Uploaded by Ivan Ilanic


University of Reykjavik
2 % Problem solving assignment no. 4
Greining og hönnun hugbúnaðar
Ivan Ilanic
Conduct an Expert Evaluation - Find at least 5 Problems
Task 1:
You want to register for „HRingurinn“ as a competitor. Use the web to do it.
When user enters the main page, there is a button on the navigation bar saying, “Register
After clicking the button there is a register form, after entering all the information we came
across the first problem.
Problem 1 - Unresponsive register button
The register now button is unresponsive and takes almost 10 seconds to display if the user
already exists. This will conf
use the user and he might try to restart the page.
Problem 2 – Caps Lock mistake
In the register forum there is font text displaying the needed value for each input.
The first is “email”, second “social Security number” and the last one “Password”.
As we can see the first upper case letters are not matching each other, there is a lower case “e”
in the “email” but upper “P” in the “Password”, also upper cases in “social Security number” are
all over the place and all switched around.
Task 1:
Since this is not the way to register for a tournament as a user, the user clicks on log in, where
we have a login menu.
Problem 3 – Confusing login screen
The main header of login screen is not log in, but is check in.
This might be very confusing for the user since he might think that he is checking in for an event
and something else not related to a login.
Problem 4 – Caps Lock mistake No. 2
Again, the login menu has a problem with first letter upper cases, written “email” with a small
Task 1
User logs in and clicks on competition.
Problem 5 – Unknown link navigation bar
There is no way for a user to tell on what link he is, he can click multiple times on competition
nothing will show that he is on a competition since he already is. It would be a great idea to add
a new color in a button for a navigation bar when a user is in a certain link.
Name of a link should be” competitions”, not “games”
Task 2:
You are a team lead. You want to register a team to play in Counter Strike: Global
Use the web to do it.
User clicks on a competitions link on the navigation bar.
Clicks on a CS GO container on the left side of the page
Problem 6 – Not inline
The Png file is not in line with logo of the cs go, and not with the inline of the inputs below.
Task 2:
Here user puts all the information in the input container
Problem 7 – Not responsive
The moment user clicks on the register button for the team registration, the whole page
freezes, nothing happens. User tries to log in into a page again, but it won't work.
Result of a project
After trying multiple times to login to the page without any success, I decided to end the report
Page is simply not responsive enough to be in any possible use. Maybe the reason is that the
main domain is not made for a certain number of users at the same time.
Community was not big before the moment we got the assignment, but now everyone is trying
to log in in the same domain, which is causing critical error of the page.
While I still cannot login in the page, I noticed some other problems with the page which I will
rewrite right here, sadly without possibility of the photo example.
Problem 8 – Team names font size is not responsive to the size of its containers.
When the user scrolls down the game teams page, some group names are not fitting in the
container, and the text is exciding the border of the container. This can be fixed by using the
viewpoint units instead of ft, cm or else in the CSS.
Problem 9 – Following footer
There is the following footer that cannot be removed and can become irritating after some time
spent on a page.
It can be fixed by just making it appear in the first-time user opens the page, and then closed.
Problem 10 – Bad located sponsors
Sponsors are in the middle of a page which looks unprofessional and ugly.
We can fix this just by putting all the sponsors in the footer of the page.