1. Sins alter our optimal freedom ANS = FALSE 11. Only the human is the moral agent ANS = FALSE 2. Human beings are moral beings ANS = TRUE 12. The use of insight intellect guarantee a human act, thereby making the agent culpable in all his actions ANS = FALSE (not all actions guarantee intellect.. E.g.. forced act) 3. Moral beings are human beings ANS = FALSE (e.g.. saints) 4. Human acts are acted upon with will and consent ANS = TRUE 13. Acts of man are human acts with the use of will and inisght ANS = FALSE 5. The supernatural end of man is to be reunited with god ANS = TRUE 13.1 ALL HUMAN ACTS ARE ACTS OF MAN Ans = TRUE 6. Acts of man are performed with the intervention of intellect and will ANS = FALSE 13.2 All acts of man are human acts ANS = FALSE 7. Evil circusmtance is morally evil ANS = FALSE 8. The voluntariness of the human act is determined by the act itself ANS = FALSE 9. Knowledge and Freedom constitute a human act ANS = FALSE 10. The fullness of life consist in sharing thie very life of god ANS = TRUE 14. All spontaneous actions are acts of man ANS = True 15. Involuntary acts are human acts ANS = false 16. Lack of knowledge due to ignorance excuses someone and eliminates culpability ANS = FALSE 17. Right intention and voluntariness is the initial basis constituting human acts ANS = FALSE (the initial basis is the act of itself) 18. Forced acts involved will and insight, thus it is a human act ANS = False (bcoz its forced) 19. Getting angry for someone for not doing her task is antecedent concupiscenece ANS = FALSE/TRUE (Since it was not indicated if spontaneous ba ung galit or hindi) 20. Love at first sight is antecedent concupiscence ANS = TRUE 21. Sympathy is an antecedent concupiscenece ANS = FALSE 22. Christ agony in the garden is antecedent concupiscence ANS = FALSE 23. Joy and Happiness during birthday celebration is antecedent concupiscence ANS = FALSE 24. Laughter in an awkward moment is antecedent ANS = TRUE 25. The moral priority of the principles of double effect is the intention ANS = TRUE 26. THE PRINCIPLE OF TOATALITY….. = TRUE 27. TRUE 28. Unintended but foreseen consequences render the agent culpable to the act ANS = TRUE 29. The simultaneous occurrence of both good and evil consequences justifies the agent from the imputability of his evil intentions ANS = FALSE 30. Eliminated corpobility is eliminated accountability ANS = FALSE