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Cultural Capital: An Introduction

An Introduction to
Cultural Capital
Retrieval and Prior Knowledge
From the Cestrian Way Briefing: Introduction to Character – who has achieved a Generosity of Spirit on the
Standards Card? Who has heard ‘character education’ lessons? Who has engaged in the web site
opportunities? Who has started to complete their Character Benchmarks Certificate?
We have this prior knowledge; we are retrieving our intentions.
Cultural Capital helps you to be resourceful.
Use your initiative and knowledge to find
quick clever ways to find and improve answers
/ solutions.
Cultural Capital helps you to be sophisticated.
We are naturally curious. We search for ways
to grow our depth and breadth of knowledge
and experience. With this we are wise and our
sophistication, our expertise is fundamental to
making your life, society, and the world a
better place.
Cultural Capital Definitions
The essential knowledge for educated citizens, introducing people to the best that has
been thought and said, allowing an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
People, with a new level of self-motivation, can build upon this to seek out new
experiences and respect the knowledge to ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’ in order to
carve out new pathways of research, creativity, progress and solutions.
"standing on the shoulders of giants" is a metaphor which means "using the
understanding gained in the past to help make future progress”. In 1675, Isaac
Newton said: "If I have seen further [than others], it is by standing on the shoulders
of giants." I say, “The brilliance of each new generation means that the apprentice
becomes the master and that is both an essential and comforting thing.”
In Greek mythology the blind giant Orion carried his servant Cedalion on his shoulders to see for him.
You and Cultural Capital
The Past
You – curious – passionate – purposeful – hard work
New Frontiers
/ Next steps
The Future
Cultural capital is the beyond-the-textbook, maybe beyond-the-qualification but it is never beyond your
passion and purpose.
It is the knowledge, the touch stones on which generations can speak with each other. It is the cultural capital
you need before you can take us further in the human race’s creativity and achievement… we can debate,
lead, investigate, evaluate the issue, experiment, solve.
Cultural Capital’s Cultural Capital
Matthew Arnold, 1867: "it is a study of perfection. It removes
class boundaries to make the best that has been thought and
known in the world current everywhere; to allow anyone and
everyone to take us further”.
New Frontiers
/ Next steps
Click image for Cultural Capital Opportunities
Michael Murpurgo, 2019: “Space to wander, play and explore.
Teachers should create the conditions where pupils can
flourish, discover, and develop. This can change lives, give
something to look forward to: from curiosity to knowledge to
a good book, a play, a piece of music, a visit to a museum, the
countryside, experiencing different things – such moments
are life affirming – they strengthen all of us, give us all hope
and heart – a sense of wellbeing, of belonging.”
Click image to send your
reflection. This gets Cul Cap points
Teachers may
ask you to show
your new
knowledge in
class. This gets