EXERCISE SUBSTITUTIONS LOWER BODY EXERCISES SQUAT: Hack squat, smith machine squat, leg press + 15 reps of back extensions DEADLIFT: Trap bar deadlift, Romanian deadlift, Barbell hip thrust BARBELL HIP THRUST: Round-back 45° hyperextension, glute bridge, leg extension machine hip thrust DUMBBELL WALKING LUNGE: Bulgarian split squat, reverse lunge, dumbbell stepup, single-leg leg press LEG EXTENSION: Bodyweight squat (20 reps) LYING LEG CURL: Seated leg curl, sliding leg curl, Swiss ball leg curl JEFF NIPPARD - PUSH/PULL/LEGS HYPERTROPHY PROGRAM 96 STANDING CALF RAISE: Any calf raise with your knee in the extended position FRONT SQUAT: Goblet squat, leg press, bodyweight squat CABLE PULL-THROUGH: KB swing, dumbbell RDL SINGLE-LEG LEG PRESS: Assisted pistol squat, db step-up SINGLE-LEG LEG EXTENSION: Leg extension SWISS BALL SINGLE-LEG LEG CURL: Sliding leg curl, seated leg curl, single-leg lying leg curl TEMPO BACK SQUAT: Tempo goblet squat, tempo front squat ROUND-BACK DUMBBELL 45° HYPEREXTENSION: Barbell hip thrust, straight back 45° hyperextension SMITH MACHINE REVERSE LUNGE: Dumbbell walking lunge, Bulgarian split squat ENHANCED-ECCENTRIC LEG EXTENSION: 3-second negative leg extension ENHANCED-ECCENTRIC LYING LEG CURL: 3-second negative lying leg curl LATERAL BAND WALK: Machine seated hip abduction ROMANIAN DEADLIFT: Trap bar RDL, cable pull-through, stiff leg deadlift PAUSE BARBELL HIP THRUST: Round-back 45° hyperextension, pause glute bridge, pause leg extension machine hip thrust SLOW ECCENTRIC GOBLET SQUAT: Slow-eccentric bodyweight squat CABLE ROPE PULLTHROUGH: Machine glute kickback JEFF NIPPARD - PUSH/PULL/LEGS HYPERTROPHY PROGRAM 97 PUSH EXERCISES BARBELL BENCH PRESS: Dumbbell press, machine chest press, smith machine bench press DUMBBELL SEATED SHOULDER PRESS: Arnold press, machine seated shoulder press, seated barbell shoulder press DIP: Assisted dip, dip machine, bench dip, close-grip bench press, dumbbell floor press LOW-TO-HIGH CABLE FLYE: Any cable fly which feels natural, pec deck DUMBBELL ISOLATERAL SKULL CRUSHEr: EZ bar skull crusher, single-arm rope triceps extension DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISE: Machine lateral raise, resistance band lateral raise, plate lateral raise AB WHEEL ROLLOUT: Long-lever plank, plank, hollow body hold CLOSE-GRIP BENCH PRESS: Floor press, dumbbell close-grip bench press MILITARY PRESS: Db standing shoulder press, barbell seated shoulder press DUMBBELL INCLINE PRESS: Barbell incline press, machine incline press PEC DECK: Any cable fly CABLE LATERAL RAISE: Machine lateral raise, resistance band lateral raise, plate lateral raise CABLE TRICEPS KICKBACK: Dumbbell triceps kickback BICYCLE CRUNCH: Ab mat crunch, crunch, cable crunch JEFF NIPPARD - PUSH/PULL/LEGS HYPERTROPHY PROGRAM 98 BARBELL FLOOR SKULL CRUSHER: EZ bar skull crusher, floor press, pin press, JM press EGYPTIAN LATERAL RAISE: dumbbell lateral raise, cable lateral raise, band lateral raise ROPE OVERHEAD TRICEPS EXTENSION: Dumbbell overhead triceps extension HANGING LEG RAISE: V-sit up MILITARY PRESS / PUSH PRESS COMPLEX: Dumbbell shoulder press / push press complex (same thing but with dumbbells) TRICEPS V-BAR PRESSDOWN: Cable triceps pressdown (no attachment on the cable) MACHINE LATERAL RAISE: Dumbbell seated lateral raise PLANK: Hollow body hold, suitcase hold PULL EXERCISES PULL-UP: Assisted pull-up, pronated pulldown PENDLAY ROW: Bent over barbell row, one-arm dumbbell row, cable seated row MACHINE HIGH ROW: One-arm dumbbell row, row off of pulldown machine (lean torso back at a 45° angle) SEATED FACE PULL: bBand pull apart, reverse cable flye, reverse pec deck SNATCH GRIP BARBELL SHRUG: Dumbbell shrug JEFF NIPPARD - PUSH/PULL/LEGS HYPERTROPHY PROGRAM 99 REVERSE GRIP EZ BAR CURL: Pronated dumbbell curl, pronated cable curl SUPINATED EZ BAR CURL: Supinated dumbbell curl, supinated cable curl DUMBBELL PREACHER CURL: Machine preacher curl, dumbbell alternating supinated curl NEUTRAL-GRIP PULLDOWN: Single-arm pulldown, supinated pulldown CABLE SEATED ELBOWS OUT ROW: Chest-supported T-bar row (wide grip) CABLE SEATED ROW: Chest-supported T-bar row (diagonal grip) KNEELING STRAIGHT-ARM CABLE PULL-OVER: Standing cable pull-over, dumbbell pull-over DUMBBELL ONE-ARM ROW: Single-arm cable row CHEST-SUPPORTED T-BAR ROW W/BAND: Cable seated row w/ band, enhancedeccentric chest-supported T-bar row LOW-TO-HIGH REVERSE FLYE: low-to-high face pull ROPE UPRIGHT ROW: low-to-high face pull DUMBBELL SUPINATED CURL: EZ bar curl HIGH CABLE CURL: Whichever bicep curl which you feel the most SINGLE-ARM PULLDOWN: Pulldown SEAL ROW: Pendlay row, bent over barbell row REVERSE PEC DECK: Teverse cable flye JEFF NIPPARD - PUSH/PULL/LEGS HYPERTROPHY PROGRAM 100