Age of Discovery and Exploration Unit- 2 ( by C2, Christopher,Daisy, and Kelvin Introduction ● Began in 1400s ce and continued to the 1600s ce, ● New discoveries = Science, medicine, art and culture. ● Explorers brought new ideas when they returned home ● Discovered new routes to India, the Far East and the Americas 2.1 BEFORE THE AGE OF DISCOVERY AND 2.3b VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION -Christopher Columbus hoped to reach India and China, so he took some helps from Queen Isabella of Spain. -He bought three ships and hired 100 sailors to help him. He set off across the Atlantic on 3 August 1492 CE. -On 12 October 1492 2.5 What was the renaissance ● The renaissance was a period in European history where there were many big explosions of ideas, knowledge, and learning ● In the 1400s, the Ottomans caused the Middle East to move to Europe ● When the Middle East met with Europe, they shared information that the Europeans never knew about ● After that, the sculptors, inventors, writers, doctors, and mathematicians realised they were wrong, they felt as if they were seeing the world clearly, they felt like they were reborn, thus the name Renaissance The Printing Press ● The Printing Press was a really important invention in the Renaissance. ● The Printing Press was a revolutionary invention which printed pages, which allowed them to make books faster and easier and cheaper. ● As more books were made by the printing press, the more books the people read ● Soon books became fashionable to read ● There were books on fishing, printing,chess,medicine,art or travel. Bye Bye! Thank you for listening to our presentation!