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Network+ N10-008 Practice Exam

Network + N10-008 practice exam
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Which of the following tools
would generate this output?
Netstat - displays active/ listening connections
Protocol. Local address. Foreign address. State
TCP Desktop-Open:64251. Established
TCP Desktop-Open:48512. Established
People living near your business are using your guest Wi-Fi
in order to gain free Internet access and to download questionable files. Which of the following can be done to most easily
address this issue?
Reduce the wireless power levels - adjusting the power level of anAP can be
an easy way to decrease the radius in
which people can connect to your Wi-Fi.
Leaving your power levels at their default
can lead to many unintended individuals
seeing your network
Which protocol would be used BSP - is an EGP (external gateway prototo exchange information becol) and is used to exchange information
tween different Autonomous
between autonomous systems.
autonomous systems. - A network or a
group of networks owned/controlled by a
single entity
Which of the following controls
could be used to allow employees entry into building to be
recorded by a card reader?
Which of the following can be TACACS+
used to centrally manage credentials for various accounts or
privilege levels on network devices?
Access control vestibules - physical or logical list of who entered a room/building.
This could be a sign in sheet or even a
complex system that reads RFID cards
and records who enters/leaves in area
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While troubleshooting a network you notice a connection
reporting Late collisions over
a half duplex link. You verify
that both ends of the device are
indeed running half duplex interfaces. Given that information
which of the following answers
is the most likely cause of this
The cable length is excessive - whenever
you see lake collisions that is a telltale
sign that your cable is running past its
maximum recommended length for example twisted-pair cables shouldn't be run
further than 100 m ( 328ft)
While configuring a load bal- VIP - virtual IP an essential part of conancer between multiple sysfiguring load balance systems as a single
tems which of the following
must be configured in order to
ensure proper connectivity during a fail over?
Which of the following service
models would most likely be
used to replace on premises
servers with a could solution
IaaS - client moves whole infrastructure to
the cloud minus the hardware of course
which is always controlled by the CSP in
cloud deployments
Which of the following best
mitigate a hackers frequent attempts at brute forceing A company's password
Two factor authentication, complex passwords. —
passwords are best protected with longer,
more complex passwords preferably pass
phrases made up of multiple words.
Additionally some form of MFA is considered essential today for "password security". Multi factor authentication protects
your password by preventing it from being
a single point of failure now we should
require another factor in addition to our
password such as using a biometrics or a
smart card
10. After configuring new firewalls Update the firewalls with current firmware
with the correct configuration and software —
to be deployed to each re2 / 33
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mote branch, unneeded serKeeping a device up today is an essential
vices were disabled, and all fire- step in hardening any system
walls rules were applied successfully. Which of the following actions should be performed next to finish hardening
the firewalls?
11. Which of the following solutions would allow for high
speed, low latency, and globally
disperse content distribution?
Public cloud —
CDNs or content delivery networks are
load balance networks that are geographically separated in order to provide the
best connection for local users while also
providing normal load balancing services.
This is just the idea of having many
servers all around the world to serve many
12. A new network was set up in
Correct the external firewall gateway adorder to facilitate more users in dress —
a building near your companies
HQ. The new network is conCould be a misconfigured firewall
nected to the HQ's LAN via a
fiber optic cable. However many
users on the new network are
unable to access the companies Intranet despise being able
to access the Internet. Which of
the following corrections would
most likely resolve this issue?
13. Which of the following attacks
consists of following closely
behind a real employee into a
secure building by grabbing the
door without their knowledge?
Tailgating —
Is the act of following somebody into a
secure area without their knowledge
Layer 3- routers, IPv4 , IPv6, and ICMP
Piggybacking is following somebody into
a secure area with their knowledge
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IP headers would be found under which of the following OSI
15. Which of the following solutions would provide redundancy for a server if our main concern is physical port failure
NIC teaming —
Utilizing multiple physical network
cards/ethernet ports in order to connect
to the network. This would allow one to
physically fail while keeping network connectivity
16. Which of the following is the
largest MTU for a standard ethernet frame
17. Which of the following TCP
ports is used by the windows
OS for file sharing
445- NetBIOS/SMB ( sharing files/access)
18. Which of the following subnet - /20
mask's is the equivalent of a
CIDR of /20?
19. A large amount of expensive
equipment is being moved into
a company warehouse this
equipment needs to be tracked
when it leaves or enters the
warehouse or when it is taken
to be serviced which of the following solutions would best allow us to record these changes
Asset tags—
Asset tags are great for tracking inventory
of any type. We can scan the tags and
usually enter a note during the process to
describe the actions we took during this
20. Which of the following is most A duplication of a hosted virtual server to
likely to generate sufficient
another physical server for redundancy.
East-West traffic?
East-West traffic is server to server traffic,
while north-South traffic is server to client
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In order to save money, you're
trying to make a purchasing decision in order to get a device
that provides access ports for
edge systems are also allowing routing between networks.
Which of the following pieces of
hardware would be best for fill
this requirement
A layer three switch —
We want to connect our clients via access ports (The job of a switch) and also
connects to other networks ( The job of
a router) this is the perfect opportunity
to utilize a layer 3/ Multi layer switch. A
layer 3 switch has the capabilities of both
a switch and a router
22. While installing Wi-Fi for a large 5 GHz. — 23 non overlapping channels
amount of users, we want to utilize and 802.11 Standard with
the maximum amount of channels in order to prioritize reducing interference. While researching which standard we
should utilize, we see if you
different frequencies that different 802.11 standards utilize.
Which of the following frequencies ranges should we utilize
given the above requirement?
23. Which of the following would Change management
most likely be used to review
previous upgrades to a system
24. Which of the following comShow route
mands can be used to display
the pass that networking traffic
takes to reach other networks
25. While using many unmanaged
switches in your home you decided to connect redundant cables between the switches in
order to increase redundancy.
However, since this change was
made you started experienc-
A broadcast storm —
Having redundant connections between
switches runs the risk of allowing broadcast storms to propagate through your
network. This is especially true of unmanaged switches which would like many
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ing extreme amounts of laten- of the basic security controls of manage
cy. Which of the following prob- switches, such as STP
lems is most likely occurring?
26. Which of the following best
IDS - intrusion detection system
describes a network appliance
that warns of unapproved devices that are accessing the
27. Which of the following technologies will allow many WAP's
to broadcast the same SSID
across a multi story building while providing continuous
Extended service set —
ESSID allows users to seamlessly reconnect to a different access point when they
walk far enough away from their original
access point. This is great for a company
with a large physical footprint that wants
one consistent wireless network
28. Which transceiver type can
support up to 40 Gbps?
QSFP+ 10 Gbps per channel / 40 Gbps
29. When a large amount of users
are remotely accessing a centralized VM hosting server,
which of the following concerns
are raised assuming the network can readily support this
increase in traffic
CPU usage and. Memory
30. Client devices cannot enter network and the network administrator determines the DHCP
scope is exhausted the administrator wants to avoid creating
a new DH pool which of the following in the administrator perform to resolve the issue
Decrease the number of VLANs —
VMs much like physical systems however
do you have both CPU and RAM requirements the more systems running on the
VM host the hire the requirements
While we would generally increase the
scope of the DHCP pool that may cause
other problems which is why we see this
question states we want to avoid increasing the scope by reducing the least time
we will cycle through IP at a quicker rate
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then we otherwise would allowing us to
reuse IP address is much more quickly
31. What type of cable would likely Coaxial
be used to connect to the WAN
Port on a cable modem
32. Which of the following would
need to be configured to ensure
a device with a specific Mac
addresses always assigned the
same IP address from DHCP
Reservation —
33. What port enables telnet access to a device
While a static assignment would ensure
a device would have a consistent IP address the question states that it Has to be
from DHCP making a Mac reservation our
best answer
34. What should be reviewed on a MAC table—
switch in order to review physical network addresses
Mac addresses are physical network addresses
35. You were troubleshooting a network switch that seem to have
stopped responding to request
when the login level was set to
debugging which of the following should be checked to begin
troubleshooting the switch
CPU utilization —
If setting logging to debugging the highest
level/lease severe level of logging you end
up asking the device for all logs which
is information on an incredible amount of
36. What is used to track and doc- CVEument various types of known
Common vulnerability and exposure
37. After a DNS record was updated TTL —
some users report being unable
to access the website associat- DNS TTL keeps records cached for a cered with that record which of the tain period of time any cached do you
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following should be changed to know would point towards the wrong site
fix the issue
if the A (IPv4) record was changed
38. Which of the following IEEE
802.11 standards Would be best
to use for multiple simultane- Carrier sense multiple access with colous client access
lision avoidance allow multiple users to
connect to a Wi-Fi network while minimizing collisions/interference on the network
39. Which system would most like- FTP —
ly be found and a screen subnet
Screen subnets it's also known as DMZ's
are areas of the network that are used to
separate the Internet from our corporate
network devices that need to be directly
access from the Internet will be placed
here such as websites email server and
file sharing servers
40. After trying to set up a port mir- Ifconfig eth0 promisc —
ror with the following configura- Turns on promiscuous mode
Switch mirror port details:
Which of the following commands could be entered on the
PC to finish this configuration?
41. Which of the following comNslookup—
mand can confirm the name of The OS of the server who's name we are
a Linux server
confirming doesn't affect the command
we run we determine the command we
use based on the OS that we are actively
using if we were running commands in
order to query in the DNS( name) information of a device we would use nslookup
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on a Windows system or DIG on a Linux
42. A new cabling certification is
being requested every time
and network technician rebuilds one end of a CAT 6
(vendor-certified) Cable to create a crossover connection that
is used to connect switches
which of the following will address this issue by allowing the
use of the original cable
Auto MDIX allows a cable to take the correct connection requirements. (Crossover
vs straight through) and that's the opposite end of the cable becomes less important to the tech
43. Which of the following devices Ip scanner
could be used to detect which
devices exit on a given netA simply IP scanning tool could tell you
which devices exist on your network and
what their IP addresses are a port scanner would be a close second but it would
provide more information in the question
is asking for making an IP scanner a better
answer ( it would should open/close ports
as well as services running)
44. After investigating reporter for
network performance and network admin finds hundreds of
CRC Errors on an interface
which of the following is the
most likely cause of these errors
A bad wire on the Cat 5e cable
45. Considering that hubs are vastly outdated in terms of network
hardware you've decided to replace all hubs on your network
with their devices of the following devices which are you most
likely to replace your hubs with
A layer 3 switch
CRC Errors can because by a multitude
of issues these issues can range from
corrupt data to noise (interference) On the
cable to just plain bad cabling
Herbs were used to move traffic ( poorly) threw out a network so some form of
switch would be the best choice for replacing them
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46. A company has an access
layer switch in the lobby of
their headquarters which of the
following security technology
should we consider first given
the placement of the switch
Port security -
47. The technician is troubleshooting a wireless connectivity issue in a small office located in
a high-rise building several APs
are mounted in this office that
users report that the network
connections frequently disconnect and reconnect throughout
the day which of the following
is the most likely cause of this
Channel overlap is occurring
48. The network device is configured to send critical events to a
syslog server but severity five
alerts are not being received
from networking devices
The network device is not configured to
log that level to the syslog server.
49. Which of the following can be
used to centrally manage credentials for various accounts or
privilege levels on network devices
Considering physical access is provided
to the switch we need to lock it down to the
best of our abilities. Portsecurity attempts
to do justice by limiting who and how
many devices can plug into an individual
switch port though in general you need
to be careful allowing anybody untrustworthy to have physical access to your
network equipment
A high-rise building is likely to have many
AP's set up by various businesses which
is likely to cause considerable interference resulting in an unstable connection
Whenever a particular syslog level is configured A system returns all events from
that level and more severe
SSO Is a tempting answer we are asking
what can actually manage these accounts
not the terminology used to describe having a centrally manage account
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When assigned The incorrect IP address was configured
as a network, an admin gave a
router the following up configu- A CIDR of /26 is the equivalent of the
subnet mask
Ip address:
Subnet mask:
Users on the network immediately lost connectivity what is
the most likely reason as to
51. Which of the following features Seamless roaming
would allow us to condense
multiple SSID into a single SSID Seamless roaming allows you to dynamically connect to different APs as your
room through building all of these APs
would have the same SSID in order to
signify they are the same network
52. Which of the following techniques will help aid with congestion reported by users on
networks was large amounts of
video and VoIP traffic
Quality of service
QoS gives delay sensitive traffic( such as
streaming video and voice) A higher priority you are moving through the network
this generally works by delaying other sets
of traffic slightly in order to give considerable increases to prioritize traffic
53. Which of the following techFHRP
nologies provide a failover for
mechanisms for the default
When multiple routers are used on a LAN
you need a protocol which manages a
single VIP ( virtual IP) The enables clients
to connect to redundant routers as FHRP
protocols fill this job perfectly
A wireless controller
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Which of the following devices
would be used to manage a corporate WLAN?
55. A workstation is configured
with the following information
IP :
Which of the following addresses would represent the broadcast address of this network
A /27 network could contain 32 IP address (5.0-5.31) the first address (5.0) is
the network ID the last address (5.31) is
the broadcast address and all addresses
between those are valid assignable hosts
56. And network is experiencing a Layer 2
number of CRC errors during
normal operations which of the CRC errors are contained within an etherfollowing layers of the OSI mod- net header ( layer2)
el will likely need troubleshooting?
57. A network tech is reviewing the
interface counters on a routers
interface the tech is attempting
to confirm a cabling issue given
the information below which of
the following metrics confirms
that there is a cabling issue?
CRC's Measure the number of frame errors detected over an interface which
could be caused by corrupt data noise (
interference) on the cable or just plain bad
CRC's :170
Giants :0
Runts :0
58. Which of the following records SOA
can be used to track the number
of changes on a DNS zone
Start of authority ( admninstrative DNS
info/ for zone transfers)
59. Are use her in a branch office
reports that access to all files
Incorrect subnet mask
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has been lost after receiving a
new PC all other users in the
branch can access file shares
the IT engineer who is troubleshooting this incident is able
to ping the workstation from the
branch router but the machine
cannot ping the router which of
the following is most likely the
cause of the incident?
60. Which of the following ports
is commonly used by VoIP
The machine cannot access files or ping
the router which illuminates DNS (which
isn't required unless contacting by device
name) and TCP port( which would affect
a single service)
Past that you are more likely to sign the
wrong mask which could be a simple typo
rather than a different class which would
be an entirely different IP range
Sip - VoIP setup
Process of elimination can be your best
61. Which of the following topolo- Meshgies would have the highest
number of connections com- A mesh network is designed to allow most
pared to other topologies
devices to have redundant connections
with most other devices in order to provide
a highly available network
62. Which of the following proto- RDP
cols would allow you to install
and manage a Windows server
in a different building than the
one you're currently in
63. Which of the following is a
physical topology for an ethernet LAN?
64. After installing and connecting the on premise equipment
for a DSL connection you noticed the modem will not sync
which of the following process-
Use a toner probe to identify the circuit
Checking the hardware issues is common
during any installation you just need to
know the right tool for the job
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es should be followed first to
troubleshoot the issue
65. Which of the following docuA change management policy
ments would you help ensure
proper versioning is followed
and unnecessary upgrades are
not made to the equipment
66. Which of the following proto- Neighbor discovery protocol
cols would be used to resolve
an IPv6 address to a MAC ad- Neighbor discovery serves a purpose the
ARP did on IPv4 networks
67. Our new server farm is being
set up somewhere in California that are a higher base business plans to migrate to however there will be a years period
of time we're both server firms
are in use and the sensitivity
of our data is a concern which
of the following technologies
could alleviate our concern
Site to site VPN
When going from one physical location
to another without a physical connection
between the two locations it is always a
good idea to utilize encrypted VPN when
security is a concern
68. Which of the following tools
could be used to detect the exact break point of a fiber optic Optical time domain reflectometer
69. Which of the following DNS
records works as an alias to another record
Alias record
70. Which of the following best represents the concept of connecting to a secure server in order to securely access a second server
A jump box
A secure system which is used as a single
access point for other systems this hardens remote management of the remote
system since access is limited
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71. To comply with an industry
regulation all communications
Dustin to secure server should
be logged in archived on a storage device which of the following can be configured to for fill
this requirement
Port mirroring
72. Which of the following IP ranges falls
between and
Port mirroring allows all traffic to be copied
and sent to another device such as secure
secure storage device
73. After installing a fiber optic link They used the wrong type of fiber transbetween routers and using a
tool to verify the cable the link Incorrect TX/RX Polarity exists on the link
does not connect which of the
following would explain the issue
74. After pulling a new stitch and MIB
adding it to the existing network monitoring software do Contains a string of possible metrics that
you want to determine which the switch contract
metrics can be gathered from a
given switch which of the following should be utilized from
the switch
75. Which of the following step
should be done after confirming the cause of a problem
Establish a plan of action to resolve the
issue and identify potential effects
76. An IT director is setting up a
new disaster and HA policies
for a company limited downtime is critical to operations
to meet corporate requirements
for the director set up two dif-
Hot site
According to comp Tia a hot site is a back
up site that can fail over almost immediately and is working with a live data set
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ferent data centers across the
country that will stay current
on data and applications in the
event of an outage the company can immediately switch
from one data center to another
which of the following does this
best describe
77. Which of the following types of
devices can provide content filtering and threat protection and
manage multiple IPSec site to
site connection
Next generation firewall
78. When configuring redundant
network links between switches which of the following
should be enable to prevent
network stability issues
Next generation firewall are firewalls with
many capabilities beyond that of a regular
firewall they are very similar to UTMs (
many controls in one) that mini allow a
company to customize their solution while
UTMs are generally bundled products
Isn't technology which detect potential
loops on the network which would otherwise cause broadcast storms. Broadcast storm which is an infinitely repeating
broadcast can bring the network down or
at least slow it down considerably
79. Which of the following factors Replication traffic between an on premise
should be considered when
server and a remote back up facility
evaluating a firewall to protect a
data center is east west traffic East west traffic is server to server traffic
while north south traffic is server to client
80. Despite confirming that all devices are connected to the network throughout the entirety of
the day some of your users are
reporting intermittent Internet
connectivity some users report
connectivity and contemporari-
Verify the session time and configuration
on the captive portal settings
Despite being connected to a wireless
network you may not be allowed to access certain networking resources or the
Internet depending on the access grant16 / 33
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ly re-establish a connection by ed to you by the network many networks
disconnecting and reconnect- are protected by captive portals which are
ing through the web authenti- webpages that may ask for additional crecation process which of the fol- dentials or knowledge may have a user
lowing steps and most likely de- agreement before you can access the nettermine the cause of this issue work
81. A use reports being unable to
access the network resources
after making changes in the
office which of the following
should be done first
Ask which changes were made
82. Layer 1
Physical Layer
83. Layer 2
Data Link Layer
84. Layer 3
Network Layer
85. Layer 4
Transport Layer
86. Layer 5
Session Layer
87. Layer 6
Presentation Layer
88. Layer 7
Application Layer
89. You Want to have separate Wi-Fi
networks for your employees
and your guests. Which of the
following features should be
configures to allow different
wireless access through the
same equipment
Ask for details on the changes made
first so that going forward we can make
more informed decisions on how to troubleshoot the network
Most modern WAPs can support multiple frequencies/SSIDs in order to facilitate
multiple networks. So here we can simply
assign on SSID to the corporate network
and another SSID for the guest network
90. Which would be the best use to Internet Control Message Protocol
detect MAC spoofing?
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the chain of connections from a TX/RX was reversed
device to a switch on your network is as follows:
simply reverse the TX/RX on the connector
Device> LC/LC patch cable>
Patch Panel> Cross-connect
fiber cable>
Patch Panel> LC/LC patch cable> Switch
Despite using known working patch cables, the connection isn't working and the device has been tested and was
working before being installed.
Which of the following if the
most likely cause of a problem
in this connection?
92. Which of the following types
of authentication technologies
will allow a single account to One account that gives access to varibe used to access multiple ser- ous/applications
93. Which of the following OSI lay- Transport
ers do TCP and UDP operate
94. The length of an IPv6 address 128 bits
95. A network admin wants to nar-
row the scope of a subnet to
two usable IP addresses within
a class C network. Which of the
following is the correct CIDR
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What best describes the func- Provides connectionless communication
tion of OSI layer 3
using logical addresses
97. You are reviewing a network di- a Circle with 4 outward arrows
agram and are looking for the
edge router. What is MOST likely symbol used for a router?
98. A company is implementing
IPv6 addressing and wants
to ensure there are consistent addresses for printers and
servers that will not change.
However, the company does not
want to use static addresses.
Which of the following IPv6
schemes will provide the same
address for the devices?
99. the length of a MAC address is? 6 bytes
48 bits, aka 6 bytes (1B=8b)
100. what is the default mask for the /16
IP address
since the first octet is 190 this is a class B
address. Class B addresses use a default
of /16 (aka
101. class A address
102. class b address
103. class c address
104. class d address
105. class e address
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Which of the following CIDR
matches the IPv4 VLSM?
Choose all that apply
/21 is
/30 is
107. which of the following OSI mod- Layer 2- Data Link
el layers is responsible for ensuring proper transmission of Frames are found on Layer 2
frames using a frame-check-sequence value?
108. the length of an IPv4 address
32 bits
109. what best describes the function of OSI Layer 2?
provides error detection through the FCS
for frames transmitted
110. host alpha has an IP address
of and is part
of the 19.2168.35.192 subnet. If explanation is on PowerPoint 100 if needthe options below, which mask ed
would be correct?
111. a network tech is reviewing a a rectangle with 2 horizontal arrows
network diagram and is looking
for Layer 2 switch. What symbol
should they be looking for?
112. a senior engineer has asked
Ops/26, Marketing/27, Admin/28, IT/28
you to create several subnet
out of the provided/25 network.
Each department will need their
own subnet and they should be
no larger than necessary. What
CIDR notations would be needed for each department?
Ops: 52 Hosts, Marketing: 28
Admin:13 hosts, IT: 7 hosts
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113. Which of the following OSI
model layers is responsible for
compression and data encoding?
114. of the devices listed which will Multilayer Switch
provide a high number of interfaces and offer routing services
for a LAN?
115. Which of the following would 4 PCs all connected to a single hub, and
act ad a standalone star netnothing else.
work with a layer 1 network device?
a hub is a layer 1 device
116. a firewall as configures with a
role that forwards FTP traffic
to an internal server that is listening on a non-standard port.
What best describes the rule
configured on this firewall?
They are describing a process known as
' port forwarding' which is considered a
component of PAT
117. To support redundancy at Com- Mesh
pany A, all care switches are
connected to each other. What
type of network topology is being utilized?
118. what is the best reason for us- It creates various paths to a particular
ing wireless mesh topology to destination
support IoT sensors?
119. in the event of WAN outage,
or configuration error, you may
be required to remotely reconfigure a company router. What
method would best provide access in this situation?
The WAN connection would be considered 'in-band' because WAN traffic passes through the router. If we want to access
this router even when the WAN connection is down, we will need an out-of-band
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120. a new device transmits data
Data is flooded out of every port in that
into a stich for the first time.
VLAN, except the one it came in on
Which of the statements below
is true?
121. A network engineer has been The modem is places in bridge mode, the
assigned the replace a failed
router is places behind the modem and
router. The network already has the web server is places behind the router.
a switch, cable modem and static IP assignments. furthermore,
there is a web server running
on this network that should remain available to the internet.
What is the correct configuration and placement for the devices above?
122. A network engineer is review- The PC's NIC and/or the switchport are
ing a network statistics and no- set to half-duplex
tices a nigh level of collisions
between a switch and a PC.
What is the most likely source
of this issue?
123. Which addresses are routable
over the internet without using
any form of NAT?
this is a public address!
124. Which of the following would a Power-over-ethernet switch
network tech most likely connect to power wireless access
points in drop ceilings?
125. A nearby city offers wireless
internet access throughout the
public areas. What type of network is this?
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Data has been stored locally on
a subnet for access by several
employee devices. What is being described in this situation?
127. A network engineer is adjust- They have set a default gateway
ing the network settings on a
server. They issue the following
route add mask metric1
what setting has the engineer
attempted to alter?
128. A switch without and VLANs
Flood the frame out all interfaces except
receives a frame with
the one it was received on
a destination address of
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. What will
the switch do with this frame?
129. Which of the following technologies should be used in
high-throughput networks to
reduce networks overhead?
Jumbo Frames
130. A network engineer is asked
to create a solution that will
serve the data needs of the entire company. There are 3000+
users and the data must remain
onsite. What option listed below
would meet these conditions
131. You receive a switch that has
VLANs configured on all of
its ports. At what layer is the
switch operating?
Layer 2
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What protocol uses BPDUs to
detect loops on Layer 2 of the
OSI model?
133. A network technician needs to Use port mirroring
monitor the traffic going into a
mission-critical in the datacenter. Which of the following is the
best method to perform this?
134. You've been tasked with con- Bridge
necting two hubs together. To
avoid problems that would arise
from increasing the size of the
collision domain, what device
should you use to connect the
hubs together?
135. After a broadcast storm that
brought down the corporate
network a technician has ben
asked to install hardware to mitigate this risk in the future.
What could be installed to accomplish this assignment? (
pick 2)
136. A switch is to be configured so a trunk port
that it can carry five VLANs over
a single physical link. What type
of port can facilitate this?
137. An eight port switch was con- An Access port
figures to have three VLANs. Of
the eight ports on the back of
the switch, one was designates
a trunk port, while the other
seven where each assigned to
only one LVAN. What type of
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port is only assigned to a single
138. Users report the network is
Layer 3 Switch
slow. Upon investigation, the
technician notices all users are
on one large subnet. Which of
the following devices should be
used to break up broadcast domains?
139. The corporate network consists 1
of 3 switches, a router, and a
hub. The switches are connected together in a chain, to a single port on the router. Each of
the switches had 8 ports. coming off the second switch is a
hub, which has 4 computers attached to it.
How many broadcast domains
exist in the corporate network?
140. A manager wants to deploy a Aggregates switch logs for easier review
syslog server on the network. and correlation
What benefit would a syslog
server provide to the company?
141. A new server has ben deployed SSH- is encrypted
in the cloud that does not support a GUI. Which of the following could be used to star a
secure remote console session
with this server?
142. You discover that an employ- The PC had DHCP reservation which is
ee's PC is not receiving an IP invalidated by the new NIC.
address via DDHCP. An change
log outlines that the PC'S had
its OS Patches and a new NIC
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installed (1Gbps), to replace an
older slower card (100Mbps)
The user is a member of a group
that accesses a server hidden
behind a firewall. Other group
members are not having a problem and the switchports are up
and set for auto negotiate. What
is the MOST likely problem?
143. Of the options below, What
VoIP Gateway
could be used translate and tie
in legacy phones into a VoIP so- Is used to bridge (connect) legacy phones
into a VoIP deployment, Typically this
gateway is connected to the physical
(legacy) PBX.
144. Your organization just moved TXT
to a cloud based email service. Many email recipients are
complaining that any email sent
from the organization is going
into the junk folder because the
sends identity cannot be confirmed. Which of the following
DNS record should be modified
to minimize this problem?
145. You already have a DNS record
that resolved ABC.123.net to
your company's webserver. You
would like a new DNS record
to allow DEF.123.net to point
to the same IP as ABC.123.net.
What type of DNS record needs
to be created to facilitate this?
Is a type of DNS record that maps an
alternative name to a true or 'canonical'
domain name.
146. Over the summer a college has Reduce DHCP lease time form 8 days to
been hosting one dat training 8 hours
exercises, from Monday to Fri26 / 33
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day, with guests and students.
Each day there are 250 attendees, most of which are new,
and they all need access to the
guest Wi-Fi. The guest network
uses a /24 subnet. On Tuesday
several users complain that the
Wi-Fi is unavailable, The complaints increase the following
What could be done to prevent
this issue from occurring in the
147. To prevent outgoing emails as
being categorized as spam,
which of the DMS records below should be updated with
the organization's SPF information?
SPF allows the receiving mail server to
check during mail delivery that a mail
claiming to come from a specific domain is
submitted by an IP address authorized by
that domains administrators. This mechanism helps detect spam! The list of authorized sending hosts and IP addresses
for a domain is published in the DNS-TXT
record for that domain.
148. Which protocol is used to send SMTP
out emails across a network infrastructure or between email
149. When using a network monitor- MIB
ing system, a network technician notices that a switch returns many object identifiers
that do not have descriptions.
Which of the following should
be imported into the monitoring
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system to describe these object
150. What ports can be used for
email ( pick 3)
25- smtp
143- imap
SMTP= Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
emails coming into an email server, or
going between servers.
IMAP= Instant Messaging Access Protocol. for viewing emails as they exist on the
email server.
POP= Post Office Protocol For downloading emails from the email server
151. Which of the following cloud
service models would best support an organization looking to
have a hosted database, such
as SQL or Oracle?
152. A cloud storage server has
been brought online that is
intended to serve hospitals
exclusively. Several hospitals,
all owned by different entities,
have begun using this highly secured cloud server. What
type of cloud deployment model matches this type of server?
( Platform as a Service): typically used to
provide development and database platforms for developers or database admins
A community cloud is shared by a group of
similar organizations that all have similar
needs. In this example, it is a server built
only to serve hospitals.
153. Which of the following is con- IP helper
figured on a network device
to enable hosts to receive the
proper DHCP configuration if
the server is on a different subnet
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Which of the following is the
DHCP failure
most likely cause for network
PC to have an APIPA address? APIPA stands for Automatically Procured
IP Address . In Windows, APIPA addresses are 169.54.X.X unless configured otherwise. An APIPA is the address a computer will give itself if the DHCP server is
unreachable. Windows will retry to contact
the DHCP server every five minutes until
it gets a response.
155. Several computers in a factory
need to be connected together.
What medium would be acceptable for short distances and
also the most cost effective?
BNC and a RG-59 cable
RG-59 cables (coaxial) are only good for
short distances, and can have BNC connectors!
Plenum cables are expensive! ST, a fiber
connector, shoulder be put on a UTP cable (copper) RJ11 is for terminating phone
lines and shoulder be attached to a Cat 6
156. At IT company is installing
WAPs in a new business complex. Some of the network cables must run above the drop
ceiling and through or near are
condition ducts. What type of
cable would be best suited for
this need?
157. To connect the new serve to
the switch a pair of Cat5e cables had to be coupled together. By themselves, each cable
was 200 feet (61 Meters) long.
Users have been reporting an
intermittent loss of connectivity
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to the server. What is the most
likely cause of this problem?
158. Where is an office building
would a network tech find the
entry point for the ISP?
159. The company has deployed a FCoE, PATA
network storage solution to
support future growth. What
types of connections can be
used that will not require new
network cables and dedicated
switches? ( pick 2)
160. An organization is moving into Employees are connected to a hub
an office that was unused for
several years. While continuing to use the infrastructure
already in place, several employees report that the network
connections, workstations, and
switches are rated for 100Mbps,
and set to auto-negotiate. What
is most likely the issue with the
slow speeds?
161. Two Cat5e cables need to be
connected together to tie in a
new workstation. Each cable is
200 feet (61 meters) long. Instead of using a coupler, what
should be used to connect the
cables together to avoid attenuation?
162. A technician is installing a remote call box that requires
a single copper ethernet connection. The uplink rom the
Media Converter
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business network is over single-mode fiber. Which of the following devices should be installed to bet facilitate the connection?
163. Tyler connected his laptop directly to Joe's laptop that has
a gigabit Ethernet port, using a straight-through cable.
Through this connection he
successfully transferred several large files. Later, Tyler directly
connected to a desktop that has
a 10/100 ethernet port, but was
unable to establish a connection using the same cable. What
best describes the cause of this
Tyler's laptop does not support autoMDIX
We don't know what type of NIC is in
Tyler's Laptop. What we do know: when
one side is a non-gigabit standard, like
when Tyler connected to the desktop, we
need to use a crossover cable. Alternatively is one side of the connection supports auto- MDIX that device can reconfigure itself to support a straight-through
cable even when it should be crossover.
The only answer then is that both Tyler's
laptop, and the desktop, lack auto-MDIX.
Lastly, auto-MDIX is built into the gigabit
ethernet standard, so its safe to assume
gigabit ethernet ports have auto-MDIX
164. a PoE phone is not receiving
Bad Switchport
power at the employees desk. A
network engineer tests the network components with a PoE
injector at the switch and this
resolves the issue. Which of the
following was the most likely
cause of the problem?
165. A series of WAPs are being
deployed around the corporate
campus to provide better Wi-Fi
coverage. The placement of one
of the APs required the network
cable to be run alongside power
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cables that pass through a conduit. What type of cable would
be the best fit for this situation?
166. A company requires an ether- Cat 5e
net cable capable of providing
1Gpbs for the lowest possible 1 Gbps (older and cheaper than CAT 6)
cost. Of the options below, what
cable standard should they select?
167. What type of cable would most RG-6
likely be terminated with an F
A coaxial cable, such as RG-6, can be terminated with either a BNC or F connector.
168. Which of the following cable
types should be used to connect a cable modem to a SOHO
169. which of the following connec- RJ-11
tor types is used to terminate
household telephone cabling? used for phones RJ-11 had 4 copper
170. Of the internet connections be- Cable.
low, which is the fastest?
Cable can support up to 10 Gbps down, 1
Gbps up when running the latest version
of DOCSIS. The others max out before
they even reach 1 Gbps
171. Joe needs a WAP that can
support speeds of at least
1Gbps.Which of the following standard will meet Joe's
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Which Wi-fi security mode utilizes TKIP for its encryption?
173. The organization WLAN offers Band Steering
complete 2.4 and 5.0 Ghz network, are connected to the
crowded 2.4 Ghz network. What
technology could be deployed
to better distribute more users
to the faster and less congested
5Ghz network?
174. An employee is attempting to
use a video conferencing app
from the company's meeting
room on the second floor.
However, they report that the
WiFi occasionally stops working during the video calls. The
signal strength is reported as
being -75dBm. What should be
installed to resolve this issue?
A range extender
With -75dBm , our signal is too weak to
sustain a reliable streaming session. If we
want to install something to resolve this
issue, we need another access point
The closer to zero the better our single
175. A network built in bridge mode 54 Mbs
contains 802.11g, 802.11n and
802.11 ac access points. What
speeds would this wireless network perform at?
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