Uploaded by Isabel Allen

Solar System, Galaxies, Nebulae Worksheet

1. Solar System
Sun. The Sun is very _____ and ____. Sun There are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune. They go around the Sun.
closest cold
Solar system. This is our ________ ________. Solar system.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Sun.
Solar system red
Mercury. Mercury is the __________ planet to the Sun. Mercury.
Venus. Venus is ___________the planet in the sky. Venus.
Earth. Earth is our ___________. Earth.
Mars. Mars is a ______ planet. Mars.
Jupiter. Jupiter is the _________ planet. Jupiter.
Saturn. Saturn is the planet with the _______. Saturn.
Uranus. Uranus is very ______ and cloudy. Uranus.
Neptune. Neptune is made of _______. Neptune.
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
This is our solar system.
Solar system – Sistema Solar
Big - grande
Uranus – Urano
Sun – Sol
Red - vermelho
Saturn – Saturno
Mercury – Mercúrio
Largest - o maior
Neptune – Neptuno
Venus – Vénus
Brightest- o mais brilhante
Rings - anéis
Earth – Terra
Closest – o mais próximo
Jupiter – Júpiter
Mars – Marte
Cold - frio
2. Galaxies
This is a map of galaxies!
What do galaxies look like?
Oval, oval, wide center.
The Milky Way is a galaxy.
A galaxy is a huge (enorme) group of stars, gas,
and dust. The group is held together by gravity.
There may be as many as a trillion stars in one
Spinning, spinning spiral arms.
Home to the solar system.
The Milky Way galaxy.
To our home!
To our home!
Where all my star friends live.
3. What is a Nebula
A wave of stars in the sky.
This is a Nebula.
The Milky Way galaxy.
It may look like a colorful work of art, but
Twinkle, twinkle, yellow center.
it`s really a giant cloud of dust and gas in
Blue, blue spiral arms.
space. Nebula are far away from Earth.
An endless belt made of dust.
We know what they look like because
The Andromeda galaxy.
scientists use powerful telescopes to
capture images of them. A Nebula can
take many different forms and shapes.
To our home!
But where did these stunning dust
To our home!
clouds come from? Some Nebula come
Where all my star friends live.
from the gas and dust thrown out when
The neighbor of the Milky Way.
a dying star explodes. When a massive
The Andromeda galaxy.
star explodes, it´s called a Supernova.
Shiny, shiny, giant center.
This is an example of what that looks like.
Round and long dust ring.
Other Nebula are regions where stars are
A massive black hole hidden inside.
beginning to form, called “star nurseries"
The Sombrero galaxy.
1. What is a nebula made of?
To our home!
2. How do scientists capture images of
To our home!
Where all my star friends live.
Shaped like a Mexican hat.
The Sombrero galaxy.
3. True or False: Nebulae can take
many different forms and shapes.
4. Name one way a nebula can form.