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Cost Accounting Presentation Assignment

Assignment Details: (10 marks)
You have to make a presentation on the cost accounting processes of a MANUFACTURING concern that
maintains accounting records. The requirement is to capture the manufacturing process from the ordering
and purchase of raw material to sale of Finished Goods (FGs). The aim is to see and understand what
happens in manufacturing concerns and what improvements you suggest to their current methodology.
You are required to make a detailed questionnaire for interviewing the concerned company’s
representative covering fundamental parts of including (but not limited to) material, labour, overheads
and Process costing. In particular, you should focus on their strategy regarding all elements of cost.
Do your research of relevant questions to ask, covering different aspects of the manufacturing process
Presentation Introduction of company including details of its major products, you can find information
about the company online Presentation should cover entire costings procedure and different strategies
of company.
Attach the interview questionnaire that you used for collecting the information at the end of presentation.
Present any forms and documents (e.g. purchase order, good received note, labor time sheet, etc.) that
you acquire during your visit to the manufacturing concern.
Your presentation should cover following topics
A brief introduction of company
A portion representing how they are working for environment sustainability.
Process costing (considering normal loss, abnormal loss and scrap proceedings only)
Any two from the following
Students can present right after mid-term examinations.
It should be no longer than 15 min.
Students are advisable to upload presentation at LMS at least one day before their presentation.
All students should speak equally in presentation and number of students per group MUST not
exceed 5 students.
Presentations will start from November.
Marks allocation
2 marks for the development of questionnaire (should be uploaded at LMS tab before mid term)
5 marks for the content
3 marks for presentation