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Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony Script

Entrance of the Girl Scouts (Into horseshoe formation)
Song: Girl Scout March
Entrance of the Color
The Ceremony Proper
Presiding Officer: “This afternoon, we are here to invest and welcome to our
Girl Scout Sisterhood the new members of our troops. If we would show these girls the
true path of Scouting must remind ourselves that honor is sacred and that it is upon
this that our Promise is built. As Scouts, let us prepare ourselves to receive these girls.
Song: Girl Scout Together
Presiding Officer: “Before taking the Promise, I ask you to listen to the
Promise and Law appreciating as you do so, what these words are to mean to you
today on. You should all understand that these are the ideals by which Girl Scouts try
to live, and through which we, as leaders, help girls to gain worthy
citizenship.”………. This candle which I now light represent the spirit of scouting which
we hope will guide you all throughout your life. (a large candle is lighted)
“The three candles which the patrol leaders are now about to light the
three parts of the Girl Scout Promise”
Patrol Leader: From this golden flame, we light the flame of duty to God and
country.” (Light first candle and say)
“ On my honor I will try to serve God and my country.“
Patrol Leader II: “We light the flame of duty to people.” (Light second candle and
“ On my honor I will try to help people at all times.”
Patrol Leader III: “ We light the flame of duty to self.” (Light the third candle and say
“On my honor I will to live by the Girl Scout law.”
Song: On my Honor
Presiding Officer: “ We now bring to light the flames of the Girl Scout Law which
make bright and clear the trail that leads from girlhood to womanhood.”
(Each Patrol Leader lights the candle and recite the Girl Scout Law)
Presiding Officer: “ These burning candles represents the points of the law and
promise and how they brighten the life of the Girl Scout who observes them. When
through practice they become a part of our daily lives, they also brighten the lives of
all whom we come in contact.”
Presiding Officer: May I request the, ____________________________ (the Central District
Girl Scout Coordinator) to do the honor of investing the girls.
Investing Officer: “ Troop Leaders, present your candidates for investiture.”
Troop Leaders: “ I hereby present _________ girls under troop ______, who to the best
of my knowledge have successfully passed the requirements for the Girl Scout’s
membership and are now ready to become full-pledged Girl Scouts.”
Investing Officer: “As we have prepared ourselves to receive you, so you must
prepare yourself to become one of us. Remember that to make the Girl Scout
Promise links you with many others and you walk not alone. As you conduct
yourselves so will other girl scouts be judged you. Your honor means that you can be
trusted in all things. Knowing this, do you promise on your honor, to do your duty to
God and your country, to help other people at all times and to obey the Girl Scout
Girls: Yes we do (Girls recite the promise in unison).
Song: Whenever You Make a Promise
Presiding Officer: “We now request the Investing Officer, ________________________ to
pin the Girl Scout pins to our girls to be assisted by the troop leaders and the
Troop Leader: (While pinning) “I trust you, on your honor to try to keep the Girl Scout
Promise.” (Girl Scouts keep the GS sign. Troop Leader executes the handshakes and
say) “and I welcome you into sisterhood of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides.”
(Parents put on the cap) Donning of the neckerchief by he parents/guardians)
Inspirational Talk: _________________________________________
Presiding Officer: “With our ceremony ended, we now put out these candles. But we
do so with the certain knowledge that carry the flame of Girl Scouting eternally with
us, in our hearts.”
Song: Girl Scout Song
Recessional March