Uploaded by Patrick Joseph Sumeguin

Chapter V.1

Chapter V
This chapter presents the summary of findings from the presentation of data, the conclusions, and the recommendations that
were drawn from the conducted study.
The organizational structure of the
Procurement Office is structured into two
structures, which does not function
interdependently but rather as the center
of the operation which are shown to have
different organizational charts.
Organizational Structure
The BAC/Procurement Office in EVSU
has low organizational development to
implement harmonious service system to
its end users.
BAC and the Procurement Office in
There is misrepresentation of
EVSU have demarcation line that
organizational function between staffs in
separates their functions. Their structure is the BAC/Procurement Office
more of division of labor which may
create confusion among staff when
problems occur.
For to have a well-structure organization,
BAC/Procurement Office should consider
having an organizational development
training to enable them as an organization
to better respond and adapt to industry or
market changes, clienteles, and
technological advances.
The unit office must re-define their roles
and responsibilities for each respective job
position to create balance on the
The BAC Secretariat has been regarded as
transcending over the Head of the
Procurement Office in terms of EVSU,
considering that the consolidation of all
procurement operations are facilitated by
BAC and the procurement employees are
just three (3) and are solely through of the
other method of procurements.
Having two organizational charts instead
of being as one office units creates
misleading hierarchy of organizational
There is no clear hierarchal functions of Employees lacks holistic view on the
BAC and Procurement. Hence, the staff procurement service in EVSU.
roles are not properly delegated.
The process system of the
BAC/Procurement Office does not update
the end-user about the status of PPMP
The Procurement process in EVSU
consists of five different modes of
procurement such as public bidding, direct
Process Flow
The process streamlining at
BAC/Procurement Office is ineffective
with inadequate process development.
Aligning to roles and responsibilities, the
office must revisit their organizational
structure to help the organization to
further achieve its aims and objectives and
employees to complete their work
effectively and efficiently.
Every well-defined structure allocates
employees designated work roles and
responsibilities and helps management to
coordinate and control activities, thus, this
will validate the employees of
BAC/Procurement Office to have a
holistic point of view of the procurement
Propose a harmonious process flow of the
Procurement Office to design a
straightforward yet complex that promotes
process development.
Have a management review on the system
of the Procurement Office from all aspects
and factors that affects its service line.
contracting, shopping, small value
procurement, and agency to agency.
The BAC processes scrutinizing of PPMP
to its consolidation to APP, drafting of
PRs, conforming of PRs and presentation
for Mode of Procurement (MOP), and
they only do transactions in the
competitive public bidding.
The various process charts being used
there demonstrates that the office has
neither a contingency nor an action plan
on how to deal with issues. All process
charts are instances for the proper flow
only with no counterfeits in cases where
rejections or reprocessing.
Consider more top-down approach of
action plan to improve the procurement
system and instill holistic point of view in
creating sustainable operation strategies.
Propose a harmonious process flow of the
Procurement Office to design a
straightforward yet complex that promotes
process development.
The Procurement process is not
methodical due to ineffective process
management and practices of reactive
organization which connects to having no
holistic viewpoint as discussed further.
Have a management review on the system
of the Procurement Office from all aspects
and factors that affects its service line.
Meanwhile, the Procurement Office caters
for the other alternative modes of
procurement which are Direct
Contracting, Shopping, Small Value
Procurement, and Negotiated
Procurement: Agency to Agency.
BAC is the one to segregate the PRs
whether it is for what mode of
In all MOPs, common problems that may
encounter are the possibility of delays in
the process and suppliers might change
interest due to changes in the prices.
Some modes of procurement have no
definite time when will the process be
Shopping and Agency to Agency mode of
procurement are found as counterparts.
They separate only if when the supply is
available in DBM, the mode is latter, if
not, it becomes the former.
The Procurement Office’s responsibility
ends at the issuance of NTP for resolution
and this output is forwarded already to
PMO for voucher making and delivery.
The office has been noticed that they have
no feedback methods nor analysis to
create a continuous flow of the document
EVSU's Procurement Office has a small
workforce which increases the likelihood
of unavoidable delays, bottlenecks, and
work overload.
The process has no holistic viewpoint of
the following step by step approach in
processing and obtaining the awarded
things to be purchased. Similarly, the
starting point has no clear statement of the
requirements that must be met before the
system's initial process may begin, which
leads to nowhere.
The current procedure lacks both feedback
mechanisms and analysis to provide a
steady stream of documents. Unmet
expectations input a negative influence
and poorly implemented business
processes result in a lack of training and
communication inside the organization.
Personnel Workload/Staffing
The office units are developing congestion
in terms of imbalance work loading due to
constant backlogs and delays on
procurement processing.
In line with the recommendations in the
re-organization of the structure of the
BAC/Procurement Office, the unit office
must re-define their roles and
responsibilities for each respective job
position to create balance on the
As observed, the office unit has often
requested more staff for their office, but
as of now, nothing has been done about it
despite the fact that the institution has
plenty of workers but not enough
permanent ones.
The office lacks organizational support
and development to further sustain the
improvements of the office work-life
balance and its staff development.
Conduct cross-training seminars and
workshops with all the staff in the
Procurement Office and revalidation of
key responsibilities to strengthen the
knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) and
versatilities of each employee in the office
unit and to improve productivity in their
terms of service.
In EVSU there are frequent changes to the With the current situation, the
The office should rationalize the workload
ad hoc committee and the rotation of
BAC/Procurement Office in EVSU
of every staff in the Procurement Office to
administrative staff, particularly on job
promotes unhealthy work environment to eliminate redundancies in its operations
orders, where some newly appointed
its staff.
and focus its resources to vital functions
members are unsure of the tasks at hand
where the organization can concentrate on
for their unit.
work that must be done by government
agency and adhere request of additional
employees to need with concrete
Monitoring, Supervision, and Control Mechanism
Analysis shows that the office unit has BAC/Procurement Office in EVSU
To instill proactive management, it its
limitations on their monitoring due to a practices a non-proactive management
recommended that to train the
lack of staff. There are records that show style in terms of its monitoring and
Procurement Head and BAC Secretariat to
they failed to obtain some items listed in supervision from its main services.
government leadership training and
the APP.
workshops to develop the administrative
and supervision skills.
The Procurement Office monitors and
supervises the documents they handle in is
indefinite. The office unit merely keeps an
eye on and supervises documents that are
currently being processed; they do not
review documents that are expected or
that have potential problems.
When it comes to public bidding, if no
bidders have submitted applications
through PHILGEPS, the office unit has no
idea what to do about it, which is
obviously reflected in their process flow.
If such a situation occurs, the office
doesn't even plainly update the concerned
The office unnoticeably has low decision
support approach in times of advertent
situation that require quick solution which
impacts to slow service.
The office must conduct an internal
training of trainers (TOT), which can be
part of the cross-training recommendation,
wherein the different personnel establish
and further strengthen their decision
support and able to aid some quick
solutions with less supervision but with
higher productivity.
The office admitted that it is aware of the
inconvenience that its flawed procedures
and accidentally lack of a methodical
approach to the procurement service cause
for their end-users.
The office unit evidently has no holistic
point of view in its service where it lacks
interdependence from the different
process involved and lacks adherence to
organizational system to develop a
harmonious cascading of documents from
its service and creating customer
satisfaction to its end users.
Design monitoring sheets and quality
forms aside from logbooks to further
strengthen the adherence of keeping track
records of the process documents in the
BAC/Procurement Office have some
definitive control mechanism being
implemented but as much as being well
practiced, these controls are not
synchronous to the process and
contributes more as a non-value adding
Database Management/Reporting
The BAC/Procurement Office only
maintains one (1) database system for
reporting, although most employees lack
enough IT knowledge.
The Procurement Office in EVSU has no
concrete system. The process and controls
are implemented but there is no
synchronicity that impacts to be
inconsistent, mostly delayed, and faulty.
Check sheets are also commendable as
tools of daily supervision during
canvassing and public bidding.
BAC/Procurement Office database
management and reporting is not enough
to offer top-notch service in which for
monitoring, it will impact the performance
and reputation that falls short of the
client's expectations and satisfaction.
To ensure client satisfaction and improve
its productivity in terms of data recording,
the Procurement personnel in control must
provide proper record instructions of
using and organization the database.
The BAC Secretariat and Procurement
Office employees are the only ones with
access to the current database, end users
frequently have trouble keeping track of
their purchase requests.
The Management Information System
(MIS) Office manages the
BAC/Procurement Office's database
system with the EVSU Portal, where the
BAC/Procurement Office posts invitation
to bid for reference and transparency.
Reorganizing and tracking of all the files
in the system for easier tracking of
document in procurement, which will turn
into an archiving system.
The database that BAC/Procurement
Office is low in security, therefore, it is
easily misuse, misconduct, and prone to
Request in the MIS Office to program for
BAC/Procurement Office a universal
monitoring system that can be accessed by
the office and end-user just like the
student portal and faculty portal of the
EVSU, to improve the security of
processing of submitted PPMPs.
By volume, the current BAC Secretariat/
Procurement Office space measures
approximately 7.9m x 7.3m x 3.5m. This
standard consists of ten respectable office
tables, two of which are heads of
procurement and BAC, and the remaining
four are personnel tables.
The office's current layout makes it
difficult for the ten (10) employees to
move around since, based on a visual
inspection of the space, it is frequently
obstructed by materials and equipment
and the office space clearly lacks a staff
comfort area, which is essential for every
business, regardless of gender, as it
provides as a place to rest.
Facilities Used and Office Layout
The BAC/Procurement Office in EVSU
has a very small space to promote good
built working environment.
The physical layout of the unit's current
location should be improved.
Working Condition
The office unit is 55.10% underlit based
BAC/Procurement Office in EVSU has
on the illumination. Thus, compared to the very poor illumination that leads to an
recommended normal illumination, the
inconducive working environment to
office is nearly 50% darker.
To provide more space, the office needs to
design an improve office layout that suits
to the standard of the principles of good
layout using the appropriate analytical
tools (see Facility and Layout).
BAC/Procurement Office should consider
moving on the Learning Common
building of EVSU where there is a wider
space to move and better working
condition compared to their current
Procure more light system inside the
office to increase contrast and brightness
of the working environment. This would
According to ocular, there are only
enough fluorescent bulbs in the office to
light the entire workspace.
The working stations lack stand lights that
would support light sources and provide
improved illumination in each workspace.
The Procurement Office tested as having a
good noise level utilizing a sound meter.
On average, the office is 5.06% noisier
than is advised.
The noise entering the BAC/Procurement
office does not distract or bother
employees in a way that would impair
their ability to focus.
To prevent disturbances and other issues,
the staff maintains a degree of stillness
inside the building. Some workstations are
located on the window side, where there is
a lot of noise exposure from outside
where automobiles, students, and other
people pass by.
promote healthy and safe condition to its
be applied as well as they move office
space next year as per interview.
The office unit has noise level to maintain
within standard to avoids distractions and
loss of focus to workers working inside
the premises of the office.
Maintain the noise level being practiced
inside the Procurement Office considering
they will be moving office space next
The staff members of the Procurement
Office regularly keep the area peaceful to
prevent disturbances and problems in
To maintain the peace in the working
condition of procurement, the office
should install visual signs that would
promote productivity and maintain noise
balance in the working space area (see
Annex N).