UNIT PLAN Subject: Mathematics Grade 7 Quarter: Second Topic: Measurement Patterns and Algebra Title: Time Frame: September-October The Beauty of Math STAGE 1: DESIRED RESULT Established Goals Content Standard: The students will: demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric relationships. Performance Standard: The students will: Creates models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon Competencies: The students: Adds and subtracts polynomials Represents points, line and plane using concrete and pictorial models Illustrates subsets of a line Classifies the different kinds of angles Derives relationships of geometric figures using measurements and by inductive reasoning, supplementary angles, complementary angles, congruent angles, vertical angles, adjacent angles, linear pairs, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines Derives relationships among angles formed by parallel lines cut by transversal using measurement and by inductive reasoning Uses a compass and straightedge to bisect line segments and angles and construct perpendiculars and parallels Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; (c) sides Transfer Goal: Students on their own will be able to grasp the lesson, to be more accurate in dealing with the concepts involving length such as distance, perimeter and area that they have most encountered and will in their daily lives. Essential Understanding: The student Essential Question(s): will understand: Why is measurement important? What does it actually tell us? Students will understand the wide concept of measurement. That it gives them a picture of what’s going on and be able to give difference regarding about the things about them. Knowledge: Skills: Illustrate what it means to measure. Describes the development of measurement from the primitive to the present international system of units. \Approximates the measures of qualities particularly length, weight/mass, volume, time, angle and temperature and rate. Converts measurements from one unit to another in both Metric and English systems. Solves problems involving conversion of units of measurement. Translate English phrases to mathematical phrase and vice versa. Differentiates between constants and variables in a given algebraic expression. Evaluates algebraic expression for given values of the variables. Classifies algebraic expressions which are polynomial according to degree and number of terms. Adds and subtracts polynomials. Multiplies and divides polynomials. Uses models and algebraic methods to find the: (a) product of two binomials; (b) product of sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of a binomial and a trinomial. The will know about: Historical development of measurement. What particular instrument they will use in measuring. absolute value; decreasing and increasing orders; square roots; scientific notation. STAGE II: EVIDENCES OF LEARNING The students will be skilled at: Convert measurement from one unit to another. Solves problems involving conversion of units of measurement. Translates English phrases to Mathematical phrases and vice versa. Solve operation on polynomial. STANDARDS FOR GRADE SEVEN PERFORMANCE TASK Performance Task: MATH-SCIENCE-HEALTH-ARPAN Goal To be able to cook nutritious food by following standard Definition Score (10 measurements and be able to identify the acids and bases among the points) ingredients being used depicting the Neolithic period as a background design Description of Procedures were outlined in a step-by-step fashion that as well as the kitchen utensils being used. procedures and could be followed by anyone without additional measurements explanations as well as appropriate measurement has Role been followed. No adult help was needed to accomplish Cook, Designer, Analyst, Washer, Writer, Reporter, Assistant Designer, this. Cleaner Data Collection Data was collected several times. It was summarized, and independently, in a way that clearly describes what was Audience Summarization discovered about the food that was cooked. School Community ( Acid and Bases ) Category The design captures the "flavor" of the topic by including Situation several details that accurately reflect the period, culture or You are participating a Sci-Math Challenge during the Neolithic theme. Interesting and intriguing details which create period imagery and captivate audience. Well organized and creative. Product/Performance/Purpose Cleanliness, Attire The area is clean before and after the activity, attire is A nutritious food, a presentation of the acidic and basic ingredients, a and Confidence appropriate and complete as well as reporters and other background design and kitchen utensils of the Neolithic period and a presenters are confident presentation of the nutrients that one can get from eating the food. Overall The group worked together as one which gave a positive (teamwork) and meaningful outcome. Design details TOTAL SCORE STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN EXPLORE: (Pre-Assessment) Initiating activities that will lead to the development of the lesson. Meaning-Making Measuring Dimension using Specified English Units. FIRM-UP: (Formative Assessment) Meaning-Making Give activities that will engage student physically and mentally in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment. “Read it” “Measuring” “Check for transfer” Meaning-Making DEEPEN: (Formative Assessment) Provide students an activity in where they could apply the lesson in such a higher level that will require their critical thinking skills. Summative Assessment 2nd Monthly Exam 2nd Periodical Exam Performance Task Illustrating History of the Development of Measurements “Translating English phrases to Mathematical phrases and vice versa”. “Completing the table” “Evaluating Algebraic Expression”