CONCEPT AND NATURE OF STAFFING for Organization and Management Senior High School (ABM) Quarter 2 / Week 2 0 FOREWORD This Self-Learning Kit for Organization and Management is an innovative tool designed specifically for ABM students in the Senior High School for them to have a better understanding of the concept and nature of staffing. It is aligned with the BEC of the Department of Education following the prescribed MELCs (Most Essential Learning Competencies. This Self-Learning Kit is divided into three parts. What Happened This section contains pre-activities that serve as the beginning point and a pretest to determine if students are sufficiently prepared to begin a new course of study. What I Need to Know (Discussion) This section contains content on the concept and nature of staffing. The topic intends to make the students appreciate the importance of staffing in the business organization. What I have Learned (Evaluation/Post Test) A summary of key concepts and exercises that measures students’ understanding of the concept and nature of staffing. Students are expected to develop their skills and apply what they have learned, as these will influence the kind of leader they will become in the future LESSON CONCEPT AND NATURE OF STAFFING MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES: K: Identify the nature of staffing S: Determine the concept of staffing function in business organizations; A: Appreciate the importance of staffing in the business organization. LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Discuss the concept and nature of staffing. I. WHAT HAPPENED Activity: Directions: What do you think is the right word that best describe the four pictures? What do the pictures suggest? Write your analysis in 2-3 sentences. Accomplish this on your notebook. Source: 1 PRE-TEST: Direction: Read and analyze the statements below. Determine whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if otherwise. Write your answers on your notebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Employees can be considered both an Asset and a Liability. Contingent workers are employees who have full time employment. Staffing includes human resource management. Staffing is not a basic function of management. The performance of staffing is affected by the internal and external environment of the enterprise. 6. Once the organizational goals are set, the plans are prepared and organization is appropriately structured to pave the path for achievement of the set goals. 7. Staffing has its roots in social sciences. 8. Managers must encourage employees to grow and realize their full potential. 9. The long-term manpower planning should be concerned with the estimation of staff members required in future. 10. Staffing is a continuous and never-ending process. II. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Managers often consider human resources as their organization’s most important resources. Very few administrators would argue with the fact that human resources are very important for the efficient and effective operation of a company. To emphasize their importance, human resources are also called human capital, intellectual assets, or management or company talents. These terms imply that human resources are the drivers off the organization’s performance; hence, staffing is a crucial function of managers. 2 DISCUSSION Concept and Nature of Staffing Staffing – Introduction In a new enterprise, the staffing function follows the planning and organizing function. In the case of running an enterprise, staffing is a continuous process. So, the manager should perform this function at all times. It is obvious that the management must ensure a constant availability of sufficient number of efficient executives in an enterprise for the efficient functioning of the enterprise. The selected personnel should be physically, mentally and temperamentally fit for the job. Staffing is a basic function of management. Every manager is continuously engaged in performing the staffing function. He is actively associated with recruitment, selection, training and appraisal of his subordinates. These activities are performed by the chief executive, departmental managers and foremen in relation to their subordinates. Thus, staffing is a pervasive function of management and is performed by the managers at all levels. Meaning of Staffing: The term ‘Staffing’ relates to the recruitment, selection, development, training and compensation of the managerial personnel. Staffing, like all other managerial functions, is the duty which the apex management performs at all times. In a newly created enterprise, the staffing would come as a. third step— next to planning and organizing—but in a going enterprise the staffing process is continuous. In order to define and clarify the group of employees included in the staffing concept, it must be stated that the staffing function is concerned with the placement, growth and development of all of those members of the organization whose function it is to get things done through one effort of other individuals. This definition includes all levels of management because those who will occupy positions in the top two or three levels of management fifteen or twenty years from now are likely to be found in the lower levels today. “The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organizational structure through effective and proper selection, appraisal, and development of personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure.” — Koontz and O’Donnell 3 Staffing is related to performing a set of activities which aim at inviting, selecting, placing and retaining individuals at various jobs to achieve the organizational goals. It involves determining the need for people at various organizational posts, appointing and retaining them at those posts by training and developing their abilities and skills. This is done by performing a number of functions like manpower planning, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation and maintenance. Staffing, according to Dyck and Neubert (2012), is the Human Resource function of identifying, attracting, hiring, and retaining people with the necessary qualifications to fill the responsibilities of current and future jobs in the organization. The number of managerial personnel or non-managerial human resources needed by an organization depends upon the size and complexity of its operations, its plans for branching out or increasing products, and turnover rates of both types of human resources, among others. Besides considering their number, the qualifications for the individual positions must be identified, so that the best-suited individuals for the job positions may be selected for hiring. Staffing – Concept Once the organizational goals are set, the plans are prepared and organization is appropriately structured to pave the path for achievement of the set goals. The next step is to provide appropriate personnel to fill in the various positions created by the organizational structure. The process putting people to jobs is termed as staffing. Staffing, the management function involves appointing appropriate personnel, developing them to meet organizational needs and ensuring that they are a satisfied and happy workforce. Staffing is defined as a managerial function of filling and keeping filled the positions in the organizational structure. The personnel appointed are a combination of permanent employees, daily workers, consultants, contract employees etc. Staffing includes: 1. Identifying the requirement of workforce and its planning. 4 2. Recruitment and selection of appropriate personnel for new jobs or for positions which may arise as a result of existing employees leaving the organization. 3. Planning adequate training for development and growth of workforce. 4. Deciding on compensation, promotion and performance appraisals for the workforce. The following are the basic nature of staffing: I. People-oriented – Staffing deals with efficient utilization of human resources in an organization. It promotes and stimulates every employee to make his full contribution for achieving desired objective of the organization. II. Development-oriented – It is concerned with developing potentialities of personnel in the organization. It develops their personality, interests, and skills. It enables employees to get maximum satisfaction from their work. It assists employees to realize their full potential. It provides opportunities to employees for their advancement through training, job education, etc. III. Pervasive function – Staffing is required in every organization. It is a major sub-system in the total management system that can be applied to both profit making and non-profit making organizations. It is required at all levels of organization for all types of employees. IV. Continuous function – Staffing is a continuous and never-ending process. It requires constant alertness and awareness of human relations and their importance in every operation. V. Human objectives – It develops potentialities of employees so that they can derive maximum satisfaction from their work. It creates an atmosphere where employees willingly cooperate for the attainment of desired organizational goals. VI. Individuals as well as group-oriented – Staffing is concerned with employees both as individuals and as group in attaining goals. It establishes proper organizational structure to satisfy individual needs and group efforts. It integrates individual and group goals in such a manner that the employees feel a sense of involvement towards the organization. VII. Developing cordial working environment – It develops a cordial environment in the enterprise where each employee contributes his best for the achievement of organizational goals. It provides a very comfortable physical and psychological working environment. 5 VIII. Interdisciplinary nature – Staffing has its roots in social sciences. It uses concepts drawn from various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and management. It has also borrowed principles from behavioral sciences. It is a science of human engineering. IX. Integral part of general management – Staffing is an integral part of the general management. It is very much a part of every line manager’s responsibility. Every member of the management group (from top to bottom) must be an effective personnel administrator. It renders service to other functional areas of management. X. Science as well as art – Staffing is a science of human engineering. It is an organized body of knowledge consisting of principles and techniques. It is also an art as it involves skills to deal with people. It is one of the creative arts as it handles employees and solves their problems systematically. It is a philosophy of management as it believes in the dignity and worth of human beings. Characteristics of Staffing as a Function of Management The following facts clearly bring out the characteristics of staffing as a function of management: 1. Related to Human Beings The first important characteristic of staffing is its relationship with human beings. It means that unlike planning and organizing it is not mere paper work but involves the appointment of competent persons on various posts. Planning lays down what, when, how and by whom work is to be done. Similarly, an organizational structure chart is prepared under organizing. On the contrary, under staffing, competent individuals are selected and given training keeping in view the importance of the post and not only doing paper work alone. All the activities done to accomplish this work are connected with human beings-they may be recruitment, selection, training, promotion, etc. 2. Separate Managerial Function The second important characteristic of staffing is that it is a separate managerial function. Separate managerial function means that far from being a major part of some function, it is in itself a major function. Staffing is included in the other categories of managerial functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. A little earlier, some management experts considered 6 it a part of organizing. But these days, on the basis of various researches, it is accepted as an important separate managerial function. 3. Essential at All Managerial Levels Staffing is essential at all managerial levels. The Board of Directors performs the function of staffing by appointing General Manager. The General Manager does so by appointing departmental managers, while the departmental managers perform this function by appointing their subordinates. It must be clarified here that the establishment of a separate personnel department does not free the concerned managers from this allimportant function. The aim of establishing this department is to assist the managers at every level in the performance of their function of staffing. It is important to note that the final responsibility regarding staffing lies with the managers concerned. 4. Related to Social Responsibility Staffing deals with human beings and man is a social animal. Since it is connected with human beings, the social responsibility of this function is born. In order to discharge this responsibility, the managers should take care and be impartial while going through the allied functions of recruitment, selection, promotion, etc. 5. Effect of Internal and External Environment The performance of staffing is affected by the internal and external environment of the enterprise. The internal environment of the enterprise includes policies connected with the employees — like the promotion policy, demotion policy, transfer policy, etc. If as a matter of policy the vacant posts are to be filled up by promotion, the employees already working in the enterprise will have the opportunity to reach higher posts, and the people from outside will be appointed only on lower posts. In this way the internal policy of the organization does affect the function of staffing. The external environment affecting the enterprise includes government policies and educational environment. It can be the policy of the government that in a particular enterprise employees should be recruited only through employment exchange. Educational institutions can help in the development of the employees by organizing special training camps. In this way, external environment also affects the function of staffing. 7 Important Functions of Staffing 1. Manpower Planning 7 Manpower may be planned for short-term and long-term. The short-term manpower planning may achieve the objectives of the company at present conditions. The long-term manpower planning should be concerned with the estimation of staff members required in future. 2. Development Development is concerned with the development of staff members through adequate and appropriate training programs. The training is given only to the needy persons. 3. Fixing the Employment Standards It involves the job specification and job description. These enable the management to select the personnel and train them scientifically. Job description is a systematic and organized written statement of the duties and responsibilities in a specific job. Job specification is a statement of personal qualities that an individual must possess if he is to successfully perform the job. 4. Sources It is concerned with the method by which the staff members are selected. The sources may be internal and external sources. Internal source means that a vacancy is filled up by the company out of the staff members available within the company. The external source means that a vacancy is filled up by the company from outside the company. The person selected may be unemployed or working in any other company. 5. Selection and Placement It includes the process of selection of the staff members. The placement includes giving a job to a person on the basis of his ability, education, experience and the like. 6. Training The training may be arranged by the company itself. In certain cases, the staff members may be sent out by the company to get the training. The expense is borne by the company. The training may be required not only by the new staff members but also by the existing staff members. 7 Step Process of Staffing Staffing starts with the estimation of manpower requirements and proceeds towards searching for talented personnel to fill the various positions in an organization. Staffing, therefore, should follow a logical step by step process. Following are the important steps involved in the process of staffing: 8 Step # 1. Estimating Manpower Requirements/Manpower Planning: The process of manpower planning can be divided into two parts. One is an analysis for determining the quantitative needs of the organization, i.e., how many people will be needed in the future. The other part is the qualitative analysis to determine what qualities and characteristics are required for performing a job. The former is called the quantitative aspect of manpower planning in which we try to ensure a fair number or personnel in each department and at each level. It should neither be too high nor too low leading to overstaffing or under-staffing respectively. The second aspect is known as qualitative aspect of manpower planning wherein we try to get a proper fit between the job requirement and the requirement on the part of personnel in terms of qualification, experience and personality orientation. Step # 2. Recruitment and Selection: The second step after manpower planning is recruitment and selection. These are two separate functions, which usually go together. Recruitment aims at stimulating and attracting job applicants for positions in the organization. Selection consists of making choice among applicants. To choose those which are most suited to the job requirement keeping in view the job analysis information. Selection processes must begin by precisely identifying the task to be performed and also drawing a line between successful and unsuccessful performance. Thereafter, the process of selection tries to find out how far a job applicant fulfils those characteristics or traits needed to successfully perform the job. Step # 3. Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to place the right person on the right job. Once the job offer has been accepted by the selected candidate, he is placed on his new job. Proper placement of an employee reduces absenteeism, employee’s turnover and accident rates. Orientation/Induction is concerned with the process of introduction or orienting a new employee to the organization. The new employee is introduced to fellow employees, given a tour of the department and informed about such details as hours of work, overtime, lunch period, rest rooms, etc. They are mostly informed about the company, the job and work environment. They are encouraged to approach their supervisors with questions and problems. Step # 4. Training and Development: It is more accurately considered as a process of skill formation and behavioral change. It is a continuous process of the staffing function. Training is more effectively conducted when the actual content of jobs for which people are being trained and developed is known. Training programs should be devised to impart knowledge, develop skills and stimulate motives needed to perform the job. Development involves 9 growth of an employee in all respects. It is a wider concept. It seeks to develop competence and skills for future performance. Thus, it has a long-term perspective. Step # 5. Performance Appraisal: It means evaluating a performance employee’s current and past performance as against certain predetermined standards. This process includes defining the job, appraising performance and providing feedback. Step # 6. Promotion and Career Planning: Managers must encourage employees to grow and realize their full potential. Promotions are an integral p art of people’s career. They usually mean more pay, responsibility and job satisfaction. Step # 7. Compensation: It refers to all forms of pay or rewards paid to employees by the employer/firm. It may be in the form of direct financial payments (Time based or Performance based) like salaries and indirect payments like paid leaves. Activity 1. Case study: role and job analysis Job Description at Red Lobster (Phillip – Gully 2009) Red Lobster operates over 670 casual-dining seafood restaurants in the US and Canada, employing more than 63,000 people. When Red Lobster developed a new business strategy to focus on value and improve its image, it established a new vision, mission, and goals for the company. The restaurant chain simplified its menu with the highest-quality seafood it could offer at midrange prices, traded its restaurants’ tropical themes for a crisp, clean look with white-shirt-and-black-pants uniforms for its employees, and added Northeastern coastal imagery to its menu and Web-site. Executing the new mission and differentiation strategy required hiring fun, hospitality-minded people who shared its values. Although Red Lobster had not had any problem with hiring restaurant managers, the company felt that the managers it hired did not always reflect Red Lobster’s strategy, vision and values. The company also realized that their old job descriptions did not reflect the passion its new strategy needed from its employees. 10 Required: Red Lobster ask your opinion of what it should do in writing its job descriptions to improve the fit between its new management hires and its new business strategy. Write your answer on your notebook. %20study_Red_Lobster.doc III. WHAT HAVE I LEARNED POST TEST: Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook. A. B. C. D. Nature of Staffing Characteristics of Staffing Important Functions of Staffing Steps involved in the process of staffing 1. Selection and Placement 2. Related to Human Beings 3. Promotion and Career Planning 4. Interdisciplinary nature 5. Fixing the Employment Standards 6. Effect of Internal and External Environment 7. Development-oriented 8. Development 9. Continuous function 10. Compensation 11 REFERENCES Cabrera,H., et al, 2017, Organization and Management, Vival Group, Inc., Quezon City, Philippines Nature, Need and Importance Staffing: Its meaning, nature and of Staffing importance Retrieved from Retrieved from What is Staffing? Retrieved from www.economicsdiscussion.nets 12 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NEGROS ORIENTAL SENEN PRISCILLO P. PAULIN, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent FAY C. LUAREZ, TM, EdD, PhD OIC - Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Acting CID Chief NILITA L. RAGAY, EdD OIC - Assistant Schools Division Superintendent ROSELA R. ABIERA Education Program Supervisor – (LRMS) ARNOLD R. JUNGCO Education Program Supervisor – (SCIENCE & MATH) MARICEL S. RASID Librarian II (LRMDS) ELMAR L. CABRERA PDO II (LRMDS) GWEN ABA GALVEZ Writer LITTIE BETH S. BERNADEZ Lay-out Artist _________________________________ ALPHA QA TEAM GIL . DAEL MARIA SOLEDAD M. DAYUPAY MARIA ACENITH DESPI JEE LIZA INGUITO BETA QA TEAM RICKLEOBEN V. BAYKING LITTIE BETH S. BERNADEZ GIL . DAEL MARIA SOLEDAD M. DAYUPAY MARIA ACENITH DESPI JEE LIZA INGUITO MERCYDITHA D. ENOLPE RONALD G. TOLENTINO DISCLAIMER The information, activities and assessments used in this material are designed to provide accessible learning modality to the teachers and learners of the Division of Negros Oriental. The contents of this module are carefully researched, chosen, and evaluated to comply with the set learning competencies. The writers and evaluator were clearly instructed to give credits to information and illustrations used to substantiate this material. All content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent from the division. 13 SYNOPSIS AND ABOUT THE AUTHOR This SLK (Self-Learning Kit) is about the concept and nature of staffing. Here you will learn the characteristics, importance and the steps involve in the process of staffing. ANSWER KEY A case study and and realistic examples are provided for you. As you go over the discussion, you will appreciate the importance of knowing the concept and nature of staffing. Find enjoyment in learning this SLK AUTHOR GWEN ABA GALVEZ is an Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) teacher at Dauin National High School, Division of Negros Oriental. She currently teaches specialized and applied subjects for Senior High School students. In her love and trust for Foundation University, Dumaguete City, she finished her Secondary Education in the said institution. She graduated Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Management Accounting and earned her degree in Master of Business Administration at the same school. In order for her to be qualified to teach in the Department of Education, she took her Continuing Program Education at Foundation University, Dumaguete City. She was a former Branch Manager of one of the private financial institution for seven years.