Appendix C MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem C.1 Basic Result C.2 Derivation C.3 Discussion C.4 Examples C.4.1 C.4.2 C.4.3 C.4.4 Fundamentals of Power Electronics A simple transfer function An unmodeled element Addition of an input filter to a converter Dependence of transistor current on load in a resonant inverter 1 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem C.1 Basic Result Object: find how addition of an element changes a transfer function G(s) Original conditions: vin(s) + – Addition of element Z(s): Transfer function G(s) Z(s) → ∞ Transfer function G(s) Linear circuit Linear circuit Input Output + vin(s) + – vout (s) Input Port Port { – Output Z(s) Open-circuit vout(s) = G(s) vin(s) Fundamentals of Power Electronics vout(s) = G(s) vin(s) Z(s) → ∞ 2 + vout (s) – Z N (s) Z(s) Z (s) 1+ D Z(s) 1+ Z(s) → ∞ Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Dual Form of Basic Result When the added impedance replaces a short circuit: Original conditions: vin(s) + – Addition of element Z(s): Transfer function G(s) Z(s) → 0 Transfer function G(s) Linear circuit Linear circuit Input Output vin(s) + – vout (s) Input – + vout (s) – Z(s) Short-circuit vout(s) = G(s) vin(s) Fundamentals of Power Electronics Output Port { Port + 3 Z(s) Z N (s) Z(s) 1+ Z D(s) 1+ Z(s) → 0 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Comparison of forms The two forms of the extra element theorem: vout(s) = G(s) vin(s) Z N (s) Z(s) Z (s) 1+ D Z(s) 1+ Z(s) → ∞ vout(s) = G(s) vin(s) Z(s) Z N (s) Z(s) 1+ Z D(s) 1+ Z(s) → 0 These equations describe the same transfer function, referenced to the limiting cases of Z = 0 and Z = ∞. Upon equating them, one obtains the reciprocity relationship: G(s) G(s) Z(s) → ∞ = Z(s) → 0 Z D(s) Z N (s) The quantities ZN and ZD are the same in both forms. Fundamentals of Power Electronics 4 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Finding ZD Linear circuit vin(s) = 0 Input + Output vout (s) { – Port Short-circuit + v(s) – Z D(s) = v(s) i(s) v in(s) = 0 i(s) ZD is the driving-point impedance (i.e., the Thevenin-equivalent impedance) at the port where the new element is connected. Formally, it is found by setting independent sources to zero, and injecting a current i(s) at the port. ZD(s) is the ratio of v(s) to i(s). Fundamentals of Power Electronics 5 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Finding ZN Linear circuit vin(s) + – Input + Output vout (s) o 0 – Port + v(s) – Z N (s) = v(s) i(s) v out(s) o 0 i(s) ZN is the impedance seen at the port when the output is nulled. In the presence of the input vin(s), a current i(s) is injected at the port. This current is adjusted such that the output vout(s) is nulled to zero. Under these conditions, ZN(s) is the ratio of v(s) to i(s). Note: nulling is not the same as shorting. Fundamentals of Power Electronics 6 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem C.2 Derivation Original system: With extra element: Linear network Linear network u(s) u(s) y(s) Input Input Output i(s) + v(s) – { i(s) + v(s) – Z(s) Open-circuit y(s) u(s) G(s) = i(s) = 0 [The input and output need not be voltages, and are denoted here by the general names u(s) and y(s)] Fundamentals of Power Electronics Output Port Port Gold (s) = y(s) 7 y(s) u(s) v(s) = – i(s)Z(s) Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Current injection at the port There are now two independent inputs: Linear network u(s) u(s) y(s) Input Output Port and i(s) The dependent quantities y(s) and v(s) can be expressed as functions of the independent inputs using superposition: + v(s) – y(s) = Gold (s)u(s) + Gi(s)i(s) v(s) = Gv (s)u(s) + Z D(s)i(s) i(s) with: Gold(s) = Gi(s) = y(s) u(s) y(s) i(s) Z D(s) = i(s) = 0 u(s) = 0 Fundamentals of Power Electronics Gv(s) = v(s) i(s) u(s) = 0 v(s) u(s) i(s) = 0 8 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Solution for G(s) Now eliminate v(s) and i(s) from equations of previous slide, and solve from transfer function G(s): G(s) = G (s)Gi(s) y(s) = Gold(s) – v u(s) Z(s) + Z D(s) Gold(s) and ZD(s) are found using definitions on previous slide. We could stop at this point, and use the above equation to evaluate G(s). The quantities Gi(s) and Gv(s) would be evaluated using the definitions on the previous slide. However, it is preferable to eliminate Gi(s) and Gv(s), and instead express G(s) in terms of impedances measured at the given port. This can be accomplished with an alternate thought experiment involving null double injection. Fundamentals of Power Electronics 9 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Null double injection In the presence of the input u(s), inject current i(s) at the port. Adjust i(s) in the special way that causes the output y(s) to be nulled to zero. Under these conditions, the impedance ZN(s) is defined as: v(s) Z N (s) = i(s) y(s) o 0 Linear network u(s) y(s) Input Output Port + v(s) – i(s) Nulling: Note that y(s) = Gold (s)u(s) + Gi(s)i(s) Therefore, the value of i(s) that achieves the null condition y(s) o 0 is given by So the output is nulled when i(s) is chosen to satisfy G (s) u(s) y(s) o 0 = – i i(s) y(s) o 0 Gold (s) Gold (s)u(s) + Gi(s)i(s) o 0 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 10 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Expression for ZN(s) Now substitute result from previous slide, G (s) u(s) y(s) o 0 = – i i(s) Gold (s) into previous expression for output voltage y(s) o 0 v(s) = Gv (s)u(s) + Z D(s)i(s) The result is: v(s) y(s) o 0 = Gv(s) u(s) = – y(s) o 0 + Z D(s) i(s) Gv(s)Gi(s) + Z D(s) i(s) Gold(s) y(s) o 0 y(s) o 0 Use definition of ZN(s): v(s) = Z N (s) i(s) y(s) o 0 Hence: Z N (s) = Z D(s) – Fundamentals of Power Electronics = – y(s) o 0 Gv(s)Gi(s) + Z D(s) i(s) Gold(s) y(s) o 0 Gv(s)Gi(s) Gold(s) 11 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Expression for G(s) Now, eliminate Gi(s) and Gv(s) from expression for G(s), using ZN result: G(s) = Gold(s) – Simplify: Z D(s) – Z N (s) G (s) Z(s) + Z D(s) old Z N (s) Z(s) G(s) = Gold(s) Z (s) 1+ D Z(s) 1+ Or, Z N (s) Z(s) Z (s) 1+ D Z(s) 1+ G(s) = G(s) Fundamentals of Power Electronics Z(s) → ∞ 12 (Desired result) Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Example: A simple transfer function R1 R3 + v1(s) + – • Find G(s) = v2(s) v1(s) R2 v2(s) R4 C – Fundamentals of Power Electronics 13 • Express result in factored pole-zero form. Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem C.4.3 Addition of an Input Filter to a Converter H(s) Addition of an input filter changes the small-signal transfer functions of a converter vg + – Input filter Converter Zo(s) v Zi(s) d T(s) Controller Control-to-output transfer function Gvd(s): v(s) Gvd (s) = d (s) Converter Zo(s) v g(s) = 0 Set vg = 0. Input filter effectively becomes an impedance Zo(s), added to the converter power input port. Fundamentals of Power Electronics 14 v Gvd(s) d Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem Application of Extra Element Theorem Converter Zo(s) v With no input filter, the following “original” transfer function is obtained: Gvd (s) Gvd(s) Z o(s) = 0 d In the presence of the input filter, the control-to-output transfer function can be expressed as: Gvd (s) = Gvd (s) Fundamentals of Power Electronics Z o(s) = 0 15 1+ Z o(s) Z N (s) 1+ Z o(s) Z D(s) Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem ZN and ZD H(s) vg + – Input filter Converter Zo(s) v Zi(s) Z D(s) = Z i(s) d(s) = 0 Z N (s) = Z i(s) v(s) o 0 T(s) d Controller The input filter does not significantly change the control-to-output transfer function when Z o < Z N , and Zo < ZD Results for basic converters are listed in Table 10.1 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 16 Appendix C: MiddlebrookÕs Extra Element Theorem