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Ethics and advertising

Ethics and advertising
Since the rise of companies and their advertising, multiple outcomes have been
noticed, such as the truth and the lie. However, between the good and bad, there
is a grey area where daily ethical decisions must be made.
Even in the earlier years in Rome, the Latin expression ,,Caveat emptor”, which
stands for ,,Let the buyer beware” made buyers cautious of dishonest sellers. This
expression remains to this day, however now it is much less likely for a seller to
tell absolute disinformation about a product.
Deceptive advertising is a claim that a product can make something possible,
when it cannot.
For instance, saying that Big Macs and Whoopers are incredible, but not
mentioning the fact that they can be a health hazard.
Ads sometimes appear as a letter from the government, ad in a magazine or
newspaper, or nowadays a blog packed with advertisements – this strategy is a
popular way of marketing.
Foremost, a way to break through advertising junk is to do it online. It is not
difficult to find a blog, however it is difficult to decipher if it is an ad.