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Grade 6 Weekly Report: Math, English, Science & More

WEEK ENDING 06– 10 – 2023
This week learners have been focusing on Volume and some Cambridge related questions. A recap on
angles was also ensued to make sure that learners have mastered this in preparation to the mid term
Cambridge exams. Learners were also engaged into a recap of plotting and measuring some angles in
the Cambridge syllabus. This was effectively done and there by assisting learners to have a view into
this area. However, it was clear that more needs to be done in regards to angles and operations a review
is warranting.
During this week the lessons focused on developing comprehension skills dearly as it was the
major component missing in the previous lessons and also reinforcing learnt skills. Furthermore
learners were assigned with Cambridge relating questions. Learners were engaged in through
sessions of comprehension and this seemed to have taken them a major step ahead. However, it
remains that follow up is necessary to ensure that this has been sealed and delivered. More so,
spellings and summary writing are proving to be a mammoth task to learners like Chanel and
Fulton. Hence these areas will receive constant attention throughout the course of the term.
Science and Technology
During this week’s lessons learners focused on some oral lessons on Soils, Plants and animals. As the
next week begins a thorough focus on this topic will be engaged. The planned activities of the week
went on as indicated in the plan. Objectives of the week were achieved as shown by the written work
done by the learners. The class discussed on all concepts based on the structures. Written work was
assigned as both homework and classwork. The teacher feels there is need to have a follow up lesson
for this sessions and ensure write ups for it, thus this will be engaged in the following week.
During this week learners had lessons focusing largely on Morals, with an emphasis on Children’s rights
and responsibilities. The planned activities of the week went on as indicated in the plan. Written work
was assigned as both homework and classwork. Some learners were now able to read and understand the
questions properly. However, more work needs assigned so as to reinforce the learnt concept. There is
also need to emphasize on question interpretation and understanding. The teacher will emphasize this
during the lessons.
Heritage Studies
The focal point for the week was on Transport and communication focusing largely on means and
modes of transport. The learners managed to cope up with question interpretation and answering.
Written work was assigned as classwork and homework. Most of the learners managed to answer the
questions correctly. However, more work is needed when it comes to question interpretation and
understanding. Just a few learners were failing to interpret questions properly. The teacher needs to keep
on emphasizingthis during the lessons.
Vana vakwanisa kuita basa ravo nemazvo svondo rapfuura. Donzvo nezvinangwa zvesvondo rapfuura
zvakwanisa kubatika nekubuda sekunyorwa kwazvakaitwa mubhuku rebasa. Vana vakwanisa
kuverenga nekupindura nzwisiso nekunyora pfupiso dzavo. Basa ravo remutauro retsumo ranyorwa
nemazvo uye vana vamwe vakwanisa kupindura mibvunzo. Kuvaka manzwi nezviperengo zviri
kubestera vana kunyora ChiShona chavo zvakanaka. Basa rokumba riri kubatsira vana kudzokorora
zvinhu zvinova zviri kubatsira kuti vawane ruzivo pane zviri kuvanetsa. Vadzidzi vari kuita
dambudziko rekutadza kunyatso pindura nzwisiso zvakanaka mudzidzisi achapa basa rakatiwandei
rekuti vana vaite kumba uyezve runyoro rwavo ruchakati shatei.