Uploaded by Amy Bleigh

Oreo Lab: Double Stuffed Dilemma - Scientific Method

NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: _________ PERIOD: ____
A Double-Stuffed Dilemma
Goals for Lab
 Distinguish between qualitative observations, quantitative
observations, & inference
 Measure accurately and utilize the metric system
 Go through main steps of the scientific method
Defining the Problem/Making a Hypothesis
1. Do you think double-stuffed oreos contain twice as much filling as regular oreos? Explain.
2. Is your answer in number ‘1’ an observation or an inference?
3. Now, look at a regular and double-stuff oreo cookie. Do you think double-stuff oreos contain twice
as much filling as regular oreos? Explain.
4. Is your answer in number ‘3’ an observation or an inference?
5. Compose a hypothesis based on the information you provided above.
Testing your hypothesis
6. What will you measure to test your hypothesis?
7. (Circle one) Measurements are quantitative observations/qualitative observations.
How do you know?
8. What equipment do you need to test your hypothesis?
9. Create a procedure you will use to test your hypothesis. Use bullets to designate separate steps.
Observations & Claims
10. Create a data table below with the appropriate amount of columns and rows. Record your data.
11. Based on your measurements, explain if double-stuffed oreos are really double-stuffed.
12. Do the rest of your classmates agree with your results? Cite at least two examples.
13. Explain why others in class did or did not get the same results.
14. What claim can you now make about whether double-stuff oreos are really double-stuffed? What
evidence do you have to prove it?