upon a change in state of any of these parameters deemed critical to flight operations. This will immediately notify the operator of the new operating states, and allow action to be taken if the state is not appropriate to the current operating conditions. For the parameters that are a simple report of a vehicle state, such as the “Current Propulsion Energy Level”, the VSM transmits this message at a rate required for the CUCS to provide a timely status display of these data elements to the operator. Specific implementation considerations follow. The Altitude type and Speed type fields in this message are used to provide the report of the frame of reference for which the VSM is interpreting/ using the “Commanded Altitude” and “Commanded Speed” from the CUCS. A4.1.5.28 Message #3007: Engine Operating States CUCS Implementation This message is used to report the operating state of a given engine to the CUCS, and where there is a requirement to status multiple engines; one such message is sent by the VSM for each engine. The CUCS should distinguishably display the status for each of the reported engines to the CUCS operator. A4.1.5.29 Message #3007: Engine Operating States VSM Implementation This message is used to report the operating state of a given engine, and where there is a requirement to status multiple engines, one such message is required for each engine. The intent of this message is to provide data for a generic set of indicators for the operator, and the detailed information about an engine’s operating state and health is a vehicle-specific function (See Remote Displays section). The VSM is responsible for the translation of the corresponding vehicle native parameters to the discrete STANAG data elements (for each element identified in the message) and their corresponding “overall” status value in order to correctly fill in the STANAG message. The STANAG requires the following status levels with their associated colours: 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Table A4 - 4 provides a potential methodology for converting UA native variables, with ranges, to the STANAG enumerated states. The columns would be filled with UA native parameters, and their associated range of values, for the identified STANAG parameter. The “Reported Engine Command” parameter in this message is the reported command value for the Message #2008, Engine Command parameter. The “Reported Engine A4 - 55 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Command” parameter in this message identifies what engine command the air vehicle/ VSM is currently executing. The “Engine Status” parameter in this message is a report of the current status (actual state) of the selected engine. The “Engine Speed” (rpm) report is provided in this message. It is recommended that this message be transmitted from the air vehicle/VSM upon change in state of the Engine “status” parameters as a minimum. A VSM requiring to transmit the Engine Speed (rpm) to a CUCS as a safely requirement would of course need to transmit this message to the CUCS at a higher rate. Data Element Name & Description 1 2 3 n Engine Power Setting Engine Speed 1 Engine Speed 2 Engine Speed 3 Engine Speed 1 Status Engine Speed 2 Status Output Shaft Torque Temperature 1 Status Temperature 2 Status Temperature 3 Status Temperature 4 Status Lubricant Pressure Status Lubricant Level Status Fire Detection Sensor Status Table A4 - 5: UA Specific Parameters and Associated Range of Values for Identified STANAG Parameters A4.1.5.30 Message #3001: Vehicle Operating Mode Report CUCS Implementation The Vehicle Operating Mode Report is used to report the current Vehicle Operating mode, “Select Flight Path Control mode”. The Vehicle Operating Mode Report is used in conjunction with the Vehicle Operating Mode Command (Message #2016). A4.1.5.31 Message #3001: Vehicle Operating Mode Report VSM Implementation The VSM uses the Vehicle Operating Mode Report to report the current Vehicle Operating mode, Flight Path Control Mode to the CUCS. The Vehicle Operating Mode Report is used in conjunction with the Vehicle Operating Mode Command (Message #2016). The VSM is required to configure Message #3001, Reported Flight Path Control mode, exactly the same as Message #2016 for the equivalent parameter to avoid conflicting states. This means that the configuration from Message #40000, Field Configuration A4 - 56 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Request, for Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control mode, that identifies which of the “Flight Path Control Mode” are supported by the VSM for control from the CUCS, are the same control modes that are required to be reported back to the CUCS. That is, the VSM should not be reporting back a flight mode that it has identified as unsupported in the command. The VSM must also ensure that it correctly reports back the “vehicle specific” flight modes that were configured, if applicable, for Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control mode, using Message #41002, Field Configuration Enumerated Response. A4.1.5.32 Message #3006: Vehicle Lights State VSM Implementation This message is used to report the current state of the air vehicle lights to the CUCS. The Message #3006, Navigation Lights State parameter identified in this message must be configured with the same enumerations as established using Message #40000, Field Configuration Command, for the Message #2007, Set Lights parameter, as this message is used as a report to that message. Note, it is expected that status reports will be available for all the supported “navigation lights” commanded parameters as the default implementation, and there will be no orphaned reports. For example, if a “navigation light” enumeration cannot be commanded, it is expected that there is no requirement to have a report for the same enumeration. A4.1.5.33 Message #3006: Vehicle Lights State CUCS Implementation This message is used to report the current state of the air vehicle lights to the CUCS. A4.1.5.34 Message #3005: Flight Termination Mode Report CUCS Implementation The CUCS must be capable of receiving this message from the VSM, as well as be capable of requesting the message from the VSM. This message is used to report the Flight Termination Command set at the VSM and its current status. This message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS in response to Message #2005 and whenever the current status of flight termination changes. Refer to the Message #2005 Implementation section for additional details. A4.1.5.35 Message #3005: Flight Termination Mode Report VSM Implementation The VSM uses the Message #3005, Flight Termination Mode Report, to report the Flight Termination mode currently set at the VSM and the current Flight Termination state for that mode. The VSM must be capable of transmitting this message to the CUCS upon a change in state of the Flight Termination mode, as well as upon request for the message from the CUCS. The Message #3005, Reported Flight Termination Mode parameter identified in this message must be configured with the same enumerations as established for the Message #2005, Flight Termination Command, Flight Termination mode parameter, as this message is used as a report of the system status as a result of that command. That is, it is expected that there will be a report for each of the “vehicle specific” flight terminations modes that were added to Message #2005, Flight Termination Mode, as applicable. It is not expected that there will be reports for which a commanded mode has not been configured. A4 - 57 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 If the VSM is in the air vehicle, it should report that it is changing state to “Execute Flight Termination Sequence” prior to any action that would preclude transmission of this message to the CUCS. Refer to the Message #2005 Implementation section for additional details. A4.1.5.36 Null A4.1.5.37 Message #4001: From-To-Next Waypoint States VSM Implementation This message is used to report where an air vehicle is coming from, where it is currently going toward, and where it will be going next. This message is used to provide LOI 2/ LOI 3 control stations with the capability to monitor an air vehicle flight path to a limited extent, to allow those operators to determine where the air vehicle will be located in the near future for such things as payload planning purposes. It is recommended that the VSM transmit this message to the CUCS upon change in location of the reported Waypoints as a minimum, and potentially with a change in “waypoint times” if at a higher rate. The From, To, and Next waypoint reports in this messages are populated dependent on the current air vehicles flight path control mode (Message #2016). This message has been specifically defined to support the reporting of the From-To-Next waypoint locations for the current mission that that air vehicle is flying while in the Waypoint flight path control mode (Message #2016) mode of operation. The second specific purpose of this message, is that while the air vehicle is in the Loiter or Slave to Sensor flight path control mode (Message #2016) of operation, the “To Waypoint” in this message is used by the air vehicle/ VSM to report the vehicles intended (reported commanded) loiter position. This message can also be used to provide support to operators with only LOI 2/3 control while in other modes of operation. While in the Loiter mode, or any flight path control mode without a Next waypoint, the Next waypoint definition should be made 0 to indicate that the waypoint is not valid. The same applies to the “From Waypoint” when the air vehicle is in any mode of operation or situation (i.e., have not passed first waypoint in mission plan) where the “From Waypoint” definition is not valid. When the air vehicle is in a mode of operation where none of the From-To-Next waypoints are valid, this message is recommended not to be transmitted to the CUCS, such as potentially while in the Flight Director mode of operation. While the air vehicle is in the Autopilot (all), Autoland engage, Autoland Wave-off, or Launch flight path control mode (Message #2016), the “From Waypoint”, “To Waypoint”, and “Next Waypoint” can be defined by the VSM manufacturer as required to identify the air vehicles flight path. The STANAG 4586 currently does not define a generic method to identify the air vehicle flight path while in one of these modes of operation, and therefore this could be a simple method of achieving this capability. A4.1.5.38 Message #3016: Relative Route/Waypoint/Location Report Message #3016 is used by the VSM/vehicle to report the either the relative route and waypoint settings for each relative route that it is using or to report the single set of slave to location parameters the VSM/vehicle is using to perform it loiter relative to the slave to location settings specified in Message #2006. The VSM/vehicle sets Unique A4 - 58 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ID 3016.02 to a value of “0” to report settings being used for each relative route, or for all relative routes if Unique ID 3016.08 is set to null. If Unique ID 3016.08 is not set to null, then a separate instance of Message #3016 must be used to report the relative route/waypoint parameters being used for each relative route in the VSM/vehicle. The VSM/vehicle sets Unique ID 3016.02 to a value of “1 or 2” to report the single set of parameters that the VSM/vehicle is using to guide its loiter pattern (specified in Message #2004) to the location relative to the position, orientation, distance and possibly the looking angle or the relative altitude specified in Message #2006. A4.1.5.39 Message #2014: Emergency Mode Command This message shall be used to transmit the Emergency Mode to the VSM/UA that the UA should enter if not in the Waypoint Flight Path Control Mode. The “Required Manual Restore Time A and B fields” (Unique IDs 2014.09 and 2014.10) support operation of a UAV where a sudden change of flight path due to loss of link could endanger other aircraft. The Link Loss time can be arbitrarily broken down into 3 segments: Time to detect and report loss of uplink (TD), time that automatic operator recovery of control is possible (TR), and time that automatic operator recovery of control is not possible (T N). These actual times can be zero or near zero and are not defined by this standard. The figure below shows the relation of these times. TD TR TN TD is the time from the last received uplink to a downlink report of the loss of uplink. The last received message may be any STANAG message, a particular message, or valid uplink received with no data, it is up to the system designer. This time normally is under 1 minute, but there are no “correct” values. It is important to note that in many cases the loss of uplink will also mean the loss of downlink, so the CUCS may not receive the link loss report from the UA. TR is the time from report of a loss of uplink that if the link is recovered, the operator automatic regains flight control of the UA. Normally this time is to allow the system and/or operator to try to reestablish uplink with the UA. In restricted airspace, the UA may perform a maneuver, e.g., spiral up in altitude, to regain the uplink. In nonrestricted space the UA may not be allowed to perform a maneuver to avoid a collision with other aircraft in the area. If the restricted area includes the entire flight path back to the recovery area, this time may be set to a value longer than that transit time. TN is the time after TD and TR have expired and before the UA will deviate from its original flight path. This value is normally only used when flying in areas with other aircraft potentially in close proximity, e.g., non-restricted airspace. It is assumed that at the beginning of TN the operator will tell the proper entity, e.g., military ATC that the UA is in a loss of link state and will be doing a maneuver in TN to attempt to regain link and/or return to the recover location. Once having state the UA’s intentions, regaining of the link should not automatically return to the original flight mode since that mode may not match the announced intention. This could result in other aircraft moving out of the way only to suddenly find out that they moved in to the flight path. A4 - 59 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 In Message #2014, Contingency A/B Delay is TR + TN and Required Manual Restore Time A/B is TN. Once the UA is within this “time” from the planned loss link manoeuvre, restoration of the link will not result in continuation of the current commanded flight without a new Vehicle Operating Mode Command being received by the UA. It is up to the CUCS to not send automatic Vehicle Operating Mode Commands during lost link if this function is desired. A4.1.5.40 Flight Mode Implementation Examples Example number 1: Circular Loiter at Point B starting Loiter mode from Point A 1. Flight from Point A to B where the UA shall perform circular loiter pattern; starting from altitude of 10,000 Ft and airspeed of 160 Kts climbing to 18,000 Ft, loitering around Point B with reduced airspeed of 100 Kts. ALT=18,000FT Air Speed=160Kts Air Speed=110Kts Air Speed=110Kts Air Speed=160Kts B A A ALT=18,000FT ALT=10,000FT B ALT=10,000FT Side View Top View Sequence Diagram: A4 - 60 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 LoiterVehicleControl #2016 Flt Mode (12) ,Alt , Speed (Segment A Towards the loiter path), Loiter W.P. (Lat. Lon. )for Segment A CUCS VSM Scenario 2 Segment B T=T0 x Segment A T=T0 #2016 Flt Mode (12) ,Alt , Speed (Segment A Towards the loiter path), Loiter W.P. (Lat. Lon. ) For Segment B x T=T1 Segment B Segment A x T=T1 #2017 Loiter Configuration, Type, Radius, Bearing, T=T0 x T=T1 T0<T<T1 1. Send Message #2016 to command Loiter mode. Specify commanded altitude of 18,000 Ft, airspeed of 160 Kts and Point B Lat./Lon. coordinates. Note: T=T0 means send this message before entering Loiter mode. 2. Send again Message #2016 to command Loiter mode. Specify commanded altitude of 18,000 Ft, change airspeed to 100 Kts and Point B Lat./Lon. coordinates. Note: T=T1 means: Send this message before entering Loiter circle 3. Send Message #2017 for Loiter circle configuration. Messages for the loiter example: Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command. Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2002.00 0 0042.01 1 Example Type Units Range Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 03 FF FF FF Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 time A4 - 61 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0042.04 2 Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Select Flight Path Control Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode Specifies the method for controlling the vehicle’s flight path. Manual control modes lie in the range 1-10, automatic control modes lie in the range 11-31 Example 12 = Loiter 1 = Reserved 1 2 = Flight Director 3 - 10 = Reserved 310 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s) Altitude and Airspeed in route are taken from waypoint messages #13002 UA Position Waypoint) 12 = Loiter 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot engaged, but manual override of AV 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Message #2016, field 2 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Wave-off 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23=Fly Contingency A 24=Fly Contingency B 25=Slave to Location 26 - 31 = Reserved 26-31 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific A4 - 62 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.04 3 Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Altitude Command Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 4 Commanded Altitude 2 = Vertical Speed 3 = Rate-limited altitude Integer 3 0.02 m Altitude hold value to be achieved (ignored in Altitude Command Type = 2). 0043.06 5 Commanded Vertical Speed 1 1 = Altitude Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 0043.05 Example -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 493E0 (18,000 Ft) Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 0 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 Vertical Speed value to be achieved (Used in Altitude Command Type = 2, ignored in Altitude Command Type = 1, used as rate limit in Altitude Command Type = 3). 0043.07 6 Heading Command Type 1 = Heading Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 2 = Course 3 = Heading and Course 4 = Roll 5 = Heading Rate 0043.21 7 Heading Reference Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = True North 1 1 = Magnetic North A4 - 63 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.08 8 Data Element Name & Description Commanded Heading Example Type Units Range Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 45 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 10 Heading hold value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 2, 4, and 5). Provided in True North if Heading Reference is 0, and in Magnetic North if Heading Reference is 1. 0043.09 9 Commanded Course Course value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 2 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 1, 4 and 5). 0043.10 10 Commanded Turn Rate Heading or Course turn rate value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 thru 3, and 5) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates for the Applicable Heading Command type mode. i.e.; Does not apply to Heading Command Type = 5. A4 - 64 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.11 11 Data Element Name & Description Commanded Roll Rate Example Type Units Range Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 (160 kts= Roll rate value to be achieved (used in Heading Command Type = 4) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates. 0043.12 12 Commanded Roll (Used in Heading Command Type = 4) 0043.13 13 Commanded Speed 84.883m/s) A9 0043.14 14 Speed Type Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed 3 = Thrust 0043.15 15 Commanded Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 1 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 10132.5 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 As defined in Section 4.12, Mission Messages. 0043.16 16 Altimeter Setting Local Barometric pressure at sea level. Used to correct pressure altitude to barometric altitude. 0043.17 17 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 A4 - 65 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.18 18 Data Element Name & Description Loiter Position Latitude Type Units Range Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 19 Loiter Position Longitude 16995F58 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 20 Thrust Direction (35.213709 Degrees) Manual Loiter position longitude command. 2002.02 (31.768319 Degrees) Manual Loiter position latitude command. 0043.19 Example 190D6CFF Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 12 Direction that the thrust is directed. 2002.03 21 Thrust Unsigned 1 % No Restrictions 80 2002.01 22 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Result: The UA shall enter Loiter flight mode, climb towards Point B to reach the 18,000 Ft altitude and fly at 160 Kts airspeed. The next command message shall be: Send Message #2016 again with ALT and Airspeed for segment B. Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2002.00 0 0042.01 1 Example Type Units Range Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 03 FF FF FF Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 time A4 - 66 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0042.04 2 Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Select Flight Path Control Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerate d 0 = No Mode Specifies the method for controlling the vehicle’s flight path. Manual control modes lie in the range 1-10, automatic control modes lie in the range 11-31 Example 12 = Loiter 1 = Reserved 1 2 = Flight Director 3 - 10 = Reserved 310 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s) Altitude and Airspeed in route are taken from waypoint messages #13002 UA Position Waypoint) 12 = Loiter 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot engaged, but manual override of AV 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Message #2016, field 2 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Waveoff 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23=Fly Contingency A 24=Fly Contingency B 25=Slave to Location 26 - 31 = Reserved 26-31 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific A4 - 67 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.04 3 Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Altitude Command Type Unsigned 1 Enumerate d 0 = Not Specified Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 0043.05 4 Commanded Altitude 5 1 = Altitude 3 = Rate-limited altitude Integer 3 Commanded Vertical Speed 1 2 = Vertical Speed 0.02 m Altitude hold value to be achieved (ignored in Altitude Command Type = 2). 0043.06 Example -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 493E0 (18,000 Ft) Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 0 Unsigned 1 Enumerate d 0 = Not Specified 1 Vertical Speed value to be achieved (Used in Altitude Command Type = 2, ignored in Altitude Command Type = 1, used as rate limit in Altitude Command Type = 3). 0043.07 6 Heading Command Type Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 1 = Heading 2 = Course 3 = Heading and Course 4 = Roll 5 = Heading Rate 0043.21 7 Heading Reference Unsigned 1 Enumerate d 0 = True North 1 1 = Magnetic North A4 - 68 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Example Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0043.08 8 Commanded Heading Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 45 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 10 Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Heading hold value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 2, 4, and 5). Provided in True North if Heading Reference is 0, and in Magnetic North if Heading Reference is 1. 0043.09 9 Commanded Course Course value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 2 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 1, 4 and 5) 0043.10 10 Commanded Turn Rate Heading or Course turn rate value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 thru 3, and 5) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates for the Applicable Heading Command type mode. i.e.; Does not apply to Heading Command Type = 5. 0043.11 11 Commanded Roll Rate Roll rate value to be achieved (used in Heading Command Type = 4) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates. 0043.12 12 Commanded Roll (Used in Heading Command Type = 4) A4 - 69 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 0043.13 13 Commanded Speed Type Units Range Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 Example (100kts= 56.59m/s) 71 0043.14 14 Speed Type Unsigned 1 Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. Enumerate d 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed 3 = Thrust 0043.15 15 Commanded Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 1 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 10132.5 Unsigned 1 Enumerate d 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 As defined in Section 4.12, Mission Messages. 0043.16 16 Altimeter Setting Local Barometric pressure at sea level. Used to correct pressure altitude to barometric altitude. 0043.17 17 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 0043.18 18 Loiter Position Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Degrees) Manual Loiter position latitude command. 0043.19 19 Loiter Position Longitude 16995F58 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 20 Thrust Direction (35.213709 Degrees) Manual Loiter position longitude command. 2002.02 (31.768319 190D6CFF Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 12 Unsigned 1 % No Restrictions 80 Direction that the thrust is directed. 2002.03 21 Thrust A4 - 70 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2002.01 22 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. Type Units Range Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Example 0 0 = Immediate Activity Send Message #2017 Loiter Configuration for configuring Loiter circle at Point B. Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2004.00 0 0042.01 0041.04 Example Type Units Range Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 time 2 Loiter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Circular 1 2 = Racetrack 3 = Figure 8 4 = Hover 5 = ATC Hold 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0041.05 3 Loiter Radius The radius of the turn for Circular, Racetrack, and Figure 8 patterns. 0041.06 4 Loiter Length Used for Racetrack and Figure 8 to define length of pattern, centred around the Loiter Point in the direction of the Loiter Bearing. Unsigned 2 1.5 m 1.5 ≤ x 1000 Unsigned 2 1.5 m or s 1.5 ≤ x 1000 A4 - 71 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2004.01 5 Loiter Length Units Used for specifying the units of measurement for the Loiter Length. Time-based loiter lengths only apply to Racetrack patterns. 0041.07 6 Loiter Bearing Example Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Distance (m) Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Vehicle Dependent 1 0 1 = Time (s) The bearing of the loiter pattern, referenced to the Loiter Point, from True North. 0041.08 7 Loiter Direction Defines direction of turn, viewed from above, when rounding the loiter point defined by “Vehicle Steering Command” Message . 2004.15 13 Flying Behaviour 1 = Clockwise 2 = CounterClockwise 3 = Into the wind Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Flyby 1 1 = Flyover 2 = Vehicle Discretion (added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2) 2004.17 14 Loiter Duration Expected duration of a loiter. A zero value indicates forever. 2004.18 15 Loiter Duration Units Specifies the units of measurement for Loiter Duration (2004.17). 2004.02 16 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. Unsigned 2 User Specified No Restrictions 0 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Lap 0 Unsigned 3 None 1=s No Restrictions 0 0 = Immediate Activity A4 - 72 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Result: The UA shall loiter around Point B reducing airspeed to 100 Knots. Example Number 2: Slave to Sensor Mode, starting from Point A at a target in Point B. 1. Flight from Point A in Slave to Sensor Mode. Target is located at Point C. The UA shall perform circular Loiter pattern when arriving Point B; starting from altitude of 10,000 Ft and airspeed of 160 Kts climbing to 18,000Ft, loitering around Point B with reduced airspeed of 100 Kts. ALT=18,000FT Air Speed=160Kts Air Speed=110Kts Air Speed=110Kts HOLD Air Speed=160Kts B A A ALT=18,000FT ALT=10,000FT B ALT=10,000FT C C Side View Top View A4 - 73 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Sequence Diagram: SlaveToSensorControl ED-3 messages SlaveToSensorControl CUCS VSM #2016 Flt Mode (22) ,Alt , Speed (Segment A), Loiter W.P. (Lat. Lon.) Segment B T=T0 Segment A x T=T0 x T=T1 #2016 Flt Mode (22) ,Alt , Speed (Segment B for Loiter path), Loiter W.P. (Lat. Lon.) T=T1 #2019 Slave to Sensor Loiter Configuration, Type, Radius, Bearing, loiter path, Duration,etc. T0<T<T1 1. Send Message #2016 to command Slave to Sensor Mode. Specify commanded altitude of 18,000 Ft, airspeed of 160 Kts and Point B Lat/Lon Coordinates. Note: T<T0 means send this message before entering Slave to Sensor Mode. 2. Send again Message #2016 to command Loiter mode. Specify commanded altitude of 18,000 Ft, change airspeed to 100 Kts and Point B Lat/Lon. Coordinates. Note: T=T1 means: Send this message before entering Loiter circle 3. Send Message #2018 for Slave to Sensor circle configuration. Messages for the Slave to Sensor example: Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command. A4 - 74 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2002.00 0 0042.01 1 Example Type Units Range Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 03 FF FF FF Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 time A4 - 75 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 0042.04 2 Select Flight Path Control Mode Unsigned 1 Specifies the method for controlling the vehicle’s flight path. Manual control modes lie in the range 1-10, automatic control modes lie in the range 11-31 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = Reserved 1 22 = Slave to Sensor 2 = Flight Director 3 - 10 = Reserved 3-10 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s) Altitude and Airspeed in route are taken from waypoint messages #13002 UA Position Waypoint) 12 = Loiter 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot engaged, but manual override of AV 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Message #2016, field 2 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Wave-off 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23=Fly Contingency A 24=Fly Contingency B 25=Slave to Location 26 - 31 = Reserved 26-31 A4 - 76 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Example 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0043.04 3 Altitude Command Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 1 = Altitude Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 2 = Vertical Speed 3 = Rate-limited altitude 0043.05 4 Commanded Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m Altitude hold value to be achieved (ignored in Altitude Command Type = 2). 0043.06 5 Commanded Vertical Speed -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 493E0 (18,000FT) Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 0 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 Vertical Speed value to be achieved (Used in Altitude Command Type = 2, ignored in Altitude Command Type = 1, used as rate limit in Altitude Command Type = 3). 0043.07 6 Heading Command Type 1 = Heading Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 2 = Course 3 = Heading and Course 4 = Roll 5 = Heading Rate 0043.21 7 Heading Reference Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = True North 1 1 = Magnetic North A4 - 77 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Example Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0043.08 8 Commanded Heading Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 45 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 10 Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Heading hold value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 2, 4, and 5). Provided in True North if Heading Reference is 0, and in Magnetic North if Heading Reference is 1. 0043.09 9 Commanded Course Course value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 2 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 1, 4 and 5) 0043.10 10 Commanded Turn Rate Heading or Course turn rate value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 thru 3, and 5) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates for the Applicable Heading Command type mode. i.e.; Does not apply to Heading Command Type = 5. 0043.11 11 Commanded Roll Rate Roll rate value to be achieved (used in Heading Command Type = 4) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates. 0043.12 12 Commanded Roll (Used in Heading Command Type = 4) A4 - 78 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 0043.13 13 Commanded Speed Type Units Range Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 Example (160kts= 84.883m/s) A9 0043.14 14 Speed Type Unsigned 1 Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed 3 = Thrust 0043.15 15 Commanded Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 1 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 10132.5 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 As defined in Section 4.12, Mission Messages. 0043.16 16 Altimeter Setting Local Barometric pressure at sea level. Used to correct pressure altitude to barometric altitude. 0043.17 17 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 0043.18 18 Loiter Position Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Degrees) Manual Loiter position latitude command. 0043.19 19 Loiter Position Longitude 16995F58 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 20 Thrust Direction (35.213709 Degrees) Manual Loiter position longitude command. 2002.02 (31.768319 190D6CFF Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 12 Direction that the thrust is directed. A4 - 79 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2002.03 21 2002.01 22 Example Type Units Range Thrust Unsigned 1 % No Restrictions 80 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Result: The UA shall enter Slave to Sensor flight mode, climb towards Point B to reach the 18,000 Ft altitude and fly at 160 Kts airspeed. The next command message shall be: Send Message #2016 again with ALT and Airspeed for segment B. The next command message shall be: Send again Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command with Airspeed for segment B. Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2002.00 0 0042.01 1 Example Type Units Range Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 03 FF FF FF Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 time A4 - 80 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0042.04 2 Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Select Flight Path Control Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode Specifies the method for controlling the vehicle’s flight path. Manual control modes lie in the range 1-10, automatic control modes lie in the range 11-31 1 = Reserved 1 Example 22 = Slave to Sensor 2 = Flight Director 3 - 10 = Reserved 310 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s) Altitude and Airspeed in route are taken from waypoint messages #13002 UA Position Waypoint) 12 = Loiter 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot engaged, but manual override of AV 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Message #2016, field 2 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Waveoff 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23=Fly Contingency A 24=Fly Contingency B 25=Slave to Location 26 - 31 = Reserved 26-31 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific A4 - 81 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.04 3 Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Altitude Command Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 4 Commanded Altitude 2 = Vertical Speed 3 = Rate-limited altitude Integer 3 0.02 m Altitude hold value to be achieved (ignored in Altitude Command Type = 2). 0043.06 5 Commanded Vertical Speed 1 1 = Altitude Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 0043.05 Example -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 493E0 (18,000FT) Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 0 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 Vertical Speed value to be achieved (Used in Altitude Command Type = 2, ignored in Altitude Command Type = 1, used as rate limit in Altitude Command Type = 3). 0043.07 6 Heading Command Type 1 = Heading Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2. 2 = Course 3 = Heading and Course 4 = Roll 5 = Heading Rate 0043.21 7 Heading Reference Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = True North 1 1 = Magnetic North A4 - 82 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.08 8 Data Element Name & Description Commanded Heading Example Type Units Range Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 45 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 10 Heading hold value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 2, 4, and 5). Provided in True North if Heading Reference is 0, and in Magnetic North if Heading Reference is 1. 0043.09 9 Commanded Course Course value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 2 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 1, 4 and 5) 0043.10 10 Commanded Turn Rate Heading or Course turn rate value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 thru 3, and 5) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates for the Applicable Heading Command type mode. i.e.; Does not apply to Heading Command Type = 5. A4 - 83 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.11 11 Data Element Name & Description Commanded Roll Rate Example Type Units Range Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s No Restrictions 0 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0 Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 (100kts= Roll rate value to be achieved (used in Heading Command Type = 4) A zero commanded rate indicates that the AV should use its default rates. 0043.12 12 Commanded Roll (Used in Heading Command Type = 4) 0043.13 13 Commanded Speed 56.59m/s) 71 0043.14 14 Speed Type Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed 3 = Thrust 0043.15 15 Commanded Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 1 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 10132.5 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 As defined in Section 4.12, Mission Messages. 0043.16 16 Altimeter Setting Local Barometric pressure at sea level. Used to correct pressure altitude to barometric altitude. 0043.17 17 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 A4 - 84 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 0043.18 18 Data Element Name & Description Loiter Position Latitude Type Units Range Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 19 Loiter Position Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 20 Thrust Direction 0000 NA – Automatic from the Payload Manual Loiter position longitude command. 2002.02 0000 NA – Automatic from the Payload Manual Loiter position latitude command. 0043.19 Example Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 12 Direction that the thrust is directed. 2002.03 21 Thrust Unsigned 1 % No Restrictions 80 2002.01 22 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Send Message #2018 Slave to Sensor Configuration for configuring UA pattern at Point B. Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 2004.00 0 0042.01 1 Example Type Units Range Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 03 FF FF FF Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 time A4 - 85 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19800.03 2 Station Number 116 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 Example 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19800.04 3 Component Number Location ID on a given Station Location Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 A4 - 86 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19800.04 4 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 Example 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 Location ID on a given Component Location 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 19800.06 19800.07 19800.08 5 6 7 Slave to Sensor Offset Integer 4 Slave to sensor Direction Integer 2 Slave to Sensor Look Down Angle Integer 2 m No Restrictions (6000m) 00001770 BAM No Restrictions (90deg) 3FFF BAM 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0 0 = Look down angle is not defined A4 - 87 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field 19800.09 8 Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Station Number 1732 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 Example 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 19801.05 9 Addressed Sensor Identifies which sensor(s) to control where applicable. Laser pointers and rangefinders integrated with EO/IR sensor are not considered a separate sensor 19801.06 10 Link Sensor Determines if the Slave to Sensor flight mode is linked to this sensor. Only one sensor can be linked at a time. Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = EO 0x02 = IR 0x02 = IR 0x04 = Payload Specific Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Un-Linked 1 = Linked 1 = Linked A4 - 88 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 0041.04 11 Loiter Type Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Circular Example 1 = Circular 2 = Racetrack 3 = Figure 8 4 = Hover 5 = ATC Hold 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0041.05 12 Loiter Radius The radius of the turn for Circular, Racetrack, and Figure 8 patterns. 0041.06 13 Loiter Length Used for Racetrack and Figure 8 to define length of pattern, centered around the Loiter Point in the direction of the Loiter Bearing. 2004.01 14 Loiter Length Units Used for specifying the units of measurement for the Loiter Length. Timebased loiter lengths only apply to Racetrack patterns. 0041.07 15 Loiter Bearing Unsigned 2 1.5 m 1.5 ≤ x 1000 Unsigned 2 1.5 m or s 1.5 ≤ x 1000 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Distance (m) 0 Integer 2 BAM 1 = Time (s) No Restrictions 0 The bearing of the loiter pattern, referenced to the Loiter Point, from True North. A4 - 89 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Unique ID Field Data Element Name & Description 0041.08 16 Loiter Direction Defines direction of turn, viewed from above, when rounding the loiter point. Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Vehicle Dependent Example 1 1 = Clockwise 2 = CounterClockwise 3 = Into the wind 2004.15 17 Flying Behaviour Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Flyby 1 1 = Flyover 2 = Vehicle Discretion (added for backwards compatibility to Edition 2) 2004.17 18 Loiter Duration Expected duration of a loiter. A zero value indicates forever. 2004.18 19 Loiter Duration Units Unsigned 2 User Specified No Restrictions 0 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Lap 0 Unsigned 3 None 1=s Specifies the units of measurement for Loiter Duration (2004.17). 2004.02 20 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. No Restrictions 0 0 = Immediate Activity A4.1.6 Payload Command and Status As stated in the STANAG, “The Payload and Vehicle Subsystem Messages have been developed to provide a set of generic messages for common UA payloads, and for the common UA subsystems. A CUCS and/or VSM do not have to support the generic payload messages or the vehicle subsystem messages that do not apply to the systems configuration. However, if one of the generically identified payload or subsystem messages is applicable for the UA system, the identified formatted DLI messages must be supported.” A generic set of Payload Types have been identified in the STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Chapter 4, and an associated set of generic messages has been identified for use with A4 - 90 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 each of these payload types. The set of generic DLI messages associated with a payload type must be used for that payload when installed on an UA to achieve STANAG 4586 compliance. The Station number field in all the messages provides the link to the specified payload in the formatted DLI messages. It is the VSM’s responsibility to provide the correct payload identification in the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001) as this determines which messages will be used to control and status the payload at the identified station. For example, if the Payload type in the Payload Configuration Message is set to “EO/IR” for Stn #1, then the VSM will be reporting the configuration and status of the station #1 payload with the EO/IR Configuration State (Message #21100) and the EO/IR/Laser Operating State (Message #21101) messages respectively. The CUCS will control the payload using the Payload Steering Command (Message #19001) and the EO/IR/Laser Payload Command (Message #19100) messages. Any other type of messages directed at Stn #1 will be rejected by the VSM as invalid. The following payload message sequence is expected for the identified payload messages: a. UA Payload Configuration The overall UA payload configuration message is sent to identify the payloads available on the UA, and their location; i. b. Message #21001: Payload Configuration Configuration Messages The configuration messages are sent for each payload on-board the UA to identify the specific payload configuration as applicable: i. Message #21100: EO/IR - Configuration State ii. Message #41001: Field Configuration Double response; for configuring Message #19001 data fields for specified Payload iii. c. Other General Configuration Messages, as required. Status Messages Once the payloads configuration has been correctly identified to the CUCS for control, the VSM will commence sending the required status messages for the payloads on an as required basis. After the VSM has identified a payload configuration to the CUCS, it is recommended that it send a status message for the payload to identify its current status. The status messages are thereafter sent on a scheduled basis (See the Scheduled Message Update Command (Message #17001)), on change in payload status, or in response to a change in payload demand from the CUCS. d. Control Messages Payload control messages are sent from the CUCS to the VSM to control a payload at an identified station as demanded. Table A4 - 5 below depicts the generally expected message sequence between the CUCS and the VSM, in initialising the CUCS for the EO/IR Payload type, and subsequently commanding the payload and reporting its status. CUCS VSM A4 - 91 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Configuration Request: -> Refer to CUCS VSM Connection Sequence below. <- Message #21001: Payload Configuration One per payload station. <- Message #21100: EO/IR Configuration State One per EO/IR payload station. <- General Configuration Messages: One per configurable parameter, Message #41000, 41001, 41002, 41003, per EO/IR station. <- Message #21101: EO/IR/Laser Operating State Message #19001: Payload Steering Command -> Message #19100: EO/IR/Laser Payload Cmd > One per EO/IR payload station. Table A4 - 6: EO/IR/Laser Payload Message Sequence A4.1.6.1 Message #19001: Payload Steering Command CUCS Implementation The intent of the Payload Steering Command Message is for the CUCS to execute control over a steerable payload, to control the pointing angle, slew rate, stare point and/or FOV, located at the identified UA station number. This message contains the CUCS demanded values to the payload. These demands may be through manual control via an operator interface, or through an automated search process. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must have been identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). The Payload Steering Command is used to control the three different types of payloads as follows: EO/IR Payloads Fixed Camera Payloads SAR Payloads There are various potential mount orientations for a payload on an UA, such as a tiltover-pan mount or a tilt-over-roll mount, therefore the implementation of the steering commands is based on the camera centreline. Commanding a “Set Centreline Azimuth Angle” and “Set Centreline Elevation Angle” commands a camera orientation with respect to the UA. The VSM must translate the commands to the payload as required to attain the correct demanded payload orientation. Commanding a “Horizontal Slew Rate” will cause the FOV of the payload to move in a horizontal orientation. Commanding a “Vertical Slew Rate” will cause the FOV of the payload to move vertically. The slew rate commands are in the camera axes, not in the UA body axes, which is what the operator expects. If a “joystick” were moved to the right, then the operator expects the sensor/camera to slew to the right in the coordinate system they are viewing (e.g., the window’s x axis). If the operator moves the joystick up, then it is expected that the image will slew in the window’s y axis. No additional math is required to perform this functionality. The intended use of these A4 - 92 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 commands for a tilt-over-pan mount is to map the tilt control to the “Vertical Slew Rate” and pan to the “Horizontal Slew Rate.” The intended use of these commands for a tiltover-roll mount is to map the tilt control to the “Vertical Slew Rate” and roll to the “Horizontal Slew Rate.” The “Set Zoom” commands provides two methods to control the payload zoom. For payload that only have controls to zoom in/out, the last three enumerations 1-3 are used. For payloads that support setting the FOV to a specific value, enumeration 0 is used in conjunction with the “Set Horizontal Field of View” (field #10 and “Set Vertical Field of View” (field #11) are used. For payloads that have fixed FOVs, the enumerations 1-3 are used, with the FOV changing each time the enumeration changes from “Stop Zoom” to “Zoom In/Out”, i.e. the rising edge. The “Set Horizontal FOV” and “Set Vertical FOV” commands provide the capability to demand distinct horizontal and vertical FOV settings. On fixed aspect ratio payloads the Vertical Field of View (VFOV) is ignored by the VSM. Message #19100, EO/IR/Laser Payload Command, Addressed Sensor field identifies if the FOV is being controlled for the EO or the IR sensor. The “Latitude,” “Longitude,” and “Altitude” fields provide the capability to demand a sensor stare point directly to the UA for a specified altitude. The “Set Focus” and “Focus Type” fields provide the capability to set the focus (focus closer, focus farther) and focus type (Auto, Manual) for a particular payload. A4.1.6.2 Message #19001: Payload Steering Command VSM Implementation The intent of the Payload Steering Command Message is for the CUCS to execute control over a steerable payload, to control the pointing angle, slew rate, stare point and/or FOV, located at the identified UA station number. This message contains the CUCS demanded values to the payload. These demands may be through manual control via an operator interface, or through an automated search process. The VSM is responsible to convert the commands received in this message to the correct payload format and then correctly route the commands to the selected payload. The “Set Horizontal FOV” and “Set Vertical FOV” commands provide the capability to demand distinct horizontal and vertical FOV settings. On fixed aspect ratio payloads the Vertical Field of View (VFOV) is ignored by the VSM. These same commands are used to control an IR payload with fixed zoom levels, therefore the VSM is required to step the zoom based on a change in demand of the zoom from the CUCS. The configuration for the “Set Horizontal FOV” and “Set Vertical FOV” parameters in this message are from Message #21100, EO/IR Configuration State, in the associated Field of Regard parameters. The configuration of the Horizontal and Vertical Slew Rate limits is conducted from the VSM using Message #41001, Configuration Double Response, to identify whether or not the parameters are supported by the payload, and if so, it is used to configure the limits, etc for the parameters. A4. EO/IR Payload Steering The sensor pointing mode (Set EO/IR/Laser Pointing Mode) for an EO/IR payload is commanded from the EO/IR/Laser Payload Command Message (Message #19100), therefore it is the responsibility of the VSM to ensure the appropriate fields in the Payload Steering Command (Message #19001) are used for the selected pointing mode, and to disregard the redundant fields. The VSM uses Message #40000, Field Configuration Request, to report to the CUCS which fields in Message #19001, Payload Steering Command, are not available for selection based on the currently A4 - 93 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 selected “Set EO/IR Pointing Mode” from Message #19100, EO/IR/Laser Payload Command. The CUCS should limit the operator interface as per the report. A4. Fixed Camera Steering The Payload Steering Command (Message #19001) is used to control a “Fixed” camera type’s FOV (Message #21001). All other fields within this message (Message #19001) are ignored for a “Fixed” camera payload. A4. SAR Payload Steering The control over the SAR payload type’s pointing angles and FOV are conducted from the Payload Steering Command Message (Message #19001). It is a VSM responsibility to ensure the Payload Steering Commands are filtered according to the currently selected “SAR Mode” as commanded by the SAR Payload Command Message (Message #19200), when the message is being used for a SAR payload type. A4.1.6.3 Message #19100: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command CUCS Implementation The EO/IR/Laser Payload Command Message (Message #19100) is used by the CUCS to instruct the VSM to generate all commands for EO/IR/Laser payloads except for payload pointing, manual focus and Field of View (FOV) change commands which are covered in the Payload Steering Command (Message #19001). The Addressed Sensor field allows the capability to control the EO and IR sensors individually where applicable, such as for FOV, and the Image Output command provides for the selection of the image output from the EO/IR payload. It is recommended for consistency, that the Addressed Sensor field and the Image Output field be coupled in order that you are controlling the sensor for the image being viewed. For EO/IR payloads, this message is used in conjunction with the Payload Steering Command (Message #19001). The “Set EO/IR Pointing Mode” field commands the pointing mode of the camera. The status is reported back to the CUCS in the Pointing Mode field of the EO/IR/Laser Operating State Message (Message #21101). The following command associations between the EO/IR Pointing modes and the Payload Steering Command are recommended: EO/IR Pointing Mode (Msg.#191000): No Value o Msg #19001: N/A EO/IR Pointing Mode: Angle Relative to UA o Msg #19001: Set Centreline Azimuth Angle o Msg #19001: Set Centreline Elevation Angle EO/IR Pointing Mode: Slewing Rate Relative to UA o Msg #19001: Horizontal Slew Rate o Msg #19001: Vertical Slew Rate EO/IR Pointing Mode: Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial The Inertial slewing pointing mode is used to slew the payload with respect to payload FOV and stabilized, if available, to earth referenced coordinates. o Msg #19001: Horizontal Slew Rate o Msg #19001: Vertical Slew Rate A4 - 94 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 EO/IR Pointing Mode: Lat-Long Slaved The Lat-Long Slaved pointing mode is used to direct the payload sensor toward an earth referenced coordinate. The latitude, longitude and altitude specify the earth referenced coordinate. o Msg #19001: Latitude o Msg #19001: Longitude o Msg #19001: Altitude EO/IR Pointing Mode: Target Slaved The Target Slaved pointing mode is used to initiate a payload specific auto-track mode. Adjustment of the active tracking location is not supported directly by Message #19001 and will require the VSM to implement this function if required. However the target tracking box may be adjusted using the centreline angle or slew rate fields. o Msg #19001: N/A. The “Set IR Polarity” field commands the polarity setting for the IR sensor. Refer to EO/IR Configuration State (Message #21100), EO/IR/Laser Operating State (Message #21101), and Payload Steering Command (Message #19001) messages for additional implementation guidelines. This message provides for the control of a standard Laser Pointer, Laser Range finder, and a Laser designator. (It is assumed that if present, a laser pointer/ designator/range finder will be integrated into the EO/IR payload type.) The VSM will ignore the laser fields within the message if a laser range finder capability is not integrated into the EO payload, or is not available on-board the UA. The EO/IR/Laser Payload Command is used to control the System Operating mode and the sensor state of the fixed payload. All other fields within this message are ignored for a fixed camera payload. A4.1.6.4 Message #19100: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command VSM Implementation The EO/IR/Laser Payload Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the EO/IR payload, with the exception of pointing, manual focus and Field of View (FOV), located on the UA at the specified station number. It is the responsibility of the VSM to receive this message from the CUCS and route the payload commands to the specified payload. The fields in Message #19001 that are not associated with the currently reported/ commanded EO/IR Pointing Mode in Message #19100 must be ignored by the VSM. It is recommended that the Field Configuration Request (Message #40000) be used by the VSM to report the controllability of Message #19001 parameters from the CUCS. The VSM is required to report the controllability/availability of the System Operating Mode states, Set EO Sensor Mode states, Set IR Polarity Mode states, and Set EO/IR Pointing Mode states in this message, through Message #40000, Field Configuration Request, in order for the CUCS to configure its displays for controlling the sensor correctly. This message provides for the control of a standard Laser Pointer, Laser Range finder, and a Laser designator. (It is assumed that if present, a laser pointer/designator/range finder will be integrated into the EO/IR payload type.) The VSM will ignore the laser A4 - 95 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 fields within the message if a laser range finder capability is not integrated into the EO payload, or is not available on-board the UA. A4.1.6.5 Message #19200: SAR Payload Command CUCS Implementation The SAR Payload Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over a SAR payload located at the specified UA station, with the exception of pointing and FOV commands. The Set Radar State, Set Radar Mode, Set Moving Target Indicator (MTI) mode, and Set Resolution are commanded from this message, while the states are reported back to the CUCS from the VSM using the SAR Operating State Message (Message #21200). A4.1.6.6 Message #19200: SAR Payload Command VSM Implementation The SAR Payload Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over a SAR payload located at the specified UA station, with the exception of pointing and FOV commands. It is the responsibility of the VSM to correctly convert the commands to the correct payload format and transmit them to the specified payload on-board the UA. A4.1.6.7 Message #24000: Stores Management System Command CUCS Implementation The Stores Management System Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the deployable payloads on-board the UA through the VSM. The message is also used to control the state of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “dispensable” payloads. As this is a very specific capability, it is recommended this functionality be placed within a separate dialog, only to be opened as required. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Command Message (Message #24000) to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Status (Message #26000) A4.1.6.8 Message #24000: Stores Management System Command VSM Implementation The Stores Management System Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the deployable payloads on-board the UA through the VSM. The message is also used to control the state of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. A VSM is required to implement reception of this message if it supports this functionality. The Station Number and Device Number fields in the message identify the location of the deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). A4 - 96 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Command message to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Status (Message #26000) The VSM is required to report to the CUCS which states in the fields contained in the Stores Management System Command are available for control from the CUCS in order for the CUCS to correctly configure its displays. A4.1.6.9 Message #19400: Communications Relay Command CUCS Implementation The Communication Relay Command Message is used by the CUCS to execute control over the Communications Relay located on-board the UA at the specified station number. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Communication Relay”. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). The communication relay radio is treated like a repeater, i.e. two separate radios, A & B, whose audio channels are linked. This message also assumes that the allowable radio frequencies and other parameters, e.g. transmission mode (AM, FM,..), are loaded before flight and cannot be changed while in flight. These predefined radio configurations are assigned configuration numbers that are selectable from this message. The operator would select the configuration for both radio A and radio B to enable the repay (Repeater) function. The following message is used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Command Message to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Status (Message #21400) Communication Relay Configuration Status (Message #21401) A4.1.6.10 Message #19400: Communications Relay Command VSM Implementation This message reports the current status of all functions commanded in the Communications Relay Command Message (Message #19400) as well as the Configuration Name stored in the radio. The following messages are used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Command Message (Message #19400) to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Status (Message #21400) Communication Relay Configuration Status (Message #21401) The VSM is required to report to the CUCS which states in the Set Relay State field contained in the Communication Relay Command are available for control from the CUCS through Message #40000 in order for the CUCS to correctly configure its displays. A4.1.6.11 Message #19500: Payload Data Recorder Control CUCS Command Implementation The Payload Data Recorder Command Message is used by the CUCS to command a Data Recorder located on-board the UA by device number. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” A4 - 97 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 payloads, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction to provide for the configuration, control and status reporting of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #21501) Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #21500) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #19500) The CUCS is required to configure its displays in accordance with the configuration for the Payload Data Recorder, by station number, as received from the VSM. A4.1.6.12 Message #19500: Payload Data Recorder Control Command VSM Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction to provide for the configuration, control and status reporting of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #21501) Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #21500) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #19500) The VSM is required to report to the CUCS which states in the various fields, contained in the Payload Data Recorder Control Command message, are available for control from the CUCS in order for the CUCS to correctly configure its displays. The VSM uses the Field Configuration Command Message (Message #40000) for this purpose. A4.1.6.13 Message #19000: Payload Bay Command CUCS Implementation The Payload Bay Command is used by the CUCS to command a Payload Bay door to open or close dependent on its current state. The Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001) identifies if there is a payload bay door associated with a payload station. The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports payload doors. A4.1.6.14 Message #19000: Payload Bay Command VSM Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the reception of this message if it supports payload doors. A4.1.6.15 Message #19600: Terrain Data Update Command CUCS Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the transmission of this message if the CUCS supports terrain updates for a VSM that produces Message #21101 where the Latitude (20), Longitude (21) and Altitude (22) fields are valid as indicated by the Image Position enumeration (19). The sensor providing the image position updates uses the terrain data to converge on an image location solution. The CUCS pushes the terrain A4 - 98 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 elevation data using Message #19600 for each latitude and longitude pair that is received in a Message #21101 where the image position is valid. A message from the VSM to the CUCS to request this data explicitly will be added in future editions of the STANAG. It is an optional message for the CUCS to support for AEP-84 Volume I implementations. One implementation workaround would be for the CUCS to issue the message only if the VSM configures the message fields of Msg #19600 to enabled using Msg #40000 Field Configuration Request. A4.1.6.16 Message #21001: Payload Configuration CUCS Implementation The intent of this message is to provide the CUCS with payload configuration on initial start-up and on a change basis. One instance of this message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS for each employed payload station during initialisation for configuration and mission planning purposes. An instance of the message should be received each time the configuration changes. NOTE: Payload class is used to determine which DLI messages are to be supported for the payload. Payload Type and Subtype provide specific identification of the payload. Payload Name allows a man readable name to be associated with a particular payload. A4.1.6.17 Message #21001: Payload Configuration VSM Implementation The intent of this message is to provide the CUCS with payload configuration on initial start-up and on a change basis. One instance of this message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS for each employed payload station during initialisation for configuration and mission planning purposes. An instance of the message should be sent each time the configuration changes. The Payload Configuration message is used to identify the payload located at a specified station on-board the UA. Specifying the Payload Type within the Payload Configuration Message identifies to the CUCS, which payload messages the VSM expects to be used to control, configure, and report the status of the payload at the specified station. This mechanism allows a group of Payload messages to be used with any payload (e.g., a new payload could be controlled using the EO/IR message group) by selecting the “EO/IR” Payload type from the Payload Configuration Message. A VSM manufacturer could easily map an unspecified/new payload as required to be controlled using the “EO/IR” payload message group. The message identifies if there is a door associated with one of the payload stations, and provides the capability to identify the number of recording devices, if any, located on-board the UA. Payload class is used to determine which DLI messages are to be supported for the payload. Payload Type and Subtype provide specific identification of the payload. Payload Name allows a man readable name to be associated with a particular payload. A4.1.6.18 Message #21100: EO/IR Configuration State CUCS Implementation The intent of the EO/IR Configuration State Message is for the VSM to provide the configuration of an EO/IR payload to the CUCS, if one is present on the UA. The CUCS must support the reception of this message if it supports the “EO/IR” payload type. For implementation purposes, it is recommended that the display of the configuration data elements be placed in dialogs. A4.1.6.19 Message #21100: EO/IR Configuration State VSM Implementation A4 - 99 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The intent of the EO/IR Configuration State message is for the VSM to provide the configuration of an EO/IR payload to the CUCS, if one is present on the UA. The VSM is only required to support this message if it supports an EO/IR payload. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must have been identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). A4.1.6.20 Message #21101: EO/IR/Laser Operating State CUCS Implementation The intent of the EO/IR Operating State Message is for the VSM to provide the status of an EO/IR payload to the CUCS, if one is present on the UA. The CUCS must support the reception of this message if it supports the “EO/IR” payload type. For implementation purposes, it is recommended that the display of the data elements for the real-time feedback elements, such as Control mode and current FOV, be located on the main sensor control panel. A4.1.6.21 Message #21101: EO/IR/Laser Operating State VSM Implementation The intent of the EO/IR Operating State Message is for the VSM to provide the status of an EO/IR payload to the CUCS, if one is present on the UA. A VSM is only required to support this message if it supports an EO/IR payload. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration message (Message #21001). The System Operating mode state parameter identified in the message is used to determine the Payload Operating mode. When the System Operating mode state is reported as “Active”, the Pointing mode state must accurately reflect the pointing mode of the payload. For payloads that do not embed the camera pointing vector relative to the earth, Message #4000 would normally be used to convert payload point relative to the UA to relative to the earth. The reported azimuth, elevation (tilt), and rotation angles define the pointing direction of the camera relative to the body axes of the UA. The rotation of the camera FOV is with respect to the UA horizon, where zero rotation signifies the UA horizon is parallel to the image horizontal FOV. For a conventional 2-axis tilt-over-pan mount with the mount aligned to the UA reference axes, the pointing angles are: Centreline azimuth = Pan Centreline elevation = Tilt Camera rotation = 0 If the mount is not exactly aligned to the UA reference axes, then appropriate corrections should be applied in the VSM. For other types of camera mounts, the VSM must derive these angles based on the characteristics of that amount. For example, for a tilt-over-roll camera mount, where roll is the outer gimbal axis and is parallel to the roll axis of the UA (platform roll measured positive if the mount is rolled to the left of the UA body) and the inner gimbal axis is in the fore-aft direction (with 0 corresponding to forward-looking and -PI/2 corresponding to down), the following transformations apply: Centreline azimuth = atan2 (sin (roll)*sin (tilt), cos (tilt)) Centreline elevation = asin (cos (roll)*sin (tilt)) A4 - 100 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Camera rotation = atan2 (sin (roll), cos (roll)*cos (tilt)) where the atan2 (y, x) function computes the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant of the return value. The “IR Polarity Status” field reports the current polarity setting for the IR sensor. A4.1.6.22 Message #21200: SAR Operating State CUCS Implementation The intent of the SAR Operating State Message is for the VSM to provide the status of the SAR payload to the CUCS, if one is present on the UA. The CUCS must support the reception of this message if the CUCS supports a “SAR” payload type. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must have been identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). A4.1.6.23 Message #21200: SAR Payload Operating State VSM Implementation The intent of the SAR Operating State Message is for the VSM to provide the status of the SAR payload to the CUCS, if one is present on the UA. A VSM is required to support this message if it supports a SAR payload. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). The VSM is responsible to send the correct state, and not allow invalid states for the selected payload control mode. A4.1.6.24 Message #26000: Stores Management System Status CUCS Implementation This message is used to display the status of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. The CUCS is also required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “dispensable” payloads. As this is a very specific capability, it is recommended this functionality be placed within a separate dialog, only to be opened as required. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Status Message (Message #26000) to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Command (Message #24000) A4.1.6.25 Message #26000: Stores Management System Status VSM Implementation The Stores Management System Status Message is used by the VSM to report the status of the deployable payloads on-board the UA. The message is also used to display the status of all weapons, and their sensors, located on-board the UA. The VSM is required to implement this message if it supports this functionality. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the deployable payload/weapon on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). A4 - 101 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The following message is used in conjunction with the Stores Management System Status Message (Message #26000) to provide for the control and status of a Dispensable payload: Stores Management System Command (Message #24000) A4.1.6.26 Message #21400: Communications Relay Status CUCS Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Communication Relay” payloads. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). The following message is used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Status Message (Message #21400) to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Command (Message #19400) A4.1.6.27 Message #21400: Communications Relay Status VSM Implementation The Communication Relay Status Message is used by the VSM to report the status of a Communications Relay located on-board the UA at the specified station number. A VSM is required to implement this message if it supports this functionality. The Station Number field in the message identifies the location of the payload on the UA, and it must be identified to the CUCS using the Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001). The following message is used in conjunction with the Communications Relay Status Message (Message #21400) to provide for the control and status of a Communications Relay payload: Communication Relay Command (Message #19400) The VSM is required to configure the states in the Report Relay State field to the same values as in the Set Relay State field of the Communication Relay Command. A4.1.6.28 Message #21500: Payload Data Recorder Status CUCS Implementation The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads, and a VSM is required to implement this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #21501) Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #21500) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #19500) A4.1.6.29 Message #21500: Payload Data Recorder Status VSM Implementation A4 - 102 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Payload Data Recorder Status Message is used by the VSM to report the status of a Data Recorder located on-board the UA by device number. The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads, and a VSM is required to implement this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration (Message #21501) Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #21500) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #19500) A4.1.6.30 Message #21501: Vehicle Payload/Recorder CUCS Configuration Implementation The Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message is used by the VSM to identify to the CUCS which on-board recorders are associated with which on-board payloads. The message is to be sent once for each recorder/payload pair. The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Recorder” payloads. The message is used by the CUCS to identify which on-board recorder is associated with which on-board payload. The CUCS displays may then be configured to identify the payload/recorder relationship to the operator thus providing a more User Friendly interface. The following messages are used in conjunction with the Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message (Message #21501) to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #21500) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #19500) A4.1.6.31 Message #21501: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration VSM Implementation The Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message is used by the VSM to identify to the CUCS which on-board recorders are associated with which on-board payloads. The message is to be sent once for each recorder/payload pair. A VSM is required to implement this message if it supports Recorder functionality. The following messages are used in conjunction with the Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message (Message #21501) to provide for the configuration, control and status of a Recorder payload: Payload Data Recorder Status (Message #21500) Payload Data Recorder Control Command (Message #19500) A4.1.6.32 Message #21000: Payload Bay Status CUCS Implementation The Payload Bay Status Message is used by the VSM to report the Payload Bay door status to the CUCS. The Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001) identifies if there is a payload bay door associated with a payload station. The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the transmission of this message if it supports payload doors. A4.1.6.33 Message #21000: Payload Bay Status VSM Implementation A4 - 103 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Payload Bay Status Message is used by the VSM to report the Payload Bay door status to the CUCS. The Payload Configuration Message (Message #21001) identifies if there is a payload bay door associated with a payload station. The CUCS is required to implement the reception of this message if the CUCS supports “Payload Bay” door control, and a VSM is required to implement the transmission of this message if it supports payload doors. A4.1.7 IFF Command and Status A4.1.7.1 Message #5000: IFF/SSR Code Command Implementation Message #5000 provides the capability to control the Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) and/or Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) equipment located on board the UA from the CUCS. It is recommended that all the functionality available for IFF/SSR control from the CUCS be placed within a dedicated dialog, in conjunction with the associated status as received from the VSM in the IFF/SSR Status Report Message (Message #6000). It is recommended that this message only be sent from the CUCS to the VSM to change the state of any of the controlled parameters within the message, as the message is large. Upon reception of the IFF/SSR Code Command (Message #5000) from the CUCS, the VSM is required to immediately send the required command states to the IFF/SSR equipment on board the UA. Message #5000 permits individual enabling and disabling of Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C, 4, S, and 5. Transponder codes are encoded in the message as described in AEP-84 Volume II Section 4.6.1. Mode S parameters are defined in ICAO Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Volume IV. This document should be consulted for details on Mode S functionality and capabilities. Mode 5 parameters are defined in STANAG 4193. This document should be consulted for details on Mode 5 functionality and capabilities. One aspect of Mode 5 capability is the use of an extended (two-byte) Mode 1 code. If this code is used, then the equivalent short (one-byte) Mode 1 code is implicitly embedded within the extended code, as defined in STANAG 4193. If both the short and long forms of the Mode 1 codes are sent in one instance of Message #5000, then the CUCS must ensure that the short Mode 1 code is properly embedded in the long Mode 1 code. The embedding is as follows: The 3 high-order bits of the Extended Code make up the 3 high-order bits of the legacy Mode 1 code. The 5th and 6th high-order bits of the Extended Code make up the 5th and 6th high-order bits of the legacy Mode 1 code. The 4th high-order bit of the legacy Mode 1 code (as with all Mode 1 codes) is 0. For example: Extended Code Legacy Code 7777 73 5432 50 3375 33 Sample C code that would calculate the correct legacy code to put into Unique ID 1500.04 given a value for Unique ID 1500.19: A4 - 104 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 legacyCode = (extendedCode >> 6) & 0x3B; Unique ID 5000.03 in either message may be up to eight characters, although many countries only allow seven characters. The desired Aircraft ID should be left-justified, and unused characters up to (but not including) the null terminator should be filled with spaces (hex 0x20). Only numeric and capital alphabetical characters are permitted. Unique ID 1500.20 is two bytes long to accommodate a potential change to the Mode 5 encoding for National Origin. The current STANAG 4193 allows for up to 31 different values, but the most recent NATO country code table have values up to 99. A4.1.7.2 Message #5001: IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command Implementation When the CUCS sends this command, it is the equivalent of a pilot pressing the Identification of Position (I/P) button on the physical IFF/SSR control panel. This causes the transponder to add a special code to the normal response code, and transmit the code for an implementation-specific period of time. This is the expected vehicle response when Message #5001 is received by the VSM. If the IFF/SSR subsystem on the UA supports premature suppression of the I/P transmission, then the CUCS may send Message #5001 with Unique ID 1501.4 set to 0 (Normal) to command that suppression. A4.1.7.3 Message #5002: IFF Key Control Command Implementation When the CUCS sends this command, the VSM is expected to immediately take the indicated action on the cryptographic keys within the IFF subsystem on the UA. If the CUCS is attempting only to switch the Mode 4 key from A to B (or vice versa), then Unique IDs 1502.05 (Mode 4 Hold), 1502.07 (Mode 5 Hold), and 1502.06 (Zeroize) should be set to 0 (No Change). When setting any of Unique IDs 1502.05, 1502.07, or 1502.06, the fields that are not being commanded should be set to 0 (No Change). Unique ID 1502.04 (Mode 4 A/B) should be set to the current value unless it is also desired to change the Mode 4 key. For the Zeroize command (Unique ID 1502.06), the action to clear the indicated keys is expected to take place with no additional delay. A4.1.7.4 Message #5003: IFF/SSR Bit Command Implementation This message provides the capability to initiate the Built-In Test (BIT) functionality of the IFF/SSR subsystem on the UA. It is assumed that a BIT must run to completion, so there is no option to cancel an on-going BIT. The use of 0 (No Change) in Unique ID 1503.04 (IFF/SSR BIT Command) should produce no action in the VSM (it is included for consistency). A4.1.7.5 Message #6000: IFF/SSR Status Report Implementation It is recommended that the CUCS provide a display for each of the parameters as contained within the IFF/SSR Status Report Message. Upon reception of the IFF/SSR Status Report Message at the CUCS from the VSM, the CUCS should immediately update the state of each of the parameters within the display. It is recommended that the IFF/SSR status displays be collocated with their associated commanded values, as sent to the VSM in the IFF/SSR command Messages (#5000, #5001, #5002, and #5003). The CUCS may pull this message from the VSM to update the status of the IFF/SSR parameters at the CUCS. Upon a request for this message from the CUCS, the VSM A4 - 105 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 is required to populate the IFF/SSR Status Report Message with the most recent equipment status, potentially through an UA query, and then immediately transmit this message to the CUCS. It is recommended that this message also be sent by the VSM in the following cases: Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF/SSR Code Command (Message #5000) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command (Message #5001) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Termination of transmission of Identification of Position (I/P) after the systemspecific duration has expired Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF Key Control Command (Message #5002) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Receipt of a properly formatted and valid IFF/SSR BIT Command (Message #5003) and successful completion of the actions required by that message Completion of a BIT initiated by a valid IFF/SSR BIT Command (Message #5003) Details about specific Unique ID/fields can be found in Section 4.7.1 of AEP-84 Volume II. A4.1.8 Handover Logic CUCS Authorisation Request (Message #1) and the VSM Authorisation Response (Message #2) messages are used to initiate and monitor the handover process. For handover using a single data link, Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #34000) is used to switch the connection of the UA data link (VDT) from the Relinquishing CUCS to the Acquiring CUCS. A4.1.8.1 Handover Using 2 Data Links Handovers utilizing two separate data links can provide for transfer of control without an intermediate “lost link” to the UA. Handovers of this type are also known as a “Make Before Break” or “positive control” handovers. By using two data links, LOI 3 and 4 control can be passed from a “Relinquishing CUCS” to an “Acquiring CUCS” using standard discovery, configuration, and control request messages. No specialized handover messages are required. A4. Assumptions The UA that is the subject of the handover has 2 bi-directional data links; one communicating with the Relinquishing CUCS, the control or primary link and one communicating with the Acquiring CUCS referred to as the secondary link. The Acquiring CUCS is configured to communicate with the UA using compatible port numbers and IP addresses received from the UA via Message #32301, UA IP Disclosure Message. The current controlling (i.e., primary) link maintains positive control of the UA during the handover sequencing. A4 - 106 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Acquiring CUCS has established connection to its CDT links. A4. Pre-Handover The Relinquishing CUCS UA System Operator (USOP) establishes communication with the Acquiring CUCS UA System Operator (USOP) and transmits the following information/data: UA tail number/ID Current mission the UA is executing UA position, altitude, heading, and estimated start time of Handover (H/O) If necessary, inform ATC of H/O Frequencies, CDL profile and COMSEC keys to establish a functional data link with the UA to be handed over Relinquishing CUCS configures the UA secondary VDT per agreed upon data terminal characteristics; In response, the Acquiring CUCS USOP performs the following actions: Calculates and sets Control System (CS) D/L antenna position to the estimated UA position at H/O Acquiring CUCS configures the CDT to communicate with the UA secondary VDT If necessary, contact ATC to inform of H/O and for area traffic update Inform the Relinquishing CUCS that it is ready to begin the H/O transition A4. Handover Sequence There are four phases involved in managing a connection between a CUCS and a VSM/UA/Payload Station entities. The phases are: Discovery Downloading Configuration Data Requesting LOI Connection Release During these phases the CUCS will discover an entity and its capabilities. If the entity is a VSM, UA or Payload Station, the operator can then choose to establish one (or more) LOI connection(s) with the entity. If the entity is a data terminal, the CUCS only has the ability to request full control of it. There are no LOIs between a CUCS and a data terminal. A4. Discovery The Acquiring CUCS performs Discovery of the UA Vehicle per standard procedures described in Section A4. Connection Phase 1: Discovery, of this Annex. A4. Downloading Configuration Data A4 - 107 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Acquiring CUCS configures itself for the desired LOI 3/4 of the UA/payload per procedures in Section A4. Connection Phase 2: Downloading Configuration Data. [This step may be skipped if the Acquiring CUCS has preconfigured for LOI 3/4 of the UA.] A4. Requesting LOI Connection The acquiring CUCS requests authorisation for partial or complete control of the AV/payload using message #4. The AV, if it supported this type of handover would send message #4 to the relinquishing CUCS indicating the functions that are being requested. If the relinquishing CUCS supports this message it could either use a preloaded table and or operator input to determine what, if any functions would be transferred. It would then send a message #5, Positive Handover Authorisation Granted message to the AV, which would send the message to the acquiring CUCS. At this point the handover occurs when the acquiring CUCS uses message # 1 to request control. If the acquiring CUCS requests modes that were not authorised the AV will ignore the requested transfer and send a "Nak" to the acquiring CUCS. In the case where all control of an AV or payload is requested by the acquiring CUCS, then the relinquishing CUCS ceases to have authority for those modes, i.e. a complete transfer of authorisation. Non-Sunny day Cases All STANAG 4586 message headers contain the version number of the standard. The version number can be used to verify if the CUCS/VSM was implemented before the positive handover was accepted into the standard. The sunny day case assumed that all three components, Relinquishing CUCS, Acquiring CUCS and AV implemented the positive handover messages. Below are a series of non-Sunny day cases: In the case were the acquiring CUCS does not support positive handover (i.e. previous version), the AV would know this based on the version in the message header and would not send the new messages to both CUCS when a message #1 was received. In the case where the AV implemented a previous version, the acquiring and relinquishing CUCS would know that from the version number and would not assume a positive handover was possible. In the case where the AV did implement a current version, but chose to not implement the positive handover messages, during discovery by the CUCS it would disable the new uplink message from the CUCS, thus signifying that it did not support this function. If a new enumeration was added to message 1 as suggested, then the CUCS would send a "Nak" when a positive transfer was requested. In the case where the relinquishing CUCS does not support positive handover, the AV would know this based on the version number in the wrapper. If the suggested enumeration was not added to message #1, the AV would assume the Relinquishing CUCS request was a non-positive handover and the acquiring CUCS would have to assume after no response, that the relinquishing CUCS did not support positive handover. If the new enumeration was added, then the AV would send a "Nak" in response to a positive handover request. For LOI 3/4 Control, the Acquiring CUCS requests LOI 3/4 Override Control of the UA/payload per the procedure described in Section A4., Connection Phase 3: A4 - 108 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Establish Connection. Both the Relinquishing and Acquiring CUCS will be notified of the results via Message #2. A4. Handover Status Report The Handover Status Report, Message #35000, may be used to report the status of a transition in the VDT data link control from one controlling UCS to another, as a result of a Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination message. The VSM would send the appropriate “status” of the transfer to the relinquishing CUCS based on the available status from the relinquishing CDT. Additionally, either CUCS may use this message to communicate a failure condition to the VSM by setting the Status field to Handover Failed. A4. Release LOI Control A connection between a CUCS and an entity can be released for reasons such as: The CUCS requests the connection to be released The entity spontaneously releases the connection Another CUCS requests to override the connection The CUCS hands control over to another CUCS Section A4., Releasing an LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations, in this document provides the sequence for release of LOI control of an Entity. A4.1.8.2 Handover Using a Single Data Link Payload only handover cannot occur separately from the vehicle using only a single data link. A UA with a single data link, such as a STANAG 7085 compliant link, can only support uplink communication (UA/payload commands) with one CUCS at a time; thus control of both the UA (LOI 4) and payload (LOI 3) are possible. A procedure for this type of handover, sometimes called “throw and catch” is outlined in the following paragraphs. A4. Assumptions The Acquiring CUCS is configured to communicate with the UA using compatible port numbers and IP addresses received from the UA via Message #32301, UA IP Disclosure Message. The Acquiring CUCS has established connection to its CDT links A4. Pre-Handover Same as for dual link, Section A4. above A4. Handover Sequence The Relinquishing CUCS sends Message #34000 with the Data Link Time Out Limit set to a value “T1” >0. This commands the UA to drop the CDL connection with the Relinquishing CUCS and point the antenna to the location indicated in Message #34000. Upon establishing a CDL connection with the UA, the Acquiring CUCS requests LOI 4 Override Control of the UA per the procedure described in Section A4., Requesting LOI Connection for VSMs, UA and Payload Stations. A4 - 109 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The UA verifies the CUCS ID in Message #1 of the Acquiring CUCS matches the ID received in Message #34000. If the ID does not match the expected ID (from Message #34000 of the Relinquishing CUCS), the UA continues to wait until the end of the timeout period for response from the proper CUCS. If the IDs match, the UA transmits Message #35000, “Handover Successful" to the Acquiring CUCS, indicating that the datalink and LOI connection has been established and the Acquiring CUCS is in control of the UA. If on the other hand, after waiting the Data Link Time-Out Limit “T1” the handover does not succeed, the UA points its antenna back to the Relinquishing CUCS and transmits the Handover Status Report (Message #35000) with the Status set to “Handover Failed”. If successful, the Acquiring CUCS can then continue with discovery of payloads, configuration, etc. A4.1.8.3 Payload Handover Using a Share Data Link Handover of payloads where a data link transition is not required uses only the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1 and the VSM Authorization Response Message #2. Details of payload discovery and configuration are described in Section A4. of this Annex. The CUCS attempting to acquire control over a specific payload first sends the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1, setting the Requested/Handover LOI value to 0x04 = LOI 3, setting the Controlled Station and Component Number to the values of the payload for which it is attempting to acquire control, setting Asset Mode value to 1 = Request and setting the Request/Handover Access value to 2 = Control & Monitor Taking Control of an Available Payload: If the requested payload is available for control by the requesting CUCS, the VSM/UA sends the VSM Authorization Response Message #2, setting the CUCS ID to the requesting CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value 0x02 = LOI 3, setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the requested payload and setting the Access Granted value to 2 = Control & Monitor. Attempting Control of an Unavailable Payload: If the requested payload is not available for control by the requesting CUCS, the VSM/UA sends the VSM Authorization Response Message #2, setting the CUCS ID to the requesting CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value 0x00 = N/A, setting the Controlled Station and Component Number to the values of the requested payload and setting the Access Granted value to 0 = N/A. Acquiring Control of a Payload in use by Another CUCS: If the requested payload is not available for control by the requesting CUCS because it is in use by another CUCS, the acquiring CUCS may attempt to override control and wrest the payload away from the CUCS currently in control. If the currently controlling CUCS had sent the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1 with the Asset Mode for the requested payload to a value of 2 = Override, then the attempted override by the CUCS attempting to wrest control from the currently controlling CUCS will fail and the Message #2 from the prior paragraph, i.e. Access Granted value 0 – N/A, will be sent. A4 - 110 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Otherwise, the acquiring CUCS sends the CUCS Authorization Request Message #1, setting the Requested/Handover LOI value to 0x04 = LOI 3, setting the Controlled Station and Component Number to the values of the payload for which it is attempting to acquire control, and setting Asset Mode value to 2 = Override. The VSM/UA sends two VSM Authorization Response Messages #2. The first message is sent to the CUCS that has lost control of the payload setting the CUCS ID to the relinquishing CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value to either 0x00 = N/A or 0x01 = LOI 2, setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the requested payload and setting the Access Granted value to 0 = N/A. The second message is sent to the CUCS that has taken away control of the payload setting the CUCS ID to the acquiring CUCS, setting the LOI Granted value 0x02 = LOI 3, setting the Controlled Station value to the value of the requested payload and setting the Access Granted value to 2 = Control & Monitor. A4.1.9 Virtual Vehicle Logic In some implementations the CUCS needs to communicate with the VSM before the VSM has established a link with a UA. This is typically so that the operator can perform setup in the VSM and may also involve pre-downloading the Configuration Data for the UA that the CUCS intends to control. For example, the VSM may provide a Remote Display to allow the operator to indicate which payloads are installed on the UA or to setup the data link parameters to communicate with the UA. If the VSM does not know the Vehicle ID of the UA in advance, it can use a Logical Vehicle ID in place of the Real Vehicle ID. A Logical Vehicle ID has a country code of 0 so a valid ID is in the range: 00:00:00:00 < Logical Vehicle ID <= 00:FF:FF:FF When the VSM discovers the real UA it can use the Real Vehicle ID instead of the Logical Vehicle ID. Before it switches to the new ID, however, the VSM needs to notify the CUCS of the ID change by sending Message #3: Unique ID Name Value Header Source ID field <Logical Vehicle ID> … … … 0020.05 Vehicle ID Update <Real Vehicle ID> All future messages from the VSM will use the Real Vehicle ID instead of the Logical Vehicle ID when referring to this UA. Note that this includes messages for any payload stations or data links that were pre-configured with the Logical Vehicle ID. It is highly recommended that VSMs use the acknowledgement system to ensure that this message is received by each CUCS that has an LOI granted. If a CUCS does not receive this message, it will likely continue to listen for messages addressed from the Logical Vehicle ID instead of the Real Vehicle ID. A4 - 111 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Vehicle ID Update field (Unique ID 0020.05) should not be used to change a Real Vehicle ID to another Real Vehicle ID. A VSM can change the Real Vehicle ID back to a Logical Vehicle ID to indicate that the VSM is no longer configured to communicate with the Real UA. The CUCS can use this event to prepare for communicating with a new Real UA. If a VSM supports multiple types of vehicles, it can report a Logical Vehicle ID for each Vehicle Type/Subtype combination. If the VSM can only grant control for one of these variations at a time, it can send a Message #2 for all other Logical Vehicle IDs with LOI Authorized (Unique ID 0021.06) set to ”0x00= Not Authorised” when it grants LOI for one Vehicle Type/Subtype. To illustrate the use of a Virtual Vehicle, consider the following scenario: Stage 1: Initial connection between CUCS and VSM without UA Virtual UA ID= Type=10 Subtype=1 VSM CUCS STANAG 4586 DLI In Stage 1, the VSM has not established a link with a UA, but it can still provide the discovery and configuration messages for a virtual vehicle by using the Logical Vehicle ID in the appropriate messages. This approach can work if the VSM knows the configuration of the vehicles it can control in advance. A4 - 112 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 VSM CUCS Message #1 Broadcast Request Message #2 (VehicleID=, Type=10, Subtype=1) Message #40000 Download Configuration (VehicleID= Message #4100x Configuration Messages (VehicleID= Message #41005 Config Complete (VehicleID=, Type=10, Subtype=1) Message #1 Request Control (VehicleID=, RequestedAccess=Control&Monitor, LOI=LOI5) Message #2 (VehicleID=, AccessGranted=Control&Monitor, LOIGranted=LOI5) The CUCS can establish LOI control of the VSM at this stage so that the VSM can present its Remote Displays. Stage 2: Data Link is manipulated to communicate with UA Virtual UA ID = Type=10 Subtype=1 VSM CUCS STANAG 4586 DLI Proprietary Data Link protocol* In Stage 2 of this example, the VSM communicates with the data link in preparation for communicating with a vehicle. This could be a result of operator interaction with the VSM’s Remote Displays. * Note that in this example the VSM communicates with a CDT using a proprietary protocol (such as a command line or REST interface). There are other ways to accomplish this such as using the Data Link DLI messages or private messages. Stage 3: VSM Establishes Connection with Real UA A4 - 113 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Real UA ID= Type=10 Subtype=1 Tail=”TN039 ” VSM CUCS STANAG 4586 DLI Proprietary UA protocol In Stage 3, the VSM discovers which UA it is controlling and updates the CUCS with the new Real Vehicle ID with Message #4000. VSM CUCS UA [Proprietary] Establish connection Message #3 (VehicleID=, VehicleIDUpdate=, Type=10, Subtype=1, Tail Number=”TN039”) [Proprietary] Send UA Status Message #4000 Inertial States (VehicleID= All future messages between the CUCS and the VSM regarding this UA should use the new Vehicle ID. VSM CUCS Message #2007 Unmanned Aircraft Lights (VehicleID= UA [Proprietary] Set the Light [Proprietary] Report Light Status Message #3006 Vehicle Lights Report (VehicleID= A4 - 114 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.2 Description and Implementation of DLI Messages In the development of the STANAG 4586, the generic (common) messages have been grouped and numbered according to their functionality. These groups of messages are defined as Functional Groups. The currently defined Functional Groups are as follows: a. System ID b. Flight Vehicle Command c. Flight Vehicle Status d. Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant e. IFF Command f. IFF Status g. ATC Interface Command h. ATC Interface Status i. Vehicle Auxiliary Command j. Vehicle Auxiliary Status k. Mission Command and Status l. Subsystem Status m. Miscellaneous Messages n. Payload Command o. Payload Status p. Weapons Command q. Weapons Status r. Data Link Discovery s. Data Link Command t. Data Link Status u. Data Link Transition v. General Pre-connection Configuration w. General Post-connection Configuration x. Autonomy y. VSM Forced Commands z. Draw Interface aa. Private Messages NOTE: Each DLI message contains ID fields that identify the sender and the receiver of a message. These IDs are contained in the header in the Source ID and Destination ID fields. The Source ID must always be set to the ID of the entity that is sending the message. It cannot be set to the Null ID or the Broadcast ID. The Destination ID should be set to: the ID of the entity that is intended to receive the message, or the Broadcast ID (0xFFFFFFFF) which can be used when the sender may not know the destination’s ID or a message may be intended for multiple recipients. For instance, when a CUCS is broadcasting its presence to any UA, it doesn’t know the Vehicle ID in advance. Note that all entity IDs must be unique to enable interoperability NOTE: Presence Vector (PV). The first bit (bit 0) of each AEP-84 Volume II message is a “Bitmapped” field indicating which fields in the remainder of the message are present in that message. Each bit represents a specific field, and possibly a set of fields which are dependent on that field. A “1” in a given bit location indicates that the field, and the set of dependent fields, is present, and a “0” indicates that the field, and A4 - 115 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 optional set of dependent fields, is absent. The least significant bit indicates the presence of the time stamp (field 1); the next more significant bit indicates the presence of the second field, etc. For example, a message containing ten independent fields would have a two-byte Presence Vector. For messages that contain repeated fields, the repeated fields and the repeat count field, are mapped to a single bit. Conditional fields and fields that determine the presence of the conditional fields are all mapped to the same Presence Vector bit. And if a field length is variable, based on the value of another field, both fields would share the same Presence Vector bit. See section A4, Presence Vector, for specific examples of the use of the Presence Vector bit in DLI messages. Note: For Messages not listed in the following sections, AEP-84 Volume II standard should be used for Implementation Guidance. A4.2.1 System Identification Messages A4.2.1.1 Message #1: CUCS Autorisation Request CUCS Implementation This message is used by a CUCS to request a connection to a VSM for a specific vehicle ID, at a specific LOI, or it is used by a CUCS to make a general inquiry on the network to which it is attached to determine what VSMs are attached to the network, and what are the capabilities of these VSMs. This message is also used to release control or override control of a specific vehicle ID by the CUCS. Therefore, this message has a few distinct usages. The response to this message is from a VSM using Message #2, VSM Authorization Response. The VSM should populate the CUCS ID field of the formatted DLI message response (Message #2) with the CUCS ID as received from the CUCS in the CUCS Authorisation Request (Message #1). When a VSM authorizes control to a CUCS for the air vehicle/ payload, it should be based on the CUCS ID contained in the CUCS Authorization Request message. Once a CUCS has control of an air vehicle/ payload, the VSM thereafter filters all control messages for that functionality based on the authorized CUCS ID, and addresses all the required status messages to that CUCS ID. For vehicle or payload control requests, this message is sent by a CUCS to a VSM to request a connection to the VSM, for a specific vehicle ID, at a specific (requested) LOI, for a specific vehicle type and subtype, potentially for a specific payload station (dependent on LOI), the Vehicle ID and all other fields in the message are correctly filled. If more than one payload station authorisation is needed, this message may be used to identify all the stations. Where a CUCS does not receive authorization to control an air vehicle or payload at a specific LOI, the CUCS is not to transmit “command” messages to a vehicle ID for that functionality. When the CUCS is using this message to make a general inquiry for VSMs attached to the network and their capabilities, the Asset Mode field set to 3 = Broadcast Request. The other fields in this message can be set to create a filter for specific functionality, or the Requested LOI field can be set to “Unspecified” and therefore signify that all other fields are invalid. The vehicle type and subtype fields are used to allow the CUCS to filter a broadcast to request control of a particular vehicle type/subtype where there is more than one VSM on the network to which the CUCS is attached, or a particular VSM supports more than one vehicle type/ subtype. This message is designed to allow more than one CUCS to control UA and payload functions from a single logical VSM. A4 - 116 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A CUCS controlling an UA at LOI 4 or 5 will maintain UA control until either it relinquishes control, or is displaced by another CUCS that is asserting override while the current CUCS is not. A CUCS controlling a payload at LOI 3 will maintain payload control until it either loses the connection, specifically relinquishes control, or when the CUCS that has LOI 4 or 5 of the vehicle on which the payload(s) are located specifically requests control of that payload. The UA operator is considered to be responsible for the vehicle, therefore they may remove control from an independent payload operator. This message is used in conjunction with the Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #34000) for a handover of an UA without handing over control of the VSM to another CUCS (e.g., passing control of an UA from one VSM to another). This message provides the authorisation for the handover of the UA, and identifies to the UA whether or not it must wait for the Data Link Transition Coordination message before performing the transition. Refer to Section A4.1.2 CUCS VSM Connection Sequence for additional implementation details of the CUCS Authorization Request message. Note: Currently the CUCS Authorization Request message does not provide the capability to identify the Payload type at the specified station during discovery. Currently a separate request for Message #21001, Payload Configuration, is required to be made to determine the payload type located at the reported station number. A4.2.1.2 Message #1: CUCS Autorisation Request VSM Implementation This message is received at the VSM as sent by a CUCS to request a connection, release connection, or override connection to the VSM for a specific vehicle ID at a requested LOI (air vehicle/ payload), for a specific vehicle type and subtype The VSM must correctly interpret the contents of the CUCS Authorization Request Message as received from the CUCS, and respond with a Message #2, VSM Authorization Response, corresponding to the request, either authorizing control for the requested functionality, releasing control of the selected functionality, or allowing an override of the selected functionality. Where the request was a Broadcast request, the VSM responds with its capabilities, but does not authorize control over any of its functionality. A4.2.1.3 Message #3: Vehicle ID CUCS Implementation This Vehicle ID message identifies specific details of the UA identified by the Vehicle ID parameter contained in the message. Some of these parameters are duplicated from other messages in order to provide this information in a comprehensive vehicle identification message. The STANAG 4586 allows the CUCS to request configuration messages from the VSM/ air vehicle in advance of requesting an LOI from the VSM, and this is one of the possible configuration messages that may be requested. However where a vehicle is not connected to the VSM/ system, this message does not provide any useful information above that contained in Message #2, VSM Authorization Response Message. It is recommended that these data elements be available for display to the operator in a System Administration/Configuration dialog on the CUCS, for vehicles that the CUCS is either monitoring or controlling. Data elements of the configuration type are recommended to be grouped. A4.2.1.4 Message #3: Vehicle ID VSM Implementation A4 - 117 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Vehicle ID Message is created by the VSM/ air vehicle, and more comprehensively identifies the UA that is controlled through the VSM. This message is only sent from the VSM to the CUCS when requested by the CUCS for the specified vehicle ID, or in response to a general configuration request made for a specific vehicle ID, for the air vehicle in particular. The VSM is developed for a specific vehicle type and subtype; therefore these are specified by the VSM developer. Thus, certain data elements within this message should not be operator configurable. These data elements are: Vehicle Type Vehicle Subtype The CUCS ID is a field located in the header of all of the STANAG 4586 formatted DLI messages whose source is a CUCS where the message originated, and in this case identifies the CUCS to respond, which has specifically requested the message from the UA/VSM using a Message #17002 request, or making a general configuration request from the VSM using Message #40000, Field Configuration, at the appropriate LOI. Other data elements contained in the Vehicle ID Message are dependent on the specific UA, and they may vary by mission. These data elements include: Vehicle ID Owning Country ID Tail Number Mission ID ATC Call Sign These data elements may be potentially operator enterable on the VSM through the remote display capability. The Mission ID is set from a CUCS for a mission upload, and is transmitted to the VSM using Message #13000, Mission Transfer Command. The Mission ID identified in this message will report the Mission ID loaded on the UA, and will reflect the uploaded Mission ID if an upload occurred from the same CUCS. This message may be requested by the CUCS to get a confirmation that Mission ID was uploaded correctly to the VSM/ air vehicle. When the Vehicle ID Message is requested by the CUCS, all data elements within the message should be appropriately populated and the message sent as expeditiously as possible from the VSM. As specified in the Section, Software Interface, when the VSM “message translation functionality” is located on the ground, it is recommended that the vehicle IDs are used as the VSM IDs. An air vehicle currently is assigned a “tail number” and the place where the tail number is going to be mapped to the vehicle ID is in the VSM. This message reports the “tail number” that has been associated with a specific vehicle ID when an air vehicle is attached/ connected to the system. Where a VSM is capable of controlling more than one “tail number” simultaneously, the VSM should be assigned the number of vehicle IDs corresponding to the number of vehicles that the VSM can control simultaneously, with one “tail number” being assigned to one vehicle ID. A4.2.1.5 Message #2: VSM Autorisation Response CUCS Implementation The VSM Authorisation Response message is received at the CUCS as sent by the VSM in response to Message #1, CUCS Authorisation Request Message. If the request (enquiry) from the CUCS was a broadcast or for an unspecified LOI, the VSM will respond with the available vehicle ID(s), vehicle type/ subtype information, A4 - 118 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 available payload stations, and the LOI that are authorised for the inquiring CUCS. The response provides the CUCS with “information” on the capabilities of the VSM. The LOI Authorized field identifies the maximum LOI that could be granted to the CUCS. The LOI Authorized response does not pass control of the VSM to the CUCS. The LOI Granted field will be filled with “N/A” for a Broadcast response. If the LOI Granted field is filled otherwise, the CUCS is thereafter in control of the VSM at the granted LOI for the controlled station identified in the message. If the LOI is for LOI 3, LOI 4, or LOI 5, where the CUCS is not correctly configured for control, the operator should receive a warning and immediately release control. If the CUCS requested a specific LOI in the Authorisation Request message, it should be granted control from the VSM over the specified functionality in this message unless the CUCS is not authorized for control. Note that there currently is no capability in the STANAG 4586 to identify CUCS IDs that are or are not authorized to control a specific VSM. Once the CUCS has received a “control” authorization (LOI 3/4/5) for an air vehicle and/ or payload, it is authorized to transmit LOI 3/4 command messages to the specific vehicle ID. The CUCS may receive this message when it is intended for another CUCS to monitor the control status of the entire UA system/network, where other CUCSs may be in control of portions of the system. This allows all CUCSs connected to the VSM/ system of which CUCS(s) is in control of the different components of the UA, the vehicle itself and/or its payload(s). The CUCS may also receive this message to inform the CUCS that it is no longer in control of a specified functionality, where another CUCS has overridden control of the specified station. A4.2.1.6 Message #2: VSM Autorisation Response VSM Implementation The VSM Authorisation Response message is sent by the VSM in response to Message #1, CUCS Authorisation Request message, received from a CUCS. If the request (enquiry) from the CUCS was a broadcast or for an unspecified LOI, and the CUCS ID received in the message is for an authorized CUCS, the VSM responds with the specific vehicle ID(s), to include vehicle type/ subtype information, and the LOI(s) that are authorised for the enquiring CUCS. The LOI Authorized field is used by the VSM to identify the maximum LOI that could be granted to the enquiring CUCS. The LOI Authorized response does not pass control of the VSM to the CUCS. This differs from the LOI Granted field in that when the VSM reports the LOI Granted to the CUCS, the CUCS is there after considered to be in control of the VSM at the granted LOI for either the UA and/or controlled station identified in the message. The VSM Authorization Response message should never contain anything other than “LOI Granted = 0x00 N/A” in response to a broadcast request from a CUCS with either the vehicle ID parameter (in the Message Header) containing the broadcast vehicle ID or the “Requested LOI” parameter set as “0x00 = Unspecified.” Once the CUCS has been granted control of VSM functionality, the VSM transmits the required status messages to the CUCS (CUCS ID) and accepts the commands for the specified LOI from that CUCS. If the CUCS requested a specific LOI in the CUCS Authorisation Request message for a specific vehicle ID, it is requesting the granting of control from the VSM over the specified functionality. Therefore, the VSM must respond with the granted LOI, unless that functionality is already being controlled by another CUCS and the request is not an override. Note, that STANAG 4586 does not specifically support a VSM identifying (reporting) control over of an air vehicle component by one CUCS to another CUCS. A4 - 119 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 All CUCSs must monitor all VSM Authorization Response messages on the network if they want to build a picture of the network and the current state of vehicle payload control on that network. It is an implementation detail whether a VSM identifies an air vehicle functionality as not authorized when being controlled by another CUCS (does not report the functionality in the VSM Authorization Response message, therefore defeating the override capability), or shows it as authorized and then when requested not allow control unless the request is an override over the current CUCS. The VSM should also transmit this message to a CUCS to inform the CUCS that it is no longer in control of the specified functionality, through the “Relinquish Control” setting. This occurs in situations where one CUCS has overridden control of the specified station from another CUCS, or a CUCS has released control of the specified functionality. A VSM on the ground may not be connected to an UA when it receives a CUCS Authorization Request. In this situation the VSM transmits a VSM Authorization Response Message for each of its logical VSMs, with each logical VSM identified by an associated vehicle ID, Vehicle Type and Vehicle Subtype. One message is sent for each Vehicle Type/Subtype (vehicle ID) for which the VSM is capable of controlling. When the VSM is on the ground, the CUCS is in essence controlling the VSM. Once the CUCS has control over a “logical” VSM, the reception of Message #3, Vehicle ID, will verify the absence of a vehicle connected to the system with the Tail Number parameter being reported as “zero”. Refer to Section A.4.1.2 CUCS VSM Connection Sequence for additional implementation details of the CUCS authorization Request message. A4.2.1.7 Message #4, Positive Handover Authorisation Request & Message #5, Positive Handover Authorisation Granted These two messages, one from the acquiring CUCS to the relinquishing CUCS via the AV to indicate that a gaining CUCS is requesting authorisation for full or partial control of the AV/payload, and the second message from the relinquishing CUCS to the acquiring CUCS via the AV to indicate the requested functions that are authorised for the acquiring CUCS and be used to implement a positive handover. The suggested flow is listed below: The acquiring CUCS requests authorisation for partial or complete control of the AV/payload using message #4. The AV, if it supported this type of handover would send message #4 to the relinquishing CUCS indicating the functions that are being requested. If the relinquishing CUCS supports this message it could either use a preloaded table and or operator input to determine what, if any functions would be transferred. It would then send a message #5, Positive Handover Authorisation Granted message to the AV, which would send the message to the acquiring CUCS. At this point the handover occurs when the acquiring CUCS uses message # 1 to request control. If the acquiring CUCS requests modes that were not authorised the AV will ignore the requested transfer and send a "Nak" to the acquiring CUCS. In the case where all control of an AV or payload is requested by the acquiring CUCS, then the relinquishing CUCS ceases to have authority for those modes, i.e. a complete transfer of authorisation. A4 - 120 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Non-Sunny day Cases All STANAG 4586 message headers contain the version number of the standard. The version number can be used to verify if the CUCS/VSM was implemented before the positive handover was accepted into the standard. The sunny day case assumed that all three components, Relinquishing CUCS, Acquiring CUCS and AV implemented the positive handover messages. Below are a series of non-Sunny day cases: In the case were the acquiring CUCS does not support positive handover (i.e. previous version), the AV would know this based on the version in the message header and would not send the new messages to both CUCS when a message #1 was received. In the case where the AV implemented a previous version, the acquiring and relinquishing CUCS would know that from the version number and would not assume a positive handover was possible. In the case where the AV did implement a current version, but chose to not implement the positive handover messages, during discovery by the CUCS it would disable the new uplink message from the CUCS, thus signifying that it did not support this function. If a new enumeration was added to message 1 as suggested, then the CUCS would send a "Nak" when a positive transfer was requested. In the case where the relinquishing CUCS does not support positive handover, the AV would know this based on the version number in the wrapper. If the suggested enumeration was not added to message #1, the AV would assume the Relinquishing CUCS request was a non-positive handover and the acquiring CUCS would have to assume after no response, that the relinquishing CUCS did not support positive handover. If the new enumeration was added, then the AV would send a "Nak" in response to a positive handover request. A4.2.2 Flight Vehicle Command and Status Messages Implementation guidance for messages in this functional group is provided in section A4.1.5 of this Annex and AEP-84 Volume II, Section 4.3 Flight Vehicle Command Messages. A4.2.3 Payload Command and Status Messages The Payload Command Messages table have been developed with the intention of separating the message according to the payload type being addressed. The Payload Command messages should not be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection for the specified “Payload Type”. Payload Command and Status Messages are identified in AEP-84 Volume II, Sections and respectively. The implementation guidance for the messages comprising this functional group is addressed in section A4.1.6 of this Annex and AEP84 Volume II, Sections 4.15 and 4.16 respectively. A4.2.4 Data Link Command and Status Messages A4 - 121 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Data Link Command and Status Messages have been developed with the intention of separating the communication equipment functionality from the pedestal functionality. This division is intended to allow the potential replacement of either the radio equipment or a pedestal within a system. The Data Link Discovery Messages are identified in AEP-84 Volume II, section 4.1.18; the Data Link Command messages are identified in AEP-84 Volume II, Section 4.1.19; the Data Link Status messages in Section 4.1.20 and the Data Link Transition messages in Section 1.1.21, respectively. The following messages are considered pedestal configuration, control, and status messages: Antenna Pedestal Location Command (Message #30100)) Antenna Control Command (Message #30101) Antenna Position Command (Message #30102) Antenna Pedestal Location Status Report (Message #32100) Antenna Control Status Report (Message #32101) Antenna Position Report (Message #32102) Legacy Pedestal Status Report (Message #32103) Selected Messages contain a VDT/CDT flag to specifically identify to which data link terminal the message refers. The Implementation Guidance for the Data Link related messages is provided in the following sections and in AEP-84 Volume II, Sections 4.19, 4.20, 4.21, and 4.22 respectively. A4.2.4.1 Message #30001: 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Set-Up Message The Data Link Set-up Message is transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM, referenced to a specified Data link ID, and it is used to set the parameters required for the operation of a STANAG 7085 compliant Common Data Link (CDL) data link. The message provides the capability to set-up both the VDT and CDT parameters from the CUCS independently. The parameters in the message are generic, however each data field must be configured for the specified link. The configuration of the message VSM Specific contents (Data Link Type field) is achieved through the use of the general configuration messages. Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #34000), contains some of the same set-up parameters as this message for the VDT terminal, and is used to change the VDT parameters for a transfer in control of an UA from one UCS to another. Message 30001 is not used for transitions in UA control. The Addressed Terminal field provides the capability to set-up up the CDT from the CUCS, and in the cases where a VDT defaults to a known configuration, the VDT configuration may be modified from the CUCS. The CDL data link requires a PN Code and Frequency code to operate. While the codes are not considered classified, the broadcast of these codes in an unencrypted manner could result in a compromise to the operational security of the system and possibly other systems using CDL based data links. If an UA contains another link(s) in addition to the CDL link, it should not send the CDL codes unless all data links are encrypted. A4 - 122 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The VSM reports whether or not it supports the parameters identified in the message using General Configuration Messages #41000 and #41001. Where a VSM reports it does not support a parameter, it is expected the CUCS will not provide control of the parameter to the operator. The General Configuration Messages are also used to provide control and display limits for the message parameters. A4.2.4.2 Message #30003: Data Link Control Command Implementation The Data Link Control Command Message is used by the CUCS to send commands to components of the data link communications equipment. The message provides the capability to set the state (mode) of the data link, select the antenna type, and zeroes the communication security equipment if required. The message provides the capability to command the VDT independent of the CDT. Some of the parameters within the messages may not be applicable to both the CDT and VDT terminals within a system. The Data Link Status Messages (Message #32000 - 32006) provide the status of the selected data links with respect to the commanded parameters. The Configuration Messages are used by the VSM to identify to the CUCS whether or not entire fields within the message, or specific states within fields, are supported by the VSM. The CUCS is then expected to use this configuration information to adjust its displays accordingly. A4.2.4.3 Message #30100: Antenna Pedestal Location Command Message The Pedestal Location Command Message is transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM/CDT Data Link. This message provides the capability to enter the location of the CDT Antenna at the CUCS and transmit this information to the CDT. A4.2.4.4 Message #30101: Antenna Control Command The azimuth and elevation offsets are sent from the CUCS to the VSM/ Pedestal in Message #30101, Set Azimuth Offset, and Message #30101, Set Elevation Offset. The Azimuth Offset value is defined as the difference between the antenna azimuth relative to pedestal 0 and the antenna bearing relative to true north. The Offset value is reported as positive if the pedestal report needs to be adjusted in the clockwise direction and will be reported as negative if the pedestal report needs to be adjusted in the counter-clockwise direction. Figure A4 - 8: Azimuth Offset A4 - 123 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The Elevation Offset value is defined as the difference between the antenna elevation relative to pedestal 0 and the antenna elevation relative to horizontal, and will be reported as positive if the elevation needs to be corrected upwards. As an example, if the antenna is reporting a 110 deg azimuth relative to pedestal 0, and it is actually pointing 50 deg relative to true north, then the azimuth offset is minus 60 degrees. It is expected that the pedestal will take the offset values as commanded in Message #30101 and add it to the pedestal antenna azimuth relative to pedestal 0 at all times, and report this value as the pedestal azimuth in Message #503, Reported Antenna Azimuth, to the CUCS. Suppose the operator starts up with the azimuth offset at 0, the antenna is pointing at 110 relative to pedestal 0 and 50 degrees relative to north. The CUCS will set the azimuth offset to the operator entered bearing (50 degrees) minus the reported azimuth (130), i.e. to minus 60. The VSM/ Data link always adds the Azimuth Offset to the pedestal antenna azimuth relative to the pedestal 0 value before reporting it to the CUCS via Message #32100, Antenna Pedestal Location Status Report. A4.2.4.5 Message #28000: Data Link Control Authorization Request Implementation This message is used by a CUCS to request control over a CDT/VDT for which a VSM has reported available for control through Message #28001, Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message. A4.2.4.6 Message #28001: Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message Implementation The Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message is used by the VSM to identify the data link configuration of the CDTs/VDTs associated with a VSM. The intent of this message is to provide the CUCS with the data link configuration on initial connection, with one instance of this message sent for each employed data link. Where a specific vehicle is not associated with the CDT the null vehicle ID is transmitted with the supported Vehicle Type and Vehicle Subtype identified in the message. Where a VSM supports more than one Vehicle Type and Vehicle Subtype for a single CDT (resource sharing), each instance of support is reported to the CUCS with the same data link ID. Where a STANAG 7085 data link is shared between two or more VSMs, the VSM/CDT Status is the responsibility of the VSMs. This message is used by the VSM to grant a CUCS control over a specific data link ID, report the data link ID as unavailable, or to report the successful release/ availability of a data link ID. For each reported data link ID/Vehicle Type/Vehicle Subtype combination, the VSM reports the controllability of the data link in the “Data Link Control Availability” field. An example response could be as follows based on the configuration of Figure A4 - 9. A4 - 124 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 STANAG DLI VSM A: AV_1 AV_2 VDT CUCS VSM B: AV_3 Vehicle Protocol w/ VDT Protocol Figure A4 - 9: Example of a VSM Response VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_1; Subtype 1 VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 2: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_2; Subtype 1 VSM B: Message #28001: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_3; Subtype 2 For each reported Data Link ID/Vehicle Type/Vehicle Subtype combination, as above, the VSM reports the controllability of the data link in the “Data Link Control Availability” field of Message #28001 during CUCS configuration. VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_1; Subtype 1: Available VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 2: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_2; Subtype 1: Available VSM B: Message #28001: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_3; Subtype 2: Available Any subsequent changes in the “Data Link Control Availability” will be updated from the VSM using Message #28001. For example if the CUCS in Figure A4 - 9 requests control of the CDT for VSM A: AV_1 using Message #28000, Data Link Control Authorization Request, and the VSMs are not capable of concurrently sharing the CDT resource, the VSMs would report the CDT as being unavailable for the other two vehicles, and grant control to the CUCS for the AV_1 vehicle. VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_1; Subtype 1: Req. Granted VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 2: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_2; Subtype 1: Unavailable VSM B: Message #28001: Instance 1: Data Link ID:; Vehicle Type: AV_3; Subtype 2: Unavailable This message also identifies the data link type and the system antenna configuration. The Terminal Type field is specifically used to identify the Antenna Type(s) available for each of the CDT(s) and the VDT(s) of the identified data links. Figure A4 - 10 depicts another potential VSM/data link configuration, where AV1 is available for connection, however CDT3 does not have a vehicle associated with it. A4 - 125 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Figure A4 - 10: Data Link Configuration In this configuration, the data links would most likely be reported as follows: VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 1: Vehicle ID: 1; Data Link ID: 1; Vehicle Type: AV1; Subtype 1: Available VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 2: Vehicle ID: 1; Data Link ID: 2; Vehicle Type: AV1; Subtype 1: Available VSM A: Message #28001: Instance 3: Vehicle ID: FF.0.0.0; Data Link ID: 3; Vehicle Type: AV1; Subtype 2: Available Figure A4 - 11 depicts another potential CUCS/VSM/CDT configuration. CUCS A CUCS B VSM CUCS CUCS C Figure A4 - 11: Potential CUCS/VSM/CDT Configuration In this configuration, CUCS A may request control of the CDT and then request LOI 4 (UA control). Note that UA and Payload control are requested and granted using Messages #1 and #2 respectively. Control of the CDT would be unavailable to CUCS B, but CUCS B would be able to request LOI 3 (Payload control) on the UA controlled by CUCS A using the same data link. In this situation, if CUCS A releases control of the UA, the VSM could pass control of the CDT to CUCS B. If CUCS C then requests control of the UA, the VSM may pass control of the CDT to CUCS C or leave it with CUCS B. There are many combinations of CUCS/VSM/CDTs, therefore the VSM must A4 - 126 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 use Message #28001, Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message as required to correctly assign CDT control to a CUCS. A4.2.4.7 Message #32005: Legacy Data Link Status Report Implementation The Legacy Data Link Status Report is used by the VSM to transmit the status of the data link to the CUCS, for both the CDT and VDT communication equipment. The message is used to report the state of the communications equipment, the antenna being used, and the communication parameters. The message also provides a report of the Downlink quality (status) as reported by the data link equipment, and reports on the presence of communications security equipment and its status. The Downlink Status field report is based on a vehicle specific determination of the quality of the link being used by the system, where the VSM manufacturer determines how the downlink quality is calculated. The calculation may be based on Bit Error rates, AGC, other system parameters, or any combination thereof. The Legacy Data Link Status Report Message reports on the parameters initialised using the Data Link Control Command Message (Message #30003) and reports the state of parameters commanded from the Data Link Control Command (Message #402). A4.2.4.8 Message #32003: Data Link Control Command Status Implementation This message is to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume I.The Data Link Control Command Status Message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS, and provides a report of the status of the commanded data link parameters. The message verifies that the commanded data link values were correctly received at the VSM/CDT data link, as commanded by the Data Link Control Command (Message #401 of AEP 84 Volume I). The VSM must configure the parameters in this message the same as those in AEP-84 Volume I, Message #401, Data Link Control Command. A4.2.4.9 Message #32100: Antenna Pedestal Location Status Report The Pedestal Location Status Report Message is transmitted from the VSM/CDT to the CUCS to report the current status of antenna pedestal location. The message is used to report the antenna pointing angle, antenna rates, and the antenna location. The associated pedestal commands are contained in the Antenna Pedestal Location Command, Message #30100. A4.2.4.10 Message #30301: IP Address and Port Assignment Request This message shall be sent by the CUCS to a CDT or UA to request a change in the IP address and/or port used by the CDT or UA. If the receiving CDT or UA accepts the requested change, it will update Message #32301 with the new configuration. A4.2.4.11 Message #32301: UA IP Disclosure Message This message provides a method for a CUCS to determine the IP address and IP port used to transmit information to/from the AV. While most of the items defines are data streams on the downlink, there are a few that also define the IP address/port the AV expects to receive data, e.g. ATC Uplink Audio. This message also defines the multicast IP address used for the DLI messages to both the AV and Data Link. If this message is sent on a universal IP Address/port, then each AV and Data link can have its own multicast address/port for the remaining DLI messages. A4 - 127 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The UA IP Disclosure Message allows the VSM to specify a URI for a payload product location. A URI provides the flexibility necessary to describe how to connect to different payload products. NOTE: “[…] a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name or a resource on the Internet. Such identification enables interaction with representations of the resource over a network (typically the World Wide Web) using specific protocols. Schemes specifying a concrete syntax and associated protocols define each URI.” Sample URIs: rtsp:// Note: Refer to AEP-84 Volume II for the implementation requirements for the messages not addressed above. A4.2.5 Data Link Transition Messages The Data Link Transition Messages are used to provide the capability for a coordinated transition in control of an UA from one physical CDT to another. These messages are used in conjunction with the CUCS Authorisation Request (Message #1) and the VSM Authorisation Response (Message #2) messages. The Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message (Message #34000) and the Handover Status Report Message (Message #35000) are used to conduct the physical transfer and report its status, while the Authorisation Messages are used to transfer authority from one CUCS to another. A description of potential handover/transition sequences are provided in the Handover Sequence section of this document. Refer to that section of the document for message sequencing. Note: The Data Link Command and Status Messages provide some capability for a transition in control, however they are not intended for this purpose. A4.2.5.1 Message #34000: Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message Implementation The Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message is used to initiate the transition of control over an UA from one UCS data link to another UCS data link. The UCS in control of the UA transmits this message identifying which VDT will be transferred and identifies the CUCS ID or the null ID that control of the VDT data link is to be transferred. The message also provides the geographical location of the acquiring CDT for the purpose of directional link transfers, and the communication parameters required to successfully complete the transfer. The transfer of control is initiated with the transmission of the Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message once authorisation for the transfer has been authorized through the transmission of a CUCS Authorisation Request Message. A4 - 128 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The authorisation for the LOI and the specific UA functionality to be controlled is conducted through the use of the CUCS Authorisation Request Message and the VSM Authorisation Response Message. A4.2.5.2 Message #35000: Handover Status Report Implementation The Handover Status Report message may be used to report the status of a transition in the VDT data link control from one controlling UCS to another, as a result of a Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination message. The relinquishing VSM would send the appropriate “status” of the transfer to the relinquishing CUCS based on the available status from the relinquishing CDT. A4.2.6 Mission Messages The following list of messages are the messages that have been developed to transfer a mission plan from a CUCS to an UA through the DLI, and to download the mission(s) that are currently loaded on the UA : Mission Upload Command (Message #13000) UA Route (Message #13001) Mission (VSM) Upload/Download Status (Message #14000) UA Position Waypoint (Message #13002) UA Loiter Waypoint (Message #13003) Payload Action Waypoint (Message #13004) Airframe Action Waypoint (Message #13005) Vehicle Specific Waypoint (Message #13006) Define Contingency (Message #13007) IFF/SSR Action Waypoint (Message #13008) Data Recorder Action Waypoint (Message #13009) VSM Flight Data Record Stream (Message #13010) Playback Control Command (Message #13011) Mission Upload/Download Status (Message 14000) The implementation of these messages is addressed in section A4.1.3 of this Annex and AEP-84 Volume II, Section 4.12 respectively. A4.2.7 Subsystem Status Messages The following messages provide health and status overview information in an interoperable context. A4.2.7.1 Message #15000: Subsystem Status Request Implementation This message is sourced at the CUCS, and is used by the CUCS to request subsystem status from the VSM for all subsystems identified in the message. The CUCS should request this message automatically at a specified rate providing the operator with a near-real-time display of the subsystems status. The request rate should be configurable to account for differences in vehicle systems. When the VSM receives this message from the CUCS, the VSM sends the Subsystem Status Report (Message #16001) for the subsystem identified in the received message. A4 - 129 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.2.7.2 Message #15001: Subsystem Status Detail Request CUCS Implementation This message is sourced by the CUCS as a request for additional information from a received Subsystem Status Alert Message (Message #16000) or from a Subsystem Status Report Message (Message #16001). Refer to Message #16000, and /#16001 implementations for additional information. The Warning Display System on the CUCS should provide a method to request additional information for a Received Warning Message (Message #16000) if available at the VSM. The CUCS request creates this message with the same Subsystem State Report Reference as received in Message #16000. The CUCS should provide the operator with the capability to request additional information on a Subsystem Status Report (Message #16001), in a manner similar to Message #16000, and the VSM provides the required information to the CUCS upon receipt of the Subsystem State Report reference. Again this may be through the use of a pop up dialog. A4.2.7.3 Message #15001: Subsystem Status Detail Request VSM Implementation Upon the receipt of Message #15001, the VSM provides the information to the CUCS related to the specified warning. This may be through the use of a pop up window or dialog on the CUCS display. In a cylinder head temperature example, a suitable response from the VSM to a request for details would be to present an engine parameters window showing additional engine parameters, not just a cylinder head temperature gauge. This could include (at the discretion of the VSM implementer) a recommendation for an action (e.g., in this case the recommendation might be to slow down or reduce the climb rate). A4.2.7.4 Message #16000: Subsystem Status Alert Message Implementation This message is sourced at the VSM. It is recommended that this message be implemented, in conjunction with Message #15001, as a warning detection and display system between the CUCS and VSM. The warning system is capable of displaying warnings based on a priority level in the priority level field. There should be the ability to display 6 warning levels, with zero being the lowest level. The warnings are displayed in a warning display system with the highest priority warning displayed at the top, and then the warnings are displayed in descending order of priority. It is recommended that the most recent warnings be placed at the top of each priority level within the warning display. It is recommended that warnings at one priority level be distinguishable from warnings at another priority level, such as through the use of colour coded warnings. The warning system is able to accept a Subsystem state report reference associated with a specific warning. The report reference is a vehicle specific reference provided by the VSM, which the CUCS can use to request additional information from the VSM on the reported warning. If the report reference is “-1” there is no additional information available for the warning. If the report reference is greater than zero there is additional information available for the warning, and the warning system should provide a method to request this additional information. The method to request this additional information could be a “Details” button or a “hyperlink” referenced to the displayed warning. Software within the VSM decides whether more information is available for a specific warning and sends the required report reference. A4 - 130 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Upon user request, the CUCS issues a Subsystem Status Detail Request (Message #15001) to the VSM to request more details. Field #4 of the Subsystem Status Detail Request Message contains the Subsystem State report reference as received in the Subsystem Status Alert Message (Message #16000) for the specified warning. The warning system updates a warning by sending a Subsystem Status Alert Message with a reference to the original Report Reference, with changes to the text to be displayed. To reduce message bandwidth requirements, it is recommended the VSM ensure that only new or updated messages are transmitted across the DLI. The warning type identifies the persistency of the message for display on the CUCS warning panel. The implementation for clearing Type 2 and Type 3 warnings is at the CUCS developers discretion, however it is recommended the method to clear these warnings be obvious. In order to clear a Type 1 Warning, Not Clearable by Operator, the recommended method of implementation is to send a Subsystem Status Alert Message with a reference to the original Report Reference as sent to display Warning, but with a Priority of “Cleared”. The warning display system is to be capable of displaying an ASCII string 80 characters in length. It is recommended the entire contents of the received text string be displayed on the CUCS as received from the VSM. The CUCS does no interpretation of the warning; it only provides a display for all warnings, in a prioritised list. The warning persistence time is used for warnings of Type 1 and Type 2. This time is measured from when a Type 1 or Type 2 alert is received by the CUCS. If a Type 0 message is received before the time has expired, the alert will remain active for the defined persistence time. If a Type 0 message is received after the persistence time has expired, the alert will be deactivated immediately. A4.2.7.5 Message #16001: Subsystem Status Report Implementation This message provides the general status of all the systems on-board the UA. It is recommended that this message be used in the creation of a Master Caution panel on the CUCS display system, where the status of all subsystems is displayed in a common location. A specific display component should represent each of the subsystems identified in the message, and each possible state for a subsystem should be distinguishable from another, such as through the use of colour or icons. Using this message, the Master Caution panel is able to accept Subsystem state report references associated with a specific subsystem. The report reference is a vehicle specific reference provided by the VSM, which the CUCS can use to request additional information from the VSM on the specified subsystem. The operator should have some method, such as a button or a hyperlink, to request the additional subsystem information. A user request for additional information from the Master Caution panel initiates the transmission of a Subsystem Status Detail Request Message (Message #15001) from the CUCS to the VSM. The Subsystem Status Detail Request Message contains the Subsystem State report reference as received in this message for the specified subsystem. See Subsystem Status Detail Request Message (Message #15001) for additional information. One message is required to report each of the identified subsystems. The VSM determines the subsystem state in accordance with the STANAG 4586/AEP84 Chapter 4, with the current states as follows: No Status A4 - 131 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Nominal Caution Warning Emergency Failed The overall Subsystem State should be the state of the worst data element that is a member of the subsystem’s set of data elements. As this message only provides a generic status for each of the identified subsystems, a Report Reference should be available to the CUCS for each of the subsystems. Table A4 - 7 is a potential table to identify vehicle specific subsystem parameters, identify the parameter states, and identify any additional information on the subsystem based on the current state. A4 - 132 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 System Monitored Parameter Mechanical List of Parameters Nominal Caution Warning Emergency Failed Information Communication Navigation Engine Electrical Payload Propulsion Energy Recovery System Environmental Control VSM VDT CDT Note: The information column may identify the vehicle specific dialog to show on the return of a Report Reference. The message provides the VSM implementer the ability to identify additional vehicle subsystems that are specific to the UA. Table A4 - 7: Vehicle Specific Subsystem Parameters, States and Subsystem A4 - 133 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.2.7.6 Message #16002: Heartbeat Message Implementation The Heartbeat Message is used by either the CUCS or the VSM to monitor the other component to ascertain if the other component is operational. One component will need to use Message #17001 Schedule Message Update Command to schedule this message of the other component at a desired rate, and take appropriate action if the message is not received within the allowable latency of this message. This message may be used for a heartbeat from either the CUCS or the VSM. A4.2.8 General Configuration Messages The General Configuration Messages are used to provide configuration information for a selected UA from a VSM to a CUCS. This information allows a CUCS to configure the generic operator displays and controls specifically for the selected UA. The General Configuration Messages used to provide this capability and their intended sequence are as follows: CUC S VSM Message #40000: Sent from CUCS to VSM for a requested parameter, for a specific LOI, or a specific data link. Messages #41001, #41002, #41003 and #41004: Sent from VSM to CUCS for requested and required parameters. Message #41005: Sent from CUCS to VSM on completion of requests. Message #41005: Sent from VSM to CUCS on completion of configuration message transmission from VSM to the Figure A4 - 12: Configuration Information The STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume II Chapter 4 identifies a list of parameters that must be supported by the VSM for each of the General Configuration Messages to achieve interoperability. The VSM must transmit the General Configuration Messages required for each of these parameters upon reception of the Field Configuration Request message(s) from the CUCS. The CUCS may request additional parameters from the VSM which it may or may not support. Messages #42000 and #42001 are Generic Configuration Messages used to set up remote display parameters. Message #41002 is a configuration message that provides both static configuration (initialisation) for parameters and an update, in near real time (dynamic), of the controllability of VSM (vehicle) parameters as applicable from the CUCS Additional details on the intended use of the General Configuration Messages and expected message sequencing is contained in the CUCS VSM Connection Sequence section of this document and AEP-84 Volume II, Section 4.24. A4.2.8.1 Message #40000: Field Configuration Request CUCS Implementation The Field Configuration Request Message is used by the CUCS to request and initiate the transmission of mandatory DLI field related configuration details, at the specified LOI, from the VSM, or to request the configuration of a single parameter, for the specified Vehicle Type and A4 - 134 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Subtype, payload station, sensor or data link. The VSM reports back the parameter configuration it supports using one of the following formatted DLI messages: Field Configuration Integer Response (Message #41000) Field Configuration Float Response (Message #41001) Field Configuration Enumerated Response (Message #41002) Field Configuration Unsigned Response (Message #41003 Field Configuration Character Response (Message #41004) If the parameter is not supported by the VSM for the UA, the VSM is required to report back with the appropriate message with the “Field Supported” field indicating such. The Vehicle Type and Vehicle Subtype fields are used to provide the capability for the CUCS to request the configuration of a specific UA where a VSM supports more than one type of UA. A4.2.8.2 Message #41000: Field Configuration INTEGER Response Implementation This message is transmitted from the VSM/UA/data link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 as required for each of the parameters that are required per a single parameter, monitor, or control configuration request, and supported by the VSM for the ‘Station Number” (i.e., based on the Request Type and Station Number fields in the Message #40000 configuration request) Message #41000 is used for a couple of purposes in reporting the configuration of the VSM/UA to the CUCS. The first type of Message #41000 report is used to remove unsupported generic enumerations from enumerated parameters with generic lists. This is conducted during the initialisation process to ensure an operator is not provided access to an unsupported enumeration. The CUCS must be capable of receiving this message from the VSM. This message may be used by the CUCS to control and configure display information presented to the operator on the CUCS display screens. It is used to configure the generic displays to the UA being controlled through the VSM. Refer to AEP-84 Volume II, Section 4.24.2 for additional implementation guidance. A4.2.8.3 MESSAGE #42000: DISPLAY UNIT REQUEST CUCS IMPLEMENTATION. The CUCS uses the Display Unit Request Message to indicate to the VSM the units that are required to be displayed in vehicle specific dialogs for the vehicle specific parameters. The message identifies a set of measurable parameters, and provides a selection of units for the display of vehicle specific parameters. This message may be sent dynamically to the VSM by the CUCS whenever the display units of the VSM need to be changed. A4.2.8.4 MESSAGE #42000: DISPLAY UNIT REQUEST VSM IMPLEMENTATION. The VSM must be capable of receiving the Display Unit Request Message from the CUCS, and identify the display units that the VSM must use for display of the specified parameters within remote displays. When a remote display is requested from the VSM by the CUCS, the parameters displayed in the remote dialog must be displayed in the units specified in this message. This message must be processed by the VSM whenever received from the CUCS. A4.2.8.5 MESSAGE #42001: CUCS RESOURCE REPORT IMPLEMENTATION. This message should be transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM to identify the parameters for the vehicle specific services identified in the STANAG. The VSM should then transmit the vehicle specific dialogs to the CUCS using the specified parameters. A4 - 135 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.2.8.6 MESSAGE #41005: CONFIGURATION COMPLETE MESSAGE IMPLEMENTATION. The Configuration Complete Message is transmitted to the VSM by the CUCS once it has transmitted all its Configuration Request Messages. The Configuration Complete Message is transmitted from the VSM to the CUCS once the VSM has sent all its available Configuration (report) Messages to the CUCS. This signals to the CUCS that the HCI elements may be configured and displayed to the CUCS operator. When the VSM is connected to an UA it specifies the Vehicle ID and when no vehicle is connected to the VSM the null Vehicle ID is specified. In situations where more than one type of vehicle is supported by the VSM, the Vehicle Type and Vehicle Subtype fields in the message identify the specific type of vehicle for which the configuration information was requested by and transmitted to the CUCS. A4.2.8.7 MESSAGE #41003: FIELD CONFIGURATION UNSIGNED RESPONSE IMPLEMENTATION. The CUCS must be capable of receiving this message from the VSM. This message may be used by the CUCS to control and configure display information presented to the operator on the CUCS display screens. It is used to configure the generic displays to the UA being controlled through the VSM. Where the UA/VSM/data link uses this message to report a DLI message parameter, the CUCS should present the Cautions and Warnings to the operator in accordance with the message for the specified parameter. The High Caution limit and Low Caution Limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, priority enumeration of “Caution”. The High Warning limit and Low Warning limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, priority enumeration of “Warning”. The VSM should not present these same warnings. The Help text is provided in the event the CUCS supports context sensitive help for parameters in the generic displays. For both the CUCS and VSM implementation in messages #41000 and 41003, a BAM field that is Unsigned, the following Min/Max values will result in a valid value range: Min Value Max Value Allowable Range Prohibited Range 10 230 10 to 230 230 (exclusive) to 360 (inclusive) and 0 (inclusive) to 10 (exclusive) 230 10 230 to 360 and 0 to 10 10 (exclusive) to 230 (exclusive) For a BAM field that is Signed the following Min/Max values will result in a valid value range: A4 - 136 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Min Value Max Value Allowable Range Prohibited Range -40 60 -40 to 60 60 (exclusive) to 180 (inclusive) and -180 (inclusive) to -40 (exclusive) 60 -40 60 to 180 and -180 to -40 10 (exclusive) to 230 (exclusive) A4.2.8.8 Message #41001: Field Configuration Float Response CUCS Implementation The CUCS must be capable of receiving this message from the VSM. This message may be used by the CUCS to control and configure display information presented to the operator on the CUCS display screens. The intended purpose of the message is to provide sufficient information from the VSM, regarding the limits of a specific UA parameter, to the CUCS to allow the configuration of the generic displays for the UA being controlled through the VSM. The Max and Min value fields identify the minimum and maximum values a parameter is capable of achieving in the system, and the Max Display and Min Display values are the recommended ranges for a display used to present this parameter to the operator. For operator entered data, the Min Value and Max Value fields define the range of values that the CUCS must allow the operator to enter. While this standard does not explicitly require the CUCS HMI to prevent operator entries outside of this range, it does prohibit them from being sent in the DLI message. How the CUCS handles operator entered values is not defined by this standard. For data received by the CUCS, the Min Value and Max Value fields define the range of values that the CUCS must accept and process. The Standard does not specify how the CUCS should process data that is outside of this range. For data displayed to the operator, the Max Display and Min Display fields define a range of values that potentially can be displayed to the operator. This range is allowed to be greater than then Max Value and Min Value to support HMI "analogue" gauges where the normal value is traditionally mid-scale in the display but not in the middle of the allowed range. The Minimum Resolution is only used to define the HMI display resolution. It is a suggested minimum resolution. The CUCS is free to ignore this field but this may reduce the usability of the data. The message provides the Caution and Warning high and low limits for the parameter as specified for the UA. The Help text is provided in the event the CUCS supports context sensitive help for parameters in the generic displays. A4.2.8.9 Message #41001: Field Configuration Float Response VSM Implementation The intended purpose of the message is to provide sufficient information from the VSM, regarding the limits of a specific UA parameter. For float parameters that the VSM is required to support, this message is transmitted to the CUCS for each of the vehicle parameters when requested by A4 - 137 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 the CUCS with the Configuration Request Message. The CUCS uses the Field Configuration Request (Message #40000), to request optional parameters from the VSM for configuration. The Max and Min value fields identify the minimum and maximum values a parameter is capable of achieving in the system, and the Max Display and Min Display values are the recommended ranges for a display used to present this parameter to the operator. The message provides the Caution and Warning high and low limits for the parameter as specified for the UA. The Help text is provided in the event the CUCS supports context sensitive help for parameters in the generic displays. As a minimum, the VSM is required to support the Field Configuration Float Response Message for the formatted DLI message parameters identified in STANAG 4586/AEP-84, Volume II, Section 4.24.3. Configuration of other parameters contained in the formatted DLI messages is optional. The following diagram is a generic depiction of the use of the Field Configuration Float Response Message. STANAG Max. Value Out of Range Values AV Specific Max. Value Max. Display Value High Warning Level High Caution Level ] Out of Range Values Min. Display Resolution Low Caution Level Low Warning Level Min. Display Value AV Specific Min. Value STANAG Min. Value Figure A4 - 13: Generic Depiction of the Field Configuration Float Response Message A4 - 138 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.2.8.10 Message #41002: Field Configuration Enumerated Response CUCS Implementation The CUCS must be capable of receiving this message from the VSM. It is highly recommended that this message be used by the CUCS to configure display information presented to the operator on the CUCS display screens, as this message may be used to add control modes for the UA. The “Enumeration Text” provides a description of the added enumerations to allow for operator displays to present the data and for control over the enumerated value. This capability is used to configure enumerated fields where there is no generic enumerated listing for the parameter, or to extend the set of enumerated values where there are vehicle specific enumerations available. An example of where this capability is used is for the Flight Termination Command (Message #2005), Flight Termination mode. This parameter has no identified generic Flight Termination modes, therefore the VSM uses the Field Configuration Enumerated Response (Message #41002), to identify the available Flight Termination modes for the vehicle under control. These modes must then be presented to the operator in the generic displays by the CUCS. A4.2.8.11 Message #41002: Field Configuration Enumerated Response VSM Implementation The VSM is required to support the Field Configuration Enumerated Response Message for the formatted DLI message parameters identified in STANAG 4586/AEP-84 Volume II, Section 4.24.4, with other parameters contained in the formatted DLI messages being optional. This message is used specifically by the VSM to create an enumerated list for parameters that do not have a list of generic enumerations, or to add to the list of generic enumerations for the specified parameter. Where there is a generic list in existence, the enumerations from Message #41002 are added to the end of the list in the Vehicle (VSM) Specific reserved enumerations. The message is not to be used to create a new set or re-organize a set of generic enumerations already specified for an enumerated field. The “Enumeration Count” field identifies the number of VSM specific enumerations that are supported for the field, and the message is sent once for each enumerated value to be added to the list. The “Enumeration Index” identifies the current enumeration and the “Enumeration Text” provides a description of the enumeration to allow for operator displays and control over the enumerated value. An example of where this capability is used is for the Flight Termination Command (Message #2005), Flight Termination mode. This parameter has one ”Unspecified” generic Flight Termination mode, therefore the VSM uses the Field Configuration Enumerated Response (Message #41002), to identify the available Flight Termination modes for the vehicle under control. Adding two VSM Specific enumerations requires this message to be transmitted from the VSM to the CUCS twice: A4 - 139 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 Instance One: Requested Message 46 Requested Field 5 Field Supported 1 Enumeration Count 2 Enumeration Index 1 Enumeration Text Parachute Help text Deploy the parachute Instance Two: Requested Message 46 Requested Field 5 Field Supported 1 Enumeration Count 2 Enumeration Index 2 Enumeration Text Self Destruct Help text Blow up UA A4.2.9 Miscellaneous Message Types Implementation Guidance for selected messages in this functional group are provided in the following sub-sections of A4.2.9. Guidance for the remaining messages in this functional group are adequately defined in the AEP-84 Volume II document. A4.2.9.1 Message #17000: Message Acknowledgement Implementation The Message Acknowledgement Message is used by either the CUCS or the VSM to acknowledge a message that requires an acknowledgement. Message acknowledgement requirements are established using the Message Acknowledge Configuration Message (Message #1401). If an acknowledgement is not granted in a timely fashion, the requestor must regenerate the message request as required by the system. A4.2.9.3 Message #17001: Schedule Message Update Command Implementation A4 - 140 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 The CUCS uses the Schedule Message Update Command to request a message that is of type “pull” from the VSM, to be sent from the VSM to the CUCS at a defined frequency. Where the VSM is already transmitting a requested message at a specified frequency to the CUCS as required by the VSM manufacturer, the VSM will not accept a slower rate. A4.2.9.4 Message #17002: Generic Information Message Implementation The STANAG 4586/AEP-84, Volume II, Chapter 4, Data Link Interface document, Tables 4 – 6 thru 4 - 32: provides a listing of all the current STANAG 4586 DLI messages. The Type column in the table indicates whether the message must be pushed or pulled. The Generic Information Request Message (Message #17002) is used to request messages that are of the type “pull”. An example of this implementation is that at the CUCS there is a requirement to display the Vehicle Operating states. In order to display the most current vehicle operating states, the CUCS sends a Generic Information Request Message (Message #17002) to the VSM with the “Message Type” set to “3002”. The VSM then replies by sending a Vehicle Operating States Message (Message #3002) to the CUCS which requested the message. A4.2.9.5 Message #17003: File Transfer Notification The FTP protocol is used to exchange file-based data between the CUCS and the VSM. Specifically, still imagery (in STANAG 4545 format) captured by the UA needs to be transferred to the CUCS as a series of files, rather than streaming data such as that supported by STANAG 4609 for the video imagery. This message allows the VSM to notify the CUCS that a new payload data file has been deposited into the ftp directory previously defined by the CUCS in the #42001 CUCS Resource Report message. Additionally, the message may be used to report the transfer of other files between the CUCS and the VSM, for VSM-specific purposes. For this use, the message may be generated by the CUCS. A4.2.9.6 Message #18002: Console Light Command Message #41002, Field Configuration Enumerated Response, can be used to assign text to a given light enumeration that can be used by the CUCS to display on or near the light. A4.2.9.7 Message #18200: Meteorological Table Message This message is used by the CUCS to send meteorological data to the UA. A4.2.9.8 Message #18300: Meteorological Table Report This message shall be used by the UA to report meteorological data to the CUCS Meteorological data sent from the AV can be used to update the expected mission plan as well as providing input to support weapons delivery. Sending meteorological data to the AV can be used to support enhanced landing algorithms. Forecast time (Field 4) may not necessarily be in the future relative to current time. Forecast time (Field 4) will always be greater or equal to publish time (Field 3). A4 - 141 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 A4.2.9.9 Message #18500: GPS Status Report The GPS reported in this message is the time to the nearest second. If more accurate time is required, the hardware PPS output of the GPS should be used and is not supported for transmission with a DLI message. A4.2.10 IFF Command and Status Messages See section A4.1.7 of this Annex for message implementation details. A4.2.11 Flight Vehicle Command and Status Messages See Section A4.1.5, Vehicle Control Modes, section of this Annex and AEP-84 Volume II, Sections 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 respectively for Implementation Guidance. A4.2.12 Vehicle Auxiliary Command and Status Messages See AEP-84 Volume II Sections 4.10 and 4.11, respectively for Implementation Guidance. A4.2.13 ATC Interface Command and Status Messages See AEP-84 Volume II Sections 4.8 and 4.9 respectively for Implementation Guidance. A4.2.14 Autonomy Messages See AEP-84 Volume II Section 4.23 for Implementation Guidance. A.4.2.15 VSM Forced Command Messages See AEP-84 Volume II Section 4.26 for Implementation Guidance. A4.2.16 Draw Interface Messages See AEP-84 Volume II Section 4.27 for Implementation Guidance. A4 - 142 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84.1 ANNEX 5 A5 Backward/Forward Compatibility Issues/Recommendations The embedded spreadsheet maps the AEP-84 Volume I data elements to AEP-84 Volume II’s respective data elements. Unique IDs, Field numbers, hardcoding values, notes and numerations are included. This spreadsheet was developed to assist AEP-84 Volume I users to migrate to the AEP-84 Volume II and vice versa. Please contact the Chairman at for questions, issues, or recommendations. The yellow and red highlights are concerns which are being reviewed. Potential DCPs may be generated in the future to help make the two AEP-84 Volumes more compatible. STANAG 4586 AEP-84 Vol 1 To AEP-84 Vol 2 Mapping.xls A5 - 1 Edition A Version 1